I’ve often been given a hard time for my long acknowledgments, pages and pages thanking all the wonderful experts who answer questions, set me straight and allow me to nag and interrupt their daily lives. This time I’d be afraid to leave someone out, because the list is long. So instead I decided to keep it simple. In a year that’s asked more questions than provided answers, these are the three people who deserve this page.
To my team:
Deb Carlin, best friend and business manager extraordinaire, for
keeping me centered, making sure my feet are firmly planted on the
ground and seeing to it that this journey is a delight.
Amy Moore-Benson, friend and agent—we’ve been to hell and back. Thank you for being not only my advocate, but my champion, as well.
Linda McFall—the new kid on the team—thank you for your patience, your expertise, your dedication and your humor. It’s an absolute pleasure to have you as my editor.