Steve Masters
Mom_s summer swap camp
"Ooohhhh… suck them… suck them… that's it but don't take my clothes off yet… just suck them through the blouse… oh, that's it… ohhh, baby… ohhhh…" Mavis Richards pulled up short at the sound of the moans drifting out through the cabin window. At first she'd had some trouble telling just what the sound was. It had almost sounded like someone in pain. But if it was pain, it was sweet pain, there could be no doubt about that now. No sir, no doubt at all.
Someone seemed to be getting it on, and getting it on very hot and heavy indeed, and they didn't seem to mind at all who knew about it!
Mavis took a moment to look around and get her bearings. She and the kids had only arrived at Sunny Acres earlier that morning, and she still was working at getting the layout of the place straight in her mind.
Now she had it. She was behind cabin Number Seven. One of the units that had been rented out by the owner before she and her children had arrived to take charge for the summer. Number Seven… Number Seven… her mind clicked back until she had it. Of course! The Jordans…
"Ohhhh, Mike…" the voice from inside the cabin crooned again. "Ohhh, you know how to keep your woman so happy… ohhhh, darling… ummm… mmmmm… work your tongue like that some more… uhmmmm… ohhhh…"
Mavis Richards took another look around her, feeling the blood begin to race a little more hotly through her veins, to begin pounding at her temples.
There was no one around. She had been coming down the thickly foliaged pathway that ran behind some of the cabins, on her way back to the office after a brief stroll through the woods. She could not only not see anyone from where she now stood, but the area was so overgrown with shrubs and trees that she was quite certain that she herself could not be seen either.
Mavis was an attractive, slim, extremely well-preserved brunette in her early thirties, and even the somewhat confused frown that now bent down the corners of her lush mouth could not mar the earthy, sensual beauty of her softly sculpted face.
Yes, Mavis was confused. Confused, and torn. Torn between knowing what she wanted to do, and knowing that she shouldn't do it!
Could anyone blame Mavis for wanting to peek? Especially considering how long – how very, very long – it had been since she'd had a man of her own?