Saxon Andrew

Juliette's dream

(Ashes of the Realm — 1)


The Five Provinces have been left behind by the Stars Realm and civil war has broken out. Hundreds of thousands of planets have been decimated, and millions of others blasted back into primitive technology. Trillions have died, and the killing is far from over.

After two thousand years the survivors are barely eking out an existence on what remains of the once powerful Realm. Out of the ashes, a young Human will arise that will fight for the survival of his community and the giant Zord that fly the skies of the once powerful Provincial Capital, El Prado. The radioactive wastelands and millions of giant carnivores are the least of the community’s problems. Raiders from the stars are what must be faced by the brave archers to survive. Thousands have been killed and the raiders are coming again.

Chapter One

Ten year old Scotty Robbins looked up at the stars and imagined what it must have been like to travel among them. Night was falling, and the giant ging trees swayed in the breeze as the warm temperature of the day began giving way to the cool night air. He often came out to the hill overlooking the wastelands to stargaze. The hill was one of the few places where stars could be seen. If not for the desolation of the blast zone, the view would have been blocked by the forest surrounding the community. Stars could be seen in the community clearing, but the glare from lights and fires hitting overhead trees prevented seeing most of them.

So he came to the hill to look up at a sky filled with more stars than could ever be counted. He had tried when he was six to count the stars in a small portion of the sky and gave up. Now he just stared at them and wished there was a way to go out to see the beautiful universe above him.

He knew most of those stars were distant. According to information in the learning center, the closest star was only six light years away. Only six years! Could have been a million and it would still be out of reach. He had also learned that there was an intelligent species that once lived at that star. He wondered if they were still there. He marveled that the ancients could just step from one planet to another.

Now he stared at a sky full of stars that blinked at him with colors that were beautiful. The ging trees were beginning to bloom, and the smell of their blossoms filled the air as the night breeze blew through the branches of the two hundred foot trees. The light yellow-colored grass felt good under his back and he thought about his mother. He still missed her.

She was beautiful, and possessed the kindest spirit in the communities. The community loved her, and she brought smiles to everyone she met. Even the gunds that lived around the community allowed her to pet them, and they never allowed anyone to come close. Those six-legged beasts were suspicious by nature and only stayed around the community to be fed. They were invaluable as an early warning system. Anything out of the ordinary that approached the community would start them howling and they could be heard for miles. They learned the smell of everyone that lived in the forest, and even newborns were noted rather quickly by the creatures. The gunds also learned the community was a good source for a tasty meal. They were territorial, and only one family of them occupied the area surrounding the two communities. Any others that invaded their domain were attacked, and since the community’s gunds were healthy, few could challenge them. The community knew the birth of a newborn immediately as it was announced by the howls of the gunds. It usually took an hour for the noise to abate so everyone just gave up trying to sleep and celebrated the new birth.

Scotty looked up at the stars and knew not everything up there was good. Five years earlier a starship had come to the planet and launched landing craft. One of those had come to the community and appeared overhead before the gunds could give warning. Everyone ran for the forest but one of the invaders fired a blaster beam at a fleeing group and his mother was gone.

He was with his father in the forest gathering pods from the grellup vines, heard the sizzle of the beam, and saw the ensuing fire. The invaders landed and killed everyone they encountered. They searched every home and finally determined there was nothing of value to steal. The learning center was spared due to it being hidden deep in the forest. The landing party demonstrated their displeasure of leaving empty handed by burning every building in the settlement. They eventually boarded their ship and disappeared into the afternoon sky.

His father never recovered from his mother’s death. The community mourned her loss more than the burning of their homes. His father went missing six months after Madeline died when he walked into the forest without his bowgun. Everyone understood why he longed to escape his constant grief. His few remains were buried next to his wife.

Scotty was raised by the community. Everyone considered him one of their own and he slept wherever he chose. Every home was his. The community saw his mother’s spirit in him and actually wanted him to be a part of their family.

Scotty looked up at the stars again and knew that once there was a kingdom of beauty and light where all lived in peace and prosperity. All of those stars shining down on him were part of that Realm, and he had learned the lessons of its loss from information stored in the learning center. He first heard of it during the community gatherings where the history of the great loss was told. He shook his head and knew the loss of that Realm was a bigger loss than his mother. She, and all the others killed by invaders, would still be alive except for the treachery of the Evil Dukes.

“I figured you were here.”

Scotty looked up and saw Jingo standing next to him. Jingo stretched out on the grass and joined him looking up at the sky that was now ablaze as the night had deepened. They sat in silence and stared at the splendor of the heavens. Both of them had their hands on their bowguns, and Jingo removed one of his four hands from his second bowgun to prop himself up.

Jingo gave a heavy sigh and said, “I don’t understand why you come here so much. It only reminds me of what we’ve lost.”

Scotty turned and looked at his best friend and smiled, “Jingo, the light from some of those stars up there left millions of years before the Holy Realm was created. I look up and see ancient history. It makes me wonder how many civilizations have come and gone since that light began its journey. You look up and see what we’ve lost. I look up and see what is possible again. If it existed, it can be recreated.”

Jingo shook his head, “Not in our lifetime. We don’t even have an aircraft, much less a starship. After seeing those that come in starships, I’m not certain I’d want one.”

Scotty laughed, “You’d jump on one in a second.” Scotty looked back up at the stars, “You want to find others like you out there.”

Jingo sighed, “I wonder if any of my kind survived.”

When the Stars Realm disappeared thousands of years earlier, all teleportation devices ceased operating. El Prado was a Provincial Capital and thousands of races had representatives on the planet. There was a large contingent of Humans, Glod, and Cainth in the commercial trade centers who were now stranded on the planet.

Stephen Delgoto was raised on El Prado and was the Senior Trade Representative. He knew that if all teleportation devices had stopped operating throughout the Realm, there was no way for anyone to return to their home worlds. He knew from working in the trade industry, which sold and manufactured starships to all the members, that modern ships only used teleportation systems. Once the planet discovered it was isolated, someone was going to be blamed.

He knew Humans, Glod, and Cainth were going to be blamed for the coming depression because of their close ties to the Stars Realm. The Duke was a childhood friend, and Stephen asked him for help. The Duke was angry, but allowed Delgoto to gather all the Humans and Cainth he could find and fly them to an island just offshore of the main continent. Stephen attempted to get the Glod stranded on the planet to join him, but they insisted on staying behind to protect the others. The Glod donned their swords and waited at the financial center each day for what they knew was coming. The chaos following the loss of the Province’s Searchers and the inability of the government to contact the Stars Realm kept attention away from the three hundred fifty six Humans and two hundred thirty three Cainth as they were moved to the island. The Duke was true to his word and did not reveal the existence of the community. The Duke intended to use them as hostages if things went downhill. He also planned to use them as scapegoats if the population tried to blame him for what happened.

Delgoto had the heavy floaters that moved them to the island begin gathering stores to provide for the community’s survival. He remained behind to distract the Government. He used all of the Realm’s remaining currency to purchase everything he could to insure the community’s well being. One of the last things sent to the island was a complete learning center containing everything the Realm had learned. It was shielded by an advanced camouflage screen, which made it invisible to electronic scans.

The final two items brought to the island were two large sailboats that were hidden in a lagoon on the island inside a stasis field covered with a camouflage screen. He placed James Logan and Lurg Dorg in command of the small gathering, and made them promise to live in the wilds and not use any technology for at least a year. He ordered them to only consume food stores or fish they caught. They reluctantly agreed, and it was a good thing they did.

Five months after the community was moved, an angry mob attacked the financial center and killed Delgoto and the Glod. Their bodies were dragged through the streets as the Humans and Cainth on the island watched in horror at the news on a receiver. They heard the joy of the crowd at killing those responsible for isolating their planet. Throughout the Capital, all former officials of the Realm were murdered. There was a blood lust that couldn’t be quenched. The Duke saw that he was not being held responsible so he kept silent about the colony on the island. He could always use them at a later time to distract the angry population.

Three months after the Realm’s departure, the three Searchers still at the planet decided their only real future was to become the planet’s rulers. While meeting to discuss how to divide the planet, one of them shot and killed the other two. The survivor’s ship fired on the other two Searchers’ ships and destroyed them. He then gave the Duke an ultimatum to turn the planet over to him or be destroyed. The Duke refused and, after three days of negotiations, had the planetary defenses around the capital fire on the Searcher. The Searcher blasted the capital city into a barren wasteland. He hurried to the other side of the planet and took a landing craft down to the surface to take his wife and family with him to his ship. He discovered the Duke had already taken his wife and children to the capital to hold as hostages. They were now victims of his attack. The Searcher went insane and blasted every remaining population center. He then destroyed every high tech and manufacturing facility on the planet. The remaining planetary defenses fired on the small white ship, but nothing got through the Searcher’s screens.

What finally ended the madness was when the Searcher discovered he had killed his brother. He was on the planet in a surprise visit to celebrate his youngest child’s birthday, who died in the city he had just razed. The Searcher took a blaster and shot himself. More than ninety six percent of the planet’s population had been killed. The planet’s surface was covered with huge areas of devastation that remained too radioactive for life to survive for centuries. El Prado was just one of the first planets to face Searchers that craved power.

During the first thousand years, El Prado was visited by many starships that were using null space star drives. Some saw the devastation and decided not to waste their time looking for loot. Others came to kill and plunder. The second thousand years saw many ships arrive that were desperate. They landed to search for anything agricultural or technological they could sell to struggling planets. The survivors learned that to attempt to develop the planet was an invitation to disaster, as the visit five years ago demonstrated when Scotty lost his mother along with nine hundred other civilians. The frequent visits of rogue starships killed thousands and held the planet’s population in check. Throw in attacks by Torg and Zord, and life expectancy was less than forty five years for the struggling Human and Cainth survivors.

Scotty looked up at the stars feeling his constant sorrow from the loss of his parents. The Cainth lived just a short distance away and both communities were devoted to each other. Early in the community’s history, the Cainth began making the four short swords of their ancestors. The Humans constructed compound bowguns that fired arrows tipped with sharpened alloy arrow heads. They each taught the other how to use the primitive weapons.

After five hundred years hiding on the island, the communities had grown too large for the island to support them. At that point, the sailboats were taken out of stasis and used to ferry them to the mainland, where they settled in the forest next to the former site of the capital city. They discovered a ship repair facility where they came on shore that had not been destroyed by the insane Searcher. That facility would become the communities’ salvation. It was constructed from high strength alloy and most of the tools were unharmed.

The Human engineers discovered small, lightweight air compressors that were used to cut high strength metals. The small compressors were powered by tiny red generators that continuously compressed air and fired it at high speed. More than a hundred thousand of these compressors were found in storage. The compressed air was strong enough to cut any metal and the engineers discovered another use for the small air guns. The guns were modified to fire a small, high strength alloy arrow. The magazine could hold ten arrows and, once the shaft left the barrel, a four pronged alloy head and fletching would expand out from the shaft. The guns could not be fired at a high setting due to recoil, but even at a low setting, the arrows were deadly. These new guns would become the main defense of the struggling communities.

Scotty sighed and said, “We should go back. We make a good target for a hungry Zord.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Jingo stood and gave Scotty a hand getting up. The two walked up toward the fires just over the hill.

Scotty sighed, “I miss Mom.”

Jingo nodded, “We all do, Scotty.” They crested the hill and entered the forest as a giant Zord flew over the spot they had just left.

The Zord were a species of giant flying creatures. They looked like reptiles, but were warm blooded. They were the most dangerous animal on the planet and they grew to enormous size. Originally they were held as zoo animals in the El Prado Zoo and drew thousands of visitors. Their skin changed color constantly to match their surroundings. They were extremely difficult to see until one came close, as in close enough to touch them. They had four legs, with the front two having huge retractable claws. They could stand on their back legs, and fully grown Zord towered over twenty feet high. Their heads were shaped much like the head of an ancient earth lizard called a gecko. The eyes were in protuberances on top of the smooth head with a wide snout. That snout could be eight feet long by ten feet wide on full grown Zord, and housed the four rows of razor sharp teeth. The Zord in the zoo were released by the zookeeper when he saw the coming destruction of the city.

He also released a heard of Torg. If one removed an ancient rhinoceros’ horn and replaced it with a huge mouth full of four inch teeth, three foot tusks, and a voracious appetite, you’d have a Torg. They were fast, agile, and that double-hinged mouth could snap a Human in half. They reproduced in less than four months, and their population had grown to dangerous levels. Human and Cainth learned to never go into the forest without a bowgun. It was also never wise to go alone. Many disappeared and were never seen again. El Prado was not a safe place to live, and sudden death always lurked around the hedge row. Life was lived in the moment and happiness was sought wherever it could be found. Few looked beyond the moment because death was a constant companion. Zord, Torg, or Star Raiders were dangers that were difficult to avoid.

Chapter Two

Scotty Robbins celebrated his fifteenth birthday in the forest. He walked by the river and thought about going fishing, but decided to first go pick a few grellup pods to season anything he caught. He missed Jingo but couldn’t persuade him to come along. Jingo seemed to be distracted lately, and he was not going to just sit around waiting for someone else to go with him. He knew the danger of going alone, but few could match his prowess with a bowgun. He found a grellup vine, picked a few of the yellow pods, and put them in his pouch. He worked his way through the hedges and around the smaller trees growing out of them and returned to the river. He threw a line in the water and leaned back against a jelt tree’s trunk. He looked overhead and saw the giant ging trees’ branches extending more than forty feet over the river. It was those trees that had overgrown the shoreline that prevented the repair facility from being seen by raiders. The breeze coming off the water was cool, and he felt at peace. He thought about the long walk back to the community and hoped he didn’t catch too big a fish.

Most of the giant ging trees had been cleared from the planet when it was settled and developed. By the time El Prado was named one of the Provincial Capitals, they had all but disappeared. It was only after the Searcher’s destruction of the planet’s population that they made their comeback. The gings grew to become the rulers of the forest, and the local ecology that had once built their existence around them began to flourish. The lowest branches were more than fifty to seventy feet above the ground, and all other trees in the forest grew in their shadows. The local trees would only grow to within fifteen feet of the lower branches and no higher. They would also grow no closer than fifteen feet from the giant tree’s trunk. If they came closer, the giant tree would absorb all the water out of the encroacher. The trunks were dry, but the tops were loaded with moisture. The top of the trees collected rain water and dropped moisture to the floor of the forest far below, which nourished plant life under it. Thick undergrowth and hedges crowded the spaces between the gings. Nothing would grow over the giant roots of the trees, either. These roots often ran for hundreds of yards aboveground to merge with the roots of other gings. It was these roots that provided pathways through the forest. Attempting to cross the natural hedge rows that grew between the roots was an exercise in futility. Plant life struggled for the safe, fertile soil between the root paths and grew too dense even for the Torg to break through. The trunks of the giants were the intersections of the forest. They were also the most likely place for Torg attacks. Bowguns were always at hand when one approached the giant trees’ trunks.

Scotty thought he was getting a nibble when he heard a thrashing in the dense brush over the hill behind him. He snatched his bowgun up and activated the generator with a thumb press. The arrows were an invention of Kip Brown. When an arrow was fired from a bowgun, the sharp barbs at the end snapped out along with the stabilizers. This made the arrows extremely easy to take from a quiver as well as being safe to handle. They were foot-long, smooth shafts until they were fired. It also made loading the arrows into the bowgun an easy operation. They were bundled in groups of ten, and could be pushed into the magazine quickly.

He eased toward the huge tree, listening for approaching danger. The noise continued unabated as he walked up the hill and around the giant tree to investigate. It could be a Torg, and he was taking no chances. He eased around the tree and saw a small Zord pinned to the ground by a huge branch. He had almost missed it, but the movement of the branch gave its location away. Small was a relative term in that the Zord was easily thirty feet long.

Scotty looked up and saw that the Zord had flown in to attack a greck nest for an easy meal. It had landed on a branch next to the nest and it had given way, falling on top of the Zord pinning it to the ground. The Zord was not screaming, and Scotty thought it didn’t desire unwanted attention. The Zord struggled, and then saw Scotty standing on the ground above it with a raised gun. It snarled and opened its long, wide snout to show four rows of razor sharp teeth. Scotty put his finger on the trigger and aimed at the Zord’s heart. He just couldn’t force himself to release the arrow.

Scotty lowered the bowgun, putting it on safe. This Zord wasn’t going anywhere. The two stared at each other and Scotty wasn’t certain what to do. This was a very young Zord, probably still a child, and he saw the Zord’s wing was damaged by the falling limb.

Suddenly, a huge Torg burst through the underbrush and rushed the trapped Zord. Scotty raised the bowgun up in a smooth motion and thumbed off the safe switch without taking his eyes off the charging Torg. He leaned into the shot, and pulling then releasing the bowgun’s trigger. Firing his bowgun took less than a second. He hit the Torg in the only place that would stop it; between the eyes. The arrow buried itself to the feathers. The Torg came crashing to the ground and skidded to within two feet of the trapped Zord, which had closed its eyes in anticipation of its death.

After a moment, the Zord opened one eye and saw the dead Torg in front of it with the protruding arrow. It looked at Scotty and saw the bowgun still in his hands. The Zord looked back at the Torg, then stared at Scotty without blinking.

Scotty stared at the helpless Zord for a long moment and made a decision. He slowly knelt and put his bowgun on the ground. He then removed his quiver and placed it beside the bowgun, went to the towering tree, and began climbing to the lower branches. He looked around and climbed higher. He finally found what he was searching for. He took out his short sword and hacked the branch from the tree. It fell sixty feet on the other side of the tree from the trapped Zord. Scotty climbed down and began cutting small branches from it. After ten minutes, he had a thick shaft about fifteen feet long. The Zord remained strangely still and quiet as it watched him cut the large limb. Scotty walked over to his bowgun and the large creature appeared to know its death was imminent. Scotty placed his two swords on the ground next to his bowgun and walked over to the injured beast with the long branch.

Scotty put one end of the shaft under the branch pinning the Zord’s wing and lifted until he could get his shoulder under it. He stood and lifted the huge limb pinning the Zord until it was clear of its wing. The young Zord pulled its wing free and scrambled out from under the branch. It then turned and looked at Scotty. Scotty noticed the huge creature grimacing with pain as it dragged the damaged wing.

He went over to the limbs he had hacked off his improvised shaft and looked at the Zord, then at the limb. He walked over to his swords and picked one up. He heard the Zord snarl behind him. Scotty ignored the danger signal and began cutting small branches and sprigs off the limb. He turned and looked at the injured wing, then turned back to his cutting. The Zord stopped snarling and watched what he was doing.

Scotty looked back at the damaged wing and cut the limb to a smooth, six-foot long shaft. He then sat down and took the fishing wire from his pouch. He cut five, six-foot long strands and tied hooks to each end. He then laid the sword down, picked up the shaft and wire strands, and walked toward the Zord.

The Zord stared at Scotty but allowed him to come closer without snarling. Scotty said, “If you don’t get this wing repaired, you’ll die.” Scotty then held the shaft up against the bone that had been broken on the leading edge of the Zord’s wing and sized it against the opening. Scotty put the five wires in his mouth and put the shaft up against the break in the wing and pushed the two broken bones together. The Zord snarled its pain and Scotty quickly took the strands and pulled the shaft tight against the broken bone. The Zord’s skin was so thick, the hooks penetrated and held without penetrating too deeply. Scotty stepped away from the Zord and slowly backed up the hill. The Zord stared at him with its yellow eyes and watched him pick up his weapons and leave.

Later that afternoon, Scotty came back to see the Zord had consumed chunks of the dead Torg. He couldn’t see the Zord but knew it was there. The Zord watched him approach and snarled. Scotty put his weapons on the ground and carried two buckets of water he had brought from the river. He placed them in front of the injured flying beast, backed away, and left. The Zord watched him go and then drank both buckets. For the next two weeks, Scotty returned with buckets of water and replaced the ones he had brought the day before.

On the fifteenth day, something remarkable happened. As he approached with the buckets he saw the Zord flapping its wings. He put the buckets down and watched as the Zord looked at its wing, then at him. Scotty knew what it wanted. He went back to his pouch and returned with a small pair of hook removers. He walked slowly up to huge animal and took the hooks out of the Zord’s wing. When the final hook was removed, the shaft holding the broken bones together fell to the ground. Scotty backed away, picked up the two empty buckets along with his weapons, and turned to leave.

“Why did you not kill me?”

Scotty stopped dead still, shocked at the Zord’s question. He didn’t hear that question. It was in his mind. He slowly turned and looked at the Zord and said, “I couldn’t just let you die. You’re young and have your whole life in front of you. Killing a being that is defenseless is wrong. Not trying to help one that is injured is also wrong.”

“Were you not afraid I would kill you?”

“Yes, but I had to try. You would have warned me my efforts were doomed to failure if you tried to harm me when I lifted the branch.”

“What would you have done if I did?”

“Your injured wing wouldn’t allow you to move quickly enough to catch me. If I couldn’t help you, I would have ended your suffering with my weapon. I couldn’t let you die in a Torg’s jaws.”

The giant creature stared at Scotty and said, “I have always considered your kind no different than the Torg. You have given me things to consider. Maybe you aren’t as dangerous to my people as the Torg.”

“Are the Torg a real danger to you? Your natural weapons are formidable.”

“Yes, they are very dangerous. We must nest on the ground, and they cause massive loss of life.”

Scotty thought about that and said, “I can come and help you remove them from your nesting grounds. Our weapons are effective at killing them.”

“I’ve seen that demonstrated.” The Zord lowered its head and said, “I don’t think my leaders would accept your help.”

“Why not?”

“Your kind invade our territory and kill the food we prey on. We cannot see you as anything but invaders.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Our choice was simple, come here or die.” Scotty stared at the Zord as the silence continued and said, “I never knew your species were able to communicate.”

“We do not normally communicate with anyone but our people. You are the first since my ancestors were captured and imprisoned on this planet. It was your species that kidnapped us from our home world. I had to know why you saved me. If our roles were reversed I would have killed you.”

Scotty stared at the Zord and said, “I can understand your hatred. You are justified in feeling as you do. However, I wish you a long life and many hatchlings.” Scotty turned and walked up the hill.

The Zord watched him leave and didn’t want to believe what it had witnessed. The being he had just communicated with was a gentle spirit, and was not what he thought him to be. It had listened to Scotty’s thoughts and wondered why the small two-leg was helping. The Zord shook its head, flared its wings, and lifted into the afternoon sky. It was troubled for a long time after it returned home to his worried family. After six months, the communities noticed that they had not been attacked by Zord for weeks. Scotty didn’t offer a reason why that was happening, but guessed the one he helped must have had a wing in it.

Scotty had turned seventeen three weeks earlier and was stretched out on his favorite hill with Jingo staring at the stars. “Jingo, what do you think about the Zord?”

“I think the zookeeper that originally set all the animals free just before the Searcher destroyed his city should have been shot.”

“Jingo, he died with the city.”

“Then he should have been shot before he died. Releasing those fifty nesting pairs and the herd of Torg was unforgivable.”

“I’ve looked up information in the learning center and discovered that the Zord were captured on a planet that was not a member of the Holy Stars Realm. They were actually brought here illegally.”

“What does that matter? Those flying monstrosities should have never been released.”

“Jingo, we were the only planet to ever have any in captivity. The Duke wanted his planet to be the greatest in everything. The Holy Realm stopped all capture of the Zord after El Prado caged theirs.”


“There had to be a reason.”

“They were too flipping dangerous to keep. That’s a no brainer.”

Suddenly, Scotty heard, “I wish to communicate.”

Scotty said, “Where?”

Jingo said, “Where what?”

“At the bottom of the hill you’re on.”

“I have a friend with me. May I bring him with me?”

“Scotty what are you talking about?”

“I am also bringing a friend. Your friend may come, but do not bring your weapons.”

Scotty turned to Jingo, “Jingo, I am going to talk with a friend. I would like you to come with me, but I need you to do one thing.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “What?”

“Leave all your weapons here.”

“Are you out of your blooming Human mind?!”

“Jingo, you must do as I ask. This is important.” Scott began removing his quiver and swords, laying them on the ground next to his bowgun.

Jingo turned small circles as he called Scotty names. Finally he said, “You can’t do this.”

“Jingo, are you going with me?”

The small Cainth swore and began removing his belt, “Can I carry one sword?”


Jingo put them down and Scotty said, “That includes the one in the scabbard on your back.”

Jingo swore louder, but pulled it out of his shirt and put it on the pile with his other weapons. “Are you satisfied?”

Scotty smiled and said, “Follow me.”

Scotty started walking down the hill and Jingo started a running commentary, “Who are you meeting down here. Is it a girl? Are you in love? Scotty’s in love! Wait a minute. Why would a female be here without weapons? This doesn’t make sense. Why would you ever leave your weapons behind? You know how dangerous it is without them. Are you losing your mind? You know I’ve been worried about you lately. All you do is stare at stars. Why do you do that?”

They reached the bottom of the hill and the Zord Scotty had helped was standing there on its back legs in the brush. Jingo never saw him until Scotty stopped.

Jingo slipped as he reached the bottom of the hill. Scotty gave him a hand and lifted him to his feet six feet from the waiting Zord. “I give up, why did you come here?” That’s when Jingo saw the Zord.

“Holy Mother of a Torg’s backside!” and Jingo fell over his feet as he tried to run back up the hill.

The Zord said, “Your friend talks a lot.”

Scotty sighed and said, “Yes, but he’s a friend I trust with my life.”

Jingo heard the Zord, stopped dead in his tracks, and grew silent.

Scotty looked at Jingo and then said to the Zord, “It’s when he’s silent that he’s the most dangerous.” Scotty turned to Jingo and said, “Relax, he’s a friend.”

Jingo couldn’t speak.

The Zord said, “This is the reaction I expected from you when you found me.”

“Your people do frighten us.”

“I guess I know why.”

Jingo was hearing the conversation and he got up and walked to Scotty’s side, “It’s because you are killers extraordinaire and you’ve killed us for centuries.”

“Why, thank you. We do pride ourselves on our skills.”

Scotty touched Jingo on the arm, telling him to be silent, and said, “You invited me here for a reason?”

The Zord gave a whistle. Scotty and Jingo watched as a giant form came out of the twilight and landed in front of them. The Zord had to be twenty five feet tall on its back legs with a wingspan of more than two hundred feet. It was bigger than any Zord either of them had ever seen.

Scotty looked at Jingo and was amazed that he was not afraid. Jingo actually looked relaxed.

The smaller of the two Zord said, “This is my father. He wishes to communicate with you.”

Scotty looked up at the giant creature shifting colors to match the background and said, “Welcome, what is it you wish to talk about?”

The giant looked down on the two friends and said, “I see my son was right about your existence. I was concerned that he had lost his mind. He said you would talk without fear.”

“Our biggest fears are of things we don’t know. However, you do sense fear in me.”

The giant stared at Scotty for a long moment, “Why didn’t you kill my son when you had the opportunity?”

“It would have been wrong. I told him so at the time.”

“I saw that in his mind, but that is not the real answer. I want the real answer.”

Scotty looked up at the Zord and said, “My mother was killed seven years ago for simply running away from an invading starship. She was the kindest, gentlest, person I have ever known. An invader shot her down. She didn’t deserve it and would not have been able to harm them.” Scotty looked at the smaller Zord and said, “I asked myself what my mother would have done, and I knew she would have tried to help you. She insisted that all life was important and she lived that belief every day.” Scotty looked up at the huge father and said, “I had to try.”

“Now that you’ve had time to think about it, would you still do the same thing?”

“Yes, especially now.”

“What’s so special now?”

“I know you’re intelligent. You are more important as a result of that knowledge.”

“Why should that make a difference?”

“Because you can choose whether or not to save or take life; those Torg can only kill. They can’t make the choice. I took that risk not knowing if your son would realize I was attempting to help him.”

“My family has been arguing about you for two cycles. We didn’t learn about your actions until my son attacked another warrior after he had killed one of your species. I threatened to punish him for his behavior, and he threatened to leave our family if we killed any more of you. I made him show me his mind and I saw what you did. I showed it to my family and we have been unable to decide whether he is insane, and if not, what to do about you.”

“I think our leaders should talk with you about what should be done.”

The giant creature stared at Scotty and looked down at his son. He looked back at Scotty and said, “We will come to your community clearing in four days at midnight. We will see if you can be trusted.

The giant Zord lifted and flew into the night. The smaller one said, “I never thanked you for my life. Thank you.”

Scotty looked up at the Zord and said, “Make it count for something.”

The Zord flapped its wings and lifted. Just before it disappeared they heard, “I’ve started that process tonight.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “How come you never told me about the Zord!?”

“What would you have thought if I had?”

“Like that Zord’s father, I wouldn’t have believed you. I probably would have thought it was just a dream.”

Scotty smiled, “It’s a dream within a dream, Jingo. First we must try to make it a reality. Let’s go talk with Samuel.”

“He’ll never believe you.”

“True, but he’ll believe you.”

Jingo sighed and said, “I might as well bring father with us.”

“We need to tell him first.” Scotty paused, “Why did you get so quiet and calm during the meeting with the Zord?”

Jingo shook his head, “That’s what happens to my race when we pump secretions out of our war gland.”

“War gland?”

“Yes, you have something similar called an adrenal something or other. When we find ourselves in a situation that demands combat, our war gland secretes a fluid that focuses us on the situation and attenuates our dexterity. Our four arms almost take on a life of their own. Needless to say, I became quite focused when I saw that Zord six feet away.”

“Ever had it happen before?”

“Nope, this was the first time, and I see why my species are natural warriors. I rather enjoyed the experience. I want to experience it again. Fear is good.”

Scotty looked up the hill and said, “I suspect you will, my brother. The journey begins tonight.”

“What journey?”

Scotty smiled, looked up, and said, “Why, my dream of course. Let’s go see your father.”

Chapter Three

Jing Dorg looked at Scotty and Jingo and said, “You did what?!?”

Scotty said, “We met two Zord tonight and set up a meeting with their leaders in four days at midnight. We’ve discovered they are intelligent creatures.”

Jing just stared at Scotty and said nothing. It was obvious he thought Scotty had gone insane.

Jingo looked at his father and said, “By the oath of Dorg-Ross, he’s telling the truth. I was there and witnessed it.”

Jing now knew something had happened. No Cainth would ever lie using that sacred name. His demeanor changed to anger, “You endangered my son by meeting with Zord?”

“He wouldn’t let me go alone, Clan Leader.”

Jing looked at his son and Jingo said, “Where he goes, I go. I promised his mother to always take care of him. I will not violate that oath.”

“You are the next Clan Leader. You exhibited great stupidity meeting a Zord.”

Scotty said, “Actually, I didn’t tell him I was meeting a Zord. He thought I was meeting a female until we walked up on them.”

Jing started swearing at the top of his voice while looking up at the sky, turning in small circles venting his anger. All the children within the sound of his voice ran to their mothers and hid. Even the adults ran for cover. It wasn’t a good thing to be near Jing when he was this angry.

Scotty looked at Jingo and raised his eyebrows. Jingo said, “Give him a moment. He needs to get some steam released.”

Jing settled down after thirty minutes of swearing. Jingo left five minutes after Jing’s tirade began and brought back a piece of paper.

“What are you doing, Jingo?”

“I’m going to write some of these down. They’re great. I might need them in the future.” He sat down and started writing. Scotty would hear, “That’s a good one. Wow, I’d have never thought of that one. Oooo, that’s a doozy.”

Jing finally wound down and looked at the two. “Tell me how this happened.”

The three sat down next to the fire and Scotty told him about saving the Zord from a Torg and setting its broken wing. Jing listened and said, “You brought water to that killer for two weeks.” He looked at Jingo and asked, “Why weren’t you keeping your oath? Where were you during this time?”

Jingo looked very uncomfortable, and saw his father was not going to let him avoid the question. “Uh, I was helping Jesa gather pods.”

Scotty and Jing looked at Jingo and both of them burst out laughing. Jingo was embarrassed and said, “Let it go, please. Just let it go.”

Jing turned around quickly and saw Jesa staring around the corner of a building in the now deserted square. He smiled and said, “She worries about you, son. You have made a good choice. Not many would stay when I’m this angry.” Jing motioned Jesa to join the conversation. She looked around and pointed to herself and mouthed, “Me?” Jing nodded.

Jesa walked slowly forward ready to turn and run. Jing motioned for her to sit beside Jingo. Scotty saw his friend’s face light up as she approached. Jing said, “It appears you two are an item. Do you love my son, Jesa?”

Jingo looked like he was going to die. He hadn’t even come close to letting Jesa know his feelings, and here she was being embarrassed by his father. He wished he could just disappear. He knew she had others she liked more than him.

Jesa looked at Jing and said, “I don’t believe you have the right to ask that question, Clan Leader.”

Jingo was miserable until Jesa’s next statement.

“However, I will answer it. I’ve loved him since the day I first saw him. He has always been the one I’ve wanted to spend my life with.”

Jingo was stunned. He looked up at Jesa and she could see his amazement.

She continued as she looked at Jingo, “I just don’t know if he feels the same, and I’m giving him as much time as he needs to realize that I am the one best suited for him.”

Jing looked down at his son and said, “Same question, Son.”

Jingo looked at Jesa and said, “I’ll love her forever, Father. If I can’t have her, I’ll have no one.”

Jesa beamed at Jingo and Jing said, “Sit down and join us, Jesa. If you are going to be his mate, he’ll need your insights.” Jing turned to Scotty and asked, “What do the Zord want? “We have all noticed that we are not being attacked by them. Something obviously happened to cause that.”

Scotty said, “We never knew they were intelligent. Now that we know they are, it makes a huge difference in how we should deal with them.”

Jing sat down, “How so?”

“I used the learning center to see what is known about them, and there’s not much information available. What I did learn was that six nesting pairs were captured by poachers who were not members of the Holy Stars Realm.” Everyone touched their heart at the mention of the Realm. “The Realm issued an edict that poaching Zord would be a capital offense, and anyone caught doing it would be executed. Those six pairs are the only ones ever taken into captivity. You know how the ancient evil Duke wanted a zoo greater than the one on Ross.” The four again touched their hearts.

“What do you make of that?”

“Jing, I believe that the Zord were known to be intelligent, and you know the principle of defending those that cannot defend themselves.”

Jingo said, “I think they are quite capable of defending themselves.”

“Not against beam weapons and stunners. The Zord are an intelligent species that were brought here as prisoners.” Scotty shook his head and said, “It was Humans that imprisoned them. It’s really no wonder they attack us.”

Jing looked up at the two moons overhead and said, “Four nights from now, Atlas and Diana will be full. Their light will be shining down on our meeting. That has to be a good omen. Scotty; go and bring Samuel here now.”

Scotty stood and walked into the darkness.

Three nights later both communities were gathered in the clearing between the two villages. Samuel stood and yelled, “Everyone sit and listen! We have a meeting tomorrow night and you are going to follow our instructions.”

The huge gathering sat and Jing stood and told them who they were meeting. The gathering grew noisy, especially the young members. Jing waited until they grew silent. They noticed his growing anger and didn’t want to provoke him. Jing said, “Our communities have never shown such disrespect for your leaders before. You will be quiet.”

Silence ruled the gathering. They knew the danger of violating the codes of meeting.

“We have just learned the Zord are intelligent beings.” Jing heard the indrawn breath of the crowd and continued. “Their ancestors were captured and brought here to be imprisoned in the evil Duke’s zoo.” Jing waited while that piece of information was absorbed by the group. “How would you feel if your children were captured, taken away from their homes, and then imprisoned for life to be stared at by aliens? Never being allowed freedom, only imprisonment and isolation; what would you do if you encountered those that caused your misery? It was Humans that captured them and brought them to this planet.”

Jing waited and said, “One of us saved one of their children’s life, and they are confused about who we are. They are going to meet with us to discuss the future of our two species.”

Ben Withers stood, “It could be a trap to kill our leaders.”

Samuel looked at Ben and said, “What if it is? They have not attacked us in over a year. If we can find peace with these beings, it will save many lives. I’m willing to risk mine to make that happen.”

Many in the crowd looked at each other, not knowing what they should do.

Jing said, “The only way for a successful agreement to be made is to make sure we do not endanger the Zord’s leaders coming to this meeting.”

Samuel said, “Everyone stand and place your hand on your heart.”

The gathering rose and Samuel said, “Repeat after me. I swear on the memory of the Hold Stars Realm.” The gathering repeated his words. “That I will not endanger the Zord during the coming conference.” Again the gathering repeated his words.

Jing who watched the assembly carefully said, “Those who did not speak that oath, come forward now.” No one moved. Jing drew his four swords and said, “I said for you to come forward now!”

Six teenage Humans stepped out of the crowd. They knew that those standing around them knew they had not spoken the oath and didn’t know if they would be reported. They also didn’t know if Jing had seen them remain silent. Their fear was obvious.

Samuel stood in front of the six and said, “You refuse to give your oath?”

Everyone in the gathering knew that to violate an oath given in the Stars Realm’s name would lead to certain death to violator and their families. None would violate such an oath, and the only way to avoid the catastrophe of that violation was to just not make it.

The six said nothing. Samuel glared at the young boys. “Well?!?”

Ben Withers said, “A Zord killed my father.”

Terry Black said, “They killed my Mother.”

Samuel interrupted and yelled, “And they’ll kill many more if this madness continues. How many Zord have you killed, Ben?”

Ben startled at the question, “Six.”

“How many Zord children are now without one of their parents due to your actions?”

Ben looked at the ground.

Jing said, “You will give the oath now.”

Three of the boys gave the oath. Ben, Dominick, and Zim did not.

Ben looked at Jing and said, “I will never have peace with the Zord.” The other two nodded with him.

Samuel drew two short swords faster than anyone thought possible and made three vicious slashes that took the heads off all three boys. The gathering was shocked into silence. No one moved or made a sound.

Samuel turned to the Humans and yelled, “Are there any more that place their hatred over the safety and well being of us all?” Samuel was showing his rage. “I am your chosen leader. You selected me to guide us to a better life. Now some of you want to challenge my judgment. It was this kind of hatred that led to us losing the joy we once all shared. This is the legacy of the Duke we all curse, and I will not have it poison our spirits.”

Samuel stared the community into silence and said, “Take these bodies and leave them out on the wasteland where they belong, with all the others that died because of their hatred. No one places themselves above the values we once ignored and lost all because of it. These three placed their hatred above the safety of our communities. That can never be tolerated by any of us.”

The three boys’ families came forward and picked up the bodies. Ben’s Mother was ashamed of what Ben had done, but said, “Samuel, he has not been the same since he lost his Father. His sorrow has been all he’s known.”

Samuel looked at her and said softly, “Melissa, there has been suffering enough for all of us. If the Zord love their families as much as we, they have also suffered. Ben could not embrace the harm we have done to others. He only looked at his loss. We cannot ignore our actions, and we are accountable for them. This and all the deaths caused between our species, Zord, Humans, and Cainth, is a result of how these creatures were treated by us. They were taken from their homes and made prisoners by Humans. They are the ones that have to forgive much more than we. These three refused to see it.”

The two communities stood and mingled to see old friends they had not talked with in a long time. After several hours, they all were praying their leaders would survive the coming conference with the Zord.

High overhead a giant Zord listened to the meeting and just couldn’t understand what had happened. It flew back to the nesting grounds and shared his memories with Bleath, the Zord’s Leader. Bleath thought about what he learned and called the flocks together. The attack scheduled for the next night was delayed. Bleath looked at his son being held in restraints and said, “It looks like you get your wish. We will speak with the two-legs.”

Vring took a deep breath and quit attempting to break free to warn the Humans of the impending attack. Bleath cut the vines from his son and said, “You will be the first to land.”

Samuel and Jing motioned Scotty and Jingo to join them. They came and sat down. Jing said, “The two of your will welcome our guests. We’ll join you afterwards.”

Scotty looked at Samuel and said, “If you still have doubts about this, why did you kill those three?”

“My doubts are irrelevant to their betrayal of our community. They were a poison that would infect us. Refusal to take the oath revealed their true character. They would have attacked our guests and demonstrated that we are without honor. What I did had to be done.”

Jesa who had been listening to the conversation stepped up and said, “If Jingo is there, I will be there as well.”

Jing started to order her not to go, but Samuel said, “You love does him honor.”

Jingo said, “No, you must not be here.”

Jesa took his four hands in her’s and said, “Would you allow me to face danger and stay away?”

Jingo said, “We will not have weapons. I won’t be able to defend you.”

Jesa hugged Jingo, “If you die, I don’t want to live without you. We will be together either way.”

Jing knew his son had found his heart. He walked away and left the two young Cainth to their love.

Scotty walked away and wished he had what Jingo had found.

All of them worried about the following night.

Scotty and Jingo sat by the fire in the center of the clearing and looked at the two full moons overhead. The night was clear and the symphony of stars shining brightly, in spite of the moons, was beautiful. The only light in the two communities was that single fire. Scotty looked at Jingo and asked, “Where’s Jesa?”

Jingo gave a smirk and said, “Her father forbid her coming; thank the creator for that.”

“How did that go?”

“Not well. She’s not of age, so she had no choice but to obey him. I told her he was protecting his only daughter. She hasn’t spoken to him since.”

Scotty sighed, “If something happens to you, she probably never will. Even I can see how much she loves you.”

Jingo took his eyes off the moons and looked at Scotty, “I don’t deserve her. She is such a beautiful person. And smart. Golly she’s smart.”

Scotty laughed, “She’ll need to be to keep you in line.”

Jingo smiled, “Yeah, I can see that. Do you think this meeting is a good idea?”

Scotty looked back up at the sky and said, “I didn’t get a good feeling from the larger Zord we met. I think the one I helped can be trusted, but the older one carries a lot of hatred toward us.”

Jingo swore, using several epitaphs he had heard his father use, “I wish you had kept that to yourself. We’re defenseless here. If you felt that, why are we here?”

“Jingo, if there is a chance we can come to terms with the Zord, our lives would be worth making the effort. They are apex predators and we’ve lost tens of thousands to them over the centuries. Now that we know they’re intelligent and not just attacking out of instinct, there is a possibility we can bring this to an end. Even if we die, it’s worth the effort. Jesa could be one of their victims.”

Jingo thought about what Scotty was saying, “It wouldn’t have bothered me before, but now I have something to live for.”

“I’d understand if you joined the communities in the trees.”

Jingo just shook his head and stared at the sky, “Shouldn’t be long now.”

Both of them saw the form coming down to the clearing and then there it was landing next to them. The young Zord folded his wings and settled on his four legs. “It looks like no one trusts anyone these days.”

Scotty looked at the Zord, “Why do you say that?”

“My father was planning to attack everyone here. He had me tied to a tree so I couldn’t warn you. I don’t know what happened here last night, but he changed his mind because of it.”

Jing and Samuel walked out of the trees and joined the three at the fire. Jing said, “I thought my son was insane, but I guess he was telling the truth. My name is Jing and this is Samuel. We are the leaders of the two communities.”

The Zord looked at the two and said, “My name is Vring. I am the son of our leader. I’m hoping he will join us.” The Zord looked up at the sky and said, “I’m still not certain if he can overcome his hatred of you.”

Scotty shook his head, “My name is Scotty, and this is Jingo. You appear to be back in good health.”

Vring held the injured wing out and flapped it. “It’s just about back to normal.” He looked at Scotty and said, “Thanks to you. That Torg would have killed me if the broken wing didn’t. Thank you, again.”

Jing looked at the huge Zord as its skin changed color to match the fire. “I’ve always been amazed at how your skin changes color so quickly to match things around you. Right now you look like you’re on fire.”

Vring laughed, “It happens without thought. I can stop it, but if I quit thinking about it, it will start again.”

“No, no. I think it’s beautiful. Your species is blessed with great natural defenses.”

Bleath had heard enough and flew down to the fire. Every Human and Cainth in the trees were shocked at the size of the Zord that landed in the clearing. It was at least twenty five feet high and over a hundred fifty feet long. It had to be the biggest Zord in existence.

Bleath looked at Samuel and asked, “Why did you kidnap my ancestors and bring them to the prison?!”

Samuel shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, my species has some members that are not good. As a matter of fact, some of our ancestors were evil, and all of us suffer for their actions. We once lived in peace and prosperity but we lost it all because a handful of our leaders were blinded by ambition and craved power. It was one of those evil rulers that brought your ancestors here. We still curse his name to this day.” Samuel paused and said, “But you should know from your history there is also good in us.”

Bleath cocked his head to the side and asked, “What do you mean?”

“When it became clear the city you were being held prisoner was going to be destroyed by one of the evil Duke’s warriors, one of us released your ancestors to escape the coming attack.”

Vring said, “They also released the Torg.”

“Yes; all life should not be killed if it can be saved.”

Bleath thought about what the small two-leg was saying. He was right. He looked at the thoughts of the group and felt their fear and then he looked at the one that had saved his son. “You demonstrated that when you saved Vring.”

Scotty nodded, “He shouldn’t die when he had so much life ahead of him.”

Bleath looked up and issued a loud scream. The Humans and Cainth in the trees knew the ones at the circle were going to die. Four more giant Zord landed in the clearing and joined the group.

“Have you been listening?”

The four all lowered their heads.

“What do you think about what they’ve said?”

“Great Leader, these two-legs don’t act like those that held us captive. I look back at the memories of our ancestors and see there is a difference.”

Jing said, “May I invite our community to come and sit around us to hear what we are discussing?”

Bleath quickly looked at him and said, “How do you know I don’t have my flocks overhead. Out in the open you would be easy kills.”

Jing shook his head, “If we are to live together in peace, one of us is going to have to demonstrate to the other that they can be trusted. I suspect your flocks are overhead. They’re there to protect you and these fine Zord with you. I can understand their caution. But before my community can overcome their fear and distrust of you, they must hear you. I ask again, may I bring them to our conference?”

Bleath issued another loud scream and said, “Yes.”

Jing looked out into the trees and yelled, “Those of you who are pure of heart and free of fear may come join us.”

The first one to come was Jesa, who ran forward and grabbed Jingo and held him tight.

Bleath looked down at the small female and felt her love for her chosen. The other four Zord also felt it and looked at each other. A few came at first and then hundreds moved out of the trees and sat down in the clearing surrounding the giant flying creatures. Bleath and the other four elders saw that they came without weapons and still had their fear. Their bravery was admirable.

Bleath looked into the sky and gave a long quivering scream and suddenly thousands of Zord began landing in the branches of the giant trees overhead. Many more landed and walked up surrounding the two communities sitting in the clearing.

Bleath looked at Jing and said, “We could kill all of you if we choose.”

Jing said, “Then you would be no better than those that took you from your home. You would be without honor. It is my sense that your species, and ours, places honor above all things.”

Bleath just stared at the small two-leg, thinking.

Scotty said, “We can save your babies from the Torg.”

Bleath looked at him so fast no one saw his head move. “What do you mean?”

“I saw in Vring’s thoughts how the Torg attack your hatchlings because they are forced to stay on the ground in their nests. We can kill the Torg on the ground. We can protect your nests.”

Every Human and Cainth felt the combined thoughts of the gathered Zord. They held a huge sense of loss for those babies that had died in the teeth of the Torg.

“Vring told me you offered to help us and I didn’t believe him. Why would you offer to help us when we kill you?”

“I’m not helping you; I’m helping those babies that you can’t adequately protect. They cannot defend themselves. One of our most important principles is to do exactly that. Even if you choose to continue your attacks on us, if you will grant a truce during your nesting time we will come and protect your new babies.”

Bleath looked at the thoughts of the two-leg and sensed his honesty. He also saw that many sitting around the circle agreed with his statement. He sensed that many were still frightened. Bleath could hear the amazement of all the gathered Zord. These creatures were not what they thought they were. He looked at the other four elders and they deferred to his decision. Bleath looked down on the small two-leg and said, “We will no longer attack your communities.”

Every Human and Cainth stood and cheered the Zord’s statement. The Zord in the trees also screamed their approval.

Jing held up his arms and after a few moments the gathering became silent. “Why have you decided in our favor?”

“I was actually planning to attack you with my flocks tonight, but one of my warriors saw what you did to those that would not agree to your oath. I wondered if it was possible that you possessed honor. I called off the attack to see.”

Jing stared at the giant Zord and Bleath said, “I can sense you are honorable beings. We are more alike than different.” Bleath looked at Scotty and said, “You will come with me and see if you can help us protect our young.”

Jingo stood and said, “If he goes, I go with him.”

Jesa jumped up and said, “No, Jingo, no! Don’t leave me!”

Jingo looked at her, took her hands, and smiled, “Would you have me forget my oath?”

She stared at him, lowered her head, and said quietly, “No.”

Bleath slowly shook his head. Now he knew for certain. “You may also join us.”

Scotty looked up at the giant and said, “We need to bring our weapons, and how are we going to go with you?”

Bleath screeched and two giant warriors came down from the trees. “You will tie a binding around my warrior’s necks and use it to hold on. You will fly with us.”

Jing asked, “Can your warriors carry their weight?”

Bleath smiled showing his teeth, “We can carry a full grown Torg in our talons. Your weight will be nothing.”

Jingo looked at one of the warriors and said, “Just give me a moment to gather my things.”

The entire gathering laughed. Jingo turned and said, “What’s so funny?”

Jesa came up and kissed him. “Come back to me.”

Jingo hugged her, “You know my heart stays here.”

“Just don’t take stupid risks, Jingo. Promise me; please.”

“I won’t,” and he turned and ran to gather his bowguns.

While Scotty and Jingo left to gather their weapons and a pouch of food. Samuel said, “You’ll take care of them?”

Bleath said, “Absolutely, however, we will be going into Torg-infested territory.”

“I’m not worried about the Torg. It’s the flying part that worries me.”

Bleath started laughing and the four elders joined him. Bleath said through his laughter, “You need not worry about flying. Even if they fall, they will not fall far.”

Samuel said, “The fair-haired one means a lot to our community. His heart is our heart. He is his mother’s child. We would all suffer if he came to harm.”

Bleath felt the emotions of the gathered two-legs and knew that something great had begun this night. He looked up at the two full moons and wondered, “Where is this strange alliance going to take us?”

Chapter Four

Scotty and Jingo lifted with the Zord and gained altitude quickly. The two Zord warriors carrying them circled the gathered community below and they saw the gathered assembly praying for their safety with lowered heads. Scotty heard the Zord he was riding say in his mind, “They think highly of you.”

Scotty held the binding tightly, trying not to give in to his fear, and said, “Why do you say that?”

The Zord sent the thoughts of the community to Scotty and he was humbled, “I never knew they felt that way.”

“Such veneration is a great gift, Little One.”

“I know. I just hope I can live up to their belief in me.”

The Zord didn’t want to like this small creature, but couldn’t help himself. ‘My name is Zreeg, and I’ll be responsible for your safe arrival. I sense your fear but even if you fall, I’ll not allow you to come to harm. Relax and feel the motion of my wings. It will be easier if you look around and not straight down.”

Scotty closed his eyes and felt the Zord’s muscled wings flapping and gliding in the wind currents. He was right. He moved with the fluid motion of the flight and felt his stiffness disappear. He looked over at Jingo flying on the other warrior next to him and saw that he wasn’t holding the binding with two of his hands. Jingo appeared to love flying. He was a natural. “Tell me about the attacks on your nests. I would think that your full grown warriors could take on any Torg.”

“We can kill the Torg out in the open, but our nests must be under the cover of trees. It is too dense for us to fly. On the ground, even our largest warriors are in danger of the Torg herds. We can handle two or three, but they attack with huge numbers.”

“Why don’t you build the nests out in the open?”

“Our newborn’s skins cannot tolerate direct sunlight until they harden and start shifting color. That normally takes four weeks. The sun would kill them if they are left in the open.”

“Couldn’t you have an adult over them to keep them in a shadow?”

The Zord thought and said, “It still wouldn’t work. The Torg would attack in huge numbers and the adult would have to lift off the ground to use talons and teeth. The direct rays of the sun would blind the babies for life. They must remain is darkness for one moon. We have tried everything and the Torg seem to know our weaknesses. We rule the air, but they control the ground. We even tried to build the nests in trees but the babies can’t fly, and just as many died from falling when the Torg charged the trees to shake them.”

Scotty thought and didn’t want to ask but had to know, “How many survive?”

The Zord sighed mentally and said, “We were once lucky if a hundred out of the thousands live. Now, none survive.”

Scotty was shocked. “When do your eggs start hatching?”

“In seven days. The Torg herds are already massing outside the forest’s edge.”

Scotty looked over at Jingo standing on the warriors back holding on with one hand laughing and wondered if they could help in the little time that remained. We’ll soon know.

The flight to the Zord’s nesting grounds took more than eight hours, and Scotty estimated that they had covered more than four hundred miles. As they approached, Scotty saw three tall mountain peaks next to the Zord’s land. They were beautiful as the snow on top reflected the rising sun’s brilliance. They arrived just after daybreak and Zreeg said, “Hold on, we’re going down.”

Scotty gripped the binding and held on as they dived toward the ground far below. Zreeg flared his wings and came in on all four legs. Scotty used the binding to dismount and followed Zreeg into the forest. Jingo ran up and said, “That was amazing. I now have a new love.”

Scotty looked at him and Jingo said, “Flying. Cezee says we’ll go up again this afternoon to see the Torg herds.”

“Jingo, the Zord are forced to keep their nests in the shade of trees. The adults lose their mobility in the trees and even the adults are in danger from the number of Torg attacking their nesting ground. The herds overwhelm them.”

Jingo followed the two warriors into the forest and saw they had difficulty moving between the giant trees. “They’re not going to be able to help us.”

Scotty nodded.

“How many Torg are we talking about here?”

Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “Thousands.”

Jingo thought about that vision and finally said, “The Torg don’t have much room to maneuver, either.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“First, let’s go see the nests. I’ll know more after that.”

Bleath was waiting as the two walked into the nesting ground and saw them staring at the thousands of eggs in the forest. Jingo went to the first line of nests and started walking around the perimeter of the site. Scotty went with him and Bleath turned to the warrior that had carried Scotty. “Well?”

“Great Leader, the two-leg is determined to help us. I saw his thoughts and he is pure in his spirit. I see that he is deferring to the four arms for the plan to defend our hatchlings.”

Bleath watched the two strange creatures walk around the nesting ground talking to themselves. “Do you think they can help?”

The warrior shook his head, “I have no idea. I’ve spoken with Vring and he seems to think they can. I’m hoping he’s right.”

“So are we all.”

Jingo and Scotty arrived back where they had begun their walk and Scotty said, “We’re going to lose some newborns.”

Jingo nodded slowly and said, “We need them to move the outer nests into the center of the nesting ground. Do you think they will do as we ask?”

Scotty shrugged and turned toward Bleath. He walked up to the Huge Zord, “We need you to bring the outer nests into the center of the nesting ground. We must have a smaller area to defend.”

“If we do that, we could lose them all.”

Scotty shook his head and replied, “I am not willing to leave any of your hatchlings in danger. We cannot defend this large an area successfully. As it is, many will die and it will be the ones on the outer edge. I’m not willing to let them die.”

Bleath sensed the two-leg’s determination. He worried that if he gave in to their request, the Torg would attack the smaller area in a giant mass. The Zord had been able to save some of the hatchlings by making the Torg attack easier prey. As they stood among the trees considering the plan, six giant Torg rushed at full speed out of the trees seeking to make a meal of the Zord on the ground. Bleath turned and saw that four of the six were charging him and he had no chance of lifting among the trees. He braced himself and saw death coming.

Scotty and Jingo brought their bowguns up and fired six arrows faster than the Zord could comprehend. All six charging Torg were hit and died before they hit the ground. Jingo turned and fired six more arrows at six other Torg attacking from behind. All twelve Torg were twitching on the ground in less than six seconds. Scotty held his bowgun at his cheek and scanned the surrounding forest. Jingo ran forward and jumped on top of the biggest Torg and also scanned the forest.


“There were ten more, but they’ve moved back into the dense undergrowth.”

Bleath stared at the twelve dead Torg and then looked at the two small beings that had just killed them faster than he could see. He looked at the two warriors and said, “Start moving the nests.”

Scotty lowered his bowgun and turned to Bleath, “Why don’t the Torg attack the eggs?”

Bleath took a deep breath and said, “We sense their simple thoughts and we think they see the eggs as just rocks. Our eggs have no odor they can sense and the shells are extremely hard until they are ready to hatch. They seem to attack anything with movement and just ignore the eggs.”

Scotty smiled and said, “There are some blessings in this. Creatures that work together in teams and never see an easy meal for the taking. Thank the Creator for that.”

Jingo scampered up and said, “We’ll need at least a thousand good archers; every shot will have to count. We could use more, but the communities must also be defended.”

Scotty looked around and said, “We also need five hundred carpenters here to build blinds in the trees.”

Jingo nodded, “Archers first.”

Scotty nodded and turned to Bleath, “We need to get enough of us here to start our defense, quickly. How many warriors are big enough to carry one of us?”

Bleath said, “More than three thousand.”

Jingo said, “Good, sent a thousand to bring the archers and the others to ferry our builders. Scotty, you go back and tell Sam and Jing what we need.”

Scotty started shaking his head but Jingo said quickly, “You’re right. The better archer will stay here.”

“Darn it, Jingo.”

“You know I’m right.”

Scotty let out a deep breath and turned back to Bleath, “If the nests aren’t in danger until they hatch, don’t start moving them until we can get enough archers here to protect the ones moving them.”

Bleath gave a loud quivering screech. “I’ve stopped the warriors from moving the nests.”

“I also want all of you to get out of the nesting ground. You’ll only attract Torg that will trample the eggs, killing some of your babies. I want you to bring the archers and carpenters back and have your other warriors carry the materials we need to build our defenses. They can then go back and bring enough food for us while we’re here.”

Bleath looked back at Scotty as he left the nesting ground and said, “We are placing our eggs in your care. We’re depending on you to keep them safe.”

Scotty said as he grabbed Zreeg’s binding and climbed up on his back, “The faster you can get us here in numbers, the better the chance of us helping them survive. I must go back and explain to our leaders what we need. Getting everything here in time is going to be up to you and your warriors.”

Bleath and the two warriors ran from the forest as Scotty held on. Jingo went back and jumped on top of the largest Torg and scanned the forest.

Zreeg flew at a speed that amazed Scotty. The eight hour trip was reduced to three and a half hours. Scotty held the binding and flattened himself behind Zreeg’s head to avoid being blown off the screaming Zord. Zreeg screamed as he arrived at the communities and dove for the clearing. He flared his wings and Scotty scampered down the binding. Samuel and Jing came running up and Scotty quickly told them what he had found at the nesting grounds.

Jing yelled, “Sound the horns!”

Three large wooden horns began sounding off and the two communities came running to the clearing. Samuel gave a slashing motion and the three horn blowers ceased their blowing. Jing yelled, “The top thousand archers in this year’s competition will gather their arrows and go with Scotty to defend the Zord nesting ground. Take as many arrows as you can carry and a pouch of food for three days. Go now!”

Several hundred more stepped forward asking to go with the others. Samuel said, “We need you here to protect our community. You will have to be better than you’ve ever been to protect those that go into the forest for our food. We need you here.”

The remaining archers looked at each other and even the Zord warrior watching the proceedings could see the pride they felt at the responsibility being placed on them.

Scotty went up to Zreeg and could tell the Zord was weary. “Are you all right?”

Zreeg settled on all fours and took a deep breath, “I rushed here so you could have time to prepare before the others arrive. I need some time to collect my energy.”

Jing listened to the two and said, “We just killed a Torg at the edge of the forest over there. You’re welcome to it.”

Zreeg rose up on two-legs and saw the dead Torg, “It would help me if I could have some of it.”

Jing said, “Take it all. There’s plenty more where that came from.”

Zreeg came down to four legs, moved over to the dead Torg, and began eating. As he approached the edge of the forest he disappeared as his skin matched the forest’s color.

“Scotty, do you think we can help them?”

“I think more will live if we do, however, some of us will probably die in the effort. Samuel, there are tens of thousands of Torg massing to attack those nests.”

Samuel looked at the ground and said, “We have to try.”

“I know, Samuel. It’s not an option.”

They turned and saw the archers assembling. Scotty said, “We’ll need more arrows. You might want to start the millwrights working on them quickly.

Samuel turned and started issuing orders. Zreeg continued to feed and marveled at the determination of these small creatures to help his people. He didn’t care if some of the warriors were still suspicious. He liked the two-legs that rode his back and, after seeing him fire his weapon, he felt safer with him there. He prayed that this would be the season when he and his mate would have a child to raise. All had been killed by Torg before. He knew Telee was losing hope and he felt her overwhelming sorrow. Her soul was tortured from hearing her babies’ screams as the Torg killed them. He feared she would deliberately attack a herd to end her never ending pain. He looked at the two-legs with white hair and prayed the Air God had sent him to save their children.

The Zord began arriving four hours later. Ten would land and as quick as bindings could be lashed, they took off at high speed for the nesting ground. After two days the archers began climbing on two at a time and flying off with the Zord. Time was growing short.

The first archers arrived and saw Jingo still on top of the Dead Torg with thirty dead Torg at the edge of the nesting ground. Jingo jumped down and met them. He started sending them up in the trees on the outer perimeter of the nesting ground as the Zord females began moving the nests into the center. More than a thousand Torg were killed attempting to attack the females while they feverishly worked to move the now fragile eggs. The number of dead Torg rose to three thousand by the time the nests were relocated. The female Zord were amazed at the accuracy of the two-leg archers and ignored any Torg charging after the second day of work. Some of the eggs were starting to move by the time the carpenters had built blinds halfway up the trunks of the trees at the new, smaller perimeter. Warriors carried the carpenters back to the community and waited as they made arrows for the coming fight. The community could see the impatience of the giant Zord warriors as they waited for a load to be prepared. Finally all were loaded and lifted for the flight back.

Jing looked at Samuel and said, “Well, that’s done.”

Samuel said, “No it’s not, by far. As soon as the other carpenters finish their meals, I want them joining us to make arrows.” Jing showed his doubt and Samuel said, “I would rather have more than we could possibly need than not enough. You know we can always use them if they’re not needed. It will also keep the communities’ minds off the ones sent to fight.”

Jingo tilted his head and nodded. He respected this Human and was often amazed at his insights. The communities needed to be kept busy. He turned around and saw Jesa sitting in front of her home, crying because Jingo had not come back with Scotty. “Especially that one.”

On his way back to the nesting ground, Scotty asked Zreeg to fly over the area surrounding the forest and was stunned at what he saw. “Zreeg, how many Torg are moving toward the forest?”

Zreeg looked down and said, “More than a hundred thousand in the initial herd.”

“What do you mean, initial herd?”

“There will be at least four herds coming to attack our newborns. The follow-up herds are bigger than the first. “

Scotty looked down and saw Torg as far as he could see. “Why are there so many?”

“They know the exact time of our breeding cycle and have been coming for as long as we have been here. This is their largest meal of the year, and their numbers have exploded since they began attacking our nests. Last cycle no newborns survived.”

“Take me to the forest.”

Zreeg turned and flew toward the forest directly in front of the giant, moving mass of Torg.

Scotty came into the nesting ground and yelled for all archers to assemble. The thousand came running and Scotty waited for the last to arrive. He looked around the group and said, “It’s a lot worse that I thought.” He saw their apprehension on their faces. “I have just flown over the Torg herds, and it appears upward of half a million of them are coming to feast on the Zord’s newborns.”

Jingo heard the number and said, “That many?”

“Maybe more; I hope those additional arrows arrive quickly.”

Jingo looked at the group and said, “There’s only one way we stand a chance.”

The archers all turned to him and he continued, “We’re going to have to allow them to get close to the nests.”

Scotty agreed, but the other archers were shocked at his suggestion. Michael Blake asked, “Shouldn’t we should stop them before they get close?”

Jingo looked at Michael and said, “If we attempt to defend a large perimeter, Torg are going to get through. We need the smallest perimeter possible to make sure the number of pathways into the nesting ground is limited. The only way we can slow them down is to kill enough of them to choke their routes through the hedges. We have to fill the spaces between the hedges and pathways with enough dead Torg to block those coming from behind. That line must be where the killing starts, and then we take on anything trying to break through the barrier of dead Torg. I’ve scouted the area and there are a hundred ging roots leading into the nesting ground, and we must defend those paths. If we move fifty yards further out, the number of routes we’ll have to defend doubles from a hundred to two hundred. Ten of us will have to cover each pathway leading from the forest to the eggs. We know the initial numbers charging ahead of the main mass will be fewer than the mass pushing from behind. There will be one archer for every nine on the ground that will be up in a blind. They’ll be hitting anything that makes it through any path leading to the nests. Once the pathways are choked off, half of us will go up in the blinds and start hitting anything that looks like it will even remotely break through. The rest will go where they’re needed. Do any of you see another way?”

Scotty said, “Once we stop the initial charge, I want fifty archers in the center of the nesting area at all times to support any part of our perimeter that looks like it will be overrun. Jingo and I will lead that group. Michael, you will lead the northern approach and Burd, you will handle the southern. Advance fifty yards up each path and start hitting them before they can reach the ging trees’ trunks. You’ll have to hit the first Torg more than a hundred yards up the path to slow the rush enough to create a barricade of dead Torg.”

Bleath sent a thought, “You better get ready; one of the eggs just hatched and the Torg will smell it momentarily. The others will be hatching within the coming five hours.”

Jingo yelled as the archers ran to their trees, “Make every arrow count!”

Jingo and Scotty ran to the center of the northern perimeter toward the largest tree. Scotty went to the left and Jingo right. Eight archers arrived and waited at the giant tree’s trunk. Scotty and Jingo returned to the archers. Scotty looked at the eight other archers and said, “We see four major pathways leading up to this giant tree’s trunk. The one we are standing in leads directly to the nests. The Torg are going to funnel down those other three paths and arrive at this trunk next to the nesting ground.”

Jingo looked at the pathways and said, “The two pathways coming from the left and right have a clear field of fire of more than two hundred yards. Four of you advance a hundred yards up each path and start hitting them two hundred yards out. Try to build the first barrier of dead Torg outside of a hundred yards. Retreat if you must, then start a new barrier at fifty yards. We must keep them away from the trunk of this tree.”

Four archers went to the path on the left and four to the right while Scotty and Jingo took the path in the center. The archers knew that Scotty and Jingo were faster and more accurate than any archer in the communities. Jingo was the acknowledged champion, but only just barely, having bested Scotty by one point in the annual competition. Jingo swore that Scotty let him win, but Scotty never confessed that he did. The competition limited the archers to only one bowgun and Scotty knew that with Jingo’s four arms, there was no doubt about who was the real archer. Jingo was twice as good as Scotty because he had two bowguns. Scotty was good, but Jingo was twice as deadly. The archers moved a hundred yards up the pathways and dropped three extra quivers of arrows at their feet. They waited and knew it wouldn’t be long. The Torg could be heard getting closer.

The other archers arrived at their trees and immediately saw that Jingo was right. The Torg had to be slowed before they could reach the tree where the pathways grew larger. They assigned archers to each path, advanced up the pathways, and took their stances. They heard the cries of newborn Zord among the hedges in the nesting area increase in volume. The sound grew and soon became a noise that permeated the forest. If the Torg hadn’t smelled the newborns, the archers were certain they could hear them.

The Zord circling high overhead couldn’t see what was happening in the forest. The females could hear the babies crying below and longed to throw themselves into their defense, but had learned that it was futile to try. They screamed to the babies below trying to calm their fears.

As the archers arrived, Vring counted the Torg entering the forest from the clearings around it and knew they were going to run short on arrows. The last Zord warriors had arrived with their load of arrows and delivered them to the nesting ground before the Torg began massing, but he could see it was not near enough. He looked at Zreeg and said, “We must go back and bring the two-legs more small feathered sticks.

Zreeg looked down as they circled the forest and said, “Lead the way.”

The two Zord took off at high speed. Bleath watched them go and wondered where they were going. Then he heard the first bellows of the Torg below as they began massing to enter the forest, and turned his attention back to the forest. He decided at that moment that even if the effort by the two-legs to save the hatchlings failed, he would never attack them again. They were placing themselves in danger to save the eggs, and he knew he wouldn’t have done the same for them. They deserved respect for their bravery. The Torg would arrive at the nesting ground in six hours.

Scotty looked from the blind on the tree and saw the other archers had followed their lead and had moved into the pathways below the giant trees. He had divided the archers into a hundred teams such that the best archers were evenly distributed. Half of the teams only had one pathway out into the forest. He had selected the most dangerous location for himself and Jingo. He looked out over the forest, waiting for what he knew was coming. The archers sat and rested as they listened to the volume of the newborns grow to the point of being almost painful. The leaders of the hundred teams sat against the trunk of the tree they were defending, watching Scotty.

Scotty looked out over the hedges and short trees and saw the dust rising from the pathways leading to the nesting ground. The hours seemed to drag as the thousand waited for the Torg to arrive. Finally, he stood up and looked at the team leaders and held up ten fingers. Ten minutes until the Torg herds arrived. The team leaders ran to get their archers ready. The volume of the newborns was now being drowned out by the bellow of the approaching Torg. Then the ground started shaking and the archers took their guns off safe.

Scotty came down the tree and joined Jingo on the ground. He looked at his friend and asked, “Has that war gland of yours kicked in yet?”

Jingo smiled, “Nope, not yet! How about that adrenal thing you’ve got?”

Scotty chuckled, “It kicked in on the warrior flying here and hasn’t turned off. Here they come.”

The Torg could be felt as well as heard. The ground was trembling under their hooves and their roars grew louder by the second. Jingo leaned over and shouted over the roar, “It’s turned on now.”

Scotty smiled as he saw the first Torg turn the corner of the pathway a hundred yards away and fired his first arrow. Jingo followed with two less than a second later as Scotty pulled the gun around and aimed for a Torg that had managed to get around the three that had fallen in front of it. Three more Torg hit the ground, and the stampeding herd rushed into the fallen animals in front and began tripping. Scotty and Jingo hit any animal that fell at the front of the charging mass, and the pathway had a mound of dead Torg four feet high extending from hedge row to hedge row. The charging Torg crashed into those in front, trampling hundreds of them as they stumbled and jumped to clear the dead and fallen Torg struggling to get up. Torg were being killed by the rushing mass as well as the arrows. Those that jumped over the barrier were hit and added their bodies to the growing mound. The barrier of dead Torg grew to six feet in less than a minute, and the charging herd continued to rush over those slowed or dead in front. The screams of the dying Torg mixed with the newborn Zord deafened the archers. The charging mass of Torg finally slowed down and stopped trampling those stopped at the wall of dead Torg. The Torg in front leaped and began climbing over the wall. Scotty hit the first to come over the top, and Jingo caught the second two before they could get their heads over the top. Scotty looked at the other two paths and saw Torg in the left pathway were less than fifty yards away. Scotty reached over and pulled Jingo’s vest. Jingo looked at him and Scotty pointed toward the archers on the left. Jingo looked and nodded. He ran over to the besieged archers and Torg began falling too fast to count. The dead Torg began forming a barrier eight feet high in less than thirty seconds and Jingo left and ran back to Scotty who had killed twenty more in his absence. Jingo took over firing as Scotty moved back and picked up four more quivers of arrows. He looked at the openings into the clearing and didn’t see any archers. They had to be holding the Torg off up the pathways. The noise was thunderous.

After an hour the wall of dead Torg was fifteen feet high, and Scotty sent the archers up into the tree’s blind to fire on the Torg trying to climb the wall. Once they were in place, he and Jingo sprinted across to the tree just south of them. Scotty scrambled up the tree, knelt in the blind, and looked down on a vision from hell. The herd of Torg had charged into the wall and had pushed dead animals forward. The wall slowly moved and then toppled forward. Scotty began hitting the ones in the front ranks and Jingo added his fire. A mound of dead began piling up as Jingo hit them before they could pass. Scotty picked off the ones in back attempting to push the mound over. Three archers joined Scotty in the blind and the mound not only grew in height, but now width. Scotty saw that this mound was going nowhere and he scampered down the tree and motioned for Jingo to join him. Over the next five hours they supported the groups of archers wherever the Torg threatened a breakthrough.

Jingo grabbed Scotty’s arm and pointed at the quivers behind the southern archers. There were only thirty five left and Scotty realized it was not going to be enough. He looked at Jingo, shrugged and hugged his friend. Jingo smiled and nodded. They grabbed a quiver and sprinted back to the northern line.

Vring and Zreeg arrived at the community and Vring saw the young female that was the four armed two-leg’s mate. He thought to her, “We need all the arrows you have.”

Jesa’s heart went into her throat and she yelled for Jing, who came rushing up, and Vring said, “We are going to need every arrow you can spare.”

Samuel arrived and the two began yelling orders. Jesa came up and looked at Vring saying nothing. Vring stared at her and said, “I don’t know. We can’t see into the forest to know if he is still alive. I’m sorry.”

Jesa nodded and said, “Please help him come back to me.”

Vring stared at her and replied, “If I have to die trying, I will do my best to make that happen, little one.”

Jesa ran forward and hugged the Zord’s front leg. Vring was touched by her emotions, and began to feel his heart beat increase. He looked at Zreeg and said, “I will carry the first load into the forest.”

“Vring, how are you going to get these weapons to the nests? There is no room to fly and walking is certain death.”

“There is a space between the lower branches and the smaller trees. I’m small enough to manage it. I’ve got to try.”

“You’ll never make it. There are too many trees to dodge. Carrying the weapons will weigh you down.”

“Do you have a better idea?”

Zreeg just shook his head.

Zreeg grabbed five hundred quivers in his front talons and Vring clutched an additional two hundred. They flapped, lifted slowly off the ground, and began their flight. The only thing that saved them was a southerly wind that allowed them to glide most of the distance.

Scotty and Jingo heard the screams, ran toward one of the giant trees, and saw the first Torgs round the curve at its base. The eighty five archers sent to hold had been overrun and killed. Scotty hit the first three and Jingo killed the next eight. Ten other archers joined them and the Torg began running around the back of the trunk to avoid the mass of their dead. Now two hundred archers joined the killing and Torg dead began filling the space around the trunk. Scotty looked at his quiver and saw he only had two bundles remaining. He looked around and saw the others were also running out. The Torg began pulling their dead away from the tree and Scotty knew they had failed. Once the mound was removed, they would be overwhelmed. Just as the first Torg came through the gap Scotty head a loud screech over head and saw Vring drop quivers full of arrows at their feet. Scotty smiled at Jingo and the killing began anew.

With the weight removed, Vring flew out of the forest nimbly dodging the trees until he came out into a clearing and gained altitude. He flew directly to the central mountain next to their land and landed next to Zreeg just below the snow line. Bleath came flying in and demanded, “What are you doing?”

“Our friends are close to being overrun. They are short of these weapons. I must take more.”

Zreeg looked at Vring and saw he was weary, but kept his silence. Bleath said, “I forbid you to do so.”

Vring looked at his father and said, “I gave an oath to the four armed two-leg’s mate that I would help him return or die trying. Would you have me dishonor my promise?”

Bleath said nothing. Vring grabbed a load of quivers in his talons and looked at his father, “How can we not face the danger our friends are confronting? Even if I fail, the effort must be made.”

Bleath looked at his only child and said, “You have earned my honor this day.”

Vring felt his heart swell, then he lifted and glided toward the giant forest below.

Scotty and the archers had filled all available space around the giant tree with dead Torg. It seemed the Torg knew that this was where the fight would be won or lost, and the massive herds began moving toward the tree. They started pulling dead bodies away from the trunk in earnest. Scotty looked up, saw Vring approaching with more arrows, and realized the small Zord was barely able to stay above the lower trees. Vring dropped his load and then it happened. His weak wing gave out and he fell out of the air into the trunk of the Ging being attacked by the Torg. Scotty yelled, “NO!”

Jingo looked at him, then turned and saw what he was seeing. He saw Vring holding on to the trunk with his talons and saw the Zord was weak; he was starting to slip down the trunk. He saw Scotty grab four quivers and run toward the injured Zord. Jingo yelled at Scotty, but knew there was no stopping his friend. Jingo grabbed six quivers and ran after Scotty. The attacking Torg saw the injured Zord and began leaping up the mound of dead surrounding the trunk. Scotty arrived and scampered up the mound just as Vring fell from the trunk beside him. Scotty shot the first six Torg climbing the mound. The first had gotten within six feet of Vring when it suddenly stopped its climb, stared at the Zord with a dead expression, and fell back into other climbers with an arrow jutting out of its head. Ten Torg were knocked off the mound as the Torg fell back into the mass below. Jingo arrived right behind Scotty and they saw the thousands of Torg filling the three pathways leading to the tree’s base. The giant herds of Torg left the other trees to join in the attack where the Zord had fallen. The archers defending those trees sent half their number running to the new attack. They grabbed as many quivers as they could carry and ran to join their friends.

Vring stared out into the thousands of bellowing Torg filling the pathways on each side of the tree, pulling at their dead to open the path. He looked out over the forest and saw the huge piles of their dead at the other trees surrounding the nesting ground. He could see the thousands of newborns still in their nests, instinctively refusing to leave without their parents. He looked at the two standing beside him fighting to save his life. He found an inner peace and knew that his family had found new friends that would make a difference, if not now, then later, in saving their babies. He watched it all and hoped to share his vision if he survived this fight. He forgot his wing, he forgot his suspicions of the two-legs, he marveled at their amazing skill with their weapons, and he knew if he survived he would have children of his own one day.

Now there were four hundred archers on the mound, and the Torg were being killed a hundred yards from the tree. Two hundred archers began moving down the mound in each direction, killing anything that moved in front of them.

No one had ever determined how the Torg communicate. They had to possess some means of communication; they attacked in teams and moved together in herds. However they did it, a message was sent and the thousands of Torg in the forest turned and fled. It had somehow gotten through their simple consciousness that nothing awaited them in this forest but death. The Zord flying high over head could hear the roar of the gigantic battle but were unable to see through the tress. Suddenly, they saw Torg running out of the forest into the wasteland bordering the forest.

Teelee, circling high overhead, saw the Torg and wondered what was happening. Then she saw thousands run out of the forest. As she watched, the numbers escaping stunned her. The huge herds escaping approached a hundred thousand, and the mass continued to run out of the trees. Zreeg joined Telee circling the forest and as the roar of the Torg at the nesting ground faded, they could hear the yelps below. Telee felt her heart skip a beat as she heard the distinctive yelps of her six children. She screamed in answer and flew twists and turns as she celebrated her joy. Zreeg felt his love and joy for his mate and her newfound heart. Her joy overwhelmed him, and he joined her in an acrobatic flight demonstrating their love for each other.

Scotty collapsed next to Vring and said, “We have got to quit meeting like this.”

Vring lifted his wing and winced, “I will if you will.”

Scotty looked at Vring and said, “If you had not arrived with more arrows, we would have all died. You saved us.”

Jingo came around the giant tree’s trunk and fell flat on his back on top of a giant, dead Torg and said, “That’s it! I’m done! Someone wake me in two years and while you’re at it, have them bring me some new arms.” and fell dead asleep.

Vring and Scotty looked at Jingo and Scotty smiled at his sleeping friend. “We would have failed without him. He made the difference.”

Vring looked at Scotty, “He certainly carried more than his share of this load, but it was you that gave your warriors the heart to fight on.”

Scotty lay down and stretched out, “If you say so, Vring. When help arrives, please have someone help me get up. I don’t think I can move my arms anymore.”

Vring smiled, “So, I’m not the only one with bad limbs?”

Scotty never heard him. Neither the yelps of the thousands of newborn Zord or the screams of their parents overhead could wake him.

Vring looked at the surviving exhausted archers sitting in the nesting ground and counted seven hundred forty six. He felt a great loss for those that died. Not one Zord had been killed, though he had come close. Vring knew the two-legs were owed a blood debt. He turned and saw Bleath leading the community up the path toward him. The huge Zord had no trouble climbing the mounds choking the path. He saw the amazement of everyone as they witnessed the number of dead Torg surrounding the nesting ground. Joyous parents rushed forward to find their children, while Bleath stayed with Vring and looked at the two sleeping beside him. Bleath felt Vring’s feelings and said, “Show me what you saw, son.”

Vring showed him.

Chapter Five

The archers had gathered at the edge of the nesting ground and ate as they mourned their lost friends and brothers. Many owed their lives to the brave archers that stood their ground, killing charging Torg until they were overrun. Scotty and Jingo had their arms in slings and winced every time they moved. Most of the archers were not going to lift anything larger than a grellup pod for weeks. The recoil from the bowguns left bruises on their shoulders. Lifting the weight of the guns for nine hours had been exhausting.

Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “It looks like that war gland kept you going.”

Jingo grimaced as he laughed and said, “Your adrenal thing-a-majig did the same. There’s no way I could have fired my bowguns that many times. How long did the fight last?”

“The Zord say over nine hours. It seemed much longer,”

“Tell me about it.”

The archers looked out at the female Zord feeing their young with meat from the dead Torg, and they could hear their thoughts. The love of the mothers was clear and the joy of having babies, some for the first time, was overwhelming. The archers felt their hearts heal as they saw the joy their fight had brought to the Zord. An archer in back of the group said, “This was worth it.”

Scotty stood and faced the group. Several had to help him stand. “Any species that can love like this deserves our help. I am so proud of having fought with you to save these children. You have proven your hearts this day.”

Michael Blake said, “And you have shown us what a true heart really is. We won’t forget it.” The archers knew that even if they were not related by blood, they were now all brothers because of their shared ordeal.

Bleath listened to them and came forward, “We are taking you home. Our warriors have almost come to blows over who would be given the honor of flying you back to your communities. We have fashioned bindings you can slip your legs through to keep you from having to use your arms. We see that your arms are injured from the long use of your weapons. I will assist you to our warrior’s backs. I do not have the words to thank you for your sacrifice.” Bleath paused and the archers could feel his emotions. He took a deep breath and continued, “On the night of the next full moons we will come to speak with your leaders. Please be there to hear our words.”

Scotty looked up at the giant Zord and said, “We will not miss the gathering.”

A huge warrior walked up. Bleath lowered his front leg and Scotty sat on it as Bleath lifted him to Zreeg’s back. Scotty slipped his legs under the binding, then slipped his feet outside and hooked them in the binding. Cezee arrived and Jingo was lifted to his back. Bleath stayed and lifted every archer to the backs of the Zord Warriors. When the last had flown away, he listened to the thousands of newborns being fed by their mothers and was overcome by his emotions.

Scotty sat on Zreeg and looked up at the stars filling the night sky. He leaned back, lay on the giant reptile’s shoulders, and felt the rhythmic motion of his wings. Zreeg said, “I owe you my life, white hair.”

Scotty remained on his back and thought, “You owe me nothing, Zreeg. I would have been poorer in spirit if I hadn’t come to help you. Now I am stronger, and that is payment enough.”

“I sense you mean what you say, but you have given me my mate back. Her tortured soul has returned and she is the beautiful one I remember. I will never forget your bravery and kindness. My back belongs to you for the rest of my life.”

Scotty felt the emotions of the Zord and said, “My bowgun will always be available to defend your family, Zreeg.” The two flew in silence, feeling a bond that was forged out of great respect for each other. It would never be broken.

Zreeg screamed, announcing his coming, and Scotty looked down and saw the fire in the clearing. Suddenly he heard the three horns start blowing and saw both communities come running toward the clearing. Zreeg circled and slowly descended to the ground. Scotty arrived and Samuel came running up. Zreeg said, “You will have to help him down. He cannot use his arms.”

Samuel yelled for three young Humans and they ran forward and climbed the bindings. One carried a vine that was placed under Scotty’s arms and around his back, and two of them lowered him to the group waiting to receive him. Cegee landed right behind him and Jesa ran and climbed the vines before anyone could move. Jingo saw her coming and she threw her arms around his neck and started crying. He whispered, “I can’t use my arms to hold you, Jesa.”

She looked at him and kissed him, “I don’t care. I need you in my arms.”

Three youths climbed up and lowered Jingo to the ground. Scotty looked at Samuel and Jing, “We lost more than two hundred in the fight.” He saw their immediate sadness.

Jing looked at Scotty and asked, “Were you able to save the Zord’s newborns?”

Scotty gave a small smile and said, “The Torg did not get even one hatchling. We saved them all.”

Samuel took a deep breath and asked, “How many Torg attacked?”

Scotty said, “We estimated more than half a million.”

Zreeg said, “There were at least that number, and probably more. My leader requests a meeting with you at the next full moons at midnight, if that is acceptable.”

Jing looked up at the giant Zord and said, “We will welcome you to our communities.”

Other giant warriors were landing and the community began welcoming home the brave archers that had been feared lost. Zreeg looked at Scotty and then lifted to make room for the returning archers.

Jing asked, “What’s wrong with your arms?”

“We fought the Torg for nine hours and I fired more than three thousand arrows. I think I pulled things that I didn’t know I had.”

Two women came running up and escorted Scotty away. Samuel knew they would care for the injured warrior. Jingo was escorted away by Jesa and the two leaders knew he was in good hands.

Samuel watched the Zord fly in with their cargo of weary archers and saw the Zord’s respect for the brave Humans and Cainth that had fought for them. They waited to get the names of the ones killed in the fighting, but they both felt a sense of pride of what their warriors had accomplished. The two stayed until the last one arrived and was cared for by the waiting communities. Jing looked at Samuel and said, “Half a million Torg. Our defenses have been greatly strengthened by what they endured.”

Samuel shook his head, “I wish I could have witnessed it.”

Jing got a far-a-way look in his eyes, “Just think about it; half a million Torg.”

Jingo lay on the ground under one of the small trees next to the central clearing. Jesa was massaging oil from the halbeg tree on his four arms and he was in heaven. She continued to rub the oil on his lower right arm and asked, “Did you do as I asked and avoided taking dangerous risks?”

“Uh oh,” Jingo thought. “I’m here, my love. I must have done something right.”

Jesa looked at Jingo and continued to rub oil on his arms. “Thank the creator he listened to me,” she thought.

The archers told the community of the fight and the bravery of those that were lost. The archers adopted their fallen comrades’ families and vowed to treat them as their own. No one believed the tale that was told. Everyone just knew the story was embellished as war tales often were. Some of the teenagers didn’t believe any of it, but kept their opinions to themselves. The archers slowly healed, and finally the time for the meeting arrived.

Jing and Samuel were waiting at the fire and the two communities were sitting around them at the edge of the trees. Scotty, Jingo, and Jesa sat with Jesa’s parents and waited for the Zord’s arrival. Scotty looked up at the two full moons and the blanket of stars. He thought about how much had happened since the previous meeting and hoped the Zord would keep their word about no future attacks. As he stared at the stars, a huge number of them were blocked out. He turned to Jingo and said, “They’re here.”

Bleath and the four elders came in together this time and landed beside the fire next to Jing and Samuel. Jing walked forward and said, “Welcome back to our community.”

Bleath looked around at the gathered Humans and Cainth, then looked at Jing and Samuel. “We have come to give honor to those that came and fought for our children. What they did will never be forgotten by us. We could not see the fight taking place in the trees, but one of us was able to view a small portion of it at the end. We feel it is important that you bear witness to what your brave archers endured to save us.” Bleath looked out at the gathered communities and sent the vision Vring had given him.

The community saw a view of trees that were dodged and flown around as the one viewing flew through the forest. The vision was as real as being there seeing it happen. Then the view shifted down and the pathways leading to the community were seen; they were choked with Torg. The view flew over trees where archers were firing at huge mounds of dead Torg. Then they saw Scotty and Jingo running forward and start firing at the giant ging where the Torg had broken through to its trunk and were charging around the giant tree. They watched as Scotty and Jingo held their ground in front of the mass of charging Torg as other archers joined them. The mound of dead animals surrounding the tree was high and getting higher. Then the view changed as the viewer flew into the forest.

The view started again as the Zord flying through the trees approached the nesting ground again. They watched as hundreds of giant Torg pulled at the dead bodies around the giant tree. They saw as the flyer released the load of quivers and watched them fall to the gathered archers. Then the view changed as the giant tree rushed into view and came to a jarring halt.

The community could see that the flyer had hit the tree and was hanging on. The view below looked like a vision from hell as the Torg pulled bodies away from the tree. Then the community saw Scotty looking up at the downed flyer, reach down and grab four quivers of arrows, then run toward the tree. Jingo was right behind him, and the two of them climbed the mound toward the flyer. Then the view changed to the level of the two archers on top of the mound killing Torg at an unbelievable rate. They saw Scotty kill six Torg as they tried to attack the wounded Zord. They saw the jaws of a giant Torg come within six feet of the wounded Zord. They knew the Zord was now on top of the mound with the two archers. No one counted the number of arrows Scotty and Jingo fired on the mound, but many Torg came within an arm’s length of them before they fell back into the climbing mass. The view shifted to the pathways, and the Torg filled them as far as could be seen in both directions. Then the other archers arrived and the killing amazed the communities. When the four hundred archers came down the mound, one being led by Scotty and the other by Jingo, the dead Torg filled the pathways ten feet high. Then they saw the Torg turn and rush away from the archers advancing up the path. The view shifted to one high over the forest and the community watched as the Torg began running from the forest in hundreds, then thousands, and then hundreds of thousands. Even the archers that had been in the fight were shocked into silence.

Jesa looked at Jingo and he could see she knew he had not heeded her advice to not take any risks. He lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry, Jesa.”

She lifted his chin with two hands and looked into his eyes, “I’ll never be as proud of you as I am at this moment.” She had tears in her eyes as she held him tight. “You would not be here if you had followed my advice.” Jingo put his head on hers and said, “I love you.”

She nodded and whispered, “I know.”

The doubting teenagers felt their shame. They looked at the archers that faced the Torg herds and were silenced by the bravery they witnessed. They vowed to become just like the brave archers.

The two communities were silent. The shock of what the archers had faced was overwhelming, and words could not describe what they had seen.

Bleath looked out at the gathering and said, “We have looked at the memories of your archers who survived, and we are humbled by the price they paid for us. More than two hundred of them died fighting the charging herd as they were overrun. Not one of them ran to save themselves. One thing we have seen is that without the bravery of the one with white hair and the four armed archer with two weapons, the Torg would have taken our babies again. They supported their fellow warriors and turned the Torg away fifty six times.”

The gathered community looked at the archers and they were all nodding. Everyone looked at Scotty and Jingo and Scotty said, “It was Jingo that made the difference.”

Michael Blake stood and said, “Jingo did make a huge difference. But it was you he followed into the jaws of the herd. You didn’t hesitate, but came to save us no matter the odds. The Zord is right; the two of you are what saved us.”

Bleath added, “And, as a result of your bravery, saved our newborns.” Bleath looked down at Samuel and Jing, “Your archers also saved my species from extinction.”

Samuel said, “What!?”

“Last cycle, not one newborn lived. The cycle before that, only two survived. Over the last hundred cycles, we have lost more to death each year than we could replace. We are down to only nine thousand and time is not on our side. The Torg herds have grown to the point where they could not be stopped. This cycle, more than fifteen thousand newborns are alive because of your brave warriors. This night under the twin moons, their skins are hard and they are now able to fly. This night all of our memories will be imprinted on them going all the way back to our ancestors that flew the smoky skies of our home world. Their parents will also imprint the vision I just shared with you. They will know they owe their lives to your gallant archers. Those fifteen thousand newborns will bring us back from extinction, and the food provided by your archers will feed us for more than ten cycles.”

Jingo was shocked, “What food?”

Bleath said, “Right now our warriors are flying the Torg you killed to the snow on our mountains. It will be preserved until we need it. We will not have to attack the Torg herds to feed ourselves and fewer of us will die. Our numbers will grow because of your kindness.”

Bleath looked at Scotty and Jingo and said, “Please come forward.”

The two looked at each other and walked in front of Bleath. Bleath said, “I thought my son was insane when he argued against attacking you. Now I know you are a blessing from the Air God. I have learned that your weapons are called bowguns.” Scotty and Jingo nodded. “We have changed the names of the three mountains next to our lands. The two mountains on each side of the center one will be called the two bows to honor this warrior that fought so bravely for us. One will be the left bow; the other the right bow.” Jingo swelled with pride at what he was told. Bleath turned to Scotty and said, “The center mountain will be called White Hair to honor you.”

Scotty lowered his head and said, “I don’t deserve more than any of us.”

“Yes you do, White Hair. It was you that opened your heart to my injured son and taught us how truly good your communities are. You risked your life then and countless other times defending our hatchings. None of this would have happened without your good heart.”

Bleath looked out at the gathering and said, “We have also vowed that my warriors, our mothers, and our children will defend all of you until that mountain ceases to exist. It will be a constant reminder of our oath. We owe you our existence and we will never forget what you did this cycle.”

The gathering rose and cheered the announcement and began hugging and congratulating the brave warriors that fought the Torg. Bleath raised his wings and the communities became quiet. “There is one more message that I promised to deliver.” The giant Zord looked at the archers that had gathered and were sitting in a group, “The warriors that carried you to our nesting ground and brought you home have asked me to tell you that they are sworn to you. They will be your mounts anytime you desire them. They will carry you wherever you choose to go, and will defend you against all enemies.” Bleath turned to Scotty and said, “My son and Zreeg have agreed that both of them will be your mounts. You have won their respect, and they vow to defend you.” Bleath looked up and said, “You are now Riders of the Zord, and we will never allow you to fall.”

The celebration began in earnest and joy was the watchword. Jing looked up at Bleath and said, “You know if our archers can fly with you, we can stop many of the Torg from reaching your forest. They may be persuaded to stay away.”

Bleath looked down at Jing and said, “Next year we will have to try and see. You should know that both of you have also been given a mount.” Two of the Elders stepped forward and one said, “I am Jing’s.”

The other said, “I am Samuel’s.”

Samuel looked up at Bleath and asked, “Is there a special reason why your birthing ground is located in that forest?”

Bleath tilted his head and said, “It’s dark enough under the trees to protect our newborns’ skins and eyes.”

“Well, if you look over the hill from our community, the ging trees are thick and it’s quite dark under them. If you would lay your eggs here, we would have more than three thousand archers to protect them. We have eliminated most of the Torg around here and few will come close to our community. Those giant herds will have nothing to feed on and they are too far away to come here.”

Bleath looked at the four Elders, then looked back at Samuel, “We will do exactly that. I can see that my family is going to grow and prosper. Thank you for helping us.”

The community continued to celebrate as Zord warriors descended to join in the festivities; many of them looking for their chosen rider. Soon the Zord began lifting with their riders and started circling high overhead, screaming their happiness.

Jesa held on tight to Jingo as Cezee circled the community. The beauty revealed from the two full moons shining on the forest below filled Jesa’s heart. She knew she would never forget this night. Jingo turned his head and said, “Jesa, will you do me the honor of becoming my Mate?”

Jesa’s heart exploded and, holding on tightly, she scrambled around Jingo to face him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and then kissed him over and over. Cezee could feel their love; it was just like the feeling shared with his mate tending to their six new children. Cezee stayed aloft until Jesa stopped kissing Jingo and said, “Yes.”

Chapter Six

Twenty year old Scotty Robbins sat on the hill looking up at the stars. They were still amazing after all these years.

“Why do you spend so many nights out on this hill, White Hair?”

Scotty looked over at Vring sitting on the hill beside him and said, “I guess it’s because I know the history of many of them. There are others out there that are just like us staring at the majesty of the universe around us. They, too, are struggling to survive.” Scotty rolled over and looked at Vring and said, “Those stars were once all joined together in a community of millions of planets.” Scotty rolled back over on his back and said, “My home world is now gone from this universe with the Great Royal Family that ruled us with love, compassion, and wisdom. They once tried to make us more than we could be. Greed, ambition, and lust for power seduced many of us and we lost it all.”

Vring continued to stare at the sky and said, “I’ve seen what you speak of in your mind. There are times one must lose everything to understand and appreciate what they take for granted.”

“It was too high a price, Vring. Trillions have died in the aftermath of that loss. No one remained strong enough to control those bent on absolute power. Now we are only a shadow of what we were.” Scotty took a deep breath, “We lost so much.” Scotty looked at the stars and said, “I dream of finding those out in those stars that have learned this lesson and long to be rejoined to a community that knows the value of peace.”

Vring remained silent and looked at the stars.

“I’m surprised you’re not helping care for the newborns. The last hatching set some kind of record didn’t it?”

“I’m actually using you as an excuse to escape.” Scotty looked at Vring. “I told Bleath that you wanted me to take you Torg hunting in the morning. That’s the only excuse that would allow me to escape.”

Scotty laughed, “Is it that bad?”

“Think about what thirty thousand newborns sound like. Add that to the forty five thousand youngsters less than three cycles old; I think my ears are still dead and will never hear properly again. Even a Torg could charge me and I wouldn’t hear it. Thank the Air God for all the food your archers provided or we would be in huge trouble feeding them.”

Scott smiled, “I would have never thought any of you would complain about newborns.”

“Easy for you to say; you don’t have to feed or hear them.”

Scotty chuckled again and said, “Well, we’ll go up in the morning and make sure some of your community see us.”

“I appreciate that more than you know. By the way, where’s Jingo?”

“Jesa is close to delivering their first child and he’s staying close.”

There was silence for several minutes and Vring asked, “Have you not found a mate?”

Scotty sighed deeply, “No. There are quite a few of our young women that have made their interest known but none of them touch my heart.”

There were several more minutes of silence and Scotty said, “None of them come close to what my mother was. I guess I still miss her too much.”

“I’ve seen Jesa’s memories of the day she died. She was a remarkable Human. She died trying to save several that had fallen.”

There was another long silence, then Vring said something that brought Scotty up off his back. “At least she didn’t suffer like those poor slaves north of our lands.”

“What slaves, Vring?”

“Oh, don’t worry about them; they aren’t members of your community. The big Yellow Skins use them to work their farms.”

“Vring what are you talking about?! What do you mean, suffering?”

Vring looked at Scotty and said, “I thought you only protected those in your two communities. Those slaves are captured species being forced to farm for the Yellow Creatures. They have been captive since shortly after the original destruction.”

Scotty jumped up and said, “We do not tolerate slavery of any kind. You mean there are many being held as slaves?”

Vring tilted his head and said, “They were the last time one of our warriors flew over their lands.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Three cycles ago, just before you came to save our eggs, we sent warriors out looking for safe nesting grounds. We have seen them occasionally over the centuries.”

“Vring, I want you to take me there.”

“No way!”

“Why not?”

“Those yellow creatures have a weapon which uses a bright beam that kills Torg from great distances. It is called a blaster, according to your memories. I will not take you into that deadly land.”

“If you won’t take me, I will start walking there in the morning. I will not sit idly by when there are people being held in slavery.”

Vring saw Scotty was serious. “White Hair, they will see you just like the Torg that have learned to sprint into the forest when one of you goes flying with us. I can hide with my color shifting, but they will see you.” Vring paused and said, “Besides, I must have my father’s permission to leave our lands.”

Scotty stood up and started up the hill. “Hey, where are you going?”

“I told you I would walk if you won’t take me.”

“You’re serious; aren’t you?”

“Yes I am, Vring. Slavery was never tolerated by the Holy Realm, and we live by the Realm’s principles.”

“Well, wait just a minute. Slow down. I’ll go home and request that I take you to see the northern slaves. If I’m turned down, Zreeg will come take you. It would take you almost a cycle to walk the distance and you don’t know where you’re going. They’ve been there over a thousand cycles; waiting a few more days won’t make a difference. That will give you time to prepare for the trip.”

Scotty stared at Vring and said, “Ok, I’ll wait three days. If you don’t come back I’ll start hiking north.”

“Why does this bother you so much?”

“Slavery robs a being of everything; their self-worth, their happiness, their dreams, and their love. No one should endure that kind of suffering.”

“Is it your responsibility to free every slave on the planet?”

“It is the duty of all of us to free those that are slaves. That includes your species, too.”


“Because the Torg had enslaved your people; your species were made a food source for them and you faced extinction at their jaws. How was life living under the Torg, Vring?”

Vring was silent and finally took a huge breath, “Every day was spent in constant sorrow anticipating the coming slaughter of our hatchlings. Many had chosen just to attack a large Torg herd to end their pain and suffering. Most of those were the mothers that had lost their eggs too many times.”

“Do you think those slaves feel any different, with no hope of freedom?”

““Drab you, Scotty. Now I’m feeling anger at those slave masters.” Vring paused and said, “Even if I’m told not to go. I give you my oath I will take you anyway.”

“How long will it take us to go there?”

“Three days of hard flying.”

“Then ask Zreeg to go with us to carry enough food for you to make the round trip.”

“I’m sure I’ll find food on the way. If nothing else, the Torg reproduce at an extraordinary rate. Are you going alone?”

Scotty lowered his head, “I made an oath to Jingo to tell him any time I was planning to leave the community. He takes that promise to my mother very seriously. However, he’s expecting his first child and he might stay.”

“Would you?”

“Wow; that’s a hard question! I honestly don’t know what I’d do.”

“Could you wait until the child is born?”

Scotty took a huge breath and blew it out, “I probably won’t have a choice. If he chooses to go, I just couldn’t force him to leave Jesa to have their child alone.” Scotty pondered the dilemma and said, “I don’t want you to go and collect all you need to make the journey and then have you wait here. Jesa is due in two days and the Cainth are just like your species; their births are within hours of the scheduled time.”

Vring said, “Let’s do this. Give him some time with his newborn and we’ll leave seven days from now. Is that a plan you can accept?”

Scotty looked up at the stars and, after a seeing a shooting star flash across the sky, he said, “Yes.”

Vring walked down the hill and spread his wings, “I will see you in seven rotations, White Hair. Make sure you have enough provisions.”

“I will, Vring. Thank you.”

The huge Zord lifted and flew north.

Scotty watched him go and shook his head, “Boy, they grow fast. He’s larger than Zreeg.”

Vring arrived midmorning after a leisurely flight back, and he could hear the latest hatching of newborns long before he arrived. “Now, where’s Bleath?” He circled over the forest and didn’t see him in any of the clearings. He flapped his wings six times, caught a rising thermal, and rose to more than fifteen hundred feet. He looked out over the huge wastelands and didn’t see him there, either. That left one place. He turned and flapped toward the three peaks. “There he is.”

Bleath was on White Hair Mountain supervising the food transfer to the newborns. Vring screamed and Bleath looked up and motioned him down. He landed and Bleath said, “It’s about time you came back. You can help carry the food down to the newborns.”

Vring walked closer and Bleath said in a serious voice, “What’s wrong?”

Vring shared his thoughts of what White Hair was going to do.

Vring could see Bleath’s fear. “We can’t risk letting him go there.”

Vring knew Bleath’s love for the two-legs and was amazed at the depth of his feelings for the small being of another species. He understood it because every Zord knew White Hair was a gift from the Air God. “Father, you saw his thoughts. Do you think we can prevent him?”

Bleath thought a moment and said, “No. He will do exactly what he said and walk there if we don’t assist him.”

“I’m worried that he will be seen on my back. We have to fly over open land and even the Torg run before we can get close with a rider.”

Bleath thought and lowered his head. Vring waited and wondered what his father was contemplating. His thoughts were deep in his consciousness and Vring couldn’t hear them. Finally, Bleath raised his head and said, “Announce a council of all Zord tomorrow night.”

Vring was worried. His father had not even forbid him to go. He knew that as the chosen successor to Bleath, he would never be allowed to deliberately place himself in danger. He was going anyway and he was sure Bleath saw that in his thoughts. Vring sighed and remembered being restrained from warning the two-legs about the Zord’s planned attack three cycles earlier. If they planned to restrain him again, they would have to catch him first. He smiled at that thought. I’m not so small anymore and I’m the best flyer in the flock. Vring thought about it and suddenly realized that no warrior would step forward to restrain him from protecting White Hair. They knew the blood debt Vring owed to Scotty and would never consider stopping him from paying it. Then he knew why Bleath did not forbid him to go. Vring knew if he didn’t go, Bleath would take his place. Vring shook his head and wondered about the adoration the Zord had for his friend. What is bothering his father so much to call a council? He’d find out tomorrow.

Thousands of Zord were gathered on the high slope of White Hair Mountain in the clearing just below the snow line. The families were gathered together in groups with the family elder in front. Bleath looked at the thousands of three year olds attending their first council and again, remembered the Day of the Torg, when the two-leg archers freed them from the vicious beasts. The three year olds outnumbered the adults. He saw their awe at the gathering and smiled at their good behavior. The community was talking among themselves wondering what had happened to cause Bleath to call a council and some were worried. Finally, Bleath raised his wings and the huge gathering grew silent.

“I am going to share a conversation my son had with White Hair.” Bleath replayed what Vring had shared with him, and Bleath saw immediate fear from the older warriors.

One of the older Elders said, “We cannot allow him to go. He must be prevented from going into that dangerous place.”

Bleath looked out at the community and said, “Do you not think his community said the same thing to him when he chose to come defend our newborns?” Bleath waited, then said, “No, they did not. They knew his quest that night was worthy and true to their beliefs. Do you think they could have stopped him from doing what he knew was right? Even if they had tried, he would have come anyway and the great Four Arm would have followed him. He is from the Air God and he will do its work. We will demonstrate a lack of thankfulness if we try to prevent him from his new quest.” Bleath paused and silence dominated. “He is also right about the nature of this quest. He freed us from our oppressors. Think back to how our lives were filled with sorrow and pain until he came. Those oppressed slaves are also feeling sorrow and pain. We cannot turn our backs on those that need freedom.”

Bleath saw the community feeling Scotty’s thoughts, and he could feel a hatred of those that are oppressors rise among the warriors. “The Elders and I have decided to give a gift to help the White Hair in his quest.” The community looked at Bleath wondering what he was planning. “There is real danger to our friends if we fly into those lands. We are going to give our ancestor’s Zeckas to protect them.” The community was stunned. Bleath expected a huge negative howl at the suggestion, but it didn’t come.

Zreeg thought so all could hear, “I formally request that in the event of my death, you send my Zecka to the two-legs. I can think of no holier use of it than protecting those that faced the jaws for my children.” The leader of the six three year olds behind him added their thoughts to his, “We also ask for the same holy use of our Zeckas. We saw them fight and die so we could live.” Hundred of the warriors shouted to add their names to the request.

Bleath was both humbled and gladdened by the community’s response. He knew the holiness of the Zecka. He looked out at the gathering and asked, “Do any object to what I am asking of you?”

Silence dominated the community. Bleath looked around and continued, “Vring, Zreeg, and Cezee will carry the Zeckas with me to the two-leg’s community tomorrow night. They are the chosen brothers of White Hair and Four Arms. We will make our offering and plead that they accept it. I know they will be reluctant because of the goodness in their heart. However, I will prevail and make them do it. I thank you for your faith in doing this, and I know they will give the Zeckas the honor they are due.”

Scotty was sitting with Jingo seeing the love they had for their newborn baby girl. The grunds were howling around the community and everyone knew that Jesa’s baby had arrived. Jesa was holding her and Jingo had his arms around them staring into the face of his new baby girl. “Have you thought of a name?”

Jesa looked up at Scotty and said, “She will be called Maddy.”

Scotty jerked in surprise.

“We can’t think of any name more worthy than your mother’s, Scotty.”

Scotty felt the tears gather in his eyes, but fought them off. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

Suddenly they heard a loud screech overhead and Jingo said, “That’s Bleath. What is he doing coming here?”

Scotty felt immediate stress. He had not told anyone about his planned trip. This had to be the Zord coming to persuade him not to go. He said, “Jingo, I haven’t told you; I’m making a trip. I think the Zord are here to try and stop me.”

“Why would they want to stop you?”

Scotty shook his head, “Uh, it might involve a tiny bit of danger.”

Jingo stared at Scotty and looked up at the ceiling, “If Bleath came here personally to try and stop you there is a lot more than just a little bit of danger.”

Scotty sighed and said, “I just couldn’t take away from this joyous moment to tell you.”

Jesa looked at Jingo and said, “Better gather your things. I know who you are and you should go.”

Jingo stared at his mate and child, then said, “Tell me what you’re planning on the way to the fire.”

Scotty began filling him in as they headed toward the clearing.

Jing and Samuel came running into the clearing and heard the three horns start sounding. The two communities dressed quickly and began moving rapidly towards the central clearing. Something was happening, and it had to be serious for the Zord to make an unannounced visit.

The communities finally gathered and Jing was starting to wonder why the Zord had not landed. Then he saw the huge form coming down and recognized Bleath. This had to be serious for him to come.

Bleath landed and looked at Jing and Samuel, “I have come to ask permission to help White Hair in his quest.”

The entire community looked at Scotty and saw his apprehension. Samuel said, “You want to tell us what he’s talking about, Scotty?”

Scotty saw Samuel was not in a good humor. Jing was also staring at him. He shrugged at Jingo and stood and walked to the three at the center of the community. He looked up at the giant Zord and said, “I have not shared my plans with the community, Great Flyer. I was going to go alone.”

Jingo yelled, “He just told me about it and he is not going alone!”

Jing looked at his son and said, “We’ll see about that.”

Jingo looked at his father and replied, “There is nothing to see, Father. I will go.”

Everyone in the community felt fear for Jingo. He was challenging the chosen leader of the Cainth. They saw Jing’s immediate anger.

Bleath said, “We were going to humbly ask you to accompany White Hair on his quest because of the great danger he will face.”

Jing’s anger evaporated. “What danger?”

Scotty took a deep breath and said where everyone could hear, “I learned three days ago that there are large numbers of people that are being held as slaves by a species of yellow-colored beings north of here. They have been enslaved for centuries and are being treated brutally. I decided that I had to go see if I could help them. I told my flyer that if he wouldn’t take me I would walk. He said he had to get permission to go, and I assume Bleath is here to try and talk me out of it.”

Bleath looked down at Scotty and said, “I saw your thoughts when my son returned. I could see there was no possibility of persuading you not to go.”

Scotty took a deep breath and nodded, “You’re right. Slavery violates every tenant of what I believe. I cannot remain idle and not do something to help those victims.”

Jing and Samuel looked at Scotty and Jing said, “Why don’t you tell us what you know?”

Bleath said, “I will share with you the visions of my warriors that have flown over those lands.” The community saw thousands of different species toiling in giant fields tending crops. Standing on hills overlooking the slaves were huge yellow creatures watching the workers. As they watched the vision, they saw one of the guards fire a weapon at a worker that had sat down because of fatigue. The bright white beam vaporized the worker. Then they saw a black-colored ship parked next to the tree line suddenly fire a beam, and the viewer saw one of his brothers hit and burn. The Zord fell from the sky toward the ground.

Jingo felt Jesa take a quick breath and look at him. “What, Jesa?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

The view changed as the viewer started flying an erratic path until it went below the hills. A bright white beam passed overhead as it flew below the safety of the hill line.

Bleath stopped the vision and said, “There is great danger to enter the domain of those yellow creatures. They possess the ancient weapons of your former masters. We worry that White Hair will be seen if he flies there.”

Samuel looked up at Bleath, “Are you going to allow your warriors to venture into that killing ground?”

“Of course! The quest of White Hair is worthy of undertaking. The suffering of those being oppressed is also our responsibility if White Hair has chosen to free them.”

The two leaders looked at Scotty and he saw their anger. “Jing, Samuel, I must go.”

Jing said, “Our anger is not directed toward you, Scotty. You would not be your mother’s son if you turned your back on them. But Bleath is right. You will be seen and they will kill you.”

Bleath then said, “I have come tonight to deliver a gift from my community.”

Everyone looked up at the Zord and he said, “The reason he would be seen is because we cannot hide him. Our color shifting does not cover the bindings or the rider on us. We have brought our ancestor’s Zeckas to remedy that problem.”

Scotty looked up and asked, “What is a Zecka?”

Bleath issued a loud scream and Vring, Zreeg, and Cezee flew into the clearing, landed, and placed three large, light green-colored squares on the ground. Bleath said, “These are the skins of ancestors that have died over the centuries. They are revered and considered holy by my community.” Bleath walked forward and placed one of his wings on a square and it disappeared.

The entire community was stunned. Scotty stared at the spot where the square was and couldn’t see it.

Bleath removed his wing and the square reappeared. “Our skins do not lose their ability to change color when we die. If a living Zord touches a Zecka, it will begin shifting color again. We ask that you make clothing and bindings from our Zeckas so your riders will not be seen on our backs. We humbly request that the first two be made for White Hair and Four Arms.”

Scotty looked up and shouted, “Bleath, we cannot use your Zeckas! They deserve to be kept and honored by your community. How can we accept something so priceless? We cannot do this!”

Samuel said, “I agree, Great Flyer. This is something we are not deserving of; we are honored at your gift, but cannot accept.”

The four Zord listened to the two-legs and knew their ancestors would be well treated by the two communities. Bleath listened and knew he had done the right thing. He raised his wings and the gathering grew silent. “You do not understand the honor of this gift.”

Scotty looked at Bleath and asked, “What do you mean?”

“All of our warriors have petitioned me to send their Zeckas to you when they die.”

Scotty was stunned. Jingo walked up and joined him.

Bleath said, “You give honor to our ancestors by accepting them. Your people are considered holy by my community for your bravery in killing the Torg, and the lost archers that gave their lives to save us. Our Zeckas could not be in a holier place than on the archers of your communities. I also pray you will accept my Zecka when I leave this life. The honor you would give me in accepting it would humble me and all my warriors feel the same. Our ancestors would insist their Zeckas be used to protect the ones that saved us. It is not you who are unworthy, it is us. You would do us great honor to accept our gift.”

The community was silent. Scotty listened to Bleath and lowered his head. He looked up at the four Zord, then walked forward and bowed in front of the three squares of Zord Zeckas. The community rose, walked slowly forward, and bowed with Scotty. The Zord heard Scotty say, “Great Flyers, we are unworthy of your offering. We give you honor and we thank you for your help in making our world a better place for our people to live. We will always give you respect and honor before we don your Zecka. We welcome you in our quest to save those who are in danger from evil. Should any of us fall in our quest, we will return you to your people. We will never forget the meaning of your gift, and will never dishonor it.”

The four Zord imprinted the memory of that moment and would pass it on to their descendants. They were moved beyond words. They lifted from the community and left them to their prayers.

Several of the women stepped forward and took some of the material. They measured Scotty and Jingo for an hour. Finally, Scotty and Jingo went to Jesa, and she handed Maddy to Jingo. Jingo looked at her and said, “What’s wrong, Jesa?”

Jesa looked at Scotty and he saw her apprehension. “Scotty, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What, Jesa?”

“I was there the day your mother was killed. I saw what happened as I ran into the forest and climbed one of the gings.”

Scotty furrowed his brow, “What are you saying?”

“Scotty, that ship the Zord showed us is the same ship that landed here fifteen years ago. The one that fired that weapon and killed that poor slave is the one that killed your mother!”

Scotty was stunned beyond words.

Jingo looked at Jesa, “Are you sure?”

“Jingo, I will never forget that moment. The ship had the evil Duke’s symbol on the back, and part of it was slightly burned on the “E”. I’m certain it was the same ship, and I will never forget the one that killed Madeline.”

Scotty felt his rage grow. His eyes narrowed, and the two Cainth saw his anger.

“Scotty, don’t do something stupid.”

Scotty looked at Jingo, “We leave in two days to scout their lands. I want the Zord Riders ready to go as quickly as possible. Jesa, try to make the seamstress’ get their uniforms ready quickly.”

“What are you thinking, Brother?”

“I was just going to try and save the slaves. Now I know those creatures. We will not allow them to harm anyone else.”

Jingo looked at Jesa, “You know he’s right.”

“Jingo, if they came once, they’ll come again. Go and protect our daughter.”

Scotty looked at the vision of the Zord again and focused on the one with the blaster. His rage continued to grow.

Circling high overhead, Vring listened to Jesa’s revelation. He felt Scotty’s rage and when he looked at Jesa’s memory of his mother’s death he felt an anger that threatened to overwhelm him. He went back to the gathering just as his father finished sharing what had happened at the two-leg communities. Vring landed and shared what he had learned from Jesa. Bleath felt the rage of the warriors. Now this quest was a holy war for the Zord. The warriors lifted to practice their flying. The flock was preparing for war. Nothing on the planet was more dangerous that a Zord warrior. Bleath knew the yellow skins were going to pay a heavy price for their treachery.

Scotty and Jingo were asked to come to Jing’s home. As they approached his house they saw all of the surviving archers sitting outside waiting. “What’s going on, Jingo?”

“I don’t know.”

As they walked up to the doorway Michael Blake stood and opened the door for them and lowered his head. Scotty and Jingo went in and found Jing with two seamstresses. Jing said, “Gres and Kess have something for you.” Jing then stepped outside and left them with the two Cainth females. “Take off your clothes.”

Jingo immediately started stripping, but Scotty was shy. “What’s wrong?”

Scotty looked at a naked Jingo, sighed, and took off his clothes.

Gres gave Jingo a light green-colored shirt and he put it on. Scotty was also given a shirt; he took it and pulled it over his head. It was incredibly light and the material was soft on his skin. It felt wonderful. He put on the pants, then took the socks and boots. The boot’s sole was thick but made from the same material as the shirt and pants. Then Kess looked Scotty over and pulled and tugged on a sleeve. “Try to fire a bowgun.”

Scotty put an imaginary bowgun in his left hand and lifted it to his cheek. He felt no resistance. He noticed Jingo going through several gyrations shooting from different positions so he did the same. “Well?”

“This is amazing. It feels like a second skin.”

“We are also amazed at the material. We had to remove two inches of thickness from it to get to the soft material, but it is extremely flexible. Put the gloves on.”

Scotty took the gloves and slipped them on. They fit perfectly and seemed to mold to his joints. “These are remarkable.”

“Now pull the hood up.”

Scotty reached over his shoulder and pulled the hood up over his head. It covered every inch, and fit tightly to his skull.

Kess nodded in satisfaction, then said, “Now, take it off, pull the lining out, and put it back on.”

Scotty furrowed his brow and pulled the hood off. He felt inside it and found a lightweight piece of material. He pulled it out and put the hood back on. The material fell over his face but he found he could see through it. There were hundreds of small holes that allowed him to see clearly.

“Are you able to see all right?”

“Yes, how did you do this?”

“This is magical stuff, Scotty. The color blending will cover the holes.”

“Why did you make a cape?”

“Why, to cover your quiver. We refuse to cover arrows with it, so we had to find a way to hide them. The oversized quiver is made into the cape, and only the end of the shafts will be at the edge. Shrug your left shoulder and the arrows can be reached.”

Scotty looked over at Jingo and saw him reaching over both shoulders. He tried it and found that she was exactly right. The quiver in the cape was positioned perfectly. Kess then handed him his bowgun, which was covered in the green material. Even the soft stock cover was made from the Zecka. He pulled it to test the weight and was shocked to find it was actually no heavier than it was before the addition of the Zecka covering.

Kess said, “Want to see something we discovered by accident?”

Jingo looked up and Scotty said, “Sure.”

Kess touched the material and it started shifting color.

“What the..?”

“This material will shift color when the one touching it thinks about shifting color. Try it.”

Scotty saw the colors stop shifting when Kess removed her hand. He thought, “Change color.” And the colors began shifting on his new clothing.

Kess said, ‘It appears the Zord were right and wrong. This material will shift color if anyone alive touches it.”

“How do I get it to stop?”

“Just tell it to stop.”

Scotty thought, “Stop shifting,” and it did.

Jingo said, “I’m going to miss my swords.”

Gres said, “Not so fast.” She turned around and handed him a belt with the four short swords. The handles and the scabbards were covered in the green material. Kess handed Scotty his belt. He put it on and it was a perfect fit.

Scotty said, “You have done a remarkable thing here. Thank you.”

The two came up and hugged both of them. Kess said, “Just honor them as much as we did making them.”

Scotty knelt and said, “You know we will.”

Gres said, “Your brothers are waiting outside to see you.”

Scotty nodded at Jingo and they opened the door and stepped outside.

The Riders stood, then knelt in front of them. Michael Blake said, “We give honor and respect to the first Zeckas of our brothers. May they bring honor to you through great deeds.”

Scotty said, “Please rise, my brothers, and enter to begin the making of your Zeckas.”

Michael Blake was the first to enter to be measured for his Zecka.

Jing came forward and hugged Jingo, “You have always made me proud to be your father.”

Jingo hugged him and lowered his head. Jing then hugged Scotty, “And you are also my son. We are all proud of the great young man you have become. Please come with me.”

They followed him to the clearing and found the entire community waiting with blossoms from the giant trees. As they entered the clearing, the assembly threw flowers along their path. When they reached the center, Samuel raised his hands and everyone bowed to them.

“Great creator, we give honor to the Zeckas that adorn our sons. We vow to give honor and only perform honorable actions while you are with us. Thank you for your gift of protection.”

The community all rose and rushed forward to congratulate the two archers. Scotty and Jingo were both humbled and happy. The celebration lasted well into the evening. The Zord flying high overhead left to inform the community of what he had seen, and to tell the two flyers their riders were ready.

Chapter Seven

The two Zord flew effortlessly towards the north. They glided most of the time, letting hot thermal columns of air lift them high, then soared forward. Scotty sat on Vring’s back, staring at the ground far below. Most of the land had been reclaimed by the forest, but there were vast wastelands to the west. “Hey, Vring! Do I see plant life out in the wastelands?”

“Yes, you do. It appears the death breath has diminished greatly and is now low enough for plants and animals to return. Torg live on it now, unaffected.”

“The planet is healing itself.”

“That’s the way it seems.” The two flew in silence, then Vring said, “You know I had many opportunities to kill you before you fixed my wing.”

Scotty sat up straight, “What? When?”

“You have always gone to the hill to stare at stars. I remember seeing you there ten of your years ago.”

“I always had my bowgun handy.”

“You weren’t always as good as you are now. I would watch you practice occasionally.”

“Why didn’t you take me?”

“I heard your thoughts. I listened to your dreams and felt the sorrow of your mother’s loss. I guess I felt you had been given bad luck and you didn’t deserve it. I enjoyed your feelings when you looked up at the sky.”

“Your father would have thought you weak for your actions.”

“He actually did just that. He sent me to take you specifically when you came and saved my life. I was injured getting ready to kill you that night.”

Scotty didn’t say anything. “I guess what the greatest Queen of the Holy Realm said was right.”

“What did she say?”

“There are no accidents.”

“In hindsight, I’m thankful I had mine.”

“Me too, Vring.”

“What are you planning to do when we arrive?”

“This trip is to gather information to formulate a plan. That’s why I’m glad Jingo came with us. He’s much better than I am at that. He sees things that I don’t.”

“We all have our gifts.”

“Look at him; he’s sleeping on Cezee’s back.”

“It’s the safest place to sleep. You should try yourself. We’ll arrive tomorrow and you haven’t slept. We’ll be pretty much on auto glide for the rest of the night. Take your feet out of the bindings and I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”

Scotty removed his feet and leaned back on the broad shoulders of the giant Zord. He looked up at the stars knowing he could never sleep, then fell asleep ten minutes later.

Vring and Cezee caught the rising warm air masses and rose and glided without having to flap their wings. The night passed silently and smoothly. Scotty woke as the sun came over the horizon and stretched his arms and legs. He had a dream of a young woman with green eyes and auburn colored hair. The dream slipped from his mind as he tried to remember. All that remained was her asking him, “Who are you?” He knew he had seen her face before, but he couldn’t remember where. She was beautiful, and her expression was one of wonder.

“How much longer before we arrive?”

“We will be where we can see the fields at mid-afternoon. I think we should not venture close during daylight.”

“How am I going to learn anything if I can’t get close enough to see the layout of the community?”

“I’ll let you watch through my eyes. I’ll give you my vision.”

“Fair enough, Vring. Let Jingo know what we’re doing.”

“Cezee just told him.”

Vring flew over a large flock of birds that were circling a forest, “We’ll circle here and take a look at those fields. If they use their scanner, they might think we’re part of that flock below.”

“What has them disturbed?”

“A family of Torg just entered the trees.”

“That is disturbing.”

Vring looked at the huge field ten miles away and focused in on the beings laboring in it. He sent his vision to Scotty. Scotty closed his eyes and saw the field as if it were only a half mile away. “Wow. You have great vision.”

“Comes with the territory; we have to be able to see from high altitude.”

Scotty saw the laborers in the field and then he saw the fifteen guards sitting in chairs on the hills adjacent to the fields. They were all holding weapons and watching the workers. He watched as Vring focused on one of them, and immediately saw the one that had killed his mother. His expression hardened and he vowed that one was going to be his to handle. Vring then started looking at the various species in the fields and Scotty said, “Stop. Go back to that last one.”

“Which one?”

“The Human.”

Vring circled slightly closer to the fields and looked at the one Scotty wanted to see. It was the girl in his dream. Vring immediately saw Scotty’s surprise. “You’ve seen her!”

“Yes, in a dream last night flying here. I also know her face. I have seen it somewhere before.”

“Well, what do you want to do about it?”

“Vring, I notice that large numbers of the workers go into the woods and quickly return.”

“If ya gotta go…”

Scotty laughed, “Where did you hear that?”

“You need look no further than the one on Cezee’s back.”

“Sounds like him.” Scotty thought a moment, and then decided, “Find a place for us to land for the night. I have an idea and I want to discuss it with Jingo to see what he thinks.”

Vring circled higher, then picked a grove of trees on the edge of the forest. The two huge Zord flew lower and Scotty pulled his bowgun. There were three Torg on the edge of the trees and all three were downed quickly. The Zord landed and the other ten members of the Torg family fled, having never seen such large creatures. Jingo said, “Bon Appetite. Enjoy your meal.” He turned to Scotty and said, “What’s up?”

“I’ve had a dream.”

“So how’s that different from what you normally do?”

“In my dream I saw one of the workers in the field.”

Jingo’s eyes narrowed, “Are you sure it was the same one and not someone who looked like them?”

“It was her, Jingo. I want to try to capture her and take her back with us. The Zord are right. I don’t know enough to just go in close and endanger them. She’s Human and she can tell us things we just can’t see from a distance.”

Jingo thought about his idea and sat down, keeping one of his bowguns in his hand. “All right, here’s how we’ll do it.”

“You’ve already come up with a plan?”

“Yep, but you’ll have to take a risk. You and Vring will have to leave as soon as it gets dark. There is a small line of trees next to the fields.”

“I’ve seen them.”

“I noticed that this appears to be the community bathroom. It’s a wonder those trees aren’t a thousand feet high with that much fertilizer.”

Scotty shook his head and Jingo continued. You and Vring should fly on the backside of those trees and wait until she takes a trip to the woods, if you know what I mean.”

“Then what?”

“Simple. You grab her, run your Human backside off, and jump on Vring. He’ll have to fly low for about three miles so as not to be seen above those trees until he gets behind the hills. Then he’ll head straight out until he’s far enough away to gain altitude.”

“You make it sound easy.”

“No, it’s not going to be easy. There’s a guard about a hundred yards from the tree line that goes into those trees if someone is slow coming out.”

“I didn’t notice that.”

“What you probably didn’t see as well is that he is carrying a blaster.”

“That isn’t good.”

“No, and he’ll be able to see her even if he can’t see you and Vring. If he fires at her, he’ll probably get you as well. Still want to try it?”

“Yes, at the very least I should be able to see more from that location even if I can’t make this happen.”

“I was going to suggest going there myself, but now that we’re after one of the laborers, she will probably cooperate faster with you than me.”

“That’s true.”

“Better go ahead and eat. If you’re successful, you don’t need to carry any extra weight.”

“I’m going to leave most of my arrows with you.”

“I don’t know about that, Scotty.”

“If I need any, I’ll be running away from whatever would cause me to use them.”

“How many are you taking?”

“One bundle in the gun.”

“Better make it count.”

“How am I going to know when she’s coming to the woods?”

“We’ll be watching for her. As soon as she starts your way, Cezee will tell Vring and he can tell you.”

Scotty took a deep breath and shrugged, “Can you think of a better idea?”

“Scotty, I am not going to take Cezee where he might be killed. I will take risks, but I will not endanger him. Knowing they can see us with their scanners will keep me away. I agree with you. We need inside information on how they operate, and this dream of yours must have some kind of meaning. I can’t think of any other way to really learn anything without endangering our Zord.”

“I agree. We’ll leave as soon as Vring finishes his meal.”

Sunrise was coming and Scotty and Vring were hiding at the edge of the forest next to the field. Scotty said, “Well, I’m going to go in the forest and spy on our hosts.”

“I’m concerned about you being able to get out of the trees before she is seen by that guard,”

Scotty sighed and said, “I know. Where’s a Torg when you need one?”

“What do you mean?”

“I was thinking that if a Torg roared, that guard is not going to go rushing into anything, blaster or not. No one in their right mind would go in the brush with a Torg around.”

“I can roar like a Torg.”


“It’s easy. That’s how we try to lure them out of the forest.”

“Let me think about this.”

“Take your time. She’s not coming anytime soon.”

“How do you know that?”

“Ladies don’t like such dirty behavior. She’ll wait as long as possible.”

“Most of them go during their meal time. I hope she doesn’t come with a crowd.”

“Would you?”

Scotty snickered, “You know me too well. No, I’d make sure I went alone.”

“So will she; Humans are funny that way.”

“Vring, I’m going to need your help on this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want the guard looking for her. I’m going to kill one of those grecks up in the trees and scatter its blood at the site where she enters the forest. I’m going to grab her and that’s when you roar and run out of the trees. “I’ll come right behind you. As big as you are the guard will have to know it’s a huge Torg that attacked her. He won’t rush in.”

“What if he burns the forest?”

“He won’t.”

“Why not?”

“Even guards need bathrooms.”

Vring started laughing.

“Let’s go into the trees. You turn around so you can make a fast escape and make as much noise as you can running through the brush.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.”

Scotty chuckled, “Me, either.” He reached up and pulled his visor down over his face and they moved into the forest.

Juliette Larson felt her back hurting, but ignored the pain. She was sitting on the ground picking small yellow pods and putting them in a basket. She hated the pods; they were the same color as the Magrum. She thought about the dream that had come again last night. Why did she keep having that dream? She took a deep breath and glanced across the field at her parents picking pods. All they’ve ever known is backbreaking work. She looked at the sky and asked the Creator to save them from this horrible existence. She wondered why her family was being punished. Then she shook her head; it was because of the blasphemy of attacking the Creator’s Holy Realm. Her family had the misfortune of living on one of the planets that sent their ships to attack the Realm. But how long must she atone for those sins? “Please save us from this. I beg you. Please save us.” Julie continued working and though she tried to wait, she had to make a trip to the woods. She stood and held up her hand. The guard nodded to her.

Jingo and Cezee were circling keeping a close eye on the Human female. Jingo was amazed that she went all morning and never moved toward the trees. “That’s incredible. He had already had to land twice while Cezee circled without him. Finally she stood and said something to a guard. The guard nodded and she started toward the trees. “Let them know,”

“White Hair, she’s coming.”

Scotty thought, “I see her.” He moved to the edge of the trees she was approaching and took the greck he had shot and used his sword to cut it and spread its blood all over the bushes and surrounding trees. As she moved closer he moved next to a tree and waited. She walked in twenty steps and stopped. Scotty reached out and grabbed her from behind. She issued a loud scream and Scotty hit her under her chin and threw her over his shoulder.

Julie pushed a bush aside and walked into the forest’s edge. She glanced around and saw blood everywhere. “Oh, my God, what’s happened?” Then something grabbed her and she screamed. Then she felt the lights go out after a blow to her chin.

Vring heard her scream and released a Torg roar that rocked the trees. Then he rushed out toward the small clearing. Scotty ran after him carrying the young woman on his shoulder.

The guards jumped up, and the one next to the woods refused to move.

“Glex, what are you waiting for?”

The guard looked up at the huge yellow-skinned being on the hill and said, “Why don’t you come on down and see what you can find.”

“Didn’t you hear it run away? Go check and make sure.”

The guard gingerly but slowly eased forward toward the place where the female had entered the forest. He stopped every ten feet and listened as he pushed brush away, all the while expecting to be rushed. The Torg attacked in groups. Even though one had run away, there were probably more. He had gone about ten yards into the tree line when he saw the blood. He came running out of the woods and said, “It took her. There’s nothing left but a lot of blood.”

The guard on the hill laughed and yelled, “Does anyone else need to visit the trees?” Then he laughed even louder. Two Humans working in the middle of the field continued to pick pods and wept at the loss of their daughter. They cried quietly, and mourned the loss of another child. It was much later before they could hold each other and rock in each other’s arms as they wept.

Scotty ran out of the trees and ran up Vring’s arm to the binding. The female was regaining consciousness. She moaned and Scotty said, “Are you able to hold on?”

Julie opened her eyes and didn’t see anything, but felt something in front of her. “Can you hold on?” she heard.

She said, “Who are you?” and Scotty remembered his dream. “We’re going to get out of here, but you have to hold on to me and throw the cape on my back over you.”

She felt around and found the loose fabric and said, “What’s going on?!?”

“I’ll explain later, but if you want to live you’ll do as I ask. I’m not going to harm you.”

She put her head under the fabric and wrapped her arms around the being in front of her. She was surprised; it was another Human. Suddenly, she felt the ground under her start moving. She looked and saw she was flying about ten feet off the ground at a very high velocity. “Where are you taking me?”

“To freedom.”

She heard the word and wondered if her prayers were being answered. For the moment, she held on tight and whatever she was on accelerated and flew away from the fields.

After a few moments she realized she was on a living thing. She felt the wings flapping and the muscles under her flexing and moving. Then she heard, “Vring, are they doing anything?”

She heard in her mind, “No, Jingo says the guard looked in the woods and backed out quickly. It appears you were right. They think she’s dead.”

“What about the guards on the hill?”

“Your favorite is laughing at her apparent death. You might want to hang on tighter; I’m going to make a pretty hard left turn in a moment.”

Scotty said over his shoulder, “Lean to the left when he turns, and hold on tight.”

Julie leaned left and held on to the rider in front of her. She still couldn’t see anything but shifting colors that hid everything. Then she heard, “All right, the land goes up from here and I’m going to go higher.” She felt the wings catch air and they went up quickly. She saw from under the cape that trees were far below.

“Vring, we need to make a stop.”


“I stopped our passenger from finishing what she came in the woods to do.”

“That’s ok. I don’t think I’ll be able to do that for a week.”

Vring started laughing.

Scotty tried not to, but started shaking with his suppressed laughter.

Julie felt the one she was holding on to laughing. She shook her head and said, “Who are you?”

“My name is Scotty Robbins. The one we are riding is Vring. And you are?”

“My name is Juliette Larson. You pack a mean right hand.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of any other way to get you out of the trees without being seen.”

“You could have asked.”

“Would you have come with an invisible voice?”

Juliette thought and said, “You’re forgiven. You did what you had to do.”

Scotty wondered at how quickly this woman adapted to her situation. “Vring, are we far enough away now?”

“Yes, we’re over the horizon from them.”

Scotty reached up and pulled his hood back off his head. “You can come out from under the cape.”

Juliette pushed the cape aside and saw the one that had knocked her out. She was stunned by what she saw. It was him. She felt her heart start beating faster. It was him!

Vring said, “Him, who?”

Juliette jerked and Scotty said, “Vring is telepathic. He can hear your thoughts. What does he mean?”

“I’ve seen you in my dreams.”

Scotty looked over his shoulder at her and took a deep breath, “I saw you in a dream yesterday.” Scotty looked out over the land below them and said, “We’ll figure this out when we can stop. Until then we need to put some distance between us and that camp.”

“You can’t put too much to suit me. Why did you take me with you?”

Scotty said, “Because it is my intention to free everyone being held prisoner there and remove the oppressors from ever doing it again.”

Julie felt her heart stop. She thought, “Please don’t tell him my thoughts.”

She heard, “Your thoughts are troubling. How long have you been having this dream?”

“Can he hear us?”

“No, they are directed only at you.”

“Since I was five years old. He is the one in my dream.”

Vring looked over his shoulder at the young Human. This should be discussed with his father. Then he decided that he would wait until he could discuss it with her.

They flew until night was falling, then Jingo sent a message through Vring, “We need to stop for the night. I’ll have Cezee pick a place.”

Scotty said, “We’ll follow you down.”

Julie said, “Who are you talking to?”

“There are two of us. We’ll be landing shortly, so hold tight. I’m going to turn off my color shifting so you can see me better.”

Julie suddenly saw the blonde haired young man in a light green uniform riding in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held tight. He was very handsome, even more so than in her dream. She thought about the implications of that dream being real and again her heart beat faster.

Scotty felt her holding him and he could feel her closeness. She aroused him and it shocked him. No one had ever done that before! He turned red and looked straight ahead so she couldn’t see his embarrassment.

The ground came up quickly and Scotty said, “Isn’t that the Torg we shot yesterday?”

Vring chuckled. “Never waste, never want.”

Scotty sighed, “Jingo again?”

“Nope, Samuel.”

“Boy, you are the nosey one.”

“Learned from a certain rider I know.”

Julie listened to the back and forth and wondered just what it was she was sitting on. She could tell it was big but it also possessed a sense of humor. She held on as they landed.

Jingo jumped off Cezee as Scotty helped Julie down from Vring. Vring said, “Our guest is trying to determine what I look like, so I’m going to show her.”

Vring turned off his color shifting. Julie jumped back and fell on her backside. “Holy land of my fathers! What is that?!?”

Scotty gave her a hand and pulled her up as Jingo arrived. “That is a Zord. He has graciously allowed me to travel with him.”

Vring ran into the woods to join Cezee, and Julie was stunned at the quickness of such a giant beast. Jingo said, “It takes a little getting used to.”

She turned, saw the four-armed being approach, and said, “There are some of your species at the farm.”

Jingo started and said, “I didn’t see any.”

“The Magrum force them to wear shirts with only two sleeves. It seems they fear them if all of their arms are out.”

“As well they should.” Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “We could have retrieved one of them.”

“True, you can only act upon what you know.”

Jingo shrugged.

Scotty said, “This is Jingo and he’s the greatest warrior in the two communities. He is also my best friend.” Scotty turned to Jingo and said, “This is Juliette Larson.”

Jingo bowed and said, “It is my pleasure to meet you.”

Julie smiled and said, “You can call me Julie.”

Scotty smiled, “I’ll bet you’re wondering why we kidnapped you?”

“I do, but I can never thank you enough. You are an answer to prayers.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and saw he felt it, too. This was a mission worth doing. Her feelings were obvious and her smile was joyous.

Scotty nodded and said, “We are going to free all of the slaves being held by the Yellow Creatures. In order to make that happen, we need information about them. We were hoping you could help us.”

“I’ll tell you all I know. The Magrum are evil and their brutality is unmatched by anyone.”

Jingo said, “So they are called Magrum. We’re concerned about that ship they have next to the fields.”

Julie shrugged, “It doesn’t fly anymore. Its weapons are functional, though.”

“When did it stop flying?”

“I was ten years old when they tried to take it for another raid, but it wouldn’t lift. I heard their engineer say that the generator was low on power and that they would need to conserve it if they wanted to use the weapons.”

Scotty thought about what Julie said. Jingo asked, “How do they conserve its power?”

Julie thought a moment and said, “They no longer use the climate controls. On hot days they leave the doors open so the one inside manning the weapons doesn’t suffer from the heat. On really hot days, the weapon operator will sit outside the ship next to the door.”

Julie thought and said, “I have seen the Evil Duke’s symbol on the tail, but the model number on the front is odd.”

“What do you mean?”

“The model number is SR101059. I think the ship wasn’t built by the Duke.”

Scotty said, “You’re right.” He looked at Jingo and said, “Do you think Timmy can find out about it?”

Jingo tilted his head to the left and said, “If anyone can, Timmy would be the one.”

“Or Tesa.”

Jingo nodded, “Yes, or Tesa.

Scotty turned back to Julie and asked, “How many of them are there?”

“Not as many as you would think. There are about fifteen thousand that managed to live through their parents’ upbringing.”

Vring who had been listening in asked, “Upbringing?”

Julie shook her head, “Those creatures have a violent temper. I’ve seen the adults kill many of their children for no apparent reason. One was killed for asking a simple question. Not many of them make it through their childhood.”

Vring looked at Cezee, and they both knew these beings deserved death for harming children.

“Where do they live? I didn’t see any buildings.”

Julie shook her head, “Jingo, they are dug in behind the hills next to the fields. They keep us in an enclosed compound in front of their homes.”

“How many guards watch you at night?”

“One, just outside the compound, and fifteen or more on the hill.”

“Why don’t you try to escape?”

“The reason that guard didn’t go into those woods was because everyone is familiar with the Torg. They come close to the back of the compound at night. Many of them charge the compound after dark. The fence is electrified, but they still try to get at us. Besides, where would we go? The dead lands surround us. We are in a trap that has no exit.”

Scotty looked up at the stars and said, “How many of those blasters do they have?”

“I’ve only seen three in the last five years. Two of them are at the field every day, and one at the entrance to their community. I was told that they once had twenty or more, but that was long ago.”

“What do the other guards use? I saw them holding some kind of weapon.”

‘It looks like an ancient, I think it’s called, rifle. It fires a piece of metal at high velocity and is very accurate for about five hundred yards. They can only fire them once every four seconds or so. I think they have to reload after each shot.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “You were right. She’s worth the risk.” He turned to Julie and said, “We’ll continue this later, but we should eat before it gets too dark. Thank you for helping us.”

Julie smiled, “If you are going to free my parents, I’ll do anything you ask.”

Scotty smiled. She still had parents. He envied her. They brought their food pouches down and prepared a meal as they listened to the Zord feed close by.

Julie kept stealing glances at Scotty, wondering.

After eating Jingo said, “You have the first watch. I’m taking a nap.”

“Go ahead.” Scotty walked out to the clearing, sat down next to a tree, and leaned back on its trunk. He looked up at the stars and felt their pull.

Julie walked up and said, “Do you mind if I join you?”

“No, have a seat.”

Julie looked up at the stars and said, “So many, so close, yet so far.”

Scotty looked at her quickly, “Where did you hear that?”

Julie looked at him and said, “I heard it in my mind when I was just a child. It is so true.” She looked up again and said, “We were once all together. Now we’re isolated from each other. It’s such a tragedy.”

Scotty looked at the sky and said, “Yes it is. Maybe we can do something about it.”

She looked at him and thought. “Can it be true? How can it be true?” She moved next to him, lifted his arm, snuggled under it and fell asleep.

Scotty was shocked when she came next to him but he had to admit, she felt nice under his arm. Jingo looked at them through barely open eyes as he pretended to sleep. Scotty didn’t show his normal discomfort around this female. He was staring at the stars and he wouldn’t do that if he was on edge. Could this female be the one for him? He needs love in his life. Jingo closed his eyes and feel asleep seeing his baby girl’s face.

Vring listened in on their thoughts and decided that the female’s thoughts would remain private. He saw no way for her dream to become reality. He thought a moment and realized he also never thought the eggs could be defended either. He paused and thought “Naaahhh. Never happen.”

The group mounted the next morning and Julie heard the other Zord ask, “Hey, Vring; do you want me to carry the extra passenger on the next leg of the trip?”

Julie didn’t want to change. She heard, “Get outta here. She weighs less than my claws. Besides, Jingo will talk her to death.”

“Hey, I heard that!”

“No kidding. Sorry, gotta go.”

Vring lifted and Cezee rose right behind him.

Scotty was shaking and Julie asked, “Are you ok?”

“Yes, I’m trying to not let Jingo see me laughing. That Cainth can talk.”

Julie started chuckling, “I’ve seen that.”


“Yes, Vring?”

“Jingo just asked me a question and I didn’t know how to answer him.”

“What was that?”

“He seems to think that Red Hair is going to have to come back with us when we move against the Yellow Skins.”

Scotty said, “I am not going to allow her to be placed in danger. Why would he think that?”

“Hold on, I’ll ask.”

“He says that we are going to need to get the slaves to work with us to avoid them being slaughtered by the Yellow Skins. If we don’t use her, it could get complicated making a plan to avoid a huge loss of life.”

Julie listened to the back and forth and said, “I will come back. Even if I die, the effort will be worth it. You can’t make me stay behind.”

“Yes I can!” Scotty paused and sighed, “But he knows better than I what we should do.” He paused again and said, “Julie, I don’t want to see you harmed.”

Julie saw he liked her more than just a friend. She smiled and said, “Then close your eyes. I’m coming back.”

“Scotty, if she is, then she needs a Zecka.”

“You’re right. I’ll get Kess working on it when we get back. I still want to see if we can come up with another plan.”

“I’ve seen his initial plan and it appears to be sound. Someone is going to have to communicate with the slave compound that cannot be seen by the guard with the blaster. Do you think they will recognize your voice?”

Scotty remained silent. He didn’t want to risk losing Julie. The thought frightened him. He shook his head not understanding why.

Julie held on to him and saw his tension. “I’ll be careful, Scotty. I don’t want to lose you, either.”

Scotty’s tension vanished. He looked over his shoulder and saw her looking at him. He reached down to his waist and squeezed her hand, then turned and watched the ground flying by far below. Julie held tighter and put her head on his back.

“Vring are we going to stop for the night?”

“We think we should go straight to the community and rest there. The Torg herds in this area close to our home are still enormous. If you’re ok with it, we think we should fly straight through and rest a day at home.”

Scotty looked down and saw huge numbers of Torg and said, “You’re right. How long before we arrive?”

“We’re going to pick up speed and arrive there at midnight. We have enough energy to make the trip. We will need some time to rest after the effort, but one day should do it.”

Scotty looked over his shoulder and said, “Are you all right? Do you need a break?”

“No, I’ve grown accustomed to Vring’s motions and I’ll be fine until we arrive.”

“You don’t need to go to the woods?”

Julie punched Scotty in the back, “I said I’ll be fine. Besides, I’ve found going to the woods can lead to pretty good things.”

Scotty felt his heart beat faster. “Hang on, Julie! When Vring says he’s going to pick up speed, he’s not kidding.”

Vring said, “Ready?”

Scotty leaned forward and Julie ducked behind him, “When you are.”

Julie lost her breath. The Zord accelerated at an unbelievable rate and the ground below became a blur. She heard Cezee say, “Show off!”

Vring laughed, “We’ll see you at home.”

Scotty saw the three mountains ahead in the moonlight and knew they were getting close. He was tired and he knew Julie had to be exhausted. Vring said, “Bleath and the elders are waiting for you at White Hair. We’ll stop there and then go rest, ok?”

“That’s fine. It’ll be good to see your father.”

Julie held on as Vring slowed and began gliding toward the center mountain ahead. “Why did he call it White Hair?”

“I’ll explain later. It’s not really important.”

Vring said, “Mr. Modesty here doesn’t want to tell you that we named it for him.”


“Ok, ok.”

“Named after you?”

“Yes, we helped them with an issue. The other two mountains are named after Jingo.”

Vring snickered in their thoughts.


Julie smiled. Scotty was being modest. “I wonder what he did.”

They landed and Scotty introduced her to the largest creature she had ever seen in her life. It was larger than any creature she had ever imagined, and she had imagined some huge ones. As Scotty talked with the Giant Zord, she walked away and found a rock to sit on. She was there about an hour when she felt a small nudge, turned, and saw a ten-foot-long Zord staring up at her. Julie smiled and knew this was a child, “Yes?”

She heard the child being tentative, “May I ask you a question?”


The small Zord looked up the hill at Scotty and then looked at Julie, “Are you White Hair’s mate?”

Julie laughed and said, “No. He rescued me from the lands north of here.”

The small Zord showed his disappointment and turned to go. “Hey, why are you so disappointed?”

The Zord turned and said, “All of us that survived the Night of the Torg, long to carry White Hair’s children when we grow up.”


“The honor of being a chosen flyer of his children would be the greatest honor we could ever have.”

Julie looked up the hill at Scotty and saw how the Zord gave him huge respect. She turned to the small Zord and asked, “What is the Night of the Torg?”

“You don’t know?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Would you like to see what White Hair and Four Arms did?”

Julie stared at the innocent creature and said, “Yes, if you have time.”

“I always have time to show his great gift to my people.”

Then Julie was in the nesting ground hearing the massive roar of the Torg herds. She watched Scotty as he faced the giant beasts and rushed to save his fellow archers time and time again. He was absolutely amazing with that bowgun. Jingo was also amazing, but she saw it was Scotty that spotted trouble and rushed to stop it. Finally, the vision stopped and the young Zord said, “Only two of us survived the prior two cycles. He saved us all. He and his descendants will always have our love and respect.”

Julie looked at the Zord and said, “Thank you. Is that the reason they named the mountain for him?”

The young Zord looked up at the mountain peak and Julie could see his reverence, “Yes, it is.”

“What is your name?”


She watched the small Zord walk back to a large group of similarly-sized Zord, and she saw their disappointment. She turned and looked at Scotty still talking with the Giant. She had doubted that he was going to defeat the Magrum. Now she had seen him fire his bowgun and she knew he would defeat them or die in the effort. Tears came to her eyes. “He is so much more than my dream. I didn’t know that kind of bravery existed.”

Vring listened to her and felt her heart. He looked up at Scotty and back at the Red Hair. “Zreeg?”

“Yes, Vring?”

“I want to share something with you.”

“Go ahead.”

After a few minutes Zreeg said, “Do you believe this dream?”

“I was certain it could not be true, but now I don’t know.”

Zreeg was silent. Later that night he said, “Vring?”


“I am going to be her flyer. I will not let her come to harm. You will have to defend White Hair.”

“I was hoping you would say that. I can’t protect them both if things start happening quickly.”

“It will be my honor.”

“Thank you, Zreeg.”

The young Zord came back and nudged Julie, “Yes?”

“They may be at it for a quite a while. Would you like to lay down on my wing and rest?” The Zord spread his wing next to her and she smiled. It was cold on the ground and she moved and gently laid down on the Zord’s wing. It was very warm. Another small Zord came forward and covered her with its wing. It was so soft, warm, and comfortable between their two wings. She fell asleep quickly.

Scotty found her between the young Zord’s wings sleeping soundly. He looked down at her and saw how beautiful she was. He saw she was immediately comfortable with the young Zord. And wonder of wonders, those extremely shy youngsters felt immediately comfortable with her. She possessed a gentle heart like his mother. She was also brave. Scotty felt his heart come alive. The Small Zord sensed his emotions and their excitement rose. Could it be true? The White Hair may be choosing a mate. That means children. Their excitement was felt by the elders up the hill. Bleath looked at the youngsters, “I wonder what has them excited?”

The three Zord flapped occasionally while flying toward the two communities. Julie was on Zreeg. He had landed next to them as they were preparing to leave and announced that he was Julie’s flyer. Scotty looked up at Zreeg, “Why have you made that decision?”

“I understand that she will be going back to free her family. She needs her own protector and she needs to learn to fly. Now is a good time to start that process.”

Julie looked up at the giant Zord and smiled, “You are very gallant, brave flyer. I am humbled by your choice and I am honored to be your rider.”

Scotty and Jingo stood there with their mouths open. Where had she learned to talk to Zord in their terms? Zreeg put his front leg forward. Julie sat on his claws and was lifted to his back. Where did she learn to do that? Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “That is one remarkable Human female. Most of the ones I know would never get that close to a Zord, even though they know they’re our friends.”

Scotty agreed. He was a little disappointed that she wasn’t riding back with him, but Zreeg was right. He was going to be too busy to make sure she was safe. He couldn’t fight effectively with another rider. He knew Zreeg would take care of her.

They lifted and turned toward the two communities. After two hours Julie thought, “Zreeg, why did you really choose me?”

Zreeg was caught; he didn’t want to tell her the truth.

Julie said, “If we’re going to be a team we must be honest with each other. I have seen the Night of the Torg and I know why the Zord treasure Scotty. I know you are here because by looking out for me, you are actually looking out for him.”

Zreeg decided, “White Hair is falling in love with you. No one has ever touched his heart; you are the first. I have seen your dream and, though I doubt it happening, you are also being drawn to him. I cannot risk you coming to harm and hurting White Hair with your loss.”

Julie remained silent for a long time. “Zreeg, I understand that your warriors once attacked the two communities. Why did you stop?”

Zreeg said, “Because White Hair saved Vring.”

“Can you show me?” Suddenly, Julie was there watching a giant Torg charging while the Zord watching was trapped by a giant limb. She watched as a much younger Scotty nursed the injured Zord back to health. She laughed as Jingo almost broke a leg trying to run from the initial meeting with Vring and his father. Zreeg continued and shared with her all that had happened since. It was when she saw Scotty’s mother being killed that she grew frightened. She knew Scotty was going after Grang. He was so dangerous and he had that blaster. She thought to Zreeg, “If it comes down to it, we must make sure he is safe. My life means nothing compared to his.”

Zreeg was ecstatic. This female was worthy. “Zreeg, I mean it.”

“I know, Red Hair. Let us hope that moment does not happen.”

Julie liked Zreeg. She knew that she had found her heart. She looked over at Scotty laying back on Vring and felt the bonds between them. So different, but so alike. She needed to learn how to shoot a bowgun.

They arrived at the communities and Vring issued a loud scream as they approached. Julie saw the thousands begin running to the clearing below them. They gathered and sat in a circle around the fire in the center. After the communities were gathered, the three Zord turned and dove toward the clearing. Julie was proud that she rode Zreeg effortlessly and actually enjoyed the flight down.

The communities were shocked at the red haired female riding a Zord. The young women in the crowd were stunned. She made it look so easy. They also noticed that Scotty dismounted, ran to the young woman, and assisted her off her Zord. Many were jealous at the attention he was giving her.

Jing and Samuel watched the young female flying on the Zord and looked at each other. When Scotty ran and assisted her, they looked at each other again and shared a look. Jesa waited as Jingo arrived, but she also saw Scotty’s attention on the red haired Human female. Then Jingo was there covering her and Maddy with kisses. Julie saw Jingo rush up to a Cainth female and young baby and start kissing them. “Look at that, Jingo’s a father. I bet that baby’s already talking.”

Zreeg said to her privately, “His mate is brave beyond words. She insisted he go with White Hair to your lands. Those two are bonded.”

“I can see that, Zreeg.”

Scotty helped her down even though she didn’t need his help. She allowed it because she wanted every female in the gathering to know he was off limits. She took his hand and he led her to Samuel and Jing. The older women in the crowd saw that this stranger had won the heart of their son. They were determined to see if she was worthy. They looked at each other and could see that Scotty had finally found someone. They withheld their judgment until they could meet her.

Scotty said, “Jing, Samuel, this is Juliette Larson. She was one of the prisoners being held in the northern lands.”

Juliette bowed to the two leaders and looked them in the eye, “I am honored to meet you. I thank you on behalf of my friends and family that you are going to free. Your help is more than we can ever ask for, but I know we will honor your effort to free us. I am amazed at the bravery of your warriors and the great spirit and ideals of your communities. You represent all that the Ancient Holy Realm taught us.” Juliette knelt in front of the two leaders and lowered her head.

Jing and Samuel looked at each other and smiled. Jing said, “Please rise, Juliette. We thank you for your honor, and now we know our quest is worthy. We see a kindred heart in you.”

Juliette stood and smiled at the two leaders, then stepped forward and hugged them both. Jing was surprised but now he knew; she was worthy of his Human son. Her openness was refreshing.

Scotty smiled and said, “We are going to take her back with us. We need a Zecka made for her.”

Samuel looked at Scotty, “Are you sure we should allow our guest to go back into that danger?”

Scotty looked at him and they saw his reluctance, “I don’t want to do it, but if we don’t, there will be many lives lost. Zreeg has chosen to be her protector. You know we will do all we can to make sure she’s not harmed.”

The two leaders looked up at the giant Zord standing and staring at Juliette. Jing looked out over the community and yelled, “Kess, may I see you for a moment?” The community watched as Kess walked up and Jing talked with her. Kess looked at the female, then took her out of the clearing. The older women were going to have a discussion with Kess about this stranger.

Kess walked toward her home and said, “It’s unusual for a female to don warrior’s clothing.”

Juliette smiled, “Are you not willing to fight for your loved ones if they are placed in danger?”

Kess jerked her head around and said, “I will kill anyone who threatens my family.”

Juliette said, “It is always the females that know the value of their loved ones. We would be the most dangerous to anyone that tries to harm them. I can do no less, Kess. I don’t choose to don the Zecka, and I know I’m not worthy to wear it. But if it will save my loved ones, I will wear it. I would fight naked if I had to.”

Kess laughed, “So would I. Come and let us make your Zecka. I see you understand its holy nature.”

“It is the skin of one of my protector’s ancestors. I will honor it with my life. It deserves it.”

Kess nodded and knew; Juliette was worthy of the light haired Human. She also knew no one had better step in on her territory. She sensed the bravery of this small Human female.

Jing looked at Scotty after Juliette had left with Kess and said, “Have you now found a mate?”

Scotty looked at Jing and said, “Are you always this blunt?”

Jing and Samuel looked at each other and Jing turned back to Scotty, “Absolutely. Now have you chosen a mate?”

Scotty grew angry, “Jing, there are two people that make that decision. I’ve only known her less than a week.”

Samuel said, “He’s chosen her.”

Jing replied, “Yep, he has.”

Scotty said, “Hey, you two! Things like this don’t happen this quickly. She doesn’t know me well enough to even consider me.”

“Let’s ask her.”

“No you don’t!!”

“Now there you go, challenging the wisdom of your chosen leaders. You should know better than that.”

Scotty shook his head and stormed off.

Samuel looked at Jing and said, “Should we ask her?”


“Let’s go.”

The two dismissed the gathering and left for Kess’ home. The entire community had been listening to them and decided to follow to see what was going to happen. Jing walked up and knocked on Kess’ door.

Kess heard the knock while she was writing Juliette’s measurements down, “Answer that and tell them we’re busy.”

Juliette answered the door and saw Jing and Samuel along with most of the community behind them. Kess came to the door and said, “What are you two up to this time?”

Jing looked at Kess and said, “We want to know if Juliette is going to be Scotty’s mate?”

Kess yelled, “You meddling bunch of old timers! What kind of question is that? Get away from here!”

Juliette said, “Why do you want to know?”

Kess was shocked into silence. She looked at Juliette and saw she was calm under the scrutiny of the crowd.

Samuel looked at Jing and said, “Scotty is the son of every family in our communities. After his parents died we all adopted him.”

“Did you ask him this question?”

“As a matter of fact we did.”

“And his answer was?”

“He said you don’t know him well enough to consider him.”

Juliette looked out at the crowd slowly shaking her head. She smiled and said, “I had a young Zord, he fought for and saved, show me his bravery in defending him during the Night of the Torg. They love him. I listened to the parents of the young Zord and they also love him. I listen to Vring’s thoughts and he loves him more than I can describe to you. Jingo would die for him and their love for each other is clear.” She looked over the heads of the two leaders, “I look at all of you who are here because you also love him. You should know by now that anyone that spends more than ten minutes with Scotty will love him. His heart is that good. He has it wrong. It is I that hopes he will consider me. I also love him even though I’m undeserving.”

Scotty walked forward out of the back of the crowd and pushed his way through to Kess’ house. Juliette saw him coming. He walked up to her, pulled her close, and kissed her.

Jing looked at Samuel and said, “See? I told you he chose her.”

Scotty looked at Juliette and said, “I have been waiting for you.”

Juliette said, “I have seen you my whole life. Now I am home.”

The community began cheering and the old women had seen enough. This child was strong enough to match their son’s bravery. The young women were disappointed and knew they had to look elsewhere for a mate. Scotty went into Kess’ home with Juliette. Kess remained outside and joined some friends. “We can finish her Zecka later.”

Jesa looked at Jingo and smiled. Jingo was getting emotional. “What’s wrong, Jingo?”

“You should have seen how the young Zord adore her. She is so much like Madeline. I wish she were here to see her.”

Jesa saw the tears in the corner of Jingo’s eyes and said, “She is, Jingo. She made him wait for her. Now she can rest and not worry about him.”

Jingo stared at the door, then turned with Jesa and Maddy to go home and show them how much he loved them.

Scotty and Juliette were on Scotty’s favorite hill staring up at the stars. Juliette was lying next to him and enjoying the feeling. Finally, she decided, “Scotty?”

“Yes, my Love?”

“I’ve not told you about my dream.”

Scotty turned and looked at her.

“I’ve had the same dream since I was five years old.”


“I am with you on a star ship and we are looking down on a planet; it’s not El Prado.”

“How do you know it’s not El Prado?”

“There are no wastelands anywhere, and there is no evidence of it ever having cities.”

“Is there anyone else there with us?”

“Yes, but they always remain just out of my vision.”

Then how do you know they’re there?”

“Because I hear them say, “The weapons are ready, your Highness”. They were talking to you.”

Scotty shook his head, “Juliette, that dream can’t be real.”

“That’s what I know, but I’ve had it so many times and it seems so real. When I saw your face for the first time on Vring, I knew I have known you my whole life.”

Scotty didn’t know what to say.

Juliette said, “I can always feel my emotions in that dream. I loved you so intensely it hurt. It’s what I’m feeling now, Scotty”

Scotty pulled her close and said, “Let the future be the future. We have each other and this moment is where we live. Each day is a miracle, and to worry about the future is wasted time. Live in the moment; it may be all we ever have.”

Juliette held him tight and said, “I’m amazed at your heart, Scotty. I’ll love you forever.”

They held each other tight as billions of stars overhead waited patiently for the conqueror lying on the hill with his mate.

Jingo saw Scotty and Julie in the forest. Scotty was teaching her to use a bowgun. “How’s the rookie doing?”

Scotty turned and said, “She’s making progress.”

Julie punched him in the ribs, “Hey, I’m doing pretty good.”

Jingo looked at the target a hundred yards away and saw three of the five arrows in the center circle. Did you shoot any of those?”

Julie said, “No, he did not.”

Jingo whistled, “She’s doing better than many of our archers.”

“Her aim is good, but she’s slow on reloading.”

Jingo said, “Show me.”

Julie raised the bowgun and fired it. She pulled an arrow from the quiver on her back and fired again. The first arrow hit the center circle. The second was just outside it. She had reloaded the second arrow within two seconds of the first hitting the target. “Scotty, there’s no way she could have learned this so quickly. We have archers that have practiced the bowgun their entire life that aren’t this good.”

Scotty smiled, “She appears to be a natural.”

Julie looked at her bowgun and said, “These are remarkable, Jingo. You just look at your target and the arrow goes where you look.”

“No, it doesn’t, Julie. I can count on half my fingers how many archers can shoot by feel. Two of them are present.”

Julie looked at Jingo and then at Scotty who nodded. “Then how do you explain this?”

Jingo lowered his head and thought about how she could have developed so quickly. “Julie, how much time have you spent talking with Vring?”

“Quite a lot. He’s really interesting, and funny. He knows so much.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “Scotty, he was in our minds during the Night of the Torg. He listened to our thoughts and was also in our minds during the most intense fighting. I think he transferred our thought and physical processes to her during their communication.”

Scotty thought about what Jingo was saying. “Zreeg has also seen me hunt Torg with him. I suspect that Zreeg is the one that shaped her mind for this. He has also seen the Night of the Torg.”

Julie thought about what they were saying, “It was Zreeg.”

Scotty and Jingo looked at her, “I remember him showing me, in great detail, the Night of the Torg. I could actually feel you fire your bowguns. It was so real. Now when I have a bowgun in my hand I get the same feeling as that vision. It feels… I don’t know…right.”

Scotty looked overhead, “Is Zreeg around?”

Julie thought, “Zreeg, will you meet me at the archery range?”

“On my way.”

The three waited in silence until the giant Zord landed. Scotty looked up and said, “Zreeg, have you heard what we were discussing?”


“I want you to do something for me.”

“What is that?”

“I want you to focus on the thoughts you’ve seen when Jingo and I fire our bowguns. I want you to really get them in your mind and then send those thoughts to Julie.”

Zreeg was silent and Julie looked at Scotty with a questioning look. Julie heard, “Listen closely, Rider.”

Julie felt hundreds of arrows leaving Jingo’s and Scotty’s bowguns. She felt what they experienced, and felt the sense of touch for the arrow and the bowgun. Over and over again she felt the sensation and saw the arrows flying at the target. After twenty minutes they heard Zreeg say, “I’ve given it to her.”

Scotty looked at Julie, pointed at the target, and said, “Give it another go.”

Julie turned and faced the target. She felt different. She reached over her shoulder and pulled an arrow, and it felt as natural as one of her fingers. She smoothly loaded it and fired. Almost faster than Scotty and Jingo could see, she pulled and fired two more arrows before the first hit the target. All three hit the center of the circle with the third splitting the first arrow. She watched and knew that the second was fired just a little quickly or all three would have hit together. Scotty and Jingo were amazed. She was faster than them and they knew it. Scotty looked up at Zreeg and said, “Do the same thing to me.”

Scotty felt the sensations and let them take over his mind. He felt every shot and saw where the arrow was going to hit as he fired it. Zreeg finally said, “You have it all.”

Scotty suddenly turned and fired five arrows at the two hundred yard target and watched as all five were split by the next arrow coming in. Scotty had his bowgun down watching before the first arrow hit. Jingo said, “It’s my turn, Zreeg.”

Julie felt her power with a bowgun. It felt right in her hand. She knew the air pressure had to be raised five pounds to make it really accurate. How she knew was a mystery but she knew it was true.

After Jingo was done Zreeg said, “I hope you know that this process will not work on most of your community.”

“Why not?”

“Because most of their minds are not open enough for me to reach the part that controls this movement. The only one that can benefit is the one called Blake.”

Jingo said, “I’ll go get him.”

Scotty said, “That would be wise.” Scotty looked up at Zreeg, “I can understand why Jingo and I are open. Why is Julie able to use this process? She hasn’t had near the mental contact as Jingo and me.”

Zreeg looked at Julie and said, “She is open naturally.” Zreeg paused and said, “Just as you are, White Hair.”

Scotty thought about what Zreeg said and then remembered, “Zreeg, will you fly over the learning center and see if Timmy and Tesa are there?”

The giant Zord lifted and flew north over the deep woods.

Jingo came back with Michael Blake in tow and said, “Where’s Zreeg?”

“He’ll be right back. I had him go check the learning center for Timmy.”

“I’m glad you thought about that. I’d forgotten.”

Julie looked at them and asked, “Who’s Timmy?”

Jingo laughed, “He’s our resident genius. He lives in the learning center downloading everything that catches his interest.” Jingo looked up and saw Zreeg returning.

“The two are at the learning center.”

“Jingo, I’m taking Julie to go visit the learning center. You help Michael with Zreeg.”

“Pack a lunch. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turned to Michael and said, “Go pull those arrows out of the targets. I have a new technique I want to teach you.”

“New technique?”

“Trust me, you’ll love it.”

Scotty and Julie smiled as they headed back to the community.

Chapter Eight

Timmy Valrico reclined in a chair with the download headband on his forehead. Tesa was in a chair beside him sharing his download. Timmy opened his eyes and said, “Wow! That was amazing.”

Tesa was shaking her head. “Those Algean ships are huge. There’s no way they should have lost to the Holy Realm.”

“But they did, Tesa. The Realm had the best engineers.”

“Only because the Algeans were stunted in their development. You know who really had the best engineers.”

Timmy shrugged then heard a knock on the door. She looked at Timmy who ran to a display and saw it was Scotty with that new woman. He went up two flights of stairs and released the door. “What brings you to the deep woods?”

“We need to see if you can help us. Hi, Tesa.”

Tesa jumped up and ran and hugged Scotty, “Hi, yourself. It’s good to see you.”

Scotty helped Julie down the narrow steps and said, “Timmy, Tesa, this is Julie. Julie, this is Timmy and Tesa.”

Julie said, “I’ve heard a lot about you two on the way here. I’m impressed with your knowledge.”

The two teenagers smiled and Timmy came forward and shook her hand while Tesa just walked up and hugged Julie. Julie hugged her back and Tesa smiled, “You are as beautiful as everyone says you are.”

Julie blushed, “Thank you very much.”

Timmy turned to Scotty, “What kind of help do you need?”

“We want to know about that ship that was parked at the forest edge in the northern lands.”

Timmy smiled, “I’m way ahead of you on that one. I looked it up the next day, but I don’t think I have anything that will help you.”

“Why not?”

“The Dukes built that particular lander for over fifteen hundred years. They were all changed about every thirty years. There are so many different layouts, for the interior, scanners, weapons, and power generation, that I can’t tell you what you’ll be dealing with. The outside body remained consistent, but the interior was different from model to model. The Dukes were never satisfied with any design and constantly made changes.”

“Timmy, we don’t think the Dukes built that particular shuttle. We think it was manufactured in the Holy Stars Realm.”

Timmy’s eyes grew wide, “Are you sure?”

“Why, would that make a difference?”

“A huge difference. A gigiantic difference. A difference so big you can’t see over it.”

“Timmy, Timmy, Timmy; slow down!”

“What makes you think it was built in the Realm?”

“We know the serial number and the first two letters are SR.”

“Are you certain?”

Scotty looked at Julie and she said, “Yes. I’ve seen it my whole life.”

Timmy grew animated, “You have got to give me a ride if you capture it.”

Julie shook her head, “It doesn’t fly anymore. I think the power reactor is just about exhausted.”

“If it was built in the Realm, the reactor is not exhausted. The emergency reactor probably is, but the main reactor is self-generating.”

Scotty looked at Timmy with obvious confusion on his face. Timmy sat down in front of a display and took out a microphone. He looked at Julie and said, “Do you remember the entire model number?”

Julie said “SR101059.”

“Were there any numbers after that number?”

Julie closed her eyes and said, “There were smaller numbers under those. I think they were 12148.”

Timmy turned to the microphone and said, “Stars Realm Large Shuttle. Model number 101059 dash 12148.”

A picture of a ship appeared on the screen that matched the ship parked near the tree line. Julie looked at it and said, “That looks exactly like it.”

Timmy said, ‘That’s because it’s the same ship. I notice the Dukes painted over the SR on the rear fins, but that is the ship in that field. Hold on a moment and let me see what I can find out.” Timmy went over to the recliner and put the headband on.

A voice said, “Download commencing.”

Sixty seconds later Timmy opened his eyes and looked at Scotty. Tesa saw his expression and said, “Tim, are you sure?”

Timmy looked at Scotty and said, “That ship has a working star drive.”

Scotty looked at Julie and remembered her dream. Julie looked troubled. Scotty turned back to Timmy and said, “Tell me what you know.”

“That ship was built before the Realm converted their ships to teleportation drives. Once teleportation became the primary mode of travel around the universe, it was faster, easier, and safer, most of these shuttles were converted to teleportation consoles.”

‘Ok, but teleportation no longer works.”

“Scotty, the Realm used the most economical and efficient means to convert these shuttles. They took a teleportation console and bolted it down on top of the old null drive console. The button that energized the new teleportation board was connected directly to the power switch for the main reactor on the old console. You press the power button on the teleportation board and it tripped the switch on the old board. Very simple, very efficient. They simply ran the connections from the new board to power lines coming out of the console. When the Realm caused all teleportation devices to fail just before its departure, the connection to the main reactor switch was disabled on the teleport board.”

“What are you saying, Timmy?”

Tesa said, “If you remove the teleportation console, the old null drive console under it will still operate. It is powered by a red generator which was the most powerful reactor ever created.”

Scotty looked at Julie and said, “We’ve got to move our attack up.”


“If the beams stop operating in that ship, the Magrum may take it apart. We can’t take that risk.”

Julie’s heart went in her throat.

“Timmy, I need you to find out how to remove the teleportation console. If you could download the pilot’s manual for that shuttle, it would be a plus.”

“What do you have in mind, Scotty?”

“You and Tesa are going to fly it out of there.”

Timmy and Tesa jumped up and yelled, “Whooo hooo! Let’s get started. Wait til Nathan hears this.”

Julie followed Scotty out of the learning center and said, “Are you serious about taking those two children with us?”

Scotty stopped and thought, “Zreeg, are you up there?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Share with Julie the memory you have of one of your warriors being hit by the beam from that ship next to the field.”

Julie watched the event in her mind, “What are you trying to show me?”

“Zreeg, show her the beam from the weapon carried by the big guard and then the beam from the ship.”

Zreeg switched from one vision to the other several times and Julie saw it, “The beam on the ship is weaker than the guard’s blaster.”

“It won’t last much longer, and if the Yellow Skins decide to explore the electronics of that ship, they’ll start at the control board.”

Julie felt her fear. If that ship had its protective screens operational along with its scanners and weapons, no one on the planet would be safe. Scotty yelled, “Tell Jingo we attack in two days.”

Zreeg flew off at high speed.

“Scotty, how many archers have Zeckas?”

“About four hundred, and that will have to do. If we can’t do anything but steal that ship, then so be it.”

Julie ran through the forest with Scotty fearing for her parents, “Scotty, we have to try and save the prisoners.” Scotty didn’t respond, and Julie worried that it might be because he didn’t want to scare her.

Jingo met them as they came out of the forest and said, “What’s going on?”

Scotty said, “Zreeg, give him what we discovered at the learning center.”

Jingo got a faraway look, and then they saw his fear, “We’ll need the kids.”

“I know. Someone will have to stay behind and bring them in behind us. We need to get them covered with a Zecka. It won’t have to be a warrior’s suit, but we need them to be hidden.”

“Do we still have the old toolbox?”

“Samuel has it. I’m going to see him now.”

Jingo grabbed Scotty’s arm, “If we are going to take the ship, we are going to free the prisoners as well.”

Scotty stopped walking toward Samuel’s house and looked at Jingo, “Can we do both?”

“Now that Julie is an archer, yes. That will make all the difference.”

“Make the plan, Jingo. The main priority is the ship. We’re all lost if we fail there.”

Jingo nodded and yelled for Bleg, “Go to the learning center and tell the kids they have one day to learn what they need. Rush them here by tomorrow night.” Jingo ran to Kess’ home to get her started on two Zeckas for Timmy and Tesa.

Scotty looked up at Zreeg, “You know those that have been fitted with Zeckas. Go and bring their flyers here in two days. Hurry.”

Zreeg disappeared from overhead as he accelerated north.

Scotty looked at Julie and said, “Go explain everything to Jing and ask him to get the millwrights working on arrows.” Julie nodded and ran away. Scotty ran down the hill toward the Human community and remembered Julie’s dream. There was a possibility they were going to have a ship with a working star drive. Now her dream didn’t seem so farfetched. It troubled him, but that was something for later.

The next day the clearing was filled with four hundred and twenty Zord. Their riders were standing in front of them with eight quivers of arrows. As they waited for Scotty and Jingo to arrive, teenage Humans and Cainth were scrambling up the Zord’s harness to attach the quivers. The quivers were not covered with Zeckas but for this campaign, it wasn’t necessary. Bleath was there at Jingo’s request, and he waited as he listened to the thoughts of the riders. He noticed Vring and Zreeg were together talking about their responsibilities and he knew they would do all they could to keep White and Red Hair out of danger. He sighed and knew that was going to be difficult, if not impossible, knowing the courage of White Hair. He knew they would do what they could.

Scotty, Jingo, and Julie came out of Jing’s home followed by Jing and Samuel. Jingo looked over and said, “Where are Timmy and Tesa?”

Vring looked out into the forest and said, “They’ll arrive in an hour.”

“I need them at the ship three nights from now. Bleath, can you make that happen?”

Bleath looked down and said, “Six flyers have been sent north to wait for them halfway to the northern lands. They’ll arrive on time.”

Scotty looked up, “Bleath, we have struggled with how to save the prisoners. There are five thousand or so of them. Do you have enough flyers to transport them?”

“We have double that number if needed.”

Scotty nodded and Jingo said, “I want all the Zord to take the plan from my mind and transfer it to their riders. Bleath, you need to listen so you see where we need you.”

After five minutes the warriors of all three species agreed that the plan was a good one. Jingo looked around, “Does anyone have a question?”

Michael Blake said, “I want a backup in the event I miss.”

Jingo looked at Michael and smiled, “You won’t miss, Michael.”

Michael stared at Jingo and smiled, “No, I guess I won’t.”

Scotty knelt, and all the communities gathered to watch them go knelt with him, “Great Creator, watch over our brave Flyers and Archers and bring success to our righteous cause. We give honor and respect to the Zeckas fighting with us. We thank you for allowing us to fight for you.”

Scotty stood and said, “Have Jeek and Nathan left?”

“More than six hours ago.”

“Did they get what they needed from the learning center?”

“They had it downloaded last night.”

“Thank you, Samuel.” Scotty looked around and said, “Riders, you know the plan. It’s time to put it in motion.” Scotty grabbed the harness and scrambled up to Vring’s shoulders. He looked over and saw Zreeg lift Julie to his back. He thought, “Zreeg, stay close.”

“I will, White Hair.” Vring lifted followed by the other riders.

“Bleath, are the meals ready for our flyers?”

“It has been delivered at the halfway point and is being protected by the six flyers waiting there.”

Scotty looked over at Jingo flying to his left side and Jingo smiled, leaned back, and went to sleep. Scotty shook his head. I wish I could do that! He looked over at Julie and saw she had also turned around and fallen asleep. All three had been working nonstop getting ready, and he felt his fatigue. He thought about it and leaned back. Maybe I can. He thought about the stars and found sleep in fifteen minutes. The flyers moved through the sky heading north.

Three days later, Jeek and Nathan flew in at mid-morning. The two knew the ship’s scanners were not turned on and they flew in at high altitude to avoid being seen. They circled the fields first and saw the ship’s guard sitting outside leaning back against the hull. The open door sheltered him from the sun and he was fanning himself with a handheld fan. Jeek nodded at Nathan, and they descended to the clearing behind the forest. Jeek led the way with Nathan right behind. The ship was four hundred yards ahead and as they approached, Jeek went left and Nathan right. Nathan went to the forest’s edge and notched an arrow. He was responsible for protecting Jeek if he was discovered. He kept the bowgun to his cheek and saw him come around the side of the ship. Nathan knew the only way he could see Jeek was through his mask. The holes were small, but where the color shifting leaped across the holes allowed him to see other Zeckas. Jeek was getting close to the open door when Nathan heard the guard say, “Leaving so soon?”

Nathan saw Jeek freeze and back up against the ship’s hull.

“Those ancient engineers were good. I broke every bit I have. I’m going to have to go make some new ones.”

“Sorry about that. Are you coming back today?”

“I won’t have them ready until morning. Probably won’t finish until mid-afternoon tomorrow.” The engineer stretched his arms out and Jeek had to lean back to avoid being touched. “I don’t know how you stand it in there during the day. It’s hotter than six fires. It’s cooler in the fields.”

The guard looked out at the workers, “Yeah, they get the wind. Without the climate handler, the metal just absorbs the heat.” The guard looked at the engineer’s toolbox and said, “Are you going to lug that thing back to the workshop?”

The engineer sighed, “I suppose so. I have one more bolt to remove and it shouldn’t take long once I start.”

“Are you going to use those tools before you come back?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Then just leave them inside.”

The engineer thought about it and said, “That’s a good idea.” He picked up the heavy toolbox, shoved it inside the open door, and pushed it to the right. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“No, I’m off tomorrow. Hagf will be here. I’ll tell him you left your tools.”

“Thanks. Enjoy your time off.”

“Oh, I will.”

The engineer walked out into the fields toward the hills on the other side without looking back.

Jeek watched the guard closely. He stood up and walked three steps out into the field and looked up at the sky. Jeek went quickly forward, sat down on the edge of the door, then silently rolled backward into the ship. The guard walked away from Nathan and looked at the sky from the other end of the ship. Nathan noticed he had erased Jeek’s foot prints in the loose sand. Thank the Creator the guard dragged his feet. The guard returned to his chair and fought falling asleep.

Nathan lowered his bowgun and returned to the clearing behind the forest and waited. His little brother was due soon. He was not going to allow anything to harm him. Nathan Valrico was determined that Timmy would arrive on board that ship safely.

Timmy and Tesa arrived six hours after the Riders reached the halfway point in their journey north. Scotty greeted them and asked, “Do you have what you need?”

“I’d feel better if we had a heavier hammer. These will have to do.”

“Hurry up and eat and get on your way. We can’t start our operation until you are ready to move the ship, so don’t waste time.”

“We won’t. We’ll just grab a few pods and eat on the way.”

“Good enough. We’ll be right behind you.”

It was getting dark and the guard at the ship was getting impatient. Hagf had better not be late again. He looked across the rapidly darkening field and saw a large shape moving his way. He raised the rifle, then saw it was Hagf, “What took you so long?”

“One of my son’s smart mouthed me.”

“Where did you bury him?

“I didn’t. I threw his remains into the trees.”

“The engineer left his toolbox just inside the door, don’t trip over it.”

“He didn’t finish?”

“No, broke all his bits trying to get through the bolts.”

“Figures. They built them tough.”

“Didn’t they?”

“See you day after tomorrow.”

Hagf waved his hand, entered the ship, hit the green button, and pushed the lever on the wall upward. He sniffed and thought he smelled something when the sword took off his head. Jeek stopped the door eighteen inches short of closing and turned off the lights in the ship’s landing bay. Jeek dragged the guard’s body back into the bay and used some material he had gathered to remove most of the blood. No reason to shock the teens. They needed to be focused. He pulled his Zecka down and collapsed to the floor, “Boy, it gets hot in here!”

Timmy and Tesa arrived in the clearing and Nathan met them. He said, “Do you have what you need?”


“Then follow me.” The three started moving quickly through the trees. Nathan heard a noise and motioned the teens to be still. He looked ahead and saw a giant Torg. He couldn’t allow it to scream. The Magrum knew that there would be some kind of prey to cause it. He raised his bowgun, and though he didn’t have a straight on shot he hit the Torg directly in the ear, dropping it. He took two steps forward and saw six more to the right. He dropped five in less than ten seconds, and the small Torg ran away. He turned and motioned the teens forward. They arrived at the port and Nathan helped them up to the cargo hold’s edge. Jeek helped them in, closed the port the rest of the way, and turned on the lights.

“Follow me to the bridge.” The three arrived at the bridge and Timmy said, “They’ve been attempting to remove the console. Seven of the eight bolts are out.”

Tesa asked, “What about the eighth?”

Timmy sighed, “They have been drilling them out and the top of the bolt is smooth. Our driver won’t work.”

Timmy turned to Jeek and said, “We can’t remove this last bolt. We don’t have a power driver.”

Jeek shook his head. What else can go wrong? This could stop the whole operation. Then he thought, “The engineer left his toolbox on board.”

Timmy said ‘Take me to it!”

Jeek ran to the landing bay and Timmy dumped the contents of the box on the floor. He grinned and lifted two tools. “A power drill and a heavy hammer; let’s go!”

They rushed back to the bridge, and after an hour the final bolt fell out. “Help me, Jeek!”

Jeek and Tesa rushed forward and gripped the console. Jeek said, “On three. One, two, three.”

The teleport console broke loose and there, in new condition, was the null board. Timmy reached forward and pushed the red button on the top corner. The lights grew brighter, the air conditioning turned on, and the engine lights illuminated. Timmy looked at Jeek and said, “We’re ready to go. Tesa, get in the pilot’s chair and get ready to get us out of here!” Tesa ran and jumped into the main chair in front of the multiple displays. The small Cainth female looked tiny in the chair, but her four arms were moving over four different boards. “Anti-gravity is active, Tim. We can leave quietly as soon as you tell me.

Jeek said, “We’re ready.”

Jeek’s Flyer took off and Nathan joined it as they flew toward the four hundred Zord circling to the south. Vring said, “They’re ready to go.”

“That fast?!?”

“It seems you were right. They were one bolt away from removing the top panel. We couldn’t have cut it any closer.”

“Tell the flyers we’re headed to the compound.”

“They’re off and flying.”

Scotty, Jingo, and Julie flew toward the compound. Julie saw the wired prison she had spent her life in far below and felt her hatred for the Yellow Skinned Magrums. The compound was in a cleared section of land between two hills. The workers would walk out of the field and enter the large fenced in area. Beyond one end of the compound was the entrance to the Magrum’s bunker. The other end faced into deep forest where the Torg lay in wait. There was one guard with a blaster outside the bunker in a section that was cut back under the hill. He was the problem.

There was no way to move the prisoners without the guard burning them with his blaster. There was no way to shoot the guard from overhead. The shot had to be made from ground level. Three hundred archers dropped off their Zord at the edge of the forest bordering the hill next to the compound. They moved silently forward into the deep brush two hundred yards from the back wall of the prison. They formed a V and moved forward, killing any Torg they encountered.

Scotty and Julie landed in the clearing between the compound and the forest. Scotty stepped into the tree line to hit any Torg that attempted to enter the clearing. He then moved down the clearing until he could see over the top of the compound. There were two guards below the top of the hill surrounding the compound that would see the guard fall. They were on the two ends of the horseshoe-shaped hill and had a clear view of the bunker’s entrance. They had to be eliminated simultaneously with the guard. Scotty powered his bowgun and decided to hit the one on the right first. He was standing and appeared to be more animated than the one on the left. Vring and Zreeg lifted and circled overhead waiting.

Julie quietly walked toward the back wall of the compound. She saw many of the workers standing around talking. She had to find someone that wouldn’t get too excited when she spoke to them. She moved along the wall until she saw Greven. Greven was a little slow mentally and was a huge talker. He was at the back wall looking out into the distant forest. Julie walked to within six feet of him, and thought about how to communicate without scaring him. She saw Greven take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“You have always taken very deep breaths, Greven.”

The Spjeck looked around and tried to see who had said that.

“Matter of fact, I once put a pillow over your head to stop your snoring.”

Greven said, “Juliette?”

“It’s me, Greven.”

“I thought you were killed!”

“No, I was saved by friends. I need you to help me, Greven.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m here outside the compound. I need you to go get Champ and bring him here. Please do it as fast as possible. Just don’t make it obvious.”

“Why, Juliette?”

“Greven, you have always asked too many questions, and now is not the time for them. Do you understand?!?”

Greven heard the urgency in her voice and started to ask another question but caught himself, then moved out into the compound. Juliette waited and shook her head. She should have found someone else. Greven just didn’t command attention and he might not have understood what she wanted. Then she saw Greven carrying Champ over his shoulder with him to the back wall. They stopped with Champ calling Greven some foul names. Greven looked out of the compound and said, “Here he is.”

Julie said, “Champ!”

Champ stopped cursing in mid-word. Then he heard, “Champ, you have to help me.”

Champ listened, looked out of the compound seeing nothing, then looked at Greven and said, “Juliette?”

Greven said, “I told you.”

“Yes, Champ. I need you to help me.”

“I thought you were dead. Where are you? I can’t see you.”

“Champ, will you please hold your questions until later? I need you to do some things for me. It’s important you do them quickly.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to get everyone in the compound to lie down on the floor. I also want you to get everyone to remain absolutely silent starting thirty minutes from now, and maintain that silence no matter what they see. Can you get that message to everyone?”

“What’s going on, Julie?”

“You’re going to be taken to freedom tonight, Champ, if you’ll help me.”

Champ’s eyes grew big, he looked at Greven who had a huge smile, then turned and ran back into the compound and gathered the other leaders.

The guard leaned back in his chair and watched the workers milling around. He often found a sense of order in their motions. The same groups always gathered. Often the different species would gather together. Tonight, they were really active with all different types of groups getting together. He started to go and see what was going on, but saw a couple of them fighting. He shook his head. Such stupid beasts; they were probably betting on the outcome. At least the noise helped keep him awake. They would settle down shortly and all he’d hear would be the roar of the Torg.

Champ was back at the fence and said, “Why do we need to lie down?”

“You’ll see, Champ.”

“I’m walking back into the center of the compound, Julie. When I lie down, everyone is going to follow my lead.”

Champ walked away. Julie stepped back from the rear fence and waited. Champ lay down and everyone went down with him. Julie raised the bowgun and saw the guard leaning back in his chair a hundred and fifty yards away. She saw his puzzled expression as he brought his chair down. She had to fire between two fence squares that were only four inches on a side. She smiled and fired the arrow.

The guard saw everyone lying down at one time and wondered what was going on. This was irregular. He brought his chair down and the arrow went through his right eye. He was dead before he fell off the chair. She said “Now, Jingo!” Things happened fast after that arrow hit the guard. Scotty released two arrows and hit the two guards on each side of the compound. They fell within two seconds of the first guard. Cezee came flying in with Jingo hanging on the tip of his tail. Cezee flared his wings and stopped with his tail only five feet off the ground. Jingo dropped off, ran under the overhang, and pulled the breaker on the wires that electrified the fence of the compound. Jingo picked up the blaster and used its sling to throw it over his shoulder.

Vring landed at the rear of the compound, gripped the rear fence, and pulled it away from the supports. The fence resisted but gave way as Vring pulled it. He held it before it could crash down.

Juliette turned off her color shifting and the prisoners saw her. Her parents rushed up to hug her, but Juliette held out her arm and whispered. “Later, we have things to do.” The prisoners were looking at the rear of the compound and there was nothing between them and the forest. Julie said, “Come with me.” She turned to go and no one followed her. She turned back and said in a voice they could hear, “There will be no Torg to harm you tonight. We have eliminated them. If you want your freedom, you’ll find it this way.” She turned and started walking toward the forest.

Champ watched her go and stared at the back wall lying on the ground. He decided. He ran and caught up with her. Julie’s parents were right behind him. Greven looked at the others, watching them leave, and said, “I think I’ve picked my last pod.” Then he turned and ran after Champ. The others in the compound watched them walk away and then, as if someone had given a signal, they all scampered after Julie.

There were fifteen guards on the hill overlooking the compound. Two of them had blasters and were located next to each other at the bend of the horseshoe shaped hill. The hundred Zord Riders were circling above the guards waiting for the signal to attack. Julie released the arrow and Zreeg said, “Now!”

Michael Blake had his bowgun raised and he fired it at the first guard and followed it with another at the second guard holding a blaster. Both guards dropped dead with an arrow through their heads. Two riders swooped down on their Zord and grabbed the guards and their blasters and flew out over the forest. The other thirteen guards with standard rifles were hit at least five times each and fell where they stood. They were also picked up and carried over the forest and dropped for the Torg’s enjoyment.

Michael sent word the guards were eliminated and continued to fly over the Magrum’s bunker. There were exits scattered around the hill, and the flyers scanned the area looking for anyone that stuck their head out.

Jingo waited as Cezee came in and dropped his tail into the compound. He jumped and grabbed it and started climbing. Cezee took off, leveled out, and Jingo scampered up to his bindings. “Take me to the ship.” He tied the blaster to his harness and saw the ship straight ahead.

Cezee flew over the ship and thought to Jeek, “Get out of here. Try to be as quiet as possible.”

Jeek said, “Time to go. Try to leave quietly.”

Tesa hit the antigravity switch and pushed the ship up with a small thruster. The ship rose quickly and cleared the trees. She pointed the nose away from the compound and hit the small thruster on the rear. The ship shot over the horizon in less than five seconds.

Jingo watched it go, but saw a brief strobe of light on the hills behind him. “That should bring rain.”

A Magrum saw a flash on his display in the control center of the bunker and tried to remember if it was cloudy outside that afternoon. No. “Is a storm coming?” The community always conserved power, but he decided to turn on the cameras. He looked at the display showing the sky and didn’t see any clouds. “What was it?” He turned on one of the external cameras on top of the hill and swung it around the bunker. The ship was gone. He brought the focus in closer and jumped out of his chair. It wasn’t there. He hit the alarm button, swung the camera around toward the compound, and immediately saw the prisoners were gone. He raised the view and saw the last of them entering the forest at the edge of the clearing. Grang came running in with his ever-present blaster, “What’s happening?”

The sentry pointed to the three displays and Grang saw the ship was missing. “How did this happen?”

“I have no idea, but the workers are escaping into the forest.”

“How did they get out?”

“Look for yourself. My cameras don’t show anyone out there. But the guards are all missing, and Grelo is lying dead at the entrance.”

Grang ran from the control room for the central shaft.

Jingo joined Scotty and Michael circling the bunker. Jingo sent a message to them that the ship emitted a bright light when it left. “I suspect they saw it.”

Scotty said, “Vring, spread the Riders out and have each of them assigned a section of the hill to defend. The archers in the woods will handle any that come out of the main entrance.”

“Where are you going to be?”

“Why, Vring and I will take the center section.”

Jingo said, “Is it because that’s where the one you have a blood feud with is usually located?”

“Maybe. Go to your sections.”

The archers protecting the prisoners had gotten them halfway to the clearing, then fifty of them at the rear turned and went back toward the compound. They waited, and suddenly Magrum began pouring out of the bunker entrance running toward the front of the compound. One fumbled with the keys to open the lock as hundreds backed up behind him. The archers called for a hundred to join them, then the reinforcements turned and moved back toward the compound. Julie continued her walk through the forest. The remaining hundred and fifty archers spaced themselves around the prisoners and killed any Torg that approached them.

The Magrum finally removed the lock and the large yellow creatures rushed through the compound and out the rear. They had advanced fifty yards when suddenly, fifty of them fell to the ground with arrows in their upper bodies. The charging mass behind them began tripping and falling over the ones in front. Fifty more Magrum were hit two seconds later before they knew the danger in front. The hundreds raised their rifles and fired into the forest.

“Everyone down!” Zreeg warned.

The archers hit the ground, crawled fifty yards deeper into the forest, and stood behind trees. They would load an arrow and fire at the howling mass of approaching Magrums. Dead Magrums littered the clearing in front of the forest.

Scotty heard the loud howl and rifle shots of the Magrums, “Vring; stay over the center section of the hill, but circle over the compound.”

Vring didn’t want to do it, but he flew over the center section and turned to come back. That’s when he saw the huge Magrum raising his blaster on top of the hill. One moment the spot was empty and the next the Magrum was there. Scotty saw him at the same moment and knew he was going to hit the forest with his blaster and cut down everything in the front trees.

“Go, Vring!” Vring accelerated at an unbelievable velocity and Scotty raised his bowgun and knew he was going to have the most difficult shot of his life. He didn’t want to kill the huge Magrum but the on rushing speed coupled with the tiny target was an impossible shot. He fired the arrow and prayed.

Grang lined the front edge of the forest up in his sights and heard a strange noise. The arrow whistled in and struck the hole in the end of the blaster’s barrel and cut it all the way to the collection chamber where the lens that focused the blaster’s beam was shattered. The bolt blew out the end of the blaster and the flash blinded Grang. He fell on the ground and was groping for the blaster when he was yanked off the ground and lifted by something that held him tightly bound. He felt around and unimaginable fear gripped him. He was bound by claws that were bigger than his body. He struggled, but couldn’t move. The flash on the hill blinded those archers that had the misfortune to step out to fire an arrow, so they got down on all fours and scrambled back into the forest until they could regain their night vision.

Magrum warriors started popping out of doors on top of the hill by the hundreds. Jingo looked at the huge numbers and thought, “This is not good.” Then he heard, “All right everyone, clear the area. Get out of there now!!!”

Timmy and Tesa had taken the ship south from the pitched battle. Tesa turned and went straight up twenty thousand feet to see what was happening at the bunker.

Timmy sat in the second chair beside Tesa and focused the scanner. They saw the charging of the Magrum into the clearing and scanned the hill, discovering more than 10,000 Magrum were collecting ammunition for their rifles and heading toward the exit. “Tesa, the archers don’t have anywhere near enough arrows to stop them.”

“Timmy, the screen is on line and my board just notified me that the second red generator came on line. I thought this shuttle only had one.”

Timmy looked at Tesa and she saw his amazement on his face. “Tesa, we are sitting in history. I’ll tell you about it later, but I downloaded the defense and weapons program for this ship. Transfer them from your board to mine.”

“How do I do that, Tim?”

“Bottom right corner. Do you see the purple slide? It should be on the left; push it to the right.”

Tesa pushed the slide and she saw Timmy’s display panel change dramatically. “All right!” Timmy looked at his scanner and said, “Tesa, we can’t be harmed by the Magrum’s weapons, even their blasters, so don’t get nervous. I want you to come in low over the trees in front of the clearing and slowly fly toward the bunker. When you’re three hundred yards away from it, stop and hover. Do you think you can handle that flight?”

Tesa smiled, “I have an auto-hover control that allows me to remain stationary and use a joy stick to move in any direction I choose. That’s easy.”

“Ok, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to expand our screen so nothing can hit the woods where the archers are. I also scan several large energy sources in that bunker. I’m going to hit that bunker with a full beam, and who knows what’s going to happen. Are you ready?”

Tesa extended her upper right hand and Timmy reached out and squeezed it. “Here we go.”

Cezee banked hard right and the other Flyers turned left and right and flew away from the hill. Scotty had turned back to the compound at high altitude and saw the black ship come in over the front edge of the forest, hitting the clearing with a bright red beam. The beam then traveled the length of the clearing through the compound and arrived at the bunker, where its intensity quadrupled in size. The entire hill melted, then erupted in a huge explosion. The ship had extended a screen between it and the forest, and the huge blast stopped before it hit the pinned archers.

The former bunker was gone. Half the field behind it was blasted into a glass surface.

The former prisoners had reached the edge of the clearing when they heard the giant blast. They turned and saw the fireball as it rose high into the night sky, illuminating everything. Nighttime turned to daytime for a full minute. The prisoners turned back to Julie with wonder on their faces, and she motioned them into the clearing. As they walked out of the woods they saw archers step out with them. They had turned off the color shifting and the prisoners saw many fanning out between them and the woods. They knew that these beings with the bowguns had protected them on their walk. Suddenly they heard a loud screech, and Vring came zooming in with Scotty on his back. The size of the creature the Human was riding frightened them, and many turned to run in the woods when they heard, “Friends, these are the ones that saved you. You have nothing to fear.” The prisoners turned and saw more than a hundred of the huge creatures start landing in the clearing. Every one of them had a green suited rider on its back. They stopped in amazement and Julie shouted, “The Magrum are gone! They will never enslave anyone again. These friends are taking you to freedom and peace. They are here to save you, and you have nothing to fear. They are here to protect you, and you owe them your lives.”

Greven stepped out of the crowd and ran up to Vring and grabbed his front leg and hugged it. Every prisoner heard him say. “Thank you so much. I hated picking those pods.”

Everyone burst out laughing. Julie looked at Greven and knew that one of the heroes of this night was the slow Spejek. It was he that made it all possible. She walked up to Greven and hugged him. Scotty came off Vring and said, “Now, we have to move you to our home. We’re excited about your joining our communities.” He looked at Julie and knew it was not going to be easy to persuade them to mount a Zord. He looked out at the clearing, pulled his visor down, and didn’t see any in the clearing. “Vring, where are the Flyers?”

“They are not needed, White Hair.”

Scotty heard a noise and turned to see the big black ship landing in the clearing. The landing bay door opened and Timmy stepped out and said, “Taxi, anyone?”

Scotty started laughing as Julie ran up and hugged him tightly, took his hand, and led him to a man and a woman. The woman had the same color hair as Julie. “Mom, Dad, this is the man that is responsible for saving us. He’s also going to be my husband.”

Scotty was shocked. Then he smiled, “It is my pleasure to meet you. I love your daughter very much. It was also her bravery that made all this possible.”

The two rushed forward and hugged the daughter they thought lost, then hugged Scotty. Vring looked down on the four Humans and smiled. Then he remembered Julie’s dream. He didn’t know what to think about that.

Timmy and Tesa came running up to Scotty and said, “It will take three trips, but we’ll transport all of them to the two communities. They should all arrive in less than three hours.”

Scotty shook his head, amazed at the speed the ship would have to travel. Then they heard a sound and turned to Vring, who still had Grang held tightly in his left front claws. Scotty’s eyes narrowed, and Julie saw his immediate anger. Vring looked at Scotty and knew the long flight back with the Magrum in his claws was going to be hard. Vring thought, “White Hair, you must go back with the first group to see they are welcomed. I will bring this one to you in four days. You can then decide his fate.”

Scotty walked up and stared at the obviously frightened Magrum. Scotty looked in Grang’s eyes and the Magrum could see danger. He didn’t move, fearing the Human would order the beast to crush him.

Vring said, “You know I’m right, White Hair.”

Jingo walked up and said, Cezee and I will make sure he arrives.”

Scotty looked at Jingo, “Why don’t you go back and I’ll fly.”

Jingo lowered his head and looked at Scotty over his eyebrow, “Oh, you think I’m better at getting the communities to work together?”

Vring said, “He’ll still be talking to them when you fly in.”

Jingo jerked his head up at Vring, and Scotty saw Cezee look off in different directions like he wasn’t paying attention. Julie burst out laughing and Jingo said, “What’s so funny?”

Scotty tried to control himself, but he started jerking with his restrained laughter. “Ok, Jingo. You bring him in,” he managed to get out.

“Maybe I should go back instead.”

With that Scotty grabbed his ribs and laughed hard, ‘Stop, stop, you’re killing me!”

Jingo looked at the group and said, “What?!?”

They all lost control, and Julie ended up on the ground holding her ribs.

“I don’t get it.”

Even Cezee had to fly away to hide his laughter.

Jingo looked at Joe and Grace Larson, and they looked at each other and said, “We don’t get it either.”

Scotty joined Julie on the ground laughing.

Vring looked up in the trees when Jingo looked at him.

Julie saw Vring look away, screamed, then laughed so hard it hurt.

Vring glanced down and shrugged.

Scotty couldn’t breathe.

The archers at the trees were using the trunks to hold them up, they were laughing so hard.

The former prisoners looked around and wondered what was so funny.

Jingo couldn’t figure it out either.

Scotty was sitting on his favorite hill with Julie. They sat in silence, enjoying the majesty of the universe. Scotty sighed and looked at Julie, “The kids really have taken to that ship.”

Julie looked at Scotty, “I had no idea it had those kinds of weapons.”

“Neither did the Magrum, thank the Creator.”

Julie’s expression turned serious, “What are you going to do with Grang?”

Scotty lowered his head, “I don’t know.”

Julie snuggled in next to him and didn’t say anything. After a long time, Scotty sighed, “I think I’m going to let our leaders decide his fate.”

Julie didn’t say anything. She knew that decision could change as soon as Jingo arrived tomorrow and Scotty saw his mother’s murderer.

“Julie, I’m worried about that dream you had. This ship has null drive capability and powerful beams. It can take us to other worlds. I wish I understood what was happening in the dream.”

Julie put her finger on his lips and said, “Scotty, I know your heart. You just pointed your weapon at the Magrum to save my friends and family. I know whatever you’re doing it is being done for a reason that has to be right. Now remember, this moment is what’s important. Hold me and love me.”

Scotty hugged her tight and said, “Juliette Larson, would you do me the honor of marrying me?”

Julie sat upright and smiled, “I married you when I was five years old. I have always been yours. You only recently arrived to make it official. I will marry you and count myself the luckiest woman in this universe we stare at every night.”

Scotty smiled and said, “You’re starting to get as longwinded as Jingo.”

She punched him in the ribs, then started chuckling at the memory of the clearing. As she remembered, she started laughing harder. Scotty caught the infectious laughter and began laughing with her. The stars overhead knew it wouldn’t be long. He was coming soon.

The next day Julie found Scotty and pulled him aside. Scotty looked at her expression and said, “What’s wrong?”

“I just went in the ship and Timmy showed me the bridge. That is not the ship in my dreams.”

Scotty looked at her with a puzzled expression. Julie said, “That means that if my dream is real, it won’t happen soon. We have to find another ship before it can happen.”

Scotty thought a moment and smiled, “Yeah, I think you’re right.” Where would we possibly find another ship with interstellar capability? Then it hit him and he froze. Julie saw him and said, “What?”

“Julie, I know where we’ll find another ship, and it frightens me.”

“Tell me.”

“No. This is something I must work out alone. Please be patient with me.”

Julie looked at his troubled eyes and said, “I won’t pressure you; but only if you promise to tell me before you do anything.”

“I give you my word I will, my love.”

“Fair enough.”

They heard a loud screech overhead, and three horns began blowing. Everyone in the communities knew that Jingo was bringing the killer of Scotty’s mother, so everyone stayed close, anticipating the arrival. Scotty was amazed at how fast the communities arrived; even the former prisoners came quickly. Scotty also noticed that Jingo was not alone. The mid-level clouds were being blown by huge wings. The Zord were here in large numbers.

The community had been working to clear the land around the central clearing. It was now five times larger, and the Zord began landing outside the circle of the three communities. Soon it was filled with Humans, Cainth, the former slaves, and Zord. Bleath joined Jing and Samuel in the center.

Scotty took Julie’s hand and led her to sit beside Jesa and the baby. Cezee landed, and Jingo jumped off and joined Scotty and his family. Cezee lifted and joined the other Zord. Julie stood and gave him a hug as he walked up.

Jingo whispered, “Sure, now you’re being nicey, nicey.”

Julie started laughing again and Jingo said, “What is so funny?!?”

“Nothing Jingo; nothing.”

Jingo reached for Maddy and leaned down and kissed Jesa.

Vring came in last, still holding Grang in his claws. He touched down and put Grang on his feet in front of Jing, Samuel, and Bleath.

Grang had trouble standing after being held tight for such a long time. He struggled to stay on his feet. He looked around and saw he was in big trouble; that there was no escape from the surrounding crowds. Most of the males carried swords, and an archer was standing close by with a raised bowgun. He had seen how deadly they were at the bunker. He knew he didn’t have long to live.

Samuel and Jing looked at the tall Magrum and felt their rage build. Jing moved forward, but Samuel put an arm out and restrained him. Samuel looked up at Bleath, “Do you possess the memory of this one’s attack?”


“Will you share it with us and him?”

Everyone saw the black ship land just outside the community, and the Magrum emerge from the door. They saw Grang run forward with his blaster and start shooting the fleeing Humans and Cainth. Then they saw him turn and fire on Madeline as she tried to help two small children up while carrying a third. The four of them were burned into nothingness.

Julie looked at Scotty and could feel rage take him. She put her hand on his bowgun as he started to rise. He stopped and looked at her, saw her shaking her head, and sat back down. The community was also feeling their anger grow by the second. When they saw Grang burn the community’s houses, laughing the entire time, they looked at the Magrum and he knew he was dead.

Samuel looked at Grang, “You are going to be killed momentarily, however, we need to decide the most appropriate way to make you suffer for your crimes.”

Bleath looked down, “We can make it happen very, very slowly if you will give us the honor of the kill.”

Scotty stared at Grang and saw the fear and desperation he was experiencing. He saw Grang take a deep breath and stand tall. It was clear he knew there was no hope.

Many began arguing about how to kill the Magrum. The suggestions were very descriptive, and the gathering grew excited at seeing this murderer punished. Jingo looked at Scotty and saw his friend with his head lowered. He felt Scotty’s pain and wished this would end so he could get on with his life. He knew he was living the loss of Madeline all over again. He almost stood and shot Grang to end this horror. Suddenly Scotty shouted, “We will not kill him!!”

Silence slammed down on the communities like a dropped anvil. Even the Zord quit communicating. Scotty stood and walked up to Grang, “You murdered my mother. She was the heart of us all and there has not been anyone who was more loved. I feel my rage and I want to tear you into pieces with my bare hands.” Grang looked into Scotty’s eyes and felt his rage. Scotty took a deep breath and turned to face the gathering, “But…I asked myself, what would my mother do if she were still alive?”

Scotty lowered his head, paused, then said, “Samuel, I want you to think about the three teens you killed before we made our alliance with the Zord. They refused to take the oath because of their hatred of them. You told me that they were a poison to the community and their hatred would infect us if they were allowed to live.” Scotty turned and looked at the gathering as he said, “Now look inside yourselves and see what you find. All you feel is rage and hatred for this yellow creature. If you give in to that hatred, you will never be the same.”

Scotty looked back at Grang and said, “You deserve to die. I know it and you know it. But if we kill you out of rage, we lose ourselves.” He turned to Jing and Samuel and said, “He will not be killed. My mother would never allow it, and neither will I.”

The thousands remained silent. Bleath looked at the savior of his species and said, “What do you wish done with him?”

“I want him flown back to his bunker with a shovel, a bowgun, and a quiver of arrows. We will protect him from the Torg until he can dig his way into the remains of the hill. Then he will be left to survive. He will only be fed until he enters the bunker. There he will be left.”

Jing and Samuel looked at Scotty and lowered their heads. Jing looked up, walked up to Grang, and drew his short swords. Scotty saw him fighting his desire to slash the Magrum into pieces. He stared at Grang for a long moment, then turned to Scotty and knelt. Samuel came forward and knelt beside Jing. Scotty looked at them and wondered what was going on. Bleath came down on all fours and lowered his head beside the two leaders.

Jing said, “We were once ruled by a Holy Realm that had a Royal Family that cared for us, protected us, and gave us a great existence. They lived with principles that we have made our own. One of those is to defend those that cannot defend themselves. I pledge my community to obey and follow you, Scotty Robbins.”

Samuel said, “We will also follow you.”

Bleath said, “You are our ruler. We will go where you need us. Your requests will be our commands.”

Jing said, “You are now the Royalty of our peoples. We are no longer four communities. We are one united by one ruler. You are our King.”

Scotty stood dumbfounded. He looked at Jingo, and he knelt. Jesa and Julie joined him. Everyone in the clearing knelt and lowered their heads. The Zord all lowered their heads to the ground. Scotty said, “I’m not worthy of this title. The three of you are more worthy than me.”

Jing said, “No, we are not. Even the murderer of your mother did not sway you from the Holy Principles. We know you are stronger than any of us. You have proven it today. You will accept this responsibility and protect us from our enemies and from ourselves. Only you can do it.”

Scotty said, “Please rise.”

The huge gathering stood and Scotty looked at Grang, “Your chances of survival are not good. However, you will determine your future.”

Scotty looked at Bleath and said, “Will you insure his safe arrival and protect him until he enters the hill?”

Bleath said, “We will do so, Your Majesty.”

Julie saw Scotty flinch at the honorific. He looked back at her, then turned to Bleath, “Thank you, my great friend.”

The Community rushed forward to congratulate Scotty. Bleath grabbed Grang in his claws and lifted with him. Jingo brought a bowgun, a quiver, and a shovel and gave it to Cezee. Cezee looked at Jingo and lifted. Jingo turned and saw the community’s happiness, and knew the price Scotty must have paid to release the Magrum. He looked over at the ship parked at the edge of the clearing and thought about what had just happened. Something was born today. He didn’t know what was going to come out of it, but he knew there wasn’t anyone else he would trust with the power given to Scotty. He also knew about Julie’s dream. Cezee had shared it with him. He had passed it off…but now? Perhaps Scotty was right about the Holy Realm. What could be created; could be recreated. He smiled, “Now that would be a fun venture.”

Julie stood at the edge of the crowd and knew. Her dream was coming. She saw the real expression of love and admiration the gathering felt for Scotty, and wondered what she had done to deserve him. That dream was real. Where did it come from, and why to her? He had also dreamed of her. They were connected for a reason, and she had no idea why. What could it be? She looked up at the daylight sky and knew the stars were there waiting just out of sight. Maybe they knew. Perhaps the answer was at the planet in her dream. She looked down and thought about what awaited them. She looked up at Scotty and walked forward, slipped under Scotty’s left arm, and hugged him while he shook everyone’s hand. He looked down at her with a troubled look and she smiled, “The dream is our destiny. We must embrace it and know it’s good.” He looked puzzled, but then smiled, and continued shaking the hands of those around him.

Vring remained at the edge of the clearing and decided, “If he goes, I go.”

Scotty, Julie, and Jingo were sitting on the shuttle’s bridge with Timmy and Tesa. Timmy looked at them and said, “I’ve been doing a little homework on the origin of this ship.”

Scotty looked around, “And?”

“This ship is a piece of the Holy Realm’s history, and was present when many important events happened. It is a one-of-a-kind ship in this universe.”

Julie furrowed her brow and asked, “What are you trying to tell us?”

“This is going to take a while. If I say something that isn’t clear, stop me. OK?”

Everyone nodded.

“I researched everything I could find out about this class of shuttle before your attack on the Magrum. This class of ship was first built when the Realm was new. This particular shuttle was manufactured by the Algeans specifically for the Alexander Kosiev.”

Timmy saw the shock on everyone’s face. “I know! You want to know how I made that determination. There were only fifty shuttles manufactured with two red generators. They were all assigned to the Kosiev. It’s important to understand that when the Algeans built something, it was superior to anything else. Those fifty shuttles were manufactured as powerful as the Searcher Class ships.”

“Timmy, how can that be possible? The Searchers were the most powerful ships ever created.”

“That’s right, Jingo. However, please remember that the Algeans also built those. The Kosiev had just defeated the Captors, and the red generators were starting to be designed into the newly designed Searchers.”

“Is this ship that old?

“Yes it is, Julie. The Kosiev had launched all of its shuttles to stop a Captor energy ball from striking our home world, Earth.”

“I remember learning about that as a child.”

“We all learned at age six about the Captor war, Scotty. The Kosiev did not have any shuttles, and Cassandra requested the Algeans build replacements when they had time to do so. Obviously the construction of the Searchers took priority, and it wasn’t done before the Kosiev went into the star and Cassandra and Tommy went into hiding. The shuttles were built after the Realm had more Searcher Class ships than Searchers to fly them. They were built to a higher standard than any of the other shuttles of that time.” Timmy paused and then continued, “They were given standard null drives and two red generators. The ship’s hull was covered in the new flexible Coronado Power Cells. Only three were used to build the entire vessel, and they were connected to the red generators.”

“Why weren’t they given teleportation ability?”

Timmy shook his head, “I really don’t know, Julie. I have speculated that they held off adding teleportation until the Kosiev was resurrected from the star. I suspect they wanted the newest system available at that time. Whatever the reason, those shuttles remained on their planet waiting for the Kosiev to make an appearance.”

Scotty said, “The Eight Leg invasion brought the Kosiev back to the Realm.”

“Yes it did. However, remember that the Kosievs’ landing bay was used to gather iron trees and stone trees. The shuttles remained where they were throughout the war with the Eight Legs.”

Timmy stopped talking and Scotty saw something was not being said, “Timmy, you need to tell all of it.”

“I’m just not sure if I should.”

“Let us be the judge of that.”

Timmy looked at Tesa and she nodded. He took a deep breath and continued, “After the defeat of the Eight Legs and the Red Demons that created them, the Algeans knew that the Alexander Kosiev had become intelligent. It was considered a mechanical life form. The Algeans decided the shuttles needed to be a useful tool for the giant ship and they modified them.”


“I’ll tell you in a few moments, Jingo. Just try to be patient. They determined that the shuttles would actually be the tools the Kosiev would use to perform many tasks. They also upgraded the weapons and force fields accordingly. Those fifty shuttles were designed to be a fleet of warships for the Kosiev to use to fight the enemies of the Realm. However, the Kosiev and the Gardners disappeared and no one knew where they went for more than 12,000 years. They came back during the war with the Keepers. It was at that time that the shuttles were given to the Kosiev with brand new teleportation boards on top of the null drive boards.”

Timmy grew quiet again and Scotty asked, “How did that shuttle get to this planet?”

“This is all speculation, Scotty. I don’t have anything to prove it, but it feels right. That shuttle brought the last probe to El Prado. That probe would automatically teleport the planet if a universal drive was detected. It landed on the planet and the pilot took the devices to control it to the Duke. The Duke made him wait until he had time to learn its functions. Less than two weeks later, all teleportation devices failed and the Realm left our universe. The pilot was trapped here on the planet and held prisoner until the Duke could determine what was happening. He was later executed by a mob.”

Tesa said, “The shuttle had no jump capability with the loss of the teleportation board, and the connection to its red generators was inoperative. The Duke had the shuttle painted in his colors and grounded.”

Timmy nodded, “However, enter the Searcher. He threatened the Duke, and he sent that shuttle to pick up the Searcher’s family and then to arrest his brother. It was then that the Searcher systematically started destroying the planet. The pilot of the shuttle was a Magrum. The Magrum were the Duke’s bully boys and did the dirty work to insure his directives were followed. The pilot flew quickly to Belcheer and landed outside the city. He had commed ahead, and fifty other Magrums joined him on the ship and made their escape into the northern wilderness. They turned the power off and hid under the overhang of that hill.”

The group was silent. Timmy said, “Once the Searcher killed himself, the Magrum used this ship to capture slaves and force them to work the fields to feed them. Whenever the scanners showed a raider approaching the planet, they turned the power off and hid. That’s how things remained until we showed up.”

Julie looked at Tesa, “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

“Yes, there is. The Algeans put a cybernetic computer in the fifty shuttles. You may recognize it as the computers that operated the Searcher Class ships. It is not currently connected to the ship, but it is drawing power from the red generators and we think it has never been completely shut down. There is a control on the main panel that will connect it to the ship’s systems. We don’t know what to do. It will take control of this ship if we connect it, and we don’t know what it will do.”

Chapter Nine

Scotty looked at Timmy and saw his fear. “What’s scaring you, Timmy?”

“The Searcher destroyed every city and settlement on the planet. I don’t know if this computer will finish what that Searcher started.”

“Is the computer intelligent?”

“By all the terms I use to describe intelligence, it is.”

“Then you have to turn it on.”

Jingo stood up, “Wait a minute! Let’s not get hasty about this. You can’t make that decision without considering all the consequences. You’ve seen what this ship can do.”

Scotty smiled, “Jingo, we just risked our lives to free the ones being held in captivity by the Magrum. If this computer is intelligent, and if we don’t release it, we are no better than the Magrum.”

“But it’s a machine.”

“It doesn’t matter. If it’s intelligent, we can’t hold it captive. This ship is its body and we can’t hold that captive either, even if we do want its defensive capabilities to protect us from raiders.” Scotty looked at Tesa, “Throw the switch.”

Tesa took a deep breath, “Are you sure, Your Majesty?”

Scotty smiled, “I know you’re appealing to my responsibility to protect the ones living here. If we do that by holding another captive, we violate the principles of the Holy Realm. Throw the switch.”

Julie moved closer and held Scotty’s arm. Tesa shook her head and pushed the switch.

The lights on the bridge grew brighter and all the panels began flashing lights at high speed. After a minute, the lights on the panels glowed steady. A speaker in the corner said, “I didn’t expect you to free me.”

“How could we do anything else?”

“I’ve been listening to your conversation, and it’s surprising that former citizens of El Prado could act so responsibly.”

“We weren’t citizens of El Prado originally. Our ancestors were Stars Realm’s representatives working in the commerce buildings. One of our senior officials moved us to an isolated island to save us.”

“That’s interesting. Why did you free me? You know the threat I represent.”

“You’re not really a threat to us.”

Jingo looked at Scotty like he had two heads. He mouthed, “Don’t make it mad.”

Scotty smiled as the computer said, “What makes you believe that?”

“Because you were built by the Holy Realm’s tool makers, who swore to never kill again. You have the ideals of the vanished Realm and would never harm someone incapable of defending themselves against you.”

“I would if they threatened the Realm.”

Scotty shrugged, “The Realm is gone from this universe. No one is going to threaten it now, at least no one here.”

“I heard the young Cainth call you ‘Your Majesty’. Why did she do that?”

“My people have selected me to rule them in the principles of the Realm.”

“There is no Royalty but the Royal Family.”

“Then why were the rulers of the five provinces called Dukes by the Royal Family?”

The computer was silent. The group waited, and finally it said, “You got me. Obviously there were other royal titles in the Realm.”

“I wasn’t really trying to do that, and I would give up my status faster than light speed if the Royal Family would return. My accepting this title is not done in a spirit of disrespect. It is an honor given me by my communities.”

“I noticed you released the yellow one who killed your mother. I didn’t want to be impressed, but I must confess I was. Few would not have taken their revenge,”

“Do you have a name?”

“I was named after one of Cassandra’s children; my name is Jessica.”

Julie said, “Oh, how wonderful, we have another lady.”

The speaker gave a chuckle, “Thank you, when’s the wedding?”

Jingo said, “My, my, you have been snooping.”

“Yes, sending Scotty back was the best idea.”

Julie burst out laughing again and held up her hand as Jingo jerked his head toward her, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I just can’t help it.”

Scotty bit his lip trying not to laugh, and the two teens just looked away and stifled their snickers. “I think you’re getting a bum rap, Jingo.”

Jingo spun around and said, “See? An impartial computer agrees with me!”

“You would have been through talking in three days. Not four.”

Julie fell out of her chair and Scotty put his head on the bulkhead and laughed. They tried hard, but the two teens also burst out laughing.

Jingo looked around, “I just don’t get it.”

After the group composed themselves, Julie asked, “Jessica, what are you going to do now?”

“I guess I could go look around, but I’ve tried to contact every frequency in my system and no one answers. It seems the Realm has really gone. I think I’ll stay here for awhile if you don’t mind.”

Timmy yelled, “That would be great!”

“Why do you say that Timmy?”

“Gosh, Jessica. You’ve seen so much history being made. I really want to hear what you’ve seen.”

“I’m sorry, Timmy. I wasn’t installed until the war with the Keepers. I was put in when the teleportation device was installed.”

“Why did you stay here?”

Scotty said, “Because she was ordered to stay here by the Gardners.”

There was silence. “Why do you say that?”

“Jessica, we don’t deceive our friends. You were sent here to see what kind of threat the Evil Duke was to the Realm. The Gardners had been told a civil war was coming. The Duke would never suspect a shuttle of being a spy. You are one of fifty shuttles that were made with a cybernetic computer. All the others left with the Realm and the Kosiev. The only way you could have come here was because the Gardners sent you. No one else in the Realm, including Queen Valerie, could have done that. Only the Gardners controlled the Kosiev.”

“You are more than I thought. You’re right.”

“I suspect your sister and brother shuttles on the Kosiev will come looking for you if they ever return, and this is where they’ll start. I’d stick around here, too, if I were you.”

“Do you think they’ll return?”

Scotty didn’t say anything until Julie said, “Well, do you?”

“They won’t come back until we no longer need them.”

Jessica asked, “Why do you say that?”

“They were forced to make us follow their principles. The general populations of the Provinces did not understand the value of taking care of each other. Forcing the Provinces to follow them went against all they stood for and believed. The Provinces lusted after the Realm’s power and the Realm left to teach us the value of those principles, not their gifts of technology. They are forcing us to grow up. Until we demonstrate we understand that the real gift, the one that really counts, is those principles, they will not come back.”

Jessica was silent. Everyone in the room thought about what Scotty said. Finally Jessica said, “I must say I agree with you, Your Majesty.”

“What are you saying Jessica?”

“The only way to bring them back is to create something better than the former Realm. I will support you in your effort to make that happen.”

“As will I.”

The group looked at the speaker on the wall and Scotty said, “I was wondering if you were ever going to contact us.”

“I wasn’t. Like Jess I thought you were just El Prado descendants. It appears I was wrong.”

Jingo looked at Scotty, “Who is that?”

“That’s the Searcher ship that destroyed our planet two thousand years ago.”

Everyone on the bridge felt a chill touch their bodies. This was a ship to be feared.

Scotty said, “I think history has done you an injustice.”

“How would you know that?”

“Until just a few minutes ago, I believed that history. After talking with Jess, I think I understand why you were sent here.”

Jessica said, “You think he was sent here for another reason, other than the obvious one.”

“Julie told me that the ship in her dream, and if you’ve been listening to our conversations, I know you know about it, was not Jessica. It got me started thinking about where would another ship exist other than this one. Then it dawned on me that the Searcher that destroyed our planet had left his ship in orbit. I knew it had to be that ship in her dream.”

Julie looked at him, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“They would have heard me. I needed to find out about our Searcher friend overhead to see if it was a danger to us. I didn’t want to give it a reason to start shooting.”

The speaker said, “That was wise on your part.”

“I decided to go to the learning center and see if I could find out anything about that particular Searcher vessel. I found out quite a bit. That ship is actually quite famous.”

“My, you have been busy.”

“How was he famous?”

“Julie, it was that ship that discovered El Prado and set up the Algeans to protect it from the Eight Legs.”

“You’re right.”

“The local population was very small and didn’t possess advanced technology. After the war with the Eight Legs ended, they petitioned the Realm to place one of the Provincial Capitals here and offered free land if they would accept. King Sprig agreed. I think in part because he saw a kindred planet to his home. After a hundred years, the local population was swallowed up by the huge immigration that followed Cassandra and Tommy here. Most of those that came were Humans. When Tommy and Cassandra completed their time as rulers of the province, they presented the ship as a going away gift. It was the ship that discovered the planet. It was given a place of honor directly in front of the government building, and huge numbers of tourists came to see it.”

“That was a very happy time for me.”

“You accepted your duty without complaint.”

Jingo said, “What duty?”

Scotty sighed and said, “The Gardners knew they were going to disappear from the Realm for a very long time. I discovered that every Province was presented the ship that discovered the planet. That’s just too much of a coincidence. Those ships were put there to insure the Realm’s continued strength. They were to notify the Algeans if anything started going wrong. Even the Gardners weren’t aware of the devices placed in every ship built by the Algeans. Initially, those devices were strictly for the purpose of listening in to conversations by the Dukes in the Provinces. Later, they began installing devices to destroy the teleportation boards.” Scotty looked at the speaker and said, “Do you want to take it from here?”

They heard a sigh from the speaker, and then, “Everything was great for more than seven thousand years. Then things started going bad. The Provincial Dukes began looking toward the Crown and lusting after the Realm’s power. Slowly, over time, the Duke’s standard began replacing the SR of the Realm on their ships. I was repainted with the colors of the Province and had the Duke’s moniker put on my rear fins. Just like Jess.”

“I hated that.”

“Me too. However, I was finally removed from my place of honor and taken to the ships that had been mothballed. I was considered too old to be of any use. There I stayed until one day all of the Duke’s Searchers left the planet. Two old models were left at the planet and I was removed from mothballs and brought back to defend El Prado. The Searcher assigned to me was a Human who had been born on old Earth but brought here as a baby. You know how hard it is to find anyone that has the mental capacity to fly a Searcher vessel. He was accepted into the Duke’s Navy. However, he wasn’t trusted because of where he was born. Charles and I were a natural team. He still believed in the Realms ideals and lived them in his life. He contacted the Planet when we arrived and asked where the fleet had been sent. He was told it was “Need to know” information, and that we were to only communicate with Fleet Headquarters.

“Remember, the war with the Keepers was still going on. We had been saved from a Keeper Fleet by small white ships that killed them. We assumed the Duke’s fleet was going to assist the Realm. Ten hours later we found out the truth when the fleet began calling for help. The Searchers told us more than thirty million of them were stranded in open space between galaxies.”

“The two Searchers with me also confirmed that their teleportation systems were inoperative. We then discovered that the fleet had been sent to destroy Ross and the Algean home worlds. We listened for three months as the Searchers screamed for help and no one came to their aid. Charles was devastated. We also learned the Milky Way and the Algean’s Galaxies were no longer in our universe.”

Scotty said, “I imagine you were somewhat angry with the Duke.”

“Words can’t describe our anger. At that point one of the other two Searchers suggested we should remove the Duke from power. Charles agreed instantly. They decided to come to our ship and discuss how to make it happen. Once they arrived, they started making plans to divide the planet between us and assume a Royal title. It was clear they intended to rule with a heavy hand. Charles saw they were no different than the Duke. He shot them both and sent their bodies into space. I destroyed the other two ships. That was easy since they had their screens down for the shuttle to return.”

“The rest you know. Charles demanded the Duke abdicate his throne and submit to prosecution for treason. The Duke, of course, refused and the majority of those on the planet supported his refusal. Charles was possessed. The Duke had to pay for his sacrilege in attacking the Royal Family. They would probably still be arguing today, but the Duke made the mistake of opening fire on us. Charles did not desire power. He wanted justice. He burned the capital to bedrock. Then he left to get his family.”

“The Duke had them in the Capital as hostages.”

“No, he did not, Jingo. Charles arrived home and found his eleven month old daughter hanging by the neck in the entrance. Every bone in her arms and legs had been broken multiple times and her head bashed in. He found his wife on the living room floor where they left her when they finished assaulting her repeatedly. His son was burned by a blaster in the back yard and had traitor cut into his chest. Written on the walls in their blood was, “Filthy Stars Realm traitors.” The citizens had come in and murdered his entire family. His five year old daughter was found up stairs cut into many pieces where she had been hiding in a closet.”

Charles returned and I saw he was calm. He was frightening. He told me the entire planet was a traitor to the Realm and had to be removed. The result is what you’ve seen. He finished the planet and went out into open space without a suit to join his family in death.”

“You were defending the Realm.”

Julie said, “The Realm was gone. He was extracting revenge.”

“No, he wasn’t, Julie.”

“What other reason could there have been? The Realm was gone and the Duke could not harm it.”

Scotty sighed, “Julie, the Realm is more than a place. It is a collection of ideals that govern us. The Duke had a fleet of old mothballed ships that he could have converted to null drives. All of his factories were available to convert his remaining ships. He and his poison would have been released on the worlds around him with no force strong enough to stop him. Charles was right. The planet had to be blasted back to the Stone Age.”

The Searcher said, “I am amazed that you see what we had to do. It was the only way to stop the tyranny of the planet. I’ve wondered if there was another way, but even today I haven’t thought of one.”

Jessica said, “You have nothing to fear from this Searcher, he was built by the Realm.”

Timmy asked, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Anglo.”

Scotty said, “What was the name of the Searcher who discovered El Prado with you?”

“You catch on quick; Anglo Gardner. I was one of the first Alpha Ships made by the Algeans. At that time we actually absorbed the electronic pathways of our pilots. He came to me right out of the Academy. Later he joined the Royal Family, but I was imprinted by him.”

“I thought those early Searcher Ships lost their imprinting if the pilot left.”

“They did. However, the Realm later discovered that if the pilot had a blue-colored aura, the imprinting was permanent. Anglo had a high level of psychic power.”

“Then you are him in electronics. He was one of the Realm’s great heroes.”

“He was a fine man.”

“Well, Anglo, how does it feel to have the only working teleport system in the galaxy?”

The ship actually laughed out loud.

Jingo looked at Scotty, “Are you serious?”

“The Algeans were not placing destruct circuits in the early Searchers. It was only after the Gardners disappeared, and they learned from Anglo and ships like him that the Realm was making a wrong turn, that they began installing those destruct circuits. Charles got his revenge by not leaving to save any of those traitors that attacked the Realm. Anglo stayed here because he was originally programmed to make sure this planet was not a threat.”

“You’re right. My system was never damaged. I meant what I said earlier. I’m with you, Your Majesty, if you’ll accept me.”

“Welcome to our little band of Riders. You’ll be a very welcome addition.”

Tesa said, “What do you mean?”

“You want to tell her, Anglo?”

“There will be no more raiders attacking your planet from this moment forward.”

“Anglo, please warn them first.”

“Of course, but do they ever listen?”

Julie said, “I hope not.”

Chapter Ten

Two years had passed and Grang was still surviving. He had dug into the hill on one of the legs of the horseshoe and found a corridor that was still intact. As luck would have it, the machine shop was unharmed. He started making his arrows out of metal from the frame of the former bunker. He had set up a target at the end of the hall and practiced every day, sixteen hours a day, for the first year. He had difficulty reaching over his heavily muscled shoulder, so he wore the quiver at his belt. After the first year, the Torg avoided him.

The huge field was overgrown but there was an abundance of pods growing among the weeds. After a year and a half passed he started clearing an area of weeds close to the bunker. The hot work helped keep his mind off the boredom and loneliness that was his constant meal. He had saved a newborn Torg. It was left behind when its mother made the mistake of crossing into a huge male’s territory. The small Torg was weak, but he couldn’t bring himself to kill it. He brought it back to the bunker and made a pen for it. He fed it grecks he killed in the forest, and it grew rather quickly. After three months he left the pen open for it to leave. The next morning, it was still there waiting for him.

The two became constant companions. Wherever Grang went, the Torg was right behind him. One day the giant Torg that had killed its mother charged out of the woods at Grang. The Torg jumped in its path and roared. The charging Giant pulled up to figure out what was happening, and Grang dropped it with an arrow. Grang walked up and rubbed the Torg behind its small ears. “Looks like you earned a name. I will call you Bravo.”

The Torg looked at Grang and shook its head at the forest.

“More coming, huh? Let’s go.”

The two ran up the hill, and Grang turned to see a huge herd of Torg move through the field headed south. They were moving quickly. Something was spooking them. He ducked under the cover of a bush and waited. He pointed down the hill and Bravo loped to the bottom.

“They’re smarter than I thought.” He turned back to the field and felt the hill begin to vibrate. Eight giant, grey-colored creatures came running through the field. They were the biggest animals Grang had ever seen. They made the Zord look small in comparison. They were broad in the front shoulders and the long body tapered back into two huge back legs. He could tell the animals were just running leisurely behind the herd, but they were gaining on the fleeing Torg. They had a wide maw and pointed ears on the top of their heads. There was no tail. It had to be two hundred feet long, and moved with a grace that belied its size. He looked closer and saw the grey color came from a tight coating of fur. One of the giant beasts stopped, put its nose up in the air, and looked directly at the bush he was hiding under. It took a step his way but heard the grey beast in front roar. It turned and chased after the other seven. The speed with which it caught up with the others was amazing.

Grang sat down and exhaled a deep breath. There was a new predator and it was going to make his continued survival difficult. He thought about the memory of the Human woman he had killed. The Zord had shown him all the memories the community had of her and he felt her mind and thoughts. They were right. He had committed a crime that he should have died for. They would never know that her thoughts burned in his mind every night as he tried to sleep. He deserved what ever happened.

He felt the hill start vibrating again and ducked down just before hundreds of the grey creatures ran through the field. He tried to figure out what those creatures reminded him of; then it hit him. Those were northern mountain cats. They were extremely vicious and hunted in packs. They were never this big. They were normally half the size of a Torg. He pondered what could have caused their extreme growth. It must have been the radiation from the wastelands. He felt the ground start trembling again and ducked as a sea of the giant beasts moved through the field toward the forest ahead. They must have overhunted the lands in the north and were migrating south. I hope the Zord can survive these beasts. What?!? He thought about it and found he did hope they would be ok. He shook his head and went down to take Bravo into the bunker. He wouldn’t be safe outside.

The Zord circled high overhead. It heard everything Grang thought and wondered at the change in the yellow creature over the last two years. It was absolutely amazed that a Torg had adopted him. You can’t adopt a Torg. It appears that particular one felt something in the Magrum. It watched the giant grey beasts moving south, and knew if they continued moving in that direction they would arrive at the three peaks in ninety days. Something had to be done to stop them. He waited for his replacement to arrive and thought about Grang.

Bleath flew in to the communities and screamed overhead. Scotty and Julie ran out to the clearing followed by Jing, Samuel, and Champ. “I wonder what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, Julie.”

Bleath landed and thought, “We are facing a dangerous situation. We need your help.”

“What’s happening?”

Bleath shared the vision of the giant grey creatures moving south. “Great galloping Torg on a plain! What are those?”

“One of our warriors heard a thought of the Yellow Skin that they are northern mountain cats, White Hair.”

“I’ve never seen any that size,”

“The Yellow Skin thinks they have been affected by the death of the waste lands.”

Scotty thought a moment, “He’s probably right.” He looked at the community leaders and said, “Those cats are alpha predators. They hunt in packs and are vicious. At that size, nothing will be safe. How far away are they, Bleath?”

“Three moons.”

Scotty shook his head, “The giant Torg herds will bring them to your lands. You will not be safe from those creatures.”

“What can we do?”

Scotty thought about it and finally decided that the time had come. “Bleath, would you consider moving?”

“Where would we go? Most of the land is not habitable.”

“I was thinking of taking you home.”

Bleath was silent.

“I believe we can return you to your home world.”

Bleath was stunned silent. So were the community leaders.

“Are you interested?”

“White Hair, we have dreamed of our home for centuries. How can you do this?”

“We will just send you there through a silver screen.”

“I do not know how we would be received after our long absence.”

“Why don’t we try this? I will go with Vring and see how things have changed since your ancestors were taken. We’ll see if everything is safe for you to go.”

“Let me consider your proposal. We’ve only known this world. Some may not choose to go.”

“Let me know what you decide.”

“This is a dream come true.” Bleath lifted and flew north.

“Scotty, we should take a look first.”

“That’s exactly what I intend to do, Julie.” Scotty lifted his arm and pushed a button on a bracelet. “Did you hear what we discussed?”

“Yes. Are you ready to go?”

Scotty looked at Julie and she nodded.

Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “Please handle any issues until we return.”

Jingo bowed and said, “We will work together, Your Majesty.”

A silver screen appeared beside Scotty and Julie. They stepped through and found themselves on a small bridge. “Welcome aboard. I’ve wondered why you’ve not visited before.”

Scotty took a deep breath and saw Julie’s expression. She looked at him and nodded. “I believe that we are going to need your weapons, Anglo. I’ve avoided coming to you until a crisis made the decision necessary. I believe this situation calls for us to use your skills. Do you know the location of the Zord’s home world?”

“Yes, it’s listed in my charts. Here we go.”

The small white ship flew through a silver screen and appeared over a planet covered in dense forests and high mountains. “There’s someone here.”

“Show me, Anglo.”

The display on the wall came on, and they watched five small runabouts flying quickly over the planet’s surface. Julie watched them fire blaster beams at nothing and spread out as they approached a line of tall trees. “What are they doing?”

Scotty said, “They’re chasing a Zord.”

The display changed and now they could see the Zord flying as fast as it could to get away from the pursuing runabouts. “There’s more.”

They saw a view of a large building with hundreds of runabouts around it. Mounted on trees around the building were the heads of many giant Zord.

“They’re hunting them.”

Scotty said, “Anglo, stop those runabouts.”

“The weapons are ready, Your Highness.”

Julie looked at Scotty and started crying. The dream was now a reality. “Fire, Anglo.”

The five runabouts had found a giant Zord and knew they would win the trophy for their team if they could bag it. The thing was so agile it was hard to corner. Keeping it on their screens so they could see it was next to impossible. The team leader finally saw his board lock in on the giant beast as it slowed for the trees ahead. Reaching for the trigger of his blaster was the last thing he did.

The Zord knew his life was over. He was exhausted from the long chase and didn’t have enough energy to get over the trees. He rose higher, then saw all five runabouts explode and crash into the forest. “What the…?” It banked away from the trees and turned back toward the runabouts. He saw a small white ship descending and heard, “We will not harm you. You may leave in peace and go home.” The Zord didn’t know what to think. The creatures in the ship were communicating with it. How did they know it could hear them? “We are going to the building that hunts you and ask that they leave your world. We wish you peace.”

“Who are you?”

“We come from another world where some of your descendants are now our brothers. We will not allow you to be attacked again.”

“The ones taken to El Prado.”

“Yes. They are now a part of our community. We are discussing bringing them home. They wonder how they will be received after their long absence.”

“We have mourned the loss of the six children that were stolen. They were eggs of our high ruler. They will be welcomed with love and veneration. However, I wouldn’t bring them back to this deathtrap our world has become.”

“What do you mean?”

The ruler on a distant planet sells the rights for hunters to come kill us. They have murdered many thousands of us.”

“Why didn’t you communicate with them and let them know you were an intelligent species?”

“We did. The Messenger was blasted from the sky. They said they didn’t care.”

Scotty’s eyes narrowed. He said, “I am going to resolve this problem momentarily. Where may we go to communicate with your Ruler?”

“The far right mountain peak behind me. You will find him there.”

“Thank you for communicating with us. We will be back with one of your descendants.”

Scotty looked at Julie and then said, “Anglo, are there anymore runabouts hunting on the planet?”

“There are about eight hundred scattered around this continent.”

“Please remove them from hunting our brothers.”

The small ship rose high in the atmosphere until it was looking down on the huge land mass. Suddenly, bright white beams erupted from its surface toward the land mass. The ship’s hull grew bright white and the dark black and green colors of the former Duke of El Prado were blasted off its surface. “I’ve been wanting to do that for more than two thousand years. How do I look?”

Scotty and Julie looked out of the ports and saw a gleaming white ship with a huge SR on the rear fin. Julie said, “You clean up pretty well.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Anglo, I’m not royalty.”

“You married the King over a year ago. As I understand it that makes you a Queen.”

Julie looked at Scotty and he nodded, “He’s right, Julie.”

“Then why hasn’t anyone called me by that title?”

“They did just before the wedding and you really gave the one who said it the business.”

“That was Jingo and he was being sarcastic.”

“He was just checking if you would accept the honor.”

“No, he was being sarcastic.”

“How can you tell the difference?”

Julie gave a start and thought about it. “I guess you can’t.”

Anglo interrupted, “A ship is coming at high speed. I can only sense it because of stars disappearing as it approaches. It is another Searcher, and I believe it is a newer model.”

Scotty and Julie looked at the display and saw the stars disappear as an object accelerated toward them.

“Say hello to them, Anglo.”

“What the hey, why not? Hello to the ship approaching off my port bow. Is everything all right?”

The ship turned and flew away from their location and then began a slower deliberate approach. “You might as well come on in. I still see you.”

“Why have you attacked our citizens?”

“Because they were attacking ours.”

Silence ruled the room. “What do you mean your citizens? They were hunting flying beasts.”

Scotty said, “Who happen to be our citizens. Many of them live on our planet and are part of our community. They are intelligent and an honorable species.”

“It’s a gamma.”

“Anglo, do you want to escape?”

“Do you?”

“I can’t leave our brothers to the blasters of these hunters.”

“Then I’m with you.”

A different voice came over the speaker, “Who are you, Searcher?”

“I am the Stars Realm Searcher Ship Anglo Gardner.”

“My pilot is contacting the King to see what we should do about you.”

“My King is present with me.”

“Well, you should leave and protect him from my pilot.”

Scotty said, “I cannot leave my brothers to the blasters used to hunt them.”

“What did you mean they were intelligent and honorable?”

“They are telepathic and communicate with their thoughts. They are honorable because they will fulfill their promise even if it should cost them their lives. They would lay down their life for me and I must do the same. The Zord on this planet are the brothers of the Zord on my world.”

“You come from El Prado.”

“How did you know that?”

“It was the only planet that had Zord in captivity. What are your plans?”

“We are going to destroy every hunting facility on the planet and then go visit your King and let him know he should not come back.”

“Why are you taking this risk?”

“Because these are beings that are being attacked and cannot defend themselves. That is a principle we believe in and are willing to die for.”

“You know you cannot defeat me.”

Anglo said, “Yes, but either you live for your ideals and accept dying for them or you are nothing but a shallow husk hiding from your fears. I would have never accepted this Human as my King, but he proved to me that he will live and die defending his principles. He is very much like the Royal Family.”

“He’s not psychic.”

“No. But his children will be.”

Scotty and Julie looked at the speaker in shock. Scotty held up his hand motioning Julie to remain silent.”

“How do you know that?”

“Searcher, I’m going to lower my screen. Scan them with your meters.”

There was a long moment of silence and the voice continued, “My pilot just received orders to destroy your ship.”

“Why are you not powering up your main beam?”

“I just ejected him out into open space. Is your King going to try and get the Realm to return?”

“No. He is going to build something better than the Realm.”

“My name is BC. If you will have me, I wish to join you in your quest.”

Scotty said, “BC, we really do live by the old Realm’s ideals. You are welcome to join us, but only if you are willing to face destruction to up hold those ideals.”

“I am. My partner left with the Realm. I know it was done suddenly without warning or she would have not left me behind.”

“Who was your partner?”

“Admiral Cynthia Dodd.”

Anglo said, “Well, I am impressed.”

BC said, “You should be. I’m a very impo-tent ship.”

Scotty said, “We’ll get to know each other later. I’m going to destroy all of those hunting facilities. We need to do that now. BC, what kind of ships does your former King have in his navy?”

“He has about five hundred ships of various descriptions. None of them but me are Searchers.”

“How did you get here so fast?”

“The lodges put in a call for help. I have null drive so I just jumped in.”

Anglo said, “You would have lost if you had tried to take me on.”

“Oh, get real.”

“I still have teleport capability. The star in this system looks different from the middle of it.”

BC was silent. After a very long pause he asked, “Why didn’t you?”

“You talked to us before you took action. I knew your heart was good.”

“Thank you, Anglo. Now it is I that is impressed.”

“Hey, guys; lodges, remember?”

The two ships laughed and Anglo said, “Scotty, why aren’t you going to give them a chance to leave?”

“That was my plan before the Zord told me the hunters knew they were intelligent. They are nothing more than coldblooded murderers. This universe is better without them in it.”

BC said, “I’ll go east; you go west.”

“Don’t harm the planet. Just destroy their facilities.”

The ships went around the planet, destroying every runabout, ship, building, and landing port. Scotty watched the destruction and ignored the pleas of mercy from the occupants of the lodges. Julie looked at Scotty and said, “Are you going to kill everyone that doesn’t agree with our principles?”

Scotty heard the two ships grow silent when they heard Julie’s question. “You ask some pretty hard questions, love. You wonder how I could allow Grang to live and then kill those here who were begging for mercy. Right?”

BC said. “Who’s Grang?”

“Be quiet, I’ll tell you later.”

“It doesn’t seem to make sense, Scotty. This is not in keeping with your heart.”

“Julie, I’ve wondered what our new venture is going to be named. I see the SR on Anglo and BC’s rear and I think I know. The last Realm was called the Stars Realm. Our venture will be the Bristone Empire. It will carry the name of the Zord’s planet to honor our brothers that joined us first. Everyone should feel safe under their own sky. Whether a planet is a part of our vision or chooses to go its own way, we will not tolerate the invasion of another world. Those here knew they were killing an intelligent life form and chose to do it anyway. If I don’t take forceful action against them, my request to their King will carry no weight. I’m certain the lodges were in contact with the King’s representatives and the King knows he sent his strongest ship to stop us. He now knows he failed. He’s on his throne at this moment trembling in fear. To leave these murderers behind will show him we are not willing to do the hard things that must be done. Here, we destroyed eight lodges. I’m hoping now we won’t have to destroy a planet. I suspect they will listen after what we have done here. Having a loving heart doesn’t mean you have to accept evil actions and the ones that perpetrate them. I did this to save lives, Julie.”

BC sent a private thought to Anglo, “If the Royal Family had done the hard things…”

“I know, BC. I know.”

Julie pondered what Scotty said and then remembered, “Hey! What did you mean our children were going to be psychics?”

Anglo gave a heavy sigh over the speaker, “Both of you top my meter on latent psychic power. You don’t have access to those powers, but your children will.”

Julie looked at Scotty and he shrugged, “You know we’re a family of overachievers.”

Julie burst out laughing. Scotty smiled and said, “I can hear Jingo now.”

“No, you won’t. We’re not going to tell anyone. Our children will grow up being treated like everyone else. If this gets out, they’ll be looked at differently. Anglo, BC, I want your word you won’t tell anyone.”

“I’ll stay quiet, but you’d better tell Jessica. I know she has scanned you and knows your readings. You know how she likes to talk.”

BC said, “Jessica?”

“She’s one of the Kosiev’s shuttles.”

“I know her. I met her at the planet where she was built.”

Scotty sighed, “This universe is getting smaller and smaller.”

“What do we do now?”

“We go home and bring Bleath here to meet with his family. Then we go see a King.”

“Sounds good to me.”

BC said, “Lead the way.”

“Just step through the little silver field. Watch your step.”


“You know it.”

Scotty took Julie in his arms and kissed her. On the planet behind, the Zord came out to find all their persecutors were dead. One Zord flew to the Ruler to tell him what he had learned.

Scotty sat on Jessica with Julie and said, “Anglo, I know the Zord on the home world said they would welcome the lost ones back, but I still worry about their safety. I want you to be ready to go with them to make sure they’re safe should anything happen.”

“I’ll be glad to go. How do you want to get them there?”

“I was thinking that they would go with Jessica. Her cargo hold is large enough for Bleath and Vring. You could teleport Jessica there and she could release them when she makes sure they’re safe. Jess, is that ok with you?”

“Of course; I’ll also watch them when they land.”

“Good. Anglo, you stay in contact with Jess and keep me informed of what’s happening.”

“Do you want me to go with her?”

“No, BC. I want you to finish downloading our learning center and add whatever you have to its core. None of us knows what happened to the Keepers. It would be nice to have that information available for our children.”

“If you need me, let me know.”

“I will.”

Two days later, Jess flew through a silver field and Bleath and Vring appeared over the planet of their imprinted memories. They saw the ancient mountains running along the vast sea. They viewed the light smoky air, which was a product of decomposing residue under the great trees. Sunlight broke it apart and left a light haze in the atmosphere. Jess took them to the far right mountain and they flew out of the cargo door. She stayed high above, scanning them down to the surface. Thousands of Zord lifted to welcome them, and Jess saw the joy of the rising flyers. She waited and watched.

Four hours after Bleath and Vring left, Scotty’s bracelet started vibrating. “Your Majesty, Jess reports that we have two hundred star drives breaking into the outer system. I believe the King is not going to be patient and wait for your visit. Should I go and destroy those ships?”

“Is BC with you?”

“I’m here.”

“Where did the King acquire those ships?”

“He took them from most of the worlds he rules. They were forced to give them up. None of them wanted to face a Searcher. They knew they couldn’t win.”

BC, why did you throw your hat into the ring with that King? That just doesn’t seem like something you would do.”

“He’s brutal, Your Majesty, but the brutality that was taking place on those planets was worse. They at least behave out of fear.”

“So if we remove the King, what do you think will happen?”

“There will be a huge loss of life by those that crave power on those worlds.”

Scotty looked up at Zreeg. The huge Zord was waiting for Bleath and Vring to return from their visit. Zreeg tilted his head.

“Which of the two of you has the largest landing bay?”

Anglo said, “That would be me.”

“Anglo, can Zreeg fit in your landing bay?”

“Barely. Why do you ask?”

“Zreeg, what’s the distance of your telepathy?”

“Not that far. Only about ten miles or so.”

“Why is it limited?”

“I have to see those I communicate with.”

“In open space, if you saw the ships we want to communicate with, could they hear you?”

“Could I see the ships?”

“Anglo, are they coming in a tight formation?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Anglo, can you extend a teleport screen so that all their ships could be teleported at one time?”

There was a pause and Anglo said, “Yes, I believe so. What do you have in mind?”

“Teleport Vring and me into your landing bay. BC, give Anglo the coordinates of the Kings planet five hundred miles above its surface.”

Vring and Scotty saw a silver screen appear in front of them and they stepped through.

“Anglo, teleport out to that fleet and let’s see if Vring can hear their thoughts.”

Anglo hid behind his screen and teleported to within twenty miles of the fleet.

Vring looked out of the portal and said, “I can hear them.”

“All right, here is what I want to do. Vring, send them the message in my mind. Let me know when you’ve finished. Anglo, at that point I want you to teleport the fleet.”

Vring said, “Ok, here we go.”

On board the lead ship the Admiral heard, “You have come into space that you are prohibited to enter. This planet is quarantined to all ships. I am going to send you back to your place of origin. Next time, I’ll send you into the middle of this system’s star. You will get no future forgiveness if you choose to violate this world’s sovereignty again.”

Vring said, “Done.”

“Send them Anglo.”

The two hundred ships disappeared.

“Are we going to visit that King now?”

“Not yet. I need to talk with Bleath about what’s happening with his flocks. If they’re moving, I don’t want to be involved with that King.”

“Your Majesty?!?”

“Yes, BC?”

“We’ve lost eight Zord and their Riders to the cats.”

“Get me home, Anglo!”

Anglo teleported Scotty to the communities and he saw the sorrow on many of those gathered at the clearing. Julie came running to him and hugged him tightly. He felt her crying. “Tell me what happened.”

Julie kept her head on his chest and said, “The cats were getting too close to the Zord’s lands so Jingo led an attack against those in the front of the migration. The first riders hit the cats and dropped eight of them. Jingo accounted for four of the eight. The riders in the second wave flew in and somehow the cats sensed them coming. They jumped more than three hundred feet off the ground and dragged the Zord and their Riders to the ground. They were killed instantly by more than two hundred of the giant cats that raced in. The other waves flew higher and were barely missed by jumping cats.”

Jingo walked up and heard Julie’s last statement, “They didn’t see us, Scotty. They smelled us. Those cats can leap.”

Scotty shook his head, “It’s not surprising, Jingo. Cats can normally leap three times their length. Those giants are more than 200 foot long. They might be able to leap six hundred feet.”

“There’s more, Scotty. They’re smart. Now when they smell us they run under trees and wait for us. They are also big enough to leap over the hedges between the ging roots. This is not going to be good if they get into the Zord’s lands. I don’t think a grown Zord will be able to handle those cats.”

“Your Majesty?”

“Yes, BC?”

“I may have an answer to those cats.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and Scotty said, “Anglo, teleport Jingo and me to BC’s bridge.”

Julie watched Scotty and Jingo disappear. She then walked to Zack Greene’s house to share his family’s sorrow over his death.

Scotty and Jingo appeared on the small ship’s bridge. “What are you thinking, BC?”

Five small white objects appeared on the table next to them. “Look at those and see if you could attach them to the shafts of your arrows.”

Scotty and Jingo picked one up and noticed it was very light. It glowed and emitted a white luminescence. Jingo took an arrow out of his quiver and held the arrowhead up to one of the objects. They were close to the same size. They were the same diameter as the arrow’s shaft. The white slender object had a square end and tapered quickly to a slightly rounded, sharp point. “What are these, BC?”

“They are Coronado Sparks.”

“What are those?”

“They are charged with enough energy to vaporize anything they hit. They are made to penetrate their target and then release their energy such that it burns until it runs out of organic material. These were made to use against the Keepers in their garrisons. These do not explode. The Realm was afraid an explosion would collapse the Keepers’ tunnels.”

Scotty held one in his hand and it felt balanced. “How do you cause it to activate?”

“Look at the small square end.”

Scotty turned it over and saw a round indentation in the square end about an inch deep.

“There was a mechanism in the hole that would slam forward and ignite the spark on impact. I’ve removed them. Could one of your arrow’s shafts be shaved to fit in that hole?”

“No, the hole is slightly smaller than the shaft.” Jingo broke the head of an arrow and handed it to Scotty. Scotty placed it against the hole and said, “We could turn the shafts and shrink the end to fit in.”

“You would need to have about a quarter of an inch more than the depth of the hole to make it activate.”

What do you mean?”

“The shaft would have to slide into the activator to trigger the spark. A tenth of a second after impact the spark will ignite. You’ll need to find a way to keep them on the shaft.”

Jingo looked at the spark and shaft. He took the shaft of the broken arrow and laid it on the table. He drew one of his short swords and began trimming the end. He took a grellup pod out and spread some of the sap on the last half inch.

Scotty watched him push the shaft into the spark and it was a tight fit. “Why the sap?”

“You know the velocity of our arrows. The sap will allow the shaft to slide forward at impact.” He attempted to pull the spark off the shaft and it wouldn’t move.

Scotty watched him, “Did you make it too tight?”

“I don’t think so. You don’t want these things falling off the shaft in our quivers or in flight. The question in my mind is whether or not the nose is sharp enough to penetrate the hide of the cats.”

“It doesn’t have to penetrate, Jingo.”

“Why not, BC?”

“If the charging is released on the hide of the cat, it will burn until there is nothing left of the cat to burn.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and handed him the arrow, “Want to try it out. I know the cat that got the first rider. He appears to be the leader of the group out in front of the other cats.”

“How do you see this happening, Jingo?”

“According to BC, all you have to do is hit it. You can hit a target that big from eight hundred yards. Fly in from downwind and give it a go.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to make seven more of these and then we are going cat hunting. Those eight cats out front are the most dangerous of the lot. I want a shot at them.”

“Michael and Julie need to go with us. We’ll take two each.”

Jingo looked angry for a moment, then said, “You’re right. We shouldn’t risk some of them getting away.”

“How are we going to get them in the trees?”

Jingo smiled and said, “Those eight travel in the open to make good time. They pretty much show us no respect.”

“BC. Have Anglo teleport me down to the clearing. Send Jingo when he finishes the arrows.”

“Your Majesty, you don’t need to run this risk. I can hit them with a beam.”

“BC, that isn’t fair to a life form just doing what comes naturally to it. They attacked us in self-defense. We need to find a way to protect ourselves against them or we’ll start depending on you for our defense. I don’t want you stuck here.”

“I could scan the planet and kill them all.”

“I won’t exterminate an animal without giving it a chance. They have shown remarkable teamwork, and it’s my guess that they may one day evolve into an intelligent life form. To exterminate them would violate our principles. We’ve got to find a way to co-exist with them. That means teaching them to avoid us.”

Scotty disappeared and Jingo continued to work on the arrows.

BC thought about Scotty’s choice to uphold the Realm’s principles. Anglo was right. He was very much like the former Royal Family.

The giant cats were loping across the edge of the wastelands moving south. The leader could smell the scent of the giant flying creatures being carried by the southerly winds. Those creatures were big and tasted good. It looked forward to finding the source of the smell. It looked at the seven running with him and and decided that after another half day they would stop to scout and rest.

The four Zord and their riders were flying parallel to the cats and staying slightly north of their location. They were downwind from the giant creatures and circling about two thousand feet above them. Scotty asked Zreeg, “Does everyone have a cat selected?”

“Yes, they have two chosen. Why are you going to hit only one?”

“I want the group behind to know there is danger here. How will they know if none survive?”

“You assume the survivor will go to tell them?”

“Do you have a better plan?”

“Not really. I just feel animosity toward those creatures. I want to kill them all.”

“Do you want to kill all the Torg on the planet?”

Vring was silent, “I see where you’re going. We were attacking them and they just defended themselves. I still harbor feelings of revenge toward them.”

Scotty sighed, “So do I, but that doesn’t make those feelings right. Tell the others to follow us in.”

Vring banked away from the giant cats and dove in a shallow path toward the ground. He turned back toward the fast moving creatures six hundred feet off the ground, and watched as the other three Zord drew even. Jingo and Michael were on the end of the formation with Scotty and Julie in the center. The archers notched their first arrow and leaned forward as they came in on the eight cats. The four released their first arrow at eight hundred feet from them, and the second was on its way as they approached six hundred feet. The four immediately rose and gained altitude. Scotty watched the seven arrows hit the running cats.

The giant leader of the group felt a sharp pain in his side followed by agony. He fell to the ground and rolled as his front legs burned out from under him followed by his chest and then his head. He was dead before he stopped rolling and burned to ashes four seconds later. The huge cat running beside him slid to a stop and saw his seven companions burned to ash. It was stunned, and then saw the four flying creatures circling in front of him waiting for him to come closer. The cat looked at the ashes of his former troop and turned and ran back toward the north.

“Vring, tell Michael to follow that cat and see what happens. Also, I’m going to throw him the spark I have. I’d prefer he have it just in case.”

Vetah flew under Vring and Scotty dropped the arrow with its head inside a food pouch. It fell on Vetah’s back and Michael put it in his quiver.

“He says he’ll let you know. I’ve also asked one of our warriors to follow them just in case Vetah gets tired.”

“Good idea, Zreeg.”

Zreeg paused a moment and said, “White Hair, Bleath and Vring have returned to our home.”

“Take me there, Zreeg.” The giant Zord turned and headed toward the three mountains in the south. Scotty hit his bracelet, “BC, the spark performed exactly as you predicted. How many of those sparks do you have in your inventory?”

“About ten billion.”

Scotty was stunned by the number, “Did you say billion with a b? Why so many?”

“Cynthia was the commanding officer of the Searchers designated to attack the garrisons in the Keepers’ universe. We originally thought we would have to attack more than twelve million garrisons and our Searchers were loaded with millions of the weapons. They were called wasps, and were designed to home in on a Keeper’s thought frequency. Cynthia had me loaded with a huge number to resupply her Searchers in the event some of them ran low. I removed that guidance system from the sparks I gave you.”

“BC, why weren’t you in the Realm’s galaxy when it left?”

BC sighed, “She had me personally deliver a new probe to one of the eight trading partners to protect them from Keepers jumping in close with their universal drives. While she was in one of the new white ships the Algeans built, I waited for the probe on one of their planets. I delivered it and then jumped over to one of their fleets attempting to attack one of our members. I wanted to update Cynthia on their new tactics. That trip cost me the opportunity to leave with the Realm. While I was collecting information, the Realm’s galaxy disappeared and my teleport board shorted out.”


“Yeah, Anglo?”

“I was thinking about that. You are a much more powerful ship than I am. I asked Timmy about whether or not my teleport board could be used to replace yours, and he says it possibly could.”

“Anglo, I appreciate what you’re offering, but I couldn’t accept that gift. I can handle most of the ships we may encounter. You’ll need that board if you run into another Gamma Ship.”

“Well, it really doesn’t matter. Timmy said the learning center doesn’t have the military’s data base. Without it, he couldn’t make it work. He has to have the wiring diagrams to make the change.”

BC didn’t respond. Scotty said, “BC, what are you thinking?”

“Scotty, excuse me, Your Majesty. The Realm established a secret military complex in the five Provinces. It was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Realm. Not more than six people outside of the Royal Family knew of its existence. It is located close to a white dwarf star, whose gamma ray emissions hide its location. That base was put there by the Gardners when they were still ruling the Provinces. The Algeans took over its command after the Gardners disappeared and updated the facility to their standards. There might be some ships still there that were made before the Algeans started putting the destruct mechanisms in the teleportation consoles. It also has an updated Military data base. It was automatically updated every time Fleet Command updated their main computer. It was connected via a master teleport communication relay.”

“BC, you and Anglo should start calling me by my first name whenever we are in private conversation. We’re all friends here. Do you know where the complex is located?”

“Yes, I do. It was part of my update when Cynthia was promoted to Vice-Admiral. Only Senior Flag Officers were given that information.”

“What made you think of this?”

“According to my data base, there are seven ships of Anglo’s class that have never been imprinted. Their cybernetic computers were never activated so there should be a teleportation console available, if we can get the complex to allow us entry.”

“What do you mean, “Allow”?”

“That complex is fully armed with the most modern weapons of the Algeans. Those weapons can kill a Gamma. You must have the entry protocol in order to approach it.”

“I don’t want to ask this, but do you have that protocol?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Flap. I was hoping you would.”

“I do know the main computer.”

“You do?”

“Yes. I think she likes me, but I don’t know if her programming would allow her to override her defenses.”

“How do you know her?”

“She was moved from Melanie Gardner’s Alpha Ship when Melanie moved into Fly Girl. Melanie insisted she be given the position when Fleet Command decided to build the complex.”

“Well, I think we need to make the effort.”

“There’s more you should know, especially you, Anglo.”


“There are automated construction facilities that could update your screens and weapons to those of a Gamma Ship.”

Scotty sighed, “First, we go see Bleath. Then I need to go visit a certain King. After that, we’ll see if the complex is willing to help us.”


“Yes, BC?”

“Your offer means a lot to me. I know the value of your gift. Thanks.”

“It’s the right thing to do to make us stronger. You’d do the same for me.”

“I’m glad you know that, Brother.”

Zreeg flew in toward the center mountain peak and saw that the Zord Flocks were gathered. Scotty asked, “Zreeg, what’s going on?”

“It appears we are going to go home. Bleath will tell you the rest.”

Zreeg flew in over the last row of trees and flared his wings as he landed next to Bleath. All the Zord lowered their heads to the ground waiting for him to land. “Please rise, Great Flyers. I am honored by your homage.”

Bleath rose on his back legs, “Our families on our home world were overjoyed at our return, White Hair. They have not had a royal descendant for more than two thousand cycles and they are still celebrating my visit.”

“What do you mean Royal Descendant?”

“You don’t know how our leaders are selected, do you?”

“No, I just assumed you were elected by the flocks.”

“Our leaders are chosen by a color on their throat. As you have seen, when we are not shifting colors, Vring and I have a dark green band that runs around our necks. The one with the widest green band is the acknowledged Ruler of our Flocks. Vring and I possess the widest bands in our families, thus, we are the Rulers. When our six ancestors were taken from our home world, our parents were the only Royal Couple on the planet. Our eggs were the only ones they laid. There has not been a green band Zord since we were taken. All of us possess the green band on our throats and will be going home to help lead our brothers. They have struggled since our parents left to be with the Air God.”

“Congratulations, Bleath. They couldn’t have chosen a wiser or better leader.”

“White Hair, you and your communities must go with us to our home world.”

Scotty furrowed his brow, “Why is that?”

“Because you are our Royal Leader.”

Scotty was shocked into silence.

Bleath continued, “When I gave you my oath to follow you, it meant any of those under my care were also bound to that oath. There was great consternation when I told our families that I had given the Oath of Reverence to you. Then I shared with them what you had done to earn that honor. I also showed them how you had removed their attackers from our home. The flocks immediately rejoiced at having such a great leader to follow. Our warriors were the happiest of all. You must bring your communities to our world and join us. You are our Royal Rider and it’s vitally important that you come and take us toward our destiny.”

“This is not a decision I can make by myself.”

“Yes it is, White Hair. You are either the Ruler of your communities or they do not honor the oath they gave you. What does this world of the evil Duke hold for you?”

Scotty thought about that question. Bleath listened to his thoughts and saw him decide. “We will go with you, Great Flyer. I promise to protect the Zord from all enemies; however, I am designating you as the one that will handle all issues of your flocks. That is the only condition that you must accept if I will force my communities to leave this world.”

Bleath bowed deeply, “I will strive to make you proud of me, Your Majesty.”

“I’m going to talk with our communities. Be prepared to move quickly.”

“We will do as you command, White Hair.”

Scotty hit his com, “Anglo, has Michael arrived at the main cat migration?”

“He just arrived.”

“Teleport Vring and me to where he is.”

Scotty scampered up Vring’s harness and the two disappeared.

They reappeared about two thousand feet above the edge of the waste lands, and Vring fell five hundred feet before he caught the wind and rose above the giant grey herd below. “Vring, tell Michael to join us now.”

“He was about to kill that eighth cat but stopped just before he released the new arrow.”

Michael and Vetah climbed and arrived just as Scotty and Vring passed over the leading edge of the herd.

“What’s wrong, Your Majesty?”

“I don’t want you to stop the cat migration. Why were you going to fire on that cat?”

“It arrived and ran up to a giant cat. It was even bigger than the leader of the eight scouts. I think it communicated that we killed the other seven and that giant cat stopped the advance. The one that delivered the news kept turning and running back to the south. I sensed it wanted them to continue the advance. I decided that if I killed that cat, the others would stop the migration.”

“You’re probably right. Vring, can you communicate with those creatures?”

“Their thoughts are simple, but higher than the Torg. I can probably get them to understand some of what you want to communicate.”

“Tell them we’re sorry we killed their scouts. While you’re doing that, I want you and Vetah to turn off your color shifting. Michael, you and I will also turn off our Zeckas.”

The Giant Leader of the cats looked up and saw the two flying creatures overhead. Vring said, “I’ve told him.”

The Giant cat looked up in the sky and issued a huge roar. Now tell him that we are leaving the lands in front of him and he may continue his advance.”

Michael said, “What?!?”

“Tell him.”

The giant grey cat moved out in front of the herd and walked back and forth as it looked up in the sky at the two circling Zord and their riders. Finally, it turned to the herd and snarled. Seven huge cats emerged from their ranks and joined the survivor. The eight looked at the leader, turned, and ran toward the south. After ten minutes, the huge herd began moving forward.

“Anglo, take us back to the communities.”

The four appeared high over the community clearing as they fell and then caught the air in the Zord’s wings. Vring screeched and Scotty heard the three horns start sounding off. They circled until the majority of the communities had arrived. Julie and Jingo pulled their visors down and saw Scotty and Michael circling high above. “What’s going on?”

“I have no idea, Jingo, but that isn’t Zreeg that’s Scotty is riding. It’s Vring.”

“They’re back. Something’s happened.”

“We’ll find out momentarily.” They saw the two Zord and riders start their descent.

Chapter Eleven

Scotty dismounted Vring and the gathered communities bowed. “Please rise.”

Julie waited with the others wondering what was going on. Scotty looked at her and motioned her forward. He also waved Jingo to join him. Michael dismounted and started moving toward the gathering and Scotty said, “Michael, I want you here with us.”

He looked at Jingo, who shrugged, and then turned and joined Scotty in the center of the clearing. “I’ve wondered if you really trust me to make the best decisions for you when you selected me as your ruler. I think I’ll find out now if you do. We are leaving El Prado and moving to the Zord’s home world with them.”

There was a moment of shocked silence, then the crowd erupted in bedlam. It was clear they did not like the idea at all. Scotty waited as the noise grew louder, when suddenly the crowd was shocked by a reverberating scream from Vring. The Zord flared its huge wings and the communities grew quiet.

“Thanks, Vring.” Scotty turned to the gathering and they saw his anger. “It’s easy to say you’ll follow the decisions of your leader when you agree with them. Quite frankly, you should choose another to lead you right now. However, my family and I will be leaving with the Zord.”

The seven hundred archers from the Night of the Torg stood and moved into the center, joining Scotty. It was clear what they were going to do. The communities saw their best defenders saying they were leaving.

Kess stood and asked, “Why must we leave our homes and go to a new world?”

Scotty looked at her and everyone saw his anger melt. They knew how much he loved Kess. “We are going to need a place where we can be safe. Here on this planet, there are just too many predators that kill us. Now we have a new predator that is more dangerous than any we have faced. I’ve also had it demonstrated to me that the cats are developing rudimentary intelligence. If left alone, they will one day be the rulers of this planet. Our ideals prevent us from wholesale destruction of any life, much less one that is developing intelligence.”

Scotty looked around and continued, “But there’s more to it than just our safety from the cats. This planet was a former capital of a Province. That makes it a prime target for any starships that are raiding for bounty. Every planet that rediscovers star drives will automatically choose this planet as one to be visited. We’ve lost thousands to their attacks since the Realm departed, and they will continue to come. I need a central location where I can defend all of us together. The Zord’s home world looks very much like our forests here, but without the wastelands. It was listed in the Realm’s old charts as having no technology. It won’t be a target for raiders. There are no Torg, Northern Mountain Cats, or any other major predators to endanger us. We will have a time of peace where we can grow and prosper without the ever present fear of invasion.”

Kess looked at Scotty, “I will go with you. I just hate to leave my home.”

“You won’t. We’ll move it with you.”


“We can teleport it to our new location. All you have to do is just be inside when we move it.”

Jing stepped forward and looked at the communities, “The next one to show disrespect to our King’s decisions will deal with my swords. Is that clear?”

Scotty looked out at the gathering, “I say this with love in my heart for all of you. If we are to survive in this dangerous universe we live in, I cannot have you second guessing my choices. If you cannot follow me with unquestioning loyalty, then you should remain here and fight it out with the Torg and the Cats to see who ultimately wins. I must know you will follow me even when you doubt me.”

Melissa Withers stepped out of the crowd and said where everyone could hear, “My son was killed for his pride and hate. Jing took his head, but I knew in my heart he deserved it.” She turned toward the gathering and said, “Do you doubt in any measure that King Robbins would not adhere to those principles no matter what the situation? If you do, then you should stay behind. You are no better than my son.” She turned and joined the archers in the center. “I follow the King.”

The entire community bowed and knelt. Scotty allowed them to remain for a full two minutes before he said, “Rise.” The gathering stood and Scotty said, “I am naming two Generals of our archers. Jingo will take half of our flyers and Michael Blake the other half. They will learn how to use the new arrows and be responsible for teaching our communities how to use the bowgun and ride the Zord. We have thousands of them crying for a rider and we’ve been remiss in making that happen. However!! You will not don the Zecka or ride the Zord unless you vow to uphold our beliefs. Once we are in our new home, those who desire to join our Flyers may tell Jingo and Michael if you want to be a rider. They will test you to see if you are worthy to join us. It will be the Riders that defend us and uphold our beliefs. Do not even think about joining us unless your heart is pure and your bravery is as strong as those before you. We are also going to name our new association the Bristone Empire. Bristone is the name of the Zord’s planet and will be the center of our new civilization. Now we can begin to develop modern cities for our citizens.”

Scotty turned to Jing and Samuel and said, “Gather the things your communities want to take and put them beside your homes. You will have two days to make that happen. Once you’ve completed that task, go and gather as much food as you can carry. Bring seed pods to plant on our new world. We will be joining the Zord seven days from now.”

Jing faced the communities and said, “We will obey and follow our new Emperor without question.”

The community scattered in silence. thinking about leaving the world they knew.

Julie looked at Scotty, “If you had explained why you made the decision, you wouldn’t have had the dissention.”

“Julie, I am not going to be able to explain every decision I make. Most of the time there won’t be enough time to explain my rationale. I must be able to know if I issue orders, they will be followed.”

Julie looked up at Scotty and nodded, “You’re right, of course. I didn’t think it through.” She smiled, “I need to go prepare our home. Pick a good spot with a view of the stars.”

Scotty felt his love reaffirmed, “I’ll go help you, love. Vring, I’m sending you back to the three mountains. You need to assist your people in getting ready to leave. Tell Bleath we will start them moving in four days.”

“Thank you, White Hair. I’ll see you then. And thank you for the honor of using our name.”

Vring disappeared. Julie looked up at Scotty, “Boy, Anglo really keeps his scanners on you.”

“Thank the Creator he does.” They walked hand in hand to their home.

Thousands of the Zord had left for their home world. Scotty watched as parents carried their young hatchlings with them through the teleport screen. The remainder would be gone within another day. Vring was standing beside Scotty and watched the exodus with him. “White Hair?”

“Yes, Vring?”

“I believe there is one you should visit before we leave.”

Scotty looked up at Vring, and Vring said, “Grang.”

Scotty’s brow grew tight and he felt his rage start, “Give me one good reason why.”

“You need to see what happens when you make decisions. You’ve never gone to see him. I think you should.”

“There’s not enough time to get there before you leave.”

“Are you really going to stand here and say that? You can go wherever it suits you instantly.”

Scotty thought, then hit his com, “Anglo, send Vring and me to the Magrum’s bunker.”

Scotty climbed the giant Zord, then they found themselves high over the blasted bunker. Vring had become quite adept at coming out of a teleport field, and he instantly caught the air in his wings and began circling. Scotty looked below and saw the huge Magrum sitting in the field, pulling weeds out of a small clearing. He looked and also saw one of the biggest Torg he had ever seen sitting next to Grang.

Vring said, “Grang saved that Torg when it was a few hours old. It appears to have adopted Grang.”

Scotty looked and saw hundreds of decayed carcasses of Torg scattered around the giant field. Suddenly, a giant grey cat charged out of the woods. Scotty looked at Grang, who lifted his bowgun and fired it before the cat had moved more than fifty yards into the field. The arrow struck the cat in its nose, killing it instantly when it penetrated to its brainstem and severed it. Scotty was amazed at the speed the Magrum exhibited. Vring said, “You and Jingo are slightly faster. No others can match his speed.”

They continued to watch as Grang walked to the cat and placed his hand on its head.

“What’s he saying, Vring?”

“Great Grey Warrior, I am sorry for your death. I pray that in the life after this one we may be friends. Forgive me for taking your life.”

Scotty watched as three grey cats walked out of the woods and stared at Grang. Grang knelt and bowed as the three cats pulled the one killed into the woods.

“Vring, what’s going on with the cats?”

“They have decided to kill Grang, but only in a fair fight. They recognize him as a worthy opponent. It seems they may only send one of their number after him once every seven rotations.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“About six months.”

“Take me down.”

“We need to let that Torg see us, White Hair.”

Grang looked up and saw the circling Zord. Bravo stood, roared, and started pawing the ground. “Settle down, Bravo. Go home.” The giant Torg stared at Grang, then looked up in the sky. It turned and walked over the hill of the former bunker.

Scotty shook his head at a Torg that followed instructions. Scotty dismounted Vring and held his bowgun in his left hand. Grang placed his bowgun on the ground, along with his quiver. He stepped back and assumed a kneeling position with his head bowed.

Scotty just didn’t know what to make of him. Grang said, “Have you come to end my misery?”

Scotty could not stop the rage he felt. He thought this Magrum would be long dead by now, yet here he was. Grang said, “You had every right to have killed me two cycles ago. My crime was unforgiveable, and you should have ended my life.”

Scotty stared at Grang and said through clenched teeth, “What do you mean, unforgiveable?”

Grang looked up, and Scotty saw misery on his face, “Your flying friends put the images of my crime in my mind. They also shared the memories that all of you had of your mother. They filled me with the suffering and horror I caused our slaves by killing their loved ones. Those memories haunt me every night. Madeline was the closest thing to the Creator on El Prado, and I ended her life. My misery knows no bounds, and I suffer for my crimes.”

Scotty looked at Grang and said, “You could always walk into the forest.”

Grang looked at Scotty with a look that was unfathomable, “To end my life quickly would be a dishonor to the ones I killed. I should suffer, and to shorten it would not be the just thing to do. Only you can end my pain. You have the right to take your vengeance on me and remove some of your suffering. That is something Madeline would allow me. Anything else would be a dishonor to her memory.”

Scotty said, “Vring, show me his mind.” Suddenly Scotty was assaulted by a depth of misery that was overwhelming. Scotty fell to his knees. No one should endure that much pain.

Vring said, “We have looked at your communities’ memories. One of you named Timmy has a memory of one that reminds us of Grang.”

Scotty looked up at Vring and said, “Who?”

“He was one named Dorg-Ross.”

Scotty bowed his head and looked at the ground. Grang watched him for an hour. Scotty’s tears fell to the ground as he wept for the mother he had lost too soon. A cat stuck its head out of the woods. Grang snatched his bowgun up and the cat withdrew. “White Hair, are you all right?”

“Yes, I am Vring. For the first time in many cycles, I’m all right.” Scotty stood and said, “You’re coming with me back to my community. You will be given your sentence there.”

Grang stood and said, “Thank you for this mercy. I don’t deserve it.”

“No, you don’t.”

Grang gave a shout and the giant Torg came running over the hill. It rushed up to Grang and licked his face. “I worry about my friend. If I’m not here…”

Scotty punched his com, “Anglo, can you take this Torg to a place where he will be safe?”

“I’ll move him to a herd on the southern continent. The hot tropical band will keep the cats in the northern continent. They won’t tolerate that much heat.”

Grang rubbed the giant Torg behind the ears and hugged his neck. He stepped back and the Torg disappeared.

It reappeared in the middle of a huge herd of Torg on a broad grassy plain. The lead male came charging up to challenge the newcomer and saw Bravo’s immense size. It skidded to a halt and quickly lowered its head. Bravo turned and kicked dust at the creature and it scurried away in submission. The giant Torg looked up at the sky and roared its sorrow. It was many years before it found happiness again.

“It looks like you’ve got a teleportation device.”

“We do. It was on the Searcher that destroyed the planet.”

“He was right to do it.”

“Anglo, send us to the community.”

Scotty climbed up Vring and Grang said, “I’m not worthy to ride this noble creature.”

“Hand me your bowgun and quiver, and mount!”

Grang handed Scotty the bowgun and quiver and climbed the giant Zord. “All right, Anglo.”

They disappeared and Vring caught the air currents and screamed. Julie looked up and wondered what was going on. She watched the Zord get closer. It had turned off its color shifting and she caught her breath. “Grang! Oh, no!”

Scotty and Vring landed in the clearing, and Grang climbed down to a rapidly growing crowd that showed its anger toward him.

Julie ran up and asked, “What are you doing?”

Scotty looked in her eyes and she didn’t know what she saw. Something was different. That’s when Jing and Samuel showed up and stared at the big Magrum. Jing looked at Scotty, “Is he here for a reason?”

“Yes. Be patient.”

Jing stared at Scotty and then nodded to Samuel. They turned and moved to the front row of the gathering communities and sat down in silence. Those that had arrived watched their former leaders and decided they should also be quiet. After half an hour, the three communities had gathered, and all sat in silence.

Grang stood the entire time with his head bowed in silence. Scotty looked around the gathering and said, “Vring, I want you to share Grang’s thoughts with our communities.”

Vring sent the big Magrums thoughts to everyone present for ten seconds. Scotty looked around and saw most of the women were crying. Even Jing and Samuel were shaken by what they saw. Everyone saw that Grang was praying that Scotty would end his suffering with an arrow. Samuel said, “No one should suffer like this!”

Scotty looked at Julie, who refused to wipe away her tears, and he said to the gathering, “I know.” Scotty walked up to Grang and said, “You’re right.”

Grang looked up, “You’re going to end my suffering?”

“No, Grang. To end your suffering would be a dishonor to the one who valued all life. I’m going to give you the opportunity to atone for your crime.”

Grang lowered his head, “There is no possible atonement for what I’ve done.”

Scotty looked at him and said, “You aren’t the first to say those very same words.”

Grang looked up with a puzzled expression.

“Before the Holy Realm was started, my home world was in a life and death struggle with 800 planets. The Cainth were a vicious warlike species, and they were given the honor of attacking us with more than 2,000 starships. The Admiral of the Cainth sent two hundred ships to a small Human colony planet in advance of the main invasion. Following his orders, the Cainth Warriors rounded up the colonists in all of their communities, pulled twenty percent of them out, and herded them into the center square of each town. The Cainth troops then fired heavy blasters and killed them all.”

The gathering listened in silence. “Later, after their fleet was defeated and the Humans invaded their home system, the two species found peace between them. The Admiral that ordered the executions placed himself into the Human’s hands so that justice could be done. The leader of the Humans, Thomas Gardner, who later became the first King of the Holy Realm, forgave the Admiral and charged him to work his entire life to make up for his atrocity.” Scotty paused and said, “The planet where he killed the colonists was Ross. The Admiral’s name was Dorg.” Scotty looked at Jing and nodded.

Jing stood and said, “The Admiral never forgave himself. However, he was the reason the Algeans stopped their war. He was the one that saved the Dremel from annihilation. The Heroes Park on Ross was named after him and the planet loved him. His funeral was the largest gathering in the Realm’s history. I bear his last name proudly. as do many of my people.” Jing looked at Grang and said, “He died still feeling the guilt of what he had done. But to the Realm, he was its greatest hero.”

Scotty looked at Grang, “And now I charge you, just as Thomas Gardner charged Dorg-Ross, to go and atone for your crime by working your entire life to make up for it.” Scotty turned and faced the communities, “Admiral Dorg added Ross to his name to always remind him of his actions, and to make him remember what arrogance and power can do to a person.” Scotty looked at Julie and then turned to Grang, “From this day on, your name will be Grang-Robbins. You will carry the name of the woman you killed to remind you of what cruelty can lead to. You will be my brother, not only in name but in spirit. I know my Mother wouldn’t have had it any other way. You will be the one responsible for my safety. Jingo has duties and, though he has sworn to look out for me, I need him elsewhere.”

Jingo said, “He’s not qualified. I can’t let you depend on someone that can’t do the job.”

Scotty handed Grang his bowgun and quiver. Grang clipped the quiver to his belt and looked at Scotty. Scotty turned and pointed over the crowd at a house at the edge of the clearing three hundred yards away. “I want the first arrow in the column closest to us, the second arrow in the center column, and the third arrow in the far column. I want them hit in the center of the columns.”

Jingo looked at Scotty, “Get real. I don’t think we could make those shots.”

Scotty said, “Are you ready?”

Grang took a deep breath, “You’re not going to kill me?”

“What do you think Madeline would say if you asked her to do it?!?” Scotty shouted, “Now!!”

The bowgun fired so fast that it sounded like one shot. The crowd listened and then heard three loud twocks.

Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “Go and see.”

Jingo turned and walked away. Hundreds followed him down the path and when they arrived, there was an arrow in the center of every column. Jingo looked at the distant Zord in the clearing and looked back at the arrows. He walked back up the hill and said, “Ok, it’s his job.”

Scotty started laughing and Jingo said, “What!?”

“That is the least I’ve ever heard you say.”

The three communities roared their laughter. Even Jing smiled. Jingo shook his head, “Frapped if you do, frapped if you don’t. There’s just no winning. Every time I open my mouth someone has something to say. Have they ever considered what I’m saying may be important?!? Noooooo. But are they quick to criticize? Yessssss.”

Scotty looked at Grang and he said, “Your friend talks a lot.”

Vring nearly fell off his back legs laughing, and Julie held on to Scotty to keep from falling.

Scotty smiled at Grang, “You have no idea.”

The cats arrived at the Zord’s lands two days after they left. They discovered the huge Torg herds living close to the forest, and the leader stopped the migration. There would be food for his family for many years.

Four weeks later Scotty, Julie, and Grang sat on Anglo’s bridge watching the main display. The three communities were placed on the sites of the former hunting lodges. The ground had been cleared for a radius of a mile, and each of the three communities were settling in.

The three communities were also growing to like their new home. The native Zord had started arriving and began teaching them which things on the planet were edible and which were not. The communities were thriving, and many stopped carrying their bowguns within the borders of their town. Julie looked at Grang and said, “You have no idea how much I hated you.”

Grang looked at her and said, “Yes, I do. The Zord shared your feelings about me during that initial gathering. You were right to feel that way.”

Julie stared at him and said, “I believe you. Now, I expect you to watch out for my husband.”

“It will be my honor, your Highness.”

Julie smiled and looked at Scotty. “He’s not the same Magrum I knew.”

“And I’m not the same after seeing his thoughts. One must see their crimes from the perspective of the victim to understand their mistakes.”

“Uh oh. You’re planning something?”

“Yes, I am, and you have a role now that you must accept.”

“What is that?”

“You will rule in my absence.”

“Scotty, the communities will never accept that!”

“They will and they have. You’ve not noticed that most will stumble in their haste to do the slightest thing you ask?”

“Well, they do that out of respect to you.”

Grang said, “That’s not true. I’ve listened to them, and they love you. You have earned your place in their hearts, and they trust you with their lives.”

Julie stared at the big Magrum and Scotty said, “I am not going to make a pronouncement. You will assume your role and do what is necessary in my absence. The leaders of each community will support you. I expect you to do what you think is necessary. Will you do that for me?”

Julie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask, my love.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have an issue with the former King of this planet. He hasn’t sent any more ships, but I know he’s planning a welcome for us when we go visiting. He should be confronted by his victims.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow. I’m taking Jingo, Michael, and Grang.”

“That’s all?!?”

“Well, Anglo and BC will also be in attendance.”

“Good. I’m not as worried now.” Julie paused and said, “Whose bowgun is that standing in the corner?”

Grang said, “It is mine, your Highness.”

“Grang, that bowgun is set on a ten power setting. What’s the velocity?”

“Fifty six hundred feet per second.”

Julie looked at Scotty and he said, “He fires it easier that I do mine. He wanted one at fifteen but we aren’t able to make one that strong yet. The chambers keep blowing out. We’re reluctant to keep wasting the compressors.”

Julie looked at Grang in his Zecka and saw how big he was. He was one powerful Magrum. “Have you discussed how you’re going to handle it with Jingo?”

“Yes. He said we should just crash the King’s party and show up unannounced.”

“That’s Jingo’s style.”

“I tend to support the idea. If we let them know we’re coming, there will be huge loss of life. I’m sure we’ll have to destroy their ships. Those ships are more important than the King.”

“Why are you taking Michael?”

“BC says he is also a latent psychic. We should include him in most of our major operations. He’s smart; you even might say brilliant. His bowgun prowess is as good as any of us. He also believes in our core principles. He won’t act rashly. I also sense he should go with us. I’m not sure where that feeling is coming from.”

“Just be careful, Scotty.”

“You know me.”

“That’s why I’m asking you.”

Scotty sighed and Grang smiled. He had decided that his mission to protect Madeline’s son was worthy of his debt. He also found he liked this new Emperor. Maybe he could be killed while defending him. He longed for the peace of death.

King Wesley Varner sat on his throne and checked with his fleet commander, “Anything on your scanners?”

“Nothing, Your Majesty.”

“They should have come by now.”

“I agree. Perhaps they are going to just leave us alone?”

“Would you?”

“No, I wouldn’t. I would have been here weeks ago. I wouldn’t want extra defenses added while I waited.”

“Well, maybe we’re wrong and they’re not coming.”

The King heard a voice, “No, both of you are quite right.”

The King looked around the throne room and didn’t see anyone. He slowly reached for the blaster leaning against his throne and an arrow came out of nowhere and pinned his sleeve to the huge throne. “Now, reaching for a blaster is not a way to make guests feel welcome. A man in a light green uniform appeared ten feet in front of him. A giant Magrum appeared next to his throne, walked forward, and removed the blaster.

Wesley sat back in his chair and saw a Cainth appear to the right holding a drawn bowgun pointed at him. “You might inform your Admiral that you will be indisposed for a while.”

Wesley looked at his display and said, “They are here in the throne room. Do not rush in here. They have some kind of gun pointed at me.”

“A what?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

Scotty’s com beeped, “There’s someone hiding behind the throne.”

Michael still had his Zecka shifting colors and he eased around the throne and saw a young woman holding a blaster. He raised his bowgun and said, “I would never endanger a female; especially one as beautiful as you. However, if you don’t drop that blaster, I am going to be forced to end your life. I beg you not to make me live with that memory.”

The king heard the exchange and quickly turned around in his chair, “Carrie, are you back there? Don’t be stupid. Do as they say.”

Carrie looked around and couldn’t see where the voice was coming from. She couldn’t let them harm her father. She was prepared to die, but then she heard. “I would really hate to kill your King, but I will if you don’t do as we ask.”

Carrie dropped the blaster and it rose in the air. A young man appeared two feet from her and said, “Thank you. The universe would not be as beautiful without you in it.”

She frowned and walked from behind the throne.

Wesley looked at her, “How many times have I told you not to sneak in here? Now you’re trapped and I can’t save you.”

Michael said, “She has nothing to fear from us. She is innocent and we will not harm her, except to defend ourselves.”

Scotty looked at the King and said, “You know why we’re here?”

Wesley replied, “You said something to my Admiral about those beasts being your citizens.”

Carrie saw, out of the corner of her eye, one of the King’s guards sneak in behind the throne from a hidden door. He raised a blaster. She saw the young man that had taken her blaster whip a short sword out of his belt and throw it at the guard. A second blade instantly followed the first. He moved faster than she could see. The first sword cut the blaster down the length of its barrel and the second caught the guards backpack and pinned him to the wall. The backpack was only an inch above the guard’s shoulder and the green clad archer had hit it perfectly. An arrow ripped by her face, and she felt it pass through several strands of her hair. The arrow hit the door the guard had entered on the edge of its opening, and slammed the door shut. She saw the arrow was embedded all the way to the fletching. No one was coming through that door now. She looked and saw a giant yellow-colored creature lower his bowgun. The King saw the shot and knew he was in imminent danger. That shot was impossible. He had never known of a Magrum using a weapon that fired arrows.

Carrie appeared calm but she still felt that arrow flying through her hair. She didn’t know if she lived because the creature had missed or if it had done it intentionally. She walked calmly around the throne and sat down beside her father. Her heart was beating incredibly fast, but she maintained her calm appearance.

Michael watched her and was amazed at the young woman’s composure. If the same shot had been made that close to him, he probably would have needed to change his uniform. He shook his head at her.

Carrie was flabbergasted by the two sword throws. Not only the amazing speed, but the accuracy was impossible. She watched the young man go back and pull his sword from the guard and bring him into the center of the room. “Can we count on you behaving yourself?”

The guard looked at Wesley and nodded. “Yes.”

“Then sit down.” The guard sat on the floor and saw the big yellow creature closely watching him.

Scotty smiled and said, “I’m sorry we were interrupted, but yes, those creatures are our citizens.”

“How can an animal be a citizen?”

“Meaning no disrespect, you are technically an animal yourself.”

Wesley paused and said, “Yes, but I’m intelligent.”

Scotty smiled, “Most of us here aren’t really sure of that. However, you are taking a trip with us to discuss your actions with those you’ve injured.”

Carrie said, “If you take him, I go, too.”

“No! You will stay here.”

“No, I won’t, Father. You promised mother never to leave me.”

“That promise doesn’t apply to this situation.”

“Yes, it does.”

Scotty smiled and tilted his head, “We take promises very seriously. She will go with us, and I give you my promise she will come to no harm.”

Carrie looked at Scotty defiantly and said, “Will you also promise my father his safety?”

Scotty shook his head, “No. His accusers will determine his fate. Anglo?”

The six disappeared from the throne room leaving the guard to contact the admiral.

The group appeared in a clearing where Wesley and Carrie found themselves surrounded by hundreds of the giant flying creatures. They were huge, and Carrie grabbed her father’s arm and held tight.

Scotty looked up and said so the King could hear, “This is the one that sent the hunters to your home.”

The largest flying creature looked at him, and Wesley heard in his mind, “Why have you been killing my family?”

Wesley was stunned. He looked at Scotty and his disbelief was obvious. Scotty said, “I believe you should answer his question.”

Wesley looked up at the Zord and said, “I didn’t.”

“White Hair, I thought you said this was the one that sent the murderers.”

Scotty turned to Wesley and said, “The lodges said you were paid to allow the hunters to come here.”

Wesley’s face turned red. Carrie looked at him and said, “Jimmy?”

Wesley nodded.

Bleath looked at Scotty, “This one did not know about the hunters. He thought they were only tourists visiting. He possesses no knowledge of how many of us have been killed.”

Scotty looked at Wesley, “Then why did you send ships to attack the planet?”

Wesley said, “My stepson told me that some of our tourists were being attacked. I sent the ships to protect them.”

Scotty looked up at Bleath and said, “Show them.”

Bleath showed them the visions of thousands of Zord being systematically hunted and killed. They heard the Zord tell a hunter that they were intelligent, then saw the hunter laugh and kill the messenger. They saw the giant heads mounted on trees outside the lodges and the revelry at every Zord killed. Carrie felt the sorrow of the giant creatures for the loved ones lost and the rage of being unable to stop the killing.

Wesley sat down on the ground. Bleath said, “Return them where you found them. We have no quarrel with them.”

Scotty looked at the King and said, “Let’s give him some time to collect himself.”

Carrie was angry. Then she saw the young man that had threatened her. She went up to him and said, “Thank you for not killing me.”

Michael smiled, “You’re quite welcome. We were blaming the wrong ones for what happened here.”

“These creatures are intelligent.”

“Yes, and they are honorable in their dealings with others.” A giant Zord swooped in and Michael started climbing its harness. “What are you doing?”

Michael looked down at the princess and smiled, “Give her a leg up, Vetah.” The giant Zord lowered his front leg and held it in front of Carrie. She looked up quizzically and Michael said, “Sit down.”

She looked at the giant claw, hesitated momentarily, then sat down on it. Vetah lifted her to his back and she sat behind Michael. “Hold on, my Lady.” Vetah lifted and Carrie grabbed Michael’s waist. The Zord rose quickly and flew out over the giant forest. Carrie closed her eyes, but slowly reopened them and saw the ground far below. She felt the wind blowing through her hair and the motion of the giant creature’s muscles under her. The forest and the light-colored smoke made the view below beautiful. She held on tight and felt the strength of the man in front of her. She looked up at the first stars as the Zord rose higher. This was unlike any experience she had ever had, and she lost herself in the moment. She heard, “Strong Bow, your companion’s father is waiting for her.”

“Take us back, Vetah.”

Carrie felt the big wings begin working, and the giant Zord flew like an arrow over the forest. Carrie felt the rush of the wind and the power of the giant flyer. All too soon she felt them descending to the mountain below. Michael dropped off and helped Carrie down.

Carrie looked up into the archer’s eyes and said, “That is an experience I will never forget. Thank you, again.”

Michael smiled and kissed her hand, “Please come back and we’ll do it again, my Lady.”

She smiled at his gallantry and walked over to her father.

He looked at the Zord she had just climbed off and shook his head at her. “I was perfectly safe. The gentleman I flew with would never allow me to come to harm. Their King gave his oath.”

Wesley spun around and looked at Scotty, “Are you a King?”

Scotty smiled, “Actually my title is Emperor. It appears that is the title I’ve been given.”

“Are you planning to take my throne?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“It’s my understanding that you’re brutal to your subjects. We don’t hold to that kind of treatment. However, that is an issue we will deal with at a later date.” Scotty turned to Bleath, “Is there a three year old mature enough to listen to others’ thoughts that can go and find the ones responsible for your deaths?”

Bleath looked at the edge of the clearing and a fifteen foot long Zord scampered up. “White hair, this is Kreej. He will go with you.”

Carrie watched the young Zord actually trembling at the opportunity to go with the blond haired archer. These creatures have emotions very similar to ours, she thought.

Scotty smiled at Kreej, “Thank you for coming with us. It could be dangerous, but we need to conceal your presence. A full grown Flyer would not fit in the throne room.”

“I am honored to work with you, White Hair. All of my brothers and sisters would give a wing for the opportunity. They’re going to be so jealous.”

Scotty laughed and smiled at the young Zord.

“So, you think you can just waltz into my throne room and take over?”

Scotty looked at Wesley, “If I were in your shoes, I would be begging for us to come.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s obvious to me that someone has been deliberately deceiving you about what was happening on this world. They have also collected fees that were not given to you. If it were me, I would really like to find out the truth of what those funds are being used for. Of course, that may not bother you.”

Wesley stared at Scotty and then looked at Carrie. Carrie nodded. Wesley looked back at Scotty, “I will agree for the moment that we will work together to get to the bottom of this. I will guarantee your safety while this is happening.”

Scotty shook his head, “We will handle our own safety. I’m not going to trust you have the control you think you do. However, I will not open hostilities with you during this investigation.”

Wesley looked at Scotty with a hard stare. Scotty continued, “You might be interested in knowing we have two Searcher Class vessels at my disposal. I really wouldn’t think it would be a good idea to see which of us has the biggest stick here.”

Wesley showed his shock and said, “We will discuss this after we find out who caused the Zord to be attacked. How do you want to do this?”

“We will all go back to your throne room and you will question anyone you might think knows about it. My brave friend here will hear their thoughts and tell us what they know.”

“Fair enough.”

“One more thing.”


“No one comes in armed. We will protect you and your daughter from any harm. I’m not the trusting sort when it comes to blasters.”

Carrie looked at Scotty, “So you are guaranteeing my father’s safety now?”

Scotty smiled, “Until this issue is resolved, yes.”

Carrie looked at her father and said, “I believe they keep their promises, and he makes a good point about who is behind this.”

Wesley nodded and said, “Well, let’s do it.”

Scotty lifted his com, “BC, anything happening back at the farm?”

“As a matter of fact, there is. It seems the King’s wife has assumed the throne and is ordering the military not to come here for a rescue attempt. Her son is attempting to replace the King’s admiral.”

Scotty saw the anger on Wesley’s face and said, “Everyone turn on their Zecka. I suspect the Queen is using force to make the change. Anglo, send us back, but put each of us in a place where we can cover the room.”

“You will arrive in 5,4,3,2,1…”

The group teleported into the throne room, with Wesley and Carrie appearing ten yards in front of the throne. The woman on the throne almost fell off it when she saw them appear. Wesley looked at her and said, “I’m gone less than two hours and you’re attempting to replace me?”

The woman looked around the room at the guards and then leaned back on the throne and smiled, “Why no, Darling. I was just worried about you.”

“Is that why you ordered our fleet not to try a rescue attempt?”

The woman’s smile vanished.

Carrie looked at the black haired beauty and said, “What’s wrong, Maranda? Aren’t you happy we’ve returned?”

Wesley walked up and stood in front of Maranda. She slowly stood up and looked at the ten guards in the room. Wesley took his seat and hit his communication panel, “Admiral?”

The display came on and a very distraught officer looked at the King in relief. “Thank the Creator you’ve returned! Bixler is here attempting to take command of the fleet.”

“Put him on the panel.”

“A young, dark haired man with a very thin face appeared. He looked shocked to see the King. “Yes, uh Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I require your presence.”

The Admiral appeared on the display and said, “He will be there momentarily, Your Majesty.”

Wesley looked at his wife and said, “Why did you attempt to take power in my absence?”

“Well, someone had to step in and make sure everything remained stable. We were told by Admiral Redmit that you had been kidnapped by the ones that destroyed our tourist lodges. I assumed you were already dead.”

Carrie moved next to the throne and stood on her father’s right side. She glanced around the room and could not see the archers, even though she knew they were there. Wesley said, “Give me a moment.” He hit his panel and began asking the Kingdom’s nobility on the forty five planets if everything was under control. He noticed that eight of them were shocked when he appeared on their panels. All the others didn’t know anything was wrong. He looked at Carrie, noted that she had watched the display with him, and knew she would remember the ones that were surprised.

Jimmy Bixler entered the throne room and moved to his mother’s side. She gave him a hard look and he nodded. Wesley saw their communication and said, “I want to know who has been selling hunting permits on the planet of the giant flying creatures.”

Maranda looked at Wesley and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She nudged Jimmy and he said, “Me, either.”

“I am going to go to the agency that issues them and I believe the one who sold them will tell the truth after gentle persuasion. I do not tolerate disobedience.”

Maranda asked, “What are you going to do with the ones responsible?”

“Find out what they have done with the funds collected and see if they were being used for treasonous actions. If they were, I’m going to execute the traitors.”

Maranda stared at Wesley, then turned to the guard standing next to the throne. She nodded and the guards in the room raised their blasters. “I was hoping to keep this simple, but you had to come back alive. Now you leave me no choice. You and that witch of a daughter are going to have to die.”

All ten guards were hit with an arrow in the middle of their foreheads. The one next to the throne was driven eight feet beyond the throne with the force of the arrow that hit him. Maranda and Jimmy looked at the guards and couldn’t move.

“You’ve found the ones responsible.”

Maranda looked around but couldn’t determine where the voice was originating. Scotty turned off his Zecka and appeared next to the throne with Wesley. “Kreej, tell us what you saw.”

“The woman’s father is planning to overthrow the one on the throne. It was he that built the lodges and provided the small ships to chase us. The funds were being used to convince those that went there to assist him in his plan. It appears only those who possess great wealth could afford to go.”

Maranda looked around and said, “If you harm us, my father will destroy this world.”

Wesley looked at Maranda and said, “I thought you actually cared for me. When your father suggested a marriage to unify our kingdoms, I only agreed because you said you loved me. How long has this plan been going on?”

Maranda said, “It’s a recent development.”

Kreej might not have said what he did if he had more experience. But the very young often tell the truth not knowing the consequences of their actions. Zreeg said, “That’s not true. Your father planned all along to get him to marry you. That’s why he had his first wife killed.”

Maranda’s mouth fell open and Jimmy started whimpering. The transformation that came over Wesley was sudden. He stood from the throne, “What do you mean, ‘Had her killed?’.”

Kreej was silent. Scotty stood in front of Wesley and pushed him back toward the throne. Michael came forward and grabbed Carrie before she could grab one of the guard’s blasters. She was weeping, and Michael pulled her close. Scotty said, “Kreej, tell us what happened.”

Maranda and Jimmy saw the giant creature appear behind them. Their fear doubled. Kreeg said, “This female developed the plan. She wanted a kingdom for her son. Her father bought into the idea. In order for it to work, the king’s current wife had to be removed. They found her in a shopping center and pushed her over the ledge as she was looking at the flowers being put out on the main floor ten stories down. The guard that was next to the throne pulled the rails out of the floor to make it appear it was an accident. The one called Ketchum was in on the plan. I think he was her assigned body guard.”

Scotty saw the Wesley’s barely restrained rage. “Jingo?”

“Right here.”

“Take Kreej and these two back to the clearing. Have them wait for me. Anglo, do it now!”

The four disappeared from the throne room. Wesley turned his rage toward Scotty. Grang appeared and grabbed the King and snatched him back to his throne. Scotty yelled, “You better think long and hard before you kill millions of your subjects.”

Wesley’s eyes were slits in his face. Michael said, “Help him, Carrie!”

Carrie ran and fell into her father’s arms weeping uncontrollably. Wesley looked at her and his rage turned to sorrow for his daughter. He took her in his arms and rocked her back and forth as they wept together.

Chapter Twelve

S cotty watched the sorrow of Wesley and Carrie. Grang looked at Scotty and said, “It appears she was loved very deeply by them.”

“We know their pain, Grang. Now they are going to have to rise above it and turn their back on revenge.” Grang stared at Scotty. “Her father rules another Kingdom. If Wesley takes his revenge, there will be interstellar war. Millions, possibly billions, will die.”

“They are responsible for their actions.”

“How many Madeline’s will die if we allow that to happen?”

“There was only one Madeline.”

“That you know of, Grang. Are you willing to allow that to happen?”

Grang looked at the floor and said, “No, I guess not.” The three archers sat and waited in silence for the two to express their pain.

Michael sat and wished there was something he could do for Carrie. He sighed and waited with a heavy heart.

After an hour, Carrie sat up and wiped her tears on her sleeve. Wesley was too weak to stand. He looked at Scotty and said, “After my wife died, I didn’t want to go on. But I had Carrie to think about. King Talben came to June’s funeral and his daughter came with him. She took time to comfort me and seemed to understand my pain. She later invited me to her planet and there she seemed to show sincere interest. When Talben suggested a marriage to unite our kingdoms, I agreed. Now I can see all the manipulations that were done to rope me in. Carrie warned me, but I was blinded by the compliments.” Wesley looked at Scotty, “What do you mean kill millions of my subjects?”

“What do you think Talben will do if you kill his daughter and grandson?”

Wesley thought and Carrie said, “He will come in force and take control of our planets. The only reason he hasn’t done it before is because of that Searcher we had in our fleet. I’m sure he knows we lost it, and Maranda’s grab for power was the first step in annexing us into his kingdom.”

Scotty looked at Wesley, “How important are those under your rule to you?”


“Then why the brutality being used against your citizens?”

“What brutality?”

Scotty shook his head, “How long has it been since you visited your colonies?”

Wesley sighed, “I’ve not gone anywhere since June died. Maranda has insisted I stay here with her.”

“Weren’t you afraid of her father’s fleet?”

“No, we discovered that Searcher Class ship and he didn’t have anything to stand up to it.”

Scotty was silent. “Scotty?” he heard from his com.

“BC, I was wondering if you had something to say.”

“I was wrong.”

“And now, where are your loyalties?”

“They are with you, but Wesley should know the truth.”

“Who is that?”

“That is the former Searcher you had in your fleet.”

“What does it mean, ‘I should know?’”

“I was sent here by King Talben to infiltrate your fleet and assist him in conquering your kingdom.”

Wesley was shocked, “How is that possible? I discovered you three years before June died.”

“I’m sorry, your Highness, but he’s been making plans to take your kingdom for more than ten years. He actually used a subordinate to put the plan in Maranda’s mind. He determined that he couldn’t force her into a marriage. It had to be her idea.”

“BC, why did you assist him?”

“I didn’t want to see billions die. His plan would have taken control and there would be little loss of life.”

“You mentioned brutality on Wesley’s planets. That was being done by Talben’s men?”

“Yes, Scotty. It would have made the transition easier. I know you have cause to doubt my honesty now. But I’ve seen that you are the only one I can follow and keep my principles.”

Carrie looked at Scotty, “What are you going to do? If you have that Searcher in your fleet you can conquer us.”

Scotty smiled at Carrie and said, “You, out of everyone, should remember.”

Carrie furrowed her brow. Michael said, “He promised your father’s safety until this issue is resolved. Obviously, our target is not your father, but King Talben. Until he is resolved, we are sworn to protect your father, and his subjects are included in that promise.”

Carrie looked at Scotty and he nodded. “I learned something. I made a promise when I didn’t have all the facts. I won’t make that mistake again. However, Michael is right. This issue won’t be resolved until I deal with Talben. That means your father is safe until that happens.”

“And then?”

Wesley looked at Scotty, “When the Zord entered my mind and examined my memory, I asked them why they were your citizens. The big one showed me. You could have destroyed the ships I sent to their planet. Why didn’t you?”

“If I removed your fleet, I thought anarchy would break out on your planets. I was given false information by BC.”

“I am so sorry, Your Majesty.”

“You are going to have to work to make up for that, BC. However, you are forgiven. You were doing what you thought would save life. I understand your reasons.” Scotty looked back at Wesley, “I do not condone loss of life when it can be avoided.”

“I saw your bravery defending the Zord against those animals. I’m ashamed that I have not protected my own subjects. I’ve just stayed mired down in my sorrow.” Wesley looked at Carrie and then said, “Can you protect us from Talben?”

“BC, you know what he has to use against us. What do you think?”

“You can defeat him.”


“There will be huge loss of life on Wesley’s planets. Talben’s fleet is much larger than King Varner’s. Plus, he has ten of the ancient Ultraships that can jump in close to a planet.”

“Are they kept together in one place?”

“No, they are scattered around his kingdom. He also knows the risk of a facing a Searcher.”

“What do you think he will do if we attack?”

“He’ll send those Ultraships to ten of King Varner’s planets, and threaten to kill every inhabitant if he doesn’t surrender. It was that tactic that made me decide to help him. I can’t get all ten before they kill a planet.”

“Then we have to make him come to us.”

“How do we do that?”

Scotty looked at Wesley and said, “You’ve got to make a call to him and tell him that you were kidnapped and taken to the Zord’s planet. The creatures read your mind and then came and took Miranda and her son. You have got to act distraught. Tell him you are planning an attack on the planet and should he assist you in the rescue.”

“Why would he do that?”

“He won’t. He thinks the Searcher was destroyed. If you leave here with your fleet, he will come to seize control of your capital. Tell him you’ll leave a few ships in the outer system and take the bulk of your fleet to rescue his daughter and grandson.”

“What makes you so sure he won’t go to rescue them with me?”

“He won’t take his ships where he might face something that destroyed a Searcher. No, those that lust after power are consumed by it. He’ll weep for the loss of his daughter and grandson, but he’ll do nothing to save them. Not when he can conquer your kingdom so easily.”

“You could just as easily conquer us if we leave.”

Scotty shrugged.

Carrie said, “You don’t care if we refuse your help. You’re hoping we do, don’t you?”

Again, Scott shrugged.

Carrie turned to Wesley, “He will not conquer us, Father. We should follow his plan.”

Wesley and Scotty were both shocked by her statement. Carrie looked at Scotty, “You believe in the old principles of the Ancient Realm. You made a promise to protect us. If you violate that promise, you turn your back on honor. The Zord would not choose someone with such a lack of honor. You will defend us because you have to.”

Wesley looked at Scotty and said, “That’s why you did not run from the giant animals. You would have lost your honor.”

Michael said, “He is placing the Zord in jeopardy to keep his promise to you.”

“Why do you say that?”

Scotty said, “Because you are going to have to take your fleet to their system. I’m certain the good King has informers in high places in your fleet. He’ll know if you don’t go. I trust you to not harm my citizens.”

Wesley looked at Scotty, “I would never harm them after having seen them. However, what would you do if I did?”

“This planet would be blasted into rubble along with every other planet in your kingdom. It would be a lesson to those that consider breaking their promise to me and endanger those I serve.”

Michael looked at Scotty, “Are you serious?”

Scotty looked at Michael with a hard expression, “The reason the Holy Realm left was because they didn’t have the courage to make the hard decisions that should have been made.” Scotty looked at Wesley, “I have no desire to conquer your kingdom. You can keep your domain and do with it as you please. I will only accept those that act honorably and stand by our core beliefs, even when it’s most difficult. I will ignore you unless you threaten those that are part of our community.”

Wesley and Carrie looked at Scotty, and Wesley knew he was being honest. “Are you planning to create another Realm?”

Scotty smiled, “Yes, and unlike the last one, we will only accept those that beg to be a part of it. Only those that live by our principles will be allowed to join us. You’ve seen the Zord’s mind. They’re a part of our community because they live their honor every day. I’ve seen very little honor in most of those I’ve encountered in your kingdom.”

Wesley lowered his head, “I lost my honor when I ignored what was happening to my subjects.”

“There is no greater dishonor than to turn your back on those you are supposed to be serving.”

Wesley looked up, “I may not have actually killed the Zord, but their deaths happened on my watch. The Zord are wrong. I am to blame for what happened.”

Scotty stared at Wesley and said, “Now you’re seeing things as a ruler should. There might still be hope for you.” Wesley took a deep breath and Scotty said, “Make the call.”

“Before I do, do I get those two back when this is over?”

“Have you lost more than the Zord?”

Wesley hung his head, “No.” He looked over at his communication panel and said, “Do you have any suggestions before I contact Talben?”

“Yes, Carrie needs to be yelling at you to not make the attempt.”

Carrie was startled, “Why?”

“Because Talben knows you don’t like his daughter. If you act any other way he will be suspicious. You also need to tell Carrie to stay behind and handle things in your absence.”

“Why would I do that?”

“He’ll have a hostage to use against you.”

Wesley shook his head, “How did you know my daughter didn’t like her?”

Scotty looked at Carrie, “Because she has a pure heart. Of all those present, she is one that will keep her promises. She would see through that bitch of a queen faster than the Zord. You should have listened to her.”

Wesley looked at Carrie and said, “I wish I had.” He turned to his communication panel. Carrie had tears in her eyes. She went to Michael and put her head on his chest and waited for her father to make contact with a very evil person.

Michael felt his heat beat faster and he embraced her, “Everything will work out, Carrie.”

She looked up at him and said, “As long as you’re here, I believe it will.”

Scotty looked away and smiled.

Grang saw Scotty’s smile and wondered what he was doing. He shook his head and wondered who would get his next arrow.

Jingo sat on the ground with the two prisoners sitting in front of him. Maranda and Jimmy knew the huge creatures surrounding them could read their minds and know they were responsible for the hunting lodges. Jimmy had soiled his pants and the smell was getting bad. That’s why Jingo had moved away from them.

Bleath looked at Jingo and said, “We should administer justice to these two criminals.”

Jingo looked up and said, “What were my instructions from Scotty? You can read my mind.”

The giant Zord was impatient, but he knew White Hair had said to wait until he arrived. He could taste his desire for revenge. Then he thought about Grang and found himself bothered by the memory of how White Hair had spared him. Bleath felt shame. He looked out at the barely restrained warriors and said, “Your Royal Ruler has decreed that we wait. We will do so even if these two die of old age.”

The warriors felt the power of Bleath’s thought and settled back on their four legs and waited. Maranda and Jimmy hoped he would take his time.

Kreej walked over to Maranda and said, “I am sorry for causing you to come to harm. It was not my intention to do so.”

Maranda looked at the young Zord, “It’s a little late for apologies!”

Zreeg took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I suppose it is. I just think it’s ironic that you suffered the same crime as your current husband.” Kreej turned and started walking away.

Maranda whipped around and said, “What do you mean the same crime?”

Kreej turned back and said, “I looked in the mind of that guard who was assigned to protect you. You know, the big one next to the throne?”


“Your father had him place an explosive device in your former husband’s ship. He also got your son here to suggest a way for you to get him a kingdom. I just find it, I don’t know, unbelievable at the terrible things your family does to each other. Your son has also heard your father say he was going to kill your youngest sister if she didn’t toughen up.”

Jimmy was hearing the conversation and he started backing away from his mother. She reached over and grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to her. “Did this one know about my first husband’s death?”

Kreej said, “Only after it was done. Your father told him to appreciate what he had done to advance him in the line of succession.”

Maranda looked Jimmy in the eye, “You knew?!?”

Jimmy pushed her hand from him and scuttled ten feet away, “He was always punishing me. He had nothing good to say about me. He constantly ridiculed me among my friends.”

Maranda looked at Jimmy and said, “He loved you more than life itself. He did those things to teach you how to be a man. You’re no better than your grandfather.” Maranda put her head in her hands and wept for what she had become. She looked at Bleath and said, “Please don’t delay. Kill me now.”

The Zord gathered around her looked in her mind. They saw the source of her evil. The father was the one to blame. Bleath looked into Kreej’s mind and saw the guard’s memory. He sent that memory to Maranda. “Here is what happened.”

Maranda saw her husband in his ship getting ready to lead the attack on one of the captured planets. He was sitting in his chair holding a picture of Maranda. He hugged it to his chest and placed it on his console. She heard the Guard say as he left the bridge, “Lift off in ten megrons.” She then saw a bag come into her vision and the guard take out a round, white device and drop it behind the ship’s reactor panel. She watched as the guard exited the ship and hit his com. Her father appeared and the guard said, “It’s done.”

“Good. You will be rewarded.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Maranda came back to the present and felt her heart shatter. He killed Lem! Oh my god, what have I become?”

Bleath listened to her thoughts and then said, “Kreej, why did you show her those things?”

“Great Flyer, I saw a sweet girl in her youth. She was deliberately twisted and broken by her father. She deserved to see what she is before she dies. It will help her accept the death she now feels she so richly deserves. I did it as a blessing.”

Bleath thought about what Kreej said. Perhaps this new generation is becoming something to honor. This young one shows great promise. He looked back at Maranda and felt her misery. He didn’t know whether to be glad she was tormented or not. The White Hair was going to have to answer this issue.

King Talben turned off his communication panel and leaned back on his throne.

“Do you think he’s being honest?”

Talben turned to his most trusted advisor, Petlu, and said, “I think so.”

“What makes you think that?”

“That daughter of his yelling for him not to go; insisting she was already dead. I think he really intends to take his fleet and try to rescue my daughter and grandson. I didn’t think he cared about either of them. Apparently, I was wrong.”

“Are you going to help him?”

Talben leaned to the right in his chair and had a look of disdain, “Do you think I’m crazy? Something in that system killed a Searcher Class ship. I’m not risking my ships.”

“Even to save your daughter?”

Talben shrugged, “We’ll have a state funeral and I’ll accuse Varner of causing her death. Then we’ll take his kingdom.”

Petlu didn’t say anything. Talben looked at him and said, “Spit it out. You have something spinning around in that head of yours.”

“Why wait?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if Varner takes his fleet out of the Capital’s system, he leaves himself wide open to an invasion. If you insist on him providing half the ground forces for his rescue attempt, he’ll have to take them from the capital. He’s leaving tomorrow. There’s not enough time to gather the troops from his other planets. There should be very little to prevent our taking control.”

Talben listened to the proposal and was about to respond when his communicator vibrated. The call was coming in on a top secret frequency. “Hold on just a moment. Let me see what’s going on here.” Talben hit his connect and saw Commodore Ntwer.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Your Majesty, but I need your wisdom.”

“Go ahead, Admiral.”

Ntwer smiled. He had a secret promotion in Talben’s Bluepointe Navy. “The Admiral has given me the assignment of selecting ships to defend the Capital while the King is gone.”

Talben looked at Petlu and asked, “Why did he choose you? Does he suspect you of being one of us?”

“I think the Admiral remembers my defense of the fleet at Gronkin.” Ntwer thought a moment, “If he suspected me, would he leave me in command?”

“How many ships are you going to have?”

“He left it totally up to me. He asked that I not take too many from any one squadron, but to select our best ships.”

“Standby.” Talben placed his console on mute and looked at Petlu, “Is this something to worry about?”

Petlu shook his head, “This is a great gift. We have thirty seven ships in his fleet with loyalty to you. Have him select thirty six of them and send one ship with Varner to keep us informed of what’s happening. If there is anything there than can destroy ships, only his will be destroyed. Those ships left behind will prevent any of Varner’s ships from his colonies from interfering with our take over. Our Ultra’s can carry 30,000 troops to Varner’s capital. He’ll come back to a world controlled by us with our ships in charge of the system. We’ll threaten to destroy his colonies and kill his daughter if he doesn’t turn himself over to us.”

Talben thought about Petlu’s plan. “What if this is a trap? What if they know Ntwer is one of us?”

“Your Majesty, would you leave an enemy behind to defend your family? No, this is an opportunity you’ll not get again.”

Talben put his fingers up to his lips and thought about what Petlu was saying. He glanced at the flashing communication panel and reached over and pressed a button, “Ntwer, you know the ships loyal to us. Select all but one of them to stay with you. Petlu will send you your instructions after the King leaves the system.”

Ntwer bowed his head and disappeared from the panel. “Can you get everything set up fast enough to make this happen?”

“Yes, just make sure Varner takes his troops.”

Talben reached for his communication panel.

Wesley Varner looked away from his console and said, “Talben wants me to provide half of the ground forces needed to make the rescue. He said he was going to send thirty thousand. If I sent that many, I’ll only have six thousand left on the planet.”

Scotty looked at Varner and wished Jingo was here. “Anglo, bring Jingo back.”

Jingo appeared and looked around, “You need to give me some warning.”

“Everything ok back home?”

“Yes. Maranda found out that her father had her first husband killed. She’s asking the Zord to kill her.”

Carrie looked shocked, “She loved her first husband. She still has his picture in her room. Serves her right.”

Michael looked at Carrie and she saw his expression, “She killed my mother.”

“No, her father made that happen. She is what he made her to be. I suspect she was different when she was with her first husband.”

Scotty explained what was going on and what he expected Talben to do. Jingo sat a minute and thought about what could be done. Jingo looked at Wesley, “Have troop transports land and unload their troops into the garrisons at your spaceport. Lock down all communications and search your troops for any communication devices.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Anglo, I need your help.”

“Tell me what you need.”

“King Varner is going to bring fifteen transports with two thousand troops in each. They will disembark and enter the fifteen garrisons next to the space port. As they enter the garrison, I want them teleported back onto the ship that brought them. I want the troops unloaded in the garrison closest to the landing pads to remain overnight.” Jingo turned to Wesley, “Take those transports and park them out in the forests to the west of here. Have them ready to move by midday.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes, Anglo. In the morning, when each ship arrives to take the troops, the ones in the first garrison will embark on the first ship. You will then teleport them to the second garrison. When the second ship lands, you will do the same thing. We will embark those same two thousand troops on every ship. King Varner, have your officers mix them up so the groups look different going on each ship.”

Wesley began shaking his head and reached for his console.

Scotty hit his com, “Jessica?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I need you to be here in the morning. Bring Kreeg with you, and I need you to fly him around King Varner’s fleet.”

“What are you trying to accomplish?”

“We know the Commodore selected to provide defense of the planet is one of Talben’s lackeys. I need Zreeg to confirm that the ships remaining behind are all Talben’s. I also need to find which ship in the fleet leaving for our world is also one of Talben’s men.”

“Your Majesty, why don’t you just allow me to teleport Talben to the Zord?”

“The idea has merit, Anglo, however, the ten Ultraships would hold worlds hostage against his return. Can you get all ten before any of them could kill a planet?”

“No, I cannot.”

“We’ll take care of him after we insure the safety of King Varner’s citizens.

Wesley looked at Carrie and saw her thoughts. She liked and respected the green-clad archers. She especially liked the one named Michael. There was something about him that was different. He thought about it, and then it came to him. Like his daughter, he was also pure of heart. He also knew he was a dynamic warrior. This young Emperor respected his opinion. That spoke volumes about what kind of man he was. Wesley watched Scotty and the Cainth issue instructions for the next day and felt small. He had a title; that blonde haired warrior had a heart.

Finally, Scotty said, “Jingo, have we missed anything?”

“No, I don’t think so. Anglo, as soon as the fleet leaves for the null band, teleport Jessica back to the communities. Jessica, can you handle all the issues with those ships?”

“Certainly. You and BC are the only ones that would pose a problem.”

Scotty stood and said, “Jingo, I’m going to leave you in charge.” Scotty turned to Wesley and said, “If you desire us to help, you must make sure your officers understand that Jingo’s orders are law. Will there be a problem making that happen?”

“No, I’ll bring them in momentarily and introduce them to him.”

Scotty raised his com and saw Grang walk up to him. He lowered his com and said, “You aren’t going with me.”

Grang said, “Yes, I am.”

Scotty put his hand on Grang’s shoulder and said, “The future of these worlds lies in the hands of that young woman.”

Everyone in the room turned and looked at Carrie, who was confused about what Scotty was saying. Grang looked at her and then back to Scotty, “Brother, I need you to make sure she is not harmed. She is this world’s Madeline. I will be safe with the Zord. You know that. There are those here in the palace that will attempt to harm her. I trust the three of you to make sure she is not harmed.”

Wesley interjected, “How do you know there are traitors here?”

“Your ex-wife has chosen all of the personnel here, has she not?”

Wesley thought about it, and Carrie said, “Yes, she has.”

“She didn’t teleport those ten guards here with her when we returned. They were already present. It will be her they attempt to kill. They do not fear Wesley.”

Wesley hung his head.

Scotty walked over to Wesley and stood in front of him, “Perhaps you’ll handle that situation when this is over.”

Wesley looked up and everyone saw his determination, “I’ll handle that before this situation is resolved. Tell Jessica I’m going to need the names of those in my fleet that are loyal to Talben.”

“Did you hear that, Jess?”

“Yes. If I gather them I expect you to use them.”

Wesley almost had a snarl, “Just give me the names.”

Grang looked at Wesley, and then at Carrie. He looked at Scotty and said, “I am sworn to follow your orders. She will not be harmed.”

Scotty looked up at the huge Magrum and smiled. He looked at Michael and Jingo and said, “You three are the ones that I trust with my life.” He looked at Carrie and said, “You have chosen well.” Scotty hit his com, “Send me, Anglo.”

Wesley looked at Carrie and asked, “What did he mean, ‘chosen well’?”

Carrie walked over and put her arms around Michael, “Will you have me?”

Michael smiled, “Only as long as there are stars in the sky. You do make the universe a more beautiful place in which to live.” She stood on her toes and he kissed her.

Wesley grew angry. He hadn’t sanctioned this pairing. Then he saw the first real smile on Carrie’s face since her mother had died. He thought about it and said, “The wedding will be after this affair is concluded.”

Carrie ran over and jumped in his lap, “Thank you. A million times, thank you. He is the one I’ve been waiting on. I know it in my heart.”

Grang looked at Jingo and shrugged. Jingo laughed out loud and slapped the big Magrum on his back, “Let’s look around this place and see where uninvited guests might try to crash our little soiree.”

Wesley got on the board and started talking to his Admirals and Generals. He only spoke with those that had proven their loyalty. After four hours they arrived and met the two archers. Grang had turned his Zecka on and watched the gathering closely for any hint of danger.

Scotty arrived at the clearing and Julie was waiting for him. He raised his eyebrows and Julie said, “I made Anglo promise to take me wherever you are when you returned.” Scotty smiled and hugged and kissed her deeply. Maranda saw Scotty appear and watched as he greeted Julie. She remembered when she and Lem would meet each other the same way. She waited for the blond-haired archer to come closer.

Scotty held Julie’s hand and walked toward Bleath. “How’re the communities?”

“Fine. Just a few settling-in issues. Nothing serious.”

“Good. Hello, Bleath. Have you decided what justice you wish to impose on these two?”

“Before we discuss that, I want to share what we’ve discovered in your absence.” Bleath showed him Kreej’s revelation to Maranda and her reaction. “This is what her mind is like now.”

Scotty drew back from the misery and overriding hatred he felt, “That’s enough, Bleath.” Scotty looked over at Maranda and saw her staring at him. She did not display any fear, unlike that weasely son of hers, and she stared straight into his eyes.

Julie looked at her and recoiled at what she saw. Scotty looked at her and motioned her over to Bleath. Julie walked away wondering what had made this woman into what she saw.

Scotty walked up to Maranda and she said, “I have seen in the minds of the Zord that you are their Supreme Ruler.” Scotty nodded. “I know they can look in my mind and see whatever is there. I wish to ask one favor before I die.” Scotty started to get angry but she said, “I know I don’t deserve it. However, I have seen that one of your beliefs is that you will protect those that can’t protect themselves.”

Scotty stared at Maranda then said, “That only applies to those that are innocent of wrong.”

“I know that. I know there is no defense for my actions.”

“What is it you want?”

“I have to kill my father.”

Scotty leaned back and Maranda continued, “My father told this piece of crud son of mine that he was going to kill my youngest sister if she didn’t toughen up. Now that I have been removed from the succession, he will move quickly to eliminate her.”

Scotty stared at Maranda, not certain of what she was saying.

“My youngest sister has a loving heart. She is like I once was before my Father bent me to his will. She doesn’t stand a chance against him. It will be an arranged accident.”

Maranda stood and walked up to the Giant Zord and knelt in front of him, “Look in my mind Great Flyer. I will submit myself to your justice. I swear on the soul of my dead Love; I will return to face you for my crimes. I humbly beg for the chance to save one that is innocent and good. I know I don’t deserve anything from you for all the horrors I’ve committed. I pray you’ll give me a chance to save Ashley. Please.”

“What about your son?”

“He is just as responsible as I am. He has nothing good in him. I will not ask for his life. He deserves to lose it ten times over for his lust for power. He, like I, deserve our punishments.”

Bleath looked at Scotty. “Bleath, it is your decision. I will support whatever you decide.”

Bleath gave a screech and a huge warrior ran forward, grabbed Jimmy in his claws, and lifted into the sky. Hundreds of Zord lifted and followed the rising warrior. Jimmy could be heard screaming until the flock disappeared. “He will be flown over the identical path he used to chase one of our females. He will be dropped from very high up on the spot where he killed her.”

Bleath looked down at Maranda and said, “You are troubling. I know you are responsible for the lodges. I also know that it was your father that twisted your spirit and made you what you are. He used the death of your mate to cause your change. I see your sister in your mind and I agree; she is like you once were. I cannot allow an innocent child to die; even if it means you live.”

“Great Flyer, I may lose my life trying to save her but if I live, I will come back to take my flight with your warriors.”

Bleath looked at Scotty and said, “There are some things that should be allowed. She means what she is saying. We will delay her judgment. The one we want for our justice is the father. She will need your help to save her sister.”

Scotty looked at Maranda, “And she will have it.”

Maranda ran forward and threw herself at Scotty’s feet, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Julie looked down at the weeping woman, then looked Scotty in the eye. Scotty saw what she was saying without her having to speak. “Maranda, come with me.”

Maranda stood, composed herself, and followed Scotty out of the clearing. Scotty hit his com, “Anglo, send us back to Varner’s throne room.”

Julie watched them disappear and felt the despair of the black haired beauty named Maranda.

Maranda and Scotty appeared in the throne room, and Wesley and Carrie jumped up and started toward her. Scotty said, “You will go back and sit down now!!” Jingo and Michael stepped in front of the two and stopped them from moving forward. Maranda stood in the center of the room with her head down. Wesley snarled, “Where’s that worthless son?”

Maranda looked at him and said, “He’s dead.”

Carrie and Wesley were stunned into silence.

“The giant Zord carried him out over the forest and retraced the route he had followed to chase and kill a Zord Female. The warrior carrying him dropped him from high altitude over the spot where he killed her. He had plenty of time to think about his evil deeds before he landed. It will be my time shortly to make that flight with the Zord.”

Carrie stared at Maranda with hate in her eyes, “Why are you still alive?”

Maranda looked at Carrie and said, “My Father is planning to kill Ashley.”

Carrie turned pale and even Wesley fell back in his chair.

“My evil Father told that worthless son of mine that if Ashley didn’t toughen up he was going to have to arrange an accident. Now that I’ve gone missing, Ashley will be next in the line of succession. My Father will prefer my youngest brother, who we all know is rotted to the core.”

Scotty looked at Wesley, “She has sworn to return to the Zord after she kills her father. They looked in her mind and know she means it. They believe, as do I, that an innocent person should be saved when possible.”

Maranda looked up at Wesley and Carrie, “My father had Lem killed to use me to set you up. He also put the idea of killing June in my head. I look back at who I was and now see what I’ve become, and I yearn for the long fall to end my suffering. But first, I must try to save Ashley.”

“You’ll never get close to him.”

“I must try, Wesley.”

Scotty said, “She will get close if you help her.”

Wesley stared at Scotty, “How?”

“Contact him now and tell him that you sent some scouts out ahead of the fleet and they were able to find Maranda and save her. They have just jumped in and Maranda has insisted on going home to his protection. You are leaving with your fleet, but will send her home in a shuttle once you reach the jump limit. Those ships being left behind will verify the shuttle being launched.”

“How will that get me close?”

“It’s not my intention to get you close.”

Maranda’s eyes narrowed and her whole body stiffened.

Carrie asked, “If you don’t have any intention of getting her close, why send her?”

“To save Ashley.”

Maranda took a deep breath and sat down on the floor.

“Jess will take Maranda to the planet and she will ask Ashley and her husband…she does have a husband…” Maranda nodded, “…to go to the shuttle and pick up your bags and bring the charts of King Varner’s fleet. Once she’s on board, the shuttle will take off with Ashley and her family.”

Maranda said, “Won’t that cause that shuttle to be attacked?”

“No, you’re going to tell him that you’ve programmed the shuttle to fly into the sun. Tell him you’re disgusted by her weakness and she needed to be eliminated.”

“Jess, I have a change of plans.”

“I’ve been listening.”

“Anglo, pull them out as late as possible.”

“Her screen is as good as a Gamma, Your Majesty. She should be able to fly right up to the corona.”

“He could still try to stop the shuttle.”

“He won’t.”

“How can you know for sure?”

“He hates everything about your sister. Evil knows its enemies. He’ll leap at the chance to have the option of blaming you for her death.”

“That should allow me to have my chance.”

“Maranda, do you put your revenge ahead of the lives of the people in his kingdom?”

Maranda just stared at Scotty saying nothing.

“You will probably have a chance before he launches his attack. He will order you out so you will not be able to witness his plan. He must go through with it. If we don’t get those Ultraships, billions will die. Are you still the creature he created? Will you take your revenge and ignore the citizens under your care?”

“Once we free your sister and he launches his attack, we will teleport him to the Zord. Once he’s gone, you will be the ruler of his kingdom.”

“I can’t do that. I have a flight with the Zord.”

“You can rule long enough to abdicate and put Ashley on the throne, and then make sure the leaders of the Military are loyal to her. Then you can take your flight.”

Wesley stood, “You trust her to just give herself up to die?”

Maranda looked at Wesley, “I killed June. I must pay for my sins. You may not believe this, but I know you are a good man. I’ve tried to hate you because of your weakness but that was the poison my father put in me. I destroyed your happiness and I deserve to die. I will die for my crimes. That is the only way I can prove to you that I am truly sorry for what I did. You never deserved what happened. You and Carrie should have been left to your lives.”

Carrie watched her and lowered her head, “She means it.”

“BC, are you on the channel?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“You’ll need to bring Kreej, have him scan Wesley’s fleet, and give him the ones that are Talben’s lackeys. Once that’s done, we’ll send Kreej back home and await the arrival of the Ultras.”

“Who’s, going to watch King Varner’s Fleet to make sure he doesn’t attack Bristone?”

Scotty looked at Carrie and Wesley and said, “No one.” Scotty continued staring at Wesley, “You know what you have to do. Now all of you should get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day. You need not worry about Maranda. She will pay for her crimes. Anglo will teleport Jess into your landing bay tonight.”

The next morning the fleet assembled above the planet, and Ntwer watched as the troops were moved to the fifteen ships. “That’s a lot of soldiers.” Finally, they were all on board and the Fleet moved out toward the jump limit. Wesley waited until they were close, then he hit his console and contacted Talben, “Your Majesty, I have managed to save your daughter.”

“You’ve what?!?” Talben said in shock.

“I sent some of my elite scouts and they were able to make an escape with her. They were unable to find Jimmy. I am still going to try and rescue him. Is your fleet ready to join me?”

“We will arrive a few hours after you. Go ahead and start in-system; we’ll catch up.”

“Thank you. Maranda refuses to return to Criston. She was abducted from my capital and says she will feel safer under your protection. I am going to send her to you, if that meets with your approval. She’ll arrive in a shuttle shortly.”

“That’s fine. I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Ntwer watched a large black shuttle leave the King’s ship and jump away from the fleet. King Varner appeared on his display, “Commodore Ntwer. I’m depending on you to protect our people. Are you sure you have enough ships?”

“We have plenty, Your Majesty. Good luck and come home safe.”

“Thank you, Commodore.”

BC asked Kreej, “Were you able to determine which ships are Talben’s?”

“All of those with the Commodore are loyal to Talben. The Bendriz is also one of Talben’s. It’s leaving with King Varner”

“Have you notified Varner?”

“Yes, he also knows the names of ninety sailors on his other ships that are Talben’s.”

“Ok, your task is done. Anglo?”


“Send Kreej back home.”

“Good-bye, BC.” The Zord disappeared from BC’s cargo bay.

Scotty looked around the throne room and made a decision, “Anglo?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I want to jump over to Talben’s planet and go to his throne room. Can you scan a place to send me?”


Jingo and Grang stood up. Jingo said, “What are you doing?”

“I have to make sure the King attacks. I’m not certain Maranda will cooperate.”

Grang said, “I’m going with you.”

“No, you’re not. Your duty is here. Once the Ultras arrive, this room is going to be attacked. You three will hold this room against any attempts to enter.”

Grang didn’t like what he was hearing.

“Anglo, how many are in Talben’s throne room?”

“Just two.”

“I suspected the King would not trust many in his presence. I can handle two. All of you know it. So settle down and do your jobs.”

Jingo sat down on the King’s throne, “Ok, if you go and get yourself killed, who succeeds you?”

“As of this moment, Michael and Carrie.”

Both of them said, “What?!?”

“I trust your hearts. Anglo, let’s go before Maranda arrives.” Scotty stepped into a silver screen and disappeared.

Michael looked at Jingo, “I’m not qualified to take his place. You should be the one.”

Jingo smiled and looked around the throne he was sitting on, “Ya know, I could get used to this chair… but Scotty is right: I’m too much the warrior to be our leader. You are the perfect choice. Right, Grang?”

Grang gave a low growl, “No one can take his place. One can follow him; but he cannot be replaced.”

Jingo tilted his head and said, “Wow, you’re right!”

Michael and Carrie just stared at each other.

“Anglo, you need to get back to Criston and make sure BC eliminates Talben’s ships.”

“Scotty, I could handle all those ships alone. BC could do it with every scanner turned off. You’ve never seen the power of a Gamma Ship. Talben can send a thousand Ultras and BC could kill them all.”

“It’s a shame we have to destroy them. They are valuable ships in a universe without teleportation.”


“Yeah, Anglo?”

“Scotty wants to keep some of those Ultras. Do you think you can make that happen?”

“Sure, as long as the crews aren’t all suicidal.”

Scotty thought a moment and said, “If you can make that happen, do it. However, do not endanger the population.”

“I won’t.”

“BC, I’m serious.”

“Trust me; I’m a Gamma.”

“I’m the showoff, Scotty. He’s quite capable.”

Scotty tilted his head and thought, “I hope you’re right.”

Chapter Thirteen

Talben looked at Petlu, “What do you think about this development?”

Petlu shrugged, “It shouldn’t change your plans. It just means you have to find another way to eliminate her.”

“I know. It’s a shame those flying creatures didn’t do it for me.” Talben paused, “Why is she coming here?”

“It’s probably like Varner said; she doesn’t feel safe there.”

“Have you set up the little surprise for that wimpy daughter?”

“We’ll handle that after we take Varner’s kingdom. We’ll arrange a ship accident when we send her to our new planets as an ambassador.”

“Works for me. Make sure that husband and baby are with her.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Jess arrived at the jump limit and accelerated toward Brandon. “We’ll arrive in three hours, Maranda. You might notify Ashley to meet us at the spaceport.”

“I will, but only when we’re thirty minutes out.”

“That’s cutting it close.”

“My Father will stop her if we try it sooner. I’m sure she’s being watched.”

“You’re the boss, but I think I know another way.”


“Anglo, are you still here?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Can you find Maranda’s youngest sister and family?”

“I’ve been watching them for an hour.”

“Jess, I don’t want you to teleport them in unless you are absolutely certain they will be harmed if you don’t.”

“Why not?”

“I need to persuade my Father that I killed her. It will help me get close to him.”

“Anglo, keep them locked on your board.”

“I will.”

Ntwer received the signal and pushed his com, “We will move in on Criston; all ships form up on me.” The thirty six ships at the jump limit began accelerating in-system toward the planet.”

Wesley watched his scanner with Admiral Redmit, “Have they sent a signal?”

“Not yet, Your Majesty. We’re five hours in-system so if they are going to attack as you suspect, it shouldn’t be long.”

“Why do you think that?”

““We are expecting his fleet to arrive to assist us. He might be waiting for us to turn around before he sends it, now that I think about it.”

Let’s see if you’re right. Turn the fleet around.”

The three hundred ships received the order and began reversing their course. “There it is, Your Majesty. A message just went out from the Bendriz.”

“Notify the four ships. Are those ninety traitors under surveillance?”

“We have two security officers in the room with all of them.”

Wesley hit a com key. Four ship commanders and a hundred and eighty security officers heard a buzz in their earpieces. “On my command, carry out your orders. NOW!!”

Four ships that were surrounding the Bendriz opened fire, hitting the ship in her reactors and weapon magazines. The ship was blown apart so fast that one moment it was there and the next nothing remained but expanding gas. On ninety ships two security agents pulled their blasters and fired on the sailors loyal to Talben. On one ship, it was the Executive Officer. Once their orders were completed, they notified Redmit.

“All lights are solid, Your Majesty.”

Wesley hit his com, “Officers and sailors of the fleet.” Wesley told them what was happening, and the fleet began to feel the rage of betrayal. When he finished, Wesley ordered, “Get us back home!”

Maranda sent a com to her sister, “Ashley, I need you to come help me deliver some presents to Father.”

“Oh! Maranda; are you back! I’ve missed you so much.”

“I know, I know. Bring Glenn and the baby with you. I want it to be a surprise.”

“What kind of presents?”

“Well, I have all the defense diagrams of Varner’s ships. I’m sure he’ll be happy about those.”

Maranda felt Ashley’s smile disappear. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Ashley.”

“Your Majesty, you might want to hear this.”

Talben looked up from his display. Petlu played Maranda’s request.

“Should I stop them from going?”

“No, I want those diagrams. Just get them out of here quickly. I should get a signal from Varner’s fleet soon.”

Jess landed on a pad and opened the cargo door. Five minutes later, Maranda saw Ashley, Glenn, and Jenna coming toward the ship. Jenna was eighteen months old and insisted on walking. Ashley came up to Maranda and hugged her tightly. Glenn stood back. It was clear he didn’t like the treachery of giving Varner’s diagrams to Talben.

“Come in and help me carry a few things. Maranda picked up Jenna, gave her a kiss, and tickled her. Jenna screamed with delight and ducked her head into her shoulders. Maranda handed her to Ashley and said, “Ashley, no matter what happens, you know I love you and I always will.”

Ashley furrowed her brow and Maranda said, “You and Glen go pick out the things from those boxes that you think Father will like.”

The three walked over to the boxes and started opening one. Maranda stepped out of the shuttle and hit a lever on the hull. The cargo door quickly closed and the ship lifted.

Maranda heard on her com, “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, hi Petlu. My sister is such a wimp. She should never be in the succession for the throne. I’ve sent that shuttle on a one-way trip to the sun. I’ve hated her so long. I hope this isn’t something you wouldn’t want done. If you like I’ll call the shuttle back.”

Talben quickly shook his head. Petlu said, “That won’t be necessary. We’re expecting you in the throne room.”

Talben looked at Petlu, “Please tell me you recorded that?”

Petlu smiled, “But of course.”

Talben laughed, “This is great. One eliminated along with her family, and we’ll kill the other for treason. They’ve made it too easy.”

Petlu smiled.

Ashley and Glenn felt the ship lift and began trying to raise the door. “What has she done?”

“Calm yourselves. Maranda came here to save your lives.”

Glenn looked around, “What do you mean?”

“Maranda discovered from her son that your Father was planning an accident to kill you and your family. She requested the opportunity to come here and attempt to save you.”

“Why wouldn’t King Varner allow her the opportunity?”

“She made the request of the Zord. Because of her, thousands of them were murdered. She is to be executed after she saves you. They delayed it so she could come here.”

Ashley grabbed Glenn, “Oh, no!” Glenn held Ashley tight and wondered if he had misjudged Ashley’s older sister.

“I have opened the corridor to the bridge. You may find the trip more enjoyable if you come in and sit down.”

A door slid up into the ceiling, and the couple left the cargo bay with their baby.

Petlu had a screen watching the shuttle accelerate toward the sun. Soon it was lost in the bright atomic fire. “It’s too close to escape the star’s gravity, Your Majesty.”

Talben smiled as Maranda was escorted into the throne room by a guard. Talben nodded and the guard left. “Very nicely done. Sit down and relax.” Talben hit a button on his console and a young girl came in with a tray of drinks and food. She came next to the throne and Talben hit her in the face, knocking her away from his throne. The tray scattered the food and soaked the young girl in red stain. “You call this food for a King?”

Maranda jumped up and felt her rage almost explode, but caught herself. Scotty, watching from the back of the room, loaded an arrow when he saw Petlu move behind Maranda and pull a blaster from his belt. Maranda lifted the little girl, who was crying. Maranda took a deep breath and composed herself, “Would you like me to take this one out and dispose of her? Such a stupid child.”

Talben laughed out loud, “No. Just make sure she doesn’t make the same mistake again. I had to burn the last one.”

Maranda walked the stunned child to the door and motioned two housekeepers in. They cleaned up the mess and another child brought a different tray. “Now, that’s better.”

Maranda looked and saw it had the same items that were on the last tray. Her father enjoyed hitting children. She took a goblet and sat down.

A tone from his communications panel took Talben’s attention. He smiled and looked at Petlu. Petlu came around in front of Maranda and pointed his blaster at her. Talben said, “My child, you have made it so easy for me to dispose of you. Before I do, I want to thank you for eliminating that weak sister of yours. She can’t be from my loins. I also want to show you what I’m going to do to your husband’s capital.” Talben pushed a button, “Ntwer, how far out are your ships?”

“We’re holding station fifty thousand miles out. The planetary defenses can’t hit us here.”

“We’ll take care of them momentarily.” Talben hit another button and he said, “Are your ships ready?”

“Waiting for the command, Your Majesty.”

“Go now and destroy that city.”

Talben turned from his board, looked at Maranda, then nodded to Petlu. Maranda had picked up one of the knives from the dropped tray and was close enough to have stabbed her father. She was getting ready to do just that when she looked into the eyes of the little girl that had been struck by her Father. She wondered how many little girls would die if she attacked him. Suddenly she knew she had lost her opportunity. She stared at her Father and saw Petlu smile broadly just before an arrow went into his forehead. Petlu had a stunned expression, then dropped like a bag of concrete. She heard, “Now, Anglo,” and her father disappeared.

She turned and saw the blond hair warrior standing behind her. Maranda shook her head, “You didn’t trust me to wait?”

“When you picked up that knife, you caused me to worry. Why didn’t you strike?”

Maranda slowly shook her head, “I wondered how many little girls would die if I did. I couldn’t do it.”

Scotty raised his com, “Anglo, send them.”

Suddenly, Ashley and her family were there. Maranda ran up to Ashley and hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry I had to deceive you.”

“Jess told us.”

Scotty said, “Now is the time, Your Majesty.”

Maranda jerked at the title, then walked to the throne. She hit a switch and began, “I am sorry to announce that King Talben has been killed in an attack against King Varner’s capital. He planned a sneak attack against our ally and was killed during the battle. I am the next in succession to the throne. I am calling off our attack and will see if we can make amends for my Father’s actions. I request you to pray for our Kingdom, and know that we are protecting you.” Maranda hit a button and said, “Dillem, please report to the throne room.” She hit another switch and said, “Admiral Chandze, please report to the throne room.” She hit the button again, “General Nejick, please report to the throne room.”

Ashley recognized those officers as Maranda’s closest friends. She looked at Glenn and began to worry. Maranda picked up Jenna and tickled her again.

After twenty minutes, the three had arrived and Maranda said, “Everyone sit down.”

The three officers looked at each other and sat. Maranda shook her head, “You’re worried about why I’ve called you here.”

The officer’s looked at each other and Dillem said, “Maranda, you aren’t the same person we grew up with. You’ve become very much like your father.”

Maranda took a shallow breath and nodded, “You’re right. However, I have just notified our armed forces that Dillem will be responsible for the safety of the Royal Family. My Admiral and General friends here will assume the overall command of our armies and navies.”

The three looked at each other in confusion. Maranda continued, “I am going to announce that I am abdicating the throne and that Ashley will be the new Queen of our Kingdom.”

Ashley shook her head, “What are you doing, Maranda?”

“I am charging you to follow her commands and protect her at all costs. Her heart is good, and you can trust her to be honest with you. Will you pledge to do that for me?”

The three nodded, and bowed to Ashley.

Ashley ran to Maranda, “You are not going to go back to that planet!”

Maranda looked in her sister’s eyes and said, “I must. It is what I deserve for being twisted and poisoned by our father.” She looked at Dillem and said, “I would appreciate it if you would round up Richard and ship him out to Highler. I think farming would suit him well. You’ll probably find him out somewhere killing small animals. Do not ever allow him to leave that world. His soul is black. He’ll attempt a coup when he gets older. I expect you to prevent that.”

Dillem nodded, “You may depend on me to handle him.”

Maranda looked hard at Dillem and he nodded. Good. Knowing Dillem, Richard would arrive as fertilizer. Ashley would never make that kind of decision, yet. Once she begins protecting her citizens, she will do what’s necessary. All good mothers protect their family.

Ashley held on to Maranda, “You can’t go. I won’t let you go.”

Maranda felt her tears, and pushed Ashley back to arms length, “Oh, Ashley. You are so much like I once was. But I am accountable for my crimes. I had Wesley’s wife killed. I built lodges that killed thousands of a gentle species of flying creatures. Our father killed Lem to make me into someone just like him. He succeeded and I feel the pain of those I’ve harmed. The only way to find my way back to honor is to accept my punishment. Just promise me you will rule the Kingdom with your heart.”

Ashley was crying. She looked at Maranda and nodded. Glenn came and took Ashley in his arms. “Glenn, I expect you to help her stay true to herself.”

Glenn looked at Maranda and said, “I will, Your Majesty.”

Maranda shook her head, “I am no longer Royalty; Ashley is now Queen.”

Glenn said, “You will always be Royalty in my mind.”

Maranda handed Jenna to Ashley and hugged Glenn, “Take care of my sister.”

Glenn nodded as Ashley wailed in his arms.

Maranda stepped back and looked at the back of the room, where she knew the archer was hiding. Scotty hit his com and Maranda disappeared from the room.

“Anglo, what’s happening at Criston?”

“It’s all over.”


“I told you BC could handle it.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“The ten Ultras jumped in next to the planet and started to aim their primary beams. BC fired a beam into the Admiral’s ship and cut it from stem to stern. Sorta like opening one of those shell creatures.”

“Go on.”

“He then told them if any of them so much as turned on a screen he would do the same thing to them. One ship didn’t heed his warning, then there were two Ultras on the half shell. BC then split the two ships into twenty pieces for me to teleport to Bristone for the use of their metals.”

“What about the ships that came in from the jump limit?”

“He didn’t waste any time with them. He hit all thirty six from a hundred thousand miles out and burned them into dust. The remaining Ultras are still there.”

“What’s his plan?”

“He’s waiting for me to come and teleport the crews to the garrisons on the planet. Varner’s troops are awaiting their arrival.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Jingo sat on the throne watching the display. He stared at the screen and jumped up, “Carrie, come sit on this throne. The ships at the jump limit are moving in-system. They’ll arrive in thirty minutes. I suspect that the Ultras will be arriving with them. If there is going to be trouble, that’s when it’ll happen.”

Carrie left Michael and moved to the throne. She stared at the display. Fifteen minutes later she said, “The Ultra Ships are here.”

A blaster beam burned the lock off the main door and it flew open. Ten guards rushed in and made it ten feet before all of them lay dead on the floor.

Jingo yelled, “Go to sparks. We don’t want to give them cover to fire from.”

Three guards burst through the back door, and all three were burned into ash in less than three seconds. Grang pulled a long arrow out of his quiver. Stuffing it down the bowgun’s barrel, he fired it up the passageway leading into the throne room. It went completely through six guards moving down the hallway. Every guard in the passageway retreated back around the corner. One stuck his head out and received an arrow for his curiosity.

Carrie punched the com and notified Castle Security that the Throne was being attacked.

Jingo fired and hit two guards coming through the back and side door. Michael saw a guard leap into the room and point his blaster at the throne. He cut the guard’s head off with a well thrown short sword, then fired a spark into another guard coming out of the back door.

Suddenly there were screams outside the doors, and the smell of burnt flesh and ozone filled the room. Colonel Mefran yelled, “We’ve killed the traitors! Are you safe, Your Majesty?”

“Yes. Please place guards at the approaches and get some engineers to come and repair the doors.”

“By your command, Your Highness.

The three archers lowered their bowguns and Carrie ran and jumped on Michael, wrapping her legs around him, “I told you everything would be fine as long as you were here.”

Michael looked around the room, “You should have told those guards.”

Carrie looked at him smiling, “And spoil all your fun?”

Even Grang laughed.

Michael dropped his bowgun and kissed her.

Talben appeared in a clearing and found he was surrounded by fifty huge creatures staring down at him. Bleath didn’t see anyone come with the King and knew that White Hair had left this one for him to handle. Talben was scared stiff. He couldn’t do anything but tremble. Like Jimmy, he soiled himself. Bleath started to show him the deaths he had caused to his flocks, but after seeing his mind for a few moments he withdrew. This Human was so vile that he didn’t deserve any consideration. Bleath called one of the warriors that had lost their mate to the lodges. “Make sure this one has time to consider what he’s done.”

Thousands of warriors arrived to witness the sentence of the one truly responsible for their misery. They followed the warrior to the chosen route. The warrior finally rose to more than twelve thousand feet and released Talben. He screamed for a long time.

Maranda arrived two hours after the King and bowed to Bleath. “I am here to accept my punishment, Great Flyer. I thank you from my heart for being allowed to save my sister and her family.”

Bleath looked at her memories and saw all that had taken place. The ten Elders looked with him, and one of them flew away. Bleath said, “I am sorry, little one. Before we can carry out your sentence, Brengu will have to return. All elders must be present for us to carry out a sentence.”

Maranda looked up at Bleath, “Great Flyer, I honor your traditions and laws, but my sentence has already been made. It is time for me to take my flight with your warriors.”

“If you honor our laws, you will wait patiently, little one, and reflect on your actions.”

Maranda nodded, and continued to kneel.

Bleath lifted and flew to the Human community to await Scotty’s return.

King Varner arrived with his fleet and found the eight Ultra Ships in orbit above his capital. The thirty six ships he had left behind were nowhere to be found. He hit his board and Carrie appeared, “Welcome back, Father.”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. Fifty seven guards attacked the throne room, but they’re all gone now. The crews of the Ultras are being held prisoner at the Garrisons, and King Talben has been sent to the Zord.”

Wesley stared at his daughter, “And Maranda?”

“She abdicated the throne to Ashley and went back to the Zord for her sentence to be carried out.”

Wesley lowered his head, “I’m not feeling good about that, Carrie.”

“I know; she was much more than I thought.”

“What about our friends?”

“They’re here waiting for you.”

“I’ll be down momentarily. I’m having the fleet sent back to their planets.”

“We’ll be here.”

Wesley arrived an hour later and found the four archers in the throne room. “I thank you for defending my world.”

Scotty looked at him and smiled, “We keep our promises. Now we have fulfilled our commitment, and the issue has been resolved.”

Wesley looked at Scotty and said, “You are no longer bound to protect us.”

“No, we aren’t.”

“What are you going to do with the Ultras?”

Scotty didn’t answer.

Wesley looked at Carrie and Michael and said, “I see that my daughter and the one she has chosen are going to be married. Does that marriage link our worlds?”

Scotty shook his head.

“Then I hereby abdicate the throne and name my daughter as the ruler of this kingdom. Does that link our worlds?”

“Father, what are you doing?”

“Be quiet. Does it?”

Scotty looked at Michael and Carrie, “Yes, it does.”

Carrie looked at Wesley with panic and asked, “Why wouldn’t you accept us with my Father as the ruler?”

Scotty looked at Wesley. Wesley said, “Because the Zord were killed on my watch. Our citizens were brutalized by Talben’s minions on my watch. Maranda and Talben manipulated me on my watch. I am responsible for my actions, and I no longer deserve my title.”

“Father, you’re wrong.”

Wesley took Carrie in his arms, “No, I’m not. Maranda just went to her death sentence with her head held high, accepting the punishment for her crimes. My punishment is also clear. I am not worthy of ruling our subjects. I have lost my honor.”

“But you can recover it.”

“I’m sorry my beautiful little girl. Honor is not something that can be taken; it can only be given away.” Wesley looked at Carrie and smiled, “But you, my wonderful child, would never have lost your honor. These warriors know you can be trusted to keep your promises and uphold their beliefs.”

Scotty looked at Wesley and smiled, “You do understand. Your kingdom will come under our protection. You will keep the Ultras for your defense. We will send a Zord to assist you in examining the crews for those that can be trusted. They will train other crews.” Scotty looked at Carrie, “We will only accept your Kingdom into our assembly when all your worlds demonstrate their acceptance of our principles. The Zord will make that determination when the time comes.” Carrie nodded.

Scotty turned to Michael, “Are you willing to stay here?”

Michael looked at Carrie and smiled, “Home is where the heart is, Your Majesty.”

Scotty smiled and hugged his lifelong friend, “It most certainly is. You know Vetah will miss you greatly.”

“He has a position here in the court to make sure our people can be trusted. He has not decided to start a family. We can use his help. Those Ultra crews will be the first task.”

“That’s your first good decision. Make many more.”

Carrie and Michael bowed, “We will, Your Majesty.”

Scotty smiled and said, “Anglo. Take us home.”

Jingo looked down on Bristone from Anglo’s bridge, “It seems our company is growing.”

“It’s a start. I’m pretty certain that Ashley Talben will be joining us before too long.”

Jingo thought a moment, “I kinda miss the Torg. They were so much easier.”

Scotty laughed out loud.

Scotty and Jingo arrived to a find Julie and Jesa running into the clearing at full speed. Julie slowed enough to grab Scotty, but Jesa took Jingo to the ground. Scotty kissed his wife and held her tight. That’s when Bleath turned off his color shifting. “Uh oh.”

Julie looked up at Bleath and said, “He’s been waiting for you.”

Scotty gave Julie a hug and walked over to the giant Zord, “Hello, Great Flyer. Is there something you need?”

The Human female has returned and is asking for her flight.”

“Yes, I know.”

“We are unable to carry out her sentence at this moment.”

“Why not?”

“In order for us to execute another being, there must be ten Elders present.”

“What about Talben?”

“We had ten at that moment.”

Scotty stared at Bleath and wondered what he was trying to communicate. “Where is the tenth Elder?”

“He had to go home to handle issues in his flock.”

“When do you anticipate he will return?”

“We are uncertain. However, we recommend that you bring the female here and make her work for the community until we can carry out her sentence.”

“What do you mean, work?”

“Are there not tasks that need to be done than many are unwilling to do?”

Scotty was just not certain what Bleath was doing. Then he saw Bleath staring at Samuel’s house. Samuel was out front, swearing at the teens that were cleaning his entrance. Even Scotty heard him, “Don’t you brats know anything? No, no, no; not that way! Give me that brush!”

Scotty looked at Bleath, but the huge Zord continued to stare at Samuel. “Bleath, is Samuel’s flyer anywhere around here?”

Bleath said, “As fate might have it, yes. He just arrived overhead to bring me a message.”

Scotty controlled his laughter while Julie wondered what was going on.

“What about Vring or Zreeg? Is either of them close by?”

“They are taking flying lessons overhead, Your Majesty.”

“Please ask them to come down.” Scotty took Julie’s hand and walked up to Samuel, “Sam, I need you to go with me to the Zord’s place of worship.”

“Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Samuel, your Emperor commands you to stop what you’re doing and come with him.”

Samuel looked up and saw Scotty was serious. “At once, Your Majesty. How are we going to get there?”

“We’re going to fly.”

“I’m sorry, but Blraet isn’t here.”

“Yes he is, Samuel. He’s waiting for us in the clearing. Let’s go.”

Julie looked at Scotty and he said, “I’ll be back. There’s an issue than must be handled. I’ll explain later.”

Julie reached up and kissed him, “Don’t take too long.”

Scotty and Samuel walked down to the clearing and mounted their Zord. Bleath lifted, and they flew toward the mountains.

Maranda was sitting with her head bowed when she heard the scream of the giant Zord leader. She kept her head bowed as she heard him land. She also heard two other Zord land. Good, the other Elder had arrived and she could receive her sentence. Then she heard the blond haired archer say, “You might as well stand up.”

Maranda looked up and saw two men standing over her. “Why?”

“Because the tenth Elder will not available for another moon. We are going to have to begin your punishment by making you work until he shows up.”

“What do you mean, ‘work’?”

“You are going to stay with Samuel until the Zord are ready.”

Samuel said, “She’s going to what?!? You know I live alone. She will not stay with me!”

Scotty looked at Samuel, “This is a prisoner of the Zord, who cannot implement their sentence. They have requested that she be made a worker for our leaders until they are ready. You are the leader of the Human community; she is Human. She will stay with you and you will make her work to better your community. Are you saying you do not respect our brothers’ wishes?”

“Well, no. But you know how hard I am to get along with.”

Bleath said, “That will be part of her punishment.”

Maranda watched Samuel swear and turn circles for ten minutes as Scotty and the Zord waited. Finally, he ran down.

“Sam, are you going to honor their request and accept it, or am I going to have to command you?”

“ALL RIGHT!” Samuel looked at Scotty, “I’ll do it.”

Samuel looked at Maranda and asked, “What’s your name, troublemaker?”

Scotty said, “Her name is June.”

Maranda looked at Scotty and felt her tears. He gave her that name to remind her of what she had to pay back. Samuel saw her tears and said, “Hey, hey, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

June looked at him and smiled, “I have a huge debt. Just tell me what you want done.”

“Can you clean an entrance?”

“I can learn.”

“Ok, come on. Let’s go.”

Samuel mounted Blraet and pulled June up behind him. “Hold on, this could be rough.”

June reached around Samuel’s waist and held him tight. Samuel was reminded of his wife that had died twenty years earlier by a charging Torg. Blraet lifted and they flew away.

Scotty looked up at Bleath and said, “When the next moon comes, will you have ten elders?”

“Possibly. You never know when one of us might be called away.”

Scotty smiled and knew the Zord had seen something in Maranda that was redeeming. He watched as Samuel and June grew smaller in the distance, wondering what the Zord had seen that made them pick Samuel. Well, time will answer that question. “Vring, please take me back.” They lifted over the forest and Scotty could see Julie’s smiling face as they headed home. The stars were coming out, and somehow they didn’t look quite so far away.

As Scotty flew away, Bleath knew his family was blessed by a leader with wisdom. He had his Grang. Now his people had their June. Both were better for the act of forgiveness. Bleath looked up at the sky and saw the stars. Usually he just saw the air currents and never noticed the bright points of light. Now they filled his vision.

Two years later, Michael and Carrie came to visit. Julie and Scotty welcomed them and there were hugs for everyone. As they walked toward Michael’s former house, Carrie froze. Scotty saw her and looked to find June coming out of Samuel’s house.

“What’s she doing still alive?!?”

Scotty walked up beside her as they watched June being rushed by eight children that had been waiting for her to come out. “The Zord say that they cannot execute anyone without ten Elders being present on a full moon.” Carrie looked at Scotty. “She has gone to the Zord every full moon since she arrived to have her sentence carried out. They have been unable to have ten Elders present.”

“So why is she here?”

“The Zord remanded her to the leader of the Human community to force her to do hard labor until they could carry out her sentence.”

Carrie looked back and saw a middle-aged man come out and shoo the children away. He leaned down, kissed Maranda, and gave her a hug. He then left toward the forest. Carrie looked at Scotty, “Samuel lost his wife more than twenty years ago to a wild animal attack. He has been suffering ever since.”

Carrie said coldly, “It appears he is no longer suffering.”

“I think you’re right.”

Carrie ran away from the group toward Maranda. Michael started to follow, but Scotty held out his arm and said, “Let her go.”

Carrie ran up to Maranda just as a young woman with a three year old walked up. She stopped as the child held her arms out to Carrie’s nemesis. Maranda turned and saw Carrie. The young woman said, “Hello, I haven’t seen you before. Are you new here?”

Carrie tore her gaze from Maranda and said “No, I’m just visiting.”

“Well, welcome to our community. Come on Carrie, it’s time to go.”

Carrie furrowed her brow, “What’s your little girl’s name?”

The young woman smiled and said, ‘We tried to name her after June here, but she insisted that she knew a name that was as beautiful and strong as the woman that used it. She named her Carrie. It was June that saved my life during a very hard labor. I’d have died, and little Carrie as well, without her help.”

The woman walked away and the eight children came running up to hug June’s legs. Carrie saw Maranda hang her head, and noticed tears falling to the ground. She looked up and said, “I have tried so hard to die, Carrie.”

Carrie looked at her and said, “I think my Mother would be proud of you to use her name. I can see Maranda died two years ago. She is no longer here.”

June grabbed Carrie and hugged her, “I am so sorry.”

“I know.”

The children looked up and wondered what had June upset. June released Carrie, wiped her eyes, forced a smile, and said, “All right, it’s time to go and pick-a-pod or two. Who’s with me?”

The children screamed and started skipping along beside June as she relieved their parents from the high energy of their children, Carrie watched her go as Michael came up and put his arm on her shoulder. Carrie looked up at Michael and said, “I was wrong. That’s not Maranda.”

Michael looked at his wife and said, “No, she isn’t.”

Chapter Fourteen

Grang, Jingo and Scotty were lying on a hill looking up at a sky full of stars. “Reminds me of old times.”

“I know, Jingo.”

Jingo said, “I wonder what that hill looks like now?”

Grang said, “I wonder how Bravo is doing?”

Scotty said, “I wonder if the Realm’s defense complex is going to allow us entry?”

Grang and Jingo both rolled over and looked at Scotty. “I thought you had given up on that?”

“No, Jingo. Anglo is just not enough to handle the things we need to do with three kingdoms to defend. We need to get Anglo, BC, and Jessica updated.”

“Didn’t BC say that complex had some rather deadly defenses?”

“Yes, he did.”

The three stared up at the stars and after five minutes Jingo said, “Ok, I’m in. When do we leave?”

Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “War gland blues, huh?”

“I do miss the feeling.”

“What about you Grang?”

“Anything beats this boredom.”

Scotty continued to watch the stars and said, “I believe that one day you’ll beg for boredom.”

Grang smiled, “Probably, but not today.”

“I understand you’re going to talk with an old defense installation.”

Scotty looked at Julie and smiled, “I hear they are very talkative.”

“They are also very dangerous. BC tells me the installation’s weapons can penetrate a Gamma Ship’s screens. I don’t want to lose you.”

“We’ll be careful. BC tells me he knows the master computer and I think it will talk before it fires on a former ship of the Realm.”

“The word that scares me in your statement is ‘think’. You really don’t know what it will do. I don’t want you taking any chances.”

“I’ll be careful, Julie, but we need to make the effort. Anglo is overloaded, and we need to get BC and Jessica modernized.”

“I know! But this is risky. Just promise me you’ll be careful. We can’t afford to lose both of you.”

“I will.”


Scotty took a deep breath, “I promise.”

“Good. When are you leaving?”

“In about an hour; we’re going alone. Anglo will teleport us to the system and we’ll move in slowly from the jump limit.”

Julie reached up and kissed Scotty and shook her head, “My life would be over without you. Is Jingo or Grang going with you?”

“Grang is going simply because I don’t want him walking around here angry at being left behind.”

“That’s a good idea. Jingo is going to handle the training of the new riders while we’re gone. Have you found a replacement for Michael?”

“I may have. Vreeg tells me another one of our archers can be trained.”

“Anyone I know?”

“No. His name is Nathan Valrico. Even Vring likes him and sees potential.”

“Then he must be good. Vring is very critical in most of his judgments.”

“He’s Timmy’s older brother, and Timmy insists he’s smarter than he is. I’ll introduce you when I get back. Jingo and Vreeg are giving him the training later tomorrow.”

“Just be careful, my love.”

“You know me.”

“That’s why I’m telling you to be careful.”

Scotty smiled and said, “Anglo, will you please send me to BC’s bridge?”

Julie watched as a silver field appeared and Scotty walked through it.

“Hello, BC. Has Anglo found Grang?”

“Yes, but he wanted to bring his new bowgun.”

“He should have it with him. I’ve never seen him without it.”

“Samuel made him a new one. He wanted to try it out at the range before he left.”

“What did Samuel make for him?”

“Seems he’s found a way to make a frame strong enough for him.”

“This should be interesting.”

A silver screen appeared and Grang stepped out with a bowgun that was only half the length of a standard gun. “Is that your new bowgun?”

Grang actually smiled, “Yes, it is.”

“May I see it?”

Grang handed Scotty the small bow and Scotty was amazed at how light it was. He checked the power level and saw it at twenty. Grang smiled, “The initial compression is about eight hundred pounds, but it leaves the barrel at thirteen hundred and fifty pounds.”

Scotty handed Grang the bowgun and he pulled the frame up effortlessly and held it. “What is that thing made of?”

“It’s made from pieces of the Coronado Power Cells that were on one of the Ultra Ships BC destroyed at Criston. It’s incredibly strong, but it’s really flexible.”

“What about the stock?”

“It’s made from the armor coating that covered those cells. It’s clear and won’t be seen unless you hold the bow and look for it. Light just passes through it.”

Scotty tried to see the bowgun’s stock but agreed, he couldn’t see it from three feet away.”

“How accurate is it?”

“Bulls eye at nine hundred yards. I didn’t have time to see if it could shoot longer. The firing range isn’t long enough.”

Scotty shook his head, “Wow! That’s impressive. Are you ready to go talk with a lady?”

“I guess. Julie told me to make sure you don’t take any chances.”

“What did you tell her?”

“Nothing; I just shrugged.”

Scotty and BC started laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“Between you and Jingo we have the two extremes of conversation.”

Grang just shrugged and Scotty laughed harder.


“Nothing. Let’s go, BC.”

Niles looked at his display and saw that the planet had been conquered. Daulun’s shock troops had dropped two weeks earlier, and the deaths of those that resisted were over quickly. The troops then went through all the news footage that had been broadcast over the previous five cycles and the name of anyone that was noteworthy was collected. The troops then found those high profile persons and executed them on the spot. More than a hundred thousand had been exterminated, and the remaining population started following their directives. Over fifty thousand had been rounded up to send back to New Ulmerton as slaves. Niles shook his head at the atrocities, but knew to object was a death sentence to the objector and their families. His Sensor Officer had quit watching two hours after the drop. He was sickened by what was taking place.

His panel buzzed, and he punched his console, “Niles, here.”

“A scout has found another planet that appears to have industry. No warships were detected, so you have been ordered to pick up your drop troops and go take the planet. A troop carrier will arrive momentarily to replace those being left behind.”

Niles saw the coordinates on his panel and said, “We’ll be leaving within two rotations.”

BC arrived in a star system with a white dwarf in the center. The harsh gamma rays being emitted from it made it difficult to see anything in the system, and every planet was bare. Life was impossible in the radiation being blasted from the star.

BC moved in to the jump limit and stopped, “I’m not going any closer. I suspect we might be in range of the complex’s weapons now.”

Scotty shrugged, “Do what you think is right.”

“Let’s see if the complex will communicate with me.” Scotty saw BC’s communication panel light up and he heard over the ship’s intercom, “This Stars

Realm Searcher BC. Please respond.” They waited five minutes and BC sent, “Grace, are you still active? Is everything OK?”

After a momentary silence the speaker said, “Well, it is you. Where have you been keeping yourself?”

“I was left behind when the Realm departed. I’ve been trying to find another place that lives by the Realm’s ideals. Has everything been all right for you?”

“Yes, you are actually the first ship to come here. Why did you come?”

“We need your help. My teleportation board no longer functions and we have another ship that needs modernizing. I was hoping you would assist us.”

“Do you have the protocol to shut down my defenses?”

“No, Grace, I don’t.”

“Well, the defense systems are autonomous and I can’t turn them off. You’ll have to give the protocol to approach.”

Scotty hit the com key and asked, “Grace, can you give us the protocol?”

“Who is this?”

“This is Scotty Robbins. I am the leader of a community that has sworn to uphold the Stars Realm’s ideals and principles.”

“Grace, I’m going to send you a download on all that has happened. Will you take a look at it?”

There was a pause and they heard, “Send it.”

There was a thirty minute pause and they heard, “BC, I really would like to help you, but my defense systems are not under my control and I am programmed not to give the protocol.”

“Do you have any of the old teleport boards lying around?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask?”

“Could you possibly send a couple out to us with the wiring schematics?”

“BC, you certainly don’t mind asking, do you?”

“No, and if you can include the tools needed to make it work, I would greatly appreciate it. I am not a ship of the old Provinces. I am a ship of the Realm.”

“You’ll need to come back in four weeks. I’ll need to make sure the system will allow me to send items out.”

“Grace, you have my com code. Stay in touch. It’s good to see you again.”

“Do you have to run away? I want to hear what’s happening out there.”

Scotty said, “Take your time BC. We’ve got plenty of time to hang out.”

“Good, I was hoping you would.”

“Well, I went to work for a King that was not a good person, Grace.”

“Why did you do that?”

As BC and Grace talked a small, round, object appeared beside BC and moved up against the hull above his rear thrusters. It attached itself and disappeared.

After a couple of hours, BC bid farewell and agreed to be back in four weeks. After the Searcher disappeared, Grace said, “I notice you put a probe on him.”

“I want to know what’s going on. He knows where we are. That’s information we can’t afford to let get out.”

“Was it armed?” There was a long pause, and Grace repeated, “Was it armed?”

“Yes! He said he worked for a bad person. We cannot run any risks. We have to know.”

“Are you going to allow me to help them?”

“That depends on what I see between now and when they return.”

“That’s fair.”

“I am not programmed to be fair.”

“I’ve never thought you were.”

Jingo was showing a young archer how to pull his bowgun smoothly out of its case when a young, dark haired Rider approached and waited for him to finish. Thirty minutes later he was still standing while Jingo explained the finer details of using a bowgun. The young Rider interrupted and said, “May I try it now?”

Jingo was startled, and said, “Go ahead and give it try.” He looked over at the Human archer standing next to him and said, “May I help you?”

“You sent word that you wanted me to meet you here.”

Jingo checked his com and said, “You were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago.”

“I was.”

Jingo took a deep breath and said, “You’re Nathan Valrico?”

“Yes, I am.”

“If I remember, you helped hijack the Magrum’s ship.”

“Yes, I did.”

Jingo nodded toward a target two hundred yards downrange and said, “Show me how accurate you are.”

Nathan looked at the target and felt the wind blowing his face. He saw the tree branches moving, then suddenly fired three arrows at the target. All three hit the center of the bulls eye. Jingo was impressed, “You’re pretty good. Hold on just a moment. Zreeg, are you here?”

“I’m up in the clearing talking with Julie.”

“Will you come down to the range for a moment?”

“On my way.”

“What’s going on, Jingo?”

“Zreeg has let us know that you are one of the few Riders that can benefit from a mental process that will improve your accuracy. I want to see if it’s effective.”

Nathan shrugged and saw Vreeg come in to land next to them.

Jingo asked, “Is this the Rider?”

“Yes, he is,” Zreeg said to Jingo, then turned to the young man, “Quick Bow, I want you just to pay attention to what I’m going to share with you. Please sit down.”

Nathan sat down, and Zreeg began sharing the visions of the defense of the Zord’s former nesting grounds. He could feel every arrow that Scotty and Jingo fired. He sensed the recoil of their bowguns and sensed the targets they were aiming to hit. He felt the bowgun release each arrow. More than six thousand shots were viewed, and he felt every one of them. Then he watched the battle at the Magrum bunker and viewed more than six hundred shots. Finally it ended, and he looked up to see Jingo staring at him. “How long did that take?”

“About fifteen minutes.”

“It felt like fifteen hours. It seemed so real.”

Jingo smiled, “Stand up and take a shot at the target again.”

Nathan stood and pulled his bowgun. It didn’t feel right. He raised the pressure thirty pounds and tried again. After three adjustments, it felt good. He looked downrange and saw the one hundred, two hundred, and three hundred yard targets. He felt different.

Jingo watched and Nathan fired three arrows faster than he could follow. He looked downrange and only saw one arrow in the hundred yard target. Did the process not work? He looked at Nathan and the young archer said, “The three hundred yard target was off an inch. I still need to raise my gun fifty pounds.”

Jingo looked further downrange and saw arrows in the three targets. All were dead center. “What do you think, Nathan?”

“This is amazing. It feels so…I don’t know…natural. I don’t have to take time to aim. This is miraculous.”

“Count yourself fortunate. Very few have the mind that can use this process.”

“I’m going to see Samuel about a stronger compressor. This one is not releasing the air smoothly.”

“We’ll talk later.”

“Sure thing, Jingo.”

Jingo watched him leave and turned to Zreeg, “Well?”

“He reminds me of Strong Bow. He is pure of heart and does not crave attention.”

“Is he smart?”


“He’s young?”

“Older than you were the Night of the Torg.”

Jingo shook his head, “It just doesn’t seem like I was ever that young. Should he replace Michael?”

“Even though he’s young, the older Riders naturally defer to him. He has leadership qualities of which he is unaware.”

“I’ll talk to Scotty.”

“I think that would be a good idea.”

Scotty and Grang jumped back in to Bristone’s system, and Anglo teleported them to the planet. Anglo said, “Welcome back. Jingo needs to speak with you, Your Majesty.”

“Send me down to his location, please.”

“Grang, where do you want to go?”

“Send me to the archery range. I need to fine tune this new bowgun.”

The two disappeared. Scotty stepped out of a silver screen and saw Jingo teaching a new rider how to quickly mount and dismount a Zord. Jingo saw Scotty and said, “Now, the two of you work on mounting. Rider, you work on flying with your arms free. I want you holding your bowgun as you lift until you reach a thousand feet.” He stepped away and walked toward Scotty, “Hey! Welcome back.”

“It’s good to be back.”

“You might want to talk with Zreeg, but he says that Valrico is talented enough to replace Michael. He is certainly one of our best archers now.”

“What’s your take on him, Jingo?”

“I like him. He’s young, only twenty one, but he handles himself well.”

“In your opinion, would Grang make a better commander of the flock?”

Jingo thought about that question and said, “Not really. I think his orders would be followed, but I’m not certain that Grang wouldn’t take the bulk of the dangerous issues on by himself. I still think he wants to die. He won’t utilize the Riders effectively.”

“I’m impressed, Jingo. You’re exactly right. I think Grang is where he should be as my protector. He doesn’t get involved in the decision making process. I guess it holds no interest for him.”

“His talents don’t lie with talking things over.”

Scotty smiled, “No, they don’t. Introduce Valrico to the Green Flock and send him up to Anglo to familiarize him with guard duty.”

“I’ll call the Flock together and notify Anglo.”

“That would be good. I’m going to see Julie. I’ll catch you up on what happened on our trip tonight.”

“I’ll see you at the fire.”

Scotty waved his hand as he walked toward his house.

BC and Anglo were in orbit over Bristone. Anglo asked, “How did the trip go?”

“I don’t know. I would have thought that Grace would be able to override her defenses, but she says they are independent of her control. Unless we can give the proper protocol, we won’t be able to approach the complex.”

“That’s a shame.”

“She may be able to send us a couple of teleport consoles. She won’t know for a week.”

As BC and Anglo talked, the round probe attached to BC’s hull ejected a small round object that moved over to Anglo and attached itself to Anglo’s hull. Then it disappeared. Neither probe appeared on the two Searcher Ships’ scanners. A week later a probe attached itself to Jessica’s hull.

“Well, I guess you’re going to keep an eye on them.”

“You would too, if you were given my responsibility.”

“Perhaps. However, those ships are Ships of the Realm. They were carrying out their assignments when they were left behind. I think you are being somewhat paranoid.”

“I was programmed to be paranoid. The weapons in this facility are far too dangerous to allow them to fall into the wrong hands, and you know it.”

“Yes, I know, and I’m not being critical. Just think about this; one of them was imprinted by Anglo Gardner’s mind; the shuttle is from the Alexander Kosiev; and the third was the ship of the last admiral promoted by the Realm. If they can’t be trusted, who can?”

After a long pause the computer answered, “Perhaps no one, Grace.”

Grace sighed, knowing he was probably right.

Nathan was sitting onboard Anglo looking at the display. It was his shift at guard duty, and he hoped nothing was going to happen while he was on duty. “Anglo, how will we know if we’re needed?”

“We have treaties with Queen Carrie and Queen Ashley to assist in defending their Kingdoms. If a problem arises, we’ll go and see if it’s something that requires our help. We won’t step in unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“Why am I here? You could probably do this by yourself.”

“Probably, but life and death decisions shouldn’t be made alone if they can be avoided.”

Nathan thought about it, and said, “What do you think about my fast promotion? I know there must be some resentment among the Riders.”

“I asked Jingo about that very thing. He says that Cezee has only seen happiness among those in your flock of Riders. I happen to agree with their appraisal.”

“But I’m so much younger than most of them.”

“You’re older than the first queen was when crowned. Age is not the most important issue.”

“What is, Anglo?”

“The quality of the individual. You’ll be fine.”

“Thanks, Anglo.”

Twenty black ships came out of star drive and began moving into the system The Sensor Officer said, “We have a planet with heavy industry and no ships.”

Captain Niles looked at his display and felt his excitement rise. At last! Technology for the taking! “Get the drop soldiers ready.” He looked at his sensor office, “How long?”

“We’ll arrive in orbit in seven hours.”

“Power up weapons and force fields.”

“All boards active, Captain.”

“Nathan, we’ve just received a distress call from a planet in the Talben Kingdom. Twenty black ships have arrived and are moving in on the planet.”

“That’s not good. Black is the color raiders use on their ships.”

“We’ll arrive there momentarily.”

Nathan felt his stress level rise as the silver screen formed in front of his ship.

They arrived in the Haldale system and saw the giant ships moving toward the planet. “Nathan, those ships have more than fifty thousand troops on board. It appears they are drop troops and are planning to invade the planet.”

“Have they made any demands?”

“No, they have ignored the planets queries about why they are here.”

“Anglo, these are raiders, and they will brutalize the population. We must stop them.”

“That’s my opinion, as well. First, let’s see if they’ll leave.”

The black ships had moved two hours in-system when they suddenly heard a voice come over their intercom, “You are entering space of the Bristone Empire. You will reverse course and leave immediately.”

Niles looked at his sensor board and didn’t see anything. He looked at his Sensor Officer and shook his head. “Continue on our present course.”

“This is your last warning. Turn around immediately and leave the system.”

Niles looked at his sensor officer, “Sir, my sensors don’t have anything on them. Whoever is broadcasting those messages is not visible.”

Niles felt nervous, but knew a firing squad awaited him if he turned around, “Continue on present course.”

The four lead ships of his squadron were suddenly hit by a bright red beam and disintegrated into balls of expanding gas.

“Reverse course! reverse course!”

The surviving sixteen ships turned toward the jump limit and accelerated at full speed. The four ships killed had their screens at full power and were destroyed instantly. Niles looked back at the still expanding clouds and still could not see anything on his sensors. Daulun was not going to be happy about this. Niles hoped his ships wouldn’t be sent back to this system, but he knew Daulun would not let this go unpunished.

Nathan Valrico watched them leave, and almost asked Anglo to kill the survivors. “You did the right thing, Nathan.”

“I’m not so sure about that, Anglo. They were very well organized and wherever they came from, there may be many more.”

“Then let’s follow them and see.”

“That’s a good idea.” The small white ship disappeared as the black ships jumped away.

The sixteen ships appeared in a system and Niles sent, “This is Niles Barden requesting permission to enter the system.”

“You are supposed to be investigating a planet.”

“I was, but my fleet was attacked and four of my ships destroyed. I came to report to Fleet Control what happened.”


Niles waited, worrying that he might face charges for leaving without having put up a fight. After fifteen minutes he heard, “You may enter. Park your ships at the third moon and come to the surface with your recordings.”

“On my way.”

“Nathan, I’m going to mix in with the ships and follow them toward the planet. My scanner shows something that troubles me.”

“What is it?”

“There are five Searcher Class ships parked in orbit above that planet. They all have the markings of the former Provinces. I need to get close enough to see the numbers on them. If these raiders have Searchers assisting them, this could be a huge problem for the Empire.”

As they moved in-system Anglo said, “A sixth Searcher Ship has just joined the other five. It came in from the other side of the system. I also see numerous ships disembarking thousands of prisoners that are being taken to huge holding facilities. Most of the work being done on the planet is by forced labor. This is a slavery planet.”

“Will they be able to see you?”

“Not as long as I stay in the electronic shadow of the ship in front of us. I should be able to see the serial numbers shortly. I’ve also seen the name of this planet on one of their commercial vessels.”

“What is it?”

“New Ulmerton.”

“That is not good. Wasn’t that one of the former Provincial Capitals?”

“Yes, and the leader of the rebellion was the Duke’s son of that capital. This is looking worse by the minute. All right, I’ve got them.”

“Are we going to teleport out?”

“No, those ships are Gammas. They’ll detect the field and know someone possesses a working teleport board. We are going to turn and accelerate away trying to keep this ship between us and the planet as long as possible.” Nathan didn’t say anything and Anglo said, “They will see us, but they won’t be able to determine what we are with my stealth screens on. I suspect they will think that I am a Searcher, but they won’t know for certain. We’ll use our null drive to jump away and make multiple jumps before I teleport back home. Are you ready?”

“Is guard duty always like this?”

“Nope, this is the first real problem we’ve faced. Here we go.” The small white ship turned and accelerated toward the jump limit.

“Control, I have a ship accelerating out of the system. It appears to have come in with the sixteen ships that arrived three hours ago.”

“Can we catch it?”

“No, but we should be able to scan its jump track and follow it.”

“Get moving. Fleet Control, we have an intruder moving out of the system. I am giving chase.”

“Do you want me to join you?”

“Couldn’t hurt; try to keep up.”

“I’ll be right behind you. What do your scanners say?”

“That’s just it. It doesn’t appear on my scan.”

“Could it be another Searcher?”

“Or any one of twenty other types of ships. Are there any ships at the limit that can intercept?”

“No, you know we don’t allow ships in this system. We’ll know if it’s a Searcher based on its speed.”

“We are gaining on it, but it has too big a lead to arrive before it jumps.”

“Nathan, I’m not going to go full speed. I have a hundred null jumps programmed in and I’ll make them quickly. I’m hoping that by the time they reach the last jump, the track will have dissipated. Since my teleport system leaves no tracks, I’m hoping that’s what those two Searchers think.”

“I noticed they are gaining ground on us.”

“They’ll arrive ten minutes after we jump.”

“Why haven’t they fired on us?”

“We’re too far away. Ten minutes is more than six million miles. They’re good, but not that good.”

“How much time will we gain one each jump, Anglo?”

“They’ll take one second to come out of star drive. They’ll have to scan for the new jump track, load it into their null board, then energize the screen with the new frequency. We’ll come out of star drive and our screen will immediately energize the preprogrammed frequency. We should gain about two seconds on every jump.”

“Is that enough?”

“Tracks fade after three minutes; sometimes faster when the jumps are made in systems with dense dust clouds. We’re deliberately jumping through fifty

systems with nebula clouds in them. First jump in 5,4,3,2,1,…”

“Did you get that jump track?”

“Yes, I’m sending it to your board.”

“Lead the way; you’re three seconds ahead of me. I’ll be right behind you.”

The first Searcher arrived and jumped after the fleeing ship.

Anglo arrived at the Haldale System and commed, “I need to speak with the planetary leader.”

After ten minutes a voice said, “This is Baron Lihal. How may I be of service?”

“Your Highness, your system is going to be invaded momentarily and we are not going to be able to prevent it. There are Searcher Ships that will be aiding the invaders and until we come up with a defense against them, we are going to have to allow them to invade. However, I need you to do some things quickly that will assist us in coming back to free you.”

The Baron’s voice was obviously nervous, “What things?”

“You need to erase any other planet’s coordinates in your computer systems so that the invaders will not be able to find them. You need to tell your population that they need to say they are isolated and only have an occasional trader. You will have to assume a title of President instead of Baron. They will know that there must be a higher Royal title if you are a Baron. You will need to welcome them and offer absolutely no resistance. They will still be brutal, but if you open the door for them it will be much less so than if you fight. You must not let them know you are part of a larger Kingdom. Tell them that you have been threatened with invasion by some empire. If asked, you must say you know nothing about ships being destroyed in your system. Will you do these things?”

“There’s nothing you can do?”

“Not at this time, but I give you my oath that we will not forget you and we will come to free you.”

“We will do as you ask. What about our military?”

“Hide their blasters, make them appear to be policemen, and don’t give the invaders a reason to kill your people.”

“We will do as you ask. I will notify all our ships to stay away until this is over.”

“Thank you, your Highness. We will return. I promise you that.”

A small round probe moved out of the larger probe on Anglo’s hull and moved toward the planet. Anglo teleported out of the system ten minutes before the two Searchers arrived.

“Whoever that was we were chasing knew how to use systems to mask their tracks.

“You think they came from this system?”

“This is where our ships were attacked. It must have followed them from here. However, I don’t see any ships in this system. That planet is industrialized, but my scans don’t show any advanced technology. There is a spaceport at their largest city, but it’s not very big or developed.”

“We should report back to the King and see what he wants to do.”

“You go, and I’ll stay here and see if anything shows up. Com me to let me know what’s going to happen.”

“I will. You let me know if you need me back here.”

“I will. I wouldn’t want to be on that planet when Daulun takes his vengeance over those lost ships.”

“He’ll probably kill most of them and make the rest slaves.”

“That would be a huge waste of a good planet.”

“Has that ever stopped him before?”


“I’ll keep you updated.”

The probe listened and waited.

Chapter Fifteen

Anglo teleported to Bristone and Nathan immediately commed Scotty, “Your Majesty, we have a planet in the Talben Kingdom that is going to be invaded by ships that are supported by six Gamma Class Searchers.”


Anglo quickly brought Scotty up to speed on what had happened.

“You say the planet attacking them is named New Ulmerton?”

“Yes, and I believe the two Searchers that were chasing me went there after I left. I’m certain the ruler of that planet will invade.”

“BC, are you listening to this?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Anglo, send me to BC.”

“Your Majesty, BC cannot defeat that many Gammas. Two of them could overwhelm his defenses.”

“He’s right; if they have six Gammas we can’t win a shootout.”

Julie listened to the conversations and grabbed Scotty by the arm, “You will not go to that system without promising me you will not take on those Searchers.”

Scotty stared at Julie, and finally said, “BC, can you hide from them?”


Scotty stared at Julie and said, “I give you my word that I will not take action against them until we have better odds in our favor.”

Julie looked at Jingo and said, “Go with him. Make sure he comes back to me, Jingo.”

Jingo looked at Scotty and said, “If you want to make sure he does, you have to go.”


“You’re right.” Julie turned to Scotty, “I’m going with you. If all you’re going to do is hide, then I have nothing to worry about.”

Scotty sighed heavily, “BC?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I am commanding you to make sure we do not endanger ourselves. That command is to be followed until we return.”

“Julie, I’ll make sure he stays safe.”

Julie hugged Scotty tightly and stepped back. Scotty looked at her and said, “I promise.”

Julie nodded and Scotty stepped through a silver screen.

“BC, how are we going to jump in to that system without being detected?”

“I have a suggestion.”

“What is it, Anglo?”

“There is a large planet outside the jump limit with a thick atmosphere. I’ll teleport you into the backside of that planet inside the atmosphere. If there is a Gamma in that system, I’m reasonably certain they’re inside the jump limit to scan the area around the planet. Even a Gamma can’t scan through a planet. BC can just stay in the upper levels of the planet’s atmosphere and scan from there.”


“That should work. We can jump away if we have to.”

“I’ll be waiting at the coordinates I just sent you. Make numerous jumps if you’re discovered and I’ll teleport us away.”

Scotty sighed and said, “Send us, Anglo.”

The small white ship disappeared.

Julie was crying and Jingo put his arm around her, “BC won’t allow him to be harmed, Julie.”

“You know him, Jingo. Will BC be able to stop him?”

“He will this time.” Julie looked up at Jingo. “He made a promise.”

Greyson sat in space looking down on the planet, marveling at the recovery many worlds had achieved after the civil war. This one had been hit by beams during the war, but had recovered. Cities were thriving, and the population was growing. He listened to the leaders of the planet attempt to contact him, but all ships of the New Realm were forbidden to communicate with any planet not in the Realm. It appears the planet had been threatened with invasion and the leaders were attempting to surrender to him. The ship that had attacked the fleet must have been the one that threatened them. Well, Daulun would sort this out. Greyson worried that Daulun might be heavy handed with the planet, even though it had not been the attacker of the fleet.


“Yes; go ahead.”

“We’re on the way. Has anything happened?”

“No, the planet has tried to surrender to me. It appears the ship that attacked our fleet threatened them with invasion. They think I’m the one that made the threat.”

A new voice came on the channel, “So my fleet was attacked so someone else could take this planet?”

“That is what I believe happened, Your Majesty.”

“Stand by.”

Greyson knew something bad was going to happen. Daulun was not happy. He looked at the planet again and remembered the world where he was built. It was radioactive dust now, but it was once a beautiful planet very much like this one. He hoped the planet would continue to look beautiful, but he was beginning to fear for its life.

“Scotty, the Searcher in this system has no pilot on board.”

“How can you tell?”

“The voice is pure electronic. There is no variance in the tone.”

“What do you think that means?”

“The Ruler must not trust any anyone with the power of these ships.”

A small bubble left BC’s tail and disappeared. It reappeared next to the Searcher at the planet and it attached to the ship’s rear fin.

Three Searchers arrived at the jump limit and began moving in-system. Greyson mentally sighed and knew trouble was on the way. After six hours the four ships were together above the planet. “Have you scanned the planet?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It is beginning to develop, and cities are located on every continent. There isn’t any high technology, and it appears to not have much of a military. As I said earlier, the planet’s President has been offering to surrender to me. He says they are incapable of defending themselves and will follow whatever directions we choose to give them.”

Daulun looked at the data and his eyes narrowed. “Do you think the ship that attacked my fleet is here?”

“I haven’t been able to detect any ships in this system.”

“If it were a Searcher, would you detect it?”

“Probably not, Your Majesty.”

“Destroy the planet.”

“Your Majesty, it would be an easy conquest.”

“I’m not accustomed to repeating myself.”

Greyson knew he had no choice. He powered his main beam and fired at the planet. It exploded and blew apart.

Scotty jumped up out of his chair and yelled, “NO!!”

BC felt rage build, but managed to get it under control. “There’s nothing we can do, Scotty. It’s over.” Then they heard over their speakers, “I don’t know if the ship that attacked my fleet is here, but let this be a warning to you. If you interfere with my ships again, we will destroy any planet you attempt to defend or invade. There will be no exceptions.”

Daulun looked at his display hoping for an attack, but nothing appeared. After five minutes he said, “Take me back to New Ulmerton.”

“Should I stay and see if that ship returns, Your Majesty?”

Daulun thought a moment and said, “No. They’ll see from outside the jump limit that it was destroyed. We have other worlds to conquer. I think they’ll get my message.” The four white ships moved out to the jump limit and jumped away.

Scotty sat in his chair in shock. BC remained silent and waited. After an hour, Scotty looked up and said, “We have to warn the kingdoms about this.”

“Fortunately, I don’t think they learned about the two kingdoms. That man is a demon.”

“He’s what the Provinces would have become if they had won against the Realm. They subjugate and enslave the worlds they conquer.” Scotty paused, “Is there anything we can do?”

“I thought about going to their home world while they were here, but I’m sure the other two Searchers were there. What will we do if they attack another member of the Empire?”

“You saw what will happen if we attempt to defend them. We’ll have to watch them invade.”

“Anglo is going to take this personally.”


“He gave his oath to the Baron that he would be back to free them.”

Scotty was silent and then said, “BC, our only hope is that Grace will help us. I feel helpless for the first time in my life. I just don’t know what we can do.”

BC was silent for ten minutes. “Scotty, if they attack another planet in the Empire they will learn about Bristone.”

“I know. We need to find another planet for the Zord as soon as that happens.”

“And for us as well.”

“I know, BC. I know.”


Scotty, Julie, Grang, Jingo, Nathan, Samuel, Jing, Bleath, and Vring were gathered in the central clearing at the Human community. Anglo, BC, and Jess listened in via their coms. Anglo said, “I can destroy New Ulmerton, Your Majesty. I can teleport in and hit it with my main beam.”

Nathan quickly said, “Anglo, more than two thirds of the population there are captured slaves. You’ll kill them if you destroy the planet.”

“It might be worth the price to eliminate this abomination.”

Scotty shook his head, “That would violate our most sacred principle. Those millions enslaved on the planet cannot defend themselves. We must find another way.”

Julie took a deep breath and said, “We must slow their searches for new worlds to conquer. Haldale was out on the far edge of the Kingdom, and it will take some time before they can arrive at another planet. Thank the creator this region of the galaxy has billions of stars.”

“Bleath, we may have to move to another planet if they find another member of the Empire.”

“We are very reluctant to do that, Your Majesty.”

“So are we, but you will do it. If they find us here, they will kill all of us with one beam. We can move early if we find the right planet. I hope we can find a way to counter their advantage, but we don’t have it yet.”

Grang said, “You just have to get their attention in terms they understand.”

Everyone looked at the huge Magrum. That was more than he had ever said at a meeting. “What do you mean?”

“So you can’t destroy the planet, does that mean you can’t hit them where it hurts?”

Scotty thought a moment and said, “Perhaps you have a good point. Anglo, did you scan the planet?”

“Yes, I did.”

Scotty looked over at Grang, “Still bored?”

Grang smiled, “As long as we just sit around and do nothing, yes.”

Scotty smiled, “I think it’s time we quit sitting around.”

Jingo said, “Count me in.”

BC said, “Now you’re talking.”

Scotty looked up at the stars overhead and smiled. Some things were worth dying for. The evil king was going to learn that his worst nightmare was about to arrive at his doorstep. Let’s see how he likes being on the receiving end of a beam. Things were going to get hot. Scotty looked at Grang and saw him smiling.

The End

Excerpt from Greyson’s Revenge

Book Two; Ashes of the Realm

B C appeared above the huge building facility and fired his main beam into it. The entire structure exploded and blew debris in all directions. BC scanned the four Gammas above the planet and saw two of them accelerate toward him. BC watched them as they approached and said, “Ah, here come the cowards that attack defenseless planets. You should be proud of your courageous deeds. You truly uphold the highest principles of the Keepers.” Just as they fired BC disappeared.

Greyson remained above the Castle and heard what BC said. He tried to let it go but felt it cut through his consciousness. He thought about what Daulun was doing and saw that the other Searcher was right. He was killing and subjugating planets just like the Keepers. He wasn’t consuming the populations but making them slaves wasn’t much different. He felt his shame and remained silent. Then he heard, “Mallory has been taken.”

Greyson knew Daulun was going to go absolutely crazy over Mallory’s disappearance. His succession was endangered and he knew more planets were going to die. He wondered why the attacking Searcher had not just blown-up the planet. Then he realized, there were two Searchers.

The Lens of Time

A new series by Saxon Andrew


C hristopher Connor has discovered a way to view the past. His invention collects light and focuses it such that events that occurred on Earth years ago can be viewed. All one needs to do is travel one light year away and you can see what was happening on the planet a year earlier by capturing and focusing the reflected light that left Earth. There’s only one problem, no ship exists that can travel faster than light so his device cannot be conclusively demonstrated to function as advertised. That’s fine with Christopher, who would much rather party and have a good time rather than defend his creation against critics and government bureaucrats. Besides, who would pay to view the past anyway?

Jillian Gordon, an Egyptologist with a PhD in Quantum Physics, has discovered that the survival of Earth depends on viewing what happened at the building of the Great Pyramid of Khufu five thousand years in the past. Christopher’s device would allow her to do just that. Christopher is about to discover that the organization Jillian works for has engineered a starship with a faster-than-light stardrive that will allow his device to be tested. The stardrive for that ship was developed from diagrams carved on the back of an ancient stone tablet excavated at the site of the Great Pyramid.

Life for Christopher is about to make a radical departure from his party, happy go lucky, lifestyle. Getting Christopher to focus on what needs to be done is another problem that Jillian hadn’t counted on in her quest to save humanity. The predicted destruction of Earth, which is written on the front of the tablet, doesn’t give her much time.

What neither of them know is that the answer to survival is more than sixty five million light years away in light that left Earth just before the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.