LAS obras completas de Arnold Bennett, en más de cuarenta volúmenes, pueden encontrarse en The Collected Works of Arnold Bennett, Ayer Co. Pub., 1964 − 74.






A Man from the North, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1973.

Anna of the Five Towns, Harmondsworth, Penguin (Penguin Modern Classics), 2001.

Buried Alive, Harmmondsworth, Penguin, 1976 (Twentieth Century Classics, Harmmondsworth, Penguin, 1991).

Clayhanger, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954 (Penguin Modern Classics, 2001).

Hilda Lessways, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975.

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, New York, Simon &Schuster, 1962.

Lord Raingo, London, Casell, 1968.

Riceyman Steps, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.

The Card, London, Methuen, 1954.

The Grand Babylon Hotel, Harmondsworth, Penguin (Penguin Modern Classics), 1972.

The Grim Smile of the Five Towns, Harmondsworth, Penguin (Penguin Modern Classics), 1971.

The Old Wives’ Tale, London, Methuen, 1908.

The Old Wives’ Tale, introducción de John Wain y prólogo del autor, Harmondsworth, Penguin (Penguin Classics), 1986.

These Twain, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975.

Flower, N. (ed.),Journals, 3 vols., London, Casell, 1932 − 33..

Hepbum, J. (ed.), The Letters of Arnold Bennett, 3 vols., London, Oxford University Press, 1966 − 1970.






Drabble, M., Arnold Bennett, a biography, London, Weidenfield &Nicholson, 1974.

Gide, A., Correspondance avec Arnold Bennett. Vingt ans d’amitié littéraire (1911 − 1931), Paris, French &European Publishers, 1964.

Hall, J. W., Arnold Bennett, Primitivism and Taste, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1959.

Hepbum, J., The Art of Arnold Bennett, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1963.

—, Arnold Bennett, The Critical Heritage, London, Routledge, 1997.

James, H., «The New Novel», en Notes on Novelists, London, 1914, en H. James, Literary Criticism, New York, The Library of America, 1984.

Lafourcade, G., Arnold Bennett: A Study, London, 1939 (ed. rev., London, Haskell, 1982).

Lucas, J., Arnold Bennett, A Study of His Fiction, London, Methuen, 1974.

Squillace, R., Modernism, Modernity &Arnold Bennett, Bucknell University Press, 1997.

Swinnerton, F., Arnold Bennett: A Last Word, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1978.

Wain, J., Arnold Bennett, New York, Columbia University Press, 1967.

Wilson, H. (ed.), Arnold Bennett and H. G. Wells: A Record of a Personnal and Literary Friendship, Urbana, Urbana Illinois Press, 1960.