Three Silly Pranks
THINK BOYS are the only ones good at pranking? Think again! Here are three classic pranks for any daring girl.
The old-fashioned kind,
from the herb valerian.
Head outdoors with the following:
a small jar with a screw-on lid
measuring spoons
any kind of vinegar you can snag from the kitchen
valerian root powder—this is the key ingredient for a stink bomb. You can find this at any grocery store that stocks vitamins and herbal remedies. It comes in capsules that can be opened and emptied. If you can only find valerian tea, mash it into a powder.
Mix one or more teaspoons of the powder with 2 teaspoons of vinegar, close the jar very, very quickly and shake. When you’re ready to set off the stink bomb, open the jar (don’t throw it), yell “Skunk!” and run.
For this prank you’ll need to know the oldfashioned skill of making a bed, the fancy way, with tucked-in sheets.
Here’s a refresher: Fit the bottom sheet over the mattress. Tuck the top sheet under the foot of the bed and along at least part of the sides. Lay the blanket on top, tuck that in too, and then neatly fold the top edge of the sheet over the blanket, about six inches or so. There. Stand back and observe your handiwork, because you will want the short-sheeted bed to look the same way.
To short-sheet a bed, you merely reposition the top sheet. Instead of tucking it in at the foot of the bed, tuck it in at the head of the bed. Lay out the sheet and halfway down the bed, stop and fold the sheet back toward the pillows. Place the blanket on top and fold a few inches of sheet on top for that neat, just-made look. This bed looks normal, but just try and stretch your legs out!
Important: Don’t do this to anyone whose feelings will be hurt, only to those you know will laugh hard or at least giggle when they figure it out.
Fool your friends with this
easily prepared hoax.
corn syrup
red food coloring from the pantry
a jar with a tight lid
a spoon
an eyedropper
Red food coloring can stain, so wear old clothes, although washing with very warm water and strong soap should clean it up. It is best to keep this all outdoors.
Mix 4 small drops of food coloring, 2 teaspoons of water, and 1 to 2 teaspoons of cornstarch in the jar, cover, and shake. Pour in 2 tablespoons of corn syrup. Cover and shake again.
Use an eyedropper or a spoon to drip the fake blood where you want it. Make up a good story.