Evelyn Street
Behind the barn
"Just what did you mean by that?" Mike Peters turned slowly around and faced his wife. He had already opened the door, intending to stalk out, but now he slammed it shut again, and Sandra recoiled from the look of cold anger he was levelling at her. But she continued to stare back at him, fury flashing in her green eyes. Tossing her sleek, raven-crowned head, she fought the beginnings of fear which were trying to root deep inside her.
"Just what I said!" she retorted bitterly. "You've got some plan in mind for that little vixen… I saw the way you were looking at her!"
"For Christ's sake, Sandy, try and be reasonable!" Mike snapped, resisting the temptation to go over and shake his wife until her teeth chattered. He felt extremely uncomfortable and just a little bit guilty. A guy can't help looking, he told himself, when a broad as well-built as Eve Slater comes into view, and as the girl was going to be working for him, he had to be friendly to her, hadn't he?
"Are you sure she's from the Agricultural College, and not just some little number you've…"
"I'm sick and tired of listening to your accusations," Mike interrupted, "and I haven't got all day to stand here and argue with you. Miss Slater," he went on quietly, "is a student from the college, and perfectly qualified for the project. She is majoring in Dairying, and will be with us for three months. Anything else?"
"You can't tell me she knows anything about farming," Sandra persisted, feeling her anger and jealousy combine and stick in her craw, choking the hot bitter words out of her. As she continued to rail at her husband, a suffocating feeling of futility and frustration swept over her. I didn't mean to nag him like this, she told herself hopelessly. I can't help it… but she's so young and attractive, and the way he was looking at her…
"I have to go now," Mike said tonelessly, "it's almost milking time."
"That's right," Sandra hurled, "go back to your damn cows… and your girlfriend!" Great gulping sobs convulsed her, and tears ran down her face as she stared at the departing figure of her husband. God, why does she have to cry like that? Mike shrugged as he slammed the door behind him. As always, he was moved by the sight and sound of her tears, and felt the guilt inside him strengthening with insidious speed. He would have liked to take her in his arms, caress and soothe her, stroke away her fears, in spite of her nagging and accusations, but somehow, he couldn't. He knew he was afraid that she'd reject his offering of peace, and felt that he couldn't stand the humiliation. If she wants to be like that, why should I be the one to give in? he reasoned angrily, as he hurried over to the barn.