TESS squeezed her eyes shut. She could do this. She could pretend she was somewhere else. She had done it many times before. There wasn’t much difference really. What did it matter whether a paying john fucked her or some madman?
She needed to relax or it would only hurt more. She needed to stop feeling his thrusts, stop thinking about his hands fondling her breasts, stop hearing his groans. She could survive this.
“Open your goddamn eyes,” he grunted between clenched teeth. “I want you to watch.”
She refused. He hit her across the mouth, whipping her head so violently to the side that she heard her neck crack. Immediately, she tasted blood. She kept her eyes closed. “Goddamn you, bitch. Open your fucking eyes.” He was gasping, rocking back and forth with such force she thought he’d crack her insides open as well. She felt his hot breath on her neck and suddenly his teeth sank into her skin. His hands clamped down on her breasts, and he was riding her, every part of him scraping, rubbing and thrusting, devouring her like a rabid dog.
She bit down on her lower lip. She forced her eyes to remain shut. Not much longer. He would come, and then it would be over. She twisted her head as far away as possible and kept her eyelids closed tight.
Finally, his body jerked, his teeth let go, his hands gave a final squeeze and he relaxed. He crawled off her, jamming his knee into her stomach and slamming his elbow against her head. Finally, it was over. She lay still, swallowing blood and pretending not to feel the sticky mess between her legs. Instead, she reminded herself that she had survived.
He was so quiet, she wondered if he had gone. She opened her eyes to find him standing over her. The yellow glow of the lantern created a halo behind him. When she met his eyes, he twisted his lips into a smile. He looked as calm and composed as he had when he entered the shack. She had hoped that he would be exhausted, spent and ready to leave. But he showed no signs of fatigue.
“This part you will watch,” he promised. “Even if I need to cut your fucking eyelids off.” He held up a shiny scalpel for her to see.
Her weak, muffled scream made it past the raw pain in her throat.
“Scream all you want.” He laughed. “No one can hear you. And, quite frankly, I like it.”
The terror rushed through her veins and exploded in her head. She pulled and shoved against the restraints. Then suddenly she noticed him backing away, his head cocked to the side, as though he was listening to something outside the shack.
Tess strained to hear over the pounding in her head and chest. She lay still, watching him, and then she heard it. Unless she had gone mad, it sounded like voices.