Saturday, September 29
The Slammer
Midnight came and went but time dragged on. Maggie channel surfed. She asked for a novel, a newspaper or any current magazines, maybe a pen and notepad. The woman in the blue space suit said she’d see what she could find, but when she arrived again she had only another syringe to draw more blood.
The faces on the other side of the glass came and went, too. There were fewer as the night grew longer. They had taken her cell phone but allowed her access to a corded phone inside her room. They told her, without apology, that all her phone calls would be monitored then “reminded” her—though it sounded more like a reprimand than a reminder—that she was not to talk about what had happened or mention anything regarding her whereabouts. “Whereabouts,” that’s what the woman in the blue space suit called it.
Earlier Maggie had made two calls. The first she had to leave a voice message, knowing the call wouldn’t be able to be returned. She told her friend, Gwen Patterson, that she’d be okay. “Talk to Tully,” Maggie said, hating that it sounded so mysterious when she really just wanted to let her friend know that she shouldn’t worry.
The second call was to Julia Racine and the detective picked up after only one ring. It was less than an hour before the two were supposed to leave for their weekend road trip to Connecticut.
“It’s Maggie. Sorry, I’m not gonna be able to go.”
“Bummer,” was Racine’s response.
She had expected the high-strung detective to throw a fit, at least show some disappointment. Maggie found herself disappointed, instead, that there was little reaction. The two of them weren’t exactly friends. They were colleagues who had exchanged favors. No big deal. Okay, so the favors were sort of life-changing, the “you saved my mom so I saved your dad” kind of favor. Maybe a little bit of a big deal.
As a result Maggie had grown attached to Racine’s father although his early-onset Alzheimer’s sometimes prevented him from remembering their bond. The two women had been through a lot in a short time, brought together by killers and mutual incentives to bring those killers to justice. What had begun several years ago with animosity and distrust had dissolved into respect and understanding. Though to hear Racine, it was really no big deal.
“So you’ve got a big case or something?” the detective had asked.
“Something like that. I can’t explain right now.”
“Sure, I understand.” Racine had almost cut Maggie off with her instant understanding. “Jill’s been bugging me to spend more time with her anyway.”
Maggie knew little about Racine’s mysterious new lover, except that Racine sometimes called her G.I. Jill, so at least Maggie knew she was in the Army. At first Maggie thought that Racine kept her new lover a mystery because she had once been attracted to and rejected by Maggie. But they were beyond that. In many ways Racine reminded Maggie of herself. She kept her personal life private. That was all it was.
Maggie promised to touch base with Racine on Monday. Maybe the following weekend would work for another road trip. But when she hung up, Maggie couldn’t shake the emptiness that settled in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t have anyone else to call.
Though she had counted on seeing forensic anthropologist Adam Bonzado in Connecticut over the weekend she hadn’t really made plans with him. That was sort of where they were right now. Casual, spontaneous, the “call me from the road” at the last minute, “oh, by the way, if you don’t have anything going on this weekend…” Now she couldn’t even call him to say she wasn’t making the spontaneous road trip after all. It was supposed to be the grown-up, mature, no-strings kind of relationship she wanted, the ultimate nonrelationship.
Then she found herself thinking about Nick Morrelli, again. Since her trip to Nebraska in July, Morrelli had been persistent in wanting to see her. Through rumors, she heard that he had called off his wedding engagement. Once upon a time Maggie’s mother had accused Nick Morrelli of breaking up Maggie’s marriage, which wasn’t in the least bit true. However, now Maggie did feel responsible that Nick had broken off his engagement to pursue her.
She and Nick Morrelli had worked together on a case four years ago, the murders of two little boys and the kidnapping of Nick’s nephew. Nothing had happened between them. There had been an attraction. Some sexual tension. But mostly the case had been emotionally and physically draining. How could you judge true feelings when you’re running on adrenaline?
Worst of all was that she didn’t feel elated about his canceled engagement or even his sudden pursuit. She didn’t ask for this. She hadn’t expected it and she certainly had not encouraged it.
For the moment Maggie tried to shove aside her personal life and concentrate on her present situation. She had asked the woman in the blue space suit how Mary Louise and her mother were. Her keeper, her informant, her link to the outside world said she didn’t know. Maggie asked if she could see Mary Louise and was told, “I don’t know.” She asked several times to, at least, talk to Assistant Director Cunningham. Each time she was told he would not be available until morning. It seemed an odd thing to say, especially after a string of, “I don’t knows.”
There was another telephone alongside the wall of glass. This one had no dial, no buttons to push, and Maggie knew it was connected to the room next door, the room on the other side of the glass that was lined with blinking monitors, computer screens and other medical equipment. The phone was a communication system between the patient and the techs or doctors or whoever they were. Though none of them had attempted to communicate with her. In fact, they paid little attention to her and left the communications to the woman in the blue space suit.
Maggie thought about picking up the phone and demanding to get an update. Then she calmed herself. It wouldn’t help to antagonize her caretakers, her keepers, her wardens. She could get through the night. That’s all she needed to do. Just get through this night.
Over the course of the evening the woman in the blue space suit had brought Maggie water but no food. Again, no apology, but at least an explanation. They would be taking blood and urine samples throughout the night, so they couldn’t allow her to eat. Maggie asked what they were looking for. The woman hesitated, then said she didn’t know. Maggie asked if they had narrowed it down.
Another pause while the woman simply shrugged. After some thought she yelled, “THOSE ARE QUESTIONS YOU WOULD NEED TO ASK COLONEL PLATT.”
But when Maggie asked if the colonel would be stopping by soon to see her, the woman said she didn’t know.
“Could you please tell him I’d like to see him?”
“OF COURSE,” the woman shouted over her blower, but she answered this too quickly and Maggie wondered if Platt had gone home hours ago.