I am constantly amazed at how willing and patient people are in sharing their experiences and expertise with me. They contribute not only interesting tidbits to my novels, but a wealth of flavor and color and knowledge and credibility that could never come from any other source. Special thanks to:
Amy Moore-Benson, my editor and friend, for once again getting me through my own twists and turns and helping me make sense of it all. Your contribution, your dedication and your expertise constantly challenge me and always improve my books.
Patricia Sierra—fellow author, friend extraordinaire and Emily Dickinson scholar—for being my sounding board, my bearer of logic and my peace of mind. And for this particular novel, thank you for providing an inspiring interpretation of Emily’s “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers.”
Leigh Ann Retelsdorf, Deputy County Attorney and friend, for sharing your stories and experiences with me. You are amazing and a true inspiration.
Detective Sergeant Bill Jadlowski of the Omaha Police Department for showing me that a homicide detective is so much more than the literary caricature we suspense writers tend to portray.
C. L. Retelsdorf, Douglas County Crime Scene Investigator, for describing piece by piece the painstaking process a crime scene investigator goes through. Also for taking me through the Norfolk bank robbery crime scene.
Tammy Partsch, now a reporter for KNCY-radio in Nebraska City, for giving me a reporter’s account of what it was like to cover the Norfolk bank robbery for KUSO-radio in Norfolk, Nebraska.
John Keenan, Omaha World Herald columnist, for sharing your personal trials and tribulations of dealing with a broken collarbone.
The fantastic crew at MIRA Books: Dianne Moggy, Craig Swinwood, Stacy Widdrington, Tania Charzewski, Loriana Sacilotto and Krystyna de Duleba, along with your amazing teams. Special thanks to Christine Langone, Pat Muir-Rand and Mike Smith and his incredible staff for rearranging your busy schedules to accommodate my book. And once again, a humble thank-you to Alex Osuszek and the best sales force in the publishing business.
Maureen Stead, at MIRA Books, for your amazing patience and for always taking such good care of me.
Megan Underwood and Goldberg McDuffie Communications, Inc., for your continued enthusiasm and dedication.
Patricia Kava, my mom, for being one of my biggest fans despite my use of blood and violence (and the “F-word”) in my books.
Sharon Car, fellow writer and friend, for always encouraging and listening.
Mary Means and Tammy Hall for taking care of my two most valuable possessions while I’m on the road.
Walter, Emilie and Patti Carlin for all the delicious meals and for taking such good care of me while I hid out to write a chunk of this novel in the comfortable confines of your beautiful home.
Also very special thanks to Kenny and Connie Kava, Patti El-Kachouti, Marlene Haney, Sandy Rockwood, Jeanie Shoemaker Mezger and John Mezger, Annie Belatti, Nicole and Tony Friend, Gene Egnoski and Rich Kava for your love and support, your friendship and your patience in putting up with my long absences.
Once again a humble and sincere thank-you to:
The many book buyers, booksellers and librarians for selling and recommending my books.
And to the readers—you inspire and challenge me, and I thank all of you for allowing me to continue doing what I love.
Lastly, this past year my books have managed to make the bestseller lists not only here in the United States but in Australia, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and Poland. I want to thank the publishing teams in each of these countries for doing such a fantastic job and for literally taking me places I never dreamed of going.