Robert Vickers
His daughter_s keeper
"And I swear, Mr. Strong, I fucked that blonde chick all night long! It was one hell of a fine lay!" Stan Linzer drunkenly said. "Thanks for getting her for me. That made the convention, in more ways than one!"
Mr. Strong sat stoic and silent in the corner, nursing his drink and peering at Stan aver the edge of the glass. He toyed with the ice cubes, which were not much different in color or temperature from his eyes, then quietly said, "That's nothing, Stan. What are business friends for?"
"You're right, Mr. Strong. Absolutely right. Anything I can do for you, just let me know." The man poured himself another drink and leaned back in his favorite chair. Having an important, powerful, rich man like Mr. Strong come to his tacky little house puffed him with pride. He knew it hinted at a possible position with the man's firm and, if the rumors were true, Mr. Strong didn't know the meaning of the word small. He did everything in a big way, from his personal life to his far-flung financial empire.
"I think you have it wrong, Stan. We're in a unique position, you and I. What I do can benefit you and what you do can benefit me. And both of us will come, out winners."
That momentarily forced away the alcoholic fog surrounding Stan's mind. He sensed big money in the works here. And he wanted every dime he could get. Ambition burned as brightly in him as greed.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Oh, nothing much. Say, could you call that daughter of yours back in here for a minute? You know, Carole."
"The only daughter I have," Stan said, his mind not reacting well to the sudden turn of the conversation. But obediently he called out, "Carole, honey! Come in here for a minute, will you?"
The girl entered the room and immediately heard Mr. Strong suck in his breath. Otherwise, there was no indication that the man even noticed her presence. Which made her wonder about him. She knew she was attractive and most men fell all over their tongues trying to tell her about it.
The redhaired girl looked curiously at her father and said, "What is it? Want something else? More potato chips, maybe?"
"Yeah, sure, in a minute, honey. Mr. Strong wanted to ask you something. Go on, don't be shy."
The last thing in the world the girl was, was shy. She cocked her womanly hips to one side and poised her fist on them. Inpudently thrusting her chest out a little, she was heartened to see the man's eyes widen slightly. He was alive. This was a challenge to her, to make him respond. She twisted a bit to one side and made her nipples press hard against her soft wool sweater. The hard points of her nipples formed little buttons and showed perfectly she wasn't one of those women who prefered to wear a bra. In spite of her huge tits, much larger than any one should really have, she didn't need any such support. Her boobs were firmly fleshed and bounced just a little as she walked.
Just enough to make all the studs in her high school turn and take notice.
"Well, Mr. Strong?" she asked. His eyes raked over her body, not missing a single curve or bulge.
The way her ass flared out prominently behind her was partially hidden but nothing could hide the trim legs and the tiny waist. It was almost small enough for a man with large hands to completely encircle it.
"Are you a natural redhead, Miss Linzer?" he asked, entirely off the wall. They way he asked it was almost as if he were inquiring about a job applicant's educational background.
"Yes. My mother, she's dead you know, had even brighter red hair than mine. But the green eyes are my daddy." She turned and fluttered her long lashes in her father's direction, trying to get some clue from him what was going down here. The blank look on his face told her he was as much in the dark as she was. All that mattered was that Mr. Strong was an important client and his every whim should be taken care of politely.
"Yes, I see," the man said, stroking his chin. "Run along now and I'll talk business with your father. I think both of us will profit handsomely from it."
Carole's hopes soared when she heard those words. All her father had been talking about for the last month was Mr. Strong and his millions. The man seemed to exude power and Carole could readily believe he controlled an international corporation. If her daddy had finally broken through some hidden baffler and was in line for a cut of that huge pie, so much the better. She might even be able to get a car of her own.
All her friends had cars or were able to use their parents'. Her father required their delapidated wreck almost constantly. She also suspected he didn't like her driving it because it was so dangerous. He had to for business, but she was his daughter and should be protected from such unsafe things.
Carole knew it was wrong to spy on her father and Mr. Strong, but she couldn't help herself. Whatever that strange scene had been when she had been on display, she had to see how it was going to pay off in the long run. The way Mr. Strong had looked at her had been with nothing but approval. Why, he might even be wanting to give her a job in his business. She could earn her own money!
Pressing an ear against the door didn't prove as effective as it did in all the movies she saw on television. Carole opened the door a crack and peered into the room. This gave her a perfect view of what was going on. Mr. Strong was standing, taller than she'd thought, dominating both the room and the conversation.
But the words she heard froze her stiff.
"…so I'm offering you the chance at a ten million dollar business deal in exchange for your daughter. She is quite pretty and will pleasure me from some time to come."
"But, dammit, that's my daughter!" complained Stan. Carole was horror struck when she realized the tone of his voice indicated he was already sold and was simply bartering for the sake of putting up a token argument.
"Ten million now, perhaps twice that in the next ten years. Can you turn down a thirty million dollar deal – and all over some misguided morality concerning your daughter? You make it sound as if she'd be sold into slavery. Hell, Stan, with the teenagers the way they are now, she'll enjoy what I've got in mind. All of them, sluts, each and every one."
"My daughter's a good girl," Stan said primly, if a little drunkenly. "I think she's still a virgin."
"No chick who waggles her ass and flaunts her tits like that is still a virgin, Stan. If she is, she's the world's biggest cock teaser. I swear, I don't have anything illegal in mind. If she wants you to, you can come see her after we're settled down."
"Got a taste for young stuff, huh?" Stan said needlessly. His fingers stroked up and down the length of the ballpoint pen. Carole watched in wide-eyed shock as he began to leaf through the pages of the business agreement. When he signed the copies in triplicate, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Was this some elaborate gag? Was all the haggling over her body for real or was it merely some crude joke Mr. Strong enjoyed? She didn't know the answer to that. Until he spoke again.
"I'll send my chauffeur and butler around to pick up your daughter tomorrow afternoon. You needn't tell her anything about this. And don't pack a bag for her. I'll furnish everything she's going to need for a long, long time." Then he laughed and it was that laugh which convinced Carole this was for deadly earnest. He meant every word he said about her being sold into slavery.
Her mind spun in confusion. She was worth thirty million. That ironically pleased her as much as she was frightened by the possibilities in herent in being a sex slave to Mr. Strong. What he had in mind for her was obvious. He was going to use her!
Carole turned to fee and stumbled over the table near the doorway. The telephone went crashing to the floor and the bell jangled loudly. The men in the room would have had to be deaf not to hear. Roth came out to find her painfully picking herself up off the floor.
"Carole, what happened?" her father asked.
"N-nothing. Just s-stumbled, that's all. Gotta run, Daddy. B-be seeing you!" She tried to run and botched it. She slipped again and this time Mr. Strong was there to grab her around the waist. She felt like a fly caught in a dab of amber. No matter how she struggled she couldn't pull free of the man's powerful grip.
"What did you hear, young lady?" Mr. Strong demanded. As she kicked out even harder, he said, "I think she overheard every detail of our business deal, Stan. Perhaps I'd better call dye now and remove her. One day doesn't matter that much to you, does it?"
"But, she's…"
"After all," the man almost cooed, "you have that thirty million to spend, don't you? Of course, you're going to have to work hard to get it, but the potential is there as long as your planning is sound."
"Yes, of course. Planning. Got to make sure I don't blow this job. I want to…" His voice trailed off drunkenly.
"Daddy!" Carole screamed. "You can't do this! You can't sell me to this monster! What's he want me for? You don't know! He… he might do anything to me! He wants to rape me!"
"Don't be ridiculous, Carole. Mr. Strong is an honorable man. He, well, he's giving us the opportunity of a lifetime. He explained all that to me but you must have missed some of it."
"Don't argue with her, Stan. I think she's worried that I might pop her cherry. Is that it, girl?" He bounced her up and down in his grip as if she were a small child.
"See? She doesn't want to lose her virginity to a stranger. So, why don't you do the honors and fuck her for the first time?"
Stan Linzer stood wide-eyed and dazed at the man's words. "You want me to fuck my very own daughter? But that's incest! I couldn't do that!"
"Not even for thirty million dollars in business over the next ten years? Read that contract you signed more carefully. You'll find that I can cancel it for non-cooperation on your part. And it's entirely up to me to decide what is and what isn't cooperation."
"But you could cancel it after I'd fucked her!" Stan protested.
"Sure I could, but why should I bother? Do you think a lousy thirty million means a thing to me? I've got more money than I can spend in a dozen lifetimes. I could spend a million a day for a solid month and still be living off the interest of my fortune, never touching the principal. I'm rich, Stan. And you can be, too. If you screw this hot-blooded daughter of yours."
Carole tried to bite him but found he was holding her in such a way that any struggles on her part were futile. Never had she felt more helpless in her whole life. She was his to command and from the noises her daddy was making, he was going along with the offer. She couldn't really blame him; what man would turn down such a huge amount of money? And yet, she was his daughter!
He couldn't fuck her! It wasn't right.
She was still clinging to that idea when she found herself tied spread-eagled on the bed, stripped naked and her father's huge prick just inches away from the pinkly scalloped inner pussy lips guarding her cunt. Everything was happening in ragged spurts. Time flowed strangely. One instant dragged for an eternity and the next five minutes flashed by.
"Go on," urged Mr. Strong. "You've got a nice boner. Use it. On your cherry carrying, cock teasing daughter." The man's words were polar cold. She shivered as much from the icy eyes studying her trim, young body as from the idea that her daddy was being forced to fuck her.
"I don't want to do this, honey, really I don't," protested her father. "But the money!"
"Screw the money!" she shouted. "This is me! Your daughter! You… you can't do this!" But she realized she was arguing uselessly. She pulled harder at the ropes holding her wrists and ankles and knew that Mr. Strong had fled them to hold. They bit cruelly into her flesh and made the circulation die entirely.
Her legs were pulled wide and she felt the intense pressure at her snatch. Her father moved closer, making the bed bounce a little. She felt the soft quilt on the bed lightly touch her ass. Tensing, she tried to cringe away when the man's prick neared her cunt lips. She couldn't move far enough or fast enough.
She shrieked as his plum-topped cock battered into her blood-engorged pussy lips. There was no pain – not yet. But she couldn't hold in the intense feelings running wild inside her. She was terrified what might happen. This was a moment she should have been looking forward to with great expectation and enjoyment. Instead, Mr. Strong had stolen that precious instant from her and turned it into something dirty, something degrading. He was forcing her own father to rape her.
When his thick headed cock entered her, she screamed again. This time it was for real. No man had ever entered her pussy before and he was pulling and stretching her untried inner cunt walls to the breaking point. When the tip of his prick batted lightly into the rubbery hymen, she thought she was going to die. The pain increased as he leaned forward and pressed harder into that yielding barrier to his fulfillment.
"Don't rape me like this, Daddy!" she begged. "Don't f-fuck me!" The words didn't come easily to her lips. She wasn't used to saying them. They were as forbidden as the act he was performing at Mr. Strong urging.
She looked to the forbidding, dark visaged man and knew immediately that she couldn't expect any mercy from him. His cold eyes blazed with a light that made her cringe. The way his eyes raked over her body told her that he wished he was the one crouching between her wide spread legs, prick poised and ready to fuck wildly into her virgin cunt. But he was getting his own perverted thrill out of this. She didn't miss the way his hand strayed on down to his bulging groin or the way his fingers massaged the mound. He was jerking off while he watched her daddy fucking her.
She sobbed loudly, the tears running unashamedly down her cheeks. She cringed every time the thick cock inside her cunt jerked and pulsed with lust. That was lust she didn't want to inspire. She could crane her neck a little and see the way that powerful prick vanished into her pussy lips. The fiery red of her pussy mound seemed to be an row for guiding the cock to its natural berth up her cunt.
"Hang on, it's going to pop any second," her father told her. The words were supposed to reassure her. If anything, they frightened her even more. This was a time in a girl's life that should have been precious. Now it was turning into a sordid affair. Sold for money!
She groaned loudly as the pain in her cunt increased. She'd thought it was bad when his huge girthed prick spread her pussy apart and stretched the walls to the breaking point. When he began hammering away at her cherry, the pain had mounted rapidly. But it wasn't as bad as the time she'd broken her leg. But now…
The teenager felt as if she would pass out. Never had the pain inside her pussy been this intense, this demanding, this excruciating. She pulled air into her lungs in short, quick gasps. Each breath tasted acid. The burning sensation spread throughout her chest and made her imagine that she was on fire, her tits ballooning to the point of explosion. The way the nipples pulsed and throbbed, the girl wondered if they might pop before her cherry.
They didn't. She felt as if mountains were slowly beginning to slide in her belly. The way her daddy's prick poked harder and harder against the rubbery baffler of her cherry made her cry out even louder. No answer to her pleas came. And then his prick rocketed the full length of her cunt.
For an instant, she passed out. She'd always thought it was absurd that a woman might pass out when a man fucked her. She'd read that so many times in the books that it was almost a cliche. Now she knew the truth. It could happen when the emotion was too intense.
She struggled back to realize that her daddy's balls were wetly slapping against her upturned ass. He was buried balls deep into her cunt. And she was no longer a virgin. He had breached her cherry and was ready to begin really fucking her. Or was that something Mr. Strong wanted, to reserve for himself?
Glaring in the direction of the foreboding man, she saw his eyes glowing in delight. He was getting off on this entire humiliating scene in a big way. After all, he was the one in control. He was the one telling her father what to do and holding the threat of a huge amount of money as bait. She couldn't really deny her father his wishes, that was selfish. She simply wished that her tender, virgin body hadn't been part of the bargain he'd struck.
"GO on," demanded Mr. Strong. "You've picked her cherry, now sample the delights of her virgin cunt. Fuck her, fuck your own daughter. I want to see her writhing in pleasure at the end of your prick. Make her come. Make her dance to your tune of fucking!"
He had his own prick out and firmly in his hand. The entire time he was giving the command, he was stroking up and down the long length. Carole swallowed hard when she saw his impossibly long prick. While she wasn't experienced in sex, she knew that his prick was a lot thicker than her daddy's, still resting inside her pussy. And it was a lot longer. Enough longer that if Mr. Strong decided to fuck her, he might rip her apart with it.
"Ummm, God, it is nice feeling her tight pussy nil around my pecker," her father admitted. "Haven't felt cunt like this in years. Hell, not since I was her age!"
"Then fuck your daughter!"
He did. He pulled back and Carole thought he was going to lose her mind. The pain was receding in her body. The suddenness of it had taken her by surprise, but now there was little more than a dull ache from where her pussy had been violated. But when her daddy began drawing out his long fuck stick, he formed a vacuum behind. The big arrowhead tipping his cock formed a perfect seal with her ultra-tight, virginal cunt walls. And at sometime her pussy had begun to drool out its thin love juices.
A flood of red blood had passed and spotted the bedspread, but the part of this that amazed and humiliated Carole was her own response. She couldn't stop her cunt from leaking out its lubricants. She wanted him to fuck her – she wanted her own father to fuck the hell out of her!
It was depraved, forbidden. And she wanted it. Tossing her head from side to side formed a red halo of hair around her face. She moaned out, "Go on and do it, damn you! Fuck me good! Drive that Goddamn cock of yours all the way up my cunt! Damn you, damn youuuuuuuuuu!"
"She likes it," observed Mr. Strong, his hand moving faster along his own prick. "Give it all to her."
Her father began fucking her with long, steady strokes that pushed her passions to the breaking point. Never had she felt a man's prick inside her like this, moving powerfully, dominating her, giving her divine pleasure.
She knew it was an awful thing to feel arousal at her own father raping her, but she did. She screwed her eyes tightly shut and concentrated on the pleasures leaping and dancing in her cunt. The walls were rippling with desire. They clung tenaciously to his incoming prick, not wanting to let it leave. But the slippery juices of her pussy were oozing out now and greased his cock to the point that even the virgin tightness of her cunt wouldn't hold it inside.
The friction of the fucking built up a warmth that spread rapidly throughout her belly. Gone was all trace of her ache. She knew that her cunt would be sore in the morning, but now all she felt was joy. The way he fucked her made her aware for the first time in her short life of what it was to be a woman. To hell with the fact that her father was the one fucking her. The incestuous fucking was being forced on them both.
Struggling against her bonds availed her nothing. The ropes cut even deeper into her wrists and ankles, but she found she could lift her ass off the bed and actually cram it down around the surging prick in her well-oiled cunt. She did this. Her senses reeled in response. The tenseness mounted inside until she could hardly stand the feelings.
He continued fucking her harder, heavier, deeper, faster. The friction generated by his prick as it dragged lasciviously along her velvety cunt walls threatened to consume her. The girl moaned loudly and begged, "Fuck me faster! Give me all your cock, you bastard! Oh, Daddy, fuck me gooooooood!"
The words lit additional fires inside her. Never had she thought of words as being turnons. But they were and she found this out. The cock fucking her pussy so strongly turned her on, sure, but the words that had been forbidden to her now leaking from her lips spurred her emotions on. She felt the tenseness approach the breaking point in her belly when a hot, liquid gush filled her virigin pussy. Her daddy had come, his jism whitewashing her bloody twat.
He panted and his prick danced around inside her. The girl's tensed cunt walls received each and every hard lash from that long cock, then it began to quiet down. When his prick limply slipped from her pussy amid a flow of blood, cunt oils and come, she felt oddly cheated.
The sexual needs remained inside her belly. She had wanted more, even from the incestuous fucking, and she hadn't gotten it. She felt betrayed and humiliated even more.
"Very good, Stan," said Mr. Strong. The man's own hand was covered with his pearly come. He'd gotten off in a big way. Carole couldn't see it but she guessed there was puddle of his jizz on the floor where he'd come. "I'll send for Clive immediately." At the door, he turned and said, "And the contract is all yours. Here's hoping business will be good."
The smile froze Carole's insides into a seething mass of unfulfilled desire. She couldn't decide if she loved or hated that gaunt, distant man, for what he was promising her.
"It won't hurt so much if you'd stop struggling," said the man dressed in the black silk suit. He appeared to be cut from the same cloth as his master. Clive was efficient, aloof and totally callous when it came to inflicting pain.
Carole strained hard at the bonds holding her hands firmly behind her back. The thin cable cut harshly into her flesh and made her think she was going to lose her fingers from lack of circulation. Worst of all was the hopelessness of her position. No amount of struggling would free her from the cord or the fact that her father had willingly sold her to these people.
"Go to hell," was all she said to Clive.
The man sighed and said, "It's not going to be that bad. Unless you make it hard on yourself. Most of Mr. Strong's girls have a nice time and not a few end tip getting paid handsomely for their time. I haven't the slightest idea why you're fighting it like this."
"I've been sold!" she snapped. "By my father! He and that slimy Mr. Strong of yours did it!"
Clive shrugged. "Mr. Strong has odd tastes but usually isn't unnecessarily cruel. Ah, here's the chauffeur with the Rolls." A long, metallic grey Rolls Royce Corniche pulled to the curb. The man opened the rear door and shoved her in. She tumbled to the floor and stayed there on her knees, unable to get herself lifted onto the seat from the awkward position.
"Allow me, Miss," he said. Strong hands lifted her easily and she felt a thrill pass through her body. Carole didn't care to examine the emotions raging inside her. She might have been interested in this man under different circumstances. Clive wasn't unhandsome although he was hardly the type that ended up as a movie star. The easy grace as he moved attracted Carole in much the same way a bird is attracted by a snake. She was almost hypnotized by him.
The Rolls moved away from the curb and headed towards – what? She didn't know and there was no way for her to tell. The windows of the back compartment had been silvered so that it appeared they were surrounded by mirrors. There was no way she could look out and see what her destination was going to be.
Pouting, she sat on the seat and glowered at Clive. The man's eyes were on her constantly. When he licked his lips, she knew what was going through his mind. Looking at his crotch and seeing the telltale bulge growing there was almost icing on the cake. He liked what he saw. She wondered if a hired servant in Mr. Strong's employ would be able to sample the same things that the master did.
She found out.
He said nothing but reached down and pulled hard at his zipper. There was a harsh metallic hiss as it raced to the bottom of the track, but this wasn't what held Carole's full attention. The long, acorn-tipped cock that leaped out for her inspection was pulsing and throbbing with lust. Lust for her.
"Go on," he said in a deceptively quiet voice. "Suck me off. I want to see how well you give head."
"No! You can't make me do that. I… I won't suck on any man's prick! I've never done a thing like that."
He looked at her as if she was lying – and she was. While she was a virgin, or had been, she'd sucked enough cock to keep the boys interested in her. She wasn't quite the cock teaser that Mr. Strong believed her to be. If a guy interested her and she wanted to keep seeing him, she'd give him a blow job. She licked her lips remembering the last time she'd tasted a stud's cock. It'd been only a few weeks before. She and Dick had gone to the drive in movies. She couldn't even remember what the feature was because they'd begun the heavy petting soon.
She shivered at the memory of his hand moving all over her tits. She could hardly suck in enough air to keep going. When his fingers had closed on her nipples, she had shuddered and knew then that it was going to be a special evening. She had forced his hand away from her pussy; that was off limits. Had been off limits until her father raped her.
But there wasn't any real hesitation as she'd gone down on her boyfriend. His prick always amazed her the way it was so tasty and heavy with male musk odor. What would it be like forced to suck cock instead of doing it because she enjoyed it?
Carole found out.
A heavy hand gripped her neck and pulled her to the floor in front of the butler. The man spread his legs and pulled her into his crotch. The floor of the car was thickly carpeted and she felt her knees scuffing across the thick pile, bruising her flesh slightly. With her hands bound behind her back the way they were, she couldn't really fight him off very effectively, although she tried.
"Don't," he commanded. "I'm going to find out – for Mr. Strong, of course – just how talented you are. You appear to be inexperienced."
Those words infuriated her. She looked up into the man's gray eyes, her green ones blazing with fury. Inexperienced! Well, sure, she was, but hearing it from his lips made her mad. Damned mad. She'd show him!
Without a word, she jerked her head free of his hand, tossed a mane of red hair back over her shoulder and dipped her mouth down toward his prick.
The thick fuck stick jutted proudly from his groin. She had to admit he had a huge pecker. The way it throbbed and danced around showed the pent-up lust he held for her. She vowed to get him off so fast he wouldn't know what she'd done to him. That would show him who was inexperienced!
Her lips closed over just the tip of his prick. Then she began using her tongue to tease and torment the delicate flesh she found there. The cleft head guided her tongue down to the tiny triangular flap of skin dangling just under the head. This was the most sensitive portion of his prick. She batted that skin around with the rough tip of her tongue until the man was moaning in pleasure.
Changing her tactics, she started kissing down the side of his prick. The cock stiffened even more. She hadn't thought that would be possible but it was. The heavy pounding of his distant heart was transmitted directly to his cock. Each and every time it jerked, she knew his heart had beat again. By the time she licked and kissed her way to his hairy sac containing his balls, the cock was bouncing all over the place.
Her agile tongue flicked out and tapped the hairy bag of his balls. Pressing her tongue hard into the limp flesh, she felt the balls inside begin to lurch and tumble with joy. The thick stew of his jism was approaching the boiling point. She wanted to make sure it spewed out the tip of his prick in nothing less than superhuman time.
"Ummm, God, that mouth of yours feels so damned good all over me. Keep going, kid. I like the way you go down on me. That bit with the tongue pressing into my balls really turns me on!"
The man's hands laced through the thick mane of her coppery red hair. He began stroking and petting her as if she were some sort of small animal. In a way that angered her. And in another, it amused her. He liked what she was doing to him. The teenager vowed to show him just how inexperienced she really was!
She might not have put out for every guy in the school like some of her friends, but she knew a few moves which would put this guy in his place. And she was going to use them on his balls right now. Sucking hard, she managed to pull the tiny bag into her mouth. Then her ruby lips closed on it and she started to gently gnaw on his balls.
He went wild with delight.
"Shit, girl, never felt anything like that before! Gotta work hard to keep my jism down. Feel it inching along my cock. Shiiiiiit, that mouth of yours is something else!"
She smiled, his balls hardening into a tight sphere within the soft prison of her lips. She wanted to reach out and cradle his balls as they came spilling from her mouth but her tied hands prevented that. Scooting around on her knees, she managed to shift positions enough to do what she wanted to. Her tongue forced his balls from her mouth and she began to work on the underside of his prick. Her rough, pink tongue flicked out and lightly touched first here, then there.
His hips were restless on the velvet car seat. He shoved forward in an attempt to get more of his prick closer to her mouth. Saying nothing, he accepted her mouth love openly.
"Like it, don't you?" she taunted. "How do you rate me, huh?" She was feeling a bit more in control now. She'd been robbed when her father had fucked her. She hadn't come. That intense emotional release had been left locked up inside her young body until it had almost driven her wild. She couldn't even masturbate to get off, not with her hands tied the way they were. But now she could make this butler jump to her tune.
Looking up at the windows, she gasped. Pot the first time she noticed her reflection in the mirrored windows. The sight of that long, purple headed cock bouncing near her red lips proved to be an incredibly erotic sight. It spurred her on to really suck on the man's cock. And when she witnessed the sight of his thick stalk of cock disappearing into her ruby lips, she had to swallow hard. This was sexier than she'd thought it would be.
True, she hated the idea that she was being forced to do this horrid thing. With her hands behind her back and the man's superior strength forcing her head down to his prick, she was helpless to do anything else. There was a certain element of desire blossoming inside her, though. It was something new for her and she couldn't identify the source of the itch deep in her pussy.
She wished she could reach put and drive her finger into her ravaged twat. Scratching that deep itch might help her a little with the hollowness she felt. That wasn't possible; she would have to try and assuage her slowly growing desires in some other way.
Such as sucking on the cock dancing against her soft lips.
She sucked in and took the entire tip of the trembling cock into her mouth. A sideways glance showed her the entire sexy action was being reflected perfectly in one mirrored wall. Inch by slow inch the cock vanished into her humid cavern of mouth. She felt the rubbery tip bounce off the roof of her mouth and then slide down into her throat.
Panic struck her as the prick filled her throat. She couldn't take his entire length like this. It wasn't possible! But the teenager managed to get the entire prick down without gagging. It throbbed and danced in her throat so that every time she swallowed, her Adam's apple would massage the delicate underside. Finally, she wasn't able to stand it any longer. She had to get that cock out of the tight throat passage so she could breath again.
"God," the man said as his prick escaped, the confines of her throat, "never felt anything like that before. Almost made me get my rocks off. Almost. You're going to have to try harder if you want to truly please me."
The words hit her like a hammer blow. She couldn't believe that all her oral acrobatics were going for nothing. The teenager wanted to cry from humiliation and frustration. Snuggling closer, she breathed hard into the man's bush. The hot gush made the crinkly strands of pubic hair flutter. She knew that had to be sensitizing his already quivering prick. The lightest touch was electric to him – if the way his prick responded was any indication of his real arousal.
She sucked as hard as she could on the end of his prick. The girl's cheeks went concave with the pressure of her suction. She had to get him off using her tongue, she roughly whirled around the mad's glans until his hips rose off the soft seat covers every time she tried to stuff her tongue down the piss-slit. They both knew this wasn't possible but the attempt aroused them and made it all worthwhile.
"More. Shit, give me more of that mouth, kid. You're doing good, real good. I think Mr. Strong's going to like you a hell of a lot."
This angered the redhaired teenager even more. She wanted Clive to be the one who wanted her.
She felt nothing but repulsion toward Mr. Strong. The man had bought her like a slave on an auction block. She wouldn't cooperate with him. Not at all. But this man had spurred her on to suck his prick. She wanted to do a good job, to please him. There was an attraction for Clive she felt that didn't have any sense or logic to it.
The thick taste of male musk clung to her lips and coated her tongue. She loved the way it seemed to spread throughout her mouth and down into her throat. This keyed her up and made her aware of every single nerve in her body. The way her cunt was sluggishly flowing bothered her. She shouldn't have felt this kind of arousal simply because dye was forcing her to do such a horrible thing. But she did.
That confused her even more. She was enjoying this. The girl knew it was a degrading thing to be abused like this, but she was getting off on it in a big way. Deciding to think about it later when she could, she applied all her talents to sucking on the man's trembling prick. The way it was beginning to buck and dance under her expert lips, she knew it wouldn't be long before the thick flood of his jism leaped forth.
She didn't want to have that spewing prick in her mouth then. She didn't like the taste of come. Even the idea of swallowing that gooey slime made her slightly sick to the stomach thinking about it. But until that moment, she vowed to give him the best blow job he'd ever gotten.
Her tongue was restless, moving to and from and touching all the right spots. When the cock began to expand to an eyeh larger girth than before, she guessed he was at the breaking point sexually. A tiny drop of bitter pre-come told her the torrent of jism was just behind. But before she could move her mouth off the purpled glans, his fingers tightened their grip and prevented her from moving.
The teenager's mouth was firmly fixed at the end of the fountaining prick. She was forced to take all his white hot come into her mouth. She recoiled in horror but the hands on her head pulled her face into his crotch. He demanded that she face fuck herself while he was jetting out his lead-heavy load of come.
She choked and tried to pull back. This only increased the friction of her lips on the sides of his prick. He let her face fuck herself until his prick went limp and slipped from her lips. Then he pushed her back to the floor of the car.
"Very good. You surprised me with your expertise. Where did you learn to suck cock like that?" he asked in a conversational tone. As if it meant nothing to him, he carefully put his prick back into his trousers and zipped the fly.
"You slimy bastard," she moaned, the come dribbling down the side of her face. She tried to spit it all out and found herself swallowing it instead. The salty tang to it wasn't as repulsive as she'd thought it would be, but she didn't dare let Clive know that. She had to show him he couldn't abuse her like this.
She spat a tiny bit of his come onto his perfectly polished shoes. Carole immediately regretted it when dye forced her to lick it off.
"Now don't act like a little fool," Clive cautioned her as he pulled her into the foyer of the mansion. She looked around in absolute awe. The marble statuary had to be worth a fortune. The paintings on the walls looked old and valuable. She didn't know enough about art to even begin to identify them, but she guessed that Mr. Strong did nothing by half measures. All were probably real. "Let me go, please!" she begged the butler.
"I… I'll do anything if you'll just let me go. I'll even suck you off again!" she said desperately. "I'll do anything you want, if you'll just give me a break."
Clive smiled thinly before he told her, "You'll do anything I say now. And Mr. Strong would be very mad if I took it upon myself to let you go free. I fear you're going to have to put up with him. And that bitch of his."
Carole looked at the man and suddenly felt stark terror. The way Clive talked, she was in for even worse than she'd gotten already at Mr. Strong's hands. And whoever the woman was he referred to, it was obvious he didn't care for her.
The girl allowed the butler to maneuver her up the staircase to a luxurious bedroom on the second floor. The bed was an old style, four poster and covered with a velvet bedspread that must have cost a fortune. Indeed, the entire room was lavish to the point of absurdity. But the thing that made Carole turn cold inside was dangling from the head of the bed.
A dog collar fastened to a chain. And that dog collar padlocked shut. She instinctively knew where it was going to be fastened, too. When Clive snapped it shut around her neck, she broke down and cried.
He gently patted her on the shoulder and tenderly said, "It'll be all right. Just do as they say and it'll be okay. I promise you."
She looked up and was surprised to find that the man meant what he said. She didn't understand it but he obviously felt something for her beyond what Mr. Strong did. Carole decided that she had an ally in Clive, although one who wasn't in a position to let her go free. Still, any friend in this cruel palace of love was better than none.
"Prepare yourself now. That slut of his will be coming along any time now to inspect you."
The words were hardly out of the butler's mouth when the door swung open on silent hinges and in strode a woman dressed entirely in black silk. The thin cape around her shoulders accentuated the thrust of her tits and outlined her ample curves. This was one beautiful woman. No high fashion model, she had meat on her and in all the right places. Tits were full, hips were surging with femaleness, body was trim and muscular – and the eyes were cold.
"So this is the new acquisition, eh?" she said. The words dripped ice. While the woman's carefully glossed lips smiled, there was no hint of it in her eyes. She was inspecting Carole as she would a piece of meat ready to be cooked for dinner.
"Yes, Miss Olson," Clive said obediently, but the inflection he used told Carole there was nothing but hatred between them. He hated the black clad woman as much as he desired to maintain his position with Mr. Strong.
"What is this place?" Carole blurted out. "You've got me chained to the bed like I'm some kind of a dog and my hands are still lied and I've been sold and humiliated and…" The slap across her face silenced her. She collapsed to the soft surface of the bed and looked up at Miss Olson with an shocked expression. No one had ever slapped her before. The surprise of it, more than the sudden pain, silenced her.
"No questions, bitch. You will simply do as you are told and like it. Nothing else is expected of you." Miss Olson crossed her arms just under her tits causing theme to spill over the ledge of her arms. The sight made Carole vaguely uneasy and she couldn't immediately figure out why.
Then she understood. As the woman talked, her nipples were slowly growing. Whatever she was thinking about the teenager, it was turning her on in a big way. Carole repressed a shudder when that knowledge penetrated her numbed brain.
"Will there be anything else, Miss Olson?" Clive said quietly. The look of hatred in his eyes wasn't missed by Miss Olson. She sneered a little at him and started to motion him away, then stopped.
"Yes, Clive. There is. I want her naked. Undress her for me. With your teeth. Only your teeth." The leer on the woman's lips was cruel and promised agony if the man didn't obey her instantly.
"I'm not one of the slaves around here, Miss Olson. I've been in Mr. Strong's employ for several years. You can't make me do that."
"And I've been in Mr. Strong's bed for some little while, Clive. You may be a valued employee, but I'm a bit more than that. But of course you are right. I can't force you to do such a terrible thing. I suppose I'll have to undress her myself. Where is the black snake whip? I'll use that since I'd hardly want to touch her loathsome body with my fingers."
Carole cringed at the words. The woman intended to rip her clothing off using a whip! A frightened glance at Clive confirmed what she feared. Miss Olson was capable of any cruelty.
"Why don't you be a good butler, Clive, and go fetch that whip for me? The one with the bloodstains on it. The last time I missed every now and then. I really must practice more." She licked her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, obviously enjoying both the girl's fear and the man's disgust.
"What do you want me to do? Tear her clothes off with my mouth?"
"Yes, Clive darling… You've got the idea marvelously well. Mr. Strong was right when he said there wasn't a more loyal man in the whole world than you. Just get in there and rip her clothes off – without using your hands." The last words had the sharp bite of command.
He glanced at Carole as if imploring her not to be afraid. The girl couldn't be anything but terrified at this turn of events. She knew that Clive had saved her a lot of bruises, welts and cuts from a whipping, hut she wondered what his motive was. None of them seemed like humanitarians around this awful place.
She cringed as Clive moved closer to her on the bed, his teeth cracking like a dog's. He bent down and gripped the neck of her blouse in his strong teeth and began pulling. She flinched away and this caused the top three buttons to go spinning off wildly, clattering onto the floor.
"Ah, the slut has such nice tits. So young, so firm. They will be a real pleasure to play with," said Miss Olson, moving closer to the bed. Carole didn't miss the telltale wetspot spreading from the woman's snatch. She was getting hot watching the forced striptease.
Clive gave another yank and sent the last three buttons tumbling onto the bed. With a couple of jerks, he managed to pull the teenager's blouse entirely off her milky white shoulders. Like all redheads, she had translucent white skin that looked like marble but was vastly warmer than any cold stone could ever be. As if on impulse, he sent his tongue stroking across her left nipple.
Carole gasped in surprise. And she was even more astounded when she felt that nipple begin to fill with excited blood. The way her knockers felt, they might explode with all the agitated blood pumping into them. When Clive drew his rough tongue across her nipple again, she sighed and laid back on the bed, forgetting all about the dog collar fastened around her neck, the way her hands were bound behind her back and even about the evil Miss Olson watching so closely.
"Ummm, dye, that's delicious," she purred like a contented kitten. "Do it some more."
"Don't, Clive," came the cold order from Miss Olson. "I don't want you to do anything but strip her clothes off with your teeth. Leave such pleasures for those of us who can truly enjoy them."
He shot her a look of pure hatred, then glanced up into Carole's green eyes as if silently shrugging, then went to work on her jeans. The tough denim was too thick for him to rip apart as he had her blouse. He had to lick across her belly, dipping once down into the deep depression of her navel, and then slide his tongue under the snap. With his lips and tongue he finally succeeded in doing the impossible – her jeans were unfastened.
"Lift your hips, bitch," came the distant voice of Miss Olson. "Let him get those awful things stripped from your body. It's simply too glorious to hide with cheap fabric."
Carole obeyed. She seemed to be in a daze. Nothing quite was real. The tongue stroking avidly across her belly had aroused her as had the touch of that rough oral digit across her nipples and down her tits, but the way Miss Olson commanded them was a jarring feature in an otherwise pleasurable world. She felt Clive pulling her jeans down her legs. HIS tongue lightly brushed the inside of her thigh and a tingle shot electrically throughout her body. Her pussy began to drool in anticipation of his tongue all over her snatch. She couldn't even contain the sighs of delight escaping from her lips.
"The cunt likes your mouth, it seems," said Miss Olson. "Rip those panties off her. NOW!"
Clive jerked in response to the snapped order. Carole screamed in pain as the panties fled her body. The elastic band was pulled to the maximum, then it broke but not after cutting harshly into her soft flesh. And the way the crotch of her panties cut into her pussy lips was a crime. She felt a sudden ice pick of sensation drive all the way up into her cunt. The pain almost made her pass out.
She opened pain-blurred eyes and stared at Clive. Her panties dangled from his lips like some dog's prize from a mailman's trousers. The sight would have been funny but she couldn't find it in herself to laugh at him. The way he felt had to be as bad as the way she felt. Being ordered by the austere Miss Olson wasn't very nice.
"You've done well, Clive. Now you may leave. I'll ring for you when I'm ready for you to further instruct this cunt."
"Why are you doing this to us?" blurted Carole. "I've never done anything to you! Whatever he's done to you to make you humiliate him like this is between the two of you. Leave me out!"
Miss Olson smiled and said, "Clive has done nothing to me. He wouldn't dare. Would you, dye darling? No, he doesn't have the balls to do anything. He's a servant. Just as you are, my dear. You're here on earth for people like Mr. Strong and me to use. And I fully intend to use you."
"That's… evil!" Carole cried, not being able to think of any other word that would fit the situation. This was beyond her experience. Sold into virtual slavery, raped by her father, forced to suck off the butler, now chained like an animal, she didn't know what to do next.
"Nonsense." Then, turning to Clive, Miss Olson snapped, "Leave us! Immediately. I'll ring when your services are required. My pretty-pretty and I really must get better acquainted."
Carole felt a rising tide of panic when she saw Clive silently leave the room. She wasn't sure she even liked him, but he was in the same predicament she was in. Both were under the thumb of this evil woman, subject to her whim.
"My, do you care so for him? We'll have to explore that relationship more fully. Later. It would be interesting watching him fuck your tight little cunt." Miss Olson came and sat on the bed. Her gentle hand stroked down the length of Carole's leg, the soft flesh flowing under her fingers like foam on the ocean. "So firm, so tender. And here!"
Carole screamed at the sudden intrusion of three fingers all the way up her cunt. The woman drove the fingers in even deeper and began to wiggle them, against the slippery walls of her cunt. The girl wanted to escape. The collar around her neck prevented it.
"Yes, here is nice and hot and quivery to the touch. I think you must have just recently been a virgin. This pussy is much too tight otherwise. Is that so?"
"Go to hell!" flared Carole. She writhed around the impaling spike of the woman's fingers. She felt like crying, but wouldn't give Miss Olson the satisfaction of seeing her openly cry like a child.
The girl vowed to take whatever the woman dished out and not whimper about it.
"Such language from one so young. Sixteen, yes, I remember that was what Mr. Strong said. And he told me to make sure you enjoyed your first day here at the house. I can see I will enjoy you."
She slipped full length onto the bed and spread the redhead's thighs as wide as possible. Burrowing into the vee of her legs, the woman's tongue lashed out and licked up tiny spires of pussy fur. Her tongue pressed hard into the girl's pussy lips then and made her gasp in reaction.
"You do like this, don't you, cunt? Well, you're going to get the tongue lashing of your life!"
The woman was true to her word. Carole felt the rough, wet tongue drive deep into her pussy, then wiggle around. This was infinitely more exciting than having the fingers cruelly thrust into her still-tender snatch. The toll her father had taken on her virgin cunt the day before had left her sore and aching. With the soothing roughness of the tongue surging in and out of her twat, she found a mixture of sensations impossible to describe.
She hated the woman. But she loved the way her tongue stimulated her. Miss Olson seemed to know all the right places to touch with a feathery caress, then to pound hard with her tongue. Each movement was designed to drive the teenager's desires to the breaking point. And the woman succeeded.
Carole sobbed loudly now, unable to put her words to lip. The wonderous sensations mounting in her belly were similar to those her father had built up when he was fucking her. She wondered if there was any release possible. The young girl had never had an orgasm in her life. The unfulfilled feeling left her frustrated and a little disappointed that this was all there was to fucking.
Rape wasn't the best way to start on a life of fucking, but she could have at least gotten her rocks off. Now, the woman's agile tongue drove into every fleshy crevice and stroked lewdly along the pussy lips guarding the cunt hole. She licked and slurped obscenely loud at the girl's flowing sex gash.
When she pursed her lips around Carole's cunt lips, then sucked hard, the girl thought she would lose her mind. The sensations ripping through her body were unlike anything she'd ever before experienced. She came for the first time.
"So," said Miss Olson, her lips covered with the gleaming cunt juice from Carole's twat, "you dig that, huh? You're going to love this!"
"Please, I… oh, ohhhh!" The girl's entire body tensed as the woman's tongue began a slow, methodical fucking. It drove in hard between the tensed, blood-engorged lips of her cunt to plunge far into her seething pussy. There, the rough, pink tongue swirled around like a berserk tornado touching each and every spot of those velvet hung cuntal walls. The retreat from her twat was as exciting to the girl as the entry. Miss Olson managed to make her tongue feel as if it were corkscrewing out.
Her tongue slipped under one edge of the blue-tinged pussy lip, then slid the entire length until she got to the front of the we. There, Carole's clit poked meekly up for a look. The woman's eager lips pounced on the tiny spire of erectile tissue. She pulled the straining organ into her mouth and gave it the full course of mouth love.
Lips caressed it. Teeth dragged harshly along its slick sides. A tongue batted it around as if it were a pea. Then the process was repeated, more intensely, more effectively. Carole came again. Her entire body exploded with desire. She felt her tits pumping hard with blood. Her belly tensed and the sexual frustrations she'd felt were allowed to run free for the first time.
She was woman. She knew the pleasures only a woman can experience. She crammed her snatch down into the woman's face for even more of this illicit lesbian lovemaking. The woman countered by draggging her tongue along the exterior of the girl's pussy lips.
"Please, Miss Olson," she begged. "Drive that tongue of yours back into me! I need it so badly."
"Tell me. Tell me exactly what you want!"
"I… I want your tongue in me, fucking my cunt. I need that tongue of yours inside me! Tongue fuck me, please!"
The girl was wild with desire. The woman's mouth had lit fires that refused to die down. Even though she'd gotten off a couple of times, she wanted more. This was the promise of fucking that had been denied her by all the events of the past few days. And now it was, going to be hers.
"Tongue fuck me as hard as you can! My cunt needs it!" she bellowed.
Then Carole realized Miss Olson was no longer between her legs. Nothing but a cool air current from the air conditioner stroked across her flame red pussy mound and agitated cunt lips. Opening her eyes, she saw Miss Olson standing by the door, licking the last of the pussy fluids from her lips.
"That's enough for now," Miss Olson said, then left.
Carole felt the fires of lust raging inside her and there wasn't a damned thing she could do to quench them. If she'd ever been more miserable in her life, she couldn't remember when.
Carole didn't know how long she lay on the bed, softly crying, hating both her captors and herself. She felt dirty, used, horribly degraded. The way her snatch felt was almost obscene. The woman had lit the fires of lust in the young girl's body, and then callously walked away before allowing her the ultimate fulfillment.
Carole hated with all the intensity she could summon up. She hated Mr. Strong for tempting her daddy the way he had. She hated her father for actually going through with this illicit deal that the man had proposed. She hated Miss Olson for the utter disregard for human feelings the woman openly showed.
She hated everything and everybody.
The teenager tried to roll over and get her hands in front of her. By doubling up her feet, she attempted to get her hands around her ankles and ten up in front of her. It didn't work. She couldn't bend tightly enough to accomplish it.
She turned and saw Clive enter the room. For a frenzied moment, she was actually glad to see him. They seemed to share the same destiny. Both were totally at the mercy of Miss Olson and Mr. Strong. Somehow, in a way she didn't even want to think about, she felt attracted to this strange, strong, silent man. He was the only pillar of strength in the entire world for her after her daddy had so viciously raped her.
"Clive!" she called out. "Please! Untie me. Let me go. I'm begging you. Anything you want!"
"Ah I wish I could do that, but I'd be severely punished if I allowed you to escape. In a way, I'm as much a prisoner here as you are. I'm allowed to get out of the mansion now and then, but only when Mr. Strong is sure of my destination and intentions. He never takes chances. Really, he isn't a bad man. It's that bitch Miss Olson. Goddamn, but I hate that cunt! I could…" He bit off the vicious words forming as he sat down on the bed beside the prone body of Carole.
"You mean you won't let me go?" she sobbed. "I was counting on you. I thought you were different from them."
"I am. Up to a point. I'm not stupid and letting you go would be really dumb on my part. It's too complicated to explain, but Mr. Strong holds me here with bonds stronger than those ropes on your lovely little wrists."
"Wh-what are you going to do now?"
"I was told to come up here and make sure you were in fit shape for Mr. Strong. He's supposed to return sometime this evening. I know how he likes his women dressed and I'm supposed to deck you out in lacy finery."
Carole shivered a little, gooseflesh rippling her smooth white skin. Not for the first time since the man had entered the room did she realize she was mother naked. She crossed her legs in a vain attempt to hide her flame colored pussy mound from him. Somehow, his seeing her naked bothered her more than anything else done to her so far.
"Don't worry, Carole," he said, putting a gentle hand on her hip. "I won't hurt you. As I said, we're both prisoners even if you're the one wearing the chains." He stroked over the smooth curve of her buttocks, then quietly added, "I think you're beautiful. Don't be afraid of me."
"I… I'm not. Honest!"
"Good. Now let's get you dressed for the party tonight." He rose and went to a small cabinet standing near the door. He opened it and began pulling out long, silky black stockings. Then he produced a ruffled black garter belt, a pair of black panties and a firm corset. He returned and dropped these to the bed.
"Stand up and I'll dress you," he said. As if anticipating her frightened request, he hastily added, "I can't let you loose. I have to do it. Just cooperate and we both might enjoy this."
Carole glumly nodded and stood, still a bit frightened of him. He licked his lips and his eyes widened just a little as he dropped to his knees. His face was about even with her coppery red bush. For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss it, then he stroked down the length of her leg, his hand rippling the silky flesh. She sighed and lifted her left leg for him.
As the black silk stocking slipped over her delicate foot and up onto her calf, she moaned in stark pleasure. The feel of the luscious, rich stocking against her skin turned her on. And his hands! They were exciting! They touched all the way as he smoothed out any nonexistent wrinkles and pulled the stocking snugly up around her thigh.
"There," he said. "That's nice." As quick as a striking snake, he kissed the inside of her thigh, then looked up guiltily at her. "I couldn't help myself," he confessed.
"Don't stop," Carole found herself saying, much to her surprise. "I… I liked it!"
He smiled and began putting on the other stocking. His hands aroused her as they gently glided up over her calves, paused at her knees, then pressed warmly into her luscious thighs. The soft flesh of her inner leg was treated to special consideration by the butler. His hands stroking his cheek brushed the flesh until she felt her beginning to respond.
The girl didn't know whether that was something she should blame on the man or herself. She didn't want to get sexually uptight over him.
But there seemed no way to avoid it. He was dressing her and his hands had to come close to her twat. There was no other way he could put those clingy stockings onto her legs.
She sighed as his hands stroked ever closer to her cunt. She knew the thick juices we leaking front between her pursed cunt lips down and running thickly down they inside of her thigh. She sobbed out loud, "Go on, Clive, fuck me! God, I can't stand it! You turn me on something fierce! I want you to fuck me!"
His lips brushed across her clit and sent lightning blasting into her belly. She couldn't stand on her rubbery legs any longer. She collapsed to the bed, the chain around her neck rattling loudly. The girl opened her black stocking clad legs in wanton invitation to the man. Her gooey, glistening pussy lips gaped wide open as she told him, "Hurry! I need you in me. I want to feel your swollen prick fucking me!"
"I can't Carole. Really. This isn't part of my job!" She could tell the man was agonizing over it.
He was as turned on as she was. He was the only one in the entire place that had treated her with anything but contempt. While she didn't delude herself into thinking she was in love with the man, she wanted to give him a little treat to thank him for his kindnesses. And to relieve some of that intolerable sexual frustration she felt.
When her father had raped her, she hadn't gotten off. When she sucked Clive off in the car, all she did was stir her own passions. No surging orgasm for her. And then Miss Olson had pushed her to the limits only to stop short of real satiation. She was horny. She was hornier than hell and demanded a hard cock fucking her needy cunt.
And Clive wouldn't give it to her.
"Please!" she urged. "I said I'd do anything. I'm all yours. But take me now!"
"I'd better put the garter belt on. No, the panties first." He held them up and she saw with horrified fascination that they were crotchless. He slipped them up her stocking clad legs and wiggled the smooth silken panties over her buttocks. The coolness stimulated her and made her even hornier than before. When he gently parted the lacy opening that revealed her cunt through the panties, she got off. It wasn't a big come. Only a little tremor passed through her body, but it was enough to show her she was primed and ready for some real action.
"You're driving me wild, Clive. Use me like they would, but stuff that cock of yours into my hungry cunt!" The words were foreign to her lips and she felt uncomfortable using them. But strangely, the stirred desire in her belly as nothing else had done. The words were forbidden and they made her all the more eager to fuck.
She wiggled her ass enough to make sure the panties were firmly in place. The way her pussy was slobbering, the thick juices from her interior would soon plaster the cloth firmly to her cunt lips. But she didn't care. She had Clive's hand stroking up and down her legs again, as he put on the garter belt.
The elastic twanged as he slipped it into place around her waist and began to fasten the stockings to tiny elastic tabs. She watched in growing fascination as her youthful body was converted into something so incredibly provocative and seductive she couldn't believe it. If only she wasn't chained like a clog!
Staining at her bonds, she tried to get her hands free. The ropes only cut into her wrists. Clive shook his head and told her, "I'm an expert at tying knots. You can't possibly get those undone. All you'll end up doing is cutting off all the circulation in your hands."
He fastened the corset around her waist. It pushed her tits up and supported them from underneath while allowing the nipples to poke over the very top of the garment. Tying the bindings so tightly around her waist she gasped for air, he soon finished.
"Look in the mirror," he told her. He stood back and panted heavily, and not from exertion.
Carole couldn't possibly miss the huge mound forming at his groin. His erection had to be paining him terribly by now – almost as much as the urges in her cunt were gnawing away at her.
Carole gasped when she saw her reflected image in the full length mirror beside the bed. She could hardly believe this seductive woman was really the naive teenager who'd been kidnapped earlier in the day. She turned from side to side and watched the flare of her tits as they protruded over the top of the corset. Her ass flared out behind, held in a silky cup by the thin black of the panties. On impulse, she turned her back to the mirror and bent forward. By looking backwards, she could see the panties opening up in the crotch and bright red pussy fur poking out.
Her own pink pussy lips were inside this rim and the sight made her feel absolutely wanton. There was no way she could hold back the urges rampaging inside her tender body now.
"Clive," she said in a low, intimate voice. "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see."
She wiggled her ass just enough to make her cunt lips protrude through the black silk rim of the crotchless panties. The man moaned softly and then told her, "I see an angel come to earth to tempt me. An angel or a devil. I don't know which."
"Fuck me. Fuck me and find out!" she begged.
The chain fastening her to the bed rattled and she felt her already constricted tits tighten even more as the man spun her around. His prick jutted from his trousers and the look on his face told her she'd succeeded in tempting him beyond his ability to deny it.
"Shit, girl, you've pushed me too far. I can't control myself any longer!" He spun her in a circle and pulled hard at the chain holding her neck. She snapped to a halt and bent forward, finding a chair shoved into her belly.
Everything seemed to happen at once. The compression of her boobs due to the corset heightened the effect of being bent over the chair. Her tits felt as if they were ready to explode. Her nipples were long, red fingers pointing outward in an accusing gesture. Her garter belt tightened and pulled her stockings even more firmly up her legs. The tightness of them excited her as much as the silken smoothness rubbing against her skin did.
But it was the long, throbbingly virile prick that was shoved between the meaty slabs of her asscheeks that made her sob with joy. He was going to fuck her!
"If they ever find out about this, it'll be my head on a plate!" he protested.
"I won't tell on you, honest I won't! Just fuck me! I want to, ummmm, oh! Yes, fuck meeeee!"
The probing cock sought and found her trembling cunt lips. The thick arrowhead on the end of his prick spread those pinkly scalloped lips and dipped a little into the well of her passion. Her cunt was frothing with desire now. She wanted nothing more in the world than for this man to fuck her to climax.
He didn't surge all the way up into her cunt. He was showing more technique than this. His cock inched into her pussy in such a way that she was strung out sexually by the time she realized his entire prick was inside her cunt.
The position she was bent into made his prick turn a corner and dive down into the depths of her cunt. This stimulated both of them, though the girl was sure she was getting the best out of the bargain. The sexy clothing added to her thrill and she'd never thought she would be glad to wear such lewd things as crotchless panties. Now she was! It saved the time of having to take them off so his prick could drive hard into her cunt.
"Shit, I never felt a tighter pussy around my cock before," the man gasped out. "You were a virgin and not too long ago. No chick who's had a lot of cock could feel this tight!"
"Only my daddy," she sobbed out. "Only he's fucked me. You're the second, Clive. And how I wish you'd been the first! Fuck me good. Show me what it's supposed to be like, a man fucking a woman!"
He might not have heard her pleas. All he muttered was, "So fucking tight all around my cock. Tight sheath of hot flesh. Hot, like a vise gripping down on me."
His hands circled her waist to give him some leverage. With her hands bound behind her back the way they were and the dog collar on her neck, the redhaired teenager couldn't contribute much to the fucking. The top of the straight backed chair cut into her belly and made it even more difficult for her to breath. The corset was impossibly tight around her body and clung like a sexy second skin. Somehow, being so constricted in her movements added to the girl's lust.
She wasn't responsible for anything done to her. She was bound. She was at this man's mercy. That she wanted him to fuck her like this didn't matter. She could struggle and thrash around all she wanted and wouldn't cause any problem as he fucked her. The girl's movements were simply too restricted for any amount of fighting on her part to matter.
The sexy clothing made her respond more fully to the man, also. She didn't understand what the change was inside her, but it was real. The girl actually felt different, sexier, more willing to do anything this man told her to do. For the cock driving hard into her pussy, fucking her to new heights of enjoyment, she would do anything.
"Do it harder!" she cried out. She felt the edge of the chair cutting harshly into her belly. The wooden back pushed her corset upwards and made her tits feel as if they were going to explode. The way her nipples throbbed with life made her all too aware how turned on she had gotten due to this awful fucking.
She shouldn't have been enjoying it the way she was. She was a prisoner, hands tied together so she couldn't protest even if she wanted to. What appalled her the most was that she wanted Clive to fuck her. The feel of his prick entering the cut out crotch of the panties excited her. When his long, thick prick surged all the way into her cunt, she couldn't think of a single thing in the whole Goddamned world she liked more.
"Fuck harder! Give my cunt the best fucking ever with that Goddamned prick of yours!" The words sent shivers of delight passing through her tender body. The forbidden, naughty words made her feel more sophisticated, more a woman of the world. She wanted Clive to think that. She wanted it desperately for some reason.
"God, can't keep this up much longer. Your pussy is like a hand squeezing down on me. And so fucking hot! Can't believe it." He grunted, then placed his hands on her waist to give him even better leverage as he pulled himself in all the way to the hilt.
She felt the ruffled edges of the panties carried along into her cunt with his hard driving prick. The silken edges tickled and stimulated her more than she would have believed possible. But it was his prick that made her come totally alive with desire. The throbbing, virile cock filled her to overflowing. She could sense her fuck fluids leaking around the thick plug of cock and then running down the inside of her leg.
Sweat formed on her forehead and ran in a steady river onto the seat of the chair. What aroused her even more was the way the sweat on her body seemed to find a natural path all the way to the tips of her boobs. The liquid dribbled off her nipples and made those conical mounds of creamy titflesh, tingle and pulse wildly. Every beat of her heart sent more excited blood hammering into them until she was sure they would begin to flat upwards like hot air balloons.
She wanted to shove her hips back into the man's crotch to insure the deepest possible entry into her cunt. The teenager still didn't know all she could get out of fucking. The sensations running wild in her body were new and wonderously different for her. The friction of the cock against her pussy walls lit tiny watchfires that turned into raging blazes that threatened to consume her.
The girl felt her pussy walls begin to shiver and convulse in a strange and wonderful way. Then she screamed out her joy as orgasm smashed heavily into her body. For a ghastly instant, she thought she was dying. The way her breath seemed to catch in her throat, the way her muscles tensed and refused to relax, the feelings in her pussy, all told her something beyond her experience was happening.
She had gotten off in a small way when Miss Olson had tongue fucked her. That had been her only introduction to real climax and it hadn't been all that satisfying. She had been left with the feeling there should have been more.
The butler's powerful fucking and hard prick shoved balls deep into her cunt showed her what had been missing before. She came again and again and still another time. She felt ragged and ripped apart from reality. Never had such powerful emotions blasted through her entire body. She felt like a small bit of paper tossed high on winds so powerful they were beyond her imagining.
"More," she shrieked. "Fuck me more! I… aaaaaaieeeeee!"
Her entire body was caught up in the come. She shuddered and tried to stuff her cunt back around the impaling spike of prick fucking her cunt so expertly. She felt every single contour of that powerful cock as her cunt smashed down on its buried length. She felt the thick arrowhead topping the long cock shaft in addition to the wrinkles and bumps and veins. Most of all, the friction of the fucking turned her on.
She had to have more, yet bound as she was, there seemed no way of getting it. Clive came to her rescue. His hips exploded in a wild frenzy of fucking that would, have satisfied even a nymphomaniac.
The girl's pussy burned with desire. The cock fulfilled her every need. Lust burned brighter and brighter until she came again. When she was drifting down from her sexual high, she realized that Clive was fucking with ragged, uneven strokes now, not like he had been before. Then came the fluid gush of his white hot jism. It spurted all the way into her pussy. She tensed and another come possessed her like some demon of lust. Then they were rocking and grunting and moaning together in mutual satiation.
It made her feel a bit sad when she felt the man's prick melting inside her cunt. Somehow, in spite of the tremendous fucking, she had wanted a bit more. But she would have to be satisfied with this.
"Clive," she gasped. "That was the best ever. I never imagined fucking could be so good."
"Whew, yeah, it was good," he admitted. "And I shouldn't have done it. Damn."
"But why not? I wanted it as much as you… I don't know much about these things, Clive, and I'm glad you do. Together, maybe we can really do great things."
"It can't happen, Carole. Never. No matter how fine it is with you, we are both still working for Mr. Strong. I shouldn't have done this. He might have wanted you all for himself."
She tried to argue with him but couldn't. He wouldn't listen to her. She didn't know what sort of hold Mr. Strong had over Clive but it was a powerful one. No amount of argument would convince him that what had happened was anything less than a betrayal of his employer's trust. The butler left the room without another word.
Carole hung over the back of the chair, the coal air from the air conditioner soothing her heated pussy and sending shivers up and down her spine.
"So you've been keeping yourself amused, I see," said Mr. Strong. Carole couldn't see the man. She was still draped over the back of the chair and straining to rise from the awkward position. Suddenly aware of how vulnerable she was in this position, and how apparent the fucking must be to the man, she tried even harder to get her feet under her. The corset, however, had caught on the back of the chair and held her.
"Please, Mr. Strong. I can't get out of this!"
"That's all right. Just let me inspect you. You don't seem any the worse for the care – should I say tender loving care – that Clive has bestowed on you." She recoiled from the touch of his fingers on the lips of her pussy. He pulled away some of the drying come that had leaked from her cunt. "Yes, I see that dye has been here before me. I shall have to discipline him for this. I wanted to be the first."
"Don't hurt him! It was all my fault! And you wouldn't have been the first," she said bitterly. "Don't you remember how you got my daddy to rape me?"
"Of course I remember. I merely meant the first to give you the fucking such a lovely creature as yourself deserves. I found his performance to be less than adequate. Obviously he hadn't spent the time and effort in perfecting his techniques."
"Like you?" she said sarcastically.
"Surely, my dean I have the money, I have the time. Why shouldn't I have a hobby which pleases me? Love in all its aspects fascinates me. I intend to continue exploring those ins and outs, so to speak, all my life."
"By buying slaves, like me?"
"I'm sorry you look on yourself as a slave. I prefer the term of indentured servant. You won't be resold or anything like that after I tire of you. Rather, you'll be given a large amount of money and sent to wherever in the world you like. Perhaps Paris. It is a romantic city. Or London or Tokyo or whatever strikes your fancy."
"And when will that be? Never?"
"Hardly. You overestimate your attractiveness, young lady. In perhaps a year after I've fully explored your body and mind, then you'll be released. Until then, you are to be my honored guest."
"Sex slave is more like it." Carole began to feel real pain at being bent double over the back of the chair. She struggled to free the corset and stand erect. She wasn't even sure she could succeed. Clive had given her a taste of real fucking – man and woman fucking. It had left her weak in the knees.
"I see Clive has dressed you as I requested. A fetching costume, black silk stockings, panties and corset, don't you agree?"
Carole started to answer when she felt something rubbing across her ass. Through the thin silk of the panties she should have been able to detect instantly what it was; she couldn't. The object was small, round and hard. At first, she thought it might be the man's prick, then she remembered seeing Mr. Strong jerking off while her father raped her. His prick had been very thick in girth and wasn't short by any definition. Whatever it was stroking across her behind wasn't much thicker than her index finger.
"Such a nice ass," he commented, as if he were purchasing a side of beef. "But it will have to be punished. You confessed that you seduced poor Clive. I can believe you capable of such wiles, really I can. Lovely thighs, gorgeous legs, firm tits, yes, I can believe you guilty of seducing the poor boy."
"Wh-what are you going to do to me?" she asked, suddenly frightened. The cold voice hadn't changed one bit. The man was still as aloof and distant as ever. That frightened Carole even more. If he would only show anger, she could understand his motivations. But this was beyond her experience.
"Whip you, of course." There was a whistling noise, then she screamed. Burning hot pain lanced into her tightly stretched buttocks. A thick red welt grew across her ass where he had hit her with the riding crop. He lashed out again and made a red X on her butt.
"Stop! That hurts!"
"But of course it hurts, my dear. Punishment should cause pain, otherwise you wouldn't remember it. I feel punishment should be both cruel and unusual for that very reason. The human being is complex but pain is a fine training tool."
He continued to methodically whip her ass with the leather riding crop. Bent like a pretzel over the chair, she couldn't escape. Twisting and turning didn't even upset the chair. The legs were splayed out in such a way that it would require more strength than she possessed to topple it. She could do nothing but accept the whipping he gave her.
The pain arched into her body and filled her with abject suffering. But strangely the way he was spanking her changed all that pain into an odd pleasure after a while. The way he whipped her ass made her flesh glow with a warm cherry red feeling. It spread like melted butter and puddled in her belly. Soon, even her cunt was responding to the spanking in an obscene way. She wanted to cry when she felt her cunt begin to water and drool.
"Ah," he said, noting this change almost instantly, "this is amazing. You would seem to be enjoying the pain. Can it be that your cunt wants something stuffed up it? Perhaps something like Clive's pecker?"
A million thoughts flashed through Carole's mind then. To have Clive fuck her again while her ass burned with desire would be the best thing in the whole wide world. She blurted out, "Yes, yes! I want him fucking me hard and fast and deep!"
"Ah, a shame. I doubt if the poor boy will be able to get a hardon again any time soon. Your hot pussy really took the iron out of his prick I would suggest something in the way of a replacement, though. Like this!"
Carole cringed when she heard an angry buzzing. She had no idea at all what the man was doing but the sound scared her. When she felt a cold blunt object pressing into her cunt lips, she tensed up. The shivery rod of smooth plastic paused for a moment as it agitated her cunt lips, then the man drove the vibrator all the way into the girl's well-oiled pussy.
She screamed as it ripped all the way up into her still virgin-tight cunt. For a ghastly moment, she thought it would tear her – apart all the way to the chin. The shivering length of plastic worked its awful magic on her cunt walls, however, and she soon expanded to take the thick length.
"What are you doing to me?" she cried out. "That hurts, oh sweet Jesus, does it hun!"
"My, my, it won't soon. Just relax. Relax or I'll have to discipline you even more severely than this!"
The riding crop landed squarely on her bent ass again. The skin was already crisscrossed with ugly red welts. He added more to them until her entire butt was a hot pink that almost matched the color of her pussy fur poking out from the black painties. When he had tired of lashing her ass, he jiggled the end of the vibrator sticking into her cunt.
"How does that feel? Do you like it?"
"It's killing me!" she protested. "I can't take that and the way you're beating me!"
"Of course you can. You will. I demand it. Feel this and tell me if you like it better than the vibrator."
The girl's brain was confused by all the things happening to her. She had just about forgotten that her hands were tied due to the other things happening to her. The circulation was cut off in her wrists entirely now. And the way the back of the chair cut into her belly, she was sure it would slice her in half soon. The whipping had hurt horribly, but she could endure it. The feel of that damnable vibrator thrust all the way up into her cunt, however, made her uneasy. It wasn't pain as much as the humiliation that anyone would do such a thing to her.
When she felt the thick rod of his cock pressing across her well-spanked ass, she tensed up even more. What could he be thinking of doing? Her cunt was already numbed by the buzzing plastic vibrator. There was no way he could possibly fit his prick in with it in place. She almost welcomed his prick because it would mean he'd have to take the imitation prick out of her pussy.
That didn't happen.
"Like the feel of my hot cock? Or do you like the vibrator? No matter, because I'm going to let you have both of them!"
She felt the panties tightening on her pussy mound. His prick entered the back end of the slit along the crotch of the panties and pulled them up hard into her clit. Then she realized his prick was probing hard for her asshole!
"NO!" she bellowed. "You can't fuck my ass! You can't! Nobody's ever done that!"
"Then the time is at hand for this to end, wouldn't you say?"
The cock dipped down and in to her tightly clenched asshole. She tensed all her muscles and immediately regretted it. The vibrator felt as if it grew to twice the size it had been before. She suffered as it filled her to the breaking point. Her tender cuntal tissues stretched to take the ponderous, vibrating invader and this caused her extreme discomfort.
"Why are you doing this to me? Why me?"
"You are beautiful and I have a lech for women with red hair. Call it girls with red hair. Sweet sixteen, that tender and touching age of innocence. I like seeing your reactions to all the sophisticated sexual activities I so enjoy."
"Perverted! You're a filthy pervert! Damn you to hell!"
"Such language. Really, my dear, I'm going to have to show you some respect and perhaps you will show me some in return. Otherwise your time here is going to be intolerable."
She moaned loudly as his prick forced its way hard against her asshole. The tightly clenched anal sphincter refused to allow anything back up her rear passage. But the way he leaned into her and kept the pressure directly against the muscle told her she would soon give in to his advances.
Already she felt the muscle weakening, as if saying "What's the use?" Then she relaxed enough to allow the glans of his prick into her shit chut. She screamed. The pain ripped through her until she knew it was going to destroy her totally. The damned vibrator that was buzzing away in her cunt tried to soothe her while the cock driving in her asshole was doing just the opposite.
Confused, she couldn't concentrate. She suddenly relaxed totally and allowed his prick to surge all the way up into her asshole. She screamed again and tightened all her muscles. This sent even more pain rumbling through her body. She couldn't decide which was worse, the vibrator filling her cunt to the point where she was destroyed, or the huge cock tearing her up the rear.
"God, I never felt a chick this tight up the ass," the man sobbed. "So powerful those muscles around my cock. Keep doing it. I love the feeling of hot female flesh sheating my prick like this. So damned hot!"
She felt degraded. Never had a man even hinted at fucking her up the ass. That was a depraved and perverted act. It had been bad enough when her father had raped her, but that, at least, had been a natural enough act. He hadn't even hinted at doing something unnatural like sodomizing her. She felt the ring of her anus begin to burn and throb with the friction of the man's entry up her back.
He shoved in a bit deeper and made her cry openly. The vibrator should have been soothing or even, exciting to her. She had heard all her friends talking about how those plastic dildoes were better than their boyfriends, even if they did need batteries to keep running. But this was impossible. The pain. The aching agony of it. And the degradation of having the man tie her helplessly like this and then work his will on her.
She felt like dying.
Even this was denied her. When his prick finally buried itself to the hilt, she felt his balls strike the butt end of the vibrator. The quivering little motion drove the shaking rod of plastic just a little deeper into her cunt. In spite of herself, she felt the thick oils of her cunt begin to flow. She was responding to his brutal butt fucking!
The thought made her ashamed. Never had she thought she could enjoy a depraved act like this.
But there was something insidious about the way his prick danced around in her asshole. The heat of his cock seeped into her and pushed her desires up to the breaking point. Pain, yes, definitely. But there was more, just as when he had so brutally lashed out at her ass.
Like his whipping of her ass, the pain soon changed into something more subtly exciting. So it was with the cock buried all the way up her butt. He had cornholed her in such a way that she was responding to him. She hated herself for that as much as she hated him.
"Now for some real fun," he said. "To pull out slowly, gently, then fuck like hell!"
"Don't do this to me. I can't take it. It… it's driving me crazy. And you'll surely kill me!"
He laughed. Harsh, loud, he laughed. And then he began pulling out of the snug berth of her ass. The girl thought he was pulling her guts out with his prick. Her asshole was so tight a perfect vaccum was formed behind his prick. Each inch he withdrew seemed a mile to her. The friction was slight but the suction in her gut was tremendous. She wanted to pass out right then and there but something kept her awake and aware of what he was doing to her ass.
When only the purpled knob of his glans remained inside her rectum, she heaved a big sigh of relief. That withdrawal had taken an eternity to perform. But now she could relax. The intense internal pressure was gone. Filling her insides with both plastic dildo and warm, heaving cock was more than she could easily take. Maybe a woman more experienced at fucking could do it all right, but she was still more virgin than not.
Her respite didn't last, for long. The ponderous cock slowly reinserted and fucked powerfully into her bowels. She'd thought the first time was bad. This was even worse. The vibrator had convinced her inner tissues to relax and return to their original shape. His telephone pole thick cock spread those rubbery membranes again and created the same pain she'd felt the first time he'd fucked into her butt.
She felt drained of all emotion. Yet the ability for him to hurt her badly still existed. There was no sense of thrill when his prick violated her cherry-asshole. No sensations such as when Clive had tucked her spread through her body. She was tense but not excited, not like before. The worst pain imaginable kept coming and making her feel miserable.
"Tighter, damn you, squeeze tighter around my prick!" he demanded. "I'll have to show you to obey me!"
The riding crop whistled through the air. She flinched as the rough leather rod landed across her snowy white shoulders. Tossing her red hair from side to side didn't help in avoiding the rain of blows onto her back. He seemed to know exactly how she would move, how she would struggle. Nothing helped her as the blows continued.
As before, the pain changed subtly and aroused her anew. The man's cock didn't do it the pain did. She hated herself for responding to him like that but it was better than feeling nothing but cold, dead nothingness inside the way she had before.
"Better," he said, "much better. Squeeze harder around my cock. Make that asshole of yours act like a hangman's noose. Tighter! Ummmm, shit! Yes, that's what I want!"
She cried openly now. Everything was working against her and she knew she was totally lost. The pain in her hands had died to a dull numbness. The bent feelings in her belly worried her. She might be permanently folded like the centerfold from a magazine. But the vibrator and the cock kept hammering away at her senses, refusing to let her rest, continually pulling and stretching and threatening her.
He fucked with long, bold strokes now. The girl's asshole had given up the battle to keep this male invader from her shit chute. It tensed now and then as he fucked her ass, but it was only a token resistence. The friction of his entry burned and stimulated the tiny ring of anal muscle.
As her insides expanded again to take the thickness of his cock, an idea came to the girl. If she could get him off in a hurry, he would have to leave her alone. If she could drain all the jizz from his balls, he'd lose his erection and not be able to fuck her again for hours and hours. What had he said about Clive? That she'd robbed him of his erection?
She didn't know much about the mechanics of the thing but she did know that it was hard for a man to get another hardon soon after fucking and getting his rocks off. The pain swelling in her guts was almost more than she could tolerate, but she tried to keep thinking coherently. It was all that would save her.
Tensing as he drove in only created waves of searing red pain in her mind. She leaned to relax as his surging cock filled her to the breaking point. Only when he tried to pull out of her softly yielding body did she tense up. Her asshole clamped down with impressive force around his cock.
"Slit," she heard him groan. "That feels like a guillotine on my cock. How'd you do that, girl?"
She couldn't answer. The words were all jumbled up in her mouth and throat. She sucked in as deep a breath as the corset allowed her, then exerted all her power to hold that cock in her rectum. The rubbery flesh of her asshole squeezed down and fit around his prick like a surgeon's glove around a hand.
Every contour of his mighty battering ram of cock could be felt. She sensed the pulsing big blue vein on the top of his cock as well as the cleft head of his glans. Every tiny blood vessel along the sides of his prick made her bowels chum with excitement now as she gripped tighter and tighter on the retreating cock.
She felt his prick give a mighty leap while still buried in her body and she thought he might be coming. Some trick he used stopped the flood of jism, however. He kept fucking and she redoubled her efforts to get him off as fast as she could. Only when his prick went flaccid inside her body would she be free of his brutalizing treatment. There was an obscene little pop as his prick slipped all the way out of her asshole, then the man cried out, "I don't believe it! For a virgin chick, you sure know a hell of a lot of moves. Maybe you'd been lying to your old man. Maybe you're not as inexperienced as he thought you were."
She tried to shove her ass back to meet his incoming thrust. The faster she got him fucking, the more friction there would be. While it hurt like someone driving a white hot poker into her ass, she knew it would rob him of his iron control. The faster she got him off, the better she would like it in the long run.
"It… it's rising. My come is inching along my cock. You're pulling my jism from my balls. Shit, I never felt anything like this before when I buggered a chick."
She relaxed as much as he could while his prick raced up her spine. Then she got the idea of breaking his cock off inside her. She could move her hips in a small circular motion; she did. Tensing her asshole and clamping down on his entire buried length, she began to roll her hips in a provocative motion just as she'd use if she'd been walking down the hallway back at her high school.
It must have worked, at least a little bit. He pulled out of her with more power than ever before. He didn't seem to trust himself to stay resting inside her rectum any longer.
"I don't know what's gotten into you, girl, but that ass of yours is getting hotter by the second."
That was what she wanted to hear.
She tried tensing and relaxing her muscles all along his prick to give him the most sensuous massage he'd ever received. She found it hard to control her own actions as long as the vibrator worked mindlessly at her pussy, but she did her best. And that was very good indeed. The man was hardly out of her asshole before he came hurtling back in.
And she met him with everything she could give. The prickly hairs on his upper thighs pressed through the thin covering the panties gave her ass. Her entire asscheeks were alive with inner fire now from the whipping he'd given her earlier. That warmth seemed to spur her on to even greater activities.
Her body went berserk. She felt her inner membrane squeeze and release every single inch of his prick. She seemed to be able to suck him even deeper into her asshole. And when the heat and tightness got to him, his own hips erupted in a frenzy of activity.
He fucked her ass with wild abandon. Nothing was holding him back now. He drove that thick spike of hot cock flesh all the way up into her ass. The girl tried shoving her hips back to meet the incoming cock but the chair prevented it as did the controted position he held her in. But that didn't matter. She rapidly sensed the buildup of friction between his prick and her shit chute and before she knew it, a hot gush of come spewed into her asshole.
He whitewashed her insides all the while he was fucking her butt as hard as he could. She could hear his harsh panting and grunting. Hands clenched hard at her waist, almost pulling off bits of her flesh. And all the while his prick shot out bullet after gooey bullet of jism.
She wished she could get off on this fucking like she had when Clive had taken her. There didn't seem to be any way she could, though. There was no real excitement, no thrill, no participation in the fucking. She was captive and all this was being done to her. Even though the same thing could be said when Clive had fucked her like a bitch in heat, it had been different.
She took every inch of Mr. Strong's geysering prick and then simply hung over the edge of the chair, exhausted. The sexual tensions in her body gnawed away at her. The feel of so much man meat entering and leaving her ass had awakened something in her, but it wasn't desire. She felt sexual tension that could only be laid to rest by a good, hard fucking, but she doubted if Mr. Strong could do it.
Carole actually fell asleep while bent over the chair – and dreamed of Clive's mighty prick entering her cunt, giving her pleasure, making her come again and again and again.
Carole awoke to pain such as she'd never felt before in her life. Every muscle in her body hurt, but it was her cunt and asshole that were in the worst shape. Her cunt still throbbed from the pull of that damned vibrator. She had thought it would have stimulated her, made her feel more relaxed, better. It hadn't. It had hurt when Mr. Strong shoved it in and hurt even worse after he left it running inside her pussy.
As to her asshole, the merest thought of it sent knives of pain into her body. The way he had brutally butt fucked her made the pain all the worse. Gingerly exploring, she decided nothing had been ripped. She was still intact but aching like hell.
She rolled over on the bed, wondering who had put her in it. She was still dressed in the corset, garter belt and black stockings but the panties were gone. She guessed that Mr. Strong might have ripped them off he while he had been greeking her. She vaguely remembered a tearing sensation and thought it might have been the panties.
The way they had cut into her pussy mound made her instinctively reach down and stroke across the fleecy patch of coppery red, crinkly pubic hair. Her entire bush ached – it seemed even the very tips of the cunt hair hurt, too. She stroked across the mound and felt the hair flutter against her fingertips. This worked out some of the soreness she felt there from where the panties had cut so brutally into her.
Much to her surprise, her clit slowly rose as she pushed her pubic bone down hard. She gently stroked the little organ and was rewarded with a surge of pleasure. Sighing, she leaned back on the bed, trying to ignore the dog collar still around her neck, and began masturbating. She'd never done it like this before.
But she was learning new things from Mr. Strong and this was one of them. She didn't know why she couldn't get off when he fucked her, but that didn't bother her. Not as long as she could stroke along her own pea-size clit and give herself the pleasure that he denied her.
Carole closed her eyes and thought about Clive. The man had seemed to be like the others, harsh and callous and uncaring. He had shown her the only kindness since she'd been sold into this sex slavery by her father. Sucking him off in the car had seemed degrading at the time but now she longed to do it again. She wanted to thank him for all he had tried to do for her.
The girl stroke more vigorously on her clit, starting at the base and working to the very tip. A light flick of her finger across the tiny point sent icy jolts of joy into her tortured body. She stroked faster. The way her cunt spilled over its fuck fluids, helped her lubricate the tiny spire of sensitive flesh so she wouldn't chafe it.
"Ummm, oh, Clive darling," she moaned low and sincere. "I wish you were here so we could fuck, I mean really fuck!"
Thoughts of the man's strong body coming down on hers, his cock driving hard for her gaping, wanton cunt, thrilled her. She stroked harder on her clitoris until the savage desire mounted to the point of explosion in her body. No matter what Mr. Strong or Miss Olson did to her, they couldn't take this pleasure away.
She worked harder on the pea-sized organ until she climaxed. She sobbed and rolled from side to side on the bed, her hand working feverishly on her clit. Then, all too soon, the sensation died down in her body. But it had been enough to take her mind off the aches and pains inside. Her pussy had begun to drool and that actually felt good. It relieved some of the hollow feeling. For a while.
Carole cried herself to sleep again thinking about all that she had lost, the pain she had suffered, the imprisonment ahead of her. She didn't know how long she slept again but the slightest noise of the door opening awakened her.
"Mr. Strong," she said, surprised. She had been dreaming about more pleasant people than him.
"I see you have recovered from your little educational lesson." He landed the riding crop across his hand a few times with resounding whacks to let her know that he could control her movement whenever he wanted. The words came to her like a death sentence. Whatever he wanted from her, she wasn't sure she wanted to deliver.
But she knew she wouldn't have any choice in the matter.
"On your feet," he commanded. The look on his face made her spring to her feet so fast she almost choked. The chain fastened to the dog collar made her feel more like an animal than anything else.
"What are you going to do to me? I demand to know!" She tried to show a brave front but she knew that it was all bluster. This strong, dominant man held all the cards and could play them whenever he desired. It was obvious to her that he wanted to play a few right now.
"See the chains dangling from the ceiling?" She looked up for the first time and saw a series of rings hanging from above. From each was a short length of chain ending in a padded cuff. She didn't have to ask what went into those handcuffs. The use was obvious. Her eyes made a quick appraisal of the distance from cuff to floor and she figured she couldn't possibly be expected to survive anything like that. Her toes would hardly touch the floor.
That didn't stop him from suspending her from the chains, though. Carole fought but he was too strong for her. The girl managed to rake her fingernails along his arm but the bloody tracks she left seemed to spur him on rather than stop him. He fastened her left hand into one of the cuffs, then lifted her and inserted her tight wrist into another of the padded handcuffs. The leather was soft, almost sensual, against her wrists after the harsh binding she had suffered with the ropes.
But there was a catch. There always was when Mr. Strong had anything to do with it.
Her toes barely touched the floor.
She was, pulled out as straight as an arrow and stood precariously perched on tiptoe. Mr. Strong studied her for a moment and smiled his cruel smile. Carole knew that he saw and knew what running through her mind.
She was as helpless as any woman could be. And there was no doubt in the girl's mind that she presented an appealing picture to the man. The position he had her stretched into caused her tits to flare up and over the top of the black corset. Her nipples were a bright red and looked like fingers pointing at the man. Each time her heart beat she could feel it all the way through her jugs and the nipples might have been safety valves.
Her waist had never been slimmer and the strain on her legs and toes tightened the muscles attractively. Even her ass tensed up as she tried to stand on her toes. Without a doubt, her leg and ass muscles would begin to hurt like the devil in a few minutes. Mr. Strong forced her into a position where the strain would cause the maximum amount of pain and do the least amount of damage.
"Hang loose," he said as he left.
She couldn't believe the man was leaving her dangling from the chains like this. She turned in time to see him pass through the door. The motion carried her around just enough to see herself in the full length mirror. Her suspicions had been correct. Her tits were flattened a little more than she'd expected but the blood was pounding hard into them and made them all the more attractive. Her skin was flushed and her hips seemed firmer.
The weight of her body hung heavily on her shoulders and joints. She took scant pleasure in seeing her naked pussy flashing pinkly between the black silk stockings or the fact that her legs had never been more attractive. The muscles in her thighs and calves began to knot as she tried to stand on her toes. It would have been better if he'd simply hung her from the ceiling so that her toes didn't touch the floor at all. But that would have made it too easy on her.
Mr Strong never did things by half measures.
She began to cry as the pain slithered up her legs like some horrid snake intent on devouring her tender young body. By the time she was trembling in ill-suppressed rage and pain, Mr. Strong came back in. He walked around her, studying her.
"Yes, I think you're about ready. You understand that pain is necessary. Without pain you can never know true pleasure. There isn't any other comparison possibly. Understand pain and know the greatest pleasures of any human on this planet."
"You bastard!" she gasped out. "Why are you doing this to me? I hate you! I hate you!"
"Why am I doing this? I just told you. For your education in matters of a sexual nature. Pain, you have that. Pleasure, that is to come. Now we must find some way of fine tuning your nerves. Most women respond only to the coarsest of stimuli. You, however, are to be trained to respond to the lightest touch, the most fleeting pleasure possible."
She watched in mute horror as he took a long feather from an inside pocket and drew it between his fingers a few times. "Yes, a simple feather. Nothing else."
And then he lightly ran it along the line of her jaw. She tossed her head and sent a cascade of bright red hair showering down into her eyes. He pushed the hair back with the feather. The teenager could hardly stand the feel of it. The feather might have been dipped in acid for the response it caused in her body.
"Yes, you begin to understand, don't you? The feather stimulates in ways totally at odds with the pain you feel. Yet you can tolerate both and the effects blur. Pleasure and pain become one. Like this."
He flicked the feather across her aroused nipples. She came. The entire universe exploded around the girl in the suddenness of her orgasm. The light touch of the feather against her nipples set her off again and again until she swung heavily from the padded cuffs.
"See? It can be paradise. Or torture."
The feather sought to steak along the line between the black comet and the top of her pussy mound. She cringed and actually screamed. It felt as if the man used a scalpel to cut her open. The feather which had given her intense pleasure before now gave only pain.
"A matter of knowing where to apply the feather. You didn't seem to like that. How about this?"
The feather inched lower, dragged delightfully over her clit and when he began stroking back and forth along her sex gash, she came again. The top of her head felt as if it blew off, so great was the orgasm. And he didn't stop. The feather continued to work against her cunt lips, teasing, tickling, tonying with the rigid flaps of delicate flesh. He duelled lightly with her clit again and sent her soaring off to the heights of human pleasure.
She closed her eyes tightly and allowed the delightful feelings to totally possess her. The pain from the stretching was almost gone as far as she could tell. All that mattered was the man and the feather, the way he was drawing it along her most sensitive flesh. When he attempted to get the tip of the feather into her asshole, she came again. While her asscheeks were tightly clenched against that possibility, the light caresses of the feather made her respond fully.
The girl actually swung back and forth in the chains as she came and felt no pain. Then the feather vanished. It wasn't stroking her nipples or her clit. Her cunt lips no longer responded to its teasing touch. She had been abandoned once again.
"See what I meant about learning to respond fully?" he taunted her. She almost cried aloud when she felt the chains lengthening on her wrists. The agony rocketing into her legs blotted out any feeling of achievement, however. The pain was too intense for her to stand. She collapsed to the floor, her hands still pulled above her head by the cuffs.
"Suck my cock while you're down there," came the cold order. She blinked twice to make sure he was actually saying such a thing. Suck his prick? After he had torutured her?
Or was it torture? She'd gotten off on the feather more than she had any other thing he'd done to her. Pleasure more intense than any she'd ever felt before had been hers. Maybe it could be again – if she obeyed this strange, dark-visaged, gaunt man.
The cock was in front of her lips, limp as a sleeping snake. She managed to get closer to it, the chains restricting her movement a little bit. The tip of his prick sucked into her mouth easily and, once there, she began to chew and gnaw gently on it. She was immediately rewarded by its stiffening response.
"Ummm, you do that well dye was right. You are most expert at giving head. But there is so much I can teach you about this particular art. Ummm, yes, yes! That is good but you must use your tongue more. Ah, that is exactly what I like!"
She ran her rough, pink tongue around the rim of his prick and teased it erect. When her mouth overflowed with the man's ponderous cock, she began bobbing her head up and down, fucking her own face. The big shaft easily split her lips apart. When the purpled glans bounced off the roof of her mouth, she gulped.
The cock ran all the way down into her throat.
The girl fought down the urge to choke. After a brief moment of panic, the instant passed. She rose up and twisted around slightly to make sure that his prick remained lodged firmly behind her Adam's apple. Swallowing a couple times seemed to stimulate him. The bouncing Adam's apple pressed directly into the most sensitive portion of his prick.
"I like that. Shows imagination. Keep going!" he urged her. She wanted to tell him off but decided it was better to keep her mouth working on his cock. She vividly remembered the pain he could inflict with the riding crop still dangling from his fingers.
She finally had to back off enough to let the cock slide from her throat. Gasping in deep draughts of air, she filled her lungs and then began face fucking mote avidly – and found herself being pulled erect by the chains around her wrists.
She fought hard to keep her lips pressed to the very end of the man's cock and failed. The chains on her wrists tightened and pulled her entirely erect again until she was precariously balanced on tiptoe.
"There, that should be enough fellatio to get me interested in other orifices in your body." He stroked with the feather along her belly. Again she felt a stab of pain. The pain was instantly replaced by a shuddery feeling deep in her cunt when he moved the attentions of the feather down to her clit again. "Nice, isn't it. And it will be even nicer!"
He moved behind her. She felt his long, eager prick seeking her cunt from the rear. Then he stabbed up and forward. His fleshy sword of prick sheated itself fully in her cunt.
The girl's senses exploded in orgasm. The sudden entry shouldn't have done anything but give her pain. It had made her come instead. The man had skillfully coaxed the desired reaction from her body, as if by magic. She was sobbing and shaking from the reaction when she realized his prick was slowly slipping from her agitated pussy.
"Stop! Don't take it out! Leave it in my cunt! I need your big, swollen prick in me! Meeee!"
"Ah, there is the secret. I shall fuck you with my cock in the way I decide is best."
He reached down and placed his hands just above the tops of her black silk stockings. Lifting her body slightly, he swung her forward. This placed her pussy directly in line with his jutting prick. And then he rammed into her cunt as hard as he could.
The impact of his prick into her pussy jarred the girl's teeth. She moaned loudly, wondering if anyone would ever hear her cries if she screamed. The redhead decided no one would care. Or Miss Olson would hear and come to gloat over the girl's predicament.
"Now we wing it. How does it feel to be suspended only by your wrists – and my prick?" he demanded. Words failed the girl. She tried to sort out all her feelings and got lost in the tangled emotions.
Swinging her to and from pulled her on and off his prick like some sort of plastic dummy. She couldn't control anything in the fucking. Moving around was almost impossible for her. She was tightly fastened to the chains overhead and the way he held her prevented her from kicking out. He could fuck her from behind all day long and she wouldn't be able to do a damned thing to either fight him off or to respond.
Never had she felt quite so helpless. The man was capable of making her come. He could grant her the ultimate in human pleasure with the lightest of strokes from a feather or his prick. But that seemed to be something he seldom considered. He seemed to get more of a kick out of her helplessness than anything else.
She tensed her pussy as he pulled her backwards. A groan from the man's lips was all the reward she got. He allowed her to swing freely forward off his cock. She let the bulbous head of his prick leave her pussy lips. She thought he might be ending the fucking. The teenager found out how wrong she was.
The instant his prick felt the cool air of the room, he jumped up and stuffed his prick back into her cunt with all the force he could summon. The cock shot up into her twat at a new and deliciously different angle. This entry made the skin around her clit taut. The tiny little pillar of clit poked up to see what was happening and received a healthy stroking from the moving skin all around her snatch.
The tiny fingers of desire crept into her belly and began to squeeze down. She fought to restrain the beginnings of another come in her loins. She didn't want the man to feel he was totally in control of her. Trying hard to maintain one tiny portion of her self-esteem, she lost the battle. She came again as his prick plunged deeply into her well-greased channel of lust.
"Very good. You are responding favorably," he said in a voice that was as level as when he'd walked into the room. She wondered wildly if he felt a damned thing from the fucking. Was he made of stone? Was that really a flesh and blood prick be was jamming into her pussy or had he replaced his cock with a clever plastic prosthetic? From the way he sounded, he was getting no charge at all from the fucking.
Carole hardly believed the man to be human when she realized that.
He swung her, to and from, then from side to side. Her body began to spiral and twist around his cock. She literally screwed herself on his throbbing, straining prick. When he began rising and lowering his body – perhaps lifting himself up on his own toes – she felt as if a sledgehammer was pounding her body.
Every nerve sang a song of joy. She couldn't believe the agony of being dangled from her wrists like this could blossom and spring out into such delight. The soft feel of the sexy silk against her legs helped, as did the corset supporting the undersides of her ample tits. She could feel excited blood pounding wildly in her temples, droning out just about everything in the room. It sounded to her as if drums were beating.
She came again. Her cunt squeezed down powerfully on the man's hidden prick, and she managed to get a tiny little twitch that it that hadn't been there before. She began squeezing down on his prick as hard as she could. With her almost-virgin twat, she could compress any man's prick to an impossibly small diameter.
"Very good," he congratulated her. She couldn't see his face. Was he sweating like she was from the fucking? Was he responding? Did he have problems now controlling his come? Was her eager massage of his prick using her cunt muscles doing a number on the man?
She didn't know. As long as he stood behind her, he was a sinister figure, maybe not quite human, aloof and unknown. But she could try. She used her every wile to make the man come. She knew only two others – her father and Clive. But she remembered those fuckings vividly. Both were etched in her mind for totally different reasons.
The girl still couldn't believe her father had raped her as he had. But every time he had thrust into her virgin cunt, she had remembered what it was like. That had been the time her cherry had been popped. And Clive! His fucking had lifted her out of the depths of a depression and shown her that fucking could be fun. She wished that he'd been the one to pop her cherry. With him it would have been exciting.
Those were the only two men she'd known up her cunt. Mr. Strong was the third and she lacked the experience to tell if she was exciting him or not. She used her every trick to make sure she was. Tensing and relaxing her cunt walls seemed to drive Clive wild with desire. She tried that. Mr. Strong grunted once but his rhythm of fucking didn't increase or change much.
When he swung her around so that he could drive that hot spike of cock flesh into her steamy cunt from a different angle, she changed her tactics again. She relaxed as he drove in and tightened her cunt as much as possible as he withdrew.
For a moment, she thought she had trapped him. His prick actually stopped for a split second. Then her own body betrayed her. The thick lubricating oils from her pussy made his cock too slippery to grip. He slid on out of her twat.
But soon, she thought she detected another change in his style. His prick actually seemed to grow inside her. She redoubled her efforts to hang on as her body swung back and forth on his piston of cock. When she was certain his cock had almost doubled in size, she guessed he was going to come.
The man's actions began to take on a ragged, erratic pattern. He jammed forward spastically as if losing control. She gave his cock the most erotic massage possible and found herself empty. His prick was no longer fucking her cunt. He had pulled out and left her achingly hollow inside.
"What? What's wrong?" she cried out piteously. Her own desires were building again. The feel of a cock powerfully stroking into her was necessary to get off. She needed that sexual release. Nothing else would free her cunt from the tight feelings.
But Mr. Strong was gone. She heard the door slam. Carole hung from the chains and sobbed loudly. Had she displeased him? Was something the matter with her that he despised her, that he toyed with her, then discarded her? She fell asleep hanging from the ceiling.
Carole awoke to the throbbing of her shoulder muscles. Never had she experienced such agony. This went past mere pain and all the way into something just one step removed from death itself. Her shoulder muscles were knotted and quivering and her elbows felt as if they had been pulled loose from her arms entirely.
Most of all was the pain that lanced up from each of her toes. Trying to stand on tiptoe to relieve some of the pressure on her arms became unbearable. She wished she didn't have to put up with this. But thinking about her predicament only increased the pain. Sharp needles danced along her trim calves and stabbed hard into her thighs and ass. She tensed and relaxed the muscles the beet she could, but that didn't accomplish very much.
"Why me?" she moaned aloud, hoping someone would hear and take mercy on her. No one seemed to be in the room. Swinging around, she managed to look at herself in the full length mirror. Much to her surprise, she didn't look all that bad.
While her hair was a wild red disarray and there were dark circles under her eyes, she looked little different from when Mr. Strong had strung her up on the chains. The padded cuffs prevented much bruising and he hadn't really tortured her. Just a little tickling with the feather…
She shivered at the thought of the pain and pleasure he had given her with that one little motion. It seemed as if sensation was stirring again in her cunt from where he had lightly drawn the feather across her pussy lips. She was actually getting hot thinking about what he had done to her.
And the fucking! She didn't know whether to thank the man or kill him for that. She'd gotten off at unexpected times, but he had denied her the final satisfaction of a climax. That had left her needy and wanting. Her entire body had hurt, bit the crying hunger in her cunt was the worst of all. She hadn't been able to get a nice, realistic relationship built up with anyone except Clive. Only he had given her pleasure when she needed it. Miss Olson took a fiendish delight in tormenting her, and Mr. Strong was even worse. His cold blooded calculating desire to humiliate her seemed like a general's battle plan.
She tossed her head and felt the chain snap hard. She swallowed hard and tugged futilely at the dog collar around her neck. A quick study of it told Carole that it was impossible for her to break the thick leather band or snap the metal links of the chain. As long as it was in place, she wouldn't be able to stray more than a few paces from the bed. She couldn't even reach the window and took out.
The girl tried to analyze what all had happened and found it jumbled up in her head. She didn't even know where she was. The huge mansion of Mr. Strong might be anywhere within an hour's drive of her house – or a day's drive. The time spent in the silent, gliding Rolls Royce that had brought her here seemed unreal. When she wasn't feeling sorry for herself on that trip, she had been sucking off Clive.
The door opened and she turned to see Mr. Strong standing in the doorway, hands on his hips. She swallowed hard and self consciously her hand went to the collar around her neck. She hadn't realized how attractive the man could be.
Slim waist, powerful arms, massive chest, he looked like some God leaping from the pages of a history book. He had oiled his body and it gleamed in the dim light. Something stirred in the girl's body and made her begin to respond to him. She hated herself for it but she couldn't hold don the rising tide of passion she felt for him.
"Axe you going to do… that… to me again?" she asked, her voice almost breaking from nervous strain. Her wrists were still bruised lightly from where the cuffs had circled them and her shoulder muscles knotted painfully at the mere thought of being strung up like a side of beef.
"Do that again? Of course not. I explore. I experiment. I try to find the things that will give us both the maximum amount of pleasure. Consider me a scientist pushing back the dark frontiers of human experience."
"You mean you get your kicks torturing me in different ways each time?"
"Torture? Nothing of the sort. Don't lie and tell me you didn't enjoy that little session we had. I can't tolerate a liar."
She pursed her lips and began to feel stubborn. Yes, she had enjoyed parts of the fucking. But she wasn't going to admit that to him. That would degrade her even more than he was now. The mere idea that a man could do such a thing to her made her angry.
"I hated it!" she cried. "And I hate you!"
"Ah, you're lying on both counts. You loved it when I fucked your ass. You might have felt a little pain to begin with, but it was a new and wondrous experience. And hate when you refer to me? Hardly." His muscles flexed and she licked her lips as she saw the powerful play of sinews under his oiled skin.
"What are you going to do?"
"What are you going to do, master. That is the proper way of addressing me from here on; I think you will have to be shown respect and only a dominant attitude will suffice."
"What, master," he said. "And that's the last time I will tell you. The next lapse of respect will cause me to discipline you. Severely."
"Go to hell, you miserable little turd! I hate the sight of you!"
She rolled over turning her back to him. And immediately found herself sliding across the bed at the end of the chain. She choked as he yanked hard on the cable but couldn't even utter a cry of rage. The words were stifled while in her throat.
"I warned you, slave. Now I must punish you." Quick hands produced a length of rope and he began wrapping the cord around her ankles. She fought. Kicking out, she landed blow after blow on his powerful body. He didn't even seem to notice although several bruises, green and blue and ugly, began to appear on his chest.
"Stop it, you son of a bitch! Stop it!" she screamed. She used her fingers to rake and claw for his eyes. He deftly avoided her. She cried out again as he managed to tie each, of her legs to the headboard of the bed. She was bent double again. Twisting to one side hoping to turn on the bed and escape the pretzel position, the girl rapidly found this was impossible. The chain around her neck threatened to strangle her.
As she struck out wildly at him, he snared first one wrist and then the other. Quick loops of rope tied them above her head. She was now firmly held on the bed, on her back, so that her hands and feet were both above her head. In this position, her legs were held straight and her cunt was widely exposed to whatever horrible things he wanted to do.
"Why are you doing this?"
"I am your master," came the slow response. "As soon as you learn that, perhaps then we shall do other things. Until then, you must be punished."
"I won't say it – ever! I'll die first!"
"That might be ranged." The words chilled the girl. She was just beginning to feel the effects of the position he had tied her in. The strain was across her stomach. She rolled backwards as much as she could and put some of the weight on her shoulders. This opened her pussy to his erotic exploration even more but she didn't care. Anything to stop the pain beginning to form in her gut.
He lightly stroked over her gaping pussy lips. A finger shot into her pussy, then came out, almost dry. "You must become more aroused when in my presence. Your master commands it."
She glared at him but didn't say a word. She didn't trust herself. If she told him exactly what she thought, he might really do something terrible to her. The position he had tied her in was uncomfortable but tolerable. If she had to stay here until hell froze over, she'd do it. But never would she call this horrible man "master".
"I am not going to fuck you. I am going to truly punish you now." He went to a cabinet and came back with a black velvet hood. He pulled it over the girl's head until she was cut off from the rest of the world. Blind, she had only her sense of feel to rely on. Even smell couldn't penetrate the thick bag on her head. She wondered at the faint sounds which reached her ears. The man had effectively imprisoned her in a dark world hoping to scare her.
"Go to hell!" she screamed again. The words seemed to be eaten by the thick fabric of the bag. She settled down and waited for him to fuck her. The teenager figured, that was all that remained. But she didn't even feel the lightest of touches on the bed. Carole thought she might have heard the door closing but the velvet bag muffled sounds effectively.
She lay there for what seemed an eternity, waiting, anticipating. Each second dragged like an hour. She didn't have any idea how long it was since Mr. Strong had trussed her up and blindfolded her. She thought it had to be at least an hour. Maybe two.
Or was it a full day. She didn't know. Time ceased to have meaning. All she had in the way of a clock was her own heartbeat, but attempts to count the number of beats failed. Her heart seemed to race, then still for long minutes. It reacted to the amount of fright she felt.
What if Mr. Strong forgot about her? She couldn't scream and attract attention. No one looked in on her that she knew of. Perhaps Clive might wonder and come looking for her and find her. But what if Mr. Strong had sent Clive away? Or what if Miss Olson wanted to see her competition for Mr. Strong's favor, dead. The woman wasn't above allowing the girl to die in the darkness and pain being inflicted on her.
Carole began to struggle and fight against her bonds. She had to escape. Food. She had to have water. It had been hours – days! – since that evil man had left her in the room.
"Help! Help meeeee!" she screamed, but the words didn't seem to go anywhere. They came back muffled and dulled. They mocked her more than the silence. She had never been more frightened in her entire life.
Perhaps she slept. She might have passed out. Or neither. She may have stayed fully conscious and didn't realize it. Whatever happened, some vague sense of no longer being alone hit her. She called out but the words were sucked up as they had been before.
Vibration on the bed. She bounced to and fin to the rhythm of someone approaching her. When a calloused finger stroked along the inside of her thigh, she jumped as if the touch had been dipped in acid. The surprise of it startled her, sent her heart to racing wildly. She wanted to see what was happening, who was near her.
"Who's there?" she cried. She shouted louder. She had to know. Was this Mr. Strong? Or had Clive come to rescue her?
At the thought of Clive and possible rescue, she felt her pussy begin to chum lightly. The hand pressed warmly into her thigh. Then a slow stroke from the knee all the way up to her snatch. A racing movement took the hand back along that path, warming the skin with friction. A slow movement, teasing, tempting, tantalizing, back toward her snatch.
As the finger gently parted her cunt lips to expose her cunt hole, she bit into her lower lip. The touch of a human hand, no matter whose it was, reassured her. She wasn't alone. But she was blind and didn't know who it was.
The hand stroked up and down the cunt lips until the thick inner oils oozing from her twat were smeared all over her crotch. She felt her clit begin to rise to the teasing of the finger. She gasped in joy as the finger lightly flicked the very top of her clitoris. That single movement sent pleasure boiling into her guts and replaced some of the pain she had begun to experience. Being bent double cut off her circulation and made her legs feel leaden and numb.
"Please tell me who you are!" She knew the man was close enough to hear her, even through the veiling velvet sack over her head. No answer came back. He either didn't want to answer or he couldn't.
A light touch on her asshole with a cunt-juice drenched finger. She shivered as the finger worked its way into her shit chute. The long finger dove for the depths of her gut, then began to wiggle. The tensed muscles in her body relaxed at the luscious feeling. Deep inside, that finger moved around, stroking, tempting, promising her more than it delivered. She wanted more than a finger up her tightest passage.
But the finger vanished. All trace of the man vanished until she felt the bed begin to move a little. Then she screamed. A huge cock came rushing up into her well-greased cunt. The sudden entry sent her senses reeling. The huge cock filled her to overflowing and threatened to rob her of her senses.
When she felt the hairy bag containing the man's balls wetly slapping against her upturned ass, she calmed down a little. The movement now was mething she had experienced before. But who was this mysterious stranger coming to her in the night.
The girl's brain went into a frenzy. She tried to think it through. Would Mr. Strong send a man in to fuck her? She had to decide if it was possible. She hadn't obeyed him when he had demanded that she call him master. She had spurned him and his advances then. Being raped by a leper might be the farm of punishment that would appeal to the man's perverted sense of humor.
But she had no real reason to think this was anyone but Mr. Strong. The size of the prick pushed hard against her tight cunt walls. He filled her like that. When the man's heavy weight began to press down on her legs, she groaned. He drove in even deeper. She couldn't imagine being bound in a position which would allow a man to fuck farther into a chick's cunt than this one.
Her knees would have rested over the man's shoulders if her ankles hadn't been fled to the head of the bed. Thrashing around brought her little comfort. The chain around her neck prevented her from moving too much.
The man's prick slowly pulled from her cunt. Then it snapped back in, hard and long and demanding. He began a fucking which was methodical, powerful and totally different from the way Clive had fucked her. He had used short, quick strokes designed to build up the friction in her pussy and get her off. This man seemed to be intent on fucking her all night long.
Or was it night? She couldn't tell. The blindness began to worry her again. The bag over her head completely cut off all sense of the outside world. She was more helpless than simply being tied up. Fright stalked her once more.
"Stop it! Let me loose! Take this damned bag off my head!" she demanded. The request was ignored. The cock returned to sheath itself in her juicy twat.
The fucking slowly built up speed. The cock drove in mercilessly, screwing her so hard, that the bed began to shake. The man's weight came down harder on her legs as he fucked with more insistence. Her cunt started to warm to the cock.
She felt her juices leaking out and dribbling down the inside of her ass cheeks. When the cock twitched hard once deep inside, she almost came.
The idea of a mysterious stranger fucking her had always been one of her fantasies but she'd never thought it would be like this. She was being raped and had no idea at all who was doing it.
The cock began sliding in and out of her cunt so fast that the friction burned her sensitive pussy walls. She moaned and struggled to get more of that raping prick inside her cunt. The bonds on her wrists and ankles prevented it.
She felt her sexual tension mounting rapidly in her belly. Each breath was agony. Liquid fire seared her lungs. The cock drove ever deeper into her tightly clinging cunt. Then came the fluid rush of the man's jism. He spurted out into her pussy. She tensed all her muscles and tried to milk every last drop from his cock.
She succeeded. He seemed to come for hours and hours, the hot liquid of his jism whitewashing her insides until she was almost ready to come herself. But just as the tensions approached the breaking point, she found her pussy empty. The cock had vanished as mysteriously as it had appeared.
Carole cried out, "Fuck me, damn you, fuck meeeee!" but there was no answer. She wasn't even sure she heard the door to the bedroom softly close. All she knew was that she was alone again, in the dark, sounds muffled, tied up and very, very frightened.
Carole laid in stark terror for over an hour. Or she thought it was an hour. The way the come dried on her pussy made her think it was that long. With the velvet bag on her head, she couldn't even begin to estimate time. But when the thick jizz hardened from the air conditioner's blast that seemed directed over her cunt, she knew she had been alone for quite a long while.
She cried softly to herself. The tears were soaked up by the velvet and even this small consolation was stolen from her. She couldn't even have the satisfaction of feeling her own tears running down her cheeks. All that filled her universe were the bent-double feeling and the emptiness of her pussy. Again, as before, someone had fucked her almost to the point where she would have gotten off.
They left her hurting, and achingly horny.
Struggling against the ropes holding her arms and legs was futile. She had pulled and twisted and jerked enough to know that. All she got was sore skin from the attempts to free herself. She heaved a deep sigh and felt the corset pressing up into her tits. Even this was no longer a comfort to her.
There had been a thrill when dye had dressed her so sexily. The silken stockings caressed her legs and made her feel like a woman of the world. The corset had bolstered her tits and made the nipples come alive. The way the blood from her heart had pounded into her boobs and filled them with excitement was no longer new to her.
Now the pain of having the comet pressing so hard into the underside of her tits offset any sexy feeling she got from the clothing. Even the garter belt chaffed and irritated her waist. The slightest move made it cut into her belly and back.
She hurt all over. Worst of all was the isolation. She had no sense of time and didn't know if people came and stared down at her bound figure or not.
That was the worst of all – not knowing what they were doing to her. The way the man had come in and raped her made her consider, at first, that it was Mr. Strong. That was something he would have, gotten his nicks off doing. But, the more her frightened mind worked on the problem, the less sure she was that it had been Mr. Strong.
It would have amused the man to send in someone else to degrade her, abuse and rape her. He might have been so grossly ugly not even a prostitute would service him. Or he might have been scarred and rotting from leprosy. She shuddered in fear that she had been fucked by such a man.
Or it might have been nothing at all like that. Perhaps Clive had come in and fucked her. But why hadn't he spoken? Were there microphones in the room to listen in? And why had he stopped before she was fully sated? Had he heard Miss Olson coming and had to run?
A tiny click came to her straining ears. The door had opened. She was sure of it. A thrill of anticipation faced through her. She felt her body quiver in excitement at the idea of being allowed to get free from this distinctly uncomfortable position where her cunt was widely exposed to anyone walking into the room.
A soft shuffling noise indicated someone walking across the rug. Was it Mr. Strong? Or the silent rapist returning to finish the job? She almost hoped it was the latter. Her cunt began to drool in anticipation of finding a hard, long, hot cock fucking it again.
She called out, "Who is it? Please, take this bag off my head! I want to be able to see who's there!"
The bed squeaked slightly and bounced as extra weight was added to its surface. No word was spoken by the mysterious invader. Carole felt herself tensing for a blow. She expected Mr. Strong to use that riding crop on her tightly stretched thighs. The pain would rip through her brain and make her pass out, but at least she would know he was there.
No blow came. The riding crop didn't whistle and sting. The person on the bed inched closer.
Carole felt a hand stroking over her naked ass. She almost wished for the torn silk panties. This was intolerable. Someone was feeling her up and she didn't know who it was. It might be Clive, but she didn't think it was. He would have made some encouraging gesture, given her some sign if he couldn't have spoken out loud.
The hand ran over the warm flesh of her ass and then up the inside of her leg. The creamy white flesh flowed like liquid as the person pressed into it. Silken stocking came between hand and leg. Then Carole felt a rough, wet tongue pressing into her leg instead of the hand.
Through the stocking came the wetness of a pink, probing tongue. The eager tongue licked and worked on the back of her knee. Then it went up toward the head of the bed following the gentle surge of her calf. The action should have reassured her. It didn't. This was exciting her, but every time she felt excited and turned on, she was left unfulfilled. She didn't dare allow them to do that to her again. The horny feeling would drive her out of her mind sooner or later.
In spite of her intention not to become aroused, she found her heart racing. The way the tongue sought out the tiny spots on her leg that ached the most and soothed them made her think more might be in the offing. Her cunt sluggishly flowed, leaking its cunt juices from between the tightly pursed pussy lips.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" she demanded. The bed squeaking was her only answer. She was as much in the dark as she had been before. No matter what these people wanted to do to her, they could. She was their captive, at their mercy – and she was beginning to suspect they had no mercy lurking in their breasts at all.
The tongue worked its way around her leg until the silk stocking was drenched with saliva. The current of air from the air conditioner made her leg feel cool and detached. But her cunt was beginning to froth over with excitement. She knew what was going to happen soon.
Then a question popped into her mind she couldn't answer. Was this Mr. Strong? Or was it Miss Olson? She had no way of knowing if a man or a woman was responsible for licking down the length of her leg, savoring the feel of her soft flesh through the black stocking and then working on to her bound foot.
The mouth working on her leg abandoned it in favor of her foot. A juicy kiss was planted on the sole of her foot. Then a lewd sucking noise came and Carole felt her toes being engulfed by a hungry mouth. The person sucked hard on her toes. The girl wondered why the person was bothering – and then she found out.
There was something incredibly arousing about having the mouth working on her toes. The sucking made her toes curl up just as they had when she was being fucked. Some nerve reaction was held in common between her toes and her cunt. That hardly seemed right yet the girl was getting hotter and hotter as the person's mouth licked and sucked on her toes.
Another kiss. The mouth worked back along her other leg. She felt the rough tongue laying her calf, soothing it and stimulating her at the same time. By the time the person had come back to the top of her black stockings, Carole was moaning in constant arousal.
"Fuck me, fuck meeee!" she begged. She wasn't even sure if the person giving her such a lovely tongue lashing heard or not. The words might have been jumbled up due to rampaging emotions in her body. Or they might have been soaked up by the thick velvet bag around her head.
The tongue found the top edge of her stockings and refused to go past this paint to her cunt. The girl was writhing on the bed now, unable to move due to the bonds holding her so firmly. She wanted to lock her legs around the head of the person connected to that sweet, licking tongue. The strain on her legs due to the ropes holding her down was almost more than she could stand.
The rough, flicking pink tongue slipped under the edge of the silken stocking and tried driving down lower on the inside of the girl's thigh. The stimulation from this pushed Carole closer and closer to orgasm. She allowed the feelings to mount. She had to get off to take the deadly edge off her berserk desires.
Just as she was at the point of coming, the tongue vanished from her leg. Only a cool, wet spot remained to remind her that the driving tongue of exciting flesh had ever been touching her.
"You can't leave me! Don't do this to me!" she bellowed. She thrashed around trying to free herself. This time the chain fastened to the dog collar around her neck prevented her from getting off the bed. Someone had shortened that chain to make sure she couldn't possibly escape.
But the tongue returned, this time dragging slowly across the slightly raised dome of her belly. She felt the roughness across her smooth skin until it came to her belly button. The tongue flashed out and down into that deep depression. When the person began tongue fucking her navel, Carole got off.
It wasn't much of a climax, but it promised her that more would follow. She wouldn't be cheated this lime as she had beep before. She could explode in the wild release or orgasm just from a tongue in her navel. That thought both repulsed her and made her feel sexy. She needed that tongue down lower, though. In her cunt, where it could do her some real good.
"Please go lower! My poor little pussy needs your tongue! I need your tongue fucking my cunt!"
The person licking and sucking on the girl's navel didn't obey her. In fact, they didn't even seem to hear. The licking continued, but drifted lower with each circuit back and forth across the teenager's belly.
When the top of her red, furry pussy mound was reached, the girl was in abject need. Her cunt demanded attention. She was a seething mass of desire and nothing less than an all out fucking would do her. She had to have that tongue – at least or go out of her mind.
Each little swirl of the tongue picked up another strand of her coppery red pubic hair. When her bush was thoroughly wet from saliva, the tongue moved just a little lower. At the front end of her pussy lips poked up her clitoris. This was the target for the tongue's attention. It licked around the base of the pea-sized organ, then worked carefully to the very tip.
The salty juice from her cunt lubricated the entire area of her snatch. The tongue reached the tip and licked it all off, only to replace her cunt oils with saliva. The girl sucked her breath in ad hard as she could and moaned it out, loud and long. Then she came.
The tongue began to drive down hard on her clit. It pushed the little mound of sensitive flesh around in circles, chasing it all over. But it never let it alone long enough for her to catch her breath. She was coming like a human machine gun. Her body arched and she tried to shove her cunt down into the face she knew had to be behind the tongue.
The ropes prevented it.
She jerked and tossed hard as the orgasms smashed into her tender young body. She would do anything for more of the tongue this time in her cunt. No around of crying out helped she was ignored. She couldn't show with her body her great need. The ropes held her too firmly. All the girl could do was lie back and wait for the tongue to grant her even more arousal, excitement and, perhaps if it was merciful, the ultimate human pleasure of orgasm.
As she drifted down torn a particularly intense come, she felt the tongue roughly stoking along one of her blue-tinged pussy lips. The tongue managed to work underneath between the outer cunt lip and the pinkly scalloped inner. The intense pleasure the teenager got from this couldn't be put into words. She would have deafened herself with her passionate screams if the velvet bag hadn't muffled her cries.
For a tense moment, Carole feared the tongue would leave her cunt as it had her leg. She waited while no sensation of tongue tip came to her aroused flesh. Then came the rush of the tongue all the way down into her cunt. The world exploded in orgasm again. She soared on the fierce winds of desire blowing through her body. And the tongue kept fucking her long after that first huge come.
The tongue touched all the spots within her cunt channel that needed attention. It was almost as if the other person could read her mind, sense her need. The tongue stroked and darted onto the most sensitive nerves in her pussy. The tongue slithered back and forth in the liquid channel until the girl got off again.
And still the tongue came after her. It drove into her pussy only to swirl around like some berserk tornado. It plunged deeper into her than she would have thought possible for a tongue attached to a human mouth. She fancied she could hear jaw muscles cracking in strain, but she didn't try too much to listen for such things.
The pleasure she was getting from that tongue demanded her complete concentration.
The tiny fires that had continually blazed in her loins now erupted into raging blazes. All her pentup lust was released by that fucking tongue. Whoever it was on the other end of the tongue, they knew how to pleasure a woman with mouth love.
The girl didn't think her joy could soar any more than it was doing. The tongue proved her wrong. It left her cunt with a wet plopping noise that was positively obscene, then worked back along her perineum. The girl wasn't familiar with the effect of a tongue dragging sensuously along that portion of her snatch. The entire distance from her cunt hole to her asshole received careful attention.
And she got off again before the tongue found her tightly clenched anus. She shivered as much from what the tongue was doing to her body as from the cooling sweat on her body. When she felt the light stab of tongue tip against her anal sphincter, she came again. This wasn't the monstrous orgasm she had experienced when the tongue had been so avidly fucking her cunt, but it was promise of even more exciting things to come.
"More," she begged, not knowing if the person frying to stick that tongue into her ass could hear or not. "I… I'll try to relax. Go on and tongue fuck my ass!"
She tried hard to relax her asshole. Finally, through supreme will and desire on her part, she managed to loosen it a little. The tongue surged all the way up into her ass when she did. She could feel soft lips touching her asscheeks. Were they covered with lipstick? She couldn't tell that. The person tongue fucking her butt might be a man or woman. She hadn't figured out any way of telling.
And it didn't much matter. Whoever was using their tongue so effectively on her body was giving her the very thing she needed most: sexual release.
That tongue wiggled a bit as it went deeper into her asshole. She felt it wet and rough against the walls of her rectum, then she sighed and settled down. She wanted to hoard the feelings of lust in her body. She wanted to build them up to the point where it wasn't possible to hang on any longer. And then she'd let tat fucking tongue push her over the brink of orgasm. She would have the biggest and best come ever.
The girl was robbed before she could achieve this worthy goal. The tongue was more dextrous than she'd thought. It managed to press into nerves hidden far up her bowels and get her off before she realized what was happening. The tongue slipped free of her ass with a lewd smucking noise. Before she could protest, the bed squeaked and bounced a little.
Again, she was alone in the room.
But she waited. Carole wasn't sure the person had left. Once before, as the tongue had worked on the soft inner thigh, it had vanished for a moment only to return even more excitingly on her belly. Then it had gone on to her cunt and cunt lips and finally the steamy depths of her pussy. Maybe it would come back, either to her asshole or her cunt.
It didn't.
Blind, bound and helpless, the girl was again left alone with only her desperate thoughts for company.
Carole was finally released from her uncomfortable position. She found that it hurt like hell to even move after Mr. Strong cut the ropes an her. She moaned and turned on her side, curled into a fetal position to reduce the agony.
"How can you do something like this to another human being?" she demanded of Mr. Strong.
"Ah, you still haven't learned to address me as master. I guess I am forced to discipline you some more!"
The words stung like angry bees at the girl's mind. She had offended Mr. Strong! She hadn't meant to. He had finally released her and for that she should have thanked him.
The words rushed from her lips. "Please, ma-master! I meant no harm! I'll be your slave. Just don't tie me up like that again."
"The deed's been done," he solemnly said. "You aren't quite trained yet so I must make sure that the next lesson in discipline I give you is even more severe than the last."
"Please, no, master! I can't take any more of that. The dark, the stifling air inside that bag – I can't stand another week of it!"
"A week? You dumb bitch. I only had you tied up for a few hours. Did it seem so long to you?"
She knew he was lying. He was twins to make her feel uncomfortable and disoriented so he could work his evil magic all the more easily on her the next time. Yet.
What if he was right? She might have only been tied up and stuffed into that velvet sack for a few hours. Her own imagination had made it seem longer, of that she was sure. But had she really stretched a few hours into an entire week? It seemed incredible.
She rubbed across her belly trying to erase some of the hurt she had received. The skin prickled wherever the tongue had dragged across her flesh and left sticky spit. Even her legs tingled and itched from the dried saliva. But it was her pussy that sang the song of delight. She had gotten off at long last. While the tongue had left her asshole too soon, she didn't have that insatiable gnawing hunger in her body that she'd felt before after each of her sexual encounters.
"Wh-what are you going to do to me, master?" The last word still sounded foreign to her, yet if it helped keep him from abusing her more she would do anything, even calling him master.
"You must learn to obey me without question – and instantly. There can be no margin for dispute when I give an order. On your feet, bitch."
She quickly rose, only to be snapped back by the short length of chain around her neck. She felt her neck tense and the air was momentarily cut off. All she could do was gasp out, "I can't stand! The chain is too short for that!"
Mr. Strong shook his head from side to side as if rebuking a small child. "You didn't obey me. Now I shall really have to discipline you severely." He turned and walked to the cabinet that Carole had come to hate so much. That was where he kept the riding crop he had whipped her with before fucking her ass. And that was where the extra chains and locks were stored. She didn't know what else was within and didn't think she would enjoy finding out, either.
She furrowed her brows as she watched the man pull out a rubber sack that looked something like a hot water bottle. He filled it with various liquids from bottles, then hoisted the filled bladder and hung it from one of the hooks in the ceiling. Then he turned to Carole and said, "Over here. Immediately, you dumb cunt."
"But, master, the chain! I can't!"
"Excuses, all the time excuses. I see I shall have to do everything for you." He went to the head of the bed and worked at the lock for a moment. Carole bit back a sarcastic remark about him hurrying. She knew such would only increase the man's vengeance. She had no idea what was going to happen, but it wouldn't be nice.
He dragged her to a spot just under the bag filled with the noxious liquids. Carole saw an empty kerosene bottle and a couple plastic bottles which could have contained anything from battery acid to distilled water. The man came and ran a tube into the bottom of the bloated sack.
The way he held the end of the tube told Carole immediately what he intended doing, with it. She backed away, saying, "No you don't. You're not stuffing that Goddamn thing up my ass!"
The way he held the end of the tube told Carole immediately what he intended doing with it. She backed away, saying, "No you don't. You're not stuffing that Goddamn thing up my ass!"
A tiny smile crept to the corners of his mouth. He said nothing as he grabbed her. A brief fight and she was overpowered, as she knew she might be. What really irritated the teenager was the ease and contempt with which the man snared her. A quick movement and a pair of handcuffs held her hands firmly behind her back.
"Stand straight, damn you!" he snapped. Then he shoved the tube all the way up her ass. She felt the tube bite into her asshole, then snake its way up into her bowels. The plastic hose was limber and followed the curves of her bowels for several inches. In a way, it wasn't uncomfortable the way she thought it would be. It was even a bit sexy.
Then came the agony.
He opened a tiny valve on the bag and the hot, burning fluid came gushing into her bowels. She screamed as the hot liquid seared its way into her body. She tried twisting away, hoping the tube would fall out. Strong arms held her rigidly in place.
He hissed, "Move and I'll beat you until the flesh falls off your battered bones!"
The way he said it told the teenager that he meant every last word of it. She didn't dare move, no matter what pain she got from the enema.
"It's hot! It's burning me up inside!" she complained.
"Dumb cunt," he snarled. "Of course it's hot. If it had been cold, it would have killed you. Now I want you to listen carefully. I'll beat you like you've never been beaten before if you don't obey my every command. Do you understand?"
"Yes, ma-master!" she stuttered.
"When that bag is empty, I'll remove the tube from your ass. I don't want one singe drop to leak from your asshole. Not one drop. If it happens, you'll know real agony."
"What are you going to do to me?"
"Master! Call me master!" He slapped her with the palm of his hand. The resounding, stinging slap echoed throughout the room. The girl fell to her knees, momentarily stunned.
"Don't let one drop out!" he repeated. She had to concentrate to clear the pain from her check and to keep her asshole clamped tightly on the tube. She'd felt the first stirring of a drop of the burning acid going into her guts squirting around the tube.
"Wh-what are you going to do with me, master? After the – oh, it hurts! – after it's in me?"
He only smiled. That gave her agile imagination more than enough time to come up with a dozen horrifying possibilities.
She felt bloated as the liquid flowed into her intestines and distended her gut. The hot kerosene mixture seared at her innards and made the slightest movement painful. She cursed him silently, hoping he would die a messy death. She even wished she could trade places and do this to him. That would be a fine revenge.
The door opened and in came Miss Olson. The woman smiled knowingly and said, "Is the bitch obeying you properly, Mr. Strong?"
"Of course she is. I can control her without any aid from you."
The woman's face fell a little. "I had wanted to whip her ass a little. I have this new whip I wanted to try out. It needs blood to get the newness worn off it." She pulled out a short whip and snapped it in the air under Carole's nose. The girl flinched but something made her control her bowels. She didn't let one single drop of the hot kerosene going into her body out.
Displeasing Mr. Strong overrode her fear of Miss Olson.
"That will be enough, Miss Olson."
"Can I watch?"
That singe word caused the woman to blanch. Carole didn't understand the relationship between the two but it was obviously complex. And Mr. Strong had just given a firm, final command. Miss Olson hastily left the room. Carole almost allowed herself to breath a sigh of relief. Yet, that wasn't quite possible.
Not with a gut full of fuming hot kerosene enema.
"I could have used wine, then made you drink it," the man said in a conversational tone. "But I've tried that already. It wasn't entirely successful from my point of view. It disciplined the girl properly, but it also broke her spirit. I think you're made of sterner stuff, but I don't want to take the chance. Any of the kerosene leaking from your ass?"
"No, master. None!"
"You lie!" he roared. "Bend over and allow me to check!"
She did as she was ordered, even though the simple act of bending at the waist caused intense pressure to build up in her belly. The enema had almost entirely filled her intestines now. There was even a hint of vomiting beginning to assail her. She held down the urge. She knew Mr. Strong would not like that at all.
His fingers probed into the deep crevice between her meaty asscheeks. He pressed the tube a bit farther into her asshole, then stroked up and down her smoothly curving buttocks. He cupped each of the moons in his hand and squeezed.
The girl found this excitingly different and would have really turned her on except for the enema burning brightly in her guts. Still, a little thrill went into her cunt and began to form her fuck fluids.
The man didn't miss this. His finger dipped into her cunt and came out, filmed with her cunt oils. "So, you're hot for me, eh? Even though I am disciplining you?"
"Yes, master," she replied, wondering if this was the right thing to say to him.
Apparently it was, for he laughed. "I like that. A dumb bitch who knows when to get hot for her master." The tube came ripping from her ass and took her by surprise. She barely had time to close off her anus entirely to keep the noxious fluid from running down her legs.
"Stand up straight and spread those legs of yours. You know how to do that, I'm sure. You put out for anything. Even a dog."
Fear clutched at Carole's chest and almost stopped her heart. He'd said she put out for a dog. Had that mysterious licking tongue while she was tied and blind been a dog rather than a human? She couldn't remember all the details. It might have been a guy licking her cunt. The cold feeling almost neutralized the burning sensation in her belly.
He slapped her and brought her back to her senses. "Don't daydream. I want you responsive to me."
She obediently spread her legs even though it was more difficult keeping the kerosene enema inside. She thrust her pelvis forward a bit and tucked her ass underneath so that she could maintain her firm hold over her anal sphincter muscle. This seemed to work, but it also incited the man to comment.
"So you're hot for my cock, eh? I guess I'll just have to fuck that cunt of yours, then. And don't let one Goddamn drop of that enema out or you'll be in a world of trouble!"
She shivered as he moved forward and positioned himself in front of her. She closed her eyes and waited. When nothing happened, she opened her eyes and looked directly into the polar eyes of Mr. Strong. The man was quietly laughing at her. Glancing down she saw his prick, still limp but jerking and bucking into erection.
It was like watching a snake charmer and his snake. The cock rose up, twitched and started back down only to repeat the process until it was throbbing with life. The purpled cock head was poised just inches away from her drooling pussy. Her cunt juices even leaked out and went down the inside of her leg in a thick stream.
"That's not the kerosene, is it?" he demanded. He dragged a rough finger along her thigh and made her quiver. "Lick my finger off and tell me what it is."
She cringed but sucked his finger into her mouth. The salty, tangy taste assured her it was her own love juices. She told him so.
"You'd lie simply to protect yourself from a beating. But I'm inclined to allow you to get away with this lie because it pleases me." He moved closer, his arms circling her waist. His arms tightened and bent her backwards enough so that he could drive directly up into her yearning cunt.
She gasped as his prick penetrated her. The pussy lips hardly posed any barrier at all to his surging assault on her inner cunt. The teenager had to struggle to keep her anal muscles tight and prevent the enema from rushing out. The suddenness of his fucking had taken her by surprise. And that was almost her undoing.
She felt the added pressure inside her pussy. His cock stretched her almost virgin cunt walls to the breaking point and this added pressure to her already tight intestines filled with enema. The way she felt, she might explode from the fluid pressure at any moment. Just as she was sure she would have to relax and allow the horrid liquid to run out her ass, he pulled his prick from her cunt.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she almost lost control. Everything was intent on robbing her of that enema she had been told to hold inside her.
She gasped again as his prick reentered her body. The fucking took its toll on her as she quivered with excitement and fear and allowed just a bit of the fluid to escape.
The instant she felt it running down her leg, she panicked. "Please, master, no! I can't do it! I just can't!"
He laughed and began fucking her with short, rapid strokes designed to burn her pussy up with friction. She felt the heat from his cock spreading throughout her loins. This joined with the heat seething in her bowels from the enema and made her come to a boil inside. Her raging emotions took too much out of her. She screamed and another gush of the burning liquid forced into her guts came out.
The man didn't seem to notice. He was fucking her faster now. She hardly thought it was possible for him to do so, but he did. The feel of his prick against the sides of her twat sent shivers of desire pulsing throughout her body. His hard, virile prick almost made her forget that he was the one responsible for the horrible, burning ache in her guts.
But forget it she did. All she knew was that he was giving her pleasure such as she'd never known before. She wanted to please him as she had no man in the world. He was in control, he was dominant, he was her master. All she had to do was hold in the enema and he would fuck her all night long.
His cock drilled deeper into her cunt as he bent her backward even more. She was having a harder time keeping the enema inside as his cock found new and different angles of entry into her seething, boiling, churning twat. Her cunt had never been more alive. Each nerve sang its own separate song of delight.
And he fucked faster. She could hear the lewd smucking noise each time his prick broke the suction generated by her tightly clinging pussy. The girl was being driven out of her mind frying to obey him. The passions running loose in her offset the need for caution.
As she came, she screamed and the torrent of shit and kerosene gushed from her asshole.
He fucked her two or three more times, then simply dropped her into the vile pool on the floor. His prick continued bucking, slippery from her cunt juices.
Looking down at her, he said, "You disobeyed me. You allowed yourself to spew forth all that filth." He took his hand and put it around his huge prick. A few quick strokes up and down it and he came. The white jets of his jism arched through the air and spattered over Carole's face and onto the floor near the pool of liquid that had been held inside her for so long.
"Lick it up. All of it."
"Yes, master, whatever you say, master." And she did. She wanted to please him. She had failed him and anything she could do to redeem herself was all alright. As long as he fucked her again.
When she had finished her awful task, he said nothing. He merely left the room. She cried for an hour.
Carole couldn't remember how long she waited for Mr. Strong to return. For some reason she couldn't begin to understand, she had fallen under his powerful spell. For him, she would do anything. Anything at all, no matter how degrading.
She lived solely for his kind word, a passing glance, even his touch. And to have him fuck her would be the finest thing in the world. She was actually sorry she had let him down by allowing all the smelly, vile liquid to pour from her bowels. She had tried to hold it in and had failed. She had failed him.
The redhaired girl stood and went back to the bed and sat there, feeling sorry for herself. Her hands were still handcuffed firmly behind her back but Mr. Strong had allowed her off the leash that had held her since she'd come to this mansion. Getting some of her strength back, she rose and went to peer out the window. The bars on the window were obviously steel and too firmly planted in the stone work of the window sill for her to ever hope to escape that way.
Still, did she really want to escape? What did she have to look forward to on the outside world? Her father was a rapist. He had sold her into slavery, raped her, and all for money. She couldn't go back to him. And there was no way she could ever face her friends back at school. They wouldn't understand the feelings that rampaged through her now. They were children while she stood on the brink of being a woman.
That rape had done more to her than simply open her cunt up to any prick seeking it out. It had made her all too aware of her own body and its needs. She had denied those needs for so long that it had seemed natural to her. Now that a world of desire had been forced on her, she needed cock and lots of it. Passionately, she needed fucking.
Nothing, as she had received before, would drive her mad. She had to have all that Mr. Strong offered her.
Power. He had it. Money. He was filthy rich. Dominant. She had never met a man quite like him before. He was cruel and brutal and cared nothing for her, but she was attached to him as firmly as if steel chains held her down.
The door opened. She eagerly turned, hoping to see Mr. Strong. It was the dark, distant Miss Olson who stood there, a smile on her lips that would have frozen an Eskimo.
"So you survived your little bout with Mr. Strong, huh? I didn't think you could do it."
"What do you want? Is he coining back soon? I want to see my master!" The last word slipped from her lips without conscious thought. But once out she realized how accurate it was. Mr. Strong had done things to her and she would willingly accept him as her master now. To leave him was unthinkable.
"He has trained you in a very short time, I see. No, he's not coming back. That son of a bitch has left for a week or more. That means you're all mine."
The woman snapped the short whip in mid-air. Carole jumped a little at the sudden noise, then tried to quiet her nerves. Mr Strong wouldn't allow anything to happen to her. If Miss Olson hurt her, the man would certainly punish her.
"I know what's going through your head, cunt. It's not true. I can do any damned thing I want to you. If I have to, I'll kill you and tell him you tried to escape. It's so easy. Remember that. I have the power around here. Me!"
"I don't believe you. He wouldn't let you mistreat me!"
"And, what would constitute being mistreated? You've had all manner of evil thing done to you and you still want more. You're a masochist. You enjoy the pain. Admit it!"
The girl started to snap back a snotty reply, then stopped. She became confused. What the woman said might be true. She didn't enjoy the pain, yet it was something new and different for her and gave an added dimension to fucking. With pain, she could experience even greater heights of pleasure. She wasn't sure if that made her a masochist or not. All she knew was that she got off stronger than normal when she felt pain while being fucked.
"Yes," cooed Miss Olson. "You agree with me. On your feet or on your knees, it doesn't matter to me. I want you to eat my pussy!"
The whip lashed out and landed painfully on Carole's left shoulder. She looked down to where the tongue of leather had licked her and saw an ugly red welt. The pain lanced into her body as if in slow motion. She finally experienced the full amount of it and it made her madder than anything else. That convinced her it wasn't pain she got off on, it was the presence of Mr. Strong. Without him, pain was nothing.
"Burn in hell, you silly bitch," she snapped. "Look at you dressed in that silly dress. All black. You must think it's sexy or something."
Miss Olson grinned and it wasn't a pleasant smile. "You are one to talk. But then you had nothing in do with the selection of the clothing you almost wear. But that doesn't matter. I want to feel your tongue all over my cunt. On your knees!"
And the whip lurched across the air between them and slammed hard into Carole's other shoulder. The pain this time drove her to her knees. She moaned out, "I don't have to do anything you tell me to do! He wouldn't like it."
"He doesn't know. I'm doing this for fun. Stay down but spread your legs wider." The woman lashed out with the whip and raised still another wicked welt on the handcuffed girl's back. Carole gritted her teeth and obeyed. Whatever this bitch had in mind, it was better to get it over and then try to recover from the whipping.
She cringed in horror, though, when she saw Miss Olson approaching with the vibrator. She still remembered what that thing had done to her on the very first day she'd been here. Crammed up her cunt, Mr. Strong had raped her ass. The two of them inside her at the same time – plastic cock and fleshy prick – had almost killed her.
"Up yours, bitch!" cried Miss Olson as she jammed the plastic vibrator into Carole's pussy. The girl groaned and collapsed to the floor due to the impact on her body. The cunt wasn't greased for that kind of entry. She felt as if tissues inside her had ripped and torn.
Then the vibrator clicked on and the soothing massage penetrated to her cunt. This was all right. This was normal, exciting, fun. Her pussy began to churn with desire. This was so much different from the first time she had had it rammed into her yielding cunt.
"Ummm, that's nice," she moaned out. Anything she could say that would frustrate Miss Olson had to be all right. And she actually meant this. The vibrator was turning her on.
"It won't be for long," cried the woman, yanking the vibrator from the now juicy twat. Carole gasped as the plastic rod left her pussy. She had to roll over as the whip beat heavily on her belly. "Now it's really up yours!" snarled the woman.
The vibrator was securely lodged all the way up the girl's tight asshole. She felt as if she had been killed. The pain assailed her and made her weak and woozy. The room spun as she tried to reach down and pull the butt end of the plastic vibrator from her rear. The whip stopped that motion before it got started.
"Leave it."
She groaned in pain as the vibrator worked on the passage so recently filled with the searing, corrosive kerosene enema. She felt as if she were being torn apart one molecule at a time.
"Now you can eat my pussy. Come to mama, little girl. Eat out my nice cunt!"
The woman sat on the edge of the bed, her legs spread obscenely wide for the girl to get between. Her pussy gaped pink and ugly for the girl to eat. Carole wanted to turn off the vibrator. She could do anything but not with that damned plastic rod quivering away in her tender shit chute. The way her asshole burned, she was afraid she might never again be able to even sit down, much less take a prick up her back passage.
That had become important to her because it seemed to be important to Mr. Strong. If he liked butt fucking, she would allow him to do it no matter how depraved she considered it. He was her master. That was all she needed to know.
"Hurry! My pussy awaits that sweet sucking mouth of yours."
Carob painfully managed to get her knees under her. Then she rose and began making her way painfully across the rug to where the woman sat. The vibrator was relentless in its punishment of her ass. Every movement created a new ache or pain. The quivering plastic rod actually drove itself deeper into her body as she moved.
But move she did.
"Eat. Eat hearty! And fast! I need your tongue in me, tongue fucking me!" The whip went in a long arc that ended with a dull smack on her rear. It wasn't hard enough to raise a welt but it did cause her to cringe. It was close enough to the vibrator to make it's message all too clear, cooperate or you're going to regret it!
She dipped her face down into the woman's crotch. The fleecy bush of her pussy mound looked inviting to the girl. She actually felt her mouth watering at the sight. She came closer and pressed her lips against those of the woman's cunt. Then she almost puked.
The woman had coated her pussy lips with some vile tasting paste. It was metallic and choking. She looked up, her green eyes beseeching the other woman for mercy. When she saw the cold intensity staring back at her, she knew she'd receive no consideration at all.
She went back to eating the cunt out the way it should be. She ignored the heavy metal taste and soon it was all washed away by the flood of the woman's own cunt juices. This was more like it! The girl concentrated on the salty, tangy taste. It was a little thin on her lips but she managed to smear the heavy oils all over her tongue so her tastebuds could get the full pleasure from it.
Bound she might be and with a vibrator stuffed up her ass, but she could still eat pussy. Her tongue lashed out and raked along the entire length of the cunt lips. The woman on the bed groaned and settled back, shoving her snatch forward so that the girl could get even more of her tongue onto the delicate membrane.
She sucked in one of the cunt lips and began using her lips and her teeth on the rigid flap of skin. She could actually feel the pulse beating in that aroused portion of the other woman's cunt. Licking and gently gnawing made the woman so weak she fell onto her back on the bed. A dull moan or two was about all Carole heard.
She began rubbing her tongue along the edge of the pussy lip. The flesh quivered and began to harden as more and more excited blood pounded into it. When she lost control of the sex lip, the girl went upward until she found the tiny pillar of the woman's clit. This was her primary target. Give this all the mouth love she could and the woman wouldn't be able to say a damned thing about her inexperience.
The girl sucked the little clit into her mouth and used her rough tipped tongue on it. She flicked it lightly back and forth. The salty flavor of the woman's cunt spilled over and drenched even this tiny mound of erectile flesh so the girl had something new and different to taste all the time.
"Ummm, yesss!" hissed Miss Olson. "Give it all to me. Alllll!"
The girl did her damnedest to obey. Her tongue went wild on the woman's clitoris. It stroked all the way up the tiny spire, then teased the tip until the woman vented one large gust of breath and screamed at the tap of her lungs.
Carole knew then that she had found a potent weapon to use against Miss Olson. All she had to do was exhaust her sexually and maybe she would go to sleep. If she did that, Carole saw the chance of escape looming larger and larger.
She redoubled her efforts on the woman's clit. The tiny organ seemed to demand even more attention. She licked and batted it around until her jaws ached. Then she had to have some variety. She moved lower along the blue-tinged ridges of the cunt lips until she found the deep manhole leading to the woman's depths. Her tongue dived in.
She felt her jaws crack with the strain of driving her tongue in so hard. But it was worth it. She found the artesian well of the woman's cunt sauces. The thick fluids bubbled up and tempted the girl's tastebuds. She smeared the love juice all over her lips and tongue savoring every tangy second of this treat.
But it was against the cunt walls that she worked the hardest. She sought and found each and every nerve along that dank passage. She teased nerves into responding that had lain dormant for a long time. The woman responded by clamping her legs tightly on either side of Carole's head. She was momentarily blind and deaf again, just as when the velvet bag had been placed over her head.
This time, though, it was due to the woman's climax. She was bucking and thrashing around on the bed in wild orgasm. Her hips were lifted off the bed and were cramming down toward the girl's mouth for more action. She got it.
Carole kept her tongue fucking in and out of the tight cunt hole until she thought she would suffocate. Finally, the woman's body relaxed a little and a sleepy voice came, "Ummmm, so nice to have it eaten out again by someone who knows what to do. So niiice!"
Then the legs relaxed, further and drifted apart. Carole looked up and saw Miss Olson peacefully sleeping on the bed. For a moment, she thought the woman looked almost angelic. Then she remembered all the terrible things this evil woman had done.
That decided her. She managed to get the key to her handcuffs from the woman's belt without awakening her. It took over ten minutes for her to get the handcuffs open. She sighed and rubbed her wrists, then headed for the bedroom door and freedom. If Mr. Strong was gone, so would the chauffeur and probably Clive.
A pang of regret hit her as she thought of Clive. He was a decent man and she would miss him. A little. But not as much as she would miss the whip and pain Miss Olson meted out. She hated that woman with all the intensity of someone youger.
Just as the bedroom door swung open, a crackling noise sounded and she stumbled, a pain shooting into her leg. The whip Miss Olson carried snaked around her ankle and pulled her back into the room.
"You didn't think escape would be that easy, did you, my pretty-pretty? I guess I'll have to show you what it means to escape from here."
The lashing didn't stop for twenty minutes and Carole was sure only tatters of flesh clung to her back and ass. Even her tits had taken several nasty cuts during the beating.
If she'd hated the sadistic Miss Olson before, there wasn't a word for her feelings toward her now.
"I know it hurts. Christ, I can't believe that bitch did this to you," said Clive, applying some more of the antiseptic to Carole's wounds. "She's gone too far this time. I've had it with her."
"And not with Mr. Strong?" demanded Carole. She wasn't quite thinking straight, the pain hitting so hard at her senses.
"Of course not. Look, I told you he has a hold over me I can't begin to explain. He's done things for my father and mother you wouldn't believe. They'd both be dead if it wasn't for him. So would I. Do you know what it costs to spend months in a hospital? Mr. Strong paid for my stay. And there's more than simple money."
Carole could only nod agreement. She realized what he meant. She felt the same attraction towards Mr. Strong, though hers was probably more sexual than Clive's. But even here, she couldn't be sure. Mr. Strong said he enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh – and hadn't specified whose flesh he enjoyed the most.
"So you won't help me escape?" she asked. Her world seemed to be coming to an end around her.
"No, but I've got an idea that might work out even better than running from Mr. Strong. He doesn't take kindly to people who flee him. He's been known to go to the ends of the earth tracking them down for revenge. He takes it as a personal insult."
She shivered at the thought of Mr. Strong doing that with her. He would be a tireless enemy. And she didn't want to think of him as an enemy at all. He was her master. If only Miss Olson wasn't here!
As if reading her mind, Clive said, "We can get rid of her. I've been planing that for a year now. God, how I hate her!"
"But how?"
He smiled and Carole saw a hint of Mr. Strong in his face fleetingly, she wondered if he might not be related to the man. Then she pushed the thought from her mind as he outlined his plan. She found herself agreeing fully.
"Oooooh! I hurt! My side is killing me! I think it's my appendix! It's going to burst!" Carole cried out. She kept it up until Miss Olson came into the room.
"What the hell is all this about?" Her quick eyes showed that the girl was still chained to the bed as she'd left her. She didn't even see Clive standing behind the door – or the club he used to knock her unconscious.
"Did we have to do it like this?" Carole asked.
"Yeah. The bitch goes around armed all the time. We had to take her by surprise. And I think she carries the key to your chains with her. Got 'em!" He held up the brightly shining key, then tossed it to Carole. "Get dressed," he ordered, "while I take care of her."
Carole found clothing in the closet containing the whips and chains. She quickly slipped into them, the cloth feeling odd against her skin after living in the silk garments given her by Mr. Strong. She watched in amazement as Clive handcuffed Miss Olson and then fastened a velvet bag around the woman's head.
He quickly explained, "Don't say a word after she comes to. If she happens to escape, we don't want to be caught. It'll be her word against ours and knowing Mr. Strong, he'd give her a lie detector test. She can't do anything but lie if she doesn't see or hear who's kidnapped her."
The ride in the fancy car left Carole feeling as if she could lick the world. She was bunting with curiosity but she kept her mouth closed. Miss Olson had regained consciousness and thrashed around in the back of the car. Wherever they were going, they would get there sooner or later. She could tell then and satisfy her curiosity.
Clive pointed to a truck stop on the highway. They pulled in. Carole knew they didn't need gasoline since the car was always fully fueled. Mr. Strong demanded that as long as the car was parked in the garage.
The massive car sidled up next to an eighteen wheeler and Clive got out, beckoning to the driver of the truck. They talked for a few minutes, then Carole watched money change hands. She couldn't tell how much but it was a thick sheaf. Clive put the money in his pocket and pointed to the back seat where Miss Olson still struggled against the handcuffs.
The trucker opened the door and said, "Well, shit, this is about the prettiest little filly I've seen in years. Damned right, she's worth the money."
Clive made an obscene gesture and the trucker laughed. "Well now, I guess it wouldn't damage the merchandise none if I knocked a teeny piece off, would it?" Seeing Clive's returning smile, the trucker hoisted the bound Miss Olson and dumper her into the empty back of his trailer rig.
Clive quietly spoke to Carole. "Let's watch for a while. I think it might be interesting."
Carole got out and stood near Clive, both of them peering into the empty truck. The trucker had already skinned off Miss Olson's panties and had hiked her skirt up around her waist.
"Now that's a damned fine cunt, lady. A right fine one. And this old pal of mine's gonna have a lot of fun fucking it!"
Carole whispered to Clive, "I think this is going to get interesting. Do you think he'll mind if we watch?"
Clive shook his head and moved closer to Carole. She sighed deeply when his hand pressed close to her pussy. In a few seconds he had worked his hand down to the point where he could easily slide his finger in and out of her cunt. It was already greased and waiting for him. Her only regret was that he couldn't fuck her while they watched the trucker rape Miss Olson.
"Quit struggling, lady," the trucker said. "This is gonna be the best Goddamn fuck of your life." He dropped to press his weight onto her body. He maneuvered a little and avoided her kicking legs. By the time he stopped, he was firmly lodged between her thighs, his prick aiming directly for her pussy.
The woman was screaming but was finding out the muffling effect of the thick velvet bag. Carole smiled broadly, both at the finger driving in and out of her cunt and the predicament the other woman found herself in. This was justice.
"Here it comes, ready or not!" the trucker laughed as his hips pistoned forward. Carole saw the knobby end of his prick spear directly into the quivery pussy lips of the woman's cunt. The woman screamed louder, but there wasn't anything she could do. With her hands fastened securely behind her back, she was virtually helpless. The man's prick buried itself all the way to his balls.
"Damn, that feels good. Best cunt I've had round my cock in ages," he moaned out. "Now to get to it."
He began fucking her with long, powerful strokes. Each one visibly shook the woman as it hammered into her cunt. Carole sucked in her breath, feeling each and every stroke of the man's prick as if it were fucking her cunt. But all she had fucking her pussy was dye's agile finger. It sought out each and every place that would give her the most thrill. She sighed and leaned heavily against his strong shoulder. This was more like it. Him finger fucking her and she could see the full rape of the woman she hated so much.
There was a lewd squishing noise as the man drove his cock even harder into the woman's now juicy cunt. The way his fuck stick drove in, Carole wondered if he might not be bruising the woman's tender prissy lips. She hoped so. The woman deserved everything she was getting. Carole hadn't forgotten the beating or the way she'd been forced to eat the woman's pussy or the other abuse she had accepted from Miss Olson. If she could get her own rocks off watching the rape, well and good.
"More, Clive," she hotly whispered in his ear. She no longer cared if Miss Olson heard or not, but this was sexier, and she was feeling really hot by now. He added another finger into her gooey twat and she thought she would pass out from the pleasure of it.
His fingers dipped deeper and deeper into her cunt with each stroke. When he saw how closely she watched the trucker fucking Miss Olson, he changed his tempo to match that of the other man. This allowed Carole to experience the full effect of both fuckings.
She was soon gasping for air, barely able to contain herself. The way her passions were being drawn out, she didn't know how much her body could take. She had become intensely horny – all the time. This was a little bit that would take some of the edge off her need. But not much. Finger fucking was okay but her cunt demanded a hard, virile prick.
The girl knew she would get it before they got back to the mansion. Clive's cock was pressing hard against his trousers as he watched the trucker fucking Miss Olson. Carole didn't think she would have any trouble at all persuading him to stop beside the road for a little piece of ass.
"Stop this!" she heard Miss Olson scream. The words seemed to incite the man fucking her to work even harder at driving his cock all the way up to her tonsils. "Don't!"
But he did. And she responded eventually. She caught her breath, gasped, then vented a loud cry of orgasm. The man kept fucking the entire while, even though the sweat popped out on his forehead and he was obviously having a hard time controlling himself. Finally, he arched his back, slammed his cock to the hilt into the woman's lewdly gaping cunt, and came.
Clive's finger in Carole's twat bent slightly. She moaned softly, then felt his finger begin to press her backwards. Realizing that he intended for them to leave now, she reluctantly allowed him to guide her away. She would have enjoyed sticking around and seeing what else the man had in store for Miss Olson.
But the woman had been sold. That was all they needed to go back and tell Mr. Strong that Miss Olson had left town and wouldn't back. Even if the woman escaped and worked up the nerve to return, Mr. Strong would never take her back. He didn't like people walking out, on him.
Carole softly cried out when Clive's finger pushed her over the brink of orgasm.
"You'll like it here, at Mr. Strong's mansion," Clive told the frightened dark-haired girl. "You have nothing to be afraid of. He's peculiar in some ways but not evil."
"Who the hell are you? And who is this Mr. Strong? I was hitchhiking and this guy kidnaps me. You can't keep me here! It's against the law."
"The law?" mused Clive. "That is something of a joke these days, don't you agree? Lenient judges, crooked lawyers, justice only for those who have the money to purchase it. I would suggest that you simply try to enjoy your stay here. Mr. Strong can make it most enjoyable – or miserable!"
"Let me loose!" the girl flared.
Clive ripped her blouse off as he told her, "Mr. Strong has very distinct tastes in how his women dress. You are to be dressed in this wedding gown. All white. With the appropriate under garments."
The girl fought but Clive was too strong for her. He stripped her bare ass naked and then began to redress her in the while stockings and frilly garter belt. He didn't bother with a corset. It wouldn't be needed. Not for a bride. Then he put on the silken white dress. This seemed to calm the girl a little bit as she looked down at the finery.
"But why? Why are you dressing me like this? I don't understand. And this damned dog collar around my neck hurts! It's too tight."
"Why am I doing this? Because I want to see how Mr. Strong will react to you!"
With a powerful motion, he spun the girl around and forced her down over the back of a chair. The white ruffled skirt flounced up and dye used his hands to hike it around her waist. Exposed to his eager gaze was her softly rounded ass. The garter belt neatly outlined the half moons and the white stockings hinted at virginity. But she wasn't a virgin, dye found as he drove his erect cock into her cunt from behind. She struggled as he fucked her, but he was strong. He could control her.
He gasped as he fucked faster in and out of her clinging cunt hole, then his prick spurted out its load of jism. He creamed in her cunt until his prick was too limp to stay in. He quickly turned and left the girl still over the back of the chair.
The dark haired beauty managed to get her feet under her and spun around to face the empty room. She let the tears of frustration ooze down her cheeks. What was she messed up in here? This weirdo dresses her up like a bride, then fucks her like a rabbit. She rubbed across her silken covered snatch and surprised herself when she found she was hornier than hell.
Less than a minute passed until the door opened and in walked a woman dressed all in black. The startling contrast of her red hair and green eyes made the combination seem all the more sinister. All the woman wore was a high corset with her tits poking out above, a garter belt – black – and black silk stockings. Her flame colored bush was bare and dotted with tiny dew drops of cunt oils. It was obvious she was highly aroused.
"I have watched you with dye," said Carole. "I think Mr. Strong will be pleased at your performance. But you must be the complete newlywed with mm."
"What's going on here? Who are you?"
"I am Mr. Strong's woman," said Carole proudly. "It's a position I worked hard to attain. And I'm sure you will want to please him as much as I do myself."
"You think he'd like me like this?" the girl asked uncertainly. She was so confused. It was hard to figure out what was real and what wasn't. The fucking wasn't faked. Not the way her pussy still yearned for the feel of a hard fucking cock.
"I think he will love you like that. Now, let us go to the bed. There is so much I want to show you."
Carole took the young girl to the bed and carefully biked up the full skirts to expose her flowing pussy. A quick lick told her that the girl enjoyed a lot of mouth love. And it was only a few minutes before Carole convinced her to return the favor. Together, on the bed that had once held her captive, Carole ate pussy while hers were being eaten out.
She had come a long ways. And for Mr. Strong, she would go a long ways farther.