J. Paul Benford
The Family Haven 1
Chapter 1
John Steward had met Carol a few times before but he had never succeeded in getting her to consent to fuck him. But this time he was determined to succeed. The girl lay back on the divan looking dreamily at him as they listened to a dreamy classical record. She had agreed to come back to his apartment to listen to music, but she had made it pretty clear that she had no intention of screwing with him. After all, she was nineteen and John was forty.
John had been married and had two children, a boy of eighteen and a girl of fourteen. Since his divorce, the children lived with their mother, but he saw them from time to time, having a special affection for his lovely daughter, Ursula, who was now blossoming into womanhood.
But his former wife and children were not on his mind tonight. He was roused at the thought that he might soon fuck the strikingly beautiful Carol who was known as being particularly hard to get. She did not give her cunt easily, especially to older men who merely wanted her for fun.
She had one or two hump affairs, but had never really achieved sexual satisfaction. She felt she would have to be very fond of a man to be able to give herself completely and achieve the kind of fulfillment that she knew lay within power of her voluptuous body.
As she lay there on the bed you could see why she was so much sought after as a piece of ass. Tall, dark, with a beautiful oval face and dark expressive and candid eyes, she had an irresistible figure with her rather large breasts and slim legs. She knew she was attractive, but she was also somewhat shy and reticent and this only added to her immense appeal. A man who got Carol to fuck for him was on to something very good indeed, especially if he were to succeed in rousing her completely. But this hadn't happened yet.
John realized that it was not going to be easy to "make" her.
Nevertheless he was determined and short of actual rape he was prepared to go any lengths to achieve his hump objective. If he were to rape her he knew that, at best, she would never see him again, and that he did not want. If Carol turned out to be as good a hump as she looked John had other ides about their future. He would like to persuade her to marry him. In any case forcible rape was unsatisfactory. Some years before – during his marriage – he had raped their maid, Celeste, who had been staying with them.