Ginger Craft
Chapter 1
It was beautiful.
Julie wheeled the small car expertly down the broad highway, the sun streaming in on her. The top was down and the wind fluttered her long copper-colored hair behind her. She had never felt so free.
Eighteen years old, vibrant with youth and beauty, she had been stifled-or so she thought- these past nine months. College was a drag. She was a good student, but college was a drag anyway. But that was behind her, at least for the next three months.
Now, it was the last week in May, and she had three lovely, warm months to be free, to be herself.
And what was Julie?
It was a question she had asked herself many times. There were times when she felt she was two people. And, in a way, Julie Kramer was two people, with totally separate personalities, separate wants and desires. One part other played the game as established for her. Most of the time she was a demure, somewhat shy girl, quick to smile and quick to laugh. This Julie Kramer was the face she presented in her college life. But during the evenings, nights, and weekends, she was altogether a different girl.
And this was the girl Julie enjoyed the most.
The weekend, the evening, the night Julie was a hot-blooded, sensual, sex-loving girl. She would often get far enough away from college so she wouldn't be recognized, make a pick up, and fuck for as long as time would permit.
Behind the facade of her demure, often shy, appearance, Julie Kramer was a girl who bubbled for sex. She needed sex the way any other person needed water; her very existence depended on sex, and in huge quantities. She didn't care for a permanent partner at all. One man could become a bore after a while, she had discovered early in her life. Julie wanted variety, a change, anything that could keep her life moving along with excitement.