“If you dance with a gentleman at a ball, then see him the next afternoon while riding in Hyde Park, are you expected to acknowledge him with a greeting?”
Amy munched on her bottom lip. “Yes.”
“No. No. No.” Mr. Hurst pinched his shriveled lips together, making a sour face. “A single dance does not imply an acquaintanceship. You ride past him. Ignore him.”
Amy sighed and leaned back in her seat, her head throbbing.
“Why don’t we rest?” suggested Helen, the Duchess of Estabrooke, her voice tender in the heated room.
Mr. Hurst bowed. “As you wish, Your Grace.”
As he sauntered from the drawing parlor, murmuring something about “barbarity,” Amy eyed his scrawny figure and imagined snapping it in half.
She looked at her mother. “I’m sorry, Mama.”
The woman smiled and poured her a cup of tea. Together at the small round table, the ladies sipped their refreshments without the intrusive presence of the strict tutor.
“You’re doing fine, my dear.”
“Not according to Mr. Hurst,” she returned petulantly.
“Mr. Hurst wants you to shine during the ball tomorrow tonight. We all do.”
Amy shifted in her chair at the mention of the ball: her debut ball. After three months of endless lessons and preparations for her grand reentrance into society, the time had approached for her fashionable come-out, and her return to posh civilities had to be seamless. If not, there’d be rumors about her character, her reputation. One blunder and her tainted past might come to light and ruin her—and her parents.
“Are you all right, my dear?”
“I’m a little nervous about the ball, is all.”
Amy sipped her tea—without slurping. She still remembered the scoundrel’s lessons in good manners with crisp precision, while her tutor’s lessons flittered away. She still remembered the seaman’s reprimands, his tutelage…in matters beyond etiquette.
You should learn to have more fun…to be spontaneous.
She closed her eyes and sensed his firm fingers at her waist, cupping her hip bones in a teasing manner.
There’s more to life than rules and being in control.
Such soft, kissable lips, she reflected.
Stop trying to fight Fate, Amy.
She tightened as she imagined his mouth pressed warmly over hers. The sensual memory unsettled her nerves, already taut as a result of the approaching festivities, and she dismissed the unwelcome intrusion with a brisk shake of the head. She shouldn’t think about him. Not him. It was improper. She’d have to make a greater effort to heed Mr. Hurst’s shrill-pitched sermons, for she needed him to buff away her rough mannerisms.
All her rough mannerisms.
“Don’t be nervous, my dear,” said the duchess in encouragement. “Your dress arrived this morning. We’ll have a fitting soon after our instruction with Mr. Hurst. How are you progressing in your piano lessons?”
Amy grimaced.
“I see.” The duchess chortled. “You disliked your music lessons even as a child.”
“I remember.” She had remembered more and more about her past since her return to the town house in Mayfair. “I also remember a porcelain doll named…Regina. I had a puppy, too.”
“Sasha. A gift from a Russian diplomat. She died two years after you’d disappeared. I cried for that dog.” She appeared sheepish. “I can get you another pooch, if you’d like.”
“No, thank you.” She looked at her mother with fondness. The duchess had welcomed her home with exuberance and love, fussed over her like she was still a babe. It’d troubled Amy at first; she’d grown accustomed to her own company, her own way of thinking. But soon she’d sensed their bond, still unbroken after so many years, and the uneasiness had faded from their relationship. “I’ve too much to look after already.”
Helen set aside her tea. “I don’t mean to upset you, my dear, but I feel I must prepare you for some unfortunate news.” She looked at her hands. “I’ve received a note from Lord Gravenhurst.”
Amy stiffened. “Oh?”
“He sends his regrets; he will not be able to attend the ball due to pressing estate matters.”
“I see.” Amy also set aside her tea, the fine porcelain unsteady in her hands. “How did Father take the news?”
The duchess eyed her with a half smile. “Well.”
Amy snorted inwardly. Her father was furious at the report, she was sure. She wasn’t the least bit put off by it, though, content to enjoy the evening without the lord’s presence; however, her father likely considered it the greatest affront that her own fiancé wasn’t going to be in attendance at the ball.
Amy sighed. Apparently she had been betrothed to the Marquis of Gravenhurst since she was a babe, and her father was determined to see the engagement honored. The gossip surrounding her unexpected return didn’t make her the most eligible female in society, even if she was a duke’s daughter. Her father believed it her only chance at a respectable match—and the only way to save their family name from vicious tittle-tattle.
“Don’t fret, Mama. It’ll all turn out well.” She mustered a smile. “I’m sure the night will be a smashing success even without the marquis’s presence.”
“A few more steps, Will.”
Edmund supported his brother’s cumbersome weight, hooking him around the waist as they exited the hackney coach, keeping the injured captain’s arm slung over his shoulder. He guided him toward the town house as the rain pounded their backsides, banged on the secured door with the tip of his boot.
James appeared, looking cantankerous.
“What are you doing here?” demanded Edmund.
The former brigand hoisted William, wheezing, into the house. “I received word from one of your tars about the accident.”
Edmund remained rooted in the doorway, the rain pellets slipping off his shoulders and pooling at his feet. There was a bloody spy aboard the Nemesis? He shouldn’t be surprised by his brother’s skullduggery, and yet…
Edmund balled his fingers. He watched as James steered William’s movements, commanded the staff as if he still resided at the town house and was master of the domain. In a few moments, the party had bustled up the elongated stairway.
Feeling the fire in his toes, Edmund headed for the study. He entered the dark room and slammed the door closed. He wasn’t needed anymore, so he settled into a wing chair and propped his wet, dirty boots on the table, staring through the window at the raging storm, breathing sharply through his nose.
“What happened?”
Edmund detected Quincy’s voice. He glanced toward the corner of the room, where his brother was seated in the shadows, observing the tempest, too.
“William was shot,” he retuned brusquely.
“How did it happen?”
Edmund sighed and rubbed his tired brow, stained with rainwater and sweat. “We had a slaver in our sights.” He paused, the memories welling in his head. “She put up a fight. The captain took a bullet in the chest.”
Edmund quickly pressed his palms over the gash in his brother’s chest. He watched the dark blood ooze between his fingers, sensed its warmth as it bathed his hands.
“We almost lost him to the fever and the infection,” he said pensively.
Quincy shifted from the corner seat and approached the small table peppered with liquor bottles. He filled a glass with spirits, corking the decanter again with the glass stopper.
He handed Edmund the drink. “Here.”
Edmund took the offered tonic and downed the fiery liquid in one greedy gulp. He stroked his unruly beard. “We needed your healing hand aboard the Nemesis.”
His brother had steady fingers with a needle and thread. A sound healer, he had attended many an injured seaman during a pirate battle.
Quincy returned to the corner seat. “Then you should have taken me with you.”
He sighed. “You know I tried to convince William to bring you aboard ship.”
“I know.”
Edmund looked over his shoulder and eyed him thoughtfully. “How are you, Quincy?”
It had been three months since he had last seen his younger brother. James had compelled Quincy to reside with him in Mayfair during their voyage at sea. And Quincy’s uncharacteristic reticence told Edmund the rooming hadn’t been pleasant.
Edmund thumbed the empty glass and looked back out the window. “How is she?”
The words had escaped his lips before he’d thought too much about them. The warm spirits in his belly aggravated the bile already stirring in the bowel of his soul. He pressed the glass between his fingers with greater vim.
“I haven’t seen her,” said Quincy, “but I’ve heard there’s a ball in her honor tomorrow night.”
“I don’t suppose we received an invitation?”
“No. Belle did, though.”
Edmund snorted and rolled his thumb and forefinger in the corners of his burning eyes. Of course there wasn’t an invitation in the post for him. He might suspect the duke and duchess privy to his tour at sea, that they hadn’t issued an invitation card because they believed him out of the country, but he doubted Their Graces followed his movements. It was much more likely they believed him in Town—and had simply chosen to snub him.
“Do you want to go and see her?” wondered Quincy. “Amy, I mean.”
“I know who you mean.” He scratched his beard. “It’s better if I don’t go and see her.”
He wasn’t good enough to be in her company, according to Their Graces. The couple had deliberately omitted him from the guest list, and he had found the girl, returned her to her rightful home. But after five years in high society, he was accustomed to the proud and arrogant ways of the ton…and perhaps the duke and duchess were justified in their unfriendly gesture. As a former pirate, he wasn’t proper company for Lady Amy.
“I can get the invitation from Belle,” suggested the meddlesome pup.
“You can just look at Amy from across the dance floor.”
“All right, one waltz.”
Edmund glared at his brother.
“I’ll even come with you, Eddie.”
“Fine.” He shrugged. “I’m off to see Will.” He headed for the door. As he opened the wood, he paused. “It’s just as well you don’t go to the ball, Eddie…James would disapprove.”
Edmund squared his jaw. He turned his head away from his troublesome brother…but he didn’t reject the suggestion again.