Chinese Jump Rope
CHINESE JUMP ROPE—which is known in other countries by the names “American Jump Rope,” “Japanese Jump Rope,” “Norwegian Jump Rope,” “German Jump Rope,” and “Elastics”—isn’t a jumping rope game in the traditional sense, with a rope that is turned for someone to jump through. Instead, the rope is static, an elastic band looped around two players’ legs, while a third player jumps around it and on it in a series of moves.
To play, you’ll need two people to control the rope and a third to jump. (If you’re by yourself and have a pair of sturdy chairs handy, those can fill in in a pinch.) The rope-holders should stand several feet apart from one another with the rope stretched around their ankles to form a rectangular frame. The jumper begins by standing on the left side of the frame, and then jumping in, out, over, on:
♦ On in, the jumper jumps both feet inside the rope frame.
♦ On out, the jumper jumps up and lands straddling the rope, each foot to the outside.
♦ On over, the jumper jumps both feet to the left side outside the rope, then both feet to the right side outside the rope.
♦ On on, the jumper lands on the rope with her left foot on the left side and her right foot on the right side.
Once the jumper has successfully completed this sequence, the rope-holders raise the level of the rope to the knees. The in, out, over, on jumps are repeated, and if the jumper makes it through, the rope is raised to waist level. If the jumper is successful performing the sequence at that level, the rope is raised to armpit level.
Some variations:
Washies Drysies
Start standing to the left of the rope frame, which is at ankle level. With your right foot, lift the left side of the rope (the side closest to you) and, with that rope still against your right ankle, step across the other side of the rope. Then put your left foot inside the rope to make a diamond around your feet and jump left foot in front of right, feet side by side, right foot in front of left, then feet side by side. The rope is raised by the rope holders just as in in, out, over, on.
Begin as in Washies Drysies, standing outside to the left of the rope with your feet together, and lifting the elastic with your right foot, bringing it over, and stepping your left foot in to create a diamond shape. Jump up, freeing your feet from the diamond-shaped rope, and land in the middle of the ropes. Jump to right side (the side opposite from where you started) and repeat the steps on that side. Once you complete both sides, the rope can be raised.
This uses some of the in, out, over, on pattern, to the chant of M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I. “M” stands for jumping inside the ropes; “I” stands for jumping outside the ropes (either side); “S” stands for straddling one side of the rope (jumper alternates sides for every “S”); “P” stands for stepping on the ropes. For each letter the rope-holders chant, the jumper must perform the right jump. If she completes it successfully, the rope can be raised.