Working alongside her childhood friend, Tarrel Dolan, Neela Pharr has been on security detail for the emissary of Elara for several years. The need for Prillian ore is greater than ever as tensions between outer worlds mount. After years of cultivating a relationship with King Thrax of Prill, diplomacy is collapsing and weapons are in play. But King Thrax thows out an offer: mining rights, in return for the use of Neela’s body.
Sex is a simple, meaningless exchange right? Except Neela is torn between her long-time attraction to Tarrel, and her uninhibited desire for King Thrax. So when the king invites them both to his bed, is it really the fulfillment of a contract or something much, much more meaningful?

Katie Blu
Middle Kingdom
2316 CE
“Hold,” Neela Pharr shouted at King Thrax’s approaching men.
Adrenaline colored her face and sparked the promise of menace in her eyes. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly, and once again King Thrax thought he’d give his entire store of Prillian silks to have that passion crying out in ecstasy beneath him. He’d wanted her since the day he’d met her. The day the Elaran emissary had paraded through his corridors demanding access to Thrax’s mines. And he’d wanted her every quarterly visit since.
Neela held her Romeran staff diagonally in front of her, warning his guards to stay back. King Thrax neared. Her gaze jumped to him, falling over his face and tracing the line of his shoulders. She wanted him. He was nearly certain of it.
One of his men made a move, and Neela countered it with a solid thwack of her metal weapon against his blade. Pushing the end of her pole forward, she caught the guard behind his knee and dropped him to the ground.
Her gaze darted between the men still on their feet. “Who’s next?”
The king chuckled and lifted his hand to still his guard. “Tell your emissary not to return,” he said, calculating his next words to bring the flush of annoyance back to her cheeks. A wicked smile eased across his lips. “Unless he means to give me you as recompense for his dishonesty. Unlimited access to you, alone, for rights to the ore mines on my moon.”
Her nostrils flared. Behind her, the Elaran emissary jogged down the corridor with two others from her unit. A short, quick call signaled to her that the emissary was safe. She walked backward the direction they’d gone.
“I’ll wait for you to decide, shall I?” he tossed at her retreat, laughing.
“You’ll be waiting a long time, then.”
Chapter One
“A long time” turned out to be shorter than she expected.
Neela Pharr lifted the syringe pump. With a steady hand, she held it at her carotid artery and took a deep breath. She relied on her genetic strengths and weakening one of them made her feel vulnerable, but then that was the point. Elarans could separate emotion from business as easily as deactivating an illumination unit. But it was that trait which would make the seduction of King Thrax nearly impossible.
The king had asked for one thing. Neela. She’d tried to argue that he’d been mocking them, but the Elaran government hadn’t agreed. The king had never asked for anything, until that day two weeks ago. That made her a commodity.
She could’ve declined, but the prospect of seeing the unflappable king submit to his desire for her was motivation enough. She’d win this round too.
Yet the king, like his kind, could sense emotion. If she didn’t inhibit her natural restraint, he’d know she was only acting as a loyalist to the Elaran government. Now, not only would her emotions be uninhibited, but she’d be incapable of lying. Her body for the greater good. She’d given a lot of herself in service to the republic. This was no different.
Or it wouldn’t be if she could maintain her emotional distance. Neela depressed the pump release. Her blood stream tingled following the soft hiss of anti-inhibitor disbursement. It was done.
The door to her apartment pinged. “Enter.”
The entrance shushed open, sliding easily into the walls on either side.
“We’re fueled and ready,” her pilot and friend, Tarrel Dolan said. His deep baritone rumbled pleasantly in the silent room.
He had the easy presence of a man who knew his body. The military had trained him well, and his human tendency to think on his feet had made him the best pilot she’d ever flown with. He took risks, but she liked that about him. His instincts were solid, his humor relaxed, and his intelligence showed through his clear blue eyes.
Always assessing, always on the edge of caution, he knew exactly how much space he took up in a room. He moved with a man’s grace, full of cockiness and completely confident in his ability to do whatever he set his mind to. As a pilot, he was the same. The skiff became an extension of him, and he’d squeezed in and out of flight situations other pilots would balk at.
It’s why she’d asked for him. He calmed her, and they’d grown up together. His human zest for adventure was exactly opposite of her Elaran reserve. Maybe if she paid better attention to him, being without her inner silence wouldn’t be so unnerving. After all, Tarrel managed to be on the precipice of emotion every day of his life. It couldn’t be so hard, could it?
If things with the king got bad, he’d find a way to get her safely away. She’d trusted him at eight years old when he’d stood between her and some racist humans as a child, and she trusted him now.
“Lieutenant Dolan,” she nodded by way of greeting.
His light eyes danced with just as many unspoken memories as she had. “Lieutenant Pharr.” He turned and led her through the connecting corridors directly to the flight dock.
The skiff sealed behind her, and she took the co-pilot’s seat, securing herself with shoulder restraints. Tarrel ran through his usual preflight drill.
“Skiff log,” he began, waiting for the onboard computer to chime a response. When it did, he continued. “Departure to Prill via beta route with arrival at Royal Gate Three at oh-nine-hundred hours on Tuesday. All systems ready.”
Two and a half days to think about all the ways she’d be weaker and all the ways he’d touch her. Her pussy fluttered. She hated that her body seemed to like the idea almost as much as her mind wanted to see the king kneel at her feet for her favors.
The computer chimed again, acknowledging the termination of Tarrel’s verbal log. She’d seen the pilot go through the flight motions so many times that she sometimes heard the commands in her sleep. Although at those moments, he was almost always sliding between her thighs and announcing his estimated time of arrival.
“Damn it,” she swore, slapping the armrest.
Her cheeks flushed. Another sign that her emotional control wasn’t quite her own. She didn’t like this distractibility. Never once had she served with Tarrel and drifted into fantasy. Nor had her nipples puckered at the thought of the king’s hands on her body. In the privacy of her home, after her work was done and her guard was down, she could tolerate the escapism. But on the job? It was almost feral. How did humans exist like this?
“No problem,” but her voice shook, and Tarrel didn’t look convinced.
Neela turned her attention to the front viewing window. She closed her eyes, looking for the inner quiet. The one the inhibitor had stripped from her.
The engine accelerated, causing a slight vibration in the cabin. The moment of liftoff made her smile. She loved flying. The skiff pulled away from the dock at an angle. Tarrel expertly guided it higher and higher through the air until twinkling stars were visible through the thin gauze of atmosphere. A roar accompanied them as they cut through, then the cabin filled with the silence of space.
Prill’s blue green planet dotted the space-scape among the distant stars behind Elara’s moon.
“You look tense,” Tarrel said, running through the flight sequence on his console before rotating his chair toward her. His blue eyes looked deeply concerned. “It’s not like you.”
She gave a shallow laugh. “Nothing will be like me until we get back. I had to take an anti-inhibitor spray.”
He smiled warmly. “So you’re human like me. Interesting.”
“If you call enforced Attention Deficit Disorder interesting, sure.”
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not that bad, is it?”
“I’m ready to crawl out of my skin,” she admitted.
“Flying makes you nervous now? That seems hard to believe.”
“Not flying. It’s everything else. It’s like every heartbeat is dramatic. Everything I touch elicits an emotional response. The leather,” she began, trying to make herself clear. “The texture tickles my finger pads and heats under my hand. How do you function like this?”
“The leather felt that way before, didn’t it?”
“But now it’s distracting.”
Tarrel grew thoughtful. “You’re going through with this mission, aren’t you?”
She turned her head to look at him and nodded. “If I react this way about leather, what will happen to me after I seduce him?”
He reached across the distance and covered her hand with his. “You’ll be okay. And if you aren’t, I’ll make it okay. I know you think it’s a weakness, but feeling is a human strength. You’ll adjust. Maybe you’ll come to depend on it. You’ll definitely be able to understand what the king is experiencing. I think that’s going to help you.”
“I don’t see how,” she said.
“If you understand him emotionally, and he’s a man that makes decisions with both intellect and heart, don’t you think you need the same tools in your arsenal?”
“It’s a seduction. He wanted me, and he’s getting me,” she answered flatly.
“Well, now, that’s not the whole story is it? You’re giving him you because you plan to coerce a particular outcome from him. One that will benefit Elara and you.”
“Me?” Her pulse leapt as though he knew something she didn’t.
His smile widened. “I know you, Neela. You don’t do anything unless it suits you. There’s never been another time where you’ve used your body to gain information. Why do you think you’re allowing it now?”
She looked down at their hands. The heat from his seemed to spread up her wrist and she couldn’t quell the curiosity of what his hands would feel like on the rest of her. His lips. God, she’d always been attracted to him, admired him professionally, found him arresting, but now there was a deeper element she didn’t know how to qualify.
“It made sense. He doesn’t want anything in trade, except me.”
He squeezed her hand. “Admit it. You want him too.”
Her gaze had been fixed on his mouth, watching him form words like they were sex-sounds. Her thighs tingled as she made the mental leap from his mouth forming words to moving on her clit.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might take it the wrong way,” he murmured huskily. “Especially now that you’re impaired.”
“I’m not impaired. I’m sensitized. I think all the same things I did before without being able to shut them off during working hours.”
He took a long breath. “I dunno, Pharr. I don’t remember you ever looking at me like I was dessert before. Even off the clock.”
Dessert? Yes, she could easily lick every part of him and sip from those lips until each aching neuron in her body was satisfied.
He pulled his hand away. “Yeah, and that look certainly never happened. If you hadn’t been shot up with anti-inhibitor we’d be talking about solar flares right now, or disarming techniques.”
“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be thinking about other things later.”
Tarrel lifted an eyebrow and grinned. “Really? You have those thoughts about me?”
Was it hot in there? She could swear her skin was flushing. “Don’t pretend you haven’t had your own thoughts. I may normally maintain my distinction, but I’m not unaware of your interest.”
“You’re a beautiful woman, Neela. I’d be an idiot not to notice.”
Admissions seemed to come more easily too. She’d be kicking herself for the frankness of their discussion later. For now, it felt perfectly natural for her to tell him exactly what kind of thoughts she’d been having, because she was pretty sure they’d be reciprocated.
She’d spent a number of nights looking out her apartment windows and imagining what Tarrel was doing. He was free with himself. If he wanted a woman, he took her. She’d seen it countless times on the Elaran base cantina. He’d smile and some human would wander over. Before long, they’d leave together, and Neela would think about all the ways he’d make his woman cry out.
Moisture seeped between her pussy lips. It seemed every thought generated not only feelings, but urges too. If this was humanity, it was a wonder the human ever learned space flight between sexual encounters. Her libido swelled the longer she sat with him, dredging up all the thoughts she’d kept to herself.
Just once, she wanted to be his woman. She wanted to know.
Neela licked her lips nervously. “Fuck me.”
He blinked. “Excuse me?”
“I’m going to go insane with the things this body wants. Please, fuck me.”
“Not that I haven’t always wanted to hear you say those words, but considering this is nothing like you, I’m-can’t believe I’m gonna say this-going to have to pass on that. You’d kill me later for taking advantage.”
“No, I want this.” She got up and straddled his lap. Dragging her nails down his uniformed chest, she looked up at him under her lashes. “I’d never be so forthright, but it’s what I want. And judging from the bulge in your pants, you want it too.”
“He wants a lot of things he’s not supposed to have.” He squirmed back in his chair, but there wasn’t much room for him to go. “What about the king? You’re supposed to spread those legs for him in a few days. Don’t you think he’d care that I’d been there first?”
“I’m not a virgin,” she scoffed.
He caught her wrists. “Neela. You’re giving your body to him, for however he wants to use you. That kind of matters to me.”
“He can have me without having me.” She hoped. Neela felt comfortable with the mechanics of sex. She worked at being good at it, like it was another mastery to learn. This time though, she couldn’t stay detached. Her heart raced, and her hands shook. The real fear of rejection, something she’d never worried about before, crawled icy fingers up her spine. “Are you saying no?”
“Ask me again when we’re back home and you’re you.” He sounded confident, but his gaze raked the exposed skin at her neck.
Neela twisted her wrists to free herself, then released the hidden eyehooks down her side. She pulled open her uniform top and shrugged it from her shoulders. For a man who wasn’t convinced they should engage in sex, he had no qualms admiring her barely concealed breasts. The filmy white garment cupped the underside of each, lifting her berry-colored nipples high enough to peek over the edge of the demi-bra.
“Sure, I’ll ask when we get back,” she offered agreeably. She wished she didn’t sound so breathless, so out of control. Was it needy? Desperate? Would he laugh at her? She didn’t remember ever having these concerns before.
“Damn it, Pharr. There’s only so much a guy can take.” His hands slid up her sides.
“I recommend you take all of it. I’m not ashamed of sex. Not as I am now, nor as I usually carry myself. I want you. Either you take what I’m offering, or you watch me while I think of you. What’ll it be, Lieutenant?”
“When you put it that way,” he breathed.
One of the reasons Neela appealed to Tarrel so much was her mystique. Her race had clear lines between appropriate behavior on and off the job. They were passionate people who tempered themselves with iron control. Today her control was failing. Today was a dream come true.
Neela Pharr had been a scuff-kneed, cockeyed ponytail-wearing brat when he’d first moved to Elara colony twenty years ago. The only part of that kid remaining was the long inky hair and fearlessness.
High emotion brought a rise of color along her spine. He’d seen it only once when Neela had been playing with a neighborhood boy, and she’d gotten angry. Tarrel never forgot the burnt orange arrows of her inverted chevron spinal column, running from skull base to the waistband of her swimming gear.
What color was her spine in the heat of passion?
He needed to focus. This was Neela Pharr. She could easily kick his butt in a fight. Beyond that, she was a trusted friend and fellow ranking military presence. Fucking this up would be bad.
“You only want me because of the anti-inhibitor and years of history together. Think about this for a second. If we have sex and you wind up regretting it, we won’t be the same.”
She took his hands and pressed them to the underside of her breasts. “I never regret sex.”
“You aren’t used to combining sex and emotion, are you?”
Neela huffed. “I’m hardly a cold fish in the sack, Tarrel. But you wouldn’t know that because we’ve never gone there before.”
“Sex is about feeling,” he said, trying again. His cock complained with a thick throb. Damn if he didn’t already feel the sting of blue-balls.
“It’s about getting off,” she deadpanned. “It’s about genitalia and rushing blood vessels and pleasure centers in the brain.” She stood up and backed away with a sexy saunter. “But if you won’t participate, I’ll go it alone.”
“If that’s all you think it is, then you need some education. Human style.” He levered himself out of the chair.
“Is that a yes?” she asked, a sly smile curling her full lips.
“We’re on auto-pilot and we have a couple of days. If you think this won’t make things weird between us, then yeah, I’m in.” He grinned in afterthought. “And out. And in again as many times as it takes. I won’t quit until you have the full human experience.”
“Dedicated,” she mused.
“Yeah, I’m a tireless giver.”
Neela continued to back away. She reached behind herself and loosened the fastenings on her bra, letting the gauzy material slide off her arms to the floor. Tarrel’s stomach felt like it had made an atmospheric plunge.
“You just get right to it, don’t you?” he asked.
“Why wait?”
Tarrel unhooked his uniform flight top and unzipped the semi-attached pants portion. He pushed the clothes off his body as he hobbled out of his issue boots. He’d have been more respectful, but with Neela slithering sensuously out of her body suit, he couldn’t bring himself to look away.
Long hours of training had toned her core, but she still had a softness to her that he liked in a woman. He wasn’t fooled into thinking there wasn’t hard muscle under there. He’d seen her in combat with her lance. He knew the dedication it took to master her talents, but she was blessed with full hips and round thighs and the sweetest thatch of trim, short curls between her legs. It was like a runway to heaven that he couldn’t wait to land on.
Moisture glistened at the seam. He hadn’t even touched her yet. Neela hadn’t been kidding when she said she was ready.
She took another step back. Tarrel finally freed his legs in a stumbling trip forward. Barely catching himself on the bulkhead just inside the sleeping quarters, he laughed at his awkwardness.
“I feel like a kid who’s never gotten laid.”
“Did you pass your physical?” she asked, sitting on the very edge of the one-man wall cot.
“The doc cleared me and I stepped through the viral containment unit like I do before every work day,” he told her.
“As did I.” Neela leaned back and parted her thighs.
“I boosted my contraception dose last week,” he added for her peace of mind.
She shrugged a shoulder. “I’m not due for mine for another three months. I don’t depend on other people to protect my body.” But she did seem to relax a fraction.
“Then why are we still talking?” he asked.
“Because I’m waiting to see what I have to work with.” She looked pointedly at his tented briefs.
Tarrel tucked his thumbs in the waistband, running them back and forth teasingly before dragging the undergarment downward and off.
“Nice,” she murmured. She hooked her foot behind his thigh and pulled him closer. When he got close enough, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed, neatly straddling him in one quick move.
Tarrel held her waist. “Hey now, there’s no rush.”
A funny expression crossed her face. “Who’s rushing? This has been coming for a long time.”
“So let’s take our time and enjoy it,” he finished.
She lifted her brows. Her hand wrapped his cock. She lifted, holding him steady and impaled herself on his shaft. Tarrel and Neela gasped at the sudden intimate contact in unison. She curled her shoulders forward, her lips parted as her brow furrowed slightly.
“Je-sus, woman! Slow down.”
“Don’t want to,” she protested.
He didn’t want her to either. Already the clenching heat of her body was short-circuiting his best intentions. Logically, he knew they should enjoy the first coupling, but every one of his nerve endings argued that it felt too damn good to hold back now. They were whispering, fuck her now, slow down later.
She seemed to be getting the same internal message, because she lifted in a forward rocking motion that undulated the rest of her body and the last coherent thought he had fizzled into death. He gripped her hips and slammed upward as she came down, sending a delicious shockwave straight to his balls.
There was going to be nothing slow about this round.
A thought flashed through his mind about how he’d have liked to have at least kissed her first. He’d have liked to have touched her full pert breasts. Instead, they bounced out of reach as she rode him and he fucked her just as hard in return.
Later, he thought dismissively. Later because right now orgasm tingled at the base of his spine and low in his skull.
Tarrel moved his thumb to the top of her clitoral hood. Neela cried out, threw her head back and keened as her pussy spasmed around his length. The tremors were so strong it ripped his climax from him as suddenly as hers had come on.
He was still gasping for breath as Neela collapsed on him. He brushed loose strands of hair away from her cheek where sweat had dampened them to stick. She moved her head and he settled for touching the back of it. His fingers found the clip holding her locks back and he decided that if they were going to be undressed and fucking, he wanted to see her in all her glory.
Tarrel fussed with the clip until it came free and black tendrils spilled to his shoulder and chest.
“Why did you do that?” she asked pushing up and looking a little peeved.
“Okay, here’s the deal. You want to have sex. I’m all for it, but I want to enjoy it.”
“Don’t even pretend that you didn’t enjoy what we just did,” she scoffed.
“Of course I did. But did you? I want to know that you had the full run of emotions. Might as well take advantage of the inhibitor.”
Her gaze darted away. “I felt everything.” She rolled off his body to the small space between him and the wall, her body hugging his side. She draped her arm across his chest.
“You felt what you wanted to feel. That’s not necessarily what sex is about.”
“I’m not a virgin, Tarrel.”
“Nope, you’re not that,” he agreed. “But you didn’t let go either.” He turned his head, looking intently into her eyes. “Next round is about the process you missed.”
Her eyes widened, and she seemed a little pale. “I think I’m all good there.”
Tarrel rolled up on his side. “Not even close, honey. But you will be.”
Chapter Two
Neela eyed him suspiciously. What had just happened between them had been thrilling. She’d never let herself go like that before, so what did he mean by there being more? She’d felt every inch of friction. She’d thought her brain would explode when he touched her clit while they screwed, and her skin had ignited like fire. She’d attributed that to the inhibitor making her take in more sensations than she was used to. The idea of processing more intense information seemed intimidating.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he complained, his tone light.
She glanced down at his chest. “I’m not looking at you in any particular way.”
“Yes, you are. You know I won’t hurt you, right?”
“You could try, but you’d fail,” she answered matter-of-factly.
“I wouldn’t even try.”
He tugged her and suddenly she was on her back. Tarrel settled on top of her. Neela tried to scramble, but he pinned her in place.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m always on top,” she insisted. Although she was beginning to see the merits of change.
He pressed her firmly into the thin gel mattress. His hard body against her softer one, the exchange of breath when her belly hollowed and his filled as they naturally took turns gave her goose bumps. Her spine felt tight and eager, warming to what she knew would be a dull red color. She felt imbued with energy. Her limbs felt oddly weighted, yet she seemed to be awakening to other things. Like the texture of his hairy legs on her bare ones, his flat man nipples on her breasts and the ticklish trail of hair had originally drawn her gaze down the center of his abdomen to his well-endowed cock.
He seemed to be sensing the changes in her. “Not this time. This time I’m in control.”
She frowned. Something niggled at the back of her mind. She refused to call it fear, but every ounce of her consciousness warred with itself to stay where she was and allow the sensations he promised, while another part of her insisted that if she gave in, he’d have too much of her, and she’d lose herself.
“You look unsure,” he noted.
“I am,” she admitted.
“I know there’s a great reason why Elarans make ideal officials, military personnel and clergy, but this whole I won’t feel what I don’t want to feel makes for a sucky lover.”
She gasped and pushed at his chest. “Don’t fucking insult me, asshole.”
“I wouldn’t. It’s a fact that your people are very good at hiding what you feel. I think you’re so good at it, that you hide it from yourselves. This inhibitor has given you the opportunity to experience life from another perspective, and I aim to make sure that you have all the experiences you need.”
He leaned down. His face grew blurry, and she widened her eyes as though that would help her focus on his face. His words not only pissed her off, they made her breathless. His lids drooped slightly, and his mouth feathered across hers. The sensitive skin tingled. She’d always liked kissing. Kissing Tarrel seemed like a better idea than usual.
Fullness swelled against her belly. Having been so distracted by everything else new to her, she paid attention to that part of him and how it touched her. Something tickled her pussy. Since she could feel his filling shaft, she knew the softer touch lower against her sex had to be his balls.
She didn’t know why the understanding of that made her want to press upward, but she did anyway, reaching low to grab his ass.
“Besides,” he continued pulling back and winking at her. “I think that of all the Elarans I know-and I grew up on Elara-you are particularly adept at hiding how you feel from yourself. So good, that you automatically block yourself from feeling anything lasting that might challenge your idea of personal strength.”
“Personal strength is important to me. It should be to every woman,” she argued.
“I agree. The misconception,” he said, breaking off to tease her with another soft kiss, “is believing you can’t own everything you feel or want and become an even stronger woman in the process.”
“How human of you,” she snarked, trying to find her distance. It was nowhere.
He grinned widely. “Exactly.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.” Anxiety welled up in her chest at equal paces with her growing infatuation of his body lining hers.
“It isn’t a compliment yet. Gimme a couple of days and maybe we can fix that,” he murmured huskily.
He shifted his weight, bearing a knee down between her thighs so that she opened them. Tarrel pressed between her legs. She tried to swallow the low moan that escaped her, but he heard it. She expected teasing, an I told you so. What she got was a heated look so hungry that her heart sped.
“Now, if we’re done talking, I’m interested in getting to know you a little better.”
“You’ve known me for years,” she replied distractedly.
“Not the way I’ve wanted to.”
Tarrel reached back and took her wrists from his ass to over her head. She struggled minimally, and decided the new position felt good against her nipples. The way he was looking at her didn’t hurt either.
He hovered over her. Neela arched to reach him.
“Nuh uh. You lay back and enjoy. I’ve got this one,” he rasped softly.
She lowered her head to the mattress, trying not to miss anything. Tarrel’s lips captured hers, gently resting and pulling away only to return. He felt full, soft and she relaxed into it. She wanted as much of this as he was willing to give her.
Tarrel parted, the tip of his tongue flicking the center of her upper lip. Curious, she opened too. He kissed differently than she’d been kissed before. He seemed to taste her. He allowed himself to get caught up in the small moment and because he took his time, she found herself opening more and more.
His palms slid against hers. Neela spread her fingers, linking their hands together. Her pussy tightened, the tiny bud between her legs strained for attention with a pitiful throb. The more he plied her, the more she ached there. Neela wrapped her legs around his waist, and she felt him smile.
The change in her position opened her body to full contact with his cock hard-pressed to her clit. She rocked up. Tarrel shuddered and broke the kiss.
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he asked.
“I need-more.”
“Good. Then we’re on the same page.”
He let go of her hands to push up from the mattress. He bent to nuzzle her neck and murmured his approval wordlessly before pressing his mouth there too. She’d told him she needed more, but need didn’t begin to describe how she felt. It was insistence or a craving from beneath her skin to satisfy the crazy itch he’d begun.
Tarrel cupped her breasts, passing his thumbs over the tightly drawn nipples. A cry left her, and she arched instinctively. Closing her eyes, there was nothing but what he did to her and the pinpoint focus of stimulation.
Hot, wet sucking closed over one tip. Neela sobbed as the ache pulled in time with his lips until her clit stung. Unable to stop herself, she thrust against his cock.
Tarrel came off her breast, exactly the opposite of what she wanted. “Slow down, sweetheart. We have days to get this right.”
She grabbed his head, hoping the desperation in her eyes was adequately conveyed. “Now. You must fuck me now.”
“I’d love to. Except I have a goal in mind, and fucking comes later.”
“But I need,” she sobbed, searching for the right word and deciding need was the best she had.
“Let it build. Makes the arrival so much sweeter.”
“I don’t want to,” she insisted.
“I’m driving this train, beautiful.” He dipped, taking the other crinkled peak deep and hard.
Neela shook with pleasure. Still clasping his head, she now held it to her breast, the sting between her legs and the intense pleasure of him suckling her equal parts necessary and torturous.
He inched his hand downward between their bodies as he tried to move to the side. Reluctantly, she released her leg hold on him.
Tarrel stroked her pubis back and forth with the tips of his fingers as he continued pay blessed attention to her breasts. She felt the graze of his teeth on her nipple.
“Harder,” she said, hearing the pleading in her voice and not caring.
He nipped her harder, capturing the peak between his teeth and lashing it with his tongue. Neela squirmed in earnest. Her fingers dug into his scalp.
One of Tarrel’s thick fingers speared her cunt, sliding easily through the moisture. He groaned. Neela hooked one leg off the bed, opening her body wider to him, urging him to do whatever he wanted as long as he did it immediately.
He didn’t disappoint. He touched her, running up the channel between her inner and outer labia, so like most humanoid species, and down the ridge of her inner lips. He took her other breast between his lips treating it to the same nipping sucks as he began a slow counterclockwise circle around her clit. He switched directions. She mewled as a new set of sensations overtook her.
“Touch me. Please, touch me.”
He flicked a finger over her clit. Neela screamed as every one of her nerves stretched to the outer limits of her ability to manage. She needed to come. God, just let her come! Tarrel held her on the edge, rubbing and smoothing, then flicking her bud once until she was just there. Just at the precipice, only to retreat.
She burned. She ached. Every muscle in her body was tensed for release but he hadn’t given it to her yet. She might have to throw him off and finish herself. Except that would mean a break in the unbearable pleasure he gave her and the possibility that she’d miss the culmination of all he’d fostered. Neela strained for it, willing her body to succumb without his permission but it seemed too far under his mastery to listen to her any longer.
Her spine blazed like hot coals, heating her sexual nerve endings as if they were in a closed kettle waiting to blow its lid. Just a little more fire and she’d-
Tarrel thumbed her clit around and around. She lost all track of thought, riveted to the joy of that one digit finally, finally dedicated to bringing her off.
So close, God she was so close. Blindly racing for her climax, she lifted her hips. Tarrel switched directions just as she found his pattern. She wailed, tossing her head side to side. Suddenly, he jammed his fingers deep inside her cunt knuckling over a swollen lump at the top of her channel. Her body shook as a scream ripped from her, matching the intensity of her orgasm.
It went on and on, shaking her to the core and just when she thought she was done, he’d press in again and another shot through her until she was hoarse. Tarrel lifted her hips. She looked down at him, still gasping and watched the erotic slide of his veined cock disappear into her clutching cunt.
He pushed in, through the quaking of her body, and fucked her hard, grunting with the effort of his thrusting hips. The slick member pulling from her and shoving in again made her tummy flip. Tarrel flattened a hand on her pelvis. Neela nearly blacked out with pleasure as her body seemed unable to stop undulating with responsive orgasms.
Finally, he shouted, his cum spurting hard and high inside her. He pumped a few more times until he’d completely emptied, and she’d come down off yet another high.
His expression turned to one of concern. “What’s wrong?”
She didn’t even know. She needed him close, that’s all. He lowered himself to her. Neela hugged him tightly to her chest as tears spilled into her hairline.
“Shh, honey. It’s okay.” He kissed her eyes, her lips, her cheeks. “Whatever it is, I’ll fix it.”
She shook her head.
“Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” His gaze flew over her face.
“No,” she managed to choke out. “I’m not hurt. I’m just-”
“Crying?” he finished for her.
She nodded.
“So they aren’t bad tears?”
She shook her head no.
“Then they’re good ones,” he extrapolated.
She nodded, unable to put words to her thoughts as the tears continued to fall.
He smiled softly. “I did good then.”
She laughed, partly from embarrassment she wasn’t used to feeling, and partly out of relief that he’d broken the tension with his nod to sex.
“I’m glad,” he said more seriously. “There’s one thing I know without a doubt. You’re the kind of woman who needs to be thoroughly loved on a regular basis.”
The words made her uncomfortable. “This isn’t love. It’s not.”
“What just happened is called making love. That, lieutenant, wasn’t just sex.”
She felt her brow pull together. “Of course it was.”
He sighed. “Maybe for you, it was just sex. For me, I was giving you everything I had.” He flashed another bright Tarrel-smile as he climbed off her and sat at the edge of the mattress. “Then again, there’s a lot more I’d like to show you.”
He stood and walked to the bathing room. She liked the way his ass flexed with each step, and seeing the familiar easy stride without the obstruction of clothing.
“Care to join me?” he called.
Her breath caught. She did want to join him. Very badly. Her pussy throbbed pleasantly and her thighs still felt trembly, but she wanted to have sex with him again as soon as possible.
Her smile faded abruptly. This was the inhibitor making her think these things. When she was herself again, she’d be able to resist the temptation. If she wanted to. The thought that he’d made love to her, while she’d expected sex, made her nervous.
Did he love her? Was he expecting her to love him back? A pit opened in her chest. She couldn’t let that happen. She didn’t want to love like a human. History was littered with the volatility of the human race and what emotions did to them. War, divorce, battery, drunkenness, suicide. Those were the legacy left by humans. She wanted no part of it.
She glanced toward the bathing room again. While she definitely wanted Tarrel, however she could get him, what he offered her was at a price she couldn’t-wouldn’t-afford.
“You go ahead. I’ll clean up after you.”
He poked his head out, a funny expression on his face. After a minute he retreated. “Suit yourself, sexy. But don’t think this thing between us is over.”
“It’s over,” she whispered to herself. “It has to be.”
Chapter Three
Neela spent the next two days staying as far away from Tarrel as she could, in the small skiff. She told him that she didn’t feel right about going to King Thrax fresh from Tarrel’s bed and though he didn’t look like he believed her, he respected her decision. The only reason she got away with the misdirection was because there was some partial truth to it. She did feel trampy going from one man’s bed to another.
Neela left the sleeping compartment and scooted around to sit in the co-pilot’s chair as they made their final approach. Tarrel only gave her a cursory glance that echoed the same tension that had filled the air for the past forty-eight hours or so.
He flashed her a tight smile. “Don’t worry. You’ll get away from me soon enough.”
The inhibitor kept her from outright lying so she couldn’t give him reassuring phrases like, “I’m not trying to stay away from you, really.” So she kept her silence.
He seemed to appreciate the illusion because he never directly asked her how she was feeling after they’d had sex powerful enough to make her cry for the beauty of it. It still shook her.
She sighed, trying to relax as they cruised just outside Prill’s gravitational pull.
A collection of ruddy-pink patches of Prill’s open plains and the yellow tufts of Surrilla trees were easily distinguishable at this distance. Mild climates, concentration of different gasses and its position as fifth planet in the system gave vegetation a dreamy hue. One day she hoped to have a vacation home by one of the Decoran lakes.
“I’m going to ask that you be allowed to stand guard during negotiations,” she said calmly.
She could feel his curious gaze on her profile. “You want me to watch?”
“I want you to make sure he doesn’t hurt me in my current state.” Her cheeks flushed hot. She knew it wasn’t a fair request, but her nerves were shot. She’d never been anything but absolutely confident with herself. It had only recently become apparent that part of that was due to her natural emotional restraint.
“If you need me, I’m there,” he answered flatly.
Tarrel made an adjustment to the flight path. They skimmed the silver surface of the moon, close enough to see the timeless craters and the outline of the mine on its horizon. She’d been protecting the Emissary when that deal was brokered too.
“Thank you,” she acknowledged.
“I could turn the skiff around right now, if you asked me to.”
“I made a deal.”
“It can be broken,” he snapped.
She turned, all her nerves flaring to the service as she struggled to contain herself. “Not unless you want to go back to Elara and explain our treason.”
“They can’t make you spread your legs for this guy,” he insisted.
“They aren’t making me,” she shouted. She took several breaths. “King Thrax’s cooperation is hugely important to us. I’m the only thing he’s ever agreed to barter for. My ethics aren’t as important as that ore mine we just passed. Besides, it was my decision.”
“They coerced you,” he argued back angrily.
“They didn’t. I agreed.”
“Before you were inhibited. But now? How do you feel about it now?” he pressed.
Damn, he’d asked point-blank. She tried not to answer but her mouth was moving before the command would hold. “I’m excited.”
“Excited? Excited? To be fucked over a political move? What the hell are you thinking?”
And again with the direct questions. “I’m thinking that King Thrax is a very attractive man who makes me wet between my legs when I think of him rutting on me and if I could have both of you without consequences, I’d gladly live the rest of my life in bed.”
A surprised laugh escaped him. “What?”
“You heard me. Please stop asking questions.”
Mischievousness twinkled in the depths of his blue eyes. “I forgot about the truth aspect of that inoculation you took. I guess I figured an Elaran had some resistance to the medicine, but it looks like you’re as susceptible as a human. Damn, I can’t believe I missed out on two days of absolute truth.”
“Shut up. Please.”
“So, Neela, how badly do you want to suck my cock?” he asked cheerfully.
“Really badly. I want to feel it slide across my tongue and hit the back of my throat. I want to taste you and see if you taste salty or sweet. I want to hear you moan,” she clapped a hand over her mouth, horrified. “I want your balls to bounce on my chin.”
“Holy fuck,” he breathed.
She could see the wheels turning in his mind. She shook her head in warning. “I’m going to beat your ass when this is over, so help me God.”
“Two more questions,” he said.
“Are you keeping your distance from me because you want to be clean for the King, or because I scare you?”
“I see. So there’s a little of both in there,” he murmured. “Last question. How do you feel about me?”
She searched her mind, amazed when words didn’t just appear on her tongue. “I don’t know,” she answered honestly.
“Fair enough. Have you ever wanted me before the inhibitor?” he asked.
“You said two! Yes. All the time, I just never wanted to risk the relationship we had.” Deflated, she turned away from him. Half the things she’d said, she hadn’t even known herself until she was telling him. It was a lot to absorb.
He shook himself to clear the very unprofessional thoughts he was having about deep-throated blowjobs. He shifted and cleared his throat.
The last thing he needed was her to think he was only about the sex. Sure, she’d planted that fantastic mental picture, but he’d kind of forced it out of her with the question. He needed to get on the right track. He needed something safe and easy. Something they shared that related to their relationship as it had always been.
“How’s your brother?” he asked, trying for a casual conversations-which had nothing to do with her body in any way.
Her cheek lifted, telling him that she’d smiled though her face was away from him. “Terrified by fatherhood. They’re expecting their first…and second and third by next week.”
He tried to ignore the way her smoky voice stroked along every erotic nerve in his body.
“Triplets? Poor bastard. I hope they’re exactly like their father and aunt. After the trouble the two of you caused, it’s only right.”
She chuckled, her deep brown eyes sparkling with humor when she looked at him. “My mother has lit twenty-seven candles in petition for exactly the same thing.”
She seemed to relax. He breathed easier knowing he’d chosen the right topic.
“I knew I liked your mother.”
“She’s very proud of you. You should hear her talk about your military accomplishments and how she used to feed you as many jondala rolls as you could eat.”
“Does she mention that I’m your favorite pilot?” he asked.
Neela grinned. “She might say that from time to time.”
He laughed easily.
Neela’s expression grew serious as they skimmed the plant’s atmosphere. He began his trajectory sequence.
“Elaran skiff Alpha Victor Three Three Deuce requesting permission to land at Royal Gate three,” he said, identifying their craft.
“Elaran skiff Alpha Victor Three Three Deuce identity clearance confirmed. You are okay to land,” a man’s voice returned.
He glanced at Neela. “You may want to hold on. There’s a lot of weather today.”
Tarrel guided the craft through rain streaking the windshield as lightening bolted across the sky. Each thunderous rumble vibrated through the hull, right into his body. Neela clutched the armrest showing unusual anxiety.
The skiff bounced around in the lower atmosphere as he guided it to the dock, landed and deployed the latching mechanism. Neela’s body tightened as the skiff powered down.
The hatch door opened to the docking hall beyond where two armed escorts awaited her. That was standard protocol, even if delivering Neela to the King’s private chamber wasn’t. Neela half-turned in the archway before stepping into their custody.
“Join me,” she reminded.
He moved beside her and the guards blocked their exit.
Neela smiled nervously at them. “I’m in your custody willingly, but I’d like my escort to make sure that the king doesn’t overstep his part of the agreement.”
One of the guards roughly pushed Tarrel to the wall and searched him. The other one searched Neela.
“He can come,” the lead guard said, “but if the king turns him away, he will have to await you here.”
“I understand.” Neela led them into the main corridor.
She waited long enough for Tarrel to lock out the computer verbally. Tarrel fell in beside her. He’d always liked the wood and rough stonework of this colony’s dock. Normally, it made him smile to see the rustic concession to space travel and technology.
It was as though the Prillians knew they needed to make a docking system for their guests, but they wanted to keep as much of their natural environment as possible. As a result, most of the advanced technology had been embedded into the stonework and appeared nearly seamless.
He shot Neela a sidelong look. The king may not want him there, but if she insisted, it could be a show of force. Tactically, it was a risk, and it put him on alert since the king might take Tarrel’s presence as a political footnote to their agreement in sending him Neela.
They took corridor after corridor. Each turn brought them closer to the central hub of the royal compound. A royal seal adorned the outer perimeter. The opaque force field cleared and de-energized to allow them passage.
“You brought a guest?” A commanding low voice came from inside the room.
The king moved within easy sight. His blond hair fell in thick ropy strands to his shoulders. A midnight blue robe draped from that point backward, revealing a smooth bare chest, thickly belted lean hips and loose woven pants. The sandals he wore only seemed to emphasize the strength of something as normal as feet.
The man exuded power, but there was a cautious wisdom behind his pale gray eyes. Neela steadied herself, something he only knew from the rippling of pink color to deep plum on the visible portion of her spine at her neck.
“This oughta be fun,” Tarrel muttered under his breath.
Thrax ignored Neela’s pilot. He had the pertinent information on anyone granted permission to land, including the man’s military achievements.
“Are you afraid of me?” he asked, coming to stand in front of her. He cautiously probed her senses, feeling no block as he had on previous occasions. Now there was a nebulous sensation of uncertainty and curiosity. He thought he even detected a spark of interest.
“I’m not afraid,” she answered.
“You’re unblocked from me,” he commented.
“The Elaran government didn’t wish for you to be anything but certain of your compliance. Or mine,” she added.
“And you’re here willingly?” he asked. He stared deep into her dark brown eyes.
Neela didn’t flinch. “I am.”
“I’m glad.” He smiled at her and touched her cheek. The smooth warm skin was as soft as it looked. Thrax turned his attention to the pilot. “Why did you bring him?”
“Insurance,” she admitted.
“Unafraid but wary.” Thrax nodded. “He won’t interfere, or he’ll be asked to leave.”
“I’ve been briefed about your-debriefing,” Tarrel informed him pointedly.
Thrax laughed openly. “You’re her friend. You care a lot about Neela. I can see it bothers you that she’s here with me.”
The pilot frowned. “I’m not happy about it.”
“Because you love her,” Thrax added.
The pilot shot a glance at Neela, but didn’t otherwise answer. Neela blushed. It looked good on her.
“You haven’t told her yet.” A mental picture of both men in bed with Neela flashed from the human’s facile mind to Thrax’s. “I like that idea. Thank you for providing it.”
The pilot’s eyes widened with alarm.
Thrax clapped him on the arm reassuringly. “Pardon me. I forget myself sometimes. Prillians can block their thoughts. Seeing an open mind is a terrible temptation. You can stay with Neela. I think we can make your thoughts as much of a reality as mine if she’s willing.”
Thrax sent the guards away. He motioned them toward a large table spread with food and drink. All the finest delicacies were laid out. When he’d last seen Neela, she’d been fighting off his men with the ferocity of a she-devil. A bit of the rebel remained, but she’d been tamed. He wanted her compliance, but he also wanted her spirit.
“I won’t probe your thoughts while you are here. You have the sanctity of them for your protection. Neela, I will only sparingly ask for your thoughts, since I know you’ll be forced to answer me. I appreciate what you’ve done in compromising your natural restraint, but you intrigued me as you were. I don’t approve of the change.”
“I’d apologize,” she began. “But I’m finding this emotional latitude difficult. I don’t like it.”
“Eat, please. You aren’t prisoners here.” Thrax sat down with them. “I never expected them to deliver you,” he told her after a few moments of awkward silence.
“A bargain was struck. You offered the terms and they accepted,” Neela intoned.
Thrax studied her perfect posture and up-tied raven hair. She wore the ear cuffs of status with seven slim chains cascading from the clasp. Each colored bead at the end represented a particular honor. Seven points of recognition and he knew the red glass bead on the primary chain represented the diplomatic relationship between Elara and Prill that she had worked on for two years.
Neela Pharr’s dark gaze locked on him. Thrax let the silence stretch on as he took his seat. He’d discovered a long time ago that people hated empty air and tended to fill it. Usually they filled it with information they hadn’t intended to share. Neela wasn’t one of those people. It didn’t matter. He needed the spare minutes to gather his thoughts anyway.
Neela continued to wait, poised, calm, unruffled, her food untouched. He wished not for the first time that he could see the flash of anger in her eyes. Something to know that she had an opinion about her being offered up as payment by her superiors.
Thrax leaned forward. “Tell me, Emissary. How gracious is your government expecting me to be?”
He detected the twitch of a smile. “Your Highness, the Elaran Prime Minister wishes to express his great respect for you and his appreciation in allowing me to continue to mediate discussions.”
Thrax gently lifted the beads of her position, letting them slide from his fingers one at a time. “You’re quite decorated,” he mused almost to himself. “I wonder what color bead you’ll receive if you fix this political screw up?”
“Purple, my lord,” she answered frankly.
Her pupils had dilated. He couldn’t quell the pleasant thrill it gave him to know that he’d finally see her uninhibited after all these years of working with her. The arrangement was ideal even though he’d have preferred her to be uninhibited out of uncontrolled attraction to him. He’d only half thrown out his request to have her, thinking there’d be no agreement. That she’d accepted-he wondered if she realized how valuable that made her. He’d had no intention of giving over the mines to the Elarans. But perhaps there was a compromise to be made allowing him to maintain full control, while still honoring the agreement he never expected the Elarans to follow through on.
“Purple,” he repeated. “My people’s resources reduced to a colored bead.”
He left the table. Thrax heard his guests rise and follow him to the sitting area.
“I’m sorry, my lord, I didn’t mean to sound so callous. The drug I used…” She sounded nonplussed.
Thrax nodded.
“I’d have told you the truth. It just makes all information accessible when you ask,” she said.
“I know.” He took a seat. Thrax sat forward on his chair and watched the pilot whose gaze had locked on his charge. “I want you to live a little in my world. I want you to know, first hand, what it’s like to have absolutely no control over your fate. Do you feel it?”
“I feel it,” the pilot growled possessively coming toward them. The pilot crouched down beside her, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “These negotiations are over. I’m taking her home.”
“I don’t want to leave.” Neela shrugged off his arm.
“You can’t, regardless. Not if Elara wants access to our mines.” Thrax leaned back, pyramiding his fingers in front of him. “Until I decide otherwise, you are the guests of the Prillian nation.”
Neela covered the pilot’s hand with hers. “Stay.”
Jealously curdled in Thrax’s gut. Though his intention was to force Neela Pharr to see the mining demands from his point of view, he couldn’t deny that he’d hoped to find a level of affection from her. She was a remarkable woman. He’d always wondered what lurked behind the calm facade.
Apparently, it was an appreciation for the man who served with her.
King Thrax’s puffed up pride and flashing eyed anger melted every one of her neurons. Absently, she dropped her gaze to his bare chest. His bronzed flesh looked so pliable and warm.
There was a liberty in not holding back. While she didn’t like the vulnerability, she could appreciate the permission to follow her thoughts wherever they wanted to go. Right now, they wanted to admire the king’s exposed flesh. She didn’t think she should chase that particular flight.
She licked her lips, trying hard for her natural reserve and coming up dry. The same crazy thrill she’d felt with Tarrel managed to addle her brain beneath Thrax’s regard.
He lightly gripped her chin and held it. “You are remarkably beautiful, Neela.”
What did she respond with? Thank you? She was here for a seduction, wasn’t she? Didn’t flattery come as part of that package?
“I have maids waiting to bathe you in the adjoining bathing room. They’ll see to your needs and dress you,” Thrax told her. “Go.”
Tarrel grabbed her hand. She looked at him. This is why they were here. In being with the king, would she lose Tarrel? She hoped not.
Tarrel released his grip on her. Neela stood and left the two men on trembling legs. There was no steadying her nerves. The drug hadn’t left her with any reservoir of hidden strength. She’d weather this on her own while Tarrel watched.
“You go too. I’ll see to your change of clothing,” she heard Thrax tell Tarrel.
Neela stepped into an indoor grotto. The rough-hewn walls of the enormous cave reached upward and opened to the sky. Though it was raining, a force field had been erected and droplets splattered far above her head, the moisture never touching her. Against one wall, a gentle waterfall fed a pool of clear blue-green water. Four women draped in sheer white cloth stood thigh-deep in the water.
She heard a noise and spun, preparing for battle. It was a ridiculous reaction given that she was here to bathe, but automatic all the same.
Two women stood by the entrance. The first one moved toward her with a smile. “I’m Aleena. I’ll attend you.”
Neela nodded her consent. The woman helped her undress as Tarrel entered the room. The second woman saw to him. They exchanged looks.
“I thought I was the only one giving it up for the Elarans,” she teased.
“You were until King Thrax reached into my head and got an eyeful.”
Her gaze narrowed on him. “What, exactly, were you thinking at the time?”
Aleena supported her while Neela stepped out of her pants. She had nothing left but her undergarments now. The same lacy style she’d worn when she’d been intimate with Tarrel on the skiff, but in black. Like then, Tarrel’s distracted gaze took a dive.
“Ever been in a sandwich before?” he asked, laughing.
Oh, God. Why did that suggestion make her stomach drop and roll right into the path of that delicious tingle starting at her pussy? He had to have heard her gasp.
She looked away from him as Aleena pulled the black panties away from Neela’s belly and down her legs. The bra clasp came next. It was a shame King Thrax wouldn’t see her pretty garments. She’d bought them especially for this occasion.
“I hope Thrax intended to ask my opinion on the matter,” she said when she’d regained her voice.
Tarrel stepped up beside her, already naked. “Does it matter? You’re his for the duration,” he said tightly.
“His. Not yours.”
He dropped his hands on his lean hips. His jaw clenched.
“Are you saying you’re finished with me?”
Not even close, she realized. The nearer he stood, the faster her pulse raced. Human type sexual attraction made clear thought a challenge.
Tarrel tipped up her chin, a wicked smile on his lips. “I didn’t think so.”
Aleena led her to the edge of the water. It lapped at her toes as warm as a bath. She kept walking down the gradual incline. Two of the other women met her and took a hand each, leading her deeper still.
Aleena left her and Neela anxiously looked back. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll return with your garments in a few moments.”
Neela nodded, although the woman didn’t need her approval and was moving away to see to her task. She heard Tarrel join his two assistants, but kept her back to him. Somehow standing in the water naked, the hands of total strangers on her as they cleaned her, made her feel more vulnerable than confessing her desire for Tarrel in the shuttle.
She couldn’t say it was more revealing than the tears she’d shed after the most profound sexual experience of her life with him. This was different. Not awkward, but she felt atypically shy. Perhaps it was the sweet melody of splashing water from the falls, or the swish when they leaned her backward to rinse her hair and the way it felt weightless in the water. When the water broke over her breasts, she found herself arching her back so that they glistened in the natural light.
She knew she was being watched. She knew the women who cleaned her and the man she’d flown with were admiring her body as much as she wanted them to. So why did it make her feel flush with timidity and increase the rapid pounding of her heart.
The women floated her whole body, her feet coming off the bottom. Her pubis broke the surface, tickled by the edge of water that lined her body. Delicate hands supported her back and thighs. Gently her legs were opened.
Neela stiffened.
“Relax, Neela. You need to be readied.” Aleena’s muffled voice reached her through the thin barrier of water over her ears.
Warm skin brushed her cheek, and Neela turned her head to see. Tarrel’s heavy lidded gaze blinked back at her upside down where he floated beside her. Touching, but not linked, they were nonetheless connected.
Soapy hands rubbed her shoulders and arms as the four women continued to clean them. Utterly relaxed and completely aroused, her body continued to awaken under their dedicated pursuit. The hands moved over her, each woman beginning at one extreme and moving toward the middle. The woman at the top smoothed soapy hands over her breasts.
Neela bit her lip to keep from making noise.
They massaged her, avoiding her nipples until they were tight and desperate. The water drying on them only added to her growing impatience. Finally, slim fingers feathered over the aching tips, circled the areola and skimmed back over her nipples with an edge of nail.
Neela whimpered. A long, low groan left Tarrel at the same time as she could only imagine he was getting the same preparatory treatment.
Her thighs parted wider as the other woman moved between her legs. The fabric from the attendant’s garment tickled the sensitive flesh. The sensations on her nipples weren’t nearly intense enough to satisfy her, but the thumbs stroking the inner crease of both thighs kept her silent. She wanted to ask, say anything to encourage them. If she did, she feared they’d stop. Or she feared they wouldn’t.
Neela had barely come to terms with the intensity of sex in her current inhibited state. She hadn’t yet developed an opinion on it. Intensity had definitely developed. Lust. Heat. Hunger. All those things she associated with being the baser characteristics of humanity, that alien species that thought with their hearts before their minds.
She’d always pitied the race that seemed incapable of leaving emotion out of its decisions. Maybe she’d been too hasty. This tide of urges seemed addicting. How would she return to her former life, knowing what she knew now, and never experiencing it again? Did she even want to?
Her own weakness disgusted her. She was a pathetic vessel waiting to be filled with one new experience after another, all of them geared toward her pleasure. What did that make her?
Tarrel moaned again. He must’ve jerked because water rippled over her cheeks. Neela held her breath just as one of her attendants lifted her high enough to avoid getting her face wet.
Once she’d been resettled, those hands got back to work. Fingers rolled over her nipples in easy circles. Her apex tingled. The other attendant swept her fingers over Neela’s pussy lips. Neela felt distinctly on edge. A rogue finger dipped into the seam, catching and springing her clit. She cried out. Soft kisses dropped on her distended nub as thumbs held her open for the erotic attention. A tiny lick, another kiss, a soft sigh against her heated wet pussy and suddenly she was being helped to her feet.
Dazed and disappointed, she wobbled on her feet wondering what fresh kind of torture she was being forced to endure. Tarrel appeared baffled as she.
“Come with me,” Aleena spoke through the haze.
“I’d love to but I feel like the point of this is to give me one helluva case of blue balls,” Tarrel complained.
Aleena smiled. “But you are ready, are you not?”
For relief? Yes, she was. More than ready. Her body trembled with need. If someone would just fuck her ruthlessly, she’d be a very happy woman right now.
Neela practically stumbled from the pool in her urgency to get on with it. Aleena held up a gauzy garment made of transparent purple cloth that draped from shoulder to cunt. The deep vee allowed for nipples and the outsides of her breasts to be covered. Otherwise, she was bare. Aleena meticulously dried her hair and turned her to face Tarrel.
His black garment started low across his hips, tented over his full erection and dropped just below his balls. She could see through his wrap as easily as he could see through hers. And he looked. But then so did she.
She fixated on his heavy cock. Her pussy wept to have him inside her, but she wouldn’t. Not yet.
Tarrel and Neela were led into the royal chambers.
Thrax hadn’t changed. Other than the cloak and sandals that he’d discarded, he still wore the hip-drape of tanned leather, and the amulet of his office. His gaze raked over her.
“This suits you far better than your Elaran military uniform,” he murmured appreciatively.
He closed the distance. Thrax cupped her breast. Neela moaned, leaning into his touch as her eyes closed. This is what she wanted. How much longer did she need to wait until he took her to his bed?
“Now, please, my King,” she whispered brokenly.
Chapter Four
Her words washed over the king, leaving behind goose bumps in their wake. He’d wanted to hear those words since the first time he’d seen her three years back. He’d never imagined she’d say them. He’d never imagined that his half-tossed comment that he’d only trade ore with the Elarans for her body would be taken seriously. Or delivered upon.
He was a man of his word though. He’d follow through. Even if she changed her mind, despite what he’d said earlier. First, he needed to know her true desires about what would happen here. He didn’t want an obedient puppet in his bed. He wanted Neela. Strong, belligerent, self-contained Neela whose dark eyes and darker hair had plagued his dreams and his fantasies.
“Neela,” he began quietly. “I’ll trade with your government. They can make an offer for my ore. You’re free to go.”
She looked at him with confused eyes.
“I want you.” He moved closer, speaking into her upturned face. “I want you like no other woman I’ve known. But I want you, not your obedience.”
“You have me,” she answered.
He forsook her breast to stroke a tender thumb across her full bottom lip. “I only want you if you also want me. Think about what I’m saying, Neela. Think carefully. Do you want me because the woman in you desires me, or do you want me only to fulfill a struck bargain?”
Breath parted her lips as she studied his eyes. Slowly, she smiled. “I want you because I’m a woman who’s attracted to a man.”
He knew it was the truth simply by virtue of the drug she’d taken. It wasn’t enough of a confirmation. “And the Elaran agreement? Would you be standing her before me, naked and willing, if it didn’t exist?”
“I wouldn’t because I’d never have come alone without it. It brought me to this circumstance and this moment. I wouldn’t have been granted access to you otherwise.”
“You know what I’m asking,” he redirected her.
“I know,” she agreed. “If I were standing before you in a uniform and as myself, I’d still desire you. I wouldn’t give into the temptation because it’s not my way. But I’d want to. I’d want to very much.”
“Thank you,” he said, dropping a kiss on her forehead. He stroked her neck with the backs of his fingers. “I want to lie with you. Alone. If you allow it, I’d enjoy sharing you with Tarrel later. Is that acceptable to you?”
Neela licked her lips. “I want you to share me with him.”
Thrax smiled. “Then I will. I won’t share myself with him, but I’ll enjoy watching him fuck you while you beg for more.”
Neela’s breath caught.
He reached beneath her garment, cupping her pussy and slid a finger deep inside her. Neela bit back a moan as she rocked her hips to meet his hand.
“Wet,” he said, pleased. “I have a gift for you.”
Thrax turned to leave. Neela’s hand curled around his upper arm. Her brow drew together uncertainly. “My king, you said the ore is agreed to regardless of what happens between us.”
“I did. Call me Thrax instead of king. In my bedchamber, we are equals.” She still seemed uncertain. “Are you afraid?”
“No, but sex isn’t the same. I feel-stripped.”
He smiled and took her hand, leading her to a table off to the side. It had an injection pump on it. “This pump spray has the antidote to the inhibitor you took. I’d like to give it to you, if you’ll let me.”
Her gaze shot to his. “You’d allow that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Neela Pharr attracted me to her. I want to know what you’re feeling. I want to share them with you, but not if being intimate makes you uncomfortable. I’m no threat to you. If you need your emotions curbed, then I’ll give you the option to do so.”
She stared at him in disbelief. He’d give up the right to know her mind? It was a gift she hadn’t expected. It meant she had her full control back if she took it. It meant no more tears unless she released the iron grip she kept on herself.
She glanced back at Tarrel who had remained standing in silence for the duration of their arrival in the king’s chamber. He seemed as taken aback as she was. He lifted an eyebrow, an expression she often saw from him when he was waiting for her next move.
“No,” she said after a moment. She lifted her gaze boldly to his. “I want to feel everything without restriction. I need to know what this is before I discard the opportunity.”
“So this is a personal awakening for you,” he said rather than asked.
“It’s a battle with myself I’ve never had to wage. Sexuality, lust, focus and reserve are on different sides of the spectrum. I’ve never understood the human, or the Prillian way to feel everything to the point of distraction.”
“Feeling isn’t a war or a price,” Tarrel said behind her. “It’s an extension of the actual experience that fills out the details into something memorable. Like us, on the skiff.”
Thrax laughed. “Tarrel, if you’re trying to make me jealous, you’ll fail. I’m fully aware that a grown woman will have many partners in her life cycle. You and I are only two.”
“I want to be the last,” Tarrel told them.
Thrax’s smile faded. “That’s becoming my equal hope.”
She looked between the two men as their words sank in. She wanted them both. She was attracted to both. She’d never considered a permanent life with any man, but then her kind didn’t generally believe in monogamy. That was an emotional reaction to family that the Elarans didn’t share with other alien species. Yet as these two men shared their thoughts on the subject, she realized that it didn’t scare her or disgust her. It appealed on a level she’d never anticipated.
She’d enjoyed sex with Tarrel. A lot, actually. She wanted to have it again and she wanted to see the look in his eyes when he came inside her and showered her with kisses she knew to be emotionally delivered. She wanted the same from Thrax.
Could both men love her? Continuously? Was there a reason to pick one man over the other? Would they allow her to have both men?
She mentally shook herself. As yet, that hadn’t been offered. She’d gotten too far ahead of herself. What’s to say that after these few days the men would even want more of her? The king had access to any number of women in and outside his realm. He had political attachments and reasons to see those attachments through. Tarrel, too, was a favorite among the women. He was a novelty for Elaran women who wanted to have a man make love to them and lose himself in their bodies like no Elaran man would. Humans wanted him too. As men went, he was a fine specimen in every way.
Neela didn’t want to share either of them. Today they were hers. “I’ll take the antidote before I leave. First, I want to know everything.”
Neela dropped a hand on his bare chest. It trembled slightly as though she weren’t sure of her decision, or was second-guessing it. She didn’t have doubts.
Thrax slid his large hands down her arms to her wrist without breaking eye contact. He seemed to be waiting for her to change her mind. A surge of gratitude tightened her chest with emotion. She’d never questioned her bravery. She’d always looked passed her fear, but her body wasn’t familiar to her at the moment. It wasn’t behaving the way it had always done. Looking into Thrax’s clear green eyes gave her the anchor she needed.
She’d trust him. And she’d trust Tarrel.
“Take her waist,” Thrax told Tarrel.
Tarrel’s fingers clasped her loosely. He moved in close behind. The heat from his body was as much a support as his hands were. She wondered if he knew that she needed him there, as close as possible, in order to trust herself.
Tarrel’s chest brushed her back, and her shoulders relaxed. Nothing in the way he stood felt like he was on guard, which eased her conscience further. Thrax lifted her wrists and clasped them behind Tarrel’s neck. She sank her fingers into his short hair and rested against him as Thrax’s regard drifted over her exposed body.
She affected the king. His eyes had dilated and Thrax’s lips had parted as though breathing through his nose was no longer sufficient. She shifted, watching him watch her. When she opened her legs, his breath rasped heavily. Not quite a sigh, or a gasp, or a grunt, but all three conjoined in a timeless utterance of hunger.
The king untied his draping, and the cloth fell away. Neela bit the inside of her cheek. Where Tarrel’s cock had been generous in length, Thrax’s was full and smooth as it filled.
He reached for the deep vee of her covering and roughly ripped it down the center. She gasped, but held to Tarrel. In this position, her breasts pushed up and out. Tarrel groaned and leaned in to nibble her ear. She turned her head to the side, feeling every pull of his lips track answering tugs in her pussy.
Thrax took one of Tarrel’s hands and pushed it under Neela’s breast. He tapped the tip of his own finger on her nipple, jolting her with sensation she didn’t know how to categorize. Thrax leaned down and claimed her lips with a savage kiss.
She arched to reach him, wanting to hold him closer, but enjoying the position Thrax had put her in, as it heightened her urgency to do more, have more, yet denied her the pleasure of taking it.
Thrax plundered her mouth, suckling her tongue and lips with the gentle edge of his teeth. It left her gasping and wet, and he seemed to know exactly how kissing him had affected her.
Already aroused from the hands-on bath, the subsiding ache began its dull, pounding return. She heard herself whimper almost as though it were some other pathetic woman, not a battle-wise warrior.
But the hidden world of her mind was no longer her own. By choice, she’d made it available for sharing. Perhaps she’d think it a mistake when she came back to herself, but at the moment, her own soft sighs and eager sounds were a revelation of desire. She craved the invasion of these men upon her body.
“Touch me,” she pleaded.
Her body ached for hands to move on her. Yet Tarrel hadn’t changed his position, and Thrax’s rough kiss had grown soft, plying her lips and wakening secret tender parts of her body and mind she didn’t know she had.
Neela tried to curl her leg around Thrax’s waist to encourage him closer, but he held his ground. She wanted to feel the hot prod of his cock against her folds, feel his hands clasp her breasts. Why wouldn’t he begin?
“This is madness,” she rasped. “Why don’t you touch me?”
Thrax’s low chuckle spilled across her ear as he kissed the shell. “And rush your experience? I think not. Delaying the inevitable heightens your pleasure, my love. I must insist that you never forget what happens between us here.”
“I won’t forget. How could I?”
“I’ll see to it all the same,” he murmured.
His hot breath sent shivers over her body. Her nipples tightened almost painfully. The dull throb between her legs became a building sting as need filled her pussy and found no release. She squeezed her thighs together, but Thrax kicked them apart. “Tell me, little dove. Do Elaran men adequately torment your body before sex?” Thrax asked.
Had he entered her mind when he said he wouldn’t? She’d been on a similar line of thought just now. “Elarans do what is necessary to reach satisfaction. They do it well and quickly,” she said a bit defensively.
“As with anything, I’m sure. Elarans are efficient and well trained in every activity.”
Thrax finally touched her, his hand sliding over her drenched pussy. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head when his light touch didn’t come close to satisfying what she truly wanted from him.
“There’s something to be said for clumsy and inefficient,” he teased. “Or so your body would lead me to believe.”
The king nipped her neck. He moved Tarrel’s free hand to cup her other breast as Thrax bent to flick his tongue over the needy buds.
“Touch her,” he told Tarrel. “Fondle her. I want her much wetter than she thinks is necessary. Keep your legs open, Neela. Don’t deny me.”
Thrax stepped back. Neela offered a wordless complaint. Still he backed away, watching almost leisurely as Tarrel’s fingers found her nipples and began to play.
She cried out. Tarrel lightly bit her shoulder then soothed the bite with the tip of his tongue.
“Want me,” he whispered for only her to hear.
“I do,” she rasped back
His thumb and forefingers caught the tight peaks and pinched rhythmically. He rolled them and plucked, stroked her full, aching breasts. Neela writhed against him, feeling the hard ridge of his erection at the base of her spine.
She rocked against it, wringing a long grunt from him. Moisture touched her where his cock rubbed and she knew he was as painfully aroused as she was. Neela thought she might explode if Thrax didn’t put them both out of their misery soon. But the king calmly lifted a glass of water.
“Touch her cunt,” Thrax told him next. “Push your fingers inside her. Hold her pussy lips apart so I don’t miss anything.” He dragged a chair over and sat eyelevel to her apex. He leaned back as though he had all day to watch her beg to come.
Tarrel reached around her with one hand and parted her pussy. His other hand eased between her legs from behind and two thick fingers speared her trembling channel.
Her hips rocked automatically. She blushed at the telling sign of her need. Control was a dream that had long fled. The men had grown just as intoxicated with her, it seemed. Thrax wrapped his fist around his shaft and Tarrel’s hips canted forward to push against her. Her need sparked theirs.
She no longer feared herself, she realized. There was power and strength in feeling everything these men had to offer.
Her thoughts were stripped from her as Tarrel pumped his fingers. He circled her clit, and Neela’s mind dropped into a swirling pit that spiraled out of control. She clung to Tarrel, giving her body over to his skill. She rocked into each thrust, crying and panting as each sensation took her closer to that precipice she’d been longing for.
“Come for me,” Thrax growled. “Let go. Give me everything you have, Neela.”
His words loosened something in her she hadn’t realized she’d been hanging on to. Her body shook, swallowed itself in all-consuming ecstasy as passion swelled and devoured her in wave after wave of erotic bliss. She screamed, her knees gave out, and someone kept her upright until there was nothing but black and her lungs begged for air.
Dazed, she felt herself lifted and carried. Thick blankets greeted her as her garment slid off her arms, and she was laid out.
“Wake, sweet Neela. There’s more,” Thrax murmured.
Chapter Five
Tarrel ached with need. He’d already endured more stimulation without relief than he ever had before. The stress was beginning to wear on his nerves, but he’d kept himself together for her. Each new experience for Neela felt like an awakening for himself. He’d taken pleasure in her pleasure. The fact that there would be more discovery made him eager to continue, regardless of his own discomfort.
Thrax had instructed him to lay Neela across the bed, instead of propped on pillows. Tarrel watched the other man, wondering what came next. This was his game, his moment. Tarrel hadn’t expected to be included. He wasn’t sure he’d have shared if the roles were reversed.
Neela blinked, tipping her head back to see Tarrel, and smiled. She reached for him, arms over her head. Tarrel looked to Thrax.
Thrax nodded back. “If she’s ready for more, don’t deny her.” He moved to the side of the bed where her legs stretched. “Are you, Neela?” he asked.
Her attention left Tarrel to answer Thrax by way of parting her legs to him.
Thrax easily took her ankles and pressed the wider. “Tarrel, catch her under the shoulders until her head tips off the edge.
Tarrel didn’t miss the excited flare in her eyes. He did as the king asked. Neela snaked her arms around the backs of his thighs and guided him toward her face.
“You don’t have to,” he told her. “I’d be happy to see to your pleasure.”
“Then don’t argue with me,” she countered.
Neela pressed soft lips to his inner thighs. She encouraged him to stand over her. His balls grazed her nose and lips. She captured them, flicking her tongue to the seam, nuzzling him until they drew tight. The deep ache began again, and if his condition wasn’t cared for soon, he knew he’d have difficulty walking the next day.
She seemed to understand his long shuddering groan because she shifted to place sucking kisses along the side of his cock. He looked down at himself and his angry reddened shaft. Her perfect lips suckled the top like a child’s candy.
Wet, hot, teasing, she took him deeper, tickling the slit with her tongue, rimming his cockhead with the edge of her teeth, hard enough to feel without causing him pain. It made him nervous all the same, but the tradeoff scrambled his mind into a haze of lust.
He looked down the length of her nude body. Her full breasts pressed against her ribcage looked like tempting pillows with crinkled rosy morsels he wanted to feel against his lips. They were just out of reach of his mouth in this position, but every once in a while when the bed shifted, or she arched her neck, they jostled.
Unable to resist, he covered them with his hands. The buds poked his palms as he swished his hands back and forth across their tips. Her belly hollowed sharply and he knew he’d divided her focus.
Further down, Thrax crawled onto the bed between her legs. His shoulders kept her thighs apart and he slipped his hands beneath her ass, tilting her pelvis to him like a precious dish. The king’s eyes met his.
Neela grabbed Tarrel’s ass and tugged him closer still, his cock sliding fully into her mouth and hitting the back of her throat. She hummed her approval, sending riptides of vibration along his cock, and straight up his spine. He’d spill any second if she continued.
“Slow, Neela,” he gasped. “I don’t want to come yet.”
The king chuckled, thumbed open her pussy lips and dragged his flattened tongue through her folds. Neela shuddered. Her throat constricted, and Tarrel saw stars streaking through his vision at light-speed.
Tarrel pulled out of her, allowing her to breathe even though she quickly pulled him back. She let him thrust carefully, and he took his time while he watched her react to Thrax’s attentions.
Her lower belly tightened and her hips flexed. Thrax looked pleased, then buried his face in her cunt with a satisfied growl of a wolf settling in to dine. Tarrel’s cock flexed. Cum exploded from him and Neela’s nails dug into his ass to keep him in place.
Tarrel rocked hard, his balls pressed to her nose as he shuddered through his release. It stung painfully, yet shards of cold pleasure laddered his spine. The next time wouldn’t be as rushed.
He pulled away, but Neela had other plans. She cleaned him off distractedly as Thrax intensified his work on her pussy. Her body undulated and stiffened as she cried out in ecstasy.
Tarrel stepped back as Thrax crawled up her body. “Shall we allow Tarrel some moments to recover?”
Neela laughed. “If I can walk.”
“No need. I’ll carry you in, dove.” Thrax helped her sit. “Tarrel, join us in the baths.”
Tarrel had his own difficulty walking. His balls still ached and after burying his cock in Neela’s wondrous mouth, he wasn’t sure his legs were stable, either. He followed them, feeling like he’d left more than his essence with the woman in Thrax’s arms.
Thrax cuddled her close, fearful that the warrior in his arms was more delicate than he’d previously believed. She tucked her face into his shoulder and other than the arms looping his neck, her body rested limply.
“Are you well?” he asked.
She nodded.
“You have me at quite a disadvantage,” he admitted to her. “I had hoped there would be a time when you would come to me of your own choice. But this is never how I imagined it would be.”
She lifted her head. Water dragged against Thrax’s calves and he continued until he stood waist level in the warm pool. Tarrel joined them, helping Thrax bring her to her feet. The pool had been renewed since the previous use and an anchored, floating tray of cleansers bobbed on the surface within reach.
“How is it different?” she wondered aloud. “I came to you. I’m here willingly. Doesn’t that complete your hope?”
“Not in the least,” he murmured, catching her curious gaze. “Because the rest of that hope was that in seeking me out, you’d never leave. But I’m obligated to let you go once our time together is ended.”
Her brows pulled together. “When this,” she said gesturing between them, “is over, I’ll take the antidote. I won’t be as free to express my feelings. It wouldn’t be the same.”
“I don’t believe that. What’s being shared here is unique to you. I think that having experienced lovemaking with all the trappings of emotion, you’ll have it branded on your memory. Emotions change people. They make us better or worse in the face of our true selves.”
“Weak,” she added.
Tarrel gently massaged her shoulders. “Stronger,” he argued without sharpness.
“Yes,” she agreed, covering one of his hands as she glanced at him over her shoulder. “Weakness which is strength. Such an odd paradox,” she said, returning her gaze to Thrax’s.
“Well said,” Thrax told her. “What will you do when your full faculties are restored? Will you go home, changed but living the life you arrived with?”
“I don’t know.”
She leaned against Tarrel, like she’d done before. The man seemed to offer her strength on a subconscious level. He seemed almost an extension of her. For as much as they’d served together, would she be the same person separated from him?
“Will you stay?” Thrax asked. “Take the antidote and stay with me?”
Her expression turned troubled. “It’s not something I’d considered.”
The possibility that she might filled his chest with hope. He watched Tarrel’s frown deepen. He wouldn’t be eager to let Neela go, even to attach herself to royalty. A kingdom had one king, though. Not two. Thrax didn’t mind sharing Neela with the other man today, perhaps because Tarrel had always been in Neela’s presence, and it seemed as though one did not exist without the other. Their bond was close.
But could Thrax share her indefinitely? He had no interest in the man for himself. But witnessing their interaction, he knew he wouldn’t fully have Neela without Tarrel.
Would the other man share her? Thrax couldn’t tell.
He didn’t mean to tap into Tarrel’s head, but the aura around the other man let him know the pilot would be like a flightless bird without Neela in his life. She was as much a part of him as he was of her, despite the only recent physical bonds they’d shared. They had deeper ties. Ties that left Thrax a bit envious, and ties he respected for their strength.
“Would you consider staying?” Thrax asked her. She started to speak. He placed a finger across her lips. “Not yet. I need to believe for a little while longer.”
Neela’s eyes softened. Her hands slid to his shoulders, wrapping her fingers in his dreds. She rose up on her toes, pulling him down to her as their lips met. He tasted the lingering saltiness of the other man, a flavor that should have disgusted him. On her, he accepted it as part of her essence.
She took her time kissing him without deepening the contact to something dark and sexual. This was just for him, an admission of her own that perhaps her coming to his realm under the guise of the agreement was more an excuse than a reason. He prayed that was so.
Chapter Six
Neela pressed her forehead to Thrax’s jaw, surprised at the way a single kiss could make her feel. Or perhaps it was how a single kiss could express the way she was feeling. He had to know she wanted him. He had to have felt it in that kiss.
She closed her eyes, no longer wishing for her reserve but hoping her heart stayed intact when the men were done with her. She wanted them both. Not for an encapsulated time, but for the foreseeable future.
She had a life on Elara. As a decorated lieutenant, she had missions to run, negotiations to protect and the only way of life she’d known. But this newness was addictive. It called to her. As yet, she didn’t know if this experience would change her or just awaken her to new emotions. Her feelings were genuine, but could she trust them to last? Beyond now? Beyond the antidote?
Tarrel’s hands trailed down her back. “Melon,” he noted. “What does melon colored mean?” He drew a finger over one spinal bone.
She smiled. “Something different on every Elaran. It’s not a map to what I’m thinking,” she chided.
“Too bad. I’d really like to know what you’re thinking,” Tarrel said.
She caught her lip when a shy flutter tickled behind her breastbone. “I’m thinking,” she said hearing the words come out before she could stop them. This time, it didn’t bother her in the least. “That standing between you two in a pool of warm water is better than being any other place in the universe.”
“Is that so?” Thrax teased, sandwiching her between them.
She leaned her head on Tarrel’s shoulder to look up at Thrax. “It is. But you know what would be better?”
“Tell us,” Tarrel whispered near her ear, loud enough for the king to hear.
“Having you inside me at the same time,” she answered.
“That can be arranged,” Thrax told her.
He reached below the water and hooked an arm behind her knee. She squealed when she was nearly taken off balance. Thrax scooped his fingers into something on the floating tray. When his other hand disappeared, it was only a matter of seconds before she knew his intent.
Fingers slicked over her anus. She laughed and squirmed until he’d finished administering the salve.
“Waterproof,” Thrax informed them.
“Perfect,” Tarrel chuckled. “I love a girl with a backdoor policy.”
She swatted behind her, succeeding only in splashing water and doing that poorly.
Tarrel caught her lobe between his teeth. “Are you complaining?” he asked around the morsel.
“Not yet. But I retain the right to grimace.”
“It’s yours,” Tarrel agreed.
Thrax cupped his hand underneath her hair and touched a spot at the base of her skull. Instantly, her mind opened up. Sensations not only her own, but Thrax’s spilled across an invisible mental veil. She knew without seeing that he reached behind Tarrel and touched his skull similarly. They seemed above themselves without actually leaving their bodies. A nebulous inter-moving of spirit and sense became universally shared between the three of them.
Prillians were empathic, but this extended beyond any understanding of that talent she could’ve known. It was terrifying and beautiful. Any lingering concerns she had about hiding her true nature dissipated. Surrounded by love and acceptance, holding back didn’t have a place in her thoughts.
She ran her hands down Thrax’s body, loving the way his muscles quivered beneath her fingers. She felt his desire for her, and it nearly took her breath away. Knowing she made the right move, she pressed a line of kisses to his neck and shoulder.
Tarrel moved behind her. He touched every part of her that he could reach without dislodging his hands, and she gave over to the sensuous slide. If she closed her eyes, it was as though she was infusing the shared consciousness with liquid gold. It burned hot and bright, expanding until they all felt it as intently as she did.
“I love you too,” Tarrel acknowledged first.
“With everything I have,” Thrax continued.
“And everything I am,” she finished.
Neela took him in her hand, admiring his girth and the way he slid easily in the warm water. She didn’t want to wait any longer. She wanted him inside her. He knew, of course. They all did.
She guided him against her, felt his cock probe the opening of her cunt and thrust deep inside. She gasped at the sudden fill. The men groaned, and Tarrel pushed at her anus. Once he nudged in the tip, Thrax pulled almost all the way out, letting Tarrel sink deeper into her body in increments.
Like everything else, they knew what she could handle and what she wanted based on the link they shared. Slowly they built a rhythm, seesawing into her. Neela clutched Thrax’s hips, holding on to the tenuous grip of reality when her mind wanted to take her body with it.
Even in the water, friction rode her hard as they increased their pace. Tarrel rolled her nipples in sharp pinches that brought her groaning to the edge of pleasure. She needed more and instantly, his fingers were pressing her clit into tight circles.
Neela whimpered. The galaxy exploded inside her and rained down something far more lasting that ecstasy. It made her mind glow with the warmth of it. They loved her. In their own way, and jointly, these men loved her and she loved them too.
She blinked in the afterglow. Where did that leave them now?
Chapter Six
Neela rolled, bumping into another solid body. She cuddled close. Without opening her eyes, she knew this was Thrax. Warm, hard, bigger than Tarrel, he also smelled like musky vanilla. She smiled as she inhaled more deeply.
A hand rested on her hip and squeezed. Tarrel’s hand, to be exact. His long fingers had callus spots where he gripped a weapon in training. She had similar calluses, but hers were from the staff she carried.
Neela sighed happily. Two days of blissful negotiations. Who knew politics could be so-stimulating?
Tarrel climbed out of bed and padded across the floor. A moment later, he returned. The bed dipped and he scooted close behind her. He arm draped her torso oddly. When he didn’t readjust, she opened her eyes to see the metallic spray dispenser of the antidote.
“What do you think?” he asked her.
“I think it’s time,” Thrax encouraged.
She pushed herself upright, effectively knocking away his arm. She sat up against the headboard. “Are you serious? It might change everything.”
“It won’t change the way I feel about you,” Thrax reminded her.
“Or me. I’ve always loved you and you know it.”
She had, on some level. Thrax’s affection had been more recent, but the attraction between them had been evident from the beginning. Maybe that’s why she’d been so stubborn with him.
“Maybe, but the Neela you’ve both been with isn’t the same as the Neela you’ll get when I accept the antidote.”
“What do you want to do?” Thrax asked.
She wanted to be herself, but she also wanted to be the woman they desired. She liked the permission she’d been given to explore her sexuality in an unrestrained way. If she took the medicine, she’d feel compelled to keep herself at a distance. Wouldn’t she?
Tarrel continued to dangle the metal dispenser between his thumb and forefinger. He arched a brow. “You aren’t scared, are you?”
The taunt had her reaching for the spray before she’d thought about it. Now in her hands, she hesitated all the same.
“I love you, Neela. Soft or fierce, you’re the only woman I want to be with. You always have been. If you take that and decide you feel differently about us, then at least it will be a decision you’ve made with all your faculties in place,” Tarrel said.
“The warrior woman is who I desired,” Thrax began. “I’d have permitted you to use the spray before we were intimate.”
“I know. You offered,” Neela remembered.
“Then what is it?” Thrax asked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted, rolling the spray canister in her hand. “When I was on Elara, I was nervous about taking the inhibitor. We’re private people. We keep our own counsel and allow very few people to know our thoughts.”
“And now?” Tarrel pressed.
“Now it’s the opposite. I wanted to keep you both away from my inner mind, away from knowing me too well. Away from being able to hurt me.” She looked at both men. “But you haven’t, so locking them behind silence feels dishonest.”
“It’s not dishonest. It’s who you are,” Tarrel insisted. “I love who you are.”
“You deserve the privacy of your mind as much as you deserve the fluidity of emotion, my dove,” Thrax added. “You know I can share and amplify our experiences. Isn’t that enough to offer you the comfort of both?”
She smiled. “It would be, if I had two mates.”
The men exchanged glances. Tarrel cocked his head.
“There’s no law that says a Queen can’t have her consort and a king,” Thrax mused.
“Queen? It’s been three days. Don’t you think you’re moving a bit fast?” she asked.
“Three days and years of building anticipation,” Tarrel corrected. He laid down, his hands behind his head. “You really need to make an honest man out of me.”
She laughed and nudged him with her knee. She caught her lip under her teeth settled the tip of the spray injector at her jugular. The men watched. Despite all their bravado, they looked worried, and somehow it comforted her to know she wasn’t the only one.
Neela depressed the release. Her blood tingled as it coursed through her body. It almost felt like an iron door was closing in her mind, putting everything into order, dusting out the wayward thoughts. The return of peace comforted her, but she wondered about the rest of it. She wanted to feel. Would she lose that too?
She looked from Thrax to Tarrel thinking of all they’d shared. She remembered each tender kiss and exquisite rush of lust they inspired. Her heart skipped and her chest felt tight and hot as they gazed lovingly back at her, waiting for her to say what was on her mind, if she chose to share it.
All the feelings were there where she’d left them. Fully lived and fully experienced, she’d lost none of it. Rather it sat in her mind like an open treasure chest to admire.
She smiled slowly. “Gentlemen, I believe a celebration is in order.”
Four months later…
Tarrel landed at the royal docking gate on Prill. Neela unfastened her belt and stood with him as the doors opened to the massive stone corridor. The guard escort took them to the king’s living quarters and left them.
The force field cleared and opened. Tarrel snatched her hand and squeezed. She lifted her brows but made no objection. Thrax stood on the other side.
“It’s about damn time,” he blustered grabbing her into a long, full-body hug. “I missed you, dove. A Queen apparent should be overseeing her imminent realm.”
“I told her that.” Tarrel grinned and accepted the great backslapping bear hug from his co-mate.
“She’s not convinced, is she?” Thrax rejoined.
“She’s standing right in front of you and has ears,” Neela noted calmly.
Thrax lifted the purple bead dangling from her ear cuff. “And such lovely adorned ears they are.”
“We have news,” she interrupted. “Tarrel and I are accepting an outpost position to oversee the ore trade with the Elaran government.”
Tarrel grinned widely. “I told you I’d get her back into Prill airspace.”
Thrax laughed loudly and drew them both into his arms. “Fantastic. Now I merely have to convince her to marry me.”
“And me, unofficially,” Tarrel added.
Neela unhooked her military issue top and let it slide to the floor. She stepped around them and headed toward the bedchamber. “Let the negotiations begin, gentlemen.”
About the Author
Hi, I'm Katie Blu, the alter ego of Mia Watts. After unsuccessfully mixing genres under one name, I realized that readers needed to know what they could expect from me. So, Katie Blu has been recreated to explore the relationships between men and women.
Like Mia (because if you note above, I am Mia), I make my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I spend my days at my day job and every other available minute writing. I strive to make my characters believable, loveable, unforgettable, and-oh yeah-hot for each other.