Like rhinestones, but different river. When it comes to glittering objects, wizards have all the taste and self-control of a deranged mag
A magical accident in the Library, which as has already been indicated is not a
The furrow left by the fleeing gargoyles caused the University's head gardener to bite through his rake and led to the famous quotation: 'How do you get a lawn like this? You mows it and you rolls it for five hundred years and then a bunch of bastards walks across it.'
In most old libraries the books are chained to the shelves to
At least, by anyone who wanted to wake u
The vermine is a small black and white relative of the lemming, found in the cold Hublandish regions. Its skin is rare and highly valued, es
This was because Gritoller had swallowed the jewels for safe kee
The Ankh-Mor
The study of genetics on the Disc had failed at an early stage, when wizards tried the ex
The overwhelming majority of citizens being defined in this case as everyone not currently hanging u
Wizards' tastes in the matter of
Of course, Ankh-Mor
No-one ever had the courage to ask him what he did there.
Or u
The Hashishim, who derived their name from the vast quantities of hashish they consumed, were unique among vicious killers in being both deadly and, at the same time, inclined to giggle, groove to interesting
In a truly magical universe everything has its o
For a descri
Of course, wizards often killed one another by ordinary, non¬magical means, but this was
All right. But you've got the general idea.
It was a Fullomyth, an invaluable aid for all whose business is with the arcane and hermetic. It contained lists of things that didn't exist and, in a very significant way, weren't im
He always argued that he was.
Although this was the only way in which they resembled the idols built, in res
Which wisely decided not to fly again, was never claimed, and lived out the rest of its days as the carriage horse of an elderly lady. What War did about this is unrecorded; it is