Guillaume Faye
‘From the worst, the best may yet arise’
Dedicated to Savannah, Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson
London 2019
Preface by Jared Taylor
Because I speak French, it has been my great good fortune to become acquainted with some of the major figures in the French nationalist movement. I have the deepest respect for these men and women who are fighting for their people, but the Frenchman who most deeply impressed me from the very first meeting was Guillaume Faye.
I well remember the occasion. It was in 2003. I had an introduction to Faye from a mutual friend, and we met in a small restaurant.
At that time — and it is true even now — many patriotic Frenchmen hesitated to use the word that I think essential to understanding the crisis France faces: the word ‘race’. But after an hour with Faye, I found myself thinking: ‘This guy understands the problem perfectly — maybe even better than I do. And he has a clear perspective on what must be done — maybe clearer than my own.’ I was struck by the power of his mind, his passion for truth, and his love for his people. It was the beginning of a friendship that has lasted for more than fifteen years.
Living as we do on different continents, Faye and I have not seen each other nearly often enough, but I invited him twice to speak at the American Renaissance conferences that I organize. Each time, he charmed his listeners with his French accent and moved them with his eloquence and insight. And for me, every trip to France naturally included long conversations with Faye.
Gradually, thanks to the efforts of Arktos Media, this great philosopher of the crisis of the West has become better known to English speakers. Words such as ‘archeofuturism’, ‘ethno-masochism’, and ‘xenophilia’ are now well known to those of us who keep abreast of events in Europe. Guillaume Faye is now among the very best-known spokesmen for the survival of our people.
The book you now hold in your hands is certainly the darkest, bravest, and frankest book my friend has ever written. It is a brilliant analysis of the mortal threat to us of massive non-white immigration. I cite the following ominous passage that justifies the book’s title:
There are three possibilities concerning the sequence of events.
The first, the worst of them all, would be that of submission. It takes two to wage a war, and if our white Frenchmen do not defend themselves against these invaders and foreign aggressors, there will be no war. What will result instead is decay, collapse without real combat or isolated acts of revenge. This is a possibility which I cannot exclude.
The second possibility, a terrible, distressing and unthinkable one at that, is the outbreak of a racial civil war resulting in the defeat of French natives and other ethnic Europeans, who would have to fight against their own collaborationist state. This is a development mentioned particularly by Jean Raspail.
The third possibility is that of a victorious civil war with incalculable historical consequences, including, of course, the collapse of all our political paradigms. Whatever the case, we will find it impossible to evade major disorders in the coming years. Indeed, Western Europe will soon be the setting for an inevitable earthquake.
This is pure Guillaume Faye. While others fail to grasp the extent of the problem — or even the form or nature of the problem — Faye cuts straight to the fateful choices we face: submission, defeat, or victory. He writes that there is no other choice because a ‘convivial living-together is only possible when it involves populations that are biologically and culturally related. Anything else is but a sham. We do not wish to live with these people. Period.’
There actually is a fourth possibility, which is voluntary, peaceful separation. There are a few modern examples: the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the separation of the Czechs from the Slovaks. In the former Yugoslavia, separation was mostly violent, but Slovenia was born virtually without bloodshed.
In all these cases, however, there was a crucial difference from that of France: These nations were (re)established in territories that had been historically populated by distinct peoples. In France, an alien population with a ruthless will to power and united by a triumphalist religion threatens the native population, and the entire country is at stake. Peaceful separation is hard to imagine.
And, of course, as Faye writes so clearly, France is not the only white nation in peril. All of Western Europe as well as the overseas nations built by Europeans face the same crisis of dispossession — and for the same reasons. The capitulationist spirit of the French that Faye describes with such penetration applies word for word to the ruling and media elites everywhere from Germany to Canada to New Zealand. Only those nations that were sheltered by what we used to call the iron curtain have escaped — at least for the time being — the effects of ethno-masochist poisons. This apparent determination of the white man to bring about his own destruction is without precedent in the history of our species, and no one describes it better than Guillaume Faye.
One of the three choices this book outlines for France is submission. I cannot imagine a more miserable or ignoble fate for a nation that has contributed countless treasures to our civilization. And yet, for the reasons that Faye explains both with sadness and with fury, such a fate is not unthinkable. A similarly contemptible collapse is likewise possible in my own country. If our people awaken and build for themselves a future as glorious as our past, it will be thanks to the efforts of brilliant, tireless men such as Guillaume Faye.
I am grateful and deeply honored that my friend of fifteen years has dedicated this book to me. I also rejoice in his having jointly dedicated the book to my comrade Sam Dickson, who has been Guillaume’s friend and co-combatant for more than four decades. Sam Dickson has faithfully and courageously fought the forces that would transform the West and he admires France and its people as deeply as I do.
He joins me in this message to the readers of this book: Frenchmen and Americans — we are the same people. Your struggle is our struggle!
A Brief Note from the Publisher
The original French title of this book, as the reader will learn from the Introduction, is intentionally incendiary: Guerre Civile Raciale, or Racial Civil War. We have elected to change this title in the English edition, in consideration of the unjustified, and in our opinion, unjustifiable digital censorship that has recently afflicted too many unorthodox writers. It is evident that the original title would render this book a magnet to our contemporary censors, who would work under the curious pretext, no doubt, that any book which speaks of a racial civil war in its title must surely be advocating the same. Then let us declare unequivocally that neither Guillaume Faye, nor his French publisher, nor Arktos, in any way relishes the prospect of any kind of war on European soil. Faye himself describes this outcome as but one of several possibilities open to Europe. As for Arktos, we condone no gratuitous violence, and have never ceased decrying the unnecessary ‘military interventions’ waged even now by Western powers across the globe.
Indeed, Arktos publishes controversial books of this kind in part from the solemn belief that it is only through courageous independent and unconventional analysis of our current situation, that further bloodshed might ever be spared or staunched. More importantly yet, we proudly publish this book, the last book finished by Guillaume Faye before his death, because we hold that it is our duty as thinking beings to contemplate the most challenging ideas of the most challenging thinkers of our time, rather than consigning them complacently to oblivion.
Guillaume Faye was nothing if not a challenging thinker, as anyone will immediately perceive who enters this book with open eyes and open mind. Many of the ideas the reader will encounter herein are harsh and hard to look upon, but they are genuine and astute; they are a serious man’s assessment of what he regarded as a coming emergency of continental, if not global, proportions.
It is the reader’s free prerogative to decide whether he agrees with Faye’s assessment of our situation or not; but that primary right should never usurp the corresponding duty of reading a book before one has judged it.
Diagnosis Before the Storm
Let us begin with a small summary.
In Normandy, a priest is slaughtered by Muslims during Mass; in Paris, Nice and other provincial towns, massacres are perpetrated by the same people, all in the name of allah (the absence of capitalisation is intentional on my part, since this fictional entity does not deserve any better); hundreds are killed and mutilated in 2015–2016, with smaller-scale but equally despicable acts also committed (at the time of this book’s completion, the most recent one took place in Strasbourg on 11th December, 2018 and resulted in five deaths); there is ever-increasing criminality involving clearly identified perpetrators whose ethnic origin is often concealed by the official media; and there is also a growing difficulty for the native population to coexist with African and Oriental immigrants who are increasingly aggressive, demanding and violent… All of this is slowly destroying the lives of our natives, i.e. genuine French people, and especially the poorer ones.
What is astonishing is that we have not yet registered any defensive reaction on the part of this formerly valiant people or that of other European countries, let alone the beginning of any sort of retaliation against Arab and black Muslims, who bear the sole responsibility for all of these crimes.
One fails to react and, instead, snivels and proceeds to place candles and flowers where massacres have occurred. This might be due to a loss of collective energy, to a weariness weighing down the French who belong to lower socio-professional classes in the face of populations whose cruelty remains unequalled, or to a fear of having the state — a state that displays tolerance towards the invaders, not to say an attitude of plain and simple collaboration! — target any identitarian awakening with repressive measures.
Yes indeed, but an unpredictable spark may yet cause our natives (meaning THE WHITES — let us state the facts as they are), who are leading miserable and exasperated lives, are weary of being deprived of their tranquillity and culture and are thus driven by a spirit of self-defence, to organise themselves and ultimately launch a counteroffensive.
Not only am I betting on this potential survival reaction, but I also desire it. The primary duty of the intellectual is to be honest with the public. I shall not evade the issue for fear of ‘what people might say’ or of courts that will condemn my book anyway, without even having read it. So here is my immediate answer: yes, I do wish for my people to rise, to reclaim the pride they should never have lost and to secure the ultimate victory. That is what I want more than anything else, for it is absolutely necessary. There, I’ve said it.
Why Use the Term ‘Racial’?
The political book that you are holding in your hands is entitled Guerre civile raciale in the French, A Racial Civil War. Some people are likely to think that I am using the term ‘racial’ out of a desire to provoke, instead of resorting to a more catch-all word or expression; in short, that I have opted for it so that this book can go viral! This, however, is not the case. When I write the words ‘race’, ‘racial’ and ‘racism’, I do so as part of a sincere longing for accuracy. My desire is to state the facts as they actually are, here, in France, and in this age of ours, based on all that we see and notice on a daily basis.
This reality is experienced by our peaceful French men and women, who are mocked, attacked, raped and killed every day by individuals belonging to non-European races. Oh, I am certain that the very sight of these words will seem unpleasant to those that are ever so bleary-eyed… I could indeed say ‘people’, ‘ethnic group’, or ‘community’ to bring similar things to mind. Although these words would perhaps be suitable for the demonstration that I intend to give, they would nonetheless still fall short of the adjective racial when it comes to clearly and accurately defining the coming war.
I fail to see why I should ban myself from using a word that actually exists in dictionaries just because the dominant ideology and those who gobble it up so blissfully find it too disagreeable. Do you know what is really unpleasant, by contrast? Living your life surrounded by ten million, twenty million, or even a greater number of Africans and Arabs, with whom we have never wanted to associate. What is very disagreeable indeed is acknowledging the thought that, soon enough, the people of our race, namely the Whites of Europe, will be a minority in their own lands. What is more than unpleasant is our inability to describe the very horror of our situation without burdening our statement of the facts with foolish periphrases and politically correct words, all of which remain less expressive of what is crucial for us to say than of what one is required to say.
We have been invaded by immigrants belonging to foreign and belligerent races that have come here to have their cake and eat ours. They want to reap the benefits of Western prosperity without having to make the same effort we have made in order to enjoy it, while simultaneously retaining their own identity and hating us most openly. They perceive us as being foreign and will continue to do so; it thus seems fair to me that we should regard them in the same manner.
I use the word race because I do not see how it would ever be possible not to label as racist the lyrics of this rap song, which was released in 2018. Read these excerpts and judge for yourselves: ‘I enter nurseries and kill white babies, seize them quickly and hang their parents’; ‘Quarter them to pass the time’ (surely, this is all just irony and not to be taken seriously, right? Let us, however, continue with our charming reading experience); ‘Whip them hard, and do so earnestly’ (these are just rap lyrics, what are you getting at, anyway? There’s nothing bad there); ‘Let it all reek of death, let them piss blood’; ‘Let these foul fruits provide us with a fascinating, pallid and entertaining spectacle’ (how entertaining indeed, wow! Are we having a good time or what!); ‘Take any life they have, let them be lifeless objects from now on’ (oh, because the bloke is in a hurry, in a hurry to kill us right now! But wait, it’s a song, just a song, so don’t panic!); ‘Dominate them, and put your names on their testaments!’; Chorus: ‘Hang them, hang them, hang the Whites!’, ‘No feelings, let them all die at the same time!’ (A genocide — why not? Let us unleash our insanity!); ‘Set an example, torture those too rebellious in front of your whole group’.
Who would dare to claim that these lyrics, written and sputtered by a black man (Nick Conrad — a pseudonym, of course), are anything but a fury-ridden pamphlet targeting the white race and a set of instructions for his third-world friends, urging them all to come and hang us and indulge in various pleasures such as ensuring that we all die at the same time?
I call a spade a spade and a racial war a racial war; for that is exactly what we are heading for. It has already begun, even if it remains at ‘low’ intensity for the time being. Peoples of different and antithetical races coexist in the same country, hating each other throughout. There will be no improvement, and it will all end very badly. There cannot be any other outcome, and the purpose of this book is to prove this — which is why I have entitled it A Racial Civil War.
A Racial Civil War — A Novelty in the West
History is unpredictable and holds many surprises; and yet in 1913 and 1938, it was perfectly possible to predict the outbreak of a war. Most people were, in fact, preparing for one. Today, the same kind of tension is felt everywhere, the same intuition pointing to a future disaster. Several books and innumerable articles in the written press or on the web mention the prospect of a very imminent war in Europe, and especially in France — a war of a new type that would upset all our ways of life, a civil war that would no longer involve states. It would, instead, be a civil war of unprecedented nature: a racial civil war.
It is a type of confrontation that Europe has never really experienced, and which the United States has only faced to a limited extent, almost imperceptibly, with the eruption of community riots.
Europe and the United States have already experienced civil wars of their own: the religious wars in France between Catholics and Protestants, the clashes of the French Revolution, the American Civil War, the Thirty Years’ War in Germanic countries, the English Civil War of the Glorious Revolution in the seventeenth century, the civil war of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Irish Civil War (Catholics versus Protestants), the Spanish Civil War of 1936, the Greek Civil War following World War II, the Yugoslav Civil War of 1999, etc.
All these wars were between partisans belonging to a single people and were waged in the name of ideological, political or religious differences, within the same cultural sphere. The coming civil war, on the other hand, will not be a clash between members of the same people, as was the case in the past, but a deadly conflict between populations that remain at odds with one another on all levels, whether ethnically, culturally or religiously. For the first time ever, what is brewing on European soil is a civil war with a racial dimension — or, more specifically, an ethno-racial one, to use the straightforward and realistic language of the Anglo-Saxons, a language that is ever so despised in France, the country of ideologico-dogmatic abstraction where one is afraid to call things by their actual name.
Some will object, saying that during the period stretching from the eighth century in France to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Spain and the Balkans (and all the way to Vienna, even), Europeans were faced with the presence of Arab and Turkish-Muslim invaders and occupiers, whom they eventually managed to drive back as part of a Reconquista movement that ended with the liberation of Greece in the early nineteenth century. True enough, but at the time, the invaders did not enjoy such demographic superiority, and they were perceived as foreign occupiers with their own army — just like the Germans in France during the last war. They were not, as is the case today, increasingly hostile and Islamised populations that have oftentimes been granted the nationality of European countries (a supremely horrific development) and have embedded themselves in the fabric of our societies. The above-mentioned wars were all wars of liberation waged against foreign armies in order to expel the invaders, and not, in fact, civil wars.
High-Intensity Hatred
The most fascinating type of war — the one that mobilises the greatest amount of hatred — is actually civil war, and not war between foreign nations. This is due to the fact that we are no longer fighting against soldiers from a distant country but face, instead, enemies living on the same territory, who are both nearby (often fellow citizens) and completely different from us: violence, fear and cruelty thus find themselves multiplied as a result of this proximity.
Today, the civil war that threatens us, especially in France, is bound to be much worse than the religious wars of the sixteenth century. But why is that? Because it will combine the characteristics of a classical civil war with those of a foreign conflict. Indeed, the clash will involve the inhabitants of the same territory, with the sides supporting conflicting ideologies and/or religions (as is the case with all civil wars); but at the same time, they will be foreign to each other by blood, with our rival protagonists having come from elsewhere, through immigration, and remaining dissimilar to us on the ethnic, cultural, religious and, to use the taboo word, racial level.
This war will therefore be characterised by a very high intensity resulting from the multiplication of its explosive causes, since the conflict will simultaneously be a civil and internal one, an ethnic one, a religious one and a racial one. An unheard-of event in Europe.
In addition to this, the level of barbarity and violence displayed by young rioters and delinquents of immigrant origin continues to grow. The following remark was made by a prison administration officer whom I am fortunate enough to call a friend and who happens to know these people very well. He told me:
The criminal profiles we have in front of us are often those of increasingly younger people who are completely uninhibited when it comes to violence and authority.
We had better brace ourselves for a lot of fun…
Europe — and perhaps, but to a lesser extent, North America, because of the weak presence of Islam — is likely to experience the situation afflicting the Middle East or Africa, where civil wars between different ethnic groups (and almost always involving Islam) are endemic in their frequency, violence and cruelty. By importing these populations into Europe, immigration has brought along with them their disorder, their general mediocrity, their psychoses, and their fanaticisms, which they perpetuate in an atavistic way.
The problem is neither ideological nor even religious in nature, but, in fact, anthropological. And so is the solution. The coming war will involve people who have nothing to say to one another and who should never have been made to live together.
A Probably Inevitable Confrontation
Indeed, a huge and constantly accelerating wave of colonising immigration is underway, unlike any other in the entire history of Europe. This invasion, which is both ethnic (one of population replacement) and cultural, and paired with accelerating Islamisation, has only encountered sluggish opposition at the hands of European states and the authorities in Brussels and has sometimes even been perversely fostered… Contrary to what is constantly repeated by the dominant ideology, this population-swelling immigration is not only disastrous in all areas, causing economic impoverishment, social disorders, and multiple regressions (particularly in the field of education and teaching), but is also essentially hostile! It turns out to be increasingly aggressive, demanding, intolerant, and bloodthirsty…
According to a study conducted by the Institut Montaigne in 2016, ‘ever larger and younger populations are seceding from French civilisation’. These are obviously young Arabs and African immigrants — a fact that everyone is aware of but which is never stated clearly by the media in this country, where freedom of expression is on the wane. Despite being protected, favoured and assisted in all spheres, they are driven by growing hatred and resentment. The same remark can be applied to all countries of Western and Northern Europe, all of which have fallen prey to the predominantly Islamic immigrational invasion. If the newcomers are not initially Muslim when leaving their homes, they become so upon settling here because of the conversions that take place in the neighbourhoods which they inhabit and where they participate in illegal trafficking of all kinds.
Never before has France found itself in such a volatile situation, a situation which other European countries are bound to experience soon. An ever-increasing proportion of its immigrant minorities have never assimilated, even after three generations, which, contrary to the claims of utopian intellectuals, is perfectly logical. Non-Europeans do not wish to assimilate or integrate into our society. It is now the native French who, having become a minority in many areas, must adapt to the newcomers by renouncing their identity in misfortune and fear. A growing number of these immigrants, especially the young ones, think of themselves as a mass of colonisers and invaders gathered under the banner of Islam. Those who have been radicalised, support both jihad and terrorism and are driven by conscious and unpunished anti-white racism are always more numerous than the others.
These foreigners by blood and at heart have, to a large extent, yielded to a conquering hatred combining resentment with a desire for revenge. Lacking, by and large, any creative talent (with their strength restricted to a solely demographic and annihilating dimension), their only purpose is to wreak destruction upon European civilisation. The notion of ‘living together’ is merely an Orwellian slogan invented by cynics and serving to conceal the threat of racial civil war, in an effort to ward it off using words.
Gilles Kepel, a political scientist specialising in Islamic issues, believes that ‘one of the major challenges’ of future elections lies in determining whether the French will be able to ‘continue living together’ by ‘projecting themselves into traditional distinctions, especially between the Left and the Right’ (Le Figaro, 30th November, 2016). He also mentions the strong possibility of people abandoning this political divide and the emergence of an ethnic one: ‘An identitarian resurgence that considers Muslims not to be genuinely French’ and, in parallel to it, ‘communitarian tensions’ characterised by a rejection of French society among the Muslims themselves. In short, all the ingredients of a human catastrophe are thus blended together.
So far, the clashes (riots and attacks) have only been the presages and early warning signs of the coming war and have been limited to confrontations between Maghrebian and black youths on one side and our public security forces on the other. At no time has the French indigenous population been involved, except in Corsica. We will be returning to this issue at a later point.
One could say that the day our indigenous population begins to defend itself, refuses to be victimised and fights back (at long last!) shall mark the true onset of the racial war.
The French State’s Collaborationist Tropism
What our domestic French secret services (DGSI)[1] fear above all are the retaliatory actions of native French groups (the so-called ‘identitarians’) against the Muslim aggressors. They want to avoid a real civil war, i.e. one involving not only the French police but also a part of our rebelling population. This suggests, on the one hand, that this war is already brewing, and on the other, that the ever-cowardly French state prefers a gentle and progressive invasion to a clash. In the eyes of the French state, what is unbearable and threatening is not so much the suicide bombings as Islamophobia. The main source of enmity, the main danger, is thus not to be found among the Muslim aggressors themselves, but stems from the risk of a violent reaction on the part of our native population — utter hogwash!
In both Le Figaro and on his own blog, Ivan Rioufol[2] speaks of ‘neo-collaborationists willing to enter into a pact with colonising Islam’, thus daring, in an unprecedented attitude, to incriminate not only Islamism but even Islam as a whole. This collaborationist position is reminiscent of the political configuration of the Vichy regime (which François Mitterrand[3] was associated with), a regime that had largely stemmed from the Left, including the communist milieu. As far as our contemporary traitors are concerned, it is necessary to be forbearing in one’s treatment of the invaders and to make sure that any dangerous resistance is persecuted. Whereas in the past, one collaborated with the Third Reich’s occupying forces, today, it is with Islam; for the invaders are no longer Nazis, but Muslims (in this regard, one resorts to the word ‘Islamists’ so as not to shock the good people of France). Whatever one may think of the fascist undertakings of the 1930s, the fact remains that the phases that lead some people to embrace collaborationism are still the same as in the past. As if by chance, both collaborationist groups, whether today or under the Occupation, stem mainly from the Left. As for the members of the resistance, they mostly come from the Right. And yet for the past decades, the media have been trying to make us believe the very opposite.
Islam Is Currently Our Greatest Enemy
Muslims, and not just Islamists, are the ones who desire this war against our civilisation, a war that actually began — or rather recommenced — with the attacks of 11th September, 2001 in the United States. How very shocking.
This war was, in fact, initiated in the eighth century, when Muslim invaders first swept into Europe, and has been ongoing in different shapes ever since. With the Spanish Reconquista and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, which had proceeded to invade the Balkans, the Islamic populations were driven out of Europe. Today, for the first time, the war against these same populations has been reignited in the heart of the continent, yet in a completely new form; through an invasion carried out from below by immigrant populations whose numbers are too great to enable their assimilation and integration, Islam has taken the necessary organisational steps to bring its jihad to the heart of Europe.
As I have already explained in my book entitled Understanding Islam,[4] their goal has always been the same — to achieve a successful invasion of Western Europe. The strength of this primal civilisation, which is far more destructive than creative, lies in its memory, its fixedness, and the immutability of its obsession; it is a blind fanaticism that remains ignorant of the exact nature of its final ambition (a vague ‘universal caliphate’ that is actually quite similar to the communist internationalist utopia), but whose jihad, i.e. a propensity for permanent and gratuitous violence even against its own members, occupies a central position.
At the time of his presidency, Barack Obama never dared, of course, designate Islamism — let alone Islam itself! — as a danger and a challenge, nor even as a mere opponent. Surprisingly, he restricted himself to using the vague term ‘terrorism’, without ever defining it. Was he incapacitated by his personal religious convictions, or is it possible that he fell prey to an identity crisis? Could it be, perhaps, that he secretly sympathises with Islam?
Democracy Imposes Invasion Upon Peoples
During his farewell visit to Europe on 19th November, 2016, following Donald Trump’s victory, Mr Obama dubbed Mrs Merkel, the German Chancellor, the ‘guardian of the values of the West and democracy’. This pompous praise was a reference to the fact that she had forced her own citizens to welcome more than one million ‘migrants’, most of whom were fake refugees and included a Muslim majority, without ever consulting her people. Referring to Trump, considered horribly populistic, xenophobic and averse to immigration, Obama congratulated Merkel for ‘fighting for the same democratic values’ as he himself does. Sheer lies and deception! In no way are these people democrats.
In short, after Trump’s election, Obama urged Europeans to preserve true democracy against dangerous populists, who are all immoral and, implicitly, racist. True democracy would therefore consist in violating the will of one’s necessarily ignorant and misguided people and acting in accordance with the choices of the politicao-mediatic and cultural elites. What we are dealing with here is a complete overturning of reality — for such ‘democratic values’ are, in fact, entirely oligarchic and undemocratic. And the mechanism is an identical, albeit subtler, version of the one used in the former people’s democracies of Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe.
The underlying purpose is for the system to impose upon ethnic peoples — upon Whites, to be perfectly clear — an invasion at the hands of foreign masses of illegal immigrants and to force them to accept the destruction of their own living environment and culture. Populism, which is presented as the enemy of official democracy, is, on the contrary, the sole true democracy, through which our (politically incorrect) people can reclaim their destiny by refusing to be invaded and rejecting a large part of their elites, who have betrayed them and proceeded to collude and collaborate with the Afro-Oriental invader.
In doing so, this putrid oligarchy, which declares itself democratic and considers itself the sole legitimate one (although it has been organising the invasive settlement immigration for decades on end, going against the wishes and interests of our indigenous population and doing everything in its power to promote the Islamic culture of the invaders/invitees at the expense of the traditions of its own people), is guilty of paving the way for an ethno-racial civil war not only in Western Europe (beginning with France itself), but perhaps also in the United States and Canada.
The Oligarchy’s Collusion with the Invaders
For the first time in history, the invaded are assisting the invaders: in the Mediterranean, one proceeds to rescue illegal migrants who know all too well that they will never be expelled should they manage to disembark on our soil. They depend on us and on our kindness for assistance. They rely on our adulation of Human Rights, rooted in a Christian principle that has been taken to insane extremes. Pope Francis acts as their greatest ally whenever he demands that we welcome them in spite of the fact that so many them adhere to an aggressive and vengeful Islam targeting our own civilisation. The more we help them, save them from drowning and harbour them, the more they come in droves. Such behaviour is utter madness: it is a mixture of masochism and delusional humanitarianism on the part of our authorities, who are thus complicit in the destruction of their own people through populational flooding.
This massive phenomenon, unprecedented in Europe since the beginning of its historical existence, threatens to wreak death upon our civilisation and germen, i.e. upon our ethno-cultural and anthropological foundation, whose roots stretch back several millennia. An extra-European and predominantly Muslim immigration of populations that are much more demographically fertile than ours is akin to the worst form of invasion one could ever experience. And yet the collaborationist elites responsible for organising this invasion do not care at all. They are not concerned with protecting their compatriots and their children any more than they are with safeguarding the memory of their ancestors. They despise their own past and future and exist in a state of absolute presentism, with an extra morbid dose of self-flagellation added — not to mention a pathological anxiety to satisfy their own short-term desires, without ever managing to do so. This oligarchy will eventually be wiped out — either by its fellow citizens or by its adored invader-protégés. Regardless of who ends up claiming victory in the coming racial civil war, the ones that have chosen to collaborate with the occupiers, i.e. the traitors, will be eliminated by one of the two sides.
Arise, Oh Desired Storms!
We are experiencing the last days of an Indian summer, the end of a beautiful autumn, beyond which we shall enter a long, icy and sanguinary winter. The Islamic attacks that have been taking place since the mid-1990s have been the warning signs of an apocalypse. And although this might seem a horrible thing to say, it is this apocalypse that may turn out to be the solution, the factor that shall allow us to emerge from it all by finally provoking a reaction on the part of Europeans. If the invasion had taken place peacefully, without any disorder, without Islamic attacks, and without a constantly growing wave of criminality, it would be virtually impossible to mobilise the forces of the Resistance.
Those who reassure us are all deceivers.
Day by day, things take a turn for the worse, as migration and demographic colonisation progress further and Islam gains ground. Our only hope of awakening will thus unfortunately be embodied by this civil war; provided, of course, that ethnic Europeans dare to defend themselves against the attacks…
The worst alternative would have been a smooth invasion, in which our Islamisation, Arabisation or Africanisation would have been conducted peacefully, without violence, using mainly demographical means — a soft invasion. The terrorist violence, delinquency and nuisance caused by these populations have, however, abolished this scenario. Despite the vehement denials made by mediatic propaganda, which finds itself increasingly powerless to disguise the truth, our people are now aware of the fact that a conflict with these foreigners is underway. All the better!
My opinion, an unacceptable one in the eyes of the self-righteous, is that a racial civil war would not be as serious a development as a collapse without conflict, i.e. what Konrad Lorenz termed a ‘lukewarm death’. Indeed, the worst possible occurrence would be for us to surrender without fighting — a progressive agony characterised by demographic and cultural disappearance, population replacement and Islamisation. This is the very scenario which some (political and mediatic) republican left-wing forces, whose members have established their presence at the heart of the state, are striving to implement in a display of great perversity. In fact, it was this ethnocide of French natives that Jean Raspail[5] once labelled ‘the Republic against the Nation’. The paradox is that an outbreak of such a war could ultimately represent an opportunity if one considers the issue from the angle of a historical dialectic, just as Hegel once did. Indeed, a conflict is what shall enable us to resolve the problem, just as a fever eliminates a virus. The worst option would be for us to allow the situation to fester — we shall, instead, have to burst the abscess ourselves.
According to Islamologist Gilles Kepel, author of The Divide (Gallimard, 2016), whose words I shall also quote, both Islamists and the DAESH movement long to trigger, through their aggressions and murders, a violent response on the part our French natives by driving them towards committing acts of reprisal against Muslim immigrants and thus giving rise to a civil war. According to him, it is a matter of dissevering the white middle class so that it turns against Muslims and causes the latter to ‘enlist in the movement in the name of Islamophobia’. According to Charles Jaigu,[6] who commented on Kepel’s words, the aim is allegedly the following: ‘to erect the caliphate on the ruins of Christian Europe in the aftermath of a general civil war’ (Le Figaro, 24th November, 2016). Although astute, this interpretation of the facts is a perverse one, because it incriminates the French in advance, judging them guilty of wanting to defend themselves by reacting and thus triggering a war, when they are actually the ones who were attacked first!
My position is an entirely different one: a confrontation has become indispensable if we are to resolve the problem, remediate the situation and free ourselves. In this regard, these Islamist provocations, whose purpose is to spark off a civil war, are dialectically positive for us Whites and perhaps even suicidal for them if the events result in our awakening. If one keeps pulling the sleeping tiger by the tail, it will awaken.
A Cathartic Civil War
On the other hand, it is not only Muslim terrorism that can arouse the anger of the people and trigger its awakening, but also the generally delinquent, criminal, hostile, provocative and parasitic behaviour of a large part of these populations who, in all areas of our daily life, render all cohabitation unbearable.
A racial civil war could lead to a severe economic depression throughout Western Europe. Incessant riots, planned mass attacks or a multitude of improvised aggressions linked to decreasingly repressed violent delinquency will create a climate of extreme insecurity that will undermine all economic activity. It may turn out to be necessary to go through such events in order to salvage what is essential, because an ethnic and cultural war, in the event that we do emerge victorious, will rid us once and for all of the main problem, of the evil which, although never clearly formulated, is common knowledge to us all and has been gnawing at both France and Western Europe: the immigration stemming from low-IQ Africa, the gradual colonisation of our territories, and the destruction of our identity. In short, our future disappearance from history books.
It shall, alas, be a dreadfully painful catharsis, bringing destruction and immense sorrow upon us. It shall come as a result of the laxity and complicity of all those political leaders who have allowed or caused such population-swelling immigration and who will all be held criminally accountable before the courts of eternity. The worst possible development would be for such things never to come about and for our civilisation to disappear without fighting or embrace submission. But if the war does break out, our political paradigms will find themselves completely upset following our potential victory and the massive de-migration[7] of the invaders. No longer shall we be unconditional supporters of Human Rights (and those of other primates), of blissful ‘multiculturalism’, of entrapping cosmopolitanism and the welcoming of Others, but, instead, the new proponents of homogeneous ethnocentrism, of the common-sense principle by which all prosperous and safe nations abide.
The Conquest of Europe Is Underway
In Germany, because of the state’s laxity (or rather the complicit will of the disastrous Angela Merkel), more than a million[8] self-declared refugees have been welcomed since 2015.
By the end of 2016, there were almost two million migrants across our continent. Just think of all the problems that this poses and that are simply ignored by the authorities. How surreal! This, however, is nothing more than the exponential acceleration of a movement that began more than thirty years ago. What started in drips has now become an open tap. With Greece already submerged, the European Union seems impotent and its elites are plagued by a masochistic logic of self-destruction.
‘We have not seen anything yet in terms of migrational expansion’, says Serge Michaïlov, a researcher at Iris (Le Figaro, 01/02/2016). The nightmare has just begun…
A Premeditated Invasion Movement
They have come from everywhere, taking advantage of the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars — from Afghanistan to sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa through all of North Africa. It is no longer regular immigration occurring in continuous spurts but an actual invasion movement. This process may well be the beginning of a demographic flooding that shall cause the demise of our European peoples and civilisation, as part of the ethnocidal project of authorities that govern Europe in a manner that is detrimental to its inhabitants. The death and disappearance of white people is a goal which, for different reasons, brings several agents together: a certain part of Europe’s ruling class (especially the Left, but not exclusively, as seen in the case of Ms. Merkel); the majority of the anti-racist leftist intelligentsia (comprised of degenerate whites and impudent Jews); some US political and economic circles who long to be rid of their European competitor; and, of course, Islam itself, along with its various governmental and religious authorities.
Mark my words: this historical phenomenon is much more important and much more serious than the two world wars of 1914–1918 and 1939–1945 and Soviet Communism (1917–1991). This invasion shall, indeed, have far more devastating consequences.
They Come, Millions at a Time
In 2015, 1.25 million migrants arrived in Europe, 270,000 of whom were minors. According to the IOM (International Office for Migration), the Aegean islands of Lesbos and Keos alone experience 3,000 arrivals a day. They are taken in, fed, and helped at the expense of the EU, i.e. at our expense; they are, in fact, treated better than our impoverished local populations and the unemployed! This is plain and simple foreign preference… In Greece, which serves as a ‘waiting room’ for alleged refugees before they are allowed to settle amongst us, 70,000 of them were expected at the end of March and their progress impeded, with 50,000 housing locations chosen to provide them with temporary accommodation. During the summer, with mild weather prevailing, the arrivals exploded. Since the beginning of January 2016, more than 350,000 migrants have already arrived in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia. Historically, this human tidal wave exceeds anything that Europe has ever experienced.
Favourite destinations are Germany, France, and Western and Northern Europe. 2.7 million Syrians and Iraqis (and others taking advantage of the windfall) are currently on hold in Turkey; not to mention the ‘Italian road’ that begins in Libya and passes through the Mediterranean. In Sweden, the country that has experienced the fastest demographic flooding in all of Europe, 35,000 unaccompanied migrant children — representing a total of 20% of the migrants that had arrived — were sheltered in 2015, all at the expense of the local community.
Since 1st January, 2016, 133,000 migrants have arrived in Greece from Turkey, with 470,000 others, most of whom were young men, having come in 2015 through Lesbos. Their aim is to join their already established communities on the other side of Europe. Taking advantage of our weakness, these ‘migrants’, who have no reason to be here at all yet are confident of their rights, turn out to be demanding and aggressive (as witnessed in Calais), never doubting the fact that they shall remain unpunished, evade deportation and enjoy the assistance of both ‘humanitarian’ associations and the state itself. Such is the invader’s logic, an invader that would be foolish not to take the trouble of pretending to be a victim… One must really be an idiot or a raving lunatic not to give in to concern in the face of these immigrational figures.
A Europe Disconcerted in the Face of the Islamic Conqueror
Using barbed wire fences or legislations to seal their borders shut, Central European and Balkan states — Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, and Slovakia — are attempting to protect the continent against the invasion. Despite these measures, the Balkan route still witnessed the transition of more than one million migrants in 2015.
In Slovakia, the outgoing Prime Minister, Robert Fico, had his mandate renewed after a campaign focused on his refusal to welcome a single Muslim refugee. And this reflects precisely what we are dealing with here — an invasion of our world at the hands of Islam, to call a spade a spade. This fact should please Tarik Ramadan, the Muslim ideologist preaching the conquest of Europe, whose authority was recently undermined by the rape charges filed against him by numerous women.
By resisting the invasion, the above-mentioned states contravene the Schengen Treaty and disobey the injunctions of EU officials. For Nicolas Bay, the then secretary general of the Front national[9] (whose correct title is now Rassemblement national, having undergone a dramatic change of name, as we can all see): ‘What these unelected commissioners reproach the — democratically elected — governments of Poland and Hungary for is actually their decision not to comply with their injunctions on “the welcoming of migrants” and other similarly suicidal impulses’ (in Valeurs actuelles,[10] 3rd–9th March, 2016; as stated in the opinion column entitled ‘When the Union Strives to Prevent European Nations from Protecting Themselves’). The fact that the institutions in Brussels choose to negate our European civilisation, as well as its values, traditions and future, is not only due to the EU as such, as Mr Bay understands it, but results, above all, from the European governments themselves.
This issue is thus well worth pondering.
Erdogan’s Blackmailing Efforts and Objective
Today, the central issue is still embodied by the president of Turkey, the Islamic autocratic ‘sultan’ Erdogan, and his blackmailing efforts. With France (now led by the cosmopolitan and affected Emmanuel Macron) no longer taken into account, he has been negotiating with Germany to be given billions of euros in exchange for blocking the immigration stemming from Turkey, which is a fool’s bargain. Additionally, he has been demanding the abolition of visas for Turkish visitors to the Schengen area and the resumption of negotiations that would grant Turkey EU membership.
Erdogan’s goal is, in fact, identical to that of the Islamists and the criminal entity known as DAESH: to realise the age-old dream of Islamising Europe.
Hans Werner Sinn, the director of the Institute for Economic Research in Munich (IFO), believes that ‘whenever Germany is not docile enough for them, the Turks allow additional refugees into Europe’. What Erdogan is actually following in this regard is an understandable historical logic, namely that of the Ottoman Empire, which he is now attempting to resurrect — a conquest of our lands that would place the latter under Turkish rule not by means of (military) force but through cunning, rooted in immigrational invasion and high birth rates.
As Pope Francis Acknowledges and Accepts the Arab Invasion
‘One can indeed speak of an Arab invasion [in Europe]; it is a social fact’, said the Pope. Yet he rejoices!
Indeed, he goes on to add:
The invasions that Europe has experienced have truly been numerous! And it has always found the ability to surpass itself, to move forward and thus find itself enhanced by cultural exchange [as stated in an interview with left-wing Catholics in La Vie Hebdo[11].
Is this naivety? Cynicism? Blindness? Or a mixture of the three? Whatever the case, in his position on the alleged benefits of ‘invasions’, what the Pope displays is a complete lack of historical knowledge stemming either from his own ignorance or from his ideological dogmatism. He thus labels sanguinary confrontations — the Crusades, the Muslim domination that Spain experienced for centuries, etc. — an ‘exchange’. His remarks reflect a strange kinship with Trotskyist views. Hence the suspicions regarding his possibly belonging to the South-American circles embracing liberation theology.[12] His statements truly resemble those of certain leftist Islamophilic intellectuals.
A complete traitor, Pope Francis has already attracted attention to himself through his moral encouragement of Muslim immigration and his opposition to any sort of impediment to the same, all in the name of a rather delirious and insane conception of Christian charity. In a suicidal manner and in opposition to the opinions of genuinely Catholic people, the current Catholic hierarchy is following a path that borders on that of the atheistic/Islamophilic Left. On the other hand, the religious authorities of the Jewish community have been careful not to adopt such positions because of the obvious correlation between Islamisation and anti-Semitism. As for the massive persecutions against the Christians of the Orient, which have only been very weakly condemned, they are simply written off… And one is particularly diligent to ensure that Islam as such is never burdened with responsibility for such actions!
The seriousness of the Pope’s words and behaviour towards our enemies is a source of concern. And I, for one, consider it all to be unforgivable.
The Lucidity of Certain Muslim Intellectuals
The most lucid and courageous individuals are often found among Muslim-Arab intellectuals (whether men or women), for the simple reason that they know the matter well. A good example is Algerian writer and journalist Kamel Daoud, who was dragged through the mud by both leftists and the intelligentsia. Having won the Prix Goncourt du premier roman[13] for Meursault, contre-enquête,[14] he was subsequently accused of Islamophobia, the capital sin of our time and age, and is being threatened with a fatwa launched by Islamists, in addition to a constant mediatic lynching effort organised by the Left’s elite collaborationists.
In an interview published by La Repubblica (‘Cologne, a Place of Fantasies’) and translated in Le Monde, he offers an explanation of the sexual assaults committed by oriental immigrants against German women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, declaring it to be the mere expected outcome of the frustrated sexuality of Muslim-Arab men.
He has thus dared to say:
Sex represents the greatest misery in the world of allah, so much so that it has given birth to the porno-Islamism that preachers make use of in their speech aimed at recruiting the faithful: a description of a paradise that is more like a brothel than a reward for pious people; a fantasy of virgins for the suicide bomber.
Kamel Daoud is, in fact, accused of apostasy by both jihadists and their French collaborators. He is a traitor, a modern harki: ‘Today, it is the verdict of Islamophobia that serves as an inquisition’, he later says.
A similar case is that of Mohammed Sifaoui, the author of Pourquoi l’islamisme séduit-il?,[15] who writes: ‘In the name of some silly cultural relativism, the useful idiots of the Left and Right prevent … the criticism and discussion of fanatical dogmas.’ He, too, has fallen victim to retribution at the hands of his co-religionists and the intelligentsia.
Another scandalous Algerian writer is Boualem Sansal, who is greatly frowned upon by the authorities of his country and caused an outrage with his anticipatory novel entitled 2084, in which he describes ‘a world dominated by radical Islamism’. All these authors predict an ethnic and religious civil war in Europe, a Europe in great danger and filled with new populations, all of whom, or almost, abide by the word of the prophet Mohamed.[16]
The Predictions of Algerian Boualem Sansal
Sansal made the following declaration to Vzebek and Rika magazine: ‘Soon, we shall all be Muslims, so make sure you revise your Koran’. And here is what he has stated in the L’Express: ‘What Islamism has found in the Maghrebian community in France, which is very strongly communitarised, is a favourable breeding ground’ (24th February, 2016).
With the fall in oil and gas prices, Algeria is plunging into recession, since its regime, both corrupt and incapable, has practically left the country living almost exclusively off exported hydrocarbon revenues. In order to buy social peace and compensate for endemic unemployment, the regime subsidises and ‘sprinkles’ the population, to use Sansal’s own words. The latter predicts a flare-up in an Algeria where Islamists are already on the verge of power.
‘A Syrian scenario is indeed possible in Algeria’, he told Le Figaro on 24th February, 2016. In his eyes, his country is a time bomb:
Bouteflika has surrendered the governance of the Algerian people to the Islamists. In small towns and villages, they are the masters of the game and enforce their terrifying theocratic rules. … Algeria is heading towards chaos. … A scenario of slavery and terror, in accordance with the Syrian model, seems rather credible to me. … What is now a political problem shall be transformed into a religious issue and exported beyond Algerian borders, to Europe and particularly France.
France is therefore threatened by a new wave of immigration and a massive exodus stemming from Algeria, a migration movement that obviously suits the plans devised by allah’s madmen. Yet Sansal goes even further:
Little by little, the Muslim world is rebuilding itself and regaining its original ambitions and hegemonic will. The abolishment of the border that separates it from the West has already begun, since political Islam is now able to gain ground in London, Paris and Brussels. One can thus estimate that in thirty years’ time, Islamism will rule the entire Muslim world that it has unified. And in sixty years’ time, it will set out to conquer Western civilisation [as stated in the above-mentioned article].
These events will, in truth, probably transpire well before that… As for Sansal, he has found himself censored and threatened in his own country: ‘Fear now prevails everywhere; it follows me wherever I am, whether in Algiers or in Paris.’ When one is an Arab, criticising Islam is synonymous with drawing a target on one’s own forehead.
The Worst Scenario Is Unfortunately a Probable One
These lucid (and courageous) Muslim intellectuals are, however, a minority. The appeased and reformed Islam that they wish for is a distant dream invalidated by the very reality we observe. The most extraordinary paradox is the betrayal that certain European elites are guilty of, elites that act as both the accomplices and the organisers of mass immigration and Islamisation alike. They oppose those lucid Muslim-Arab minorities and turn their backs on the common good. It is the very same configuration as the one that characterised the 1940–1944 period, namely Collaboration; or, more to the point, the FLN’s French ‘suitcase carriers’[17] during the Algerian war.
The strength of this invasive movement lies in its reliance on the pity aroused by the system’s media for those ‘refugees’ — and especially the boat people that end up drowning — in the minds of our versatile and emotional public. These millions of Muslim migrants that come from open-air waste bins such as the Middle East, Afghanistan, North Africa and Black Africa and arrive in Europe, adding to the Muslim masses already present, will of course import their problems and chaos along with their persons, with Islam at the very centre of this future flare-up. It is this probable development that Ivan Rioufol mentions in his book entitled La guerre civile qui vient[18] (Pierre Guillaume de Roux Editions).
We must therefore prepare for the worst (or perhaps the best, depending on the opinion): a racial war in Europe, in the West, and above all in France.
Jacques Attali and His Clique Want Europe to Welcome Millions of Other Africans — No, Thank You!
On 20th June, 2018, Jacques Attali wrote the following in L’Express:
The only solution is for us to understand, as soon as possible, that it is in our interest to massively develop this neighbouring continent [Africa] and help accelerate its demographic transition; to organise the coming of migrants to Europe; and to create the necessary conditions [on European soil] to welcome and integrate millions of people into our cultures upon their arrival from this cradle of humanity.
Charming prospect, is it not? In a 2015 interview with Le Soir,[19] Attali also stated that ‘the arrival of migrants is an incredible chance for us. These people will turn Europe into the world’s leading power’.
What mind-boggling optimism! Let us quote him one last time so as to highlight his consistency. Indeed, during the presidential election campaign of 2012, he made the following affirmation on I-TV:
Today, we have 100,000 foreigners returning home every year, with all demographers and statisticians [Is that so? Which ones, pray tell!] saying that we are in need of 300,000 foreign workers a year in France alone.
If Jacques Attali, a Jewish thinker and influential political advisor, were the only one making such statements, we could simply consider him an isolated psychopath and disregard his ideas. The trouble is that this very same position is also advocated by the United Nations, as seen in most of the organisation’s official reports. On 19th December, 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which had been signed a few days earlier in Marrakech by many European countries (including France, of course), was formally adopted. Among other things, the text states that we are required to ‘create favourable conditions for all migrants to enrich our societies through their human, economic and social capabilities’.[20] It also emphasises the need for states to rescue migrants that choose to take dangerous routes. In other words, it is our duty to locate these boats as soon as they set sail and bring the migrants home with us. Later on, it is stipulated that the signatory states undertake ‘to eliminate all forms of discrimination and condemn and combat all expressions, manifestations and acts of racism, racial discrimination, violence and xenophobia against all migrants’ (which would affect all of us nationalists). And even if this text is not legally binding, we can trust leaders such as Macron and Merkel to implement it in their respective countries, thus exacerbating the situation further while repressing the identitarian free speech of all anti-immigration activists among us.
In actual fact, this pact is an extension of a bewildering document, one which was, for a long time, easily accessible on the internet but can nowadays only be found in a more clandestine way. What this document advocated was replacement migration for most Western countries. With a single verbal stream from their microphones, journalists dismiss those who are worried about a Great Replacement that is deemed mere fantasy, although that is precisely what the UN is formulating and organising. In this text, whose subheading was A Solution to the Decline and Aging of the Population, one could read the following passage:[21]
Projections signal the populational aging of practically all European countries over the course of the next 50 years, as well as that of Japan. These new challenges will require a complete re-evaluation of numerous established programmes and policies, including those related to international migration. Focusing on these two demographic trends, this report examines the topic of replacement migration in the case of eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Alternative migration can be understood as the international migration that a country would need to compensate for its demographic decline and the aging of its population as a result of low fertility and mortality rates.
These specialists claim to be worried about the decline of the West but want to accelerate it by importing populations that will never be one with its essence. What we are dealing with here is the plain and simple organisation of an ethnocide. I shall return to this in Chapter 3.
Although the conquest of Europe has been the demented dream of oriental Muslims for centuries on end, the worst part is that it is actually Western individuals and organisations that are currently making sure that the tide turns to our enemies’ advantage.
The Omens of a Civil War
On Saturday 8th October, 2016, in Viry-Châtillon, which is located in the Parisian suburbs and is one of our many and increasing areas of lawlessness, two patrol cars were attacked, the windows broken, and the vehicles set ablaze by means of Molotov cocktails, with the police officers intentionally trapped inside. The attackers were all of Maghrebian and African origin. Their actions constituted an obvious homicide attempt, as a result of which the police officers suffered severe burns that left one of them fighting for his life several days after the attack. As for the perpetrators, they were never arrested nor even sought out, having thus acted with complete impunity![22]
On the 17th of October, as a result of some perverse contagion effect, firefighters and, subsequently, police officers were lured to Mantes-la-Jolie (also in the Parisian suburbs) following deliberate arsons and fell into an ambush in which they were pelted with stones and Molotov cocktails. The attackers were all of the same origin. Could it have been a retaliatory action in response to the seizure of thirty-five kilos of cannabis resin the previous week? Regardless, the atmosphere was clearly insurrectional and around a hundred rioters were involved. Street furniture was destroyed, police cars damaged and an annex of the town hall vandalised. Such episodes are increasing day by day, becoming commonplace, even endemic to some extent, until they reach a point where they are no longer controllable. Ever since the major ethnic riots of 2005, events of this kind have been repeating and deteriorating. In France, small-scale riots are thus becoming increasingly numerous and daily incidents innumerable.
The Police Revolt Against the State
Patrice Ribeiro, the president of the Synergie-Officiers Union, described the ambush of Viry-Châtillon as a ‘murder attempt of unprecedented savagery’. According to Céline Berthon, member of our National Police Commissioners’ Union (SCPN), ‘it was an assassination attempt carried out by an organised gang’. On 11th October, 2016, the Alliance union organised a ‘work-to-rule’ action in all police stations in France. In no other European country, to my knowledge, whether Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium or anywhere else, has such a thing ever occurred.
Disgusted, police officers are confronting the French state, whose high hierarchy seems to despise them. And, in addition to the various unions, hundreds of overexcited police officers spontaneously protested on the Champs-Elysees on the night of the 17th to 18th October, often while on duty; this occurred in the vicinity of the French Ministry of the Interior, through which a wind of panic began to blow. This movement of revolt intensified in other French cities, and the head of our police force, J.M. Falcone, was booed by his officials as he called them to order. This commencing disavowal of the state by its own police officers, who choose to disobey orders despite sometimes being union members, is a symptom heralding the chaos of civil war. The statements of the then French Minister of the Interior, the pathetic and incompetent Mr Cazeneuve, who proceeded to play down the acts of aggression, were undoubtedly the straw that broke the camel’s back. At a time when the French are feeling understandably angry with the police for their uncompromising attitude towards Yellow Vest protesters, it seems appropriate for me to remind readers that there are indeed instances where police officers revolt against the hierarchy.
The reality of this brewing racial civil war is confirmed by the sharp rise in the number of police officers injured while on duty, as well as by a complete absence of official statistics that would confirm the origin of the perpetrators. Regarding the attacks, the figures are already quite overwhelming, with 544 police officers injured on average each month. In the first quarter of 2016, for example, 3,267 police officers and gendarmes were injured while performing their duty (an increase of 14% compared to 2015). In 2015, a total of 6,854 gendarmes were targeted with physical or verbal aggression and 5,736 police officers injured while on duty. Not to mention all those firefighters and those that have lost their lives, murdered by relentless cesspool thugs. In short, this development has been constant for the past ten years.
What we are witnessing are two parallel movements: on the one hand, an increase in immigrant populations, the source of all violent offenders (almost 100%); and, on the other, a decreasing penal response. The explosive situation of French prisons, where most detainees are Muslim offenders, constitutes an aggravating factor. The penal response to all this crime is ridiculously weak, both because our judiciary system has been stricken with the Islamo-Leftism of collaborators and because there is a glaring (and designful) shortfall of prison places.
Internal Territorial Invasion
France — Our ‘Gentle France’, as stated in Charles Trenet’s[23] anachronistic song — is the sole European country where events of this kind have reached such intensity. If nothing changes, however, and the mostly Muslim migrational submersion, which is central to the entire issue, continues, our neighbouring countries will soon experience the very same situation.
Organised in gangs of hooded thugs, the perpetrators of these attacks aim to protect and mark their territory in these ever-growing areas from which French law, i.e. the famed ‘Republic’, has all but disappeared, as have French natives. The gangsters have also been attempting to prevent the police from entering neighbourhoods where drug trafficking — especially of Moroccan cannabis — has reached considerable magnitude.
One tends to speak of ‘zones of lawlessness’, but what they are, in fact, are invaded areas, meaning parts of the national territory that have been occupied by extra-European immigrants and Muslims. Delinquency and Islamic radicalisation flourish in perfect parallelism within such zones, all under Salafist leadership. Year by year, these areas gain ground in the suburbs, in our cities, and will soon spread through our rural lands. France is being gnawed at from the inside with the complicity of a state that strives to impose the presence of illegal but cherished migrants in small municipalities, which represent the last refuge for the Whites of France. This obvious fact is both known to all and concealed by the discourse of state ideology.
And yet, in his delusional interview-book fraught with uninteresting and narcissistic confessions and entitled Un président ne devrait pas dire ça… (Stock),[24] former French President François Hollande cynically confirms this reality in the presence of two Le Monde journalists, a reality that is otherwise denied by both leftist and rightist politicians and that he himself once refused to acknowledge. ‘The division’ of France into two populations that are hostile to one another ‘is now underway’. François, however, could not care less and is now enjoying his retirement.
The (Perhaps Temporary) Apathy of French and European People
The French people’s sole reaction to the deadliest recent Islamic attacks — whose heinousness is unheard of not only in the history of our own country but also that of our neighbours, and can only be described as obvious signs of war aggression on our own soil — has been to light candles and shed tears. This staggering sociological fact seems to testify to the mental emasculation of both French natives and other Western Europeans as part of a unique and globally unprecedented historical development.
There are, however, subliminal signs indicating that a change of mentality is now slowly but surely taking place. What follows is a message broadcast by the Caridad Catholic association, an organisation whose position is far removed from the official ideology of the Church of France: ‘Do not let them stand alone in the face of Islamist barbarism and the war that threatens them! Sponsor a soldier by offering him a rosary and inviting him to pray with you. A rosary for our each of our soldiers!’ The implicit message is clear.
Our intelligence services are nevertheless very worried about the possible outbreak of an inter-ethnic war against the gloomy backdrop of Muslim protests and the revolt of French natives against their forced and literally unbearable coexistence with these immigrant populations. Their main challenge lies in the identification of French ‘extremists’ who could rebel and retaliate in answer to the constant attacks perpetrated by those they define as their internal or domestic enemy. What our intelligence services fear above all is the following novel phenomenon — the secret armament of our French natives. The state is additionally considering the possibility of disarming hunters. This seems more important to our authorities than the confiscation of the entire arsenals of war that abound in all our suburbs and that will act as the spark which shall, in the not too distant future, trigger the conflagration of civil war.
Speaking to RTL, Jean-Pierre Chevènement,[25] who had been tasked with reorganising Islam in France (an impossible mission by any means), made the following acknowledgement on 17th October, 2016: ‘We are now under threat of war’. The fact that this emblematic figure of the Left, a former Minister of the Interior and a well-informed man could set aside all ideological prudence and make such a statement says a great deal about the reality of our situation.
A Forbidden and Explosive Truth
The origin of those responsible for assaulting police officers and firefighters and causing the greatest trouble in schools etc. is neither clearly specified in the media nor by politicians, even the rightists amongst them. At least not in the traditional media (the Internet, by contrast, allows greater freedom). And it is this very denial of reality that prevents us from resolving the problem. Through their everyday experiences, however, people are now aware of the fact that the perpetrators of these constant acts of aggression, rioting, various trafficking, and all the subversive criminality that has left our French morale in a state of decay are, in 90% of all cases, of immigrant origin. But a collective cowardice, both political and journalistic, prevents us from raising the issue openly. Nothing is more destructive than a forbidden truth, and yet the state resorts to ever more severe repression to silence those who dare mention this insecurity’s allogeneic face.
The racial dimension characterising our security issue is concealed because it is too obvious, and therefore too dangerous. The ethnic, racist, yet also subversive and invasive aspect of this enduring spate of crime and violence is as important as its heinous motives; since its aim is to give rise to a war of conquest, it thus comprises a central political dimension.
Nowadays, the prospect of an ethnic war that will initially erupt in France before spreading contagiously to other parts of Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Germany, bearing within it a major dimension of confrontation with Islam (as I predicted back in 2000 in my book entitled The Colonisation of Europe,[26] for which I was subjected to legal sanctions), is being increasingly debated. In essays (Éric Zemmour, Ivan Rioufol, Philippe de Villiers), hard-hitting novels (Laurent Obertone, Daniel Conversano, Jean-Louis Costes) and a growing number of press articles, the possibility of a civil war is now being incessantly mentioned. These are all warning signs, since authors generally only speak of what is likely, of what will necessarily happen. Of course, the intellectuals belonging to the system (including Régis Debray who, just like Bernard-Henri Lévy, believes himself to be a genius although has always been mistaken about everything) dismiss the evidence pointing to such a threat, all in an effort to be in vogue. Indeed, to be original is to deny reality. Yet they are all as bad as Sartre, their spiritual father, who thought that the world would inevitably embrace Marxism.
The French Authorities’ Lies and Betrayal
When a French native defends himself against an act of aggression committed by immigrants, he often ends up being condemned. Generally speaking, they are the ones who enjoy a privilege of leniency when it comes to justice. Anti-White racism, which is now becoming increasingly widespread, only triggers a tepid and half-hearted legal response, as does the anti-Semitism displayed by the Muslim-Arab populations. The extreme Right, on the other hand, is systematically punished whenever it indulges in anti-Semitism. Whatever one thinks of these individuals (and I, for one, state my position clearly — I do not like them and think that these people have chosen the wrong path), the numerous convictions handed down against Alain Soral and Hervé Ryssen show that French judges are uncompromising with regard to ‘white people’s anti-Semitism’, which has not been punishable in France for decades. By contrast, it seems that any Muslim rapper can spit on Israel and the Jews without being threatened by the courts. Everything is clearly at sixes and sevens here. The French state — i.e. its administration and justice system — implements what can only be described as a foreign preference, while simultaneously devaluing the situation of indigenous citizens in all areas of life. Its actions are not only due to its fear and cowardice, but are also the result of its perverse decision to fight against and deconstruct our country’s First Nation.
The leniency shown towards thugs of immigrant origin reinforces their feeling of impunity and incites them to commit ever more violent acts. Instead of using the word ‘murderers’ to describe the thugs that had burned some of our police officers alive, our former Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, whose resignation numerous MPs demanded, chose to label them ‘savages’. Mr. Cazeneuve is a shameful and immoral man. As for the then Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, he proved to be a rather inconsistent character, assuring our people that ‘there are no areas of lawlessness in France’. And there are no craters on the moon either — everyone knows that… These two former ministers are textbook cases embodying the state’s deceitfulness and complicity with the invaders.
As for Alain Juppé,[27] he declared in one of his speeches that ‘France was rich in its diversity’. In harmony with standard political cant, what he was actually harping on about was the old leitmotiv according to which ‘immigration is a chance for France’, which is a complete fallacy. Manuel Valls,[28] the fake hardliner (just like Sarkozy[29] ), has often repeated the great official and historical lie preached by those who choose to submit: ‘Islam is an inseparable part of ourselves and our culture, and hence of our roots’. This declaration made on 17th October, 2016 by the Prime Minister of France sounds like a shameful, pathetic and despicable capitulation and is despised by the invaders themselves.
A Strategy of Tension Faced with Submission
All the symbols of the French nation are being targeted — police officers, members of the gendarmerie, and firemen. Even schools are no longer able to evade the rise of deliberate violence directed against young people of French and European origin (which applies to girls as well, since they, too, are very often targeted) and teachers, despite the fact that the latter comprise a leftist and anti-racist majority! Not a day goes by in public schools without clashes and aggression, even rioting, always caused by the same perpetrators, whose origin is always identical: Blacks, Maghrebians, and Africans. It is a strategy of provocation and conquest recommended by the radical Muslim authorities, a strategy of tension meant to ignite a genuine racial war. Religion is only a pretext, a flag that these hostile foreigners brandish to give their gratuitous hatred false intellectual depth. They envy us and simultaneously hate us. The goal they have set for themselves in France is to defeat a French state that finds itself overwhelmed and paralysed yet is also guilty of complicity and collaborationism, having fallen prey to both infiltration and entryism. The spectre of Vichy has resurfaced, as submissive collaboration spreads in the presence of a resolute invader.
The declared objective, one that is disseminated by Muslim theorists on the internet and exerts increasing fascination upon young immigrants, is to bring about our country’s disappearance (followed by that of the rest of Europe) through demographic submersion (migrational invasion and excessive birth rates), accelerated Islamisation (the coercion or conversion of Whites) and guerrilla-based harassment that will force our natives to either yield or flee. This theory is widely advocated and prevalent among the young immigrant populations of Western Europe.
Very influential among the young Arabs of France, who respond excitedly to their words, the theorists of global jihad are allowed to spread with impunity the prediction that ‘Europe shall fall’ under the weight of invasive migrational demographic pressure and the joint development of terrorism and criminality, which will stupefy and terrify our aging and anti-racist Europeans before compelling them to submit. This war programme is already being implemented. We are now in the preparatory phase that paves the way for the offensive. In his book entitled Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain? La vérité sur l’histoire de l’islamisation de la France[30] (Albin Michel, 2016), Philippe de Villiers[31] reveals the existence of secret or discreet agreements of submission, extra-legal agreements drafted with the complicity of the French state, whose purpose is to smoothly surrender entire portions of the French territory to Islamic law, i.e. sharia law. Our collaborationist state is already negotiating with the invaders. Without bothering to wait for the final political victory of the bearded ones, as seen in Michel Houellebecq’s[32] novel Soumission,[33] the elites betray their country by accepting the enemy’s grievances, in a display of utter resignation.
From Patrick Jardin[34] to the Yellow Vests, They All Say ‘NO’
In the introduction to this book, I have highlighted the fact that there is an almost supernatural aspect to the lethargy characterising the French in the face of their fate. We must not, however, paint everyone with the same brush. The reality of things is, after all, complex, and the above-mentioned remark is to be qualified and tempered. In actual fact, those who long to fight, including our patriotic militants, must first combat the inertia and ill will of all those who have submitted to the prevailing line of thought. Indeed, it is difficult to apprehend the rage of the true members of our Resistance from underneath this immense heap of undead bodies.
On 29th January, 2017, in a video posted on Daniel Conversano’s[35] Youtube channel, we were introduced to Patrick Jardin, a man whose daughter was murdered at Bataclan, as he recounted as he shared his ordeal.[36] He is one of the few relatives of victims (perhaps even the only one) not to use words of the ‘you shall not arouse my hatred’ type. Dignified and virile throughout, this grieving father explains that he has always been suspicious of our non-native populations and had had to endure their misconduct long before this tragedy came to pass. He is also seen presenting clear arguments in favour of de-migration and the latter’s necessity. His most sincere wish is for these people to go back to their homelands. Indeed, terrorism is only the tip of the iceberg. This man is no fool at all and is well aware of this, despite his own individual pain. I encourage you to listen to the interview. Mr Jardin’s outspokenness, common sense and lucidity make one long to fight again for France and its people. Since then, Patrick Jardin has been invited to speak in TV Libertés and many other alternative media platforms. He has contributed to preventing rapper Médine from holding a concert at the Bataclan, which was supposed to be organised in October 2018. What an infamous event that would have been, considering that Médine has made some rather muddled statements in the past and praised jihad.
I would, in a similar vein, like to point out that on 23rd and 24th June, 2018, ten men and women were arrested and accused of criminal and terrorist conspiracy.[37] It appears that these people were planning attacks on both mosques and veiled women in retaliation for the killings perpetrated by Islamists over the past three years. The arrested individuals were, for the most part, family men with no criminal history, the kind that one would, a priori, never suspect. I do not know how well-prepared this group was, nor how imminently close they were to carrying out their intentions, but this kind of information allows us to understand that tensions are indeed on the rise, as the country gradually turns into a powder keg. Up until now, our intelligence services have managed to thwart such attempts, but for how much longer will they be successful? If a French attack against Muslims did take place and were crowned with success, it would have but one result, I believe: it would unleash a civil war upon us once and for all.
Finally, I cannot help but briefly mention the popular movement that is now in full swing as we draw closer to completing this book — that of the Yellow Vests. The reasons that drive the French to descend into the street and wear a yellow vest as a sign of protest are many. Every Saturday, for a few weeks now, we have all had the feeling that the country could plummet into chaos at any moment and that the political situation is about to be undergo a complete sort of reorganisation. The repressive violence of the CRS[38] or the BAC[39] has often been mentioned in these demonstrations; there would indeed be a lot to say on the topic. The police are acting in accordance with the directives given to them by the powers-that-be, and if they have been so uncompromising against the French dressed in yellow vests while remaining lukewarm and powerless when dealing with scum, it is only because they are being told to behave in this manner by those above. What I would like to talk about is a matter which, in relation to the very subject of this book, is very interesting, namely the acts of ordinary racism that have come from some of these Yellow Vests (mostly French-born ones), especially at the roundabouts they occupy.
In videos posted on Facebook, we witnessed a female protester take advantage of this collective enthusiasm and the rare feeling of being supported by an entire community to hurl angry words at a half-African, mixed-race woman who was shouting loudly because the Yellow Vests were blocking her car — ‘Go back to your country!’ she sympathetically bawled.[40]
In a similar setting, in the middle of a closed highway, one could see several black men step out of their car, furious and prepared to fight with the Yellow Vests on the scene. After a few seconds, realising that they were, for once, in a state of numerical inferiority in the face of a group of irritable Whites, the Blacks decided to return to their vehicle without further ado. Elsewhere, at a roundabout, and for no reason other than their weariness in the face of the outward signs of Islamic adherence, several Yellow Vests asked a female driver, who insisted on being allowed through the roadblock they had formed, to remove her veil on the spot…
This uninhibited aggression towards members of the so-called French diversity is a novel development, one that surprises me in a most pleasant way. If one were to consider things in terms of mathematical probabilities and crowd psychology, one would say that it is impossible for any racist murder or retaliatory attack (in response to those committed by jihadists) to be carried out by a native Frenchman in the coming years. The few examples I have mentioned are, however, meant to illustrate the situation’s explosiveness. Indeed, one can already detect the voluptuous smell of racial war floating through our country’s air.
Three Possibilities — Submission, Defeat or Victory
Eric Zemmour[41] believes that things have got off to a bad start:
I fear it is too late. … If a strong power were to adopt my proposals, a part of the Muslims would secede. The next thirty years will lead us towards an inevitable outcome: either civil war or submission. General de Gaulle gave Algeria its independence because he considered the “Arabs” and the “French” to be “like oil and vinegar” — caable only of separating.
This idea is a very interesting one. In my opinion, however, the thirty-year timeframe that he predicts is far too long. The flare-up will occur well before that, perhaps even in the next five years.
There are three possibilities concerning the sequence of events.
The first, the worst of them all, would be that of submission. It takes two to wage a war, and if our white Frenchmen do not defend themselves against these invaders and foreign aggressors, there will be no war. What will result instead is decay, collapse without real combat, or isolated acts of revenge. This is a possibility which I cannot exclude.
The second possibility, a terrible, distressing and unthinkable one at that, is the outbreak of a racial civil war resulting in the defeat of French natives and other ethnic Europeans, who would have to fight against their own collaborationist state. This is a development mentioned particularly by Jean Raspail.
The third possibility is that of a victorious civil war with incalculable historical consequences, including, of course, the collapse of all our political paradigms. Whatever the case, we will find it impossible to evade major disorders in the coming years. Indeed, Western Europe will soon be the setting for an inevitable earthquake.
The Ethnocidal Project Targeting European Peoples
Genocide is the physical annihilation (or attempted annihilation) of a people using violent means.
Ethnocide, on the other hand, is the destruction of a people through non-sanguinary, long-term and more pervasive processes, namely progressive immigrational flooding; the destruction of one’s cultural identity and historical memory; repressive measures; spoliation; and, last but not least, the relegation of the indigenous population to a lower status.
As regards the ‘migrant crisis’,[42] which follows forty years of settlement colonisation in Europe; the Arabisation of society, which has obviously been taking place in parallel to Islamic terrorism; foreign preference policies; the collapse of our national education level, including the abolition of historical and identity-based teachings; the presence of a judicial laxity synonymous with an upsurge of criminality; and anti-familial tax policies, these elements do not result from delinquescence, weakness and the resignation of the state and the elites. It is even the very opposite that may be more to the point.
It is all a project, a voluntary action implemented by active minorities present in various European states (especially the French state, the enemy of white Europe) and the institutions in Brussels. Their unacknowledged racist goal is the genetic and cultural disappearance of all the indigenous peoples of our continent, set to occur during this twenty-first century. Our rulers’ collaboration with Islam is also blatant. But who are the masterminds, the inspirers and the accomplices behind this ethnocidal project of white peoples? We shall return to this matter later on.
The Daily Ravages of Invasion — A ‘Graver’ Issue Than Murderous Terrorism
Contrary to what is reiterated everywhere, the central threat is not necessarily that of Muslim terrorism (for that is the correct and genuine word, replacing the false term Islamist), which has certainly caused many deaths and mutilations over the past decade or so. The actual danger is embodied by the massive, hostile, and harassing presence of young and brutal populations that are ethnically very different from ours, rejecting and hating our civilisation. Out of sheer resentment, frustrated self-victimisation, a decidedly vengeful and vindictive mentality and racism too, many of their members abhor France and long to destroy it from within. Encouraged by both Islam, which acts as their banner and is now at its third historic attempt to conquer Europe, and their undeniably long memory, they are always driven by rancour and jealousy. Terrorist acts involving the use of explosives, firearms, and knives, vehicle-ramming attacks, and these people’s daily criminal practices and behaviour are the first stages of the conflagration that shall lead to a civil war.
What is perhaps more serious than large-scale jihadist terrorism (since it is less spectacular)[43] are the facts that I am about to cover, events which one becomes accustomed to and ends up tolerating little by little, although they would have been completely intolerable in the past and still are in an Eastern Europe that has been preserved against such developments and is thus obviously demonised by Western elites. Imagine that — Whites still live among their own in those parts. How awful!
Just like Muslim terrorism, these facts are part of a process and a war project aimed at provoking, intimidating and frightening, triggering surrender and retreat, and conquering new spaces, territories and rights. Let us review the main areas impacted by the (violent or non-violent) manifestations of racial and racist civil war stemming from these foreign populations and encouraged by their gurus. They are just as serious as terrorist acts, be it those carried out using homemade bombs or those perpetrated by militarily organised groups, which are on the increase everywhere. And yet the government allows these saboteurs and ill-intentioned foreigners to turn the lives of Frenchmen into a daily living hell.
Let us now enumerate them together:
1) Incessant neighbourhood riots, using any self-victimising pretext (the Théo Affair,[44] the 2005 flare-up, the manifestations of joy following attacks targeting the Kuffar,[45] and so on).
2) Ritualistic and mass-scale car arsons on the occasion of festivals celebrated by French natives, not to mention the destruction of shops and public utilities during each and every football match involving Algeria. If the match ends in a victory, one proceeds to burn and break everything. If not, one burns and breaks everything regardless. In the Maghreb, burning and breaking everything is a favourite pastime. Strange, don’t you think?
3) Occasionally deadly attacks and ambushes targeting policemen, gendarmes, and firefighters. Without good reason, of course, as usual.
4) Verbal or physical assaults committed against native French people in the street, especially if they are identified as being Jewish. Generally speaking, the explosion of violent and rampant criminality among non-native populations is also aimed at generating a daily feeling of fear and insecurity among the ethnic French.
5) The violent harassment of white women in the streets and public places of certain urban neighbourhoods, often involving assault, groping or rape.
6) Acts of aggression perpetrated against doctors, unnecessary damage to medical offices, and attacks on emergency personnel. These populations have turned public hospitals into one of their most frequent abuse targets.
7) The chronic insecurity afflicting public primary and secondary schools, which have fallen into the grip of daily violence and where normal education is becoming increasingly difficult to provide. Girls — especially those of European origin — are systematically harassed, as are any boys who have good school results.
8) The open and raucous appropriation of public spaces, followed by that of entire neighbourhoods. The strategy is the following — to corrupt the life of the French so as to ultimately drive them out, before settling in their abodes and conquering even more territories. Such is the multisecular Arabian ‘leopard skin’ tactic, whose dark spots then grow and slowly spread. The veil, the burkini and, more recently, their male clothing are all strong markers of territorial presence and intimidation. Their message is a simple one: ‘It is we who are increasingly more at home here, and you less and less’.
9) The growing number of mosques, cultural centres and Islamic schools, even in small towns now, all under the benevolent eye of the corrupt French authorities.
Is a Racial War Dialectically Necessary?
Could a racial war in Europe turn out to be a dialectical necessity? Let us first specify the meaning of the term.
After Socrates, and before Marx drew inspiration from it while making numerous mistakes and approximations, it was Hegel who developed the solid idea that a historical evolution can indeed lead to its very opposite, to its inversion, through a reaction effect or a shift in meaning; this serves as the etymological origin of the ancient Greek term dialectic. In the case with which we are dealing here, it is a question of determining whether a violent and bloody confrontation (i.e. a civil war) would not be more effective than utopian and weak policies of assimilation, integration and reintegration when it comes to resolving, at long last, the problems caused by mass immigration and rampant Islamisation.
By provoking a civil war and arousing a defensive reaction on the part of our overwrought natives, would the immigrational overflow, paired with the aggressiveness and growing impudence of these invaders, not enable the restoration of ‘order through disorder’? The answer is a complex one.
For now, the onset of the racial war is only instigated by the overwhelmingly Muslim-Arab aggressors, with the complicity of the extremist UOIF,[46] for instance, or even that of returned members of the official yet not very clearly defined CFCM,[47] with close ties to Islamo-collaborationist circles. Generally speaking, the native French remain passive and allow themselves to be pushed around. The collaborationists within our political class (counting both the Right and Left) are, by contrast, much more active.
One would be tempted to state that ‘it is necessary for there to be bloodshed if our major problems are to be resolved’; for the solution will not come from above, through naivety, nor through reflection and utopian, peaceful consultation, of course, but from below, through violence and tragedy, which have the unique historical ability to raise people’s awareness of the emergency case[48] (Ernstfall) theorised by Carl Schmitt[49] and to thus sever the Gordian knots that would otherwise never be unravelled.
The Great Fear of a White French Reaction
The aggressiveness of the enemy camp, with its attacks, assassinations, riots, incessant violence and disorder, is bound to leave our native people less and less indifferent, as they are the ones that experience this reality first-hand and bear the brunt of it. The propaganda of Islamophilic and anti-racist leftist lobbies (involving media hype and the complicity of biased judges, who remain both ideologically and politically at the enemy’s disposal) has long managed to anaesthetise our indigenous people, making them feel guilty about protesting and responding to the invasion to which they have fallen prey. It is the non-violent attitude of our genuinely French compatriots that has, thus far, prevented war from breaking out. In many other countries, a conflict would have erupted ages ago.
What is both incredible and scandalous is that, sensing the escalation of major clashes with predominantly Muslim youthful populations and panicking at the thought of a civil war, our police and intelligence services choose to focus on a fictitious ‘extreme Right’ that must be repressed and is essentially presented as being just as dangerous as Muslim terrorists, perhaps even more.
Their behaviour is that of collaborationists, in harmony with a well-established French statal tradition of submitting to the invader. Their main obsession is to repress the identitarian movements of our native French population, i.e. those that resist the above-mentioned invasion. The underlying message is the following: ‘Should you be attacked, do not respond. What we must do above all else is avoid war! Do not resist!’ On the other hand, no repression is allowed when it comes to Black and Arab invaders and racists. And remember this: the French state’s main purpose is to preserve its own tranquillity as well as its agents’ sinecures, even at the cost of triggering the outrage of the indigenous population and giving rise to polymorphous degradations all over the country.
This is why their collaborationist intuition, which consists in focusing on the repression of all Europeans who embrace resistance, remains both straightforward and fierce, regardless of circumstance.
Things are changing, and driven by the welcome rise of the populist hydra (with Orbán, Kurz and Salvini, among others), indigenous peoples across our entire European continent are becoming aware of the fact that we must respond to the invasion and fight against the collusion of invaders and rootless elites. People are raising their heads, and that is a most welcome development. For it means that thanks to this awareness, to this increasing outburst of anger and exasperation on the part of these indigenous peoples, the latter will be able to manifest both violence and revolt not only against the migrants, most of whom openly declare their allegiance to Islam, but also against the repressive police forces of the French state (which is only French by name) and the cosmopolitan elites whose ranks include both leftist whites dreaming of the advent of a ‘new man’ (a necessarily anti-racist and mixed-race type of man) and collaborationist court Jews.[50]
The armies that shall fight in this racial civil war will therefore include quite disparate populations on either side, as is the case in any civil war. Indeed, the configuration will be a little more complex than an ‘All Whites VS All Non-Whites’ clash.
Predicting the Battle Lines
I have heard people here and there claim that native peoples will not participate in a potential war. With populism on the rise all over Europe, however, things are moving forward in a specific way, and lines are being moved… To think of our law enforcement forces as the sole entities that shall face the attacks carried out by those we all know about is thus to disregard recent evolutions.
a) In the first camp, i.e. that of the aggressors, whose members present themselves as victims while simultaneously resorting to attacks in accordance with the ancient Muslim-Arab strategy, we will encounter the heads of Muslim associations, with the Islamist and pro-jihadist UOIF — now renamed MDF (Muslims of France) — at the forefront, endorsed by hundreds of associations of all conceivable kinds (Cran,[51] Indigènes de la République,[52] CCIF,[53] etc.) supporting the young rioters, whose numbers shall be in the hundreds of thousands. These will be the most influential actors, yet there will be a myriad of others in the gangrenous suburbs and provincial towns, inciting, championing and legitimising the actions of the troublemakers and rioters.
In the aggressor camp, one must not neglect the presence of collaborators (see Chapter 6 with regard to the Great Islamosphere), regardless of whether they are journalists, officials or politicians at all national and local levels: indeed, their purpose shall be to negotiate, retreat and make concessions, even at the price of being disavowed by law enforcement agencies deemed ‘too repressive’. Resorting to a mixture of agitprop and violence, the Islamo-leftists and their numerous groups shall also be very active in assisting the aggressors.
On the side of the latter, we shall also witness the granting of support and financial aid by the countries engaged in the Islamisation and colonisation of France (and not only the latter): Morocco, Algeria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, to only name a few. All of them are the close friends and official allies of the French state when it comes to financial profit, yet they readily subscribe to back-stabbing as far as invading us is concerned.
b) Within the second camp, namely that of the defenders, the ones that shall stand at the forefront are our law enforcement forces, the police and the gendarmerie (even if this does seem hard to believe nowadays). They will have remained patriotic and highly motivated despite the innumerable attacks they have suffered over the past years and the humiliating betrayals at the hands of the fearful political hierarchy in power. There will also be a growing number of exasperated Frenchmen with no ideological or political connections with the far Right, who could organise themselves into neighbourhood-based self-defence groups or structured militias. And therein lies our leaders’ greatest nightmare.
We will also encounter here some Muslims who no longer support the violence of their co-religionists, a number of Westernised Arabs, and a large mass of immigrants of a decent cultural level or DOM-nationals who do not wish to see a civil war erupt in France under any circumstance, since such a conflict would necessarily have an uncontrollable racial dimension that could end up turning against them. Speaking more generally, these populations are not very fond of those city ‘youths’…
The Rassemblement National, i.e. the former Front National, will comprise a majority supporting the country’s defenders, as will other identitarian movements, whose overwhelming majority will champion the Resistance. As for the Internet, it will enable the native camp to regroup. All these people shall be joined by a certain part (the least faint-hearted one) of L.R.[54] MPs. As for ‘Macronists’, they shall simply go AWOL.
During the clashes that shall occur (including riots, attacks, and serious incidents that seem to involve Afro-Maghrebian and Islamised populations each and every time), our intelligence services will be haunted by the perceived necessity to identify French ethnic groups that could resist and take action.
These authentic resistance fighters, the real heroes of our modern times, are nowadays labelled Islamophobic scum. Although the official ideology changes from decade to decade, the disreputable psychology characterising collaborators, who are all sons of francisque[55] -bearing Mitterrand, is impervious to time and remains unchanged.
The Guarantees Offered to the Islamic Conqueror Are Suicidal in Anticipation of the Civil War
Arab rapper Médine, whose name alone represents a kind of aggression, has authored many Islamist texts under the guise of irony and artistic licence, as well as an album entitled Jihad. He has close ties to Tariq Ramadan[56] and the Muslim Brotherhood, and is supported on social networks by the Zionism-obsessed and Arabophilic Dieudonné.[57] He was even asked to give a performance in the Bataclan, where Muslim terrorists perpetrated their infamous massacre in 2015! Médine was additionally supported by his co-religionist, hilariously funny comedian (think again!) Yassine Belattar, who also happens to be… Macron’s advisor on suburban issues! No, I am not joking at all. Macron has indirect ties to jihadist and anti-Zionist circles! That’s what I call submission and doublespeak…
Frightened into submission like a bunch of pubescent young girls and exhibiting the same behaviour as the owners of the Bataclan, the French elites offer this invasive Islam guarantees, paying no heed to the fact that it inspires and prompts assassinations and attacks. This fear of asserting one’s European identity has also contaminated the Right, now morally subservient to the orders issued by leftist sermons.
When Laurent Wauquiez, the President of the Republicans, authorised the distribution of a tract (diffidently) titled Pour que la France reste la France,[58] thus cautiously implying his opposition to the hostile immigration dispossessing our French people of their own country, he brought his own camp’s wrath upon himself, including that of certain right-wing politicians and elected officials who labelled him a ‘populist rag’, which speaks volumes about their degree of mental pollution. One’s desire to preserve the identity of France is thus deemed foul, reprehensible and, of course, racist — i.e. a capital sin. If one follows the logic espoused by those that felt outrage and condemned the above-mentioned leaflet (including the Rightists among them), France must not be allowed to remain the France it once was, i.e. a majestic country. It must, instead, change. Innover,[59] as we say in the petty and trendy jargon of the mediocre. It must embrace self-destruction (through ethno-masochism and self-reproach) and deny its own identity and origins. This social pathology has been described most accurately by Éric Zemmour in his essay entitled The French Suicide, which scandalised the ruling class and its clientele, of course, but achieved phenomenal public success.
The Weakness and Blindness of a Faltering State
In the event of insurrectional riots involving massive, bloody and arsonist attacks and followed by an outbreak of uncontrollable racial clashes, the state, mistakenly believed to be invincible, could indeed lose its footing.
The phenomenon is easy to understand and has been analysed by Carl Schmitt in his theory of the emergency case (Ernstfall), which I first mentioned above. Whenever a serious crisis erupts, bringing with it a risk of death and systemic collapse, as would inevitably be the case with an interethnic civil war entailing a high level of violence, mentalities topple and opinions undergo radical change, even within the authorities themselves. One then witnesses an astonishing metamorphosis or perhaps even a complete reversal in people’s behaviour and value judgements.
As stated previously, the government will most likely resort to terrible harshness when dealing with the natives who choose to resist; which also implies that a part of the central and local state apparatus, as well as that of its accomplices, will experience a shock and openly switch to the ‘bad’ camp, i.e. that of the Resistance. The official state will then erect an uncompromising wall around its collaboration with the invaders, especially if Macron is still in charge at the Élysée.
Insulting several democratically elected European governments in passing, whose members are against the grave migrational invasion systematically played down by our elites, the latter spoke of ‘populist leprosy’, thus stupidly contrasting one’s service to ‘the people’ with ugly and villainous ‘populism’. Who does this young president, catapulted to power through globalist support and Jewish funding, think he is?
In this regard, Ivan Rioufol writes that ‘in the eyes of the state, those who mention the threat of a civil war are lepers that remain ignorant of their own affliction’. He goes on to add: ‘No offence intended to the salesmen of this “living-together”, but the threat of a domestic war is not a figment of one’s imagination’ (Le Figaro, 29/06/2018).
Repressive Measures That Target the Resistance, Not the Occupiers
Following a wave of jihadist attacks (230 fatal casualties in France from 2015 to 2016 is no small number), General Pierre de Villiers, the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, declared that we had ‘entered a different age’ and that ‘peace’ was ‘no longer to be taken for granted’. In other words, what he stated was that a war is brewing on our soil, right? The very idea was considered so politically incorrect that he was humiliated and forced to resign by Emmanuel Macron’s statal apparatus, all under yet another false pretence.
The French state, furthermore, never ceases to butter up these allogeneic populations and Islam with them while persevering in its incessant repression of native Frenchmen who could attempt to resist and, through legitimate provocations, initiate a racial civil war. Here is an example of such cowardly, ridiculous and ineffective behaviour: believing themselves to be part of an S.A.S.[60] novel, our valiant and highly professional DGSI (our intelligence services and so-called internal security) arrested a group of extreme-right Pieds Nickelés[61] in October 2017, suspecting them of wanting to respond to Islamisation through violence.
Presented as terrorists, these losers wanted to spray graffiti on mosques or leave some pork in front of the entrance. Rather unintelligent symbolism, of course, yet devoid of any homicidal, criminal or heinous intention, and therefore not a source of danger in any way. Who is the enemy, then? To the authorities, the answer is the Islamophobic far-Right, whose adherents are in a minority, and not the terrorists and plethoric invaders who share the same ethnic origin and are, more often than not, co-religionists.
In the eyes of the state and the prevailing ideology, which are one and the same, Islam is sacred and Islamophobia represents the supreme moral crime (on an equal footing with racism), despite the fact that most acts of violence are perpetrated in the name of this demonic religion. What we are faced with here is an inversion of reality. In the name of anti-racism, Islam is thus absolved of all wrongdoings and ends up being literally sanctified. Weary and pitiful, the French state believes that the fight against the aggressors present on its soil is an impossible — and unimaginable — task. Instead, it chooses to surrender or attack perfectly harmless resisters, all of whom are demonised under the ubiquitous term ‘ultra-right’. I therefore ask you: were those who perpetrated the Bataclan slaughter ultra-Muslim?
Territorial Partition
Ethnic partition, i.e. a clear and geographical divide separating two populations that are culturally, racially and biologically different (with the last two adverbs considered horrendous by the dominant ideology, which denies the reality that everyone observes and experiences), is the main scourge gnawing away at our society. Never before has such a situation afflicted France.
In his deep-rooted imbecility, his diseased cynicism and his paradoxical lucidity, our irresponsible former president François Hollande has denied his own ideology and his entire socialist policy in a wordy book discussion with two journalists, stating that France faced a serious ethnic divide between two heterogeneous populations: ‘How can one avoid partition? For that is precisely what we are witnessing — a partition’. In other words, the man who has greatly contributed to aggravating the disease is now cynically establishing the diagnosis, without offering any solutions to remedy the situation.
The State Versus the People, the Elites Versus the ‘Little White Folk’
From the weak Right — including the worthless and Islamophilic Jacques Toubon, the famous anti-racist and ‘defender of human rights’ (and we all know whose rights those are) — to the insane and pro-immigration Left of scoundrels such as Mélenchon, the official discourse claims that illegal arrivals are not an issue at all and that populists are fostering ‘unfounded fears’. This denial of reality in the face of all the evidence that points to a migrational invasion and growing Islamisation obviously coincides with complicity and collaboration at the highest levels of power. Our leaders are thus both preparing and enabling the birth of a future Muslim France.
With regard to invasion and Islamisation, the state, led by Emmanuel Macron (alongside the indefatigable Angela Merkel in Germany), acts as its creator, accomplice and collaborator and has thus become the primary enemy of the peoples of Western Europe. Its implicit — and often even explicit — discourse asserts that any resistance to invasion resembles the xenophobic populism inherited from Nazism, when, in actual fact, it is the state itself which, similarly to the Vichy regime, collaborates with the invaders (under the banner of Nazism back then, and under the Islamic one today).
Sanctioned by the state apparatus and the government, the official ideology reiterates that the migrational invasion and cultural Arabisation of our country are but fantasies. What is right before your eyes does not exist; it is all an illusion. Among our elites, including the media, this deceitful speech of total submission is passed on like a letter to the post office and is thus widely relayed in order to lay blame upon, neutralise and then punish any popular reaction whatsoever, any resistance to the deadly threat.
There is, however, an even more serious matter — Islamist infiltration, militancy and radicalism within the statal apparatus and its machinery, spread by naturalised immigrants of Maghrebian or black origin now present everywhere: in central or local administrations, the police, the army, hospitals, etc. The very same process is underway in the associational world. What this means is that administrations display a preference for people of immigrant origin. Indeed, our rulers have made their choice of enemy; that much is absolutely clear.
Our Judicial System’s Leniency Towards Scum and Its Responsibility for Future Confrontations
Due to its ideological and militantly political partiality, and in the name of those same famous ‘Human Rights’, our justice system, including its highest authorities, acts as an essential link in the current immigrational chain of invasion afflicting France and Europe, particularly because it makes it impossible for us to repatriate immigrants whose very presence on our soil is illegal. When one considers the European Court of Human Rights and, in France, the Constitutional Council, the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, all of which are non-elected bodies belonging to an elite that has been co-opted under rather opaque conditions, one realises that they are the main agents of the Africanisation of our country and its transformation into a giant shantytown.
In early July 2018, the Constitutional Council pronounced a staggering judgement that violated our laws and legal order in the name of ‘morality’ (i.e. humanism and fraternity — always the same razzle-dazzle): it prohibited the prosecution of all those who would help immigrants settle illegally in France. This contributes to the strengthening of the illegal-immigrant suction pump. This decision follows an initial catastrophic measure taken previously, one that has led us not to regard the presence of illegals on our territory as an actual crime…
Oblivious to political correctness, demographer Michèle Tribalat has determined that, as a result of an astonishing sort of legal difficulty and a sophisticated humanitarian ideology, the overwhelming majority of rejected asylum seekers are not expelled, simply because of the obstacles erected by the justice system itself. In the name of humanism, the latter thus fosters the invasion of our territory, which burdens all budgets with huge costs and goes against the will of our indigenous people. Not only is this approach anti-democratic, but also — and above all — irresponsible.
Resorting to double standards, our justice system shows great leniency not towards our natives, but towards extra-European offenders, who, in fact, are well aware of the situation and take full advantage of it. By constantly interfering in the decisions of the executive authorities, its role also consists in neutralising judicial repression and punishments. Consequently, our law enforcement and judicial police are left with little to do.
In addition to the prohibition to drive illegal migrants back to sea and the obligation to welcome them, in a historically unique case of anti-defensive measures imposed by European judges whose legal interpretations and implementations are above any elected parliament, every constitution and all democratic consultation, the judicial authorities have also vindicated the smugglers and traffickers of illegal migrants (thugs and criminals, as confirmed by the facts), who enjoy the complicity of various NGOs. All of this is accomplished in utter tranquillity, all in the name of humanism.
By systematically passing very mild and moderate judgments, or not handing out any punishment at all in the case of morally irredeemable foreign thugs, not only do judges encourage them to continue, but they also promote new activities. Let us add that in the face of Islamic demands, a very disturbing yet concealed phenomenon can be observed within the French justice system, one that we experienced under the Occupation that lasted from 1940 to 1944. This phenomenon is known as Collaboration. I emphasise its importance and will come back to it at length further on.
The Origin of the Pro-Migrant and Anti-French Elites
Whenever I state that the elites of France are working to destroy the white race, the same fact is often brought to my attention. The argument is the following one: why would they want white people to disappear, when most politicians, influencers and TV stars are also European by blood? From a distance, this may indeed seem strange and illogical.
First of all, the fact that the members of this elite are white or proclaim themselves as such is debatable, especially since La République en Marche[62] and the childlike Emmanuel Macron assumed power. For a significant number of men and women of Asian or African origin (Maghrebian, black) are now part of the French National Assembly. Furthermore, we must not forget the immigrant politicians of France Insoumise,[63] with the stupid and noisy Danièle Obono[64] at the forefront (one must admit that a pun on her name is very tempting indeed). All of this does not exude much of our eternal France…
It must also be said that in both rightist and leftist parties, though admittedly far more often in the leftist spectrum, one encounters Jewish MPs, ministers, general councillors and mayors who, for the most part, define themselves as ‘citizens of the world’ or quite simply as Jewish rather than French. This is a rather unpleasant fact, since the nation they are supposed to serve and love with a patriotic heart is actually our own. Our country, our people. Consider the lousy Bernard-Henri Levy[65] and some of his notorious misbehaviour and decide for yourselves if these anti-white elites are (or feel) part of the great European civilisation. When this nutcase tells us that he supported the 2011 Libyan war and that he had, ‘as a Jew, become involved’ in the intellectual debate to convince the French people of the merits of this foreign conflict (for which we are still paying the price), there is truly something for us to seriously ponder. I am not hostile to Zionist policies and the Zionist idea itself, which are necessary for the survival of the Jewish people, but as soon as the fate of Israel becomes more important than that of France in the words of the journalists, thinkers and politicians that are supposed to represent and defend our country, the result is a serious conflict of interest, one that I cannot fail to highlight.
In my opinion, however, there is yet another reason or, at the very least, a purpose that accounts for the insane project that the oligarchy obstinately pursues, without ever consulting us about it. The great humanist and anti-racist declarations and various apologetic arguments supporting our so-called living-together, which were particularly bombarded with during the July 2018 football world cup and which revolved around an absolutely ‘exemplary’ national team comprising players who, in 90% of all cases, were of foreign origin, all emanate from a very specific environment.
The very simple sociological question that must be asked — since sociology tends to be interested in facts rather than ideas — is the following: who are these journalists, intellectuals, and political/mediatic actors, all of whom vote for Macron, our archetypally xenophilic and cosmopolitan president? Who are the members of this mediatic, governmental and judicial elite, whose members are responsible for such unbearable finger-pointing? Where do they live? Where does one go looking for them?
The only real coloured people they encounter on a daily basis are usually their own housekeepers. They lecture their fellow citizens about anti-racism, tolerance and living-together when it is the latter who suffer as a result of this forced and demanding — to say the least — cohabitation with populations of immigrant origin. They themselves, on the other hand, live, work and move about in completely unspoilt areas and spend their time in VIP environments that are protected against any and all allogeneic presence. They talk about this presence without having ever experienced it, and never enrol their offspring in public schools. They do not apply to themselves the cohabitation imposed by the SRU[66] laws, which they themselves have approved. The basic truth is that they do not abide by two-thirds of what they seemingly believe in. Their sermon-like speeches, tainted with both ignorance and hypocrisy, are worthless in our eyes.
In my opinion, the ethnocidal project targeting European peoples stems from a perverse form of social racism. To these fancily dressed and always[67] clean people, low-income indigenous Frenchmen are anything but blood brothers. They do not feel connected to us through any sort of brotherly ties, hence their indifference to our likely medium-term disappearance. It does not matter to them whether the French citizen ‘below’ is black or white or whether he speaks Polish or Arabic. Displaying a verbal sort of genius that one must acknowledge, Renaud Camus[68] mentions the notion of UHM (Undifferentiated Human Matter), a notion to which we can only subscribe. The ideology of substitution, which is the ideology of the elites, leads them to believe that everything can be replaced with everything else, in accordance with the bizarre needs and desires of the free market. What’s the difference between a European worker and a Cameroonian one? They’re the same, aren’t they? They both have one head, two arms and two legs, right?
A few snippets of superficial anthropological knowledge would, however, suffice to discard this theory into the waste bin. Never mind. The ‘higher’ France, the ‘summit’, can no longer understand us; its members have risen too high above reality to be moved by the flooding of ethnic Europeans with Afro-Islamic masses — a flooding for which they themselves are, in fact, criminally responsible.
As long as their three children continue attending private colleges filled with prestigious teachers and well-behaved schoolmates, the members of the politico-mediatic clique will pursue their fiendish work of destruction.
They will not stop harming us in this manner, and it is therefore up to us to neutralise their disastrous project.
Macron Praises Kalergi? OKLM![69]
Many have heard of the ‘Kalergi plan’ without understanding exactly what it means. In his book entitled Praktischer Idealismus,[70] cosmopolitan thinker Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi declares that the inhabitants of the future ‘United States of Europe’ will no longer be the original peoples of the Old Continent but rather a new humanity born of racial intermixing. He says that it was necessary to ‘cross-breed’ the peoples of Europe with Asian and Black peoples so as to create a multi-ethnic herd lacking any and all specific qualities and easily dominated by the elites. This seems too far-fetched to be true, and yet this is the actual thought that was formulated and written by Kalergi; and there are men who have listened to it most attentively and abided by it.
I myself am no conspiracy theorist and am quite hostile to the conspiracy reflex that consists in seeing a very mysterious causality behind every current event, one that is necessarily different from the one proposed by the official authorities. There are some who claim, in all seriousness, that no plane ever crashed into the World Trade Centre towers. Just imagine for a second the number of people who would have to be part of this conspiracy and keep quiet about things so that the rest of the world may believe in such a huge canard? Such a claim does not hold water at all. And yet, although there are many conspiracy theories, there are some real, visible and analysable conspiracies as well.
One need not espouse conspiracy theories to notice that there are increasingly fewer white French people in France and more and more African and Middle Eastern foreigners. I either see what I see, or my eyes are conspiring against me for some reason (one that remains beyond me).
For years, the tragic importance of the Kalergi plan and the possibility that the elites may actually be following a timetable corresponding to this very project were meticulously ignored. One avoided talking about Kalergi and never mentioned his name, putting Kalergi’s theory into practice without ever referring to it clearly.
Emmanuel Macron, who seems to want to skip a few steps in order to assert himself as the most anti-French president in our country’s entire history, ultimately shattered this taboo… During a speech delivered on 10th May, 2018 in Aachen, Macron spoke of Kalergi in these terms:
Time and again, Europe finds itself traversed by history and the latter’s tragic aspects. To this, one cannot oppose the routine of management but, instead, a will that remains always in motion, one that requires each new generation to invest all its strength and reinvent hope.
He then goes on to add:
Richard von COUDENHOVE-KALERGI once gave this hope a name. Referring to the work of Charlemagne [Oh, is that so?], he described Europe as the return of the Carolingian dream. This dream is that of desired unity, of concord conquered over the field of differences, and of a vast community advancing in the same direction; that of a Europe, my dear Angela, my dear Xavier, united within its own beating heart, which this region already represented back then. Today, however, this dream is being gnawed at by doubt. And it is up to us to decide whether we wish to let it live it or allow it to perish.
It is important to understand what Europe Macron is referring to. In no way is it the Europe of Caucasian cosmopolitanism that Voltaire dreamt of and that has been the source of North American success in recent centuries. Neither is it a European Empire, as established by famous men such as Julius Caesar or Charlemagne (to whom our president is thus deceptively referring). It is Kalergi’s Europe, a diversified Europe that is meant to be both multi-ethnic and multi-racial to the very extreme. It is to be understood as a mixed-race Europe, one that is neither European nor Asian/black. Worse still, it would be a bit of everything at once.
When hailing Kalergi’s work in front of his fellow heads of government, most of whom are, to a similar extent, following their own path of demographic replacement, Emmanuel Macron divulged the secret of the Western elites — the concrete, observable and terrifying project of progressive ethnocide targeting European peoples on their own continent. It is as clear as it is obvious.
Foreign Occupation — Against the Backdrop of Daily Delinquency
In France, the probability of an ethno-racial war directly involving Islam (the vessel of hatred borne by the Third World onto our soil) and a large part of our young immigrant populations is very high indeed. It is perhaps as high as that stemming from the predictions made by intelligent observers in 1913 or 1938 regarding the outbreak of an imminent war against Germany.
This coming war will be a most brutal one, especially since the assailants will be supported by violent and polymorphous delinquency, which they sometimes experience when they are no more than thirteen years old. For more than a decade now, the proportion of juveniles among all apprehended offenders has been in excess of 50%.[71] Among young Afro-Maghrebians, one minor out of two has already had an altercation with the police on at least one occasion… Think about that number: one out of two! You will have to forgive me for saying this, but poverty does not account for everything.
Our identity crisis, which is especially caused by invasive immigration and Islamisation and is growing at an exponential rate, is what traumatises our nation most, much more, incidentally, than unemployment and various social issues. Never before has this happened. There have always been financial crises, and there shall be many more in future, but the prospect of our civilisation’s disappearance is unprecedented. All across France, these two sources of fear (Islam, immigration) are permanently associated with the intrusive delinquency invading everyone’s life, except in the neighbourhoods where our politicians and major journalists reside.
Most black and Arab offenders are shown a criminal sort of indulgence by a justice system, which kneels before them and will never be a source of genuine concern for them as it is for our own French natives. Everyone is aware of this, since this state of affairs is confirmed on a daily basis. We live in a country that has acquitted Jawad Bendaoud, a notorious piece of filth that committed a barbaric murder five years ago and accommodated two of the perpetrators of the Bataclan slaughter.
1998 and 2018 — Two World Cup Victories Worth Comparing
There are undeniable warning signs that leave no doubt whatsoever, especially when one compares two similar events separated by a period of twenty years.
In 1998, during the nocturnal celebrations and public jubilation that followed the victory of the French ‘black-white-brown’ team, the result was small-scale damage and only thirty arrests across the entire country. Bear this mind.
On the night of 15th–16th July, 2018, by contrast, a total of 300 rioters and thugs were taken into police custody, and fifteen policemen and gendarmes were severely wounded. Indeed, things have changed since 1998, not only because of an increase in the young Afro-Muslim population, but also because of the latter’s state of mind, which is now much more vindictive.
The incidents started before the end of the match against Croatia and were symptomatic of a pre-civil war climate. Everywhere, one witnessed acts of theft, burnt cars, looted shops, vandalism, and provocative attacks, as the police were pelted with stones. In Paris, a large Intermarché supermarket was looted on Avenue de la Grande Armée, as was the iconic public drugstore Publicis de l’Etoile, in addition to a Two Wheels Shop whose storefront was smashed.
In the district of Les Halles, the rioters broke into buildings by smashing windows — they climbed the scaffolding and entered private flats. At the same time, pedestrian streets were unpaved and street furniture ransacked. A car was set ablaze near the Place de la Concorde, in the ultra-secure perimeter of the American Embassy…
Similar events occurred In Lyons, Marseille, Mulhouse, Strasbourg and Nantes, all of which are cities with a large peri-urban population of young Afro-Maghrebian people. Henceforth, each and every festive event that once took place within a peaceful and convivial atmosphere (14th July, New Year’s Eve, public dance events, traditional local festivals, etc.) has found itself disrupted by the systematic, violent and deliberately destructive intrusion of those barbaric people, whose identity is known to us all, and turned into a nightmarish battlefield. What they are doing is undermining such popular festivities, which constitute an integral part of the deep-rooted cultures of European countries, and ours in particular.
Our Anger — One of the Driving Forces Behind the Future Racial War
The migrational and Islamic colonisation that is now transforming France (in both its essence and its ethno-historical and demographic identity) into a country that is foreign to itself is also necessarily altering the very mentality of our natives, as part of a simultaneous and analogous movement. Yes, the driving force behind the coming racial civil war is the growing hostility targeting our indigenous population in all areas of everyday life and the hateful need to engage in decisive conflict in the name of revenge, resentment, and an inferred sort of anti-White racism that the authorities readily forgive.
The heart of the war, which is only going to swell (without there being any need for daily bloody attacks), is simply embodied by the fact that life shall increasingly decay and, with every passing moment, become more and more difficult to bear, until it ends up generating a frustration that shall culminate in active anger — until it arouses hatred, basically.
The Exponential Criminality of Young Immigrants — A Factor that Shall Accelerate the Bedlam
What some have termed the ‘feral degeneracy’ of young people, especially minors, often without daring to specify their widely known African and Arabic origins (since they all belong to the Muslim culture to some extent), corresponds, in fact, to an explosion of delinquency and criminality stemming from these very populations. It is one of the preludes, one of the factors that shall ignite the civil war that is bound to ravage France, as well as our neighbouring countries, in a few years’ time, particularly by establishing the presence of entire groups of seasoned and trained juvenile delinquents that fear neither the police — whose members are highly demotivated, discouraged and spiritless — nor a lax justice system that finds itself unable to keep pace with them.
Taking notice of the barbarisation that overwhelms all French suburbs, Vincent Trémolet de Villers[72] warns against the ‘reign of chaos …, a fight to the death geared at earning easy money and achieving territorial or religious domination.’ For many centuries now, these two syndromes have constituted two of Islam’s most genuine pillars; since its very birth, in fact. Emphasising the rise of violence and insecurity in recent years, he goes on to add: ‘Our law still protects the young adults that threaten us, as if they were mere children. … These minors coalesce into communities and, once united, rise up against French society’, a society that has now lost all its defensive reactions, identity, and authority.
The statistics released by our Ministry of the Interior regarding all types of crime are both distressing and very telling. 90% of all minors and young adults involved in all conceivable forms of criminality stem from Afro-Arab immigration. One look at the names of the prisoners is enough to confirm this fact. According to our Interior Ministry, minors were responsible for 35% of all violent robberies and 27% of all sexual violence committed in 2017. These figures tell the whole story.
Another noteworthy fact is the intensification of gang phenomena, all of which are of an obviously ethnic essence and rooted in the same origin, reproducing a primitive tribal pattern. Delinquent and violent, these gangs often perpetrate gratuitous acts of aggression, particularly in schools. Characterised by a high level of solidarity and comprising minors of immigrant origin, they shall form the shock battalions of an already brewing racial civil war. We have already seen child soldiers in Africa, and tomorrow, we shall witness their equivalents in France.
The hyper-delinquency of young people with immigrant backgrounds is indeed based on this clannish phenomenon of gangs, each of which is connected to a given neighbourhood. This fact increases the threat of insurrection, rioting and acts of mass aggression, since, despite being poorly structured, these gangs are ethnically very homogeneous indeed (with Blacks and Maghrebians sticking to their own kind) and behave like solidary assault platoons. They are characterised by three key strengths: their hatred of France, their anti-French and anti-White racism, and an Islamic radicalisation that acts as an identity marker and serves as a pretext for the most abject acts of violence.
Social networks have contributed significantly to aggravating such insurrectional phenomena by amplifying them through the establishment of instant communication and the spreading of rumours that reinforce mobilisation and thus also violent actions.
On the other side of the spectrum, the reactions are weakened by the relentless presence of political correctness. ‘Let us be open to Others and welcome those nice invaders’ — this is precisely what the pathological prevailing ideology demands we do, when we are actually the ones being victimised by racism and hatred. But will this ideology’s efforts always be crowned with success?
Since 2016, the increase in individual attacks involving bladed weapons, which are always carried out by Muslims of non-European origin against native Frenchmen and French women (mostly to cries of allahu akbar!), has indeed been synonymous with murderous and racist hostility, serving, above all, to highlight the fact that an ethnic and religious civil war, so to speak, or what they themselves term the ‘Great Evening’, is brewing in their exhilarated minds.
The increasing violence that afflicts our schools, an unheard-of phenomenon in most other countries of the Western world resulting entirely from the actions of young people of Afro-Arab origin, is also the harbinger of our society’s deep-seated splintering.
In 2017, a total of 442 violent incidents occurred on a daily basis in French schools or right outside their premises, with 30% of them involving physical violence and 3% the actual use of weapons. Those who perpetrated these acts were, in 95% of all cases, of Arab and African descent, a figure that one can verify by going through the press and checking the surnames of those responsible for these aggressions (provided that they are revealed, of course). Could this ever be chalked up to mere coincidence?
According to the French Ministry of the Interior, 27% of those that were accused of committing acts of sexual violence in 2017 were minors, which is a considerable percentage. When it comes to violent offences as a whole, underaged perpetrators represent as much as one third. And what is extremely worrying is that 10% were less than thirteen years old. There has also been an increase in the number of delinquent and violent girls. I suppose there is no need for me to specify their origins, is there?
These offenders are no longer afraid of the police and thus proceed to provoke and challenge them, knowing perfectly well, and in advance, that our justice system’s hands are bound by the ‘humanistic’ ideology and laws guaranteeing the impunity of minors and could never impose any real punishment upon them.
What official statistics are forbidden to disclose, but many police officers reveal when venting their emotions in the alternative media or off the record, is that the vast majority of juvenile offenders are of Maghrebian or, to a lesser extent, black sub-Saharan origin. We suspected as much. Zemmour’s famous sentence regarding those ‘prisons filled with Blacks and Arabs’ makes perfect sense here… He was right all along.
The Revolt of Native Central European Peoples — Yet Another Factor of Psychological Hardening
As far as the issue of migrational invasion and Islamic radicalisation is concerned, the governmental elites, the French (in)justice system and the European Union have all been afflicted with a morbid sort of xenophilia supported by Pope Francis and thus target public opinions with supreme contempt — public opinions that never have any say in the matter and are increasingly infuriated by being forced to tolerate the invasion of their lands in the name of this famed ‘democracy’ and painfully humanitarian, intellectualist and moralising rhetoric, both of which practise deceit paired with a denial of reality (all in accordance with the following surrealistic dogma: ‘There is no migrational flooding taking place, and we must avoid arousing people’s fears’).
As witnessed in Italy, Hungary, Poland and Austria, where the rebellion of the population brought anti-immigration governments to power (all of which are expected to act in an assertive fashion), white people are less willing to be pushed around and are thus more and more tempted to embrace the horrid populism hated by falsely democratic elites. This heralds the fact that, far from being apathetic and counting on the police to respond (ever so weakly), the indigenous lower classes shall indeed descend into the streets should a civil war break out. Some of them, at least. As a result of this, the intensity and severity of the clashes will only find itself increased, a prospect that fills our humanist leaders’ hearts with horror and those of their police forces with fear, as they all now stand to attention. As Ivan Rioufol remarks:
The fundamentalists of Human Rights remain insensitive to the right to preserve one’s own homeland. Just like UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, they persist in their belief that such migration is both “inevitable” and “necessary”. … The very idea of expecting Macron and Merkel to take action and resolve the migrational issue is equivalent to asking two arsonists to bring under control the fires that they themselves have lit. … From the state’s perspective, the threat lies not in immigration and totalitarian Islam, but in the awakening of nations. Such blindness acts as a source of complicity. (Le Figaro, 22nd June, 2018)
Resorting to scornfully ‘chic’ and foul upper-bourgeois political cant and armoured with endless layers of brass,[73] Emmanuel Macron has remained utterly insensitive to what people experience and think. Disconnected from reality and living on a cloud of absolute privilege that allows him to enjoy the protection bestowed upon him by his wife/mother, he spoke most insultingly of ‘populist leprosy’ by mocking our ‘national withdrawal’ in harmony with the principles of doublespeak, as if having our own identity were confining and shameful. He set out to meet Pope Francis in the Vatican and seek the latter’s moral endorsement of his hypocritical humanism centred around the welcoming of migrants. The insignificant Benjamin Griveaux, who was appointed to act as our government’s spokesperson in 2017, called for ‘European solidarity against populism’.
According to what this brainwashed blabbermouth — who has attained the rank of minister and proceeds to repeat the catechism of the dominant ideology — has let slip, it is not the migrational invasion and Islam that are our enemies, but populisms, i.e. the abominable defensive reactions of low-class Europeans, who are particularly infuriated by the permanent delinquency they encounter. That is where our main foe is allegedly found. They can’t be serious!
As for the European Union, this sickly and deceitful old lady that indulges in moralistic sermons in an effort to prevent any conflict, it is now on its last legs, a good idea that has succumbed to failure and misdirection. It deserves to be buried in its own, private vault in the cemetery of Brussels (an invaded city if ever there was one). It should be noted, however, that although it has been a while since England decided to set its Brexit withdrawal in motion, the measures do not seem to have much of a positive impact on its migration policy in terms of reducing the number of extra-European arrivals.
The Harassment of Women — Belligerent Provocation
Since 2015, a year that marked the arrival of thousands of illegal invasion waves comprising fake refugees from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa as well as the Middle East, the north-east of Paris has been plagued by an ever-growing spate of harassment, assault and rape targeting (mostly white and unveiled) women in public places. In some neighbourhoods of Paris and its suburbs, it is becoming increasingly risky, if not impossible, for a woman to move about in public. In 95% of all cases, the aggressors are either black Africans or Arabs, which, I must stress, is a sociological fact and not an ideological remark.
A forbidden truth and observation? A censored one in any case, smothered by the media. With regard to this, Laurent Obertone’s excellent book, La France orange mécanique,[74] has managed to set the record straight. Once again, as with the attacks perpetrated against Christian or Jewish places of worship, never before in our entire history has such a situation ever arisen. The resulting judicial response has, as usual, been non-existent.
A petition signed by the inhabitants of the 18th arrondissement in June 2017 denounced the insecurity of both residents and passers-by — to no avail, of course. Philippe Goujon, the then LR mayor of the 15th arrondissement, stated that ‘resorting to police patrols and a few evictions will no longer suffice. If we do not root out the source, the problem will remain unresolved’. Well, I must say that when his party was in the majority and in power, he himself did not do much in terms of ‘rooting out the source’, either…
We all remember the acts of harassment, aggression and serial rape sparked off by the New Year’s celebrations in Cologne, Germany, all of which were committed by Muslim Arabs stemming from the influx of supposedly friendly and innocent migrants authoritatively imposed by Mutti[75] Merkel. It is unacceptable, racist even, for anyone to point out these self-evident facts. Even left-wing feminists lack the courage to step up to the plate. Is this the result of cowardice? Of course, for what this reticence is obviously due to is one’s fear of offending Islam.
Naturally, the same scenario occurs in all places where the illegal presence spreads and where the same causes produce the same effects — women are mistreated and sometimes even molested, always with impunity. In the 18th arrondissement of Paris, being a white woman is synonymous with facing daily issues, and the harassment of women is relentless. I have seen this with my own eyes, even in broad daylight. It is as if these frustrated young males, all of whom are unfit for work, had nothing else to do. Public order is in a state of constant deterioration, and the reinforced presence of the police no longer acts as a deterrent, especially since the judicial response remains inadequate or even absent. The aggressors are well aware of this.
In a rarely seen display of impudence, the socialist mayor of the 18th arrondissement does not seem shocked at all by the fact that his own district has turned into an area of lawlessness, but rather by the fact that one would actually dare mention the issue (in an attempt to ‘stigmatise’ you know who). In the same vein, the confederation of self-righteous people accused the signatories of the petition against sexual harassment of ‘anti-migrant speech’, ‘identitarian panic’ and ‘instigating racism’. No, I am not making this up; we really are among madmen here. ‘You and your women! How dare you complain about being attacked? Racists!’ This is the level to which their argumentation has stooped. When it comes down to it, it is such people that are ultimately responsible for rendering others racist.
The constant and implicit idea that the dominant ideology strives to instil in us is an unacceptable one: sexist machismo and sexual harassment are despicable only when stemming from Whites, but are perfectly understandable, forgivable and tolerable if they originate from coloured migrants, and especially the Muslims among them. It is not the aggressive foreigner that is guilty, but the native who dares to defend himself.
The women who signed the petition to fight against their harassment at the hands of the countless loafers who, in addition, are involved in in all sorts of street trafficking, were careful not to mention their origin, despite its being an open secret! As if to apologise, they went as far as to state that they were ‘anti-racists’, which is ridiculous, since this immediately brings the origin of their aggressors to light. They took infinite linguistic precautions to avoid revealing a secret that has never been kept in the first place, preferring to speak of ‘trouble-makers’. Colourless ones, of course.
This fact has not escaped Mohammed’s attention. Momo, the average Arab of Frônce,[76] has taken it all in. He can harass ‘chicks’ all he wants, even if he ends up going a little too far. Protected by the shield of anti-racism, he knows perfectly well that he is untouchable. We are all forbidden to stigmatise him! Why, then, would he ever bother to hold himself back? In some hairdressing salons and cafés located in the north of Paris and its suburbs, women, even those of immigrant origin, are denied entry, just like in the working-class neighbourhoods of Arab countries. Woe betide the journalist who would attempt to prove this!
As a rule, the phenomenon of the systematic harassment of women — particularly if they are white and non-Muslim — spreads through urban neighbourhoods as soon as the Afro-Maghrebian population exceeds 50%. This is the case of Montpellier and its entire region. Public transport is a favourite setting for such harassment, and women never feel safe there. The rotten life that they are subjected to is nothing compared to the immigrational ‘assets’ that our leaders praise ever so highly, the very same leaders who have their own personal drivers and reside in the centre or western part of Paris. In many urban areas, French people are under siege, which is especially true of our young female citizens, who avoid certain streets; no longer wear skirts (as someone who experienced the 60s, I know what it’s like to live in a peaceful country); suffer constant insults; and shut themselves away, barricading themselves in their buildings or homes from 10 p.m. onwards as part of a tacit and necessary curfew in the face of the crimes and endemic attacks carried out by those whose presence is a ‘Chance for France’. All around us, it is only fear and horror that prevail.
Should We Not Defend Our Harassed Women?
Of course, if countless native Frenchmen were not so emasculated and de-virilised, which is especially the case of our younger generations, they would not need to resort to police intervention and would rise up to defend and protect their own women in the face of those harassers and rapists who are all, meaning 100%, of African, Maghrebian and Middle Eastern origin (they can all sue me for saying that, I don’t give a damn). In all cultures, the normal, vital reflex is to protect one’s women against any and all sexual assaults committed by foreigners. This, however, is not what we are witnessing in today’s Western Europe, whose members have now surrendered to complete mental weakness — it would indeed be racist and entirely reprehensible for us to ensure our women’s protection. Do our beloved Afro-Maghrebian friends, who have allegedly been oppressed for so long and are thus frustrated, not feel entitled to make up for their situation by assaulting our women? The word ‘entitled’ may be rather heavy-handed, but why should they ever deprive themselves of such things if they do not encounter any resistance?
Should squads of young Frenchmen ever patrol these Parisian districts or other parts of France to protect women from harassment in the streets, cafés, etc. and neutralise the aggressors, what do you think would happen? The police would be ordered to arrest them rather than deal with the immigrants. As dictated by anti-racist catechism, these defenders would be perceived as ‘far-right militias’ that must be dragged to court as quickly as possible and punished by our humanistic judges.
And yet, this is not the only reason why such women’s protection squads have never surfaced and why the thought of creating them has never occurred to our disoriented French citizens, despite the fact that this would be an obvious reaction in many other countries around the world. Having been robbed of their most basic self-defensive reflexes, most Western European youths are now politically and morally de-structuralised and have surrendered to moronic and superficial fascination — a dependency on, and addiction to, video games, football matches between interethnic teams, and gossipy and insignificant social networks. The aggressors sense this, as do their sponsors, which encourages them to initiate the dress rehearsals of the coming racial civil war. Young Whites, on the other hand, seem very unprepared. In their defence, one must acknowledge the fact that the enemy’s troops are already gigantic in number, comprising at least fifteen million recruits, probably even more. Undoubtedly frightened by the numbers and motivation characterising the immoral scum of the allogeneic camp, French men choose to lower their heads. This state of affairs, however, will not last forever.
Some Frenchmen Do Allow Them to Make Their Lives a Misery
What is both fascinating and lamentable is the passive torpor with which some native Frenchmen — and not only young people, whose awareness of the racial issue has at least been raised by their own circumstances — allow themselves to be mistreated and threatened in their own country by those that are less than nothing. For one must never be ashamed of stating things as they are: these third-world immigrants are not worth a penny!
In Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, vie de famille entre bobos et barbus[77] (Stock, 2016), an emblematic book that comes across as a confession and a criticism of the naivety and blindness displayed by such French people, lucid journalist Géraldine Smith recounts the twenty years she spent in a Parisian ‘Boboland’ street that was gradually invaded by Islam, describing the onset of hell in the lives of the credulously amiable members of the anti-racist Left. ‘To me, this Parisian street embodied a crucible conducive to the advent of a French society revitalised by the contributions of immigration.’
She admits to being disillusioned, which was not difficult to predict given the nature of the newcomers. She now understands that this mostly Muslim immigration is not a chance but definitely a calamity. The shock of such a reality has been terrible for her and contradicts the delusions of self-righteous ideologists. Becoming ever more numerous and impossible to live with, the Mohammedans proceeded to harass women, as the Tablighis and Salafists seized power in the mosque. Schools found themselves emptied of all middle-class French children, including those from left-wing families. The disenchanted journalist describes the growing cases of Islamic bullying and insults, the harassment of women in the streets, and the impossibility of wearing skirts or any clothes that would reveal one’s body shape or even of going out bare-shouldered! She also mentions the invasion of hallal shops banning wines and spirits. She has thus been rendered sceptical about the ‘living together’ dogma being hammered into our heads, of which there is not even one successful example: ‘I was mistaken, confusing coexistence, which can be more or less peaceful, with “living together”, which is a combination of coexistence and conviviality’. She then adds this self-evident fact, one that she discovered too late: ‘Tolerance is sometimes a masked form of resignation.’
As for me, without going so far as to speak of some irrational living together — one in which I have NEVER believed in the slightest — I am even opposed to simple co-habitation with Muslims and allogeneous populations, including the peaceful kind. The only programme that one could envisage in their case is one where they would all travel back across the Mediterranean, regardless of any eggs broken along the way. A convivial living-together is only possible when it involves populations that are biologically and culturally related. Anything else is but a sham. We do not wish to live with these people. Period.
The Militant’s Invaluable Duty Is to Get the Message Across
When it comes to the undeniable link between delinquency and terrorist criminality, one would be hard-pressed to find someone who would state the facts better than Renaud Camus did in his introductory speech to the C.N.R.E. (National Council of European Resistance) — an initiative which, moreover, deserves to be applauded. What he stated was notably the following:
There are some who say that there is no colonisation because there is no military conquest. They are all, however, mistaken. This army of conquest comprises delinquents of all ages, all of whom make life unbearable for the French, harming them in every conceivable way and resorting to various means stretching from the famous incivilities to terrorism, which only acts as an extension. All those who have perpetrated terrorist attacks earned their first stripes through acts of delinquency that contravened our common law. There are no terrorists; what we have here is, in fact, an occupier who, from time to time, executes a number of hostages, i.e. US Frenchmen, just as occupiers have always done. I call occupiers all those who declare themselves as such or are defined as an occupying force by their own behaviour.
This entire chapter could have been summarised by this single quote. One must always praise the talent of any man who, through both his intelligence and loquaciousness, manages to use words that define most accurately the reality that everyone experiences. As long as a societal state or a profound social change remains undescribed, people remain reluctant to consider it real or tangible. Who else dared to express the self-evident truth of our being ‘replaced’ before Renaud Camus himself used the infamous expression, the Great Replacement? Those who seek to contrast intellectuals, artists, and orators with field activists and fly-posters have definitely not understood the events. We are ALL in the same boat here. Each combatant has his own use, his own very specific role, and none is to be despised.
It can admittedly be depressing to witness tragedies follow one another in quick succession, with the anti-racist mindset of the masses seemingly incapable of evolving by one single iota. I myself am feeling very weary and wonder if leftists will ever cease being left-oriented, for both their own sake and ours. And yet, I do not wish to regret anything when the time comes for me to draw my last breath. Those of you who are aware of the danger threatening us know that fate has chosen you and entrusted you with a mission — to convince or seek to persuade others, over and over again… There is a number of re-information websites that are now striving to demonstrate the connections between those robberies, the banditry, the violent attacks by Afro-Muslims and the latter’s almost inexorable transformation into jihadists a few years later. The links that allow one to access these excellent websites should be spread everywhere and in a most relentless fashion, whether on forums or through emails sent to your loved ones, your families, and your colleagues. At this point, I must say that, to me, the media come across as the most useful tool to drive non-politicised Frenchmen to take a stand in our favour. Examples include Réponse Laïque, Dreuz info, RT France,, Fdesouche, Suavelos,, Breiz Atao, Europe Israël, Résistance Républicaine, Le Média Pour Tous, and others.
I have probably forgotten a few. The people who manage these alternative websites on a daily basis, and who are often mere volunteers, should be encouraged to persevere in their endeavours through people’s sharing and feedback along with the respective access links. Information is the key factor. The presence and visibility of our ideas are essential. If anti-racism still has the upper hand, despite the utter failure of the model that it proposes, it is only because we are being flooded by the anti-racist propaganda that pours out of the most readily accessible media, especially television. In order to counter this phenomenon, one must be organised, professional and united. People’s belief in the myth of the liberating hero has now all but fizzled. If we act alone, none of us will ever succeed in changing the situation. I sincerely hope my message will not go unheard…
Salafism, the Principal Driving Force Behind the Civilisational Conflict
Islam shall act as the sole banner, the sole emblem for the rallying, mobilisation and identification of non-European populations. It shall embody what some fight for and others AGAINST, even if — and because — what lies hidden under its din and behind its blazing shadow is a haunting biologico-racial melody. Islam is the bearer, or better yet, the only possible indicator of an inexorable struggle between peoples that are too different to coexist on the same soil. And this is not the first time in history that it has played this role; for this situation has, in fact, been ongoing for fourteen centuries.
To my knowledge, Salafism is currently the most violent and stupid form of Sunni Islam (whose followers embody the majority of Muslims in France) anywhere on Earth, as we shall see in the second part of this chapter.
Before beginning my analysis, I would like to give you a valuable reading tip: Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji, published by Ars Magna. Naji, also known as Al-Masri, wrote this terrifying book back in 2004.
Naji is also, and above all, the main person behind Al-Qaeda propaganda. Yes, that’s right. The whole project embraced by the true Muslims belonging to this rather vaguely defined cluster, and by those that joined Daesh in the years that followed, is essentially found in this bible of terrorism and barbarism.
If you would like to know what the future will be like should France end up falling into the hands of the enemy, make sure you acquire this book. By contrast, if you would rather continue enjoying the comforts of reassuring pipe dreams, do not read a single line. Seriously.
Islam and Primitivism
The Arab-African immigrant population, most of which adheres to Sunni Islam, is growing on our soil, especially its younger generations. It is important to realise that Islam is not a religion to them — in the sacramental, Christian sense — nor even a peaceful tradition, but a crucial identity marker; an aggressive, conquering and vengeful banner. It is a crude, primitive symbol. Just like in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, when the Muslim Arabs defeated the Persian Empire and then conquered Romanised North Africa and Spain, Islam is a symbol of aggression, power, and ferocious intolerance, and certainly not a quest for sacredness, the divine, or knowledge and science, all of which were borrowed from other peoples. Limited to basic superstitions and committed to a single god to whom human sacrifices are offered in the form of murders (allahu akbar!) and to simplistic dogmas, the spirituality of Islam has always been the poorest and the most mediocre of all human religions, devoid of any spiritual elevation and never setting any other examples but that of appropriation through violence, an embodiment of the exaltation of one’s hatred of others and vengeful frustration.
It is, however, recommended that one reads the Qur’an (as it should be written when pronounced correctly), whose strength does not lie in any sort of subtlety; it is a reading experience that Islamophilic people never engage in for fear of changing their minds. As for the social organisation advocated by Islam, it is founded upon absolute Muslim superiority and intolerance (towards everything); a confusion between the worldly and the spiritual; the submission of society to dictatorial and clannish order; the consubstantial impurity of women, which condemns them to a state of absolute and perpetual inferiority; an inane ritualisation of one’s daily life; the demonisation of the Jews; a contemptuous domination targeting Catholics; etc. It thus renders any Muslim space unbearable for the most enlightened, intelligent and subtle type of men.
Islam and Criminality — An Ancient Love Story
Let us return to a very important and often misunderstood aspect that serves as an intimate link and a deep-rooted historical connection between radical Islam and criminality. Our naive Frenchmen are astonished by this founding correlation, as are often our policemen and magistrates, all of whom remain completely ignorant of what genuine Muslim culture is truly like. How can these pious young people abiding by this ‘religion of peace’ ever indulge in heinous delinquency?
This is very easy to explain, for Islam was founded by Bedouin tribes of looters and warriors. As clearly revealed to us by the hadiths, which are as important as the Qur’an itself, Muhammad himself was an assiduous practitioner of violence. As I have previously explained in my book entitled Understanding Islam, one does not insult or ‘stigmatise’ (to use the fashionable term) Islam when making the following observation: religious jihadists and common criminals are united under their god allah. In no way is a jihadist a radicalised offender, since jihad is experienced as a necessary form of delinquency targeting disbelievers.
Steeped in Christian culture, we often think that religion is substantially synonymous with non-violence and respect for Others. Such a view is absent from the Muslim tradition and beyond its understanding.
Islam forms a single whole, a cold-blooded totality in which violence and non-violence, prayer and plundering, leniency towards friends and brutality towards one’s own wife (whenever necessary) have been amalgamated without apparent contradiction.
In Islam, whose origin is entirely rooted in the Arab culture, crime and delinquency are not illegal as long as they do not target members of the umma (i.e. the community of Muslim believers). And that is precisely what accounts for this connivance.
The Muslims of Islamic ‘Enlightenment’
Boualem Sansal is a very courageous author and Muslim intellectual. And there are many others like him, all of whom I hold in considerable respect. The Islam advocated by Sansal, however, is a utopian one that remains purely conceptual, a pipe dream only advocated by a minority and which does not correspond in any way to the historical and sociological reality of Arab peoples. It is no more than a delusion. The same is true of those honourable Muslim women that criticise both jihad and their own culture in a most uncompromising fashion, longing to achieve equality with men in imitation of the West. This endeavour of theirs is unfortunately incompatible with the unreformable core of divine Qur’anic teachings.
To seek a reformed and enlightened Islam or attempt to artificially invent one through the censorship or exegesis of many Surahs and almost all the Hadiths is akin to striving to institute an agnostic form of Christianity, monotheistic Hinduism, liberal communism, and so on. Had Islam been willing (or able) to undergo liberalisation, it would have chosen such a path centuries ago and proceeded to emancipate its women, abandon its structural anti-Judaism, render its ritual prescriptions less rigid, etc.
In answer to those who stupidly claim that Muslim Spain and Andalusia were models of tolerance and creativity, historical research has, as in many other similar cases,[78] demonstrated that it was no more than a myth built out of one’s sheer will to spread propaganda. Those who long to reform Islam confuse it with Catholicism, whose doctrinal flexibility has remained intact since the Council of Nicaea. The doctrinal corpus of Islam, which glorifies intolerance and violence not only as means to an end (as was the case with the now bygone communist system) but as intrinsic values of affirmation and divine essence, is particularly rigid and solidly structured when compared to that of other religions or human ideologies that have existed for more than two millennia. Reforming Islam? Good luck with that!
The Belgian Case — the Salafists at the Forefront of War
Through its Islamisation, uncontrolled immigration, and the risk of an impending civil war, no other case resembles that of France as much as Belgium’s. An official report presented in February 2017 by the Belgian Federal Security Service remarked that the country’s mosques were plagued by Islamic fundamentalism and that an increasing number of places of worship and cultural/associative centres were being funded by Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States, all of which are in the grip of Salafists that proliferate throughout the kingdom. The Great Mosque of Brussels, with its minaret provocatively located on the edge of the European quarter, is a flagship of radicalisation and Salafism on European soil. The deadly attacks perpetrated in the name of Islam in Brussels have not been the focus of particular compassion on the part of the Muslim authorities and have never been clearly and explicitly condemned.
Indeed, a Salafist that remains consistent in his beliefs could never condemn a jihadist Muslim terrorist.
The Salafist Conquest Plan
In the United States, the Trump-hating and clearly left-oriented intelligentsia, which invented the notion of the ‘politically correct’ in the 1980s, is not afraid of a clash of civilisations, especially in the form of a clash with Islam, the very same Islam that it cherishes without admitting it; which is precisely why the book penned by American Muslim Shadi Hamid and entitled Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World (St Martin’s Press, 2016) has been a cold shower for the members of these gullibly self-righteous circles.
Speaking of Salafists and radicalised jihadists who, on the basis of the DAESH model, are currently preparing a conquering insurgency in Western Europe that must be taken very seriously, Shadi Hamid strikes out at them with words that must have sent the world’s BHLs into a temper tantrum: ‘The people of the Islamic State of Daesh are not mere criminals. They genuinely believe in something’. When applied to the jihadists of France, the Salafists, and the radicalised Muslims who shall stand behind the thugs and rioters of the coming civil war, this reflection implies that, to them, it is not only a matter of being thugs and delinquents, but of playing an active role in a politico-religious project, a project which, in this specific case, focuses on the conquest of France and Europe through criminal violence (among other means), regardless of the very basic spiritual dimension that characterises them and reflects the contents of the Qur’an — that ‘wicked book’, as Schopenhauer[79] once said.
Islam in France Is Pervaded by Combative Salafism
Throughout our country, Islam is pervaded by Salafism, which radicalises it, i.e. allows it to return to its roots (it does not render it ‘extremist’, to use the widespread and stupid expression — indeed, this sect has absolutely no need of that), driving it to confront not only the authorities but also French society, which is be destroyed and replaced. Salafism is a powerful driving force in the process of transition to a civil war of conquest. It is no longer a matter of protesting, demonstrating, and issuing demands, but of taking a transgressive step and claiming both territory and power following the outbreak of a decisive war. As soon as they consider their own numbers sufficient, they shall launch the offensive.
Salafism is spreading everywhere and local officials are helpless. Manuel Valls, who has changed sides since leaving Matignon, where he showed flagrant laxity towards Islam, has even proposed banning it. Such a step could, however, in combination with a prohibition of the Islamic veil, have the very opposite effect and lead to the swelling of Salafist ranks. Unless, as part of a very unlikely development in a country weakened by the human rights obsession, this prohibition were coupled with brutal sanctions, i.e. with the only language that these people understand. Let us, however, not dream too much.
In 2017, the Salafists considered active and militant were estimated by the French Ministry of the Interior to comprise between 30,000 and 40,000 militants, which is a huge figure. If the extreme Right ever managed to assemble such a number of active militants, panic would spread from the highest governmental levels to the lowest. According to our intelligence services,[80] the total population of those who identify with Salafism is reported to include up to about 50,000 Muslims (as estimated in 2017). The presence of such massive numbers makes it possible for them to venture very far indeed when it comes to infiltrating and permeating all sectors of our civil society, administrations, justice system, law enforcement, army, etc.
As is always the case with the Muslim taqiya (duty of concealment), a large part of the Salafists, especially those who claim to be quietists, denounce violence while simultaneously pushing for radicalisation, and thus for conflict. The movement of the Muslim Brothers and their friends in the highly suspicious UOIF (which later became the MDF, i.e. the Muslims of France) is both close to the Salafists and under their influence. What remains unsaid, but is heard increasingly more often from the lips of some Salafist imams sprouting up everywhere, is that their ultimate goal is to completely Islamise French society and cast its culture and the republican political regime into oblivion.
The number of Salafist mosques and prayer halls, all of which are places of subversion, exceeds 100 out of the 2,300 to 2,500 on French soil. Despite a 2017 law that targets all places of worship advocating ideas deemed contrary to ‘republican values’ (anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.), only three Salafist mosques have officially been shut down; this did not prevent them from being secretly re-established almost immediately, and it allowed these simpletons to depict themselves as martyrs. Let us also add that, right under the very nose of our republican state, fourteen Salafist schools — officially declared as such — were still active at the end of 2017. What is taught there is not very far from what is preached in Daesh camps. Allow me to rephrase this, without resorting to any sort of political cant: it is the exact same thing. SALAFISM IS DAESH.
And here is another noteworthy and distressing fact: whenever Salafists decide to build a mosque, they immediately have huge sums of money at their disposal. This funding comes from the highly motivated Muslim believers, but especially from foreign Muslim countries which, in a display of typical atavistic hypocrisy, act as catalysts for the radicalisation and Salafisation of Muslim immigrants. Indeed, they are always most dependable when it comes to supporting the vengeful Islamisation of France and the population-swelling immigration of their own nationals, while also providing discreet stewardship for a racial and religious civil war that is already brewing on our soil.
Salafist Ideology, the Quintessence of Genuine Islam
Salafism is all the more dangerous because it is discreet and never raises its voice. More rigorous than Wahhabism[81] itself, it is of Saudi origin. It advocates a literal reading of the Qur’an and Sunna (the Muslim legal prescriptions), which takes us back to the eighth century. Being part of Sunni Islam, it excludes any and all moderation from its teachings and remains radical in the etymological sense of the word, meaning that it reaches deep into the authentic roots of Islam, which are as authoritarian as they are psycho-rigid, obscurantist and superstitious.
On the political front, it preaches the strict observance of sharia, the law allegedly dictated by allah himself which, in fact, is nothing more than the codex of socio-political rules espoused by the rigorist Bedouins of the eighth century, presented as divine will.
Afflicting its followers with simplism, prejudice, brutality, and a formal ritualisation of daily behaviour, the sharia, which is nowadays regarded with respect by both Islamolatrists and extreme right-wing losers, represents a primitive form of social and political law, one that is generally far inferior to what other civilisations have managed to produce. One thus proclaims the superiority of this supposed divine law over all human institutions, a belief shared by the Muslim Brotherhood itself. Critical thinking is entirely absent here…
Salafism encourages quietism, i.e. the withdrawal of all authentic Muslims refusing to share a social life with ‘infidels’ into themselves and their own communities. The gullible supporters of a living-together are gradually witnessing the heckling of their own principles and reference points. Indeed, Salafism focuses on ideological and religious propaganda and thus on instructing Muslims to embrace its Islamic rigorism. And it is crucial to point out that jihadist Salafism — which is now present all over France — instils into Muslim minds the idea that it is necessary to call and strive for an Islamic assumption of power on French soil.
A Violent School of Thought as One’s Life Philosophy
Here is another fact for readers to ponder: all Daesh and IS fighters and ideologists in the Middle East, many of whom come from immigrant Arab backgrounds in Europe and have distinguished themselves through acts of violence and crime that are often filmed and broadcast on the Internet, have been Salafists. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Every child that has been educated by these Salafist brutes to espouse hatred of the infidels could, at any given moment, be incorporated into the recruiting sphere of their terrorist killing force. If one spends one’s days memorising the most violent suras of the Qur’an and hadiths, watching sanguinary videos, and visiting various radical social networks run by Salafists, which is the case of tens of thousands of young Muslim people, one obviously ends up being very tempted to take action. Horror and ‘sacred’ criminality become one’s only horizons.
And that is precisely how they succeed in shaping and inflaming tens of thousands of young Muslims, of contemporary barbarians who will virtually all become volunteers willing to indulge in the worst imaginable violence when the turmoil of civil war is unleashed — a civil war which many, and not only the youngsters that inhabit housing estates and ghettos, are impatiently awaiting. Their hatred towards us is as unwavering as it is irreversible.
Visibility and Provocation
In order to impress and intimidate, and to indicate that our public space is already theirs and Islam’s, a minority of Salafists — whose numbers are, however, on the increase — are flaunting their typical clothes and specific physical appearance.
The men grow a beard without a moustache and wear a typical skullcap. One additionally puts on a qamis, i.e. a long-sleeved djellaba that stops at mid-calves and covers a pair of cropped trousers or dark stockings that leave the ankles uncovered. They also wear slippers made from a special fabric. A Salafist that passes you in the street is thus impossible to miss.
As for the poor women who have the misfortune to marry a Salafist or are forced to do so by their immediate kin or family (if, of course, their actions are not due to militant provocation), they systematically wear the black veil that shadows or masks their face entirely, all except the eyes. Even during hot summers, these women are shut away in their homes, dressed in their black shroud, a long thick dress which, connected to their veil, stretches all the way to the ground and conceals any and all shapes of their ‘impure’ female body. Last but not least, black gloves are often worn to complete this outfit, invented by certified raving lunatics.
Extremely prudish and sexually ill at ease in their own skin, even more so than other Muslims (no matter how inconceivable this may seem), Salafists ban both women and men from revealing any part of their own bodies. The full veil imposed upon these women, nowadays encountered even in the neighbourhoods of western Paris (as part of pure Muslim provocation), is never subject to any fines, despite having been outlawed in France. Indeed, the state is too fearful of any incidents that might subsequently spiral out of control, as has been the case on some occasions. No Islamophobia, lads!
An Enormous Threat
Political and ideological Salafism is the perfect path to jihadist Salafism, which kills, burns and vandalises. One never loses sight of the project to establish an Islamic state on French soil, or, for that matter, anywhere else in a Western Europe regarded as extremely vulnerable; our Western Europe, which has two advantages from their perspective — on the one hand, the presence of a massive, allogeneous Muslim population that can neither be integrated nor assimilated, and, on the other, that of feeble authorities plagued by a mental complex, even at a time when, as witnessed in Italy, the ones that have seized power are populists, i.e. skilled speakers and professional gesticulators who remain idle in terms of taking action.
Salafism provides the ideal breeding ground for terrorism, all militarily organised or individual violence targeting unbelievers, and, of course, every conceivable form of entryism and propaganda to thrive on. Although pervaded by barbarous brutality, Salafism has relinquished stupidity so as to triumph.
Radouane Lakdim, the Muslim-Arab terrorist who slaughtered Lieutenant Colonel Beltrame[82] of the gendarmerie, was a militant Salafist that was highly active on social networks.
And there are others. El Hadi Doudi,[83] the Algerian imam of a mosque in Marseilles who is theoretically subject to deportation back to his homeland, has called for armed jihad and civil war in France, managing to exert influence upon forty regional mosques and acting as a great figure of Salafism. Aligning himself with Al Qaeda, he has influenced many young Muslims inhabiting the problematic housing estates of the Marseilles area and encouraged them to join Daesh in Syria. Having returned here, the latter would then play the role of field leaders managing the actions of the aggressors in the coming civil war. The sermons of this Algerian Salafist imam have incited Muslims to commit acts of violence ‘against unbelievers, women, Christians, and Jews’, all of whom were described as ‘brothers of apes and pigs’. In the suburbs, such slogans are ceaselessly repeated on the eve of festivities…
This Salafism, which calls for jihad and war in France, is not marginal. It may, in fact, represent the main threat faced by our country, unlike what the reassuring and self-righteous words of leftist journalists and some ever-blinded politicians would have us believe.
El Hadi Doudi, the Imam of Marseilles mentioned above, attracted 800 worshippers every Friday, all of whom absorbed his exhortations to jihad. And there are still eighteen Bouches-du-Rhone mosques and forty in the entire region (i.e. a large number of devotees) spreading this hard-line Salafist ideology, one that openly calls for civil war, for war against France and the French. From 2005 to 2017, his website managed to draw a total of 3.5 million visitors! The stage is set for the coming flare-up. Of course, in accordance with the Muslim tradition of taqiya (duplicity and lies, sometimes even involving skilful string-pulling), the Imam’s defenders and entourage claim that he actually fought against Daesh and advocated ‘peace and living-together’. Bollocks!
Just like the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists practice large-scale entryism targeting the world of Muslim associations and that of immigrants in general, thus spreading their message of revolt, partition and hatred of France. Salafist-infiltrated associations sometimes replace our failing public services (in the social and cultural spheres).
The goal is to impose upon all the children and adolescents of their tribe the perspective of a fundamentalist and combative Islam. In every domain, what the ‘Salafisation’ of Islam in France strives to do is to bring together a maximal number of Afro-Maghrebian Muslims, especially the youngest ones, who would then embark on a belligerent venture against white Frenchmen, a venture involving something that has been normal in their culture for centuries on end and that anyone reading the Qur’an and hadiths can easily notice: the intertwining of jihad and heinous delinquency, which, in a sense, acts as a material reward, and also produces a propensity for destruction that is much more pronounced than any taste for the construction or creation of beautiful things. The CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Faith) is but a puny empty shell, and all so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims — an oxymoron — will find themselves completely overwhelmed when the first shots are fired.
The Islamosphere and the Pathetic Collaborationist World
The Islamosphere includes both non-European Muslims that are active in combative militance (which is, of course, logical) and genuine French people who have chosen the path of collaboration.
A Pathological Way of Perceiving Muslim-Arabs
Fascinated by Islam, many French members of our elites (our political and associational leaders, intellectuals, or journalists) spread the idea that Muslims embody the new image of the oppressed. They discredit any and all criticism in advance, even when it is aimed at murderous and premeditated Islamic terrorism. What is important to them is defending the Muslims against the Whites, who are blamed for all conceivable evils and whose dominance, exclusions and cynical exploitation through the ages constitute crimes that have never truly come to end.
Muslims, even the radical ones among them, are the aggressors presented as the aggressed, as part of a highly classic example of sophistic reversal. For instance, the Islamospheric clique detests the French writer Alain Finkielkraut, a man who is thus regularly insulted, threatened, and labelled ‘hysterically Islamophobic’, with Eric Zemmour, Elisabeth Badinter[84] and, lately, Pascal Bruckner[85] attracting an equal amount of hatred, despite the fact that all these voices are actually Jewish. The ones that they hate most, of course, are apostates and harkis, those Muslim-Arabs that are critical of both their own culture and the excesses of Islam, including Kamel Daoud, who scandalised the Islamosphere by denouncing, in the aftermath of the assaults and rapes perpetrated in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, 2016, ‘the sexual misery pervading the Muslim-Arab world and its pathological relationship with women’ (as I have already mentioned above). He has thus established a blasphemous sort of truth. An unforgivable one, in fact.
Using any means necessary, the scheming collaborationists of the Islamosphere seek to weaken the defensive reactions and resolve of our native French people should a Muslim-provoked civil war break out. It is ‘Islamophobia’ that represents the capital sin in their eyes, with anti-Semitism relegated to a somewhat secondary position in the props shop. The anti-colonial summer camp organised by Les Indigènes de la République, which remains off-limits to Whites and is ‘reserved only for those who have personally suffered under the yoke of French statal racism’, is highly appreciated by the members of the Islamosphere. What a treat it is for these traitors to watch as our immigrant anti-racists indulge in anti-white racism. The enormity characterising such paradoxical behaviour simply eludes them.
Abiding by this ethno-masochistic logic, the collaborationists of the Islamosphere naturally proceed to look at the Muslim organisations of France with puppy-dog eyes. They harbour the naïve hope that the latter will gain power, gradually seize control — first locally, then regionally and ultimately on a national scale — and finally agree to share the spoils with them, of course.
Muslim Associations and Organisations — The Coming War’s Lifeforce
Indeed, the higher the number of Mohammedans on our soil, the more powerful the Muslim organisations of France become. Their ambition is to claim power in our country and establish the latter’s complete Islamisation under sharia law — no more, no less. They are well aware of the fact that they represent a much more youthful community than the French average, one that comprises several million individuals and is constantly growing under the influence of uncontrolled immigrational arrivals and the higher birth rates characterising these newcomers. The major Muslim organisations, whose members are well-versed in concealing their true aims and lulling the mistrust of our decent folk, will silently take charge of managing the insurrectional riots that shall bring about the racial civil war which they themselves are fomenting. Remaining very attentive to the slightest police blunder and cynically sitting at the negotiating table, they shall offer to appease the situation in exchange for increased powers and privileges.
Initially, prior to the onset of terrorist attacks and the strategy of Islamising France, Muslim associations acted as the transmission belts of foreign countries which, by manipulating the Muslim immigrants present on our soil, sought to take revenge for the European colonisation or domination they had experienced.
Let us, furthermore, mention the Algerian-run National Federation of the Great Mosque of Paris; the National Federation of the Muslims of France and its dissident branch, the Rally of French Muslims, which is supported by Morocco; and the Coordination Committee of Turkish Muslims of France, managed by Ankara… There are so many others that could be added to the list as well.
From 2010 onwards, these organisations gradually faded away under the pressure exerted by aggressive fundamentalisms whose goal is one of conquest and is rooted in the long memory, religion and politics of the Muslim-Arab world, all of which are intimately intertwined. Saudi Arabia, a land whose statal despotism is akin to that of the Gulf Emirates, is a model of duplicity that leaves our weakened or bribed leaders unresponsive and that propagates, in both France and Western Europe, the presence of Wahhabism — an obtuse, extremist, intolerant and intellectually desiccated and obscurantist sort of rigorism — by means of a highly generous funding that enables the construction of mosques, madrasas, and so on. Saudi Arabia has financed the construction and subsequent running of the great fundamentalist mosques of Strasbourg, Saint-Denis, and Cergy-Pontoise, i.e. of those municipalities where the proportion of Muslims already exceeds or will soon exceed half of the local population.
Founded by Tunisians in 1983, the Union of Islamic Organisations of France (UOIF), which was renamed Muslims of France (MDF) in April 2017, is one of the most dangerous and subversive Muslim associations, yet one that has become untouchable as a result of its notoriety and the perverse skill of its strategy. It belongs to the radical movement of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is of Egyptian origin and was established by one of Tariq Ramadan’s grandfathers.[86] It is presided by the fanatical and ever-smiling Amar Lasfar, the rector of the Lille-Sud mosque. Officially and hypocritically, it claims to advocate ‘obedience to the noble values of the Republic’ — yeah, right! In actual fact, and in harmony with Muslim taqiya, the UOIF/MDF has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate several French institutions and to increase the number of Muslim private schools in a logic of ethnic partition that begins as early as its soldiers’ childhood. It proceeds to teach, in a most discreet fashion, that sharia law, i.e. allah’s law, must ultimately prevail throughout France and even be imposed on ‘infidels’ and non-Muslims, who have already been reduced to a minority in many parts of the country.
White People, Their Implicit Enemy
Another very active organisation and an expert in judicial harassment and intimidation is the CCIF or Collective Against Islamophobia in France, which was created in 2003 and already boasts 14,000 members. Its leaders are always invited to Bourget[87] by their UOIF-MDF friends on the occasion of their great annual gathering. And as for ‘Swiss Islamologist’ and ex-convict Tariq Ramadan — who, let us not forget, was incarcerated and remanded in custody on several charges of rape and remains close to the Muslim Brotherhood — he participates regularly in fundraising events for the CCIF. It was Ramadan who filed a complaint against historian Georges Bensoussan, a man who defended the memory of the Shoah, in order to have him condemned for Islamophobic racism (all in vain, fortunately). It was Ramadan, once again, who, in reference to Mohamed Merah (a murderer who slaughtered several people, including children, in a Jewish school of Toulouse), had the good taste to declare, as if to justify Merah’s actions, that the latter had fallen ‘victim to a social order that had already condemned him, and millions of others as well, to a state of marginalisation, to the non-recognition of his status as a citizen enjoying equal rights and opportunities’.
This kind of outrageously deceitful discourse is only adopted by the impostor and criminal Ramadan, as well as by his CCIF accomplices, so as to incite present and future violence on the part of young Afro-Maghrebian immigrants who regard Islam as an essentially racial banner, regardless of whether they were actually born Muslim or not. Their delusion of persecution, which is constantly pandered to, runs parallel to an attitude of complacency towards the assassinations and terrorist attacks perpetrated by their jihadist co-religionists, the secret and adulated heroes of the suburbs and housing estates.
The CCIF is at the very centre of an ideological and mediatic apparatus aimed at intimidating French people and discouraging any and all French criticism and resistance against immigrational invasion and Islamisation.
Let us, moreover, not doubt for a second that the ambitious agitator Tariq Ramadan hopes to be given a prestigious and well-paid position in the new hierarchy following the outbreak of an opportune civil war and a partial Islamic takeover in France. Perhaps so as to restore some Islamic prescriptions he once ‘abolished’, including the stoning of adulterous women?
Making use of a combination of diffuse anti-white racism and hackneyed yet effective anti-racist speech, the CCIF, which enjoys a large following in the suburbs, aims to stir up the young Brown-Blacks marching under the banner of Islam against France, its institutions, its culture, and its native population. The CCIF maintains close ties with the CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations), an Islamophilic and anti-White racist apparatus that lives off legal actions whose purpose is to bring to light the alleged ‘anti-Black racism’ of our French natives and institutions. In the presence of such anti-racist animosity which, nonetheless, remains obsessed with the notion of race (a concept which, both officially and legally, no longer exists), we have now entered quite deep into the ideological preparations for ethno-racial warfare. Resorting to a typically boorish and charming jargon, the CCIF denounced the rise of ‘safety-related Islamophobia’ in 2015. In other words, the French people who worry about their own safety and wish to protect themselves against the delinquent or jihadist aggression of their ‘fellow Muslim citizens’ are all disgraceful Islamophobic villains. This is the implication: criticising and condemning Muslim jihadism — even the terrorist kind — is already synonymous with insulting and stigmatising Islam and its followers. To defend oneself is reprehensible and racist, and the Muslim aggressors are always within their rights and their claims always justified: that is what is being implicitly stated. This, in itself, is nothing new. Indeed, the Qur’an offers us a good overview of this dogma. I suggest you read it so as to form your own opinion and understand the mentality of those we are facing…
The Mental Gymnastics of Islamophilic Court Jews
Within the multi-ethnic club of the Islamosphere, whose members are the objective agents of our country’s Islamisation, de-Gallicisation, colonisation and Great Replacement, one encounters, as is always the case in similar historical circumstances, the presence of French collaborationists who, in their boundless cowardice, are driven by a mixture of xenophilia and guilt-ridden self-hatred — a bad conscience inherited from Christianity, which offers everyone the necessary tools to hate themselves from birth; and a preventive submission to Islam accompanied by a feverish desire to be granted future benefits by the occupiers.
Let us also mention the French intelligentsia’s endangered monument, Edgar Morin, an old scourge and a man who, ever since the 1960s, has run with the hare and hunted with the hounds. He has authored L’Urgence et l’Essentiel[88] (Don Quichotte, 2017), an idiosyncratic and flatly Islamophilic dialogue with Tariq Ramadan (well, well, what do you know!) where, with the originality of parrots, one delights in demonising the Islamophobic bastard Alain Finkielkraut, one of the primary enemies of peaceful Muslims.
Although Jewish himself, Morin has the gall and especially the stupidity to engage in anti-Zionist diatribes (and we all know what that means) against the Jewish state and to dispute the recrudescence of anti-Semitism in France in an effort to please his Muslim masters, in spite of the fact that, since 2005, almost twenty Jews have been massacred by his Muslim friends during major attacks carried out in Europe! Espousing hard-line anti-Israeli positions, grandpa Morin has minimised the number of casualties that have fallen victim to Islamic terrorism, going almost as far as to deny the very existence of the latter, ‘to which we must not attach much importance’. Jihadist killers are allegedly nothing but ‘unbalanced’ individuals, as certified by Morin the collaborationist. In no way are they real Muslims — everyone knows that! In all of his writings and remarks, Morin, who, of course, happens to be a great friend of the ‘martyred’ Palestinian people, considers the Israelis to be ‘a contemptuous people, taking pleasure in humiliating others’. Muslim associations are obviously very pleased with Morin, who represents the kind of good Jew that they would like to meet more often.
Another sweet-talking and Islamophilic court Jew who actually believes that he can use this attitude to protect himself from the coming invasion and violent tremors is the pretentious Emmanuel Todd,[89] Alain Soral’s[90] own intellectual darling. Todd resorts to the same calculating behaviour as Minc or Kouchner, his friends and co-religionists: anything but Islamophobia, which is too imprudent! Let us instead coax all those anti-Semitic Muslims… In Qui est Charlie?[91] (published by Seuil editions), Todd downplays the Charlie Hebdo massacres and almost justifies the assassins’ actions, denouncing an ‘excessive focus on Islam’. In his eyes, of course, one must be held accountable for blaspheming against Muhammad and, logically, be punished for committing a racist crime. For Islam is a race after all, have you forgotten?!
The decline of good judgment and obscurantist regression afflicting intellectuals of such calibre are very worrying indeed.
Islamo-Leftism, a World of Madmen
Just like Todd, the (small calibre yet well mediatised) leftist historian Jean Baubérot believes that ‘secularism stigmatises Muslims’, a thought that was imported from the American Left and has become a burning issue from the Islamophilic perspective. This topic is also very dear to Trotskyist Edwy Plenel, who has found his life work’s key idea in it.
Somehow managing to keep a straight face, others such as Islamo-leftist ideologist Geoffroy de Lagasnerie justify Muslim-Arab and Afro-Muslim delinquency in the name of ‘the struggle against Islamophobia’. By doing so, they acknowledge the fact that crimes are mainly committed by Muslims. They thus abide by a completely ridiculous and delusional sort of logic in which one’s desire to stop and punish such thugs is allegedly Islamophobic. Seriously? Certain Muslim authorities and their networks must be rubbing their hands in delight at the sight of such mental derangement, one which, nonetheless, influences the decisions of several French courts. Disseminated across the Internet, these insane ideas only exacerbate tensions, which act as preludes to the coming great flare-up.
Although only a very small minority in society, Islamo-leftists enjoy considerable influence. Driven by a fierce hatred of France, its culture, its traditions, its deep-rooted provincial population, its ethnic people and ‘little white folk’, described as a bunch of racist hicks, they have extensively infiltrated our associations, our national education system (a very serious development indeed) and the media. They have thus joined the pro-immigrational cause of Islamisation not from rational reflection, but due to an emotional and irrational surge of hatred for their native France.
The example of Mediapart, the online medium, is blatant when it comes to militant Islamo-leftism. Founded and run by former Trotskyite journalist, informant and attention-seeking camera fan Edwy Plenel, who has authored an absolutely worthless but emblematic book pervaded by brown-nosing and fashionable Islamolatry[92] (Pour les Musulmans,[93] La Découverte, 2015), this high-performance treason tool exerts a great deal of influence within the collaborationist Islamosphere. Another example worth mentioning is that of Libération, the ‘Pravda’ of our left-wing bourgeoisie, managed by the characterless and Islamophilic Laurent Joffrin, a progressivist idiot whose very presence is but the residue of the now-dying Marxism of the 1970s, with his twisted and poorly written editorials and inability to resolve the following problem: ‘I am a leftist and a progressive bobo, but my Muslim friends are all anti-Semitic, homophobic and misogynistic. What shall I do about it? Never mind, I think I’ll just have a nap’.
Among our major media, let us not forget, of course, Le Monde and France Culture, both of which flirt with Islamo-leftism. When you attend classy receptions and soirées in Paris, embracing Islamophobia is very unfashionable indeed. All it does is generate a malaise.
According to Nasser Ramdane Ferradj, the former vice-president of SOS Racism and the founder of the Collective of Progressive and Secular Muslims,[94] ‘Edwy Plenel has shaped a younger generation of journalists by imprinting upon them the notion that any criticism targeting Islam and Muslim extremists constitutes a racist attack against all Muslims’. The former Trotskyist, pro-independence Breton militant, and self-victimising extremist Plenel has always hated historical France, accusing it of oppressing minorities. Under the pretext of advocating equality and diversity, Plenel acts as an objective agent of the establishment of radical and political Islam at the head of our government. A Muslim, Arabised, Africanised, de-Christianised and White-free France is the dream of Plenel and his friends. They all, of course, regard ‘secularism’ as a discriminatory ideology that targets Muslims and, beyond Muslims, all immigrants of colour, who are necessarily attracted to Islam. Incredible, considering that the very same thought current was once in favour of secularism, in contrast with the Catholic Church. Now, however, it has turned against it when it comes to containing Islam. Did you say ‘biased’?
Psychotic Islamo-Leftism: The Hamon Case
Owing to his cowardice and opportunism, socialist politician Benoît Hamon (who feels that ‘there are too many Whites in Brest’) has converted to Islamo-leftism, despite participating a few years ago, alongside Caroline Fourest,[95] in a campaign to support Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born and Muslim Dutch MP who was being targeted with death threats for having authored the short film entitled Submission, whose director, Theo van Gogh, had been cold-bloodedly murdered by Moroccan jihadists. Hamon has changed a lot. Today, it is unlikely that he would ever dare support anyone whose life is threatened by a fatwa.
Benoît Hamon, who, let us not forget, actually won the French Socialist Party’s (PS) primary elections, is a living caricature of Islamo-leftism. He was, at the time, labelled the ‘mixed-race republic’ candidate. As is the case with many other people, this Breton man’s mind now borders on pathological psychosis. Having lived in Africa, he deplored the following fact: ‘When I returned to Brest, I found the city to be very white indeed. To be honest, I even thought there were too many Whites’. He had previously confessed that ‘being insulted by racists is a source of great pride’. Is he not aware of his own, explicit anti-White racism? Not at all, for he is too narrow-minded to realise it. At any rate, if any right-wing person were to state that he felt ‘there are too many Blacks and Arabs in Paris’, he would most certainly be sued by our courts for inciting racial hatred. Talk about double standards. Mélenchon, Hamon’s rival and a man just as fanatical and stubborn as Hamon himself, had declared at the time: ‘I would not want to live in a neighbourhood whose inhabitants are all blue-eyed and blonde’. Understandably so — for he would risk being robbed…
Once the inter-racial civil war breaks out, with its insurrectional riots, its destruction and its fatal casualties, Benoît Hamon will be one of the leading figures of the collaborationist movement, negotiating a truce with the Muslim authorities and representatives at the cost of making concessions that advantage the rioters and Muslim housing estates, in addition to showing dealers leniency… We have all borne witness to the mayor of Trappes courting Islam, which he considers to be very sympathetic. Let us not forget the role played by cynical electioneering in all of this. As pointed out by Malek Boutih, the Socialist Party’s Essonne MP and an old friend of mine, ‘Benoît Hamon has aligned himself with an Islamo-leftist fringe group and issued a discreet election-related invitation. It is a catch-all strategy — anything is acceptable as long as it attracts votes. This is the worst possible discourse, a discourse of weakness. … Not only does it justify sexist behaviour, but also a rise of radicalism. In Hamon’s eyes and those of his friends, one can criticise the Catholic Church but never Muslims’.
His electoral bastion is located in Trappes, one of the most Islamised cities in France and one of those that have been most affected by immigration settlement: nicknamed the ‘French Molenbeek’, 70% of its inhabitants are Muslim. Hamon is in his element there. Led by Marwan Muhammad and pervaded by Salafists of the worst kind, the CCIF maintains objectively close ties to radicalism and implicitly justifies terrorism, while simultaneously enjoying the support of both Hamon and his friends. The latter have also been associating with evidently anti-Zionist Qatar, whose motivations remain very unclear, and are campaigning for the recognition of a Palestinian state. Hamon has even chosen to support the wearing of burkinis on French beaches. Similarly, he defends the classic Islamo-leftist position formulated by Islam-worshipping scoundrel Edwy Plenel according to which secularism — nowadays incorrectly termed ‘secularity’ — is alleged to have discriminating, Islamophobic and even racist undertones, a view that has been borrowed from the American Left. What follows are a few cunning xenophilic thoughts expressed by Benoît Hamon, all in political cant, of course; they are all gems of our collaborationist ideology that may well be the focus of endless propaganda at the start of a future civil war: ‘How far will we go in our stigmatisation of French Muslims the moment they show that they belong to a certain religion?’ Considering the municipal bylaws that ban the wearing of burkinis ‘absurd’, he added: ‘There is no connection between jihadism and the burkini. If a woman decides to wear it, well, under the 1905 French law, she is free to do so’. The problem, however, is that she is mostly not the one to actually make this decision. Uttering these words as a leitmotiv wherever he goes, Hamon denounces ‘a secularism used as a sword against one single religion — Islam. Let us stop turning Islam into a problem burdening our Republic!’ How many deaths does it take for it become a problem, I wonder? Hamon should simply convert to Islam — for the sake of consistency.
During both the presidential campaign and his legislative campaigns in the constituency of Trappes, people often whispered: ‘Hamon is the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood’ — which is probably true. But one day, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Salafist affiliates will no longer require the services of such French collaborators, because they will have their own Arab candidates running in all elections.
The leftist media, and especially Libération, have endorsed the programme of Islam-loving, pro-immigration and xenophilic Benoît Hamon, in an attitude that sometimes borders on caricature. Completely indifferent to our indigenous people, Hamon is a staunch supporter of the Great Replacement. What motivates him is not so much the ordinary anti-racism preached by the vulgate as a specifically anti-white type of racism, which is one of his pet causes and drives him to talk utter nonsense and express suicidal ideas that still manage to make good headway: ‘Migrants? We can welcome more of those’; or this one: ‘The work done by refugees allows us to earn money’. An insane demagogue, he suggests that we pay out ‘integration allowances’, even in the case of undocumented migrants, and that we create ‘humanitarian visas’ and grant migrants, without distinction, a ‘right to work’ which even our own unemployed Frenchmen are not going to be granted. We must not, of course, forget the great classics, the favourite topics of the imbecilic Left which the latter has been rambling on about for decades: the right of foreigners to vote in local elections AND the legalisation of cannabis. What the idiot Hamon fails to realise is that he is setting his own friends against him: indeed, Islam strongly condemns any sale of alcohol or cannabis. And what is more, his Brown-Black dealer friends would definitely be annoyed if the cannabis trade were legalised…
Last but not least, Hamon intends to resume the pro-thug Taubira[96] reforms and strengthen them, by abolishing, for instance, all forms of imprisonment impacting ‘young people’, and creating an ‘anti-discrimination brigade’ that would target both racist and sexist discrimination and keep a close eye on all public and private practices, in accordance with a totalitarian tropism that is specific to the Left. Here is a problem for them to ponder, though: what exactly should one do if, in a Muslim family, one notices the presence of sexist discrimination against women (which is the case, generally speaking)?
Stupidity and Islamolatry: Veiled Women = Liberated Women
Just like among Muslims themselves, one also encounters model cases of crass stupidity and absurd deception imprinted with bullet-proof bad faith among the French and non-Muslim supporters of Islamophilia.
There is a delusional conception of feminism that considers the wearing of the veil as a sign of ‘freedom’ for women. Rokhaya Diallo, ‘an intersectional and anti-colonial feminist’, advocates the wearing of the veil. Never mind the fact that it has, for centuries on end, served as a macho instrument for the derogation, relegation and oppression of women. In France, neighbouring countries and such distant places as Canada, it is now perceived as an identity marker indicating territorial occupation. The increasing number of veiled women in our public spaces is meant to imply the following to our native French people: you have been invaded, now step back!
On this very same wavelength, we have Sihame Assbague, who organises the famous ‘anticolonial summer camps’ that are off-limits to Whites, and the collaborationist Caroline de Haas, the former campaign director of Cécile Duflot,[97] who was scandalised by the ‘racist’ tendency to connect the sexual assault that took place on New Year’s Eve in Cologne with the massive presence of Arab migrants kindly welcomed by Mutti Merkel. Immigrants? Of course not! The perpetrators were all aliens, don’t you know that?
Libération, which is run by Islamolatrist Laurent Joffrin and is very open to Islamo-leftism, shares Mediapart’s endorsement of the Islamic veil in all its shapes and forms (including the burkini) in the name of a ‘new feminism’ that rejects all prohibition. Seriously, how stupid can you get…[98]
The perverse and fanatical association known as LALLAB, which enjoys the militant support of Libération, advocates the wearing of the Islamic veil and — hold on to your hats! — the ‘right of women to be veiled’. As if they had a choice in their own families and within the religious framework that smothers them. As might be expected, some big names of the Islamosphere, all of whom are native Frenchmen like you and me, petitioned in favour of this rather peculiar association, recommending that women wear the veil — they included Benoît Hamon, the friend of the Palestinians; Pascal Boniface; and Jean-Louis Bianco, a major figure of the gauche caviar…[99] The Left is not what it used to be, is it.
Another exquisite thought worth mentioning was expressed by Danièle Obono, the Parisian MP of France Insoumise, who explains that a Muslim bus driver who refuses to take the wheel of a bus that had previously been driven by a woman is not necessarily ‘radicalised’ but perhaps merely ‘sexist’. Jeannette Bougrab (the girlfriend of Charb, the cartoonist who was assassinated at Charlie Hebdo for having drawn caricatures of the prophet Muhammad…) comments: ‘She is the useful idiot, not to say the accomplice of the Islamists’. Let us also enjoy the thoughts of Idriss Sihamedi (Baraka City), who declared: ‘I think music can be dangerous, polygamy an alternative to adultery, and the veil a sign of modesty. Am I crazy to think so?’ Not necessarily crazy, no; but definitely an idiot.
What lies behind these delusions — which are not even taken seriously by those who utter them and who are perfectly aware of the pathological machismo characterising Muslims and their problematic attitude to women and sexuality — is simply Islamophilia and the blatant approval of our country’s Islamisation, colonisation, and cultural and demographic replacement. These Islamophilic collaborationists have made an ideological and political choice, opting to destroy and cast into oblivion our French and European identity, which they find intolerable as a result of an ethno-masochistic pathological affliction that merits psychoanalysis.
Other Collaborationists That Approve of Islamic Jihad
What the intellectual divide on the causes of jihadism actually conceals is the opposition between the Islamophiles that endorse it in a subtle manner and the others.
A few months after the jihadist attacks of November 2015, Eugénie Bastié, a journalist and investigator specialising in intellectual debates, published the following in Le Figaro (6th May, 2016):
The Islamist attacks have led to intellectual disagreements. … The debate centred around the interpretation of the causes of jihadism is now raging between those who perceive it as a generational and nihilistic sort of rebellion [meaning those that are Islamophilic and attempt to vindicate Islam] and the supporters of the culturalist theory that considers Islam to be the very root of evil.
Within the politically correct camarilla that espouses the first view, let us mention the presence of Michel Serres,[100] who, as part of his perfect compatibility with Islam, explained to an enthusiastic audience attending a festival organised by our self-righteous daily Le Monde that jihadist terrorism had claimed fewer victims than cancer and road accidents, before adding the following provocative and absurd formula: ‘Cigarette manufacturers are a million times more dangerous than DAESH’. Absolutely ludicrous. He is no more than a brown-nosing and sweet-talking collaborationist, bending over and taking it like a champ.
Alain Finkielkraut, the new bête noire of the self-righteous, celebrates the founding of our ‘surging national spirit’ party, of our resistance in the face of Islamic violence, which he contrasts with the ‘party of Otherness’. He continues to be ostracised and insulted, particularly by Alain Badiou, the icon of the French radical Left and ever-popular Islamo-leftist Marxist who issued this pathetic declaration after the Paris attacks of autumn 2015:
We must not forget that such frightening mass murders occurred day in, day out in other parts of the world, and still do. … Religion [he does not have the courage to say “Islam”] has always been a pretext, a rhetorical cover, one that can be and is manipulated by fascist gangs.
Here we go again… Such old Stalinist jargon cannot go unappreciated. Muslim killers and white fascists, what’s the difference! And in Alain Badiou’s eyes, these fascist groups themselves are obviously manipulated by — guess who? Why, ‘globalised capitalism’, of course! In short, it is capitalism that kills people through the arms of the jihadists, not Islam. What beautiful analytical skill, rivalling that of Soral and Francis Cousin![101]
In his desire to clear Islam and his Afro-Maghrebian followers, Emmanuel Todd prefers, for his part, to attack those that defend Charlie Hebdo, as he proceeds to denounce ‘charlist hypocrisy’. The spewing of antifa slogans and a Palestinian flag that is brandished on each and every occasion are, alongside the targeting of policemen, the daily bread of Islamo-leftists, who not only hate the French flag, a symbol of our native identity, but combine their ritualistic and overused ‘anti-fascist fight’ with a defence of Muslims, which could not have come about at a worse time. An alliance between antifascism and Islamophilia is akin to mixing chalk with cheese.
The same brainless illogicality is encountered among other, more moderate Islamo-leftists of the self-righteous Left: murderous jihadists are thus exonerated and Islam vindicated. The former are labelled ‘misled’ and ‘unbalanced’, yet are simultaneously described — in a contradictory manner, as if in an effort to incriminate French society — as being ‘desperate’ and ‘nihilists that have lost their way’. The poor despondent bastards deserve to be shown some understanding… Given their state of mind, it is no wonder that they slaughter people in the name of allah. Who could blame them, when it is not their fault?
Self-proclaimed Islamologist Olivier Roy, whose soul has surrendered to collaborationism, believes that we should not speak of ‘radical Islam’ but of an ‘Islamisation of radicalism’. Nice imbecilic jargon, I must say, representing yet another effective way to absolve Islam of its crimes. In the aftermath of the November 2015 Bataclan attacks, in which many of our French children, youths, teens, women and brothers lost their lives, this impostor wrote the following words in Le Monde: ‘Jihadism is a generational and nihilistic revolt’. Oh, really? A revolt that has lasted more than 1,400 years? Roy has adopted the insane view advocated by fashionable thug Tariq Ramadan on the relegation of young Muslim immigrants to the bottom of society (Alain Soral has claimed the same thing), implying that France is somehow responsible for this. In short, as far as these gentlemen are concerned, we were actually asking for it, asking to be targeted by this deadly jihad, right? It gets even worse, though: when it comes to vehicle-ramming attacks, which are becoming ever more frequent in Europe and involve a Muslim driver each and every time, there are none who speak of premeditated terrorism, but merely of a ‘bout of madness’. This way, one does not have to ask oneself too many questions.
Gilles Kepel, a former Islamolatrist who switched sides once he awoke to the reality of our situation, is now lucid enough to believe that the constantly rehashed term ‘radical’ is but a screen-word concealing the true face of a global ideology of conquest founded upon the ‘hegemony of Salafist discourse’, which is spreading jihadism and preparing, as part of its most important strategic objective, to ignite passions in the French suburbs. In one of Libération’s opinion columns, the author of Terreur dans l’Hexagone[102] speaks of a ‘strategy that aims to foment, in a Europe considered by Daesh ideologists to be the West’s soft underbelly, a war in which everyone shall clash with everyone else and whose purpose is to trigger the old continent’s implosion’.
There are those who suddenly become lucid and whose eyes are opened by the shock of reality, yet they always retain a disheartening sort of naivety, an excessively idealistic attitude that is as disarming as it is ridiculous. In the aftermath of the Bataclan massacre, Jean Birnbaum, the director of Monde des livres,[103] thus shared his thoughts on the issue: ‘The events that took place on the 13th of November have changed our entire perspective, and one suddenly understands the extreme urgency of answering the following question: “What were those people thinking?”’ Rarely does one have the opportunity to read such unintelligent questioning. What were those who established Soviet gulags and Khmer Rouge executioners thinking, I wonder? The answer is simple — the only thing on their mind was religious and ideological fanaticism. Nothing else.
As for the Bataclan killers, what they had in mind was the age-old ambition of having people submit to genuine Islam as defined by the Qur’an and the hadiths. The only horizons that their superstitious little brains have while waiting to be allowed into paradise lies in the killing of ‘infidels’ and apostates, just like their jihadist ancestors once did. Nothing has changed since the death of Mohammed in 632, and nothing ever will. And they are emulated by their admirers, who are all fascinated by their sanguinary games and shall swell the ranks of the ever more numerous future jihadists.
After the targeted massacre at Charlie Hebdo, pro-Islamic collaborator Emmanuel Todd, always predictable in his fads, exclaimed: ‘What worries me is not so much the handful of unbalanced individuals [jihadists are, in fact, not unbalanced at all, but purpose-conscious and motivated criminal warriors] as the reasons why our society has become totally hysterical’. What he was referring to were the massive demonstrations in favour of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo killings. In other words, in Todd’s twisted mind, it is not such bloody attacks that are a cause for concern, but the defensive reactions and protests of the ‘hysterical’ (and therefore racist, basically?) French people. Poor sod…
As the chief of staff in the realm of the self-righteous, Bernard-Henri Levy also displays great naivety and faltering perceptiveness. In one of his chronicles for Point,[104] he was scandalised by people’s attempts to justify the nihilism of ‘Daesh bastards’. He thus explained that ‘to ascribe an ideal to the jihadists is to do them a favour’ — but of course they have an ideal! Even if it is brutal and barbaric in its ends and means, as ceaselessly revealed by centuries of Islamisation, it is still an ideal, i.e. a glorified idea that they long to implement.
BHL would like to turn these jihadists, all of whom allegedly lack any Muslim ideals, into simple gangs of cruel and criminal gangsters, a bunch of ‘bastards’ similar to the mafias and cartels of Latin America and using similar methods. What a grave mistake. To slaughter us (beginning with BHL himself) and terrorise us in order to complete the conquest of our lands, in strict application of Qur’anic guidelines — such is their ideal, their governing principle, and their war plan, whose primary targets we ourselves embody. This has nothing to do with cartels nor with any mafia’s heinous ambitions.
Jihadism is not a madness afflicting unbalanced individuals or an expression of nihilist despair, nor is it the violence spread by simplistic gangster ‘bastards’ — even if the perpetrators, contemptible thugs that they are, do indeed resort to methods of criminality. It is all a brutal strategy of aggression that surfaced among the Arabs during the seventh century. The fact that it leads to bloodshed and destroys civilisations has never bothered Muslims, especially those who chant belligerent Qur’anic suras in Salafist mosques.
And there is also Pierre Manent, whose significance in the field of philosophy is equal to that of François Bayrou[105] in politics and whose capitulatory ideas are bound to delight the Muslim strategists plotting the future Islamic assumption of power in France. To him, anti-Islamists are the ‘new Matamoros’,[106] i.e. those who long to drive out Islam, just as they once did in Spain. A seemingly wise old man, Manent is actually a prominent member of the Islamosphere, a dyed-in-the-wool rightist who attracted public attention by proposing a compromise with Islam in the process of immigrational colonisation — a compromise proposal which he outlined in his essay entitled Situation de la France,[107] in a display of false realism and advance submission. Pierre Manent is one of the mentors behind the intellectual periodical Élements, one of the last surviving relics of the now defunct ‘New Right’.[108]
Let us, furthermore, briefly mention Libération, which has long been complicit in the Islamisation of our country, perhaps also even in a carefree form of jihadist terrorism, by systematically playing down its impact on our country. Following the large-scale sanguinary attacks of November 2015, the above-mentioned daily published a very shady opinion column fraught with hazy and convoluted ideas and entitled ‘We Stand United’, whose co-signatories included the leaders of the rather unclearly defined CCIF (the Collective Against Islamophobia in France mentioned earlier, whose activists maintain close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) and the ever-committed useful idiot Jean-Louis Bianco, the president of the Islamophilic pressure group Observatoire de la laïcité.[109] Their opinion column thus proceeded to minimise the killings’ Islamic inspiration.
Other Dangerous Figures of the Islamosphere
One must not forget the presence of Bondy Blog, a widely broadcast online medium that flirts with both provocative video violence and verbal vulgarity and will play a major role in the coming racial civil war. It was founded during the ethnic riots of 2005 — a dress rehearsal for what we will most probably soon experience — to give a voice to the young people that inhabit our problem estates. As if they could ever have anything intelligent to say! It is a logorrhoeic and obviously Islamophilic tool with anti-White, anti-French, and often anti-Semitic stances; one that remains homophobic, misogynistic, and highly complacent about Daesh, jihad and terrorism, advocating the Great Replacement on our soil. It is one of the ideological agitprop instruments paving the way for the violence of the coming war, as the French state simply turns a blind eye, preferring, instead, to pursue the Islamophobia of its own compatriots and its imaginary dangers.
Macron’s party, La République En Marche, whose position on immigrational issues and Islam is, just like his own, anything but clear, was infiltrated by pro-jihadist radical Muslims who were then discreetly exfiltrated following various incidents and criminal offences. As for ex-Trotskyite Mélenchon’s ‘unsubmissive’ France, it does not mind bowing to Islam as a prelude to future political action. It is a source of great joy for triumphant Islamo-leftism. This collusion with the Islamosphere is implemented on a large scale. A professional liar and an old yet seasoned veteran, Mélenchon, who happens to be both an admirer of the Spanish Republicans that persecuted the clergy and a convinced anticlerical (just like the Left in the days of our great-grandparents), is nonetheless very reverential towards imams. Despite being a loudmouth and a braggart who advocates factitious republicanism, he has all the characteristics of a submissive individual, a classic psychological trait among those that have been shaped by Marxist totalitarianism. French MP Danièle Obono, one of the elected flagships of the La France Insoumise, has been indulging in ever-increasing gestures of sympathy and signs of submission to Islam, by kind permission of her boss and mentor.
As for Le Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA),[110] it is just as paleo-Marxist and has slipped into the same straightforward Islamo-leftism as the alter-globalists of the ATTAC association and a myriad of leftist groups that are often violent (Black Blocs, Zadistes, Antifas etc.), all of whom are passionate supporters of immigration and look at Islam with puppy-dog eyes. What these people want is a civil war against our white nationalists! A war in which they intend to participate as collaborationists and complementary auxiliary forces, which, judging by their writings and comments in all of our media, will also be true of the camarilla of intellectuals and journalists who frolic around the Islamosphere. By espousing the belief that the Muslims will be grateful to them and reward them handsomely in the event of a partial or more consistent assumption of power, they have all surrendered to sheer delusion. For that is definitely not how things are done around here. They had better jump off the ship as soon as they have harvested the meagre fruits of their despicable treason.
Last but not least, there is a very special case within the Islamosphere, one that is more interesting than that of the collaborationists, yet much more disturbing — the Indigenous People of the Republic (PIR), which, although a mere groupuscule, is extremely effective, influential and vindictive. Its members are neither Islamophilic native Frenchmen nor collaborationists, but descendants of immigrants who, afflicted by a contagious sort of delirium, feel that they are being treated as inferior populations in France, as were allegedly the natives in our former colonies.
A major figure of the PIR is Muslim-Arab pasionaria Houria Bouteldja, an unsightly and loose-lipped provocateur accustomed to spewing out constant anti-French diatribes and displaying an anti-White racism that betrays her untreated mental complexes. She was the one who, as part of a pathetic play on words worthy of the school-yard racism of French ghettos, labelled our French natives ‘souchiens’[111] (i.e. less-than-dogs, how subversive!). Her tiny little brain comes up with a great deal of nonsense, of which the following is a good example: ‘If a black woman is raped by a black man, it is completely understandable for her not to complain in order to protect the black community’. I can only wonder: if Houria Bouteldja herself were raped by one of her co-religionists, would she file a complaint against him?
In a display of utter and perfectly conscious bad faith, she accuses the French state of being neo-colonialist, racist and Islamophobic, yet still manages to get everyone riled up and coaxes both the members of our low-end mediatic intelligentsia and the frustrated Black-Browns. She has the necessary audacity to state such things, yet lacks the skill to conceal her role of accomplice when it comes to murderers: indeed, in November 2011, she co-signed a manifesto denouncing the French public’s support of Charlie Hebdo following the punitive and blasphemy-motivated arson that destroyed the establishment. Just like the CCIF, the PIR does the bidding of an entire nebula of radical Muslim associations that indulge in entryism and agitation within our French society, often under the pretext of organising social actions, sport events, etc. and for the sole purpose of a medium-term assumption of power.
In the Val d’Oise department, Salafist networks have attempted to infiltrate several important municipalities and public schools.
Why Embrace Islamophilia and Islamo-Leftism?
What accounts for the fascination exerted by Islam upon all these people, these deep thinkers or often hateful anonymous activists who were shaped and breastfed by atheistic Marxism, as is the case with the viscerally anti-clerical Mélenchon, a great admirer of the Spanish Republic that slaughtered priests and nuns (with religion admittedly ‘the opium of the people’, yet no better than post-modernism)? Why are these eternally communistic dinosaurs and leftists that advocate libertarian or anarchist ideas so fascinated by Islam? Why do they all throw themselves into its arms and submit to it, especially when one considers how superstitious, obscurantist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, inegalitarian and pro-slavery Islam is?
Is it because this entire left-wing Islamosphere, with all its politicians and journalists, seeks to protect itself and secure some positions of its own in the event that the oh-so intimidating Muslims end up claiming more and more power in France, in accordance with a previously observed logic dating back to the era of collaboration and the Vichy regime? In part, yes, but this is not the only factor.
Is it due to ideological reasons, as is often said? Is it the result of the fact that Muslim immigrants are perceived as the new oppressed proletarians and have, in this regard, replaced our poor native working-class Frenchmen, who are considered to have betrayed the Left by supporting populistic, identitarian and therefore racist parties and movements? Once again, this is only partly the case, for it remains quite difficult for anyone to drive politicians and journalists — even the left-oriented ones amongst them — to acknowledge Muslim immigrants as the new wretched of the earth when the authorities have been granting them privileges, rights, aid and subsidies that others, namely our natives, have been deprived of.
Is it because, in the eyes of this priest-hating Left that harbours a particular abhorrence for our deep-rooted Catholic tradition and its festivals, calvaries, bells, and nativity scenes (all of which are in full recession these days), Islam comes across as a destructive force whose countless followers shall proceed to replace the despised Whites on both an ethnic and religious level? Partly, but not completely; for this fact alone can definitely not account for the entire state of affairs.
No, what particularly fascinates these dumbstruck Islamo-leftists, these defrocked Trotskyists, these intellectuals nursed in the lap of cultural Marxism, these old communists or crypto-communists that still hold Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin in high regard and venerate Mao, Pol Pot, the violence of the Reign of Terror (1792–1793), the Paris Commune of 1871 and the crimes committed by the Spanish Republicans, is something consubstantial with Islam, something that they have in common with the latter and that is the focus of their deference and adoration — the tropism of fanatical violence and totalitarianism, which remain correlated and inseparable. That is what they have been missing since the disappearance of ‘genuine’ communism! And what Islam is now offering them is a similar dish, served bloody and on a silver platter.[112]
As the Catholics Lose Their Footing
The Catholic Divide
A majority of practising French Catholics no longer identify with this obstinate pro-immigration attitude, which avails itself of both Christian charity and the parable of the Good Samaritan and is advocated by the hierarchy of bishops and priests upon whom such discourse (the greasy anti-racism of the France culture trend) is imposed. It is especially supported by the ideology of the Jesuit Pope Francis, the ferocious enemy of the ethnic identity of white Europe and the objective accomplice of the migrational invasion conducted under the banner of Islam.[113] All in the name of Christ, whose word is universalistic and breaks with a Judaism theologically considered to be of a ‘national’ essence.
An important ideological conflict has established itself on the subjects of immigration and Islam, with practising or, alternatively, non-churchgoing Catholics attached to a certain ingrained cultural tradition on one side and the Church, its institutions, its hierarchy, and its ideology on the other. Theological and societal Catholicism are experiencing a state of difficult cohabitation and thus find themselves on the brink of divorce.
The Church and its lobby groups have been very influential in encouraging immigration and tolerance towards Muslims, who have always been enemies of the Cross. Judeo-centric circles furiously denounce the fact that Jewish lobbies have allegedly fostered or even organised the entire migrational invasion single-handedly, when it was, in fact, the lobbies linked to the Catholic Church that were the first to manoeuvre. This is easy to demonstrate when one decrypts the hierarchy’s texts and positions since the 1970s.
The Catholic world in France is now deeply divided. On the one hand, we have the practising population, whose members finance the institution, are rather traditionalistic, identitarian and right-oriented, and include many large and provincial families devoid of any ‘diversity’ (hence the fierce hostility that the left-wing and possibly Catholic bourgeoisie targets them with). On the other, there is the Church and its prelates, who have become increasingly and more openly xenophilic since the Second Vatican Council, as part of a situation of growing disconnection with Catholic people. The dramatic crisis afflicting the ordainment of new priests and the increase of traditionalist movements involving priests in cassocks are proof of this. Similarly, the arrival of priests from Black Africa has not been without issues, either…
The famous Manif pour tous[114] and all the movements which, despite their lack of political orientation, have voiced the same concerns alongside their hostility to homosexual marriage, assisted reproductive technology and surrogacy, have come up against the hostility of the entire dominant ideology, whose hidden motives are as ethnic as they are political. This is because the protesters represent our native France, which is admittedly largely Catholic, endowed with substantial human resources and hated by the intellectual and mediatic bourgeoisie.
For the first time in centuries, we are witnessing Muslim threats against the Christians in France…
Father Hamel was an old priest butchered during Mass, in his own church in Normandy, by two young Arabs in the name of Islam (allahu akbar! is the hate-spewing cry that accompanies all these gratuitous assassinations, whose numbers are on the increase in Europe).[115] It is an extremely potent symbol of the ruthless war of aggression now being waged against us, a war to which we should respond with equal brutality. The most abject barbarism is now seeping into our lands. Within the circles of the Catholic hierarchy, the assassination of Father Hamel was compared to the execution of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a Polish priest who was tortured and killed by the communists in 1984. It is a mockery to even suggest this, for the two events are completely dissimilar. Father Popiełuszko was an active anti-Communistic and militant member of Solidarność[116] and was not executed as a Catholic priest but as a pivotal political adversary of the local regime.
The assassination of Father Hamel is fraught with enormous symbolic significance. Never since the dawn of French history, since Clovis’ baptism, in fact, had Muslims murdered a priest on our soil, in a church, and in the name of their god. Our mostly idiotic and brainless Frenchmen, lulled to sleep and anaesthetised by the system, failed to comprehend what was happening, that the gratuitous murder of Father Hamel marked the beginning of what is, at the very least, a war of religion declared by Islam in its usual sanguinary manner, especially when we know perfectly well that Muslim invaders consider France and Catholic Christianity to be intimately linked. Just like the Jews, Catholics are a primary target to them.
As expected, neither the Muslim authorities and associations nor the self-righteously naïve Left — let alone the corrupt supporters of Islamo-leftism — were willing to clearly and vigorously condemn the assassination. Ever so timid, the hierarchy of the Church did everything not to have to step into the breach and stand up to Islam. Islam is innocent of all such acts, everyone knows that! Islam has nothing to do with Islam!
The assassination of Father Hamel, which followed other failed attempts at attacking churches, is but a pre-civil war episode, an unprecedented wake-up call. In April 2015, Muslim-Arab Sid Ahmed Ghlam was stopped mere moments before committing total carnage in some churches of Villejuif. What has been happening on a daily basis to oriental Christians, who are falling victim to Muslim persecution, is logically being imported here, to a France that tolerates its own Islamisation and remains gravely unaware of what awaits it in future.
Since the 2015 Muslim-Arab attacks, armed soldiers have been deployed in front of our main churches every Christmas and Easter. In 2015, for example, 1,236 churches were protected against Muslim murderers, a number that rose to 2,391 in 2016. The peaceful days experienced by Christians in Europe seem to have come to an end. In Lourdes, the perimeter surrounding the areas where ceremonies are held on the occasion of religious festivals is secured by our police forces and soldiers; an identical deployment of our security forces takes place whenever the Rocamadour pilgrimage and the like are organised. Who would have thought this possible some twenty years ago? Who are those who clearly designate the enemy and the threat? Who dares to connect the latter with the overflow of allogeneous Muslims resulting from our open borders and their excessive birth rates? And who shall have the courage to brutally interrupt this invasive process and defend us?
To French Catholics, the fact that places of worship and pilgrimage have been placed under armed protection is an unprecedented development since the Muslim-Arab raids that originated from conquered Spain during the eighth and ninth centuries. However, the reactions of the Catholic hierarchy have been weak and are bound to be a source of joy for the jihadists themselves. In accordance with the Gospels (a fact that is important to bear in mind), the Church of France has been calling for mercy and forgiveness. By contrast, the religious authorities of persecuted oriental Christians have neither been taking such linguistic precautions nor abiding by any theological modesty in the face of their Islamic aggressors.
A survey conducted by the IFOP[117] in 2017 revealed that the slaughter of Father Hamel at the hands of those two Muslims had traumatised French Christians, who had finally become aware of the Islamic and jihadist threat. Our Christian public opinion and Christian believers both disapprove of the fact that the Church of France has put the murder of Father Hamel by Muslims and the execution of Father Popiełuszko by Polish Communists (1984) on an equal footing. Communism, an ephemeral opponent of the Church and Christian faith, has nowadays disappeared from Europe. Archaic Islam, however, whose hatred of Christianity first emerged fourteen centuries ago, has been settling here and quietly establishing its presence. The prelates of the Orient, who are lucid and experienced in this regard, have never ceased to warn us: ‘They shall do to you what they have been doing to us.’ The implied message is the following — eradicate them from Europe before it is too late.
Weakness, Cowardice, Denial and Gullibility — The Four Pillars of Our Disappearance
In December 2016, the Berlin Christmas market — a strong Christian symbol in its own right — was targeted by a jihadist who, similarly to what we witnessed in Nice in July 2014, used a truck to ram into people. The death toll totalled twelve infidels offered to allah-the-most-merciful as a sacrifice. In his anti-racist desire to avoid potential ‘amalgamations’ and the ‘stigmatisation’ of Muslims, a certain Green MP (an Islamophilic leftist, which constitutes an almost pleonasmic combination of words) refused to allow the assassin’s wanted notice to be published. One is thus plunged into the very depths of collaboration and complicity with those criminal invaders.
Angela Merkel, who, as part of a theatrical and fake sort of humanitarianism, has organised the Syrian migrant invasion, is also objectively co-responsible for the situation. Although the migrants are mostly Muslims, their exclusively Syrian origin has yet to be proven.
As for Ivan Rioufol, he believes that, through its elites, Europe is digging its own grave. Here is what he wrote in Le Figaro: ‘German society is devastated by its own self-blame. Thus do emasculated civilisations perish’. The greatest fear of Western European leaders, of those frightened collaborators, is that a reaction on the part of our indigenous populations against the constant terrorist acts will soon give birth to violent resistance. Their motto is: smooth and subtle collaboration, no resistance, no provocation! In addition, of course, to hollow slogans of the Macronian type (‘Let us open up to the world!’ — what a splendid idea to open up to Islam, since it itself is also so very open!). The submersion of France in the flood-like migrational backwaters and its forced Islamisation are the results of a humanitarian utopia mixed with an aversion for one’s traditional country and a bullet-proof bad conscience. These degenerate elites are completely indifferent to, and sometimes even revel in, the dramatic situation experienced by their indigenous people, who are despised, mocked and constantly insulted.
Consider the quite marked state of insanity and stupidity betrayed by Macron when he declared, shortly after Mutti Merkel had opened the doors to welcoming approximately one million migrants (fake refugees and genuine invaders whose ranks, incidentally, happened to comprise only men): ‘She has saved our collective dignity by welcoming refugees in distress and avoiding amalgamations’.[118] It is by allowing others to invade us that we are to reclaim our honour. Christian charity, you say? The hyped propaganda of cosmopolitan ideology, which is surreptitiously anti-White and hostile to indigenous Frenchmen that declare themselves as such and watch Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s[119] broadcasts on TV, rages all around us, especially in the media with close ties to the powers-that-be. This ideology is protected by a politicised and biased justice system that has surrendered to the same reflexes of submission and collaboration that others once embraced in communist regimes or during the Vichy period (whatever one may think of it). Choosing not to mince words, Ivan Rioufol writes:
The West will only avoid a debacle if it readopts its lost principles of authority, strength, and war. Obama’s Islamophilia has accentuated the vulnerability of the free world, a world which Merkel has betrayed in the name of “diversity” by opening the door to more than one million Muslims. (Le Figaro, 6th January, 2017)
Stimulated by unlimited immigration and superior birth rates and driven by an aggressive, pathological, conquering and proselytising sort of virility, Islam is gaining power all over Western Europe, and especially here, in France. This contrasts with the sluggishness, carelessness and hollowness charactering our leaders, the future vanquished ones who are always content with themselves and their own failures. Boualem Sansal, an Algerian anti-Islamist writer whose perceptiveness is equal to that of all those who find themselves in such an uncomfortable situation, made the following statement on 13th December, 2010: ‘France has already ventured far on its path of Islamisation and is now prepared to give everything away’. Our media and elected officials strive to minimise this large-scale phenomenon and refer to other matters so as to divert attention, just like a tubercular that clings to the idea that he is only suffering from angina.
The Beginning of a Religious War that Heralds a Racial One
Although the everyday warning signs that point to an ethnic and religious civil war are unmistakeable, one voluntarily chooses to conceal its symptoms. On a global scale, a religious war has indeed begun with the sustained aggression of Islam against other communities, especially Christian ones (in Central Africa, the Middle East, and Catholic Asia), amidst a deafening silence on the part of the Vatican and European bishops, who are too busy rescuing Arabs and Blacks from misery all around the world.
From the assassination of Father Hamel and the persecutions, murders, spoliations and expulsions targeting Christians in the Middle East, to the above-mentioned carnage at the Berlin Christmas market and the January 2017 Istanbul attack against a discotheque frequented by Western Christians (which left thirty-nine fatal casualties in its wake and attracted some attention), Islam’s bloody pace has clearly not slackened. Those Catholics who do not understand the extent of the danger that now threatens them are either stupid or blinded by a rather convenient sort of faith — for to preach love in all circumstances and forgiveness of the most atrocious crimes is the best excuse for cowards to constantly justify their own inaction.
The numerous attacks on churches that were foiled in both France and other countries and the aggressions perpetrated against Christians in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Philippines and all of Oceania prove that Christianity and its symbols have become the targets of an Islam that is now openly moving on to warlike jihad on a global scale, as if by some kind of contagion. To increase its atavistic aggressiveness, it has proceeded to take advantage of its prey’s own weaknesses. Regardless of the presence of emasculated European states, never have Islam’s ambitions come up against such a weak and unresponsive Christianity as the one symbolised by Pope Francis, who is both a traitor and a madman.
A predator, however, is always excited by its prey’s good-naturedness. When we deny the threat and try to hide the fact that it has now entered an active phase, we rob ourselves of our ability to respond to it. Donald Trump is, to my knowledge, the only head of state ever to have stated anything like this:
The Islamic State and other terrorists are constantly attacking Christians in their communities and places of worship. The situation is only getting worse, and the civilised world must change its way of thinking.
And he is absolutely right.
The Real Reasons for Anti-Catholic Hostility
These reasons are neither of a religious nor of an ideological nature, but are, above all, sociological — trapped in a state of mental torpor and always in denial of reality, the pacifistic, blinded, Islamophilic and hopelessly anti-racist dominant ideology pretends not to have seen or detected our inner enemy. One must not forget the example of Vincent Peillon, our (socialist) former Minister of Education, who acted as the licensed parrot of the official vulgate of political correctness and is also a notorious Islamo-collaborationist. In January 2017, Peillon had the gall to liken the fate of Muslims to that of Jews under Vichy, accusing our French secularism of discriminating against them.
Obsessed with the olden days of the mouldering French Revolution and Third Republic, the Islamophilic Left has not ceased to espouse anti-clerical attitudes and has been wallowing in Pavlovian anti-Catholicism, as seen during the occasionally brutal and disproportionate repression targeting the Manif Pour Tous, the anti-homosexual marriage movement organised by Catholic networks (excluding the clerical hierarchy).
In actual fact, the purpose is not so much for the Left — and the hegemonic ideology it imposes on our entire political spectrum — to attack our currently defenceless priesthood and Catholicism, whose priests and believers are steadily decreasing, as to express its animosity towards this sociologically Catholic and indigenous France, with its generally large families and heterosexual members who marry their own kind, remaining respectful of our traditions, attached to our French identity and rooted in their age-old homeland. In short, WHITE PEOPLE are the ones targeted. Despite the fact that it never displays any aggression nor harms anyone, this class of culturally Catholic Whites irritates these insane leftists, who consider its presence to be completely unacceptable and a source of disorder in our new-found national landscape.
Will the Left’s pathological, masochistic, rancid and unhealthy anti-White/anti-French racism one day be complicit in murderous acts, perhaps? Very possibly so. The coming racial war will also pit Whites against each other, on both sides of the conflict — on the one hand, those who want to protect their own genes and, on the other, the traitors who long to disappear, dragging their whole people along with them into their bizarre suicide.
Have You Ever Met Genuinely Racist Catholics? I Definitely Haven’t!
The main problem is that we do not seem to have an adequate response plan in the face of this leftist hatred of Christianity and its cultural wealth. Whether against their political opponents (progressists and seculars) or, more generally, their historical adversaries (mainly Muslim conquerors), Catholics lack the necessary panache.
At this stage, we find ourselves slightly outside our analysis, as we enter the realm of assessment and summarise our experience. For my part, I have never met a single Catholic who could be described as racist (with all that the word implies and truly means), even in the company of nationalistic Catholics who consider themselves to be strict traditionalists. It is all quite simple, actually: ask any patriotic Catholic if an African who also happens to be a patriot and has recently converted to Christianity should be sent home in the event of a mass de-migration process that would follow our side’s lightninglike assumption of power. You will see how long they will hesitate before giving you an answer. There we have it! No, seriously now, hesitations of this order are no longer acceptable. We have no time to waste on such childishness. Foreigners are DIFFERENT FROM US and must return to their homeland as soon as possible. Period.
I do not know whether Catholicism has been burdening itself with this kind of misplaced modesty in other parts of the world, but I do know that, every year, thousands of Polish believers come together to protest against the Islamic invasion of Europe.[120] Anything is therefore possible, although I do see things as they really are: our right-wing Catholics are prisoners of their own intellectualism and of an annoying sort of biological relativism. In their eyes, Blacks and Maghrebian people have a soul just like ours. They do not wish to fight at all and, at best, establish a sort club to reflect on immaterial things such as love, brotherhood, Jesus Christ, symbols, etc. All of this would, of course, be fascinating if we were not already on the brink of being wiped off the face of the Earth, damn it!
At this point of our book, everyone should be able to understand that in order to win a racial war, one must first be racist, regardless of whether one participate in it willingly or reluctantly. One must acknowledge others as being different, categorise them as ‘enemies’, hate them and then fight against them.
A racial AND civil war will involve violence, as well as terrible tragedy and injustice. Making very quick decisions will turn out to be necessary. We must accept the fact that some deaths, even within the enemy camp, will neither be just nor pleasant to cause. An indigenous person must, however, choose other natives over all foreigners, rather than prefer some allogeneic ‘brothers in Christ’. In their desire to soften the hearts of the French people fighting them, many immigrants will attempt to play this card. They will try to come across as unreproachable Christians so as to make us lower our weapons. I therefore hope that white Catholics will not stand in the way of our identitarians in an effort to save their beloved mulattoes. Indeed, those that shall strive to prevent us from doing what is necessary and cleansing the continent will soon be seen for what they obviously are — nothing more than traitors.
The Jews Amidst the Racial War
The Jewish Community in the Front-Row Seats
As I have previously suggested in my book entitled The New Jewish Question, which has often been misunderstood, one can predict that a civil war between the different communities of France will actively involve the Jews. The latter community faces a virulent and growing wave of anti-Semitism that no longer comes from the traditional far-Right, unless we count its psychotic representatives such as Alain Soral, who is both fascinated and manipulated by extremist Muslims. Instead, it originates from Arab and Afro-Islamic milieus, whose members are young and vindictive.
For a decade or so, these third-world populations have increasingly been targeting Jews with abuse, crime, vandalism and threatening words that always go unpunished, as part of a development that can no longer be denied by observers, all of whom must also acknowledge that no act of violence, aggression or retaliation has ever been undertaken by the members of the Jewish community in return. Just like our native French people, the Jews have allowed themselves to be harassed and killed by Maghrebian scum, without ever doing anything about it, unless one counts the pressure exerted by Jewish associations on the French government in an effort to have their synagogues protected by experienced soldiers. To my knowledge, however, no Jew has ever reacted individually, i.e. in the pagan and manly sense generally ascribed to the term.
Lowbrow anti-Zionists keep repeating that Jewish lobbies are actually behind the Afro-Arab-Muslim immigrational invasion. What they forget is, on the one hand, that it is the Jewish community itself that suffers most as a result of the assassinations, bullying and incessant aggression that Mohammedan colonisation generates, and, on the other, that the main pro-immigration and Islamophilic pressure groups are not Jewish but belong, instead, either to leftist humanitarian associations with no apparent link to Jewry or are associated with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which supports the ideas of Pope Francis.
The ‘court Jews’ I have mentioned elsewhere are a different case. They are all calculating intellectuals (Todd, Minc, Morin, Kouchner, in a list that is far too long for me to complete) who have cut themselves off from their own community, and especially its popular fringe, and are not particularly attached to Israel. They have thus chosen for themselves the path of ambiguity and negotiation. They are nothing but filthy collaborators.
In the event of a racial civil war involving allogeneous Muslims, which, in my opinion, is no longer a conjecture but a certainty, one can predict that the population of Jewish origin will find itself in the front row and endure extreme aggressions that may well resemble those it has already experienced both in Europe and elsewhere. The historical destiny of this people is to start from scratch, again and again, everywhere and identically.
The Threat of a New Kind of Anti-Semitism
Jewish historian Georges Bensoussan has contributed to the collective work entitled A New Anti-Semitism in France, which was released in 2018. Having been accused of racism (how original, oh la la!) and Islamophobia, especially by the biased and rather ambiguous CCIF, whose activities we have already covered at length, he was fortunately acquitted. The book goes back to the horrible and incredible case of Sarah Halimi, a Jewish sexagenarian tortured at home — to cries of allahu akbar! — by one of her neighbours, a large black Muslim man, who then proceeded to fatally defenestrate her. The event was marked by a scandalous and very fishy absence of intervention on the part of the approximately twenty policemen that the building’s inhabitants had called and asked to intervene; not to mention our justice system’s suspicious delay in qualifying this abominable crime as ‘anti-Semitic’, a crime whose author was not thrown in prison immediately, but first placed in a psychiatric hospital for being — guess what? ‘Unbalanced’. How typical.
This Judeophobic murder, which followed many others, marked a symbolic turning point in the rise of this new anti-Semitism, one that is bound to play a major role in the event of an outbreak of civil war. In the wake of the mostly Muslim mass immigration (or at least one that is becoming increasingly Muslim in our country — for the more people rub shoulders with the bearded men inhabiting the housing estates, the more some convert in order to survive), what one notices, according to Georges Bensoussan, is the clear emergence of a new anti-Semitism that has broken with the previous one. It has nothing to do with that of our contemporary far Right, which, incidentally, is in a state of complete decrepitude, nor with that of the old Catholic circles and their hunger for conspiracy theories (Pierre Hillard,[121] for instance, is completely out of his mind).
Unlike the one experienced after the war, which was both very theoretical and literary, this new anti-Semitism kills and leads to daily violence. Fifteen Jews were murdered between 2006 and 2018, not to mention the approximately fifty others that were wounded, the spread of aggressiveness and constant threats on the part of you know who, and the targeting of middle-class and working-class Jews, whose children can no longer even attend public school. Nowadays, their situation in France is more distressing — much more, even — than that of their parents who once fled from the Maghreb, which is completely unacceptable. A domestic Jewish exodus (with 80% of all Jewish residents having left the Seine-Saint-Denis area within a period of fifteen years) has gone hand in hand with an Aliya towards Israel (totalling 52,000 departures between 2003 and 2016), not to mention the Jewish emigrations that have not been accounted for to other countries of the world. Fleeing France has become their priority! It is as if the Jews had understood well before us natives that the country is going to be torn apart by the horrors of a civil war.
In an interview with Le Figaro (24th April, 2018), it was once again Georges Bensoussan who remarked:
The forces of denial remain powerful. … While denouncing anti-Semitism (“Never again!”, they say), one continues to make sure that the source of danger is no longer named.
Indeed, what matters more than anything else is for one not to be suspected of the capital, blasphemous and ruthlessly punishable sin of Islamophobia. Alluding to ethnic partition, which acts as a preliminary condition for the outbreak of a future civil war, Georges Bensoussan goes on to add:
One is all the more intent on mentioning the notion of our “living together” because it is not actually together that we live, but side by side.
In his eyes, this new anti-Semitism, which is mainly of Muslim-Arab origin, ‘no longer speaks the language of racism but, on the contrary, that of a self-victimising and communitarian ideology that adorns itself with anti-racist rags. Yet it is a perverted sort of anti-racism.’ In this regard, one cannot help but think of Les Indigènes de la République.
He then predicts the following:
In spite of the increasing and probably sincere proclamations, there is little doubt that French Jews, and above all, or perhaps even exclusively, those that stem from working-class Judaism, will be left to their fate, just like the “Peripheral France” of Christophe Guilluy, which is subject to the same logic of abandonment.
Here, the parallel drawn is truly a very appropriate one. Yes indeed, they shall be abandoned by our crooked politicians and intellectual-mediatic elites and condemned to suffer their ordeal in the face of the insane immigration, intrusive Islamisation and increasing barbaric criminality of Muslim-Arabs. This is where Georges Bensoussan’s analysis becomes most interesting: in the event of a racial war, and especially because Jews are seen by such scum as a people in their own right (and therefore a race), the fate of the ‘petty Jews’ that find themselves on the front line would not be enviable at all. They would become the primary targets of the violence unleashed by those who claim to be their hereditary enemies. And the state, followed by its cowardly justice system, would never come to their defence…
For it is neither the CRIF nor the pretentious ministers that commemorate the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup[122] that will rush to their aid and protect them. As for the despicable clique of court Jews belonging to the upper intellectual-mediatic classes, all of whom are very well-represented and active in the Islamosphere and remain indifferent to the fate of their modest co-religionists (who are considered poor before they are considered Jewish), they are mistaken when they believe themselves to be safe. The eye of Islam is upon them and will not let them out of sight. To a Muslim, all Jews are equally vile.
Trivialised Anti-Semitic Sermons
The Algerian Mohamed Tataï, the imam of Toulouse, where Mohamed Merah killed both children and adults in the Jewish school of Ozar Hatorah, once maintained very good relations with local community leaders (there are now 40,000 Muslims in this city, totalling 10% of the population — ouch!). This, however, was only meant to pull the wool over their eyes. In December 2017, he undertook to preach an openly anti-Semitic sermon in Arabic which began with a passage taken from the hadiths and attributed to Sahih Muslim (821–875), a venerable and knowledgeable imam globally regarded as one of the masters of Islam, whose teachings are sacred and cannot be called into question: ‘Shortly before a decisive battle, a deadly battle, the Prophet said onto us: “The Day of Judgment shall not come until Muslims have fought against the Jews, and there shall not be a single Jew hiding behind a tree or a stone without that tree or stone saying, “O Muslim, O servant of God, a Jew hides behind me, come forth and slay him”’.
Having read this remarkably childish excerpt from the hadiths, which are considered as sacred as the Qur’an itself, the Imam Tataï embarked on an anti-Israeli and, by extension, anti-Semitic diatribe. He was subsequently reprimanded by the ever-prudent and cunning Dalil Boubakeur, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, and a complaint was filed against him not only by the Union of Jewish Students of France but also by the LICRA,[123] whose members accused him of inciting racial hatred. In harmony with the Arab manner of displaying impudent bad faith and taking one’s interlocutors for imbeciles, the Imam Tataï explained that his preaching was, on the contrary, philo-Semitic and urged Muslims to respect Jews. Is there a point to such cavilling? In its sacred texts, which have now been taught everywhere for tens of generations and include both the Qur’an and the hadiths, Islam is consubstantially anti-Semitic and hostile to Jews in any shape or form. Both Islamic teachings and Muslim culture sustain and transmit this permanent feature.
Have the Jews Been Entrapped by Their Own Doublespeak?[124]
The truth is that the Jewish ethnicity is in a state of permanent contradiction, one that is encountered, above all, at the level of its very definition. Are they an ethnic entity, a nation, a race, or a religious community? The Jews themselves are often ill at ease when asked to answer such queries. ‘Who are we?’ is a question whose answer seems to evade them. They would rather answer the opposite question and say: ‘Consider rather what we are not’. Whatever the case, the feeling of belonging to a Judaic or Israeli entity is much more pronounced among the middle and lower classes — which comprise a Sephardic[125] majority — than among the upper classes of Jewish origin. This situation is currently becoming increasingly conspicuous.
Indeed, religion seems to be at the very heart of the Jewish ethnicity, despite the fact that Jewish religiosity is, by contrast, very weak. Judaism is a religion in the strictest etymological sense — for it binds (re-ligere) people in an ethnocentric way. The relations it has established with its god are, however, of a political and contractual nature, keeping a certain distance and lacking the mysticism of esoteric beliefs. In the Jewish home, agnosticism coexists with ritualism. Their rabbinic and Talmudic theology rejects any and all emotional approaches, because the calculating mindset and analytical means of Judaism are devoid of the slightest hint of romanticism. Judaism dismisses anything sacrosanct — in the Hindu or Catholic sense of the word — and excludes superstition, which constitutes yet another aspect in which it differs from Islam.
The Jewish soul finds itself continuously torn between exacerbated particularism and a universalistic sort of tendency; between its ghettoised spirit and its conquering mindset. Its desire for martyrdom is thus combined with its need to dominate and feel safe. Within the consciousness of the Jewish soul and in accordance with the sacrifice offered by Abraham, the persecutions suffered by the Jews in the course of history (with the Shoah embodying the latter’s metaphysical coronation) bestow upon the Jewish people a sacrificial and mystical trait, an exemplary emblem of the suffering man. This syndrome is a very ancient one, for what Christ represents on an individual level is nothing more than the resumption of the martyrological position espoused by the people of Israel — a sacrificial emblem of humanity’s salvation. I urge all those who would accuse me of extrapolating to consult the Bible in this regard.
This results in a number of contradictory features: their seeking of peace and security while relishing the idea of being jealously hated and persecuted; their aspiration to dominate and proud acknowledgement of their intrinsic superiority, alongside their embracement of the image of a small people that is perpetually under threat. It also corresponds to the twofold allure of an international diaspora and the Zionist idea of returning to one’s sacrificial and inalienable homeland; and, even within Zionism itself, to the discrepancy between the purely Jewish vision of Eretz Israel[126] and the secular and open concept of a Jewish state.
These contradictions do not necessarily act as prohibitive factors. On the contrary, they give rise to a feverish and unique sort of energy among the members of this small people. Despite being nomadic, the Jews have, in the course of their own history, become profoundly rooted in their own particularism — that of their Semitic origins. Simultaneously, however, they have joined and become part of the adventurous undertaking embodied by our European civilisation. The Jews have shown great skill when it comes to influencing the West through the very power of their mythological vision and intelligence, which is much more neocortical than limbic.
They have thus proved to be a small minority capable of playing a role that is disproportionate to its actual size.
Returning to the anti-racism promulgated by some contemporary Jewish intellectuals, what one must understand is that these agents of cosmopolitan influence (Jacques Attali, Bernard-Henri Lévy, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, for instance) are basically what has become known as ‘court Jews’. In addition to being more or less uprooted, they do not concern themselves much with the Jewish ethnicity from which they stem — so much so, in fact, that they would have no problem serving a Muslim government in an Islamised France. Their struggle to spread cosmopolitanism in France and other non-Jewish states bears no connection to a desire to protect Israel from these countries by disseminating the leftist poison in them in such a way that their ethnic homogeneity is left eroded and their indigenous population emasculated.
The fact is that among Jewish intellectuals, those who support cosmopolitanism would like to see it triumph everywhere, whether in Israel or in other lands such as France, Germany, Great Britain and America — not to mention the fact that most of them are openly anti-Zionistic. There is, however, a serious analytical mistake made by numerous anti-Semitic writers, especially Kevin B. MacDonald — that of focusing on the psychological traits of Jewish intellectual movements that are in favour of cosmopolitanism, and of confusing these traits with the behavioural and mental patterns of the Jewish ethnicity. As the intellectual influence of court Jews declines in the West, a growing proportion of ‘common Jews’ are now rejecting both anti-racism and cosmopolitanism, partly in response to the Muslim-Arab invasion.
Tomorrow’s Jews will be modelled on the infamous Ulcan, whose real name is Gregory Chelli. Having initially been obsessed with the idea of hunting down imaginary white Nazis hiding among dissidents, Gregory Chelli, a mentally unstable hacker, then chose to target radical Islam, Islamo-leftists, the Israelis and the French with his malicious intent (I will obviously not praise this featherbrain, since he is out of his mind). Characterised by his unusual animosity towards Palestinians and Muslims by and large, he has declared, in some of the videos that he originally posted through Periscope,[127] that one should ‘trample the heads of Muslim babies’ in order to free the world of the terrorist barbarism that they allegedly bear within themselves since birth. No longer does he conceal his Islamophobia nor his focus on what he considers to be our primary enemy.
Why Do Jews Have a Better Survival Instinct than Christians?
Whereas Christianity comprises a certain masochism that it exacerbates further, there is neither an appeal to espouse weakness and submission nor a grandiloquent and castrating message to be found in Talmudic Judaism (rather the contrary, if anything). The latter embodies essentially the views of Friedrich Nietzsche, who, in addition to being a ferocious denouncer of Christianity, was also a fervent admirer of the Jewish diaspora and a vigorous opponent of anti-Semitism. The precept that commands you to ‘turn the other cheek’ has nothing to do with the Talmud. By preaching a socialistic hatred of the rich and the submission of ethnic Europeans to Maghrebian, African and Asian colonisers, Pope Francis is actually in full harmony, and not contradiction, with the teachings of the Gospels. The Catholics reading my book will find these words difficult to accept and digest, but by urging the Christian world to welcome migrants, our contemporary pope is merely implementing the actual message found in the New Testament, just like an Islamist terrorist would basically proceed to apply Qur’anic precepts. I have read those texts well and can affirm this without hesitation.
The current emasculation afflicting traditionally Catholic countries is nothing but the ultimate result of the prevalence of Judeo-Christian values in the West.
At the same time, the Promethean challenge of biotechnology — a positive type of eugenics involving direct genomic intervention in an effort to improve heredity — poses an enormous problem that runs up against the sensitivities of both monotheistic creationism and anthropocentrism. Talmudic Jews will certainly be more willing to accept whatever shape will be assumed by tomorrow’s ‘improved’ man and integrate it into their religious narrative. In comparison to them, Catholic Christians shall be reluctant to embrace this development and shall, in the long run, suffer a civilisational setback that will turn them into a kind of European Muslims (pardon the expression), but without the latter’s propensity for violence and hatred, of course.
Our Law Enforcement Organisations Are at the End of Their Rope
In the eyes of the famous criminologist Alain Bauer, ‘our national police are experiencing a strong material and moral crisis’ (Le Figaro, 10th July, 2018). To a large extent, his warnings anticipate the coming inevitable ethnic clashes. He then goes on to add that ‘in terms of deadly violence of all conceivable kinds, and regardless of any terrorist context, the French situation is a highly challenging one and raises many questions. … Every passing day highlights a violence that disrupts the daily lives of our citizens’. And yet the fact remains that this daily violence faced by everyone — including our certified, indignant and dogmatic anti-racists — mostly involves Maghrebian and sub-Saharan African individuals, which is a source of great annoyance for all those self-righteous people.
Some famous left-oriented female YouTubers (Tatiana Ventôse, Antastesia) have had the honesty to admit that whenever they have been aggressed, it has always been at the hands of men originally from the Maghreb. Their words have caused a small scandal in the otherwise extremely uneventful world of those whose passion lies in the consumption of brainless and narcissistic videos. Their sincerity, for which we are grateful, has once again proven us right.
The Fanaticised Troops Have Reached Critical Mass
The main driving force behind a potential civil war between enemy peoples — a war that is likely to break out in France and Europe in the first half of the twenty-first century — is the considerable (multi-million) mass of Maghrebian, Negro-African and Middle Eastern populations, whether of foreign nationality, French nationality or any other formal citizenship (which they despise and benefit from) by right of soil or naturalisation. They have thus reached critical mass, a quantitative threshold beyond which all control becomes uncertain and unpredictable. This young, non-European population displays some rather disturbing characteristics of hostility, as highlighted by many sociological studies and surveys, especially Anglo-Saxon ones.
First of all, a great many of them approve of both Islamic terrorism and warmongering jihad against ‘unbelievers’ (to use their expression), i.e. of any ultra-violent act and murder targeting Europeans on their own soil — all, of course, in direct contradiction to the stupid but seemingly non-disposable dogmas of integration and assimilation.
Secondly, the lack of sanctions imposed upon immigrant and foreign juvenile delinquents and the latter’s growing presence not only in the suburbs or ghettos of peri-urban housing estates but also in all cities of more than 25,000 inhabitants constitute explosive factors that have been completely neglected by the state.
The alarming intensification of youth violence stems from the majority of our populations of immigrant origin, with nearly 200,000 minors accused by the police and the gendarmerie in 2017 — twice as much as in 1990. What this indicates is that, in the event of a civil war, the establishment of a recruiting base for enemy troops would easily be ensured.
Driven by a psychotic feeling of resentment towards France tinged with increasingly explicit anti-White racism (as witnessed during the Nick Conrad affair and his appalling music single entitled ‘Pendez les Blancs’),[128] around one million young people of immigrant descent — all of whom are violent, accustomed to delinquency and, more often than not, fascinated not only by radical Islam as an identity marker and transcendental cause but especially by the murderous freedom it offers in the name of an invisible god — are prepared to descend into the streets and to willingly participate in insurrectional riots. They thus lie in wait, anticipating the advent of the Great Evening. As for our smug authorities, they have somehow been unable to secure the services of analysts capable of understanding and predicting such utter blatancies.
In a civil war, much more so than in external wars, which are subject to superior military and disciplinary supervision, all combat operations, attacks and aggressions of a political/religious essence are closely entwined with other, parallel activities of a more heinous nature and greatly facilitated by the surrounding chaos — whether theft, looting or rape. Within the framework of insurrectionary operations, the mobilisation of the above-mentioned young populations, characterised by their non-European origin and their high propensity for violence, will therefore be facilitated by the enticing prospect of racist looting, pillaging and rape. Is it not all part of a tradition embedded in these peoples’ very souls since the birth of Islam?
To terrorise French people — who find themselves disarmed and paralysed by their ideology of guilt and bad conscience, and thus lack the courage to resist and defend themselves — is a dream come true both for those now laying the groundwork for the coming war and those that shall be its future actors. Due to one’s fear, one proceeds to incorrectly assess, or worse still, to conceal the very power of their animosity, frustration and hunger for revenge. Their increased aggressiveness towards our police officers is the harbinger of a generalised armed conflict.
As Our Law Enforcement Forces Are Severely Taken to Task
Thibault de Montbrial, a French barrister and a member of the scientific council of our School of War, has written the following:
During the past years, the violence perpetrated against our law enforcement forces has reached a turning point that can only be described as a reflection of the growing violence spreading throughout our society. The fires are smouldering, and what now looms behind the almost daily incidents is the spectre of future disasters of unparalleled magnitude. (Le Figaro, 7th June, 2018)
What he was obviously referring to, without calling things by their proper name, is something that everyone can easily guess — the outbreak of a racial war.
In the law enforcement domain, suicide and resignation rates are now soaring. One must not forget that from 2015 to early 2018, the attacks carried out on our law enforcement officers resulted in a total of six fatal casualties and nine injuries among the members of our police force and gendarmerie, with one municipal police officer killed and eleven Opération Sentinelle[129] soldiers wounded. As remarked in a report published by the French Ministry of the Interior in 2018, ‘the variety and scale of the threats and the increasing violence are now more than worrying’.
‘And yet, no general strategic proposal has been made to guarantee the internal security of our country in light of these developments,’ notes Montbrial. Indeed, none of this is of any interest to Macron, regardless of all the suicides and resignations following each other in quick succession.
In addition to this, thousands of illegal immigrants are welcomed on a daily basis, as if in an effort to fuel an already extensive fire. As for our law enforcement forces, they just watch in disbelief as this madman’s show unfolds. Some patriots have complained about not being given enough police support, but what exactly are our police officers supposed to do? The moment they gun down such scum in self-defence, they jeopardise their careers and run the risk of being imprisoned. And it is mainly our own state that is responsible for this situation.
A Demoralised Police Force Under Constant Attack — A Major War-Fomenting Factor
Our law enforcement and public security forces, including both the police and the gendarmerie, are undergoing a very serious crisis that has been growing steadily since the beginning of the current century. Whether on duty or in a private setting, they are subjected to hostilities and, at times, lethal aggression at the hands of those young non-indigenous populations and their anarcho-leftist allies and have SIMULTANEOUSLY been deserted by a mostly passive, politicised or biased justice system, with the added bonus of the French state’s active complicity and the authorities’ reluctance to come to their aid.
Our police and gendarmerie, whose normal role is to guarantee public security, have reached the end of their rope and are on the verge of collapse. A June 2018 senatorial commission of inquiry — whose reporter was François Grosdidier (Les Républicains) — investigated this dramatic situation, a situation which contributes to the equation of a very likely ethnic civil war. Why? Demoralised, constantly assaulted by the same people, and harbouring the feeling of having been more or less abandoned by our political powers and especially by a judicial authority that is both cowardly and overwhelmed, the police, now deprived of resources and exasperatingly paralysed by gangster-protecting administrative procedures, could end up embracing an attitude of insubordination and joining, in an improvised and dissident manner, the ranks of a potential popular resistance.
A good example is that of the Magnanville effect. Magnanville is a town where, in June 2016, a police couple were brutally murdered in their own house and in front of their child by a Muslim Arab jihadist. This barbaric assassination takes on the symbolic meaning of a declaration of war, one that is obviously both ethnic and racist in nature. After the murders, the Islamist proceeded to create a video list of mediatic personalities that were to be killed in the name of allah!
Not only do many policemen and gendarmes have to contend with the struggle against Muslim terrorism (who could forget the January 2015 assassination of Ahmed Merabet, a Parisian peacekeeper killed by the perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo murders, the Kouachi brothers, simply because he represented the archetypal Arab traitor serving the interests of white Frenchmen?), but they are also subjected to a protean violence at the hands of Afro-Maghrebian youths supported by leftist militias. During riots, anti-police hatred is often expressed through the use of live ammunition and, as part of a very serious and worsening development, through sanguinary attacks carried out on plain-clothed police officers either in their own homes or in the street. A few days before the first round of the 2017 presidential elections, another policeman was fatally shot in the head on the Avenue des Champs Elysees!
Despite the (modest) efforts made by our Ministry of the Interior and its technocrats, especially on a budgetary level, the responses to the demoralisation and consequent demobilisation of our police forces have been utterly inadequate, especially since the latter are exacerbated by a ridiculous sense of helplessness and futility in the face of a judicial laxity that barely punishes, protects and even releases (!) those thugs, aggressors and troublemakers. Feeling humiliated by the public authorities but supported by our native people, a part of our police could, I believe, change sides in case of a major clash…
The Worst Possible Betrayal — The State’s Disavowal of Its Own Men in Uniform
The burlesque and constant bureaucratic inertia of our administrative and judicial procedures obstructs and discourages the repressive actions of our police force. Everything seems to have been put in place to help and protect thugs — whose origin is very homogeneous indeed — and to paralyse our police and gendarmerie. Many of our disgruntled judicial police officers (OPJ) thus choose to resign; feeling despised, 2,600 of them handed in their notice in 2017. This means that they might end up joining a potential Popular Resistance in the coming civil war against the Occupation and its collaborators.
Interviewed by Le Figaro in July, François Grosdidier (LR), the head of the senatorial inquiry into the malaise afflicting our weary police, made the following lucid statement:
We are truly on the verge of collapse. Our police officers and gendarmes lack the adequate means to do their job. They are exposed to ever-increasing danger, the everyday violence of the housing estates, and systematic ambushes. … On the whole, they feel that they have fallen prey to growing aggression and hostility. … In the face of unpunished juvenile delinquency and daily incivility, they are under the impression of riding a chainless bicycle. Amidst the general absence of a criminal response, they are becoming more and more convinced that the physical risks they take are absolutely pointless. … They thus find themselves increasingly unable to put up with the violence that goes hand in hand with such legal insecurity.
Any police officer who defends himself is considered guilty, and our justice system immediately takes sides against him, in support of thugs and rioters. Likewise, the statal apparatus gives our police officers and gendarmes the impression of always being against them and disavowing them. In this regard, the Theo affair was a complete disaster. This African criminal and crook had falsely claimed he had been beaten and sodomised with a truncheon during a police identity check that culminated in a clash. Utter nonsense. The events sparked general outrage in the right-thinking media, which never bother to check the facts that suit them. As dictated by the religion of anti-racism, François Hollande, the then President of the French Republic, paid the faker a visit in hospital, although he had never been at the bedside of the police officers or gendarmes that had really been wounded or fallen victim to attempted murder! If this is not sheer demagoguery, I honestly cannot imagine what is.
The Theo affair has not been forgotten. Through the highly symbolic attitude of its leader, the state has given the police the disastrous signal that it favours the young population of immigrant origin, which acts as a breeding ground for delinquency, crime, urban insecurity and tomorrow’s guerrilla warfare. In the event of a civil war, I am convinced that the position of both the state and its apparatus — including our justice system — will be an ambiguous one to say the least; indeed, a large number of law enforcement personnel will have no difficulty in choosing sides, even at the cost of disobedience, unfortunately.
Home Invasion Attacks — The Right to Self-Defence Denied
Police assaults have become a daily occurrence and punctuate our news broadcasts. On 4th July, 2018, a police couple was violently assaulted and injured in front of their toddler, on a public road in Aulnay-sous-Bois. The attack was carried out by thugs who had recognised the two police officers and whose ethnic origin the media have kept secret. The previous weekend, in the Ain region, a police officer was severely beaten in his home by approximately fifteen rabid ‘Chances-for-France’ (resulting in a thirty-one-day work absence for him). And get this: despite having been badly battered, he managed to free himself and escape death by using his service pistol, in an act of legitimate self-defence that resulted in a leg injury for one of the aggressors. Oh calamity of calamities! Charges were immediately brought against him by the public prosecutor’s office of Bourg-en-Bresse! The investigation was entrusted to the Judicial Police of Lyons and complemented by a disciplinary investigation conducted by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN). Instead of defending himself, the unfortunate policeman should apparently have allowed his attackers to beat him to death. To Americans, such a scenario would only seem possible in a country afflicted with a collective sort of mental pathology; in the USA, you have the right to simply gun down any intruder that has broken into your home or gained entry to it by means of deception. This is plain common sense, no more, no less.
In May and June 2018, four similar incidents were identified in France, including one that took place in Menton and involved plain-clothed policemen going to dine in a restaurant. They were battered by thirty individuals whose common origin we can all guess. One of the officers had to take thirty-day leave of absence for TIW.[130]
In Grenoble, several off-duty CRS members were recognised by some ‘young people’ of (yet again) the same origin and savagely attacked. One of them had to be given forty-five days of TIW.
A few days later, in Orléans this time, an off-duty policeman was followed by two ‘youths’ on a scooter and attacked. He narrowly escaped by threatening them with his service pistol.
The aggressors themselves, on the other hand, are very rarely troubled by our justice system; hence the perceived disintegration of authority suffered by a state that no longer inspires fear in them.
Such incidents are on the increase throughout France. The potential for barbaric hatred targeting white policemen is high and steadily increasing. Anyone who does not detect in this a prelude to racial civil war is blind.
The growing number of assaults against policemen — whether on public roads, in their private homes or while they are on duty — has led solicitor Thibault de Montbrial, the president of the Centre for Reflection on Homeland Security and a member of the scientific council of the School of War, to state that ‘it all points to an alarming evolution: ever since the Magnanville attack, we have been aware of the fact that terrorists [i.e. jihadists] do not hesitate to attack police officers in their private lives. Nowadays, however, this logic extends to common law thugs as well, who consider policemen to be enemies with whom they are in a state of personal dispute’ (Le Figaro, 7th July, 2018). And yet, owing either to his lack of knowledge or his conformism, Montbrial is mistaken in this regard: as I have already explained elsewhere, large-scale and individual terrorist jihad and common criminal delinquency are closely correlated and inseparable in the Muslim-Arab tradition, and have been so for centuries on end. They are thus committed by the same people. It is a kind of atavism and an ancestral male custom, not a novelty.
Montbrial suggests that we have entered the preparatory phase of an ethnic war, but never explicitly follows through on a statement which is considered politically incorrect. He never calls things by their proper name because he is, and remains, a member of our statal institutions.
He does point out the following, however: ‘Personal attacks on police officers are commonplace among offenders. This situation also affects prison guards. Even magistrates have been targeted with death threats.’ This is obviously only true of those that have not shown any leniency; the others are all silent, because they are afraid and do not wish to take any risks.
Observing the Dress Rehearsals — The Ethnic Tribalism of Extra-European Youths
Let us mention the Aboubakar F. affair, which is emblematic of the civil war climate now setting in. In early July 2018, Aboubakar F., a repeat offender already wanted by the police, is stopped at a checkpoint while driving a car through the city of Nantes. Panicking, the little kingpin tries to flee, at the risk of ploughing into the people around, some of whom are children. A member of the CRS pulls out his gun and shoots him dead. The policeman is arrested and taken into custody pending a trial. He had forgotten that although an offender of immigrant origin can shoot at police officers and count on a lack of criminal investigation and the leniency of our justice system, it does not work the other way around. An almost identical case occurred in Paris in August 2018.
The event gave rise to riots of ethnic solidarity, especially in Nantes, where, as part of a highly symbolic development, public buildings became the targets of arson attempts. The rioters themselves had come from the Parisian region and the housing estate where Aboubakar F. had lived.
They unleashed three nights of furious rioting, with seven arson attempts against the annex of a town hall, a municipal library and a Pôle emploi[131] agency. The neighbouring halal shops were all left untouched, of course. Identical scenarios, in which the death of an Afro-Maghrebian thug is attributed to the actions of ‘racist police bastards’ in the chaos of a street-fighting skirmish and then followed by well-publicised manifestations of ethnic solidarity and rioting, are experienced several times a month. In the not too distant future, one of these scenarios will eventually spiral out of control and set our country ablaze. The event shall mark the onset of a racial civil war, I guarantee it.
Every week, our police forces face several ambushes accompanied by the now trivialised ritual burning of cars. Photos of our police officers are shared on social networks, along with incentives to attack and kill them and the occasional inclusion of their home address!
With regard to the grotesque Aboubakar F. affair, Montbrial makes the following observation:
The first thing one is struck by is that the entire neighbourhood proceeded to present this individual as being a saint, thus disregarding his criminal profile and adopting a purely clannish position. One is henceforth either a full member of the group or completely rejected, either one of “them” or one of “us”. Another issue is that during the riots, a policeman was struck in the helmet by a .22 LR bullet.[132] Never in a long time had live ammunition been fired at law enforcement officers. This is a very disturbing development indeed. The police are no longer perceived as authority figures representing the Republic, but as a rival gang against whom all means are acceptable.
This analysis given by Montbrial is entirely inadequate and minimalistic. What he is trying to do is to avoid envenoming the situation further by going all the way and unveiling the truth. He believes that we have entered ‘a tribal territorial logic, in accordance with which rioters attack state-funded infrastructures whose purpose is to put an end to the ghettoisation afflicting those neighbourhoods. What we are facing here is a clannish logic of state rejection. It also highlights the limits of our attempt to pacify the suburbs through money, as advocated by the Borloo plan’.[133] He then goes on to mention a ‘restoration of republican authority’. The word ‘republic’, whose semantic dimension is both frail and vague, does not refer to anything truly specific. It does not mean much to people. Neither does clannism, which no one experiences these days.
The grave analytical mistake made by Montbrial is that of referring to a ‘clannish’ rebellion — in which clans and gangs of thugs unite — against the police and the French state’s ‘institutions’, in harmony with a purely criminal and delinquent sort of logic. Not at all. It is actually a racist or rather ethno-tribal revolt not against the French state and its institutions, but against France itself, its identity, and its history. Not against policemen regarded as a mere rival gang! The setting which Montbrial proposes is that of a societal and security-based clash, when, in actual fact, it is a political and historical conflict characterised, above all else, by an ethnic and, of course, racial dimension.
Are Our Law Enforcement Forces Being Progressively Infiltrated?
There is yet another very disturbing matter: the growing presence in, or perhaps even premeditated and deliberate infiltration into the ranks of our police forces and army by Black African and Maghrebian Muslims, just like in the rest of our society! In a display of reckless unawareness and irresponsibility, and as dictated by the delusion of diversity and the stupid dream of our living-together, one recruits into our law enforcement forces and army young people that are likely to become our worst foes, if, of course, they are not already our secret enemies. The wolf is simply brought into the sheepfold, right? In the event of an outbreak of insurrectional and racial riots in the suburbs, there is an ever-increasing risk that those people will end up embracing insubordination, conniving with their co-religionists and fellow rioters and perhaps even openly fraternising with them, and provoking ethnic conflicts even within the ranks of our police and military forces. Such a scenario would be the worst possible one, as it would paralyse our national defence forces in the face of potentially severe guerrilla warfare. For centuries on end, the most basic ploy resorted to by those who long to spark off a civil war has been to infiltrate the enemy camp and cause its implosion.
Within the finest troops of the French army, the idea of an ethno-religious civil war between our French natives and the masses of hostile and vindictive populations of Arab-Afro-Muslim origin is rather widespread. Indeed, the scenario of a civil war seems not only consistent with what we have been witnessing but also with basic common sense; the very same common sense that 90% of our French elites and intellectuals are completely devoid of.
I have discussed this prospect with a young non-commissioned officer serving in an elite regiment of a prestigious army. What he told me is quite frightening and does not bode well. In his view, there will undoubtedly be a major, far-reaching and highly violent confrontation with those Afro-Maghrebian Muslim populations, and by extension, within the army itself, many incidents involving the already numerous recruits from both Africa and the Near/Middle East, who will choose to side against France. The same dramatic development shall take place in the law enforcement sphere, our police forces and our gendarmerie, whose use shall thus find itself severely limited. Have our brilliant intelligence services given the matter proper consideration? Do they even have the right to mention it internally?
Race and Racism — At the Heart of the Coming Clashes
In a most reluctant fashion, sociologist and polemologist Thibault de Montbrial speaks of a ‘racialisation of tensions’, using the taboo and explosive term ‘race’ precisely because of its censored relevance (for if there is a word-bomb, RACE would definitely be the one).
It is not an anecdotal or peripheral element, but a central dimension of what is now brewing. Characterised by its anti-racist ideology and repression (despite the fact that our constitutional law, ever imbued with schizophrenia, officially denies the existence of human races), our appalling multiracial society has actually become a multi-racist society. What this indicates, unfortunately, is that the civil war which may break out in France and Western Europe will not only have an ethnic, cultural and religious dimension, but also a racial one, which, throughout history, has always been a factor contributing to the greatest possible conflict between two sides.
The Great Racialist Paradox
It must be understood that the vast majority of young Black-African Muslims, and even those that are not born Muslim at all (especially if they happen to be black), consider Islam to be the natural religion and identity of non-Whites.[134]
This fact is completely at odds with all the memorised thought patterns permeating our official, well-meaning catechism. What a painful realisation this must be for the Left’s thinkers, despite their constant propaganda in the opposite direction. Ideological and moral antiracism has not stupefied people’s conscience and racial passions, but has, on the contrary, only succeeded in exacerbating them. The more one attempts to eradicate people’s natural state of being, the more pronounced it becomes. In the minds of young immigrants, being French is only a matter of documentation and administrative facilities, and it seems obvious to them that since they are neither white nor Muslim, they could never be genuinely French. It is out of the question for them to integrate into our society, much less to assimilate. Their attitude epitomises the utter failure of the abstract and republicanist conception of France, one that has been prevalent since the Revolution and the days of Renan and embodied a default value in the absence of mass immigration within the French hexagon’s comfortable ethnic homogeneity. What has thus failed is a basically utopian and rather stupid conception which de Gaulle did not share, one which perceives France as an alleged spiritual coalescence, a philosophico-political project consolidated by a common history and language, instead of actually being cemented by a carnal unity fraught with a twofold cultural and biological dimension — i.e. the presence of a people, of course!
And here is the paradox: just like those young immigrants that act as their enemies, European identitarian movements also espouse a racialist conception of both nations and the world. They perceive those immigrants just as the latter perceive themselves, namely as aliens with a radical ethnic consciousness (not to mention the cultural and biological aspect), and not at all as individuals or ‘French citizens’, thus completely contradicting the republican, anti-racist, egalitarian and cosmopolitan prevailing ideology. There can be no alliance between these two worlds. Those we are facing have managed to understand this well before us and do not hesitate to inflict pain on our people in a display of innovative horror!
The Rotten Lives of Whites
We are currently experiencing a phase of explosive tensions and localised dress rehearsals that herald the great conflagration — that of a racial ethnic civil war. The latter will assume an extremely violent form, particularly through the involvement of ever-aggressive and ruthless Islam, in combination with various biological identification markers. The warning signs of a coming ethno-racial civil war are many, but the prospect of its outbreak has been removed from our leaders’ minds and the work records of our ENA graduates to such an extent that the governing authorities do not wish to see these signs nor to envisage the possibility that official hostilities could actually be initiated by our native French population.
In all areas of our everyday social life — as part of a process that is now increasingly impacting our once preserved small towns and rural areas — the tremendous migrational pressure and its corollary, Islamisation, are creating a very tense and highly charged atmosphere pervaded by constant conflict. Although implicit and generally unmentioned, the racial factor is ubiquitous and heightens religious tensions (among other things). On both sides, people state and repeat to themselves a fact that they all experience in their lives — there is us and there is them.
Indeed, throughout France, a phenomenon never experienced or, worse still, unsuspected by the Parisian elites has imposed its presence: that of ethnic division amidst endless conflict, hostility and permanent insecurity (with the latter only affecting one of the two sides). In certain regions, particularly in the south and the north, as well as the suburbs of our major conurbations, the situation of our French natives — and definitely not that of immigrants — has reached dramatic and utterly unmanageable proportions for everyone.
Maliciously targeted by Le Monde, Libération, Mediapart, Télérama, and France Culture, these ‘petty Whites’, i.e. our people and indigenous lower classes, have been forced to embrace ethnic coexistence, an artificial living-together that our leaders themselves do not even practice. This fool’s bargain also implies a blatant disregard for democracy at the hands of this shitty republic’s governments — a republic that has, since 1974, been resorting to decrees to impose an immigrational invasion upon the French people (through family reunification, mass naturalisation, regularisation, various subsidies, foreign preference, the impossibility to expel newcomers), going against the latter’s wishes and corrupting their dreams of tranquillity.
In addition to their cultural dispossession and the transformation of their living environment in a manner preventing them from feeling at home in their own country, our lower-class French natives have been suffering greatly from the polymorphous delinquency of immigrants, who are corrupting their lives and reinforcing their nostalgia for the 1950s and 1960s, when life was pleasant quite simply because those immigrants were not yet here. My fellow citizens must reclaim their own destiny — they no longer have any other choice. WE no longer have any other choice.
Statal Racism? Absolutely, but One That Advantages Foreigners
The incessant anti-racist propaganda that advocates our living-together both on TV and elsewhere is entirely worthless in the face of our daily experiences of robberies, rape, street or home invasion assaults, rioting, excessive noise levels, insults, school and hospital violence, vehicle arson, etc. And somehow, those responsible for such behaviour always happen to be of the same origin. By contrast, the latter are never aggressed by their usual victims. Isn’t thug life cool?
Indeed, what our indigenous Frenchmen have been subjected to at the hands of third-world immigrants (including their descendants, who are often minors and already violent) and are presently being made to endure by those sacrosanct migrants has not been a two-way street. The Whites have been the only ones aggressed and excluded. No one else has. The often-unpunished, self-victimising and privileged foreign criminals and troublemakers are never aggressed, nor even challenged by our natives, i.e. by those ‘petty Whites’ whose lives they have been corrupting and whose territory they henceforth proudly occupy.
On the contrary, those foreigners are not only the state’s very own darlings, but also those of our administrations and large groups (those active in the field of market distribution, for instance), all of whom are under civic obligation to hire such people before anyone else, all in the name of diversity. The very same conditions apply when it comes to the allocation of social housing: regardless of whether it is a matter of offering discounts on household services or free transport, ethno-racially allogeneic people always enjoy blatant favouritism when compared to indigenous Europeans, due to allegedly social reasons. All of this is, in fact, done in the name of one’s race, without, of course, anyone ever daring to utter this explosive word. The state is clearly imposing social diversity upon the working class (how commendably well-intentioned!) — a diversity that should instead be understood as racial diversity.
This situation, which is very demanding for our exasperated natives to experience, may turn out to be a source of provocation and drive them to take sudden and violent action. This, in my opinion, shall indeed be the case in many of our republic’s lost territories.
The Psycho-Pathology of Anti-Racism
‘Anti-racism has become our century’s own civil religion’, says Pascal Bruckner, who authored a scandalous and exhilarating book entitled An Imaginary Racism. Because of this opinion (among other things), Bruckner has found himself ostracised, just like Finkielkraut, and is now on bad terms with our right-thinking intelligentsia, since he too now stands accused of Islamophobia, obviously.
For the dominant ideology, criticising anti-racism is immediately synonymous with being racist — a supreme abomination, as previously stated. This anti-racist ideology, which is completely contradictory as a result of its bias and tendency to overvalue ‘coloured people’ to the detriment of Whites, contributes to the profound racialisation of our society and will certainly prove to be an aggravating factor in an ethnic civil war characterised by its racial and racist dimensions.
Although Islam is a religion with a universal sort of mission, the fact remains that it relates, as already stated, to the ‘Arab’ race, because the majority of its followers are coloured, which explains why Islamophobia and racism are correlated, or sometimes even confused, and why Pascal Bruckner has immediately been labelled Islamophobic for simply criticising anti-racism! Anti-racism is a doctrinal creation stemming from both Whites and left-wing Jews that define themselves as Westerners but have all surrendered to self-loathing, i.e. to ethno-masochism. The harshest censorship or prosecution is thus directed against any Whites accused of racism. Why does this happen to Whites in particular, and much less to other races?
Because nowadays, racism is, I would say, regarded as an almost metaphysical curse that can only originate from Whites, with others considered exempt from it by nature. This is why anti-White racism is never — or hardly ever — prosecuted, and neither is the anti-Semitism of Muslims. Non-Europeans, and especially Muslims, are seen as intrinsic victims and are therefore blameless and untouchable.
In the French Constitution, all references to the notion of race have been abolished, with the word itself having suddenly been removed, as if by some sort of exorcism, and the very notion apparently declared scientifically inexistent (despite the fact that all current scientific tendencies espouse the opposite interpretation, but never mind). This does not, of course, prevent them from punishing the ‘racism’ of writers and speakers ever more severely, on the basis of an object which, both officially and legally, does not even exist. We have thus reached a point where although the very inexistence of fish has been decreed, one is still forbidden to indulge in fishing…
In actual fact, this anti-racist obsession is but a racial one which, by means of a heterotelic effect, spreads throughout society and impacts everyone, regardless of their origin.
The Increased Obviousness of Racial Antagonism
Which is precisely why, in the event of an outbreak of civil war, the ethnic (i.e. religious, cultural, linguistic, traditional, etc.) dimension will be combined with another, much more serious aspect — that of a racial conflict. In this regard, it would seem that the vindictive and militant organisation known as CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations) will play a very significant role. Indeed, CRAN is the very first overtly racial and racist association tolerated by the authorities and will take charge of various activities targeting both our native French population and law enforcement forces the moment obvious hostilities break out.
This racialisation of conflicts is already encountered at the discreet level of sociological observation and can, likewise, be conclusively perceived through the simple use of one’s common sense: a simple enumeration of all irregularities, riots, arsons, assaults, daily incidents, and individual and collective Muslim attacks clearly reveals the presence of two distinct populations: on the one hand, the Afro-Maghrebian one and, on the other, our own natives, who, it must be said, are not all French but often include integrated and peaceful European immigrants and mixed-raced individuals who suffer as much as the others. None of this has evaded our genuine population’s attention, and, despite its rather high sophistication, the official anti-racist, deracialising and propagandic discourse is no longer accepted. The latter will not be able to defuse the bomb of an acknowledged and experienced logic, namely that of a brewing racial conflict! There can be no mistake on either side: our jerseys are truly not of the same colour.[135]
Anti-White Racism Presented as Anti-Racism
Let us mention, once again, the benevolence and impunity enjoyed by Les Indigènes de la République, whose very own source of inspiration and a textbook case of ‘racist anti-racism’, Houria Bouteldja, never misses one single opportunity to lash out at what she hates compulsively, namely Whites and France. These abject people organise ‘racised’[136] summer camps, i.e. camps reserved exclusively for coloured participants and off-limits to Whites, who are all defined as oppressive by nature. We welcome them in France, and this is how they repay us.
At this level, one can readily assess the extent to which these mentally complexed allogeneous individuals — all of whom are ill at ease in their own skin, in the throes of a biological sort of resentment and mediocre good-for-nothings — have been stricken with schizophrenia.
Although anti-racism is a hazy ideology, it is simultaneously seen as an imperious and chic creed by the snobbish, mundane and social-climbing elites that propagate it. For the supposed racist is, in their eyes, not only despicable, but also an old-fashioned hick; a white one, of course, and one that becomes the focus of their derision (as seen in Yves Boisset’s propaganda film Dupont Lajoie).[137] The invading Islamic forces have taken full advantage of their adversaries’ disabling discrepancy, in which the latter’s dogmatic antiracism is combined with a pathological sort of guilt relating to their own nature and history. Islam, along with its minions, generals and collaborators, thus makes the most of things to present itself as a victim, as being stigmatised by a certain form of racism, before tearfully launching its ruthless conquest. Its deceptive song and dance is, however, something that an ever-increasing number of people are now familiar with.
Anti-racism has become a self-destructive concept, not only because it can be applied to virtually anything but, most importantly, because it leads to anti-White racism and hatred for France’s European identity. Moreover, it is one of the main factors contributing to the decline of freedom of expression and the judicialisation of debates, which brings us closer to the situation of totalitarian countries, whose taboos and protected dogmas one is forbidden to transgress. Yet again, through a heterotelic kind of backlash, anti-racism results in the opposite effect to the one intended, fostering the resurgence of racist theories that come across as being nonconformist. Braving the intelligentsia, Pascal Bruckner writes: ‘Anti-racism ends up delegitimising the very idea of a fight against racism, a fight that takes on a disproportionate attitude and contradicts its own terms’. The exclusion of white people is not considered a sign of racist discrimination, since white men themselves are obviously the source of all discrimination and racism…
What is alarming is that our courts accept these masquerades and investigate the accusations, complaints and lawsuits filed by the members of pro-immigration, vindictively Muslim and Islamo-leftist anti-racist back rooms, with the notion of our indigenous population’s unbearably racist Islamophobia always lurking in the background.
A Highly Charged Society Undergoing Gradual Racialisation
In doing so, our unjust justice system is exacerbating passions. The rise of racial tensions is visible within the immigrant and Muslim population (having practically become synonymous with it in France), which is especially true of its youths. It is a population that is now increasingly aware — within its secretly hateful and dissenting conscience — of its belonging to a non-white world engaged in a struggle against a France deemed scornful and hostile. The racist contagion of this hatred will lead to a war which, in addition to its ethnic and cultural character, will also be of a racial nature. It will, furthermore, involve non-Muslims such as black Africans or mixed-race individuals that often convert to Islam not for religious reasons, but for racial ones. Such is the solidarity of inferior peoples against the ‘white oppressor’ (who welcomed them on his own soil, but what does that matter, right?).
Speaking of those immigrants and people of colour one encounters everywhere, a friend of mine, who happens to be a professor of sociology (the discipline that prefers observation to speculation), recently pointed out to me that what they basically do is ‘raise their heads, act arrogantly and proceed to provoke us. For many years now, their attitude in public spaces has been both aggressive and irritable. They constantly demand our “respect”’.
In this deeply racialised society pervaded by a detestable anti-racist vulgate that exclusively targets white racism, Islam enjoys an abnormal status: it is increasingly accepted as both the religion and the emblem of coloured people, i.e. of the eternally oppressed (yet largely aided, privileged and subsidised), at a time when massacres and oppressive actions are gleefully carried out in its name. It is all part of a pathological paradox in which the executioner presents himself as the condemned.
Destroying Marxist Discourse before It Destroys Us
I would not want to make matters any more difficult for my editor than they already are with regard to this book, whose mere title could be enough to have us imprisoned by the 17th criminal chamber.[138] Believe me when I say that I have thus far been refraining from stating what is truly on my mind. My hatred for the false discourse of leftist academics does, however, deserve — at least — a sub-chapter of its own.
I am a normal person, and I see what I see. Having perceived things as they are, I describe what I have witnessed, only what I have witnessed, and everything I have witnessed. There are no frills and no emphasis involved. To me, and to all normal people, a cleaner is above all a housekeeper; a small person, a dwarf; and a person of colour, one who can also be said to be black, since it is a shorter and more accurate description.
When a Marxist thinker appears on a TV set in order to express his opinion (and such people are constantly invited by TV presenters that share their ideas), it is for the sole purpose of intellectualising, blurring and thus rendering unsolvable the daily problems experienced by our French natives, who are forced to live among non-Whites. This open-eyed nightmare of theirs is repeated day in, day out. Our rulers impose immigration upon each and every one of us, as sociologists, psychologists, philosophers and other accomplices are seen on television in their fancy clothes and lovely little brown-nose glasses, telling us that it is all actually a blessing. The process of ethnic replacement is underway, but all is well, no problemo…
Of course, the more time passes, the greater the immigrant presence becomes, and the more difficult it is to abide by the fanciful claim that ‘what the French and the foreigners feel for one another is great love!’ To smother our genuine suffering and legitimate anxieties, the floor is exclusively given to self-proclaimed experts whose aim is to euthanise our people’s anger while attempting to artificially shift its focus.
Speaking on a programme that is no longer aired,[139] Thomas Guénolé, a pretentious political scientist serving the interests of La France Insoumise (a fact that already says enough about him), made me realise just how dangerous all economic discourses can be when used as deus ex machina argumentation to nip any hope of debate in the bud.
During his glorious propagandic performance, this degenerate with the face of the perfect son-in-law told us all about the famous ‘social diversity’. Here already, we are faced with a lie and a travesty of the truth aimed at making the latter more palatable: what we are dealing with is not social diversity, since the suburbs are typically inhabited by proletarians and one can thus hardly speak of such a notion. No, what we have here is a situation of ethnic diversity. Indeed, these ‘tough neighbourhoods’ (another expression used by leftists to avoid using the term ‘shitholes’) comprise a chaotic mixture of Blacks, Arabs, and Whites trying to subsist amidst this fauna without being slaughtered. Remaining calmly impassive, this gentleman proceeded to explain to us that ‘social diversity is merely the side effect of a policy whose purpose is to reduce inequalities’. Oh, now I get it — when the powers-that-be send non-Europeans to live amongst the French in their own villages, they do so in an attempt to reduce inequalities and out of sheer philanthropy, you see. At a later point, he finally expanded on his theory: ‘I would like to warn everyone against the intellectual scam epitomised by the issue of identity within the sphere of political debate’. This is where Thomas Guénolé stops beating around the bush and uses straightforward language to ensure that his postulate is perfectly understood.
In the eyes of those irredeemable masturbators of cosmopolitan thought, if Arabs and Whites cannot stand one another, it is not because they are too culturally or genetically different, but only because they are poor. Always the same ridiculous utopia. Thomas Guénolé and all those who hold a similar discourse really expect us to believe that if Mokhtar labels your daughter a ‘whore’ and tries to rape her behind a dustbin, it is merely because this kind-hearted Momo is poor and a little frustrated, definitely not because he is a Muslim; and especially not because he is Maghrebian…
If such Sunday Times analysts spoke with simpler words, without jargon and without systematically saying one thing instead another, most viewers would realise that their words are almost always utter nonsense. I am now convinced that these braggarts of the anti-racist Left deliberately resort to Marxist phrasing and convoluted structures so as to give their speech an illusory veneer of intelligence and impose their conclusions upon a public that remains necessarily respectful of all famous writers and columnists appearing on TV!
In order to be victorious, it shall be necessary to prove, over and over again, that people such as Guénolé are enemies of France. Imagine yourself at a table in a restaurant: you order fish, only to be brought a rotten fish that stinks from several meters’ distance. Well, there would always be a Guénolé waiting in the corner, explaining to you that the situation is perfectly normal and that there is no reason to be alarmed since things have always been like this, throughout the ages. Knowing perfectly well that something is wrong, you resign yourself to the situation and simply eat your fish. Well, the very same process is taking place with regard to immigrational invasion. Two-thirds of our French people question this development but unplug their brains the moment neo-Marxist celebrities tell them that their existence within this multicultural jungle is actually fabulous. It is allegedly enough to say it in order to be convinced: our lives in occupied France are simply wonderful! Tell me then, what are you complaining about?
And yet a glimmer of hope is still rekindled in me when I consider the path that some leftist figures have taken towards us. I’m thinking of Franck Lepage in particular, a man who offers people treatment for their ‘political cant afflictions’ in the form of sketches. Driven mad by the inconsistency of his own side’s political leaders, Lepage embraced dissent several years ago, in the primary sense of the word. In a rather hilarious performance, this humourist has shown that some catchall phrases can be used, linked and combined in any direction, to say absolutely anything and the very opposite.[140] Such words are what our rotten politicians constantly use, and some leftists have taken a step towards this salutary cause of ours.
Although I have already talked about her, YouTuber Tatiana Ventôse has also come a long way since her first videos. She now expresses, ever more often, her annoyance at the very high level of insecurity characterising the Parisian region. On her YouTube channel, one can watch many videos dealing with Islam, of which she speaks in not very laudatory terms. Last but not least, it is not uncommon for one to see her virulently criticise the thinkers of our most despicable anti-French Left, including Moroccan-born scum Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
Of course, I can only deplore the fact that these people lack the courage — or, due to their genuine convictions, the actual desire — to cross the racialist Rubicon so as to finally understand and state that if certain populations behave one way or another, it is because that is what they are like deep inside. Race does indeed account for everything.
Before the coming civil war (or perhaps even during it), different groups will clash within the Left itself, a Left that will undergo gradual disintegration, especially because of Islam. Some men and women openly committed to the Left will no longer be able to bear the presence of Islamo-leftist traitors among them. In his recent book entitled Et la gauche devint la putain de l’islam,[141] Pierre Cassen has successfully highlighted the schism that is now taking place between collaborationist leftism and the real patriotic Left. We sincerely hope that our dear old opponents, who once idolised Trotsky, Lenin or Marx and have now understood that the path of identitarian struggle is the only one worth taking (in addition to realising that what their peers are preaching is the abolishment of our borders and the unrestrained welcoming of immigrants), will fight alongside us when the time is right.
For we shall require all of our brothers and sisters if we are to emerge victorious from the coming war. Every single one of them.
How the War Shall Unfold — Possibilities and Predictions
The coming racial civil war is likely to be triggered in accordance with the model of the 2005 riots, meaning that it shall no longer be restricted to a single area of our territory but, in harmony with an accretion of ethnic solidarity, involve riots scattered synchronically across France, making the latter difficult to control. In comparison with the events of 2005, however, the intensity will be much higher this time round, with much more coordination between the different hotbeds.
Just like in 2005, everything will be set in motion using a self-victimising pretext — the accidental death of young Afro-Maghrebian Muslims implicated, as always, in various acts of delinquency, as a result of a mistake or any other doing that could serve as a motive and involve the police, if possible. It is never those poor people’s fault; they are simply always dragged into the worst situations by chance.
Although a less likely development, the flare-up could also come about following the death of some black African scum. Just think back to the tumult that France experienced at the time of the Theo affair, which had already set suburbs ablaze all over France. And now that we mention it, let us not forget the outcome of this minor news event: the amiable, wide-arsed Theo had, in fact, provoked the police first (the CCTV cameras have since enabled their vindication), not to mention the fact that he and his entire family had also committed fraud offences amounting to tens of thousands of euros. One would be inclined to believe that these people only enjoy life by violating the laws of the Western states that welcome them. Gratitude is clearly not part of their vocabulary.
The Architects of the Civil War Are Now Ready
It is quite possible that some vaguely Muslim agitators and strategists — espousing Islam either through real faith or because of their hatred of Europeans, and enjoying ties to well-established cultural and religious associations — are now preparing the necessary scenarios for the coming insurrectional riots, with the purpose of ensuring that the latter last a long time and are fraught with violence, involving, whenever possible, spectacular deaths in their own ranks so as to fuel the martyrology that has allowed this sect to survive for centuries on end. All in an effort to exert pressure upon the French authorities, whose members are as impressionable and emotional as their public opinion, and to make them yield, retreat, negotiate and fulfil various demands.
It is quite possible that the Muslim countries that have fallen prey to the Salafist cancer (namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco, Algeria, and Turkey) and are thus very interested in fuelling the invasion and Islamisation of Western Europe — whether officially or, at least, through ‘private’ forces — shall provide the tenacious future rioters and saboteurs with the required advice, guidance, and financial and military means to achieve this.
Expecting an Extreme Level of Violence
The coming events shall reach a much higher level of brutality compared to those of 2005. There are nowadays more Muslims in France than back then, and more Blacks as well, with French people themselves having reached an alarming saturation stage.
One cannot exclude the possibility that the very intensity and relentlessness of this civil war between different peoples on the same soil shall rival that of sixteenth-century European wars of religion, the French Revolution or the Commune. One shall, for instance, witness the destruction of private homes and public buildings through arson; the ravaging of urban centres; forest fires; countless looting offences targeting department stores and housing facilities; and the destruction of infrastructures, administrative buildings and public utilities, including, above all else, our police stations and gendarmeries. Such is the logic of raids, one that remains ever so dear to these people and for which we had a small dress rehearsal on the evenings of 14th–15th July, 2018, when our black-black-black national football team won the world cup. As is always the case with Islam and its followers, rioting and political guerrilla warfare are inextricably linked to everyday crime.
For the first time ever, we shall also experience deaths among our own indigenous population, within a context of gigantic demonstrations. Our law enforcement forces will often find themselves overwhelmed, and the rioters’ constantly increasing use of firearms will no longer be seen as something exceptional. A new limit shall thus be crossed. The riots, which will take on the shape of armed, devastating and deadly guerrilla warfare, shall extend across our whole territory and leave no private home unaffected, as individuals are attacked at home. The events shall be all the more ruthless and hateful since they shall be driven by a psyche of frustration, resentment and revenge exacerbated by an omnipresent racial mental complex.
It is also to be expected that, not having anything else to do with their lives, many leftist-anarchist troublemaker groups will rush to the aid of the Afro-Maghrebian rioters and soldiers of Islam in order to stimulate them and spur them on in their acts of violence. None of them shall, however, be rewarded for their behaviour. Should the allogeneic side emerge victorious, the collaborators will not be given the position they hope for in this future society. Instead, what awaits them is death, humiliation, beatings and a state of modern slavery.
The Civil War May Yet Prove to Be Counterproductive from the Rioters’ Perspective
This unbridled violence may obviously turn out to be largely counterproductive for the Muslim-Arab strategists behind the insurrections — for it is likely to trigger an uncontrollable chain of events: not only could our public opinion shift to the disadvantage of these immigrants, but the indigenous population playing an active role in the war could, just like the police, switch to an attitude of defensive counter-violence that would lift many taboos.
Due to the destructive and sometimes sanguinary nature of this civil war, the audio-visual dissemination of shocking images, especially on social networks, may yet arouse repulsion towards our non-European aggressors, who would then be seen for what they really are and no longer as the victims of racist oppression. This development could lead to a change of mentality reaching far beyond the borders of France.
Our entire situation could still undergo dramatic change and people’s inhibited and guilt-ridden consciences may yet awaken. That is when the unthinkable becomes possible and the long-prohibited watchword comes alive: Get out! In the event of a brutal, murderous and racist civil war, especially one that is aggravated by the economic collapse that occurs mechanically during periods of extreme turmoil, mentalities could sweep the paralysing ideology aside and proceed to take action in ways that would once have horrified them. What I am referring to is of course the implementation of a shocking policy of immediate de-migration and de-Islamisation, both of which could only become possible, acceptable and admissible as a result of incredible trauma.
Another possibility to consider lies in the emergence of serious diplomatic tensions should a racial war be declared in France. Muslim-Arab countries, and even the Turkish dictatorial government led by the pseudo-Sultan Erdogan, all of which will have hypocritically supported and aided the rioters (i.e. their co-religionists and often their de facto or perhaps even rightful citizens), shall condemn France for defending itself and accuse it of indulging in repressive xenophobia and Islamophobia. And some Muslim countries may regret the fact of having too blatantly sided with the insurgents.
An Increasing and Worsening Spate of Islamic Terrorist Operations
Based on the terrorist attacks — or rather acts of war perpetrated by Arab Muslims or African converts in a dozen European cities (notably Toulouse and Brussels, followed by Paris, Copenhagen, Berlin, and Stockholm) and against similar targets (city-dwelling white people; the French, on the sole account of being French; Jews, simply because they are Jews; the physically weak, the elderly and the defenceless; young women, and so on) over the past three years — one realises that the pace of attacks has been increasing. We must all therefore prepare for a proliferation of such actions and the ultimate outbreak of genuine jihad on our own territory as well as that of our European brothers.
Before predicting the various possible scenarios, let us first examine the causes behind this deterioration:
1) The increase of the Muslim population as a result of uncontrolled immigration has gone hand in hand with a radicalisation afflicting the members of this sect in religion-like disguise. The masses of foot soldiers ready to take action (through insurrections or attacks) are and will be growing ever more numerous. In addition to this, one notices that the young murderers who carried out the latest attacks, whether in France or on our immediate neighbours’ territory, are all convicted common law criminals — and not de-socialised or excluded individuals — and are accustomed to savage and fanaticised acts of violence, with which many of them familiarised themselves during their incarceration, in a cell alongside their friends…
2) An anti-French, anti-Western, anti-European and anti-Jewish radicalisation has taken place among the Muslim-Arab and Afro-Muslim population. An (extremely simplistic but effective) ideology was born, one that is assertive and vengeful and has found in Islam both a banner and an aggressive identity marker. According to analysts, anti-White and anti-Jewish racism combine with Francophobia and hatred of the West and Christianity, resulting in ‘the worst possible mental confusion’. In reality, however, and in accordance with an implacable — albeit simplistic — sort of logic, they constitute the psychological underpinnings of compulsive behaviour, behaviour that is simultaneously manipulated by the ideologists of global jihadism.
3) A certain frustration has surfaced not as a result of exclusion, but due to a pronounced inferiority complex. In an incredible reversal, it turns out that the more they are aided, the more they hate us and complain. This resentment is mixed with a desire for conquest and revenge. This divide is unmanageable, and it is too late to consider any sort of integration or assimilation. Any peaceful coexistence has become impossible. The multi-ethnic myth of a ‘living-together’ has been forged by urban (political and journalist) elites who live among their own.
4) As seen in both France and Denmark, a significant part of the young Muslim immigrant population supports ‘martyred’ jihadist killers, whether implicitly or explicitly. This is even true of those who seem perfectly peaceful and integrated. This provides all suicide-bombers-in-the-making with a kind of rear base, logistics, and a powerful sense of encouragement. The feeling of participating in an exhilarating collective war, one of justice and conquest, is a huge incentive for taking action.
5) Accentuated by the media and the Internet, the hardening and expansion of global jihadist propaganda — which is relayed by the preaching of mosques and illustrated by the terrifying examples of the barbaric acts of violence perpetrated by Islamists in Syria, Iraq, Mali, Libya and Nigeria — has boosted recruitment and excited young brains whose intelligence has never been much of a trademark.
6) Another factor is embodied by the presence of thousands of young Muslim immigrants in the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, many of whom will then return to Europe hardened, fanaticised and barbarised. Not to mention the phenomenon of competition among jihadist assassins, a phenomenon that drives each one of them to attempt to surpass previous attacks in terms of criminal horror.
7) Let us not forget, furthermore, the encouragement of Islamic jihad epitomised by the weak and neurotic responses of European governments, whose members have failed to react properly: the admittedly massive demonstrations of 11th January, 2015 (‘I am Charlie’) had a laughable care-bear aspect to them. Cunningly depicting himself as the victim, in harmony with one of the fundamental precepts of Islam, the aggressor is aroused by the weakness of those he attacks. It is all common knowledge.
8) The judicial laxity displayed by our Keepers of the Seals,[142] who have succeeded each other but proven equal in terms of mediocrity, protects both common law criminals and jihadist terrorists, whose actions are generally greeted with a deafening silence. The judicial power is the weakest link in the fight against terrorism in France. Is it because our judges are paralysed at the thought of intervening in Muslim milieus and housing estates, which act as citadels of insurrection and terrorist attacks? Possibly. In any case, the anti-terrorist criminal justice response remains ridiculously weak. Anti-terrorist magistrates are overwhelmed and outnumbered, as are the judicial police officers assigned to this task — only 200, although they should be twice or three times as many. The financial resources allocated to investigating the members of the right-wing opposition and to the surveillance of sex offenders are incomparably greater than those used in the case of potential or even confirmed jihadists! According to Parisian public prosecutor and magistrate François Molins, our antiterrorist judicial investigation proceedings are ‘dangerously and scandalously hindered’, particularly in the field of wiretapping and computer intelligence.
There is an even more serious side to this last point: anti-terrorism judges have been attracting our attention to the early release of highly dangerous individuals, of scum that often end up serving less than half of their original sentence and are, incidentally, given excessively light prison sentences to begin with… On top of this, the violations of judicial supervision remain unpunished. Our sieve-like prisons (where inmates can actually keep a mobile phone in their cell) serve as radicalisation centres. In line with our common law, which happens to be one of the world’s laxest general laws, terrorists enjoy an implementation system of reduced sentences while imprisoned there. The European Court of Human Rights, apart from being the delinquents’ most faithful friend, is also the perfect ally of all apprentice terrorists and jihadists. By contrast, our intelligence services are completely overrun and hampered in their investigations. What all of this means is that there is a feeling of impunity now spreading like wildfire, as fast as Islamic radicalisation itself. In other words, the current state of affairs stimulates the planning of terrorist acts, since, on the one hand, suspects are poorly surveilled, and, on the other, the offenders that are likely to take action only receive lenient punishment and are incompetently monitored, as seen in the case of the Kouachi brothers or African convert Coulibaly.[143]
The Scenarios of Guerrilla Warfare, Racial Rioting and Protean and Anarchic Terrorism
We shall soon experience tragic events involving a conjunction of several factors, first in France and then across all of Western Europe. Let us now review the elements that could lead to an insurrectional situation that would spiral completely out of control. Hold on to your hats — the prospects are horrific enough for anyone to be scared stiff.
1) Low-intensity attacks and aggressions against various targets, with fewer than ten fatal casualties, will increase. In addition to the usual Jewish victims, the police, the army, and Christians, white children will, according to my own very bleak prediction, be the ones primarily targeted, either using ‘homemade’ weapons (knives, firearms) and improvised weapons (vehicles rammed into crowds, etc.), or by means of more elaborate explosives. The perpetrators may, in some cases, be lone wolves, or perhaps small groups acting through improvised amateurism.
2) We shall also witness more professional, better prepared and much more deadly attacks against the above-mentioned targets (resulting in up to 100 deaths), as was the case in Bataclan. These might turn out to be acts of sheer untargeted terrorism, i.e. attacks carried out in areas with a high population density. Detailed jihadist instructions on how to conduct attacks against France and target tourist sites, department stores, and various symbolic locations are now being spread on the Internet. For a long time now, the Islamic State (Daesh) has been disseminating such a publication, and in French at that. We must therefore expect this abject sport of theirs to spread, as it has in both Iraq and Syria: bombs will be planted; suicide bombers will detonate their explosive belts; and car bombs will be used. An operation of simultaneous attacks is quite possible as well, in an effort to create panic and stupefy the crowds.
3) The prospect of a massive terrorist attack with a toll of more than 1,000 fatal casualties, resembling the 11th September, 2001 attacks but carried out against a European country (with France most at risk in this regard), is less likely due to the obvious logistical difficulties, although it remains perfectly conceivable. There is no doubt that jihadist groups are considering a new ‘9/11’ and preparing to unleash it in one place or another. At this very moment, in fact. As for the possible targets, they are very numerous indeed.
4) What we are also looking at is a simultaneous outbreak of riots and violent insurrections in different parts of our territory, under a ridiculous pretext that can be invented at any time — an outbreak that shall be accompanied by assassinations, arsons, attacks, looting and urban guerrilla warfare involving actual weapons of war and a clearly defined cadre of experienced mujahideen. Our police forces will find themselves overwhelmed, and it is rather uncertain whether the French army has the required means, capabilities and psychological preparation to be able to cope with such a development. Large insurrectional riots + indiscriminate terrorist attacks + targeted assassinations = a simple equation.
Can a Civil War Be Avoided?
Just like a baby viper that breaks its egg shell, the coming racial civil war is only in its humble beginnings. ‘We are at war’, some politicians and journalists keep telling us. What they mean by that, especially after the January and November 2015 attacks, which truly left their mark upon people’s minds, is that we are at war against Daesh and a handful of Islamist fanatics (who have nothing to do with Islam, so no amalgamation please!).
No, our situation is much more serious than that. For what is happening on our French territory — and will soon impact the European and American territories as well — is a commencing ethnic clash between extra-European populations marching under the banner of Islam and the French Nation and its people.[144] The successful and foiled terrorist attacks are but the tip of the iceberg.
The responsibility for this ethno-racial civil war, which has already been kindled, will be borne by our political, intellectual and mediatic elites and a statal apparatus that have conjointly been tolerating and enabling this colonising immigrational flooding for a period of forty years. But remember — he who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Ajaccio, December 2015 — A Future Laboratory
A very symbolic event and provocative challenge: a few days after the victory of the local pro-independence nationalists in the regional elections of Corsica, a group of young Maghrebians chose to commit, for the very first time, a violent act on the island. They started several fires in a housing estate located at the gates of Ajaccio and ambushed the intervening firefighters, assaulting them and leaving a few of them severely wounded. Hurling insults at them, they called them ‘dirty Corsicans’ (a fact that was, of course, censored by our national media)! The very next day, hundreds of Corsican protesters flooded the housing estate, chanting jubilantly racist slogans such as ‘Arabi, fora!’ (Arabs, get out!). They then proceeded to devastate a hallal restaurant and began ransacking a Muslim prayer room, where they burnt many Qur’ans in retaliation.
Up until then, the native populations of Europe had laid low in the face of these Islamic bandits, shutting themselves away in their homes or quietly moving out. Such an action-reaction scenario or aggression-retaliation situation embodies one of the main sociological criteria for triggering civil wars, and was the very first of its kind in France. The event shall undoubtedly be a historical milestone.
To begin with, never before had the ‘young people’ inhabiting the housing estates of Corsica ambushed a fire brigade, whose members are, just like police officers, symbols of the hated French authorities (even though this practice is quite usual on the European continent, where 1,600 firemen were assaulted during that same year). It was also the first time in France that we had ever witnessed an act of retaliation on the part of ethnic populations that were not only fed up with the behaviour of young Muslims, but also sick and tired of the laxity of a state that no longer offers them sufficient protection. The Corsicans seem more hot-tempered and responsive than the ‘continent’s’ zombies, as they themselves say. And I, for one, can only rejoice at this.
The fact remains that what we have before us is an indicator of civil war: when a part of the population feels abandoned by the state and proceeds to take on the latter’s role, rejecting its law enforcement monopoly, taking justice into its own hands and ensuring its own defence, the disorder of the civile bellum has been unleashed. In political sociology, the very specific signal pointing to a transition from typical rioting to civil war is the fact that the confrontation no longer involves clashes between rioting population A and the police, but a conflict between population A and population B, ‘over the police’s head’. The state thus finds itself deprived of its peace-making role.
During a boring C dans l’air[145] show (France 5), one of the invited intellectuals gullibly declared himself pleased with ‘the absence of reprisals and ratonnades’[146] after ‘all that had happened’ — a state of affairs which he ascribed to the sublime restraint and high moral standing of our native French population. Well, the situation has just changed and may yet trigger a ripple effect.
What’s in Store for the United States?
The presidency of the mulatto Barack Obama was a complete catastrophe. Obama did everything he could to further divide the GOP (‘Great Old Party’), whose members were already split on the issue of immigration, between those strongly opposed to it and those looking for a conservative Latino electorate that had also been destabilised by the Tea Party[147] movement. This fact turned out to have an unexpectedly positive effect, since it allowed Donald Trump, hitherto a stranger to the political world, to play his cards right and claim victory.
Whether at the time when he was still in office or today, the West’s very first black president has never attempted to conceal his sympathy for a model that would no longer be that of a white America but, instead, that of a completely multiracial and multicultural country. Historically speaking, at no point has the American melting pot been synonymous with intercontinental multi-raciality, but has remained a precise synthesis of immigrants of different European descent within a single ‘nation’. The United States perceives itself as a new Europe, i.e. as a country that is still generally homogeneous from an ethnocultural point of view.[148]
We are witnessing, however, a major changeover: for demographic and immigrational reasons, the United States has seen its Whites (a legal term on the other side of the Atlantic) drop below the 50% mark during the early twenty-first century. Obama himself sought to accelerate the movement leading America’s WASP population towards a minority status, on the very soil that it has conquered at great cost. In so doing, he followed his own essential aim — that of de-Europeanising America. Being of dual (Kenyan and Anglo-Saxon) descent himself, he chose to project his personal situation and psychology onto his political conceptions. A predominantly white America, one of European ethnic origin, does not seem acceptable to him. In this regard, his views coincide perfectly with those of the dominant ideology across the entire West, from Saint-Germain-des-Prés to Yale. America’s low middle class, i.e. the one which, in a desire to save its own skin, voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, does not share this perspective.
The Prospect of America’s Fragmentation
Since identical causes produce identical effects all over the world, and multiracial and multicultural countries tend to plummet into instability, division and, ultimately, endemic conflict (as already remarked by Aristotle), there is a risk that the United States will experience severe turmoil, perhaps even partitions, in the course of the current century.
Dreams of peaceful fusion and miscegenation could only subsist in the minds of utopian individuals or film fans, especially in the case of America, defined as an immense continental area where interbreeding is rarely practised and where all separations remain possible.
What could occur in the United States, where the cohabitation of populations of different origins may well end up failing and turning into conflict, is a fragmentation or territorial partition. In almost every single state in the South, from California to Florida, the Hispanic population is already claiming majority status. In Mexico, there are even nationalist movements openly campaigning for the recovery of these states, which Mexico lost in the nineteenth century.
The following prospect is entirely credible: Following high-intensity turmoil, American states inhabited by a mostly Hispanic population could indeed embrace secession, thus amputating a part of the federal territory. In the process, relatively independent African-American enclaves could also be created, with cosmopolitan megacities such as New York or Los Angeles acquiring special status.
Such a development would, of course, mark the end of America as a superpower, whose comet-like, three-century existence would thus have been no more than a pie in the sky. Those who dismiss this hypothesis had better remember the fall of the ancient Roman Empire: the ‘controlled’ establishment of barbarian populations eventually led to its dismantling and to the slow dismemberment of the Roman identity in favour of independent kingdoms (during the fifth and sixth centuries).[149] Wherever we look, history repeats itself through the ages, under different conditions, perhaps, but with the same ruthless logic.
The official position espoused by the mass media’s all-powerful leftists is obviously that the United States will peacefully become a multi-ethnic nation, one that is simultaneously Anglo-Saxon, Hispanic, Negro and whatever else, while somehow still managing to maintain its dynamism. A model for Europe to follow, basically. Such an assumption is overly optimistic, and I myself would not bet a single dollar on it.
Some Europeans will rejoice at the potential ethnic breakdown of America, but let them beware! For Europe is being threatened by this very same spectre, and our situation is bound to be much more serious than that of the United States.
Whereas the latter may well experience a secession of Hispanic states, what we are primarily faced with is both worse and more urgent: an expansive settlement of fundamentally hostile populations — with an animosity spanning fourteen whole centuries — across all of our territories, whose size is much less significant than that of the US. One can easily understand who I am referring to here. Our destinies are therefore both different and shared. And yet, whether here or in the US, the prospect of a victory is not to be excluded.
And What If We Suffer Defeat?
Let us now return to our country’s situation. In this gloomy book, I have considered the speculative postulate according to which our police forces would rebel against their official instructions to show moderation in the event of a war between African, Arab and native French populations, as our exasperated middle and low-class Whites take up arms and join the resistance against the aggressors, with the intention of claiming victory and organising themselves outside the framework of authorities that would undoubtedly prevaricate and negotiate with the enemy. I realise that this hypothesis does not correspond to any sort of certainty and is not in keeping with the times, and that a darker scenario remains perfectly possible. Indeed, the masses of young combatants and rioters (aggressors, stoners, looters, arsonists, etc.), all of whom are of immigrant descent and generally adhere to Islam, shall be highly vindictive and motivated against their enemy, France.
And what is crucial, moreover, is that their numbers will quickly reach impressive proportions, with several million aggressive individuals spread across most of our territory. Never in our entire history have we seen such a configuration before. This invasion from below and internal conquest have slowly been rendered possible, in an almost painless fashion, by forty years of uncontrolled immigration and regularisation, without the co-responsible rightist and leftist governments ever being troubled by such a development and anticipating the possible consequences. Are they cretins, accomplices or just indifferent? A mixture of the three. It no longer matters to us, for the result is the same.
These great insurrectional combatants are, of course, very undisciplined, imprudent and characterised by obvious tactical mediocrity. They could, however, be supervised by more seasoned superiors (especially those once active in the Middle East); and many of them are armed, which is not the case for our native French population. What is most important is that they are fanatical, violent and driven by a deep ethnic resentment which is very difficult for them to control. They are eager to fight ‘for real’, as seen in the numerous preparatory riots that erupt because of a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Even if the physical courage involved in a face-to-face confrontation is not their strong point, they develop their specialties with atavistic motivation — vandalisation and looting; surprise harassments and attacks; the staging of ambushes and gratuitous arson attacks (on private buildings, administrations, churches, synagogues, museums, historical monuments, and anything highly symbolic); the use of firearms against police officers or any unsuspecting targets; and so on. Still, one can assuredly say that no matter how many of them there are, these troops of aggressors can definitely be defeated by more intelligent minorities, i.e. by US!!!
Yes, but faced with such an infantry of brutal and versatile thugs that melt away like swarms of locusts, one cannot help worrying about the weakness of our French defence troops, even if some would occasionally organise themselves into self-defence militias whose sole role is to provide protection, without any retaliation or counter-attacks (which would be racist!). What one deplores across our whole territory is a lack of young people and an excessive number of demotivated and emasculated individuals with a wait-and-see attitude and no intrinsic pugnacity (except when it comes to playing video games). As a result of being subjected to years of neutralising propaganda, the latter are often anaesthetised and guilt-ridden.
The possible consequence is too terrible to contemplate: indeed, faced with the powerlessness of our police forces and popular resistance groups to contain and stop an insurrection taking on dramatic and devastating proportions, especially with regard to essential infrastructures, the French state may well choose to implement its usual retreat policy and, horrified at the thought of firing its weapons of war (so as to avoid having blood on its hands, especially Muslim blood, which would constitute an unforgivable crime), simply decide to yield. With France terrified and ready to surrender on all levels so as to avoid the conflagration, what does one do? One negotiates and signs an armistice, i.e. a capitulation in disguise. Such a development would embody our most humiliating defeat against the Muslims.
Remaining as aggressive or cautious as usual, a wide range of Muslim religious or associative bodies shall approach the state with a proposal to diffuse the tensions and put an end to the waves of insurrectional uprisings and the countless (and often deadly) attacks afflicting our entire territory. They will then impose an exorbitant list of ‘just claims’ upon the state. This blackmail will include various demands of participation in local authorities; the creation of a ministry dedicated to immigration, Islam, and their housing estates; the abolition of all provisions prohibiting the veiling of women; a series of measures intended to further foster Muslim immigration, regularisation and naturalisation; the establishment of a plethora of Islamic facilities (schools, hospitals, prisons, businesses); a zealous financing of new mosques; the relinquishment of any and all struggle against Salafism; the introduction of quotas for the hiring of Muslims in various public offices, the police and the army; the permission to bring sharia law and Qur’anic judges to all areas with an overwhelming Muslim majority or already Muslim municipalities; the passing of stricter laws punishing Islamophobia (involving an expansion of the latter’s definition); and a general amnesty for all arrested rioters, etc. The state will obviously yield to these demands in order to buy fragile and short-term civil peace, as the gangs of criminal rioters temporarily return to their housing estates and await the opportune moment to unleash their riots once again.
Following this humiliating defeat suffered by our paralysed state, we may witness the creation of ghettos and what can basically be described as refuge areas, inhabited by our French natives and other Europeans (whose unity will have been brought about by the enemy). These zones will, however, be very quickly neutralised by the authorities, who shall then impose the arrival and establishment of allogeneous populations so as to avoid the dangerous and intolerable formation of a white fortress.
As for the members of the techno-economic and scientific elites in charge of our country, they would opt for an even more pronounced form of expatriation than the one they espouse today — they would remain in other, safer and less Islamised climates, abandoning a France which has been left underdeveloped and, having lost all of its previous capabilities and become a hell to live in, increasingly resembles an African country. This may well come to pass in the very near future… Oh, the death of France will not come about, you say? Are you absolutely certain of that? Let us sincerely hope so, although in history, the worst is never out of the picture.
The Conditions for a Possible Victory
Everything will depend on the shock caused by ethnic uprising and on the destruction and disorganisation that it will generate. If the shock is strong and traumatic enough and can reverse mentalities, a victory is possible; but obviously only at the price of a choice between the logic of war and the dogmatism of human rights, which are completely incompatible with one another. The essential criterion for a mental change on the part of the French people, be it our authorities or ordinary citizens, would be their readiness to shed blood. As for our police forces, they would have to acknowledge the fact that it is no longer a question of ‘policing’, as was the case in May 1968, but of a civil war, which is not quite the same thing.
To paraphrase Clausewitz, I would say that ‘what characterises war is one’s acceptance to receive death but also give it, without being confused with a murderer’. Who knows if, following our potential victory in this racial civil war, any and all immigrational invasions will not be rendered impossible (and even unthinkable in the eyes of those who would launch them), with de-migration a self-evident fact one shamelessly and assertively demands? For nowhere is the future written. There are many who lament, saying that ‘the damage is done, it is too late’. When one considers the horrid migrational invasion; the (mostly African) demographic explosion, which has gone hand in hand with rampant Islamisation; the emasculation of our ageing French population; the brain drain of our young people (as the ‘bac -6’ replaces the ‘bac +6’);[150] and the hateful aggressiveness of millions of non-integrable and unassimilable immigrants, there is indeed a great deal for us to deal with and to make us dizzy.
Pessimists predict that we are destined to vanish off the face of history, in favour of an inferior civilisation. And it is precisely in order to prove these predictions wrong that we must enter the arena and give battle.
The De-Migration of the Afterwar
As it unleashes its fury and grows, the coming racial civil war shall, through its unique violence, turn into an unprecedented collective trauma whose memory will echo across the centuries. By means of its uncontrolled and uncontrollable aspects, this wave of violence shall make possible many human reactions and solutions which, today, seem unimaginable.
Moreover, the question is not whether de-migration, i.e. the massive repatriation of African and oriental populations to their countries of origin, is possible or not. It must be made possible, and must take place and commence very soon, because it is both necessary and vital.
It is humanly, politically and historically necessary for us, the white men and women of Europe, to have these people return home. Let me state things clearly: whether willingly or by force, they shall indeed leave. This is not only my promise, but also my prognosis.
The Mental Swing of Ethnic Europeans
The French state will soon find itself overwhelmed. In case of riots comprising a large number of bloody and incendiary attacks, as well as numerous murders and racial clashes occurring everywhere, it shall be left dismayed and completely taken aback. From that point on, all solutions shall come into consideration, and an unexpected sun shall, once again, ascend and shine upon Europe.
The phenomenon is easy to understand — it was analysed by Carl Schmitt as part of his ‘emergency case’ (Ernstfall) theory. Whenever a severe crisis erupts, bringing with it a risk of death and systemic collapse (as is inevitably the case with any interethnic civil war characterised by a high level of violence), attitudes shift and opinions change completely. That is when one witnesses an astonishing metamorphosis, perhaps even an utter reversal of people’s behaviour and moral judgments, i.e. what Nietzsche once termed an Umwertung.
The French State, whose members are all collaborationists at heart, will espouse an attitude of great severity towards all of our native people who shall resist more than others; which also means that, in the event of a civil war involving major blunders, a part of the statal apparatus and its accomplices will be overcome with disgust and openly switch sides to support the Resistance, i.e. the France of genuine Frenchmen.
As Long as They Remain Here…
Just like many other opponents of the Islamic religion, Catholics were horrified by the July 2016 slaughtering of one of their priests in the name of Islam and have drawn a comparison between radical Islam and communism, both of which inhibit people’s freedom. In this regard, their comparison is misplaced. In addition to the fact that communism was an ephemeral movement, whereas Islam is an age-old religion and culture, there is yet another, more fundamental difference: the communist threat was, just like many other sources of danger, ideological in essence. What makes Islam dangerous, by contrast, is that it is based on these people’s staggeringly high demographic numbers — blind and excessively fast immigration and extremely high Afro-Maghrebian birth rates within a saturated country. The two problems are thus not of the same nature. In order to neutralise communism, it was necessary to eradicate an ideology. Nowadays, when dealing with Islam and all that accompanies it, i.e. the ethnic replacement of entire populations and the abrupt destruction of people’s way of life, what we must contend with are no longer mere ideas but, instead, the immigrational inpouring and vigorous birth rates of organised people whose numbers are constantly growing; which is much harder, of course.
Although cultural education and struggle are necessary in this respect, they remain insufficient, because they only produce long-term results, and we already have our backs to the wall and are facing an emergency. What we must do is take physically tangible measures to protect our land and sea borders through effective, assertive and, if necessary, deadly repression. Our victory in the coming civil war may well end up serving as an example, thus discouraging and drying up the immigrational inpouring[151] and enabling the discontinuation of the suction pump of various aids and benefits. By putting an end to the right of soil and the countless naturalisations, it would additionally encourage the actual expulsion of illegal immigrants and all those who are denied the right of asylum, with the termination of all regularisations of illegal immigrants; the reinstatement of legal liability in cases of illegal residence and double jeopardy offences; the abolition of family reunification; and, above all, the implementation of a clear policy of de-migration, i.e. those people’s voluntary or forced departures, in parallel to a complete suspension of further arrivals. All of this as a symmetrical response to their invasive settlement colonisation. In short, no more beautiful words, ‘de-radicalisation’ (pure monkey-farting), inclusion, integration, assimilation, insertion and other ludicrously meaningless words, all of which are but pathetic attempts to ease tensions. We must block all entrances to our territories and initiate the mass departure of all these problematic populations, whose only acceptable fate lies, from our perspective, in having them cross the Mediterranean in the opposite direction from whence they originally came.
As in my previous book, which was entirely devoted to it, I have once again placed great emphasis on the role of Islam in A Racial Civil War. I would especially like to avoid giving the impression that I am somehow minimising the gravity of the excessive birth rates in black Africa, which embody a genuine danger for our future. I am simply trying to be pragmatic and focus on the greatest threat in the next ten to fifteen years, which I think will continue to be epitomised by the Islamic radicalisation, through Salafism, of millions of Maghrebians and Arabs already present on French soil.
Bernard Lugan[152] has brilliantly analysed African psychology and these populations’ desire for unlimited births. If you wish to delve deeper into the subject and know what to expect, it is advised that you read a recently published book written by Jean-Claude Rolinat and entitled La bombe africaine et ses fragmentations.[153] I highly recommend reading it. The insane increase in the number of people inhabiting the great continent located to the south of the civilised world shall be exponential and terrifying. According to a UN report, in 2050, Nigeria alone will have a population of approximately 400 million ‘souls’ — if one can actually call them that. There will thus be as many Nigerians as there are Americans, but they will be concentrated in a much smaller country.
I am quite unsure whether people genuinely understand the gravity of the situation. Even if the problem were only numerical, there would already be enough cause for concern. The issue, however, reaches much further than that. In a chart released in 2014, the INSEE[154] states that 44% of all immigrants come from Africa (i.e. from both the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa), a figure that will only grow, since their birth rates are much higher than ours. There is an old idea that drives all those who specialise in both everything and nothing to claim that the integration of extra-Europeans has failed because our French society has mismanaged their establishment in mainland France. I would honestly love to believe this, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The three black African countries whose greatest number of nationals we currently welcome are Mali, Senegal and Congo. They are countries whose average IQ level is 74, 76 and 76 respectively. Let us say 75, then, if we average all three figures. In comparison to this, the IQ in France is STILL 98 points,[155] despite five decades of intensive immigration. One must be very naïve to believe that this difference — or this chasm, should I say — of 23 points is only due to the ever-thrilling ‘cultural diversity’. The reality is that young black schoolchildren are unable to integrate, not because the teachers of our national education system are mean and racist towards them (the opposite is true, rather), but because they do not have the intellectual capacity to do so. Let the facts be stated, once and for all! I say that African immigration to France, and more generally to Europe, is an ABOMINATION and must be brought to an end as soon as possible.
As for the court Jews often mentioned in this book, including Morin, Todd, Minc, Kouchner and the like, they are all fools who think they are smarter than their own rabbis and, unlike a major part of their community, have chosen to court the invaders, thus neglecting the lessons of history. Let them heed the words of their own prophets, then: after the good wheat, they shall be left with tares.[156]
Rightly considered traitors by their own people, but also (and especially) by the French, these anti-racist and anti-White leftist Jews will have to watch their backs when the wind turns. Even though, for the time being, they allow themselves to be critical of Israel (a land which these laughable cosmopolites see from a distance as a fascist and conservative country), they will have to consider the option of retreating to the land of their ancestors once the just anger of European identitarians allows the latter to cleanse not only France, but also every other part of the West.
This is not a threat, but a piece of advice.
My Own Human Rights Principles
1) What an ideology states and professes must not be judged in accordance with a moral criterion (‘Is it right or wrong?’), but rather with the experimental criterion of effectiveness (‘Is it functional or not?’).
2) Regardless of whether they bear any connection to religion or not, most ideologies fail due to their methodology, since they move from theory to practice, whereas one should proceed from practice to theory.
3) Judeocentrism is a hollow obsession whose causes, meaning and goals cannot be clearly defined. There are some who will claim that the reason I say this lies in my fear of the Jewish lobby, but I am not afraid of anything and am going to die soon. Over the years, I have come to understand that the anti-Semitic reduction of all our current problems to the Jewish question is the most striking form of contemporary conspiracy theories.
4) One never fights against a mere religion, ideology or doctrine: instead, what one battles is, above all, a group of men whose gathering acts as the collective embodiment of such a state of mind.
5) Ethnic homogeneity is the condition for civil peace and prosperity to prevail. As rightly noted by Aristotle, the peaceful and economically viable coexistence of ethnically different populations (cultures and origins) on a single territory is generally impossible. Most of the time, it leads to incessant conflicts, followed by a civil war during which the invaders attempt to replace the natives.
6) In any society or country, it is only a very small allogeneic minority that can successfully integrate through imitation and the renunciation of its original identity. Beyond a given numerical threshold (more than 2% of the population, generally speaking), one is guaranteed to face disorders and conflicts, with the inevitable and gradual creation of ghettos, as each group of people seeks to gather among their own. Assimilation and integration are impossible when it comes to two different cultures, especially when a strong racial ingredient is added to pickle the mixture.
7) Because of its very nature, its spreading of humiliation, its relentless aggressiveness, its inherent desire for both conquest and vengeance, its horrendous barbarities, etc., Islam, which has gone hand in hand with the massive immigration we have experienced over the past four decades, acts as the almost certain trigger of a coming civil war.
8) Under the direction of the Arabs (an excessively sanguinary people), the goal of Islam has, for fourteen long centuries now, lain in the conquest of Europe, whether through violence or not. They also feel the need to take revenge for the shame of having been driven out of our continent on two separate occasions and the humiliation of colonisation. As if under a spell, they will simply never cease to blame us. The Muslim countries of the Gulf, as well as Algeria and Turkey, are all discreetly involved in this conquest venture.
9) Just like any situation where one is faced with a water leak, the solution to our current political situation cannot be found in the approximate and temporary plugging of the leak itself. What we must do, instead, is stop the inpouring before sponging it away and draining it all out.
10) In the medium and long term, what is essential for any nation, especially if it has had the imprudence to admit immigrants, is to provide itself with an indigenous population of generational renewal.
The Contradictions of the Prevailing Ideology
When the Left Generates the Very Opposite of What It Would Like To
An Article Dated 10th March, 2017
The dominant ideology, which does not correspond to the majority’s opinions but merely to the thoughts of a ruling minority in whose values left-wing ingredients are very present indeed, is fraught with increasing, insurmountable and oxymoron-like internal contradictions. What follows are the most blatant ones, divided into several fields, namely economy, immigration, Islam, feminism, education, justice, and others.
The Left and the International Finance Sphere — An Objective Alliance
Socialists strive to justify our national indebtedness and fight against a completely imaginary ‘austerity’, disregarding our balance of public accounts, which is allegedly —wait for it! — ‘ultra-liberal’. And yet, the ever-so-hated world of international finance is pleased with the constantly growing indebtedness of its debtor, France, totalling 100% of its GDP. Socialists and international speculators walk the same path.
For ‘social’ reasons, the anti-capitalistic Left is thus in favour of our chronic budget deficit, while simultaneously abhorring international finance. The latter, however, finances our deficit (for the time being, at least) in the hope that these loans will allow it to earn more and more money. The anti-capitalistic Left therefore acts as its opponent’s cash cow. All of this is, however, partly rigged. Why? Because left-wing political borrowers receive creditors’ commissions to indebt our country.
One Battles a Fictional Sort of Ultra-Liberalism While France Succumbs to Collectivism
All over the world, one proceeds to attack ‘ultra-liberalism’ and ‘austerity’, while France experiences a collectivist economy with more than 57% of our GDP absorbed by the world’s strongest public expenditures; in addition to our shouldering a debt that brings us ever closer to bankruptcy and to our having the heaviest and most confiscatory tax regime for middle classes and businesses, especially in the case of SMEs[157] and very small businesses.
France is a collectivist country with an administered, over-regulated and overtaxed economy and an incredible number of civil servants. From this point of view, our land has the worst results of all EU countries (in terms of unemployment, indebtedness, and foreign trade).
The Antiracist Ideology Is Racist
Anti-racists support black and Arab Muslims, who, for their part, are both racist and anti-Semitic. A good example is Mehdi Meklat, a comedian who enjoys great admiration within the mediatic sphere and who went as far as to wish for the advent of a new Hitler to exterminate the Jews (no problem, right?). Or, close to Meklat, there is also Oulaya Amamra, who won the Most Promising Actress César Award. Indeed, she posted several anti-White/racist and homophobic tweets but was forgiven for her actions on account of her ethnic origin, which, as remarked by Ivan Rioufol, is a source of protection against any and all reproach (Le Figaro, 4th February, 2017).
Although widespread, anti-White racism is never prosecuted, simply because it is denied. One only speaks of racism when it impacts the members of our so-called diversity and stems from white authors. Such cases are, incidentally, extremely rare and are generally either falsified or highly exaggerated.
Likewise, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial are almost never subject to legal punishment when they come from Muslims (which is very common), and are only sanctioned when stemming from native European activists (a rarity by any means).
Defined as an aggravating motive for the commission of a crime or criminal offence, racism only applies to Whites in the standard practice of our courts.
Officially, human races are considered inexistent in France; but, as part of a legal contradiction, racism qualifies as a crime. It is no different from stating that bikes do not exist, but that one is forbidden to cycle.
The CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations) is not considered racist (although its name clearly is), whereas any potential CRAB (Representative Council of White Associations) would not only be denied the right to administrative registration, but also have its founders hauled into court under charges of racism.
Whereas the term ‘Black Africa’ is both politically correct and tolerated, the expression ‘White Europe’ is strongly frowned upon.
Positive Discrimination and (Anti-White) Statal Racism
Positive discrimination, i.e. the fact of bestowing upon people of colour various benefits, privileges, exemptions and favours so as to compensate for their purported discrimination by society, has not been legalised in France as it has been in American universities (where it is known as ‘affirmative action’), yet it is still implemented in practice — the priority or even systematic hiring of ‘diversity’ members for menial or medium-level jobs in large companies and public offices; higher social welfare and the absence of punishment for fraud; easier access to social housing from which the native French are virtually excluded; etc.
Contrary to the claims of the entire media, the populations of immigrant descent are neither disadvantaged nor excluded, but greatly privileged in every single field, as demonstrated by our urban policy, which entails huge costs but never produces the desired effects.
Even when their asylum application is rejected, third-world illegal migrants (‘invaders’ would be a more appropriate term) are non-expellable and receive more aid than our natives ever could.
The Duplicity and Aberrations of Feminism
Feminist lobbies have had laws passed guaranteeing gender parity in both voters lists and business leadership, all in the name of gender equality. These seemingly egalitarian measures constitute a serious violation of the principle of equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of their sex and origin. They are also contrary to the Declaration of Human Rights, which does not recognise the legitimacy of any quota based on one’s gender and birth conditions.
These measures are, furthermore, particularly harmful to women. With competency-based selection no longer respected, some of the women that end up being elected or recruited on the basis of quotas will not be of the required level. They will thus be said to have benefited from unfair favouritism.
The feministic and anti-racist Left is Islamophilic (as dictated by anti-racism), whereas Islam is essentially misogynistic. Leftist feminists, in fact, support invasive immigration and Islamisation. As for Femen[158] members, they attack churches under the pretext that Catholicism is allegedly misogynous (which is both idiotic and false), but are too cowardly to target mosques, although misogyny is one of Islam’s pillars.
Influenced by Islamo-leftism, feminist movements speak of women’s freedom when defending the wearing of the burkini, although we all know perfectly well that it is worn as a means of provocation and that this ridiculous and infamous garment is imposed upon women through threats. Interviewed by Le Figaro (on 7th March, 2017), French-Tunisian journalist Sonia Mabrouk explained that just like the Muslims themselves, these perverted feminists ‘have turned a symbol of domination into an expression of freedom’!
Ecologism vs. Ecology
Leftist ecologists strive to abolish nuclear energy, even though it is actually the least polluting energy source of all.
Dependent on the wind and the sun, and therefore of low efficiency, their famed intermittent ‘renewable energies’ would have to be supported through the presence of coal and gas power plants, as is currently the case in Germany, which declares itself opposed to nuclear power. What this state of affairs does is significantly increase pollutant emissions.
Supposedly less polluting in the long-term, the electric car will, owing to the use of thermal power plants, actually embody a major factor in the prior increase of the consumption (the recharging of batteries), and therefore also the production, of polluting electricity. The electric car is thus a completely wrong choice to make.
In Paris, the restriction of car traffic and the closure of riverbank roads by the green lobby of Mrs Hidalgo do not cause delays in public transport but, on the contrary, monster traffic jams that exacerbate air pollution.
The rejection of the large-scale Rhine-Rhône canal by the members of our green lobby has led to a proliferation of highly polluting lorries on our motorway routes.
Democracy, Populism and Oligarchy — Confusion and Lies
Countries that have the word ‘democracy’ in their names, especially when the latter is associated with the term ‘republic’, are often tyrannies. I would even describe this as a constant.
From the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the former German Democratic Republic, leaders once sought to defend themselves against all accusations of dictatorship by resorting to the following trump card: ‘Come on now, we are a democracy!’ This state of affairs has now fizzled out…
By targeting racism, the dominant ideology is actually castigating another major enemy: populism. To be a democrat and praise democracy — as if it were a secular idol — while simultaneously labelling oneself ‘anti-populist’ is, however, contradictory and absurd. Indeed, the words democracy (Greek etymology) and populism (Latin etymology) have the very same meaning, referring to the sovereignty of a people in the face of an oligarchy.
Imposing its subtle, discreet yet extremely effective tyranny upon France, the oligarchy is afraid of our real people. By means of semantic manipulation, it describes its own domination as being ‘democratic’ and labels the genuine democracy it dreads as ‘populistic’, implicitly assimilating the latter with fascism. It is all a very cynical lie that awakens one’s lust for revolution and blood.
Our Justice System vs. True Justice — A Caste’s Partiality, Politicisation and Abuse of Power
The principle of legal impartiality is no longer credible in France, for a major part of our judicial system is now politicised and biased. Many magistrates do not deliver justice in the name of the French people but in accordance with their own ideological commitments. The education which our National School of Magistracy thus provides is, politically speaking, of a far-leftist nature, perhaps even verging on Islamo-leftism.
The magistracy longs to be both untouchable and sacred, as if it were a kind of secular church erected above our own people. Espousing a totalitarian kind of approach, it prosecutes those who criticise it.
As seen during the Fillon affair,[159] for instance, the separation of powers is no longer respected by our courts, which allow themselves to directly intervene in presidential elections.
Draped in its false dignity and feigned impartiality, a part of our justice system submits to the dominant ideology of the hysterical Left, and in a militant manner at that. This fact came to light during the French Judicial Union’s scandalous delinquent slip-ups (‘The Wall of the Morons’ affair,[160] etc.).
Many magistrates are impartial only in matters of common law, from which all political or ethnic implications are absent. The dictatorship of unelected judges (especially European ones, who impose their rulings upon our national parliaments); their professional impunity; and their activist partiality are among the main dangers threatening genuine democracy.
As was the case under the Old Regime, our justice system has redefined itself as an autonomous corporation, one that remains independent of the will of the people, of its elected representatives and of our sovereignty. The very notion of a judicial system independent of democratically elected political powers is absurd. This is a false interpretation of Montesquieu’s conception of the separation of powers. Indeed, this charming undemocratic principle results in having an unelected judicial institution become independent of our very laws (which it shamelessly violates), encouraging it to form an autonomous sort of corporation. On the contrary, however, our magistrates should remain completely dependent on our parliamentary and executive legislative power, which stems from our people’s sovereignty, since they are expected to deliver justice ‘in the name of the people’. The actual independence of any justice system is an idea whose essence is tyrannical.
The European Union is Anti-European
Pro-European individuals (i.e. those that defend the current European Union), EU institutions and the European Court of Strasbourg are all in favour of the invasive immigration originating from other continents.
The Schengen Area of border abolition and the maritime military rescue operations in the Mediterranean have led to an immigrational explosion afflicting Europe. Instead of repelling such invaders, what European navies do, in actual fact, is help them invade us.
European institutions have, furthermore, adopted trade and international exchange rules that are systematically unfavourable to European companies.
It is therefore necessary to completely transform the various aspects of the current European Union, without, however, abolishing its very principle. What we must do is return to the notion of a union comprised of sovereign nations, i.e. reconnect with the supreme and ancient principle which the union of Greek city-states[161] abided by in relation to the absolute sovereignty of each city. What we need is a homogeneous people united with different yet kindred nations and devoid of ethnic diversity, since diversity automatically acts as a factor contributing to an outbreak of civil war. We thus need a Europe comprising one people, but many nations.
National Education — Egalitarianism vs. Equality
The decrease in our public education’s general level and discipline greatly disadvantages all children from working-class backgrounds. Better-off children attend paid private schools whose level is definitely higher than that of our national education system, a situation which differs from the past, when the public sector was superior to the private one.
Egalitarianism and the prevailing anti-selection ideology, both of which surfaced in May 1968, are the smotherers of equality in education, since they foster growing inequalities and obstruct the movement of elites. At the end of the primary cycle, the French national education system — a bastion of the egalitarian Left — generates one of the highest illiteracy rates in the entire world: 20%! In the medium term, this state of affairs will be deadly for our country. Already now, the French baccalaureate is no longer considered a serious diploma on an international level.
In this domain, as well as many other ones, what the Left’s permissive and egalitarian dominant ideology has produced is a two-tier society, with working-class children educated in low-end public institutions characterised by recurring acts of violence and permanent insecurity (essentially brought about by non-native pupils); mediocre teaching staff; and poor teaching methods and programmes. Nowadays, our public schools resemble low-cost supermarkets and our private schools luxury boutiques, although it was the very opposite that once applied. Thanks a lot, leftists![162]
One Single Crime Could Be the Last Straw That Shall Set the Civil War in Motion
A Brief Analysis by the Book’s French Editor
It was on 20th May, 2018 that I met Guillaume Faye for the very first time. We had established contact through his former editor, Jean Robin, who had asked me to talk to Faye about his book entitled Understanding Islam, which, according to him, had attracted too little attention in the dissident and patriotic media. I accepted immediately, because I had long been eager to add this truly legendary and utterly rock’ n’ roll figure — whose mind had created the notion of archeo-futurism — to the list of special guests appearing on my very own show, Vive Europe.[163]
What I did not expect, however, was to get on with him so well. I had been told the worst horrors about his character — he was an old, cantankerous, pretentious, stingy, bad-tempered and obsessed madman, and so on and so forth. You must never pay attention to what people say about someone you do not yet know personally. For none of what I had heard seemed true to me. The only reputation of his that I was able to verify is that he was a man slightly prone to drinking alcohol. No sooner had Guillaume entered the recording studio than he stumbled and almost fell on the glass table in the middle of the living room. Tight-lipped, he smiled and said to me: ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve just had a little drink!’ A little drink… Upon hearing him euphemise reality in such a manner, I burst out laughing. I was captivated.
As you might have noticed while reading this book, Faye was still of sound mind, despite his self-destructive tendencies and bad habits, so characteristic of misunderstood artists. I could talk for hours on end about this meeting of ours and the friendship that was born on that day. In future, I shall put it all on paper, but this is not the subject of the current text.
After the show, enjoying a cigarette or two in the presence of Joffrey Marrot, Robin Le Corre (a friend who allows me to film interviews in his home, which I would now like to thank him for), and a certain Romanian friend who will recognise himself in this description, we mentioned the prospect of a civil war in France, a war that would pit the country’s Whites against the Arab and African populations. That is when Guillaume told me that this was actually the subject of the book he was writing. I had no idea, at the time, that I would be the one to edit it. I listened to him talk without paying special attention. Indeed, my experience had taught me to be wary of all prophets of doom (a doom which never comes to pass), all declinists and anyone overly fond of grandiloquent discourse.
I do not believe in a well-thought-out counterattack launched by the French. Excessive propaganda and personal resignation have softened the valiant hearts of the Gauls. And yet, a recent fact mentioned in the news and pointed out by Faye on that day convinced me to reconsider my position.
On 1st February, 2018, an Italian web medium, Il Giornale, covered the nightmarish story of a young woman killed and hacked to pieces sometime between the 30th and the 31st of January. Here are the details, as mentioned by the web medium:[164]
A 29-year-old Nigerian national, Innocent Oseghale, was arrested by the Carabinieri for the murder of Pamela Mastropietro, an 18-year-old Italian adolescent. The migrant, whose residence permit had already expired, had killed her and chopped her into pieces.
The girl’s dismembered corpse was found yesterday morning by the Carabinieri, in two carts on the edge of Dell’industria Street, in Pollenza (Macerata). The current investigation, testimonies and video images all point to the 29-year-old Nigerian’s guilt.
In addition to being illegally present in the European Union, his criminal record indicates that he had also violated Italian drug trafficking laws.
It is all a terrible thing to write and contemplate, but so far, after reading these few lines, the information included is quite commonplace in a Western Europe that is now undergoing ethnic replacement. Indeed, such events happen on a daily basis, and the most atrocious crimes have become tragically ordinary.
The rest of the case is much more interesting. I came across this article in 20 minutes,[165] on 8th February, 2018, a few days after Pamela Mastropietro’s death.
An Italian man, Luca Traini, sought revenge for Pamela’s mutilation and attempted to assassinate several Blacks, acknowledging his behaviour’s specifically xenophobic character. The paper’s headline is unequivocal: A Show of Solidarity with the Perpetrator of the Racist Shooting.
And here is the content:
The solicitor representing Luca Traini, the man who had gone through several neighbourhoods and opened fire on the black migrants he saw from his vehicle, stated he had received a flood of messages in which people expressed their solidarity with his client. “Messages from people of all political stripes continue to arrive. The ones sending them are ordinary people, some belonging to the Left, others to the Right, of course,” solicitor Giancarlo Giulianelli stated.
“Most people say they would like to offer him money,” he added, “but despite being grateful to everyone for their messages, my client does not seek to be offered financial support and asks that the money meant for his defence be sent to Italian families in difficulty.”
This come as no surprise, considering that Luca Traini’s actions had been motivated, as he himself has stated, by Pamela Mastropietro’s despicable murder.
On Saturday, Luca Traini, a 28-year-old security guard, shot a dozen Africans in Macerata, in the centre of the Italian peninsula, before stopping his car and awaiting the arrival of the police, wrapped in an Italian flag. The young man had been on his way to a weights room when he had heard a radio announcement detailing the arrest of a Nigerian in the murder case. Here is what he had to say about it: “I just lost it. All I wanted was to kill blacks and drug dealers.”
There are two elements to remember in this case. The first is the revenge wrought by a native in the face of a foreigner’s violent, abusive or murderous behaviour. When one shifts one’s attention away from the French quagmire, one realises that such events are already happening elsewhere in Europe. For the time being, they are but occasional reactions of pride, yet they do indeed occur and are thus to be pointed out. Let us, furthermore, not forget the politically motivated and spectacular attack carried out by Anders Breivik in Norway on 22nd July, 2011. It would be a mistake to suppose that Whites have completely (and globally) lost all capacity for rebellion.
The next aspect, which is the most interesting one, is embodied by the very information comprised in the title — the population agrees with the avenger and approves of his actions! It welcomes this behaviour and supports it with messages of friendship and proposed donations. On this level, a step has been taken towards the outbreak of ethnic war. One thus understands that, in the event of large-scale conflicts, and despite the unrelenting efforts of the media, which always side with non-indigenous populations, the crowds will support their heroes. The Italians who have applauded Luca Traini’s actions have certainly made it clear to anyone who would follow a similar course of action that they would stand by all those who act against the invaders. I am unsure whether one can label this development pleasant, but it is definitely noticeable.
Guillaume Faye believes in the theory of an outburst of public anger, and informed me of it on the day we met. His understanding is that if scenarios such as the one I have just detailed become a daily occurrence in France, with acts of revenge and counter-revenge on both sides, a racial civil war shall break out and spread its black wings across the entire country.
Italy is, of course, not France, and we have yet to experience our own Breivik.
The current Yellow Vest revolt, which is in full swing as I pen these words, indicates that our people are not entirely dead yet and may have a surprise or two up their sleeve — they may indeed surprise us with their panache, their swift brutality, and their collective intelligence, infusing life into our dream of a better tomorrow.
I would not, however, venture as far as to expect a 16th or 20th protest phase[166] during which one would ‘hold a dialogue with the suburbs’, a revolutionary Saturday during which one would witness Yellow Vests launch an attack on the local scum and unleash their just fury upon the latter’s territory. It is Guillaume Faye who has ventured that far in my stead, longing for a civil war that would save this country.
I will not take the needless risk of embracing such a position, but I do hope that should such a war come to pass, it is we who shall emerge victorious. And I do believe we shall!
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Roger Adwan
John Bruce Leonard
Tor Westman
Illustration by Pensel Fjorton