THIS BOOK DOESN’T CONTAIN ANY WORDS IN THE CYRILLIC ALPHABET! ALL UKRAINIAN WORDS, IN BOTH THE KINDLE AND PAPERBACK VERSION OF THIS BOOK, WERE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak Ukrainian but simply didn’t have the time? Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining the twenty-seven most common languages in the world and distilling from them the three hundred and fifty words that are most likely to be used in real conversations. These three hundred and fifty words were chosen in such a way that they were structurally interrelated and, when combined, form sentences. Through various other discoveries about how real conversations work—discoveries that are detailed further in this book—Nitzany created the necessary tools for linking these words together in a specific way so that you may become rapidly and almost effortlessly conversant—now. If you want to learn complicated grammar rules, or the non-Romanized alphabet of a foreign language, then this book is not for you. However, if you need to actually hold a conversation while on a trip to Ukraine, to impress that certain someone, or to be able to speak with your grandfather or grandmother as soon as possible, then the Nitzany Method is what you have been looking for. This method is designed for fluency in a foreign language, while communicating in the present tense. Nitzany believes that what’s most important is actually being able to understand and be understood by another human being right away. Therefore, unlike other courses, all words in this program are taught in English transliteration, without having to learn the complex Cyrillic alphabet. More formalized training in grammar rules, etc., can come later. This isn’t a pronunciation book. Thus, this book is recommended for those with prior knowledge in pronunciation of the Ukrainian language. However, for those who aren’t previously familiar, this book does provide some basic tools to teach pronunciation. You will notice in this program that occasionally the endings of certain Ukrainian words change slightly depending on different cases. However, since this is not a grammar book, this program will not teach you these skills, nor will it teach you the accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, or prepositional cases. The only thing this book offers are the necessary tools to become conversational in a foreign language in record time. As previously stated, though, with regards to grammar and pronunciation, you are on your own! This is one of the several, in a series of instructional language guides, the Nitzany Method’s revolutionary approach is the only one in the world that uses its unique language technology to actually enable you to speak and understand native speakers in the shortest amount of time possible. No more depending on volumes of books of fundamental, beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, all with hundreds of pages in order to learn a language. With Conversational Ukrainian Quick and Easy, all you need are fifty-three pages. Learn Ukrainian today, not tomorrow, and get started now!

Yatir Nitzany



The Most Innovative Technique

To Learn the Ukrainian Language

To all those who ever struggled with learning a foreign language and to Wolfgang Karfunkel


About Myself

For many years I struggled to learn Spanish, and I still knew no more than about twenty words. Consequently, I was extremely frustrated. One day I stumbled upon this method as I was playing around with word combinations. Suddenly, I came to the realization that every language has a certain core group of words that are most commonly used and, simply by learning them, one could gain the ability to engage in quick and easy conversational Spanish.

I discovered which words those were, and I narrowed them down to three hundred and fifty that, once memorized, one could connect and create one’s own sentences. The variations were and are infinite! By using this incredibly simple technique, I could converse at a proficient level and speak Spanish. Within a week, I astonished my Spanish-speaking friends with my newfound ability. The next semester I registered at my university for a Spanish language course, and I applied the same principles I had learned in that class (grammar, additional vocabulary, future and past tense, etc.) to those three hundred and fifty words I already had memorized, and immediately I felt as if I had grown wings and learned how to fly.

At the end of the semester, we took a class trip to San José, Costa Rica. I was like a fish in water, while the rest of my classmates were floundering and still struggling to converse. Throughout the following months, I again applied the same principle to other languages—French, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic, all of which I now speak proficiently, thanks to this very simple technique.

This method is by far the fastest way to master quick and easy conversational language skills. There is no other technique that compares to my concept. It is effective, it worked for me, and it will work for you. Be consistent with my program, and you too will succeed the way I and many, many others have.


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Introduction to the Program

People often dream about learning a foreign language, but usually they never do it. Some feel that they just won’t be able to do it while others believe that they don’t have the time. Whatever your reason is, it’s time to set that aside. With my new method, you will have enough time, and you will not fail. You will actually learn how to speak the fundamentals of the language—fluently in as little as a few days. Of course, you won’t speak perfect Ukrainian at first, but you will certainly gain significant proficiency. For example, if you travel to Ukraine, you will almost effortlessly be able engage in basic conversational communication with the locals in the present tense and you will no longer be intimidated by culture shock. It’s time to relax. Learning a language is a valuable skill that connects people of multiple cultures around the world—and you now have the tools to join them.

How does my method work? I have taken twenty-seven of the most commonly used languages in the world and distilled from them the three hundred and fifty most frequently used words in any language. This process took three years of observation and research, and during that time, I determined which words I felt were most important for this method of basic conversational communication. In that time, I chose these words in such a way that they were structurally interrelated and that, when combined, form sentences. Thus, once you succeed in memorizing these words, you will be able to combine these words and form your own sentences. The words are spread over twenty pages. In fact, there are just nine basic words that will effectively build bridges, enabling you to speak in an understandable manner (please see Building Bridges). The words will also combine easily in sentences, for example, enabling you to ask simple questions, make basic statements, and obtain a rudimentary understanding of others’ communications. I have also created Memorization-Made-Easy Techniques for this program in order to help with the memorization of the vocabulary. Please see Reading and Pronunciation in order to gain proficiency in the reading and pronunciation of the Ukrainian language prior to starting this program.

My book is mainly intended for basic present tense vocal communication, meaning anyone can easily use it to “get by” linguistically while visiting a foreign country without learning the entire language. With practice, you will be 100 percent understandable to native speakers, which is your aim. One disclaimer: this is not a grammar book, though it does address minute and essential grammar rules (please see footnotes at the bottom of every page). Therefore, understanding complex sentences with obscure words in Ukrainian is beyond the scope of this book.

People who have tried this method have been successful, and by the time you finish this book, you will understand and be understood in basic conversational Ukrainian. This is the best basis to learn not only the Ukrainian language but any language. This is an entirely revolutionary, no-fail concept, and your ability to combine the pieces of the “language puzzle” together will come with great ease, especially if you use this program prior to beginning a Ukrainian language class.

This is the best program that was ever designed to teach the reader how to become conversational. Other conversational programs will only teach you phrases. But this is the only program that will teach you how to create your own sentences for the purpose of becoming conversational.

The Ukrainian Language

The East Slavic language of Ukrainian has been the subject of a ban and derision by the Russians and often denied the status of a language in its own right. A quote attributed to Czar Nicholas II goes, “There is no Ukrainian language, just illiterate peasants speaking Little Russian,” even though the Ukrainian and Russian lexicons differ by 38% (as opposed to 33% for Spanish and Italian). Outside of Russia, Ukrainian and Russian are accepted as two similar but different languages.

Ukrainian is the official state language of Ukraine and the Crimea, the first of two principal languages for Ukrainians, and one of three official languages for the unrecognized state of Transnistria, of which the other two are Romanian and Russian. It is also a recognized minority language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia.

Written Ukrainian uses a variant of the Cyrillic script and there are an estimated forty-five million speakers of the language.

Historical linguists trace the origin of the Ukrainian language to the Old East Slavic, from which it split off about a thousand years ago, of the early medieval state of Kievan Rus’. After the fall of the Kievan Rus’ as well as the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, the language developed into a form called the Ruthenian language. The Modern Ukrainian language has been in common use since the late seventeenth century and has been associated with the establishment of the Cossack Hetmanate.

From 1804 until the Russian Revolution, the Ukrainian language was banned from schools in the Russian Empire, of which the biggest part of Ukraine (Central, Eastern, and Southern) was a part at the time. It has always maintained a sufficient base in Western Ukraine, where the language was never banned, in its folklore songs, itinerant musicians, and prominent authors.

The Ukrainian language can be mutually understood, to a degree, by those speaking Belarusian and Russian.

Spoken in: Ukraine

Memorization Made Easy

There is no doubt the three hundred and fifty words in my program are the required essentials in order to engage in quick and easy basic conversation in any foreign language. However, some people may experience difficulty in the memorization. For this reason, I created Memorization Made Easy. This memorization technique will make this program so simple and fun that it’s unbelievable! I have spread the words over the following twenty pages. Each page contains a vocabulary table of ten to fifteen words. Below every vocabulary box, sentences are composed from the words on the page that you have just studied. This aids greatly in memorization. Once you succeed in memorizing the first page, then proceed to the second page. Upon completion of the second page, go back to the first and review. Then proceed to the third page. After memorizing the third, go back to the first and second and repeat. And so on. As you continue, begin to combine words and create your own sentences in your head. Every time you proceed to the following page, you will notice words from the previous pages will be present in those simple sentences as well, because repetition is one of the most crucial aspects in learning any foreign language. Upon completion of your twenty pages, congratulations, you have absorbed the required words and gained a basic, quick-and-easy proficiency and you should now be able to create your own sentences and say anything you wish in Ukrainian. This is a crash course in conversational Ukrainian, and it works!


In this program, whenever encountering a t’ at the end of verbs, pronounce it as a soft “ts.” For example, “to buy” / kupit’ is pronounced as “kupits” (with a soft sounding “ts”).

Whenever encountering y’y or u’u, pronounce them as “uo” as in “buoy.”

Kh — For the Ukrainian language as well as Middle Eastern languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu, Hindi, etc., to properly pronounce the kh or ch is essential, for example, nacht (“night” in German) or Chanukah (a Jewish holiday) or Khaled (a Muslim name). The best way to describe kh or ch is to say “ka” or “ha” while at the same time putting your tongue at the back of your throat and blowing air. It’s pronounced similarly to the sound that you make while clearing your throat of phlegm. *Please remember this whenever you come across any word containing a kh in this program.

Again, this is not a pronunciation book. The sole purpose of this book is to provide you with the necessary skills in order to engage in fluent conversational communications. With regards to grammar and pronunciation, you are on your own!


The purpose of this book is merely to enable you to communicate in Ukrainian. In the program itself (from start-finish), you may notice that the composition of some of those sentences might sound rather clumsy. This is intentional. These sentences were formulated in a specific way to serve two purposes: to facilitate the easy memorization of the vocabulary and to teach you how to combine the words in order to form your own sentences for quick and easy communication, rather than making complete literal sense in the English language. So keep in mind that this is not a phrase book!

As the title suggests, the sole purpose of this program is for conversational use only. It is based on the mirror translation technique. These sentences, as well as the translations are not incorrect, just a little clumsy. Latin languages, Semitic languages, and Anglo-Germanic languages, as well as a few others, are compatible with the mirror translation technique.

Many users say that this method surpasses any other known language learning technique that is currently out there on the market. Just stick with the program and you will achieve wonders!

Again, I wish to stress this program is by no means, shape, or form a phrase book! The sole purpose of this book is to give you a fundamental platform to enable you to connect certain words to become conversational. Please also read the “Introduction” and the “About Me” section prior to commencing the program.

In order to succeed with my method, please start on the very first page of the program and fully master one page at a time prior to proceeding to the next. Otherwise, you will overwhelm yourself and fail. Please do not skip pages, nor start from the middle of the book.

It is a myth that certain people are born with the talent to learn a language, and this book disproves that myth. With this method, anyone can learn a foreign language as long as he or she follows these explicit directions:

* Memorize the vocabulary on each page.

* Follow that memorization by using a notecard to cover the words you have just memorized and test yourself.

* Then read the sentences following that are created from the vocabulary bank that you just mastered.

* Once fully memorized, give yourself the green light to proceed to the next page.

Again, if you proceed to the following page without mastering the previous, you are guaranteed to gain nothing from this book. If you follow the prescribed steps, you will realize just how effective and simplistic this method is.

The Program

Let’s Begin! “Vocabulary” (memorize the vocabulary)

I | I am — Ya

With you — Z toboyu

With him / with her — Z nym / Z neyu

With us — Z namy

For you — Dlya tebe / (Plural) dlya vas

Without him — Bez n’ogo

Without them — Bez nyh

Always — Zavzhdy

Was — Buv

This, This is — (Masc)Tsey, (Fem)Tsya, (Neuter)Tse, (Plural)Tsi

You — (informal) Ty / (formal) vy / (plural) vy

Sometimes — Inodi

Today — S’ogodni

Are you / you are — (informal) Ty/ (formal) vy/ (plural) vy

Better — Krashche

These — Tsi

He, he is — Vin

She, she is — Vona

From — (from a place) Z, (from person) Vid

(Sentences composed from the vocabulary (now you can speak the sentences and connect the words)

I am with you

Ya z toboyu / ya z vamy (plural)

This is for you

Tse dlya tebe

I am from Ukraine

Ya z Ukrajiny

Are you from Kiev?

Ty z Kyjeva?

Sometimes you are with us at the mall

Inodi ty z namy u molli

I am always with her

Ya zavzhdy z neyu

Are you without them today?

Ty bez nyh S’ogodni?

Sometimes I am with him

Inodi ya z nym

*In Ukrainian, the soft sign (apostrophe in the transcribed word) after a consonant letter makes that letter softer.


I was — Ya buv

To be — Buty

Here — Tut / os’

Same — Te same / te zh

Good/ Okay — Dobre

Day — Den’

It’s / it is — (M)Tsey/(F)Tsya/(N)Tse/(P)Tsi

And — i’ (pronounced as ee)

Between — Mizh

Now — Zaraz / teper

Later / After — Piznishe/pislya

If — Yakshcho

Yes — Tak

Then — Potim

Tomorrow — Zavtra

Very — Duzhe

Good — (person) (M)Dobryj/(F)Dobra

Between now and later

Mizh teper i potim

If it’s later, better tomorrow!

Jakshcho tse pizno, krashche zavtra!

This is also good

Tse takozh dobre

It is the same

Tse tezh-same

Yes, you are very good

Tak, ty duzhe dobryj/dobra

I was here with them

Ya buv/bula tut z nymy

The same day

Togo zh dnya


Maybe — Mozhe buty

You — Ty/Vy

Even if — Navit’ yakshcho

Afterwards — Piznishe/ potim

Worse — Girshe

Where — De

Everything — (person) vsi, (object) vse

Somewhere — Des’

What — Shcho?

Almost — Mayzhe

There — Tam

Afterwards is worse

Potim girshe

Even if I go now

Navit’ yakshcho ya pidu zaraz

Where is everything?

De vse?

Maybe somewhere

Mozhe des’

Where are you?

De ty?

You and I

Ty i ya

What is this?

Shcho tse?

*In Ukrainian, whenever “what” is preceded by a noun, you say yakyj.

- yakyj (m.)

- yaka (f.)

- yake (n.)

- yaki (p.)


House / home — Dim

In / at — V, u/bilya

Car — Avtomobil’ / mashyna

Already — Vzhe

Good morning — Dobrogo ranku

How are you? — Yak spravy?

Where are you from? — Zvidky ty?

Me — Meni

Hello / hi — Pryvit/dobrogo dnya

What is your name? — Yak tebe zvaty?

How old are you? — Skil’ky tobi rokiv?

Son — Syn

Daughter — Dochka

Your — Vash / tvij

But / however — Ale

Hard — Zhorstkyj(hard object), vazhko (difficult)

Still — Dosi

She is without a car, maybe she is still at the house?

Vona bez avtomobilya, mozhe vona dosi doma?

I am already in the car with your son and daughter

Ya vzhe v mashyni z vashym synom i dochkoju

Hello, what is your name?

Pryvit, yak tebe zvaty?

How old are you?

Skil’ky tobi rokiv?

This is very hard

Tse duzhe vazhko

It’s not impossible

Tse ne nemozhlyvo

Where are you from?

Zvidky ty?

*In Ukrainian, “what is your name?” is yake tvoye imya? Informally, this is yak tebe zvaty?, while formally it is yak vas zvaty?

*In Ukrainian, to indicate “hard” we use zhorstkyj or vazhko. Zhorstkyj indicates “hard” as in “a hard object” while vazhko indicates “hard” as in difficulty.


Thank you — Dyakuyu

For — Za

For — (a person) Dlya

That, that is — (M)Tsej/(F)Tsya/(N)Tse/(P)Tsi

Time — Chas

Our — Nash

No — Ni

I am not — Ya ni/ne

Away — Daleko

Late — Pizno

Similar — Analogichnyj/ podibno

Other / Another — (M)Drugyj / (F)insha/druga

Side — Storona

Until — Do

Yesterday — Vchora

Without us — Bez nas

Since — Z

Not — Ni

Before — Do

Thanks for anything

Dyakuyu za vse

I am not here, I am away

Ya ne tut, ya daleko

That is a similar house

Tse podibnyj dim

I am from the other side

Ya z inshoi storony

I was here last night

Ya buv tut mynuloji nochi

*In Ukrainian the article “a” doesn’t exist.


I say / I am saying — Ya govoryu

What time is it? — Kotra godyna?

I want — Ya khochu

Without you — Bez tebe

Everywhere — Skriz’

I go / I am going — Ya jdu

With — Z

My — (M) Mij, (F) moya

Cousin — (M)Dvoyuridnyj brat/(F)dvoyuridna sestra

I need — Meni treba / meni potribno

Right now — Zaraz

Night / evening — Nich/vechir

To see — Bachyty

Light — Svitlo

Outside — Zovni

I must — Ya povynen

During — Protyagom

I see / I am seeing — Ya bachu

Happy — Shchaslyvyj (M), shchaslyva (F)

There — Tam

I am saying no / I say no

Ya govoryu ni

I want to see this in the day

Ya khochu bachyty tsey den’

I see this everywhere

Ya bachu tse skriz’

I am happy without my cousins here

Ya shchaslyvyj i bez moikh dvoyuridnykh brativ/sester tut

I need to be there at night

Meni treba buty tam u vecheri

I see light outside house

Ya bachu svitlo zovni/nazovni budynka

What time is it right now?

Kotra zaraz godyna?

*In Ukrainian, pronouns have different conjugations when relating to gender:

- “her”: yiyi, his: yogo, its: yogo / he: vin, she: vona, it: vono, they: vony

- “my”: miy (male), moya (female), moye (neutral), moi (plural)

- “their”: yikh (same for male, female, formal, informal, and neutral)

- “your”: tviy (male), tvoya (female), tvoye (neutral), yikh (plural)

- “your” (singular formal or plural): vash (male), vasha (fem), vashe (neuter), vashi (plural)

- “our”: nash (male), nasha (female), nashe (neutral), nashi(plural)

Note: Moikh is the genitive as well as plural accusative form of the pronoun “my.” This program doesn’t address the nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, and prepositional cases since, as previously stated, this isn’t a grammar book.

*This isn’t a phrase book! The purpose of this book is solely to provide you with the tools to create your own sentences!


Place — Mistse

Easy — Lehko

To find — Znajty

To look for /to search — Shukaty

Near / Close — Blyz’ko

To wait — Chekaty

To sell — Prodaty

To use — Vykorystovuvaty

To know — Znaty

To decide — Vyrishuvaty

Between — Mizh

Two — Dva

To — Do

That — (conjunction) Shcho

This place is easy to find

Tse mistse lehko znajty

I want to wait until tomorrow

Ya khochu pochekaty do zavtra

It’s easy to sell this table

Tse duzhe lehko prodaty tsej stil

I want to use this

Ya khochu tse vykorystovuvaty

I want know where this house

Ya khochu znaty de tsej dim

Where is the airport?

De aeroport?

I want to sleep

Ya khochu spaty

I need to know that everything is ok

Meni treba znaty shcho vse dobre

*In the last sentence, “that” is used as a conjunction, shcho.


Because — Tomu shcho/bo

To buy — Kupyty

Both — Obydva

Them / they / Their — Yikh /Vony / Yikh

Each / Every — Kozhnyj

Book — Knyga

Mine — Mij/moya/moye/moji

To understand — Zrozumity

Problem / Problems — Problema / problemy

I do / I am doing — Ya roblyu

Of — Z

To look — dyvytys’ / shukaty

Myself — Sam / sama

Like this — Tak

Food — Yizha

Water — Voda

Hotel — Gotel’

I like — Meni podobayet’sya

I like this hotel

Meni podobayet’sya tsey gotel’

I want to look at the beach

Ya khochu dyvytysya na pliazh

I want to buy a bottle of water

Ya khochu kupyty sklyanku vody

I do it like this each day

Ya roblyu tse tak kozhnogo dnya

That is the book, and that book is mine

To knyga, i ta knyga moya

I need to understand the problem

Meni potribno zrozumity problemu

From the hotel I have a view of the city

Z gotelyu ya mayu vyd na misto

I can work today

Ya mozhu pratsyuvaty syogodni

I do my homework

Ya roblyu svoyu domashnyu robotu


There is / There are — Ye

Family — Sim’ya

Parents — Bat’ky

Why — Chomu

To say — Skazaty

Something — Shchos’

To go — Jty’

Ready — Gotovo

Soon — Skoro

To work — Pratsyuvaty

Who — Khto

Important — Vazhlyvo

I like to be at home with my parents

Meni podobayet’sya buty doma z moimy bat’kamy

I want to know why I must say something important

Ya khochu znaty chomu ya povynen skazaty shchos’ vazhlyve

I am there with him

Ya tam z nym

I am busy, but I need to be ready soon

Ya zanyatyj, ale ya povynen buty gotovyj skoro

I like to work

Meni podobayet’sya pratsyuvaty

Who is there?

Khto tam?

I want to know if they are here, because I want to go outside

Ya khochu znaty yakshcho vony tut, tomu-shcho ya khochu vyjty na zovni

There are seven dolls

Ye sim lyalyok


I love — Ya kokhaju

How much — Skil’ky koshtuye

To take — Vzyaty

With me — Zi mnoyu

Instead — Zamist’

Only — Til’ky

When — Koly

I can / Can I — Ya mozhu / Chy ya mozhu?

Or — Chy

Were — Buly

Without me — Bez mene

Fast — Shvydko

Slow — Povil’no

Cold — Kholodno

Inside — Vseredyni/v/u

To eat — Yisty

Hot — Haryachyj

To Drive — Vodyty

How much money do I need to take?

Skil’ky hroshej meni treba vzyaty?

Only when you can

Til’ky koly ty mozhesh

They were without me yesterday

Vony buly bez mene vchora

I need to drive the car very fast or very slowly

Meni potribno vodyty mashynu duzhe shvydko chy duzhe povil’no

It is cold in the library

Kholodno v bibliotetsi

Yes, I like to eat this hot

Tak, meni podobayet’sya yisty tse haryachym


To answer — Vidpovisty

To fly — Litaty

Yours — Tvoye

To travel — Podorozhuvaty

To learn — Navchytysya

Children — Dity

To swim — Plavaty

To practice — Praktykuvaty

To play — Graty

To leave — Zalyshyty

Many/much/a lot — Bagato

I go to — Ya jdu do

First — Pershyj

Time / Times — Raz

I need to answer many questions

Meni treba vidpovisty na bagato pytan’

I want to fly today

Ya khochu litaty syogodni

I need to learn to swim

Meni potribno navchytysya plavaty

I want to leave this here for you, when I go to travel the world

Ya khochu zalyshyty tse tut dlya vas/tebe, koly ya poyidu podorozhuwaty po svitu

Since the first time

Z pershogo razu

The children are yours

Tvoyi dity

I need the books

Meni potribni knygy


Nobody — Nikhto

Against — Proty

Us / we — Nam / my

To visit — Vidvidaty

Mom / Mother — Mama

To give — Davaty

Which — Yakyj

To meet — Zustrity

Someone — Khtos’

Just — Til’ky

To walk — Khodyty

Around — Navkolo

Family — Sim’ya

Than — Nizh

Nothing — Nichogo

Week — Nedilya

Something is better than nothing

Shchos’ krashche nizh nichogo

I am against him

Ya proty nyogo

We go each week to visit my family

My yizdymo kozhnu nedilyu vidvidaty moyu rodynu

I need to give you something

Meni potribno daty tobi shchos’

Do you want to meet someone?

Ty khochesh’ zustrity kogos’?

I am here also on Wednesdays

Ya tut takozh po seredam

You do this everyday?

Ty robysh tse kozhnogo dnia?

You need to walk around the house

Ty povynen khodyty navkolo budynku

*In Ukrainian, tobi / vam are the indirect object pronouns of the pronoun “you,” the person who is actually affected by the action that is being carried out. Vam is the formal and tobi is the informal variant.


I have — U mene ye/ ya mayu

Don’t — Ni

Friend — Drug

To borrow — Pozychyty

To look like — Vyglyadaty yak

Grandfather — Didus’

To want — Khotity

To stay — Zalyshytysya

To continue — Prodovzhyty

Way — Shlyakh(road)/ zasib (method)

That’s why — Os’ chomu

To show — Pokazaty

To prepare — Pidgotuvaty

I am not going — Ya ne idu

How — Yak

Do you want to look like Arnold?

Ty khochesh vyglyadaty yak Arnol’d?

I want to borrow this book for my grandfather

Ya khochu pozychyty tsyu knygu dlya mogo didusya

I want to drive and to continue on this way to my house

Ya khochu yikhaty i prodovzhuvaty na ts’omu shlyakhu do moho budynku

I have a friend, that’s why I want to stay with him in Lviv

U mene je drug, tomu ya khochu zalashytysya z nym u L’vovi

I don’t want to see anyone here

Ya ne khochu nikogo bachyty tut

I need to show you how to prepare breakfast

Meni treba pokazaty vam, yak prygotuvaty snidanok

Why don’t you have the book?

Chomu ty ne mayesh knygy?

I don’t need the car today

Meni ne potribna syogodni mashyna

*In Ukrainian if you use a separate “why,” it will be chomu. “That’s why,” transforms into tomu.

*In Ukrainian, tobi / vam are the indirect object pronouns of the pronoun “you,” the person who is actually affected by the action that is being carried out. Vam is the formal and tobi is the informal variant.

*In Ukrainian, to indicate “way” we use shlyakh or zasib. Shlyakh indicates “road” while zasib indicates “method.”


To remember — Zapam’yataty

Ukrainian — Ukrayins’ky

Number — Nomer

Hour — Godyna

Dark / darkness — Temno / pit’ma

About — Pro

Grandmother — Babusia

Five — P’yat’

Minute / minutes — Khvylyna / khvylyny

More — Bil’she

To think — Dumaty

To do — Robyty

To come — Pryhodyty

To hear — Slukhaty

Last — Ostannij / mynulyj

Language — Movi / mova

I need to remember this number

Meni potribmo zapam’yataty tsey nomer

This is the last hour

Tse ostannya godyna

I want to hear my grandmother speak English today

Ya khochu pochuty yak moya babusya govoryt’ na angliyskiy movi

I need to think more about this, and what to do

Meni potribno dumaty bil’she pro tse, i shcho robyty

From here to there it’s five minutes

Zvidsy do tudy pyat’ khvylyn

*In Ukrainian, the definition of zvidsy means “from here.”

*In Ukrainian, mova is “language” in English. The terms “English” and “Ukrainian” cannot be used on their own when referring to a language. The word “language” always comes after the relevant word: “English” / Anhliys’ka mova; “Ukrainian” / Ukrayins’ka mova.


To leave — Pity

Again — Znovu

Ukraine — Ukrayina

To bring — Prynesty

To try — Sprobuvaty

To rent — Orenduvaty

Without her — Bez neyi

We are — My ye

To turn off — Vymknuty

To ask — Zapytaty

To stop — Zupynyty

Permission — Dozvil

Tonight — S’ohodni vvecheri

He needs to rent a house at the beach

Yomu potribno orenduvaty budynok na plyazhi

Tonight I need to turn off the lights early

S’ohodni vvecheri ya povynen vymknuty svitlo rano

We want to stop here

My khochemo zupynytysya tut

We are from Ukraine

My z Ukrayiny

The same building

Ta sama budivlya

I want to ask for permission to leave

Ya khochu poprosyty dozvil pity

Can I leave?

Mozhna meni pity?


To open — Vidkryvaty

To buy — Kupuvaty

To pay — Platyty

Last — Ostann’ij

Without — Bez

Sister — Sestra

To hope — Spodivatysya

To live — Zhyty

Nice to meet you — Pryyemno poznayomytys’

Name — Im’ya

Last name — Prizvyshche

To return — Povernutysya

Future — Majbutnye

Door — Dveri

Our — Nash

On — Na

To get to know — Poznayomytysya

I need to open the door for my sister

Meni potribno vidchynyty dveri dlya moyeyi sestry

I need to buy something

Meni potribno shchos’ kupyty

I want to get to know your sisters

Ya khochu poznayomytysya z tvoimy sestramy

Nice to meet you, what is your name and your last name?

Pryjemno poznayomytysya z vamy, yak vas zvaty i yake vashe prizvyshche?

To hope for the better in the future

Spodivatysya na krashche maybutnye

Why are you sad right now?

Chomu ty sumna zaraz?

Our house is on the hill

Nash budynok na pagorbi


To happen — Statysya

To order — Zamovyty

To drink — Pyty

Excuse me — Vybachte

Child — Dytyna

Woman — Zhinka

To begin / To start — Rozpochaty

To finish — Zakinchuvaty

To help — Dopomagaty

To smoke — Palyty

To love — Kokhaty

To talk / to speak — Govoryty

This must happen today

Tse povynno statysya s’ogodni

Excuse me, my child is here as well

Vybachte, moya dytyna tezh tut

I love you

Ya tebe kokhaju

I see you

Ya tebe bachu

I need you

Ty meni potribnyj

I want to help

Ya khochu dopomogty

I don’t want to smoke again

Ya ne khochu palyty znovu

I want to learn to speak Ukrainian

Ya khochu navchytysya govoryty na ukrayins’kij movi

*In Ukrainian, tebe is the “direct object pronoun” of the pronoun you.


To read — Chytaty

To write — Pysaty

To teach — Vchyty/navchaty

To close — Zachynyaty

To turn on — Vmykaty

To prefer — Viddavaty perevagu

To put — Poklasty

Less — Men’she

Sun — Sontse

Month — Misyats’

I talk — Ya govor’u

Exact — Tochno

To choose — Vybyraty

In order to — Shchob

I need this book, in order to learn how to read and write in Ukrainian

Meni potribna tsya knyga, shchob vyvchyty yak chytaty i pysaty ukrayins’koyu movoyu

I want to teach in Ukraine

Ya khochu navchaty v Ukrayini

I want to close the door of the house and not to turn on the light

Ya khochu zakryty dveri budynku i ne vmykaty svitlo

I prefer to put the gift here

Ya viddayu perevahu poklasty podarunok tut

I want to pay less than you for the dinner

Ya khochu platyty men’she nizh vy za obid

I speak with the boy and the girl in Ukrainian

Ya rozmovlyayu z khlopchykom ta divchynkoyu po-ukrayins’ky

I see the sun today

Ya bachu sontse syogodni

Is it possible to know the exact day?

Mozhna diznatysya tochnyj den’?


To exchange — Obminyuvaty

To call — Dzvonyty

Brother — Brat

Dad — Tato

To sit — Sydity

Together — Razom

To change — Zminyty

Of course — Zvychayno

Welcome — Laskavo prosymo

During — Pid chas

Years — Rik

Sky — Nebo

Up — Vgoru

Down — Vnyz

Sorry — Vybachte

To follow — Sliduvaty

Her — Vona

Big — Velykyj

New — Novyj

Never — Nikoly

I don’t want to exchange this money at the bank

Ya ne khochu obminyuvaty groshi v banku

Today I want to call my brother and my dad

Syogodni ya khochu dzvonyty moyemu bratovi i moyemu tatovi

Of course I can come to the theater, and I want to sit together with you and with your sister

Zvychayno, ya mozhu pryjty v teatr, i ya khochu sydity razom z toboyu i tvoyeyu sestroyu

I need to see your new house

Meni potribno pobachyty tviy novyj dim

I can see the sky from the window

Ya bachu nebo z vikna


To allow — Dozwolyaty

To believe — Viryty

Morning — Ranok

Except — Krim

To promise — Obitsyaty

Good night — Nadobranich/ Dobranich/ Na dobranich

To recognize — Vyznaty/vpiznaty

People — Lyudy

To move — Rukhatysya

To move (to a place) — Pereselyatysya

Far — Daleko

Different — Inshyj

Man — Cholovik

To enter — Vvijty

To receive Otrymaty’

Tonight — S’ohodni vvecheri

Through — Cherez

Him / his — Vin/Yogo

I believe everything except for this

Ya viryu vsyomu krim tsyogo

They need to recognize the Ukrainian people quickly

Vony povynni shvydko vpiznaty ukraintsiv

I need to move your cat to another chair

Meni potribno perevesty vashu kishku na inshe krislo

I see the sun in the morning from the kitchen

Ya bachu sontse vrantsi z kukhni

I want his car

Ya khochu yogo mashynu


To wish — Bazhaty

Bad — Poganyj

To get — Otrymaty

To forget — Zabuty

Everybody / Everyone — Vsi/Kozhen

Although — Khocha

To feel — Vidchuvaty

Great — Chudovo/Velykyj

Next — Nastupnyj

To like — Podobatys’/lyubyty

In front — Poperedu

Person — Lyudyna

Behind — Za/Pozadu

Well — Dobre

Goodbye — Do pobachennya

Restaurant — Restoran

Bathroom — Vanna kimnata / tualet

I don’t want to wish anything bad

Ya ne khochu bazhaty nichogo poganogo

I must forget everybody from my past

Ya povynen zabuty vsikh z mogo mynulogo

I am close to the person behind you

Ya poruch iz lyudynoyu, yaka stoyit’ za vamy

I say goodbye to my friends

Ya govoryu do pobachennya moyim druzyam

In which part of the restaurant is the bathroom?

V yakij chastyni restoranu tualet?

I want a car before the next year

Ya khochu mashynu na nastupnyj rik

I like the house, however it is very small

Meni podobayet’sya budynok, prote vin duzhe malen’kyj

*In Ukrainian, z kumos’ means “next to,” for example, “I am next to him.” While nastupnyj means “the following,” for example “the next exit.”


To remove — Vydalyty/znyaty

Please — Bud’laska

Beautiful — Garnyj

To lift — Pidnimaty

Include / Including — Vklyuchyty

Belong — Nalezhyt’

To hold — Trymaty

To check — Pereviryaty

Small — Malen’ka/malen’kyj

Real — Spravzhnij

Week — Tyzhden’

Size — Rozmir

Even though — Nezvazhayuchy na

Doesn’t — Ni

So — Tak / otzhe

Price — Tsina

She wants to remove this door

Vona khoche znyaty tsi dveri

This doesn’t belong here

Tut ne nalezhyt’

I need to check again

Meni potribno pereviryty znovu

This week the weather was very beautiful

Na tsyomu tyzhni pogoda bula duzhe garna

I need to know which is the real diamond

Meni potribno znaty, yakyj diamant spravzhnij

We need to check the size of the house

Meni potribno pereviryty rozmir budynku

I can pay this although the price is expensive

Ya mozhu zaplatyty tse, khocha tsina vysoka (dorozhcha).

Is everything included in this price?

Chy vse vklyucheno v tsyu tsinu?

*In Ukrainian, both tak and otzhe are used to indicate “so”. However tak definition of “so” is used to express cases such as “so much”, or “so big.” While otzhe definition of “so” is used to indicate “then.”

Building Bridges

In Building Bridges, we take six conjugated verbs that have been selected after studies I have conducted for several months in order to determine which verbs are most commonly conjugated, and which are then automatically followed by an infinitive verb. For example, once you know how to say, “I need,” “I want,” “I can,” and “I like,” you will be able to connect words and say almost anything you want more correctly and understandably. The following three pages contain these six conjugated verbs in first, second, third, fourth, and fifth person, as well as some sample sentences. Please master the entire program up until here prior to venturing onto this section.

I want — Ya khochu

I need — Meni potribno

I can — Ya mozhu

I like — Meni podobayet’sya

I go — Ya idu

I have to/ I must — Ya povynen

To have — U mene je/maty

I want to go to my apartment

Ya khochu yty do moyeyi kvartyry

I can go with you to the bus station

Ya mozhu yty z toboyu na avtovokzal

I need to walk to the museum

Meni potribno yty do muzeyu

I like the train

Meni podobayet’sya poyizd

I am want to teach a class

Ya khochu navchaty klas

I have to speak to my teacher

Ya povynen rozmovlyaty z moyim vchytelem

Conjugation of Second and Third Person

Please master every single page up until here prior to attempting the following two pages!

You want / do you want? — Ty khochesh / Ty khochesh?

He wants / does he want? — Vin khoche / Vin khoche?

She wants / does she want? — Vona khoche / Vona khoche?

We want / do we want? — My khochemo / My khochemo?

They want / do they want? — Vony khochut’ / Vony khochut’?

You (plural / formal sing) want — Vy khochete / Vy khochete?

You need / do you need? — Tobi potribno / Tobi potribno?

He needs / does he need? — Yomu potribno / Yomu potribno?

She needs / does she need? — Vona potrebuye/ Vona potrebuye?

We Need / do we need? — Nam potribno / Nam potribno?

They need / do they need? — Yim potribno / Yim potribno?

You (plural / formal sing) need — Vam potribno / Vam potribno?

You can / can you? — Ty mozhesh / Ty mozhesh?

He can / can he? — Vin mozhe / Vin mozhe?

She can / can she? — Vona mozhe / Vona mozhe?

We can / can we? — My mozhemo / My mozhemo?

They can / can they? — Vony mozhut’ / Vony mozhut’?

You (plural / formal sing) can — Vy mozhete / Vy mozhete?

You like / do you like? — Tobi podobaet’sya / Tobi podobaet’sya?

He likes / does he like? — Yomu podobaet’sya / Yomu podobaet’sya?

She like / does she like? — Yij podobaet’sya / Yij podobaet’sya?

We like / do we like? — Nam podobaet’sya / Nam podobaet’sya?

They like / do they like? — Yim podobaet’sya / Yim podobaet’sya?

You (plura l/ formal sing) like — Vam podobaet’sya / Vam podobaet’sya?

You go / do you go? — Ty ydesh / Ty ydesh?

He goes / does he go? — Vin yde / Vin yde?

She goes / does she go? — Vona yde / Vona yde?

We go / do we go? — My ydemo / My ydemo?

They go / do they go? — Vony ydut’ / Vony ydut’?

You (plural/ formal sing) go — Vy ydete / Vy ydete?

You must / do you have to — Ty povynen / Ty povynen?

He must / does he have to — Vin povynen / Vin povynen?

She must / does she have to — Vona povynna / Vona povynna?

We have / do we have to — My povynni / My povynni?

They must / do they have to — Vony povynni / Vony povynni?

You (plural / formal sing) must — Vy povynni / Vy povynni?

You have — Ty mayesh (or) u tebt ye

He has — Vin maye(or) u nyogo je

She has — Vona maye (or) u neyi je

We have — My mayemo (or)u nas ye

They have — Vony mayut’(or) u nych ye

You (plural) have — Vy mayete (or) u vas ye


Do you want to go?

Vy khochete pity?

Does he want to fly?

Chy khoche vin litaty?

We want to swim

My khochemo plavaty

Do they want to run?

Vony khochut’ bigaty?

Do you need to clean?

Ty povynen prybraty?

She needs to sing a song

Vona povynna spivaty pisnyu

We need to travel

My povynni podorozhuvaty

They don’t need to fight

Vony ne povynni bytysya

You (plural) need to see the film

Vy povynni podyvytysya kino

Can you hear me?

Ty mene chuyesh?

He can dance very well

Vin mozhe tantsyuvaty duzhe dobre

We can go out tonight

My mozhemo pity s’ohodni vvecheri

They can break the wood

Vony mozhut’ zlamaty derevo

Do you like to eat here?

Tobi podobayet’sya yisty tut?

He likes to spend time here

Yomu podobayet’sya provodyty chas tut

We like to fix the house

Nam podobayet’sya remontuvaty budynok

They like to cook

Yim podobayet’sya gotuvaty

You (plural) like my house

Vam podobayet’sya mij budynok

Do you go to school today?

Ty ydesh do shkoly syogodni?

He goes fishing

Vin yde lovyty rybu

We are going to relax

My ydemo vidpochyvaty

They go to watch a film

Vony ydut’ dyvytysya kino

Do you have money?

Ty mayesh groshi?

She must look outside

Vona povynna vyglyadaty nazovni

We have to sign here

My povynni pidpysaty tut

They have to send the letter

Vony povynni vidpravyty lysta

You (plural) have to order

Vy povynni zamovyty


Days of the Week

Sunday — Nedilya

Monday — Ponedilok

Tuesday — Vivtorok

Wednesday — Sereda

Thursday — Chetver

Friday — Pyatnytsya

Saturday — Subota


Spring — Vesna

Summer — Lito

Autumn — Osin’

Winter — Zyma


Black — Chornyj

White — Bilyj

Gray — Siryj

Red — Chervonyj

Blue — Synij

Yellow — Zhovtyj

Green — Zelenyj

Orange — Oranzhevyj

Purple — Fioletovyj

Brown — Korychnevyj


One — Odyn

Two — Dva

Three — Try

Four — Chotyry

Five — Pyat’

Six — Shist’

Seven — Sim

Eight — Visim

Nine — Devyat’

Ten — Desyat’

Cardinal Directions

North — Pivnich

South — Pivden’

East — Skhid

West — Zakhid


Now You’re on Your Own

If you merely absorb the required three hundred and fifty words in this book, you will then have acquired the basis to become conversational in Ukrainian! After memorizing these three hundred and fifty words, this conversational foundational basis that you have just gained will trigger your ability to make improvements in conversational fluency at an amazing speed! However, in order to engage in quick and easy conversational communication, you need a special type of basics, and this book will provide you with just that.

Unlike the foreign language learning systems presently used in schools and universities, along with books and programs that are available on the market today, that focus on everything but being conversational, this method’s sole focus is on becoming conversational in Ukrainian as well as any other language. Once you have successfully mastered the required words in this book, there are two techniques that if combined with these essential words, can further enhance your skills and will result in you improving your proficiency tenfold. However, these two techniques will only succeed if you have completely and successfully absorbed the three hundred and fifty words. After you establish the basis for fluent communications by memorizing these words, you can enhance your conversational abilities even more if you use the following two techniques.

The first step is to attend a Ukrainian language class that will enable you to sharpen your grammar. You will gain additional vocabulary and learn past and present tenses, and if you apply these skills that you learn in the class, together with the three hundred and fifty words that you have previously memorized, you will be improving your conversational skills tenfold. You will notice that, conversationally, you will succeed at a much higher rate than any of your classmates. A simple second technique is to choose Ukrainian subtitles while watching a movie. If you have successfully mastered and grasped these three hundred and fifty words, then the combination of the two—those words along with the subtitles—will aid you considerably in putting all the grammar into perspective, and again, conversationally, you will improve tenfold.

Once you have established a basis of quick and easy conversation in Ukrainian with those words that you just attained, every additional word or grammar rule you pick up from there on will be gravy. And these additional words or grammar rules can be combined with the three hundred and fifty words, enriching your conversational abilities even more. Basically, after the research and studies I’ve conducted with my method over the years, I came to the conclusion that in order to become conversational, you first must learn the words and then learn the grammar.

The Ukrainian language is compatible with the mirror translation technique. Likewise, with this language, you can use this mirror translation technique in order to become conversational, enabling you to communicate even more effortlessly. Mirror translation is the method of translating a phrase or sentence, word for word from English to Ukrainian, by using these imperative words that you have acquired through this program (such as the sentences I used in this book). Latin languages, Middle Eastern languages, and Slavic languages, along with a few others, are also compatible with the mirror translation technique. Though you won’t be speaking perfectly proper and precise Ukrainian, you will still be fully understood and, conversation-wise, be able to get by just fine.


Congratulations! You have completed all the tools needed to master the Ukrainian language, and I hope that this has been a valuable learning experience. Now you have sufficient communication skills to be confident enough to embark on a visit to Ukraine, impress your friends, and boost your resume so good luck.

This program is available in other languages as well, and it is my fervent hope that my language learning programs will be used for good, enabling people from all corners of the globe and from all cultures and religions to be able to communicate harmoniously. After memorizing the required three hundred and fifty words, please perform a daily five-minute exercise by creating sentences in your head using these words. This simple exercise will help you grasp conversational communications even more effectively. Also, once you memorize the vocabulary on each page, follow it by using a notecard to cover the words you have just memorized and test yourself and follow that by going back and using this same notecard technique on the pages you studied during the previous days. This repetition technique will assist you in mastering these words in order to provide you with the tools to create your own sentences.

Every day, use this notecard technique on the words that you have just studied.

Everything in life has a catch. The catch here is just consistency. If you just open the book, and after the first few pages of studying the program, you put it down, then you will not gain anything. However, if you consistently dedicate a half hour daily to studying, as well as reviewing what you have learned from previous days, then you will quickly realize why this method is the most effective technique ever created to become conversational in a foreign language. My technique works! For anyone who doubts this technique, all I can say is that it has worked for me and hundreds of others.


Thank you for your interest in my work. I encourage you to share your overall experience of this book by posting a review. Your review can make a difference! Please feel free to describe how you benefited from my method or provide creative feedback on how I can improve this program. I am constantly seeking ways to enhance the quality of this product, based on personal testimonials and suggestions from individuals like you.

Thanks and best of luck, Yatir Nitzany


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Copyright © 2017

Yatir Nitzany

All rights reserved.

EAN-13: 9781370969142

Printed in the United States of America