There’s only been one woman for Gabriel Edwards—Summer Holland. But unless she needs cash, food or a place to stay, she wants nothing to do with him. Now he’s done playing Summer’s knight in shining armor. He’s finally found the woman to settle down with—the town’s newest librarian. She’s smart and sweet, and wholly in love with him. And nothing and no one will get in the way of his plans.

Until Summer comes home to Holland Springs, and needs his help once more.

Summer Holland is set on one thing: convincing Gabriel Edwards to help her get back the daughter she gave up for adoption. She’s always counted on him to rescue her when she needed it most, and this time is no different…until she learns of the new woman in Gabriel’s life.

Now she realizes she’s never gotten over him, and after they share one sweet kiss, Gabriel starts to believe that he might not be over her either...

Not Over You

Holland Springs - 5


Marquita Valentine

Chapter One

Gabriel Edwards leaned back in his chair, outwardly smiling at his date, but on the inside…something was off with him, with them as a couple.

The server came by their table to refresh their water and pour more wine into their mostly empty glasses. The two things that everyone in Holland Springs could always count on at Jack’s Fine Italian were great service and food.

Elise Dumas raised her glass, studying him over the rim. Her green eyes sparkled, and her red hair glowed under the lights. “Everything okay?” she asked.

“Fine.” Standard southern answer to a question. But he wasn’t fine, and he hated lying about it. “Just a little tired.” At least that much was true. He was exhausted, having spent most the night before working on repairing a software glitch for the Special Victims Unit in Wilmington.

“I think you’re more than a little tired,” she said gently, and he had to look away before she could glimpse the truth. The longer he and Elise dated, the more this off feeling had grown, until it felt as though his entire body was suffused with it.

He couldn’t understand it, really. He’d been the one to ask her out, he’d been the one to pursue her, enjoy the flirting and stolen kisses…the daily texts to make plans for lunch or have coffee, just because. Not just that, Gabriel wanted to settle down. He wanted a wife, a dog, and, eventually, children—God willing.

But he did not want those things with Elise Dumas.

Gabriel blinked, the errant thought completely taking him by surprise, because there was absolutely nothing wrong with Elise. She didn’t deserve this sudden internal waffling. She deserved all of his attention, and not the sporadic amounts he’d given her lately.

Turning to her, he placed his hand on hers. It was warm and small beneath his palm. His heart raced a little. A slow smile flickered on her face, and she licked her bottom lip.

“I’m not that tired,” he said softly. “How about drinks…at my place?”

That smile of hers curved up even more. “I thought you’d never ask.” Usually, he wouldn’t have.

Gabriel didn’t exactly broadcast it to the world, but he had planned on waiting for his wedding night to have sex for the first time. Perhaps this off feeling was a result of that, of old-fashioned thinking. Growing up as the adopted son of a preacher had made him tentative in his relationships. Or maybe it was because he was still a virgin by choice.

With a wink, he said, “I think a gentleman shouldn’t keep a lady waiting for so long.” Then he motioned for the server to bring him the check.

Elise’s brows rose, but she said nothing until after the bill had been paid and Gabriel was lacing his fingers in hers. “Three months isn’t that long, Gabe.”

Try twenty-nine years, honey. He opened the door and inclined his head, letting go of her hand so she could go through first. She walked ahead of him, and he stood back to admire the sway of her hips, the way her slim skirt fit her curvy frame, and how her hair bounced on her shoulders with the movement.

A quick glance over her shoulder made him blush. He really shouldn’t be ogling Elise in the parking lot. “Sorry,” he said. Exhaling, he strode after her.

Stopping by the passenger side of his truck, Elise stood, hands clasped in front of her as she waited for him. “You didn’t have to apologize.”

He inclined his head to one side and opened the door, helping her inside. “Pretty sure I did.”

“Nah, I liked it.” She leaned into him, placing her hands on either shoulder. “It’s nice to feel wanted.”

“Just nice?”

“More than nice.” Her lashes fluttered, and he knew in that moment she would kiss him. He’d welcome that kiss, that reminder of all the reasons why he found her attractive.

But just as his own eyes grew heavy-lidded, a flash of blond hair framing a familiar face caught his attention. He jerked back. Elise almost tumbled out of the truck.

“What’s wrong?” she gasped

“I thought I saw…” He swallowed, unable to lie to her, yet unable to voice what his mind had registered. She couldn’t be back in town. Not now. Not when I’m so close to being over you. “Something… and it startled me.” There. At least that was the truth.

“If PDA makes you uncomfortable, Gabe, I won’t try to kiss you again,” she said. There wasn’t a trace of bitterness or sarcasm in her tone, but instead of making him feel better, he felt like a freak.

Scared to kiss her, angel? Or are you thinking of another? A voice whispered in his head, soft, seductive, and completely deadly to his determination to scrub her from his thoughts.

The scent of sea breezes and cut grass washed over him, reminding him of Summer. He inwardly grimaced. Not Summer, but summer—the season.

I’m over you. “Doesn’t make me uncomfortable,” he said, cupping the side of Elise’s face. “Now, where were we?”

Then he kissed her, long and hard, until she melted into him. He kissed her while thinking of all the things he liked about her, of all the things he knew about her, and of all the things that made her special to him.

But who had to think this much during a kiss? Shouldn’t a kiss be so overwhelming and consuming that the only thought you can hold onto is how to breathe?

Reluctantly, he pulled away.

Elise’s cheeks were rosy. “Wow,” she breathed. The measure of satisfaction he should feel never came. What was wrong with him?

With a heavy heart, he backed up. “Drinks are waiting.”

“If drinks at your place are anything like this, I don’t think I’ll be able to finish in one sitting.”

Gabriel had to smile over that. Her compliment flattered his ego, and then some. “Then let’s go.”

After climbing in his truck, he cranked up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, heading north on Broad Street. Elise tuned the radio to a country station that had them both humming along. She grabbed his hand, and he felt better. In fact, that off feeling was completely gone.

“Here comes trouble,” he sang, but then that familiar face caught his eye and his stomach contracted, like he’d been suckered punched.

Summer Holland, the woman who’d sworn never to come back to Holland Springs ever again, was walking down Broad Street. She looked the same to him—beautiful, strong, and unattainable. Though that wasn’t always true. Once she’d been vulnerable and always willing to throw herself into his arms.

But then he’d let her down. All over a lie, that turned into a rumor, which spread like wildfire… and he’d done nothing to stomp it out, until it was too late, because the smallest part of him had believed it could be true. That, in truth, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

He’d been the worst sort of snob, the worst sort of hypocrite, to believe some guy’s lie. It didn’t matter that he had apologized. Summer had never forgiven him, and would always make him pay. Until he thought they’d finally broken through all that. Until he thought they’d finally be together. He had wanted to be the father of the child that wasn’t his. He had wanted to be Summer’s husband, her lover, and best friend. He thought she had wanted the same.

Then she’d shoved him away again. For no reason at all.

He almost slammed on the brakes, but somehow, he kept going, staring at her retreating form in the rearview mirror.

It was a damn good thing traffic was light.

Her hips swayed in barely there cutoffs, tan legs as long as anything. The blood is his veins thrummed. Involuntarily, his grip on Elise’s hand tightened.

Elise. Elise. The woman who sat so innocently beside him, singing and enjoying his company, while he salivated over another woman’s legs and hips. She deserved better than this, better than him, with his messed-up, tightly twisted history of dropping everything to help the girl who used to own his heart.

Now he knew what was wrong with him—Summer Holland.

And knowing was power. He would use that knowledge and get over her by taking this final step with Elise. Never mind that he was ditching his own long-held beliefs to prove a point. Never mind that he wouldn’t be thinking of Elise at all when he kissed her again.

He wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel to clear it, but instead he drove on, silently urging the already light traffic to become nonexistent. After another ten minutes of driving, he pulled into her driveway instead of his.

“Change of plans?” she asked, slipping her hand from his as he parked the truck.


“She’s very beautiful, just like everyone says.”

“Excuse me?” he managed to ask, turning to Elise.

“Summer Holland.”

He searched Elise’s face. There was no judgment in her expression, just a sort of gentle understanding, which only served to make him feel even worse.

“She’s not why I changed my mind.”

“But she is a part of it.”

Running his hand through his hair, he groaned. “Yes, no… Honestly, she’s all in my head right now, because the only time she comes around is when she needs something.”

“And you always rescue her.”

“Guess you’ve been warned about that, huh?”

“I wouldn’t call it a warning, more like a be prepared type of thing.” Elise gave him a small smile. “Zoe Romanov told me that if I wanted to be with you, then I needed to accept your need to help others, especially one person in particular.”

Shame and guilt washed over him. She’d known, the entire time he tried to spare her feelings by kissing her. God only knew what she thought about him making the first move.

“How long ago did Zoe tell you this?”

“When things started getting serious, or at least, I assumed we were serious.” A large frown invaded her small smile and won. “I assumed too much apparently.”

He wanted to groan again. Their date had gone from good to bad to really ugly in a matter in minutes. “You didn’t assume anything. We’re a couple.”

“But will you think of me when Summer needs your help, or when she asks you to drop everything for her?”

Technically, Summer never had to ask him. He simply gave and she always took, but splitting hairs didn’t seem to be the best course to take. “I give you my word that you will always come first, and if you ever don’t, then call me out on it and give me the opportunity to rectify it.”

He meant it, every single word. Elise was good for him. She’d be good for any man, with her intelligence, looks, and disposition. Who wouldn’t want her in their life?

The leather seat creaked a little as she moved closer to him. “You get one chance, Gabriel. That might sound a little harsh, but from what I know and what I’ve been told—one is probably too many.” With that, she kissed him on the cheek, got out of the truck, and went inside her house.

* * *

Summer Holland had sworn she’d never step foot in Holland Springs again, but here she was, standing in the front yard of the house she’d grown up in. A house that not even three years ago, she’d burned to the ground, in the hopes of saving her sister.

Strawberry Grove looked mostly the same, only the rebuilt mansion no longer sagged in the front, shutters were firmly nailed beside windows, and the paint wasn’t peeling. The aura of decay was completely gone. It looked bright, cheery, and…homey.

Most likely, this was how Strawberry Grove had looked when it was first built, before the Civil War, by her great-great-great-great grandmother’s lover. Or if the family lore were to be believed, by a man who had actually convinced Poppy Holland to marry him while abandoning his own last name.

Actually, that would be two men in the history of all the notorious Holland women. Well, three if she counted her sister’s husband—the same man Summer’s daughter called Daddy.

The sound of tires crunching over gravel made her turn around just in time to see a hot-pink truck come to a stop. A tall blonde with a winning smile got out, waving at Summer like she was happy to see her.

It struck Summer as odd, painful, and sweet all at once. Growing up, no one outside of her family in Holland Springs had ever been happy to see her.

Except for one, a voice in her head reminded her.

“Hey you! It’s me, Jemma Leigh. Rose said you’d be by today,” Jemma Leigh called out as she teetered on high heels. She carefully made her way to Summer, with a stack of papers clutched tight in one hand. “I have a key for you, though Rose said you wouldn’t need it.”

Rose was correct. A locked door had never kept Summer out of any building. “How thoughtful.”

Jemma Leigh stopped short, searching Summer’s face. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

“No,” Summer lied, tossing her hair over one shoulder. Jemma Leigh had always been kind to her, even in school. Once Jemma Leigh had given Summer her own lunch when Summer had forgotten hers, and had no money to purchase one. Another time, she’d complimented Summer on a dress she’d worn to school, for the first day of ninth grade. It had been one of her mother’s and ill fitting.

But that’s not why Summer lied. She lied because she couldn’t afford to make friends. Friends turned on you when you needed them the most. Only Summer didn’t remember Jemma Leigh turning on her. Then again, Summer had never given her the chance.

“Oh.” Jemma Leigh’s face fell. “Well, I remember you, Summer Holland. We went to school together. You always drew the best pictures in art class, and I was green with envy.”

That’s what Jemma Leigh remembered? Not the rumors, or the whispers, or the name-calling, but how well she’d drawn? Color her confused. “Thank you.”

Jemma Leigh shifted her weight from side to side, and then handed over the stack of papers. “I took the opportunity to get the mail this evening, since you wouldn’t know to get it. But since you’re staying, you can get it from now on. While you’re here, you’ll have to have coffee with me so we can catch up. There’s a new café in town with muffins that will widen your hips just from looking at them. Not as good as Daisy’s place, but she’s off with her earl, living it up in England or China… Some place like that. Anyway, you just have to go with me.”

Summer stared at her blankly, taking the mail.

“You are staying, aren’t you?” Jemma Leigh’s brows drew together. “I could have sworn Rose said you were.”

Summer crossed her arms, not the easiest of feats considering her hands were full. “I’m thinking about staying.” There was no need for the entire town to know she was here, until she was good and ready. She turned and walked to the house, leaving Jemma Leigh standing in the middle of the front yard.

“Nice chatting with you, Summer. I’ll see you around,” Jemma Leigh called out, but Summer barely paid her any attention. All her focus was on the house, and what she’d find behind the door.

The old-fashioned key seemed to weigh about a thousand pounds in her hand. Her palms became sweaty and her knees wobbly, but she put the key in the lock and turned it. The door swung open.

A cat rushed out, winding around her legs. She bent down, dumping the mail on the porch to scoop him up. “Blackbeard,” she whispered again his soft, black fur. “I’ve missed you.”

Blackbeard purred in response.

She looked into his blue eyes and made a face. “It hasn’t been that long.”

The cat kept staring, and his tail twitched.

“All right, it has been a long time, but I plan on staying a long time.” She stroked his back. “Does my time frame meet with your approval?”

Blackbeard wriggled out of her arms, and she let him go. Rising to her feet, she left the porch and the mail behind her as she entered the house.

A white envelope propped up on a table in the foyer caught her eye. Her name was boldly written on it. Blackbeard jumped on the table, rubbing against the mirror.

“You’re so vain now. Is Rose’s husband the reason for it?” she asked the cat. Picking up the note, she examined it and then let out a puff of air when she couldn’t discern what was inside without opening it.

“Fine,” she muttered, lifting the back flap and pulling out the letter.

Dear Summer,

Sasha, Ivy, and I are traveling in Zimbabwe at the moment. We are opening a new school there, and then another one in Brazil.

“A globetrotting Holland. Who would have thunk it?” she said, absently petting Blackbeard.

Normally, I keep Carolina Dreams closed during our trips, but there are several couples that will need our help. I hope that you can find a way to reopen the store while I’m gone. After all, you and Skye helped start it. Please pay yourself whatever you think is fair. Harrison can help you, if you have any questions.

“Fat chance of Harrison helping me,” Summer muttered.

Please make yourself at home. You’ll find your old bedroom ready for you. I’m sure Blackbeard can show you the way, if you’ve forgotten.

All My Love,


P.S. Tell Blackbeard to stay out of my closet. He has a nasty habit of drooling on my cashmere sweaters.

P.P.S. That was Sasha, not me. Blackbeard has a crush on him.

P.P.P.S. Why wouldn’t he? I’m very pleasing to the eye, as are you.

P.P.P.P.S. Beauty fades, but I’ll keep you anyway.

Summer swallowed a giggle, and then crumpled up the letter. Her sister was truly in love, and the man she married was truly in love with her. The thought of it warmed the coldness that lived inside of her, but only a little. A little was all she would allow.

She looked in the mirror, not at herself, but at the room behind her. Everything inside the house had changed. It was elegant and touchable. The large chairs flanking either side of the fireplace practically begged to be sat in, but she wouldn’t succumb.

Instead, she scooped up Blackbeard and dropped the letter on the table. She wandered around for what seemed like hours, taking in the newness as memories washed over her.

Running through the house with her sisters, laughing as Blackbeard chased after them. Their mother teaching her how to illustrate botanical recipes long after everyone had gone to bed, not even Rose suspected Summer had been the one to do that.

Trying the new recipes Rose invented. Putting up with all the friends Skye would make and try to bring home with her. Meeting Gabriel for the first time, in the backyard, when he’d gotten lost in the woods.

But along with the good, came the bad.

Growing up to look exactly like Azalea. Dealing with the rumors while, struggling not to become what she was accused of being. Azalea kicking her out. Living with Patrick—

Summer paused in the middle of the upstairs hallway and closed her eyes.

She wouldn’t think of him, of what he demanded after letting her stay the night when she had nowhere else to go. Summer had thought Patrick was her friend, because he was Gabriel’s friend. And Gabriel would have never been friends with—

Her eyes popped open, and she marched to her old room.

It didn’t matter what Gabriel used to be, was right now, or would be in the future. Coming home to Holland Springs had nothing to do with him.

She threw open the door and stepped inside. The room was tastefully done in soft greens and rich creams, two of her favorite colors. Little splashes of pink and yellow made the room extra homey.

But the picture of her holding a newborn Ivy seemed to mock her from the mantle over the fireplace. Her lips twisted, and her jaw clenched.

It’s the right thing, Summer.

But it hurts.

I know it does, but I’ll help you, every step of the way, if you want.

Gabriel. It was his fault she’d given up Ivy like she had. It was his fault that she allowed him to see her in a weak moment. Otherwise, she would have never let Rose adopt Ivy. She would have found a way to make herself a better mother… to make herself love a child who no longer knew her. A child who looked so much like the man who’d helped her, who’d found her in a diner while she counted tips and how many days were left before she had to pay rent again.


Though she hadn’t loved him, she had liked him and the way he treated her, like she mattered and deserved respect. She’d admired him and the sacrifices he’d made while in the ARMY. When he’d died in a roadside bomb, a piece of her died along with him.

The image of mother and child blurred. Summer blinked, and tears ran down her cheeks.

No matter what, she’d never let herself be that weak again.

Chapter Two

The next day, at precisely nine AM, Summer reopened Carolina Dreams. She’d been up since dawn, reacquainting herself with the apothecary shop. Everything was as it should be, neatly labeled, and stored in the back and across the street, according to the second letter Rose had left for her.

Summer glanced around the office, taking in the new desk, new desk chair, new computer, and plethora of family pictures. She ran a finger along the edge of a frame. Ivy, Rose, and Sasha posed in the pictured. Ivy wore a tutu, a bow in her hair, and a sweet smile.

Summer flipped the picture over.

The bells on the door rang, and she walked to the front, standing behind the massive counter made of wood and glass. This would be her battle station, the place where she could draw power and throw containers of shampoo at customers if she had to.

God, she hoped she didn’t have to.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as the first, second, third, and fourth customer walked inside, made their purchase, and left. All with a wave and a smile.

All said things like:

It’s nice to meet you.

I love your store.

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Say hello to Rose.

Tell her we miss her.

For the next three days, the pattern repeated with even more customers, until it felt as though the bells over the door played Carol of the Bells due to all the activity.

By the time three o’clock rolled around on Wednesday, Summer was mentally exhausted, but she couldn’t close until the tall redhead finished shopping. The woman kept giving Summer looks, but for the most part, Summer thought it was merely curiosity and not hostility.

“Could you help me, please?” the woman called out.

Summer moved to the corner of the store, to where the scented lotions and body washes were displayed. “Is there a certain scent that speaks to you?”

The redhead gave her an odd look, her green eyes a touch frosty. “Speaks to me?”

“Have you smelled any of them, and have a particular favorite or two?” Summer asked, trying again. Unlike Rose, she didn’t immediately grab the scent she knew would complement the customer, because she preferred the customer to come to their own conclusions—with a little guidance, of course.

“They all smell nice, but I want to find one that will drive my boyfriend wild.”

Ah, so that was the hesitation. Summer smiled. This was something she loved, though, no one would have believed her. “First things, first. Tell me about him—his favorite dessert, the color of his eyes and hair…his favorite time of day to… kiss you.” All romantic things to know about a lover in Summer’s opinion. At that moment, Gabriel came to mind. Effortlessly, she answered every one of those questions about him.

Favorite dessert, lemon pound cake. The color of his eyes, darkest blue with a ring of black at the center. Hair just as dark, and silky to touch. As for kissing her, he had always said he loved kissing her during the summer sunset, because it was as close as he could get to kissing her at nighttime, without breaking curfew.

“His favorite dessert is lemon pound cake. Dark blue eyes, black hair, and—”

Summer’s hand froze, hovering over a blue bottle. Please don’t let her say at sunset. Please, please, please.

“He doesn’t have a favorite time of day, not that I’ve ever heard. He just kisses me whenever.”

Summer exhaled, and then glanced at her customer. It wasn’t Gabriel. She was silly to think it was, or even to think of him at all.

The redhead blushed and tipped up her chin. Summer felt a bit sorry for her, because she got the impression the woman hated that her boyfriend didn’t have a favorite time of day to kiss her.

Despite what people thought about her, including her sisters, she couldn’t stand to see innocent people in pain or feeling bad about themselves. She knew what it was like.

“I think that’s perfect, really,” Summer said, trying to put her at ease. “His favorite time of day is all day. You’re so lucky to have a man like that...Um, I didn’t catch your name.”

“I’m Elise Dumas, the not-so-new head librarian.” Elise stuck out her hand, and Summer shook it, and then let go.

“Summer Holland, by the way. I’ve just moved back to Holland Springs.”

“I know who you are, and I want you to stay away from Gabriel,” Elise said firmly.

This time, Summer’s entire body froze. “What?” she managed to croak. Maybe there was another Gabriel in Holland Springs, and Elise didn’t mean the Gabriel Summer knew at all.

“Gabriel Edwards and I are dating. Seriously dating. I would appreciate it if you would stay away from him. Or if you do need his help, go ahead and get it, then leave.”

Red-hot fury boiled inside of Summer, melting all the frozen parts of her. She stepped away from the display and toward the woman beside her. “I didn’t come here for his help.”

“Did you come here for him?”

Yes. “No.” Never, she swore to herself, ignoring the woman inside of her who missed the man who always put her first. Summer barely held on to her temper, although she wasn’t mad at Elise. She was mad at herself, for having such conflicting thoughts over him. Just like always.

“I know I’m not the first woman he ever loved, but I want to be the last one, so I’m begging you, please stay away.” Elise let out a shaky breath. “He’d choose you over me, I know this. So, I’m asking you, woman to woman, to respect our relationship, and stay the hell away.”

Before Summer could say another word, Elise fled the store, leaving Summer standing there. So that was why Gabriel hadn’t been by. He was in love with someone else.

Claws of jealousy ripped at her heart.

Trudging to the front of the store, she let the pain overtake her. How could he do this to her? How could he have let her found out like this? Usually, Gabriel would have been here on the first day she made an appearance, but after three days and counting, she had come to the conclusion he wasn’t coming.

Now she knew he wasn’t coming—not that it mattered.

He didn’t matter, she reminded herself. She ignored the pain in her heart. The only thing that mattered was family, and he wasn’t family. He would never be her family.

But Gabriel used to be your family, a little voice in her head reminded her. She told that voice to shut the hell up.

After flipping the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ in the window, she moved to the door and slumped against it, rubbing her temples. She needed to take the rest of the week off, and think long and hard about what had prompted her to come back to Holland Springs in the first place.

A knock almost made her jump out of her skin. “I’m closed.”

The knock came more vigorously this time, and Summer’s lip curled. She managed to unlock and yank open the door at the same time, ready to curse the person behind it.

“What the he—?” The curse died on her lips.

Jemma Leigh stood there, smile on her face. “Ready for that muffin?”

Dumbstruck, Summer stared.

“You thought I forgot, didn’t you?” Jemma Leigh asked, but she wasn’t looking for an answer. “I have been looking forward to this all week. Janie Leigh is at Momma’s and Jeremy’s on the boat, so I don’t have to be in a hurry. Isn’t that great?”

Summer had two choices.

One, she could slam the door in Jemma Leigh’s face and ruin any chance of a potential friendship, a friendship that Jemma Leigh seemed determined to start. Or two, she could go eat a muffin and catch up on all the town’s gossip, especially on one resident of Holland Springs in particular.

Though it wasn’t the best reason to befriend Jemma Leigh, it was an honest one—for Summer at least.

“Let me get my purse,” Summer heard herself say.

Jemma Leigh did a little jumpy clap and wrapped her arms around Summer’s neck.

Summer grunted, her hands fluttering in the air, uncertain where to land. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had hugged her.

Letting go, Jemma Leigh stepped back. “We’re going to be such great friends, Summer Holland. I know it. The Hollands aren’t the only ones with the sight.” She winked at her, looking pleased as anything with herself.

And just like that, Summer would never let Jemma Leigh know the only reason she agreed to have coffee was so that she could pump the town’s sweetest gossip for information.

* * *

It wasn’t easy to sit in full public view of everyone in town, but Jemma Leigh had insisted on being seated outside. A large, yellow umbrella kept them nicely shaded, and the poppy seed muffin Summer ordered was delicious.

“My momma always said, A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips,” Jemma Leigh sighed, and then ate another bite. “But she’s not here, and I don’t even care.”

Summer glanced at her. “Why should you? You look great.”

Jemma Leigh blinked, and Summer wanted to snatch the words back. She never willingly complimented anyone. If she wasn’t a hardass, then who would she be—sweet, kind, and loving? Ha. Fat chance of that ever happening again.

“I do work out every day,” Jemma Leigh said. “And Jeremy is very happy with how I look, too.”

Summer nodded and kept her mouth fully occupied with eating instead of being complimentary.

“So much has changed since you’ve been gone. Daisy Barnes landed herself an honest-to-goodness earl. She’s a countess now—have you ever?”

No, Summer hadn’t ever, but she could bet Rose had seen that one coming a mile away.

“She’s moved to England, and then Zoe Ambrose is expecting. Those Romanovs are something else, but I think our local boys are good enough for us, don’t you?”

Summer thought she should nod, so she did, and that encouraged Jemma Leigh to keep talking. She talked about everything and anything. About her daughter, her dog who wouldn’t listen, and how the real estate market had picked up a titch—what kind of measurement a titch was, Summer had no idea, but up was good. The only person Jemma Leigh didn’t talk about was Gabriel, but that spoke volumes in Summer’s opinion.

“I met Elise Dumas,” Summer finally blurted, unable to take it any longer.

“Oh?” Jemma Leigh glanced away, taking a deep sip of coffee. “She’s nice.”

Nice wouldn’t be how Summer would describe her. “She’s dating Gabriel. Seriously dating him, and warned me to stay away.” For the second time in a matter of minutes, Summer wished she could snatch her words back. Why was she telling this to Jemma Leigh of all people?

Because you once actually liked the thought of friends.

When she’d been with Darius, the other soldiers’ wives had been friendly to her, none of them thought the worst about her, or if they had, they’d never said it. So, it wasn’t as though Summer didn’t know how to make friends. She was just really rusty at it. And wary.

Completely, absolutely wary, because in this town, everyone knew her by reputation only, and the women here let her know it by shunning her and her family.

A frown marred Jemma Leigh’s forehead. “That’s pretty direct, and a little presumptuous, but she’s a Yankee, so she’s a little different, and we have to take that into account. Bless her heart. And far as I know, none of you Holland girls, with the exception of your momma, have ever been involved with men who were married or otherwise engaged.” Her brow smoothed. “I’d be happy to have a talk with Elise and—”

“Thank you, but no.” Tears pricked at Summer’s eyes, and she couldn’t claim not to know why. Jemma Leigh wanted to defend her. Her throat grew thick. She needed to leave before she did something dumb, like promise to have coffee again or trade phone numbers.

“I have to go let Blackbeard out,” Summer said, jumping to her feet. She grabbed her purse and sunglasses, shielding her eyes with the latter.

Jemma Leigh tipped back her head. “It was really nice having coffee with you. Most people think I’m nothing but boobs and blond hair—which I am, but you listened to me. Well, Jeremy does too, but he also likes boobs and blond hair so he might be a little biased.”

Could this day get any worse?

Summer didn’t want to be thanked. She’d been purposefully quiet to keep their one-sided conversation going. She’d been a user, like Gabriel had always accused her of being, when they’d get into a particularly nasty fight. So she did what any Holland woman would have done in the same situation.

“Let’s have coffee again tomorrow.”

Jemma Leigh smile was brighter than the sun when she accepted.

Chapter Three

Gabriel scrubbed his hand across his face, stood up, walked to the door of his office, and then made himself go sit down behind his desk.

He wouldn’t go down there. No way, no how. There was no way he’d walk the two blocks to Carolina Dreams and confront Summer, mostly because he wanted to confront her.

It was best he didn’t concern himself with her at all. He’d made a promise to Elise, and he was determined to keep it. He owed it to her.

“Yeah, because only doing something because you think you owe them has always worked out so well for you, Edwards,” he muttered.

Noah Sawyer walked in Gabriel’s office, sitting in the nearest chair. “You look amazingly happy right now.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Thanks.”

“Care to go out with Carlos and me tonight? Sort of a pre-bachelor party before the bachelor party.”

“You can’t wait two more days?”

“Might make hump day better.” Noah rubbed his chin. “This morning, Stacey decided to break things off to go find herself.”

“Oh, man.”

“With the pool guy.”

Gabriel sucked in air through his teeth. “Ouch.”

“Better to find out now, then years down the road, I guess,” Noah said. “Rose Holland warned me.”

“Everyone warned you,” Gabriel pointed out. Noah’s ex had never wanted an exclusive relationship, but she’d tried. And failed, apparently. “Who did Rose recommend?”

Noah grunted. “You first.”

“I don’t need Rose’s advice.”

“Says the guy who used to date her sister and then tried to date Rose herself,” Noah reminded him.

“I never dated Rose. I just didn’t like Romanov sniffing around her,” Gabriel snapped.

Noah held up his hands, palms facing out. “Sorry for bringing up a sore point. But yeah, I get you on the Romanovs. First your ex, and then your other ex’s sister. Don’t suppose you ever dated Daisy Barnes?”

Gabriel laughed. He couldn’t help it. “No. Even if I had wanted to, I think Bella would have kicked my butt.”

“Speaking of little sisters, would you be upset if I asked her out?”

Gabriel leveled Noah with a look. He’d known his buddy since freshman year of college, and Noah had moved to Holland Springs from Charlotte to help start up their software company. Originally, Noah had been the money behind their company, Gabriel the people person, and Carlos the main brain.

“If your intentions are good, then no, I wouldn’t mind. But if you’re looking for a rebound, I’d appreciate it if you’d stay away and find someone whose fiancé didn’t run off to marry another woman the day before he and Bella were supposed to secretly elope.” There were very few times Gabriel had been driven to the brink of violence since he’d been adopted by the Edwards’ family. Peter leaving Gabriel’s sister to marry his own father’s widow was one of them.

Noah’s eyes widened. “Thanks for the warning. I’ll think of a different way to get over Stacey.”

“Serving others always makes me forget about my problems,” Gabriel said.

Noah grinned, green eyes gleaming with humor. “I have something really dirty to say to that, but since it would be wasted on you, I’ll keep it to myself.”

Wait, he couldn’t take a racy joke now? “Since when?”

“Since I’ve known you. Dude, you’re slightly uptight.”

Gabriel made a face. “And you’re slightly too old to call anyone dude.”

That only made Noah laugh. “Damn, I’d hoped Elise would loosen you up, but I guess my fantasy of uptight librarian/wildcat in the bedroom is just that—a fantasy.”

“You’ve been fantasizing about Elise?” The thought made him a little jealous.

“Nah, not your librarian. More of a general librarian fantasy,” Noah clarified. He ran a hand through his short, dark hair. “I think I’m going to knock off early. Did I tell you I’m building my first house?”

“Only three times yesterday, twice this morning, and now, but I’m not keeping count.”

Noah grabbed a piece of paper from Gabriel’s desk, balled it up, and threw it at him. With a laugh, Gabriel ducked and caught it, tossing it back at him.

“All right, I’m done.” Noah stood, made to leave, and then paused. “Look, I know Summer’s back in town, and if you—”

“I can handle Summer.” Famous last words. Gabriel grimaced.

Noah eyed him for a moment, before saying, “Are you sure, because if she needs anything, I can take care of it, in a totally responsible, non-creepy manner.”

“Thanks, but I’m good.”

“You know where to find me, if you change your mind.” Noah finally walked away.

Gabriel stayed seated at his desk, staring at nothing outside the window, until she appeared. A lone butterfly seemed to follow her as she walked. He strode to the window, opening the blinds a little wider.

Summer wore a simple dress with short sleeves. Her pale hair was caught up in a long ponytail, and she looked to be deep in thought.

Probably wondering how to best use him.

He banished the dark thought. It wasn’t her fault that she came to him for things. It was a pattern they’d repeated for so long that it had become second nature.

Pushing her sunglasses up to the top of her head, she lifted her face to the sky and smiled. He sucked in a breath at her beauty, at the vulnerability he knew still existed inside, but that she refused to let anyone see.

Out of nowhere, dozens of butterflies enveloped Summer, their delicate wings transporting him back to the day he’d fallen in love with her. Real love, not the crush he’d been harboring since he was ten.

Aren’t they beautiful, Gabriel?” she whispered, her eyes dark and rich. Sweet, just like her. “Have you ever seen anything so pretty in your life?”

No,” he whispered and wrapped his arms around her body. Her dark gaze grew shy even as he grew bold. She was only thirteen to his fifteen. He had to remember that.

She licked her lips. It was all the encouragement he needed.

He kissed her and kissed her again, until his heart felt like it would fly away with the butterflies.

Summer’s gaze caught his. She smiled. No, she smirked at him, and then blew a kiss his way, like she knew exactly what he’d been reliving.

His jaw clenched.

Not again. This time he wouldn’t be weak. He would remain strong.

Chapter Four

The humid morning had turned into perfect North Carolina summer weather with blue skies, fluffy clouds, and the occasional gentle breeze. Couples strolled along Broad Street, while downtown employees exited the local eateries with take-out bags. American Flags waved, in honor of the soldiers still serving in a war on a foreign land.

Ladybugs flittered by, almost too quick to catch. Her hand shot out, closing around one. A mother pushing a double stroller gave her a strange look as she passed by. Slowly opening her hand, she found the red and black insect on the corner of her palm. The perfect companion for killing time while waiting for Harrison Collins to get back from lunch.

It wasn’t easy walking along the streets of a town that hated the very thought of her, but it was her own fault. Perpetuating the every-Holland-woman-was-after-your-man legend seemed to have that effect on people.

Not to mention the times she’d padded her pockets in the General Store with cans of fruit, toothbrushes and toothpaste, or slipped a pair of shoes for Skye in her purse, without paying. But her sisters had been hungry, she had been in charge, and none of them had money.

There had been a big part of her that demanded she take from the people of Holland Springs. People so high and mighty that they couldn’t help three little girls who went to bed hungry every time their mother didn’t bother to come home from her ‘dates’, but let them have a relationship problem? They practically beat down the front door of Strawberry Grove.

She sighed.

Three little girls left to defend for themselves. Three little girls who wore clothes decades out of date. Clothes stored in steamer trunks that smelled of dried flowers.

Tiny feet tickled her skin as the bug crawled. A small smile pushed up the corners of her mouth. She held up her hand, puckered her lips, and blew gently until the ladybug flew away.

Her sister, Rose, hadn’t minded, mostly because Azalea would give them some story about each item belonging to a particular Poppy Holland. Summer hadn’t believed her for one minute.

Okay, so she had believed her mother, maybe even smiled and giggled as Azalea sighed dreamily about the former lovers of their great-something or another grandmother.

When Azalea was home, the entire house came alive. They’d spend hours giggling, making love potions, and chasing Blackbeard. Hours and hours playing in an old house full of ghosts, make-believe, and laughter.

All that changed when Azalea had finally agreed to quit homeschooling them—not that anyone could call learning math, science, and reading from the family’s potions book a state-approved curriculum. The baby had wanted to go, and no one said no to Skye, so off they went.

The window of a children’s dress shop caught her eye. She stopped and turned. Child-sized mannequins, all sweetly dressed in ruffles and bows, with matching shoes, were on display.

Summer held her hands out at her sides, the reflection of her fingers touching the smaller, plastic ones. She and her sisters had walked, hand in hand, to the end of their road to wait for the bus. Just the three of them, with dust on their scuffed-up shoes and anticipation making their little hearts beat fast.

Anticipation had quickly turned to dread when they couldn’t find a seat and kids began to whisper, until, that is, a familiar face with a friendly smile had flashed from the back of the bus.

Gabriel Edwards—their guardian angel. He’d waved them over, giving up his seat to sit across the aisle.

My angel.

Bittersweet emotions gathered in her chest. In the darkest and happiest hours of her life, Gabriel had been there for her. Except once. But it had been enough to sever the ties that had bound them together.

A sharp whistle pierced her memories.

Not this. Couldn’t she walk down the street without someone harassing her? With a frown, she glanced over her shoulder, but only found the town’s trash collectors pointing at their next stop.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, and then resumed her walk.

The Bradford Pear trees lining each side of the street had gone from showy white blossoms to full-on lime green leaves. Shop doors were propped open with daily sale signs, or large pots of in-season flowers.

Her thoughts turned back to Gabriel (as if he’d ever left them). She had to see him today. That glimpse of him, standing in the window of his office, had taken her breath away. She wanted her breath back, and the only way to do it was in person.

Candles set out on a half-off sale table sparked to life as she passed by them.

Mr. Crane, a middle-aged man wearing a paisley shirt and striped shorts, looked from the lighter in his hand, then back at the table. He scratched his head. “Lisa sent me trick candles. No wonder they didn’t sell,” he muttered, heading back inside his shop.

Summer bit back a smile, running a finger along one candle, making the flame dance and her skin grow hot. Water dripped on her cheeks from the green and gold striped awning. She turned and walked away, swiping at the moisture.

“Stop right there, missy.”

Missy? Summer pivoted on her heel, arching a brow at Mr. Crane. “Can I help you?”

“You can help me by putting back the candle you just stole from me.” Mr. Crane’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. The supersized black magic marker stuck out on one side. If she pulled it, would he go flying in the air like a balloon shooting out helium?

The marker flew out of his hand, hitting the store’s brick façade.

“I didn’t take your candle.” She yanked open her purse. Humiliation coursed through her veins, heating her skin as she waited for him to search it. “See for yourself.” A part of her wanted to tell Mr. Crane where he could stick his candle. And maybe if she wasn’t so tired of playing the immature shrew, she would have.

Mr. Crane poked a finger in, moving around her wallet, brush, lip gloss, and roll of lifesavers. He glanced back at her. “Pockets?”

“Seriously?” She gestured at her shorts, the pockets ripped and showing through the bottom, as they lay perfectly flat against her body. Stepping to one side, she squatted on the ground and looked under his table. “I see a candle by the left side, in the back.”

Mr. Crane’s skinny face flushed. “There’s still the matter of the three stained glass suncatchers—each one had a different symbol.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But she did. Three small squares. One with flowers, the second with a sun setting, and the third with angel wings. All gifts for the people she’d loved. A twinge of guilt, like a wasp’s sting, pricked at her.

“Fourteen years and counting, Miss Holland.” Mr. Crane tapped his head. “Like a steel trap.”

Of that, she had no doubt. “Why don’t you have me arrested?" Way to go, Summer. The urge to slap herself rode her hard. But could she really change years of habit, years of being on the defensive, every time she stepped foot in this town in only a matter of days?

Mr. Crane’s face softened. “Little girls trying to think of others don’t rank high on my list of reasons for calling the sheriff, even if they go about it the wrong way.” He retrieved the candle out from under the table, and then glanced at her. “But you’re not a little girl anymore, Summer.”

Unsure what to make of his conflicting statements, she searched through her purse, pulled out two twenties from her wallet, and smacked the bills on the table. A hard look into his sympathetic eyes almost made her apologize.

“I was never a little girl,” she said. Not like he meant it. Little girls worried about being invited to their friends’ birthday parties, not if they had enough food in the pantry. She sure as hell never worried about being invited to any parties—mostly because she’d never been invited by other girls her age.

Dark clouds swept in. The wind picked up, swirling the loose pieces of hair around her face. Maybe she was crazy for coming here, for wanting to be a part of a family again, but she longed to be a part of Ivy’s life.

Only she wasn’t quite sure what her role would be. The loving aunt who just happened to be the biological mother? The loving aunt whose butt would be hauled off to jail if anyone ever pressed charges against her?

Awesome role model for Ivy.

In the park across the street, she saw Jemma Leigh, Janie Leigh, and Jeremy playing on the swings. They all sat in one, pumping their legs and laughing. The little girl smiled and then jumped, falling to her knees. Both of her parents rushed to her, and Summer’s heart caught in her throat.

Little chubby arms reached for them. Gentle words and comforting kisses chased away the tears, but not the storm rolling in. The three of them gathered their things and headed to the parking lot nearby.

The wind blew harder. Leaves shook on trees.

Now Summer knew exactly why she’d come back to Holland Springs. She knew exactly what she had to do. All she needed was some guidance on how to go about it.

A quick stop by Pellum & Foster confirmed what she knew, or an appointment wouldn’t have been available otherwise. It was a sign that she was on the right track, and no matter what, she would stay on it.

Exiting the building, dandelion puffs floated in front of her, carrying with them the scent of freshly cut grass. Of sunshine. And…strawberries. Her lover smelled of all these things.


He wasn’t her lover, had never been her lover—not in the way a man and woman came together. In the past, she thought he hadn’t wanted to be her lover, and would never be her lover with the way fate interfered in their lives.

Breathing deeply to clear her head, she opened the glass doors to the bank and went inside, blowing past all the customers, the tellers, and even the bank president’s secretary.

“You can’t just go in there without an appointment,” his secretary all but screeched at her.

“Watch me.” Summer twisted the doorknob and let herself inside.

Harrison Collins, the bank’s president, sat at a desk large enough to command Wall Street. He didn’t look surprised to see her as he removed his glasses and rubbed them against a cloth to clean them.

“I need to get money from the bank,” she said.

Replacing his glasses, he said, “This is a first—a criminal informing the victim of her intent before it happens.”

Wasn’t this just her day to be reminded of her past deeds? She crossed the room to his desk, plunking her bright green purse down on the mahogany surface. “Stick to your day job, Harrison.” She sat down in one of the high-backed chairs in his office. “Rose said you would be able to help me. I’m running Carolina Dreams while she’s gone, and I’d like to be able to shop.” And eat. Basic things she would never admit to him.

“Rose asked me to set up a separate account for you.”

Her stomach plummeted to her feet. Rose didn’t trust her.

“She wanted you to have something of your own.” He slid a small card her way. “This is the account information for the store.”

“Thank you.”

“What password would you like for the log-in portion?”

“Isn’t that supposed to be private?”

“Isn’t arson supposed to be illegal?”

Regret poked at her, but only for the hurt she caused Rose. Burning down Strawberry Grove had made Summer’s heart dance and sing. Setting fire to a legacy that had done nothing more than confine the women in her family to a role the newest generation of Hollands no longer wanted to play had given her pure joy.

As she watched the flames grow, the pain that had been living inside of her seemed to extinguish, but only for a short time though. She had been shortsighted, unable to touch an enormous sum of money that would’ve made it possible for her to never come back to Holland Springs, possible for her to take care of her daughter, without worrying about food, shelter, and clothing.

Eventually, she’d given it all to charity. Specifically she had anonymously donated every penny to the organization Gabriel had started with his church. It served at-risk kids in the surrounding counties.


“Angel,” she managed to say without blushing, even as Harrison cast her a sharp look. Of course, she’d pick the nickname of the man who’d wanted to save her. Gabriel was always on her mind.

Glancing around the room to avoid his knowing eyes, her own widened. There were pictures everywhere… of her. Of Rose. Of Skye. And not creepy pictures either. School pictures of the three of them, graduation pictures (though not of Rose), baby pictures—

She swallowed, her fingers digging into the arms of the chair. Pain radiated from the tips. He had pictures of Ivy. A knot grew in her throat, breathing a soon to be impossibility.

“My granddaughter’s pretty, isn’t she?” he asked, handing over another card and a piece of paper to sign. “Last week I showed off the picture she drew for me to all the bank board members. Said I had a Georgia O’Keefe in the making.”

How grandfatherly he relayed this information. How totally hypocritical. “Lorelei loosen your leash?” She flung the card into her purse, uncaring where it landed.

“My wife has accepted my choice.”

“Ivy’s not yours, not by blood,” she pointed out, wanting to wipe that proud look off his face.

“It doesn’t matter to me.” He took off his glasses, polishing the lenses with a soft cloth. “I’m trying to be a better man.”

Summer made a noise of disbelief. The world was short of good men, much less better ones.

“You haven’t been treated right, and neither has Rose…and in some instances Skye, but things are different. The old guard is passing and with the influx of new people, things are changing. For the better.” Harrison had always had a way with words. He could also read people, like Rose. Maybe she’d inherited that from him, and not some supposedly witchy ancestress.

“Good, because I plan on staying here for a very long time, whether the old guard likes it or not.” She stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another appointment.”

“With whom?”

“It’s really none of your business.” Besides, if he knew, then he’d find a way to tell Rose, then she would come back, and Summer would lose her nerve.

Her sisters’ happiness had always been her biggest weakness.

Chapter Five

Summer stood at the edge of the party, near the white tent in the middle of the expansive gardens at The Chesson House Bed and Breakfast. Out of habit, she tipped up her chin, and fisted her hands on her hips, daring anyone to take a jab at her, but no one did.

She shivered in the shade of a great oak tree.

No one noticed her at all, just like Jemma Leigh said when Summer had shown her the invitation Rose had received to the Montoya-Wilson rehearsal party.

Except one man.

He stood apart. Tall and broad shouldered, with hair black as a midnight sky. Despite being too far away to actually see the color of his eyes, she knew they were deepest blue and framed with heavy, long lashes.

Gabriel Edwards had a beautiful face to match those eyes, but unlike some men, he didn’t use it against women. No, he saw through a woman, made her feel guilty about her past deeds (true or fabricated)—and crimes she hadn’t yet committed.

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed.

Elise moved closer to him, her brows so tight Summer was sure she was furious. Yet he kept staring, lips full and lush enough to tempt a saint. A wave of heat passed through her, and she couldn’t stop the shiver following in its wake.

Elise whispered in his ear, making him smile, but then his attention turned back to Summer and a frown appeared. Of course he wouldn’t smile at her. Why would he ever smile at her?

Why did she still want him to smile at her?

She gritted her teeth to keep the scream from breaking free.

He started in her direction, and try as she might, Summer couldn’t stop her heart from racing.

Finally, he was coming to her. Though she had to acknowledge that she came to him, first, by showing up to a party that Rose had been invited to because she’d been the one to introduce the couple to one another.

His gaze flickered over her. She shivered again. “Did you bring a sweater?”

“Too much skin for you, angel?” she cooed, fully aware her dress showed nothing at all. It barely dipped in the front.

His lips thinned, but his voice and demeanor remained the same. Calm, helpful, and exasperating. “You looked cold, standing in the shade, and with that dress—”

“Noticed it, did you?” She smoothed her hand down the front. “Lustful thoughts are a big sin, angel, even for someone as pure as you.”

He frowned. “Can’t we ever have a normal conversation?”

“What do you think?”

“I think you need to leave. Crashing a rehearsal dinner is a little much, don’t you think?”

Heat flooded her cheeks. “I think I have an invitation, and your name wasn’t on the RSVP.”

He gently grabbed her arm, and a thrill of awareness passed through her. “Don’t do this, Summer. Carlos and Shelia are nice people. They don’t deserve whatever you have planned tonight.”

“So no lap dances for the groom-to-be. Got it,” she said with a smile. Inside though, everything hurt. Everything was wrong.

“Summer Jean Holland,” he growled. “Stop it, right now.”

She managed to blink up at him. “Did you want one instead?” Tilting her head to one side, she peered at him through her lashes. “I suppose I could work you in.”

His eyes closed, briefly. “Come with me.”

“Like I have a choice,” she muttered as he practically dragged her by the arm across the yard.

He led her to the other side of the tent, where the sound of voices and music were drowned out by distance and generators.

“So how did you meet Mary Sue Perfect?” she asked, and then cursed herself for sounding like a jealous witch. Forget sounding like one—she was one.

“Elise and I met at The Sweet Spot, before Daisy closed shop and moved.”

“Isn’t that special?” she sneered.

His gaze sliced across the way. “At the time, I thought it was very special.”

She followed his gaze and frowned. The bridal party sat at their tables, laughing, eating, and toasting. He probably wished he were with them, with people who knew what fork to use, exactly what to wear for every occasion, and how to make small talk.

She fixed her attention back to Gabriel. “Don’t let me keep you from the future Mrs. Edwards. I’m sure you two will have plenty to keep you busy on your honeymoon. Lots of Bible reading and speaking in tongues. Although, the laying on of hands is probably a no-no. I’m sure Elise can find tons for you to read on making love, though application is necessary—not just single-handed experimentation.”

His head whipped around so fast she was sure if it hadn’t been attached, it would have frisbeed across the garden. He blinked at her, and then a smile covered his face, victorious.

Running away would be really good right about now, but her feet wouldn’t move. Heat crept up her chest, then neck and cheeks. “What?”

An annoyingly adorable dimple appeared in his left cheek. “You’re jealous,” he said with an incredulous laugh. “Summer Holland is actually jealous over me.”

Oh God. She’d gone too far. “I am not,” she whispered.

He nodded. “Yes, you are. It’s eating you alive to know that I’m with Elise, that I haven’t been by Carolina Dreams to see you, and that you were the one to come to me, and not the other way around.”

Summer couldn’t deny the truth, but she also didn’t have to acknowledge it. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

Gabriel watched as the roses that had bloomed on her cheeks withered away, leaving nothing but too-pale skin. Maybe he should give her a break, but it had been a slight balm to his damaged ego to know she was jealous. Okay, so, it had been more than a slight balm. It had been a heady rush all the way to his toes and back.

Summer was jealous. Of him.

But hearing her deny it in a voice he hadn’t heard in years…well, it had skewered him straight through the heart. She’d looked…heartbroken. The sun had chosen to hide behind the clouds at that very moment, shadows washing over her beautiful face and lending credence to his theory.

And wasn’t he a big man for getting one last dig in at her?

Summer glared at him, arms crossing. This woman he recognized. The familiar Summer had returned. Nose tilting, face defiant, and attitude at the ready to make everyone uncomfortable. A thousand ugly memories invaded his mind. Daring him, it seemed, to prove her right. That he was the hypocritical, holier than thou, son of a preacher she regularly accused him of being.

Not that she was far off.

Despite apologizing to her, despite helping her whenever she needed it, she hadn’t let up on him. “I wish you and Elise nothing but the best.” Her voice was sharp, breaking into his memories.

“That’s very kind of you.”

Silence reigned as her pretty brown eyes narrowed. “Why was Elise holding the bouquet when I showed up?”

“We stood in for the bride and groom, during the rehearsal.”

“Oh.” She scrunched her nose. “Why?”

“It’s bad luck, remember?” he added. This wasn’t so bad. Maybe they could have a civil conversation.

She fisted a hand on her hip and said, “Isn’t it a sin to believe in luck?”

Not this again. It always came back to this. Her perception of him, his life, his work, and his family. He couldn’t please Summer, not when he’d fallen short of being there for her when it had counted the most. Since then, he tried his damndest to catch her whenever she fell. But as soon as she felt his arms around her, she shoved him away. Or took his money and his truck.

But could he really accuse her of taking something he freely gave?

It didn’t matter, not this time. This time he would remember. This time he wouldn’t let his need to be her knight in shining armor get in the way of his happiness. He could be happy with Elise. She was… He mentally floundered as his brain searched for adjectives to describe a woman like Elise, but all he could come up with was the opposite of Summer.

“Why are you here?” he asked. “Money or a place to stay?” Better to get this out of the way, so he could help her and then she could do what she needed to, and leave. Just like always.

Panic flared in her eyes, and then… hurt? She blinked, and it was gone. “Why does it matter, unless you want me in your bed? I think I could lower my fee for you, for old time’s sake and all.”

And so it began. The verbal sparring that did nothing for him or for her. It only served to widen the gap between them, and no matter what he said, the more time they spent together, the worse it became.

“What are your plans?” he asked, gentling his tone.

“Oh, the usual—seduce every available man in Holland Springs.” That cute nose of hers, one that he used to kiss at every opportunity, tilted up in the air. A big clue she was full of it, or embarrassed. Possibly, she was both.

“When you’re ready to have an adult conversation, I’m here, but until then, be nice to Elise and everyone else.”

“Don’t worry, Elise already warned me away from you,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Like I could convince you to take a walk on the dark side.”

“What do you mean she warned you?” Elise hadn’t said anything about meeting Summer.

“It was nothing, really.” Summer shrugged. “I don’t remember most of the conversation, just the gist of it.”

“Yet here you are,” he murmured.

“I plan to stay here for a really long time. You can’t make me leave this time.”

He’d never wanted her to leave, not matter what she thought, but if he denied it, then they would start yelling at each other, and this night wasn’t about them. It was about Carlos and Shelia, two great friends who deserved a night without drama.

“Have fun tonight.” He turned to walk away, but she stopped him with the lightest of pressure on his arm.

“Want your truck back?” Keys jingled near his ear. “The shocks are shot to hell from all the off-road riding I’ve been doing. But you can fix that. You were always good with your hands, angel.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger, he closed his eyes and counted to fifty. It didn’t help. He opened his eyes, then looked down at the hand on his elbow, at the simple silver ring on her pointer finger, and fought to stay calm.

Finally, he managed to say, “Keep it.” Then he gently pulled away, careful not to embarrass her, and walked away.

It didn’t occur to him until he’d sat down beside Elise, that it was the second time in his entire life he’d had the strength to walk away from Summer.

And it cut as deeply as the first.

Chapter Six

Gabriel stared at the silver truck sitting in the parking lot. It sat off to the side, under the yard light.

Over the years, he had missed driving it. It had been the first brand new vehicle he’d ever owned, but it wasn’t the vehicle he’d picked Carlos up in. No, his used red truck was parked beside Elise’s sedan. Despite the flashy color, it had nothing on the silver truck. No bells or whistles. Only four-wheel drive, a radio, and working a/c.

He moved closer to the truck, inspecting the body and finding it in nearly perfect condition. Opening the driver’s side, he leaned in to find the interior as pristine as the body and the key stuck halfway in the ignition. Jerking them out, he dropped them in his front pocket and locked the door.

Where was Summer? Concern welled up in his chest, making his collar tight. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. He had watched her as she disappeared inside the old house, but had lost track of her after that.

Bits of oyster shells crunched under his dress shoes as he walked out to the road.

Looking right, and then left, he found the road empty. Maybe he should take a quick ride down the road, toward Strawberry Grove, to make sure Summer was okay. Sunset was the worst time for someone walking down the side of the road. Visibility for drivers was horrible.

Then again, would she welcome his concern? And why did he keep thinking Summer was his concern?

He jammed a hand in his pocket and pulled out his keys, grimacing. As if he really needed to ask himself that question.

“Ready to go?”

Gabriel turned and found Carlos, grinning at him. “Dinner’s over. Bachelor party begins.”

At Gabriel’s silence, his buddy’s grin fell. “Oh come on, man. Don’t do this.”

“Do what?” The truck keys burned in the palm of his hand. Gabriel knew exactly what his friend didn’t want him to do.

“Go chasing after Summer.” Carlos nodded at Gabriel’s truck. “You got your truck back. Be done with her.”

That was the problem—he and Summer were never done. They had too many unanswered questions, too many what ifs. There was no water under the bridge for them. Their bridge was six feet under, and the river was still swelling.

“She doesn’t need to walk home by herself. It’s almost dark.” He reached in his other pocket, drew out the second set of keys, and tossed them to Carlos.

“Not every woman wants to be rescued, Gabe,” Carlos said as he caught the keys. “Sometimes a good buddy needs rescuing from himself. Let’s round up the guys and go.”

Undeterred, Gabriel shook his head. “It’s the right thing to do. I can’t leave her out there.”

Carlos frowned, running a hand through his hair. “How about this—we stick to the plan and check on Summer as we drive to Wilmington. If she’s okay, we keep driving. If she’s not, we call the cops and still keep driving. I’m sure there’s a warrant for her arrest for something.”

Gabriel knew Carlos was trying to be a good friend by offering to save him from a woman he thought was bad news. He’d known Summer as long as Gabriel had, longer really, since Gabriel hadn’t moved to Holland Springs until he was nine. But it still pissed him off. “Don’t be a jerk.”

“I’m being a realist.” Carlos held up his hands in surrender. “But hey, if you want to ruin what you have with Elise, who am I to stop you?”

Crap. He’d forgotten about her. Yet another reason Carlos’s warning made sense. However, when it came to Summer, right was wrong, down was up, and left was right.

“I’m checking on the woman, not marrying her,” Gabriel snapped.

His buddy rolled his eyes and dropped his arms. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Duly noted.” Gabriel smiled, already at the truck and opening the driver’s side door. He jammed the key in the ignition, but hesitated at turning it. The last time he’d found her walking down the side of the road, he’d picked her up and had driven to The Pointe. From there, things had gotten really hot, steaming up the windows hot.

He’d been all of seventeen and Summer fifteen. They’d spent the entire months of July and August making out in his old, beat-up truck. But he wasn’t seventeen anymore. He was a grown man with goals and accomplishments that had nothing to do with Summer.

Keep telling yourself that.

Gabriel wiped sweaty palms on his khakis, started up the truck, put it in gear, and made a left onto Highway 13. As he drove, fireflies dotted the fields and ditches along the road, blinking in and out of sight. The closer he got to Strawberry Grove, the more fireflies appeared.

The sun slipped under the horizon, making his running lights visible along the blacktop. Great. Just great. How was he supposed to find her?

Light glowed from the forest of pine trees by the old Holland place. He slowly braked, put the truck in park, and rolled down the passenger side window, watching as the bugs blinked on and off.

Before he knew what was happening, he’d unbuckled his seatbelt, opened the door, and strode into the forest. He crept through the woods, quiet as a predator hunting his prey, and then came to a sight that stole his breath away.

Summer, all alone in a meadow of spring flowers. Well, if you didn’t count the hundreds of fireflies dancing around her.

Laughing with pure joy, she waved a hand in the air. The fireflies followed her movements, reminding him of kids playing with sparklers on the Fourth of July.

His gut clenched.

The fireflies continued their dance, moths joining in. Something swept passed him. He followed the blur and realized it was a bat, mostly likely trying to eat the conveniently provided snack.

Summer laughed again, drawing his attention back to her. She threw out her arms and spun around. He felt himself drift closer, like he was one of those moths… and she the flame.

“Summer.” Her name a prayer on his lips. A plea in his heart.

“What do you want?” Summer snapped. “I gave you back your truck.”

He paused at the vehemence in her tone. “Thank you, but I wanted to check on you and make sure you got home okay.”

He fully expected her to ask who would be checking on him, because he lived by himself. Instead, she tilted her head, giving him a small smile. “Thanks.”

“Can I walk you home?”

“Where’s your truck?”

“I left it on the road.” He nodded his head to the right.

The moon came out from behind the clouds, illuminating the field to near daylight.

She scrunched her nose. “Someone could steal it.”

“Maybe they need it more than me,” he replied.

“Good Samaritans have nothing on you.”

He shrugged. “When people are desperate, they do desperate things. Those of us who can help, should.”

Wrong thing to say. “You Jesus freaks amaze me.” She crossed her arms. “But you do give good lip service.”

Irritation rose, making his jaw clench before he answered. “Was it lip service to let you drive off with my truck all those years ago?”

Let me?” She shook her head and smiled. “Angel, you had no idea what I was going to do that night.”

“Really?” He crossed his arms and stared down at the lovely face highlighted by the moonlight. “Let’s think about this—the gas pump only takes pre-pays. I chose to go inside to buy a bottle of Cheerwine.”

Her smile faltered and a pink tongue licked at her lips. “So, you’re saying…”

“I’m saying I’d give anyone in need the clothes off my back.” He uncrossed his arms. “Including you.” Especially her. Always her. No matter how much it hurt when she threw it back in his face.

“I don’t want your pity or your charity. I don’t need anything from anyone, especially you.”

White-hot fury rose, but he remained calm. He had to, or he’d lose control of the situation. “I just need to know why you’re here. I know what you said, but honey, you’ve never stayed longer than a year at a time, since you turned eighteen.”

If he had a time limit, he could stay away from her. Keep his personal life going—one that didn’t involve the woman standing in front of him. The woman with pretty, dark eyes and pale, blond hair. The woman who’d clawed his heart out at every turn, yet he kept offering it up on a platter.

A frown pulled down the corners of his mouth.

“Why do you care?” She leaned forward, placing a hand on his cheek. “Afraid I’ll steal you away from Elise?”

Yes. Only it wouldn’t be stealing. More than likely, he’d go with her, willingly. Some things never changed, but he could. “You know what—I don’t care. Stay as long as you like. Do whatever you like. You don’t need my permission, and you’re not that damn irresistible.” Turning, he marched away from her.

Summer’s eyes grew wide. Oh God, no. His disapproval she could handle. His infuriatingly calm manner she could handle. But an indifferent Gabriel? The one who’d been ignoring her all week… “Wait.”

Still, he strode away.

“Gabriel, please.”

That made him stop.

She ran to him, and then around to face him.

A cool night breeze whispered through the pine trees. The sound of crickets chirping and the steady rattling of locust blended to create a symphony so soothing that Summer almost forgot where she was. Almost.

In a loose tie, button-down shirt, and khaki pants, Gabriel was her fantasy come to life. Not that she’d ever let him in on it. No, she preferred to let him think that her type rode into town on a Harley and out of it, with her on the back.

He gazed at her, expectation on his face. But what could she say—don’t leave me? Please keep caring about me, because you’re the only one in the entire world who does?

Maybe she needed to be truthful for once. Maybe she needed to quit saying the most outrageous and hurtful things to him.

Taking a leap of faith, she said, “I’m sorry.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard what I said.” No way would she repeat herself. It was bad enough she’d apologized in the first place. It was bad enough that she was lowering her defenses.

“I forgive you.” Simple, but powerful words.

“The reason why I’m here is because I miss my family. I’d like to be a part of one again.” Growing up with a mother like Azalea, a woman who came and went as frequently as the tides, Summer had always dreamed of a home. Of family meals at a table set for four. A husband that would come in the door with a kiss for her, while he tried to navigate the room with two rugrats stuck to his legs.

After dinner, this fictional man would ask about her day while they did the dishes. Then they’d make love… in a bed with a mattress made of down feathers.

Yeah, she was all kinds of screwed up for her deepest, most guarded, secrets to be so traditionally boring.

“Nothing wrong with that at all. I’m happy you want to reconnect with Rose and Ivy.” Taking her hand, he said, “Let me drive you the rest of the way home.”

“Okay.” But she pulled her hand away.

His dark brows drew together, but he didn’t say anything, merely started walking to the edge of the woods. She followed him.

The moon might be as bright as day in the field, but the forest was another matter altogether, so she stayed close. Close enough to touch him. Tempting her to slide her arm through that triangular gap between his elbow and lean body.

If she was really honest, she was even more tempted to slide her hands all over him, to learn the hard planes and new muscles that hadn’t been there when they were teenagers, or even four years ago, when he would have held her hand while they walked. Back when he looked at her like she’d hung the Corn Planting Moon in the sky.

Now Elise would be the one who hung the moon for Gabriel.

Stopping at the edge of the highway, she glanced at him. Gabriel stood, phone in his hand and his thumbs moving. “Carlos is on his way.”

There was a tiny prick at her heart, but she breathed through the pain. Besides, it was ridiculous to think he would want spend more time with her. She never made it easy for anyone to be around her, not even her sisters. Turning away, she eyed the silver truck idling in the middle of the road.

“Taking your truck?”

“That’s the plan.”

Beams of light made her eyes squint. She put up a hand to shade them.

“Gabriel, let’s go! We don’t have all night,” a man called out.

“Yeah, can’t have Carlos out too late, or Shelia won’t be able to display his nuts in her trophy case tomorrow morning.”

“Watch it, Noah. There’s a lady present,” Gabriel laughed, and then looked at her. “Sorry about the language.”

For some reason, the thought of him classifying her as a lady gave her pleasure, maybe even a little pride. “I’ve heard worse.”

He stepped closer to her, brushing the strand of hair that kept falling in her face. “Doesn’t matter. You deserve to be treated with respect.”

A thrill ran through her body. Hugging him seemed exactly the right thing to do, but she gave him her brightest smile instead. “Have fun, angel. Don’t forget to tip your stripper in singles.” Then she turned, but a warm hand on her arm guided her in the opposite direction.

“Truck’s this way, sweetheart. I told you I’d drive you home, but Carlos showed up before I could. ” Another thrill at his touch, at his endearment. She was losing her ever-loving mind. This was Gabriel: he was like this to everyone.

Opening the door, he waited for her to climb inside. She stared at him, then the truck, and then back at him. Her brows were practically a part of her hairline. “But—but I thought y’all were taking your truck.”

“We are.” He grinned and pointed to the red truck a few feet in front of them. “What do you think I’ve been driving all this time?”

Speechless, she climbed in the cab and let him shut the door behind her. As the interior lights dimmed, she mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him. His grin widened before he jogged to his waiting friends. She could hear them laughing and calling each other names as he jumped inside.

The red truck took off, leaving her behind. She gripped the steering wheel, staring after the tail lights until she couldn’t see them anymore.

“One day I’ll pay you back, angel,” she said softly, with absolutely no malice in her words or meaning. “One day you’ll see me and only smile, then go on with your life.”

Chapter Seven

Pellum & Foster was the newest and smallest law office in Holland Springs, but had an extremely large and powerful branch down in Wilmington, which was exactly why Summer had chosen to make an appointment with them.

“I’ve reviewed the adoption paperwork, and frankly, Ms. Holland, you don’t have a case,” Ms. Foster began. “The minor child—”

“Ivy,” Summer corrected.

Ms. Foster smiled. “Ivy has been visited by DSS over the years, and they’ve found no evidence of neglect or abuse. In fact, the—Ivy is very-well taken care of, but I suppose this isn’t news to you.”

“No, it’s not.” Summer shook her head. “I wouldn’t have asked Rose for help if I’d thought otherwise. But I was desperate and most likely suffering from post-partum depression.” At least, that was what Gabriel had told her. He had also given her the name of a therapist, but she’d torn that card into pieces. Why should she go talk to someone when she was perfectly able to solve her own problem?

“Be that as it may, you have limited resources, no place to stay, and you’re unmarried. Three very big strikes against you.” Ms. Foster wasn’t unkind as she said this. She was to the point, which was exactly what Summer had wanted. “You also swore you weren’t under duress when you signed away your parental rights to Ivy.”

She’d lied. Oh God, she had lied. She had been under so much duress that she was about to crack, but at the time, it was the right thing to do for Ivy and for herself.

“I realize that, but you can see for yourself that I’ve never been fired from a job, and I only quit when I had to move.” Summer brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes. “My references are all there, and they’re really good. Finding a permanent place to stay shouldn’t be a problem, and it’s not like I want to take my daughter away from here. I plan to live in Holland Springs, but as Ivy’s mother, not her aunt.”

Ms. Foster said nothing.

“Please, just give me the best case scenario of getting Ivy back. What would I have to do on my end?”

“Find a permanent residence, one that you don’t mind being inspected by DSS, the Fire Chief, and a whole host of people who will work in the best interest of Ivy. You already have a job, but do you think Mrs. Holland will allow you to keep working there once she finds out what you’re planning?”

“Rose made me co-owner.” Ms. Foster blinked, and Summer had the grace to blush. “I helped start the company.”

“Interesting,” the woman said, and then continued. “Even with all of those taken care of, there is still the matter of your relationship status.”

“Single women raise children all the time.”

“The court isn’t concerned with other single women. They will be concerned with you. Short of finding a man who walks on water to be your husband, I’m afraid your odds of getting custody of Ivy are slim to none. Honestly, your odds are practically non-existent, no matter what you do.”

A man who walked on water? Summer smiled. There was only one man who fit the bill—Gabriel Edwards. And she didn’t care about practically non-existent odds, because practically mean there was still a chance she could prevail. “That shouldn’t be difficult at all.”

Without missing a beat, Ms. Foster said, “Can’t wait to meet him.”

Summer shook the woman’s hand and headed outside, her mind full of plots to get Gabriel to help her.

She could trick him into marrying her. No, that was too 1800s.

She could pay him to marry her. With what money? Besides, he wouldn’t take it anyway.

So deep in thought, that she almost walked past the man she was plotting against.

“Summer,” he said, in that deep voice of his that sounded like a caress.

Unfortunately, he’d caught her off-guard, and she had no time to put on her mental armor. “Gabriel.”

“Join me for lunch?” He gestured to the empty spot on the park bench. “I packed extra.”

Wary, she sat down, but as far away from him as possible. “I am hungry. My meeting took longer than expected.”

A dark brow rose. “Meeting?”

Crap, she should’ve kept her mouth shut. “Yeah, my monthly home-wreckers not so anonymous meeting. Though can one call it a meeting when I’m the only member?”

He scowled at her. “Stop putting yourself down like that.”

“I’m just saying what everyone else does.”

Gabriel handed her half of his sandwich. “Honey, you haven’t lived her in almost three years. So, how do you know what anyone around here is saying?”

He had a point, and Harrison had said the same thing. “Do you remember when we used to meet under the second set of entwined dogwoods, and eat lunch during the summer?”

He smiled, a far-off look appearing in his beautiful eyes. “You’d always bring me lemon pound cake.”

“You’d bring me Pringles—the cheese flavored ones.”

“Azalea wouldn’t allow processed foods in the house,” he said with a grin. “I remember your fingers and mouth would be yellow-orange by the time you were finished.”

“And you tasted like lemons,” she giggled, and then smashed her lips together. Why did she have to bring that up?

“Cheese and lemons, who would have thought it?”

“Sorry, that was—”

“Nothing wrong with reminiscing. We were childhood sweethearts, Summer, no matter how much you wish it wasn’t true.”

“I never said that.” She’d never wished that either.

He smiled sadly at her. “You didn’t have to.”

Summer fell silent, and Gabriel did the same. It wasn’t uncomfortable, and that bothered her all the more. It was easy and sweet and—

“I need your help,” she blurted.

His blue eyes turned hard. “I’m listening, but I’m not promising anything. Elise needs my full attention.”

“I want you to help me get Ivy back.”

Chapter Eight

Was Summer out of her mind? Of course she was. How else could they have had a civil conversation for longer than a minute, besides insanity or divine intervention?

“You wouldn’t have to do anything beyond marrying me, and then we can get a divorce or an annulment after whatever requirements the state has is met,” she said in all seriousness.

“We’ve known one another for eighteen years, and in all that time, have I ever said I’d get married just so I can get a divorce? And a planned one at that,” he growled. He threw his lunch in the nearby trashcan. It was a good thing he’d shared it with Summer, because his appetite was completely gone.

“You owe me,” she said, her voice just as hard as his.

“Owe you?” His jaw clenched. “I have done nothing but bend over backwards for you. I’ve lost perfectly good relationships because of you. I put people who matter last because of you.”

“People who matter?”

“Yes, people who matter.” He exhaled. “I have gone against advice from my friends, my parents, my ex-girlfriend, and even your sister to help you. It’s cost me everything at times to help you, but do you appreciate that? Hell no.”

Brown eyes grew wide, but her mouth turned stubborn. “I didn’t make you choose to help me.”

“What was I supposed to do—let you starve, freeze, and go homeless?”

Birds in a nearby tree flew away, wings beating loudly.

“You were supposed to believe me, yet you didn’t. You believed what everyone else said about me, and not until you found out it wasn’t true, did you apologize.”

“That still bothers you?” He threw his hands in the air. “The act of a dumb, insecure teenager not taking your word for something still bothers you?”

“It was more than something.” She fisted her hands in her lap. “I was called a whore and a slut. I was accused of sleeping with the entire football team, with teachers if I made a good grade, and if a couple broke up, it was because I screwed their boyfriend.”

“Damn it, I wasn’t there, then. I was in college.”

“I know where you were, but you could have stopped it when the rumors first started,” she pointed out.

“When I found out what Patrick Johnson did to you, I made him pay…I broke his arm and knocked out three of his teeth.” He jumped to his feet. “Does that make you happy? I beat the living hell out of another human being for hurting the girl I loved.”

Shock registered on her face. “You did?”

He nodded once. “Does that make you happy?”

“No—yes.” She beat a fist against her thigh. “I don’t know.”

“Say it makes you happy. Say that knowing what I did makes up for it,” he demanded. “That it makes up for everything.”

Tears made her eyes glisten, and her lips trembled. “You promised to be there for Ivy and me. You promised,” she shouted. “But you left, because—because…” She shook her head. “I don’t know why, but you left me there, in the hospital with that woman. Azalea said you couldn’t handle the pressure.”

His anger ebbed away. Summer truly believed he’d left her? Then again, why wouldn’t she believe the woman who had raised her? “I didn’t leave you,” he swallowed. “Azalea told me I was no longer needed. She had an orderly escort me out, and when I went to see you after you were discharged, she said you moved away.”

Summer stood, eyes glistening. “I swear to you, I did not want you to leave me.”

Gabriel scrubbed a hand across his face. “I want to believe you, I really do, but it’s hard. Thing is, even if I do believe, even if you believe I owe you, I have to put Elise first. I have to concentrate on her. She has to come first.”

“You keep repeating that, but I have to wonder if you’re doing that for my benefit or yours,” Summer said softly. “And if you two are so serious, then why are both of you so concerned with what I will or won’t do to your relationship?”

“Not fair, Summer.” He shook his head. “You’ve never had to compete with anyone.”

Summer stared at Gabriel. The hell she hadn’t. However, none of that mattered. She would convince him to marry her, so she could get Ivy back. What he did afterwards, was no concern of hers.

“Let me make it easy on you. If you don’t help me, then I’ll make Azalea look like a saint compared to how many marriages I’ll break up around here.”

His nostrils flared. “What about Elise?”

“If she loves you so much, then she can wait for the divorce. Hell, have an affair with her until then, if you want, but I get dibs on the honeymoon.” Summer lifted her chin, daring him to call her bluff.

For the love of God, call it.

Yes, she wanted his help, but she had only ever slept with exactly two men in her entire life. The second one had been Darius, and it had taken months for her to learn to trust him enough to even get that far.

Gabriel remained silent, so she fell back on what she knew made him uncomfortable.

She walked up to him, placing her hand on his chest and breathing him in. “I’d be very gentle, angel. Or rough. However, you’d like it.”

He grabbed her wrist, but she noticed he didn’t try to push her hand away. “Summer.”

She fluttered her lashes at him. “Yes, angel?”

His gaze dropped to her lips. “Sex doesn’t scare me. I’m perfectly comfortable with the act.”

Her mouth dropped open a little. “But I thought you were waiting.”

“I am.”

“So, how would you…?”

“It doesn’t matter, but I’ll be damned if I let you threaten me into anything.” He pulled her closer, until nothing separated them—not even daylight.

They still fit perfectly together. Her head right under his chin, her chest to his chest… His grip tightened. She wanted to kiss him, and she wanted him to kiss her back.

“Will you think about it?” she asked, breathless. Her heart beat loudly in her ears, and her blood sang in her veins. Gabriel was touching her, willingly touching her, and holding her close.

His perfect mouth thinned. Suddenly, his eyes widened a little and he made a little noise, something between a grunt and a growl.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Elise saw us.” Gabriel let go of her, like she was a hot poker.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” It was all her fault. She never should have touched him.

“I still need to talk to her.”

“Does that mean you’ll help me?” she tentatively asked.

He shot her a dark look. “It means we’ll talk later. I hope you’re happy.” Then he stalked away, calling Elise’s name.

Summer watched him go. She wished she could say that she wasn’t happy, but she was. Though she really hadn’t wanted to hurt Elise, she had to get her daughter back. No matter the cost.

Someday, after the divorce, Gabriel and Elise could be together again, and Summer would never bother him again, even if it would permanently break her heart in two.

It was funny, if she thought about, because her heart had stopped working a long time ago.

Chapter Nine

Gabriel jogged after Elise, calling her name again and again.

Finally, she turned around, her green eyes blazing. “If I had wanted to talk to you, then I would have stopped, before everyone in the entire county heard you shouting my name.”

“Let me explain,” he said.

Elise’s lips smashed together, and then she took a breath. “There’s nothing to explain.”

“Nothing happened.”

“I know nothing happened, Gabe. You’re not that kind of guy.” Elise made a little face. “You’re kind, honest, and love saving damsels in distress.”

Affronted, he stepped back. “I enjoy helping people, Elise. It gives me joy to do for others what was done for me.”

“It’s not your job to save everyone,” she snapped.

Hadn’t Carlos said those very words to him? “I know it’s not, but all we were doing was talking, honey. Nothing more. I made no promises to help her.”

She smiled sadly. “You didn’t have to. The look on your face said it all for you.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve done nothing, but repeat to Summer that you come first, that you are what I have to focus on, not her.”

“Have to focus on?” She tilted her head to one side. “You make it sound like a chore you have to do.”

“I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” he asked. “I’m not going to be able to convince you that no matter what, I’ll keep my promise, am I?”

“Oh, Gabriel. The only woman you’ve ever kept your promise to is standing right where you left her.”

“I’ve never broken my promise to anyone.”

“That’s because you’ve never made one before.” She glanced away. “I talked to your ex-fiancée.”

“And what did Zoe have to say?”

“That you’re everything I know you to be, everything that any woman could want, but only one woman truly holds your heart.”

Zoe had said that to her? Zoe had known that about him, yet continued to be his friend and take him back, over and over again, until she finally met the man that made her happy? Some kind of friend he’d been.

“What would you like for me to do?” he asked.

“I think it’s best if we break up.”


She laid a hand on his arm. “The minute I felt a need to go into Carolina Dreams and warn Summer Holland to stay the hell away from my man was the moment I knew I needed to let you go.”

“Just like that?” Gabriel stood there, stunned. “I can’t—”

“Now you don’t have to. Seriously, Gabe, it’s for the best.” Elise leaned in, brushing a light kiss on his cheek. “I wish you happiness.” It began to rain, and she made a little sound, letting go of him and grabbing her umbrella. “Good-bye, Gabe.”

“Good-bye, Elise.” With the rain beating down on him, he watched her walk away, wondering what it said about him that he only felt the smallest bit of regret.

He wasn’t sure if he wanted the answer to that question.

Whirling around, he searched for Summer, but the park was empty. He thought for sure she would have stuck around to gloat. It was for the best anyway. He really needed time to think.

Helping Summer was possible now, but to what end? He had meant what he said to her about marriage and divorce.

He walked along the wet, tree-lined path and shoved his hands in his pockets. As a child, he never minded the rain, because it meant that he could get a little cleaner, that he and his mother could have a little water to drink.

He sighed.

Maybe Summer was as desperate as the woman who’d raised him on the streets of Bogotá, Columbia. From what he knew, or at least what he thought he knew, of Summer, she and his mother had a lot in common when it came to men.

They didn’t trust them. They used them and were used and abused in turn.

It was a nasty, vicious cycle that he would never know if his mother ever broke, but maybe this was his chance to help Summer break free of her past for good.

It’s not your job to save everyone.

No, it wasn’t, but all he’d been doing for Summer was throwing her life jackets over the years. It was time to pull her out of the ocean—permanently.

But he wasn’t quite sure how to implement that. There was someone he needed to talk to, someone whose judgment he trusted implicitly, even when he hadn’t bothered to listen.

* * *

Sunday dinners were anything but quiet at the Edwards’ house, especially with six brothers and sisters. Gabriel’s family hadn’t always been this large. Until the age of eight, there had only been his biological mother and himself living in a house comprised of wood, metal, and pieces of cardboard. It was a period of his life he didn’t care to dwell on, much less looked upon with fond memories.

His adopted father, John, sat at the head of the table, with his wife and Gabriel’s adopted mother, Gloria, on his right. Occasionally, Gabriel would catch the two of them staring at him, and then exchanging knowing glances. It wasn’t a big stretch of the imagination to figure out what they were thinking.

Elise’s mother and Gloria had become the best of friends, since Elise’s parents had moved down here. Both mothers had made it perfectly clear they loved the idea of Gabriel and Elise seriously dating. He wouldn’t put it past either mother to have engaged in a little wedding planning either.

A spoonful of peas sailed through the air, hitting Isabella, the next to the oldest of all the siblings, in the neck. She narrowed her eyes at Hope and Faith. “Stop playing with your food,” she said while signing the words with her hands.

The twins looked at each other and silently giggled, fingers furiously signing their next plan of assault on their big sister to each other.

Gabriel caught their attention and nodded at Paul, who was busy circling his dinner plate with miniature trains. Identical smiles grew to Cheshire proportions.

“I heard Summer Holland was back in town,” Isabella said as she stabbed a piece of roast beef with her fork.

Heard his tail. Maybe he should throw his peas at his sister, along with his roll and what was left of his portion of the roast beef.

“Is this true, Gabe?” Gloria asked, her brown eyes missing nothing. She shook her head at the twins, and then instructed Michael to eat the rest of his mashed potatoes.

“Yes, ma’am.” Even if he didn’t suspect his mother already knew, he wouldn’t have lied to her. Not that he shared his private life with anyone. It stayed private—at least, when he could help it.

Gloria glanced at her husband, and then back at Gabriel. “Why is Summer back?”

“She wanted to return the truck she borrowed from me.” Not the whole truth, but it was all he felt comfortable giving at the moment.

“Is she leaving soon?” John asked as he fed Anna, another one of Gabriel’s sisters. She’d been six months old when they’d adopted her from China, and had been born without her hands. Now she was three and insisted on feeding herself most of the time.

“No, she’s planning on staying for good this time. She wants to reconnect with her family.” For a while, Gabriel had blamed himself for Summer’s extended absence. After all, he’d been the one to convince her to let Rose adopt Ivy. If anyone deserved Summer’s anger, it was him. But he’d seen the pain in her eyes, the uncertainty of her situation, and for a moment, she reminded him of the woman who’d given him up.

Given. More like sold to John and Gloria Edwards. Or had tried to sell him. Then again, his mother had been eleven or twelve when she’d given birth to him in a slum. A malnourished boy couldn’t have been anything but a drain to her. Maybe selling him to the two American missionaries had been her gift to him. He’d only wished she’d done it sooner.

He set his glass down beside his plate, tracing the condensation along the rim. For eight years, he’d endured poverty, hunger, and hopelessness. Things he had in common with his adopted brothers and sisters. Only Isabella, his parents’ one biological child, was perfect.

“I saw the two of you eating lunch together in the park,” Isabella said, eyes all wide and innocent. Yeah, his sister was perfectly annoying. But he loved her anyway.

“Oh no, not lunch. That means we’re exactly nothing, Bella,” Gabriel pointed out.

Judah, the newest member of their family, sat in his mother’s lap, looking a little scared and a whole lot overwhelmed. His baby brother had arrived only two months ago from Romania, his little legs bent at odd angles and his fingers permanently curved.

His mother frowned, but kept her comments to herself.

“Where are Ms. Kelly and Ms. Nancy?” he asked, referring to in-home nurses who helped take care of all the special needs children his parents had adopted or fostered.

“They deserved a day off,” his dad said as he balled up his napkin. He stood and began clearing off the table. “Like your mother does.”

“Yes, sir.” Gabriel grabbed his glass and plate.

Paul, the third oldest of the kids, copied him, and they both followed their dad into the kitchen.

John was at the sink, rinsing off his plate. Paul opened the dishwasher and unloaded the dishes. The twins ran in and out of the kitchen, bringing dirty plates and empty bowls with them. Gabriel could hear Isabella trying to coax Judah into sitting with her as Anna started demanding lap time with Gloria.

The three men worked in silence, Paul stopping every so often to rearrange the silverware drawer to his liking. Once the last dish was placed inside the dishwasher and all the clean plates were put away, they headed out to the front porch.

Gabriel and Paul sat in the porch swing, while their dad took his usual place in the rocking chair. It was still sunny outside, but pink and orange streaked the evening sky. The swing creaked as Paul moved his legs back and forth.

“Can’t say I’m happy about this turn of events,” John finally said. The urge to defend Summer was strong, but he remained silent as his dad continued, “But I trust you to do the right thing.”

Gabriel laid an arm along the back of the swing. “As in help her out, but nothing more.”

John nodded. “Your mother’s not happy with you right now.”

His parents knew of their past, so he couldn’t exactly blame them. “So this little man time out here is to voice her concerns?”

“It’s to voice our concerns. Neither of us are telling you to stay away from Summer. You’re a grown man—one who usually makes good decisions. But there’s only so much you can offer a woman like her, and your judgment seems to be skewed when it comes to Summer.”

Gabriel clenched his jaw. The place between his shoulder blades pinched together. “A woman like her?” Wasn’t his dad the man who preached unconditional love and to help out your neighbor? To not judge a person, because you don’t know what they had endured or were still enduring.

“Don’t take a phrase out of context, son,” John warned. “I’m not talking about her reputation; I’m talking about her actions. Actions that have hurt my son.”

Gabriel exhaled, letting the tightness in his shoulders ease up. This he could understand. He didn’t like it, but he could understand his parents’ need to protect him. “I appreciate your concern,” There was that word again, “but things are different. Summer’s different this time.”

The conviction in his voice surprised him. Maybe his heart knew something his brain didn’t. Usually his brain was telling him to stay the hell away from her, to not get involved beyond what she needed.

The last time Gabriel tried to get involved, Summer had burned him so badly that he still had scars. He looked down at his arm, at the scar in the shape of a thumbprint. It looked as though he had been branded. There were two more on his left bicep that resembled fingerprints.

If he had been a man who believed in the supernatural, he would have said that those were Summer’s marks on him. Marks she’d given to him while she was in labor with Ivy, as she clenched his hand and gripped his arm when another contraction had made her cry out.

Those marks, those little reminders of when he tried to be more than just a friend to her, were nothing like the one on his heart. In reality, they were nothing more than burns from welding a motorcycle frame together the morning Summer’s daughter had been born.

Funny how he hadn’t noticed, until that evening. Until he was home—alone and worried out of his mind for her. But it had been made very clear he hadn’t been needed.

“You said that before,” his dad pointed out.

Paul stopped swinging and shuffled back inside.

He glanced up at his dad and said, “This time I’m different, and I’m doing things differently, too.” This time, he would make a difference in Summer’s life.

John smiled and nodded. “Different is good.”

Chapter Ten

Summer hadn’t expected Gabriel to take so long to tell her no.

But here he was, two weeks later, walking into Carolina Dreams with a determined look on his face. Jemma Leigh had said that she’d heard Elise had broken up with him, but Summer seriously doubted that.

The bells on the door rang, and then went silent.

She backed up, against the counter, desperately wishing she had something in her hands other than Blackbeard, the fickle cat. He meowed at Gabriel before jumping out of her arms and heading to the back.

“Traitor,” she muttered.

Gabriel’s scent washed over her before he reached her, but this time it didn’t give her comfort. She knew she’d pushed him too far. She also knew she had no chance at getting Ivy back, that her hopes and dreams for a real family were about to be dashed to pieces.

“Are you really determined to go through with it?” Gabriel asked, stopping just shy of touching her. Today, he wore another button-down shirt and khaki pants. His dark hair was thick and slightly wavy… slightly tempting her to touch him.

She fisted her hands by her side. “Yes.”

“Then I’ll marry you.”

Her jaw and her body nearly dropped to the floor in shock. Then she remembered her threat. “So nice of you to be concerned about all those couples—”

“Stop it.” He shook his head. “I’ve known you for too long not to know when you’re bluffing. And that, sweetheart, was one of your biggest bluffs.”

“I-I…uh…well, I’m glad you’ve agreed to marry me. Hopefully, Elise won’t be too broken up about it.” She wanted to bang her head against the counter after she said that. Way to rub a little salt into the wound.

His eyes narrowed. “Elise won’t be broken up about it at all.”

“That’s good,” she whispered, growing more uneasy by the minute.

“But I have some conditions of my own, since I’m being so agreeable and giving up Elise.”

“That seems fair.”

“You’re darn right it does.”

Summer waited. This time, her fingers uncurled and fisted the material of her dress instead. Gabriel’s gaze dropped, and she could have sworn his expression softened.

“There won’t be a marriage in name only, and there won’t be a divorce. It’s either all or nothing.” He started ticking off a list, marking each item with a finger. “I want to date you, then get engaged, then having a wedding, a honeymoon—you did call dibs on that, after all—and then we’ll come right back to Holland Springs. You’ll move in with me, work here, or wherever else you’d like, or stay at home. Doesn’t matter—I can provide for you either way.”


He gave her a look. “But what?”

“There’s always a ‘but’. You have to want…something else from me,” she said, her heart sinking and her legs shaking.

“Oh I do, but that has to be given—willingly.” He gently grabbed her arm, pulling her toward him. Cupping the side of her face with his free hand, he dipped his head. “I plan to be the man you’ve always wanted, your every fantasy, and every desire. I plan on meeting every need a wild child like you could have. And by God, I hope it’s a lot, because I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.”

Before Summer could melt into a puddle on the floor, his mouth came over hers. Hard. Demanding. She kissed him back just as hard, just as demanding. Years of pent-up need, and want, and desire for him twined, growing stronger with each passing second.

Her butt hit the counter, and his hard chest bumped into hers. She gasped, and his tongue plunged inside her mouth.

Good God, he could kiss, was her last thought, and then all she could do was feel, and touch, and taste. Take and give. Whimper, and moan, and dig her nails into his skin.

All too soon, he pulled away, his breath coming in pants.

“Do you plan on kissing me like that very often?” she asked.

He grinned, slow, cocky, and just this side of wicked. Her eyes couldn’t help but widen. Her pulse couldn’t help mimic the speed of hummingbird wings. Her angel had never looked at her like that. Ever.

“I plan on kissing you like that, every day, for the rest of my life,” he said.

Normally, this would be the time she’d say something sarcastic, but normally, he didn’t kiss her. Normally, she didn’t feel so alive.

“Oh,” was all she could manage. Her voice was breathless. When had she ever been breathless around a man? Oh yeah, not even two minutes ago when he was kissing the daylights out of her. She placed her hand on his chest to steady herself, but all it did was throw her off balance once more.

“Summer,” Gabriel murmured, and she had to look up at him. “I’d like to take you out tonight.”

Gabriel had heard the line about drowning in someone’s eyes before. He had even thought it was pure junk science, but as Summer gazed up at him, all wide-eyed with desire and confusion, he could picture himself falling into those chocolate depths.

Under his hand, her fingers curled. “What time should I be ready?”

“How about six?” How did his voice remain so calm when, inside he was utterly devastated by her—in a completely excellent way. He had kissed her and she’d kissed him back. She hadn’t pushed him away or critiqued his technique. In fact, she looked as turned on as he felt. His entire body vibrated, pulled tight, and ready for release. For relief.

Breathe in, breathe out.

He could stay strong. He could also rethink the timeframe he’d given himself to date Summer before “officially” asking her to marry him. Honestly, he didn’t know if he could wait a day, much less a month.

But what was thirty days compared to twenty-nine years?

She nodded, licking her bottom lip. She was the difference. Summer’s lips, her hand on his chest…her body against his…that’s what made thirty more days seem like thirty million years.

“Pick me up here.”

He’d rather pick her up at her place, but he’d go along with her wishes. “We’ll grab a bite to eat, and then catch a movie, or go to Poor Boy’s so you can dance.”

Desire faded from her eyes. “Sure you want to take me there?”

He’d forgotten about the last time they been in Poor Boy’s. She’d flirted, he’d snapped, and neither had spoken to the other for two months. Not until he’d driven past her on Highway 13.

Need a ride?” he asked, his truck keeping pace with her strides.

She tilted her nose in the air, hiked up her purse on her shoulder, and walked faster. “Does it look like it?” Then she stopped suddenly, bent over, and retched.

He put the truck in park, hopped out, and was by her side in an instant. Gathering her hair back, he held it while she finished. “I have some water in the truck—haven’t even twisted the cap off.”

Isn’t that convenient?” She grimaced, and then breathed through her mouth. “Always showing up at just the right time, like my own true knight in shining armor.” Once again, she was pushing him away.

He let her hair fall, looking around at the fields that had been turned over for an early spring planting. “I’m no one’s knight,” he said and moved back to his truck. He reached inside the open window, grabbing the bottle of water and a couple of loose napkins. “I’m giving you a ride into town as an apology.”

Fine.” Her spine straightened as if steel had been poured, and then cooled inside of it. “I need to go see Dr. Reed.”

He placed his palm over her forehead, a gesture his mother made whenever he or his brother and sisters were sick. Her skin was clammy, not feverish. A fine sheen of sweat glistened along her cheeks. “What’s wrong, Summer?”

There was the barest hint of tears surrounded by anguish before she blinked, clearing everything away. “I’m pregnant.”

The bottle of water fell to the asphalt, but it was his body that felt the impact.

Gabriel gave himself a mental shake, and then smiled at Summer. “It’s all in the past, and I’m ready for the future.”

Chapter Eleven

“A date,” Summer said to her reflection.

“Yes, a date,” Jemma Leigh said, walking up behind her and placing her hands on Summer’s shoulders. “All you need is some lipstick, and you’ll be ready to go.”

Summer smiled faintly, accepting the tube from the woman who seemed to be bound and determined to be her friend, whether she liked it or not.

“Gabriel’s gonna die when he sees you.”

Summer made a little noise. “Gabriel will probably order me to change.”

“If by change, you mean put on some sexy lingerie, then I have some you can borrow, too,” Jemma Leigh said with a conspiratorial smile. “That man won’t know what hit him.”

“You know Gabriel Edwards as good as I do, and we both know that will never happen.”

Jemma Leigh pursed her lips. “You have to stop thinking that way about yourself.”

Easy enough for someone like Jemma Leigh to say. “I’m stating the truth.”

“Then why did you bother inviting me over?”

Summer leveled her with a look. “The devil made me do it.”

“I’ve never been called that before,” Jemma Leigh said wryly.

Earlier in the afternoon, Jemma Leigh had caught Summer in another weak moment, and invited her to coffee again. Over caramel lattes, Summer had blurted the news. Okay, so if she was honest, she hadn’t blurted it. She had wanted Jemma Leigh to know, and not just because she would spread the news around town, but because Summer was nervous. With a capital OH DEAR GOD, WHAT HAD SHE AGREED TO?

And that’s how she ended up with Jemma Leigh helping her get ready at Carolina Dreams. Rose’s office had served as a dressing room, while Jemma Leigh had served as makeup artist and stylist by rushing home and back again with clothes, makeup, and anything else she could find. The room looked like a department store had exploded inside of it.

Summer plucked at a bead on her shirt. It was hot pink (naturally), with tiny, silver-colored beads along the sides. The sleeves were short and capped, and the white miniskirt with more pink and silver beads made her feel like she was bedazzled to the max. Matching silver and pink earrings dangled from her ears.

Overall, she looked nothing like herself and everything like the woman standing behind her, but Summer didn’t have the heart to tell her so. Mostly because she didn’t have a heart in the first place.

However, the makeup Jemma Leigh had applied was another story. Summer had never been able to pull off really dark or bright colors, at least not in her opinion, so she felt like a clown, even if she didn’t remotely resemble one.

“Could we tone down the eye shadow a bit? The hot pink at the top seems a little—”

Jemma Leigh’s face fell. “You hate it, don’t you? I bet you hate the entire outfit.”

“No!” Summer all but screamed, and Jemma Leigh’s smile returned in full force. “I don’t have the bones for this, not like you do…so I think we need to go a little neutral on the eye makeup.”

Striking a pose, as her new friend had been doing in front of the mirror she’d brought over all afternoon, Jemma Leigh tapped her chin. “You might be right. I thought with your attitude that you could carry it off, but the more I think about it….the more I see what’s underneath.”

Summer’s eyes widened, and she turned around to face Jemma Leigh. “Underneath what?”

“Underneath all that attitude. You can’t fool me, Summer Holland, but I won’t tell a soul.” Jemma Leigh winked at her. “Now, go wash that pretty face and we’ll take it from the top.”

Gabriel took one look at the woman walking toward him and forgot how to breathe.

Summer wore a pale blue sundress, a string of dark blue beads, and silver sandals. Her pale hair flowed down her back in big, bouncy curls. Brown eyes with the longest, blackest lashes he’d ever seen gazed at him, without malice, anger, or even scorn.

In fact, Summer looked nervous.

But how could she? It wasn’t her palms sweating. It wasn’t her heart pounding against her chest. It wasn’t her knees that were weak. It wasn’t her brain reminding her of the last kissed they shared, of how she felt in his arms and pressed against him. Oh no. That was all him, with all his body parts and brain conspiring against him.

“Let me take a picture,” Jemma Leigh said. She rushed around the counter, phone in her hand, and waited for Summer to join him.

“Do you mind?” he asked as she moved to stand beside him.

She shook her head in answer, sending the scent of flowers washing over him. It wasn’t her usual scent, but he liked it. Hell, he loved it.

Wrapping an arm around her, he whispered, “You look beautiful.”

She glanced up at him, giving an up-close and personal view of her flawless skin. There was a tiny mole, right by her left eye. The beauty mark hadn’t been there when they were younger, and every other time they’d been this close, it was to push the other away.

Well, with the exception of today, but he could give himself a pass for not noticing when he’d been consumed with kissing her. He hadn’t had a thought in his head about anything else but the way she tasted, which was how it should be.

“One more, you two. These are so good!” Jemma Leigh squealed.

Except now, when he wasn’t kissing her, and he was posing for a picture, all he could think about was kissing her again.

“Thank you. You look handsome.” Then she looked at the camera again. Her hair fell forward, obscuring her face, so he couldn’t see if she was smiling as Jemma Leigh took just one more picture.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yes.” Answering in monosyllables had never been Summer’s style. Usually, she had an accompanying skewering remark. Usually, they wouldn’t be going out on a date.

“I made reservations at Bluebelle. Hope you still like seafood.” He’d decided against taking her to Poor Boy’s tonight, for an after-dinner activity. Besides, he was getting a little old for that honky-tonk bar, and the crowd was getting younger every year.

Jemma Leigh beamed. “Taking my bestie to Palm Island. I approve.”

Summer and Jemma Leigh were best friends? That was…unexpected.

Placing a hand over her heart, Jemma Leigh sighed. “Bluebelle is so romantic. Lots of surprise engagements are on the menu there, or so I heard.”

Summer stiffened beside him. He wasn’t sure why. It had been her idea to get married in the first place. Did she think no one would notice when they got married, or when she sued for custody of Ivy?

Whatever she thought, he’d be there for her, in whatever way he could. In the meantime, he would unequivocally convince her that in order to have a family, she didn’t have to destroy the one she helped create. That she was worthy of love, of a family, and of everything she thought she wasn’t.

He pressed his hand against the small of her back and blinked, slightly startled by how warm and delicate she felt under his palm.

“Have her back at a decent hour, Mr. Edwards,” Jemma Leigh admonished. “A lady is never kept out later than midnight.”

He laughed softly. “Don’t worry.”

“Yeah, I’m not a lady, so Gabriel can keep me out until the cock crows, but I’m pretty sure the preacher’s son isn’t allowed to be out past the sinning hour.” Summer stepped away from him, and headed to the front door. The bells rang as she went outside.

“Tonight should be fun,” he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“She doesn’t mean it, you know,” Jemma Leigh said, staring out the window. “It’s just battle armor.”

Yeah, he knew it. He’d always known it, but it was hard for him to keep his temper and be patient with her. “Don’t you think it’s time for her to be at peace?”

Jemma Leigh shrugged. “Sometimes, when you’ve been battling for so long, it’s hard to know when to lay your weapons down and surrender to love.”

Chapter Twelve

Summer rode in silence as Gabriel drove them over the bridge to Palm Island.

The bridge only had one lane, and constantly had traffic backed up, as cars filled with vacationers lined up on opposite sides, waiting for their turn to go. Luck had been with them, and just as they approached, the light turned green.

Summer glanced at Gabriel, then back at the scenery. Possibly, it had been divine intervention.

Palms trees and small sand dunes, with vibrant orange wildflowers growing on them, flanked the road, while houses built on stilts rose above it all. Every now and then, she got a glimpse of the ocean or the Pamlico Sound.

“Have you ever been here before?” Gabriel asked. “I couldn’t remember.”

This was his second attempt to try to get her to engage in conversation. The first time had been on the outskirts of Holland Springs. He’d pointed out new shops and subdivisions that hadn’t been there three years ago, but after she’d only crossed her arms in response, he’d shot her an amused look and turned up the volume on the radio.

For a minute, she considered remaining on the defensive with him, but why should she? He’d agreed to help her, even if it meant a marriage not in name only. Even if it meant that he’d promised to meet and fulfill every want, need, fantasy, and desire a wild child like her could have. Too bad she’d never let him know that just by kissing her, like he had in Carolina Dreams, that he’d already met more than half of them.

Yeah, too bad, but for whom… him, or was it her?

“Once or twice when I was younger. Azalea needed something from one of her friends.” By friends, Summer meant lovers. Her mother had been having an affair with a married man from two towns over, and since Skye had been sick at the time, all of them had been forced to come along. Forced to watch as their mother flirted and preened in front of a man twice her age, while she ignored the three girls that had nothing to do, but wait and stay glued to one another.

But he hadn’t ignored them.

That man had watched them, with a hunger in his eyes that had made Summer’s skin crawl. Thankfully, Azalea had noticed as well, and after hurrying them out of the beach house, with the real excuse of Skye being sick and possibly contagious, she had promised never to take them around him again.

It was the first and only promise she had ever kept.

“We have a lot of catching up to do,” he said, and the thought of him knowing all of her secrets—true or not, scared her so badly that she automatically looked for an exit. “We have a lot of misconceptions about each other, and I’d like to finally clear them up.”

“Or everything about me is entirely true, and there’s nothing to clear up, because what you see is exactly what you get.”

Gabriel pulled the truck into the blacktop parking lot, next to a one-story house that had the look of a seaside cottage. After finding a spot, he put the truck in park and cut the engine. At first, she thought he would ignore her again, but he did the unexpected.

He reached across her, unbuckling the seat belt, and then took those big hands of his and pulled her toward him. Right before his head dipped, she managed to ask, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” His voice had slowed to that drawl she loved to hear. “Summer Jean Holland, I plan on kissing you each and every time you utter such nonsense.”

“Oh.” His head dipped, but she leaned back, unsure if she should be aggravated with him over his gall. “What if I started uttering things that make…sense?”

He grinned. “I’m still going to kiss you.”

Then his head dipped once more, and she met him halfway. Unlike the kiss in her store, this time when their lips met, it was slow and easy. Sweet and gentle, while knocking down some of the many barriers she’d erected against him and everyone else who dared to see the real her.

Of their own accord, her fingers sank into his hair. The strands were thick and heated at the scalp, cool and silky at the tips. He moaned a little when she nipped at his full bottom lip, so she did it again, smiling when it elicited another sound of pleasure.

Until, that is, he took control, nudging her mouth open and plunging his tongue inside. Her angel kissed like the devil. He made her insides twist up in tight pleasure, made heat and desire pool between her thighs. He made her nipples tighten, and her wish that there was nothing between them, not even the cotton fabric of her borrowed dress.

His hands moved down her shoulders, cupping her elbows and sliding lower still, until he touched her wrists and laced his fingers through hers. Then he put their joined hands in her lap and simply kissed her.

He kissed her and held her hands like they had all the time in the world, and weren’t sitting in his truck, in public, while customers walked in and out of the quaint-looking restaurant.

Finally, finally, he pulled away, but kept their hands entwined. He lowered his forehead to hers. “Say something completely ridiculous so I can kiss you again,” he teased.

The words shimmered in her mind, but she refused to look at them again. She refused to acknowledge that an emotion like that could still exist between them, after all this time.

After all this time, could be it true that she wasn’t over him? She gave herself a mental shake. Of course she was over him, because she’d never been under him.

Besides, she had a plan, and she was sticking to it. Whatever it took to get her family back, she would do it, even if she had to walk backwards through the burning fires of hell while wearing gasoline panties. Which Holland Springs might end up becoming, once her sister found out her plans.

“I’m hungry,” she said, carefully sitting back and watching his reaction.

His vibrant blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “Well, I did say I’d make sure your every desire was met.” Letting go of her hands, he sat back, and then grabbed his keys.

Flipping down the visor, she pretended to check her makeup in the mirror, but she kept stealing glances at Gabriel while he got out of his truck and walked around it to her side.

“Stop staring before he catches you,” she scolded herself, before quickly reapply her lipstick. “Nothing wrong with small talk. Nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and having a nice time with the man you plan on marrying, and then divorcing for his own good.” She got a queasy feeling in her stomach, but she flipped her hair over her shoulder and put on a bright smile as her door opened.

He held out his hand to help her down. She took it, snagging her purse on the way. “Your eyes are pretty. The blue dress really makes them stand out.”

She wasn’t vain, nor had she ever lacked in compliments from the opposite sex, but his simple statement about her eyes made her want to preen in front of a mirror to see if what he said was true.

To her horror, she felt her cheeks heat. “Thank you. Blue is my favorite color.”

“I know, and not just any blue but dark blue. Indigo. ”

The color of your eyes, angel. “Green is yours,” she said, not to be outdone.

“Do you remember that time we tried to build a teepee, after I learned about the Bear River Indians during the Boy Scouts’ Jamboree?” he asked. “Darn near burned down the woods with our campfire.”

“I’d forgotten about that,” she said with a laugh. “We must have worked on perfecting that teepee for a month, but rain would still manage to sneak inside.”

Once again, he placed his palm on the small of her back, making her feel safe and secure as they walked up the front porch steps and inside the restaurant.

“One of us, and I’m not naming names, got a little too happy with making a really big fire,” he said with a wink, and then checked in with the hostess.

“How else would we roast hotdogs and eat marshmallows, or stay warm, when winter came?” she pointed out, the memory of them as children making her smile. “We were going to live there, on the shores of the Pamlico, like the Bear River People. I’d wear flowers in my hair and fish for us, while you did the dangerous hunting and watched the kids.”

At the mention of children, her smile fell. For a little while, the memories of their childhood had been a nice way to pass the time while they waited, but the present would always find a way to intrude.

“You always looked pretty with flowers in your hair.” Gabriel gently tugged on a curl resting on her bare shoulder.

Goose bumps appeared, and she didn’t dare look at her date. She couldn’t bear what might be in his gaze. Mercifully, the hostess appeared and led them into the main dining room.

They were seated at a table for two by the window. Lazy ceiling fans spun in slow circles, while servers in crisp white shirts, long, white aprons, and black pants wove in and out of the room, balancing trays on their fingertips.

“Thank you,” Summer said as the hostess handed each of them a menu. She opened one, scanned the first few items, and almost set it facedown on the table.

Had he taken her here to impress her and flaunt his money, because he thought that was something she desired? Or had he taken her here because it was romantic, like Jemma Leigh had said?

Knowing what she did about Gabriel and Jemma Leigh, it had to be because it was considered romantic. If Gabriel wanted to show off how much money he had, he would be driving a Corvette or some other kind of flashy car most people would be horrified to learn she didn’t like.

Give her a truck any day of the week. Or one of those VW Bugs. She did like those, especially the convertible ones, in bright green.

“The salads look good,” she said, trying to keep the conversation pleasant, yet neutral.

“Steak and lobster look better.”

“Hmm.” Her gaze travelled to the other side of the menu. “Too many to choose from.”

“What do you think of Bluebelle?” he asked, setting his menu to the side.

“Looking for some utter nonsense for me spout?” she couldn’t help but say, and then quickly turned her attention back to the menu. It wouldn’t do for her to flirt with him. Kissing was one thing, but flirting was extremely bad for both of them.

Oh, who was she kidding? It was all bad, because it all felt so very good to do with Gabriel.

“Maybe. Too bad I can’t read your mind,” he said, raising his brows.

She looked at him over her menu, thinking it was a lucky thing he couldn’t read her wayward thoughts, but she still couldn’t help but ask, “Why is that?”

Another one of those wicked grins covered his face, stealing her breath and making her pulse race. “Because I’m ninety-nine percent sure your lips would look all bee-stung when I was done with you.”

She sucked in a breath, her breasts rising to the neckline of her dress, and Gabriel noticed. His gaze actually dropped there, for only a couple of seconds, before his blue eyes found hers. “Saw something you liked?”

“I did.”

The server chose that moment to take their order. Summer had no idea what she told the man, only that Gabriel’s heavy-lidded gaze never left her face. His knee brushed hers as she handed the menu to the server, and she gasped.

Emotionally off-balance, she slid her chair back.

Gabriel frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine.” She swallowed that lie, and then spouted off another one. “Just thought you needed more leg room, is all.” What was wrong with her? This wasn’t how she handled Gabriel. This wasn’t how she kept him at a distance. She should be the one touching his knee. The one running her foot up his leg.

He made a noise, his frown deepening, before he excused himself from the table. She watched him go, watched him cross the room, and head to the front of the restaurant where the restrooms were located.

After a couple of minutes of people watching, she stared at the ocean, at the waves as they rolled onto the shore, wishing she could be a part of it. Wishing she could dive in and float away. She could practically feel the cool water lap at her body, the weightlessness… the blessed quiet. Would anyone notice if she drifted away? Would anyone care if she had never come back to Holland Springs?

Rose hadn’t known the exact day Summer would appear at Strawberry Grove. Jemma Leigh confessed she’d made the whole thing up, but that whenever Rose and her husband would go out of town, the letter and key were placed in Jemma Leigh’s hands just in case.

Certainly if her sister had known, then Rose would have also known what Summer’s plans were all along, and wouldn’t have been so welcoming or forgiving. Summer wouldn’t have been, not one bit.

Or would she? Would either of them? Maybe the bonds of sisterhood were stronger than their past, than the reasons why Summer did what she did, and her sisters would accept her for it. Though, Skye still hadn’t returned from Colorado and no one knew when or if she ever would.

Maybe Skye had been the smartest of them all by moving away to pursue her dreams, while Summer and Rose couldn’t help but come back to Holland Springs, no matter what lay before them.

She sighed.

The flame of the candle danced and she held her hand over it, palm facing down. Burn my past away. Burn all that used to be me. Burn it all away. The candle seemed to grow hotter and brighter as she chanted the words in her head.

Burn the old me to the ground.

Gabriel returned to the table just in time to save Summer’s hand from catching on fire. Leaning over the table, he grabbed her wrist and moved her hand away.

She jumped, her brown eyes going wide at the sight of him. “Angel,” she breathed, and for once, the word sounded like an endearment.

“Are you hurt?” Turning her palm over, he tenderly brushed his thumb over the red spot in the middle. He kneeled beside her, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing the center. “Playing with fire will always leave a mark.”

“I wasn’t playing.” She removed her hand from his grip, but he didn’t move from his spot.

“What were you thinking? I watched you for a full minute, before rushing over here.”

Her dark eyes turned wary. “Nothing to get me kissed.”

Yet another reason he’d excused himself from the table. He was acting like a teenager with self-control issues. Summer deserved more than to be pawed by him at every opportunity. She deserved more than him finding any excuse to touch her hair, her shoulder, or hand. She deserved a gentleman, in every way, and it was his job to be one.

“Are you having a good time?”


Another one-word answer. He exhaled and stood. As he sat in his chair, he asked, “After dinner, would you like to go for a walk on the beach?”

She nodded, and his heart sank more.

Thankfully, the server brought the appetizers, and then the entrees as soon as they had finished the seafood bisques.

Gabriel had never had such a quiet meal with a date, and not just any date, but Summer, the woman who was his childhood sweetheart. The woman, who at one time, he’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and the woman he’d thought he’d never see again, after he’d helped her through the heart-breaking decision of giving up Ivy.

He paid the bill, and began to say something to Summer, but she wasn’t looking at him. Her complete attention was on the ocean, as the sky faded from pale blue to gold and orange, then violet and indigo. She’d always been a lover of nature.

He simply gazed at her, at the rapturous, yet vulnerable look on her face. This was the girl he remembered. This was the girl who held him spellbound, not the woman who’d become hard and cynical, without joy.

A pale curl shifted, drawing his attention to her neck. It was slender and strong, like her. Everything about her looks had that duality about it. Slender yet strong, soft yet unyielding… sex kitten yet girl-next-door with her big, brown eyes and pouty lips…his best friend yet his worst enemy.

And now…now she would become his wife.

His wife.

“I’m ready to walk on the beach and talk about our favorite positions, and what turns us on,” she said, her smile so sweet it gave him a toothache.

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Oh, you don’t have to tell me your favorite. I already know it—missionary style,” she said with a firm nod. “It’s the only one allowed, right? Guess I’ll have to get used to that.”

“I refuse to be baited by you, not anymore. Need a verbal punching bag—then here I am,” he said flatly. “But not in public. I’m taking you home, where you can make whatever kind of remark you want. However, this changes nothing. We’re going on another date tomorrow, and the next day, until we can have an entire conversation without resorting to our old ways of handling each other.”

Yes, he had to include himself in that last part, because he wasn’t perfect and even if she thought that about him, he knew it wasn’t true, and knew what he was capable of doing. It was only fair to have the same expectations placed upon him as well.

Was that a glimmer of relief in her eyes? Had he calculated correctly for once?

He stood, and held out his hand. For a second, he half-expected her to bite him, but she took his hand, lacing her fingers with his, and allowed him to lead her outside to his truck. Once they were back at Carolina Dreams, he opened the door on her side, and walked her around back to where the truck he’d let her borrow was parked.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me goodnight, angel?” she cooed. “I’m pretty sure I said something ridiculous before we left.”

It hit him then, like a punch to the head. She wasn’t only trying to keep him at arm’s length. “Were you trying to get me to kiss you, sweetheart?”

“Like I have to resort to tricks for that to happen,” she scoffed.

“You didn’t answer.”

She flipped her hair over one shoulder. “Yes, I did, but you didn’t bother to read between the lines.”

He rocked back on his heels, actually enjoying this bit of sparring. “Why don’t you help me out? Sometimes men need a little direction.”

She snorted, actually snorted, and he wanted to kiss her for that, because it made her seem so real and touchable. And his. “I swear, Gabriel, it’s like you’re begging me to say something so you’ll have an excuse to kiss me.”

“What can I say? I love kissing you.”

He waited for her final blow, for her to make a reference to all the men she’d enjoyed kissing, but her gaze skittered away.

“I love kissing you, too,” she murmured.

He kissed her cheek softly. “Thank you.”

“I wasn’t being ridiculous.”

He stroked her satiny skin, right along her jawline. “I know.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together, and then dug her keys out of her purse. “I need to go home. Blackbeard needs his beauty sleep.” As if on cue, Blackbeard appeared out of nowhere, rubbing against Gabriel’s legs.

“Do you think he’ll visit us, once you move in with me?” he asked, and panic flared in her eyes.

She shrugged, glancing away from him. “It’s up to him. He does what he wants.”

“Want me to follow you home, to make sure you make it all right?”


“At least let me wait for you to start up the truck and be on your way,” he said. He lived in the opposite direction of Summer, and since he wasn’t a stalker, he needed to make sure she was safe in town.

“Suit yourself.” Pulling out the keys, she unlocked the door and climbed inside. Blackbeard jumped in behind her, and she shut the door.

He waited until she buckled on her seatbelt, locked the door, and adjusted her mirror. Then he waited even longer while she started up the truck’s engine and fiddled with the radio.

“She’s making me wait on purpose,” he said with a shake of his head, but he didn’t get angry. Instead, he patiently waited with a small smile on his face while she came to the conclusion that he really wasn’t going anywhere until after she did, and finally drove away.

“You might think you’re the winner, Summer Jean,” he said to himself as he walked to his truck, “but in the end, we’ll both be happy with the outcome.”

Chapter Thirteen

Over the next couple of weeks, much to Summer’s dismay and secret joy, Gabriel kept his promise to take her out every night, until they had a meal without them falling back on old habits.

Only, new habits emerged.

For one, she teased him and he teased her back. If she were honest, she would call it flirting, but she couldn’t be honest with herself right now, because honesty would lead to examining her heart.

There was no telling what she would find there.

Not that she had time to examine anything, because Gabriel had taken over her schedule of nothing but work by actually dating her.

They tasted prize-winning jams and jellies at local fairs named after fruits and small woodland creatures, went tubing at a river festival, and held hands during an outdoor play.

They’d eaten hummus and pita points while listening to a jazz band perform at a park in Wilmington, and had spent one afternoon riding the Swan Quarter ferry to Ocracoke Island.

He’d also started coming to Carolina Dreams right before closing time, to ask about her day and plan their next great adventure.

It was as though he was trying to fit years of dating, years of what they should have had together, into a matter of days.

“Don’t you want to touch my trophy?” she asked, waving a stuffed fox at him she’d won for having the loudest whistle at the Red Fox Festival.

“The fox says put him out of his misery.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s been properly stuffed.”

“I don’t care what it is, that fox used to be alive. Don’t touch me with it.” He stepped away from her, and she laughed so hard that her stomach began to ache. “I could be allergic for all you know.”

She pretended to consider his words, and then lunged for him. He moved out of her reach at the last minute. “Take it home with you and put in on your mantle like a real man,” she giggled, chasing him around Carolina Dreams. “He’ll watch over you while you sleep.”

“Rather have you glowering at me in my sleep,” he said, laughter rumbling from his chest. The sound made her so happy. He made her happy.

“So the rumor is true.”

Summer and Gabriel simultaneously stopped and turned at the same time.

Elise stood just inside the door, red hair swept up, displaying a dainty earring on each lobe, while wearing a pencil skirt with a form-fitting white blouse that highlighted her curvaceous figure to perfection.

“Hi, Elise,” Gabriel said, taking the stuffed fox from Summer and setting it on a nearby counter. The bridge of his nose flushed. Was he embarrassed at being caught with her? He glanced at Summer with a pleading look in his eyes, before turning his attention back to Elise.

Summer felt herself melt a little. He wasn’t embarrassed. He was worried about Elise’s feelings and her feelings, even though she’d been the one to instigate everything.

“I…We…” he began but Summer wasn’t about to let him apologize for something he hadn’t done.

“We didn’t mean to hurt you,” Summer said, taking a step toward Elise. “Sometimes things just happen, and Gabriel and I have a long history.

“How sweet of you to think of me like that.” Elise marched up to Summer. “Do you believe in physical violence?”

Confused, Summer answered honestly, “As a rule, no, but there are times when a situation calls for it.” Like after Patrick Johnson tied her to the bed and took what was owed to him.

“Good.” Elise slapped Summer so hard that her head whipped to one side.

Pain flared out, to her ear and eye socket. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she whimpered, cupping her cheek.

Gabriel was at her side in an instant, gently turning her face and sucking in air through his teeth. “Are you okay?”

All she could do was look at him through a sheen of tears.

“Yeah, I know, seriously dumb question.” He kissed her forehead, and she thought she heard Elise hiss.

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said, then his eyes got all hard. Summer wanted to flinch again, but he fixed his furious gaze on the redhead still standing there. “You broke up with me, not the other way around, and she’s not responsible for our decisions.”

“Yes, I am,” Summer whispered miserably. “You saw us in the park, and that’s why you broke up with him.”

“No,” Elise said, shocking her. “I broke up with him, because it’s one thing to be second to a memory. It’s quite another to have to be second to the real thing.”

“I didn’t make you second,” Gabriel insisted.

Summer backed away, going to the cabinet in the corner to find a purple jar with some ointment to ease the swelling and redness on her cheek. It had to be red and swollen, because it stung like hell.

Elise shook her head. “I wasn’t about to give you a chance, but seeing the two of you… It just pisses me off that I wasted so much time on you.”

“I never looked at it that way.”

“You never had to, women flock to you, you idiot.” Elise huffed. “Men, it’s so easy for you. Get older and you look better. We get older and have to compete with younger women who y’all think look better than us.”

“Gabriel’s not like that,” Summer said, rubbing in the lotion. Immediately, the stinging lessened.

“They’re all like that.” Elise gave Summer a hard look. “I wish I could say sorry and mean it, but I can’t. It felt good, and you deserved it anyway, for all the other relationships you helped destroy.”

Gabriel heard Summer’s sharp intake of breath and almost cursed.

He knew what she was thinking, what Elise had planted in Summer’s brain. Soon, it would take root, and all the weeks of trying to build something new would wither away and die.

“Then you might want to hit the other one then, for my future misdeeds,” Summer snapped, marching from the back of the store to where Elise stood. She tipped up her chin and turned her head to one side. “So very many men and so very little time.”

Forget soon; it was instantaneous. He briefly closed his eyes. “I suggest you leave, Elise, before I call Sheriff Barnes.”

“You’d have me arrested?” Elise looked genuinely horrified.

“If Summer wants to press charges, then yes. You assaulted her, without provocation.” He should know. So many of the teens he worked with had that very wording on their rap sheet. He had it on his.

“I won’t press charges,” Summer said, much to Gabriel’s surprise.

Elise’s mouth flattened as she made a little noise of satisfaction. “I’ll be going.”

Neither he nor Summer bothered to say anything more as Elise marched out of Carolina Dreams. Summer merely waited until his ex has left and then moved to lock the door.

When she turned to face him again, he winced at the bright red handprint. “Do you want some ice for that?”

“No.” She pushed back her shoulders, tipping her nose in the air. “I want a timeframe from you, so I can know when to expect a ring and plan a wedding with a honeymoon. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve—I’ve,” her lips trembled, “had a m-man?”

So they were back to this, once again. Damn Elise for this, and damn him for letting things escalate. “It’s best if you had dinner with my parents, first, so they can get to know you.”

“They already know me by reputation, angel. Everyone does, no matter what you or Jemma Leigh say.” She gave him a brittle smile. “You two want me to think like y’all, like everything is rose-colored glasses and Fourth of July parades, but I’m not buying it. The mark on my face proves nothing has changed in this town.”

Chapter Fourteen

That evening, Gabriel walked the mostly deserted streets of Holland Springs. It was almost ten, and the only shops still open were the local drugstore and movie theater.

Normally he’d be home now, but one of his client’s parents called him, worrying because their son hadn’t come home from school. It had taken him a good two hours, coordinating with local law enforcement officials, to track the teen down, but an anonymous tip had helped, and the fifteen year old was back where he belonged.

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair. Small town or big city made no difference to a teenager looking for trouble. Though Holland Springs was not a big city by any stretch of the imagination, the town had grown over the past few years.

New subdivisions and strip malls had been built, but the downtown, with good planning and financial backing from influential citizens, had remained vibrant, even when the local Wal-Mart had turned into a superstore. Many had proclaimed that expansion as a death knell for local businesses, but as with most things, the rush to judgment and end-of-the-world wailing were all for nothing.

New businesses had cropped up, offering services and items that the Wal-Mart didn’t carry. Honestly, he thought it was pretty hypocritical for people to not want something that the majority, no matter their income, could afford. Where else were they supposed to shop for groceries and clothes?

Yeah, if there was one thing he hated in this world, it was hypocrites. Which is probably why he was so determined to prove to Summer that he wasn’t one—at least, not anymore. He wanted to prove to her that, for the most part, people could be counted on to be kind and caring when push came to shove… not everyone, but most.

Dear God, he prayed he was right.

He exhaled and took a right onto Ivy Lane.

A light shone in the second-story windows, and he frowned. It was doubtful that Summer had left the light on. She was too conscientious of stuff like that, and she had the uncanny ability to see in the dark like a cat.

Just then, a black cat jumped up on the window, rubbing its body back and forth on the glass. What in the world was Blackbeard doing there?

Maybe Summer had some inventory to do. Maybe he could check on her, offer his help, or at least his company.

Dashing around the back, he checked for her truck and found it, gleaming under a street lamp. With a smile, he strode to the back door, intent on knocking, when Blackbeard came running out, leaving the door ajar.

The cat was used to roaming where he wanted, and most of the townspeople knew who he was and gave him little treats, so Gabriel didn’t bother to try to catch him. Instead, he slipped through the door, and made his way upstairs, calling Summer’s name.

“Gabriel?” She appeared at the top of the stairs, eating a bowl of something while only wearing a t-shirt.

He almost tripped up the stairs at the sight of her shapely legs. The t-shirt barely covered her, so it left little to the imagination. Immediately, he stopped his ogling and froze on the stairs, staring the wooden steps. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were, uh… What are you doing here so late?”

“Eating a bowl of cereal while Blackbeard goes catting around.”

He frowned at the wood grain. “Do you do this every night?”


Relief flowed through him. Although, he still couldn’t figure out why she was dressed the way she was. It wasn’t his business, not completely, but it was strange.

“Usually I’m entertaining gentleman callers while he roams the streets,” she said in that voice he’d grown to dread. The one that meant he needed to turn around and go back the way he came, if he knew what was good for him.

Only he knew what was good for him—she was. She didn’t believe it, was all.

“Sounds fun. Care to entertain this gentleman?” he asked, silently praying he was going about this the right way.

The clink of the spoon dropping into the bowl made him grin. He risked taking another look at her. Summer’s mouth had dropped open, and then she caught him looking and put on a haughty face.

“Doubtful,” she said, turning away and disappearing from the top.

That wasn’t a no. He jogged the rest of the way up the stairs, catching her at the sink of the studio apartment. She rinsed out the bowl and set it down, then headed to the bathroom.

Guess he’d have to entertain both of them.

He glanced around the room. A lot had changed since he’d last seen it, but to be fair, he’d only been up here once and that was to help Rose unload some heavy boxes.

The open floor plan had remained the same, but the décor had changed. Gone was all the mismatched furniture. In its place were comfortable-looking seating areas, a table for two, and freshly painted cabinets, and granite countertops in the kitchen, as well an antique dresser with a flat-screen television on top. Off to the side was a small room with a very large bed.

Now, that was definitely new.

“Where does Rose keep all the extra inventory?”

“Alexander bought the building across the street, the one he’d originally had up for sale.”

“Guess when you’re that loaded, buying a building from yourself makes sense,” he said to himself, moving to the long couch by the front windows. “I thought you were staying at Strawberry Grove.” He sat down, and waited for her to join him.

She emerged from the bathroom a minute later, still wearing the same t-shirt but she had put on a pair of loose boxer shorts. “It’s better if I live here, until—”

“You move in with me,” he said.

Her eyes widened, just a little. She didn’t move from her spot by the television. “Yes.”

“At first, I thought I’d come up here and see if you wanted any help or maybe just some company.”

“I told you I have lots of company—except tonight,” she said, her gaze skittering away. She crossed her arms and took a deep breath.

He took the opportunity to continue, and ignore her little jab. “But on second thought, I think you were right. We do need a timeframe. In fact, I was thinking of speeding things up.”

“Do you?” she asked, still not looking at him.

“Yes.” He patted the seat beside him. “Why don’t you come sit over here? I’d rather not yell our plans.”

Stiffly, Summer marched to him, and he hid a smile. She sat on the opposite side of the sofa, so far away that she might as well be in the bedroom.

“How much longer?” she asked.

He scooted closer to her. “Maybe next week or two?”

“I don’t want to wait another week.”

“You at least need to meet my family first. Can you wait until after this weekend?”

“Maybe.” She shoved a pillow between them.

Undeterred, he scooted even closer, tossing the pillow on the floor.

“It’s going to get dirty,” she cried, starting for it, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

“The pillow is fine, and knowing you the way I do, we could eat off the floor and not get sick.”

“Guess clean freak and town whore doesn’t mash very well, does it?” Summer said, but there was less of a bite to her words. She settled against the couch again, and he unhanded her.

“For a town whore, you do a really crappy job at entertaining men.”

Summer finally turned to look at him. “Excuse me?”

“Honey, you’ve been gone more than you’ve actually lived here, and if you’d really been servicing all the men that you have been accused of sleeping with, or bragged about being with you, for that matter, then you’d still be on your back. It’s not mathematically possible.”

For a moment, she gaped at him, and he knew in his heart she wanted to laugh, or punch him in the throat. Maybe at the same time. He’d welcome either if it meant she would smile, if it meant she could erase today.

She did neither. “You were always good at math.”

“You were, too.”

“I was outstanding at math,” she said.

“Chemistry, too,” he said. “I know you’ve always made me feel like I could spontaneously combust, even if it’s not possible without an accelerant.”

“Maybe I’m the accelerant.” Her lashes lowered, and then she peered up at him, giving him a look so hot that he did indeed believe she was the accelerant. She lifted her chin, leaning into him. Their breath mingled. He felt her hand touch the outer edge of his, then one of her fingers caressed his, and he almost moaned.

“Summer,” he said hoarsely.

She brought his hand up to her mouth, kissing the center, and then nibbling her way across his knuckles. “In biology, I learned that a man has more nerve endings in his hand than a woman.” She sucked a finger into her mouth and nipped at the tip.

Sensation flooded his body, straight from the tip of his finger to his dick. His cock swelled. He couldn’t help it, nor did he try to hide it.

“Is that true?” she asked around that very lucky digit.

“Feels like it.” He fought for control when she took another finger into her mouth, sucking it down to where it joined to the last knuckle. He could only imagine what that would feel like in other places. Another rush of lust jolted him. “Please.”

“Are you begging me to show you what I do with all those gentleman callers?” she asked, and he was too turned on to take exception.

But a flash of clarity assured him that no matter how he answered it would be wrong, so he pulled her to him, straight into his lap, and lifted her chin. Then he kissed the daylights out of her.

But was either of them content with that? Not in the least.

Summer straddled his lap, putting his hands on her butt. He cupped her there, groaning at the feel of her firm, plump flesh. Then she moved, rocked her hips in such a way that his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

“What are you—?”

She silenced him with a kiss, still rocking her hips against the length of him, and dug her fingers into his shoulder. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“As good as it did the last time you did this,” he said, somehow remembering them as teenagers, parked in his truck, with her riding his lap for all she was worth. Neither of them had taken off the last of their clothes, but they’d come pretty close. They’d come pretty close to giving everything to each other.

“I’m much better now,” she said throatily. “All that practice, you know.”

If she wanted to lie, then so could he. “Me, too. Can’t tell you how many women I’ve let ride me like this. They’ve always gone home happy, too,” he said, helping her move now. He gripped her ass, pulling down and pushing against her. Every glide made him hotter, flamed the lust and desire that he’d been holding in check for as long as he could remember.

“I don’t have on a bra this time,” she gasped.

He nipped her lip. “I noticed.”

“You did not.” She nipped his in return. “You’re too much of a gentleman to look that close.”

“I’m up close and personal now.”

“If I promise to keep moving, would you want to touch me t—”

His hands were up her shirt before she could finish her sentence, eyes closing in pure pleasure. She filled his hands, her nipples beading against his palms.

“Oh God. That’s perfect. You’re perfect,” he whispered. She rocked harder, making his eyes open and his breath grow ragged. “We have to stop.”

“But I thought you wanted to be entertained,” she said, lips brushing his ear. “I thought you wanted to make me as happy as all those women you let ride you like this.”

Fabric slid against fabric, the thin material of her pajama bottoms and his khaki pants making it possible for him to feel everything. He flicked her nipple with the pad of his thumb in response, and she made a little noise.

“Like that?”

“Do it again, and I’ll tell you.”

The couch began to squeak with their efforts, and her breasts started to bounce. He flicked her nipples with his thumbs, one at a time, while maintaining an iron grip on his control. No way would she make him come in his pants like some teenager… like she had when they were teenagers.

She ground down harder against him, and her head fell back. Unable to stop himself, he shoved up her shirt, licked her nipple, and then sucked it deep inside his mouth, watching her.

Summer’s face flushed, her lids lowered, and her lips parted. He had never seen such a beautiful sight. Her hair spilled over her shoulders, teasing the tops of his hands. The silky strands caressed his face.

“Soft, so soft,” he murmured.

He sucked harder, used his teeth, and then did the same to the other one, more than satisfied when she ordered him to do it again. Then he grabbed her waist and shoved up, sending his cock in direct contact with her heat. He wanted her. He wanted inside her. He wanted to take her and take her, and never let her go. He wanted to be the last man she ever kissed—the last man she ever made love to.

Quite simply, he loved Summer Holland and would always love her.

“Gabriel,” she cried, and he went over the edge with her.

Summer stopped rocking, unable to comprehend what they’d just done. Unable to believe what he allowed her to do to him.

Her own orgasm had been hard and fast, twisting up her body until it had finally let her go while his…Oh, God.

Reality had returned, and she wanted to die.

Gabriel blinked up at her, his dark blue eyes still glazed over, but when they cleared, he was going to be pissed at her. He was going to say to hell with her plans, and go on about his way. She’d practically had sex with him, on a couch, in front of the windows where anyone could have walked by, and they sure as heck weren’t married, much less engaged.

What would people think of him, if they were caught?

Sure, it was almost eleven now, and the streets were deserted, but it would be just her luck that some busybody would see them. She could stand gossip about herself, but the man who held her—never.

“I’m sorry.” His gaze lowered, as did hers, right to the wet spot on his pants. “I’m sorry,” he said again, and her gaze flicked up to his face. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

She watched his cheeks grow red. “I’ll get you a towel,” she said lamely.

“I need a shower, and possibly your washer and dryer,” he said with a chuckle.

For some reason, his laugh made her want to cry. Why was he making a joke? She shoved away from him, but he caught both of her wrists in his hands.

“Don’t,” he said. “Don’t run off like you’re ashamed of what happened.”

“I am ashamed.”

He shook his head. “I lost control, not you. I made the choice.”

“But you were waiting, and I…”

He gave her a lopsided smile, the dimple in his left cheek making her heart flip. He let go of one wrist and brushed back the hair at her brow. “I’m still waiting. Tonight proves one thing, though.”

She licked her lips. “What’s that?”

“We’re getting married as soon as the ink dries on the marriage license.”

Summer could only nod her agreement.

“Now, about that towel?”

“Yes, of course,” she said, but she still hadn’t moved.

He let go of her other wrists and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to him. “Kiss before you go?”

She kissed him tenderly, wishing she could see herself as he did, or how he pretended to see her. She opened her eyes, staring at her reflection in the window. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t pretend at all.

Chapter Fifteen

Saturday evening, Gabriel took Summer to his parents’ house for the first time, and he was nervous, so nervous it was like he was the one meeting the parents and not her.

He wanted his parents to like her, and he wanted Summer to like them. Growing up, Summer never really got to meet his parents like this. She’d always turned down his invitations to dinners, while he was never invited to Strawberry Grove.

Besides, he wasn’t on the best of terms with her mother, after the hospital incident, though she’d left a long time ago and had never come back.

So, it was as if they were each other’s dirty little secret, without all the secrecy or the implied sex. Lately sex had been occupying his mind more and more often, not that it didn’t inhabit his brain at all times, because it did. Just… his brain knew what would happen soon, so his body was getting all on board and making it hard for him to sleep at night.

He really wished that pun didn’t exist. If Summer knew what he was thinking, she’d either laugh in his face or—he frowned—he wasn’t sure what else she would do. Unless she planned a repeat of Thursday night. Now that, he could go along with.

The perfume she’d worn on each of their dates stole over him as he parked his truck in the driveway. “Is that a new perfume?”

Big, brown eyes met his. “No. I stopped wearing perfume not long after I had Ivy. The scent of it made me… sad.”

“Post-partum depression?” he ventured.

Her gaze fixed on a spot over his shoulder. “Darius liked for me to wear perfume. He liked to buy the samplers from Victoria’s Secret so we could pick out the ones we liked the most without spending a fortune.”

He covered her small hand with his. “You didn’t talk much about him when you were pregnant.”

She shrugged. “What was I supposed to say?”

“Whatever you wanted. It wouldn’t have bothered me, unless he didn’t treat you right.” Gabriel couldn’t be jealous of a dead man, of a soldier who’d fought so Gabriel could sit in an American-made truck, in the middle of his parents’ driveway, on a Saturday night, with the woman who made his heart pound against his chest.

“He treated me right.” She bent her head. “He was kind to me, and I think he loved me, unless I was imagining things.”

“That’s not hard to imagine at all.”

She made a noise of disbelief. “Don’t make me call you a liar, angel. I am not easy to love.”

Gabriel hooked a finger under her chin and applied gentle pressure, until their gazes locked. “Who said love was easy? If it were, then we wouldn’t have entire passages in the Bible about it. We wouldn’t be instructed to love our neighbors, or our enemies. A man is commanded to love his wife multiple times.” He made himself stop talking, because he knew how she still viewed him, how she thought he was this holier-than-thou type, and he didn’t want to ruin this date. He wanted them united when they went inside to meet his family.

“But I’m not patient, or kind, or selfless,” she said softly.

“The girl I knew was, and the woman who gave up her daughter, because she knew she couldn’t take care of her, is incredibly selfless,” he said sincerely. “The woman, who, right now, is putting up with Jemma Leigh dressing her up like some life-sized Barbie doll, because she doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, is very kind.”

“I like how Jemma Leigh’s dressing me.”

He grinned. “I really appreciate how she’s dressing you.”

“Why, because I look decent for once?” she snapped, and then winced a little. “Sorry.”

In answer, he kissed her. “Nonsense. Utter. Nonsense.”

“Gabriel,” she whispered, right before she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and bit down.

Behind his eyelids, sparks of light exploded. Desire wound through him, stoking embers of lust that grew hotter. For so long, he’d been waiting for her, waiting to be able to kiss her just because, touch her because she was near and welcomed it.

A sharp rap on the window startled them both, and he turned to see his sister, Isabella, standing there. Her caramel-colored hair was pulled into a haphazard bun, and she wore a Hurricane’s Jersey with a stain on the shoulder.

She looked less than put together—way less, but he wasn’t about to comment on that, not with the red-rimmed eyes she sported.

Hoping his sister’s ex-fiancé lost his millions while on an extended stay in Vegas might not be very Christ-like, but he was human and he loved his sister, which only made his point about love not being easy. That guy had hurt Isabella, therefore making him the enemy, and Gabriel did not love him for it.

“Mom and Dad are waiting, love birds.” Wrapping her arms around her middle, she walked back to the house.

“She’s all grown up now,” Summer remarked, and he gave her a look.

“Bella’s only three years younger than you.”

“Your sister is a lifetime younger than me.”

Rather than agree or argue, because his family was in fact waiting for them, he got out, and strode around the truck to open her door.

Sometimes she waited for him to do it, while other times, she rolled her eyes and opened it herself. Tonight, she waited for him. For some reason he felt like taking her in his arms, but he didn’t want to wrinkle her outfit or mess up her hairdo, since she and Jemma Leigh had spent so much time on them.

She wore a pale yellow dress with small beads on the hem. Her hair was braided in a crown around her head, with a sprig of flowers nestled in the back. Jemma Leigh should have become a stylist instead of real estate agent. The woman had major talent in his opinion.

“Will you keep letting Jemma Leigh dress you after we get married?” he asked as they walked hand and hand to the front porch.

“You want Jemma Leigh to come on our honeymoon?” she asked, and he had to fight to keep from doing a little victory dance when he heard the teasing tone of her voice.

“I’m thinking neither of us will need much clothes for that,” he said, not surprised his voice got all husky. Hell, he was arousing himself with thoughts of her nude and in bed with him.

She paused on the last step and stood on her tiptoes, putting her mouth against his ear. The sensations of her breasts rubbing his arm made him hard. “I always thought you’d like to see me wearing nothing but a tiny pair of thongs and some silk stockings.”

His hands shot out, and he dug his fingers into the posts that flanked either side of the steps. “Are you trying to kill me before the honeymoon?”

She tugged his ear between her teeth and then said, “Just giving you something to look forward to.”

“If I looked anymore forward to it, we’d already be on it.”

He didn’t miss the little smile of satisfaction on her face, and he couldn’t stop his mouth from kicking up at the corners in response. Breathing in and out a few time to get control of his body, he finally moved to the front door.

Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Summer. “Ready?”

“Don’t leave me… my side, I mean.” But he caught her slip.

“I’m never leaving you again, and you can’t make me go away,” he promised and then he opened the door and stepped inside.

The first thing Summer noticed about the Edwards house was the noise.

It was loud, full of laughter, of music, and conversations. Lots and lots of conversations. Overwhelmed, she shrank back a little and gripped Gabriel’s hand.

The second thing she noticed was all the kids.

They were everywhere, and so were their toys as they played. As a child, Summer had never been allowed to have store-bought toys. She and her sisters had played with century-old dolls, which had been made over every few years, and smelled of dried flowers. Painted-on faces were smudged from kisses and sticky fingers. They had tea sets and old dress-up clothes. They had each other.

She smiled a little at the bittersweet memory.

“Sorry, I didn’t know the twins would have friends over this evening,” Gabriel said. “I would have waited until Sunday if I had.”

“It’s okay. I knew you had a lot of brothers and sisters, but this… wow. I don’t know how your mother does it,” she said, genuinely offering up a compliment.

A little girl toddled over to Summer, Isabella holding her hand the entire time. The child had light brown skin and big hazel eyes, her hair in little puffs on each side of her head. When she smiled, Summer couldn’t help but think of Ivy, and her heart stuttered.

“This is Irene,” Isabella said. “She’s staying here for a little while, until her momma can get back on her feet.”

“Hi Irene,” Gabriel said, kneeling beside her.

Summer remained standing, unable to do more than stare at the not-so-subtle reminder of what she’d given up.

“Remember me?” he asked.

The little girl nodded, biting her lip.

“Remember the pretty lady I told you about?” he asked, and again Irene nodded. “This is Summer, and she wanted to come meet you and everyone else tonight.”

Irene let go of Isabella long enough to wrap her little arms around Summer’s waist. Summer awkwardly patted her back, tears pricking at her eyes so hard that she was sure blood would flow.

“I have to… please excuse me.” Blindly, she stepped out of the little girl’s reach and headed in the opposite direction of Gabriel, Isabella, and Irene. Especially Irene.

The first door she came to, she barreled inside and closed behind her, bursting into tears. Eventually, those tears turned to sobs, great heaving sobs that racked her body.

A soft click made her look up, but it was too late. She had been found. Tipping up her chin, she dared the intruder to say anything to her, but all Isabella did was take her in her arms and hug her.

At first, Summer didn’t know what to do, so she simply let her arm dangle limply by her sides, but then she felt Isabella’s body tremble, and her arms automatically went around the younger woman.

Summer had been hugged more in the past few weeks than she had in her entire life. Pretty sad, if she thought about it. So she pushed it out of her mind. She had enough sadness for a dozen people, without adding to it.

“I know I should be comforting you, but I’ve been a mess lately, and seeing your reaction to Irene…it just broke my heart,” Isabella said with a sniff.

Summer swallowed. “So you only hugged me to get a hug back?” That made absolutely no sense to Summer. Gabriel was one of the most affectionate men she knew.

“No. I wanted to talk to you,” she said. “I had no idea you were crying, until I heard you.”

Summer felt her body go rigid. Who else had heard her? And if Gabriel had heard her, then why hadn’t he come to comfort her? Not that she needed his comfort.

Stop lying to yourself.

“Don’t worry. No one else heard. Dad came in with a couple of lizards, and all the kids rushed him, making one lizard go up his sleeve and another down his pants. It’s a regular madhouse as Gabriel and Momma try to contain the excitement.”

“There goes the other one,” a child squealed.

“It’s in Gabe’s pants now!”

“Get it out!”

A giggle burst from Summer’s mouth. She couldn’t help it.

“See what I mean?” Isabella sighed.

Finally, she let go of her, and Summer stepped back. She glanced around the room, taking note of the frilly bedcovers on the twin beds, the pink walls, and multiple posters of One Direction that plastered the closet doors. “Was this your room?”

“Gosh, no.” Isabella made a face. “I wouldn’t have been caught dead with a pink room.”

“Tell me how you really feel,” Summer muttered, and Isabella laughed.

“Sorry, I was really, really obsessed with all things turquoise when I was this age.” Isabella’s expression turned serious. “Can I ask you a question?”

Dread clawed at her. “Yes.” Isabella knew. Somehow, she knew of Summer’s plan to marry Gabriel, sue for custody of Ivy, and then divorce him for his own good, so he could be with a woman who deserved him.

“How hard was it to give up Ivy?”

Her insides were twisted once more, harder this time. “I don’t think that’s very nice,” Summer managed to choke out.

A fresh round of tears welled in Isabella’s eyes. “I’m not asking you to be nice. I’m asking you, because, in about six months, I’ll be doing the same thing.”

Chapter Sixteen

Isabella’s confession was so unexpected that Summer had to sit down on one of the beds in the room.

“I didn’t mean to shock you.”

“I’m not shocked,” Summer said slowly. “I’m stunned, because… because…” How could she say that she thought Isabella was exactly like Gabriel and had planned to wait for marriage, without making things worse?

“Because I’m the perfect preacher’s daughter who’s always done everything everyone’s always told her?” Isabella finished for her.

Summer smiled faintly. “I was going to say a really nice girl, from a really nice family, who had her future planned a little differently.”

Isabella snorted. “Are you sure you’re Summer Holland, because the one I heard about and last saw at the Collins’ Halloween Party wouldn’t be this nice.”

Well, Isabella had her there, didn’t she?

Summer had made to sure to cause a scene, to imply that she’d slept with some woman’s husband, and threatened to do the same with anyone else who was interested as well. In a word, she cemented every ugly thought that every long-time resident of Holland Springs had ever had about her family.

“Probably not, but I was going through some things at the time.” That was putting it lightly. She was depressed, barely holding on to a job, and living in a women’s shelter.

Only the promise of enough money to live on for years to come had given her extra incentive to burn down Strawberry Grove and take back the baby she’d left in her sister’s temporary care.

In the end, she’d brought Ivy back, ill-equipped to take care of herself, much less a baby who no longer knew her. Not that any of those events mattered now.

She was healthy, and soon to be engaged and married to the most perfect man on the planet.

Isabella moved to the bed and sat down beside her. “Was it hard?”

“Harder than anything I’ve ever done,” Summer answered truthfully. Including coming back to Holland Springs and once again asking Gabriel to help her. “But at the time, it wasn’t about me. It was about what was best for her.” Just like this time, it was about what was best for her daughter, and Ivy belonged with her mother.

Isabella placed a hand over her abdomen. “Every day I work with women who are put between a rock and a hard place by thoughtless men, or their own thoughtless choices. Never in a million years did I think I’d be one of them by… by hooking up with a guy I barely knew, after drinking too much at a wedding.”

“I’m sure that sounds pretty tame to you,” Isabella added, not unkindly though.

“You’d be surprised,” Summer said. She’d never had a one-night stand, drunken or sober, but besides Isabelle most likely not believing her, and most likely feeling worse about herself if she did, Summer kept that to herself. “Why don’t you go to the father and talk to him?”

“Because he’s half a world away.”

Immediately, sympathy flooded Summer. “Ivy’s Dad was in Afghanistan when I found out. He’d come home on mid-tour and things… broke. Not long after, I broke, too, when I found out he’d been killed in a roadside bomb.”

“I’m so sorry.” Isabella grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “The father isn’t a soldier. I doubt he’d ever go to war, much less join the military, because of his political beliefs.” She groaned. “The one guy I decide to be wild with turns out to be the exact opposite of me in every way it counts”

“Opposites attract.”

“He doesn’t believe in God, and I’m a missionary for goodness’ sake.”

Summer frowned. “That is a problem.”

“The only thing we have in common is an attraction to one another, but that wouldn’t last, would it?” Isabella stood and began pacing the room. “Being with someone just because they make you feel good and attractive, like there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, is incredibly stupid, don’t you think? I mean, what will you have later—a summertime fling?”

Would that be what her marriage to Gabriel would become—a summertime fling? Because they certainly had nothing in common but chemistry. Heck, there were times when she questioned God, but he usually smacked her upside the head with something that made her want to say just kidding. So she just thought it, in case He was listening.

According to Gabriel, He was always listening.

“A summer fling could be the start of something permanent, if you went and talked to him,” Summer said, unable to believe what was coming out of her mouth. The women in her family certainly wouldn’t have suggested such a thing. “Does he want the baby?”

Isabella stopped pacing long enough to flush. “He doesn’t know, and since he’s a big proponent of choice, I’m making the choice not to tell him.”

“But is that who you really are, Isabella? If you disagree with him, then talk to him. Don’t hide behind your beliefs and preconceived notions.” Like she had with Gabriel, and like he had with her. Oh God, talking with his sister was making everything worse. It was like holding up a mirror.

There was a knock on the door, and then it opened. Summer quickly ran her fingers under eyes and patted her hair. Isabelle did the same.

Gabriel poked his head inside the room and grinned, his smile faltering when he saw Summer’s face. What looked like tracks of tears streaked her cheeks. He glared at his sister, who also had the same pattern on her face.

“Are you okay, Summer?” He didn’t care who had started it, or if anything had been started at all, but for once, he was going to automatically assume that Summer was the innocent party.

The tremulous smile she rewarded him with let him know he had made the right decision. “We’re okay. Your sister was being very kind to me. I had a little panic attack, and she helped me calm down. It’s nothing to worry about.”

But that didn’t stop him from worrying. It was his nature to worry and protect.

Gabriel stepped inside the room, and his sister slipped out, but not before patting him reassuringly on the back. Summer met him halfway, smoothing down her dress as she walked.

Isabella was like that, always helping others, while giving no thought to her own well-being, and that’s exactly why she’d been used by her ex-fiancé. Isabella was too naïve for her own good, but one day he knew she’d meet the right man, and be happy with her personal life again.

“Too many people, huh?” He kissed the top of her head. “We can go, if you like. Mom and Dad would understand. It’s a madhouse tonight. I’ll order some pizza, pick up a case of your favorite beer, and we can watch a movie at my place.”

“Do you usually have dates over to your place?” she asked.

“What would you think of me if I said no?” he asked.

She started to reply, but his mother’s voice came floating down the hall, calling his name.

“Gabriel, bring that pretty date of yours outside so your father and I can meet her.”

Panic registered on Summer’s face. “They’ll love you,” he said, and then bit the side of his lip, making his dimples play in his cheeks. “Okay, so my mom might not love you right now, because she and Elise’s mom had become best friends, and were set on us marrying. But I promise no one will be unkind to you.”

Summer glanced up at the ceiling. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” she muttered and then fixed her gaze on him. “I’ve faced worse than a mother who wanted her son to marry a woman worthy of him.”

Worthy of him? “Summer,” he began, but she stopped him with a sad smile.

“Gabriel, it’s the truth. Everyone will think it, and you’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.”

He touched his forehead to hers. “When are you going to learn that I don’t care what other people think?”

She pulled away from him, stepping back, and shaking her head. “And when are you going to learn that you do?”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she walked out of the room.

Chapter Seventeen

It could be worse, Gabriel thought.

Gloria smiled at Summer as she passed her the salad greens, but it didn’t quite meet his mother’s eyes.

“Thank you,” Summer said, before serving a portion on her plate. She passed the bowl to Isabella, adding some dressing and starting to eat.

Everyone looked at Summer, and Gabriel reached under the table and grabbed Summer’s knee. Startled, she dropped the fork and looked up at him, cheeks turning red at an alarming rate as she realized everyone else was staring. “Is something the matter?”

Irene giggled. “We haven’t said the blessing.”

“No Grace. No food,” Paul intoned.

“Angels are weeping,” one of the twins’ friends said.

“Hush,” Isabella glared at the preteen.

Yeah, he should have waited until Sunday, but he was about to go out of his mind. However, he couldn’t just get engaged and show up at his parents’ house, with a woman they’d known only by reputation. Most likely, their extremely short engagement would raise some eyebrows, and make more than one old biddy measure Summer’s waist with her eyes for the next nine months.

Yet another obstacle they would have to overcome together.

“Oh.” She looked as though she wanted to crawl under the table and hide.

Gabriel caught her eye, picked up a roll, and took a huge bite out of it. “Whoops,” he said with a wink. The grateful, yet surprised look she gave him made him want to jump up from the table and take her in his arms. He didn’t doubt that very few people had ever tried to make things easier on her.

“Sometimes, I forget too,” his dad said. “The meals Gloria prepares are that good.”

Summer’s gaze flew to his dad’s face, and his mother positively beamed at the compliment.

“We don’t correct our guests,” his mother said to the girl beside her. “Apologize to Summer. We want her to feel welcome and come back again.”

“Sorry,” the preteen said.

“It’s okay,” Summer said, ducking her head. “I should have asked first.”

“Nonsense,” his mother said. “We should have told you, like good hosts.”

Summer’s head came up, and the color of her cheeks stopped flaming. One of the twins’ friends spilled a glass of milk, and everyone, it seemed, jumped up and started talking all at once again.

Gabriel turned to his mother. “Thank you.”

“I may not be happy with what happened with Elise, but I can’t help but think that the plan I had for you wasn’t the one you were meant to follow,” his mother said just soft enough so her voice wouldn’t carry. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll get over myself, and love that girl, just as you do. We all will.”

He gave his mother a grateful look. “Thank you.”

She patted his arm. “It’s what a mother is supposed to do.”

After blessing the food, everyone ate, including Summer. He watched as she and Isabella carried on a conversation at levels too low for him to hear, but he didn’t care. It eased his mind to see the two of them get along.

Summer caught him staring at her, from across the table. She smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

Having her here, in the house he’d grown up in, was like a teenage boy’s dream come true. All he needed to do later was kiss her in his bedroom, and then his life would be complete. His smile grew bigger at his ridiculous thoughts.

Summer wrinkled her nose, her head tilting to one side as if to say, What are you thinking?

Later that evening, after the dishes had been done and the kids were either in bed or watching a movie, Gabriel and his dad sat on the front porch, in their usual spots. Inside, he could hear his mother and sister’s laughter, with Summer’s chiming in every so often.

She needed to laugh more. Laughter was good for the soul. Hearing Summer laugh was good for his soul.

“I plan on asking Summer to marry me.”

“A little unexpected,” his dad said. “But it’s not good for a man to be alone.”

“I plan on asking her next week.”

“Have you spoken with her parents?”

Gabriel twisted his lips a little. “You know as well as I do that Summer’s mother skipped town a long time ago, and no one knows who her dad is.”

“There has to be someone.” His dad held up his hands. “I know, I sound a little old-fashioned, but Summer deserves respect. I doubt she’s been afforded that for much of her life.”

Gabriel considered the few people Summer spent time with—Jemma Leigh, Blackbeard, her customers, and him. “The only person I can think of is Jemma Leigh. She’s been looking after her, and making sure that I get her home on time after every date, because a lady’s never out past midnight.”

His dad chuckled. “I like Jemma Leigh. She has a good heart.”

“She’s made it her mission to be Summer’s best friend, but more often than not acts like a mother hen.”

“There’s your answer, son.”

“What about Mom?”

“She loves weddings, and will be happy to help Summer plan—”

“The wedding will happen before the end of the month.” Gabriel mulled over his next words. “Summer and I have talked about getting married before, and neither of us wants a long engagement.”

His dad stopped rocking. “Gabriel.

Oh, good grief. He gave his dad a look. “She’s not… I didn’t put her or us in that position.”

“You know what people will think.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Ah, but you’d be surprised how much it will matter.” His dad exhaled. “You’re a good man, Gabriel, but you do value your reputation too highly.”

The assertion hit a little too close to home for him. “With the exception of one time, I’ve done nothing but be a good son to you, to prove that you two didn’t make a bad decision when I was adopted. You’re a pastor, for goodness sake. My reputation is a reflection of yours.”

“That’s not your responsibility,” his dad said sharply. “Being a man of God who keeps his words and promises, loves his friends as well as his enemies, as well as lays down his life for the one he marries—that’s your responsibility. Your mother and I loved you from the start, and for you to suggest it was based on how good you were or are…Frankly, it’s an insult, and one a grown man shouldn’t give to the people who raised him.”

Immediately chastised, Gabriel settled back in his chair, scrubbing his hand over his face. “I didn’t mean to—I only meant to say that I don’t care what others think of me. The only opinion that matters the most is Summer’s.”

His dad smiled. “See that you keep thinking like that, and I’ll talk to your mother.”

“Talk to me about what?” Gloria asked as she stepped outside.

Gabriel could let his dad smooth things over, or he could be a man and tell his mother his plans. Besides, it wasn’t as if Summer would say no.

“I’m going to ask Summer to marry me and,” he swallowed, “if all goes well, then we would get married before the end of the month.”

“Oh.” Worry lines appeared on his mother’s forehead.

“Nothing elaborate. Just here, in the backyard, with family. I thought we could do something low-key.” Besides, weddings took time, and since they had very little time, the smaller the better.

“Absolutely not,” his mother exclaimed. “That girl will have a dream wedding, with the entire town invited. We won’t hide Summer in the backyard, like we’re ashamed of her. ”

“I’m not ashamed of her,” Gabriel snapped, then held up his hand and winced. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” She touched his face and smiled. “Let us take care of everything, with her input of course.”

“She might not let you,” Gabriel pointed out.

His dad chuckled. “When has that stopped your mother?”

Gabriel stood. “I’ll let you know how it goes first, before you start planning.”

“Of course,” his mother said smoothly. “Then we can get started.”

Smiling, Gabriel shook his head. “Thank you.”

“It’s what family does,” his dad said softly.

* * *

Summer kept quiet as long as she could before she finally blurted, “What did you and Gabriel talk about at lunch today?”

Jemma Leigh took a sip of her coffee, her eyes sparkling. “A little of this and a lot of that.”

Summer sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest, and trying her best to pin Jemma Leigh with a dirty look, but she couldn’t keep it for long.

She and Jemma Leigh had made it a habit to meet each other at Muffin Top’s at least twice a week. At the rate they were eating muffins, Summer might have to buy an entirely new wardrobe in a larger size. To compensate, she took long walks, ate light lunches, and had her standard bowl of cereal for supper—unless Gabriel took her out on a date.

“You can stare at me until there’s a hole in my head, but I’m not saying anything.”

“At least tell me if it was a good thing or a bad thing.”

Jemma Leigh grinned. “That all depends on you, sugar.”

“I got your sugar,” Summer muttered as Jemma Leigh waved at a group of women. Every single one of them waved back. Was there anyone is this town she didn’t know? Then again, Jemma Leigh’s mother was the former mayor of Holland Springs, so it was probably her job to know who people were.

“I’ll be coming by tomorrow evening to get you ready. I’m thinking pearls and—”

“You don’t have to fuss over me like you do,” Summer said, thinking of all the time Jemma Leigh had spent away from her family to help her. All the times she and Jemma Leigh would talk and laugh… Okay, so Jemma Leigh did most of the talking and laughing, but, for once, Summer felt like she was part of a group, even if their group was only a duo.

“It’s fun, and you’re such a good listener, though I wish you would talk more, but like sister like sister, I guess,” Jemma Leigh sighed.

“You and Rose are really good friends?” Was she a substitute for Rose? Summer didn’t want to be a substitute for anyone. It was bad enough she had convinced Gabriel to marry her, when he should marry for love and to someone who deserved a man like him.

“Well, I wouldn’t call us really good friends. The only person Rose opens up to is Alexander, but since he’s her husband, I can’t be put out by that. You probably won’t believe me, but when I was growing up, I used to envy you Holland sisters.”

Summer’s mouth dropped open, even as she kept a firm grip on her coffee cup. She absolutely couldn’t believe that. “Envy us?”

Jemma Leigh waved a hand in the air. “Three sisters, always hanging out with each other, always leaning on each other… I’m an only child, and I was in awe. The three of you were like your own little clique, and gorgeous to boot. I wanted to be a part of that.” She gave Summer a shy smile. “Sorry it took me so long to try to be your friend.”

Would the people of Holland Springs ever quit surprising her? Besides, Summer had grown fond of Jemma Leigh. She acted like an older sister, looking after her like she did, and always waiting with her for Gabriel to pick her up. It was like she actually cared about Summer’s feelings.

Summer tentatively reach out her hand and covered Jemma Leigh’s. The woman’s eyes rounded a little, and Summer could have sworn that tears glistened in them. From now on, she would be a true friend to Jemma Leigh, instead of merely putting up with her, or at least telling herself that she was putting up with her.

“Better late than never, right?” Summer said with a smile.

Jemma Leigh smiled right back at her. “Darn right.”

Chapter Eighteen

The next evening, Gabriel brought her to his house, like he had promised, but he didn’t take her inside. Instead, he led her to the back, to where his view of the Pamlico Sound was best.

Water lapped at the edges of the small beach, fireflies danced in the yard, and the heady scent of gardenias swirled around her. Stars were starting to twinkle in the sky.

“Do you remember this place?”

She turned this way and that, taking in the large backyard, the massive live oaks, and the Low Country-styled house.

“It looks a little familiar, but no.” She gave him an apologetic grin. “Sorry.”

He turned her to the right, pointing at the forest. “We built our teepee over there.”

Summer gasped. “You bought the Simmons’ place?” She and Gabriel had spent so much time here as children, year after year, until he’d given Summer her first kiss. Then, things had started to change between them.

“I had to.”

Summer slipped her hand in his. “You had to?”

“Yes,” he answered simply, and it was then she remembered.

This had been the house of her dreams. Before Gabriel had moved to Holland Springs, a family had lived in that house, a mom, dad, and three kids—all boys. Curious, she would watch them, laughing at their antics and smiling wistfully at the parents who loved them.

Eventually, they moved away and the house became rundown, but she hadn’t stopped coming here. At least, not until the first time she ran away from Holland Springs, with a pocket full of cash and a stolen car, payment from Patrick Johnson’s father when he’d caught his son with her.

“Unfortunately, it wasn’t structurally sound, so I had to spend a lot of time and money having it shored up and redesigned, but it was worth it,” he said, unaware of her less-than-happy thoughts. “I wasn’t even able to move in, until a month ago.”

“Still living out of boxes?” she asked, trying to push them away, but not quick enough to escape Gabriel’s notice.

“Why are you so sad right now?”


He exhaled, and then pulled something out of his pocket. “I hoped by bringing you here would make you happy, and be something we could tell our kids about in the future.” He opened his hand. A ring with a single diamond lay in the center of his palm. She didn’t know enough about jewelry, except to think that it was pretty and she didn’t deserve it.

“Jemma Leigh gave us her blessing,” he added.

Her heart stuttered. “It’s just a marriage of convenience,” she said without thinking.

“It’s more than that, and you know it.” He slipped the ring on her finger. “Marry me, Summer Holland and make me the ha—”

She kissed him before he could say happy, because she couldn’t bear to hear the word. There was no way she’d ever make him happy, at least not permanently. But she could offer him moments of happiness, moments of pleasure that would make him not regret helping her.

He stood there, not kissing her back.

For a moment, she was worried that she’d done the wrong things, but then his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. His mouth fastened to hers, tongue slipping inside to touch hers.

She ran her hands down his back, slipping them under the hem of his polo shirt and gliding up the hard planes.

He groaned in pleasure. She’d heard the sound often enough to recognize it. Lightly, she let her nails rake the skin, and he murmured her name. He tore his mouth away from hers, kissing up the side of her neck.

“I want to take you inside so badly,” he whispered.

She let her head fall to one side to give him better access. “No one’s stopping you.”

“I’m stopping me. I can wait a few more days.”

“How about tomorrow?” she asked, shivering in pleasure as he bit the lobe of her ear.

“Too soon.”

“Think of what we could be doing by tomorrow night.” She grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast. “What you could be touching again.”

“You’re killing me. Killing. Me.”

Peering at him through her lashes, she unbuttoned the tiny fastenings in the middle of her dress and let it gape open. “Will these bring you back to life?”

With a groan, he fell to his knees, burying his face in her chest. She threaded her fingers in his hair, holding him close. “You smell so good,” he murmured. His lips teased the skin on her left breast, and she almost fell to her knees. “You feel so good.”

“So do you.” The fabric of her dress pooled around her waist and he looked up at her, desire glittering in his eyes. “Your turn.”

He stood, and she thought he would, in fact, take off his shirt, but all he did was lightly kiss her mouth while adjusting her dress. “I have limits, Summer.”

“I wouldn’t think less of you, if we had sex, right now,” she said. There would be no gloating on her part, no satisfaction had at making him so desperate for her that he would give up everything he believed. “I want you to make love to me, Gabriel.” She trailed the backs of her fingers down the center of her chest, and then cupped her breasts. His nostrils flared, and she felt a thrill of pleasure run though her at the sight of raw need. “Please don’t keep me waiting.”

“We’ll get married this weekend.”

Chapter Nineteen

Somehow, Gabriel had talked the town’s clerk into expediting the marriage license, which is why she stood in the middle of the guest bedroom, at Gabriel’s parents’ house at the beach, while she waited for Jemma Leigh to bring her a glass of water.

According to Jemma Leigh, who was serving as her maid of honor, the entire town was agog over the wedding. No one could remember the last time a Holland had actually gotten married in Holland Springs, let alone to a local boy—and the preacher’s son to boot.

It just wasn’t done.

Yet here she was, doing exactly that. Maybe she should have done like her sister, and gotten married in a foreign country. Only then, she would be more indebted to the Jemma Leigh and Gabriel’s parents.

Jemma Leigh had helped her find a dress, while his parents had insisted on taking care of the wedding and reception, and they had insisted on inviting the entire congregation of Grace Baptist Church.

The thought of all those people staring at her, judging her, as she walked down a sandy aisle to exchange vows on a perfect stretch of beach made her want to puke.

Gloria stuck her head inside the room. “May I come in?”

“Yes, of course.”

Gloria walked in, carrying a length of lace. “This was my wedding veil, and I’d be honored if you would wear it.”

Automatically, Summer reached up to pat her hair. Jemma Leigh had gathered it at the crown, leaving most of it loose, with flowers woven in. “Will it fit?”

“Turn around and let’s see.” Gloria tucked the comb in, fluffing the lace a little. Their gazes met in the full-length mirror propped against the wall. Tears were in Gloria’s. “Que bonita,” she sighed. “It was my mother’s great-grandmother’s veil. She brought it with her to California from Spain, as a part of her wedding trousseau. It was an arranged marriage, but since then, only love has been the reason for marriages in this family.”

Nausea made Summer’s stomach churn. This wasn’t love. This was a marriage of necessity. “I’ll give it back to you, for Isabella—”

“No, it’s for the firstborn or his bride, and one day, you will do the same.” Gloria kissed her cheek. “My newest daughter, you are a beautiful bride.”

Summer wanted to sit on the floor and bawl like a baby, but not before she gave the veil back. There was no way she could go through with this, no way she could hurt his entire family like this. But just as she reached for the veil, Jemma Leigh came barreling through the door, took one look at her, and burst into tears. Again.

“Oh my word, Summer,” Jemma Leigh exclaimed, placing a hand over her heart. Tears spilled over her lashes and onto her cheeks. “That was just the finishing touch we needed.”

“It’s my something borrowed,” Summer said.

Gloria clucked her tongue. “No, this is your something old.”

Jemma Leigh gestured to Summer’s ears. “The earrings are something borrowed and blue.”

“A penny for your shoes.” Isabella’s voice cheerfully rang out.

Summer wiggled her toes. “I’m barefoot.”

Isabella shrugged. “I don’t think you need it anyway. Gabriel is the nervous one.”

Summer blinked. “He’s nervous?”

“Of course he is, he’s marrying the woman he’s loved since he was fifteen,” Gloria said, and the world tilted on Summer. She felt dizzy. She felt like a fraud.

“Looks like it’s contagious,” Isabella said with a little laugh, helping Summer to the bed. “Need anything?”

“I need to sit down, is all,” Summer gasped, breathing slowly and gripping the bedpost.

Jemma Leigh and Gloria exchanged smiling looks. Summer felt even worse.

“Sit down and drink some water, sugar,” Jemma Leigh said, helping her to a high-backed chair and handing her a glass. “Don’t worry about your lipstick.”

Summer sat there, drinking water, while she debated on whether or not she should run away. She had no idea why anyone called it having cold feet, because she felt hot all over.

Before she knew it, Gloria and Jemma Leigh were herding her out the door and into the backyard. They walked with her to the beach, where everyone was sitting in rows of chairs as they waited on her.

The sun shone bright as music played. She could hear the waves lapping on the shore. A few seagulls cried out. It was perfectly warm, perfectly breezy, and she was a perfect fraud.

She blinked, trying to get her eyes to adjust. Gabriel came into focus, standing in front of an arch of roses and ivy. He looked so handsome standing there, dressed in a pale blue shirt and khaki pants. His dark hair gleamed in the sun, as did his tan skin. Her mouth twisted a little when she realized he was as barefoot as she was.

He smiled, his entire face lighting up with joy, and it seemed his dark blue eyes glowed.

She couldn’t help but go to him, then, and take his arm, listening to the words and repeating her vows. All she could see and think and feel and breathe in those moments were Gabriel.


He kissed her, and she kissed him back, not wanting this moment to end. Not wanting reality to crash and make her want to burn this time in her life away. Not wanting anything or anyone but this man, standing in front of her and kissing her like he loved her.

Everyone clapped and cheered for them. The sound snapped her out of her thoughts.

Get a hold of yourself.

Summer stepped back, face flushing. Gabriel’s face was flushed as well.

“You make a beautiful bride, Mrs. Edwards,” he said, his voice husky with desire.

Mrs. Edwards. She smiled at him, and for once in her life, she had no comeback at all.

They were married.

To each other.

Forever, according to their vows and to Gabriel himself.


Until death do us part.


She couldn’t stop thinking of that word, and all it meant to him, all it didn’t mean to her, while the wedding party was hugged, kissed, and wished nothing but the best.

“I like the flowers in your hair,” Gabriel said as they sat at an elaborately decorated table just for the two of them. “The veil’s pretty, too.”

“You mother gave me the veil.”

His dark brows rose. “Did she?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t bear to look at him, so she glanced at their feet. “I can’t thank your parents enough for doing this. I hadn’t thought of all the things that go into weddings. They’re not exactly looked upon too favorably in my family.”

“Yet, Rose married anyway.”

Before she could answer, someone tapped a spoon against their glass. So, of course, she and Gabriel had to kiss.

And, of course, everyone had to cheer and say awww.

And,of course, she wanted to go throw herself into the ocean.

“Tonight can’t come fast enough,” Gabriel said, brushing his mouth over hers. She shivered in response, her skin coming alive at the feel of him.

Summer tried to smile, tried to be cheerful and happy, but all she could manage was a little, “Mmm-hmm.”

It wasn’t until they had eaten and were driving away, with shoes tied to the bumper and a Just Married sign on the back of Gabriel’s truck, did she realize that she had no clue where they were going. She didn’t expect a honeymoon. There wasn’t enough time to plan one, and she had no passport to go anywhere.

“Where are we going?” she asked, because she was at least curious about his plans.

He grinned at her. “Home.”

Chapter Twenty

Gabriel held out his arms to Summer, and she went willingly into them, her body shaking. They were in the master bedroom of his house, and she knew what would happen next. She knew what he expected and what she wanted, and she knew that they were the same.


“Nervous?” he asked, his hands gliding down her back.

“I’ve done this before, remember?” She wanted to smack herself for saying that, for reminding him of the rumors and the truths he thought he knew about her.

“You don’t have pretend with me, not anymore,” he murmured.

She made a noise in her throat. “I’m not pretending.”

He leaned back, gazing down at her. “What you think I want isn’t what I want.”

“How do you know what I think?”

“It’s all over your face.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her cheek. “I want you, Summer Jean Holland Edwards and no one else. I want to make love to you all night and tomorrow and the next day. I want to love you for so long and so good that you’ll never want our honeymoon to end.”

Wanting she could understand. Sexually needing her, she could handle. “Lofty goals for a virgin, don’t you think?” she said with a teasing grin.

“I might still be a virgin, but I did some research so I wouldn’t be totally unprepared.” His gaze skittered away, and he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “But I completely understand if you’d like to wait until later.”

“Look who’s the nervous one now.” She stepped out of his embrace.

His gaze snapped back to hers. “I’m not nervous. I’m trying to be considerate.”

“Maybe I don’t want considerate.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Maybe I want your hands and mouth all over me.” Boldly, she reached out and cupped him between his legs, licking her lips at the thickness and length she found. He groaned, low in his throat, and her confidence grew. “Maybe I want this inside of me. Right. Now.”

Gabriel didn’t move, and for one horrible minute, she thought he didn’t want her at all. But then his arm snaked out, and he grabbed her wrist, tugging her to him. He kissed her, hotly and tenderly, all the while working at the zipper of her dress.

Finally, it gave. He pushed the straps over her shoulders and down her arms, to where it fell and pooled around her feet. His own clothes were the next to go, until he stood hard and proud for her. All hard, tight abs with muscular thighs and long legs. His shoulders were broad and his arms, good Lord, his arms were muscular but lean.

“Do I meet your approval?” he asked, looking at her from beneath his lashes.

She gave him a saucy smile. “You’ll do.”

Grinning, he took her in his arms once more, sucked on her bottom lip and then glided his tongue along the seams of her mouth until she opened for him. The room seemed to move, but no, it was just him, guiding her to his big bed and laying her down.

He stretched out beside her, one hand propping up his head while the other touched her, traced the contours of her body. “Take off the bra.”

She unsnapped the front and threw it across the room, anxious for his touch. But to her surprise, he didn’t touch her breasts at all, just made lazy, wide circles around them. Her nipples grew hard, and his dark gaze didn’t miss it.

She sucked in air when his head dipped, when his tongue teased the tip of a nipple and his fingers slid inside her panties. Her thighs widened, and he wrapped his hot mouth around her nipple and began to suck.

“Oh,” she moaned, coming off the bed. His fingers slid through her curls, finding her as wet as she’d ever been in her life.

“Do you like this?” he asked softly against her skin while circling her clitoris.

She whimpered. “Yes.”

“Take off your panties.”

Once the lacy material had been removed and thrown to the other side of the bed, he parted her, and she grabbed his wrist. Always, she’d envisioned being the one in control, the one who pinned him to the bed and took his breath away, like the night she had on the sofa.

“Trust me,” he said, leaning up to kiss her on the lips. “Trust me to take care of you.” Finger by finger, she released her death grip on him. “Breathe, sweetheart.”

He kissed her again and again, while his fingers explored… while one of those fingers slid inside of her. This time, both of them sucked in air. Her lashes fluttered, and she caught a glimpse of his face. It was drawn taut, as if it actually hurt to touch her and kiss her.

“Angel,” she murmured, trying again to take control, to not let the emotions that simmered below the surface boil up and wash away her determination. “Let me ease you. Let me stroke you, put you inside of me… just let me—”

“No.” He slid another finger inside of her and she couldn’t stop her hips from moving against him. Then he began to move, all that wetness making her slippery. She not only felt how aroused she was, she could hear it.

It didn’t hurt, she thought. For once in her life, it didn’t hurt to let another take control. So, she completely surrendered to Gabriel’s touch… his kisses. She surrendered to his hands and mouth and beautiful words that she wouldn’t allow her mind to dwell on.

He lowered himself onto her, balancing on his elbows. His cock nudged insistently against her thigh. “I’m—” She pressed her bare chest against his, and he hissed. “Not sure what you wanted to do for—” She glided her leg up the back of his leg and he shook. “Protection.”

“There are condoms,” she said, reaching between them and touching him. “But most men complain about the feel.” He frowned, and then his face went deliciously tight again when she cupped his balls. “Or you can go bareback and pull out.”

“Why the hell would I pull out?”

He was on edge, she realized, and would soon snap. Wouldn’t it be a completely erotic sight to see him snap, now that she was back in control again? Always she would fight for this kind of control, even though surrendering to him had felt so blissfully good.

“You don’t have to, because I’m on the pill.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “So you can go hard and deep and never, ever pull out. You can fill me up until—”

He shoved her hand away, gripped her thighs, and began to push inside. She made a noise of discomfort. The sheer size of him was amazingly good and bad.

“Okay?” he breathed.

“Yes.” But it did hurt a little. She hadn’t been with another man since Darius, before Ivy had been born. Only, she couldn’t tell him any of that. It was too much exposure for her heart and soul.

Suddenly, he pulled out, and she clutched at his back. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll see,” was all he said before he pushed down her body, and palmed her butt in his big hands, lifting her to his mouth. “You almost made me forget about what I’ve been dying to do to you, with that dirty talking you were doing, sweet thing.”

She squirmed, not used to being on display like this.

Once again, he’d taken over and she felt helpless to stop him. His head dipped, black hair brushing against her pale thighs. The first long lick of his tongue made her curl her hands into tight fists, the second had her begging for more, and the third, well, there wasn’t a third.

Instead, he settled himself between her thighs and feasted. “I delight in the taste of my lover,” he whispered.

She caught the grin, the heated look in his eyes, right before he sucked her clit into his mouth. “Angel, angel,” she chanted, teetering on the edge of what she knew would be an earth-shaking orgasm.

He sucked harder, and she almost screamed his name.

“Love hearing you say that,” he growled, crawling up her body. “Say it again.”

“Angel,” she moaned as he slid inside her. She gasped, and her eyes opened wide.

Gabriel gazed down at her, his face tight. “I’m not sure how long I can last.”

“Me neither,” she confessed. Forget control. All she wanted was him.

His head dropped, and he began to move.

Oh God, he moved and stroked and touched her in just the right spot, gave her clitoris a little pat that made her arch off the bed and into him. He did it again and drove himself so deep that she swore she could taste him in her mouth.

“Like that?” he asked roughly

Burying her face into the crook of his neck was her only response. He didn’t let up, didn’t give her a chance to find her bearings, or even to think of what she should do next. Where she could touch him and make him—

He shifted, the head of his cock hitting her in just the right spot, and she saw stars.

Widening her legs, she fisted her hands in his hair and brought his mouth to hers, kissing him. And kissing him some more, until she came, crying out his name and begging for him to never stop.

“Don’t stop. More,” she said, dragging in a breath.

“I have to—”

“Do it.”

He drew in a ragged breath, his chest heaving. “You’re sure?”

She plunged her tongue inside of his mouth and wrapped her legs around his waist. He bucked against her, driving deep and hard, until finally, finally he melted into her and groaned her name… Until he returned her frantic kisses with tender ones.

He gently brushed the hair out of her face, his blue eyes soft and blazing with love. For her. A part of her wanted to deny it and chalk it up to his first time, but a larger part of her, the part of her who wanted to be loved and cherished, refused to be ignored.

“That was amazing,” she said.

He grinned, all boyish and proud. “So, a repeat performance wouldn’t be out of the question?”

She shifted beneath him, eyes widening when she felt how quickly he was filling her again. “Already?”

“I’ve been waiting a long, long time,” he said, then sucked on her bottom lip and let it out with a little pop. “Practice makes perfect, and I want every time to be perfect with you.”

“It already is,” she heard herself say. He pulled away a little, tilting his head to one side. She put her fingers against his lips. “Please don’t.”

He kissed the tips before nudging them out of his way. “My sweet wife, I’d never use what we say here and now against you. I’d never throw it in your face when you let down your walls and allow me inside.”

Tears threatened her resolve.

“Don’t you know what an honor it is for me? Don’t you know how much I cherish you and what we’ve already done?”

“Gabriel,” she began, but the words wouldn’t come, and thankfully, neither would the tears.

He swept his lips over hers. “It’s all right, sweetheart, but maybe one day you’ll let down all your walls and not be so afraid to let me see the real you.”

His words made her all gooey inside, yet at the same time, made her stiffen against him, but he took it as a sign to move.

And thank God he did, because when he moved, she stopped thinking and started feeling him. He surrounded her, held her, and whispered words of love that didn’t require her to say anything back.

Her angel didn’t require anything from her at all, but for her to be her, and that was the best and the worst thing about their situation.

* * *

“This is for you. It’s a wedding present.” Gabriel handed her a large, brightly wrapped box after they’d eaten breakfast in bed. He’d loved waking up with her this morning, kissing her and sliding inside, moving in slow glides until she’d urged him faster and harder. He loved the look on her face when he made her lounge in bed while he cooked her breakfast.

Honestly, he loved everything about her. Always had and always would.

“I have one for you, too,” she said, setting her present down beside her before slipping from the bed and padding over to the closet. She still hadn’t unpacked, but he’d been keeping her occupied, so… She came back to bed, smiling shyly as she handed it to him, and crawled back in bed. “I had a little help picking it out. I needed to make sure you didn’t have this one.”

“You first,” he said. He watched as she carefully opened the present, not tearing into the wrapping paper or breaking the bow. “We have a ton of presents to go through, you know?”

“From the wedding?” Her brow wrinkled as she pulled away the last of the paper. “Oh my… angel,” she breathed, her gaze going from the art set he’d bought her, to his face, and then back again. “You remembered?”

“I remember the blue ribbon you won for your painting of a field of wildflowers. Town Hall had it on display for days.” He rubbed his jaw. “It has everything you could need, except paint. I thought we could go to one of those hobby stores in Wilmington to pick some out, and anything else you might need.”

She hugged it to her chest. “Thank you.”

“Did you ever wonder what happened to your painting?”

Her face fell a little. “I heard they threw it away.”

“Nope.” He gestured to the painting over the bed, and her eyes widened before she giggled. “I found it in one of the storage rooms a few years back when they needed help searching through old documents. Jemma Leigh’s mother said I could keep it, since the town didn’t own it.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t notice.” Her attention was fully on the swirls of green, red, yellow, blue, purple, and pink. It was actually a really good painting, almost lifelike. He’d always thought she had a talent for art.

“I’d be offended if you’d noticed,” he teased. “I’ve been working very hard to dispel the myth that waiting until you get married to have sex is a bad thing.”

She rolled her eyes, and then leaned over to kiss him sweetly on the cheek. “Your turn.”

He opened his present, just as careful with the paper as she had been, to find that she’d bought him a book on astronomy. It was one he’d been eyeing for a while, but hadn’t bought yet. “Now who’s the one remembering?”

Biting the side of her lip, she shrugged and then said, “I’m happy you like it. Maybe you can show me how to use your telescope.”

“You know, I read an article about using feather brushes during sex,” he said.

“Tell me more.” She held out the box. “Preferably with a demonstration.”

He tackled her to the bed instead, laughing and kissing her.

Chapter Twenty-One

Summer couldn’t face Gabriel or herself the next morning when she woke up, and certainly not after showering and finding him sleeping so peacefully. Instead, she wrapped a quilt around her body and stepped outside, walking down to the end of the pier and sitting down.

The sun had barely risen in the sky, but she couldn’t welcome the dawn of a new day, because today was not only the last day of their honeymoon, it was also the last day she would allow herself to feel vulnerable, to surrender completely, and believe what he insisted on telling her.

I love you.

You’re mine.

We belong together.

You’re perfect.

Lies. All lies. Though he didn’t know it.

Gabriel actually believed those pretty lies, with his entire heart and soul. She knew this about him. She knew he didn’t give his love lightly to her, and that’s what made it all the worse for both of them, because she would leave him. He knew from the start what her goal was, and what would happen once she met it.

After she got Ivy back, everything would be right in the world again. She would be whole once more, the aching part of her heart that had been missing for so long finally filled. It didn’t matter that the lawyer didn’t think she had a chance in hell of getting her back, because Summer was confident she could make Rose see things her way.

She could make Rose acknowledge that she, Ivy’s biological mother, was who was best for her. She could make Gabriel see that she wasn’t who was best for him.

The art kit had been the final straw.

She could—her vision blurred. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks.

“I can do this,” she whispered fiercely.

* * *

Gabriel stretched and rolled over in bed, searching for his wife. “Wife,” he said with a smile, then his smile fell when his hand encountered nothing but cold sheets. Cold sheets meant she’d been up for hours, without waking him.

“Summer?” He rose from bed, rubbing his chest and yawning before he grabbed a pair old of pajama pants.

She didn’t answer, so he tried again. “Summer?”

The cold from the sheets seemed seep inside him from across the room when silence met him, but he tried not to let that bother him. Summer had always been an early riser. Striding to the back door, he opened it and went outside. Warm relief flooded him when he spotted her at the end of the pier, wrapped in a quilt.

Warm relief turned to hot desire when she dropped the quilt. He would never get used to the sight of her, all golden skin and soft curves.

The last time she had been in Holland Springs, her body had been almost as sharp as her words. Her body had felt bony and brittle. It had worried him so much that he’d made her get something to eat before taking her to Ivy, but now that she’d filled out again, her skin no longer looked stretched tight over muscle and bones.

Still, she wasn’t as strong as she would have him and everyone else believe. Like the graceful willow tree he had planted in his yard, if too much strain and pressure were applied, eventually she would break.

Summer turned slowly, the look on her face both heartbreaking and heart racing. He’d seen it often enough to know she was determined to prove she had control. It wasn’t a matter of controlling him; it was a matter of controlling her situation.

“Not again,” he muttered.

Instead of waiting for her to come to him, he went to her first. The grass was cold and dewy under his feet, but he didn’t care. All he could think and feel and see was her—standing there, waiting for him. He had to save her.

She thrust out her breasts, raised her arms over her head, and stretched. “Morning,” she said as he stopped a couple of feet away.

“Missed you this morning.”

“Did you?” She took a small step toward him before running a hand up his bare chest. “Want me to make it up to you?”

“If that’s what you think you should do.”

A flash of annoyance appeared in her eyes. Gracefully, she kneeled in front of him and pulled down his pants, freeing his erection. His vision sparked, a hot flash of white light, when she wrapped her mouth around the tip of him.

His hands went to her hair, burying his finger and wrapping the blond strands around them. “You don’t have to—”

“I delight in the taste of my lover,” she said, and then licked the length of him.

Don’t throw my words back at me, he silently begged. “Don’t,” he groaned, tugging on her hair. He wanted her to continue. He wanted to feel her mouth on him again, but not like this, not like she owed him.

She sucked him deep, and his eyes rolled. His hips moved, his hands pushing and pulling her head as he found a rhythm. Wet, hot pleasure washed over him.

He couldn’t think. He could barely speak—much less breathe.

The head of his cock hit the back of her throat and he went over the edge, groaning her name and hating himself as clarity returned. Shame washed over him as she stood, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, not at what she had done, but for the reason behind it. A reason he didn’t know, but he did know it couldn’t be because she loved him and wanted to give him pleasure.

“I don’t expect you to perform for me,” he said, adjusting his pants.

Her brown eye turned hard and cold, after days of warmth residing there, and he wanted to shout and curse at his own weak flesh. “What do you expect?”

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “For you to talk to me.”

“I have nothing to say.”

“Then at least share why you decided to—”

“Give you a blow job?”

His jaw turned hard. “Why do you have to do this? Why do you take something that was amazing and special and make it sordid and—”

“Not sordid.” She rolled her eyes. “Yet another s-word I need to learn, like sinning.” She cupped her breasts. “Was it a sin when you sucked on these?”


Her hands left her breasts, to tiptoe down her flat stomach, and slide between her legs. “Was it sinful to touch me here, to lick me, and shove your dick inside of me?”

He grabbed her wrist. “Stop it, before you say something that you’ll regret.”

“I already regret what I said to you,” she shouted. “I regret marrying you, and the faster you regret marrying me the better.”


“Because.” Her lower lip trembled, and the hardness in her eyes glistened, like slick ice. “It just is.”

He wanted to argue with her some more. He wanted to explain all the reason why it was the best decision either of them had ever made when it came to their relationship.

“I won’t regret it. No matter how hard and far you push me away, I’ll keep coming back. No matter how silent you become, I’ll keep talking.” He shook his head. “I’ve let you lead this relationship for too long, and I’m done.”

Her eyes widened. “You are?”

“Hell, yes.” Then he picked her up in his arms and carried her back inside, striding to the bedroom and placing her in the middle of the bed. He didn’t stop touching her, didn’t stop kissing her, until he was hard again, and she was begging for him to make love to her, begging him to let her come.

Finally, he thrust deep inside of her, groaning her name.

“Please, please,” she cried out, writhing beneath him, but he kept the roll of his hips steady. “Faster.”

“No.” He dipped his head, licking her nipple, and then giving the other some attention until they were hard, greedy little points. “Say it after me—divorce isn’t an option.”

She stopped moving long enough to give him an evil glare. “Divorce isn’t an option… it’s a necessity.”

Cursing under his breath, he pulled out of her and flipped her on her stomach, getting into position behind her. When she didn’t line up properly for him, he improvised and shoved a pillow under her hips, before giving her enticing little bottom a smack. She squealed and tried to get up, but he held her in place with one hand and smacked her there again.

Her legs widened, giving him an extremely nice view of her wet folds, all pink and waiting for him to fill her up again. Grabbing his cock, he eased it inside of her, pausing to give her time to adjust. “How’s that?”

“I won’t say it.” There was a little hitch in her voice.

Exhaling, he closed his eyes. “You don’t have to.”

“Angel,” she said tentatively.

He didn’t want to answer her. All he wanted was for her to agree, and for them to make love like nothing was wrong between them. But he did anyway.

“I’m still here.” The snug feel of her made his eyes water. He couldn’t help it.

“Order me to tell you to move.”

His eyes flew open. “What?”

“Please,” she said. “I can’t…”

Their damnable pride. That’s what had brought them to this point, and yet, here she was, asking for his help. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want…” He slid the smallest of distances and she moaned. “That. I want that.”

He gripped her hips, pulling out and thrusting inside of again. “This?”


In and out, he thrust inside of her, every slide, every roll of his hips, encourage by her reverent yeses and pleas for more. His heart pounded, and their skin grew slick. Bead of sweat rolled down his back, but there was no way he’d come before her.

Slipping a hand under her body, he cupped her and made her sit back on him, sliding his fingers to where they were joined. She tightened around him, her breasts bouncing as she moved.

Her head fell back. She turned slightly to kiss him. He fastened his mouth to hers and drove deep. She cried out and he joined her, growling like some animal.

But none of that mattered, because she was weeping in his arms and he was pulling out of her, turning her to face him, and kissing her tears away.

There were no need for words, no need for questions. Only comfort, only love, and he had it all to give her, even if she still believed she didn’t deserve it.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Gabriel pulled a shirt over his head. “I have to go into town tonight. There’s an emergency with one of my clients.”

Summer sat up in bed, arms wrapped around her legs. “Does that happen a lot?”

“No, but this kid in particular is extremely stubborn.” He sat down in a chair and began to lace up a pair of sneakers. “She keeps running away from her uncle’s home, and the law keeps finding and bringing her back.”

“Maybe she doesn’t belong there.”

“She doesn’t have a choice,” he said with a grunt.

“What if her uncle is hurting him?”

Gabriel pinned her with a look. “Not all men are like Patrick Johnson.”

“He’s not my uncle.”

“But he is dead.”

Summer blinked at him. “How… are you kidding? Please tell me you’re not kidding.” She felt light in the head. This was something that had come between them for years. His belief that she had started sleeping with Patrick to get back at him, and when he learned the truth, she’d made him pay for years by allowing the men and women around here to talk about her, to spread rumors and lies. It was only fitting since Gabriel had believed them, without getting her side first.

By the time he had come to her for her side of the story, she’d been so hurt and furious that she refused to have anything to do with him. She’d refused his calls, his visits… everything until he had asked her to prom and she’d told him to drop dead.

He’d taken Zoe Ambrose instead, but Summer wasn’t mad at her. She still wasn’t mad at her. She wouldn’t have been even if Zoe and Gabriel had gotten married and had beautiful children. It wasn’t Zoe’s fault, and none of the Ambroses had ever treated her or her sisters like second-class citizens.

Come to think of it, there had been many times, Leah Ambrose, the matriarch of the family, had come to Strawberry Grove with some extra food that was about to spoil, or so she claimed.

But that extra food always ended up being fresh, home-cooked meals. Azalea had taken it all, like Leah Ambrose owed her, but the baby, Skye, had always hugged the other woman in thanks. Summer and Rose would stand silently, watching from the porch and wishing a hole would swallow them up.

Funny how little memories like that sneaked up on a person when they were feeling most vulnerable. But right now, she didn’t want memories of Patrick Johnson. She wanted all the gory details of his death.

Gabriel crossed the room and sat down beside her. “He was caught raping a twelve year old. Her dad blew his head off.”

“Good,” she said, refusing to look at him. “Don’t you dare say vengeance only belongs to the—”

“I would have castrated him,” Gabriel said softly. “I blame myself for not doing it years ago.”

Tears clogged her throat. “But you would have gone to jail.”

“Sweetheart, I did go to jail for assaulting Patrick.” Her gaze flew to his as he continued. “I stayed locked up for six weeks, and then had a years’ worth of probation.” He picked up one of her hands, lacing his fingers through it. His wedding ring caught her eye, a sign of his commitment to her, though he’d been committed to her since they were children. “Why else do you think those kids listen to me?”

“I never knew,” she said. He’d done all that after he’d found out what Patrick had done, and hadn’t bothered to tell her? “If I had, I would have—”

“Gone to jail for stealing his car and taking his money?” Gabriel gave her a sad smile. “Justice doesn’t always work the way we want it.”

“I didn’t steal it,” she gulped. “His dad gave it to me, so I’d be quiet. He said if I didn’t take it and be quiet, then he’d…he’d bring Skye to his son. I didn’t know what else to do.”

Get out of here, girl,” Patrick, Senior had shouted at her, shoving her from behind.

She limped to the mustang, the pain between her thighs excruciating. One eye was swollen and her lip was busted, but she was alive.

I’m trying,” she managed to snap.

Don’t you tell no one either. You tell, then so do I.” He took her by the arm, and began dragging her to the car. “Ain’t no one going to believe the daughter of a whore, who raised nothing but baby whores.”

Now that, Summer believed. “Why are you helping me, then?”

That boy couldn’t help himself. You tempted him, but when he tied you up and you started screaming for help… Well, that’s different. You at least get to have say.”

She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at his logic.

He opened the car door and shoved her inside. Pain shot through her, making black dots dance in front of her eyes. “I’ll be keeping my ear out. If I hear so much as a peep, I’ll get that sister of yours, the redheaded one, and let Patrick play with her.”

Helpless fury rose. Summer might not be able to save any other girls from what she went through, but she could at least keep her sisters safe. “You touch her or Rose, and I’ll burn your house to the ground with Patrick in it.”

He paled a little, and then shut the door. “Just remember what I said.”

As long as you remember what I promised.”

He nodded and she drove away.

She didn’t come back for almost a year, but she had to check on her sisters to make sure they were safe. However, when she came back, Azalea was gone and everyone looked to her to be the new town whore—after all, every small town had one. Only the newest one of Holland Springs had never had consensual sex with any of the men there. She never touched a single one of them. Ever.

Gabriel wrapped his arms around her, taking her out of her head—thank God. “If I could have saved you, I would have.”

“I’m not some fragile doll,” she lied, leaning into him and letting his warmth fill her. “I won’t break.”

“Never thought you to be a doll, but you are fragile, just not in ways you think you should be.” He kissed the top of her head. “And we all have our breaking points.”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you promise to be honest?” He gave her a come-on-this-is-me look. “How many men do you think I’ve been with?”

He didn’t hesitate when he answered, “It doesn’t matter to me.”

“But I let you think I’ve—”

“Remember our conversation about mathematical impossibilities?” he asked, one dark brow raised.

She blushed, actually blushed, over the memory. “I seem to recall the one about chemistry and biology getting us all hot and bothered.”

He grinned, and then his expression turned serious. “One day, if you still feel the need to tell me how many or how few men you’ve been with, I’m all ears. But for now, I want you to keep it to yourself, because you need to know in my eyes you have always been worthy of everything good in this life.”

Gabriel watched her face as his words sank in. Maybe, just maybe, she would let his words process this time.

“You should probably go,” was all she said, and he tried not to let his disappointment show.

“I should be home before ten, but I’ll call you before I get back.” He let go of her, grabbing his cell phone from the nightstand and pocketing it. “I’ll text you.”

She nodded, and he felt his heart pinch a little. Time, he told himself. They couldn’t erase years of history in only a month. But a selfish part of him wanted her to at least go ahead and try.



“I love you.”

Her brown-eyed, desolate stare nearly ripped him in two. “I know you do, angel.”

As he left the house, he prayed for guidance and strength. He prayed that Summer would see herself the way he saw her, and he prayed for her to receive the forgiveness she didn’t think she deserved. They needed help in the coming days, months, and years.

This he knew, because there was no way either of them could do it on their own.

Chapter Twenty-Three

By the end of July, Rose, Ivy, and Alexander still hadn’t returned from their travels, and Summer was getting restless. Each day she was growing closer to Gabriel, to his family, and to abandoning her plan of getting custody of Ivy back from her sister.

She couldn’t allow that to happen. It was bad enough that she went to church and ate dinner at Gabriel’s parents’ house every Sunday. It was bad enough that she’d gone on couples dates with Jemma Leigh and her husband, Jeremy. It was bad enough that the bells on Carolina Dreams’ door never seemed to quit ringing, and people never stopped smiling. At her.

What was worse though, what was almost unpardonable, was the way she allowed herself to become vulnerable and surrender to Gabriel, like last night.

Come sit with me and watch the sunset. It’s almost as pretty as you to look at,” he said when she joined him on the patio.

Next thing she knew, he had her in his arms, kissing her hard, and sliding his fingers deep inside of her. “So wet, sweetheart. So wet for me,” he whispered while she’d trembled in his embrace. “Let me take care of you.”

Yes. Please,” she moaned.

She trusted him to keep his word, because he always did, right down to the littlest of things, like picking up toothpaste for her. Something she could have done it herself, but it was like she was testing him.

Pick me up at five, she would tell him, and he would show up at 4:59.

He brought her flowers every Tuesday. On Thursdays, he would take her to lunch and share the latest software his company had in development, which had led to her point blank asking him how much money he had, if only to make him think she was interested in that and nothing else.

Not that it’s my business, or that I need it,” she said. “But you never ask me to contribute to paying the bills, and I’m living with you.”

He pulled out his phone, ran his fingers over it, and then handed it to her. She almost dropped the phone. “My money is your money. No secrets. The house is paid for, so our bills are minimal.”

She’d merely nodded and handed it back. “You want to see mine? I don’t have that many numbers in front of the decimal point.”

Whenever you want,” he said. “If you need help investing it, let me know. I have a buddy down in Charlotte that’s brilliant with numbers. But pretty soon, we need to sit down and go over finances for our future plans.”

The thought of the future scared Summer to death, mostly because her future had been more about them, and less about her and Ivy. He never brought up her plan to get her daughter back, and she wasn’t sure if he hoped she would forget about it, or would abandon her plan.

Tonight, however, she would put him to the test, instead of making love after dinner, like they usually did. She still couldn’t believe he’d talked her into becoming his dessert after one meal. Since then, she’d made it a point to be his dessert and to make him hers. She was very inventive when she wanted to be, which was all the time with Gabriel.

She couldn’t blame him though. He was making up for twenty-nine years of abstinence.

“That’s the last dish,” Gabriel said, placing it on the drying rack. “Ready for dessert?” He wriggled his brows suggestively.

“I thought we could talk finances tonight.” His face fell, and she almost said forget it, but she had to do this. She had to remind him of why they’d gotten married in the first place. It was only fair. It was the right thing to do, even if it hurt like hell to do it.

“You want to do that right now?”

“I thought it would be a good time to talk about the future.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “About our future plans.”

His face lit up and the sight of it made that lump return, bigger than before. “We can go in my office, and you can borrow my laptop.” He took her by the hand. “Maybe we can include that in our future purchases, if you want one—but I do have a confession to make.”

“Oh,” she said, heart pounding as they entered his office. She sat down at the table by the windows, and he sat across from her.

Booting up his laptop, he turned the screen to face her and said, “I might have bought you another wedding present. It’ll be delivered tomorrow. So don’t peek at that expense.”

Another present? What could be better than the art kit he’d given her? She grabbed the material of her skirt and twisted. “I don’t want to see your expenses.”

His brows drew together. “Then what do you want to see?”

“I want you to help me pay the legal fees for the lawyer.”

His face grew so dark that she almost ran out of the room. “We’re not getting a divorce.”

“It’s not for that. It’s for Ivy.”

“How much?” His knuckles turned white around the fist he made.

She named the amount left to pay her lawyer. “You can write a check out to Pellum & Foster if you think that would work better.”


“By the first of next month. I’ve paid through this one.”

He shut the laptop and rose to his feet, moving to his desk. He opened a drawer, and took out a checkbook, filled out a check, and then tore it off. “Here,” he said, placing it on the top of his desk. “I was thinking about going out tonight. Noah and Carlos invited me to Poor Boy’s, but I told them no, unless you think differently?”

Why did he have to be like this? Any other man would have stormed out, but her husband… he wanted her to know where he was going and who he would be with, and her opinion on the entire invitation. All that served to remind her that he didn’t deserve her for a wife.

“You should go,” she whispered. Go, so I don’t have to see the disappointment in your eyes. She could never stomach his disappointment, one of the reasons why she always left Holland Springs after staying a while. Gabriel would get to her, with only a look.

“Will you be here when I get home?” he asked, and she wanted to cry, because he knew her that well.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Not until it’s decided about Ivy.” He sounded so defeated that her heart began to ache for him.

She nodded, biting her lower lip. There was nothing she could say, and what she wanted to say would do nothing to help.

* * *

Gabriel nursed his beer while waiting for his turn at the dartboard.

Noah sat down beside him, after scoring three bulls-eyes in a row. “It feels like we haven’t talked in forever.”

Gabriel gave him a side-eyed glance. “We talk every day at work.”

“Yeah, but only about work stuff.”

“What would you like to talk about, Noah?”

“Nothing.” Noah grinned over the rim of his glass.

Carlos stepped up to the table and tossed the dart on it. “Your turn, angel.”

“Angel Edwards, huh?” Noah made a noise. “Stripper or ninja name?”

“Neither.” Though Summer tended to call him by the nickname when he was nude, or inside her. He swallowed.

Carlos looked at Noah. Together they said, “Stripper name.”

“You guys really need to stay off Facebook.”

“But how else will I find out what people I haven’t talked to in ten years are up to nowadays?” Noah quipped.

“If you haven’t talked to them in ten years, why would you start now?” Gabriel asked, scooping up the darts.

“Because they accepted my friend request.”

“Sound logic.”

“Says the guy who posted over a hundred pictures of his wedding.”

Gabriel’s mouth flattened. Who cares how many pictures he had posted of his and Summer’s wedding? She certainly didn’t. Her not-so-little reminder tonight was loud and clear. She might give him her body, might even laugh with him, and confide some of the things that had bothered her for years, but never would she be his completely.

Yet, he’d given her his word, knowing exactly why she wanted his help, all the while thinking he could change her mind. God, he’d been such an arrogant fool, thinking he could change her anything.

“Sore subject?” Carlos asked.

There was no way he’d talk to them about Summer’s plans. Carlos was half a beer away from saying, I told you so as it was.

Noah didn’t have a clue about Summer at all, his view of the opposite sex was generally positive, no matter their reputation. Besides, there were only two people in his and Summer’s relationship, and neither of them were Noah or Carlos.

“I’m strategizing on how best to win,” Gabriel said instead, and it wasn’t a lie. He really did want to kick Carlos and Noah’s butts. Usually they won. He was horrible at darts in college, and he was just as horrible now, but he didn’t hang out with them to improve his game—obviously.

“If you strategize any longer, they’ll kick us out and start cleaning up.”

Noah snorted. “If the bar starts closing at nine at night, then I need to move to another town.”

Gabriel looked around him, not for the first time noticing how young the bar crowd was—legal yes, but at least seven years younger.

“Have you guys noticed the crowd lately?” Noah suddenly asked, and both he and Carlos leveled their buddy with a look. “I feel old.”

A waitress walked by, wearing low-slung jeans and a halter-top that left nothing to the imagination, but Gabriel pretended he hadn’t seen anything.

“Try thirty, and then talk to me about feeling old,” Carlos said with a grin.

“I will in February,” Noah said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Maybe we should find another place to hang out.”

“Or start playing this in my garage,” Gabriel offered. “Beer’s better and cheaper.”

“I’ll toast to that,” Carlos said, holding up his glass. “Shelia would be much happier with that arrangement.”

“It has begun,” Noah said in a deep, booming voice. “One wedding ring to rule us all.”

“Shut up, Noah.” Carlos threw a pretzel at him. “Shelia is very secure in our relationship, but bars like this… It seems kind of juvenile to hang out here and do the same thing we’ve been doing since we were in college.”

Gabriel threw his dart and hit the number three. “Are we calling it a night, gentleman?”

“With that score, you better hope we want to call it a night.”

“That’s just sad, Gabriel. We’ve been playing for ten years, and you’re still just as bad.”

“So’s your face.”

“Classic.” Noah emptied his bottle and set it down, leaving some cash for the tip. “Ready?”

“How about we continue our game another night?” Gabriel asked.

“Fine with me,” Carlos said.

Noah shrugged. “I can catch up on Honey Boo Boo re-runs ”

Gabriel struggled not to make a face and failed. “Sounds interesting.”

“Great television.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

“I’m leaving.”

Gabriel paid for his drinks, left a tip, and headed outside. The night was humid, so much so that it felt like he was drinking air instead of breathing it in. As he drove home, he thought of Summer, and whether or not she’d be there.

Despite not arguing, his heart felt heavy. He wasn’t sure how to proceed once he did get home. Assuming, once again, that Summer was actually there.

The outside lights were on when he pulled into the drive. He parked beside the truck he’d given her four years ago. She’d been so desperate, so frightened, and for once had looked to him to help her, really help her.

He’d seen the need to be her hero and had taken the opportunity to play the part. So, he couldn’t blame her for resenting and needing him at the same time.

But now. Now she was his wife.

He exhaled, parking his truck and heading inside.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“I’m still here,” Summer said by way of greeting.

Gabriel hung up his truck keys and continued to the bedroom, but not before dropping a kiss on her cheek along the way. “Wasn’t worried.”

Relief flowed through her. He wasn’t back to argue or fight with her. “Did you have fun with your friends?”

“I did, even though I suck at darts.” He paused at the entrance of their bedroom and gave her a self-depreciating grin. “Maybe I’ll win next time. I’m getting in the shower, to wash off the stench of Poor Boy’s, if you’d like to join me.”

Images of him in the shower, water running down his hard body, made her squirm. She crossed her arms. “I already had one.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, and she watched as he disappeared.

She picked up the remote and clicked on the television, channel surfing until he appeared in the doorway again, with only a towel wrapped around his lean hips.

Her mouth went dry.

“I’m going to bed now.”

There was no way she would join him in there either. She had to start distancing herself. The honeymoon was over. After everything was sorted out with Ivy, their marriage would be over.

“I’m not tired,” she said, tearing her gaze away from him.

“Me neither,” he said.

Oh God. Please don’t ask me to come to bed with you. She stared harder at the television.

Gabriel appeared before her. Unfortunately, he had on a pair of pajama bottoms. Though the view of his muscular chest was nice—and bad. Very bad to her determination. “Let’s go outside.”


“To play with my telescope.”

Mulling over his words, Summer clicked off the television. Surely, taking part in an activity that didn’t involving kissing or touching would be okay. After all, she didn’t want to leave him with completely horrible memories of her.


Smiling, he pulled her up from the couch and led her up the stairs to a room in a corner of the house. Since she hadn’t allowed herself to explore his house, because she felt like she didn’t deserve to even live here, she was seeing it for the first time. It was empty.

She frowned. “Where’s your telescope?”

“Right through those doors.”

Opening the French doors, Gabriel waited for her to step outside first. The night sky greeted her, saturated with stars, so many stars that the sight took her breath away.

She reached out to touch one, and then drew her hand back at her foolishness.

“I feel the same way,” he said, running his fingers though her hair. “Did you know that you can buy a star for someone, and have it named for them?”

No touching, she wanted to shout, but she was weak and needy for his touch. And greedy. She wanted to savor all his touches and kisses, before she had to leave him.

“No,” she said shakily. “I didn’t know that.”

“Look through here and you can see a pretty crown,” he said, tapping on the end. “I would have named it for you, but someone beat me to it.”

“Oh.” Unsure of what to think of his statement, Summer leaned down, closing one eye and peering through the lens with the other. “I can’t tell which one is which.”

“Seven stars forming a u-shape. It’s called Corona Borealis.”

She looked up from the telescope and made a face to keep from smiling. “It’s named for a beer?”

He grinned. “You know it’s not.”

Shrugging, she bent to the telescope once more and found the seven stars that formed the u-shape.

“Legend has it that Theseus gave the crown to Ariadne for helping him defeat the Minotaur. She wore it at their wedding.” She heard him move closer to her, running his hands down her back. “They worked together, you see, to defeat something that no one else had before. Alone, neither of them would have survived.”

“So they lived happily ever after?”

He exhaled. “I’d like to think so.”

“But they probably didn’t.” She stood and turned around.

“I still like to think so,” he repeated.

“I’m not trying to change your mind.”

He made a noise. “No, you’re trying to make sure yours doesn’t ever change.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I really am going to bed now.”

“I’m not tired.”

“Okay,” was all he said as he walked inside.

She wanted to go after him, but she made herself remain still and calm. Once she was sure enough time had passed, she headed inside, shutting the doors behind her and hurrying to their bedroom.

The lights were off, but moonlight outlined his form in a soft, blue-white glow. She got into bed with him, curling up in a little ball, careful not to touch him. She didn’t deserve to touch him.

But he had other ideas. Gabriel rolled over, snaked one arm around her middle, and hauled her against him. He sighed. “Much better.”

Against her better judgment, she allowed herself to stay there and be lulled into sleep by the warmth of his body. He relaxed against her.

Her eyes flew open, and she made herself scoot away, but his arm shot out again and pulled her back.

With a little sigh, she gave in again, with the knowledge that come tomorrow, she’d be stronger.

* * *

Summer wasn’t stronger the next day, especially after a bright, green convertible VW Bug was delivered to his house. He’d even had it wrapped in a bright pink bow.

It wasn’t the present itself that had made her weak; it was the meaning behind it. Still, she steeled herself, thanked him sweetly, and swore to be stronger the next day. Unfortunately, she failed miserably, and continued to do so, day after day.

She was weak, completely and utterly weak.

Why just yesterday afternoon, Gabriel had stopped by, locked the door to Carolina Dreams, and carried her upstairs, where they spent the rest of the day in bed. He’d been more than a little enthusiastic when she climbed on top of him and rode him backwards. His hands had cupped her breasts and his hot breath had scalded the skin behind her ear.

Jemma Leigh snapped her fingers at Summer, and she blinked, face heating.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” she asked.

“Newlyweds.” Smiling a little, Jemma Leigh patted her hand. “Have you two even finished opening all the wedding presents? I’ll be happy to help you with all the thank you cards.”

“Oh, I’ll let you know.” Summer hadn’t opened a single present, because she planned to return every single one of them. “Speaking of presents.” Summer reached into her purse and drew out a scroll, with a bright pink bow tied around the middle. “This is for you.”

Jemma Leigh clapped. “You remembered my birthday!”

No. “Yes.”

“But I don’t remember telling you, and we’re not Facebook friends.” She frowned.

Summer had been wanting to buy Jemma Leigh something to thank her for all of her help, but it wasn’t until a day after Gabriel had shown her Corona Borealis that it hit her what she could get Jemma Leigh.

“Actually, I didn’t know it was your birthday.” Summer handed the scroll to Jemma Leigh. “I bought this just because.”

The squee that came from Jemma Leigh’s mouth made the birds that had been pecking near their feet fly away. “You named a star after me!” She placed a hand over her heart, giving Summer a beatific smile. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Nothing to say,” Summer began nervously, “because don’t best friends do stuff like this all the time?”

Fat tears rolled down Jemma Leigh’s face. “Yes, they do.”

Summer shifted in her seat. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it.” Jemma Leigh carefully rolled the scroll back up and secured the bow. “Now I have a favor to ask.”


“Help Jeremy plan my surprise party? Maybe even go shopping with him?” Jemma Leigh bit her lip. “He’s very sweet, but he’s not a party planner.”

Summer’s heart fell to her toes. “You trust me to spend time with your husband?”

Jemma Leigh rolled her eyes and threw back her shoulders. “No offense to the Hollands, but I’m pretty sure you’re not his type.”

“Oh, well, in that case—”

“And the sacred bond of our friendship prevents you from even thinking about him that way, or acting on it.”

“Which you wouldn’t, because you’re not like that anyway,” Jemma Leigh hastily added.

Summer blew out a breath and grabbed her coffee mug. “I’d be happy to help him.”

“I’ll text him your number,” Jemma Leigh said. “So, what are yours and Gabriel’s plans this afternoon?”

“He’s volunteering at The Center, so I’m doing a movie marathon of all the Back to the Future movies until he gets home. He’s cooking salmon tonight.”

“You’re not going to see your sister?”

Summer almost dropped her coffee.

Chapter Twenty-Five

It wasn’t the first time Summer had ever sneaked around a house, but it was the first time since she’d been married that she had lied to Gabriel about what she was doing.

But it couldn’t be helped, she rationalized. She had to do this on her own, without him. No matter how much it hurt. No matter how bad of an idea this was.

She crept up the back porch, and then peered in a window with lacey curtains. Inside, she saw her sister, Rose, and her sister’s husband, Alexander, sitting at the kitchen table. Ivy sat between the two of them in a hot pink booster seat, her hand over her mouth as Alexander tried to feed her.

“But you like sweet potatoes,” he said, a frown marring the perfection of his lips. He turned to Rose. “Honestly, woman, I blame you.”

Rose’s black brows shot up, but her voice was as calm as the still waters of the Pamlico Sound. “I’m not the one who fed her dessert before supper.”

“Careful, or you might be the one not getting any dessert tonight.”

What was it with men and desserts? Summer thought with a roll of her eyes.

“Maybe I’m not in the mood for dessert tonight,” her sister said, and then laughed at the expression of horror on her husband’s face. “Poor thing, I’ll feed you dessert instead.”

Summer couldn’t help but stare at her sister in rapt amazement. Growing up, Rose had been the serious one. The responsible one. The one who never flirted or laughed. Yet, there she sat, giving a gorgeous man, who made every other woman in Holland Springs tongue-tied, heavy-lidded looks while calling his bluff.

His gaze turned so hot, Summer thought her clothes were going to catch fire.

Turning away, she flattened herself against the wall. For long minutes, she listened to Rose and Alexander talk, planning their week and Ivy’s schedule. One that included dance, art lessons, and Daddy’s morning out. Trips for the three of them. In every outing, Ivy was not just included or accommodated, but wanted. They wanted to take her new places and to teach her new things. Ivy wasn’t a burden to them.

Not that she imagined her baby girl was being neglected or even ignored. But she guessed she’d hoped to see that Ivy looked as though she was missing something in her life. She’d hoped to see her daughter missing her.

Hope was a double-edge sword that skewered her heart.

A cat meowed and twined around her legs.

Dropping to her knees, she scooped up Blackbeard and rubbed her nose in his fur. She had missed him while she’d been living with Gabriel, despite his former reluctance to let her pet him. “Have you been keeping an eye on my baby?”

Blackbeard meowed again.

“I’ll get him,” Alexander said through a sigh.

The sound of his chair scraping against the hardwood floor had her gently dropping the family cat to the ground.

“Damned beast still hogs my side of the bed. Yet I’m the one forced to endure his whims.”

Summer took off, managing to get around the corner of the house before the back door opened. She began walking away, thinking she’d come back tomorrow night to spy on them and make doubly sure Ivy was being taken care of by her “parents.”

“Kitty.” Ivy giggled, and Summer’s heart pinched.

“Careful, sweet girl, the mangy cur hasn’t had a bath for weeks.”

Rose gasped. “My sweet kitty is neither a dog nor filthy.”

Ivy giggled again. “Mommy, I want the kitty.”

Summer’s knees gave out, sending her to the ground. She couldn’t catch her breath. Blood pounded in her ears. Tears ran down her cheeks. She buried her face in her hands, and then clamped them over her ears.

Mommy. Ivy had called Rose Mommy, not her. Rocking back and forth, she bit her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood.

The wind picked up. Lightning flashed in the sky, jagged as it struck. The ground vibrated in response.


She was stronger than this, stronger than a word. Rising on unsteady legs, she ran from the house. A house that had been rebuilt to its former glory. A house now filled with love, more love than had been there before.

Summer knew what had to be done. Deep in her heart, where hope had blossomed but the roots had never taken hold. Her daughter was happy, healthy, and loved. She refused to take that from Ivy.


She ran faster, tree branches smacking her in the face and arms. Scraping and bruising her skin. Still she ran, until she came to the infernal spring that had started it all. That had cursed them all, with its supposed abilities.

Falling to her knees, she ripped at the plants and flowers, at anything her hands could grasp. It didn’t matter she was ripping her nails to the quick. It didn’t matter that rain poured down from the sky, soaking her to the bone.

All along, she’d known that taking Ivy back was the absolute wrong thing to do, but had used it as an excuse to come back here.

Which didn’t say much about her. Actually, it said a lot. It said she was selfish and unappreciative of the people who’d helped her in her life. It said that she was forever unfit to be anyone’s mother.

Gabriel had known it all along, yet he’d tried to help her see the truth.

A scream tore from her, until it scraped her throat raw. She fell on her side, sobbing as she pressed down on her abdomen. At the part of her body that had carried Ivy. She was nothing more than a uterus. Nothing more than the woman who’d labored for hours. Scared and helpless, with no one, not even her family, at her side.

The only person who’d been there for her was Gabriel, but he wasn’t family. He was just the boy she used to love. A man who’d apologized. A man who she’d begun to fall for again, and not just because he’d been there for her during her pregnancy.

Naturally, he had been the only person she could think to call. He had been the one who’d driven her to the hospital and had stayed by her side. He’d been the one saying that he’d be there for her and the baby, in whatever way she needed.

His hand was always in hers, his presence comforting, despite the pain and terror. Through it all he’d stayed, even as she screamed at him to go away—though her heart had pleaded with him to stay. To ignore her stupid, ugly mouth.

She had hated being so vulnerable and dependent upon him. Still she had clung to him like a vine on the thick trunk of a strong tree.

So calm he’d been when the doctor told her Ivy was turned the wrong way, that she’d need an emergency caesarean. Her pain-filled mind had heard him tell the nurse that he’d be responsible for the bill, to just help her. To do whatever they could for her.

Summer peered at Gabriel through slitted eyes. Worry lined his handsome face around his eyes and mouth. While they waited for the doctor, he knelt by her hospital bed and prayed.

Wave after painful wave of contractions washed over her, making her body run hot, and then cold. She kicked the sheets off and fumbled for something, anything to help her.

Here, sweetheart.” Gabriel pressed ice chips to her lips, and she swallowed them. A slew of nurses entered the room, maneuvering him out the way as they helped her to a wheelchair.

She hunched over when another contraction hit. “Gabriel,” she gasped, reaching for his hand.

Want me to come with you?”

You can’t,” one of the nurses informed him, and then turned to Summer. “We have to go.”

She began to struggle to get out of the chair, desperate for his comfort and strength. “Not without him.”

Gabriel knelt before her, his large hands covering hers as he stared into her eyes. “Everything will be fine. I’ll be waiting for you.”

But it wasn’t his face she saw when she came to, teeth chattering and strangely empty. “My baby.” The nurse had told Summer the baby would be brought to her after she had time to recover from surgery. But Summer wanted her now.

Azalea smoothed back the hair on Summer’s forehead and smiled. “How do you feel?”

Too exhausted to be shocked by Azalea’s sudden and unwelcome appearance, she asked, “Wh-where’s G-Gabriel?” Dear God, she was cold. So cold her teeth wouldn’t stop chattering. “He s-s-said he’d b-be here.” She tried to rise, but Azalea put a firm hand on her shoulder.

Azalea tsked. “Sugar, it’s like I’ve always told you, the only thing you can count on a man doing is never being there when you need him.” She pulled the covers up. “Now, about the baby’s daddy. Is he planning on coming up here and taking care of y’all?”

Summer stared up into violet colored eyes, hating the woman who’d abandoned her and her little sisters. “He’s d-dead.”

I hope you don’t expect me to…” The frown that marred her mother’s perfect face eased into a smile. “Well, there are death benefits and pensions. All sorts of things a woman needs to survive. They owe you.”

They owed her nothing. And she would get nothing, since she and Darius hadn’t been married. He’d just been a nice guy who’d treated her like she was worth something. A nice guy who hadn’t deserved to die in a war.

Maybe that was his punishment for being with a Holland. With her. She mentally brushed away the melancholy thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her. “N-nothing’s f-for us.”

Don’t be ridiculous. Give that baby a paternity test and—”

Get out,” Summer said through tightly clenched teeth.

Florescent lights flickered in the room, a loud buzzing turned into an even louder pop.

Don’t get all riled up.” Her mother sniffed. “It’s not healthy, but you never listened to me. Just like you didn’t listen to me when it came to that preacher’s boy. He couldn’t be bothered to stay. Something about not being able to handle the pressure.”

I don’t believe you,” Summer said through gritted teeth.

A nurse came into the room, saying something to Azalea as she left. She took Summer’s temperature and checked the small sutures. “You’ll be able to see your baby in a little while.” A cool hand patted her shoulder. “Picked out a name yet?”

Summer nodded, her arms aching to hold her. “Ivy.”

That’s a nice name.”

Wh-where’s G-gabriel?”

The nurse’s brow furrowed. “I was told that he needed to leave, that you only wanted family.”

Azalea’s doing—it had to be. But why had he listened? “Oh, yeah.”

I’ll be back in an hour to check on you.”

The door clicked closed, making the room seem empty. The emptiness grew, until it reached every toe and finger. Until the longing to hold Ivy was overshadowed by it. All she wanted to do was sleep. To feel nothing ever again.

But her last thoughts as she drifted off were of Gabriel. Why wasn’t he here with her? What had made him leave?

This time things had seemed different.

“I don’t belong here,” she sobbed, breaking free from her memories. But where else did she have to go?

* * *

After a long evening at The Center, Gabriel drove down to one of the local docks, unloaded the canoe he’d strapped in the truck bed into the water, jumped in, and began to row.

He rowed across the Pamlico, the oars slicing through the water with little resistance. When his arms and abs began to burn from the exertion, he braced his legs against the sides and pushed himself harder.

He rowed until his chest ached and his brain cleared, then he rowed even more, until he came to the bridge that led to the little town of Jessamine. The only time he ever rowed this far northeast was when he had excess energy to burn off, or when he had a problem to solve.

Only Summer wasn’t a problem. She was his wife.

With a great sigh, he began to row back to shore.

* * *

Once he showered and changed, he walked into the living room, only to find Summer asleep on the couch.

She was curled up in one corner of it, like a little girl, and every so often, she’d hiccup and sniff. She’d been crying, he realized, and everything he’d rehearsed while he’d been rowing flew out the window

She looked so vulnerable lying there, wearing a pale pink nightgown with butterflies on the hem. Another one of Jemma Leigh’s recommendations, he’d bet, smiling at little.

One of the thin straps slid down her shoulder, and he gently tucked it back in place. “Gabriel,” she murmured, turning to him.

“I’m here.” He leaned down, picking her up as she wrapped her arms around him. “It’s late. Let’s get you to bed.”

“I need you. Now.”

Her words were his undoing. She’d never needed him, at least not in the way he thought she meant it.

He searched the room, zeroing in on the table. Striding to it, he sat her on the edge. “This good?”

“Yes.” She leaned forward and licked a path up his neck. “Please.”

Tugging his shirt up and over his head, he fixed his gaze on her. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Take everything off.”

Not sooner than the command had finished being issued, he toed off his shoes, and rid himself of his socks and pants.

Her nightgown went flying across the room and then her very interested gaze locked on him once more. “Those too.”

“These?” He tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs, edging them down. She licked her lips, and he applied more pressure until the material caught on the tip of his cock.

“Now,” she ordered and he gave her a wicked grin before letting his boxer briefs fall around his ankles.

He barely had enough time to step out of them before she hauled him to her, locking her legs around his waist. The head of his dick brushed her silky thigh. She tackled him, grabbing his face, and kissing him with so much passion, it was like she was desperate. He kissed her back, sliding his hand under her bottom to fit her more fully to him. She moaned, her hands leaving his face to glide down his neck, his chest, over his nipples, and further still to his abs.

He sucked in his stomach and she laughed a little, but the sound was sweet.

Her warm hands encircled him, down low at the base of his cock. She stroked him, plunged her tongue into his mouth, and had him groaning with need.

“You’re not wet enough,” he said, falling to his knees and worshipping her with his mouth, tongue, and teeth. Only joy and passion existed when he licked her, made her cry out his name and whimper. He reveled in her taste, closing his eyes and drinking her down. Her scent was as intoxicating as her taste.

Then she was digging her nails into his shoulder as her body bowed into him. He used his shoulders to spread her thighs wider, and she began to chant his name.

Suddenly her hands were on his arms, urging him up, and somehow she managed to impale herself on him. He eased out of her, and then drove deep, making her body jolt.

Her head fell back, pale hair spilling everywhere like a waterfall. He licked the tops of her breasts, the side of her throat, and nibbled on her ear.

He rolled his hips, and she wound her legs tight around him. “Keep moving,” she gasped.

Barely able to speak, he looked to where they were joined, watching as he disappeared inside of her.

“Amazing how we fit together,” he said.

“Faster,” she said and he slowed his thrusts.

“I want to savor you, savor this moment.”

She let her head fall on his shoulder, wrapping her body around his. The movement sent him even deeper, but he didn’t succumb to the biting need to go faster. Instead, he made his strokes long and precise. He moved inside of her, firmly, consistently until he had to grit his teeth from coming. Her body flushed, a sign she was close. Hard nipples scraped his chest, and he groaned.

No more savoring. He had to move, he had to give her what she wanted. So, he picked up the pace, bracing his arms on the table, and plunged inside of her until the table began to move across the floor.

“I have to… I need,” she panted as she slid a hand between them. “Watch me. Watch me.”

He did, and the sight of her fingers sliding over her pink flesh and over his made his hips jerk. He felt his orgasm bear down on him and when her inner muscles tightened around him, he let go, coming inside of her in white-hot spurts that had him growling her name.

Only a few heartbeats behind him, she said the one thing he’d been longing to hear for years. “Oh, Angel… my Gabriel… I love you.”

He smoothed back her hair, searching her face. “Please don’t take it back.”

“I can’t take it back, even if I wanted to,” she said softly.

Lifting her from the table, he carried her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once steam began to billow from the top, he stepped inside and lowered her feet to the floor.

She kissed him again. Sweet little kisses that made him hug her to him. “I’ve decided not sue for custody of Ivy,” she said.

“Oh sweetheart, I know that wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I’m so proud of you,” he said.

She blinked up at him, her lashes wet, and her lips trembling. “It still hurts.”

“I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

“I don’t deserve you.” She hugged him tighter, the water seeping between their bodies. “I really don’t, not after all I’ve put you through over the years.”

“Utter nonsense.” He threaded his fingers through her wet hair and kissed her.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Summer didn’t bother going to Carolina Dreams the next day. Rose would most likely be at the store, and she did not want to face her right now. Instead, she met with Ms. Foster, informed the woman of her plans, and then walked out again.

She trudged up the street, not wanting to notice the blue sky or the bright sun. She certainly didn’t want to smell the flowers.

She was in no mood for any of it.

There was no reason for her to stay in Holland Springs any longer. Her purpose for coming back was no longer a goal. She had no purpose, much less a goal.

She had no job, no place to live, and no car, because she refused to take Gabriel’s thoughtful gift with her.

Her only choice was to clean out her checking account, and purchase a bus ticket to the other side of the country. This time, she would make herself stay away. She would give Gabriel the divorce he deserved, so he could be with a woman who deserved him.

She swallowed a sob, then another, until she had to sit down on the nearest bench. Breathing deeply, she tried to get her emotions under control. It wouldn’t do for anyone to see her like this.

Not that anyone would care to see her like this.

Well, Jemma Leigh would care and Gabriel, maybe even Gabriel’s family.

Out of the corner of her eye, a flash of red caught her attention. She turned, watching in disbelief as Gabriel practically danced through the park. He didn’t see her. She stood, shrinking back into the shadows and behind a tree.

He looked so happy, so pleased with life, that she couldn’t help but smile with him. A tear trickled down her face.

Suddenly, Elise appeared, bumping into Gabriel, and Summer’s heart leapt into her throat.

Gabriel turned around, looking sheepish and apologetic. Elise burst into tears, and Gabriel’s arms automatically went around her, pulling her closer. He said something to his ex-girlfriend, most likely words of comfort, because that’s just who he was.

A watery smile appeared on Elise’s face.

Summer couldn’t take anymore. She had to leave, and not because she thought Gabriel was wrong or he would cheat, but because Elise was the woman he deserved.

The faster she left town, the better it would be for everyone.

She marched out of her hiding place, not bothering to answer when Gabriel called out her name, even as her heart screamed at her to stop.

Tears ran down her face, but she didn’t bother to scrub them away. She wanted to remember this moment, this decision to be selfless for the third time, and let the one she loved have a better life. Without her.

“Hey you!” Jemma Leigh called from their usual table at Muffin Top.

“I really can’t, Jemma Leigh,” Summer said, trying in vain to keep the blonde from seeing her tears. Jemma Leigh would be nice and concerned, and make Summer feel a million times worse.

She’d miss Jemma Leigh, and the knowledge hurt almost as bad as leaving Gabriel to Elise.

“What in the world happened?” Jemma Leigh said, quickly catching up with her.

“I’m leaving.” Summer stopped walking, and Jemma Leigh did the same.

Jemma Leigh pursed her lips, nodding. “I see that.”

“It’s for the best.”

“That darn Bernice. I told her I didn’t believe a word she was saying about you and Jeremy.” Jemma Leigh tossed her head. “As if my best friend would ever mess with my husband.”

Summer’s eyes grew huge. “Someone told you I was messing around with Jeremy?”

“Just Bernice, but no one ever takes her seriously,” Jemma Leigh said. “She wears white after Labor Day and thinks college football is boring.”

Summer laid her hand on Jemma Leigh’s arm. “I would never, ever sleep with your husband, or anyone’s husband, for that matter.”

Jemma Leigh rolled her eyes and huffed. “Silly woman. I know. We had an entire conversation about it. Gosh, I didn’t fall off the turnip truck last night. You’re my best friend, Summer Jean Holland Edwards, and nothing’s more sacred a bond between women.”

Summer threw her arms around the taller woman. “I love you, Jemma Leigh Stratford, and you’re the best friend a woman could ever have.” Then she let go of her and did what she did best.

Summer ran away.

After lunch with Carlos, Gabriel strolled through the park with a smile on his face and lightness in his step. He wanted to sing and dance, and give praise. He felt like King David, when he’d brought home the ark, and his joy couldn’t be contained, so he’d stripped down and led all his people into rejoicing.

Only he wasn’t King David, he didn’t have any people, and he was pretty sure he’d be arrested for stripping in the middle of the park.


Summer Holland loved him. She loved him. Wait. Make that Summer Holland Edwards loved him.

Had the sun ever been any brighter? Had the sky ever been as blue? Had the flowers ever smelled so sweet?

The answer to all his questions was a big, resounding no.

Whistling, he did a little shuffle dance by a tree and almost bumped into another person.

“I’m so sorry,” he began, turning around and finding Elise there. “What’s wrong?”

Tears streaked her face. “I’ve made a mistake, but now it’s too late, because I know—I know...” She burst into tears.

Immediately, he hugged Elise. She looked so lost and forlorn that he couldn’t help himself. “It’s okay. Tell me what I can do.”

“I need a friend, someone to talk to,” she sniffed and he got a funny feeling in his stomach. “Can we go somewhere private?”

That funny feeling turned right back into the off feeling he’d had when they had been a couple. But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, not when she was obviously hurting again. “There’s hardly anyone in the park,” he said into her hair. He lifted his head and set her away from him, gently smiling. “Why don’t we sit down on the nearest bench and talk?”

Elise looked at the bench, and then at him. “Summer’s cheating on you.”

Gabriel clenched his jaw. “Oh really?”

“Yes. I have it on good authority that she’s cheating with some man named Jeremy Stratford.” Elise dabbed at her eyes with a lace handkerchief. She looked sincere enough, but Gabriel didn’t care.

What he did care about—people running their mouths about Summer.

“My wife is sleeping with her best friend’s husband?” he asked tightly.

“Yes, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have broken up with you like I did, because then you wouldn’t be in this mess.” She blew her nose. “Everyone is talking about it.”

His stomach dropped. “Everyone?” Oh crap. He had to warn Summer.

A familiar flash of pale hair had him reeling. Summer’s brown-eyed gaze met his. She looked heartbroken while he felt like his heart was breaking. She must have heard the rumor, and now she thought he believed it, when that was the furthest thing from the truth.

Summer spun away, dashing in the opposite direction. He shouted her name and went after her.

“Why are you going to her?”

“Because she needs me,” he tossed over his shoulder, and that’s when he almost stopped in his tracks. He really did have a need to save people, to be needed, and save the day. Hadn’t he automatically comforted Elise, ready to help her in whatever she needed?

Summer crossed the street, and a large moving van went by, obscuring his view of her for only a minute, but it was enough time for her to disappear.

Gritting his teeth, he kept himself from roaring her name. She didn’t need any more attention drawn to her, and if he acted like some jealous husband (though he wasn’t), shouting at her in the middle of town, then it would only serve to make the gossips happy.

As cars passed, more than a few drivers waved at him. He waved back, heading to the parking lot where his truck and Summer’s bright green VW Bug was parked, arriving in record time.

It wasn’t there.

He smacked the roof of his truck and then dug into his pocket for his keys. He unlocked the door and started to get inside when another woman yelled his name.

“Bella,” he groaned. “I have to get to Summer.”

“It’ll only take a minute,” Isabella pleaded.

He didn’t have a minute, but this was his sister. “You have one minute.”

Isabella nodded, her normally tan skin pale. “I’m asking you to wait until I’m done before you get upset.”

“Good grief, Bella. I don’t want to hear about Summer and Jeremy.”

Isabella wrinkled her nose. “They’re planning a birthday party for Jemma Leigh. It’s supposed to be a surprise.”

Oh God. His wife was actually trying to do a good deed, and this was how she was paid back. “Fine. I’ll be sure not to spill the beans.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Gabriel blinked, his grip loosening on his truck. He actually felt light-headed. “What did you say?”

“I’m pregnant, and I don’t know what to do.”

Gabriel saw red. “I’ll kill Peter, that rat bast—”

“You don’t know the rat bastard,” Isabella said, her cheeks flushing. “The father isn’t from around here.”

Learning that the father wasn’t Peter made him feel marginally better. However, the isn’t from around here descriptor didn’t exactly make him all excited.

“Are you disappointed in me?” his sister asked in a small voice.

“Soon as I become the most perfect person on the planet, then I’ll be disappointed with you. Or if the baby’s father is a Romanov,” he joked, unsure of what else to say.

“He’s not a Romanov, but he is the best friend of one.”

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair, wishing he didn’t have to deal with this right now. Selfish, maybe, but he needed to get to Summer before she did something dumb—like skip town, without him.

“When did you meet the best friend of a Romanov?”

“It’s not important, but Gabriel…” Isabella’s voice shook. “I’m scared.”

He pulled his little sister into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”

“Summer said I should at least give the guy a chance to have a choice in the matter.”

“My wife is very smart.” He could only imagine how Summer felt when she learned she was pregnant, and the baby’s father had been killed.

“Can you promise not to tell Mom and Dad?”

Gabriel leaned back. “It’s not my place to tell. It’s yours, but what I can do is support you, in whatever way is best for you and the baby.”

Isabella hugged him tighter. “Thank you. You’re the best big brother a girl could ever have.”

Gabriel smiled. Now all he had to be was the best husband a girl could ever have and convince his wife to stay.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Summer finished packing the last of her belongings as Gabriel walked into their bedroom.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t home sooner, but Isabella needed me.”

“Don’t apologize for helping you sister. She’s family.”

He exhaled and then saw her bags. “Don’t do this. Please don’t do this. ”

“I have to.” She smoothed her faded red t-shirt down over her jeans shorts, and then shoved her hands into pockets that peeked out from beneath the frayed hem. Leaving the clothes Jemma Leigh had let her borrow for an indefinite amount of time was the right thing to do. “I’m leaving you, Gabriel, and it’s for the best.”

“But we belong together.”

“Wish I could say the same.” Coming back home made her entire life muddy. It made her question who she was, where she was headed, and where she’d been.

He ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in places. Making her want to smooth it back down. “Tell me why you’re in such a hurry? Is it because you saw me comforting Elise?”

It was on the tip of her tongue to be flippant about the whole thing. To be the old Summer who always came back home with a mountain on her shoulder. “You belong with her, not me.”

Taking a step closer, his indigo eyes seemed to see right through her. “Don’t you think that’s for me to decide?”

“No—I mean, yes.” She pulled her hands out of her pocket and held them up. “Look, I don’t expect you to understand, but there’s nothing here for me.”

“Not even me?”

Pain ricocheted inside of her. She lowered her gaze to stare at his shoes. “I don’t deserve you.” Glancing back up at him, she found his gorgeous eyes full of compassion. “Ivy doesn’t need me in her life.”

His hand came up to cup her jaw, his thumb tenderly rubbing her skin. “Maybe you need her in yours, and I sure as hell need you in mine.”

It would be so easy to lean on him, to draw in his strength when she had none of her own. “No, you don’t .You need someone to love you, to be able to go to church with you, and fit in with your friends. Right now, I can’t do all of those things.” Brutal honesty was the only way to make him let go of her.

But he didn’t. His thumb kept up that slow glide. “Yes, you do. You’re just too afraid to admit it.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” she cried, jerking her head back. “Least of all you, and what you want.”

Gabriel stepped closer. “But you are. You’re afraid to think that you’re worth loving, you think that your past is your present and future. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not. I don’t love you despite your past. I just love you, as you are, as you were, and as you will be. You’re my heart, Summer Edwards.”

Fury and self-loathing bubbled in the pit of her stomach. Why wouldn’t he call her out on the selfishness that had carved its way inside of her?

“Everyone thinks I’m cheating on you with Jeremy Stratford.”

He shrugged. “Who cares what everyone thinks?”

“You do!”

“If I believed the rumors, would I be begging you to stay?”

She frowned. “I don’t know.”

“I wouldn’t be here, but it doesn’t matter because you’re not that woman. You never were. She never existed.”

Why did he have to say such beautiful things? “I’m still leaving.”

“Please stay. For me.”

His words hung in the air, tantalizing and shimmering with temptation. This wasn’t good. Nothing good ever came of them trying to be a couple. “No.” One last desperate try. “I can’t.”

He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to hers. She searched his face. His five o’clock shadow had already made its appearance, then his cheek dimpled. “Stay.”

Wetting her lips, she made the mistake of blinking. The gentle brush of his mouth on hers had her gasping for air.

“You’d be miserable.”

“Stay.” He brushed her lips again, and she trembled. Her eyes were wide open, his closed.

“I’m the town whore, and you’re the idiot who married her.”

“Utter nonsense.” Another kiss, light as a butterfly perched on asters. “Stay.”

Centuries must have passed while he kissed her. While he whispered ‘stay’ against her mouth. While nothing but his lips and words touched her.

She breathed him in. His kiss. His plea.


Breathe in.

His tongue glided across her bottom lip.

Breathe out.


“No.” She wrenched herself away, grabbed her bag, and ran to the silver truck, and not the VW Bug. Hands shaking, she wrenched open the door and climbed inside, but for some reason, she couldn’t put the key in the ignition.

Gabriel appeared on his front porch, his face drawn tight. She stared at him, biting her lip so hard that she tasted blood.

He moved to the steps.

Her hand went to the door to pull it shut, but she couldn’t do that either.

“I’m sorry for failing you, Summer,” he said. “I’m sorry for not being there for you, for expecting you to change when you were perfect as God made you. I failed us, and I’m so damned sorry.”

Tears began to fall. “Stop it,” she whispered.

“I love you, Summer. If you need me to tell you a thousand times a day, I will.”

Bewildered, she shook her head. “Why? Why do you love me so much?”

“I just do.” He ran a hand through his hair again. “I’ve loved you from the start.”

“But you can’t love me,” she said, “not after everything, not after…” She almost choked on the words before saying them. “Not after all I’ve put you through.”

“Grow old with me, right here in this house.” He kissed her forehead. “Have lots of babies with me. Every day, I’ll pick flowers for you to wear in your hair, and together, we’ll watch the kids.”

“Stop it,” she said, but her resolve was weakening. She wanted to stay. Not only was she tired of running, she wanted to be with him. Forever.

He laced their fingers together and helped her out of the truck. “Make this the moment you decided to show those no-good busy bodies that you are here to stay, with me. Always and forever. You don’t have to do this alone, not anymore, and not ever again.”

The last of her walls came tumbling down. Taking a deep breath, she looked him straight in the eye and said, “I’ll stay.”

His blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “You won’t regret it, sweetheart,” he swore.

Then he swept her up in his arms and carried her back into their home.

* * *

Gabriel squeezed Summer’s hand as they stood on the front porch of Strawberry Grove. She’d stayed. With him.

He still couldn’t believe that particular blessing. It had been almost a week since he carried Summer back inside and made love to her, with promises for the future still fresh in their minds.

“You can do this,” he whispered.

“I love you, angel.”

A grin kicked up the corners of his mouth.

The door swung open just as she raised her hand to knock.

A genuine smile lit her sister’s face. “Summer!” Rose began to embrace her, but her husband appeared, holding Ivy, and Rose let her arms fall to her sides.

“Hang on a minute.” He glared at Summer. “State your business.”

“Sasha, don’t get in the middle of this,” Rose warned, but she stepped back anyway.

Alexander rolled his eyes. No one but Rose called the man Sasha. “Never mind. The town’s do-gooder is here. All is well with the world.”

Ivy wriggled out of his embrace. “Mommy, I want to go play with her.” She pointed at Summer.

Everyone seemed to freeze and breathe at once, except for the little girl. She regarded Summer thoughtfully while Blackbeard rubbed against her legs.

“You’re in a lot of pictures around here,” Ivy said.

Summer smiled, but her hand tightened around Gabriel’s. “That’s because I’m your…your Aunt Summer.”

“You’re more than just my auntie.” Ivy held out her hand. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

Summer’s gaze flew to Rose and Alexander. “Can I?”

Rose bit her bottom lip and nodded, her pale blue eyes tearing. “Of course you can. Ivy knows who you are.”

“She does?” Summer slipped her hand into Ivy’s, and a bittersweet expression bloomed on her face. “Why?”

Alexander cupped Rose’s shoulders, his eyes kind for once. “Because it was the right thing to do.”

“Because you’re my sister, and I love you,” Rose said softly.

Gabriel looked away. He had to, knuckling his eyes as he did.

“Oh my giddy aunt,” Alexander muttered. “Edwards is spouting like a watering pot.”

Summer tugged on his arm, and Gabriel looked at her. “Coming?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


Bella Edwards gave her brother a hug and then took her carry-on from him.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Gabriel asked, handing her a bottle of water. “Wouldn’t a phone call be just as good?”

“Oh, Gabe,” she sighed. “Don’t be a worry wart.” Though inside, she felt like a wart toad full of worry. “It’s not like I’m going to a place where I don’t know anyone. Daisy’s there, and I miss her.”

Gabriel’s gaze dropped to her stomach. “What about—?”

“If I’m old enough to engage in risky behavior, then I’m old enough to take the consequences like a woman,” she said cheerfully. Would he go already? As much as she loved her brother, she was ready to strangle him, and she was ready to stop being so dang cheerful all the time.

“You have to move your truck, sir,” a security officer said.

The roar of a plane engine made her wince. “You heard the officer. Now skedaddle. Your wife is waiting for you at home.”

He grinned at the mention of his wife. Gosh, she was so happy for him and Summer. After years of suffering and misunderstandings, they’d finally had it right and gotten married. Now, only two months later, he was still giddy over his wife.

One day, she wanted a man to be giddy over her. But for now, she had to tell a man about a baby.

“It is nine o’clock,” Gabriel mused. “By the time I get home, she’ll be waiting in be—”

“Got it.” She gave her brother a playful push. “Love you. See you. Bye.”

Waving once, he got in his truck and drove away. She rolled her carry-on inside the airport and headed to security.

Her stomach, not her best friend these days, roiled even more than usual.

She could do this.

“We’re now boarding Flight 458 to Edinburg.”

“Oh God,” she croaked. “I can’t do this.” She took a deep breath. “You can do this.”

With one last look at the terminal, she squared her shoulders and marched straight for the ticket counter.

A billion hours, one layover, and a taxicab later, Bella stood at the entrance of a very fashionable townhouse.

Hand shaking, she knocked on the front door. A minute later, the door swung open and a man appeared.

“May I help you?”

“I’m here to see Liam Stewart.”

“His Grace is in his study and is expecting you. Right this way.”

She guessed it was a good thing she held on to his number. A text might have been a bit impersonal, but it was the only way she could track him down.

The butler stopped at a set of massive oak doors and lightly scratched on them before opening it.

She walked inside.

Liam stood at the fireplace, one hand braced on the mantle and the other nursing a drink. His hair was the same, black as night and cut close to his head. He wore a button-down shirt with cuff links at the end, and tailored trousers that did things for his butt that should have been illegal.

“Hi, Liam,” she said as the door shut behind her.

He turned, his black eyes roaming her body. His sexy mouth kicked up at one corner. “Bella, what brings you here? Your text was a bit vague.”


Pushing away from the fireplace, he crossed the small distance between them, tipped up her chin with one hand, and kissed her. He tasted good, so good that she wondered if he used a special mouthwash formulated to make women want to eat him up.

“Stop,” she gasped.

He pulled away, his dark eyes amused. “I thought you were here for me.”

“No. I mean, I am.”

His amused gaze gave way to confusion. “Sorry?”

“There’s just no other way to say this, Liam, but I’m pregnant,” Bella said in a rush. “I had to tell you in person because over the phone was too impersonal, and there was no way I’d tell you over email or text. So here I am. Pregnant.”

“With your baby,” she added, just in case he had doubts.

His drink hit the wooden floor with a thunk, and then he laughed. “You’re joking.”


He only laughed harder. “This is too much. Oh God. Seriously, did Bastian put you up to this?”

At least he wasn’t angry or saying it wasn’t his. He just didn’t believe she was pregnant at all.

She grabbed his hand and placed it against her stomach, where it had just started to round and firm up a bit.

“Does this feel like I’m joking?” she said.

His laughter died away, and his face turned serious. “It feels like you’re the answer to my prayers.”

She was? Wait a minute. “But you don’t pray.”

He glanced down at his hand. “Perhaps I should start.”