Edited by Kathleen Warnock
Walking down Commercial Street in Provincetown during 2009 Women’s Week, (question: can this sentence get any gayer?) I ran into Lea DeLaria (answer: yes).
We’d seen her perform the night before as a washed-up’80s rock star in Meryl Cohn’s musical Insatiable Hunger and stopped to tell her how much we enjoyed the show. We continued on to our respective brunches, and an idea was born.
I’d been thinking about who I should ask to judge Best Lesbian Erotica 2011, and after last year’s trio of musical judges, BETTY, did such a great job, I liked what musicians added to the mix.
I think many musicians understand what makes short fiction work instinctively, because in their own genre, they have to get in/get out and do it beautifully and uniquely each time, and it has to be a complete thing, not a phrase, or a riff or an idea. Lea’s known for her stand-up comedy and acting, but she’s also made a name for herself as an accomplished jazz vocalist, and I thought it would be fun to see where her instincts took her. (No “scat” jokes, please!)
When I asked her to come onboard, she accepted with alacrity, and I got to work reading the submissions. I have edited, screened, assembled and adjudicated plenty of writing over the years, and I’ve noticed that when you sit down with a great big stack of prose, poetry or plays, certain themes emerge, ideas that seem to be percolating up out of a collective unconscious. You can sense widely felt emotions, fears and also euphoria in better times. In the submissions for 2010’s book, I saw more comedy, more playful stuff and even some political pieces written in the wake of the ’08 elections (with plenty of hot sex, of course).
The submissions for 2011 seemed a little more doubtful. There were fewer outright comic pieces, more pieces about negotiating long-term relationships and marriage (in places where gay marriage is allowed), and the political pieces were less hopeful (but with plenty of hot sex, of course).
And this year the trend was also toward butch: stories told from the butch point of view, of femmes seduced by and seducing butches, and butches being mistaken (and sometimes passing for) men. Lea’s selections included several particularly strong pieces featuring butch characters, and I was glad to see it.
You may have noticed we live in an extremely uncivil age. The term cyberbullying didn’t exist ten years ago, though the action is alive and vicious now. And while it may begin with middle schoolers, it extends through all ages these days, in so many of our social interactions, both in person and online. The vicious quip, the snarling insult, the intent to hurt someone and deny their identity is not only accepted, but standard operating procedure for more and more people. They’re proud that they wound, glad that they’ve called a spade a spade, or a fag, or a pervert, or just “it.”
Even in the LGBT community, there’s always a center and outliers: I know people who think there shouldn’t be a T in the mix and that B doesn’t really exist. On a sunny weekend in June, I went to see a reading of Doric Wilson’s play, Street Theater, set on Christopher Street on the night the Stonewall riots began. In the play, the cops entrapped and extorted from the gays, and taunted and were frustrated by the ones who didn’t fit into their image of what “fairies” were supposed to look and act like. Boom Boom and Ceil were drag queens, Jack was a leatherman and C.B. a butch dyke. The other gays called them “pathetic,” (even as they were attracted to them). In the play (and on Christopher Street), it was the “others,” the outsiders in their own community, who started it all that night.
There are still plenty of others, plenty of outsiders: woman-identified butches, gender queers, trans people and the ones who stubbornly refuse to be one of four or five letters of the alphabet (and plenty of contention and controversy about that identity within the community itself). Because they can’t/won’t “pass,” people who blur the boundaries in such a way are still the ones attacked first, sneered at, scoffed at, discriminated against even by fellow queers who say, “Why do they have to be like that?”
Which is why I’m glad to see such excellent pieces celebrating butch sexiness, identity, and the serious, soulful, lusty interplay between butch/femme. It’s about the need, the desire, the essential connection between two people. It’s not always joyful or pretty, but it’s passionate. It’s not about what body part is doing what to who: it’s about everyone being allowed to get her or his fill and achieve satisfaction.
That’s an essential pleasure, an innate right that can’t be legislated (though you can certainly go to jail for it, still, in many places).
I’d like to thank you for choosing this book and peering into the many worlds and windows of this year’s Best Lesbian Erotica. Thanks to Cleis for championing the series, and to our fabulous contributors, who hail from six different countries this year, and range from first-time authors to masters (or mistresses) of the form.
I hope you enjoy it.
Kathleen Warnock
New York City
I picked up a twentysomething-year-old Jewish straight girl when I went out for Chinese with my manager last Saturday night. There is just something about those inelegant, bespectacled, somewhat tightly wound straight girls. To me they are a narcotic, a kind of annoying heroin that once you shoot it up, you are endowed with a permanent hard-on coupled with a giant stomach ulcer. I know this and I still can’t leave ’em alone, especially the Jewish ones. Especially the Jewish ones with huge knockers.
She invites me up to her Central Park West doorman apartment for “a drink.” Of course we know where this will end. She offers me a glass of wine, which I eagerly accept. I always find with the straight ones that a little alcohol loosens the inhibitions. Remember, you want to “imbibe” her. It doesn’t work to get her to the point where she has a drink and the next thing she knows she’s in the White Castle on 8th and 36th at 3:00 a.m. … and she’s working there. Shoot for becoming the tragic end of a “bottoming out” story at an AA meeting. If it’s a hot night it’s worth it.
I flirt. We move to her couch. We have another glass. I ramp up the flirt a little more. She gives me that look that girls give you when they want you to make the first move, and (without revealing the details a gentlemen should not tell) I give her an orgasm.
She immediately bursts into tears. She won’t let me hold her or comfort her in any way… so I just sit there until she finally chills. We talk some more. She rolls over onto her belly.
“Mmm,” I think. We continue to talk. She starts to move her hips a little. “Mmm,” I think once more. Now get this, she raises her ass in the air. Actually raises it in the air.
“Okay!” I think, and one thing leads to the next. I end up giving her yet another orgasm and… she bursts into tears again.
You have got to be joking, I am screaming in my mind. I mean, I am aware that the fear of homosexuality that a lot of women repress can be stressful but Really? Do you have to fucking cry twice in front of a complete stranger? Or are you one of those babes who cry every time they come?
She then begins a mantra of how she can’t be a lesbian, her family will disown her, what about her job? You know, the stuff we all went through around 135 years ago that nobody really does anymore, at least not since “Will and Grace” went into syndication. Well, maybe they still do it in Zimbabwe.
So I, being the reasonable one (and, by the way, how fucking wrong is that?) start saying nice things to her like: “Having sex with a woman once does not a lesbian make.” And: “Having sex with me certainly doesn’t, as it is exactly like having sex with a man.” None of which is working. She begins a tirade, no, more like dissertation consisting of some very uncomplimentary things about first, lesbians in general; and second, me specifically: That I am callous. That this is just a conquest for me, “another notch on my belt” is how she actually put it. That I got what I wanted and now what was I going to do…?
Of course I am thinking I GOT WHAT I WANTED?! All I wanted was uncomplicated casual sex with a horny babe that I just met. Yeah. I really got what I wanted.
Then she says: “I’m having an emotional crisis, and you don’t even care!” That is when the obvious solution hit me and I answered, “You know what? You’re right.” Then I left.
I am unsure what my lesson should be from this experience. I think some would say, “Be more careful and gentle with women and their emotions and their perception of intimacy.” However, I think the lesson might be this: If a story begins with the sentence “I was fucking this straight girl…” there needs to be a roofie involved, or it will end in tears.
Better still, the next time I’m feeling “anxious,” if you know what I mean, I will put down the girl and pick up a good book of Lesbian Erotica. Why… here’s one now!
Lea DeLaria
Renée Strider
Van’s new girlfriend, Julia, was a gorgeous femme, a weekend stripper, and a top in the bedroom—or any room. Van loved femmes. The sight of Julia in her normal outfit of blouse and close-fitting business skirt always sent a surge of pleasure through Van, who loved Julia’s svelte figure, especially her tight round ass and long legs made even more shapely by the high heels she usually wore.
Van didn’t mind Julia being a stripper, as long as she didn’t have to go and watch her lover being watched. She had once asked Julia why she stripped, and Julia had said that the extra money helped support her habit, a taste for expensive clothes and paintings. Besides, she enjoyed it and got to use some of her dance training.
What Van did have a small problem with was that Julia was always in charge when they had sex. Van, whose real name was Vanessa, considered herself a butch, and felt that being dominated by her girlfriend was just plain wrong. But Julia had never taken Van’s butchness seriously in the month or so that they’d been lovers. She often called Van her “sweet little butch,” even though Van was taller. Van was—and looked—younger, though, so that probably didn’t help.
Julia came home late at night on weekends—often Van picked her up—still smelling of sweat and smoke because she preferred to shower at home. When she was warm and clean and soap-scented, Julia was always ready for sex.
Last Saturday, with her damp, black, shoulder-length hair combed back from her face and her color high from arousal and hot water, she’d approached Van, who was sitting sprawled on the couch, waiting impatiently and wet with desire. Julia was naked except for a towel knotted around her waist. She knelt in front of Van and took off her lover’s socks and unbuttoned her Levi’s and yanked them off, along with the briefs. She didn’t let Van do anything. The tone had been established, somehow, right from the beginning. And Van could hardly complain, especially at a time like this, when Julia spread Van’s legs wide, urging her to tilt her pelvis toward Julia’s waiting mouth. Groaning blissfully, Julia sucked her and licked her to a jerking climax.
Van was still limp and moaning softly when Julia got up, untied the towel and straddled her. She arched against Van and grabbed her hands, pulling one to a breast and one between her thighs. She rocked on Van, onto her hand, forcing the fingers deeper. Van tugged on one of Julia’s hard nipples and shivered as Julia’s hands caressed her roughly under her T-shirt. They kissed, their tongues repeating the rhythm of Van’s thrusts into her, until Julia convulsed with a sharp cry.
Obviously the sex was good, but Van thought it could be even better, at least for herself, if she could just gain some control. So she hatched a plan.
Early the following week, she bought a new suit—at a men’s store, of course. It was charcoal, of the finest summer wool and, although it wasn’t custom-tailored, it fit her slim androgynous lines perfectly. Elegant. Then she had her hair cut very short, so close to her head that not the slightest trace of curl remained.
That Friday, she was supposed to pick Julia up at the strip club after her second show and as usual, spend the night. Van decided she would arrive early this time and actually watch Julia perform. She wanted to know her new lover better, even if it meant seeing Julia exposing her body to strangers.
Van dressed carefully. To get the wet look she liked, she applied some gel to her buzzed hair still damp from the shower. A small gold circle glinted in one ear. Under her new jacket, she had on a black silk shirt, short sleeved and unbuttoned at the collar. On her feet, she wore ankle-high boots of satiny-smooth black leather.
By the time she arrived at the club, a knot of nervous anticipation had formed in her stomach. She had never been inside the Plaza Gentlemen’s Club (written discreetly on the outside in blue neon script). There were two more signs, both framed in lights but not too garish, considering: EXOTIC DANCERS / EVERY NIGHT AND ROXY ROCKS / EVERY WEEKEND.
Roxy was Julia’s stage name. She had her own sign because she was the house dancer—the best performer and the most popular. To keep her there, the club paid her a salary. According to Julia, this was unusual. Normally the strippers at this club made their money only from tips and from private dancing in the Champagne Room. Roxy did take tips but didn’t do private dancing. There was no public lap dancing here. For that, you had to go to a dive of a strip club a couple of blocks away, the sort of place where they had hung grungy signs with stuck-on red and black letters, like OIL WRESTLING / XXX STYLE.
Van entered the Plaza. After paying the cover, she stood for a moment looking into the bar, enjoying the loud dance music. A handsome, muscular bouncer looked her up and down boldly, eyebrows raised in appreciation.
“Good evening, sir,” he said. “There’s still an empty table near the stage.”
“Thanks. I see it.” Van almost laughed out loud as he did a double take at the timbre of her voice. He looked a little disappointed, but grinned widely.
“Nice suit,” he said.
Van was relieved that her table wasn’t very close to the stage, and separated from the action by another table. As soon as she sat down, a waitress in a black bunny costume without the tail and ears but showing lots of cleavage and bare cheeks, took her order for a double scotch.
She looked around curiously at the large, cabaret setting as she sipped her drink. The floor lighting was muted, provided mostly by a dim lamp on each small table and by light reflected from the thrust stage jutting into the room. She knew Roxy wouldn’t be able to see her from the stage. It was bright, with spotlights trained on two wild-haired dancers who were down to fluorescent lime and orange thongs. They took turns undulating against the pole and each other to a techno beat. Van hadn’t expected to enjoy it, but she did, admiring their supple naked bodies, and relieved that neither of them was Roxy.
As far as she could tell, the audience consisted mostly of men, with a few mixed male-female groups. Between her table and the stage sat three women, obviously dykes. They had barely glanced at the good-looking butch as she sat down, apparently also taking her for a man. Van smiled, then felt a stab of jealousy when she thought she heard one of them say, “Roxy.” She didn’t like the idea of men drooling over Roxy but hadn’t even considered that lesbians would also be part of the audience.
The spotlight on the stage went out, and the volume of the music lowered. The two strippers came down to the floor and mingled, chatting at each table and collecting the cash placed in their hands or tucked in their thongs. When Orange Thong reached the dyke table, one of the women pulled her close, stroking her bare butt. The stripper giggled and pushed her away.
“Not now,” she said. Van wondered if they were lovers.
When the dancers reached her table, she was generous. She placed some bills in their hands, and they thanked her and smiled prettily. Lime Thong kissed her cheek and called her “Loverboy,” and suggested they meet in the Champagne Room.
Suddenly, a pale blue light bathed the stage. For a few moments, all was quiet, then a murmur rippled through the audience. Van caught her breath. Roxy stood there motionless, dressed in a full black leotard. Only her head and hands and feet were bare, tinted blue. Her eyes were closed, head thrown back, light catching her blue-black hair. Suddenly a blast of music—angry, in-your-face, screaming rock. Roxy didn’t strip, just danced to the hard pounding beat. Van sat mesmerized, watching her lover’s athletic moves. Halfway through the song, Roxy rolled down the bottom half of the leotard, removing it to the rhythm of the music, muscles flexed in her bare thighs and calves. The audience yelled and whistled, including the women at the table in front of Van.
Roxy took off the black top more slowly. The audience seemed to hold its breath, and Van’s cheeks burned. It seemed as intimate and sexy as if Roxy were taking it off just for her. Roxy even seemed to look straight at her, and Van had to remind herself that she couldn’t be seen from the stage. When the music stopped and Roxy finally stood there with legs apart, hips thrust forward and arms upraised, she was wearing red—a short, skintight camisole and bikini bottom. Van’s eyes were riveted on her nipples, their outlines clearly visible. She recalled sucking them, and a flame of arousal burned in her gut. Roxy pirouetted a couple of times to provide all on the floor a clear view as the audience clapped and yelled their approval.
The next piece was traditional striptease music, accompanied by brilliantly harsh lighting and the sound of catcalling and cheering. Obviously the audience recognized “The Stripper.” Van knew that Julia chose her own music for Roxy’s gigs, and this was just the kind of song to appeal to her sense of humor. The familiar, brassy rhythm made you want to swivel your hips and take it all off, very slowly. Which is what Roxy did—almost. She was already nearly naked when she began her bump and grind, but it took her all of the song to strip down to a tiny white thong. Van couldn’t tear her eyes away, just like the audience. She felt herself getting wetter and was glad she was wearing dark trousers.
The last song was languid and bluesy—a woman’s voice, a tenor saxophone, a muffled drumbeat. Julia always liked to end sets with slow sensual music. Of the three, this was Roxy’s longest, most erotic performance. Her skin shimmered with a light sheen of sweat in the pale pink spotlights. Van could see the muscles ripple in her limbs and belly and ass as she danced and writhed and taunted her audience to the heavy beat. Her rosy-red nipples stood out from her glistening breasts. Roxy’s black hair shimmered around her head. Van wondered if the audience was as aroused as she was, especially the dykes who gazed up at the stage as if hypnotized.
On the last few bars of the song, as the stage lights intensified to white, Roxy suddenly pulled away the thong and spread her legs wide. Van stared in shock at the familiar sight of the trimmed, arrow-shaped hair at the apex of her thighs. Roxy thrust her hips forward, giving those near the stage a teasing glimpse of what the arrow pointed at. Then she flung the thong into the audience, above the heads of the dykes. Automatically Van reached up and caught it easily. The audience whistled and howled as Roxy pranced around the edge of the stage.
Shaken, Van got up from the table, stumbling a little, still holding the thong in her hand as she made her way out before Roxy could come down and mingle.
She walked around to the alley behind the club where other times she had waited in her car. It was dark there, except for a single lamp above the door. Well away from the light, she slouched against the wall and pressed a hand between her legs to relieve the swollen ache. She still held the thong in her other hand. She sniffed it, groaning, and tucked it in her breast pocket, like a handkerchief.
Her fingers trembled slightly as she took out a Cuban cigarillo from its slim box. The flame of the lighter caught her face momentarily, highlighting its angles in the surrounding gloom. A film noir moment, she thought. She drew the aromatic smoke deeply into her lungs. Julia would be about half an hour, she figured. After pacing back and forth for a while, she felt loose and relaxed and resumed her position against the wall, careful to stay in the shadows.
She had just flicked away a second half-smoked purito, its pale tendrils of smoke still drifting in the darkness, when the door opened and Julia stepped out. She was wearing stilettos and a clingy dress with thin shoulder straps, revealing skin that glowed in the golden light. It was a warm night. Van unfastened another button of her shirt.
Julia peered around, searching for Van’s car. Just as her lover started to turn to head toward the side of the building, Van took a deep breath and swaggered into the pool of light, hands in her pockets. Julia stopped dead, startled. Van saw caution in her face, then recognition as Julia’s eyes widened at the sight of the elegant butch.
“Van! I thought I smelled the… Oh… You look so…” The words trailed off as Julia raked her eyes over Van, taking in the cropped hair and suit. For the first time in the four weeks they’d been lovers, her voice sounded uncertain.
“I watched you in there.” Van didn’t smile. Her eyes glittered as she approached.
“You… you did?” Julia’s expression was hesitant but contained a hint of excitement.
Van could see her breathing quicken and felt her own pulse speed in response. Julia didn’t resist when Van pulled her in and kissed her throat. The slightly salty taste of Julia’s skin and the faint smell of sweat aroused Van even more. She slid her hands down Julia’s smooth, warm back to cup her ass, and Julia arched against her, giving a tiny whimper, the beginning of a moan, as she clutched Van’s shoulders. Inserting a thigh between Julia’s, Van pushed her roughly backward into the shadows.
“Turn around and put your hands on the wall,” she said curtly, and Julia assumed the position. She spread her legs just enough, arching her head back and shuddering as Van ran her hands over Julia from behind, from hard nipples to stomach to underneath the short dress. Julia’s thighs were bare, no stockings. With one hand on her belly, Van pulled Julia hard against her. For Van nothing was more erotic than a woman’s firm behind against her groin, and she bit her lip to keep from groaning. With her other hand, Van caressed the damp, thin cloth between Julia’s thighs from hard pubis to soft crotch, then slid her fingers beneath the edge, into the slick heat. This time Julia really did moan, and she writhed her hips to make Van’s fingers go where she desperately needed them. But Van avoided Julia’s clitoris and only stroked on either side and into her. She had never felt Julia so wet. She withdrew her fingers.
“Oh, fuck!” Julia gasped. “Oh, god, don’t—”
“Turn around,” Van commanded again. Julia did, sagging weakly against the wall, wobbly in her high heels. Both of them were breathing hard. Van fell to her knees on the rough pavement, no doubt wrecking the new trousers, but she was beyond caring. She dragged Julia’s bit of underwear down and off, over her shoes—another thong. She tucked that one in her pocket too. She pressed her hands against Julia’s inner thighs to open them farther, and Julia hauled her dress up to her waist and shook and moaned as Van rubbed her whole face against Julia until it was wet. Van was delirious. It was almost enough to make her come. She had tasted Julia’s cunt before but only on her own fingers. Van grasped Julia’s hips to angle it harder against her mouth and licked the length of her, thrusting her stiff tongue into her lover. Finally Van sucked her clit and Julia came in her mouth, crying out her release.
They sat in Van’s car near the front of the club under a streetlamp. It lit up the interior enough to show both of them, disheveled and flushed and sweaty.
“Quite the butch, aren’t you,” Julia said, examining Van with eyes still hazy from sex. Her hand lay on her lover’s thigh.
“Told you. How about staying at my place tomorrow night?”
“If you come and see me dance first.” Julia’s eyes drifted to Van’s mouth.
“I’ve been wondering,” Van said, before she lost her concentration, “did you wear anything when you chatted up the tables after?”
“Ah, you should have stayed longer. Find out tomorrow.”
Van took the thongs out of her breast pocket and held them out to Julia, a white one and a black one. “I think these belong to you.”
Julia looked surprised. “Two?”
“I caught the other one. Did you throw it to me?”
“I didn’t see you. It’s too dark on the floor.”
Julia shifted on her seat and turned her head away, looking out the side window. Van could see the outline of her jaw clench as if she were suppressing a smile. She reached out and stroked the back of Julia’s neck very lightly and was rewarded with a shiver.
Grinning, Van shifted the car into gear.
The Lucknow mail train came to a halt with a big jolt. Priya looked out of the window, but it was pitch dark outside. Someone must have pulled the emergency chain, or maybe the driver had suddenly discovered that he had strayed onto the wrong track. It was drizzling when she boarded the train at the New Delhi Railway Station, and now it was pouring heavily, the rain hitting the window with a vengeance. Priya was the only passenger in the ladies’ coupe; her two companions from Delhi had disembarked half an hour ago at Itwah. She pushed open the door by a few inches to ask the burly man sitting near the carriage door why the train had to be stopped in the middle of nowhere.
“Someone has pulled the chain, madam,” he informed her. “The railway police will not allow the train to start until they find out who has stopped it and why.”
“Oh, shit!’ Priya groaned, pulling the door shut. A thorough investigation of twenty-odd coaches, each carrying fifty or more passengers, could take hours. Priya took out her copy of Femina from her overnighter and flipped it open to an article on the lifestyle of single career women in the metropolis. Not bad, she thought. When she finished her business management course next year, she would have to seek employment in a place like Mumbai, Bangalore or Hyderabad, away from her home at Lucknow.
She had almost finished the article when, with another sudden jerk, the train started moving again. Good, Priya thought. According to her watch, it was five minutes past eleven. Bedrolls were not provided for the second-class passengers in the ladies’ coupe, so Priya pulled out a bedsheet and an air pillow from her bag and set about making her bed for the night.
She was about to stretch out on her bunk when someone rapped on the door. She ignored the knock, but it continued, so Priya shouted, “Who’s that?”
“Police! Open the door!” The voice was harsh but distinctly feminine.
“What do you want?”
“Open the door, or I’ll arrest you for not cooperating with the police!”
Priya pulled the door open. A woman in a khaki uniform entered the coupe, closing the door behind her.
“Aren’t you aware that Channa Devi has escaped from the Itwah prison this afternoon?” the policewoman demanded, sizing Priya up with her small, sharp eyes. She was a dark, tall woman with a square, weather-beaten face.
“Who is Channa Devi?”
“You don’t read the papers, do you?” The woman frowned. “She’s the notorious bandit who was caught last year after gunning down ten of her rivals in a gang war. She’s escaped and we have to track her down.”
“Oh, my god!” Priya’s fingers rose to her lips. “Do you think she’s on this train?”
“Not unless she’s riding on the top,” the other woman told her. “We’ve checked the compartments.” The policewoman took a peek at the upper bunks and then under the lowers, to check that no one was hiding. Then she plopped down on the empty bunk opposite Priya’s and motioned her to sit. “I will be your companion for the next couple of hours till I get down at Kanpur,” she declared.
Priya was glad about that. At a time like this, there couldn’t be anything more assuring than having a policewoman as a copassenger.
The woman removed her peaked cap and tousled her close-cropped hair.
“I am fagged out after checking all the ladies’ coupes, including this one,” she said with a sigh. “It’s a terrible job, chasing a dangerous dacoit in this foul weather, even though she’s one of our kind.”
Priya nodded. She knew that social and caste discrimination in India’s poorer states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar often pushed the dispossessed women from the so-called lower classes, like Channa Devi, toward banditry.
“But the law is the law,” the policewoman said.
Priya nodded. She suddenly noticed that the policewoman was not only well built, she was also well-endowed. In fact, her ample breasts seemed to be straining hard to pop out of her tight police uniform.
“Going home on a vacation?” the officer asked.
Priya nodded. “My parents are in Lucknow. I study business management at Delhi.”
“It’s good that women are competing with men these days in every sphere of life,” said the policewoman, as she started unlacing her boots, which were caked with mud. “Do you have any plan for marriage?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Not in the near future,” Priya told her. “I will get a good job first and then…” Priya didn’t finish. The policewoman seemed struggling hard to get her feet out of her boots.
“My uniform caught a splash of rain,” she said, after she extracted her feet from her boots, which also looked a size too small. “I will put it on the upper bunks to dry.”
“But you don’t carry a spare uniform,” Priya pointed out.
“Could you spare me a sari or something to wrap around my body for a couple of hours?” the other woman said. “I had to rush out of the police station and jump into the jeep when the news of jailbreak reached us.”
Priya took out a red and green synthetic sari that she had bought from Chandni Chowk for her younger sister.
The policewoman thanked her, as she stripped to her bra and panties. Priya couldn’t help looking at her. The other woman had a tight, compact body with a flat tummy, broad shoulders and sumptuous breasts that all but popped out of her ill-fitting black bra. She had two scar marks, one on her left hip and the other on her right flank.
“These are bullet marks,” the policewoman said. “This one on my right side could have killed me if I hadn’t flung myself on the ground.” She wrapped the sari loosely around her, spread out her uniform on the upper bunk and sat down, looking quite homey.
“You’re in a dangerous profession,” Priya said. “Don’t you carry a weapon?”
The woman smiled and then stood up to fish out a pistol from her uniform. “Not good enough against Channa Devi’s shotgun, but in a close encounter, a pistol could be quite effective. Have you ever handled a weapon?”
Priya shook her head.
“Take it,” the policewoman said, as she thrust it into Priya’s hand. Priya held the pistol on her palm, away from her body, the feel of the cold blue steel giving her the jitters.
“Afraid, huh? It’s not loaded, girl.” The woman laughed heartily and pinched Priya’s cheek. “You are a sweet little girl, but mark my words: you need a gun to stop a gun firing at you.” And with that dark homily, she took back the gun, tucked it back into her uniform and then stretched out on her bench, yawning. “I will keep the light on,” she said. “Just in case…”
Priya nodded and then closed her eyes.
It might have been the increasing speed of the train or the harsh light in the coupe that awakened Priya sometime later. Turning on her side, she looked at her companion on the opposite bunk. What she saw made her smile. The policewoman was lying on her back with her breasts fully exposed, the sari having slipped off her shoulders. Priya could see her black bra fluttering from a hook on the coupe wall. She hadn’t seen such a big round pair except in the nude sculptures of bare-breasted women in Khajuraho temples. The deep purple areolas encircling her plump, raisinlike nipples only enhanced the lusciousness of the other woman’s breasts. She couldn’t pull her eyes away as the other woman snored softly. Priya had seen the other woman’s deep cleavage while she was undressing, but now that her breasts were out in the open they looked so fascinating that Priya found herself itching with an irresistible desire to touch them, fondle them and… kiss them.
But this was a policewoman, a law enforcer; she would certainly spurn her advances! Priya’s own small bust was a source of agony for her. She’d rubbed her breasts with enhancing herbal oil, but so far it hadn’t yielded any result. She had been toying with the idea of implants, but that was a costly proposition that she could afford only when she got a decent job. Now, as she watched the policewoman’s delicious mounds, she slowly unbuttoned her top, loosened her bra and started fondling her breasts, tugging at the nipples to make them big and hard.
Suddenly, the other woman opened her eyes and looked at Priya. Ashamed, Priya withdrew her hand from her chest and pulled the bedsheet over her bosom. The policewoman pulled the sari to cover herself and smiled. “Can’t sleep with my bra on,” she said, apologetically.
“I can understand,’ Priya said, blushing. “You have such a big pair.”
“Not that big, are they?” She pushed the sari off her bosom and gave her boobs a critical look.
“I haven’t seen a bigger pair, if you ask me,” Priya said. “And they don’t sag at all.”
The other woman laughed and asked Priya’s name.
“You can call me Reena,” she said. “Well, Priya, why don’t you show me yours so that we may compare?’
Priya blushed. “They’re so small, you’ll laugh.”
“Small is beautiful, dear, and manageable too,” Reena told her. “Like my pistol. I find lugging my boulders around very tiresome.”
Priya laughed. Reena joined her. And then, emboldened by Reena’s assurance that she did really fancy a small pair, Priya pulled down the bedsheet from her chest.
“So cute,” said Reena. “I wish I could exchange mine with yours.”
“So do I,” Priya said. And again both of them laughed.
“Come, let’s compare our other body parts,” Reena suggested.
“Oh. no!” cried Priya. The policewoman seemed to be in a playful mood.
“Why not? We girls do that all the time. I was a runner-up in my village in the boobs and butts contest. I received a set of pink bra and panties as my prize. Come, show me your butt, girl.”
“I haven’t exposed myself that much even with my friends,” Priya protested even though she felt… tempted.
“Come on, Priya,” Reena urged her. “Look, I am so tired of chasing dacoits. I really need some diversion to drive away the blues. Come, help a miserable policewoman to relax. Show me your behind.”
“You first.”
“Okay.” Reena turned away from her to face the wall, pulled her sari above her waist and removed her black panties. Priya wasn’t a connoisseur of bums, but she appreciated the other woman’s firm round buttocks that were not too big or loaded with too much cellulite. Apparently, Reena exercised.
“Now, your turn, Priya,” she said, turning round.
Priya unzipped her jeans, pulled them down to her knees and then turned on her side to show her bum.
“How old are you?” Reena asked.
“That’s the age I was when I kicked out my husband,” Reena laughed. “He wanted me to be his cook-cum-housekeeper-cum-sex partner-cum… oh, it was horrible.”
“I am sorry.”
“That’s life, darling. Forget it—at least for now. I will now show you my cunt, if you are not shocked.”
Priya was shocked, but she managed to smile and shake her head. She liked Reena’s high spirit, her cockiness. And well, why not have a peek at her pussy?
So Reena once again hitched up her sari and turned to offer Priya a full frontal view. There was very little to see because Reena had a thick, sprawling bush that ran almost to her belly button.
“You should show it the razor once in a while,” Priya said.
“I just don’t find enough time,” Reena said. And when Priya showed Reena her clean, shaved pussy, Reena whistled softly. “Very cute,” she said with a chortle. “It looks as smooth as a baby’s cheeks. I think we have very different kinds of bodies, don’t we?”
Priya nodded. “But yours I find more attractive.”
“That’s exactly what I was going to say. Why don’t you come over to my bunk for some fun?”
“But you don’t have the space to accommodate me,” Priya pointed out, even as she felt an irresistible pull toward the other woman.
“We will manage,” Reena assured her. Her eyes, Priya noted, had suddenly become very bright and her voice sounded husky. Priya felt awed and enticed at the same time. This was not her first date with a woman, but she was slightly apprehensive, for Reena was a complete stranger and a policewoman to boot.
“Come on, sweetie,” whispered Reena, tweaking her nipples to make them plump and more luscious. Priya flung all caution in the wind, disrobed and came over to Reena’s bunk. She knelt down on the floor beside her and touched Reena’s face with her fingers. Reena threw her arms around Priya’s neck and pulled her down. Priya had never felt so passionate as she did now, kissing Reena. She flicked her tongue over Reena’s lips and then into her mouth, savoring her taste of ginger and garlic. Reena fondled Priya’s breasts, her fingers pinching and tweaking the nipples, making them hard and pointy. Overcome with desire, Priya licked the soft warm flesh of Reena’s bosom and then nibbled one of her plum-sized nipples. Reena turned on her side, lifted Priya’s naked body off the floor with her strong arms and pressed it tight against her.
“Ah, it feels so good,” Priya whispered as Reena’s hands kneaded her buttocks. She moaned as Reena’s middle finger dipped into her buttcrack and traced the rim of her anus before digging inside for further exploration. Priya realized she was in the hands of an experienced and mature lover. She held her breath in anticipation as Reena’s finger emerged from her asshole and gently rubbed her hole, dilating her wet pussy. Sex had never been so adventurous, so satisfying, thought Priya when Reena ended her anxiety by dipping her finger into her cunt.
“Oh, you are so good, Reena,” Priya gasped, fiercely nibbling her partner’s lips.
Reena’s finger now rubbed her clit, making Priya moan in ecstasy. “I want to eat your pussy, Reena,” she begged.
“So do I, darling,” said Reena. “We have so little space here to maneuver… here… let’s…”
They quickly rearranged their bodies to offer their cunts to each other. Without losing a moment, Reena grabbed Priya’s and rubbed her dripping cunt all over her own face like a towel. She then used the tip of her nose to massage Priya’s clit. Moaning with pleasure, Priya parted Reena’s lips with her fingers and buried her face into her furrow to savor her smell, her tongue running inside Reena’s slit up and down. Reena drew up her legs and Priya flicked the tip of her tongue right into her Reena’s cunt.
“Finger-fuck me, darling,” Reena whispered.
Priya inserted her index finger then her middle finger as well and started a pumping motion that threw Reena into rapture, her legs flailing, her cunt dripping more fluid than Priya could lick. Priya could feel that Reena was rushing toward a searing orgasm. She was still a couple of minutes away from one herself, but she wanted to bring Reena off first.
Then Reena shrieked and clamped her legs so tight on Priya’s face that she was almost suffocated. She held her breath like she was underwater till Reena’s limbs relaxed.
“Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!” sang an exalted Reena, panting, as her hand caressed Priya’s head. “I am so happy. Oh, it’s been months since I came like that. Thank you, darling.”
“I am happy to help you,” Priya told her.
“Let me bring you home,” Reena offered.
“Just a little more of your mouth on my clit…” Priya said, feeling the tension building around her dripping pussy. Reena lapped her pussy with renewed vigor, her tongue flicking in and out and her lips squeezing hard on Priya’s clit. Closing her eyes, Priya could imagine a vat with a boiling, bubbling liquid, waiting for that critical moment when the pot would no longer be able to hold its contents and would boil over in a torrent. She arched her back and moaned as the deluge swamped her, bringing tears to her eyes. If Reena hadn’t grabbed her, she might have flung herself on the floor.
Later, they kissed and slowly explored each other’s body for a long time till the train halted with a jerk. They could see lights on the platform and coolies rushing to and fro. From the signboards, Priya could see that they had reached Kanpur junction. Reena jumped up and started dressing. “Got to get down here, my dearest,” she said.
“I wish you all the best,” Priya told her. “I hope I will see your photo in the papers with a handcuffed Channa Devi by your side.”
“Rest assured, you will see me in the papers soon,” Reena replied, flashing a smile at Priya.
“Don’t take any unnecessary risks, Reena!” Priya said, as she saw her lover tucking her shirttail into her trousers.
“I won’t.” She held Priya by the shoulders and kissed her deeply one last time, before putting on her cap and slipping out of the coupe. Priya started to dress, for Lucknow was just an hour away.
She was still thinking about Reena when the train pulled up at Lucknow. Priya’s father greeted her on the platform.
“How was the journey, darling?” he asked.
“Great,” said Priya, beaming.
“I was worried,” he told her. “Channa Devi, the bandit queen, has hoodwinked the police. She floored a woman cop in her cell, stole her uniform and slipped out of the prison. It’s front-page news!” Priya’s father unrolled the Hindustan Times to show her the picture of the fugitive on the first page.
Even before she looked at the picture, Priya knew who she’d see.
It really had been quite a journey.
Xan West
We dance on a razor-sharp blade. That’s how humiliation play works, twisting fear and humiliation around desire until the source of her shame is the very thing that makes her valuable. Until I become exactly who I feared. We dance between her destruction and my uncontrolled viciousness, holding each other close, knowing the danger, the sharpness of the edge feeding our desire for blood. Adrenaline courses through us as we play, its metallic scent intoxicating. We know what we are doing, but that does not minimize the risks.
We have a history, and it is part of the fault line that runs under this shaky space where we play. For I am a survivor, and so is she. Sex work is not without its dangers, from cops and johns alike, and she knows that well. I learned fear and violation from more intimate sources, very early. We both learned that sex is shame and were force-fed that shame without our consent. But now we revel in a celebration of the darkness and the joy within sex, and it heals. We choose this, so it can feed us and build us up. And we are stronger for the risk in it. We are stronger for our desires.
There is something very raw and very queer about playing with this kind of power. The queerness of it is what makes it work for us. I know that she could never do this with someone who had a cock that was permanantly attached; the smells and sensations would just be too close. There’s something so peverse about using misogyny as a sex toy; the same misogyny that nearly destroyed me as a girl.
But it is not my self-hate that I pour onto her, it is love. We are in this together, and there is a tremendous love we have built, through tiny rituals and daily glances, through practical support and open celebration. We are a team, dancing together on this edge, knowing we both must use care, we both must watch the terrain. We have spent a long time building the trust needed for this, and it is worth it. For now we can ride that fine edge, lick the blood off our skin and revel in the joy that is possible.
She is dressed like the whore she is. But tonight it is to my specifications. From her fuck-me heels and up the seam in her stockings to her bare back, she is every inch a fierce, proud being. She is the object I desire, the whore I own, and she is dressed this time to please only me. I can see pride in the slight arch to her back as she kneels in the center of the room. And it should be there. I am proud to own this strong, intelligent survivor. I am proud to claim my precious whore. She is proud to be mine, to keep choosing that in every moment.
I can see the edges of her stockings peek out from under her skirt, tantalizing me. Her beautifully large body is offered up for my pleasure, and I revel in the sight of it. I want her fear tonight. And her breath. I want her tears. I want to split her open, fluids dripping. I want to unleash my cruelty upon her. I want to reach deep inside and wrap her around my fingers.
I stalk over to her and yank her up by the hair, dragging her stumbling to the wall. I tilt her head back, my body ramming her into the wall, my mouth at her ear, my cock digging into her ass.
“Spread for me, bitch.”
I kick her thighs apart.
“Yes, that’s it. You love this, don’t you? Fucking whore.”
My baton slides between her thighs, teasing. I ready for the blow. The baton slams into her, hard relentless thuds against her ass. It’s pounding her into the wall, thrusting her onto the edge of orgasm. That’s exactly where I want her. I stop.
I yank her up by the hair and turn her to face me. I grip her face in my left hand, and she knows what’s coming.
“Dirty whore.”
Then I am slapping her cheek, the bite of invasion where she is the most vulnerable. And the violation will not stop. My eyes are locked on hers as I continue to slap her face, watching her as I growl.
“Whore. You were going to come, weren’t you? You know better than that. You get to come when I say. Fucking whore. Who do you think you are, bitch? You think this is about you? You think I give a damn about your pleasure? Selfish bitch, this isn’t about you.”
I don’t stop until the tears start flowing. And then my hand is gripping her throat.
“Greedy whore. You think you get to choose? You are mine to control. Mine to use. That is your purpose in life. That is your only worth.”
I spit in her face as I watch her eyes widen and her struggle to breathe.
“Needy bitch.”
I spit again. Then release her throat.
I pull my knife out and place it by her eye, and she goes still. It teases her mouth open, grazing her tongue, her gums and rests against the inside of her lip. I thrust the tip in, not enough to bleed her, just to let her know I will be anywhere I choose. All of her had better take me in. I slide the knife down, shredding off her halter top, watching her breasts slide free. Tearing her cheap skirt to tatters, leaving her breathless, in just her collar, garters, seamed stockings and come-fuck-me heels.
“That’s right, whore. You are mine for the taking.”
I watch her eyes as I slip a condom on the baton and lube it up.
“Hands and knees, bitch.”
And then she feels it teasing her ass. It is hard and cold. It will make its way, and she will just have to accommodate it. As it worms its way into her ass, the twisted nasty feeling grips her stomach and tweaks her clit. It is deep inside her and she is squirming around it. Turned on and ashamed of being turned on, all at once. I leave her there and go sit in my favorite chair.
“Crawl to me, whore.”
She does. The baton in her ass makes her movements smaller, slower. She does not want to lose that deep penetration. She is struggling so hard not to come as she crawls toward my boots, fixated on them.
“That’s where you belong, on the floor.”
She is whimpering now, and the tears are flowing again. Little begging sounds emerge from her throat. The sight of her crawling toward me, impaled on my baton, gets me rock hard. She finally reaches me. I place my boot on the back of her neck, smashing her face into the ground at my feet.
“Come,” I order.
And she does. Writhing under my boot, whimpering as she spurts her cunt juices onto the floor.
“Make yourself available.”
She gets into the position, offering me her beautiful wide back. I take out my quirt and I start laying into her. It bites deep red welts into her back. I can feel the blood searching for the surface as I continue to strike, watching her squirm as it hits her, her ass contracting around the baton, a yelp escaping her with each blow, quickly transforming into a moan. Twining designs onto her gorgeous full back with my quirt, I am mesmerized by the sight of her movements in response. She is so beautiful. She is mine, to use exactly as I choose. This fierce, intelligent, incredibly sexy woman is mine. I can fully be myself with her. I breathe in the metallic scent of her back turned to meat, and drive my boot heel into the welts, reveling in her shrieks.
“You made a mess on the floor, you filthy bitch. Lick it up.”
She scrambles to turn and get to the spot where she made a mess and begins to lick. I stand up and drive her mouth into the floor with my boot. Her cum is cold on the floor. That was my intent. It is not supposed to be pleasant. She begins to cry.
“That’s what you get, greedy bitch. You wanted to come, now you get to eat it off the floor. Filthy whore. This is who you are. This is where you belong, licking up your grime off the ground.”
The shame washes over her and fills up her throat. She is gagging on the taste of it. She is licking her tears along with the cum now, and the salt burns her throat. My boot drives her mouth into the ground, and there is nothing to do but keep drinking down the shame. She is shuddering, her body moving silently as she licks, her cunt throbbing. I twist the baton in her ass, and she whimpers. I thrust it in gently, watching her spasm.
“You want to come again, don’t you? Greedy whore. Don’t stop yet. Get it all. That’s it, whore. Clean up after yourself. Now, get up onto your hands and knees, dirty bitch.”
I drag her head up by the hair and inspect the floor. It is spotless. I reach back and remove the baton in one quick stroke and put it aside.
“Move, bitch.”
I kick her across the room to the bed, my boot driving into her ass. I lie down on the bed and pull her mouth down to my crotch.
“Free my cock, whore.”
She fumbles, using teeth and lips to work my fly and then free my cock. I place a condom between her lips.
“You know what to do.”
She slides it on with her mouth.
“That’s my whore.”
I pull her to sit on top of me, my cock poised at her cunt. I grip her face in my hand and slap it, glaring into her eyes.
“You better please me, whore.”
I yank her by the hair and force her down onto my cock. I reach up and grab her by the nipple, yanking her down to my level. I want to watch her eyes. I take her breath as I thrust into her, watching as her eyes get bigger, as fear grows. My hand is clamped over her mouth and nose, my eyes locked on hers, my fingers pulsing pain through her nipple in time to my cock. I watch her build, as fear grabs her throat. She is afraid because this turns her on so much. She is turned on because she is afraid. How can she want so badly to be fucked by someone who scares her so much? Who makes her feel so ashamed?
I release her nipple and grind my nails into her chest, driving through her, my cock relentless, her breath gone. She is thrashing now. I order her to come, and don’t let her breathe until she does. I force her back into a sitting position, knowing it shoves my cock in deeper. I grip the center of her chest, pulsing my energy into her heart chakra, my cock into her cunt. Watching her scream. My nails drive into her thighs as she rides my cock. I know I am hitting her cervix as I thrust up, ramming into her, claiming her.
I sit up, grabbing the hair at the nape of her neck, twisting it around my fingers as I fuck her harder. I grip her hair and pull her ear toward my mouth.
“Mine,” I growl. “You are mine. My hole to fuck. Mine to use. My private whore. My bitch to command. Come for me. That’s it, whore. Come around my cock. Don’t stop coming. That’s it. Don’t stop.”
I take her breath again as she comes, watching her eyes bulge as I grip her throat.
“Yes. Keep coming, whore. That’s it. You feel so good coming on my cock. Don’t stop.”
I release her throat. She is screaming and then begging. It is too much. She can’t do it anymore. Her hips can’t stop moving as she begs, her voice desperate.
“Not yet. Don’t stop yet. Yes. Your cunt is mine. Yes. Don’t stop coming for me.”
She is whimpering. Desperate keening emerges from her lips, and it is enough to make me spurt.
“You. Are. Mine,” I growl as I slam into her, my cream filling her.
She is sobbing. I stroke her hair gently and pull her down to me.
“That’s my good whore,” I whisper as I slip my cock out of her and rock her gently in my arms. I hold her as she cries, stroking her hair softly and feeling my cock throb at the sound of her tears.
“Mm,” I say as I lick the tears from her cheeks. “Good whore. Open your mouth for me. That’s it. Now I need you to clean my cock. That’s my good whore. No leaving your mess all over me. Clean it good.”
Her mouth is so gentle, so delicate on my cock. I can feel her tears falling as she cleans me off, and it makes me even harder. I grip her by the hair and force her down onto me.
“That’s it, whore. I’m not done with you yet. I need your mouth on me. Yes, right there.”
I watch her eyes as I fuck her mouth. I thrust deep into her throat and she can’t breathe, and I hold it there, relishing the sight of her eyes bulging again.
“Yes, you are mine. My precious whore. My hole to fuck. I know, sweet bitch, I know. I know you can’t breathe. I love watching you choke on my cock. Yes, my fiesty bitch, choke it all down.”
I slam into her throat and she gags. It’s relentless and I’m not stopping, and she is scared. I can see the panic start just as I ease off. Her eyes soften a bit and she gently suckles me as she calms herself, breathing, sucking, breathing, my hand gently stroking her cheek.
“That’s my precious whore. Yes. Your mouth feels so good. Open for me. That’s it.”
I drive into her throat again, and it is good. She becomes a mouth, made to serve me, a hole to open for me, and she takes me all the way in. I can feel her throat moving around me, and she’s moaning around my cock, and I am at home in her throat. I have her by the base of her neck now, and I am rotating slowly. Her throat is the sweetest hole in the world, and it is all mine to use. I thrust into her rapidly as I shoot, and she drinks down every drop of it.
“My good whore. My sweet bitch. Yes. Take it all. Very good.”
I slide out of her mouth and hold her for a long time. Then I raise her up to meet my eyes.
“You have pleased me very much. You may sleep at my feet tonight.”
She curls up at the foot of the bed and sighs contentedly. This is where she belongs. This is who she is. My precious whore.
Kiki DeLovely
I had a dream about you last night.
I pushed SEND before I could second-guess myself. I fretted over it for two seconds before my phone rang, startling me into nearly dropping it on the floor.
Immediately I was greeted with an “Oh, really?” There was a playful flirtation in her voice but something else too.
“Down, boy. I shouldn’t have even told you.” I was regretful only because my mind turned to her girlfriend, sweet as apple tartlet.
“I’m glad you did. My morning was crap before you sent me that.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“I’m writing at the coffee shop. Meet me here? We could catch up, get some writing done, over-caffeinate ourselves…”
So I slipped on my shoes and slid out the door, headed toward what might as well be the only coffee shop in town. As I walked through my neighborhood, still uncomfortably excited from my troubling vision, I wondered where this dream had come from. I thought of our history, and there really wasn’t much to tell. When we met, I wasn’t her biggest fan. She drank too much, was continually high, flirted unabashedly with me… well, anything in a skirt really, which could have been her only positive attribute I knew of, except that it was always in front of her girlfriend, sloppy and disrespectful. Because of this, I found her incredibly unattractive.
One night, out with a huge group of friends, I made it evident that I was far from impressed. It must have embarrassed her because after that, while her flirtation never ceased, she definitely cooled it a bit. A month later, I started to see her around more. She had clearly been working on cleaning up her act, and she quickly grew on me. Witty and spot-on with the humor, courteous and sharp as hell—sobriety had transformed her—she won me over.
The last time I saw her, she asked me to dance. At first I refused, but then I had no choice—she gave me those sad puppy-dog eyes one second, and then the next I was being led to the dance floor. We had fun but, like always, it felt very innocent. Like always… that is, until that dream last night, so vivid I had woken hot and wet. At the memory, I felt the same hard pulse in my clit, making it not exactly uncomfortable to walk, but definitely difficult to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. Luckily (or unluckily?), I had reached the front door of the coffee shop. Now I just had to walk inside and actually face her. I was sure she’d give me that devilish grin, able to read the lust all over my face.
She just looked up and gave me a smile, waving me over. She rose from her chair and hugged me—making my heart race a little. For once, I felt as though our interaction was more innocent on her part than mine. It was difficult to be that close to her with the shadow of the dream lingering. After what felt like two hours, thirty-seven minutes and about five billion seconds, I was free to sit down on the bench at her table. She plopped down next to me, too close for my comfort, and it made me jump the tiniest bit.
“So tell me…” she started, but I spoke over her, asking why her day was so awful, changing the subject before it could even be brought up. A cloud came over her, “Oh, you know. Same ol’, same ol’…” Then, with a spark in her eye, she returned to the main subject. “I wanna hear about this dream.”
“Actually, I don’t know. Thinking about it made me realize, I really don’t know all that much about you. We’ve been writing buddies for a little while now, but I don’t know much about you outside of the casual day-to-day and what you put down on paper.”
“Okay, well, it goes both ways then. If I share, you have to, too.”
Knowing full well what she wanted, I agreed, though I had no idea how I would fulfill my side of the bargain. I could hardly look her in the eye.
She told me about her writer’s block, which led to talk of school, then on to open relationships, which blended into politics and back around again to writing. I felt the conversation winding down, so I quickly asked, “You’re on a deadline, huh?” She nodded. “Better get back to work then.” And I popped up, headed for the restroom.
Finally alone and shielded in the small bathroom space, I exhaled thinking about how I had avoided telling her. For the moment. So I took several more. I didn’t have to pee, I just needed an excuse to remove myself from her side, the tension being too much for me with her lips so near. Returning to the table, I sat down across from her, safely out of direct contact with her skin.
She was staring at her screen, willing it to give her something. I opened my laptop, aware of how small the table was, how the backs of our screens had to touch. Even that felt too overwhelmingly intimate for me. I squirmed a bit, busied myself by clicking away: opening a new page, selecting just the right font, then opting for another; making the font size smaller and smaller.
My screen slowly began to descend, as she pushed from the opposite side, and I was forced to meet her mischievous, curious gaze. “Don’t think I forgot—it’s your turn.”
“Sorry, we talked for too long and now we both need to get to writing.” I flipped my screen back up.
I had almost recomposed myself when an IM appeared on my screen, her words glaring in my face: You need to write? Fine then. Write it.
No. You need to finish your article.
I’m blocked. Need inspiration.
Okay… but only because it’ll make a good story. And I really should be writing anyway….
And just like that I began to pour out the secret of my subconscious that had arisen the night before, typing nasty things to her, about her. Things that my mouth would have never uttered, at least not to anyone but a lover.
In my dream, it all started with an auction. Somehow I had agreed to have myself auctioned off at some type of fundraiser. The gay boys in the back bid high on a beautiful MTF before me and I was nervous, knowing I wouldn’t bring in quite that high a sum—only the gay men usually have that kind of money lying around. But I braved the stage with a smile and my price tag rose into the hundreds. It came down to a bidding war between you and my ex, and it was soon apparent that you were not backing down. So my ex bowed out graciously and you won.
As I stepped toward the edge of the stage, you offered me your hand, helping me down. Your eyes fixed on mine, lustful and ravenous. We went and sat down by your girlfriend. She was seated on your left and I was on your right, making the chemistry between us painfully difficult. You whispered in my ear, “What do we do now?”
I had no idea, so I made something up. “I think you’re entitled to three kisses.” And in that moment, our fingers met, electricity sparking just before, the tension tight as they interlaced. Our palms pressed together tightly as if they were our bodies, the desire thick, mounting until it was unbearable, and we knew we had to find someplace more private right then. You excused yourself to your girlfriend and she was fine with it—there was clearly some sort of understanding in place.
Racing down a stairwell after each other, we finally stumbled into some sort of large tent and collapsed on top of many blankets and pillows. Wanting to prolong the torment just a bit longer, I got to my knees and started messing with the lamps, trying to find the perfect lighting. You couldn’t stand it any longer (neither could I), and so you pulled yourself up and me toward you—the infinitesimal space between us now filled with such heat and passion, fervor and wanting. Both breathing hard, our eyes locked together—one heightened pulse, beating out of you and into me—we dove into that first kiss, devouring it, tearing into each other like we’d been wanting it for years. Like…
I have been wanting you for years.
I had been so wrapped up in putting words to my dream that I had all but forgotten I was writing to an immediate audience of one.
Stop it.
Seriously. I have. And I’m there right now. Your words took me into a waking dream. A fantasy. It’s like breaking reality to type this right now.
Well, you’re breaking my concentration. I’m gonna lose it if you don’t stop and then it’ll be gone.
Reading these words, she stopped typing and I refocused myself, closed my eyes and fell back into place in my dream. Searching the depths of my mind to find the words to match the lust, I started tapping away again on the keyboard.
We fell to the floor again. With fury and madness, we fell onto each other, with burning and intensity. A tangled mess of hands searching, limbs interwoven, my lips unable to leave yours, your tongue wrapped around mine. Not caring if we could even breathe, let alone remember to do so. Grasping, desperate, pressing harder and harder up against each other, knowing that we had to remain above the thin layer of clothing separating mouths from hardness, fingers from wetness. Knowing it, loathing it, and yet it made that first kiss all the hotter. The ardor gripping us so tightly that we might suffocate. That first kiss lasted an hour easily—maybe longer. You were packing and I felt you grinding against me, your cock stiff on my thigh. You wanting me so badly to do more to acknowledge its presence. Me wanting so badly to straddle you and ride out this orgasm that had been teetering on the edge from the beginning, leaving me dizzy now. If only for a brief moment of release. Knowing that, for me, it would be ever so brief—wanting more, always wanting more. So instead, reaching down, I grasped your hardness, hoping to relieve you, hoping that relief will last longer than a moment.
The moment my hand made contact, you moaned deeply in my mouth, your tongue reaching farther, the vibration echoing down my throat, penetrating me as I wished you could. I took your cock in my hand and worked it the way my pussy would, rubbing you up and down, both of us too excited to take our time. I stroked you firmly, moving faster, as fast as I could with the protective layer separating my palm from really getting a good grip on you. You were so lust crazed that you thrust at an impatient pace—an impending explosion bursting at the seams—your tongue moving with an unimaginable quickness. The way you moved that tongue in my mouth, something I had never experienced before, and with such speed that it made it difficult to concentrate on my task at hand. So I began to suck on it, which quieted you briefly, only to make you all the more excited again. You regained control, fucking my mouth intently with your tongue, as you imagined what my lips would feel like wrapped around your cock.
And right then the seams gave way, and you exploded with the intensity of bulls charging through a brick wall—cumming so hard that I felt it rampage through me and all my weight collapsed on you, leaving me exhausted and sated in the here and now.
We lay there, marinating in bliss for just a few minutes before realizing we had to get back. So we smoothed our clothes, ran fingers through each other’s hair and started back. On the way up, you trapped me against a wall in the stairwell and all the desire flooded back, rushing over us, and you took my chin in your hand, bringing me toward you for another kiss.
I stopped you. “Don’t you think you already used up your three kisses?”
You just shook your head and smiled. “This is only the second one.”
This time you kissed me with a tender sweetness, slowly, with so much intention I felt like I might melt into a million little water molecules and just fall away. Sensing my weakness, you looped your arm around me and placed one hand on the small of my back, the other cupping my face, gently nudged my legs apart and nestled the head of your cock against my wetness gathered there. You slowly ground against me in a circular motion as our second kiss deepened, me emitting little noises, cold concrete on my shoulder blades, steadying me against you. My murmurs grew more frequent, more wanton, and I felt a smile creep across those lips on mine. You slowly pulled just your face away, still keeping me there in that vulnerable position, and you looked into my eyes. “Just wait and see what that third kiss looks like.” You released me gently and motioned for me to make my way up the stairs. I felt your eyes run up my legs to my ass as I walked away.
My fingers paused after typing fluidly for so long. There was a moment of quiet as I stared into the screen unbelievingly, and then I took a deep breath.
And then?? she typed.
That’s it. I woke up.
My screen slowly crept down once more and I met her eyes. She was staring at me with the same look as in my dream, and that, combined with the wetness saturating my panties, left me unbearably suffering.
“I’m sorry… I can’t…” And with that I made a rush for the bathroom. Safe once again, free from her gaze, I went to shut and lock the door, and suddenly she pushed inside and stood between me and the door.
“I want my third kiss.”
Betty Blue
For Carter and Joanna: may you always find luck in the shadows and in the light
Phera danced like a demon goddess, limbs twisting and whirling amid the feather and flame, in a way no ordinary creature ought to be able. Her ebony hair sparkled with bits of mica in the candlelight and Aryn held her breath, certain the flying strands would catch fire as Phera spun herself through the maze of candelabra. As she reached the end, she plucked the last candle from its holder and ran the flame across her bare skin, igniting the accelerant she had painted herself with in a stunning swirl of pale violet that licked across her body.
She somehow used the fringe of feathers that decorated her arms to snuff the flame as she danced, and with the last of it still burning, Phera snaked toward the crowd and presented herself to be extinguished by some lucky patron. Aryn swallowed as Phera’s eyes settled on her. There was no time to be bashful or Phera could be scarred. The dancer knelt over Aryn’s lap and arched back with her feathered arms poised like wings across her crown, a trail of violet running from her navel to the dark patch of hair between her legs and another circling up around one sharp-peaked breast.
Aryn ran her fingers down the smooth flesh, smothering the flame and pausing over the moister heat below it while reaching with her other hand for the fire teasing over Phera’s breast. Before she could close her hand over it, however, Phera rose toward her, placing her breast before Aryn’s mouth. She made a sound of pain as Aryn hesitated, and Aryn dove forward and smothered the flame with her tongue. Phera sighed and pressed in close, running her feathers down Aryn’s back, moving against her until Aryn took her in her mouth and sucked.
Aryn closed her eyes, sliding her hands around the muscled back and holding the dancer’s smooth body close, the hard nipple still hot against her tongue, and then Phera pulled back with a whispered laugh and took her body away.
“Don’t be greedy, little boy.” She winked and stroked her feathers down Aryn’s temple and throat before she twirled away.
The man to Aryn’s right grinned and nudged her in the ribs, and several others slapped her on the back as the show ended. “First time?” asked one of them, and Aryn nodded, not trusting her voice. But it wasn’t. She had watched Phera from the back of the crowd dozens of times, and only tonight had scraped the coin and the courage together to pay for a seat on the cushions that circled the stage.
The Garden of Earthly Delights was a high-class establishment among the many lesser names that jumbled for space and clamored for attention in the district of Raqia known as the Devil’s Doorstep. It was the lesser end of the celestial plane, where the peasant class of the Fallen was relegated to its ghetto. But the Garden drew a more exclusive kind of clientele than the average den of iniquity. Young men of means among the angelic class who spent their school holidays in Raqia as a lark were its frequent patrons. And Phera was its main attraction.
Aryn slipped back into the crowd, her tongue still tingling from whatever accelerant Phera had used. It tasted sweet and peppery at the same time. She wandered out into the cold night, still feeling the soft slope of the dancer’s belly against her palm and the downy tuft of hair she had dared to slip her fingers into to touch the heat of Phera that had nothing to do with flame.
She stumbled into someone coming out the side exit as she rounded the corner. Aryn ducked her head, mumbling an apology and then pulled back in surprise as a firm hand grabbed her around the wrist. Eyes like a mink’s were laughing at her from inside a hooded cloak. She had stumbled into Phera.
“Watch where you’re going, boy,” she chided. Her hand was still on Aryn’s wrist. “What house are you with?”
“House?” Aryn took a conscious step back, her heart thudding in her chest. “I’m not with any house. I’m from Raqia.” Aryn let out a hiss of surprise when Phera let go of her wrist and slapped her.
“Do I look like a fool to you? Do you think I don’t recognize one of the Host? You highborn angel boys come here slumming to get your dicks in the dirt, and you think the stupid peasants can’t tell the difference. Then you go back to the heights of Elysium, laughing about the nasty snatch you bought for a tinker’s coin.”
“I’m…” Aryn couldn’t very well tell her what she was really doing here; that she’d stolen her brother’s clothing to sneak out and watch Phera dance every night since they’d seen her at the demon faire at Ma’on.
“Not what? Old enough for demon pussy?” Phera’s eyes were reflecting the torchlight on the street with an odd, amber hue, and Aryn lost the last bit of sense she might have had.
“You’re a real firespirit,” she breathed.
Phera blinked at her and the glints of burning embers in her pupils disappeared. “Oh, boy. And you’re a real virgin, aren’t you? How old are you? Does your daddy know you’re here?”
Aryn backed away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” She turned around and headed back toward the main street before Phera could see her cheeks blazing hot enough to rival her act. What an idiot. You’re a real firespirit.
“Hang on,” called Phera after a moment, hurrying to catch up to her. “Come on, kid, wait a second.” She caught Aryn by the sleeve and Aryn shrugged away. “I’m the one who was rude. You didn’t deserve that.” Phera sighed. “Look, this is a dangerous neighborhood for you to be walking around alone in at night. Why don’t you come with me to the auberge where I’m rooming and get some breakfast until it’s a little lighter out here.”
“I’m not a child,” snapped Aryn, turning toward her finally. “I know my way around Raqia.”
“Well, maybe I’d like an escort,” said Phera with a toss of her glittering hair. “Or aren’t you a gentleman?” Phera’s condensed breath glowed dimly as it hung in the air before her, a reminder of the heat she had generated in the club.
Aryn put her hands in her pockets. “I guess.”
“You guess you’re a gentleman?”
“I guess I can give you an escort,” sighed Aryn in exasperation.
Phera winked and tucked her arm through Aryn’s. “This way,” she said, turning them back toward the alley where Aryn had stumbled into her. The alley was unlit by torches and the cobblestone beneath their feet was pitted and cracked, with patches of dead grass poking up through holes where stones had been dug out and carried off as if demons had picked at it like birds robbing for their own nests. It was a far more dangerous-looking place than the main strip of the Devil’s Doorstep, and Aryn found herself worrying for Phera that she had to walk this route after dancing for the liquored rabble back at the club.
Liquored rabble of which Aryn was one. It had taken three shots of Raqia Redeye to get up the nerve to buy the full-price ticket. Phera pressed in closer to her, and Aryn felt her palms sweating in her pockets despite the cold. The dancer’s sleek curves melted into her through the cloak. Aryn wondered if she wore anything beneath it.
Phera stopped at a brightly lit stoop and nodded her head toward the door. “This is the house,” she said, waiting for Aryn to open the door like a gentleman. Aryn hurried up the steps and pulled on the latch, but it wouldn’t budge. “You have to knock,” said Phera, coming up behind her. Aryn blushed. Of course you had to knock. As she raised her hand to do it, the door flew open.
“What business do you have here?” demanded the house matron, and then saw Phera behind her. “Ah, it’s you, dear, sorry. I heard voices and thought it was that damn angel riffraff again. Think every house in Raqia’s a den of iniquity.” She looked Aryn up and down as Phera led her in. “Where’d you pick up that one? A little wet behind the ears, ain’t he?”
“Hush, Myra, he’s just here for a bite to eat and to keep me company.”
The front hall of the house was equipped with a long table and half-a-dozen boarders—dancers like Phera home after a late shift—were already seated at it, devouring a simple meal of biscuits and gravy despite the hour. Phera dragged Aryn to it and pulled off her hood as she sat on the end of the bench and scooted in.
“Sit down,” she said. “They don’t bite.”
Myra was already ladling gravy onto plates of biscuits and tossing them down in front of them. Aryn sat and accepted the plate, wondering if she ought to pay the woman now or afterward, and how she was supposed to know what it cost. She had little left after the extravagance of the ticket. Her family might be Host, but they were no noble, moneyed house, just simple textile merchants who dealt with the lower echelon of Elysium—and often, of Raqia. Her father wasn’t particular. Coin was coin.
“So what do they call you?” asked Phera, sopping up gravy. Aryn hesitated. Her name was ambiguous enough, but did she want to give it out so freely? “Never mind, I’ll give you a name myself.” Phera tilted her head and looked at her for a moment. “Babe,” she said decisively. Aryn reddened and flinched as Phera ran a finger across her jaw. “Not even peach fuzz yet.” She shook her head. “And very good at suckling.”
Aryn nearly choked on her biscuit. The others at the table laughed and Aryn didn’t dare look up. She tensed as Phera put a warm hand on her thigh beneath the table. The heat from the dancer’s hand was deliberate, and it was drawing an answering heat from deep inside her.
“Tell you what I’m going to do for you, Babe.” She pushed her plate away and edged her hand up farther. “Since you’ve been such a good sport, I’m going to give you a private dance.”
Aryn nearly jumped away from her, grabbing her hand as it got too close. “That’s not necessary,” she said. Not necessary? Idiot. It was very necessary. Nothing had ever seemed so necessary in her life. How likely was this offer ever to come again?
“Ah, I’ve embarrassed you.” Phera stood up, pulling Aryn to her feet. “Come on, we’ll talk in private.” Aryn went with her dumbly, her body arguing with her mind. Phera led her up a narrow staircase of painted wood toward an attic room. There was no rail, and the steps were poorly placed, so Aryn held tight to Phera’s hand, palm sweating against it, like a fool.
Phera unlocked a low door that they both had to duck under and ushered Aryn into a pleasant room draped in cerise fabric and scattered with overstuffed pillows on the bare wooden floor that seemed to be used in place of a bed. Phera sat her down on the single chair facing outward before the vanity and lit a lamp and some incense in a bowl that sat before the mirror.
“I know; it’s cold as the devil in here,” Phera said as Aryn shivered. The Fallen were fond of invoking the earthly myth, and employed it liberally throughout Raqia as a conscious acknowledgment of what the Host thought of them. Phera took off her cloak and settled it over Aryn’s shoulders, and as Aryn had suspected, she had on only the feathered sleeves made of sheer fabric and the equally sheer drape, with a skirt made out of chiffon scarves, that she had worn when she first began her dance. The lamplight glinted off her body in strategic places.
“You liked my dance,” said Phera, swaying slightly, and playing her fingers between the hanging strips of cloth at her thighs.
“Yes.” It would be stupid to deny it.
“I think you’re a very naughty boy,” said Phera, coming closer.
“I’m not…” Aryn bit her lip. Shut up! You’ll never get to see her dance again. Just shut up.
“Not naughty?” Phera straddled her legs and stroked Aryn’s thighs. Her hands were too close and Aryn scooted back.
Phera thrust her hand into the waistband of Aryn’s brother’s pants. “Or not a boy?” Aryn gasped as Phera dug her fingers in deeply to verify her suspicion. “Oh, definitely naughty, Babe. Very naughty.”
Phera’s fingers began to prickle with firespirit heat, and Aryn felt the moisture almost running from her cunt at their touch. Phera prodded her, fingers teasing around the outside, and then one slipping across the center between her damp lips, drawing a breathy gasp from her.
“No, I don’t think you deserve a lap dance after all.”
Aryn moaned as the hot fingers burrowed into her. Phera stroked her lightly for a moment, moving like silk between her aching flesh, and then thrust with expert dexterity. Aryn yielded to her, hips moving in involuntary waves, and Phera laughed and pulled her fingers away as a moan of disappointment escaped her visitor. The dancer painted her wet fingers over Aryn’s mouth and then pushed them between her lips as she had done below.
“Suckle, Babe,” she murmured in her ear. “Since you do it so well.”
Aryn suckled, tasting her own arousal on the heat of Phera’s fingers, tasting the warm skin and wanting more. Phera took the fingers away and slung her leg off Aryn’s lap as she dropped the bare garment onto the floor, once again wearing only the stylized sleeves meant to be a jab at the earthly concept of an angel’s wings. The white feathers were stark against her deep olive skin and her eyes sparkled with brimstone fire.
“Naughty Babe. What can we do with you?” She pushed the cloak over the back of the chair. “Are those even your clothes?” Aryn shook her head. “Then take them off.” The brimstone flared. Aryn pulled down her suspenders and unbuttoned her shirt, hardly daring to look at Phera as she exposed herself. Phera crouched beside her and smoothed her hands across her torso and then ran an impossibly warm tongue up one side of her ribs.
“Didn’t tell you to stop,” she breathed and yanked back on the gentleman’s bob Aryn had tied her pale brown curls into. Aryn unbuttoned the pants and began working them down as Phera’s mouth closed over her breast. The heat of her tongue increased, and Aryn’s chest was heaving as she arched beneath the firespirit, pants stalled at her thighs. Phera yanked them down to her ankles and sucked the other breast into her mouth as her fingers worried Aryn’s clit.
Phera looked up at her then, and her eyes were glowing orange. “So you want to know what it’s like with a real firespirit.”
“I didn’t know you were—”
“Grab the chair legs and don’t you move,” she ordered. Aryn put her arms behind her and clutched the top of the chair legs, and Phera darted forward toward her open thighs. Aryn saw the glowing tip of her tongue before it entered her and she cried out, nearly toppling backward into the vanity.
Phera was devouring her, the hot tongue slaking its thirst inside her, her hands nearly crushing her breasts. It never occurred to Aryn to try and scramble away or tell her to stop. Phera’s tongue was plundering her, a red-hot brand that snaked and lapped and prodded her until she thought she would die. The legs of the chair began to rock as Aryn shook, a violent storm building in her, and she began to wail and moan, rocking harder and faster against the wood floor in a desperate rhythm until she screamed and arched up on her toes into the hot mouth.
The climax tore through her in rolling waves as if the storm inside her had broken and she was now its beach, pounded and battered and tossed about like wet sand, a ferocious ocean of caps and swells hurtling onto her again and again until she was weak and trembling, pulled back into the deep until she thought she’d drown and hurled once more into an untidy heap of her own pulverized matter. And then the waves at last rolled out and stilled, leaving her a sodden, shipwrecked mess in Phera’s hands.
Phera’s tongue cooled and she sucked at Aryn gently, her hands loosening on Aryn’s breasts and teasing her nipples, and Aryn closed her eyes, tension draining from her like the sweat rolling over her skin. Phera laughed against her softly, a sound of pleasure; a wicked, hungry sound vibrating her sensitive clit; and then the heat rose like a Roman candle into her cunt as Phera began again.
Aryn wailed in protest, cupping her thighs around Phera’s head with her brother’s pants dangling from one ankle as Phera drove her once more to a frenzied pitch, hot hands moving over her breasts and pinching her nipples while her tongue scoured Aryn until she thought she would be burned away. And then she rocked violently into Phera’s mouth once more, shrieking and gasping and thrusting her ass as far forward on the chair as she could get to reach that heat.
Phera steadied her as it receded at last, pushing her back onto the chair with a gentle kiss. Aryn opened her eyes, panting, exhausted and saw the flash of fire in Phera’s eyes once more. Oh, no. No more. Her head was shouting it, but her mouth would not, and Phera took her again, growling into her with exuberant sounds of delight as she suckled and thrust without mercy, bringing Aryn to a howling maelstrom of climax again and more, boiling over, the heat unbearable, until at last Aryn fell forward against her, sobbing and grasping incoherently at her mica-littered hair.
The demon dancer untangled the pants from her feet and pulled her down into her lap, letting Aryn cling to her until the sobbing ebbed. She kissed Aryn with her own smoldering scent, her face sticky with Aryn and rolled with her onto the pillows as Aryn quieted, dragging a blanket of silk across their bodies as they tumbled, limbs threading in their own elaborate dance.
It should have been freezing in the attic room, but Phera’s body was warm and humid against her. Phera lay back, her dark hair snaking across the pillows, candle and moonlight turning the adorned tresses into a swell of dark, rippling waves that hinted at the power she had drawn from Aryn’s body, and sighed. Her dark-tipped breasts were heaving as if she too were depleted and scarce of breath.
“I’ve never even met a demon who would sit still for that,” gasped Phera, sounding pleased and a bit amazed. Aryn could only hum against her shoulder in answer. Phera curled her body around Aryn’s and pulled her back against her, brushing her fingers along Aryn’s thigh as she rested her head in the hollow of her collarbone. “Well, sweet Babe,” she murmured sleepily. “You’ll have to show me how well you suckle in the morning. You’ve worn me out.”
Aryn was drifting toward unconsciousness, her body so relaxed that it might have melted into a puddle, when Phera sighed and spoke once more as if in her sleep. “Don’t fly away, little angel,” she mumbled against her nape, her arms tightening around her. “I haven’t had a chance to punish you yet for being naughty.”
Sinclair Sexsmith
The club is dark enough that no one can tell Kristen is on her knees in front of me. She found a particularly shadowed corner. Her back is to the wall, my hands up against it and my head dipped down to watch her lips close around the shaft of my cock.
Her short skirt is pushed up on her thighs. I run my hands through the short hair on the back of her head and straighten my neck to see a friend approaching me.
“Sinclair! I haven’t seen you in…” She stops a few feet away and I twist my head but not my body, keeping my hand on the back of Kristen’s head. She hears my friend and starts hesitating, but I keep my grip firm and catch her eye, just for a second: Don’t you stop.
She doesn’t. She swallows me even deeper and brings her hand up to my thigh for leverage. I keep my hand on her jaw so I can feel her open and full. I try not to groan.
“Uh, hi,” I manage to say, looking back to my friend. “Can I find you later?”
Wide eyed, she chuckles a little, says, “Sure, man,” and backs off, glancing over her shoulder as she disappears back into the crowd.
“Good girl,” I say, caressing Kristen’s hair and cheeks with my fingers. She’s taking me deep, looking up every so often, her lips closing around me and sucking. She takes me almost to the base, deep, then slides it out of her mouth and lets her tongue lap all the way down the length of it. My hips are moving, grinding against her gently; I want more, want to pull out and fuck her up against the wall, bend her over the pool table on the other side of the room. I can see other butches with sticks hitting balls across felt in precise angles by the lamp swaying. Everyone is going along with her Saturday night, not noticing this dark corner we’ve found.
“I want to fuck you,” I say quietly, fisting her hair for grip. “You get me good and hard, and I will.” She buckles a little, a jolt goes through her body and she ripples, I can feel it. She wants it now, but she’ll have to wait.
She flicks her tongue around the crown, then wide on the underside of the shaft as she takes the head in her mouth again, keeping her mouth stretched wide, and I rub it against her tongue with a little shift in my hips. She lets me slide it all the way in, pressing her shoulder against the wall with my shin and holding the back of her head again, filling her mouth up.
Kristen knows how. She’s damn good at this. Sometimes she goes too deep and it gets hard for her to breathe; she pulls out and gasps, then goes in to swallow me again, deeper, tighter. I feel her throat close around my cock, tongue pulsing, and I thicken in her mouth, my hips start tensing, and that’s it, I have to have her, here, now.
I pull out fast, pull her up with my hand still on her jaw, kiss her hard against the wall as I push her skirt farther up, shove the fabric aside and find her slit. I keep her pinned between my body and the wall.
“Oh, please, I want it so bad,” she whispers next to my ear. I keep a tight grip on her shoulders, my forearm against her clavicle, gripping her thighs, my knee bent and under hers, holding her legs apart. “I want your cock in me,” she gasps.
“Damn right you’ll get my cock. After you made me all hard like you did? With that sweet little mouth of yours? You’re going to get it.”
Tiny moans come from her mouth. She’s waiting, hands clawing at my shoulders, hips writhing. I find her slit with my fingers and tease her lips. She’s so wet I can feel it just on the outside, sticky-sweet, and I can’t stand the wait; it’s making my eyes blur and my head spin. I grip my cock in my fist and circle her lips and opening with the head.
She moans, louder.
“Shh,” I say. “Someone could come over here any second. We’re barely concealed.” I should be faster, this should be just three thrusts and it’s over, we’re in public for goodness’ sake, in a room full of people, barely concealed by shadow.
But I’m waiting, again, now. I want to hear her beg. I want her tongue working again with language like it was just working against my cock.
“Oh, baby, I want it so bad,” she breathes in my ear, pressing with everything she’s got against me. “I need you to fuck me, come on, you fuck me so good.”
I keep circling, teasing the open hole of her cunt with my cock, and bring my thumb up to her mouth to circle and tease her mouth the same way. She gasps, gulps, tries to take it into her mouth, but I won’t let her.
“You know I’ll do it. I’ll fuck you right, right here, against this wall, with all these people watching,” I growl low against her neck as I bite a little too hard, and she gasps, gives in. “You don’t even care that they can see, do you? You need it so bad.”
“Please,” she says, and looks me right in the eyes, that look bordering on desperation, eyes wide, lips parted, a hint of a smile and so much wanting. “Please,” she says again, drawing out the vowels, and I give in.
I murmur, “Yes, yes,” soothing, and slide inside her slow, so slow, but strong and all the way, tip to balls.
The first stroke takes the longest and she’s moaning already, a long low sound that corresponds to my progress, and she breathes in when I get to the base, both of us tight, clenched, pulsing. She wants it hard, she wants it fast, and I know just how she likes it, but I’m taking my time, giving her every delicious inch, just how I like it.
I can feel her everywhere.
I pull almost all the way out, a little faster, and she gasps. I cover her mouth with mine in more of a controlling move than a kiss, to quiet her a little, but I don’t really care if people hear, or see, anymore. My hands are on her hips and I control how fast she moves against me; she’s writhing, trying to ride me faster, but she can’t; I keep her inches away from me, keep her shoved against the wall, hard, and control the depth and speed.
“Fuck, oh, fuck,” I mutter. She squeezes me tight in resistance and desperation, and it gets me so hot, so hard, I start building up faster, harder.
I place my hand over her mouth as she gets louder. I’m groaning too, fucking harder, and I just can’t keep her quiet when we get to this point, I can’t; she starts moaning and gasping and a few heads turn, but we’re oblivious to where we are. People steal glances over to our dark corner, squint, try to make out our figures, shifting their angle a little to get a better view, tapping their friends and nodding over toward us. I’m hoping my pants won’t fall down past my ass any farther, hoping her skirt is concealing us a little, her leg up and wrapped around my hip. I can only see the room from my peripheral vision, but Kristen has a good view, and she wraps her arms around my shoulders and looks out at the room as if for the first time, makes eye contact with someone, just for a second.
She shivers. Runs her fingers through the hair on the back of my head, grips my shoulders.
I can’t stop; I’m working in her harder, again and again, getting all worked up, and we lose ourselves in it. We forget where we are.
Suddenly she’s close. So close. I can feel it, her legs shake and open in a different way. I wrap my arms around her tightly, shove inside her hard, fast, and she’s coming, suddenly, it washes over her without anticipation, just suddenly unleashed, muscles quivering and she’s gasping in my ear, trying not to yell, clawing at my shoulders. Her cunt grips so hard when she comes I have to work to stay inside, grunting a little; I can feel sweat on my neck and lower back from the exertion, and I press hard into her, I don’t let up, and she keeps coming, gasping one more time, surrendering, then releases against me with a long sigh.
We stay wrapped in the bliss of it all for a minute longer until we notice a waiter approaching, doing rounds. Kristen straightens up a bit, smoothes her hair, her skirt; I step back and zip.
“You two okay here?” he asks, as he does his drive-by.
Kristen picks up her gin gimlet, catches my eye as she sips on it.
“We’re great,” I say, and swig the rest of the melted ice in my glass of Jameson.
Kirsty Logan
I met Baba Yaga at the end of childhood—when I was past pigtails and fairy tales, but not quite ready to give up on make-believe. We had always known that she was there. She was the center of every scary story our parents told us. They said she had a thousand eyes and watched us as we slept; she had goats’ feet and a rooster’s beak and creepy-crawlies in her hair. She had a fence made of bones and a huge cast-iron oven for roasting nosy children. Every detail made us want to see her more. I dreamed of breaking through her hedge of thorns to find out what she kept at the top of her chicken-legged hut.
“I dare you,” said my friend Emmy one night, and that was all it took. No double dare needed. At eighteen, it was very important to be louche.
“Sure,” I said, my mind exploding with the secrets of the chicken legs and the goats’ feet. I could already picture Baba Yaga’s face, waxy lipstick smeared and hair a rosebush tangle.
I knew Emmy had only dared me to get a reaction. We’d fooled around a few weeks before, and now she was being all weird, playing mind-fuck games. The way I saw it, she had started it all, plying me with booze stolen from her mum and sucking my tongue on the roundabout in the children’s playground. Everything was spinning so fast, I’d had to kiss her back to keep from falling off the edge of the world. Her mouth tasted of alcohol and peach lip-gloss. She kissed like a bank robber, like she was trying to get in and out as fast as possible. Even with the grope up my top and through the zip of my jeans, she was done before the roundabout had slowed to a stop. I’d wandered home, street-lit and frustrated, then rubbed my clit while thinking of Emmy straddling me on the swings: the heat of her; the soft skin; the secret wet places. And then it wasn’t Emmy but someone else, a woman, not a girl, older and stronger, knowledge seeping out of her and into me like the sweet drip of honey, and I came so hard, gasping out a name, and ever since then it had been weird between Emmy and me.
Two weeks later, on a Tuesday night toward the end of the summer holidays, we were bored. It was August, still warm in the twilight of 9:00 p.m. We’d made the most of a bottle of Jack, passing it back and forth and sipping as we wandered the suburban streets. For a while we’d peeped in windows, but it was too early for anyone to be in bed, and that was the only room that interested us.
It didn’t take long for us to bump up against the woods. They weren’t even woods really, just a few acres of scrubby trees bordering the town.
“That’s where Baba Yaga lives,” said Emmy, her voice thick and slow from the alcohol. In my mind, Baba Yaga was the bitch goddess warrior queen. She terrified and fascinated me.
“I dare you,” said Emmy, and I was lost.
“When I come back, you’re buying the vodka.”
“If you come back.” Emmy drained the bottle then pressed her lips against mine. The whisky burned, and I pulled away and walked into the woods without looking back. I pictured Emmy, so small among the trees with the empty bottle in her hand. She’d wait for me.
I planned to walk to the other side of the woods, then come around the side and creep up on Emmy to give her a fright. She was pissing me off, but I still wanted to fuck her, and I figured making her squeal and jump into my arms was a good start.
It should only take about twenty minutes to walk around the edge of the trees. I grinned at the thought of Emmy, still waiting there. She’d already be regretting her dare. She was probably wishing we were back at hers, sprawled on her bedroom floor, smoking joints and sliding our tongues into each other’s mouths. Even though we had to jump apart every time her mum thumped up the stairs, messing around with Emmy still did it for me. Once I’d given her a good scare, maybe I’d let her take me home.
It was darker there among the trees, and the sounds of the town were muted. I could smell wet earth and wood smoke. At first my progress had been stilted, every other step kicking into a bit of litter or clump of twigs, but the farther I got into the woods the clearer the way became. The humidity was getting to me, my T-shirt sticking to the small of my back. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my palm, feeling the burrs and bits of dead leaf stuck in my hair. Without realizing, I was walking more carefully, trying not to make the leaves crunch under my feet. The woods looked the same in every direction, and it seemed like darkness was falling faster. I started to wonder if I’d somehow turned myself around. Digging my feet down into the carpet of leaves, I closed my eyes and listened. Maybe if I could hear some noise from the town, I’d be able to figure out where I was. Soon I heard something that was not a night bird or a burrowing rodent or the distant murmur of traffic. It was the noise I had dreamed of Emmy making.
I opened my eyes and crept toward the noise as quietly as I could. The moans and rustles grew louder, and I ducked down when I saw the gleam of naked skin. I held my breath and watched. Through the screen of thin branches I couldn’t tell what combination of male and female I was watching, but I knew the rhythm of that motion. The moaning turned into words, a vague mumbling, Oh-god-oh-god-oh-yes-oh-fuck. I shifted my position, squatting so that my heel pressed up against my swelling clit. I rocked as I watched, thinking about how Emmy was going to make those noises later when I slid my fingers inside her. I imagined the sweat on the couple’s skin, bellies sliding together as they thrust, the feeling of being filled, of slickness and hardness, and I pressed my heel harder against the knot of fabric in the crotch of my jeans, feeling it grind on my clit, and I thought about sucking earlobes and kissing throats and biting lips. I felt a pressure building, the air catching in my throat, the throbbing growing to a peak, and as orgasm shuddered through me like a wave across a rock, my foot slid out across the leaves.
The couple stopped abruptly, jerking up like lions interrupted while feeding. Oh, shit, I’d been spotted. I tried to make my exit with the speed of running and the silence of creeping, somehow managing neither. After a few minutes I dared to look back—I was alone. I let out the breath I had been holding then inhaled the musty smell of the woods. For a while I leaned against a tree, feeling grounded by the bark scratching against my palm, until I was ready to move on. Sure, I had almost gotten busted for peeping, but that had only made me more eager to get back to Emmy and reenact what I had just seen. I let a smile slide onto my face and headed off in what I thought was the right direction.
In front of me stood a concrete hut, long abandoned, covered in DANGER OF DEATH signs. The council must have abandoned it years ago—it had the unmistakable squalor of 1970s architecture. I barely glanced at the graying bricks before continuing. I was eager to get back to Emmy for our night of scaring, squealing, kissing and fucking. And that would have been that, except as I was walking past the door of the hut, it opened. Outlined in the doorway was a woman with a head of heart-red curls and arms full of chopped wood.
“Oh,” she said. She looked at me for a moment, then stepped back inside the hut and closed the door.
I stood stupidly, breathing the smells of rotting leaves and cool air, and stared at the closed door. Every time I blinked, I could see the afterimage of the woman: her red hair, her purple dress, her dirty bare feet. My head throbbed with alcohol and heat. For all I knew, there was probably some awful reason why the woman was lurking about in the woods in the dark. She could have been burying bodies; maybe she had a bloody axe to go along with that wood. Maybe she was waiting in her hut for some stupid kid like me to come along and be worm food.
None of this stopped me from knocking on the door. For a long time nothing happened, and I was suddenly aware of how ridiculous I looked, slack-jawed and half drunk in my dirty jeans, knocking at the door of an abandoned hut in the middle of the woods. I looked like an artist’s reconstruction of a scene from a true crime book. Then the door opened.
The woman was still holding the chopped wood in her arms. The lights behind her lit up her hair like a bloody halo. “Yes,” she said, “you saw me. You weren’t expecting it, and neither was I. So let’s just get on with our lives and pretend that this never happened.” She frowned, and it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t let her close the door on me again.
“You’re her,” I said. “Baba Yaga.”
The woman raised her eyebrows and looked down at herself. “Do I look like I have goats’ feet and a rooster’s beak? This hut may be ugly, but it’s not on chicken legs. And I assure you that I don’t spend my nights riding around on a giant broom.”
“Those are just stories they tell kids. Probably so we don’t come here and find you. Because you…”
“Because I what?”
Because you’re the bitch goddess warrior queen, I thought. “Because you want to be left alone,” I said.
“And yet, here you are. Not leaving me alone.”
I smiled with one side of my mouth, in a way that Emmy had told me was extremely fuckable. This seemed to be a universal feeling, because Baba Yaga smiled right back.
“You might as well come in,” she said.
Baba Yaga showed me around her home: the walls hung with saris and the cupboards full of books. She explained to me how she had soundproofed the walls and stolen a generator from a poorly guarded building site. Most of all, she told me how she had come to be the wicked witch: an eviction from her flat, a girlfriend running off with her boss, a three-days-drunk stumble through the woods. An empty hut, a new life. She told me how she had sewn stories around herself; a shroud of children’s nightmares to protect her from the world.
I told her stories too. Her stories were about building things, making a life; mine were about emptiness and drifting. Just eighteen and done with school, done with parents; living in a squat and drinking my way along the suburban streets until the lights started to blur. I had come unmoored, but now I’d bumped up against her.
When we’d finished talking, Baba Yaga kissed my throat and dragged me to bed. I had spent my childhood fantasizing about her—the images left in my head after my bedtime stories. I had dreamed of fairy tales, and she was better than all of it.
I pulled off her dress, the bright fabric catching in her curls. I fumbled, laughed, was silenced by her mouth on mine. In one movement, she shook off her clothing and tore off mine. Her skin was hot and smooth. She licked her way down my body, her tongue as rough as a cat’s. I wouldn’t close my eyes, desperate to see every moment of her. She slid her hands under my hips and lifted me. I wrapped my ankles around her head and pulled her into me, but Baba Yaga only gave what she wanted to give. She pulled away, teasing me. On her knees at the end of the bed, she stretched her body out for me: the pink of her nipples, the soft weight of her breasts, the angles of her chin and wrists and calves. I could smell her cunt, a scent like the ground after rain.
I crawled toward her on the bed, sliding my body under hers, pulling her down onto me. She was honey on my tongue. She was the poison apple, the kiss that would wake me. I slid my tongue inside her cunt, holding tight to her hips so the weight of her body was pressed onto me. She reached down and pulled on my nipples, rolling them between her finger and thumb. I sucked her clit into my mouth, licking her with the wide flat surface and the pointed tip of my tongue, her juices on every one of my taste buds. I did not stop until she shuddered out her orgasm and collapsed down beside me. With her eyes shut, she pressed her mouth against mine. I couldn’t stop smiling long enough for a proper kiss, so she changed tactics: nipping my bottom lip, kissing along my jaw, meandering a trail down to my nipple.
When she finally slid inside me, I knew the end of my story. I never wanted to leave my bitch goddess warrior queen. I knew what happily ever after was, and I wanted to be a wicked witch too.
By the time I got to the edge of the woods, Emmy had gone. I only went to tell her not to wait for me anymore, so when I saw that the street was empty, I turned around and went right back home. Back to Baba Yaga.
Over the years, I sometimes wondered what had happened to Emmy; how long she’d waited that night before turning away from the woods; whether she’d come in after me or had just gotten bored, wandered off and forgotten. I wondered if she remembered that night in the children’s playground; those sticky, blurry kisses. I wondered whether she’d ever found her own witch to love.
Parents still tell their children bedtime stories about two wicked witches, perched in their chicken-legged house, hiding away from the world.
Kenzie Mathews
Bella was pretending to sleep when I came in from painting class, artfully arranged on the couch like a Courbet nude. Her ass, apple-curl up, faced the door, her plump pale legs were spread in drowsy abandon; one arm was hanging off the couch, the other pressed beneath her, cradling her breast. Her long strawberry-blonde hair curled down her bare back like a golden river. I would have actually thought her sleeping if not for the glistening wet at her slightly opened pussy lips. She’d been fingering there, preparing herself while listening for my footsteps on the stair. She’d pushed herself to the edge, waiting for me.
I dropped my paint box and carry easel to the floor and groaning, put my mouth on her there. Her musk, which had been growing colder, warmed under my lips and tongue. Moaning, Bella attempted to turn over, but I stopped her, my hand on her hip. Squatting at the end of the couch, my mouth never leaving her cunt, I lifted her thighs over my shoulder and I drank.
Bella panted, one hand coming down to stroke her clit as I ate her, tongue darting inside her, teeth nibbling and sucking on her fat labia. My fingers joined my mouth, tugging at her piercings, stroking her clit as her wet fingers stroked my face, and my tongue licked upward, hungrily, at her round cherry clitoris. My cum-soaked fingers, gooey and warm, found her ass. Spreading it, they entered, slow and steady as my tongue continued to assault her clitoris, tickling it through the hood. Bella’s cunt bounced against my face, dampening my cheeks, my nose, my closed eyes with her cum. God, she could get so wet, the smell of her aroused cunt an intoxicating incense that set my own cunt in motion.
This time when she tried to rise, to pull her thighs off my shoulder, I let her. She crouched then, on all fours on the couch, looking over her shoulder at me, her cunt and ass dripping. There were clips on her nipples to keep them red and hard, perfect for my nibbling teeth, suckling mouth and pulling fingers.
Bella asked huskily, “Please,” her chin nodding toward the dildo on the coffee table. Licking my lips, I laid a few fingers softly on her dewy cunt and ass. She moved up into my fingers, purring like a cat. I calmed her, laying my palm there, feeling her tremble beneath my hand.
“I need it,” Bella whispered. “I’ve wanted you all day.”
My palm still on her quavering cunt and ass, I reached over to the coffee table and picked up the dildo. A scent of clinical medicine hit my nose, the careful antiseptic flavor of lubrication. I’d already decided, but this excuse was as reliable as any.
“If you’ve thought of me all day, why is it that your cunt didn’t warm this toy?” I snarled in her ear.
“I… I didn’t want to cum without you….”
I put the dildo in her hand and filled my hand instead with one of her breasts. I kneaded it, pulling on the clip and nipple. Then, while she crouched there, the lubricated dildo in her hand, moaning as my fingers twisted her nipple, I slapped her rosy wet ass and cunt. Bella shrieked, surprised. I slapped her ass again and this time her cunt pressed wetly into my hand, clinging to me. I entered one finger, two fingers into her cunt, the tip of my thumb into her ass. I dipped, once, twice, then I pulled out and spanked her again sharply.
“Put it in you and count,” I told her. “But hold back, hold back until I tell you.”
Bella whimpered as I spanked her but, her hand trembling, the dildo found her cunt and then she swayed as I spanked her, coming up toward me to get her punishment, sliding in and out with the dildo to get the full fuck of it. By the time she’d reached ten, her ass was red hot and her cunt was fully indulged with the dildo, so much so that her cum and sweat poured down her inner thighs like dewy rain.
I kissed her ass, my mouth cooling her skin. Bella jumped when I put my tongue in her rosebud asshole and I sucked, kissing my way down to her cunt. I gently pulled the dildo out, moaning as the sound of it nearly made me cum. That slick, slippery wet sound of arousal, of release. I put my fingers in her, unable to stop myself. I stroked her swollen labia, her clit. She moaned under my hand, moving with me. God, she was still so wet.
“Kiss me, will you kiss me?” Bella murmured, shaking as I moved her gently into another position.
This time, I lay on my back on the couch, and I pulled her over me, squatting her warm ass, her wet, dripping, sorely-used cunt over my face, over my mouth and nose. Now, my lips brushing her, I whispered, “You can cum now, fully cum in my mouth, on my face.”
I ate her as she came on my face, her warm musk flooding my nose and mouth. I nearly drowned in her flood. With my knees bent and spread, my hands wasted no time filling my own cunt. Bella cried out, bouncing there on me as my tongue lapped, and I sucked and nibbled. I fucked myself with my hands, my neck straining to support my head so I could get to her juicy cunt. I slurped and swallowed, my fingers echoing my tongue and lips by entering my own cunt and stroking my clit.
When the shuddering release came, Bella slid her wet ass and cunt away from my face, and she sat on the floor next to the couch. She finally got her kiss, my tongue worn out, my jaw numb. This time, her hand joined my wet fingers and my hips lifted, welcoming her fully into my cunt as I came and released.
Bella got up then, to take a shower before work.
Hoarsely I called after her, “Don’t wear underwear. Let the bastards smell what they can’t have.”
Bella hung in the bathroom doorway. Smiling, daring me with her dark eyes, she said, “Come fuck me at the restaurant today.”
And god I wanted to. I wanted to take her, her short skirt lifted, my ridged strap-on tight in her cunt, her full breasts bouncing as she bent over one of those fake French café tables and everyone in the restaurant watched. Make her cum and cum again, screaming. Let all those stupid rich college boys know that Bella was mine. Bella belonged to me. She couldn’t be bought with Daddy’s money. She couldn’t be turned by some wealthy prick. I wasn’t her college experiment before marriage to a man, kids in the suburbs, PTA meetings, a satisfying home career… right? Insecurities suddenly plagued me. I mean, I’d been with other girls before Bella… but I was Bella’s first….
“I can’t, Bella,” I said finally, softly, with true hungry regret, “I gotta go to Art History.”
“Hmm,” Bella said from the bathroom. “And after class?”
Steam escaped the half-shut door as Bella turned on the shower.
“Mixing pigment at Janie’s studio. Stretching canvas,” I mumbled, and now I was seeing myself mixing pigment and stretching canvas as an old lady, alone in her house with rescued dogs and cats. Rich or poor, Recognized Artist or Starving, the scenario was the same… alone. Having chosen art over love, the great artist never regrets the decision… but I did already. I really, really did. I still had Bella in my mouth.
The bathroom door opened suddenly. Bella stood there, naked and blue. Well, covered in several shades of blue. Cobalt melted into Prussian, blended well with marine and cerulean, dripped heavily, wetly into sky and baby. She draped herself dramatically in the doorway, framing herself as a Pre-Raphaelite vision. Both Rossettis, Dante and Christina, would have wept to see her.
“What a shame,” Bella said, “I lied about going to work today. I called in sick this morning. I had hoped that we’d paint the apartment together.”
In that second, all of my insecurities fell away. Gay, straight, bi, experimenting, choosing, born that way: none of it mattered. The best of art and love was intangible, elusive, fleeting and yet eternal. It was all about making one true, real moment last forever.
I stepped toward her and took her in my arms. It was only my imagination but her kiss tasted of blueberries. In the new scenario in my head, the old lady artist took a break now and then to make love to her real-life muse. Having chosen both art and love, the Real Artist never regrets her decision….
“Oh,” Bella murmured into my mouth, “we’re never going to get the paint out of the carpet.”
“Naw,” I agreed, “it’ll stay in forever.”
Giselle Renarde
It’s not like I was stalking her or anything…
I shouldn’t have said that. All it takes is denying something for everyone to think, The dyke doth protest too much, and then you can never convince them otherwise. But seriously, I wasn’t stalking her. She just happened to work in the salon three doors down from my swinging bachelor pad above the deli.
The first time I saw her, she was balancing a tiny plastic pot of soy sauce and disposable chopsticks on top of a little tray of sushi. A pink lily sprouted from her jet-black, rockabilly hair. Her standard-issue black cotton dress gave her the look of a gothic naughty nurse, but it was her shoes that really caught my eye. They looked like ballet slippers, but in hot-pink patent leather. Hot. Pink.
Were I to describe my image of perfection, my ideal woman, I would list every one of her stunning features. Frozen to the sidewalk, in awe of her sheer beauty, I watched her balance lunch, condiments and utensils in one hand. She had the grace and dexterity of a vintage cocktail waitress. Reaching for the salon door, she managed to open it just far enough to slide her foot between the door and jamb.
Even struggling and unbalanced, she was a sight to behold. I stood there, watching, until it occurred to me what an ass-face I was for not helping her out. Weighed down by cleanish, half-dry clothes fresh from the cheap Laundromat, I bounded over to open the door for her.
That’s when she looked up at me. She seemed stunned at first, wide-eyed, probably because I’d come sprinting out of nowhere. When it dawned on her that I was only holding the door, not robbing the joint, she smiled. Not only did she smile, but she also said, “Thanks.”
That breathy utterance made my year. Seriously.
Every time I walked by the salon after that, I tried to peek in to see if she was there. But the windows were all frosted glass at eye level. All I could ever make out were her shoes. There was no mistaking pink patent leather.
On the few occasions I caught sight of her as she walked her lunch back to the salon, I never did manage to pop into her field of vision. Courageous as I seem, I couldn’t seem to work up the nerve to talk to her, not even to say, “Hi.” Every time I saw her, my tongue seemed to swallow itself and my heart hid behind a rock.
I realized one dismal day that, if I stuck my head out the window, I could see the salon’s shop front. It was a pretty swanky place, a steady stream of rich bitches going in silver and coming out copper. Lots of yoga moms, too, who came out looking essentially the same as they’d looked going in.
In watching out the window for her chance appearance, it occurred to me that I’d been thinking of her nonstop since that first brief encounter. At night, I dreamed about her painted nails against my scalp as she washed my hair before she cut it. When I woke up in the morning, it was to the disappointment of being in bed without her. Her absence from my everyday existence was excruciating enough that I’d close my eyes and roll under the pillow. I kissed her pink lips where reality couldn’t find me.
Now, I should probably reiterate that I was not stalking this girl. Seriously. I just happened to notice that she locked up alone on Wednesdays. What harm would there be in showing up at closing time and asking for a quick haircut? I’d reached the point where, nervous as I felt, I couldn’t not meet her.
For a girl like that, my everyday cargo pants weren’t going to cut it. She was so well put-together; her clients too. If I showed up looking like a South American rebel fighter, she’d suspect I wanted more than just a haircut. For her, I shaved my legs and searched my closet for something ritzy to wear. I owned two long-forgotten dresses. One was the royal-blue Girl Guide uniform I filed away at age eight. The other was the simple black dress I’d worn to my high school reunion. Would you believe it still fit? Sort of. I don’t think it was skintight when I bought it, but I must say it was a good look on me.
When I left the apartment wearing a gown Wednesday evening, I felt like a cross-dresser. I’ve always been more snips and snails than painted nails, but if it meant sliding incognito onto the salon girl’s radar, the end certainly justified the means. Right?
She’d just left the salon and was strutting down the street when I arrived. Damn it! But all was not lost: she picked up the price list board that lived at the corner, and my heart leapt in my chest. She was coming back to me!
“Let me help you with that,” I offered, running to the corner in my flip-flops.
She looked up and… wow! I could have spent eternity in that one intense moment of connection. Did I mention she had green eyes? Beautiful, like a cat’s or a snake’s. Her lips were blood red. No flower in her hair that day, but she wore a retro burlesque veil that scarcely covered her bangs.
As she picked up the plywood sandwich board, she shot me a wide smile. “I’ve got it, thanks,” she cooed, her smooth muscles surging as she carried the sign. “You can grab the door if you want.”
When she lifted the board into the salon, the fruity scent of her perfume breezed by me. My knees went so weak I had to cling to the door just to stay upright.
“Going somewhere special?” she asked, leaning the sign against the wall.
I couldn’t fathom what she meant, and my mind wasn’t working fast enough to utter anything but, “Huh?”
Brushing her hands against the front of her black cotton uniform, she explained, “I see you around the neighborhood. You’re usually wearing… well, not a little black dress.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s true,” I replied, trying to stick to the script. “Just thought I’d stop in and see if maybe you could do me quick.”
Her jaw dropped. Obviously, I hadn’t learned my lines very well. I could feel my palms sweating as I stammered, “Haircut. I stopped in for a quick haircut, that’s all.”
“That’s too bad,” she said, drawing out each word. I hung on her cherry lips as she spoke. When she strutted past me, I nearly jumped out of my clothes. She flipped through the appointment book. “Looks like we’ve got a couple slots in the morning. Want to come back for ten-thirty?”
“But you’re here now. Couldn’t you do it?” I pushed. Was that too forceful? I wasn’t thinking anymore, just begging.
“Sorry, hon,” she replied with a dramatic frown. Showing me her nails painted with purple shooting stars trailing rainbows against a black backdrop, she clarified, “I don’t do hair, just nails.”
Thinking on my feet, I thought of my feet. “A pedicure! Yes, I definitely need one of those.” Sticking them in the air, I urged, “Look how nasty my toes are. Aren’t they gross?”
Way to seduce the girl, Claire. Brilliant powers of flirtation!
Luckily, the nail girl was amused. “You haven’t seen gross until you’ve seen athlete’s foot. Eww. Or a nasty case of contact dermatitis—even worse!” With a shudder, she picked up the small clock at the reception booth. Pen in hand, she flipped back to the current date in the sign-in book. “I guess I’ve got a few minutes. What’s your name?”
“Me?” I asked, as if she could possibly be talking to anyone else. “My name’s Claire.”
She put the pen down without writing my name in the book, then reached over to the door and flipped the deadbolt. “Billie,” she introduced herself, extending her hand in such a way I felt half inclined to kiss it.
I almost didn’t. I told myself to shake her hand like a normal person would, but my lips did not obey. I kissed it. She inhaled so sharply, I could hear her breath enter through her nose. My heart pounded as I looked up. For whatever good deeds I’d done, God smiled on me, and so did Billie.
“Over here,” she chuckled, leading me past styling stations to what looked like a very comfy dentist’s chair with a miniwhirlpool at its base.
“Wow. Fancy,” I gushed. Christ, how much was this going to cost me? I should have checked the price list. “So, what’s the process here? I’ve never done this before.”
“Yeah, you don’t look like the mani/pedi type,” she giggled. “No offence, but I like you better in cargo pants. You look a lot less… awkward.”
“I feel a lot less awkward,” I agreed, trying to get into position without betraying my dainty façade. As I settled into the big chair, resting my flip-flopped feet on the side of the footbath, she switched the contraption on and its motor purred to life.
Seating herself on the stool across the way, Billie tugged on my worn-down shoes and tossed them on the floor. “Come on, get your feet wet,” she bid, tapping the water with her fingertips. “What, are you afraid? Trust me, it feels incredible.”
She wasn’t joking! As I eased my feet into the bubbling warmth, all my anxieties just melted away. The footbath was so deep I could have kneeled down in it and gotten busy with any of its three water jets. I wondered if Billie had ever thought of that.
Folding a pristine white towel across her lap, she suggested, “Sometimes it’s nice to just close your eyes and relax.”
She was right about that too. The jets caressed my feet and legs almost as high up as my knees, and I let my lids come together. I don’t think I fell asleep, but anything’s possible. It seemed like only seconds later that Billie’s fingers swept down my calves and pried my feet from the warm water. Time for polish, I supposed.
It was my first time; what did I know? Not much, as it turned out, because I hadn’t anticipated Billie running her fingers down my soles. I didn’t know she would press the pads of her hands to the pads of my feet and rub, drawing a measured path down to my heels.
No wonder you always hear such good things about a foot rub! When she pressed her thumbs in circles around the center of my feet, I thought I would come on the spot. If I hadn’t kept my lips zipped, I would have exploded with a steady stream of explicit ejaculations. Verbal ejaculations, of course.
Billie cocked her eyebrows, then her head. Her red lips formed a keen smirk as she lifted my right foot up from her lap. I watched in disbelief as she kissed my big toe. Extending her soft pink tongue, she set my toe in her mouth and closed her lips around it.
When she sucked, I lost it. In fewer than five seconds, Billie had me screaming, “God almighty, that feels incredible!”
I can’t even really describe how great it felt. It was like the pleasure in my toes shot electrical impulses up to my pussy, then to my brain, enlivening every cell of my body in between. It was like having ten little clits, or ten little cocks, each one getting off on the velvet tongue of a gorgeous girl.
She sucked toe after toe after toe. Ten in total. Each time she took a fresh one in her mouth, I lost it all over again. Ten little orgasms. No, not little. In fact, if my chair hadn’t had handles to sink my claws into, I would have kicked and screamed my way into the footbath before she was done. She was very lucky I managed to restrain myself from booting her in the nose! Not deliberately, of course.
Tickling between my toes with her hot tongue, she massaged my feet with beautifully adorned fingers. She took two toes in her mouth at once, licking them, licking between them. Three toes. I nearly died in that chair, it felt so amazing.
“Oh, my god, that was amazing,” I panted as Billie set my feet down in her lap. My toes had more lipstick on them than her lips now, but her smile was nonetheless charming. “You have a very talented tongue,” I applauded.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” she assured me. I believed her.
“Time for polish?” I asked, like I was just another customer to her.
Chuckling deep in her throat, she slipped out of her hot-pink patent leather ballet slippers. “Is that what you really want? Painted nails?”
“Why?” I teased, barely able to sit still. God, she was gorgeous. Even her silky-smooth voice gave me chills. “Do you have something better in mind?”
Setting my calves on either side of the footbath, she stepped into the water. Starting from the top, she unbuttoned her clinical cotton dress. Her bra was pink with red cherries and a lace ruffle trim. That settled it: I’d died and gone to heaven. And if this wasn’t heaven, I’d rather set my sights on this moment of bliss with a rockabilly goddess in cherries and… oh, yes, red rumba-ruffle panties.
Tossing her dress on the floor, Billie sank into the jets of the footbath and her countenance turned blissful. So she did have the same idea! She ran her satin fingers up my thighs, and I placed my hands on hers to make a connection.
“Come here. Move closer,” she instructed me, writhing in the warm pool. I could only imagine what those jets felt like against her thighs, her ass, her pussy…
As I slid forward in the chair, my dress rode up until my sexiest panties—see-through black nylon—were amply visible. I didn’t pull my dress back down. Why would I? That’s not what Billie wanted. She wanted to lick my pussy; I knew it. I knew because she wrapped her hands around my ass and pressed her nose against my clit.
She bounced in the jets, splashing water against my legs and over the sides as she licked the crotch of my panties. First lick, I felt only the pleasure of pressure on my lips and my clit. Second pass was slow and sumptuous. Thank god for thin fabric, because I could feel the warmth of her tongue on my flesh. Third time’s a charm. The hot wetness of her mouth swept through the nylon, mingling with the heat and the moisture of my aroused pussy.
“Get these off,” she growled, and not a moment too soon, because I needed—and I mean needed—to feel her tongue on my clit without the barrier of panties. She tore them off me and ate me like you would not believe. She devoured my pussy like she’d been dreaming of it as long as I had. Truth be told, I’d dreamed of eating her, but this was just as good. No, it was better. Her gluttonous tongue ravaged me, even after that snack of ten toes.
She took my clit between her lips and sucked it like a cock. She was incredible. She made me sweat. She made me whimper. I could barely breathe as I looked down at her veiled head attacking my body. I could feel her arousal as she pressed her ass against the far side of the footbath. Swinging her head side to side between my thighs, she cried out at the pleasure of the jets. Unable to contain my jouissance, I joined her in shrieking, calling out her name paired with God’s until she removed her face from my legs and herself from the pool.
Climbing on top of me in her wet ruffled panties, she kissed my lips. Whatever I’d taken for heaven earlier was obviously just a mirage. No, that couldn’t have been heaven because this moment was paradise: Bliss. Perfect ecstasy. Kissing Billie for the first time felt divine. As she touched her fingertips to my cheeks, I purred like a contented kitten. She slid her hand along my arm and up my side. I thought I’d come all over again. She pressed her lingerie-adorned breasts against mine and I nearly passed out. The kissing was wonderful. It was nearly as arousing as everything she’d just done to me.
We must have kissed for hours. For one hour, at least. Or maybe it was just five minutes. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that it happened. It happened then, and it’s happened since, and it’ll happen again and again, because there’s a connection now.
Billie is more that just a crush. She’s more than the girl I swear I’m not stalking. Now I don’t have to stick my head out the window in hopes of seeing her—though, admittedly, I still do that from time to time. Now she’s my girl, my lover, my baby doll. I would never have envisioned a beauty like her taking an interest in someone like me, but she has and I thank God every day for it. Now, instead of trawling the streets for sushi at lunchtime, she comes up to my apartment where there’s always something hot to eat.
Charlotte Dare
She moved around the kitchen in flannel boxer shorts and a faded University of New Mexico T-shirt, collecting eggs, flour and milk for the mixing bowl. Last night’s hairdo poked out every which way. The smell of sliced strawberries wafted over to me as I stared at Katrina’s tanned legs and tried to recall at what point during this visit I had become sexually attracted to my best friend from high school. When had I started leering at her legs, her breasts in snug tank tops or those glistening peachy lips, craving to make contact?
Katrina turned to me with batter ladle in hand. “I can make waffles instead of pancakes if you’d like.”
What I’d like would probably embarrass you, I thought. “Pancakes are fine. Waffle irons are a bitch to clean.”
“It’s been almost fifteen years since we’ve had the chance to spend a week together. I think I can handle a little extra scrubbing.” She grinned and turned her back to me again. I didn’t mind. I liked the view from that side, too.
“Has it been that long?” I absently fondled the fringe on her placemats, colorful things that resembled some kind of Indian blanket.
“Uh, yeah,” she drawled over her shoulder. “I moved out here after college and spent the last ten years begging, pleading and threatening to get you to come for a stay.”
“Hey, I was here for your wedding.”
“Yeah, a four-day weekend of commotion seven years ago.”
“Don’t be mad,” I pleaded. “Sometimes life gets in the way. You were in law school, and it took me forever to get my master’s. Besides, I hated your husband.”
A surprised grin bloomed on her face. “You never told me.”
“I’ve done my share of stupid things, but one thing I don’t do is come between friends and guys.”
She shrugged. “Smart policy. Anyway, I’m surprised you didn’t hear my shrieks of pleasure back in Andover last year when the divorce was final.”
Shrieks of pleasure—to me that phrase had a whole different connotation at that moment. While she poured in the first batch of waffles, I shuffled to her L-shaped granite counter and leaned over to scam a closer look at her glorious body.
She smiled as the batter sizzled. “You look good, Ally. At least your breakup with Tara didn’t do any physical damage.”
“I was lucky. The bruised knuckles after slamming my fist into the wall healed quite nicely. The heart’s a little worse for wear, but I’m fine.”
She offered a sympathetic frown. “I wish you’d come sooner, like right after it happened. Then I could’ve been there for you.”
“You were there, over the phone, like always.” I stood up straight and stretched. “Can I help you with anything?”
“Sure. Bring the OJ and syrup to the table. Do you like the strawberries on top of the waffles or on the side?”
“I like it on top,” I said and immediately blushed.
“Really?” she teased. “Sometimes I do, too.”
“You know what I mean,” I insisted, my cheeks still on fire.
“Uh-huh,” she drawled, enjoying my mortification.
I clutched a thin vase holding a single fresh tiger lily. “How’d you like this vase up your ass for dessert?”
She giggled. “I don’t take it that way, but it’s been about six months since I’ve had a good romp.”
Katrina seemed to be forgetting she was bantering with the queen of comebacks. “You must be desperate if you’re making offers to lesbians now.”
She raised her eyebrows flirtatiously. “After my divorce, I promised myself I’d be open to all kinds of new horizons.”
I studied her waiting. “You’re joking, right?”
She flipped open the waffle iron, peeked in and then folded her arms with spatula still in hand. “What if I’m not?”
I giggled. “Would you knock it off and give me my waffle?”
She quietly turned back to the waffle iron, no smile, no return giggle. Was she actually propositioning me, inviting me to present her with a new horizon, and I just shut her down? Impossible—or was it? In high school, she’d been a bookworm who hid her natural beauty behind eyeglasses and intellectual observations that the boys hadn’t had the patience to figure out, but now she had a surprising ease about her, a self-confidence dripping in sex appeal. Even in silly boxer shorts, she could give Sharon Stone on her best day a run for her money.
As she approached the table with our plates, I forced my eyes away from her.
“I hope you got enough sleep last night,” she said, showing no traces of the awkwardness that had momentarily seized the kitchen. “We have another action-packed Santa Fe day ahead of us.”
“Awesome,” I said through a yawn.
* * *
She wasn’t kidding. Our hike to the top of Atalaya Mountain nearly killed me, but the view of the Rio Grande Valley was breathtaking—so was Katrina, all sweaty and cute in her khaki cargo shorts and hiking boots. We sat side by side on a large, flat boulder, gazing out into the valley as we ate roast beef and avocado wraps and guzzled bottles of green apple Vitamin Water. We’d never been so quiet together. Something about the dry breeze in the higher altitude, the smell of nature, dirt and trees all around, Katrina’s powerful presence—what could I possibly add to the experience with words?
After a surprise afternoon at her favorite day spa, she barely gave me enough time to shower and dress before we were off to dinner at Tia Sophia’s.
“How did you like the adobe clay body wrap?” she asked, nibbling a tortilla chip. “Bet your body’s all soft and tingly now.”
“Yes, you might say that.” I retracted my leg swiftly when Katrina stretched hers across the booth and brushed my ankle. The things I’d been thinking about her all day, especially when she was nude from the waist up getting an herbal exfoliation treatment on her back, made me paranoid about the slightest touch or lingering glance.
“So how am I as a tour guide? Think you’re getting your money’s worth?” she asked.
“I’ll say. I’m going to need another week off to recuperate.”
She laughed and licked the salt from her second margarita off her lip.
“This vacation has ruined me,” I added. “How am I ever going to be able to eat Mexican in the Northeast after this?” I swiped more guacamole from the stone bowl with my finger even though I was through eating.
She smiled as she stuck her credit card in the leather binder. “Well, you’re just going to have to come around more often I guess.”
“This dinner was supposed to be on me,” I protested.
She shook her head. “I figure I owe you, after dragging you up that mountain today.”
“That hike was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.”
She nodded. “The view is something, isn’t it?”
The view was only part of it. I was finding it harder to keep my private thoughts from hitting the air. I thought what I was feeling for Katrina was plain, uncomplicated lust, but as my flight home loomed three days away, the thought of saying good-bye to her filled me with a soft, sweet ache.
“How about a soak in my hot tub when we get home? That’ll soothe those out-of-shape muscles of yours.”
I shot her an evil glance. “You’re hilarious.”
“Besides, you’ve never seen anything like a Santa Fe night sky.”
She was right again. The stars twinkled like diamonds on black felt in a Tiffany showcase. I reclined against the side of the hot tub, letting the thundering jets massage my upper back.
“Remember that stud hockey player, Rob Milner? I recently ran into him at a gay bar in Boston.”
“Really?” Katrina said. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since he made a ritual out of shoving boys into lockers and calling them faggots. Remember Lucinda Coleman? I always thought she was a lesbian.”
“I wish,” I said. “I had the biggest crush on her all through high school.”
“Her?” she screeched, nearly piercing my eardrum. “She was the biggest bitch in cleats—softball goddess, prom queen. ‘Hi, Purina, meow, meow,’ she always said to me in front of everyone. God, I hated her.”
“She was still hot.”
Katrina sipped her pinot noir and giggled. “I hope she developed cankles.”
Our cackling over Lucy Coleman’s cankles drowned out the shrieks of cicadas echoing in the night. I stretched my leg out midlaughter and accidentally brushed up against Katrina’s. She hadn’t moved hers, and since I was feeling my third Corona with lime, this time neither had I.
“How does one know one’s gay?” she asked with the graveness of Diane Sawyer probing a death-row inmate.
I laughed. “What do you mean? You just know.”
“Then what about all those women who get married and have kids, then end up divorcing the guy for a woman?”
“Do you know any of those women personally?”
“Yeah, Gail, my secretary. Married seventeen years and now she’s with Maria. She said she had no idea until her twins were in high school.”
I shrugged and sipped my beer. “Clearly, it’s different for everyone. Why are you asking me this?”
She absently ran her fingers over the surface of the bubbly water.
“Kat, what’s going on?”
“I’ve just been very contemplative lately—since my divorce, your breakup with Tara.” She paused, staring out into the night sky. “I’ve also been wondering why my feelings for you seem different now.”
“Different? How?”
“Well, for one thing, I don’t want you to leave.”
Suddenly, my head was spinning and it wasn’t from the beer.
“And the other thing?”
“I want to know what it’s like to kiss you.”
A chill shot through me in the hot water. She wasn’t kidding, but I still couldn’t grasp it as true. “Shut the hell up,” I said laughing as I flicked water in her face.
She giggled and shoved a palm full of water back at me. “You’re such a bitch. You know I could drown you and bury your body in the cliff dwellings, and no one would ever know.”
Challenging her with a smug look, I said, “Yeah, right. Girly little you thinks she can take on a butch dyke like me and win?”
She laughed, enjoying the teasing. “You’re not butch, and if I recall, I beat your ass getting up that mountain. You were huffing and puffing like the Little Engine that Could.”
“Oh, yeah?” Suddenly, we were in ninth grade all over again. I grabbed her by her calf and yanked her under the water. When she surfaced, she pushed me back onto the seat and straddled my lap, double-handing water in my face. I finally gathered her hands and when the water drained from my eyes, there was her taut, tanned stomach staring me in the face. She had an amazing, athletic body. It’s no wonder she kicked my ass up that mountain.
“What? Do you want me or something?” she joked, trying to twist her wet wrists from my grip.
“Said the woman sitting in my lap,” I replied through giggles. Katrina was making me throb like crazy, but I didn’t want her to get off me. Her skin felt so good rubbing over my thighs in the water.
She wrenched free from me but didn’t move, just stared into my water-clouded eyes as we both caught our breath. Suddenly, her wet lips met mine. She braced herself against the side of the hot tub, fencing me in with dripping arms, her kisses light, tentative, unbelievably tantalizing. I struggled to restrain myself from devouring her.
“I like this,” she whispered and kissed me harder, more brazen and sensual.
I placed both hands around her waist, ever so gently, in case she suddenly realized what she was doing and wanted to spring out of there.
She began caressing my arms, like they were too hot to touch. She wanted to but was afraid she might get burned.
I slipped my tongue in her mouth, just slightly, and then out of nowhere, hers plunged in. It was full on, open-mouthed making out with my best friend, straight friend, and I couldn’t say which one of us was more bewildered by the turn of events.
My hands crept up her ribs toward her bikini top, waiting to be pushed away. The intense arousal washed away any of my remaining inhibitions. As I slowly pulled the string of her top open in back, she moaned softly. Her breasts were cool from the water and night breeze as I cupped them and gently squeezed. I rolled my fingers around her jutting nipples, making them even harder.
“I can’t believe how turned on I am,” she said. She rubbed herself over my thigh as I played with her nipples and flicked them with my tongue.
My pulsating clit made me squirm in my bikini. The entire scene revved me up like a teenager getting some action in a public place—I knew I shouldn’t be doing it, but it felt too good to stop.
I looked up at her pleasured face and said, “Let me give you the whole tour.”
She released her grip around my neck and allowed me to navigate her through the water to her side of the tub. I slipped off her bikini bottom and lifted her to my mouth. Cradling her ass in my hands, I dove into her pussy, eating her slowly, patiently, making sure she got the most out of her first experience. Secretly, I hoped to spoil her for every man after me.
“Oh, Ally,” she sighed, “this feels so good.” She cranked her head back against the side of the tub and wrapped her legs around my neck, letting my arms support the entire weight of her body. Her round, glistening breasts bobbed in and out of the water like buoys, nipples reaching skyward.
Her whimpers and short, uneven breaths kept me apprised of every inch closer she got to climaxing. I swirled my tongue around her clit, sucking and licking, until her moans threatened to disturb the neighbors about a half mile away on each side.
As she lost herself in uninhibited groans and grunts of pleasure, to my surprise, I felt my own throbbing building toward climax. The growing sensation began distracting me until Katrina clutched the side of the tub and cried out, “Oh, Ally, oh, god.”
We came together in explosive, effervescent ecstasy.
Still naked and glistening, she raked her fingers through her wet hair and sighed deeply. “Damn, why did we wait so long to do that?”
“Because I thought you were straight.”
“I did too.” She slipped on her bathing suit and got out of the tub. “I’m gonna take a shower. Just shut it down when you’re through.”
“Katrina, are you all right?”
She tightened the belt around her mini terry-cloth robe. “I think I might be gay.”
I wanted to reassure her. “Just because you had one experience doesn’t mean you’re gay.”
“What if I want you to meet me in my bedroom in twenty minutes?”
I smiled—big. “Then I guess we’ll have to discuss the matter in more detail tomorrow morning.”
“The scented candles are on my bookshelf.”
Over the last two days of my vacation, we were noticeably low-key. Although we enjoyed an intense, extremely satisfying all-nighter, neither one of us was brave enough to face the emotional fallout. Katrina and I still joked around and had fun, but I hated the idea of leaving us an unfinished book and having to imagine the ending.
The night before my flight, we decided we would try to make halfway decent-tasting pizza and indulge in a double feature of Meryl Streep’s campiest DVD rentals. I curled up on one end of Katrina’s sofa, a plate of pizza in my lap and a Sam Adams waiting on a coaster.
“It’s good, but it’s not anywhere close to what we call pizza,” I said. “I don’t know how you live without it.”
“It’s the flautas and the pico de gallo that get me through the dark times,” she replied with a grin.
That wavy chestnut hair, those sage-green eyes, the strong chin and girlish smile: she was so beautiful it hurt to look at her. I couldn’t figure out what had happened. As adolescents, we were inseparable for nearly ten years, even went to the same undergrad college, and all the while, I never looked at her as anything more than my best friend. Now, it seemed, she was the woman I’d been searching for my whole life—gorgeous, confident, driven, boldly sexual—and now I feared even the friendship was ruined.
“Remember the time we drove all the way down to New Haven because we heard they made the best pizza in America?” she said, before becoming aware of my sudden brooding. “Al, is everything okay?”
I nodded and contrived a smile for her. “Oh, watch this.” I diverted her attention from my demeanor to our favorite scene in Death Becomes Her when Goldie Hawn bashes Meryl’s character in the face with a shovel.
When the movie was over, Katrina broached the subject again. “Ally, are we going to talk about what happened the other night?”
I stared at the television. “It didn’t seem like you wanted to talk about it.”
“Well, I do,” she said quietly and then touched my arm so I’d look at her. “I didn’t just use you as an experiment.”
“I didn’t think that, Kat. I just don’t know what to say.”
She struggled to form the question. “Do you think you could like me in that way?”
I laughed at the question. “I already do, Katrina. But tomorrow I’m getting on a plane back to Massachusetts.”
“Don’t go.”
“I have to. I’ve got a schedule full of clients to see Monday.”
Reality deflated her. “Oh. Yeah, I guess that was a stupid suggestion.”
I clasped her hand. “No, it wasn’t. It was the sweetest suggestion I’ve ever heard.”
She leaned over and kissed me gently, her lips tangy from tomato sauce. “We still have tonight. And let’s face it. This pizza sucks.”
I pulled her on top of me and we spent the rest of the evening in various stages of undress cavorting around her living room furniture.
In Katrina’s car at the airport terminal, a pathetic cloud of gloom hovered, both of us on the verge of quivering bottom lips.
“I had such a great time. I’m so glad you came,” Katrina said.
“Me too—in every sense of the word.”
She giggled and swatted my arm. “Will you call me when you get in?”
“Sure. And make sure you let me know how that case turns out.”
“You’ll be the first one I call.”
We avoided eye contact, a lifelong friendship now more awkward than a first dance in junior high.
“God, how I hate small talk. Katrina, I think I’m in love with you.”
A limo driver behind us honked his horn.
“Oh, I wish you didn’t have to leave.” She grabbed my face and smothered my lips in a wet kiss.
Damn limo driver blared the horn even longer this time.
“You better go,” she said, pushing me away from her.
As the skycap grabbed my bags, I leaned into the passenger window with a helpless smile. “I’ll call you.”
I watched her drive away until her brake lights blended into the late morning sun. If this had been a Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan film, one of them surely would have run after Katrina’s car and jumped on the trunk as it left the drop-off area. I certainly wanted to.
D. L. King
Now there’s something you don’t see every day: a 1958 pink-and-gray Mercury Park Lane, windows rolled down and Chubby Checker’s “Do the Twist” blaring from the radio. The light changed, and I stepped into the crosswalk. He had his signal on to turn onto the avenue, but I’d be damned if I’d let him before I got across. Taking my time, I got a good look. Early thirties, maybe, he seemed to have a trim build, but then, he was sitting in the car. Anyway, the top half of him looked good. He was wearing a white T-shirt that fit just right, one sleeve rolled up, hiding a solid square box underneath. Looked like he had a wooden match between his teeth. His dark hair was shiny and slicked back into a DA that could cut glass.
“Whoo, good golly Miss Molly, you look fine tonight!”
I stared at him as he took the turn. “It’s a little cold to be driving around with the windows down and dressed like that, isn’t it?”
“Oh, baby, I’m always hot. An’ I know I got a hunka burnin’ love for you!” He pulled over to the curb after rounding the corner. The car looked brand new. The chrome flashed in the glow of the streetlight, and the song on the radio changed to “Sherry” by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
“Dude, you late for a Back to the Future convention?”
He leaned across the bench seat and put his head out the window. “Hey, doll, you just gonna stand there gawking or are you gonna come over here for a better look? Bet you ain’t never seen anything this fine.”
I took my time walking over, staying a few feet from his window. I live in Brooklyn; I’m not an idiot… but his ride was definitely fine. “Dude, I’ve seen classic wheels before, but this one is mint. Hell, it’s better than mint; it looks brand new. Yeah, it is fine.”
“Oh, come on, sugar, what makes you think I was talking about the car?” He laughed then, and somehow, miraculously, the match stayed put.
“Yeah? I was talking about the car.” Now that I was closer, I gave him the once-over. He was slighter than I’d first thought, with what looked like a nice, tight, compact body, muscular arms and small hands. He sure could wear the shit out of that T-shirt. “Where’d you get this, man?”
“Come on,” he said, and pushed the door open. “I’ll take you for a spin.”
The red interior of the Merc was cherry. Its siren call whispered, “Slide into me for the thrill of a lifetime.” But, not in the habit of getting into strange cars with even stranger guys, I shook my head. “Thanks. Some other time, maybe.”
As I turned to walk away, I heard him say, “You can drive.”
The thoughts whizzed between my ears. Oh, baby, look at that fuckin’ car… If I have the keys, I’m safe… Fuckin’ hot—he’s so fuckin’… He’s just a little guy; I could take him, and Thinks he’s hot shit… Let’s see what he thinks later…
The song had changed to “Runaway” by Del Shannon. I walked around the back, running my hand over the smooth-as-glass paint job, as he pulled the passenger door closed with a satisfying chunk. I could feel the solidity of the body when I pressed the button on the ancient handle and swung the door open. There were no pits or bumps in the chrome—none. He slid over to the other side of the vast seat to make room for me and held the keys out, finger through the ring. Two keys hung down: one for the ignition and one for the door and trunk, along with a gaudy, naked, cheesecakey girl. I grabbed the keys from his finger before sliding in behind the wheel.
I noticed his jeans (Levi’s—naturally faded, not stonewashed) and his work boots (small feet). Small feet and hands I thought, I can never remember what that’s supposed to mean. There was a prominent bulge.
“Down, boy,” I said, and he grinned, showing straight, white teeth, a small, full-lipped mouth and pretty, chiseled cheek-bones. His skin was smooth; he must have just shaved before coming out. Either that, or he was way younger than I originally took him for. No, he wasn’t young—but there was something about him. I couldn’t put my finger on it.
The gas pedal was long. My entire foot rested on it, spike heel to toe; an odd feeling when you’re used to driving modern cars. I closed the door, put the key in the ignition and listened to the engine purr. The speedometer topped out at 110 mph. The Merc-O-Matic push-button transmission and wraparound windshield gave the car a kitschy, Buck Rogers, space-age presence, but under it all was the solid feel of power.
“Push the button, Suzie-Q, and take me for a ride.”
“The name’s Maddie,” I said as I pulled away from the curb. I had to watch out not to oversteer. It was going to take me a little bit to get used to driving this old-fashioned, futuristic tank.
“Call me Ace,” he said. “Where you takin’ me?” He grinned at me and passed the match from one side of his mouth to the other with his tongue and spread his arms out on the back of the seat, the left one leaving only a few inches between his fingers and my shoulder.
“Smooth move, Exlax.” (Smooth move Exlax? I couldn’t believe I actually said that. Maybe the car was a time machine.) “The beach,” I said, as I headed for the expressway. “Now, why don’t you get a little closer, Ace? I’m getting lonely and cold over here.”
A low chuckle bubbled out of Ace’s mouth and he slid over, his left arm spanning the entire seat back, the hand coming to rest on my far shoulder. He smelled good—like sea foam and some long-lost scent memory. It was late and, once on the highway, I saw very little traffic. I slowly pressed down on the accelerator, getting the feel for the car until I was comfortable.
As I let the speed build, my hand moved up his leg and over until I was gripping his thigh. The music had continued cycling through the hits of the fifties and sixties, adding to the time-machine feel of the night and, as I grabbed his inner thigh and squeezed, I wondered if girls back then were prone to taking advantage, rather than having advantage taken. By the time we hit the beach exits, I was doing eighty-five and my hand rested where his legs met, right up against his imprisoned balls.
I let my speed fall back and gave his crotch a squeeze, as I took the exit and headed out to the parking lot and the sand beyond. It had been a short ride at that speed, and from the time I began to explore the area between his knee and his dick, any pretense of conversation had ceased. He’d squeezed, kneaded and tickled my shoulder and the side of my neck but nothing more. I pulled into a space facing the ocean, and he nosed against my neck, licking, then kissing the skin over my pulse point to the sounds of “The Wanderer.”
“Did you bring me all the way out here to ravish me?” he asked.
“That’s what I like,” I said. “A boy who knows the score.” I pushed my hand up to cup his package and squeezed just a little. His moan was like music. He plucked the match from his lips and moved his mouth onto mine. I let his tongue begin a tentative exploration of my mouth before mine stabbed into him, pushing it back.
There was definite passion behind his delicate kissing. Once his hand found the buttons on my blouse and began undoing them, my kiss became even rougher.
He drew back and looked at me. “Maddie?”
Looking into his eyes, I placed his hand back over my tit and squeezed it hard before going back to devouring his mouth. The boy could kiss; I gave him that. His hand became bolder with my tit and I pushed him down onto that huge front seat. The bench seat in the Merc was bigger than my college dorm room bed. It made me see why fucking in cars had been such a great pastime, this being my first car fuck.
While I kissed him, I pushed his other hand under my skirt into the gusset of my already wet panties. I felt the renewed moan as the air left his mouth and his fingers began to work their magic, stroking the fabric against my cunt lips and between them. As he pushed the fabric aside, I unbuttoned the top of his jeans.
The little petting motion of his finger in my pussy stopped and, again, he said, “Maddie…”
“Just keep your mind on business, Ace, and let me do my work here,” I said.
“Yeah, but Maddie, I just…”
I’d gotten the rest of the buttons popped and reached into the slit of his white briefs when I looked up at him. “Hey, wait a minute,” I said, pulling back to have a look at what I’d been feeling.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” he said.
I ran my hand down his chest and pushed up, under the white T-shirt. Feeling the binding, I ran my fingers tentatively over it and then mashed my hand against his chest to feel the contours. “You’re a girl?” I asked.
“I never meant for it to get this far,” he said. “I’m sorry, Maddie. I didn’t mean to freak you out or nothin’, but you were such a wet dream, crossing that street—and when you liked the car, well, I figured maybe I’d get a little kiss and a squeeze—get a good whiff of your perfume, you know, before I dropped you back at the corner. But baby, you are one fuckin’ hot twitch and I just couldn’t stop. An’ besides, you were the one who drove the car all the way out to the beach…”
“How do you open this?” I asked, pulling at his chest binding. He got this questioning look on his face, but he slowly pulled his finger out of my pussy so he could pull up his shirt. He reached back and unfastened the pressure bandage and unwound it from his chest. His breasts were small and marked from the binding. He moaned as I ran my hands over them before kneading and squeezing them with more force. “Put that finger back where it belongs,” I said.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, before licking it and pushing it back inside me. He kissed me with renewed vigor.
I’d never kissed a girl before, but Ace wasn’t a girl, he was a boi, and parts just didn’t seem to matter anymore. He deftly flipped me over until I was lying under him so he could take his time unbuttoning my shirt all the way, to check out my black lace bra. He played with the lace against my skin before pushing my skirt up to bunch at my waist. Hooking two fingers in my panties, he slid them over my hips while I raised my ass off the seat. He slid them down my legs and off, before settling himself down between my legs for a nice long look at my body. His hands followed his eyes as they roamed from my lace-covered tits to the hair, glistening with moisture, between my legs.
He parted my flesh to stroke my inner lips and wet slit. With the edge of his hand pressing into me, he reached up for one more kiss before settling back down to press and fondle, finger and fuck my impatient opening.
“What can I do for you?” I asked, stroking his nipples under his T-shirt.
“You’re doin’ it,” he said, leaning down and burying his tongue in my juice, while he palmed and fingered my breasts.
The thought of Ace between my legs and the motion of his tongue against the walls of my cunt caused spontaneous spasms. I was vibrating with need as I buried both hands in his hair, pressing his face more insistently between my legs. He groaned, sending more ripples through my body, and grabbed my hips, mashing me even harder against his mouth. I rode his lips, teeth and tongue, whimpering and shuddering against him, until the first stab against the side of my clit sent a bolt of electricity snaking its way from my cunt to my nipples and back down to curl my toes. When I came back to myself, “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me” was playing on the radio.
After straightening our clothes and cracking open the steamed-up windows, I realized I was in no shape to drive back.
Ace drove.
Back in the neighborhood, he dropped me off at the corner where I’d first met him. Now there’s something you don’t see every day, I thought, as I watched the car drive away. I could just hear “Walk Like a Man” fading into the distance.
Theda Hudson
“Do you want to see my tit?” Trish asks, just like she was asking, “Do you want to see my puppy?”
I look at her in the passenger seat of my old Subaru as we head toward the mountains and smile the way I do every time she asks. She knows I do. It’s just an opportunity to show it off and for her to practice being brash.
There’s also a deeper question about trust under it that I’m not sure I’m ready to answer or that I even completely believe she knows she’s asking.
So I answer the easy one. “Yes.”
“Which one?”
I pretend to ponder. It’s really a toss-up but I like to keep her off balance so I say, “The left one.”
She looks disappointed for just a sec and then lays the flat of her right hand in the center of chest. Such a closet hedonist. I know she’s enjoying the smoothness of her skin, teasing herself before she angles her fingertips so her hand dives across the front of her breast.
She loves her tits almost as much as I do. They’re beautifully shaped, round, large but not too large, with big, beautiful, responsive nipples that, surprisingly, she loves to have pinched.
She blushes to be doing this now, which makes me wonder why she does it, but it’s a good sign and I’ll give her a cookie to keep her coming back.
Trish pushes her bra off her tit and cups it in her hand. She pinches the nipple with her thumb and forefinger, but it’s not necessary; she may be embarrassed but it’s eager as all hell and stands up tall for me.
I reach out, taking my eyes off the road, and slide my hand across the tight flesh and let my fingers slip down. She moves her hand down to keep the bra in place while I touch her. I remember how smooth and slick it was last night when I slipped my cock up and down between them.
I smile at her as she watches me touch her. I love the way her boob feels in my hand, the heft of it, the way it’s salty sweet in my mouth, the way she lifts them for me, offering them like a gift. I love the way she squirms and the breath hisses between her teeth when I pinch that peg sharply. She looks at me and we smile at each other like idiots for a moment.
She looks out the windshield abruptly and says, “Take this exit.”
I pull my hand out and she pulls her bra back in place and—poof!—there’s the little English teacher again.
She slips her hand onto my thigh and lets it rest there lightly. Life is pretty good.
“Turn up there,” she says suddenly. Everything is “now” for her; there’s no segue or easy on. It drives me crazy, but I get that’s how she is, so I can go with it. That’s an interesting sign.
We’re driving right at the foothills now. They don’t really have any trees, just a covering of golden grass. The trees in the preserve on my left have started to turn. It’s not the brilliant purple, red and orange canvas of the East where I’m from, but all that gold with the bit of red thrown in for interest is beautiful in its own way.
It’s hot, so it’s a drag that the AC doesn’t work, but somebody in the houses on the ridge outside Trish’s window is mowing his lawn and the fresh-cut grass smell fills the car.
I can see a big parking lot with the white steeple of a church and a playground beyond it, and trees crowding a streambed. There are lots of cars. The sign says the maze closes at dusk. I look at the clock. It’s three. I find a place to park. Trish bounces out of the car and comes around. I open my arms to gather her in for a hug. I love to hug her. I do it every chance I get.
When I did it early on, she would tighten up if it was in public, and I can appreciate that, but it’s not like it is with me. So I give her a little warning and let her decide when it’s enough.
She’s short and fits into me exactly like she was a custom job and plump like I like with a nice ass and legs that taper nicely down to trim ankles. I like the way it feels when my arms go around her, full and small at the same time. She likes it too, and she sighs and stretches up on tippy toe. I take the opportunity to squeeze her ass. She blushes ’cause somebody might have seen, and I know that’s a new part of the pleasure. It’s another good sign too.
She pulls out this bottle of sunblock when I let her go and squeezes a big blop of it into one hand and then rubs both together. She reaches for me and I pull back. I hate the feel of it, the way it makes my skin sticky and holds in the heat. Luckily this doesn’t have a heavy scent, but I wrinkle my nose anyway, a little gesture of defiance. But I know that the sun is blazing, and I need it so I submit to her ministrations. She likes service, she says, and after my last relationship, it’s a cookie for me but more than a little scary.
It’s a big cookie because her tits jiggle nicely when she rubs my arms and I can look down her shirt. It’s low cut and the pale blue fabric lies softly against the mounds of her boobs. I can see the wrinkles of what will be her old-woman flesh in the cleft between them and the smooth purple of her bra where it hooks in the center.
She stoops and her skirt rides up around her thighs. I imagine I can see her panties through the slit in the front. She does my legs and that makes my heart jump into my mouth for a moment, and I’m filled with love for her. Not just because I like fucking her and she’s smart: it’s because she doesn’t have to and she does anyway. That’s a really good sign.
She stands up and does herself quickly, and I get another good view of her tits when she bends over to do her legs. Before she wasn’t thinking about it, but now she is, even though she pretends not to be. Everything now is calculated and positioned. She knows I know she knows, and she also knows I’m willing to maintain the fiction—at least right now, but no guarantees about the next time.
I put my arm around her, and we start walking toward the chapel. I let it drop because I don’t like the way our skin sticks together. We walk on and when we reach the bathrooms, she says, “I gotta go.”
I take the opportunity too. Who knows if there’ll be anything inside the maze. Inside it’s not bad for a wilderness john. Some kid has puked up his cotton candy along with what looks like his hot dog, next to the urinal.
The sugar and meat smells mix with the bile and bring back memories of my drunk days and make me realize all over again how nice it is to not puke every day.
I go out to smoke. She comes out of the women’s and reads a sign detailing the history of the preserve and the bear warnings while I smoke. I drop it on the ground and step on it. I know what’s coming. I try, but it’s so automatic.
She tsk-tsks and picks it up and drops it in the bear-proof bin. From where I am I can smell the fermenting trash in the metal trash bin.
“When I smoked I pinched the cherry and put the butt in my back pocket,” she says, just like always.
“I just flick’em. Flick, flick, flick. Everywhere,” I say, shooting imaginary butts in all directions with my middle finger because I know it drives her crazy.
But she smiles indulgently this time. That’s a really good sign, and I pull her into my arms, sunblock and all, and kiss her hard on the mouth, kind of rocking back and forth while we stare at each other. Her grin is big and I can see her teeth, not perfect, not brilliant white, with crooked incisors like mine. Everything else is mostly straight and little like the rest of her.
When I let her go, she pulls me past the playground, and I hear the EEEE-eee, EEEE-eee of the swings, the bump… bump of the teeter-totter and the Doppler effect of the kids as they scream in delight going round and round on the merry-go-round.
I can smell the greenery and the trees ahead of us and somebody’s perfume. I’m walking around in the sunshine with my girl. This is a nice day.
We cut into the trees, and the temperature drops about ten degrees. We stop just long enough to read the rattlesnake warnings and the big NO SMOKING, FIREARMS OR OVERNIGHT CAMPING Sign.
Trish takes my hand as we walk across the bridge. She holds it for a minute, but my palms sweat a lot and pretty soon we sort of loosen our grip and let our hands ride against each other as we walk, taking advantage of being out of step to let fingers slide over palms and stroke a little on the bounce.
A pack of kids rushes by and we separate, coming back together smoothly like we were dancing. The sun shines through the trees, and I watch the way it dapples her chest and face. I hear the buh buh buh buh of an air compressor and the chug uh chug uh chug uhuhuh of a small motor and then we’re out in the sun again, and it’s like a blast furnace. She nudges me as I look out over a riot of flags, colorful stands and tents and hands me the discount coupons she picked up somewhere. The air is thick with sugar and hot dogs, and the hot smell of dry corn all overlaid by the must of dead leaves and dirt.
There’s a big pumpkin patch off to my left. They’ve cleaned the field and piled them all up in a long line around the front and one side. Their thick, grainy smell mingles with the overly rich gasoline mix of the antique corn husker that chugs away in front of the patch. The old man in the booth is patiently feeding corn into it. Cobs go in and out spray kernels into a huge bin in front of the machine.
We join the ticket line and she steps behind me and puts her arms around me. I bend my hips a little so they press back into her and she responds by gripping what she calls my “bone china hips.”
Then we’re at the window. I buy tickets from the bored girl, and we join the general flow toward the maze entrance. Kids are running in a sugar frenzy waving torches of hot-pink cotton candy and whirling thin neon-green tubes through the clots of grownups and strollers.
We move pretty quickly and I use the time to read the rules and look at the huge map of the flower bouquet-shaped maze. I wind my fingers around hers, squiggling one across her palm: Do you want to fuck me? Hers brush back, Yes, yes, please.
The whole thing is fun and really scary because I worry what happens if she gets tired of me, or I can’t keep it exciting.
We make our way through the intersection at the entrance and enter the maze. Kids are running wildly back and forth across the little cross paths, and parents are shouting for them to slow down. The trails are covered in broken corn stalks and leaves, bits of trash and tiny cobs. I look at the standing cornstalks. They’re dried-out yellow and faded green, and covered in little ears that look like animal feed.
The maze is made on a huge field of corn, drawn out by a computer and cut by a combination of tractor and hand tools. It’s now that I get the idea that gives me a shiver down my back and a crawl over my scalp. I turn it over and over, exploring it before I even start to think what it could mean, what it would tell me about where to go, what I could expect to learn from it.
I think about it all the time Trish and I are walking though the maze. We move aimlessly. I thought she would want to follow it like a labyrinth, but she is content to walk along and turn as the moment and flow dictates. This is promising and what makes up my mind.
At the next small path we cross, I nudge her so she turns. There’s little traffic here for the moment, and I pull her to me and she squeals a tiny bit as I hug her tightly and French-kiss her. I don’t like doing it. So I’m surprised when my mouth opens and I’m tonguing her.
She’s so small compared to me that my hands wrap completely around her waist. I let her pull back just a little so I can see her surprised smile and then put my hand behind her head and lean down to nuzzle her ear. I can feel her start to wriggle but I’m ready, tightening my hold so she can’t get way.
I smile as I mumble in her ear, making sure to get a lot of Zs in there for the full effect. I can feel her smile and the tightness in her body as she struggles to stay still. I don’t know why it works, but it’s like tickling her only multiplied a hundred times. It always makes her flushed and she grins to beat all.
I give her a couple of seconds to get the full effect and steel myself. Then I whisper, “Do you want to suck my cock?”
Trish wasn’t expecting that, but she doesn’t pull away in shock. I nod to myself. This was the right thing to do. No matter what happens I will know then what I have.
I let her go and she smiles up at me, blushing furiously. I take her hand and we walk the maze some more. Just as I’m thinking she won’t be able to answer, she says, “Okay.”
At first I think she is talking to herself. She does that. It’s like the question is in her head, but the answer ends up out in the world.
I look at her and she nods and I know that whichever it was, she’s committing now. I take that as a big cookie and squeeze her hand.
The walk has changed moods now. It’s no longer aimless; it’s directed, focused. We make our way up to the top of the bouquet, and I find a particularly dense patch and say, “How about here?”
She’s assessing it, and I know that even though the English teacher says, “No!” she’s committed. A couple of boys burst out of the patch in front of us and we laugh as she says, “No, not here.”
I think that I’ve pushed her pretty far just getting her to agree and am ready to let her go when she says, “We’re going about this wrong. We need a better perspective.”
She leads me to one of the two lookouts and climbs up the steep stairway first, letting me have a good look up her skirt. I hang back, happy to oblige her and then step in behind her as she stands at the rail.
The whole maze is spread out below us, and I look out to the west and see the foothills, right behind the deer fence that surrounds the maze so the wildlife can’t eat the attraction. The sun is just kissing the tops of the nearest line of hills.
I can see, when I look back, that the open end of the bouquet is the wrong choice. It’s too busy; there’re too many paths around the blossoms, which tend to congregate the people. All the ins and outs are irresistible to the kids, who use them to stage ambushes, leaping around corners whirling cornstalks like light sabers.
We turn to the other side of the lookout, and I cage her with my body against the rail. I can smell her hair, faintly flowery. I can smell her, salty sweat and a musky sex rising up out of her clothes. My heart leaps at the thought of what we intend to do. I press into her space, and she bends over the rail to accommodate me, opening herself. I breathe in deeply and feel a buzz in my chest rise up to my head.
“There,” she says. “Over in the corner,” and I know we are looking at the same place. It’s a thick spot between the stems and the little decorative swirl along the edge of the fence.
“Let’s go see.”
Trish follows me and I hear her shoes clumping along behind me. She sounds careful and I know some of that is the steep stairs, but the sound is bright, not dragging. She’s going willingly. I wrestle the smile off my face before she joins me at the bottom.
She keeps looking at my crotch as we walk and I smile. She says she never liked giving head before. You could have fooled me. The women in my life haven’t liked giving head and to find one that does it with such joy is… well, it makes a lump in my heart. Like that song, where the guy tells the woman how glad he is that she loves him, because he knows she doesn’t have to.
Sucking cock is like that. Fucking in a relationship, that’s expected, part of the deal. But her actually wanting to take my cock in her mouth, well, that’s pretty fucking cool, to say the least.
We make our way over to the corner in good time. It’s a good size patch, roughly teardrop-shaped. It’s thick, too, the stalks close together with no dead gaps. We walk around it. The traffic is relatively thin here. I grab her by the arm before she can analyze it too much and pull her and then we’re in the thick of it. We stare at each for the moment tasting the audacity. She’s not good at breaking the rules, and I let her have the thrill of it while I check things out.
People are making their way around us. I hear the crackling of the stalks and paper trash, and I can hear individual voices and snippets of conversation, shouts and shrieks as the kids play and parents try to keep them throttled back.
There is a piece of cardboard just right for her knees. She sees it too, and she nudges it then sinks to her knees. To her knees. Right in front of me.
I take my cock out and she tilts her thumb up to her mouth: drink. I hand her the tube for the water camel and she sucks. Sucks.
She hands it back to me and runs the back of her hand over her mouth and licks her lips. I gesture with my cock and she smiles as she takes it.
Her mouth is wet from the water and I slide in beautifully. I suppress a sigh and let her work. She really is skilled. She pulls it out to lick the head and run her tongue around it. Then she goes back to work.
Two kids rush by. I see them like I’m looking through a picket fence as a car drives by. I tense up wondering whether they will choose that moment to run in. I picture them running full tilt into us and knocking us down and me getting a reprise of the penis-severing scene in The World According to Garp.
Trish gets my tension and I’m not sure how far I can press the English teacher, so I decide to ramp it up. I have what I came to get, and I know what I set out to learn. She’ll rise to challenges, we’ll both set aside our fears and accept the risks our new love will bring. She trusts me and I trust her.
I slide my hand along her head, and my fingers find their grip in the thick rope of her braid and clench. Everything shifts and I have her full attention. I’m her whole world at this moment, and it has narrowed down to my dick in her mouth. She works it, sliding it smoothly in and out, in and out.
The sounds fade away, and I give it to her, bending my knees a bit to find that sweet spot in her mouth where I glide in perfectly and she takes it all. Takes it and comes back for more. That she does is heartening and pushes me over the edge, and I pour all our hopes and dreams and potential into her mouth.
And that’s a wonderful sign.
Nairne Holtz
When I turned thirty, I joined a lesbian basketball league, even though my experience playing team sports amounted to a few humiliating memories of being picked near the bottom for teams in junior high. In a dusty inner-city gym one Saturday night in September, I found myself surrounded by lean, nimble women dribbling and shooting baskets in organized lines. They were all wearing puffy sneakers and athletic shorts. From my wardrobe of mostly black dresses, I had managed to dig out a Marilyn Manson T-shirt, a pair of cutoffs and Converse sneakers. I was sitting on a bench wondering what I should do when a trim Asian woman with short hair tapped me on the shoulder.
“Hi there. I’m Nancy Chen, and I’m on the collective. I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” She stuck her hand out.
“I’m Sky.” I grasped her hand. Her shake was quick and decisive. “This is my first time,” I told her.
“Good to meet you, Sky. Don’t worry, there’re always a few beginners.” Nancy touched a strand of my long purple and black hair. “Next time, put your hair back. And you’ll need to take out your earrings. You don’t want to have someone accidentally tear one out.”
I fingered the numerous silver hoops on my earlobes while she jogged off.
Nancy Chen wound up on my team. Her friends called her Chen, and she called them by their last names like they were boys in private school, which, given their gender and racial and ethnic diversity, was kind of hilarious. We did not have designated captains, because that was too undemocratic for lesbians, but unofficially, each team had a leader, a woman who, by virtue of her skill, would call the plays and decide on a lineup; Chen was that person on my team. Even though she was only five-six, she had played varsity basketball and was very good. When cornered, she would charge through taller players and sink baskets from pretty much anywhere on the court. She was also kind and encouraging to rookies. On my second night playing, someone fouled me, and I had a free throw. I stood with the ball clutched to my stomach, my mind in a state of despair, while my team and the opposing team crisscrossed into matching lines in front of me. The ref blew the whistle, and I wildly threw the ball. It narrowly missed the referee’s head. “Nice try!” Chen yelled.
Yeah, right. I was a total loser, and Chen had probably been a camp counsellor as a teenager. I was the weak link on the team, but neither she nor anyone else held it against me.
I wouldn’t have been so lucky if I had been on Cavaco’s team. Cavaco was a handsome blonde with some anger management issues. She constantly challenged the refs and socially excluded the women on her team who weren’t jocks. She liked to win, and her team often did. She usually played center. She ran fast and was an outstanding shot, but her real talent lay in rebounding. She swooped up for the ball like a seal, always catching it.
I can’t remember why I criticized Cavaco to Chen, but I do remember her response: “Guess you don’t think she’s hot?”
I shrugged. I was more attracted to Chen, but I had heard she had just gotten out of relationship and wasn’t looking for one.
“Everyone else does,” Chen continued.
“The problem is she knows it,” I said. If I had been more honest, I would have admitted I did find Cavaco hot. She was solidly built, all muscle, a fact she flaunted in ribbed T-shirts and tight, faded jeans. And she wore a black leather jacket and drove a motorbike. Any one of these factors was enough to make me swoon, but Cavaco didn’t seem to like femmes. The women she dated were butch and androgynous, and one evening in the locker room after a game she made it clear to me just how little respect she had for girly-girls.
I was one of two women in the league who wore bikini underwear; everyone else had on boxers or big, plain white underwear. I was also the only woman who bothered to put on makeup and perfume after a shower. Along with a few hair-gel queens that tended to include Chen, I was inevitably the last woman out of the locker room.
On the night of my conversation with Cavaco, I was standing in front of a mirror applying lipstick. Beside me, wearing only a towel, Chen was slicking the front of her hair back with mousse. In the mirror, I noticed Cavaco standing behind us, dressed and fidgeting. Her motorcycle helmet was tucked under her arm, and she seemed to be waiting for Chen, who asked me if I was a member of the Y.
“I thought I saw you there the other day,” Chen said.
“Must have been someone else.” I smudged my lips together. “Working out is so boring, and I hate having straight men hit on me, which always happens at gyms.”
Cavaco curled her lip. “It’s not like you look like a dyke.”
Later I thought of many replies, but at that moment I simply froze. Cavaco didn’t see me as femme, didn’t see herself as butch; she just thought she was an out-and-proud dyke, and I wasn’t. She would have been surprised to learn that I was as out in my life voluntarily as she was forced to be by virtue of her masculinity.
Chen rolled her eyes at me in the mirror. “People can be so stupid with their assumptions. This woman I work with once asked me if I didn’t wear makeup because I was a Christian. Can you believe it?”
I laughed.
Cavaco ignored me and growled at Chen. “Would you hurry up?”
Chen turned around and gave Cavaco a cheeky grin. Then she began to ever so slowly put the cap on her bottle of mousse. Cavaco picked up a wet towel someone had left behind on the floor and flicked it at Chen.
“You jerk.” Chen grabbed at the wet towel and as she did, the towel covering her body slipped, revealing her small breasts. I stared at her. She had a pretty body, and I wanted to throw her onto the floor and lick her pale nipples. Then I noticed Cavaco was also watching Chen with a predatory expression. That’s when I realized that they were involved with each other. I grabbed my makeup bag and slunk over to my locker.
Everyone else in the locker room had left, either to go home or to the bar. I slipped on my clothes, waiting for Chen and Cavaco to pass me on their way out. But they didn’t leave. What was taking them so long? As I laced up my boots, I heard a muffled moan. Were the two of them having sex in one of the bathroom stalls?
I knew I should leave, but I had to know. With my heart buffeting against my chest, I crept back to the mirrors where I found Chen naked, pinned by one of Cavaco’s sturdy muscular legs to the cool, damp tiles of the wall. Cavaco was fully dressed, and the two of them were kissing with the same fierceness they showed on the courts, dipping their whole heads into each other. I was totally jealous, but it also gave me a thrill. I stared, wondering why they hadn’t just slipped into a stall. When they noticed me watching, they immediately broke apart, their cheeks crimson.
“Sorry, I lost my mascara, but I don’t see it here,” I murmured. I scanned the sinks to make my lie seem authentic, observing Chen’s mousse tipped on its side next to Cavaco’s motorcycle helmet. With a swish of my long coat, I left them. Naturally, I practically collided with the wall in a failed attempt at nonchalance. When I got outside the gym, I walked quickly to the subway station.
On the subway ride home, I could not stop thinking about the two of them. I was hurt, because I had a crush on Chen, but I had been so turned on by watching them. I had seen Cavaco naked in the shower, so I could easily imagine them having sex: grappling with each other, their skin moist with sweat. Chen would surrender first. Cavaco would strap on a big silicone cock and place the tip of it into Chen’s liquid cunt. Then she would taunt Chen by taking the dildo out. She would fuck Chen slowly, agonizingly, until Chen would grab Cavaco by the shoulders and yell, “Make me come!” Cavaco would adjust her cock so the ring of her harness pressed against Chen’s clit, and she would fuck her until her cunt crested in orgasm.
That night in bed at home, I made myself come about five times replaying this scene in my head.
But the next morning I felt sad, because I really liked Chen. I knew I had to put aside my feelings for her. Three’s company is hot in fantasy, but in my experience, triangles too often took the isosceles form with the lines of desire being unequal. Besides, I enjoyed playing basketball and wanted to have a good time during the season. Wilting with jealousy would ruin my game. And I had one talent that Chen had pointed out to me: when I actually caught the ball, I knew how to hold on to it. When someone tried to grab the ball from me, they got a pointy elbow in the ribs.
The ensuing month on the league sped by, and in the final game, our team placed second overall in the playoffs, losing to Cavaco’s team. Neither Cavaco nor Chen got most of the baskets, which was unusual. Cavaco didn’t hog the ball for a change and let her teammates do the scoring. And Chen, generally so unflappable, couldn’t sink a thing. Fortunately, the rest of our team played together with perfect affinity. We played tough D, didn’t flub any passes and we all got baskets. I got an unheard-of three baskets. Despite Chen’s poor showing, after the game our team voted her our Most Valuable Player.
When I walked into the locker room to change, I felt like a winner, even though I was on a losing team. I was excited about going to celebrate at the bar. I took a long shower, dried my hair and put on fishnet stockings and a short red dress to wear with my Doc Martens. One woman asked if she could touch my stockings, and I let her, feeling like an exotic animal being petted. As usual, I was the last woman left in the locker room. I was about to leave when Chen stormed in and slumped down on the bench in front of the lockers.
I went over and touched her shoulder. “Hey.”
“Oh, hi, Sky. You were great tonight, three baskets, wow.” Chen gave me a grin that immediately dissolved.
“What’s up? I know we lost, but who cares? We had a great season. And you’re MVP.”
“That’s just it. I let everyone down.” Chen put her head in her hands. After a moment, she looked up at me. “I broke up with Cavaco last weekend. I felt so guilty about it that I lost my killer instinct. Then after the game, I found out she’s already seeing someone on her team.”
I sat down on the bench and put my arm around Chen’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”
Chen sighed. “Cavaco’s the first lesbian I’ve dated. All of my girlfriends have been straight.”
“Why do you think that is?”
Chen shrugged and began to look a bit more self-assured. “I guess I like to take risks.”
“Take risks?” I slipped my arm away from Chen’s shoulders. “I call that playing safe.”
“Why are you yelling at me?” Chen asked.
I hadn’t realized I was, but I went ahead and told her the truth. “Because I’m interested in you and I have been for a while.”
There was this excruciating pause, and then we looked at each other and started kissing. We both got into it right away, gasping and breathing hard. Chen stopped kissing me to unzip my dress from the top of my neck to the small of my back. She stared at my breasts that were barely contained in a shiny, silver bra. “Lucky me!” She drew down the cups of my bra, leaned over and sucked my nipples until they were raw, red buds. Then she put her hand into my underwear.
She stated the obvious: “You’re so turned on.”
I was an active volcano. Chen was perhaps the most beautiful butch I had ever been with, and I had wanted her for ages. And she seemed to find me equally hot, even though I was bigger and taller. At any rate, she was soon on her knees and pulling down my stockings and underwear to eat me with gusto. She paused to ask if I preferred “circles or up-and-down strokes.”
I had to think about it for a moment: I had never had someone ask me for such specific instructions. “Up-and-down, right on my clit.”
Chen followed my suggestion perfectly. I suppose she was used to being coached. I was about to come when she abruptly withdrew her tongue.
“Not so fast,” she murmured.
I held off for a bit more exquisite torture before grabbing the short ends of her hair and coming in her face. She smeared her wet features against my large thighs.
“Your turn,” I said, as I struggled to pull my panties up and my dress down.
Chen looked a bit sheepish. “Don’t you think I should take a shower?”
I laughed. “I don’t want to wait that long.”
Chen picked up my hand and examined my fingernails, which had black polish but were cut short. I got the message; she wanted me to fuck her. When she let go of my hand, I pulled her sweaty T-shirt over her head and slid her gym shorts and boxers down to her ankles. She leaned back with her naked butt against a locker.
She was not big on foreplay. I licked the soft, salty surfaces of her body, but she kept whining for me to put my fingers in her, so I got on my knees and began to touch her. I slid my hand in up to my knuckles and began to fuck her. “Harder,” she insisted, until I was banging her butt against the wall. “That’s it, that’s my G-spot. Keep doing that.” She began to wail, and I was so intent on pleasing her that at first I didn’t realize we had an audience.
The expression on Cavaco’s face was one of horrified fascination. But she managed to sound composed when, with a jerk of her head, she called out to Chen. “Buddy.”
Chen opened her eyes, which had been screwed shut, and looked completely mortified. “Oh, my god.”
Cavaco said, “I came to see how you were doing. Someone said you were really upset, but it doesn’t look that way to me.”
My hand was still inside Chen, and I am afraid I did something rather wicked: I rubbed Chen’s G-spot. She gasped, and a bit of juice sprayed out of her onto my wrist. I looked over at Cavaco.
“Enjoy the show?” I asked her coolly.
“Yeah, I did,” she said, her voice cracking uncertainly. Then she turned on the heels of her motorcycle boots and left.
I withdrew my hand from Chen, who pulled up her boxers. Then she placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed me. “I think we should skip the party.”
I squeezed her hand. She was my girl now. Like Chen was always telling me, when I caught the ball, I knew how to hold on.
Catherine Lundoff
The park ranger who found me was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in three days of tree-sitting. Of course, that might have been because I was lying on a ledge where I’d fallen two hours earlier. I was all tangled up in my harness and I could barely move, so she could have been bright blue with tentacles and I would have been overjoyed to see her.
As it happens, she wasn’t. No, she was brunette and curvy with dark brown eyes and lips that I would have wanted to kiss under other circumstances.
I still took a moment to appreciate the view, because I’m just that kind of gal. Not only was she hot, she was wearing the uniform. That was my dirty little secret, something I’d never share with the other members of “Save Our Forests,” my affinity group: I had a thing for women park rangers. It might have been the hats. Or maybe those nice snug shorts they wore during the summer. Or the way their shirts hung over their breasts. I’d even admit to liking the belts and the radios and the whole butch persona, at least when I had a shot or two in me.
Right about then, I was longing for anything that might boost my courage as she climbed down and stood over me. “Damn. How the hell did you get yourself this tangled up? Anything feel broken?” She knelt down and started checking my arms and legs.
When she got to my ankle I gathered that rolling my eyes back in my head and turning green was almost as good as a verbal answer. “Sorry.” She gave me a charming grimace. “Okay, then. No walking down the mountain for you. I’ll go up top and radio for help. Back in a minute.”
I had just enough energy to reach out through the webbing and grab her wrist. “Don’t.”
She stared at me for a few seconds and then followed my glance up the trunk of the breathtakingly huge old tree I’d been sitting in. My little platform was just visible from the ledge. That and the hazard tape I’d wrapped the tree in to mark it. “Crap,” she said at last. “Look, I’ll cut you out of the harness, but then I have to call this in. I think you’re hurt and it’s my job.”
“I’ve got to save the tree. If you call in, they’ll just arrest me and cut it down.” My voice was raspy what with how dry my throat was, but I knew I had to make her understand.
She stared at me for what seemed like five minutes, but probably wasn’t. Then she leaned back on her heels and looked up at the tree. Or, it occurred to me as I looked up with her, maybe she was looking at the massive storm clouds above it, the ones that seemed to have blown in out of nowhere in the last hour or so.
At last she sighed. That was when I registered the name tag on her uniform. It said SANDRA RICK. I met her eyes, “Ranger Rick? Really?” I asked. “I thought you’d be shorter and furrier.”
She rolled her eyes. Apparently that joke had already made the rounds of the department a time or two. “Yeah, yeah, very funny.” She scowled and looked away down the hill.
“You could help me get out of this first, then decide.” I pulled at the various nylon harness straps with my free hand.
“Or I could leave them on so it’d be less trouble to bring you in.” Her dark eyes glinted with an amused look that got my juices going.
My juices must have been doing the talking, given what I said next. “Oh, I could think of lots more fun things you could do with me, seeing as I’m tied up already.” Then I blushed, just to show how sophisticated I was.
Ranger Sandra (I couldn’t bring myself to call her by a raccoon’s name) looked a little startled, then intrigued. “How about you introduce yourself first?”
“Cassie Williams.”
There was giant clap of thunder, like nature was giving me some accompaniment. We both jumped about a foot.
“Okay, that does it. I love the tree too, but we need to get out of here.” She stepped out of my reach and grabbed her radio. Lightning flashed overhead and the radio crackled. We could hear bits and pieces of transmission before the static took over. “This is Rick checking in, over.” She was yelling into it and the antenna was stretched out as far as it would go.
There was lots more crackling, but that was about it. She groaned as the first raindrops splattered down on us. “All right, let’s get you up and moving.” I heard something click and then there was a flash as she opened her knife and started sawing through one of the nylon straps. She followed it up by cutting another, and then I could finally move my other arm. The pins and needles screamed through it while she cut away another strap.
Then the rain hit us. In a moment, it was pouring so hard I couldn’t see the trees, mine or the others, anymore. That was when I started crying. This would be what the hill would look like after all the trees got cut down: just a gray bunch of wet nothing. And it was all my fault. If I hadn’t fallen asleep and fallen off my platform, I’d still be up there protecting them.
“Hey, come on. Let’s get you up top and we’ll find some shelter. Can you stand?” Her voice was surprisingly gentle, her breath almost caressing my ear. And she had her arm around me, pulling me close to her warmth.
I sobbed into her shoulder, unable to ignore how good she smelled. It was a combination of flowers and the outdoors and a little sweat and a lot of rain. I wanted to stay there forever, with my face planted just above her breast and her arms cradling me.
She pulled me to my very unstable feet, doing it as slowly and carefully as she could. “Listen, Cassie, I need you to climb up with me. We’re in a lot of danger here, and we’ll be safer higher up. Can you put your hand here?” She placed my hand on an exposed tree root.
I leaned away from her and into the dirt. “Ankle’s just sprained. I hope.” Then I nearly collapsed, but she caught me and started pushing me up.
“I’ll look at it when we get up there. Come on, bend your knee and pull yourself up with the highest roots you can reach.” Sandra bent down and grabbed my bad leg. Then she heaved just as the pain made its way up my numb limbs. I bit back on a scream, or three, but I dragged myself up as best I could. Between the two of us, she managed to get me up on the hill, then crawled up to collapse next to me in the mud.
We scrambled to our feet, or foot in my case, and headed for some bushes under the trees. “Lie down on this.” Sandra pulled a plastic poncho from a little knapsack that she had clearly left up top while she went down after me. I dropped like a heap of wet rags and just lay there letting the rain wash the mud off me.
Since my eyes were shut, I didn’t see her come back with the pine branches. Or the two logs, on what must have been her second trip. I did sit up and try and help while she put together a lean-to, but I wasn’t much use. In the meantime, the rain didn’t let up at all so when we were done, we were sprawled on wet plastic under wet branches in wet clothes.
Sandra lay there a moment, then groaned. “Oh, great, I managed to forget to check your ankle.” She started to wiggle out but stopped when I put my hand on her arm.
“Let’s just let it wait until it stops raining. It’s already swollen.” I tried to smile but wasn’t too successful, judging from her expression.
It was around this time that it finally dawned on me that she was pressed up against me, her uniform clinging wetly to both of us. Those kissable lips were inches away. Did I dare? But maybe this wasn’t the time. My ankle throbbed and my clothes were sticking to the plastic. A few drops of rain trickled down through the branches into my eye. I shut both of them and tried to think pure thoughts. I ended up thinking about deforestation again, and another tear ran down my cheek before I could wipe it away.
Sandra sighed. “All right, so I get it about the trees. But do you really think that sitting in a platform in the biggest tree in this forest until you fall out is really going to do anything?”
“As opposed to doing the lumber company’s dirty work and forcing us out?” I snorted and stopped crying. “Yes, of course we can accomplish something: it gets press and attention and then people find out what’s going on. These are old-growth trees. Don’t you care? I thought that’s what being a ranger was all about.” That and the babes. But I didn’t say that part out loud. I also didn’t mention how much I used to dream about being a ranger when I grew up, back when I was a kid. More of a kid.
Sandra tucked her arm under her head and studied me like I was a new species of beetle or something. Her expression was thoughtful and managed to be distant, even though we were all of six inches apart. “Not exactly. It’s about educating people about nature and protecting the animals. Looking out for forest fires. And working for the Park Service, which is part of the federal government, also means following its rules and regulations, including the ones that cover timber sales on public land.”
I shivered. Then shivered again. Maybe it was getting colder. Or maybe I was just wet and sore and tired. And disappointed. This was as close as I’d ever gotten to a real ranger, and I wanted her to understand. I wanted it very badly. I wrapped my arms around as much of myself as I could reach and tried to think warm thoughts.
There was a flash overhead and I jumped. Then, I was being pulled close and held. Ranger Sandra had reached out and touched someone, namely me. I was pressed up against her warm, wet cotton shirt, her full breasts smushed into mine. I scooted in closer, letting my hips and legs rest against hers. I buried my face in her shoulder, my heart racing. What if this didn’t mean what I hoped it meant?
We lay like that for a while, letting our bodies settle into each other. I could feel her heartbeat and the rhythm of her breathing. The pressure of her body against mine was making me ache, but in a good way. I wanted to take the next step, let my hands wander, let my mouth find hers. But I was too chicken. So instead, I just lay there and imagined what it would be like.
Apparently she was wondering too. Her hand slid carefully around my shoulders and slowly down my back, leaving a trail of gooseflesh as it went. I could feel her face turn and her lips brush the skin of my neck. “Nice tat.” Her voice took on a husky growl that went straight through me, melting my bones and everything else on the way. Soon I wasn’t just wet from the rain. I turned my face toward hers and she kissed me.
I kissed back, letting my lips part under hers, welcoming her tongue into my mouth. I twined mine in hers, savoring her fruity, rich taste. We shifted and she broke off the kiss. I gasped as she trailed her tongue over the damp skin of my neck, exploring the vine tattoo that ran down my neck and over my shoulder.
I moved my fingers up to the buttons on her shirt and began to unbutton them, trying not to make an idiot of myself. I was getting to touch an actual park ranger, and not just any ranger but the hottest one ever. I stopped unbuttoning so I could caress the fabric of her shirt. The wet cloth rolled between my fingers, softer and tougher than anything I’d ever caressed before.
Sandra bit my breast through my shirt, pulling a moan up from somewhere around my toes, which in turn made me move my ankle. “Ow!” I pulled away, reached down and banged my head on one of the lean-to branches. Perfect. “Smooth” was my middle name today.
“Oh, crap, I forgot.” Sandra wiggled away, leaving a big aching empty space in her wake. I whimpered. Then I yelped as she started unlacing my boot. “All right. This is going to hurt.” I started to brace myself, but it was too late. She yanked and the boot came off in her hand. At the same time, she slipped in the mud and landed in a puddle out in the downpour hammering the woods around us.
We stared at each other and she threw her head back and started to laugh. She had a rich, hearty laugh that shook her whole body. The rain poured into her mouth and down her face and through her hair, transforming her from ranger to nature goddess. I stared at her, wondering if I could crawl out to her, lick the drops off her skin, bury my face between her legs and drink her in until we floated away in the rain.
She tilted her head back up and grinned at me. Then she moved over to check my ankle. She grabbed something out of her pack that made my heart sing: namely, a first-aid kit. Of course. I might just be in love.
A few moments of bone-jarring pain later, and my ankle had been sprayed down with something cool and numbing and tightly wrapped. I reached out and grabbed her hand just as she finished up. “Beautiful and competent, does it get any better than that?” She raised an eyebrow and I buried my face in my hands. “Oh, god, that was sooo cheeseball!”
She unlaced my other boot then turned them both upside down so they wouldn’t fill up with water. She did the same with hers before she crawled back in. We stared at each other for a moment. “Thanks,” I said, finally.
Then she was in my arms, and we were kissing and biting each other’s lips, tearing off our clothes with no time to savor the feel of fabric—or to think about fantasies coming true. Our bodies slid together, slick with desire and mud and the rain that showed no signs of letting up. I gripped her thigh between mine, riding her muscles so that her skin and my clit ground into a spicy mix that sent shocks through the rest of my body.
Sandra bent her head to take my nipple into her mouth, and the suction of her lips pulled every nerve ending I had up with it. My back arched as I buried my fingers in her hair, marveling at how soft it was. She tongued my nipple against her teeth and I grabbed for her breast, desperate to make her feel what I felt.
She caught my hand and pushed it back to pin it over my head. Then I could feel her free hand on my thigh, stroking my skin on its way to where I nearly begged her to touch me. A few seconds more, and I knew I would be pleading with her. I ached inside so much that it felt like nothing was ever going to fill me up. That thought hit me at the same time that she released my wrist and slid lower on me.
I watched—well, gasped for breath really—as she positioned herself between my legs, her naked butt exposed to the rain. Then she swiped her tongue up and over the general vicinity of my clit and suddenly I was on fire. Her tongue circled and I bucked against her mouth as her fingers found their way inside me. Her tongue swirled and caressed while her hand thrust into me until I surrendered completely to the wave of sensation. I came against her hungry mouth, my muscles convulsing so hard, I nearly brought the lean-to down on our heads.
Then I pulled her up out of the rain and licked my own juices from her lips. I managed to get my hand between her thighs, letting her wetness pour down over my fingers like the rain outside. Carefully, I maneuvered her over and climbed on top of her, but I was so awkward it felt like it was my first time ever. My ankle howled but I ignored it as best I could, concentrating on pleasuring her.
I tried to move down her body as she’d done on me but couldn’t stop a hiss of pain. She grabbed my shoulders and held me in place while I twisted a little to ease the stress on my foot. I concentrated instead on thrusting my fingers into her, letting them find their way inside her like explorers looking for the source of a new and exotic river.
That was when it hit me: I could almost feel the trees around, and I could feel the rain and earth. We were taking it back, reclaiming what should have been ours from those who wanted to destroy it. I tried to put that in every stroke of my tongue, every caress of my hands. I licked and sucked and nibbled that awareness into my park ranger until Sandra shivered and shook beneath me.
The ankle caught up with me at last, of course. Well, that and the lack of food. I collapsed down on her as she relaxed from her final orgasm. She caught me, burying one hand in my short, wet hair and tilting my face back. “You’re pretty amazing considering the condition you’re in. How’s the ankle?”
I grimaced and my stomach growled louder than the rain outside. I hid my face in her shoulder. “Oops. Guess it’s been a while since lunch.” I could feel her laugh under me, her chuckle working its way down into where our bellies met.
Then she slid me off as carefully as she could and went for her pack again. She rustled around for a minute and pulled out a couple of crumpled energy bars. “Looks like this is it.”
“Don’t they teach you how to hunt and forage in park ranger school?” I took the energy bar she held out. There was food up on my platform, I remembered now. I wondered if I could get up to it.
Sandra was rolling her eyes at me. “Yeah. Hunting and foraging are big. When it stops raining, I’ll go out and track a deer for a day or two, then hit it on the head with a rock. Oh, wait, or I can walk two miles down to the highway and another mile into town, then eat at a restaurant.”
“Point taken. Maybe we could do that sometime.” I was proud of the way I sounded casual and all. Or at least I hoped I did.
“Sure. Right after you get out of jail, and I get out of the doghouse with my department manager over this little incident.” She bit down on the energy bar and stared up at the branches of the lean-to. “At least it looks like it’s going to stop finally.”
Jail? I twisted around and did some staring upward of my very own. Clearly this wasn’t going to be the bonding with the woody goddess of my dreams that I was picturing an hour ago. When I started sitting in my tree, I knew that jail time if they got me down was a very real option, but somehow, it was different when it came out of her mouth. Now I wasn’t just hungry, I was cold and depressed.
It must have been coming off me in waves. Sandra reached out and pulled me up to her, wrapping her arms around me. “Of course, I’ve got a better idea. How about we stay here for a little while longer, then you get dressed and head down into town? I’ll give you my apartment key, and you can wait for me there. In the meantime I’ll go back and tell them I couldn’t find you in the storm. No jail, no manager problems, all good.” She kissed me hard and I kissed her back, savoring the taste of energy bar like never before.
I was hoping that would be enough to ignore the little voice asking, “Then what?” in the back of my head. And for a little while it was. My fingers tingled as I ran them over her skin and I licked the rain off her shoulders. She was smiling when I looked back up; after that, my body decided I’d do my worrying later.
When later rolled around, the wanting had settled down to a pleasant ache, somewhat more intense than my longing for a decent veggie burger. We kissed until she dozed off. I surprised myself by joining her sooner than I expected, what with the cold and ankle.
Of course, when I woke up a little while later, I was freezing. Sandra had pulled away and had tried to wrap herself in the plastic at some point in the night, so I was lying partially on the cold, wet ground. I reached out for my clothes and found a handful of wet cloth. Still, it was better than nothing. I slipped out of the lean-to as quietly as I could so as not to wake her.
Once outside, I could see that it was pretty close to dawn. The trees were shadowy and gray around the lean-to, everything taking on that pearly glow. I pulled myself together and got some clothes on while I thought about what to do next. The offer of Sandra’s apartment was tempting. It wouldn’t be too hard to come up with a story that everyone else would believe. And I’d get me a real-live genuine park ranger in the bargain: not an easy thing to turn down.
I found a slightly drier patch on the ground to sit on while I struggled with getting my boots on. Then I leaned against one of the big old trees and just let the morning flow over me. God, I needed a coffee. And a breakfast sandwich of some sort. But it was beautiful up there on the hill in the quiet. I could even see parts of Sandra, still naked and sleeping, under the branches, a sight that filled me with a warm happy glow that was almost enough to dry my clothes while other things stayed wet. This had been the best accident of my short, clumsy life to date.
From somewhere down the hill, I thought I heard a chain saw revving up. I looked at my tree immediately, then at my harness where it lay on the ground in a muddy bundle. I picked it up, checking to see what of it was salvageable. While I tried to clean it off, I wondered how long it would be before my friends came to bring supplies and check on me. I thought I should wake Sandra soon if the cold and the dawn didn’t do that for me.
Or at least, that was what I meant to do. A few minutes later I had the harness untangled. It looked like I could get a few of the cut straps tied together, and it might support me once I did. I hoped. I relaced my boot around my ankle, tightening it up enough that I thought it would support me.
By the time Sandra woke up and came out of the lean-to, I was halfway up the trunk to my platform. It hurt like hell, but I was getting closer by the minute. “Shit. Get back down here!” was my first indication that my lovely ranger was greeting the day. I thought about turning around, but I didn’t think I could respect myself later, especially if it paved the way to my tree being cut down. I scrambled and grabbed and heaved for another couple of minutes until I finally collapsed on my platform.
Then I turned around and looked down. Sandra had been getting dressed while I’d been climbing. Now she was standing at the foot of the tree, hands on her hips while she glared up at me. She looked so fierce and rangery that if I’d been on the ground in front of her, I probably would have groveled. As it was, I was going to settle for drooling, just a bit. I couldn’t believe she’d gone for me in the first place, even if she was pretty furious with me right now. I tried my best placating smile. “I left my phone number in your shirt pocket.”
She was still glaring as she unbuttoned it and pulled out the little scrap of paper. “So you did.” The way she said it could’ve restored the polar ice caps. I figured I’d blown my only shot at her ever using it and thought about beating my head against the trunk of the tree, just in case it would help.
And it did. That image restored my sense of priorities. I was up here for a purpose, and I couldn’t imagine any ranger worth my time not secretly sympathizing. Still, I crossed my fingers for luck, up where she couldn’t see them, in hopes that she wouldn’t toss that scrap of paper. That, of course, was when my buddies showed up. Sandra stood aside and let them shout up at me. She didn’t stop them from loading supplies into my basket when I lowered it down. From what I could see, everyone was being very polite to one another, if not precisely friendly.
Her radio crackled back to life as I watched, and she gave me an unreadable look as she called in. I kept my friends occupied while she kicked in the lean-to’s supporting beam. There went the evidence; the lumber company and her boss must be on their way up. After that, it was all over but the shouting. They tried to get me down, I stayed up, and it all made for a long day. But at the end of it, my tree and I were still there. And as Sandra left, she tilted her face up and gave me what looked like a wink. I knew I wasn’t imagining that she’d patted her shirt pocket as she walked away.
Gala Fur
Translated by Noël Burch
It was preview time in Paris galleries, and I parked my midnight-blue Mercedes in front of Les Larmes d’Eros. Even as I closed the door, a wind blowing up from the Bastille found its way through the zip of my rubber sheath dress and chilled my thighs. I parted the black drapes that masked the doorway, anxious to find refuge within the comforting walls of a gallery where connoisseurs of fetish art gathered once a month.
A transvestite in governess guise, white scalloped apron over a blue mohair dress, relieved me of the chinchilla stole that kept my bare shoulders warm. It was a typically Parisian get-together, full of men in black, all thrilled to be rubbing shoulders with enticing submissives and budding dominatrices. I recognized a few familiar faces; among them, Little Lou. Coquettish in a plaid, schoolgirl miniskirt, she shone forth in a circle of men who were hanging on her every word. A tousled mane of red hair danced flamelike over her rodent-face and was set off nicely by the dark clothes of her timid suitors. A memory of her naked body flashed through my mind: a pretty body, dense and flexible as a gymnast’s, glimpsed emerging from her bathroom one day while I was visiting. With feigned embarrassment, she’d drawn the towel she was holding over her breasts but made no effort to hide her pubis, plucked clean as a Métro ticket. She’d shown me her bedroom through a half-open doorway: a canopied bed with a pile of dildos beside it in lieu of teddy bears for that ambiguous Lolita, who was a head-huntress by day for a major European consultancy.
Planted firmly on her black suede booties in front of the framed photos by Gilles Berquet on display, Lou watched me out of the corner of her eye as if to say, “Don’t you think I deserve a beating for making a spectacle of myself in front of these hungry wolves?” It turned her on to flirt with the unpredictable. Her eyes shone and she was talking a blue streak now to her little court, rushing to finish her sentence before I cut her short, tormented by the delightful fear the domina might burst through the circle of admirers, hurl her to the floor, humiliate her in front of everybody. Suddenly the sparrow darted away from the flock of crows, pecked a few peanuts from the bar and came to me holding out a glass of champagne with her fingertips.
“In that stunning rubber dress, you must have dominated a few women in your time, haven’t you, Gala?”
“When the subject interests me.”
“And if I begged you?”
“I could be really sadistic and say no, Little Lou.”
“What if I spilled a glass of champagne on your boots, would you slap me?”
“I might be tempted to redden those lecherous cheeks.”
She came closer and lowered her voice.
“When I was a kid, my mother used to slap me as hard as she could. You can’t imagine how I loved that! A good smack… takes me back…like Proust’s madeleine… Please, Ma’am…”
“And what do I get in return?”
Her expression became very businesslike.
“Any photo on the wall. Tell me which one, I’ll steal it for you.”
I was sure she was bluffing, she’d promise anyone the moon for a slap in the face.
“There’s an alleyway not far from here, nobody will see us.”
“I don’t care if anybody sees us. Look, over on the right: I want that photo, La Pisseuse.”
“You’ll get it, I promise.”
She took my arm and led me to the door, balanced on her high heels.
There were no streetlamps in her alleyway. A moonless night and not a passerby in view. Gradually, my eyes grew accustomed to the dark. I gazed at Little Lou’s lunar face as she stood with her back to a door. She trembled before me, like a trapped rabbit. She waited. There was exaltation in her eyes and fear on her lips. I felt a surge of irritation and slapped her with all my strength. It was the first time I’d slapped a woman. Impulsively, she kissed the back of my hand.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!”
With the second slap, I realized this was turning me on. A thrill ran though me; I was really high now, and I boxed her ears again and again, quicker than a riding crop, a dozen times at least, with splayed fingers.
“Thank you, Ma’am.”
She stood there with her nose in the air expecting some show of affection from me, a caress or a few kind words. As none was forthcoming, she bared her breasts and leaned back against the portal. I felt provoked by those round tits with their large areolas, straining against the plaid braces of her pleated skirt. I slapped her bosom with the back of my hand, being careful not to cut her with the stones on my rings. I was touched by the tenderness of her pale skin, and I bent forward to suck a nipple while kneading her other breast with my free hand. The whole surface of my tongue explored her bosom in slow motion, intent on savoring the faintest bristling of dread here or there on that delicate skin.
At the touch of my tongue, her flesh shivered a bit then blossomed forth, placid and warm. I raised her pleated skirt and drove an imperious finger into her slit. She spread her thighs to the limit: her sex was wet, her muff was soaked. I held her pinned to the door with my right middle finger jammed into her pussy and my mouth clamped over her breast like a suction cup. She panted; she shuddered. Now and then, my thumb dealt with her clitoris, exerting calculated pressure three or four times, bringing the whole weight of my hand to bear on the tip. Meanwhile, I kept on sucking, as if I wanted to swallow her breast. She uttered a savage shout. I felt her wet vulva throb and flow over the back of my hand. I stopped and drew back. I spun her round and shoved her roughly up against the door, bent on making her pay for my burst of tenderness.
“Pull up your skirt.”
Hanging from her shoulder was a rectangular case; it might have contained a laptop. I yanked it away, and as soon as her skirt was up I used it to swat her behind several times.
“Now you’re going to show everybody your red cheeks.”
Groggy from the wallops of the case, she looked up at me with wild eyes, already buttoning her blouse. The skirt fell into place over her thighs.
She preceded me into the gallery, anxious to show her marks to her admirers. In the light, the shape of my fingers was plainly visible, printed above her jawbone like an X-ray. Lou turned her head from side to side, as if admiring a pair of earrings in a mirror, but the expected commentaries and wisecracks were not forthcoming. She hurried over to a press attaché who’d been smiling at her from afar, twisting her neck in such a way that the woman’s gaze fell near her ear—wasted efforts.
She took down the photo I coveted, paid the asking price and brought it to me with misty eyes. She propped her trophy against a radiator. The monochrome print showed a white plate on an ancient wood floor. A brunette stood jauntily with hands on hips, aiming her urine at the plate; her waist was cinched in a tight corset with a pair of sculpted breasts bulging over the top. Lou took my hand. We communed in silence before the performance in the photo. As an epilogue to a furtive trance, the force of the enactment carried us away. But suddenly my deep indifference to her attractions spoiled that beautiful euphoria. My grip on her hand weakened. Aware of my detachment, Lou withdrew her hand and licked my palm like a dog. It was her way of saying good-bye. She vanished through the door-curtains with her hand on her cheek.
A singer from New York waved to me. I’d interviewed her in the days when there still were BDSM magazines in France. Muffled up in a pink angora sweater, Emily was smoking an extraslim on the sly. Seeing I was alone, she came over and held out a damp hand. The woman in her life had just walked out on her. Her pupils were dilated by tranquilizers, and she rolled her eyes as she beseeched me. “I’m a little heart for the taking, Gala, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…. I’ll be your submissive and you’ll see just how submissive I can be! Do with me what you will!” I felt sorry for those trembling lips, that lost-blonde-with-no-collar look. She clung to my arm. I felt the moist warmth of her palm through the rubber sleeve. She lived in a hotel in the 12th arrondissement, close to the Métro entrance: one room and a washstand with a shared loo on the landing. Her dream was to be taken in hand, in the name of love and solidarity. Submissives always knew how to get my pity. Except that the woman who surrendered to those periwinkle-blue eyes would have to possess qualities I lack. The need to love, for example, even if a stray arrow from Cupid’s bow does get to me now and then. And a taste for blondes… Not to mention the self-denial involved in any relationship with a tyrannical submissive. Still shaken by the intensity of my experience with Little Lou, a gratuitous and transgressive act, I resented Emily’s forced landing in my field. I thought of lending her money to salve my conscience, but then I had a fit of pride, pleaded a previous engagement and walked away.
It was snowing. Lou was propped against my front fender, her hair dotted with flakes. She gave me her address. She knew I wasn’t going to take her home with me. When I dropped her off on rue Mademoiselle, she kissed me on the cheek. Watching her disappear inside the apartment house, my conscience was clear: I’d driven her home hadn’t I?
Sarah Ellen
Ann took a last look in the mirror before grabbing her gloves and sunglasses. If she didn’t force herself now, she knew she would spend her whole vacation regretting her inaction. The ski lessons themselves should be easy enough to arrange, she guessed, but engaging Frankie’s services could prove a little more difficult. It was all Tess’s fault for persuading her she needed an active holiday. “And I mean in the sheets as well as on the slopes,” Tess had pointedly said when she dropped Ann off at the airport.
Ann crossed the icy street from the hotel to the nearby ski school office.
“Hello,” she said as she approached an elderly man sitting behind a desk. “I’d like to arrange some ski lessons.”
“Of course.” His German accent sounded strange to Ann’s ears. “At what level?”
“Just above beginner. This is my second time skiing,” she told him. “Is Frankie available?”
“Frankie!” He threw her an amused look.
“She was recommended to me by an old school friend,” Ann replied.
“Ah.” He scanned the appointment book in front of him. “It looks as though you are in luck. Although she has a class this morning, this afternoon she is free.”
Ann smiled warmly at him. “I was thinking of making the arrangement over several days.”
He grinned. “Naturally.”
With Frankie officially signed over to her for the next few days, Ann happily made her way to the ski rental shop and picked out her equipment. Her lift pass would be waiting for her back at the hotel. So far, she thought, all was going according to plan.
When Tess had suggested she take a skiing trip, Ann had readily agreed, not realizing Tess had no intention of joining her. That her closest friend had her best interests at heart Ann had no doubt. Her social life had all but ended when Suzanna had walked out six months ago, and Ann knew she needed to get it started again. But the real incentive, as Tess was fully aware, was sex; Ann was sick of pleasuring herself.
They had joked about traveling to Austria. It was where, years before, Tess had met Frankie, a veritable snow whore, who lived for the moment every moment. It had been one of the most exciting periods of Tess’s life, she told Ann. Which was why Ann now found herself alone, far from home, waiting for a ski lesson with someone she’d never met.
“Miss Carson?”
Ann turned to find a tall, long-limbed woman striding confidently toward her. Underneath a blue fleece beanie her brown eyes sparkled with intensity.
“My name’s Frankie, but then you already know that, don’t you?”
Ann wondered whether Frankie was annoyed with her. She was certainly direct.
“Erik said you’d asked for me by name?” she continued.
“A friend of mine recommended you.” Ann quickly appraised the woman in front of her. Though hidden beneath layers of clothing, it was obvious her body was perfectly toned. Her teeth flashed white against the tan of her face and a small dark curl escaped from her hat. Tess was right: she was gorgeous. Ann refocused her eyes only to meet Frankie’s raised eyebrows. “Tess. My friend… her name is Tess,” she stammered in embarrassment.
Frankie shook her head. “I meet a lot of people.”
“I’m Ann.” She offered her hand.
Frankie looked at it then gave it a firm, short shake.
“I thought we’d start on the beginner’s slopes just over there.” Frankie pointed past a picturesque church toward a small snow-covered incline. “Just to see what skills you’ve acquired so far.”
“Okay.” Ann hauled her skis from a nearby stand and carried them awkwardly across her body.
Frankie caught up with her. “You’ll find it easier over your shoulder,” she instructed, helping Ann adjust them. “Nice skis.”
The afternoon passed quickly. Frankie’s method of teaching was just as Ann had hoped and involved her closely watching Frankie’s tight buttocks and thighs making careful, deliberate movements over the surface of the snow before she tried the maneuver herself. She found falling over tiresome, but worth it, as Frankie pulled her to her feet and fiercely brushed the snow from her suit. Her almost-rough approach set Ann’s heart pounding. Twice her upturned face had neared Frankie’s and their eyes had locked while their breath sounded ragged, gasping. She felt Frankie pull away. Was it just her imagination, or was Frankie feeling the same degree of attraction?
“I think that will do for today,” Frankie announced. “A sauna or a hot bath should minimize any stiffness.”
“Fancy a drink?” Ann asked casually.
“I can’t.” Frankie said abruptly as she turned to leave.
“Another time, perhaps,” Ann managed to say despite experiencing a sudden rush of anger. How rude!
After a quiet dinner in the hotel, Ann moved into the bar to sit in a secluded corner where she watched and listened as her fellow guests regaled each other with stories of reckless alpine abandon and daring. Feeling somewhat superfluous, she gathered her things, then noticed a new crowd of people had arrived with Frankie in their midst. She decided to stay a while longer.
Out of her ski attire, Frankie’s body was even more impressive. The clinging black T-shirt with a plunging neckline revealed an impressive cleavage, and Ann could appreciate how her close-fitting black pants displayed the taut, firm muscles. Her hair was surprisingly long. Worn loose, it gave her a casual, yet sensual air. Frankie, she saw, had one arm wrapped around the pretty, young blonde she was talking to, while her other hand was furtively moving beneath the skirt of an older woman who sat at the bar. Ann very nearly laughed out loud. Did the woman have no shame? Frankie continued to talk animatedly to the girl encircled in her arm, giving no indication that her real focus lay elsewhere. Clearly the woman at the bar was enjoying every moment of Frankie’s ministrations as her eyes grew increasingly wider and her drink sat forgotten.
Ann glanced quickly round the room, certain that she was not the only one aware of what was happening, but everyone else seemed oblivious. She watched mesmerized as the woman struggled to contain her emotions; that she was close to orgasm was blindingly obvious. Bizarrely, Ann felt her own breathing change and a steady pulsating pull between her legs; her nipples scraped against the silk of her blouse. When finally the woman gripped her glass, Ann let out a controlled sigh. She averted her eyes only to find Frankie staring intently at her.
Ann filled the following morning by taking a scenic walk around the village. Since Frankie had classes in the morning, her lessons were booked for each afternoon. Better for après ski socializing Ann had initially thought, until Frankie had turned her offer down flat. Last night it had been evident that Frankie was in no way short of company, and Ann was far less certain that she could entice Frankie into bed with her.
She made her way to the small gondola and waited in line. Frankie had arranged to meet her after lunch in one of the mountain restaurants around which she was assured the slopes were gentle and undulating.
The scenery was breathtaking. Ann gazed through the windows at the snow-laden trees and sparkling, soft carpet of white beneath. The anticipated thrill of skiing on such pure snow briefly entered her mind only to be superseded by far less virginal thoughts. The adrenaline rush she desired could not be achieved on two planks of wood.
The restaurant was busy and warm. Discarded outer clothing lay draped over chair backs. Noise of conversation, cutlery and the clumping of heavy boots filled the air. Ann surveyed the tables hoping to catch sight of Frankie. A group of ski instructors sat chatting at one of the bench tables.
“Excuse me, have you seen Frankie?” she asked.
One of the men pointed to Frankie’s blue beanie hat, jacket and gloves. “She’ll be back in a minute. She’s just waxing her skis.” He snickered. “You can never have too much wax.”
The rest of the table nodded enthusiastically leaving Ann feeling a little bemused and thinking Europeans sure had an odd sense of humor. She wandered away from them, found a free chair and studied her piste map. It wouldn’t hurt to have some idea of the direction in which they’d be skiing.
Five minutes later Ann glanced at her watch. Frankie was late; her lesson should already have begun. Not wishing to disturb Frankie’s colleagues for a second time she wandered over to one of the waiters.
“Hi, can you tell me where the nearest ski workshop is, please?”
With his hands full the waiter nodded toward a door just before the exit. “Downstairs,” he said.
The cloying smell of heated wax and the sound of loud music playing were the first things Ann noticed as she descended the stairs. A typical ski workshop, she surmised as she rounded the door, where anyone could call in and get their equipment fixed while they waited. About to call out, she saw Frankie reaching over the counter with some kind of tool in her hand. Perhaps she could help. She stifled a gasp and stopped midstride, for sprawled beneath Frankie lay the blonde from last night. Ann moved swiftly into the shadows. To return to the stairs would risk revealing her presence; she’d have to wait.
Frankie looked wild. Her hair, once tied back, had started to tumble loose. Her top had come adrift from her trousers exposing a white slash of skin. Ann could see little of the scene except Frankie thrusting back and forth. But she knew exactly what was happening and how it was making her own body feel: the familiar throb spreading between her legs, accompanied by inevitable warm, wet stickiness; the hand she had to press against herself. The very hand she had become so sick of using.
The blonde was panting, encouraging Frankie, “Harder! Faster!” but Ann was almost unaware of her commands for in her imagination it was she who was lying beneath Frankie; she who was receiving the hard shaft of whatever Frankie was using. Closing her eyes she pictured Frankie’s intense stare as she increased the pace of her strokes. Nearly there, if you could just…
Ann quietly slumped down, spent. At the sound of the blonde reaching her climax Frankie seemed impatient. “Shush, Leisl, they’ll hear you upstairs.”
Leisl became silent.
Ann waited as they speedily rearranged their clothes and headed back upstairs, following behind only when she was certain they had gone.
“Oh, there you are.” Ann hurried over to Frankie as she emerged from the restaurant. “Sorry I’m late,” she apologized. “I couldn’t find one of my gloves.”
“That’s okay,” Frankie replied. “As it happened I was a little tied up myself.”
Unable to help herself Ann chuckled.
“Can we start?”
Frankie nodded and pushed her skis along with her poles. “This way.”
Once again the afternoon flew by, and Ann was disappointed she had to say good-bye to Frankie until the following day.
“Unless I see you performing in the hotel bar tonight, of course,” she remarked.
Frankie grinned. “Look, I don’t know what you thought you saw…”
Ann shook her head in disbelief. “Caught red-handed, so to speak, and she still won’t admit it.” The urge to tease Frankie was strong.
Frankie blushed. “I’ll admit nothing.”
“Let me buy you a drink,” Ann said suddenly, forgetting she’d promised herself she wouldn’t ask.
“I can’t.” Frankie said somewhat reluctantly.
“Just a quick one,” she suggested. “Please.”
“It’ll have to be,” Frankie replied. “I said I’d help the patrol tonight.”
“Oh,” Ann countered. “Sounds like fun.”
Two beers later, Ann had learned that Frankie was short for Francesca and she was half Italian. She had been skiing since infancy, and she became particularly coy when asked about Tess.
“Come with me.” Frankie stood up and pulled on her jacket.
“I can’t ski like you, or have you forgotten our lessons already?” Ann replied.
“You have state-of-the-art skis and you fall in a perfectly studied fashion. You’re no more a beginner than I am,” Frankie announced. “Now do you want to have that fun or don’t you?”
Ann whipped her jacket off the back of her chair. “What do you think?”
They stopped at base station headquarters for Frankie to pick up her equipment then headed for the gondola. Having ferried the last of the skiers up the mountain for the day, the cars were empty. Ann loaded her skis then climbed in beside Frankie.
The light was beginning to fade, and Ann thought how pretty the gondolas looked, like a string of fairy lights reaching across the night sky. The car rocked periodically as the cable carried it over the supporting towers. Frankie took off her rucksack and put it on the seat. Ann watched as she checked its first aid contents and removed something.
“How often do you do this?” she asked suddenly feeling a little awkward in the silence.
“About twice a week.” Frankie carried on with what she was doing.
The car screeched and suddenly stopped its forward motion only to swing up and down.
“Shit,” Frankie softly swore.
“What?” Ann wanted to know. It usually only took a few minutes before the lift would start up again.
“They’ve been having a few problems with it lately. Last time it took more than an hour to fix.”
“Great. To think I left a nice warm bar for this.”
Frankie stood up and laced one of her ski poles through two straps suspended from the roof.
“What’s that for?” Ann wanted to know.
“You’ll see,” Frankie replied. “Do you think you could help me by holding it steady?”
Ann got to her feet and raised her arms.
“If you could just move them apart a little more,” Frankie suggested.
Ann moved her hands and felt Frankie wrap something around her right hand and wrist. She looked up to see it was a bandage. “Hey,” she said removing her other arm from the pole.
“Put it back,” Frankie ordered. “It’s for your own safety, and my enjoyment,” she added.
Ann felt jubilant. She placed her hand back on the pole as Frankie applied a second bandage. “A small reward for following your instructions?” she asked blithely.
Frankie pretended to consider then grasped Ann’s face in her hands. She kissed her lightly on the mouth then moved out of reach. Ann struggled against the pole.
“Be good and you’ll get more,” Frankie promised.
She stepped back and reached for the zipper on Ann’s jacket. “It might get a little warm in here,” she said as she pulled it down and opened it up.
She looked thoughtfully at Ann’s expensive, well-worn ski sweater. “More evidence that you’re not the novice you claim,” she exclaimed.
Ann tried to think of a fitting retort, but Frankie hoisted the sweater up and over her head. Wedged behind her neck it braced her shoulders back and thrust her naked breasts forward. The cool air goosed her skin.
Frankie whistled appreciatively. “That’s more like it.” She cupped her hands around Ann’s breasts then pinched the nipples expertly between her thumbs and forefingers.
An arc of arousal swept through Ann and buried itself below her waist.
Frankie let go, pushed her foot between Ann’s legs and forced her to spread them. Ann’s arms tightened on the pole as she tried to maintain her balance. She felt Frankie’s breath, warm on her body as she bent to release the zipper on her trousers. In one movement she’d pulled them down to Ann’s knees. Bound and exposed Ann experienced a flutter of panic followed by a surge of excitement.
Frankie toyed with the delicate, black lace edges of Ann’s panties then slipped a finger momentarily inside, causing Ann to take a sharp intake of breath. She felt the finger probe the searing wetness within her then retreat, leaving behind a steady, pulsating rhythm.
Frankie leaned toward a small open window and forced her hands through, quickly gathering the small clumps of ice and snow that had collected on the glass. She transferred it to Ann’s breasts, rubbing it roughly over them. As the extreme cold shot through her, Ann felt her nipples tense, only to pucker harder still as Frankie’s hot, soft, moist tongue and lips found them before descending to drink in the melting water running down over her belly. Lower still, Frankie paused, then teased the flimsy lace to one side as she pushed her face deep into Ann’s crotch. Ann’s legs startled to buckle but with her arms held in position she could only sag. Her breathing was confined to short gasps as Frankie rasped her tongue over her sensitive nub.
She opened her eyes. “Stop,” she managed to pant. “I followed you and Leisl to the workshop.”
Frankie lifted her head and looked at her with disbelief. “You were there?”
Ann nodded. “I want what I saw.”
Frankie reached into her rucksack then approached Ann with her arms behind her back. Ann strained to see what she carrying but the pole restricted her movements.
Frankie came closer and leaned in to kiss her. Ann felt her tongue explore her lips, rim her teeth, then plunge deeper. Simultaneously, she felt the tearing of lace and a cold hardness slam up inside her.
“Ohh,” the exquisite surprise forced her to exhale.
Frankie braced one arm behind Ann’s back and continued to maintain strong, relentless strokes.
“Is this what you saw?”
“Yes. Oh, yes.” Ann concentrated on receiving each thrust, enjoying the pounding sensation it created.
“And what did you hear?” Frankie’s voice had a hoarseness to it.
Ann struggled to speak. “I heard, ‘Harder! Faster!’”
“Is that what you want?”
Ann’s awareness was confined to the rhythmic, slippery passage of the toy in Frankie’s hand.
“Yes,” she admitted.
Frankie moaned softly and increased her tempo, kissing Ann with renewed vigor.
Ann pressed her pelvis forward, meeting Frankie’s hand as it ground ever deeper within her. It had been so long since she’d felt this alive.
Finally, together with the familiar tingle in her nipples and an overwhelming gush of moisture, she felt the insurmountable pressure inside her explode.
Drained, she hung limply from the pole. Frankie untied her hands and helped her to a seat.
Minutes later, a burst of radio static had Frankie rushing to her bag.
“Time’s up, Frankie, I can’t hold off any longer,” a disembodied voice announced.
Frankie pressed a button and held the radio to her face. “Thanks, Karl, we’re out of here now.”
Ann removed what remained of her panties and redressed. “You stopped the lift?”
Frankie grinned sheepishly then swung the rucksack onto her back. “Time to go.” She hit the emergency release button on the door then leaned out to grab first Ann’s skis, then her own.
“Are you mad?” Ann asked as Frankie clipped on her skis and hovered part in and part out of the open door. “It must be a fifty-foot drop out there.”
“Five,” Frankie stated. “Come on.” She leapt from the door to the depths below.
Ann quickly clipped on her skis and took a deep breath, then jumped too.
“I knew you could do it,” Frankie said as Ann landed beside her. “Now all you have to do is keep your eyes open for anyone still out on the slopes.”
“And then?” Ann asked.
“Then you can take me to bed. You owe me.” Frankie replied as she set off at speed.
“It would be my pleasure,” Ann responded as she overtook Frankie.
“So Tess said in her email,” Frankie shouted from behind.
Rachel Charman
She was going to leave town, the cold-hearted bitch.
It didn’t matter to her. My existence only crossed over with hers in the most superficial of ways. She regularly asserted that she had no responsibility for my interpretation of our affair. I was her dog, running, jumping and barking when she said so, nipping at her heels and whimpering as she drifted out of my life.
She had been there only five weeks. I had come upon her on her first day in the town center. It seems strange to me now that I had been walking around, going to work, buying vegetables and whatever else without knowing what was about to happen to me. I turned onto the High Street and there she was, sitting languidly under one of her sculptures in the middle of the busy pavement.
It was the sculpture that caught my eye first. As the hot bodies of shoppers, bundled in coats, never still, whining, shouting and wanting, swarmed around it, the sculpture remained demure, still, beautiful and freezing. It was the perfect antidote to life itself. It was made of ice, around nine feet tall and impossibly constructed; a lion, standing on its hind legs, front paws raised to the sky. Though from a distance the lion seemed to be about to pounce snarling onto the passersby below, the face was perfectly calm, with its eyes shut and its mouth closed and smiling a little. The overall effect was of a creature not about to kill, but about to dance. I laughed out loud as I drew closer.
Next to the lion, practically horizontal on a bench, she lay. She wore a thick, grubby men’s overcoat and a scowl. Her dark hair was unkempt and practically dreaded, and her hands were covered in scars. Piercings glinted dirtily from her nose, ears and lip, and I could see from where I stood her heel, poking proudly out through a hole in her shoe. Anyone passing might have thought she was homeless but for the way she gazed at the lion, jerking slightly when anyone touched it.
“It’s delicate,” she growled at a middle-aged couple laden with bags.
“Did you make it?” said the man.
“Yes,” she said, and with her tatty foot, she nudged the old hat positioned under the lion’s pedestal.
On the second day the sculpture was a mermaid: a glistening siren calling out to me silently from a melting rock. I tried to strike up a conversation about the sculpture with its creator. I thought art might make me interesting. She looked at me with a bored expression that seemed to say, You’ll do, and invited me gruffly to get coffee somewhere.
There, in a dingy midafternoon bar, she ordered two double whiskies for herself and another to go with my coffee. We spoke little. I was afraid. I asked her about her sculptures. She explained that she was a former rich brat and earned a fortune making ice sculptures for exclusive parties for ten months of the year. The rest of the time, she said, licking the rim of her glass like a savage, she moved from town to town displaying her work on the streets, got up like a beggar with a ragged cap for spare change. She was, apparently, doing it all to write a book on perceptions of art and poverty. I think she just liked to glower at people from a smug self-induced state of poorness. I didn’t say so. I smiled at her and said it was fascinating. At that, a flash of joy passed over her features, and she seemed to be about to thank me. Instead, she asked me to take her home with me.
Once we were through the door, she slammed me against a wall in the fading light. I was shocked to say the least, but delighted that I was suddenly part of this rock ’n’ roll artist lifestyle. She kissed me and I tasted booze and tobacco and a little desperation on her mouth. I kissed back eagerly as she made no attempt at ceremony. She reached down and began fucking me hard, glaring at me as if daring me to come. Losing myself in it all I began to feel the waves of tension wash over me and my knees weaken.
“So,” she said casually, as if she weren’t controlling my body from the inside out, “you like my work?”
“Yes,” I said breathlessly. She nodded to herself.
“And you’d like me to sculpt you someday, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh, yes,” I said, imagining standing naked under her gaze while she chiseled the shape of my hips and thighs into the ice.
“Say so then,” she spat, almost disdainfully.
“I’d like you to sculpt me.”
“You’d what?” she demanded, knowing I was losing the power of speech.
“I’d love you to sculpt me. I… want you… to…” I felt my hips buck and my head roll back involuntarily as the orgasm swept through me, and I abandoned my words to screams. She left almost as soon as I had got my breath back.
* * *
So now, she was moving on.
Since the second day I had seen her, we had fucked every day. In that time we had barely spoken. Or at least, I hadn’t. My chattering in her silences made me nervous, and she rarely spoke apart from sudden rants about Prejudice, Capitalism and the Right Wing, and I was afraid to interrupt. Aside from in bed, she barely looked at me, and even there she seemed not to really see me. She enjoyed toying with me, holding me on the edge of orgasm for what felt like hours and making me tell her whatever she wanted to hear, about her sculptures, about her, about us. It was that power that kept me coming back. I craved her hold over me, almost as much as I longed to exert the same hold over her.
After five weeks of this, she called me, as she often did, to summon me. I licked my lips as I answered the phone.
“I’m going tomorrow,” she said.
“Going where?”
“On. Out. Next place,” she said. She rarely spoke in full sentences.
“What the fuck?” Panic rose in my voice, surprising me. I composed myself. “Well, thanks for the notice.”
“Whatever,” she replied. “Come over.”
“There’s no point really is there?” I said, attempting to sound bored but only sounding indignant.
“Just come. The workshop. I’ll be there all night, so whatever.” She rang off. I seethed for a moment. Then I cried a little and then drummed my fists on my knees.
“Bitch!” I shouted at the telephone.
* * *
I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. I should have just gone over there for quick sex and left, because that was what we both should have wanted, but it wasn’t. She had ignored and used me for just over a month and now she was leaving. It shouldn’t have been such a big problem, but I was stuck. I wanted so badly to crack that veneer and make her see through all her miserable judgments and her big philosophies. I convinced myself that it wasn’t for my sake but to simply prove a point.
If there is one thing I can’t resist, it’s proving a point, even if I have to fight for it long after the argument is relevant. Convincing myself that this stubbornness drove me, not my longing for her, I stamped into the bathroom. I was a mess, I conceded, as I looked at my blotchy face in the mirror. Rising to the challenge I slipped into the shower and began to prepare. I lathered, shampooed, shaved and scrubbed until I was pink, glowing and soap scented all over. After drying off in my room, I applied rich moisturizers and a perfume I knew had caught her attention before. I chose my clothes carefully, deciding on a short pencil skirt that had made her eyes linger longer than usual and a crisp white shirt that made me feel stern. I knew, despite all her feminist rants about sexualized clothing, that nothing turned her on faster than a pair of heels worn with confidence, so I selected my favorite black patent kitten heels to complete the outfit. Next, I dried and combed out my hair until it shone and applied light makeup. Once I was sure I was looking the best I could, I drove across town to meet her.
The workshop she squatted in was a former shop with a basement below it. The basement led to a bay where delivery vans had unloaded stock, and this was where she loaded her sculptures into her clapped-out transit each day. The windows at the front had been boarded up and the shop itself gutted. There was an old sofa against one wall that she slept on, and toward the back in an alcove behind a ragged curtain was a sink. Aside from that, it was empty. I found the door to the shop open and walked through to the back, where the stairs led down to the basement.
The basement was freezing, appropriately, and lit with institutional strip lighting. Leaning against the nearest wall was a chainsaw and a canvas strip full of hammers and chisels freshly cleaned and dried after the latest creation. She stood in the center of the room, smoking and leaning against what I presumed was a sculpture hidden under a dust sheet. She rarely let me see the sculptures before they went out on display. In fact, she rarely sculpted at night, preferring to create something early in the morning and then display it from midday in public. I anticipated another of her games and remained silent as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Once there I stood still, hoping she would feel awkward.
She acknowledged me with a slight twitch of the eyelids and went on smoking and staring about. I cracked first.
“Well?” I snapped, too loudly.
“What do you want?”
She shrugged.
“You invited me over. You must want something.”
She sidled over, gripped my hair and with her cigarette smoldering close to my ear she kissed me hard. I tried not to give in to it, and as soon as I did, she moved off, wiping my lipstick from her mouth with the back of her hand and smirking. She sauntered away again, back toward her hidden sculpture.
“Is that it?” I barked, but my voice cracked. Was this really it? She had been grinning smugly, but now her lip curled in irritation.
“Why do you have to get so cut up?” she spat and then jammed the heel of her hand against her forehead as if to reproach herself for this outburst.
“Look, whatever it is you asked me here for…” I swallowed, “just get it over with, will you?”
She glowered at me for a moment, then threw her cigarette to the floor and ground it out on the cold gray concrete. Muttering to herself, she whipped the dust sheet from her sculpture.
“Fine. I wanted to show you this,” she snapped. I gazed at the figure before me, still amazed by her ability to coax such intricate figures from the harsh ice.
It was breathtaking. I took in the details in the translucent ice with awe. I gazed at the tapered fingers, odd-shaped feet with splayed toes and the teardrop-shaped eyes. The figure was seated, naked, with voluminous hair clouding around the face like a painting of a Greek goddess. Its lips were slightly parted, and the eyes were closed. She had even, with some tiny sharp object and a great deal of skill, carved the exact curl of her eyelashes into the sculpture’s cheek. One hand was raised and tangled in the hair, and the other rested in the lap.
It was her I realized as I stepped closer to the sculpture. She had created a sculpture of herself.
“It’s you!” I said stupidly, peering closer. I darted a glance at her. She looked miserable again.
“Almost,” she replied.
Almost was right, for as I looked I noticed the difference. She had managed to conjure a serenity in the figure’s face and a lack of tension in its limbs that was missing in herself. The figure’s skin was smoother, lacking scars and imperfections. I couldn’t help but feel that this was a sculpture of what used to be, not what was now. I composed myself.
“So, you dragged me all this way to show me a sculpture you made of yourself. I can’t say I’m surprised; it’s a subject you’re obviously obsessed with,” I said, taking a last desperate swipe at her. She appeared to shrug it off.
“If you want to spoil everything for yourself, go ahead,” she said.
“Me spoil everything?” I shouted as I whirled around to face her, tearing my eyes from her glistening alter ego. “You’re the one that’s riding off into the sunset without so much as a by-your-leave!”
“Fine!” she roared in response. She grabbed my shoulders and kissed me again, and though I hated her I felt my own tongue tangle ecstatically with hers and my hands creep to her hair. She pushed me away.
“Fine. If you care so much, show me what you would have done if I were staying.” She spun me around to face the sculpture.
Now it dawned on me what the sculpture was for. Now I could see what the game would have been. She hadn’t counted on us fighting, but she was determined despite or perhaps because of our argument to put us both through it. Something inside me snapped. I decided that if she was going to cast me aside, I would punish her with the only thing I knew she wanted.
With my back still to her I unbuttoned my shirt and slid it from my shoulders. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my skirt. I turned back to her. She was looking at me uncertainly and inside I crowed. For once I had surprised her. I kissed her roughly with her chin in my hand. I felt her mouth search for mine as I broke from the kiss and then turned her face away.
I turned back to the sculpture and considered it for a moment. Given her attitude it was much more attractive to me than she was at that point. Its body was open to me, its arms clear of the torso and the legs outstretched. The face was calm and smiling. I realized as I slipped out of my underclothes that this was an ecstatic figure, enraptured by something that was secret, and for a moment was stunned by its creator’s cleverness. Then I shook the thought away. The sculpture was mine now, not hers.
I stepped toward the sculpture and sat astride its lap. A moment’s self-consciousness swept over me as the sudden cold between my thighs shocked me. I straightened my back, where I felt her eyes, resisted the urge to turn and gauge her reaction, and laid my hands on the sculpture’s exquisite, pointed breasts. The smoothness excited me. I drew my hands across, marveling at the detail of the sculpture that had captured the exact folds of skin I remembered from her body. My hands came away wet and I tentatively laid them against my throat and shoulders. Behind me I heard her shift where she stood.
Pretending to ignore her, I turned my attention to the sculpture’s face. The piercings and the frown were gone, but otherwise, it was a replica of her face. I traced my fingers across the upturned, open mouth, and then my tongue. The coolness was deliciously refreshing on my mouth, where I felt my pulse pounding in my starved lips. I leaned close and pressed my mouth to the sculpture’s. Freezing water filled my mouth, and my lips slid over the icy tongue and teeth. I felt the nerve endings in my lips inflame with the shocking cold and drew closer.
My body came into contact with the slick torso and I gasped. My body seemed to freeze against the sculpture for a moment, and then as the heat of my skin melted the surface, I slid and shuddered. Involuntarily I wrapped my arms around the sculpture and held it closer to me, running my lips and tongue over its face and welcoming the almost painful chill.
Now I permitted myself to turn my head, and I saw her. Her expression was impossible to read. She may have been furious, or saddened or enchanted, but whichever it was, she couldn’t look away. Her hands were stuffed tightly into the pockets of her filthy jeans and her shoulders hunched, as if she were willing herself to stand still. Pleased with myself I looked away.
With one arm still around the sculpture and my body pressed to its chest, I reached down. My fingers were turning blue and I was trembling, but my head felt thick and my face was flushed. I touched myself tentatively and groaned. I longed for her warm kiss but wouldn’t give in and go to her. Instead I consoled myself with the sculpture’s tortuous, freezing caress.
My breathing grew heavier, and I broke from my icy kiss and rested my hot forehead against the sculpture’s neck. As I glanced down at my hand, working slowly at my cunt, I noticed it. She had thought of everything, and with a breathy laugh I turned to her. She gave me the ghost of a smile.
The hand in the sculpture’s lap had appeared at first to be of no significance, trailing carelessly over its thighs as if forgotten. From where I sat, however, I could see that the hand’s knuckles rested on the thighs, with the fingers curled upward. She nodded at me, and I turned back to the sculpture. With excruciating slowness, I glided over the sculpture’s slick lap. The hand, already melting and wet from my heat, pressed into me as though into a glove. She had crafted it to fit me perfectly.
I cried out at the shocking, stunning sensation. My body convulsed but I forced myself to be still until I could bear the cold. Shaking now from the cold and the intensity I drew myself up, down, back and forth on the hand, moaning as the icy fingers found new spaces inside me. The hand was as unyielding and unforgiving as its creator, and my insides rejoiced at the pressure it exerted. My breasts pressed to the wet body of the sculpture and my hands slipped and slid as I tried to grip its hair and face. I rolled my hips harder, relishing the bizarre sensation of the flush of red on my skin spreading under the purple goose bumps. I dared myself to kiss the sculpture’s lips again, drinking the condensation hungrily and then flinching from the cold. The chill became so intense that I longed to come and then move somewhere warmer, but at the same time, I hoped that I never would. I wanted to freeze into the sculpture and become part of it, immortalized as the figure’s ecstatic lover, fucking euphorically until the heat melted us both away. I could hear my own moans as if they were someone else’s, and their ragged, frenzied tone drove me on faster and wilder.
Despite my pleasure I couldn’t help bittersweet thoughts of her creeping into my mind. I thought of her lying on the bench in her dirty coat, looking up at me. I saw her slumped in the bar, growling into her whiskey and suddenly flashing me that smile of pride. I saw her in bed, over and over, spitting commands and rebukes at me and remembered searching for a glint of warmth in her as her body covered mine. The anger and sadness spurred me to fuck harder, and I drove my hips convulsively until the orgasm gripped me fiercely. I screamed unashamedly until the last ebb died away, and then I sat, breathless and defeated, my head against the sculpture’s shoulder. I began to shiver miserably.
No sooner had I sat still I felt her hands on my shoulders. She probably wanted more, and I was just too tired of the whole thing to care. I noticed then a tenderness in her touch and I turned.
She was weeping. She gathered me in her arms, and my body rejoiced at the warmth and dryness of her clothes. She drew me away from the sculpture and cried. She had seen me, finally; she had seen more than my outlines and glimpsed a little of what I saw in her sculpture. She wept almost inconsolably into my neck as I shushed her quietly.
Erica Gimpelevich
Four months broken up, and I’ve got Alice bent over a table, breasts crushed against the polished wood. My crotch grinds into her ass, humping her through fabric. She moans, squirms around until I hook my fingers into bony hips and use the grip to keep her steady.
“Fuck me,” she says.
I pause. Lust and reason are competing for dominance of my brain.
“Fuck me or I’ll get someone else to.” “Someone else” is code for my replacement: a slender, self-important, dickwad who struts around town in expensive suits.
I yank her pants down around her ankles in one violent motion. My palm connects sharply against her flesh. She gasps and moans, her bare ass jiggling. I smack it again with a solid crack that echoes around the room. I keep hitting her until my hand stings and her skin turns blotchy red.
* * *
I’m not sure how this happened. Last time I saw her, there had been a lot of yelling. most of it directed at me. Something about my being a “motherfucking asshole who’s a motherfucking lunatic if she thinks she can keep playing Peter Pan in my goddamn house.”
We’d just broken up and I hadn’t finished packing. Two years together and she’d dumped me over something as stupid as not making rent. So, yeah, I was pissed. But I hadn’t expected her to get home early. Or to walk in on my rebound—a pretty redhead with long, curly hair and freckles on her tits—lying spreadeagled across the couch with me buried to the wrist between her legs. An innocent mistake; it could happen to anyone. And I have a right to drown my sorrow, right? Apparently not. She kicked me out, butt-naked, along with my date.
After that, things got awkward: lots of clunky maneuvers around town, steering clear of mutual hangouts, mutual friends. It totally killed my social life, but I figured she’d throw my dick in the blender if she saw me. Not my idea of fun.
But I guess time cooled her down. Or avoiding me got boring. Or maybe she just wanted to throw her new boy toy in my face. Either way I found a message from her on my phone. We’re both adults, she’d said. Let’s act our age and practice being civil.
We agreed to meet in a neutral space. There aren’t a lot of those in our tiny town, so we settled on taking a tour of the candy plant. It seemed perfect: public enough we couldn’t fight, boring enough for a short visit; ready-made conversation pieces and, most important, cheap. One of my friends worked security there and let me in gratis whenever I felt like freeloading mountains of processed sugar. Last time I got so sick I couldn’t look at candy corn for weeks without my stomach running circles, though that’s beside the point. Or maybe not: self-control exists for other people, somewhere far, far away from me. But, come on—a candy factory? With big, bright murals that looked straight out of a sixties psychedelic poster and little kids climbing over their parents, begging for sweets? How innocuous can you get?
She showed up looking like I remembered: same smile, same tight jeans that showed the bounce in her ass as she walked, cherry-red lipstick that made her look like a blonde Snow White. Our time apart twisted and shrank back into nothing. She saw me and started over. Stilettos clicked against the pavement. I realized, while trying not to check her out, that she had dressed up for this. When the hell did I turn into someone to impress?
“Hey,” I started. “What’s up?”
“Not much. Did I keep you waiting?”
Only fifteen minutes. That used to drive me nuts about her, always running late. “No, I just got here.”
“Do I get a hug?” We inched together and did a quick embrace, the kind you give coworkers and that one guy whose name you feel bad about forgetting. She smelled good. I wanted to bite her neck, breathe it all in. Maybe we should have waited longer.
“You look good.” I meant it.
“You too. Shall we?” she asked, motioning toward the factory entrance.
I led the way, practically an expert after all the time I’ve spent bumming around, waiting for Gary to get off work. He’s my drinking buddy. I already had passes saying we were allowed to be there, so we could get started right away. Except we were running just late enough to miss the hourly tour.
“Sorry,” Alice said, looking over a list of prohibited behavior posted up on the wall. NO SMOKING. NO CLIMBING INTO VATS. CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES. “Should we wait for the next one?”
“Fuck that. It’ll take forever.”
“Then what do you want to do?” I heard a slight edge to her voice, some ice within the honey. Like it was my fault she didn’t show on time.
“Let’s just go in and catch up. It won’t be hard to find them.”
“Are you sure?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“Totally. I know where they are.” Famous last words. Inside was a little more complicated than I remembered, and all the big pipes looked the same. I led us through a couple of wrong turns, and we ended up in an area I’d never seen before. Normally I’d turn back and ask for directions, but she was staring at me like she knew this would happen because I always got us lost. Like she was remembering why we split. The logical part of my brain knew that finding a candy tour wouldn’t prove I’m not a fuckup, but try telling me that. I went ahead until we hit a wall.
She rolled her eyes. “Now what?”
“We keep going.” The wall in front had a door in it. I walked up and twisted the handle. “It isn’t locked.”
That’s how we ended up in this big abandoned room, with nice cushy chairs around a huge conference table. I swear she kissed me first. One minute I’m shutting the door, to explore where candy-making action happens, and the next her lips are mashed against mine with her whole body pressed into me. It was pure reaction when I shoved my tongue in her mouth. And when I flipped her on the table. I’d been wet since I first saw her, and now I’m aching so bad I can’t think.
I hit her one last time.
“Do you like that?” I ask. She doesn’t answer but her breath falls in shallow waves. I’m aching to fill her up. All the blood is rushing from my head into my vulva, pulsing hot and impatient, completely at odds with our sterile surroundings. I want to reach into her and pluck every seed this new guy left, go deep enough to grasp her womb and leave it bruised. To prove I can fuck better than any prick who happens through her life.
I flip her over and push her up, so she’s sitting on the table’s edge. Her legs swing back and forth, too short to reach the floor. Her pants slide right off over the heels and land in a puddle on the ground. I spread her legs wide and run my fingers over the lips of her flaxen-haired twat. She’s soaking wet. The lube is running down, already trying to drench my hand.
“Miss me?” I ask.
“Yes.” Her eyes are glazed. I know that look. Know what to do.
I slide one finger in, then two. They go in easy. I start with slow, gentle strokes. Work my way up to three inside and my thumb circling her clit. She bites her painted bottom lip, white enamel against shiny red. The thick, damp scent of her hangs heavy all around. Musty.
I’m getting faster and faster. It starts to feel frenzied, my screwing her. She’s saying, “Oh, oh,” over and over in different pitches, some high and some deep in her throat. Her cunt feels like a handle, with my fingers curled to hit her G-spot, like I can use it to pick her up. Without warning I pull out and wipe the lube off on her. Her pubes are like steel wool, trimmed enough to scratch at my hand, but long enough to curl.
“Don’t stop.” She sounds desperate.
“Beg.” The word is steel. It hardly sounds like me.
“Please, Cole. You can’t leave me like this.”
“I can’t?”
“I want you. Please. I need it. I’ll do anything, just keep fucking me.”
“Better.” I unzip my fly and let the baggy jeans drop. She stares. Boxer briefs hold a solid, black dildo flat against one leg. Okay, yeah, I’m packing today. Didn’t plan to use it. I only wanted an ego boost—to add some swagger to my step. Make her remember my good parts.
Now I’m glad for the foresight. I fish a condom from my wallet, toss the foil away and roll the slick latex over my piece. She’s already warmed up, her hole wide from use. I slide the cock in to its base, straining until I know she feels the leather harness. Her entire body tenses and shakes from sudden penetration. I pull out and push in. Repeat. The motions are jerky and uneven, creating their own rhythm. Alice hooks her hands into my ass and pulls me farther in. We’re so close that I’m digging my nails into her shoulders, and I’m sure she can feel my sweat. Heat radiates off her. I can’t pull more than an inch out of her before she wraps her legs around my waist and draws us back together. She makes low, guttural noises that mix together with the sounds of my silicone phallus, pumping out her folds. We get faster and faster, one clumsy beast connected at the dick. I might lose myself inside her if it wasn’t for the anger getting dumped. As she shudders around me I think about Mr. Responsible Man, the guy she replaced me with. At least my penis is detachable, bet that’s something he can’t say.
I hear her orgasm, more than I feel it. That’s the downside of a strap-on. No nerve endings. She yells and sighs and I wonder if anyone can hear us, if they’ll come barging in at any moment. Whatever. I’m having fun.
“Get on your knees,” I tell her. She does, a bottom through and through. “Suck it.”
She rolls the condom off and licks the head before putting it in her mouth. I watch her suck and try to imagine how her boyfriend feels when she does this to him. I wind my fingers through her hair and guide her lips along. It looks hot. I strain forward and she takes it all.
Her hand wanders up my thigh and finds something it likes. I feel her go inside. She remembers what I like. It’s funny how I still feel like a man with her in my vagina. No contradiction between her sucking my cock and fingering my pussy. I’m so worked up from the stimulation and visuals that I finish right away in a little explosion of muscular contraction. Aftershocks reverberate up and down my body. I’m shaking, so far into sensation that I barely notice her move away.
We don’t speak. She stands, brushes off her pants before putting them back on. She avoids my eyes. I pull the dildo out of my harness and stuff it in my back pocket. It feels silly now, bouncing around. My underwear feels wet. We used to laze in bed for hours after sex, refusing to get dressed and face the world. When my world shrank down to her naked body and skin was our only barrier.
I pick up the deflated rubber and torn packaging, look around to see if we left anything else. There’s nothing on the floor, but I notice a little blinking red light coming from the ceiling. “Shit.”
“What is it?” she asks.
I point. The light is attached to a security camera painted to match the walls.
“Fuck,” she says. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Every word is ice. She’s glaring like I planned this. “I could get fired.” Alice teaches preschool. Forgot to mention that.
I squeeze my eyes shut. So much for afterglow.
“We have to do something.” She’s starting to panic. After panic comes yelling and I really want to avoid that.
“I’ve got it.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Trust me, okay?” She doesn’t look convinced. “Can you find your way out? Meet me at the entrance.” With a little more cajoling I get her out the door. Then I wander back into the main factory and pace until something looks familiar. I make my way toward Gary’s office. The door’s locked. I drum my fists against it. No answer. “Open up. It’s me.”
Shuffling noises come through the wall, a couple steps and the door swings open. Gary’s standing there, alone, thank god. He looks flushed. Behind him lie a dozen monitors stacked unsteadily on his desk, showing different parts of the building.
“Give it,” I say.
“Give what?” His voice is husky. There’s a crumpled tissue on the floor.
“You know what I want.”
“Don’t think I do. Unless… did you want this?” He grabs a cassette from his desk and dangles it above my head. I know better than to jump—he’s six-four. Arms like a gorilla. “I can get into big trouble for losing security footage, you know?”
“Nobody looks at that shit but you.”
“Well, maybe I want a copy for personal use,” he teases. “Some hot, lesbian action for those long, lonely shifts.” He fakes jerking off and ends with a big explosion, sound effects and all. My friends are real mature. “Didn’t know you and Ali were even talking, let alone that.”
“I’m gonna kick your ass if you don’t give me the tape.”
“Big talk from the little dyke.” He hands it over with big cheesy grin. “You owe me one.”
“Deal.” I take the tape and run outside. I know I’m buying him beer for months. Maybe I should get Alice to chip in? Or maybe she shouldn’t know he saw.
Either way, I get it to her. She looks surprised.
“Am I good, or what?”
“You’re something all right.” There’s a glint in her eyes that I hope bodes well.
“You might want to watch it and make sure I got the right one.”
“I’ll do that.” The glint becomes a full-blown smile. Something tells me that tape isn’t headed for the furnace. I kind of want a copy but decide against pushing my luck.
“So, um, I guess I’ll see you around.” I run a hand through my cropped hair, not sure whether to give her a hug or a kiss or what.
Alice gives me a peck on the cheek. The contact feels awkward. We’ve changed since breaking up. Subtle changes, sure, but solid enough our bodies no longer fit. I walk her to the parking lot and watch her drive away. She got what she wanted from me, plus a souvenir. Lucky girl. Maybe she’ll watch it with her boyfriend.
Whatever. I don’t care. They can do what they want. The bus is a long way off. I turn my back on the industrialized landscape and start walking.
Heidi Champa
Moving to the city had meant giving up many things, but my car was the first to go. There was no place to park it at my new apartment and paying for a space across town seemed pointless. So, I bid it farewell and sold it to a new, and hopefully loving, owner. It would be public transportation for me, from now on. While I missed the joys of singing along to the radio and putting on my makeup at stoplights, at least I could console myself with the idea that I was helping to save the environment.
I stood on the narrow swath of cement, waiting for the Number 91 tram. Every day, it was the same routine: the 7:40 a.m. and the 5:17 p.m. The trams were usually on time, not like the buses. That was a lesson I learned the hard way, after being late for work three days in a row. So, I started waiting for the loud, rumbling cars every morning, and I hadn’t missed a single meeting since.
The trams also provided an added bonus I hadn’t counted on. Every Monday, Thursday and Friday, I got to ride home with Stella. She was gorgeous, even in the awful blue-gray transit authority uniform. It seemed a crime to put someone so beautiful into something so ugly, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter. Her sewn-on name tag stuck out from under her long dark hair, and from the first day I read her name, Stella was burned into my brain. I always sat at the front of the car so I could stare at her through the glass partition.
I had only spoken to her once, but that was all it took. It was the first day I stepped on the tram; the very first time I saw her perfect face. I realized I didn’t know how the ticket system worked, and I panicked a bit before biting the bullet and asking for help. I tapped on the little windowed compartment and Stella turned and gave me a nod.
“How much for the weekly pass?” I asked, then smiled. Her blue eyes were so distracting, I almost forgot why I was standing there. She smiled back, her rose-pink lips stretching over her almost too-perfect teeth.
“The machine is right back there; it will give you the ticket. The weekly pass is seven-fifty.”
She wasn’t impatient or angry. She didn’t even give me the look of pity that the rest of the city folk had perfected for people like me—just that smile. I almost stumbled, my high heel slipping on the grooved walkway as the tram lurched forward. I recovered and headed back to the machine to buy my ticket, fumbling with my money, trying to remain cool and calm despite my pounding heart. After that, I was hooked. But I never talked to her again. There was no legitimate reason for me to engage her, despite my efforts to think of one. So, I had to be content to look at her and admire her from afar.
I become an expert with a monthly pass, like most of the people around me. I was a regular. Every day that Stella drove we shared a smile, and I sat and watched her through the glass. Occasionally, she glanced my way, in her casual, offhand manner. When she did, I felt my body tighten and my insides turn to mush. Being new to the city, I didn’t have many friends. Stella managed to make me feel less alone, without ever saying a word. Somehow, knowing she was there made me feel like I had someone to count on, even though we were strangers.
I started to learn my way around the city and ventured out beyond my little neighborhood. I even managed to convince a few friendly people that I wasn’t a total hick—no small feat with the accent I had. Even with my newfound comfort and community, Stella remained my touchstone. During those rides home, I couldn’t stop glancing her way, looking at her lovely profile and trying to grow the courage to say something, anything to her. As we screeched our way through the city over the tramlines, I couldn’t help but wonder what her voice might sound like, how her hands might feel on my body.
One Friday night, after a long day, I waited patiently for the tram that would take me home. My stomach contracted, as it always did, as the Number 91 pulled up to the stop. All I could think about were Stella’s soft blue eyes that would soon be staring back at me. But, as I entered, a different face looked down from the window. It was the usual Tuesday driver. His shock of red hair and messy beard gave him away immediately. I hesitated a few seconds, until the person behind me shoved me forward. I swayed with the tram down the street, my mind wandering. It was weird how thrown I was by her absence. I relied on Stella to always be there. Even though she just drove the tram, I felt more alone than I had in months. I shook my head, trying to get my composure back, but the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t go away.
At home, I went through the motions of getting ready for a night out; a night out I wasn’t particularly interested in. But I had promised my friends, and I didn’t have a good excuse to cancel on such short notice. What was I supposed to say? I can’t go out because the girl I pine for wasn’t on the tram today. It sounded sad, even to me.
Bar after bar, drink after drink, all I could think about was Stella. I was finally ready to talk to her. I had it all worked out. The end of the line was only three stops from my house. I was going to wait until the last stop and ask her some banal question, just to buy some time with her. Not a great plan, but it was the best I had come up with. At least now I would have more time to think of something clever to say, something that would make her see how much I liked her. It would just have to wait until after the weekend. If I had waited this long, a few more days weren’t going to kill me.
As the shot glass in my hand hit the bar, I was finally starting to feel a bit better. Even drunk, my brain was annoyingly lucid, my sorrows finally starting to drown. I bid my new friends farewell and headed for the reliable old 91 that arrived in mere moments. Late-night trams were usually slow and only arrived every thirty minutes. But as most city dwellers knew, you timed your last drink according to tram time. I could see the lights in the distance as I leaned against the cool Plexiglas of the enclosure. As the tram came skidding to a halt, I could have sworn my drunken eyes were playing tricks: it was her behind the glass. Stella—waiting to greet me with her smile. I walked onto the tram, my mouth gaping open. I fumbled with my purse to find my ticket, but no matter how much I dug, it refused to be found. She kept her eyes on me, and the few people on the tram were too drunk to care about the delay. She finally motioned me past, her small hand waving for me to sit down.
I sat before the tram lurched and wound down the deserted streets. The stops came and went, and my fellow tipsy passengers trickled off, finally leaving Stella and me alone. My stop was next, and I saw my chances dwindling with each block we passed. When we came to my stop, the tram shimmied to a halt. Stella looked at me; the doors opened for me to pass through. But I didn’t move. I just held her gaze, my eyes refusing to leave hers. After a few seconds, she closed the door, and the tram continued down the street, all the way to the end of the line. I sat there in silence, my stomach flipping over as Stella turned the lights off, putting the tram out of service. Suddenly, the glass door that kept her separated from the rest of the tram opened, and for the first time, I saw all of Stella. She was shorter than me, her long dark hair hanging down her back stopping just above her ass. That horrible uniform didn’t do much for her, but her curves were still visible through the coverall-style outfit. It was strange being so close to her, and my whole body registered the proximity. My mouth started moving before I could stop it, the first thing on my mind suddenly coming out of my lips.
“I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. You weren’t on the five seventeen.”
I felt so self-conscious. Stella just walked toward me and sat down, leaving very little space between us. The fabric of her uniform brushed against my leg and I could barely breathe.
“Lewis needed to switch. I took his night shift. Lucky for you, I guess.”
Her voice was like honey, seeping into my brain and making me swoon. It was not what I imagined it would be. It was better. She slid her hand over my leg, starting at the knee and working her way up. It was such a bold gesture, at least to me. I tried not to look stunned, but I don’t think I succeeded. Her hand stopped when it reached the top of my thigh, the hem of my skirt bunching a little under her fingers. I felt a surge of panic run through me, and I started to protest, even though I really didn’t want her to stop.
“Stella, what are you doing?”
She smiled and her demeanor was easy and calming.
“Something I think we both want. I realized if I waited for you to make the first move, I’d be waiting forever.”
Stella leaned closer to me, and my throat felt in danger of closing up. She continued talking, clearly ignoring my nervousness.
“You know, you should really be wearing panty hose under that skirt. It’s a little chilly tonight.”
Before I had the chance to say anything, she kissed me. Her lips were so soft I almost didn’t feel them at first. But her tongue was insistent, swirling into my mouth and taking my breath away. Her hand ran underneath my skirt this time, nudging my thighs apart, but she didn’t stop there. Her confident fingers kept moving upward until they rested dangerously close to my pussy, making me gasp. I thought she would stop, but she didn’t. Her fingers moved again, this time reaching my center and finding my panties wet.
“But you don’t feel chilly at all. In fact, you seem a little hot.”
Stella smiled and ran her finger between my cunt lips, pressing the cotton fabric against my sensitive skin. Her mouth was back on mine, as I urged my hips forward. She was teasing me, pulling away every time I tried to push harder against her hand. I could feel her smile under my lips, knowing she was driving me crazy.
“Stand up.”
Stella’s voice echoed off the wall of the tram. The dark was pierced by the nearby streetlight, giving us just enough illumination to see each other. I stood and walked to the center of the car, resting my back against the pole busy commuters had hung on to all day. She dropped down in front of me, her knees touching my feet. I could barely see the blue of her eyes in the dark. Her hands traced up my thighs, under my skirt and began to tug my panties down. I stepped out of them, moving slowly on my heavy legs. Starting at my knee, Stella’s tongue meandered up toward my pussy. I tried to push my hips forward toward her mouth, but she continued on, licking down my other leg. Again, I could feel the smile on her lips, her amusement at my torture. Her fingers found my pussy lips, now naked.
It was all my mind could manage at that moment. The rest of my thoughts were too jumbled to express. Her thumb pressed my clit, a single finger sliding inside me and pulling all the way back out. She reached her hand to her mouth and licked her finger. A tiny gasp escaped my lips while I watched her. She looked sexier than any woman I had ever seen, even with the ugly uniform hugging her frame. Her moist finger slid back inside me and again came all the way out. While she thrust slowly, she continued to tease the tip of my clit with her soaking wet thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure. Over and over she plunged her finger inside me and left me empty again. I was practically whimpering for her to speed up, but she kept things at her pace.
“Do you want me to lick that sweet pussy? Is that what all the fuss is about up there?”
She knew exactly what I wanted and yet still didn’t give it to me. I didn’t think I could manage to say the words out loud, but looking at her face, I knew she wouldn’t continue without them.
“Yes. Please, Stella. Lick my pussy. Stop teasing me.”
She smiled up at me, as she thrust two fingers into my weeping cunt. Finally, after several more agonizingly slow strokes, I felt the warm tip of her tongue wash over me, my clit throbbing at the contact. Her lips closed over my tender flesh, tugging my clit to rapt attention. Her fingers kept moving inside me, the sounds of my moans filling the empty tramcar. My knees felt like they were ready to give out, so I reached above my head for the handle to steady myself. Her hand held my hip and I let her control everything. She moved me slow, then fast, her fingers furious one minute and plodding the next. Two fingers became three, then four, stretching me open farther than I had been in months. I could hear her moaning into my cunt, the hum of her lips driving me absolutely mad. Her hand left my hip and I watched as she unzipped her uniform and reached into her own panties.
My orgasm was building inside me, but Stella seemed to know that I was close. She backed off, leaving me restless and edgy. Her fingers were out of my body, their absence teasing and tormenting my empty pussy. As suddenly as she was gone, she was back inside me, and I nearly screamed. Her tongue attacked me, rubbing over my clit so fast I could barely keep standing. The heat, the explosion of pleasure crashed over me so quickly, I wasn’t ready for it. Stella was relentless, keeping me coming longer than I ever had before. I didn’t think it was ever going to stop, and I didn’t want it to. As far as I was concerned, Stella could keep me like this all night.
Car lights streamed over me and brought me back to reality. The spell was momentarily broken, and I collapsed onto the seat closest to me, unable to stand for another second.
Stella sat on the floor, staring at my still twitching body. I felt her hand sweep over my sweaty thigh, sending an aftershock up my spine. Finally, I composed myself and sat up, staring at Stella. She stood right in front of me, removing her uniform completely. Her silk panties were visibly wet, as she moved her pussy closer to my face. I reached out to touch her soft, tender thigh, the heat of her skin overwhelming me. I looked up at her face and saw her blue eyes burning into me.
“You still need to pay for your trip.”
She smiled, her too-perfect teeth still shining in the dark. I slipped my fingers into the waistband of her thong and slid it down to her ankles. The dark tangle of hair that covered her pussy was matted and wet. I looked up at her blue eyes and smiled. She pulled my mouth close to her pussy, and I could smell her sex, raw and pungent. I heard her voice one last time before I began licking her hot pussy.
“There are no free rides, you know.”
A. D. R. Forte
I see her on the beach at sunset, a portrait against the backdrop of a tropical sea and a sky on fire: long hair, down to her waist; one arm raised, holding a wide-brimmed hat in place; T-shirt flapping around lean hips as she watches the light burn into the sea.
I could walk away with my picture and tell any story I want, make her into anything I desire. In another place, I would.
But here on a distant beach, I gamble on the preposterous because I’ll never see her again.
Sand tries to trap my steps, but I stumble across it anyway. I apologize for my intrusion, for my forwardness. I don’t know if she understands me, or even if she speaks English. It could as easily be Dutch or French or Spanish. She looks at me with old eyes in a young face and I hurry to find words, try not to stumble over them or replace them with others that are meaningless and safe.
Not that I can think of anything appropriately mindless to say—not here, where even laughter means more than sound.
“This may sound strange,” I say. “But I wanted to tell you I think you’re beautiful. You should know that.”
After the first surprise, she laughs—a mocking laugh but not for me. For herself.
“Yeah. Right,” she says, and I’m inspired to stay, to convince her. But even the impropriety of strangers in a strange place has its limits.
“It’s true,” I say, and I leave her with a smile.
I don’t look for her again.
Under the hot equatorial sun, I sweat and do the things tourists do: buy strings of polished beads and eat spicy shellfish and thick chunks of fried bread dipped in sauce. I go on bus rides and look at stone forts with silent cannons robed in green moss.
My fellow tourists snap pictures.
I keep pictures in my head.
“I should’ve thanked you,” she says behind me, and I jump, startled at finding myself not alone. Her voice is well bred but lazy, muting the consonants, drawing the vowels out, running them all together like notes strummed on a guitar.
By contrast, the voice of the sea is loud in this empty stretch of resort walkway where we stand: a wall hung with local art on one side and bougainvillea bushes lining the seawall on the other. It’s a secluded place, lit with incongruent fluorescent lights against the tropical dark, and I feel guilty simply being here.
The black dinner dress dips between her small breasts and shows delicate bones under the skin of her chest, reveals slender arms smooth with toned muscle. In heels, she’s half a head taller than I am. Even with her painted eyes and lips I can still tell she’s half my age.
I look at her and shrug.
“You want to fuck me.” The words from those cherry-bright lips in that ladylike voice shock me, arouse me, make me feel a little bit dirty. I want to deny it, desperately. Stutter that my words were just a compliment, a kindness, a moment of aesthetic appreciation.
All bullshit. And she doesn’t deserve bullshit. Something deep down in my conscience decided that for me when I first saw her.
“Yes,” I say. “I won’t though.”
“Why not? You’re here alone.”
I want to argue that I damn well have company, but something in that pretty face and sarcastic smile won’t let me lie.
“Don’t confuse solitude with desperation,” I tell her. She leans against the wall opposite, slouched, hands behind her back. That kind of come-hither, gauche posture perfected by models with their awkward sensuality. But for her the gesture is unplanned, unstudied and magnetic for it. I look away and take a deep breath. Beads swing and glitter against her skin.
“I never suggested you were.”
It’s not pride that makes me tighten my fingers on the strap of my bag and straighten my spine as I turn away. It’s something else that flutters, hot and cold and shivery, just below my navel.
Pictures are meant to stay whole, in completed perfection—not taken apart, dissected and undressed, played with and ruined as if they were plastic dolls with plastered smiles and silky, shining, nylon hair.
“That’s good,” I hear myself say. Walk away now, while the barrier of unfamiliarity still exists. Let her think I’m offended or neurotic or worse.
Don’t let her see how much I ache.
* * *
She catches up to me in two strides, maybe three: the advantage of having long legs and not wearing a pencil skirt. She catches my chin and cheek between thumb and fingers, forcing me to stop, forcing me to face her. My scowl doesn’t faze her for a minute. Used to getting her way, I tell myself. Spoiled. Bratty.
Cherry-red lips brush against mine. Light catching on the clustered diamonds of a bracelet dazzles me.
She draws back a little, still holding me, holding my gaze. “You should know I thought you were beautiful.”
A pause. Her gaze falters, drops to my mouth as her thumb grazes my lower lip. “I couldn’t understand why you’d noticed me. I was angry because…” I feel her sigh brush my neck. “…because I didn’t believe you.”
Like a caress or a slap, the fingers release my face. I watch her walk down the corridor, hips and hurried steps making the black dress sway, like a charm. I close my eyes for a second and inhale deeply.
I don’t know what the hell’s just happened.
All I know is need.
I look at black rocks stark against white powdered sand and think there’s someplace I ought to be instead of here. There are obligations somewhere in my life, but I don’t want to think about them now. I think about her until my head spins from heat, inside and out.
Skin on fire, I stumble back to my room and pass out on white sheets until the sun goes down. I shiver, reluctant to head down to dinner. Afraid I’ll see her again. Afraid I won’t.
Fate takes the decision out of my hands.
I’ve made acquaintances here at the hotel: middle-aged divorcées, career women getting away from it all; they mistake me for one of them. So I get the dinner invitation phone call, and I can’t think fast enough to find a good reason to refuse.
I fill in the fourth chair at the table near the window, smiling and laughing, but my choice of seating isn’t accidental. I can see the entrance to the dining room and all of the room itself but the few tables behind us and the wall, and those are all taken. I don’t see her belonging to any of the framed pictures of laughing diners they create. So, like a covert spider, I wait.
I watch her stalk in, stunning in lavender silk splendor tonight, the dress sleeveless and short of course, showing off those fine arms and magnificent legs to every male in the place. They all look of course, and I decide I hate them all.
Her gaze slides over me. I feel its touch: much more than the bored disinterest her pout advertises, but her façade doesn’t falter for an instant. She goes to a table at the far windows, joins the couple seated there with barely a nod. They acknowledge her then ignore her, return to their wine and conversation.
I can’t see her face at this distance, but I watch her take a phone out of her purse and start tapping with rapid intensity at the keyboard. She waves the waiter away with a dismissive hand and a shake of her head, without looking up. Her hair is tied up tonight in a carefully styled ponytail, and the tips of smooth, gathered strands brush the sharp lines of her shoulder blades as she hunches over the phone, shutting out the world around her, oblivious to the way it adores her.
Then for a split second, a brush of movement, she glances up and looks across the miles of pretentious carpet and polished crystal. She meets my gaze without the mask, without the veneer of indifference; with simple longing.
I melt inside.
This, I think, is real lust. I haven’t known what the word meant before now. Beyond mere physical desire, or romance or passion, it resists having other words and adjectives attached to it. If I force myself, I can think of terms like primeval and devastating and ruthless, none of them even remotely adequate.
Swallowing, I look at my plate and see the fork in my hand shake. My dinner companions are giggling, bantering with the waiter, another twentysomething-year-old with a twenty-year-old body evident under the hibiscus-printed shirt and formfitting white slacks. He grins, enjoying the attention, probably hoping somewhere at the back of his mind for an older, richer lover with the promise of a green card.
And that would be okay; acceptable in the eyes of the world.
What makes my fascination any different?
She leaves a letter for me at the front desk.
This feels strangely old fashioned and fairly lame. But I think you’ll appreciate the irony. If this finds you. Carl at the front desk promises he knows who you are, even though all I have to give him is a face without a name.
I want you to be able to find me. I want you to change your mind.
There’s a phone number and an email address. No name.
I stand there, holding the scrap of paper while the warm breeze flutters it and my hair. I feel shaky, off balance, knowing she’s gone and this—whatever it’s been—is over. Unless… I turn the paper over and over in my hands. Unless…
* * *
Back in my lair, in my world, surrounded by the mundane things of my life, I unfold that piece of paper again. For months it’s lain ignored at the bottom of a drawer, crushed beneath keep-sakes: a necklace of shells, a miniature wood carving of some bird decorated with colored glitter and varnish, as useless and exotic as these things.
But the souvenirs haven’t haunted me, taunted me silently every time I pass the drawer.
With the email I find a picture online and an offer to click her into my life. But it feels too intimate yet, and too cheap. “Friended.” Easy, acceptable, uncomplicated, banal.
Instinct, intuition tells me it’s not what she would want either, if she even still wants anything of me.
I close my eyes for a moment against the pain of that thought. When I open them again, I find the phone number instead. The letters bleed black over the white screen of my phone, glare at me impatiently until a tap of my thumb on the keypad sends them flying beyond my reach, into the impossible.
Tell me where to find you. Tell me how.
I steer the rental car, top down, along miles of highway under a relentless sun. Horses and brown dirt and scrubby grass roll by. Where the land slopes into pretend hills piney trees crowd its face. Cattle drowse in the meager shade behind wire fences. This is her country. Wide open spaces, amazing in their sparseness.
She sent me an address, directions, dates. She didn’t have to tell me she would be there alone.
The gates of the property are open. I drive up to the house at the edge of the lake, and she comes up from the waterfront and around the side of the house, like a nymph from her domain, to meet me. Hair loose and half dry in distracting tangles, T-shirt damp and revealing dark nipples, skin kissed by the sun into gentle bronze, hinting at some heritage native to this wild, sun-baked land.
If I thought her beautiful in the exotic tropics, here in her habitat she is beyond words, beyond my power to do anything but gape and stare and sweat, feeling ridiculous and old for having come this far in my pearl earrings and khakis. For what?
“It’s insane, but I’ve missed you. God, you look like fucking Jackie Kennedy,” she says as she kisses me, getting lake water all over my perspiration-soaked shirt. Her hand slides up my spine, her tongue into my mouth.
I was hot before, but this… this is a different kind of heat. This sears. Incinerates logic and caution and prudence. It withers uncertainty.
I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. But she does.
I lift the T-shirt over her head and her breasts bounce free. I stare. Slowly I reach out to touch, to catch her nipples between my fingers and squeeze. She moans between folded lips.
My thumb slides down the line of her torso, to stomach and navel and the waist of the wet pair of shorts clinging to her hips. She sucks in a breath. Her flesh moves under my hand, and I feel an answering quiver between my legs.
“Undress me,” she says, quietly. Her voice is loud in this silence of wind and water.
She doesn’t answer, and after a moment, I unbutton the shorts. I trace the shape of her pussy through the wet panties hidden under the shorts.
“Mm…” she sighs. I can feel her breath on my cheek and smell her body, a trace of perfume lingering under the scent of earth and water. I smell her arousal as my fingers press the wet cotton into her crotch, rubbing harder.
Hesitantly, I lean forward and let my tongue flicker across one stiff nipple. I feel her body under my hand jerk. Her intake of breath is sharp and sudden.
I look up because fingers are twisting, tumbling my wind-blown hair, pulling my head up. She kisses me again, my hand still trapped between her legs, still playing with her, sliding now beneath the panties to touch her hot, wet flesh. With a moan, she pulls my hand away and breaks the kiss.
“You…” she breathes.
I lean back against the car where she pushes me, unresisting while she lifts my shirt. The light dances red and harsh against my closed eyelids. I feel the heat on my bare skin as she slides my pants down, conscious of my exposure, even in the seclusion of this place. I should say no. But my chance for saying no happened before I got on the plane to come here, happened a year ago on that distant beach.
A shadow falls over my face, and I open my eyes as her naked skin presses into mine. Tiny jolts of awareness ripple along my skin as I reach up to pull her closer, tighter. Her panties are gone and the hair between her legs brushes the nude skin between my own.
So different, even in that detail, I think as the hard metal of the convertible digs into my back and I caress her shape, finding it by touch.
But does it matter?
Her lips at my earlobe, my neck, the swell of my breast, tell me nothing matters but them, their hot kiss. She’s on her knees in the dirt, spreading my legs. Her tongue tests my wetness, laps at my clit. I shudder. I try to push my palms against the bones of her shoulders, but she’s stubborn.
She will force me to orgasm here and now, like this, with the sun and the damp heat of sex burning me up, outside and in. Her fingers move in my cunt and my ass, and I tighten up against her patient tongue. My head is on fire as release floods my limbs. I don’t know how to breathe.
Scolding, she slathers sunblock over my body as we lie on a towel at the water’s edge. Her hands linger on my breasts, filling them with dangerous heat.
“You’re going to kill yourself with skin cancer, running around out here without it.”
I want to tell her sunburn is the least of my worries. I just take the tube from her and return the favor, massaging the cream into her ass and thighs and the backs of her calves. I end up lifting her feet and kissing the arches of each instep. I run my tongue in little circles around the skin and she moans and wriggles.
“Don’t!” she says, which means “Yes.”
We roll together, bodies slick with grease, tongues moving hard and fast. The sunblock tastes god-awful, but it’s not long before it’s washing off again as I chase her into the water, as we struggle and writhe together. My fingers probe her cunt as she tries to float, and I find the places that make her shiver and squirm and lose her equilibrium. She drags me under with her as she splashes down, and we come up laughing, coughing, swatting stinging fans of water in each other’s faces before she falls into my arms again.
We’re like children.
She is. I remind myself of that daily even as I try to avoid remembering whose house I’m in.
“My parents don’t come here anymore,” she tells me. “Not since I was a kid. I’m the only one who gives a damn about the place.”
“Boyfriends?” I ask, a little bit jealous as I say it. She shakes her head.
“I was trying to escape them. All of them.”
I imagine slideshows of the stories she tells me: nailing shingles on the roof and repairing a toilet herself. Writing her thesis. The months of one long winter, living on coffee and a broken heart. Endless southern summers on the lake.
Like the lake, it all lies hidden beneath the toss of silken hair and the hard flash of diamonds. Her hair hasn’t seen conditioner in the days I’ve been here. Not a scrap of jewelry except when she absently snaps her watch around her wrist out of habit while she works. Lost in lines of code for hours at a time until she rouses to the smell of dinner or my touch.
I remind myself to keep the stills of her like this: flush and tousled from lovemaking. Serious from thought.
But she’s an enigma. A 3-D puzzle picture that I can’t capture and set in two-dimensional glass. Am I afraid?
I look away from the questions in her eyes as we drink frozen margaritas and listen to cicadas drone in the darkness. Beyond the lights of the porch there’s nothing to see; nothing to frame and save for later.
“I only meant to stay a week,” I say. “And it’s been far longer than that.”
Her release of breath is so soft it might just be a breath of wind.
“I know,” is all she replies.
After a while, she stands up and takes my hand. She leads me inside.
After the still-heavy heat of the night, the bedroom is cold. Her nipples pucker, and I trace a finger down raised hairs on her arm. She turns to me and catches my hands and we sink down on her bed. I kiss her pretty nose and her lips and her chin.
She arches her neck and I kiss her breasts and the half-moon shadows beneath them. I follow the shape of her ribs with my tongue and listen to her shallow breaths, coming faster as my lips touch her belly and then her mound. I’ve tasted her now so much, I know her taste better than some lovers will know each other in a lifetime, and still I catch my breath—trembling inside with wonder at the way I can make her move under my mouth, the way I can make her twist and grimace and bite her lips.
I love the taste of her clit. My brain knows it’s just another bit of skin and nerve endings, scented with her wetness, but it’s something else on my tongue, a delicacy that I can savor, but never have enough of. Is this what love feels like?
Raising myself to an elbow, I replace lips with fingers, because I want to lie beside her and watch her body move from tense stillness to sudden fitful motion; watch her face.
She begs me to fuck her and fuck her and I do, until the sex becomes hell. I wanted to stop on the second day when we’d been fucking nearly constantly, bitches in heat, and I could tell from her grimace and the agony in her soft, half-stifled moans that she was too sore. That pleasure had become laced with pain. But I couldn’t stop.
Then, like now, my own cunt tightened greedily, enjoying her torment. And I could see the same greed mingled with pain in her eyes as I touched her. She wouldn’t have let me stop anyway.
By now, I know what she wants. I know how far to push. When to stop and tease with the edge of a fingernail until her breathing becomes ragged, when to pinch and when to slap so that she squeaks and her tanned skin flushes red. When to kiss her and steal her breath and massage her abused flesh until she rises and throbs beneath my palm. Then I kiss away the salty tears of release from the corners of her eyes and run my fingers through her hair.
I wrap my fingers in the strands, heavy and soft even after days of scorching sun. I twist until my hand is bound with brown-gold silk, and pull her head around until she faces me. Color still stains her cheeks. Her eyes shimmer under wet lashes.
A portrait, etched on my memory like a woodcut, deep in the grain where it won’t fade, can’t be forgotten.
I ask her the question that isn’t a question, my voice rebelling with some emotion I don’t really want to figure out.
“But you aren’t gonna let me go.”
“I can’t make you stay,” she whispers, bitter and passionate and sweet.
I release her hair, strands clinging to my fingers like errant silk, roll over on my back with a sigh. She crawls over me and doesn’t make a sound as she pushes my thighs apart.
I tell myself I’m an old dog trying to learn the impossible. Browsing the shelves of a bookstore, I find a used paperback copy of Death in Venice. I buy it and put it on the front row of my bookshelf. It will make her laugh. She’ll tell me I’m a fool as she kisses me.
I do things like that on purpose. Planning what to say to her, anticipating the toss of her head, or how she’ll lean on the back of a chair in the awkward, sexy way that makes my stomach clench. How she looks at me, saying nothing at all.
I save it all up, hoarding every snapshot. Keeping pictures in my head. Always.
ANAMIKA has published three novels (one on women’s football) and some stories in the UK and India. She is also a contributor to Delhi Noir, an anthology of original stories. She lives in India.
BETTY BLUE credits that story she read as a child about the angels in Sodom and Gomorrah with her fetish for naughty angel sex. Betty’s writing has appeared in numerous anthologies, including Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Lesbian Love Stories, Best Women’s Erotica, Tough Girls, Blood Sisters and More 5 Minute Erotica. Visit her website at bettyblue.org.
HEIDI CHAMPA’s work has appeared in Best Women’s Erotica 2010, Girl Fun One, Frenzy and Girl Crush. She has also steamed up the pages of Bust magazine. If you prefer your erotica in electronic form, she can be found at Clean Sheets, Ravenous Romance, Oysters & Chocolate and The Erotic Woman. More at heidichampa.blogspot.com.
RACHEL CHARMAN is a freelance writer, journalist and broadcaster from Southend, England. She writes on politics, technology, sex and LGBT issues. This is her first story to be published in an anthology.
CHARLOTTE DARE’s erotic fiction has appeared in Lesbian Cowboys, Where the Girls Are, Girl Crazy, Island Girls, Wetter, Purple Panties, Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2008 & 2009 and Tales of Travelrotica for Lesbians Volume 2. Visit Charlotte at myspace.com/charlotte_dare.
KIKI DELOVELY is a queer femme performer/writer who has performed and lived all over the United States, as well as internationally, and is now focusing on making her home in Durham, NC. She loves artichokes and taking on research for her writing. This is her first published story.
SARAH ELLEN lives in Bristol, England, and has been published in Hot & Bothered: Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire 4 and Island Girls: Tropical Lesbian Erotica. A self-confessed thrill seeker, she finds writing as exciting as parachuting, bobsleighing, wakeboarding and skiing. Her less adventurous, loving, civil partner would rather she just wrote more.
A. D. R. FORTE is the author of erotic short fiction and erotic fantasy that appears in numerous anthologies, including Where the Girls Are and Best Women’s Erotica. For more information see adrforte.com
GALA FUR has contributed to hip French magazines and her signature is familiar to readers of the Parisian erotic press. As a director, she made many short movies on BDSM. Her erotica has been published internationally. She has also published BDSM novels including Confessions of a Left-Bank Dominatrix and Gala Strip (in French).
ERICA GIMPELEVICH’s first publishing credit came in Best Lesbian Erotica 2009. Since then, Erica has mostly sat around other people’s apartments mumbling incoherent fragments about “patriarchy” and “the gender binary” while eating all their vegan food and watching queer porn. Only after having memorized the lines of said porn was Erica roused to write more smut.
NAIRNE HOLTZ is the author of This One’s Going to Last Forever, a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and The Skin Beneath, which won the Alice B. Lesbian Debut Fiction Award and made the shortlist for Quebec’s McAuslan First Book Prize.
THEDA HUDSON is a writer and spiritual advisor living in Colorado with two semi-feral cats, a thousand books and a Mary Poppins outfit complete with a toy bag she’s not afraid to use. Her work will appear in M. Christian’s Best S/M 3 anthology.
Editor of The Sweetest Kiss and the Lambda Literary Award Finalist, Where the Girls Are, D. L. KING’s short stories can be found in Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Women’s Erotica, Girl Crazy and Broadly Bound, among others. She’s published two novels and edits the erotica review site, Erotica Revealed. Find her at dlkingerotica.com.
KIRSTY LOGAN lives in Glasgow with her very own bitch goddess warrior queen. Kirsty writes at the Rumpus, Filthy Gorgeous Things, the Moose & Pussy, Oysters and Chocolate and in Girl Crush. She enjoys coffee cupcakes and sticking pins in maps. Get in touch at kirstylogan.com.
CATHERINE LUNDOFF is the author of Crave: Tales of Lust, Love and Longing and Night’s Kiss: Lesbian Erotica and editor of Haunted Hearths and Sapphic Shades: Lesbian Ghost Stories. She is the coeditor, with JoSelle Vanderhooft, of Hellebore and Rue: Tales of Queer Women and Magic and teaches writing classes at The Loft Literary Center. Website: visi.com/~clundoff.
KENZIE MATHEWS lives in Alaska and works at a public library. She paints landscapes, cooks, and walks her dogs when not writing.
GISELLE RENARDE is a proud Canadian, supporter of the arts and activist for women’s and LGBT rights. For information on Giselle and her work, visit her website at gisellerenarde.webs.com.
SINCLAIR SEXSMITH runs the personal online writing project Sugarbutch Chronicles: The Sex, Gender, and Relationship Adventures of a Kinky Queer Butch Top at sugarbutch. net. Publications include: Best Lesbian Erotica, Sometimes She Lets Me: Butch/Femme Erotica and Visible: A Femmethology Volume 2. Sinclair also facilitates workshops on sex, gender and relationships.
RENÉE STRIDER has published fiction in the Erotic Interludes series, Fantasy, Read These Lips, Best Lesbian Love Stories: Summer Flings, Toe to Toe, Khimairal Ink and Girl Crazy. She has lived throughout the United States and in the Netherlands and now resides in Canada.
XAN WEST is the pseudonym of a New York City BDSM/sex educator. Xan’s “First Time Since,” won honorable mention for the 2008 NLA John Preston Short Fiction Award. Xan appears in Best SM Erotica 2 and 3, Best Women’s Erotica 2008 and 2009, Hurts So Good and Daddies. Email Xan at Xan_West@yahoo.com.
KATHLEEN WARNOCK is a playwright, fiction writer and editor. Her erotica has appeared (under the name Kyle Walker) in Best Lesbian Erotica, A Woman’s Touch and Friction 7. Her other fiction, essays and reviews have been seen in ROCKRGRL, BUST, Ms., Metal Maidens, It’s Only Rock and Roll, Gargoyle, American Book Review, New Directions for Women and the liner notes for the Joan Jett CD Unfinished Business. Her plays have been produced in New York, the United Kingdom and regionally. Rock the Line was produced by Emerging Artists Theatre in New York and won the Robert Chesley Award for Emerging Playwright. Grieving for Genevieve won the John Golden Award for Playwriting. Some Are People won the Arts & Letters Award for Drama. She is curator of the Robert Chesley/ Jane Chambers Playwrights Project for TOSOS Theater, and Playwrights Company Manager for Emerging Artists Theater. She is Ambassador of Love for the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival and a member of the Dramatists Guild.
LEA DELARIA is a jazz musician, Broadway diva, actor, writer and stand-up comic. Her first jazz album was Play It Cool. Her second, Double Standards, debuted on the Billboard Jazz Chart at #6. The first openly gay comic to appear on national television in the United States (“Arsenio Hall,” 1993), she has toured the world with her one-of-a-kind blend of cool jazz and in-your-face comedy. Lea has recorded two comedy albums and developed specials for HBO, Showtime, Comedy Central, CBC, WNBC and Channel 4 UK. She has appeared on daytime and primetime TV and on many talk shows. Her film credits include The First Wives Club and Sgt. Bilko. Lea made an acclaimed Broadway debut in The Public Theater’s revival of On the Town. She returned to Broadway to play “Eddie” and “Dr. Scott” in The Rocky Horror Show. Her latest CD, The Live Smoke Sessions, landed her on the Grammy ballot in 2009. Her book, Lea’s Book of Rules for the World, is currently in its third printing.
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Copyright © 2010 by Kathleen Warnock. Introduction copyright © 2010 by Lea DeLaria.
All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in newspaper, magazine, radio, or television reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.
Published in the United States by Cleis Press Inc., 2246 Sixth Street, Berkeley, California 94710.
eISBN: 978-1-573-44689-1
“Carried Away in Santa Fe” by Charlotte Dare originally appeared on Oystersandchocolate. com; “Little Lou” is an excerpt from Gala Strip, a novel by Gala Fur (La Musardine, Paris); an earlier version of “Most Valuable Player” by Nairne Holtz was published in Delicate Friction (Bullock Publications); “Tree Hugger” by Catherine Lundoff originally appeared in Women in Uniform: Medics and Soldiers and Cops, Oh My! (Regal Crest Books); “Painted Nails and Puppy Dog Tails” by Giselle Renarde originally appeared in Lesbian Love (Xcite e-Books); a shorter version of “The Stripper and the Butch Wannabe” by Renée Strider appeared in the online anthology readtheselips.com.