Claire moved around to the side of the house to watch her best friend Samantha make love to her boyfriend. Mesmerised by the scene in front of her she didn’t notice the stranger who snuck up behind her.
And when the stranger started to caress and fondle her she didn’t ask him to stop, in fact she begged him for more.
After having one of the most intense sex sessions that she ever had she turned to find the stranger had already left.
Who was he? Would she ever see him again? And why did she feel so guilty?
Tabitha Levin

Claire looked wistfully at Samantha and her boyfriend heading to the bedroom. “I wish I had a sex life like they have,” she said as the door shut behind them. She sighed and turned back to her friend Luke.
“You deserve a great sex life and love too Claire,” he said. “You just need to let people in and stop thinking you aren’t good enough.” He smiled his goofy grin at her, and she laughed and punched him playfully on the arm.
“And where are all your groupies tonight?” asked Claire.
Luke shrugged. “I think I’m getting too old for groupies. Perhaps it’s time to settle down with one special girl.”
“Oh, yeah right. The day I see that is the day I give up believing in the Easter Bunny.”
“You still believe in the Easter Bunny?” asked Luke, and they both started laughing out loud.
Claire smiled at him as she walked away. “Need some air,” she said as she walked outside and away from the noise of the party.
She looked toward the side of the house knowing that Samantha always left the curtains open. Would she look? Would she dare? Without thinking or turning around she walked into the darkness headed directly for the bedroom window.
She hadn’t been there for more than a minute when his arms encircled her waist as he grabbed her from behind. His warm breath on her neck sent shivers through her body.
“Don’t turn around,” he whispered.
Claire let out a gasp, but continued to watch Samantha through her bedroom window. She didn’t think anyone had followed her outside. She nearly didn’t come out herself but she had to see, wanted to see, wanted to imagine what it would be like to have such great sex.
“You like watching them don’t you,” he said.
Claire tried to pick the voice but couldn’t tell from the whisper. “I guess,” she said.
She suddenly felt guilty. Perhaps she shouldn’t be here after all.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Shh. Not important right now.”
Claire started to turn around to see who was behind her, but he held her tight. “I told you not to turn around.”
She shivered but didn’t move. Her eyes were fixed on watching her friends through the window. Paul was fondling Samantha’s breasts, when the stranger’s hand slowly encircled her waist and glided under her top. She didn’t dare move when his fingers brushed against her nipple. His hands were soft and skilled and the heat from inside her body radiated around her skin as he touched her. She held her breath until she could bear it no more and let out a breathless moan as he touched her the same way that Samantha was being touched.
He moved closer to her and Claire leaned back into him. She could feel his hardness pressing against her back and suddenly wanted to feel him inside of her.
Inside the room Paul bent down so that he could kiss and lick at Sam’s stomach. Would the stranger do this to her too?
Her heart was beating fast and without a word she removed her jeans. She didn’t even know why she did it, but she desperately wanted to experience the same ecstasy that Samantha had talked about so many times before, and this encounter, whatever it was, was already hotter than anything she’d ever experienced and she didn’t want it to stop.
The music inside the house was pumping fast and Claire could hear the murmur of the guests mingling inside. What if someone walked outside and caught her like this? What would they think of her? Right now she didn’t care, all she wanted was to continue being touched like she was, to experience this wonderful pleasure.
Samantha bent down in front of Paul and placed his cock her mouth. It was full and hard, and Claire licked her lips wondering what it would taste like. She moaned lightly and the stranger responded by kissing her neck. He reached down and circled her clitoris with his thumb. A million sensations tingled throughout Claire’s body and she parted her legs further so that he could touch her more easily. And when he thrust his finger inside her she gasped with warm delight.
His finger slid into her again and again, the warmth of his skin mingling with the cool night air making the sensations all the more pleasurable.
She didn’t want him to stop. Ever.
“More,” said Claire breathlessly. Her body was shivering from his touch and the cold, but she didn’t dare move in case he stopped this delicious ravishment.
Inside Samantha and Paul had moved to the bed, and Paul bent Sam face down onto it. He gripped her hips and thrust into her again and again. Her eyes were closed and mouth open, and she looked to be in ecstasy as he entered her over and over.
The rhythm looked delicious, and Claire desperately wanted to be transported to the same heights of pleasure as her friend. The tingling through her body was getting more intense and she could tell the stranger’s fingers were wet from her juices as they were sliding into her with ease. She could feel her heart beating fast, and her breath was heavy when the stranger withdrew his finger from her.
“No, don’t stop,” she said. “I want it. I need it, I…”
Inside the room Samantha started to writhe and buck as she cried out. Paul sped up and entered her faster, his hands rocking her hips back onto his hard cock furiously and passionately. A primal groan left her lips as her body jerked out of control.
“That’s what I want,” said Claire. “I want to feel that.” She clenched her fists and tried to turn around but the stranger held her tight.
He pushed her forward until her face was against the glass and entered her in one forceful thrust, his hardness filling her body. He fucked her hard and passionately, the urge to make her come, and the desperation in her voice, driving his own desire to satisfy her.
Claire moaned with bliss as her body was filled with him. For the first time in her life she experienced the ecstasy that she craved, and she focused on the exquisite sensations that were spreading through her body.
Her eyes rolled back as the warmth of orgasm bubbled up inside her, the stranger continuing to move gently in and out of her.
“Oh, oh,” she shrieked as one last thrust sent her body shuddering with a wave of ecstasy. She fell to the ground weak, spent and breathless, unable to move.
She lay on the cool grass feeling it’s softness beneath her. She smiled and sat up turning to face the stranger, but he was gone. Where did he go? He couldn’t leave now, not after that. Oh god, what if she never saw him again? Claire felt sick all of a sudden. Her stomach was in knots with the thought of what she’d done and what she might never experience again. What had she become? Who spies on their best friend having sex? Who lets a complete stranger pleasure them? Who was she?
She put on her clothes; her hands were shaking as she zipped up her jeans. She bit her lip and slowly headed back to the party inside.
Samantha was out of the bedroom and rushed to hug her friend. “Having a good time?” she asked.
Claire’s eyes were wide and she tried to smile naturally. She looked around at the room of faces. Was everyone looking at her? She tugged at her top to make sure it wasn’t bunched up at the side.
“Yeah, it’s been interesting,” said Claire.
“It has been a fun night hasn’t it,” Samantha giggled. “Oh Claire, he makes me feel so loved, so wanted. You really need to get yourself a boyfriend like Paul who adores you.”
Claire pursed her lips and nodded. “Sounds nice,” she said putting her hands in her jeans pocket so they wouldn’t shake.
Luke wandered over, his pale blonde hair flopping into his eyes. “Where’d you get to? I was looking for you,” he asked.
Claire gulped and looked at both her friends. “I, er, I…”
“I was heading home now. Want a lift?” he asked.
Samantha winked at her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She leant over closer and whispered in her ear. “Why don’t you make a move with Luke?”
Claire was just about to answer when Luke grabbed her arm pulling her towards the door. As she was being dragged away from the party she turned and saw someone she had never met before. He was drop dead gorgeous with dark wavy hair. He eyes were also dark, and she could see the outline of a chiselled torso through his tight t-shirt. Her heart skipped a beat.
“Come on,” said Luke pulling at her arm. “I want to get home.” Claire followed Luke still bewitched by the dark stranger. Was it him? Was he her mystery lover?
“His name is Joel,” Sam said when she rang the next day. “He’s an actor.”
“An actor?” Claire didn’t know whether to be impressed or concerned. “Is he in anything we’ve seen?”
“I think he had a role on some cop show, but I can’t be sure, maybe you should ask him yourself?”
“Why would I ask him myself?”
“Paul gave him your phone number; he’ll probably text you later,” said Sam.
Claire swallowed. Oh Jeez. This was happening a little too quickly. “Ah okay. Thanks. I guess.”
She hung up and dived straight for the laptop. Joel. Well Joel, if you are an actor there is sure to be some information on you somewhere online. Damn it. She cursed under her breath. She had forgotten to find out his last name.
She typed in a few phrases anyway. Joel cop show. Joel actor. Hot guy Joel that was at the party last night and gave me the best sex I’ve ever had.
Nothing. Or rather too many hot guys named Joel (and some other sites that were definitely not him). She really needed to know his last name if she wanted to Google him properly.
At work the next day Claire tapped her pencil on the desk looking out of the window instead of the computer screen in front of her. All she could think about was Joel’s abs, Joel’s hands touching her, Joel Joel Joel. She knew she was becoming slightly obsessed but she didn’t care. Her fantasies would probably be better than reality anyway, so she didn’t see any harm letting her imagination run wild.
She pictured him leaning in for their first kiss. He’d lean over and gently curl a stray strand of hair behind her ear as he told her how much he wanted her, his lips full and delicious as they pressed against hers, his tongue soft as he traced it around her lips.
Beep. Text Message. Claire nearly dropped the phone as she grabbed for it. It read: Hi Claire. My name is Joel Carson. I’m a friend of Paul’s and he suggested I ask you on a date. What do you think?
Claire scrunched her face up. What did she think? What kind of question was that? She read the message at least a hundred times, and her finger hovered over the reply button. ‘Don’t reply too soon Claire’, she said to herself. She needed a distraction. At least she had his full name now.
According to a few websites, Joel Carson was known for dating a few celebrities since breaking up with long term high school sweetheart. She wondered if she could compete with a bunch of celebrities, but then he did ask her out on a date, didn’t he?
After she gave it at least half an hour she texted back: Hi Joel. Love too. When?
He replied within a few seconds: Come over tonight, I’ll cook.
His apartment overlooked the city with the lights on the harbour dancing on the waves as the boats and ferries made their way up and down the water. The front of the house had big glass windows with a view inside and Claire watched him for a few minutes first.
He was as gorgeous as she remembered from the party. His hair was tousled, and the t-shirt that he was wearing was tight showing off his body. She imagined him carrying her upstairs to the bedroom with his strong arms and what he’d do to her.
She knocked at the front door.
“Claire?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s me,” she said.
His living room was a mix of fifties Hollywood glamour and current modern lines. Two floor-to-ceiling bookcases flanked a stone fireplace. A large circular sofa gave views of both the city and river below, but was still intimate and cosy just waiting for someone to snuggle up and watch old movies on.
Claire walked over to the far windows and looked outside. She imagined being pressed up against the glass spread out in delicious ecstasy as Joel pleasured her for the entire city to see.
“Wine?” He was holding out a glass of red for her. “I’ve got beef searing. Oh, I hope you are not a vegetarian?” He walked back to the kitchen with its smooth granite bench top and dark wood cabinetry.
“Your place is divine. I’d love to live here,” said Claire. “I mean, in a place like this. Not this actual place of course because that would mean…”
Joel laughed. “It’s cool. I knew what you meant. Yes, my designer did a good job with it.”
The conversation flowed freely over dinner, probably helped by the fact that Joel kept filling up Claire’s wine glass every time it got low. He was a charming host and Claire laughed at his jokes and asked all the right questions about his life.
“Have you seen my latest movie?” asked Joel as they moved to the couch. “I don’t play the lead, but I’ve got a pretty good part. I can’t wait until I get a lead role - my agent thinks it’ll be any day now.”
He continued to talk about his career and Claire started to fantasise about what his bedroom would look like. Probably modern and sleek like the rest of his house. She wondered what colour sheets he would have.
She didn’t even notice when he stopped talking and leaned over to kiss her. She gasped, and he laughed and pulled her in close.
“Not used to being kissed by someone like me?” He leaned further to her and placed his hands on the side of her face as he kissed her gently. His lips were strong and he tilted her head back slightly as he caressed her cheek.
“That’s a proper Hollywood kiss for you,” he said sitting back upright smiling at her.
Claire looked at him. All of a sudden she had the urge to laugh, but she managed to stifle it down. This wasn’t at all like she expected.
“I’ll call you a cab now if you like. We don’t need to rush things just yet,” he said. “Plenty of time for that. Oh, by the way I’ve got a friend showing an art exhibition on Thursday evening. I’ll see you there?”
“Okay then,” she said standing up bewildered.
“Great. Invite your friends. My buddy wants a big showing. It’ll look better with the press,” he said. He winked at her and flashed a bright smile.
At home she actually did laugh. Joel may be gorgeous, but really? Who did he think he was? At least now she knew that it couldn’t have possibly been him at the party. But then if it wasn’t him then who was it?
Sam stirred her coffee waiting to hear about Claire’s date. The coffee shop was full of people and Claire leaned in closer so that the other patron’s wouldn’t overhear her.
“He really was lovely and so gorgeous. He made me a wonderful dinner; we drank wine and chatted about his career. It was really nice,” said Claire.
“Yes, yes, that’s all good, but what happened then? What happened afterwards? Did he kiss you? Did you fuck him? Details girl, don’t leave me hanging!” Sam’s mouth was open, waiting to hear the intimate details.
“We did kiss and it was nice.” Nice. That word kept coming up a lot when she spoke about Joel. “But I didn’t feel it. I just didn’t get any spark.”
“How could you not feel a spark with him? He’s smoking hot!” They both nodded their heads in agreement.
“I know. It’s just…” Claire looked out of the window.
“It’s just he’s not Luke,” said Samantha.
Claire looked back at Samantha. “I know he only sees me as a friend.”
Samantha laughed. “Oh boy, you two are pathetic. He’s been in love with you for months. He said if he ever got a chance to be with you that he’d make sure you would never forget it. He… oh no!”
“Oh no what?” asked Claire.
“I told him that you were dating Joel. He kind of got angry and said that he’d had enough of trying to get you to notice him. He said it was time he got you out of his system once and for all.”
Claire felt a lump appear in her throat. “What does that mean? Out of his system?”
Sam looked at her friend and shrugged.
Claire’s hands shook as she held her drink. It was him all along. It was her sweet Luke that made her feel alive.
“Invite him to the gallery opening for me,” said Claire. “I’m going to try and get him back.”
The art gallery was full of people when Claire arrived. She smoothed down the front of her dress nervously hoping it wasn’t clinging to her body too much. She stood in the foyer, took a breath and looked around for her friends.
She saw Joel talking to Samantha and Paul who were holding hands. He was pointing out something in one of the paintings on the far wall. It was a large canvas with lots of colours merging into a chaotic mess in the middle. It looked oddly passionate and calm at the same time and Claire immediately fell in love with it. She wondered how much paintings cost here or if they were even for sale at all. Sam motioned her over to the group.
“There she is. Sweet Claire,” said Joel, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He was wearing a dark shirt that matched his hair. He looked breathtaking as usual. “A round of champagne for everyone?” He snapped his fingers for one of the waiters carrying trays of drinks to come over to their group.
Claire picked up one of the tall champagne flutes and took a sip feeling the bubbles tickle her nose. She tried to look sophisticated even though all she wanted to do was giggle at the sensation. She looked around for Luke, but couldn’t see him and felt a knot in her stomach at the thought he might not be coming after all.
“Let me introduce you around my darling,” said Joel, whisking her away from the group, his hand on her back leading the way.
It was then that Claire saw Luke enter and join her friends; they were laughing and looked like they were having a great time. But he wasn’t alone. On his arm was a striking brunette wearing a sexy red dress that clung to her curvy body. Claire bit her lip.
“Pleased to meet you,” said Joel’s artist friend. “I’m so glad you could come to enjoy my showing.” He held his hand out for her to shake, which she did.
“I love the exquisitely dark theme you’ve done with your collection,” said Joel. “It’s reminiscent of the early work of Jean-Michel Basquiat I think?”
“Yes, he is an influence of my work,” said the artist.
Claire couldn’t concentrate on the conversation. All she could think about was Luke and the woman he had brought to the gallery. She looked over to him and saw him place his hand on the woman’s back sliding it lower towards her bottom. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe.
“Excuse me, I’m just going to have a look around and get some air,” said Claire to Joel and his friend. She stepped out into the courtyard at the side of the gallery and steadied herself as she tripped on a dead potted plant, holding the railing for support.
Joel followed her out with a glass of champagne in his hand. “Are you okay?” he asked handing her the glass.
Claire turned to him and saw that Luke was watching them from the room inside. He looked angry, and he turned around and walked away.
“I’m so sorry Joel. I can’t do this. It’s just that I think I’m in love with someone else.” Claire watched for his reaction expecting him to yell at her, scream anything.
“Oh that’s quite alright dear. You really aren’t my type anyway. I prefer woman much skinnier than you.”
Claire stared at him in disbelief. Did he really just say that? She threw the contents of her glass at him saturating him in champagne.
“You fucking little bitch,” he said slapping her hard in the face before storming off.
Claire’s lip quivered but she was determined not to cry. The sting on her cheek hurt, but not as much as the pain at seeing Luke storm off did. She ran inside scanning the room trying to see where he had gone.
Samantha came over and saw the red mark on the side of her face. “That asshole, I’ll kill him.”
“No, leave it. It’s ok.” Claire couldn’t see Luke anywhere. “Where did he go?”
“Who Joel?”
Claire pushed past Samantha but he wasn’t to be seen. “Has he left? Did he go?” She turned back to her friend and grabbed her arms. “We have to find him. I need to talk to him.”
“You mean Luke. He’s getting a cab for his date. He should be outside I think?”
Claire grabbed a brochure of the art gallery from a nearby table and scribbled something on it before folding it and handing it to Samantha. “Give him this,” she said. Samantha nodded and headed outside.
Claire turned towards an empty side office and entered the room. She cleared everything off a desk in one sweep so that she’d have a nice flat surface. Her fingers trembled as she undid the zipper of her dress and let it slip to the floor before sitting up on the desk as seductively as she could.
Her heart beat loudly and she wondered if he’d be able to hear it if he came into the room. Staring at the door handle she waited. Oh please Luke, please open the door.
A shiver of excitement tingled through her body as she heard someone on the other side knock lightly.
“Claire? Claire, are you in there?” Luke opened the door and stepped into the room. He stopped suddenly when he saw her there, half undressed, sitting on the desk smiling at him.
“You came back.” Claire breathed a sigh of relief and reached out for him, but he didn’t move toward her like she expected he would, his hand still on the door handle. “Luke is everything alright?”
“What are you doing here?” he asked. “I thought you were with Joel?”
Claire shook her head. “No. I just told him it was over. I told him I was in love with someone else. Someone, I think, who had given me the best sex of my life?”
Luke stepped into the room away from the door, and towards where Claire was sitting. “How did you know it was me?”
Claire smiled and grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Luke, who else would know me so well as to give me what I really wanted?” She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him gently. “Although I will have to punish you for tricking me at Samantha’s party like that. Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”
Luke kissed her back, smiling his familiar goofy grin. “Oh Claire, I figured you’d be able to tell it was me. When you didn’t, and you started dating Joel I thought I’d lost you. How could I tell you after that?”
He moved his lips down her neck to the nape of her shoulder and gently used his teeth to pull at her bra strap making it slip down.
Claire groaned and threw her head back. “Samantha’s right. We are pathetic.” She grabbed his head and ran her fingers through his hair as he unclipped her bra from the back, letting it slip to the ground.
He sighed at the sight of her firm breasts and rosy pink nipples, and hungrily put one in his mouth masterfully swirling his tongue around the tip. A sudden rush of warmth filled her body and she pulled him closer again.
His warm breath on her breasts tickled where it was wet from his mouth, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She ran her hands over his smooth body as she lifted his shirt above his head. His chest was strong and toned, and Claire traced her finger over it feeling every bump of his muscles sighing at how gorgeous he was.
Her nipples were hard as he continued to devour them, and she bit her lip as he sucked hungrily. She wanted to feel those lips on hers again and pulled him up to meet her mouth kissing him ravenously.
She was hungry for more of him and could feel his erection through his pants. She thought about feeling his warm flesh inside of her again and could feel the wetness spread between her legs at the anticipation.
She reached down struggling to free him without taking her mouth from his. His pants finally fell to the ground, his manhood free and ready for her.
Luke groaned desperately as he leaned her backwards onto the desk, parting her legs so he could see her moist sex. He murmured appreciatively and reached out to touch her.
Claire could feel the cool breeze from the air conditioner mingle with the warmth from between her legs. She arched her back as he slid his fingers inside of her, tingling from his soft touch and wanting to feel more of him.
She whispered his name, pushing herself further onto his hand feeling it fill her completely.
He pulled his hand away and knelt down in front of her, pausing to take in her musky scent. Then gently, slowly, he blew warm air onto her wet sex making her arch her back even more. He moved closer to her and grabbed her hand so that he could entwine his fingers with hers.
Then without warning he dove his tongue into her. A deep guttural sound escaped her lips spurring him on further to pleasure her completely. His tongue swirled and brushed against her clitoris making her squirm and push closer to him. His own excitement building as he could see how much she wanted him right now. All he could think about was how Claire was now his. His beautiful Claire.
Her clitoris throbbed and was hard with pleasure as she was nearing climax from his mouth alone, but she wanted more. She pulled him up towards her kissing him passionately, tasting her own salty juices on his lips.
She grabbed his cock and glided it inside her, her eyes wide with bliss as she remembered how great he felt inside her. Her eyes rolled back and she held on to him tight as he moved smoothly and quickly in and out of her.
He kissed her neck as he rocked inside of her, the rhythmic movements bringing him to the brink of orgasm, but he knew he had to hold off until she came first. He grabbed the back of her neck and shut his eyes, speeding up his thrusting so that she could feel the exquisite pleasure he was giving her.
The familiar shuddering of climax bubbled up inside Claire as Luke continued to plunge into her. She screamed out loudly, not caring if anyone heard her as the waves of pleasure washed over her, and she fell back onto the table exhausted with pleasure.
Luke’s orgasm followed quickly after, and he pulled her up to him kissing her passionately.
“So does this mean we are an item now?” he asked.
Claire laughed and punched him playfully. “What do you think?” she asked wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back.
Tabitha Levin was born in Australia and grew up in a small rural country town before moving to the warmer climate of Brisbane, Australia after her senior year of high school. She studied at Queensland University and has worked briefly, in both publicity and journalism.
It wasn’t until she had started a family that she decided to follow her desire to become a fiction writer.
She has written two short story series, one a suspense thriller collection and the other a steamy romance collection. She is currently writing her first novel.
She currently lives in Sydney, Australia, with her partner and two children.
Her website is at http://www.tabithalevin.com.

Desperately Delicious: Seven Sexy Romance Collection
Urban Darkness: Seven Suspense Thriller Collection
Short Stories:
(Urban Darkness Series): Blown Away | Caged Mouse | Seeking Vengeance | Collar Bomb | Double Cross | Blood Stain | Hunger for Truth
(Desperately Delicious Series): All Tied Up | Double Delight | One Night Stand | Betrayed By Love | Seducing Samantha | Perfect Amy
(Desperately Delicious Series): Stranger Delight
STRANGER DELIGHT © Copyright 2011.
All Rights Reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imaginations or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author.
This story is written in Australian English.
For more information about Tabitha Levin, please visit www.tabithalevin.com.
Published by TE Publishing
Cover Design by R Chapman
TE Publishing Small Press | 2012