4:00 p.m.
Interstate 80
Melanie followed every one of Jared’s directions. She wasn’t about to tell him to save his breath; she knew where she was going. She didn’t say anything. There was something about his mood, something about his eyes, that made her keep her mouth shut and just drive.
She kept the A/C on high, drowning out Charlie’s rendition of “Gilligan’s Island.” Charlie had snarfed down his sandwich before they exited Interstate 80. Now he was working on the chips and downing a second Coke.
She glanced at Jared in the rearview mirror. He had insisted on sitting in the back seat by himself. At first she thought it was so he could sit directly behind her and boss her around, issuing directions. But he had already shown them where the bank was this morning. There was no need for directions.
His eyes met hers in the mirror and she quickly looked away, trying to cover her reaction by checking the car coming up alongside her. He was too calm, she decided. The sky had continued to grow darker. In the distance she could see a hint of lightning. The pole lights along the highway had begun to come on again as they had earlier in the day when they were sitting in the Cracker Barrel. Now she wished they were back there, talking big and pretending this was just a job they’d tackle someday. Pretending. That’s all.
Jared sat in the back seat, cool and calm like it was a game of pretend, while Melanie’s palms were slick with sweat. Her T-shirt stuck to her back, even with the A/C blowing at her. She couldn’t keep her eyes from darting back and forth. Her fingers fidgeted. A couple times she caught herself biting down on her lower lip.
Even Charlie’s eating, she knew, was a nervous response, an attempt to keep his brain and stomach distracted. But Jared didn’t seem the least bit nervous. He watched out the window, not a bead of sweat on his upper lip or forehead. Whatever his secret was for staying so composed, Melanie knew he wouldn’t be sharing it anytime soon.
She pulled off Highway 50 and turned into the bank’s parking lot.
“Park up there alongside the west end of the lot, away from the building,” Jared said, now sitting so far forward she could feel his hot breath on the back of her bare neck.
There were no cars on this side of the building and the lot backed onto an empty area of overgrown grass. Across the street was a car dealership, a line of brand-new Ford pickups with shiny headlights staring at them. In the distance Melanie could see McDonald’s golden arches. She could still hear the hum of the interstate traffic. Yet, as she parked the car, she noticed she could no longer see the cars on Highway 50. Although it hardly mattered. The bank’s windows were tinted. She was only fifty yards away and she couldn’t see inside.
Jared had certainly done his homework. This morning she had been impressed when he pointed out that the bank was less than a mile inside Douglas County. They would head south and immediately cross into Sarpy County. He seemed convinced that law enforcement officials would squabble over jurisdiction, if and when they came after them. That was one of the reasons he said he chose this particular bank. And it was reason enough for Melanie to believe that Jared might actually be able to pull this off.
Jared was now fiddling with his wristwatch. Melanie wiped the palms of her hands on her jeans, trying to be casual, trying not to draw Charlie’s or Jared’s attention. She kept the car engine idling with the vents blasting cold air, and she felt a chill. She examined the other cars in the lot. The bank’s drive-through lane was empty. The access road was empty. Even across the street at the dealership there was no activity. It almost seemed too quiet. Too perfect. She glanced up and in the rearview mirror saw Jared pull two guns out of his duffel bag.