Ron Taylor

Raped cousin


Holly pulled her motorcycle into the driveway and killed the engine. For a moment she sat there, her legs clenched tightly on the seat, her cunt tight against the leather. “Ahhhh,” she said appreciatively, unclasping her thighs.

She put down the kickstand and dismounted.

Lisa’s van was parked in the driveway, the only other vehicle around. That stood to reason. Lisa’s mom worked day shift and wouldn’t be back for another couple of hours. But Holly wasn’t interested in seeing Lisa’s mom. She went around the house, stole a peek at the mountain escarpment, green against the skyline thirty miles to westward, then let herself in the kitchen door.

“Li!” she called. “It’s me. Where are you?”’

No answer. Holly stopped a moment, listened, her ears catching the sound of running water. She smiled, nodded, and made for the bathroom. The door was shut, but not locked, and Holly went inside, closing the door behind her once again.

Lisa was in the shower, her pink body visible through the frosted glass of the stall, and she was singing “Torn Between Two Lovers” in a high, not quite on-pitch voice. To be honest, Lisa couldn’t sing for shit, but Holly really didn’t mind. Holly couldn’t sing for shit either, but they had plenty of other ways to occupy their time besides singing. Holly went toward the shower stall and tapped on the door.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Lisa chirped, “you scared the fuck out of me!”

But she wasn’t angry. Her face broke into an infectious smile and she kicked the shower door open. “If you’re not doing anything,” she added suggestively.

Holly grinned and pulled off her pullover. She was bare underneath, her large nipples already stiffening. They were almost as big as the tips of her thumbs and colored a bright cherry red that went well with her summer-tanned boobs.

“Mmmm,” Lisa said, sticking one soap-sudsed hand out of the shower stall and grabbing Holly’s nearest lit. Holly squealed but she didn’t stop wriggling out of her tight-ass denims and, as they fell to her ankles and she kicked her feet out of them, she staggered closer.