The collection of stories

America speaks

- Hello, hullo, ladies and gentlemen, misters and sisters ! We are glad to … Heck, I’m gonna to to think and speak like I am a foreigner with such speed !

Ghm, I’m sorry, my respected watch-ers, see-ers, stare-ers, and finally just the ones, who did not find anything better than to stupidly roll on a sofa in front of the TV this silent Sunday evening ! “Russia News” telecast is in the ether, and I, its permanent, though not immortal, figure, Vladimir Vladimirovich Pupkin.

Yes, all of us have awaited this unforgettable and inexcusable moment for a long while – and it has come at the long last ! After showing numerous respects, accustoming and toadying of our journalists He finally agreed to give exclusive interview in our, Russian television studio, located in Chicago. The One elected for the sake of freedom and democracy in all civilized North American continent. The One received the Award Of Peace on the public who was shocked and stunned by such impudence. The One, who prefers to conduct a vegetarian way of life without departing from the White House. The One, who has promised so much, and will promise even more. Taliban’s bane and Al-Kaide’s horror. A needle in a haystack, a genius among those who lack talent, wise man among fools. A ray of light in the empire of darkness, damn it !

But, enough of flatter epithets ! Meet Him - Barrack Hussein Obama, the president of the Jointed States of America in person!

The door slams open in a television studio and Barrack Obama enters. His face, even black, is saddened even more, dark streams of unknown origin flow down his once snow-white shirt. His eyes express a mix of alarm, bewilderment and anger.

Obama: Shit! Niggas shit ! Black as we are !

VVP: President Obama, what’s wrong with you ?

Obama (wipes the face with one of his shirt’s sleeves): Chose me? Hate me ! First chose, then not like ! Damn niggas ! Hiroshima, Niggersaki ! Nuke you, bastards ! (waves a fist of the right hand before a television camera).

VVP: Errmm..can I help you in any way ? It’s a custom tradition to bring a glass of water in such cases.

Obama (looking around in a fright) : Water? No water ! Water turns black as oil ! Mississippi, Lousiana! Niggas trick!

VVP: Mr. President, are you even in a correct condition to participate in our interview?  And are you totally and inevitably sure you do not need any sort of help ?

Obama (continuing to look around in a search of the nonexistent enemy) : Help? No help ! We help, not us ! All world, we help ! Bring democracy, spread it ! Like gardening, like me’s wife !

VVP: Oh, yeah, the topic of democratization of a free world in the American style is in the today’s agenda.

Obama: (with considerably increased activity, swinging hands, from which the splashes of dark substance continue flowing, having partially soiled the camera of one of the operators) : Yep! Democracy ! Holy shit, we did ! This way, that way, everyone gets ! Refuses – gets bomb ! No nukes, no Hiroshima, we merciful ! Agrees, makes slave. Lotta concubines, lotta’fun !

VVP: Well, it seems to me that now you have very diplomatically and politically correctly mentioned a subject of so-called “color” revolutions, whose rain has recently spilt near the borders of our country…

Obama (continuing to gesticulate actively) : We help, we buy! Lotta money, lotta credits ! Lotta printing job ! Take whole ! Democracy matters, country not matter, money not matter, no ! We good, we help ! Bring holy shit ! (Obama's face blurs in a smile). Wanna shit? (scratches out the piece which has dried up from the once flowing liquid and stretches it forward to the V.V.P.).

VVP: Faugh!

Obama : No want ? OK ! Next time, you take – we will, we make ! Demooocraaazzy! (jumps out of a table and starts to jump actively about the room of the television studio).

VVP: Well, well. So, democracy as an element of the poisoning and decomposing “soft force” …

Obama: Exactly ! We wise, learned well ! Make sex, no love, make war, not peace ! … Shitty piece ! (tears off the next piece of the dried up evil-smelling substance from his face).

VVP: Oh, heck, if you are really that wise …

Obama (jumping about a hall and clapping in palms in joy) : We smart, wise ! We Yankees ! Like monkeys ! Monkeys wise, humans from monkeys, we from monkeys too !

VVP: As far as I know, there is just a telecast “In fauna” in the next room of the studio …

Obama: We strong ! We come, killed all natives, lotta blood ! We learned ! Doesn’t matter who, we still kill ! Arabs, Russians, Latins, all same ! Lotta blood ! We mighty ! (grins in a television camera)

VVP: And so now you are face-deep in a shit …

Obama: No ! We OK, all OK ! Still eat, still sleep, still exist – all normal !

VVP: Well, and does torments of conscience not haunt you? Say, faces of killed Iraq children, occurring in your mirrors in the mornings ?

Obama: Soul ? What soul ? We need no soul, we save no soul ! No SOS, no … asses ! We save ass, that’s all ! Fat ass, we take care (poses his *ss before the nearest television camera, which has approached just in time). Pretty simple, eh?

VVP: As they say, it looks like you have just dotted one's "i's" and cross one's "t's" without even noticing.

Obama: What ? Me not understand ! Me’s yankee, dunno forget that !

VVP: OK! (aside, in a whisper) Oh hell, how I do agree with you now, my black-assed colleague !

Obama (having calmed down and again having taken seat for a table) : More talk, no? Me good talker ! Me talks, talks, talks … no deeds, just talks ! Lotta fun !

VVP: Yeah, it’s really difficult to neglect your oratory skill.

Obama: Yep ! Democracy style ! Talk, talk, talk. Do different, keep talking ! Blah-blah-blah … great disguise !

VVP: But, apparently, the world starts to see through this illusion, for long time obvious to some...

Obama (looking around in fear) : They see? Who see ? We not care ! Lotta money, mouth shut ! We talk, no they ! Silence, no mass media – we are media ! All equal, some equal more ! Democracy!

VVP: Now, apparently, I am starting to understand, why such a popular and defiled word starts exactly with the “D” letter …

Obama (in confusion) ? D…dunno ? No ? De…despots ? We kill despots for oil ! D…dinners ? We good dinners, fat asses ! D … devil ? We fight devil, we Empire of Goodness ! Gut bless us !

VVP: Excuse me, I take it that what you really wanted to say is “God bless us” ?

Obama: God ? No, we know no God ! We forget. We just kill. Just eat, sleep, drink. Again, again. Endless circle, no end. We Gut Nation! Damnation!

VVP: So, does this really mean that you do not consider yourselves as chosen nation, destined to make happy millions of unknown people by democratizing them … to the death ?

Obama: We are ! Are we !? Chosen ! Like Jews, like Britain ! Holy three ! Arabs no chosen, Latins no chosen, we chosen ! Niggas no chosen… shitty niggas! (catches on tongue the drop of excrements of voters, which has flown down from hair, and spits it out with passion in the face of the V.V.P.). You not chosen, too !

VVP: Enough ! Such behavior passes all moral boundaries, even though I am not sure you have any of those remained !

Obama: Got it ?! Retribution ! You refuse, you get retribution ! Democracy, fuck you !

VVP: Enough, the interview ends now. Security, please take care of our deranged visitor ! Try not to cause him too much harm, scientists of the future will surely need this brain for studying the reasons of similar is intellectual-national illnesses.

Two bashers who have entered the television studio inconsiderately take Obama in hands and try to force him out. Obama shouts and spits, threatening with all torments of a Hell, beginning from sale in sexual slavery to the Blacks and finishing with the promise to arrange the next grey-buro-crimson-in-speck revolution. At last, having gotten a blow in the chest from one of the guards, he calms down. And only his gleaming black eyes still shows the degree of his aversion of similar aversion of Their Way. Finally, all three silhouettes disappear from a the vision of video cameras.

VVP (wiping his face with a hand) : So, my dear watch-ers, see-ers and stare-ers … he is such a man, this mister Community Organizer Barrack Hussein Obama ! But let us not judge harshly, it’s simply not their day today. And the tomorrow too … and the day after the tomorrow. For our ancestors did spoke right : “If you spit in the world – the world will clear itself, and if the world spits on you – you shall surely sink”. And as they say, may the Gut give them good health … and may the God have mercy on their souls !

This was Vladimir Vladimirovich Pupkin, permanent, yet not immortal television figure of the “Russia News” TV show. And as our American friends would surely speak – “Have a good day ! OK ?”.

Plan 2020

Russia News

Sensation ! Sensation !

Truth ? Or provocation ?

Ones, who meaning learn and give – those, who Plan’s will outlive.

(Mihylach, ye stupid berk ! Who names articles as such, huh ? – a note of the editor-in-chief)

Top secret !

(Or for administrative use at the very least, - a note of the editor-in-chief)

As we have learnt, unique fragments from speeches of ancient Indian Dalaj-Llamas, entitled precisely “Plan 2020”, have recently been acquired by ubiquitous Chinese hackers. By means of extreme efforts and entire box of very strong drinks two of our translators managed to transliterate a part of ancient Sanskrit records from Chinese to Russian. Cannot translate it backwards, though.

As it’s well known for all semi-and-almost enlightened beings, mankind has been promised some wonderful New World for a long time, in which those who haven’t died on the way will once be able to come. Terms, unfortunately, were always indistinct and foggy, and that has generated a lot of coffee guessing together with other perversion, but all earlier predicted dates and terms have appeared to be nothing more than past.

Perhaps, these given fragments will be able to shed some light on the Doomsday date (and who are the judges ? – a note of the proofreader), as well as on some results of its coming.

As we were told by two of our translators, they managed to overpower the translation of text fragments,  speaking about how the geopolitical map of the world will change in (near?) future – or, to be more exact, how some of the countries, known to us, will be called.

And now we present the given fragment to your valuable (how much in $? – a note of the proofreader) attention.

Russia Chinisia (heck, does that mean that my children are gonna to be narrow-eyed ? - a note of the proofreader)

USADSA, Disjointed States of America (a fitting destiny ! - a note of the proofreader).

France Faniggeria (Obama Sarkozy ? - a note of the proofreader)

Germany Aaria (Angry Arians, no ? - a note of the proofreader)

Italy Volcania (dunno know, dunno know …, - a note of the proofreader)

Poland Treacherland (I have never trusted them ! – a note of the proofreader)

Ukrain Stealin (do they have better options ? – a note of the proofreader)

Great Britain Great Disastrian (plop-plop-plop ? – a note of the proofreader)

Japan Japorobotia (Possible, a hint on mythical technological innovations, hmmm ? – a comment of the proofreader. More likely on consequences of mass application of an anime, - a comment of the translator).

IraqGloom (no comments, - a comment of the proofreader)

Iran Uranium (nuclear louse ! – a note of the proofreader)

Israel Crazyrael (remained without trousers without States …, - a note of the proofreader)

Canada Calaska (what matters is that they have not encroached on our Siberia !, - a note of the proofreader)

India Hindija (Gigglendia ? – a note of the proofreader)

Mongolia Mogolia (who’s that Mogol, aye ? – a note of the proofreader)

Brazil Braztilia (Bastilia ? – a note of proofreader)

Afghanistan Poppystan (Red Alert ? – a note of the proofreader)

The republic of South Africa SSAA, Successful State of the African Race (I hope they haven’t their own Barrack Obamas, at the very least, - a note of the proofreader)

Note : the given list in partially incomplete for two aforementioned translators have not yet recovered from their own Doomsday after having consumed above-named quantity of warming up drinks.

Expect more sensations in following releases of our newspaper !

Yours faithfully, - a comment of the editor-in-chief.

Plan 2020. Fragment 2

Russia News

Glamorous, +

(Mihalych, may the thousands basilisks stare at ye at once ! Will ye learn something at all or nay, ye old berk ?! – a note of the editor-in-chief)

In the last release of our glamorous (kosher !, - a comment of the proofreader) newspaper we have told you about that wondrous discovery of ancient texts of the Dalaj-Llamas, having that simple and plain name “Plan 2020”, and not even a gram less surprising translation of one of their fragments, performed by our expert linguists in blissfull-absent state of consciousness. We are glad to inform you that for the purposes of translation of these really untrue manuscripts cognac has appeared to be much more effective than vodka. Strange, surely, but that fact still remains.

Anyway, we now present next portion of ancient Sanskrit records of the Tibetan origin and Earth dislocation, translated from Chinese to Russian (still cannot translate it backwards, though) to your keen interest.

In the given fragment the speech is, apparently, goes about modern, last or future views of these very Dalaj-Llamas on some of the nations, living on our sinful, we’ll not conceal it, (especially when it’s so easy to confess, - a note of the proofreader) Earth.

And we present these views to your valuable (how much in euro, at the very least – a note of the proofreader) attention.

Who’ll understand the Russian soul, if there he’ll pour vodka’s bowl ?

Imperials, liars, bastards and all … Americans now are awaiting theirs fall.

You’ll tire waiting for some trick … of Poland, now, my friends, we speak.

For pennies sprats from them one gets … for these are Baits, they are the Letts !

And the Six Column there lives, they were imperials and thieves, but now they speak the dachshund tongues; oh yeah, they are Anglo-Saxons.

Graceful as cupboard, severe like colt – it’s, brothers, German, not Arnold !

They have glamorous pederasts, theirs maidens don’t provoke disgust; country of creams and of perfumes … they are the Frenchman, dear loons !

Theirs bodies black, and begging stance … but souls are white of Africans !

The Jewish essence always hits – they will undress, but show no tits.

The spirit of Thereodors still giving them some bully force - and they play football like the bulls … these are the Spaniards, old fellows !

Their sense of humor really suxx … stop laughing, mortal, they are Czechs !

Severe in past, they were in strolls … assimilated now Mongols !

The country of the tiny sun … it’s the island – the Japan !

Republic Korea still bleating with North, we hope to the war it won’t ever goes.

He is yellow-faced, narrow-eyed, with lots of goods he’ll you provide, among the youth he’s like wise man … and every fifth Chinese then !

In ancient times ate shit of cows, and still spiritually grows, and living life with deprivations, the Hindu’s now spiritual nation !

Note : as you might have already guessed, given list is incomplete once again, simply because cognac has rightfully appeared to be much more intriguing than vodka on some of the set of post-consuming symptoms. If we happen to find even a more effective mean, we will sure inform you of that discovery.

Expect more sensations in following releases of our newspaper !

Yours faithfully, - a comment of the editor-in-chief.

Church pricelist

Every well-educated priest, considering himself a natural follower of True Belief, after having consumed this manuscript is obliged to start spitting with shit streams and to anathematize the author without any doubt ever possible. You were not afraid to anathematize L.Tolstoy in due time, after all. We will note, however, that this act of yours has prevented neither the L.Tolstoy, nor the author from fulfilling their goals.

-    Greetings, greetings, Vladimir ! How is your edition living ?

-    Lives remarkably, just remarkably, Voldemar! We have recently found next sensational, or so to speak, stuff !

-    What, again something about 2012, yeah ? All of this our readers already passed by, listened to and did not hear and still remained unprepared so, I am afraid, they will not even care.

-    Better, way better, Voldemar! We have at last personally beheld slogans of servants of Sly One, calling themselves no lesser than followers of true belief !

-    What, have you again uncovered some god-forsaken sect or the like ?

-    Well … I guess it’s possible to say so, too. Veeeeery huge sect, you know. With a world, or so to say, name.

-    Errrmm, I’m deeply sorry, I am just this-that, well, as they say, me not understands you.

-    It’s just that easy, Voldemar ! Just look at what sort of writings we have found on the doors of their, heck, shrines …

* * *

1. Reproductions of bones of orthodox sacred from the enlightened Benedict and Gucci!

Pinch of ashes : 1 silver coin.

The decayed hair : 2 silver coins.

Nail, reduced by half : 4 silver coins.

Phalanx of a median  finger : 6 silver coins.

Fragile rib : 15 silver coins.

Skull : 30 silver coins.

The action “Now and then … twenty five again!”: order doubled quantity of copies of any type at a discount of 25 %!

P.S. Don’t call us necrophilists. Call us – relics-knowers !

2. Holy water on your taste and color! Water - is a source of vital force and longevity!

Holy water distilled classical : 1 silver coin.

Holy water distilled over-blessed lay-on-handed : 3 silver coins.

The most holy water all-churched silvered : 7 silver coins.

His Holiness Alex's urine, personally blessed : 30 silver coins.

The action “Gimme two!” : till the End of Times only: order the doubled quantity of Alex’s urine at the same price of 30 silver coins!

P.S. Ah, my water, you are good! For us all it’s holy food!

3. This church’s blessing and damnation – weapons of purification ! Bless will you we – it is the tooth, and your enemies we’ll curse !

Blessing of a single parishioner of the 1st level : 2 silver coins.

Blessing of a single parishioner by the head of Church : 5 silver coins.

Blessing of a group of parishioners : 10 silver coins. Attention: the quantity of blest souls is limited by the church’s physical capacity of their bodies.

Damnation of a single parishioner’s foe of the 1st level : 1 silver coin.

Damnation of a single parishioner’s foe by the head of Church : 3 silver coins.

Massive damnation of group of foes : 8 silver coins. Attention: the quantity of the damned cannot exceed all population of a planet, minus the quantity of those damning and asking for it.

Massive damnation of group of foes with illuminations and the ends of the world : 30 silver coins.

The action “Refer a friend” : Bring us any new unique parishioner for blessing, and receive a discount of 50 % on a damnation of your foe! Period of validity: exclusively till the end of 2012.

P.S. Bless those damning you, damn those who haven’t blessed you!

4. Church's candles cure souls! Eath those candles from the bowls!

Church candle never burning : 1 silver coin.

Church candle smoking : 3 silver coins.

Church candle never smoking short-living : 4 silver coins.

Church candle good-smelling : 6 silver coins.

Candle exclusively for anus : 13 silver coins. Removes constipations, improves mood, excludes hemorrhoids. Double effect with usage together with vaseline!

The VIP-candle : Only for prosperous customers. Removes sins, clears a karma, improves both health and the future : 30 silver coins.

The action "Guest of honor" : bring a candle of any our competitor on an exchange, and receive our own at a discount of 90 %!

P.S. Put our candles into yourself! Support a flame of your soul!

5. We will absolve you all your sins, we’ve found way to release gins ! The God himself gave us this right, and we now bear it with pride !

Remission of an insignificant sin : 5 silver coins.

Remission of a considerable sin : 10 silver coins.

Remission of a heavy sin : 15 silver coins.

Remission of a mortal sin : 30 silver coins.

The action "All inclusive" : 666 silver coins – and sin till the End of Times fearlessly!

* * *

- Well, how’s that, Voldemar?

- Knock downing ! Well, I just wanted to ask, if there is really no more firm soil underfoot of these innocent divine creatures, these so-called-believing or even so-called-wanting-to-believe ? Has the Dark One really already slammed the last door remained ?

- Why, bless you, Voldemar, certainly not. The door was closed, but the footpath still remains.

- Errmm. Allow me to take an inquire, what does this track looks like, Vladimir?

- Live God, Voldemar. Live God …