Narthang Bulletin
No.3 September 1992
NB is a monthly informational Publication on Buddhism on the territory of the former USSR published by the Russian branch of the Narthang Publications, belonging to the Office of Information and International Relations of H.H. the Dalai Lama.
Any communications (up to 100 words) of Buddhist groups and organizations subscribed to the Bulletin are published by NB free. The same applies to information on new publications on Buddhism sent to the Bulletin. Full responsibility for the accuracy of information rests with its authors.
Buddhist groups of all denominations are welcome to inform about themselves, their achievements and problems.
Editor-in-chief Dr.A.A.Terentyev, managing editor Dr.A.A.Diuranov. Address: Dr.A.A.Diuranov, P.O. Box 627, St-Petersburg, Russia, 190000; Tel: (812)-312-04-71, Fax: (812)-272-79-68 (A.A.Terentyev.) (c) Narthang publications. Price $ 2 for oversea subscribers includes air mail. Subscription applications for 1993 are accepted.
I. H.H. the Dalai Lama to Russia
This September H.H. visited three autonomous republics of Russian Federation which traditionally profess Buddhism - Kalmykia, Tuva, Buryatia. In the present issue of the Bulletin we shall dwell upon the events which took place in Kalmykia.
H.H. came to Kalmykia by invitation of the Parliament, Government of the Republic and the Kalmyk Buddhist organizations. He was received at the government level: the flag of Tibet was flying over His residence; in His trips around the regions He was accompanied by the Chairmans of Parliament and of the Council of Ministers of Kalmykia.
Besides Elista, H.H. visited Yashkulsky region, Lagan, Dzhalykov's state farm and Kechenerovsky region where He had meetings and talks with thousands of believers, conducted religious services, sanctified recently built Huruls.
But the main event of this visit was, in H.H. opinion, the ordination of 13 young men which He performed in Elista. In this group there were two Buryats, one Russian, and the rest were Kalmyks.
H.H. gave special attention to the desirability of establishing nunneries that had no tradition in Kalmykia.
The Kalmyks also arranged such important events in cultural life for the visit of H.H. as: the presentation of the Kalmyk Society of Friends of Tibet, of a new Buddhist magazine "Mandala", the conduct of the conference "Buddhism and the Development of a Kalmyk National School" by the new-organized Institute for Revival of the Kalmyk language and the Buddhist culture.
On September 18th H.H. left for Tuva.
II. Visits.
1. In September Thich Nhat Hanh, renown Vietnamese Zen master visited Moscow (see NB No.2). On September 11 he gave public lecture "Life in Peace". During the lecture the appeal for help to imprisoned Vietnamese Buddhist monks and nuns was distributed.
On September 12-13 Thich Nhat Hanh offered Days of Mindfulness. The practice comprised za-zen, tea and walking meditations. There were over 100 participants, some of them took the vows of laymen. Thich Nhat Hanh promised to sent to Moscow some disciples to teach Zen and maybe to pay one more visit to Moscow after two years.
III. News from Communities.
1. "Datsan Gunzechoiney" (St.Petersburg Buddhist Temple) community.
The Temple was built before the 1917 Revolution. Construction was initiated by H.H. the Dalai Lama XIII Tubten Gyatso and his preceptor and counsellor well-known Buryat Lama Agwan Lobsang Dorjieff. The first Temple service was performed on 21 February 1913 and dedicated to the celebration of 300th Anniversary of the Romanov Royal House. The Temple was consecrated on August 1915. The Temple functioned intermittently until 1937, when the larger part of the Temple Staff was imprisoned. After this the Temple was occupied by different government organizations.
Only in 1989, because of democratization in former USSR, it became possible to register the Buddhist Society of Leningrad, and the Temple was returned to the Buddhists. On January 1991 Lama Tenzin Khetsun was elected the Abbot of the Temple. He brought with him about 20 Buryat novices, who have taken their first monk vows. There is a Publishing Department in the Temple, which has reprint a manual of Tibetan medicine "Gyu-zhi", calendars, posters etc. International Department is organizing contacts with centers of Buddhism abroad. The Center of Buryat Culture is functioning in the Temple. We have also founded The University of Buddhist Culture. The studies will begin in October in the building of "Znanie" Society.
The repair and restoration of the Temple require considerable financial means, so help would be welcome.
Address: St.Petersburg Buddhist Temple, Primorsky Av. 91, St.Petersburg 197228, Russia.
Report of Temple's Abbot.
2. Communities of Tuva.
At present there are 9 communities in Tuva:
1. Buddhist Community of Tuva (Kyzyl).
2. "Union of Golden Buddha" (Kyzyl).
3. Young Buddhists of Tuva Society.
4-9. Buddhist Society of Erzinsky District, Chadan, Haiyrakan (Ulug-Hemsky District), Bay-Tayginsky District, Barun-Himchiksky District, Tes-Hemsky District.
In practice these societies include all the native population of the Republic. Every year the number of Buddhists and people attracted by Buddhism increases.
In Tuva Buddhism began to spread in the VIII-XIII centuries. But it has become dominant religion in the XVIII century.
In the thirties and forties of XX century all temples (about 30) were destroyed and monks were repressed. Nevertheless, Buddhism continued to live in people's mind, tradition, rites, customs. Therefore the revival of Buddhism is met with great enthusiasm.
The Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Republic Tuva.
3. "Padmasambhava Center" is the branch of Ningma school, which is being guided by Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Pubden Sherab Rinpoche. Address: 107078, Moscow, P.O. Box 120, Moscow "Padmasambhava Center", tel: 208-54-91, Tarasova Svetlana Eduardovna.
4. Moscow Buddhist Community.
It was registered in 1989, has more than one hundred members, follows the Gelug tradition and is included in the Central Buddhist Board of Russia. Address: 109444, Moscow, Tashkentsky per. 5, k.2 - 155, tel. 372-46-65, Gordoyeva Donara Gereltuyevna.
5. "The Russian National Buddhist Center "Nyingma" community has been registered in Moscow. It was blessed by the Great Teacher Khamtrul Rinpoche. Tibetan name of community is Tso-kye-Dorje-Gyepa Ga tsel Ling. The Centre's President is Igor Antonov. The members of the Community apart from practice Dharma are doing various philanthropic and cultural work. The Community has set up The First Private Russian Opera called after Mamontov, under which the educational faculty of elite singing art has been founded. It is run by Sergei Botnarev of Italian School "Belcanto" Tradition. Also the educational "Russian National Tantric Buddhism Institute" was established. Cultural and commercial "Shambala Center" is functioning too. The community has the branch in Kemerovo. Tel: 133-68-31 Nina Kozyreva, 254-97-48 Igor Antonov.
6. The correct address and telephone number of Friends of Tibet Society: 193015, St.Petersburg, Tavricheskaya 45-82, Kozhevnikova M., tel: (812) 110-03-50.
7. The addresses and telephones of Karma Kagyu centers and groups founded by Ole Nydahl:
1. 252214, Kiev, Layosha Gavro St., 11-Д-235, tel. (044) 410-92-63, Gora L.
2. 310089, Kharkov, Frunze Av. 55-21, tel. (0572) 94-06-23, Starodub L.
3. Moscow, Profsoiuznaya St. 100-126, tel. (095) 335-75-04, Zaripova L.
4. Zaporozhskaya Oblast, Melitopol, 4-Prodolnaya St. 36/7-45, tel. 5-55-23, Golikov F.
5. 330067, Zaporozhye, Prichalnaya St. 11-2, tel. (0612) 31-71-92, Bocharov W.
6. 294018, Uzhgorod, L.Tolstoi St. 33-67, tel. (03122) 3-27-32, Markusik E.
7. 454048, Chelybinsk, Yablochkina St. 23-5, tel. (3512) 34-81-35, Yerochin B.
8. 400113, Volgograd, Bulvar Engelsa 15-41, tel. (8442) 67-39-57, Parubok V.
9. 432030, Ulyanovsk, Ippodromnaya St. 6-1, Makarov O.
tel. (8422) 31-90-05, Lena, Natasha.
10. 443013, Samara, Aksakovskaya St. 169-33, tel. (8462) 36-00-20, Perevedentsev D.
11. 664023, Irkutsk, Deputatskaya St. 41-Б-6, Garashenko S.
tel. (3952) 27-19-66, Orbodoev S.
12. 630081, Novosibirsk, Dostoyevskogo St. 18-60, tel. (3832) 25-31-02, Karamysheva M.
13. 357538, Pyatigorsk, Vosstaniya St. 100-61, tel. (86533) 7-65-59, Osaulenko V.
14. Krasnoyarsk: tel. (3912) 22-40-47, Lyakin V.
15. Ekaterinburg: tel. (3432) 47-49-28, Budanova S.
16. 690021, Vladivostok, Kalinina St. 285-61, tel. 27-24-35, Pogodayev V.
17. 410026, Saratov, Slonova St. 49-60, Safronov V.
18. 445009, Tolyatti, Koshelya St. 62-2, tel. 26-25-70, Fedyakin A.V.
1. Appeal of the Moscow Institute for Buddhist Studies.
Moscow Institute for Buddhist Studies is supported by Ven.Junsei Terasawa, the disciple of H.H. Nitidatsu Fujii.
We address to all, who are interested in development & spreading of Buddhism, sending appeal to manifest your solidarity through participation in the work of Institute for Buddhist Studies.
Normal functioning of our Institute is present extremely difficult socioeconomic situation needs all kinds of help & support.
Also, The Institute will offer wide choice of lectures & courses on history & modern state of Buddhism, on Buddhist philosophy, meditation, art & classical Oriental languages: Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, old Mongolian, Chinese & Japanese.
Into Institute's sphere of activity are also included projects, concerning Buddhist culture, architecture & art; - such as conservation of Buddhist memorials in Middle Asia. The Institute will be giving help to newly emerging groups & movements. It will participate in international projects of Buddhist temples' construction.
We hope, that Buddhism will have an adequate role in process of formation of new democratic society. With your support & help The Institute for Buddhist Studies will make all possible efforts to fulfil this noble task.
Our mailing address: The Moscow Institute for Buddhist Studies
8 Mokhovaya Str., Moscow 103009, Russia, Tel.: (7-095) 245-2289, Fax: (7-095) 248-0264. Executive director Tom G. Rabdanov.
The Center of Indological and Buddhological Studies (CIBS) was created by the Institute of Asian and African Studies (IAAS) of Moscow State University in 1991 as independent scientific body with the purpose of study of the History and Culture of Buddhism, the influence of the Tradition of Buddhism on the culture and the world civilization as a whole.
3. Telemarathon "Tibet".
I suggest to organize Telemarathon "Tibet" which could help to raise funds to help Tibetan refugees. The Telemarathon would be first of all a meeting with the well-known Buddhist teachers. Besides it would be possible to show films about Dalai Lama, situation in Tibet, Tibetan arts, shot by the foreign and home film-makers.
In our telecasts and plots we would offer to visit Dharamsala - the residence of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Potala, the holy valley of Katmandu and Lumbini, and also the representatives of H.H. the Dalai Lama and the Buddhist monasteries in Europe and Asia.
Telemarathon - will be also a number of meetings with the outstanding religious figures of other religions the Pope, the Patriarch of Russia, Swami Lokeshwarananda.
Also during the Telemarathon it would be possible to shoot a number of meetings with the Heads of the Governments who received H.H. the Dalai Lama as the head of the Tibet Government in exile - (the Presidents of USA, Canada, Chechoslovakia, Lithuania, the Prime-minister of Great Britain and also the General Secretary of the UNO).
In course of preparation to the Telemarathon, it would be possible to issue a monthly bulletin of the Telemarathon.
Certainly, the Telemarathon "Tibet" would become a reality only with the help many allies, Buddhists and simply sympathizers, who will share their time, pains, their copy-rights on films and money to realize this idea. According to the preliminary calculations, it will cost about 1 million dollars.
Please, address all proposals, ideas and responses about any assistance to post address of NB.
Natalia Sidorenko
V. Literature (in Russian).
1. In September the publishing house "Narthang" has issued the autobiography of H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama "Freedom in Exile" (price $4). For the first time this book was published at the end of 1990 and since was translated into scores of languages. (price $4).
2. We distribute the Russian translation of "The Buddhism of Tibet" by H.H. (price $2).
3. Also we distribute the book by A.Berzin "The Tibetan Buddhism: History and Prospects". (price $1).
4. In October we intend to publish the course of lectures by the same author under the title "Outlines of Buddhist Practice" (price $2).
5. We can send to our subscribers the illustrated "The Story of Buddha" (for children) by H.Saddhatissa, the late President of "Mahabodhi" Society and Head of London Buddhist Vihara. Translation by A.Duranov. (Price $2).
6. This year the publishing house "Utpala" is going to issue "Buddhists Stories", translated from Pali by A.Paribok. It includes the best patterns of early Buddhist stories and sayings. Approximate price $4 including mail charges. (Apply to the address: Russia, 190068, St.Petersburg, per.Boytsova 4, "Utpala".