Penelope is a witch, part of a secret society protecting humans from demon attacks. But when she was a child, a demon killed her parents—and stole her magic. Since then, she’s been pretending to be something she’s not, using her sister’s magic to hide her own loss, to prevent being sent away.
When she’s finally given the chance to join the elite demon-hunting force, Penelope thinks that will finally change. With her sister’s help, she can squeeze through the tests and get access to the information she needs to find "her" demon. To take back what was stolen.
Then she meets Carter. He’s cute, smart, and she can borrow his magic, too. He knows her secret—but he also has one of his own.
Suddenly, Penelope’s impossible quest becomes far more complicated. Because Carter’s not telling her everything, and it’s starting to seem like the demons have their own agenda…and they’re far too interested in her.
Salt - 1
Danielle Ellison
To my Nanan, who put her heart in everything, worked her hardest, spoke her mind, loved entirely, and made the best pies. If I end up being half the woman you were, it will be my biggest success.
Chapter One
Gran always told us not to leave home without salt in our pocket.
“You never know,” she used to say while we licked batter from spoons, “when a demon will attack and you need to be prepared.”
Pop would call her “sweet lips” and remind her we were kids, much like he did when Connie and I stole cookies before dinner and she flipped out. Mom and Dad would reassure her that we were safe, and then take us home where bedtime was the biggest worry.
But that was before my parents died. Since then, Gran reminds me about having salt every time I so much as mention going outside. Her warning plays on a loop in my head. I’m trained to bring it with me.
Except for today, apparently.
The demon chasing me is going to love that.
I run, but there’s only so much I can do. Plus, I wasn’t paying attention and turned down an alley. The walls are narrow, only about seven feet across, so there’s no way I can maneuver around it. Demons are too fast. There has to be a way out at the other end. Maybe I can sneak past it.
I pick up speed, leading it away from the street and deeper into the alley. Wait, this is wrong. There’s a brick wall blocking the exit.
You’ve got to be kidding. A dead end. My end. Crap. If there were an award for bad situations, I’d win first, second, and third place.
All I can do is run and hope I can get around it and out the way I came in. Maybe it’s far enough behind me that it will work. Running is my best option.
I turn around and bam, there it is, hissing at me. My stomach lurches at the sight of it, and at the sulfur lingering in the air. Dang, it’s gross. They’re not always this ugly, but this one’s green scales, cleaved tongue, and lime eyes make it one of the more hideous. At least there’s something there, though, something to fight.
I need to figure this out. I’ve studied all the books; this should be a no-brainer.
Demons are more vulnerable in their true form. When they’ve possessed a Non, a human without power, they can hide more. Old Greenie here is completely itself. Lucky me.
“Witch,” the demon hisses, “you smell good.”
“You bet I do,” I say. Though I have no idea why it said that. The demon makes a kind of grinding noise that I’ve come to recognize as laughter, and takes a step toward me. “Come any closer and your ass goes back to hell before you can blink your beady little eyes.”
“Hell is temporary, girl. I’ve gotten out before; I can do it again. I’m not afraid of hell.” Its voice is venomous, slithery. Overconfidence is a demonic weakness.
“Been there before?” I ask. I raise my eyebrows and sweep my gaze across the alley. There’s no way out of this. I wish I could go all Spider-Man and walk up the wall.
“That’s the problem with you witches,” the demon says. “You’re so snotty. Know-it-alls, all of you. This world used to be fun—lots of babies to enjoy, people dying of the plague, willing sacrifices.” It takes a step toward me with each word. “Witches were a lot easier to find then, too.”
I dodge it left and right. We both know I’m stalling. It’s the only alternative to salt I have. Demons love to talk about themselves, spill their plans. They’re idiots. Misdirection, number six in the handbook.
“Do you have a nice little house in hell? Drapes? Servants? A cute little demon dog? All that jazz?” I ask.
The demon hisses again and charges toward me. I leap out of the way, only a few feet in the tight space, as it stops exactly where I was standing. My heart races, eyes flicking to my left—almost there—as it lunges toward me, green claws outstretched.
I spring to my left and slide my foot back, beckoning it forward. It bolts toward me again and then lands directly on target on the iron sewer grate.
Everything’s still at first except the racing of my heart and the fear dancing in its glowing red eyes. Then it screams, howls like it’s dying. It is—sort of. At least it’s trapped on the iron and I’m sure it burns like hell. Gotta love iron.
“I hope you had a nice visit. Vacation’s over.”
It hisses at me again, his tongue flickering between its weird pointy teeth, and jerks toward me, but it’s trapped. The more it struggles the more it’s probably searing at its skin. Iron is a great trap when there’s nothing else.
“You can’t keep me here,” it hisses as I turn away.
I pull my cell phone out of my pocket. The demon keeps muttering and yelling, and the scent of sulfur burns my nose while I dial Connie. Demons reek. Connie doesn’t answer. Voice mail. I should’ve thought this plan through a little more.
“Assistance, Con. Hurry up!” I whisper where I am before I hang up and start dialing Pop. Unlike the rest of my family, and the rest of the witches in my community, I can’t work magic on my own; I need to be near someone else in my family. When I touch them it’s stronger, because “blood unified is magic magnified,” but even being nearby is enough for me. Except it’s really inconvenient—especially when they don’t answer.
“Wait,” the demon says. I freeze, the rings filling my ears. Three. Four. Five. “Are you calling for help?”
No answer with Pop either, so I hang up and twist around to face the demon. Greenie doesn’t look good; its eyes are dilated and it’s covered in a sheen of sweat. I’m starting to sweat too, because this is a mess.
“I thought you were going to send me to hell.”
“I am,” I say. I slide my phone back into my pocket. This is all bad. Very bad. There’s only one person left, but I am not calling Gran. She won’t approve of any of this; she barely tolerates my dreams of being an Enforcer and will never understand that I need to be one to find my magic. Plus, I’ll never hear the end of forgetting the salt. I’ll figure out something else.
“So do it,” the demon smiles tightly.
I cross my arms over my chest. I can’t tell it that I can’t send it back, that I don’t have the power. If one of them finds out then all the demons will know; then soon after that all of my kind will know—and I’ll be screwed. Might as well paint a target on my back. Think, Penelope, think.
“Maybe I like to make it a party,” I say.
The demon hisses. “You’re Static.”
“I am not Static.” I square my shoulders. I’m not Static—I’m temperamental. I know how do to this, I know many different ways to do this, but I’ve never done it before. Technically, none of the witches younger than eighteen are allowed to do magic outside of the home or school, but there are circumstances where it’s acceptable without punishment. Like this one. And I can’t. Life is so unfair. “I can do it.”
“Then do it,” it challenges.
I bite the inside of my cheek as the words from the CEASE Squad Handbook flash in my head. Demonic weaknesses: expulsion, entrapment, and sacraments: incantation, iron, and salt.
I’m going to have to expel a demon without salt, without sacrament, and without someone else to help me. My power hasn’t been strong enough to work without a family member as a counter since I was nine. My magic has to feed off theirs, like my essence isn’t strong enough alone. It’s so weak it’s practically nonexistent.
Gah, Greenie is sneering at me. I have to at least try to send it back to hell, buy myself some more time. It won’t know I’m pretending.
I scan the area to make sure there are no Nons sneaking peeks down the alley. I came all the way to the bad end of town for cupcakes, so no one seems to notice us here. Thank goodness. Of course, no Nons means no Enforcers and no one to save me if I mess this up. I raise my hands so my palms are facing the demon, and it seems nervous, which makes me falsely confident, since I don’t even have magic. I start the incantation. It’s strongest in Latin—most people use English, but I’m weak enough as it is.
“Virtute angeli ad infernum unde venistis,” I whisper. Then say it again, louder. “Virtute angeli ad infernum unde venistis.”
Four minutes and the only thing that’s changed is that now the demon is laughing. “You are Static. Leave me on the iron; I’m sure another will come along who can finish the job,” it chuckles.
Yeah, cause that’s what I need. An Enforcer to come see me chatting it up with Greenie instead of offing it. Anger boils through me. I can do this. It’s in my blood to do this. It’s got to still be there. I don’t need Connie or Pop or Gran or anyone. I know I have the power somewhere inside me. I can do it. I repeat the incantation.
“Now you’re wasting my time,” the demon says, its laughter fading.
I say the incantation again. There’s a moment before the magic starts where the elements all seem to merge into one huge power source. The air is thinner, water seems to evaporate into your pores, you get hot like you’re dancing on fire, the scent of dust and wildflowers fill the air, and it all tunnels into your veins and pours out. At least, that’s how I remember it. I know how it feels to have the magic build up, to fill the hollowness. It doesn’t; once again, there’s nothing.
I yell the words of the incantation. Over and over. Still nothing.
“This is starting to get boring.”
Suddenly the magic is there. It tingles through my toes and floats around in my head, falling into place. It’s different than I expect it to feel—less tunneling into me the way it does with my family, and more pulling out of me. A storm is brewing inside me. Maybe it’s supposed to feel different when you do it alone; I was a child the last time I used it without a counter. Whatever! It’s working! I don’t need my family again and I don’t have to worry about finding all the pieces for some crazy ritual. I’m so ecstatic that I yell the incantation again and don’t even care if I look unstable from the smiling. “Virtute angeli ad infernum unde venistis.”
The demon chokes on its laugh and falls to its knees. I stop chanting. It shakes on the ground and foams at the mouth before it melts. Well, not so much melts as much as skin peels away like disgusting goo, and then the rest of it bursts into pieces. A green scale hits me in the face.
Expulsion—I did it! I can’t believe I did it! I have magic! I squeal and jump in my spot. I expelled a demon on my own. If I killed it then maybe all those books are wrong, maybe that was my demon. The power still surges through me; I want to fly. I bet I could scale the wall. I have magic again. There’s no one to see me. I can’t help it—I dance. Full on cabbage patch with some weird leg kick, all uncoordinated and remarkable. I expelled a demon! I have my magic back! I deserve a dance. I deserve a ball! I deserve—
“That was touch and go there for a minute,” a calm, cool voice calls out to me.
I freeze. My heart is pounding in my chest from the adrenaline—not to mention, minor embarrassment. A boy leans against the brick wall, brown leather jacket, jeans that are too tight, bright-blue Converses and an amused smile. He can’t be a Non; if he was he’d be screaming his head off by now. He must be something else. Another witch, maybe?
“Oh, sorry,” he says, pushing away from the wall and stepping toward me. “Keep dancing. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Expelling a demon is a good reason to celebrate—even when it took you ten minutes.”
I force my mouth to close and pick my bag up off the ground, wiping away some flecks of green. This is not what I need. I have magic again. I feel it lingering beneath my skin, buzzing and pulsing, like it’s waiting to be utilized. I want to see what else I can do with it. I’ve never had this much energy after using magic. When I pull from Con or Gran or Pop, it makes me tired. This has to be my magic because it’s too alive to not be.
“And you’re an expert?” I snap. He’s obviously a witch because he’s still standing here. Plus, he thinks he knows everything, and we all have that problem a little.
“I know a thing or two,” he says. Some have more of a problem than others.
My phone chirps before I can deliver my comeback. A text from Connie: On my way. She’s never going to believe I did it on my own. No one was here to see except this random boy. I wonder if I can keep this power surge going long enough to do a memory wipe. It’s probably bad to have a witch knowing I couldn’t do magic. Nix the “probably.”
“Let me guess—you watch Buffy reruns?” I ask, raising my eyebrow.
He smiles. It spreads across his sorta-rugged-cute smug face. “She hunted vampires,” he says.
“Those aren’t real.”
“I’m aware.”
I snort, which is only a little mortifying.
“Glad that’s cleared up,” he says. He moves closer to me until he’s only inches away. I take a step back as he takes a step forward, and his hand reaches out toward my face. Witch or not, I will bust out my ninja moves if he touches me. He puts up his hands and I pause as he reaches out to touch my hair and comes back with some green demon insides. Awesome.
“Thanks,” I say, quickly. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles again and this time it lights up his eyes. They’re the same color green the demon was—only they’re brighter against his skin and short, shaggy dark-brown hair.
“I’m Carter.”
“Penelope Grey,” I say.
“Nice to meet you,” he says.
“So, why are you hanging out in an alley?”
Carter laughs a little and crosses his arms over his chest. He obviously missed the fact that it’s June in DC and he’s wearing a leather jacket.
“Tracking demons, what else?”
I shake my head. “You track them?” I ask, stepping away from him.
“They track us, don’t they? It’s only fair to return the favor,” Carter says. I’m pretty sure my mouth drops. I may spend some of my time looking for information about demons—well, a demon—but that’s totally different. I don’t seek them out. “I was following one when I found you.”
I stare at him for a second. What kind of weirdo witch tracks demons? We don’t have the power, the knowledge, or the skills to track demons without backup. Not even Enforcers, witches trained to fight demons, are supposed to do that. And this guy is no Enforcer—if he was then he’d have the badge of three gold triangles that only witches can see. Tracking demons is not safe and it’s not how we operate. Rule number thirteen: Let them come to you. When they reveal themselves, they exhaust themselves and you get the advantage.
It’s Connie. I look away from Carter and toward the sound of my sister’s voice.
“Next time, don’t forget the salt,” he says.
A half-cocked smile is on the side of his mouth. I start to say something, but I can’t think of anything quick enough. He disappears up the side of the alley wall by jumping on a Dumpster, and goes over the top. I bet I could’ve done that. That could’ve been my Spidey moment.
Connie comes running up the alley.
“Penelope,” she says out of breath. “Are you okay? I was with Thomas. I got here as fast as I could.” Connie’s round cheeks are flushed and her blond curls fall around her face perfectly even though she’s been running. I hate that her hair is curly while mine isn’t. Her brown eyes widen as she scans me for injuries, and a familiar pang hits my chest.
She looks so much more like our mom than I do. I have Dad’s blue eyes, not Mom’s brown ones; Connie even got her mannerisms—not to mention her great hair.
“It’s all taken care of,” I say, pushing away my feelings. Her eyes widen as she examines the alley, which is covered in green guts.
“Did Pop come?” she asks.
“No,” I say with a smile.
“Gran?” I shake my head. She scrunches up her nose, “Then who did this?”
I clear my throat and hold my shoulders higher. “I did.”
Connie laughs. I glare at her.
“You can’t do this. Don’t lie to me. It’s okay if you had help.”
“I did it, Connie. Me.”
She looks around the alley and harrumphs, bracelets clinking together as she moves her hands around and mutters an incantation. The mess of demon guts disappears around us. I look at my little sister. There are only eleven months between us, though sometimes it feels like decades. She doesn’t believe me. Not that I blame her. I probably wouldn’t believe me if I hadn’t done it.
“How did you do it alone?”
I smile at her. “I think I found the demon.”
Connie stares at me, like she’s not sure if I’m real or not. “The demon that—”
“Ours. Mine. The one that took my power.”
Chapter Two
I glance out the window of the garage. I can see Connie sitting in the backyard; she’s sprawled out on the grass, and she’s waving her phone in the air. She wants me to read the messages she’s been sending but I already know they mean she’s done trying. I refuse to give up. I refocus on the shelf in front of me, perfectly lined with all the things I’ve been trying to blow up. Or move. Or levitate. At this point I’d settle for making them glow. I call on the magic, but all I feel is nothing. And it’s annoying.
Two hours ago, I expelled a demon. I had magic all on my own. And now? Now it feels like that moment right before my first kiss, after three torturous weeks of listening to Jason Prevoy talk about his car, only to learn too late that he slobbered like a Saint Bernard. That poor purple sweater never recovered.
I count to three and try again, reciting every spell I can think of and focusing so hard I probably look constipated. Then the objects start to move, and for a second I believe I’m doing it. Then Connie barges in through the back door the same moment a paint bucket topples to the ground.
I turn to her and groan. “Con, I wasn’t done! Go back out there.”
She shakes her head. “I’m sorry, but you’ve been trying to blow up that vase for two hours, Penelope.” Connie grabs my hand. In a moment the vase shatters to pieces and I pull my hand away, but she looks satisfied. “Can we admit that maybe it didn’t happen like you think?”
“I was there. I expelled him, Connie. Demon guts and all.”
“Maybe it was—”
“It wasn’t,” I yell a little too loudly. When Connie yells, sometimes the house shakes. I want that. I feel so ineffective.
Connie touches my arm, causing a little prickle of magic within me. It’s gone as soon as she lets go. Is my magical worth going to be tied to my baby sister forever? If it is, then I am not okay with that. I’ve already had to share a last name, a birth year, a grade, and a classroom. I need this to be my own.
“Maybe it was a fluke. We’ve tested your magic before and we both know it doesn’t work alone,” she says.
I press a hand to my temple, a dull ache starting to form. I’ve been thinking too hard today.
Every month that first year we realized I didn’t have magic on my own anymore, my family “experimented.” I had some small sliver of essence inside me that connected to my family. I could touch any of them and have power. Gran or Pop could be in the same room, and I could pull my magic from them. Connie could be anywhere in the same twenty feet and six inches of space as me and I could pull from her. But one centimeter beyond that twenty feet and sixteen inches and I had nothing. That’s why I made her wait on the other side of the yard while I tried in the garage: it’s the exact distance away that our powers don’t connect.
“You were nowhere near me. You said so yourself.”
“It wasn’t you, Penelope. I know you don’t want to hear that, but look at the evidence,” Connie says.
She’s right: I don’t want to hear that my magic doesn’t work. I’m tired of it not working. I want to be able to blow up things, move things, and save people anytime I want. Obviously, I can’t. There’s a line of evidence stretched out before me on a shelf and the floor: an old TV, a bucket of paint, and pieces of the vase. They all mock me. They’re all waiting for me to destroy them with my Jedi mind tricks. Lucky bastards get to live a little longer.
“I’m going to get my magic back for real,” I say softly. Connie looks at me in that way that only she can do, a cross between worrying and encouraging that makes me question my sanity, but this time I stand firm. Even her looks can’t sway me. “I’m going to become an Enforcer and then find that demon; I’m going to get my power back.”
It’s been my plan all along, since that first year when nothing worked. Inside the Nucleus House, home of everything in the magical community, there’s a library. The library has what I need. But I need special access in order to enter, and being an Enforcer is the only way to get inside. Getting into the library will allow me to find my demon and to get my magic back. It’s a solid plan; I’ve been working toward this for years. Mostly solid, I guess, because I have no control over my success.
“You don’t even know if that will work, Penelope. The whole magical restoration ritual could be a trap.”
“It’s not. I’ve been researching the ritual. It’s real,” I say.
I need to believe it. When I was nine, a demon killed my parents and stole my essence, my source power. Witches die if they lose their essence. I didn’t. Why that happened we have no idea. What I do know is that I will get my magic back. All I have to do is find which demon it was. Once I know that, I can focus on understanding and completing the ritual I’ve discovered that will give me my magic back.
Before the ritual, before anything, I need the demon. To get the demon, I need to be an Enforcer, with access to the library. I believe that demon is out there, and it will make itself known sometime. I just have to wait for it all to come together.
I also believe Zac Efron will come to town and fall madly in love with me, so maybe I’m just too hopeful.
“We’ll find it.” Connie smiles. It doesn’t stretch across her whole face and her cheeks turn red, which is a sign she’s lying. I don’t blame her; it’s a lot to hope for.
A cell phone vibrates and Connie’s switch to a cheesy grin reveals that it’s a text from Thomas. They’re that sickeningly cute couple that everyone love/hates. I sigh and go inside. As soon as I open the door, I smell blueberry pie. Delicious. Gran used to make cake, prize-winning gorgeous cakes, but she stopped after Mom died. She said pies were easier since she had us now, but I think cakes make her miss Mom. It was the thing they did together.
“Girls?” Gran calls out as I slide off my pink glitter flats, sans demon guts.
Connie answers her, jumping around on a foot to take off her heeled boots. How does she walk in those things? She stumbles and holds on to me for support.
“You have a weird look on your face. Don’t act weird or she’ll know something happened today,” she whispers in my ear. Her tall black shoe falls to the ground, then she switches feet.
“I’m not making a face,” I snap. Connie tosses the other to the ground. She’s three inches shorter than me now without them on—like she’s supposed to be.
“You so are,” she says.
I move past my sister and hang my bag on the end of the banister.
“Can one of you run across the street before you’re settled? We’re out of milk,” Gran calls. Her voice is muffled below us, so she must be in the basement doing laundry.
Connie and I both groan. Gran’s style is more tell than ask. Non-optional suggestion, Mom used to call it. Connie holds out her fist toward me, and I do the same. Rock, paper, scissors. There’s no debate that this can’t settle.
Luckily for me, Connie alternates her pick. Two days ago it was rock, so today, that means paper—but she knows that I will suspect that. So, she’ll think about picking scissors to thwart me, which of course I will know too. Then she’ll revert to her original decision and choose rock.
“Dang it,” she yells at me. I smile and make sure to flash a little extra triumphant pride. She sticks her tongue out at me. “For that I’m taking your shoes!”
“Don’t!” I protest. The door slams.
She knows I love those shoes.
“There’s blueberry pie on the table,” Gran yells up. I grab a knife and pour myself a glass of water because doing nothing for two hours is exhausting and completely deserving of a snack.
Next to the pie, a large stack of mail sits in two little piles. Under an upside-down black envelope, some ten-second celebrity flashes white teeth in my face. That would be Connie’s mail. I grab my mail and flip through it quickly. Something catches my eye—my own black envelope with the mark of the Triad on the front, three triangles connected by a circle. This is it! The announcement for my Enforcer examination! I rip the envelope open and scan the page.
Dear Miss Penelope Grey,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the privilege of taking your CEASE Squad Enforcer Examination this month. Our records indicate high markings from your past academic year and the council was impressed with your exit interview. Your instructors feel you are ready to attempt the next level. Region-wide testing begins July 3. Of those applicants, ten from each region will be Paired with a partner from one of the seven regions. These examinations will set you on a path that extends far beyond your senior year.
I stop reading because this can’t be real. This is the first step I’ve been waiting for all my life, or at least the last four years. Being an Enforcer gets me on the inside, gives me tools and files and access to track down my demon.
This moment would’ve made Mom proud. This was her life, except for us. If I can be an Enforcer too, if I can honor her—and I can get my magic back—then that will be all I need. Finally.
I race to the living room and grab my phone. I have to tell my best friend, Ric, that Connie and I are in for July’s test! Since we’re not in the same special topics class at school, Ric’s test must be in August. They stagger us that way, because they can only test so many at a time.
Enforcer Test in July! Woo!
We have three classes of special topics at school. The Nons think ST is just some hard, boring class nobody in their right mind would sign up for, but it’s really how we have training lessons at school—and how the Triad narrows down who will take the Enforcer examinations. They make every witch in the country take the class from elementary school until junior year.
Before summer, I had my exit interview with the council about what I looked for in a partner. I’d looked at them, smiled, and said, “I want someone who isn’t afraid to go after what’s right.” They didn’t seem impressed with my response so I added, “And someone who can kick my ass in a fight.” Not the best response, but some of the council laughed. I guess it was enough to count.
That interview, paired with our overall class grade and ranking, is what determines who takes the Enforcer exam. They always keep people from the same class together, and can unite us with anyone who makes it from the other regions. And I’m moving forward!
My magic could be closer than I dreamed. Especially now. I shake off my frustration from the past two hours. Whatever happened with my weird magic thing is over because this letter just fixed everything. I’m one step closer, and if I make it past the exams and get Paired, then that’s two steps closer. The third step is being put with a partner, and together we earn an Enforcer badge. With an Enforcer badge comes the clearance to gather all the materials needed to find the demon, and perform the ritual that returns my magic.
And then I’m normal.
I squeal again. I swear I’m not usually the type—especially twice in one day—but I want this. I can do this. We’re tested in four areas before the Pairing and then the Partner final, and I can pass with Connie’s magical help. We won’t be Paired together—it’s always boy/girl partners—but we’ll be in the same room for the tests. I can pull magic from her just like always, until all the steps are in place for me get my own magic back. Right now, this step is all that matters: take the test, search for the demon.
“What’s going on?” Connie asks, when she gets back home and comes into the kitchen. I stare at her from across the room and shake my lovely little precious letter in the air. Her eyes widen, even though there’s no way she can see it. She knows there’s only one thing that matters that much, to make me act that way. “We’re in for the exam?”
Connie abandons the milk on the coffee table. She’s the one who squeals this time, which is more expected. She hugs me. “Where’s mine?”
“Table!” But she’s already ripping the envelope open. My phone vibrates.
U sure that’s right? I got my letter today 2. July test.
Yes, it has the date.
But there’s no way. Ric isn’t in my class, and they would never mix classes.
Weird. You and Con both?
Yes, I type. But then I glance into the kitchen, and Connie is really quiet. Something bad settles in my stomach, and she’s not smiling. My sister’s default mode is smiling.
“Connie?” I ask, almost afraid to move toward her because this day sucks so much. “You’re taking the exam, right? Please say you’re taking the exams.”
If she’s not in the room with me, then I’m not going to have magic. She’s always with me, and I need her now or everything I’ve worked for is gone.
“I’m taking it,” she says.
Thank God.
“Next month.”
I blink at her. Obviously, I am losing my mind and hearing things that aren’t real. “Repeat?”
“I have the test in August.”
There’s no way. I can’t take this without Connie. That was the one perk of being in the same grade as my younger sister: testing together.
I look back down at my letter and scan past the parts I’ve already read. …far beyond your senior year. You will not be tested with the rest of your class. Due to an injury that resulted in surgery, another student can’t perform the July testing and will be taking the examination next month with your course. We do apologize for any inconvenience, but we are confident that you will still excel.
I’m so beyond screwed. I’m like that guy who wanted to fly and had a pair of wings made out of wax. I’m sure he had a heck of a good time in the air, living his dream, flying next to the sun. Right until he fell out of the sky. And drowned.
“It’s going to be fine,” Connie says, grabbing my hand.
Oh, it’s going to be a lot of things, but “fine” isn’t one of them.
“What’s going on in here?” Gran asks.
I pass Gran my letter and her eyes grow wider as she reads the invitation. She reaches a hand out toward the wall to hold herself up. I don’t know how I’m standing either. Everything seems to be slightly off its axis, and any second now I’m going to fall.
“Well,” she says, pushing her glasses up on her nose. “That’s only two days from now. They usually give more notice.” Gran glances between Connie and me before she sets the paper on the back of the couch. “Did you get yours, Connie?”
“For August.”
Gran snorts. Ah, there’s the sea that’s going to swallow me up. “Then I’m not sure how you think you’re going to get past this point, dear. For the first few days, you’ll be safe, but then it’s magic, and you have limitations. You gave it a nice run, Penelope, but now you have to find a new path.”
Connie clears her throat. “She can still pass. I’ll find a way to be there for the magic test, and she can still pull it from me. We’ll get a new plan. I’ll hide in the closet or something. No one will know I’m even there.”
Gran crosses her arms. “And if she passes? Or gets made an Enforcer? Will you just follow her around forever, Constance?”
Connie and I share a look. Gran doesn’t know about my quest to retrieve my magic. She’d think I was mental, or tell me it as too dangerous. I try to think of a new plan for Connie to be there. The order of the tests runs through my head: history, fighting, weapons, magic. I don’t need her until the fourth day. And then it’s the Pairing, and two weeks together before the Partner final. She can be there for a reason; no one will have to know the real one. Yeah. This is good, we can do this.
“It’s going to be fine, Gran,” I say.
She raises an eyebrow at me. “Penelope, this is dangerous.”
I’ll just have to move up the search about my magic, and maybe the information about my demon will be easy to access. I have six more days until the magic testing portion. Miracles happen. If a geeky boy can be bitten by a spider and learn to scale walls, I can do this. I’ve made it this far. I can fight; I’m smart. This is what I’ve been working toward forever. Connie and I can practice. I can pass the magic test and the whole exam.
I can do it. Gran’s doubt will not sway me. Not now.
“What happened to all your speeches about it being ‘an honor to serve the Triad and the Nons’?” I ask, interrupting whatever rant she’s on. She sends me the death glare because Gran hates being interrupted, but it’s too late now, so I keep talking. I’m already going to regret it later, so give me some bacon on those cheese fries. “You didn’t protest when they wanted to Bond me. Why’s this any different?”
The way Gran looks at me—like I’m completely insane—is alarming. She should know how much this means to me. I didn’t mean to throw the Bonding in her face, but I didn’t want to be married. Even if the Triad “selected” me for the privilege. Being chosen at sixteen to be married at eighteen is stupid. I’d said no. I didn’t want to be chosen for something like that, something I didn’t want, and she never even suggested it for Connie. I want this. I always have, even if she hasn’t. I fought tooth and nail to get out of the Bonding; I will most definitely fight tooth and nail for the thing I want. I won’t let not having magic stop me.
Gran huffs. “It is a great honor. I’m saying you need to be realistic.”
“Realistic?” My voice sounds a little too high to be normal. I open my mouth, close it, then turn on my heels and march up the steps. Gran is right behind me. Tears burn at my eyes, but I will not let them come out.
Gran puts a hand on my shoulder. I jerk away.
I can almost hear Pop’s voice, telling her to calm down. It’s not working. Her lips are a straight line; her ears are so red they might as well be smoking. To my surprise though, she pulls me into a hug. Her arms are too tight around me for that. It’s not a comforting hug; it’s a threatening one. That’s part of Gran’s charm.
“I support your dreams, Penelope, if they are good ones,” she says into my ear. “This could ruin you. Ruin our family. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Her breath warms my neck; she doesn’t let go of me until she’s sure her words have sunk in. I know that she and Pop have worked hard to keep my lack of magic a secret. This could be my undoing, yet even so, it could also be my salvation. The one option that could keep me from being labeled as Static, from ending up forgotten. This could make me normal in our world. If I succeed, if I find the demon, if I get my powers back—then all of the risks will have been more than worth it.
But I need to pass this test to get there.
Gran sighs in my ear. “If you continue down this path, you’re giving up your life. The Triad will discover you, Penelope, and when they do they will send you away with the other Statics.”
I shake my head. That can’t happen. I’m doing this for my family, because getting my magic ensures their safety as much as mine. If I were labeled Static, they’d be punished for not revealing me. Static witches, once they are of age, are completely removed from the witch community, and that usually includes their family. It’s just too hard to keep magic separate when it drives everything we do. That won’t happen to me. Or to us.
“I’m more than my magic,” I say. Gran winces and releases me. The worry is still there. “I don’t need magic to be a kick-ass Enforcer.” She hates being reminded of my “shortcomings.” It’s why I do it, every fight.
The door slams so loudly that Gran and I both look over. There in the foyer is Pop, his gray hair messed up and his work overalls covered in grease, Connie right behind him.
“What’s going on in here?” he asks us. Gran softens a little at his presence for a moment. Enough for me to let my guard down.
“Penelope was selected for next month’s Enforcer exam. Isn’t that great, Pop?” Connie says, her voice bright and cheery.
Gran steps away from me. “‘Great’ is not the word I used. We should never have indulged her in this path. We should’ve made her agree to the Bonding last year like the other girls,” Gran says.
I look away. I really wish I was the Flash right now. I could be out of here in half a second. A warm, rough hand touches my cheek, and I smell Pop’s pipe tobacco long before I open my eyes. When I do, the warmth of his presence, as always, floods me. The softness of his blue gaze and the soft round smile that always seems to be there.
“Penelope,” he says. It’s only my name, but it almost breaks me down. The way he says it, like it has weight and meaning, like it’s something. No one else does that. Not like Pop does. “Your grandmother is right. This could be very dangerous for you.”
Under the worry of his voice, his soft eyes, I see something more. Something like pride. That’s all I need to see to convince me again. “It could also save me. If I’m an Enforcer then no one would question anything. I could be part of our world. There’d be no more lying and no more worrying.”
Pop smiles a little. It’s a sad, tired one. “There’d be a whole different sort of worrying, Penelope.”
“Mom wouldn’t fight me on this,” I say. This is one of those moments that I’m good at generating because I can drive a point home. Gran stands up straighter. “I want to be an Enforcer—you know I want that—and she would do everything in her power to make that happen for me.”
“She’s not here. Being Enforcers is what got them both killed—and nearly you,” she says. “Think of your future.”
I stare at them, at all three of them. I can’t believe it—even Connie isn’t doing anything to help. I am thinking about my future. The last five years, the training, the bruises, the studying—it’s all been about this. I love my family, but they are wrong. So wrong. Even with this hitch, I can get my magic back. I want it more.
This could be the key to getting everything I lost when my parents died. Everything.
Including myself.
I can’t give it up, not now, not when I’m so close. None of them can understand that, because they don’t have limitations.
“I need some air.” I push my way past my grandparents and Connie when she reaches out for me. I grab the muddy, stinky tennis shoes and some salt that Gran keeps stocked by the front door on my way out. I cram my feet into the shoes, no socks and all, and I run.
Chapter Three
My shirt is sweat-glued to me by the time I arrive at the park, and the sky is darker. My legs are jelly, wobbling and useless. Sort of like my essence. Zing. I stop to catch my breath. The sky is dark gray and I still have to run all the way back home. Home, known today as the place dreams go to die.
Think of your future.
There’s a sound, a crackling that echoes toward me like a bottle breaking. I look around the park, but there aren’t many people around. A guy with a dog, a couple making out in between some trees, a woman and her son on the swings. Maybe I’m hearing things. It’s been a long day. Too long. I can’t believe I had magic—and that it’s already gone.
The streetlight above me flashes on. It’s quick. Most people wouldn’t notice it, since it’s still daytime. I twist around in my spot, but there’s nothing there. All the Nons look safe, making out on benches and climbing monkey bars. The breeze that was blowing has stopped.
A demon is here. When one is around, it can affect the natural order of the universe. Lights come on that were off before, or turn off that were on. Breezes can stop. Snowstorms can stop. Even if it’s a momentary flicker, we know it means something else; we’re trained to know.
I sniff the air and the sulfur fills my nose. It’s definitely here. There should be another indicator of where it is—and this time I have salt, so no besting me. Maybe I’ll be two for two today. That would be a record up from zero. I put my hand in my pocket, triple-checking that the little purple bag of salt is still there.
I turn around the corner and push my way through some trees. As soon as I break the trees I’m in a clearing and see a putrid yellow demon crouched over a male Non. The demon looks up, bright-lime eyes on me, blood dripping from its mouth.
The demon licks its lips. My eyes dart to the Non. He’s sprawled out on the ground, not moving. Is he dead? There’s a laugh from the demon before it lunges the few feet toward me. It’s midair, and I’m pulling out the salt, when it screams and falls back to the ground. Over my shoulder, I see Enforcers circling me from all directions, salt guns blazing. Four Enforcers, two pairs to this one demon. Someone shoots again, and the demon howls as a blond Enforcer pushes me toward the trees.
“Get out of the way,” he tells me. His voice is surprisingly deep. “You shouldn’t play with demons.”
The blond and his partner take care of the demon. He throws more salt on it, while she starts the incantation. The other pair of Enforcers checks the Non’s pulse and whisper quietly. At least, I think it’s quiet. I can’t hear over the incantation and the demon howling.
“Is that Non dead?” I ask quickly.
None of the Enforcers answer me. The demon howls one last time before exploding into pieces. It was awesome, but I don’t want to dwell.
“Is he dead?” I ask again, louder. All four people focus in on me. It’s a little unnerving, especially with the badge taunting me from their shirts. Every Enforcer wears the sign of the Triad—and I want one.
One of the women moves toward me, her brown hair a mess of curls. Her companions wave their hands around, cleaning up the demon remains. She stops a foot away from me.
“You should go. This really isn’t a place for a kid,” she says.
I cross my arms. “I’m not a kid. I’m in testing.” Not technically. Not yet. Two more days.
“Even more reason to go. If you pass, you’ll be tired of seeing this,” she says. Her eyes are soft for a moment, and then she shakes her head. “Go. That’s an order.”
She turns on her heel back to the Non. I start to protest when I see someone on the other side of the woods. At first, it’s a bit of brown, and then bright-blue shoes that I remember from earlier. Carter is here. He sees me, too, and points toward the parking lot before disappearing through the trees.
Carter’s waiting in the parking lot, his arms crossed over his chest, when I get there. “Fancy meeting you here.” Fancy, indeed. Twice in one day. Weird coincidence. “I didn’t know if I’d see you again, Pen.”
“Don’t call me that,” I snap. I hate that name. My parents used to call me that—no one else. Not Ric. Not even Connie. Especially not him. He doesn’t even know me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask. I try to play it all cool, even though things are spinning too much to be normal. I feel sick, like I ate too much chocolate, and I’m not sure why. I huff and cross my arms, trying to calm my stomach. “Are you stalking me now? Factoid: you’re not supposed to be seen.”
Carter steps toward me, and I catch a scent off him. Whatever it is smells a little like nutmeg. A nutmeg boy. Geesh, stop smelling the strange boy, Penelope.
“Maybe I wanted to be seen.”
“Well, then you’re not a very good stalker,” I say. I’m seriously going to vomit. What is wrong with me? It feels like my stomach is trying to claw out of my chest.
“I’m not a stalker. I told you, I’m a tracker. There’s a difference.”
“Not much,” I say. “You were tracking it here, the demon. Why?”
“I can’t tell you that. It’s confidential,” he says.
Confidential, right. I roll my eyes. “Great. Good thing I don’t really care.” I totally care. I take a step away from and stumble; my hands are still shaking, my legs. I really feel strange—maybe I ran too hard. He reaches out to steady me.
“I’ve been told I make girls weak in the knees,” he says with a smile.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” I yank my hand away from him and wipe imaginary dust off my shirt. I flatten my hair back with my shaky hands, which only makes it worse since it’s a sweaty mess, and I have to will myself not to fall over. I feel like a teeter-totter. I never liked those things.
“Are you okay?” Carter asks me. “Do you need to sit down? You look pale.”
His sudden sympathy makes me nervous.
“No, I need to go. I have a thing,” I say.
I move on without him, but he follows me. “Let me walk you home. You seriously don’t look good.”
“Just what every girl wants to hear,” I say.
“No, I didn’t mean—” he starts. There’s a sigh, like he’s not sure what he’s going to say, and then that smile again. I bet that thing is perma-glued. “After this afternoon, I didn’t think I’d see you again so soon.”
“About that,” I say. I turn back around to him. “You can’t tell anyone I did that. I’m a minor; it’s against the rules.”
He tucks his hands into the pockets of his brown leather jacket and raises an eyebrow. “Not if it’s in self-defense.”
Great, a rule-breaker who knows all the rules. “I just don’t want anyone to know about it, okay? Not right now.”
“Why don’t you want anyone to know that you expelled a demon?”
“It’s not that,” I say quickly.
Carter nods slowly. “It’s the fact that you had trouble expelling the demon. I can see how that would be a problem.”
I cross my arms. “You could have a problem too if anyone found out you were tracking demons.” Demon hunting. The Enforcers won’t like that he’s breaking protocol—and I have no doubt that their disapproval will look like a party compared to what happens when they report an unauthorized demon hunter to the Triad. That is one thing that no one messes with.
Silence spreads between us. We both know we’re at a stalemate. This time Carter’s not smiling when he looks at me. His gaze explores my face, and who am I to stop mine from doing the same? The high cheekbones, the green eyes, the stubble that grows faintly along his jawline. I don’t really take notice of boys, and they don’t take notice of me, but there’s something about this one that’s different—aside from the crazy that obviously plagues him.
“I think it’s a little early in our relationship to start making threats.”
“It’s not a threat.” I ignore “relationship,” although it’s not that, either. “It’s a common interest.”
I need everyone to think I have magic, no questions asked. I can’t be cut out; this world is my life.
Carter’s quiet. The smile appears and then fades, leaving us both to stare at each other. “Okay, Pen.”
“I’m not ‘Pen’—”
“I won’t tell anyone your dirty little secret, if you don’t tell mine.”
“Fine,” I say, breaking the stare, because it’s weird, staring at a boy I barely know on the sidewalk. It’s not like some movie where girl meets boy and they go through all the trials and live happily ever after. I don’t want that anyway. Not with this boy or any boy. My happily ever after consists of finding the damn demon that killed my parents and recovering my own magic.
Carter’s phone beeps in his pocket—high note, low note, high note—which means there’s something on the Witches’ News Network. Probably something unimportant; at least I hope that’s the case. I should’ve brought my phone.
“Another attack,” he whispers.
“Where?” He looks up at me, like he’s surprised that I care. I wave my hand at him, urging him to speak. What does this boy need, a flashing sign?
“In DC on M Street,” he says. He slides his phone in his pocket. There have been a lot more attacks lately. DC is well patrolled, so how are demons slipping by us? I’d never make it to M Street in time, not from where I am.
He studies my face. “So little Penny has a thing for demons, too.”
“I don’t have a thing for demons.”
“You seem to,” Carter says, considering me. The way he looks at me tells me my face said a lot more than my mouth.
“I just asked a question,” I scoff.
“Right, and you’re not thinking about how long it would take you to get there right now?”
I open my mouth to reply, then change my mind and shrug instead. He doesn’t get to know what I was thinking, or anything else about me. Gran told us never to share secrets with strangers. I don’t plan on starting now.
A horn honks in our direction. We both turn, and I see my sister’s blond hair bobbing in the car. Gran probably sent her, more of that non-optional suggesting. I need to change my running route. The trails are getting too predictable for them.
“I should go,” I say. Connie calls my name from the car, and parks in a spot. I nod at Carter, all awkward-like, and take a couple steps toward my sister. “See you around.”
“See me tomorrow,” he says.
I stop walking. “What?”
He moves to fill some of the space between us. Not too close, but close enough that it makes me want to run in the other direction. “I keep seeing you, and I don’t think coincidences are real.”
I pause, my mouth dry. I thought the same thing about him not twelve seconds ago. “I don’t hang out with strangers,” I say, stepping away. He follows me. What is it with this boy? He does not take a hint. Go away.
“We’re not strangers. I’ve met you twice. Now, we’re more like people getting to know each other over coffee. If you drink coffee. There’s a place in Del Ray—St. Elmo’s?—that’s the best.”
That place is my favorite in the whole city. I go there so much they know my order.
“Penelope, I knew you’d be here,” Connie says, walking up to us. Her voice trails off when she sees Carter. I don’t know how much longer we stand that way before he breaks our gaze.
“Who’s this?” Connie asks in our silence. She’s got that singsong tone to her voice like when she was up to something as a kid.
“Carter,” he says. He reaches out for my sister’s hand and kisses it awkwardly. She cocks an eyebrow while I just roll my eyes.
“And you are?” he asks.
“Connie,” she says.
“My little sister,” I add.
Carter nods toward her. She eyes me suspiciously as he lets go of her hand and clears his throat. “Tomorrow afternoon then?” he asks me.
Connie narrows her eyes in my direction. I see the question brewing in her mind. I don’t want another incident like the time I told her how Mike O’Connor kept borrowing my pencil when he had a whole bag full, and then she convinced him to ask me out because he obviously liked me. He didn’t; he liked my mechanical pencils.
I nod quickly. Please go away now. He flashes another bright smile from the corner of this mouth and he’s gone at least three minutes before Connie speaks.
“How do you know him?”
“I don’t,” I say. “He’s a stranger.”
“A hot one.”
“He could be crazy. I think he’s a stalker.”
“Again, a hot one.” She pauses. I shrug. “And you like him,” she says in my ear.
I shake my head and swat her away. It must be a rule that little sisters have to be irritating. “No. I don’t even know him, Con.”
She does this little huff like she doesn’t believe me. I stick my tongue out at her because I’m mature like that.
Gran calls my name as soon as we walk through the door. Connie squeezes my hand and runs off so I can face the firing squad alone. Traitor. In the kitchen, Gran is bent over the oven. It smells like spaghetti pizza, which she only makes on special occasions. The smell of the melting cheese and pepperoni makes my stomach growl.
“Did you need something? I wanted to shower. That smells good,” I say. Deflection!
Gran closes the oven door and faces me. “Did you have a good run?” She doesn’t buy the trick. She’s a retired high school teacher; not much gets past her.
Sure, until the Enforcers and a stalker-boy showed up. I nod in quiet reply.
“I’m thinking I’ll make something special for dessert. I made this chocolate angel pie when your mom was your age. How about that?”
This is Gran’s way of apologizing. She’s not the “let’s hug it out” type. She’s not even the “I’ll admit I was wrong” type. A special dessert plus a fancy dinner? She’s that type.
“Sounds delicious,” I say. She starts rummaging through one of her cookbooks. I grab my phone off the table where I left it and see all of Ric’s frantic texts about leaving in the middle of a conversation and asking where I’d been. His last says he called Con. Want to come to dinner? I text.
Don’t lie to me, darlin’. I will cut you.
I’d like to see you try.
He sends me back an emoji of a knife, and I laugh.
“Can Ric come over? His mom is working late.” Gran’s turning pages in her book, and since this is my apology dinner, I already know she’ll say yes. I send the text before she even answers.
“I reckon. Tell him an hour,” she says. The buzzer on the stove goes off and Gran is in action again so I head upstairs. Connie stops me before I turn into my room.
“I made you this,” she says. She hands me a little box. Connie’s not really a “make things” kind of girl. Buy them, yes. Make them, no.
“It won’t bite me, will it?” I ask. She crosses her arms and I pull off the lid. Inside is a necklace. It’s a glass vial filled with salt strung on a chain.
“It’s so you won’t forget salt again,” she says. “Practical and cute.”
“Thoughtful,” I smile.
“I’m sorry, Penelope,” Connie says. “I know how much you wanted this.”
I know she means the Enforcer exams. “It’s okay. I have a new plan.” I’d come up with it while running. Running’s good for thinking.
Connie straightens. “Tell me.”
“There’s an office right above the training room that will put you close enough for me to use your magic,” I say. Based on all my research and interviews with other people who took the tests over the last few years so I could prepare myself for it, the magical ones happen there, too. No matter which direction I move, it will be within our limits. I’ll be able to pass.
“They won’t think it’s weird that I’m up there?” she asks.
“I thought of that. It’s the Reporting Unit.” The Reporting Unit is where other witches can go to report demon sightings, strange behavior by other members of the community, and Nons who might have seen them do magic. “You remember the time in middle school when Shira Plum thought that Non kid saw her use magic in the bathroom at Chuck E. Cheese’s?”
Connie nods. “Yeah, but it turned out the kid was just staring at the pizza stain on her jeans.”
I laugh. She made a big deal about how much trouble she’d be in when they found out she’d ruined magic for all of us, and it turned out the little girl was only staring at her pizza-ass. “Maybe a Non saw you in the bathroom.”
“Got it,” she says. Her nose crinkles. “Does it have to be a bathroom?”
“Use your imagination,” I say. “Just be there on Thursday.”
Her phone plays Thomas’s ringtone from her room, and with a smile she’s gone. My sister, ladies and gentlemen: practical and cute. Gran would be pleased.
Next Thursday sorted, I can’t stop thinking about the last twenty-four hours. Today alone I’ve expelled a demon, failed to have magic again, witnessed Enforcers in action, and met a boy who illegally tracks demons. Tomorrow already feels lacking and full of one thing: waiting. Waiting for Monday when Enforcer examinations start. When I’m closer to finding my demon. And I still have a lot to figure out with my magical exams now that Connie won’t be in the same room as me. I can’t fail if I want to be whole again.
I reach under my bed and pull out the white box that’s lived there for three years. Removing the lid, I spread out the pages and pause on a picture of my parents from their wedding. I’ve been collecting as much information as I can about getting my magic back. It started when I was fourteen, because that was the year I heard the story about the Restitution—the ritual that could supposedly restore magic. I was at a sleepover with a girl named Kelly, my only friend aside from Ric back then, and her older brother told us stories that night. I thought it wasn’t real—we all did—but then I started thinking that maybe it could be and I started researching.
I found a few things over the years, and most of it’s lore, old stories that mention the Restitution alongside the Loch Ness Monster, King Arthur, and dragons. The biggest breakthrough was when I found a description of items needed and how it works.
The Restitution ritual requires a demon captured by iron and fire. Then it’s a matter of the right incantation, some herbs—most of which I can’t get without clearance—and some magical weapon that will release magic back into the atmosphere before it dies. There isn’t much information about the weapon outlined in the books, and no mention of what kind of weapon it is.
After that, I stopped finding information. It was all a dead end. I knew that meant I should stop looking because the only time things are locked away it means the Triad doesn’t want us to know. They lock all the “dangerous” information away in the library of the Nucleus House. But I won’t stop. I can’t. The only way I can start looking for anything about my magic or my demon or the ritual is there. The Enforcer examinations are my first chance to get clearance to enter the library and start finding the demon. One step at time.
I lower my parents’ picture and pull up the information I’ve written about our demon. I don’t know much about it. I know it had orange eyes, like a pumpkin. But I’ve found a reference that could match that, and a name to start researching: Azsis.
According to lore, Azsis was the one who discovered the power that could be accessed through a witch’s essence. He also supposedly fell in with Lucifer. Others say Lucifer created him when he became Satan. Who knows. Aside from that, there’s nothing about Azsis, not anywhere I can reach, right now. In two days I will have new clearance for the library. Then I will be able to find what he is, where he is, and how to get my magic.
“Penelope Grey!” Ric calls, bursting through my door. I shove everything back into the box and barely get the lid on before he comes in. He raises an eyebrow when he sees me. I tell Ric everything, but not this. He’s a rule-follower, and Ric wants to be an Enforcer almost as much as I do. To prove something to his dad, to honor his brother, and I’ve always felt like that connected us.
But he can’t know this. I can’t make him keep my secret. Enough people already are. There are too many variables, and to explain this would mean I had to explain everything. I only have to keep it all a secret a little longer, and then I’ll have my own magic back, and nothing to tell.
“What’s up?” I ask with a smile.
“I had the worst text from Brian. Why do I date assholes?”
I sigh. “If only you’d had a warning.” I told him not to date Brian, or John before that, or Riley before that, but he never listens to me. I don’t talk to him about boys anymore for this reason exactly.
“Yes, but then I would’ve had no fun,” he says. “Also, it smells like heaven in this house.”
“It always does,” I say. I’m glad he appreciates it, though. I do too. Cooking is not a skill I inherited. He moves toward me on the bed, and I hold the box closer.
He raises an eyebrow. “What are you doing in here?”
I shrug. “Thinking.”
“My parents,” I say. It’s not a lie. Directly.
Ric hmms. He never pushes me on them, just like I never push him on his brother. Sean was an Enforcer on a mission that went wrong, one of those really freak demon attacks that no one can explain. Or maybe they don’t want to.
“What’s in the box?”
“Pictures,” I say. I bite my lip and look away from him, before I slide it under my bed. “Ready to eat?” I ask, moving toward the door before he can answer.
He looks at me when I close the door. “Why do I feel like you’re being shady?”
“I’m never shady,” I say.
He chuckles. “You’re always shady.”
“You still love me.”
Ric puts his arm around my shoulder. “I do. Especially when you feed me.”
“You mean you love Gran.”
“Same thing,” he says. He gasps suddenly. “I heard James McEllory is in it this month.”
Ugh. I have calculus with James, and at least one class since middle school. He is not pleasant. He’ll never make it through to the Pairing. “James is a pompous brat who still picks his nose.”
“He could end up being your partner,” Ric says. “Could you imagine being Paired with James?” He gasps, imitates stabbing himself in the chest with an invisible knife, and I resist the urge to punch him. “What if you fell for him? Then you’d be Mrs. McEllory. The wife of the teenage nose-picker.”
I shake my head. That’s not going to happen. It’s a statistic that most Pairs end up getting Bonded—some people click. Plus, the Triad forbids Enforcers to marry other Enforcers, unless they are Paired. It’s rule number forty.
“God is not that cruel,” I say, starting down the stairs.
“Maybe he won’t even make it past day one,” Ric adds.
Chapter Four
The Nucleus House is the center of everything. It’s the hub of our kind, nestled in plain sight and hidden under the noses of Nons. Our whole existence is like that. We go to school with them, work with them, live next to them, and sometimes marry them, but we never tell them our secrets.
When Ric and I pull up outside the Nucleus House Monday morning, I am nervous. And tired. It’s not even 6:00 a.m.
I stare over at Ric, whose blond hair looks especially white with light of the rising sun peeking behind him. It’s like those old-time paintings of angels, with glowing halos build into their heads. I snort at the idea of Ric being an angel, and he raises an eyebrow up at me.
I lean my head back against the seat. “I hope this isn’t some kind of shitshow.”
Ric sighs. “It will be. Put a bunch of witches in a room and there’s nothing else it could be. Don’t be nervous. You’re good at this and you are going to prove it to everyone in there.”
I smile and nod. It’s what I’ve been doing all my life. I wish, out of all the people in the world, that I could tell him that I don’t have magic. I don’t know how I’ve kept it a secret from Ric for so long. I tell myself that maybe deep down he knows there’s something different about me. And soon I won’t have to lie to him anymore.
Ric downs his last bit of coffee and flashes me a smile. “Let’s go.”
From the outside, the Nucleus House looks like a normal building with six floors, elevators and offices where Nons work. All bricks, mortar, and fluorescent lights. It’s a lie, a glamour.
The Nucleus House is really sixteen floors, not six, and the elevators don’t just move up and down; they go sideways. It’s actually pretty awesome, because the sideways elevators can connect to other hubs throughout the country, but those are only used in extreme situations. The US is broken into seven regions, but we hid our leaders and decision-makers the same place the Nons did, Washington DC. We’re supposed to blend in, after all.
“I’m going to the capital” means the same thing to everyone. We don’t just glamour how we live; we’ve learned how to make the truth sound like the truth to Nons so they don’t ask questions. It’s another step to integration. Integration is key to survival and anonymity, bylaw 107.
The first-floor entrance is all blue tile. To the left of the entrance, there are four elevator banks. Nons only see two of them; the sideways ones are glamoured. We take an elevator up and it moves quickly and dings three times before the doors open.
Once we’re out of the elevator, we move past a series of doors. One door is marked only for the Triad. No one is allowed to go into their chambers unless escorted or directed with special clearance. A second door leads to a ballroom—which is usually where the ceremonies happen, anointing of babies, Bonding, Pairing, CEASE Squad initiations. All the things that make our community our own.
Ric and I take the third door down the hall, which leads to the training levels.
“Take them all out for me,” he says before he turns to the right to go to the boys’ side. I wish we didn’t have to test separately. I take a breath, turn to the left, and step into the room. We won’t be with the boys again until the Pairing ceremony.
There are like a hundred chairs all set up in lines. This was not what I expected. There are girls sitting in some of the chairs, and I don’t recognize anyone. This wasn’t my time to test, so none of these kids are from my ST classes. There are six other schools, so that’s a lot of girls in one room. A lot of girls I don’t know.
I sit on the other side in the second row by the window and open the Witches’ News Network app on my cell phone. The logo flashes on the screen as a girl with oval eyes and olive skin sits next to me.
Our instructor, Mrs. Bentham, stands at the front of the room. Mrs. Bentham is a bigger woman with hair that spirals up her head. She has on some bright-colored flower-print dress that’s more muumuu than dress, and while she doesn’t appear to be someone who could take on five demons alone in the dark while blindfolded, somehow she did. She was a force to be reckoned with in the 1980s, and has been leading the Enforcer exams for years.
She claps her hands to get our attention. “Welcome to the first session of your Enforcer examination. This is the beginning of the rest of your lives!” She says it with a wide smile.
“Some of you will do well over the next three days. Those of you who prove less than capable will be dismissed,” she says. There’s an emphasis on the last word as she tries to scare us. It works. I’m terrified. “In the end, ten of you will be Paired. Maybe ten. Last month there were only three.” She pauses. “Then we’ll prepare you together and you will take your Partner final. Only the best of those will become Enforcers, and the rest of you will find a place to serve in the Non world.”
Despite myself, I scan the quiet room. These girls are my equals, chosen by the Triad to be here; they’re also my competition. It’s good that I don’t know any of them. My whole life, my whole existence, depends on being an Enforcer.
“Eva Leigh Error,” Mrs. Bentham calls. A tall girl stands with dark-black hair hanging in braids over her baggy shirt and yoga pants.
Mrs. Bentham smiles. “Hello, Eva.” Eva says hello back, obviously nervous. “What are the first three verses of every family Umbra?”
I guess we’re starting now.
Eva clears her throat. “In the beginning, there were angels and demons. Then God created humans, creatures designed more in his likeness than ever before. The humans had a special link to God that caused the demons to burn with jealousy, so the demons set out to destroy them. Though the angels were also touched by the stain of jealousy, they stood by God, and defended his new creations.”
“Annah Jelowski.” A girl in the front stands up, her hands shaking and flapping around in the air. All I can see of her is the back of her short red hair, a blue shirt with her jeans, and a flash of pink on her nails. “What did God do to reward the angels for their loyalty?”
Annah moves her lips robotically. “God plucked the strongest man from humanity, and bound him to the essence of the angels, to bring them closer and to assist in the war against the demons.”
“Stephanie Dudley, what was the result?”
Stephanie stands up quickly, and her purse tumbles off her lap, the contents spilling out over the floor. Mrs. Bentham gives her a chiding look, but Stephanie is quick. “The witches were born.”
She stands at attention, eyes on Mrs. Bentham. “And our sole purpose?”
“Saving those without magic, the Nons.”
Mrs. Bentham walks around the room. I sit forward, ready to spring to action. This isn’t something that we can fail.
“The witches were given something upon their creation. What was this, Shiloh Hearns?” Mrs. Bentham asks.
Shiloh stands quickly, middle of the room, yellow dress. “The witches were given the secrets of angels: language, power, and knowledge.”
As soon as she finishes, she sits. Mrs. Bentham moves toward her. “You are dismissed.”
The whole room is still. Shiloh Hearns looks confused. I’m pretty familiar with train wrecks, so there’s no doubt this is about to be one.
Shiloh shakes her head. “B-but I answered the question.”
Mrs. Bentham shakes her head. “You answered too much. The question was, The witches were given something upon their creation. What was this? Your response was the answer, yes; however, it was too much. The correct response would have been: The witches were given the secrets of angels. That would be all.”
Shiloh starts to protest. Mrs. Bentham holds up her hand. “One of the rules in the Enforcer Handbook is article 2, number 8.” I close my eyes. Do as he or she is told.
“‘A good Enforcer listens to directions and does as she is told.” Got that one. “Anything different, even to the slightest degree, can be the difference between life and death. There is no room for under- or over-service when it comes to safety. Miss Hearns, you are dismissed.”
With tears in her eyes, Shiloh Hearns flips her hair over her shoulder and struts through a row of girls. Everyone is breathless as she goes. It’s not until the door closes that I’m sure I hear her crying.
To say the room is intense would be an understatement.
“Since Miss Hearns answered half the question, I’m sure that you can tell us, Che Lin, what are the three secrets provided to witches?”
Che Lin stands up, right next to me. “Language to understand and speak the words of God. Power from angels. Knowledge of the weaknesses of demons.”
Mrs. Bentham gets this funny look on her face. “Well learned. What are the weaknesses of the demons, Miss Lin?”
Her head held high, she answers. “Expulsion, entrapment, and the sacraments: In—” Che Lin stops suddenly and Mrs. Bentham points at Che Lin to sit. I almost feel the relief wash over her. She smiles at me, like she knows she barely escaped some sudden death, before she looks forward.
“Miriam Dunlap, what are the sacraments?”
Another girl stands. “Incantation, iron, and salt.”
“Why do we fight the demon beasts away with these sacraments?”
Miriam pauses. “Because the demons learned that a witch’s essence was a powerful weapon and we must preserve our lives, for our essence contains the blood of angels?”
The room shifts in the silence. Mrs. Bentham stares at Miriam. “Is that a question or an answer, Ms. Dunlap?”
Miriam swallows so loud I can almost hear across the room. Poor girl.
“An answer, ma’am.”
“Then it would be correct,” she says. Miriam sits down almost immediately. Mrs. Bentham calls another name.
Six girls later, one more dismissed, and the rest of the story of our creation is retold. A war where demons seek angelic-witch blood to gain strength, where they single out Nons to build their army and draw out the witches protecting the Nons. They’re determined to gain access to witches through humans, and God through witches.
“Penelope Grey,” Mrs. Bentham says.
I stand to attention and study her lips. For some reason my whole brain is blanking. Like that time in the third-grade spelling bee when I misspelled “idiosyncrasy” because I was so excited I knew it that I accidentally said z instead of s. This was like that, minus the excitement, and with a lot more at stake than a trophy.
“Who was the original founding member of the Triad, the man God chose to lead his new creation?”
Nope, this is worse than the spelling bee: at least then I knew the answer. What was his name? Ananias Marx was one of the originals, but he wasn’t the leader. Names flash through my head. Jeremiah Hole, Micah Hanley, Jonas Mahoney, Stephen Taylor. Who was the leader? Everyone is looking at me. Oh my God, I can’t fail already. Not on the first day.
“I don’t know,” I say.
All the girls in the room do that annoying “whisper at the same time and no one will hear us even though it’s loud” thing. Mrs. Bentham crosses her arms. “Well, then, Miss Grey, you are dismissed. Mich—”
“Actually,” I start. Now this is weird. I’m pretty sure my brain told my mouth not to say anything. Why am I talking? Mrs. Bentham looks at me; she’s not alone. Too many eyes for me to count join hers, staring at me. This is crazy, but the thought already appeared in my head, and I have to follow through.
“Actually ma’am, the CEASE Squad Handbook, under article 5, number 12C, states that ‘when an agent is responding to a high-stakes intercommunity situation, the agent must always provide accurate information regarding the situation to any member of the community. If the agent deems to forfeit the information due to uncertainty, then said agent may be given admittance to delay an answer while parties seek out an appropriate response to be sought and delivered at a later time in the same day to prevent misleading or misdirecting toward an incorrect answer or solution.’” I pause for a breath. “And this situation, Mrs. Bentham ma’am, would be that case. ”
She crosses her arms. “How so?”
Oh my God, is this working? “Well, I would hate to give an incorrect answer when the correct one is out there somewhere and would only require one to seek it out. It would sort of go against the reason we exist; if we merely made up answers, then more often than not our own kind, as well as the Nons we protect, would surely die.”
I hold my breath, even though I’m not sure how I have any left. I am out of my mind. Mrs. Bentham looks amused, but it passes quickly.
“Have a seat. I expect the answer by the end of the class, and you will prepare for another question.” I pause, and fall into my seat before she can change her mind. I think my body is in shock. “What Miss Grey just did, ladies, is use the negative situation in a positive way, which is exactly what these training classes are for. She thought on her feet, and though it was risky, it paid off. No one else try it.”
I inhale as Mrs. Bentham continues. A couple of girls send me dirty looks, but Che Lin leans over and whispers, “That was brilliant. Everyone calls me Maple.”
I blink. “Like the syrup?”
She pats my hand. “Brilliant.”
I don’t feel brilliant. I feel like I almost lost everything, like my life is hanging on by a thread.
It’s another hour before Mrs. Bentham calls my name again. This time when she asks the question again, I get it right.
Rafael Ezrati.
She asks another question, which I also know, before I sit down. Two hours in, and twenty girls have gone home. I was almost twenty-one. I almost lost everything I’ve ever wanted over a freaking Ninja Turtle. I will not come that close again.
Chapter Five
Ric doesn’t laugh when I tell him the story. “You better name your future kid after the dude so you can’t forget it.”
I step forward. The barista looks at me like I’m boring her, and I order my latte before she waves me off. “I can’t believe I was almost out.”
“This is the one time having no social life works to your advantage,” he says.
I smack his arm. He’s right; I’ve memorized the stupid handbook like it’s a second skin. I think I know more about being an Enforcer than I can remember about my own father—which is sad.
“I can’t believe you lost twenty-seven. Only ten boys went home,” Ric says, straightening his backpack on his shoulders. I brush past him toward the corner booth. This was the longest day ever.
“I should get to work. The Nons don’t stop buying pants just because I’m exhausted. Stay out of trouble,” he says.
I snuggle into the booth after Ric leaves. As soon I sit my phone beeps. Another death covers the home page of the WNN. A witch was attacked by a demon while he mowed his lawn. Demons are growing more powerful every day, and attacks on Nons and witches are increasing. There’s no way that they can up their attacks and not be upping their numbers. It’s not something anyone talks about, but it’s the bedazzled elephant in the room.
An elephant that’s killing our kind.
I close my phone as the waitress brings me breakfast and my coffee, a caramel latte with extra foam and whipped cream.
“Well, well,” Carter’s familiar voice calls. I roll my eyes and focus on my cup. Maybe I can will him to go away. Close my eyes and wish? Nope. Carter’s still there in all his brown-leather-jacket-in-the-summer and bright-blue-shoes glory.
“My stalker,” I say, setting the cup down next to my phone. “I see you’re already busy at work.”
“I can’t take time off. Got to know where you are or else I couldn’t bother you. I did tell you I’d see you,” Carter says. He pulls out the chair next to mine, and it scratches across the floor. I glare at him. I hate when people encroach on my space. “Plus, where else can I be in the presence of such an incredible amount of snark?”
I snort. “I’m sure you have no problem finding large quantities of it.”
“You’d be surprised,” he says, his eyes focusing on mine. I don’t linger in his look. I focus on my coffee and Rafael Ezrati, because that is what’s at stake. I take another sip of my coffee, but my stomach has that queasy feeling again.
“What have you been up to this morning?” he asks.
“You’re the stalker. Shouldn’t you know?”
The waitress—a young Non with pink-and-blue-streaked hair—walks up to the table. I steal another sip of my latte but it doesn’t sit well. She smiles at Carter, completely ignoring me, and leans against the table, purring like a cat in heat. She chomps her jaws, blowing a bubble with her gum. Gross.
“Can I get you anything?”
He leans forward, his arms crossed over the table. She leans in, too. I stare at my coffee, not wanting it anymore. “What would you recommend?”
She blushes and tosses her hair. “We have the most unique coffee in town. It’s best dark and strong.”
I roll my eyes. Is this working? I hope she chokes on that gum.
“I’ll take it,” he says with a wink. I’m going to barf. In fact, it’s as if there’s a storm stirring inside me. Like it’s only going to take a small tilt to push me over the edge. I tilt the coffee around in the cup.
The waitress skips—actually skips—away from our table. I silently wish for her to trip. Carter looks very pleased with himself and laughs a little before settling his gaze back on me.
“You’re something else, you know that?” I say.
“Jealousy is cute on you, Pen.”
“Don’t call me that,” I snap, pushing my coffee away from me. “And I’m not jealous.”
He leans back on the chair. “Sure. And I don’t think you’re adorable.” I jerk my eyes up. He’s smiling. Screw this—this is so frustrating. I tap my foot under the table.
“We’re stating the facts, right?” he says.
“Right,” I say.
I don’t have time for this. And what is wrong with this coffee? I feel like I swallowed a fire and it’s all just burning at my stomach.
“You look sick again,” he says.
The poorly—or perfectly—timed waitress comes back with Carter’s coffee and a whole tray of drinks. Carter, obviously, flirts again. I don’t know if he’s doing it to get a reaction out of me, but I’m not going to give him one. I watch him and say nothing, but the whole time it feels darker inside my head and my stomach whirs. It’s more empty, and more full, and unsettled at once. The waitress turns to leave a when it happens.
The waitress coughs, as if she suddenly can’t breathe, and trips. She flies through the air. The tray spills all over a table of four. I gasp, horrified. Another waitress grabs her by the waist, trying to give her the Heimlich. The waitress coughs out the gum. She’s crying hysterically, apologizing to the customers dripping with water.
The weirdest part? As soon it happens, all the fury that was building up inside me disappears. It’s calm again, normal. The change is so sudden that my fingernails dig into the table. All I can hear is the waitress’s cry.
“I don’t know what happened,” she sobs over and over again. I close my eyes. Everything inside me is completely still. No storm, no clawing, no emptiness or fullness. In fact, I’m suddenly starving.
Carter’s looking at me when I open my eyes. There’s something unsettling in his gaze, something suspicious.
“I gotta go,” I say. He starts to say something. I don’t stay long enough to find out what it is.
Somehow I just did magic.
“Target ready,” a crisp robotic voice yells out at me.
I don’t even let the whole phrase finish before I pull the trigger. There’s a pop that echoes, and orange paint pellets hurl toward a human-shaped target. It hits right in the heart and explodes. Another pretend demon down. I feel like a Power Ranger—well, I would if I had power. Whatever that was at the coffee shop an hour ago is long gone now.
I load the paint gun with another round. I wanted that waitress to choke on her gum. I wanted her to trip. And she did. Pretty much simultaneously. How did that happen? Even if I could’ve, I didn’t call on my magic. I didn’t connect to it with the elements; I saw it and then it happened. I can’t create something from nothing. That doesn’t happen. But it did—twice. What does that mean?
Thank God for the shooting range. Even if it’s only paintballs it’s a good stress relief.
I pull the trigger and shoot, shoot, shoot. Three pink shots, all in a row.
A hand brushes my shoulder and I jump, gun pointed at the angst-interrupter. It’s Pop, and his hands are raised in the air. I toss the gun down like it’s poison.
“I could have shot you!”
Pop laughs, a deep hearty laugh that warms up the room. “I reckon I shouldn’t sneak up on a girl with a paint gun. You weren’t answering the phone. Been waiting outside for half an hour.”
I toss off my protective eyewear, which is a fancy phrase for big, ugly plastic glasses, and pull out my phone. Seven missed calls. Oops. Guess I was in the mood to kill some things, even paper things.
In the car, Pop taps the steering wheel as we drive home. The whole car smells like engine oil from the shop, but it’s oddly comforting. It’s almost enough to take my mind off this horrible day and Rafael Ezrati. Almost. Until Pop decides to talk again.
“How was your first exam day?” There’s a glow hidden under the shade of his eyes and a soft smile on his face.
I huff as the car slows to a stop outside our house. Pop looks out the window, then back at me. There’s something lingering on his lips. I can see the fight under the surface. He always gets this strained furrow between his eyebrows when he’s not sure what he wants to say. In the end, the easier side wins. I think it’s the easier side anyway. Unlike Gran, it’s harder to tell what’s going on with Pop.
“Come for a walk with me,” he says.
I don’t hesitate. I unbuckle the seat belt and trip over myself trying to get out of the car.
“You okay?” he asks, closing his door. I nod. Sure, I’m okay. Yesterday I expelled a demon. Today, I practically lost everything, and almost killed a waitress with Jedi mind tricks. I’m peachy.
I strap on a smile. “Of course I am. It was a long day.”
“How did it go?”
“I’m going back tomorrow, so I guess I didn’t do too badly.”
We walk together in silence. Past the Nons barbecuing on their lawns, trimming the grass, playing with water sprinklers in their front yards. Some of them wave, but most of them don’t pay attention to us. The life around us is a melody, happy and bright. Pop doesn’t speak. I like the silence between us. Pop is good with silence. He has this presence about him so even when he’s not speaking, he’s saying more than words.
After my parents died, he would sit with me. I had this spot in a closet in the upstairs bedroom that no one’s used since the 1900s. I found it, crawled inside and never wanted to come out. Pop would bring me sandwiches, even though Gran insisted I needed to come out. I slept there for two nights. When I opened my eyes, he’d be there, watching me. We never said anything, but having him near was enough.
I wish I were small again. Then, maybe, it would be enough still.
It doesn’t feel like his presence can fix any of this. It can’t fix who I am, who I’m not. It can’t give me what I want. I don’t know which part of that is the worst. Pop can fix anything—he’s a master mechanic and builder—but he can’t fix me.
“Penelope,” he starts. His eyes are on me. He opens his mouth, and then closes it again. His brow furrows up and I know it’s the battle from the car again.
My phone beeps in tune with Pop’s. It’s the WNN; I don’t have to look to know that. He pulls out his phone and scrolls the screen. “John Lebow was attacked on his porch.”
My eyes shoot up. His porch? Demons are getting ballsy. That seems unreal.
Three Enforcers pass by us with their little gold triangles. My heart jumps into my throat. That’s where I belong, what I want, and I know it as much as I know how to read.
“Pop,” I say. I want to tell him why I need this. Why I need him to support me.
One of the Enforcers backtracks to us.
“Frank, we could probably use your help,” he says. His name is Jim Wooley. His daughter, Elyse, is in our ST class. Jim pushes up his large black glasses on the bridge of his nose and sniffs. He reminds me of a beagle. He’s tall and lanky, and his eyes are a little droopy.
Pop looks at me. The battle is clear on his face—and this is one that I know all too well. I can’t be left alone in case a demon comes. I show Pop my new necklace from Connie with the little salt-filled glass vial.
“I’m fine,” I say. “I even have on iron earrings.”
They sound inefficient, but you can do some damage with a stud in the eye.
Pop runs a hand through his thinning hair. “The Lebow place?” Jim nods. “I’ll meet you in five.” Then Jim is gone, running off to join the other Enforcers.
“I can walk myself home,” I say through gritted teeth.
Pop huffs. “I heard about yesterday.”
My throat constricts a little. He can’t know about that. “What about yesterday?”
“Phelps and Mayer reported you at the scene of a demon attack. A Non died yesterday, Penelope, and you were there. That could’ve been you,” he says.
Thank God it’s not the demon from earlier yesterday. I mean, not that this is better. I should’ve known they would tell Pop. Gran was retired from teaching and she still heard about anything we did wrong. Pop hasn’t quit the CEASE Squad yet; he still went on patrol whenever he wasn’t moonlighting at the garage, and my name would’ve definitely been mentioned to him.
“You can’t go looking for trouble just because you’re taking the exams now,” he says.
“I wasn’t! I was on a run and I stopped. I didn’t mean to find the demon, Pop. It happened. I’m okay. I had salt.”
“It takes more than salt sometimes, Penelope. You have to be careful.”
“Grandpa.” I reach out to him. “I’m fine.”
Pop shakes his head. “We operate the way we do for a reason. You have to be trained to take them out, and you aren’t. Not fully. Yes, we encourage everyone in the community to be prepared, but we don’t expect them to fight without proper training. It’s how we’ve done it for centuries.”
“I know,” I snap.
“Stay out of the way, Penelope. Your grandma would lose her mind; you know how she worries.”
“Okay, Pop,” I say. Pop nods, and I know that’s the end. My grandpa may be nice and hopeful, but when he was done talking, he was done talking.
Chapter Six
I need someone to invent a coffee IV drip for mornings when I have to be awake with the sunrise. I slump down with my Iced Rage coffee drink of deliciousness in a seat on an oversize couch in the back corner of St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub, waiting for Ric to meet me. This place is halfway between our houses, and it has the best coffee. I take a sip, then a bite of my bagel, and log in to WNN on my phone. There were more demon attacks last night. The cases are spread out among the other regions, but it’s still a lot more than normal. We’ve had a pretty quiet year but now they seem to be in full force. It’s weird.
My eyes drift up and I see Carter walking toward me. I groan, mouth full of bagel.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Pen.”
“To think I thought the day couldn’t start off any worse,” I say.
He smiles. Man, he does that a lot. I am either super amusing or he needs to get some funnier people in his life. “Anyone sitting here?”
Carter doesn’t let me answer, just sweeps my feet off the chair and plops down, coffee in hand. He takes a long sip, his eyes on me. I scan the room for the quickest exit. I’ve hidden myself in the back corner and he’s blocking the only way to the door. Note to self: sit closer to the exit.
I sigh. “What can I do for you, Carter? I’m sure you’re here for a reason—considering all the effort you must’ve put into finding me here.”
“This is my favorite spot, and I think I recommended it,” he says.
I shrug. “It’s everyone’s favorite.” But if he loved it, how had I never seen him here before?
“Maybe I missed your attitude,” he says.
I flip him off and he chuckles, which only frustrates me more. I try to play it cool, but there’s an unease in my stomach again. My eyes drift around the coffee shop to look at something. There are only other zombified people, shuffling in line to get coffee. It’s a little depressing.
I roll my eyes. “Right. If you wanted someone to be mean to you I’m sure you could find them.”
“But no one does it as well as you,” he says. I hate that smile. Perfect smile. Perfect lips, even if the top one’s just a little bigger. It’s cute.
What’s wrong with you, Penelope? Drink the coffee.
“You haven’t met the right people,” I say, glancing at my phone. Ric should be here soon and we still have forty minutes until class. I convinced him to go early with me, so I could work in the library, now that I have official access. I look back at him and expect a smile; it’s not there. He’s not kidding. Which is ridiculous. He doesn’t even know me. “I have to go. See you around.”
I stand and swing my bag over my shoulder. Blocked exit or not, I’m getting out of here.
Carter follows me. Past a woman with a crying baby, and an older woman trying to order in a different language. The bell dings when I open the door. It’s only two or three steps outside into the crisp morning air when he grabs my arm.
“Just wait,” he says. There are cars beeping, moving along the streets, bumper-to-bumper in morning rush hour. Doors are opening, closing, and I’m not doing anything except standing there. Carter is waiting for something. Whatever he wants, I can’t give it. Instinct wants me to run, to kick him where it counts and take off. I can’t fully form a plan of action.
“Look, I think we should talk somewhere. I mean I would like to talk somewhere. With you.”
“I have nothing to offer you.”
“Not even friendship?”
I cross my arms. “You don’t want to be my friend.”
“I do,” he says, stuffing his hands into his jacket.
“We can’t talk about it here, but I know I’m not wrong.”
“What does that mean?”
He looks around, but there’s no one else close enough to hear us. No one even notices the two of us standing there. “Meet me. Let’s talk.”
“I’m on my way somewhere—I’m going to be late, actually.” I don’t even let him respond while I search for my car keys.
“You seemed surprised yesterday,” he says. I turn back to him, my heart pounding a little more in my chest. “When you saw that waitress trip. It was the same expression you had on your face with the demon in the alley.”
I shrug. Play it off, Penelope. Don’t let him know you were surprised.
“I have a theory about you,” he says, moving toward me again.
I open the door. “What’s that?”
His foot shuffles on the ground and shakes his head. “We can’t talk about it here.”
What does he think about me? What does he think he knows? Maybe it’s my magic, my response to both times I used it. He’s right. I was surprised. Shocked. He noticed that then—what else has he noticed?
“Fine. I can’t do it until the afternoon.”
“Three o’clock?” he says, his eyes wide. The hopefulness in his expression jars me a little.
I bite my lip. We got out of class yesterday after two. Today may not be the same. “I don’t know yet. I’ll text you.”
Carter raises an eyebrow, and moves so the only thing between us is the door of my car. “Nice try, but you don’t have my number, Pen.”
“Don’t call me that,” I say again.
“Phone,” he says. I hand it to him; he quickly types, his face slightly amused, and hands my phone back to me. He turns around to leave too. His car is in the next spot—some sexy black number. Very Batmobile meets real life.
“Until later then, Felt Tip,” he calls to me without turning around.
I don’t argue this time. He’s doing it just to make me mad. Which—fine. Whatever. I take a breath, slide into the driver’s seat and slam my door shut. “Stupid boys.”
Someone pounds on the roof of my car, and I jump. “I see you’re all sunshine and fun,” Ric says as he opens the door. “Not enough caffeine?”
“I could always use some more.”
“It was your idea to go early,” Ric says, getting into the car. Yes, it was. It’s time to do my own form of demon tracking.
I shrug and before he has his seat belt on I blurt out, “Do you know any witches named Carter?”
“Carter what?”
I pause. “I don’t know.”
“Carter doesn’t ring any bells,” he says. I pout and he fastens his seat belt. Where did Carter come from? He must be in another school in the region. I’ve never seen him before. Ric slaps the dash of my car. “Ooh, is he hot? I knew a Carter in middle school and he was hot. Is he gay? That would be better—a hot Carter just for me.”
“I don’t think so,” I say.
Ric sighs. “They never are.”
Ric leaves me off at the elevator thirty minutes early. Once he disappears down the hall, I go back down to the main floor next to the library entrance.
The doors are oak and brass, and squeal when I push them open. I get to go inside! I have to focus so I don’t start dancing right there. I have a mission, and limited time.
The library is a bit like a dusty old cave, except with marble columns and deep mahogany floors and chandeliers. It’s exquisite and creepy at once—and it kind of smells like feet. There’s a fat gray cat sitting at the welcome center, but there’s no librarian.
“Hello?” I call out. All I can see are rows and rows of shelved books, longer than three football fields and still going. The cat meows at me. It has a silver tag around its neck. Hyde.
“Are you the librarian, Hyde?” I ask the cat. I have never seen a talking cat, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
Hyde meows again and jumps off the desk. I walk past the rows of books instead of down the aisles. The end is not in sight, and I don’t want to get lost in there. Rumor is that the Triad has started making things electronic, because researchers would disappear in the stacks trying to find information.
There doesn’t seem to be anyone here. There’s so much to know about the entire history of magic and witches. Unlimited resources are in this room, and if I play my cards right, I can use them. It’s all right at my fingertips. If I can find what I need here about my demon, then maybe I can find out more about the ritual, too, and be on my way to magical normalcy.
I move down the front of the room and check over my shoulder to make sure I can still see the desk. That’s my anchor. I find a small computer desk and sit. I need to enter my WNN pass code to access the computer and when I do it beeps—high, low, high—and opens for me.
Search: ______
This is great! Google for magical history! I type in Mom’s name: Genevieve Warren Grey
Before I’m ready her face pops up on the screen. I inhale at the sight of her beautiful smile, round brown eyes, blond curls. Under her name are articles, too. Her birth, her announcement for the Enforcer finals, her partnership announcement with a picture of her and Dad smiling, her being an Enforcer, their Bonding, my birth, lists and lists of demon attacks that she and Dad thwarted and the only one they didn’t.
I shouldn’t have clicked that. Seeing her whole life on the screen makes me ache for the life we could’ve had with her. One she wasn’t allowed to finish because something she loved—being an Enforcer, saving people, using her magic for greatness—got her killed.
The demon.
Here goes nothing. If he exists, hopefully he was important enough that they put him in the database. Otherwise, I need to go searching in some books. There are a lot of books in here. Like, more than I’ve ever seen in one place. How could I ever find information there without telling the librarian what I’m looking for? There’s only one place to start.
It takes the computer a few seconds to gather search results, but fifty-three items pop up. Fifty-three. That’s amazing. This may be easier than I thought before! At least I have things to read. I click on the first one, which is the Enforcer file for cataloged demons. It means someone has seen it before.
Demon File No. 3013791: Azsis
Known power: full range unknown
Last seen: 01/13/2004, which means they stopped looking for him or no one has seen him since he killed my parents. That’s not encouraging. Nine years is a long time to be unseen.
History: Rumored – discoverer of essence power for demons; fallen angel with Lucifer
Confirmed – excellent strength and speed
Threat level: 10
“Do you need help with something?” a voice says from behind me. I jump up from the computer and face a man who’s shorter than me, has a round stomach, spiked gray-blue hair, and dark slanted eyes. He smiles and there’s a huge gap between his two front teeth.
“Sorry. I—” I start. The man looks at me, waiting for an answer. I what? I was bored? I wonder if that will fly. “I’m taking my exams.”
The man chuckles and the cat circles his feet. “Are you here on assignment?” He nods toward the computer.
“Sort of,” I say. I quickly exit out of the screen.
“Name’s Poncho Alistair, librarian. Something I can help you with?”
“No,” I say. He starts to walk away and I change my mind. “I can use the resources here, right?”
Poncho raises an eyebrow. “Depends.”
He smiles. “Do you know what you are looking for?”
He picks up the cat and walks back to his desk. “Your name is?”
“Penelope Grey,” I say.
His eyes find mine, nose scrunched like he’s reading a book. “Owen and Genevieve’s girl?” he asks.
“Yes sir,” I say.
Poncho nods. “Good people. It’s a shame what happened to them.”
His comment takes me by surprise. It shouldn’t. Mom and Dad were well-known before their death, but when others talk about them I feel like I’m missing out. “You knew them?”
“Oh yeah,” he says. “I may not look it now, but I was someone in their circle back in the day. You say you’re in the Enforcer examinations? Following their footsteps, eh?”
I nod silently, not really sure what to say. Yes, no, maybe. I have to pass the thing first.
“You can be here anytime I am,” Poncho says. “And I’m always here.”
“Thanks,” I say.
“Can I help you with that information?” he asks.
I stare at him for a moment. He’s the librarian, so he knows how to find things that I can’t. But if I tell him what I’m looking for I don’t know how he’ll respond. “I’m good for now.”
He nods and I head to class.
There are fifty girls left in the running for the Enforcers examination, and no more than ten of us will make it. Maple and her friends saw me come in and moved their circle around me, and now I’m sitting in the front row smack in the middle of four of my competitors. They are going on about some of the boys from their courses who are testing down the hall.
“You know who’s smart?” Miriam, a girl with black hair and a big nose, chimes in. “Keith Collins in region two. He’s totally going to be Bonded to whoever he gets.”
Kessa snorts. I glance sideways at her. She’s one of those super-pretty girls with curly red hair that falls below her shoulders and freckles across her cheeks. “Smart boys aren’t necessarily the best. Not when it comes down to the two of us and a demon,” Kessa snaps.
Trina, the taller girl, shifts in her seat and pushes her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. I guess she agrees.
“He’s good kisser,” Beth mutters. Beth’s cheeks turn bright red, making her dark eyes and hair look brighter. The other girls laugh. I’m not into any of this. I want a good partner, not a make-out buddy.
“There’s a boy from region four—Jordan Stork—he’s really brave. His dad used to teach,” Maple says. She smiles and sips her water. “Sarah Jenks said he was a good kisser.”
Kessa squeals. “Sarah Jenks kissed him?”
My eyes drift to the window. I don’t know who they are talking about or even how they know each other. Our regions don’t get together that often, but even if they did, I didn’t. I was always training or studying. I don’t have time to meet people. This is my life. It isn’t about finding a boy I may or may not be Bonded with; it’s about finding demons. One demon.
Trina squeals beside me. The other girls are whispering and I missed whatever they said. They’re all excited—hands moving as quick as their lips. I curse myself as soon as I ask them what happened. Maple leans in to whisper.
“William Prescott is in our round of testing.” As soon as she says it, the other girls squeal again.
I nod my head. “Good for him,” I say. I have no idea who that it is.
All four of the girls look at me as if I have grown a second head. “You do realize how huge this is, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sure. It’s huge for all of us,” I say, trying to play it off. I have no idea what’s happening.
“Tell me you know who he is,” Trina says. I don’t need respond, because they all know I don’t. Kessa grabs my arm, her shimmering light-pink nails against my skin.
“William Prescott is the only son of Victor Prescott—you know, the Triad leader?”
I raise my eyebrows. A Triad’s son trying out for Enforcer? That’s a little strange. It’s pretty widely known that first-born children of any Triad leader or council member are automatically expected to take on the role themselves. It’s passed down as closely as our magic is. A boy trying to change that has got to mean trouble.
“William is apparently smart and powerful. He’s at St. Jude’s,” Trina adds. Ah, the private school.
“Not to mention rich,” Kessa adds. Definitely trouble.
“Gorgeous,” Beth says.
“Any girl would be beyond lucky to be Paired with him,” Maple says on a sigh.
I scoff. “I don’t care about rich and powerful. Those qualities don’t necessarily mean he’d be a good Enforcer. I care about having someone who can back me up if I need it.”
Kessa’s face is red, like she wants to explode or something. Even though I might actually like to witness that, I feel a little bad. Before anyone can blow a gasket, Mrs. Bentham claps her hands to get our attention.
“Today, girls, I’m going to test your basic skills of self-defense. Each girl alone must be able to protect herself in case her partner is otherwise involved. You must be strong individually as well as together. Any girl who does not perform to perfection will be dismissed.” Mrs. Bentham calls two names—Beth is one of them—and the girls both disappear into another part of the room.
The room is quiet while they are gone. Almost as if every girl is nervous to breathe. Miriam shakes her foot while we wait and stares at the door. For ten minutes. Then, the door opens and Mrs. Bentham comes out, clears her throat. “Jenna Lakes and Chrissy Jenkins.”
The girls pass us as they move toward the door. It clicks shut, allowing the silence to resume. I guess we don’t find out who’s left until class tomorrow. I stare at my feet. Looking anywhere else makes me want to vomit.
I’m in the sixth group that’s called to go in. The girl I’m up against, Edith Summers, is taller than me—about six foot two and fierce-looking. Her lip is slightly curled, her hair cropped short with red and black streaks. Her muscles are bigger than a lot of boys I know. She’s obviously been preparing for this, too—which means that I’m in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Mrs. Bentham stands close enough to see us, but far enough away so she’s not in our space. “This is a non-magical sparring test. You don’t know the fighting knowledge a demon can possess, so you need to be prepared for every move. Shake hands, ladies.”
Edith Summers could break my hand if she squeezed hard enough. That’s not intimidating at all. Nope. I bite my lip as we both get into block position. I breathe and try to focus. This is a make-it-or-break-it moment.
Edith makes the first move before I’m ready. Her fists of fury fly at my face. My arms are there to block her. Her punch has less force than I expect, which means she’s saving it for later. I’ll have to remember that. Dad used to say that when you were facing someone bigger, you had to let your opponents wear themselves out.
I move first. My foot shoots toward Edith’s left leg and she wobbles. She keeps herself from falling over, and when she’s regaining her balance, I strike with my other foot toward her right leg. She anticipates the move and bounces back to her left side. Missed. Edith reverses the move on me, twisting her body, and I jump over her while she’s down, so I’m behind her now.
I swing, leaning into the punch and using my legs to keep myself stable. She avoids each blow I make and I only get air. I need to go back to the defensive. As I decide that, Edith kicks her feet out toward me. I’m ready so I don’t fall like she intended. I step forward, keeping my balance and moving my feet despite her attempts to knock me over. She doesn’t land a hit on me either. I use a duck-and-jive method that Ric taught me. Edith and I circle each other, gliding above the mat.
“Helix,” Mrs. Bentham yells a fighting maneuver for us to do next. “Now!”
Edith pauses, it’s half a second. It’s all I need. I ram my fist toward her face and she blocks me; it’s too late. My fingernail grazes her cheek. Her face is red in the spot, blood starting to flow. She launches at me with her body twisted, feet toward my face. I duck. Edith lands. She looks ready to have a go at me again, but Mrs. Bentham stops us.
“Edith Summers, you’re dismissed.”
Edith drops her hands. “Why? She didn’t do anything!”
Mrs. Bentham points to Edith’s face, at the spot where my fingernail grazed her skin. Edith touches her cheek, her hand coming back with drops of red. “If Miss Grey had been a demon, you very well could be dead right now.”
Edith looks outraged—at me, at Mrs. Bentham, at herself. I cross my arms. Edith’s whole face is scarlet and I bet she’s going to yell. To my surprise, she doesn’t. She nods her head slowly; tears start to fall down her face.
“Thanks,” she mutters to Mrs. Bentham, then turns to me. “Good luck,” Edith says, extending her hand to shake mine. I stare at it for a second before I take it. When Edith lets go, she turns on her heel, head held high, and leaves.
Mrs. Bentham stares at me. “Well done, Miss Grey. It seems you have more gusto than I imagined. That’s what we look for in Enforcers,” she says.
I didn’t mean to scratch her, but I did and I’m here another day for it. I should be happy, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve destroyed someone else’s life.
“See you tomorrow, dear.” Mrs. Bentham says, going back to call another pair of names. I pick up my bag and head out the door. It’s already two thirty and I’m exhausted. From this morning, from the sparring, from the demon search. A demon can’t just disappear like that. I need a nap.
My phone rings as soon as I get into the car and I dig it out of my pocket. It’s Carter’s number. God, he really is so annoying. “How’d you get this number?”
Carter chuckles on the other end. “You gave me your phone earlier, remember? I texted myself so I’d have it.”
“You are such a stalker,” I tell him.
“Tracker, but thanks for the compliment,” he says. I laugh, but my stomach hurts. Man, what is it with this boy?
“So,” Carter pauses. I hear something crash in the background. “You busy?”
My hair is damp with sweat and my face red. I’m pretty sure I’ll have some bruises within the hour. I can’t let him see me like this. “I’m not really dressed to go out in public.” Wait, why do I care how he sees me? I feel the blush surfacing on my cheeks. I’m a sicko and I have to look at myself in the rearview mirror so I can see my own blush. Yup, rosy.
“I’m sure you’re just as pretty as you always are.”
Silence fills the line. Did he just call me pretty? That’s totally what that was, right? There’s a crash on Carter’s end, then he clears his throat. “So?”
I should say no. I should not go because I have things to do. But if he does know something about me, I have to find out. That desire is stronger than anything else. I have to protect myself. That means going somewhere with less people. “See you in the alley where we met?”
Chapter Seven
Carter’s leaning against the wall when I see him, phone in his hands, one foot propped against the brick. I inhale. Part of me wants to turn and leave. His voice echoes in my ear—“pretty”—which is completely ridiculous and it shouldn’t make me feel this way. I’m not his anything. I don’t want to be, but the word still means something. I wish it didn’t. I feel like I’m in some alternate reality; this is so not me. This caring what I look like and caring what he meant and blushing girl.
Crap, I’m turning into my sister.
He looks up and then back down at his phone. There’s a pause before his eyes shoot back in my direction. Even from a few feet away, they glance over me, head to toe. I’m glad I showered before I came. I feel naked—like he can see through me. I straighten my shoulders. It will take more than that to make me nervous.
Carter pushes away from the wall and doesn’t take his eyes off me as he moves closer. My mouth is dry. There’s a surge in the air between us. By the time he reaches me, my stomach is flittering. Carter reaches out and touches my damp hair at the ends. What the hell am I doing?
I wish I could rewind time. Why did I agree to this?
“So, you have a theory? I hope it’s not string theory; I hear people are working on that already. ”
“Always so funny.”
“What are we doing here?”
Carter leans in closer. I can smell his musky nutmeg scent. “You were surprised the other morning when you expelled that demon.”
His tone isn’t accusatory. It’s a statement, a fact. That unnerves me more than if it were a question. I keep my face stern and my eyes steady. The best way to lie is to tell the truth.
“I don’t get trapped by demons every day.”
But Carter shakes his head. “It was more than that. More like a girl who didn’t know her way out of a situation. You reacted more like a Static than a witch.”
The world seems to stop around me. All I can focus on are the words in my head. I don’t have magic. I don’t have magic. How does he know that? How can he know that? I clear my throat and try to figure this out.
I can lie. I can tell him he’s crazy and wrong. I can do magic. I’ll prove it to him, but that could fail if it decided not to work.
I could run, but he knows my name, my phone number, and my sister, and could probably find my address with the WNN. Stupid Internet.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” he says.
I shake my head. I see no other way out of this. “I have magic. It’s just cranky.”
“Cranky?” he asks, sounding amused.
“It has a mind of its own. Sometimes it’s tired.” Sure, like he’s buying this.
A huff. “That sounds like the answer a Static would give.”
I push him against the brick wall and grit my teeth. “I am not Static.”
“Then what are you?”
He doesn’t miss a beat. Give the boy a mic and call him Jay-Z. I stare at him, because he doesn’t know anything. He can’t. That’s why he’s fishing. This is all a game that I will not let him win.
“I’m just a girl.”
I let go of his shirt and move away from the wall, pressing my hand against my temple. This boy gives me a headache. All of this has my stomach in knots. I don’t have magic—he can’t truly know that, can he? Only three people know, and they haven’t told anyone.
“I’m leaving.” I say.
I take four steps before he says, “You feel it, don’t you?”
I don’t turn back around to him, but I do stop. “Feel what?”
I hear his footsteps behind me as he moves around. “You feel it in your stomach. When I’m around, you feel sick.”
I inhale, but don’t turn around. None of this makes sense. “What?”
“I feel it too. Mine’s not sick so much as it tickles. Yours though, yours is sickness. Deny it, but you went pale earlier.”
I swallow, but he’s right about that too. How does he know that?
“See that over there?” Carter whispers, his mouth right up against my left ear, warm breath trailing down my neck. I can’t see his face out of the corner of my eye, but I see what he’s pointing out. There’s a large bay window, on the other side of the alley, which is covered inside with a type of dark paper. A condemned building.
“The window?” I turn around, and he’s gone. I have to shade my face from a patch of sunlight to see his silhouette on the roof.
“Blow it up,” he yells from the roof, and then he disappears out of my sight.
Blow it up?
“Can’t I just knock over a garbage can?” I yell. Because that I could manage with my foot. He doesn’t respond.
This day keeps surprising me, and not in the good way. I face the window again. I can’t blow it up. I can leave. I could walk away right now and then what? He couldn’t do anything. He has no power over me. I have no power over me. Except I do feel sick. How can he know how I feel—unless he really does feel it too? This doesn’t make sense.
I walk around the space in front of the window. I could break it, but he’d hear that. There’s no way out of this. I knew someone would figure me out eventually. Why it is this infuriating boy, I don’t know. Might as well get my ruin over with. I won’t be able to do this and then I’ll be forced to live in a van down by the river, to escape being sent away. I’ll get some cats and we’ll eat tuna together, like some depressing version of The Brady Bunch.
I need to focus. I try to connect, to feel the wind and to listen. To dig my toes into the concrete. To watch a cloud as it floats overhead. It feels like I’ve been standing here for an eternity trying to connect. I have to connect with something, but this isn’t working. Nothing is happening. There’s not even a spark within me. Even the anxiety in my stomach is gone.
“You win!” I yell and toss up my arms. I search for him along the rooftops, but I don’t see him. So I turn in a circle to scan them all. “I can’t do it! Happy now?”
“No,” he says from behind me. He’s close to the window, examining it with his fingers. “I’m not happy at all. You expelled a demon. I saw it. Plus, that waitress at the restaurant? That was you. That’s why you flipped out.”
I bite my lip. “I didn’t flip out. I just didn’t expect it.”
“She didn’t either.” He says it with a smile. It fades pretty quickly and he crosses his arms. “I was there for both things.”
I cross my arms to mimic him. Stupid, stupid, stupid. “So what? You want a prize for that?”
He ignores me. “When does your magic usually work?”
I stare at him. I’ve already told him too much. He doesn’t need to know this. Then again, it would be nice to share it. To have someone else understand. Snap out of it, Penelope. You can’t tell him. I don’t even know this boy! What if he tells everyone?
“You can trust me, Pen.”
Despite myself, despite every alarm blaring in my head, I want to trust him. For some reason—maybe it’s the churning of my stomach or the look in his eyes or the fact that he’s not smiling—the words all flow out. “When I’m with my family. I channel it through them. Why are you asking?”
Carter doesn’t answer; he moves around the alley, like he’s looking for a clue. He comes back to me and leads me to a spot on the ground. It’s near the iron grate, the same place where I expelled the demon. I ask him questions again with no response. He disappears a little into a shadowy place in the corner.
“We’re both standing in the same place. Try blowing up that window now.”
He puts his hands up. “I can’t explain it, but can you humor me, Penelope?”
He called me Penelope. He’s not trying to annoy me? That’s pretty much a sign that he means business.
I clear my throat, tuck a piece of short hair behind my ear, and turn toward the window. I do the same thing as before, try to connect with the elements, and this time it’s not the same. It’s not like the other times with my family. It’s like in the alley and in the restaurant, where I feel the magic forming—queasy, butterflies in the stomach, waves lapping against the shore in elation—building up inside of me. It’s not pulling from anything; it’s already there, wanting to come out. I picture it in my head, the window shattering, and two seconds later the magic tumbles out of me and shoots into the window. There’s a crash as it explodes to the ground.
Carter is laughing on the other end of the alley. Me? I don’t even know how to breathe. Is my heart still beating? Magic doesn’t work that way, so what did I do? How did we do that? Immediately, my stomach is calm. I don’t feel sick. In fact, I feel alive.
“I knew something was up! Have you ever done anything like that before?”
I shake my head. “Even with my family, it’s not that strong.”
“Curiouser and curiouser,” he says. I smile at the reference. Carroll was totally a witch. The secrets of our world are written into that book.
“Take my hand,” I say, and he does without hesitating. His hand is warm and a little clammy. I haven’t held a boy’s hand in so long. I try not to think about that part, but the magic inside me goes crazy. Like my heart is examining the lining of my stomach. “What would happen if we did magic together? When Connie and I are touching it’s stronger. Like whatever we do apart is even stronger together.”
“You think the same is true for us?”
“I have no idea,” I say.
He points to another window higher up the side of the building. Before my bobblehead stops nodding, I feel the magic billowing up. I picture it in my head, that tall, thin window shattering too. Nothing happens, not at first. There’s a tinkling noise, like the sound ice makes when it bangs inside a glass of water. Carter tenses up beside me at the popping sound. Not only that window—all the windows start popping. He’s fast and pushes me near the Dumpster before a whole alley full of windows shatters, raining shards of glass all over us. When I check, the whole building is now windowless.
My heart is pounding. I had magic. I did that. I just did that! A smile spreads across my face because that was awesome. Even more awesome than the last time with the demon. This was like flying into the sun and kissing on rooftops all at once. We did that. This could change everything. If I can do magic then I can be an Enforcer for sure! My magic-stealing demon is as good as found.
Carter’s body is shielding mine, practically on top of me. His face is only an inch from mine. I can see the traces of a beard trying to form on his chin. My arm is pinned next to his chest. I can feel his heart racing under me, his breaths sharp.
“Are you okay?” Carter asks me softly.
“That was not normal.”
“Far from it,” he says. His eyes get darker, serious. I suddenly feel very self-conscious under his touch and his gaze.
“It started that day, didn’t it?” he asks.
“It’s almost as if it only works when you’re around.” As soon as I say it I slam my mouth shut. Carter nods slowly and shifts on top of me. Did I make things super awkward? He’s staring at me, like I’m a puzzle he’s trying to solve. It’s unsettling. This must be how a goldfish feels.
“Funny, because I was thinking the same thing.”
Then he’s moving off me, reaching down to help me up. I stare at him, still trying to process what he was saying. “You were?” I ask.
I take his hand as he guides me to my feet. He doesn’t let go of my hand.
“For some reason, I’m in more control of my own magic when you’re around. The way you felt sick? I felt like I was on top of the world. Like nothing could touch me. Why is that?” he asks.
“I have no idea.” And I don’t. I don’t understand him or me or magic anymore. How could I make him feel more in control? I don’t even have control of myself or my own magic. None of this makes sense.
His free hand runs across my cheek. I shudder. I think my insides are melting from that one touch and I don’t like it. “What is it about you, Penelope Grey?”
“Me? I could ask the same thing about you, Carter—” What’s his last name? I don’t even know his last name. I take a step away from him. “What’s your last name anyway?”
He shifts back too, scrubs his hand across his chin. “Trent.”
Carter Trent. For some reason, knowing his last name makes all this a little less mysterious. I did not wake up two days ago hoping to have some magic mojo with a strange stalker boy, but I do.
“So, you think this means something? That we’re both better when we’re together?”
He leans in to my ear. “I totally think we’re better together.”
How did he get so close to me again?
“That’s not what I meant.”
He smirks at me. “I know what you meant, Penny Sue.”
“Penny Sue? Please tell me that’s not what you’re calling me now. It’s Penelope.”
“You don’t like any of my nicknames.”
I shake my head. “They’re utterly horrible.”
He laughs. Then it fades away. The crumble of glass under my feet fills the silence between us as I shift my weight. Carter raises an eyebrow. “Well, now we know my theory was right: we’re connected somehow, and the closer we are the better the magic is.”
“I think you’re looking for ways to keep tabs on me,” I say.
He laughs. “Maybe I am, Nell. Maybe I am.”
I groan. “That’s even worse. I think I prefer Penny Sue.”
“So you like Penny Sue?”
“Not particularly.”
“Maybe I should call you Jiminy and carry you around in my pocket forever.”
He steps in closer when he says it. “Forever” lingers in my ear. He’s so near to me I’m sure he can hear my heartbeat. He doesn’t look away from me, and his breath tingles on my skin. I blame the magic. There’s nothing sexier than magic. I really need to snap out of this.
“What’s the point of all this, Carter?” I ask.
“I’m trying to figure it out. Why would our paths cross? Why does our magic work better together? What are you?”
I blink and step away. He’s got to be kidding. But he’s still rambling about how he’s different or I’m different and how can this even happen. He thinks I’m something else. Something NOT. The magic stirs inside me like it wants to get out again, and I cross my arms.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask. The annoyance is in my tone, but I don’t care. I dig my nails into my elbow so I don’t hit someone. Someone named Carter.
Carter looks up at me; his eyes shift, melt a little as he realizes what he said. “I didn’t mean anything.”
“You think I’m—what? What do you think I am?”
“Nothing,” he says. “That’s not—”
He reaches out for me. As soon as his hand touches mine, my anger and the magic collide. There’s a bang as the Dumpster across the alley flies up into the air and lands sideways. He gulps next to me.
“I guess you’re pissed. I didn’t mean it that way. Not at all. I swear.”
I shake my head and I push him away from me.
“It’s Penelope—and I’ve figured out your secret too.”
“I don’t have a secret,” he says.
“You do,” I say. I cross my arms. “That little demon-tracking craze of yours.”
“You don’t know anything about that,” he says.
I push him away again and huff. “I don’t even know why I’m still talking to you.”
“Because you need me. Our magic—”
“I don’t need anyone, especially you,” I say. I turn on my heel and stalk off, over the crunching shards of glass. Ironic. Ten minutes ago I thought I finally had a solution to everything—I was that close to having all my dreams. Guess that’s what happens when you wake up.
“What’s wrong?” Connie asks when I get home. After I left Carter, I went for a run and now I’m drenched from sweat and rain. I pull the earbuds out of my ears and toss them onto my bed. Connie leans in the bathroom doorway, her arms crossed. Screamo music blares through the earphones. I don’t stop it. My shoes fly across the room into the corner.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I say, pushing past her into the bathroom. “I want to shower.”
“You’re upset about something. You ran during a storm. Gran was pretty angry that you didn’t come home after class. There were two more demon attacks while you were gone; she was worried.”
“Aren’t we all?” I mutter. Connie clears her throat, and I know that she wants to reach out for me. It’s what she does. But she knows me; she knows that I don’t like being touched when I’m upset.
“What happened? How was class?”
Connie looks at me like she’s searching for something I’m not saying. I refuse to tell her about Carter. If I tell her my magic works with some random boy, she won’t believe me. Or worse, she will. Actually, I’m not sure what’s worse. All I know is I tried to move this dead cat off the road during my run, and I couldn’t even conjure up magic to do that. I’m useless alone. It was bad enough when I only had power with Connie or Gran or Pop, and now it’s someone else. I can’t explain anything to her, so I need to keep it close until I know why.
“Nothing extraordinary,” I say, instead.
“There’s nothing you want to talk about?”
I shake my head.
“If you need me,” Connie says as she exits to her side of the bathroom. I nod and lock her bathroom door behind her.
Chapter Eight
All my dreams felt haunted, posing as dark corners, lost paths, and clowns. I hate clowns. I spent my restless night looking in the dark and never finding anything. Not an answer, not even a clue. I woke up unable to remember what I was searching for in the first place. Coffee couldn’t ease the headache pounding in my skull.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Ric says when I get into his car. I glare at him and he doesn’t say a word until we part ways in Nucleus House. He knows me well enough not to push me when I’m in a bad mood. Plus, we were up texting until the middle of the night. It took everything I had not to say anything I shouldn’t, especially now that Carter knew my secret.
When I get into the room, Maple, Kessa, and Beth are standing off to the left. Miriam is not with them, which means that she’s probably been dismissed. No one says it but the numbers in the room are hard to ignore. Only thirty girls remain now.
Mrs. Bentham takes her place in the front of the room, which feels emptier now with fewer people, and clears her throat. “Ladies, welcome again. As witches, our duty to protect Nons exists not only in magic or the sacraments, but in brains, in brawn, and in blade.” On cue, she pulls out a combat knife and holds it up to the light all dramatic-like. She totally rehearsed that. With it, she motions to the table next to her where a bow and arrow, more knives, and salt guns all rest. “Or bow or bullet. You get the idea.
“Today’s examination will test these skills, but with demons. Can you defend yourself in a demon attack? What about in front of Nons? And without magic? Demons can be tricky, but it’s your job to be smarter. Penelope Grey, you are first today.”
When she says my name my palms itch. The other girls look at me, and part like the Red Sea so I can pass between them. Mrs. Bentham presses her lips into a solid line. “Follow me,” she says.
The door to the examination room is closed, but her hand rests on the doorknob. “Everything in this test is magically simulated specifically to test your skills with three weapons—knife, salt gun, bow and arrow—which are hidden within the scenery of each scenario. Understand?”
She continues. “You will be dismissed if you use magic, fail to use a weapon provided, fail to kill a demon while utilizing your provided weapon, cause a reaction from Nons, or get injured in any way. Failure to succeed in all three scenarios will be a dismissal.”
“Got it,” I say. “Don’t suck.”
Mrs. Bentham doesn’t even crack a smile. “Your test begins when you open the door.”
She leaves me there, standing in the hallway. I take a second to focus, to push everything else out of my head so I can think. A knife, a bow and arrow, and a gun in a fake TV-like setting. How hard can that be? I open the door.
Freaking hard.
I can’t find a weapon anywhere.
The demon swipes its feet across my ankles. I lose my balance and slam to the ground. It makes a kick toward me, but I roll away from it, sliding across the floor, which is set to emulate rocks. I’m going to feel that fall in the morning. This thing is ridiculous. It feels like I’ve been fighting this demon for hours. It’s like they turbocharged it just for this exam.
It charges at me, and I jump to my feet and head for a taller cliff. Redirection. Make it tired. I run, but the demon uses magic and tosses me off my feet. My head slams against the hard ground and pain explodes, blurring my vision. I rub a fist into my eyes, trying to dispel the ache, and then I see it. The glint of a metal barrel. Fina-freaking-ly.
I reach out for it and let myself lie still on the ground. Within seconds the demon hovers over me, and when he’s close enough, I shoot him in the head. The gun recoils in my hand. He bursts instantly.
Getting to my feet, I take a breath and look around. The gun disappears from my hands. Nothing else happens. I walk around the desert-like scenario, expecting a clue. It’s just me and the rocks. Well, crap.
I turn a corner around a rocky outcropping, and then I’m standing in the middle of a forest.
There isn’t much natural light that slips through the canopy of green. All around me are vines and trees and sounds. Mostly trees. I tried to climb one, but it was too slippery, so now I have to walk on the forest floor. Which seems a little too ominous to be good. Aren’t there dangerous animals and bugs in forests? I’ve already tripped three times on the undergrowth and bushes. I should’ve paid more attention in that earth science class last year.
I smell the demon before I see him. Sulfur lingers in the air like humidity, and I do my best to follow it. The farther I get from where I started, though, the weaker the scent gets. I must be going the wrong way. I’ve never tracked a demon through a forest, what with living in the middle of a city and all. I guess I should have prepared that better. I know what to look for—the smell, the black dust that it leaves behind when it’s possessed a Non—but there’s no way I could track black dust trails in a forest.
This sucks. Stupid forest.
I breathe deeply, searching for the scent, but it’s gone. I have to turn around and rethink this. I’m so close to the end, I can’t be dismissed now.
When I move, there it is—just in time to flick me across the forest floor. My legs drag across the undergrowth and crash into the hard ground. I love being a rag doll for demons. There’s no time to search for a weapon. It could be anywhere. There’s no way I’m going to find salt or iron in this place, either.
The demon is red, and it snarls before it charges toward me again. Before I have solid footing, it roundhouse kicks me in the neck. My head snaps to the side and I can feel bones grinding together in my back. A second later, it smashes a foot into my ankle and I collapse, dropping to the ground. Now I’m getting a little pissed.
I scramble to stand up, ignoring the way my body protests, but the demon is gone. My eyes rake over the forest, catching every small movement. A leaf fluttering in the wind or a small scuttle into a bush. Where did it go? I’m totally going to kick its ass.
I scan the trees. I need to get up there so I can see better. I find a tree with a low branch and use my nails to pry off some of the green that makes it slick. Finding a solid footing, I brace myself with my toes and pull myself up. That wasn’t so bad. Another branch is a little higher, but I reach it. Instead of prying, I sort of swing myself onto the branch and hang there like a monkey for a second before I can get upright.
This is what I do for a few more feet, until I’m high enough that I can make out the other trees and a good portion of the bottom of the forest through the greenery. I push the leaves, flowers, and vines out of the way as much as I can so I don’t lose my balance. Something rustles to the left, maybe ten feet from me in the trees, but I can’t tell if it’s the demon. Looking down, I descend one tree branch to the left. That’s when I spot it.
It’s definitely the demon, but even better, the knife is right there, cradled in the crook of the branches. I totally have the advantage now. It won’t even know I’m coming. I grab the knife and use it to clear away some of the leaves and vines. If I can get across the trees, then I can surprise the demon by landing on its turf. That would be rad. I’m totally doing it. And if I fail then I will fail in a blaze of glory.
It takes some time to jump from limb to limb through the trees while still maintaining my height. My hands are shaky and red, my shoes damp, and my pants soaked from the moisture in the treetops, but I am nearly ready to make shish kebabs out of this demon. I cross a final tree before I’m right on top it. Perfect.
I’m lowering myself down a branch when the demon sees me. Its red eyes locks on me, and I’m pretty sure it smiles before it scurries up the tree, digging its long talons into the bark with each inch it gets closer to me.
So much for the element of surprise.
Instead of moving toward it, I’m staying put. This branch is solid and wide, a few inches across, so I can definitely fight on it.
Demon-thing scales the tree way faster than I had, and then it’s so close I choke on the smell. It lunges toward my branch off its own, but it can’t get a grasp and falls back down. It doesn’t stop trying. The demon jumps again, and again, and again until it finally grabs my branch and starts pulling itself up to me. The branch starts to buckle. So much for solidity. This is totally unfair.
My options are limited: Stay on this potentially hazardous branch and fight the demon, or get down. I look below toward the ground. There’s a clearing, just big enough for a landing. It’s really far down there though.
The demon pulls his feet up on the branch. I’m crazy. This is crazy. I can’t die in this simulation, can I? The demon reaches out for me, talons ready, and I jump.
The landing was a bad idea that I didn’t think through. I crash to the ground, landing on my back, and all the air rushes out of my lungs. God, that hurt. I just want to lie here and die now, please. The sounds of the forest all go quiet around me as sharp pulses radiate up and down my spine. My head is already pounding. I open my eyes, but the light hurts it. I think I broke myself.
When I get my breath back, I peel myself off the ground, sitting up very slowly. My bones all ache and I groan as I move my head. I look up at the treetops and see a mass of red still up there. The branches shake, like the demon is climbing down, but it’s coming down too quickly. It jumped too. I bolt up from my spot and say a silent prayer that it will land where I did.
Why did it jump? Seriously, those things are so dumb.
I hide behind a tree, moving as quickly as I can, and watch as it lands very close to where I did. I don’t think. I just move and shove the knife into its chest as it explodes into fragments of red guts and dust.
I win.
Unlike before, everything disappears. It dissolves away from me, and then I’m standing in the middle of Times Square, where the sky is dark but barely noticeable because of the bright lights of billboards. Are you freaking kidding me? This is the one that involves Nons. New Yorkers don’t really pay attention to other people, though, so maybe I’m in a good position.
I walk around the empty space of sidewalk and notice looks in my direction. When a cab stops I catch a glimpse of myself in the window. I look bad. Like I’ve been beaten up and rolling around in dirt, ripped clothes and all. I guess I have been. A sudden weight is added to my shoulders as a bow and arrow appears around me. Awesome. This isn’t helping. My look is already attracting attention, so let’s add weapons. How am I going to fight a demon without gaining more? I hate this.
“Do you know which way Bryant Park is?” a Non asks me, strolling up right beside me. I cock my eyebrow and look at him. He looks normal enough, but locals don’t ask for directions. They’d rather be lost. He could be a tourist, in which case he’s an idiot for asking someone dressed like me.
“I don’t, really,” I say. He frowns. That’s when I see that there’s a little bit of dirt on his face. Which probably isn’t dirt at all but demon dust. “What’s going on there today?”
If I can keep him talking, I can watch his eyes. Find out for sure if they flicker to the demonic colors. The Non starts spouting off something about a band, and the whole time he talks I don’t notice any change in his eyes. He’s not possessed.
“Sorry, I don’t know how to get there,” I say. The guy nods and wanders off to ask someone else.
I start to cross the street and a taxi driver nearly plows into me. I turn to yell at him, and I see it before the driver can recover. A flash of red in his eyes. He’s a demon.
I can’t attract attention. Think, Penelope. Make this work. I hop into the back of the death cab and everything smells like sulfur. There’s even dust on the headrest. This is totally the demon.
“Where you going?” the cabbie-demon asks. He has very gray hair, big teeth, and a mustard stain on his shirt. He looks like he’s had a few too many doughnuts. Not that I blame him; doughnuts are good.
“Columbus Circle,” I say, because it’s the first thing I think of. That’s right on the edge of Central Park. I remember that area from the one time I visited with my parents before they died. It was a circle with a big statue and the park was really gorgeous. It’s after 9:00 p.m. here, and I feel like the circle will be crazy busy. How will I find a place to kill a demon without anyone seeing me? I’m so glad that I don’t live in region one every day. This is stressful.
We’re there before I’m ready and it’s asking me for money. I reach into my purse to get it and exit the car. The cabbie-demon doesn’t leave, but he watches me. I know he wants me as much as I want him. If he’s desperate enough, I can hope that he will follow me.
I don’t look back for a few minutes because I don’t have to. I can still smell him. He totally wants this milkshake.
I rush ahead of the demon and get a stance around the corner past the statue, where there’s an open space of grass and not too many people. He’s so close to me. I extend my arrow and pull back on the bow. One more step. One more step. Something jumps me from behind and I lose my footing. The arrow flies as I face my attacker. Another demon—that Non from before. He was not a demon then. I’m sure of it. The boy knocks me to the ground and my arrows go flying in different directions. Have I mentioned that I hate this?
Nobody around us is paying us any attention. I roll onto my back, reach one of the arrows, and shoot it off at the boy from a crouch; it zings him in the arm and he screams his crackly-demon sound before he starts heaving in breaths. That’s probably not good.
The cabbie-demon has rejoined the party and now there are two of them and one of me without my salted arrows. I can see the arrows but I’ll have to do some maneuvering to get them.
I flip up to my feet and charge the demon boy. It’s stupid, but it’s the only thing I can think of doing. He’s not ready for it, and demon-boy crashes backward into a tree. I’m close enough now for another arrow, so I shoot it directly into his heart and whip around to face the cabbie before the demon-boy can burst.
The cabbie-demon is ready for me. He tries to get me, clawing at my space and throwing his round body toward me, but I’m quicker and I trip him before he can move against me. I guess he should’ve possessed a better Non, maybe someone leaner who doesn’t spend all his time driving. While he’s down, I see another arrow across the grass so I make a run for it. He uses magic to knock me down again and the arrow zooms back to his feet. It’s the last one. There were only four arrows in my holder. He knows it too, because there’s this gross little smile on his Non’s face. Creepy.
Let’s play this another way.
I put my hands up in surrender, and move toward him. The demon-cabbie looks confused, but then he grabs the arrow and snaps it in half. I lower my hands, because that was not the plan. I needed that.
The demon-cabbie springs at me, and I fling myself away. He’s quicker this time, shedding his Non form and taking on his demonic one midair, like a snake. The discarded Non hits the ground with a sickening thud.
I have to get out of this. I’m almost done.
The broken arrow is on the ground a few feet away, teasingly close. Just because it’s broken doesn’t mean it’s useless: the rules didn’t say I had to use the weapons correctly, just that I had to use them. I pick up both ends of the arrow and the demon-cabbie stares at me, claws drawn and lip snarled. I stare back at him. It’s like a Wild West showdown. Which one of us will draw first?
I sprint toward the demon, throwing the piece of the arrow that has the feathers at him. He catches it in the air, only a foot away from me, and I smile. His crimson eyes narrow, examining the arrow, and his brows furrow when he realizes it’s the side with the feathers. I collide with the demon and drive the other half of the arrow into his chest. The half with the salted iron tip. I don’t bother letting go until his demon guts are all over me.
Everything turns white again and I’m standing in the middle of the training room. My clothes are normal again, but my brain is exhausted. I have no marks. No tears in my clothes. I still feel like I really was tossed around like a bouncy ball. I can’t believe all that was fake. Magic is awesome.
“See you tomorrow, Miss Grey,” a voice calls out through a speaker as the door opens.
Chapter Nine
I can’t leave until Ric is finished since we drove together, and he hasn’t texted me yet, so I wander to the library. Hyde the cat is sitting at the librarian’s desk again. When I come in, he arches his back and his fur stands on end before he runs off down the stacks. I guess he doesn’t like me very much. I walk around Poncho Alistair’s desk and the whole thing is covered in papers. It’s a mess compared to the rest of the neatly organized space.
I run my fingers over a book that’s open and I look down at the page. There’s a disturbing drawing on the page of a horned demon on the wheel of death thing. A man is holding a knife. The demon’s feet are on fire, and this spark is in the air, shifting between the man and the demon. Under the picture, the words “Ritual Restitution.” I stifle a gasp. That’s the one I plan to do as soon as I find my demon. There’s information here, in the library about it. The Triad really did hide it away. Why is it out in the open like this? It’s the same article I found years ago that outlined the materials needed for the Restitution, but that one didn’t have the picture. Seeing it all depicted there that way—a demon on a wheel of death, fire blooming, a man with a dagger aimed at the demon’s throat—it makes it look evil. If not evil, then dangerous.
Maybe I’m okay without my own magic.
For a second, it seems like a good idea. Much less dangerous. Much less at stake for me if I fail. But it’s not what I want. I want to be whole.
Poncho calls my name and I jump at his voice, push the book away, and look up at him. He’s holding Hyde, stroking his fur. “Interesting reading?”
I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms. I can’t show that I care about this. “Creepy. Why are you looking up that?”
Poncho lowers Hyde to the ground. “It’s my job to know things.”
I bite my lip. I can ask him. He knows things. “Can I ask you a confidential question?”
He nods.
“What do you know about witches with no power?”
“Statics? Quite a bit.”
“Not a Static.” I pause. “A witch who can pull power from another witch? Is that something you’ve heard of before?”
My phone beeps the sound of the WNN and four alerts pop up. Four more demon attacks. Two in my region and two in the surrounding regions. All four resulted in death.
He scratches his head. “Why do you ask?”
I wave him off. “It’s nothing. A debate with a girl in my exams,” I say quickly. “Can I use the computer?”
Poncho nods and I move back to the computer. In the search bar, I try various keywords about pulling magic from another witch. Nothing comes up. No hits at all in the system. Annoying. How does my magic work like this if no one else in history has had this ability? Or curse. Or whatever it is.
Refocus. Demon. I type in Azsis’s name again, and move to the next item on the search list. Item number four of fifty-three. Item four is an article from a newspaper fifty years ago.
Rise in Demonic Activity Causes More Death
In an occurrence last night, three local families were slaughtered in their sleep. The Triad was not permitted to comment, but the council says the reports were demonic, all committed at the same time in various locations of town. The deaths do not seem to be related, but with the rise in demonic activity over the last two weeks, Enforcers are taking everything into account. The community is advised to take extra precaution in light of the dramatic increase in demonic activity.
Two of the families were Nons and the other an influential member of the community. The names are not available for release. Alfie Spencer reported the event in the night after he and his wife were awoken to screams from their neighbor. The community is on high alert until this newest attack can be explained.
Alfie Spencer. Spencer is a family name on Gran’s side; maybe he’s related to me. I search in the computer for that name. Nothing.
I redo the search for Azsis, but this time that article doesn’t come up. Now there are only fifty-two items. Weird.
I spend twenty minutes trying to find it, typing in keywords from the article, but there’s nothing.
If Alfie Spencer witnessed a demonic attack, at a time when demon attacks were increasing, what happened to him? To them? How did that article disappear? Demon attacks are increasing right now, just like before. Maybe there’s something I can learn from whatever happened with Alfie Spencer.
My phone has a missed call and a text from Ric. He’s done with his test and he passed too. Good. Now, all we have to do is pass the magic test tomorrow. Tomorrow. Do or die day. I shiver when I step outside the Nucleus House. It’s not cold, but that thought is intense.
“You shouldn’t walk and text,” Carter’s voice calls. I look up from my phone and right into his green, green eyes. “I hear that’s dangerous.”
I cross my arms and slide my phone back into my pocket. “I don’t really want to talk you. Like, ever.”
Ric is waiting in his car for me so I move past Carter because I so do not want to deal with this, but he grabs my arm. His touch against my skin stirs the magic inside me and I really want to blow something up. I yank my arm away from him and take a step.
“Pen, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? For what exactly? Do you even know what you did?” What are you?
He sighs, putting his hands into his coat. “You’re not a thing. I was just confused.”
I cross my arms and don’t even try to hide my annoyance. “You aren’t alone there, but you don’t see me reacting that way.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wouldn’t do that. I’m not that guy.”“I don’t even know you.”
His face lights up. “What are you doing now?”
“Right now. You’re leaving. Where are you going?”
“Come with me instead. You want to know me? Come spend the afternoon with me,” he says.
I bite my lip and glance over at Ric’s car. Something is wrong with my brain that I’m even considering this. But he knows things about me—the most important thing—and there’s got to be a reason our powers are connected. This could help me learn something.
Carter leans in over my shoulder. “I promise I will get you home in one piece.”
“What do you do with your afternoons?”
He smiles. Annoying as it, he really does have a nice smile. “I can’t ruin the surprise.”
I’m going to regret this. “One hour.”
“Two hours,” he says. “One isn’t enough.”
“Fine. Two hours. That’s all. Not a minute more.”
“Great, that’s when I turn back into a frog anyway. I would hate for you to see that. It’s not pretty,” he says.
I laugh because corny as it was, it was kind of cute. Don’t start thinking he’s cute, Penelope.
But for the record, he is.
I go to Ric’s car and can hear the music from outside. I knock on his window. He rolls it down quickly and lowers the volume. “Are you waiting for an invitation? Come on.”
“I’m not going with you,” I say.
“You’re sure?” he asks.
No, I’m not sure, but at this point, Carter knows too much and there’s a lot to lose.
I nod.
“How will you get home?”
“Connie can come get me. I just need to decompress. See you in the morning.”
Ric shrugs and rolls his window up. Another great thing about him is that he doesn’t ask too many questions. I watch him pull out and then rejoin Carter on the sidewalk. He looks up from his phone at me.
“Where are we going?” I ask.
Thirty minutes later Carter parks his car in the woods on one of the scenic outlook trails just outside DC. “Let’s go,” he says.
“Go where?” There’re only cars and trees around us.
“Just come on.”
I sigh and leave the car. Carter waits for me in front and leads me across the parking lot, past some Nons running on the nearby trail with their dogs. On one side of us is the interstate, on the other is water, and ahead is the city. “I feel like we’re not allowed over here,” I say as he jumps over a guardrail toward the water.
“Are you always such a stickler for the rules?” he asks.
“No,” I say, but yes. Yes, I am, and I know them all.
Carter holds out a hand to me. “Just come on. Unless you’re scared. I understand how being around me could be intimidating.”
Jerk. I jump the guardrail too, not taking his hand. I don’t need his help. An amused look spreads on his face, and now I just want to get this over with.
He moves in front of me, leading us around the small strip of water and up over the hill through the trees. I’ve lived here all my life and I’ve never done this. I’ve been on the trails but there are no trails here and it looks like most sane people don’t go walking through here, but Carter seems to know where he’s going.
The view from behind him isn’t too shabby. He looks good in his jeans.
Stop thinking about his pants.
Carter turns to me and I’m a little too focused on his butt, so that it startles me. There’s a smile playing on his lips, but he doesn’t say anything. I was totally busted though.
“For what?”
He nods his head and takes my hand. My skin immediately tingles. My stomach is fluttering around in my body. How does that happen to someone? Calm down! I let him lead me a little farther before he drops my hand. My body still tingles and I know that it wasn’t only the magic. It was something else that I don’t want to focus on.
“Look,” Carter says.
He turns me around the direction we just climbed, and I can see everything for miles. It’s like the whole city is underneath me. People and cars look like ants. Buildings, Arlington Cemetery, the Washington Monument—all the things that make this city unique sit below me. My jaw drops. This is totally better than any scenic overlook with trails. I walk around the small open space, taking it all in.
“How did you find this?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Sometimes things find you. The wonderful things that completely change your view on life.”
Carter looks at me as he speaks, and part of me wonders if he’s just talking about this place. Of course he is, though. It’s not me. I don’t really want it to be me.
“It’s really beautiful,” I say.
“It is,” he says. His eyes are so bright that I can’t look away from them. A smile creeps up on the side of his mouth, and his whole face lights up as the magic stirs with something less expected. Look away.
I clear my throat, mostly because I don’t know what to say. Carter sits on the ground next to the edge of the hill so his feet hang over. After a few seconds, I sit next to him.
“This is what you do with your afternoons?”
“Sometimes. When I’m not tracking,” he says. He gets this far-off look on his face and I wonder what he’s thinking. It’s serious, by the way his brow furrows and his jaw tenses. I want to ask him why he tracks demons, because I know that it takes something serious to make someone risk it all. I start to ask when he talks again.
“I come here to think. It calms me down.”
“Think about what?”
Carter doesn’t look at me, but I’m a little grateful for that.
“What I said to you before in the alley, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way,” he says. I shake my head and start to say it’s okay but he keeps talking. “This is my space. When I have things on my mind that don’t make sense. When you left me there yesterday, I came here. It reminds me that it doesn’t matter.”
“What doesn’t matter?”
“That question. ‘What are you?’ I wonder what I am all the time. Sometimes I feel like I don’t fit, you know?” he says. I completely know. I know better than anyone could know. “Here it doesn’t matter because this is just one city in a really big world. If I don’t belong here, there are other options. Maybe I just haven’t found the best one yet.”
Wow. I never think that way and it’s a pretty idea, but if I don’t have magic then what I am really? My whole existence has always been magic—learning it, losing it, getting it back, and then being an Enforcer. It’s what I want. All I want. Maybe he doesn’t have anything like that, but I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else, doing anything else.
“You’ll find a place,” I say. He looks at me again, and his eyes are bright and intense. I swallow down a lump in my throat. “I mean, I think you will.”
Carter stands and pulls me up from the ground. I lean into him from the force of his pull. Even though I shouldn’t, I wonder what his lips would be like on mine. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to be kissing anyone’s lips anytime soon. I have enough memories. Not that they’re that good. There was Bobby Weimer, Jason Prevoy, and Mickey Tanner from that dreadful three months during junior year. I bet Carter’s kiss is way better than any of them.
“We should go,” he says quickly. I nod my head and steal one more look over the edge before we leave.
Carter pulls up outside my house. The ride home was nice, if not a little awkward. I did learn a bit about him—one thing being that his taste in music doesn’t suck. The other being that his car smells like nutmeg, which is a wonderful smell to be trapped in.
“Thanks,” I say, unbuckling my seat belt. “That was fun.”
“Fun?” he says, his eyes wide. “I succeeded in providing fun?”
“You did,” I say with a smile.
He honks the horn and I jump. “Alert the WNN! Penelope Grey smiled.”
I start to get out of the car and then I remember what tomorrow is and take my hand off the door handle. I should see if he can be there. Connie is coming tomorrow, but if Carter is there then I’m sure to be okay. I think. How far away from him do I have to be for his magic to work? What if I move too far from Connie? It’s better to have a fallback plan.
“I have a proposition,” I say.
“I’m not that type of guy,” Carter replies. I bite my lip. This is stupid. I shouldn’t ask him. I don’t really need him. I start to open the door again, but he touches my arm. “What is it?”
“I’m taking my magic test tomorrow for the Enforcer examinations,” I say. His eyes widen, but I keep talking so I don’t lose the nerve. I’m not really an ask-a-favor kind of girl. “My sister is coming so I can use my magic because I really want to do this, and I have passed everything else, but her magic only works within a certain distance and I don’t know what ours can do but if you don’t have any plans it would mean a lot to me if you would be there. Just in case I need more magic and can’t use Connie’s. I mean, if that’s weird then okay. You don’t have to. But you know, if you can I will owe you.”
When I stop to take a breath, he’s just staring at me. He doesn’t say anything at first, so yeah, that was stupid. “Never mind,” I say. I open the door and get out of the car. I’m on the sidewalk when he rolls down his window.
“I’ll be there,” he says.
I turn back. “You’ll be there?”
“That’s what I said. I’ll be there if you need my magic.”
“Yes,” he says. “Just tell me why it matters—being an Enforcer.”
Why it matters? “It’s the only thing that matters. It’s like you said: I’ll never find my place in this world without this. Being an Enforcer is tied to who am I, and who I can be.”
“But it’s not all that you are, or all that you can be.”
“It is right now,” I say.
Carter’s eyes focus in on me, and then he nods slowly. “What time?”
“Eight,” I say.
“Don’t thank me yet. You owe me now.”
“What do I owe you?”
“We’ll talk about it when you pass tomorrow.”
Then he drives away, leaving me on the sidewalk. He really is kind of crazy. In a charming sort of way.
At dinner, Pop asks about the exams and Gran flinches. I ignore her. I don’t need her nerves on top of the ones I’m already feeling.
“Tomorrow is the magic test,” I say.
Pop smiles, only for a moment before hiding it away. Even though I can still see the twinkle of pride in his eyes. “That’s good, Penelope.”
“It is good because tomorrow all this nonsense will be over,” Gran says. We all look at her. “Who wants dessert?”
“It’s not going to be over, Gran. I’m going to pass.”
She waves me off. “There’s no way they will pass you when you don’t have magic.”
“I’ve made it this far without magic,” I say.
“Yes, dear, but tomorrow is the day it matters the most. How do you plan to pull that off?”
Connie speaks up for me. “I’ll be there tomorrow. She’ll have me.” I’ll also have Carter, not that they know that.
Gran shakes her head. “What if something doesn’t work out?”
“It will,” I snap.
“Yes, we will both see,” she says. Pop sends her a silent look and Gran clears her throat. “I’ll get the dessert.”
When she leaves the room Connie pats my hand. “It’s going to work out, Penelope.”
“I know,” I say. I hope. Between Connie and Carter, I really hope it’s enough for me.
Pop stands. “I’m going to help your gran,” he says. Before he leaves the kitchen, he kisses me on the top of my head. Whatever happens, I know he’s proud of me. I just hope that when I succeed, Gran will be too.
Chapter Ten
The next morning passes in a blur. I wake up on autopilot, trying not to think about anything. Ric drives us to the Nucleus House. Ric doesn’t speak to me, at least to my memory, and before I go inside I search the parking lot for Carter’s car. I don’t see it, but I do see Connie’s. At least someone showed up for me.
“Good luck,” Ric says when we turn opposite ways. I smile, but I know it’s weak.
Inside the training room, there are only twelve girls. Including me. This is it. This is really the last chance. Mrs. Bentham comes in a few minutes after me, three women in long white robes following her. The female section of the council. She claps her hands together.
“Ladies! Today is a special day: magical testing. A day to prove you have all the skills needed to be an Enforcer. We test those skills to save the Nons around us, to teach each other, to honor the things we are given.”
An excited chatter fills the space around me. My heart pounds. Magic. I try to focus on Connie, and in no time at all I feel her presence. The magic is soft and gentle, familiar. I don’t sense the storm that usually brews with Carter’s magic. I shouldn’t have trusted him to come.
“All of these tests will be used to measure your individual skills as a witch, and help us find the perfect partner for you,” she says.
I close my eyes and pray that this isn’t the day that everyone finds out I’m a joke. That I can’t do magic. That I’m not meant to be here, or to be a witch at all. I swallow past the large lump that has formed in my throat. We stand in a line while Mrs. Bentham pairs us off into two groups of six. The council doesn’t tell us anything else, but one of them, a woman, leads us out the door one group at a time.
I’m in the second group. Each step we take is another movement toward the end of life as I know it. I’ve never been afraid, but suddenly I am. Of everything. This is another obstacle set to bring me down. To reveal the truth. My magic isn’t cranky, it’s completely dead. Gone. I shouldn’t be here.
The woman in white waves a hand in the air and every girl in my group is quiet. I don’t know any of these girls except Trina. They all stand tall, shoulders back, but I shrink to the floor. I wish I could be invisible. Then, I might survive this.
“My name is Ellore,” she says. Her dark hair is pulled back. Her skin is the color of deep caramel. She’s beautiful, perfect, and probably deadly. “Today we will start with water.”
As she says the word “water” a large pool of water appears in the center room. I don’t think it’s real, even though the sound of waves and a musky scent of salt and seaweed fill the room. I’ve never seen an ocean trapped in a pool. This can’t be good. There’s no way this is good.
“As a witch, you are tuned in to your surroundings. We pull from nature and all she has to offer us. We give back to her. Your first test is to face the water and not fall. You will start on this side,” she says. A girl gasps as Ellore takes a step in the ocean—and stays on the water. She doesn’t sink, doesn’t need to swim, and doesn’t even get wet.
“And you will go to this side.” Everyone’s still as she moves, as if our breathing could make her fall. She makes it across. “You will all be able to watch—though no one can hear anything that’s happening beyond this line on the ground.” Ellore points to a thick black marker at the front of the group. “Whenever you’re ready, girls, one of you may start.”
On the other side of the water, Ellore stands taking notes. One girl—a short one who’s a little rounder—steps up. Ellore waves her on. The girl thinks about it, walks around the water, sticks a finger up to test the wind. Everyone watches her.
I focus on Connie’s magic and let it fill me up as much as possible. I’m going to need it.
The girl sticks her leg out over the water. There’s a collective intake of breath from all the girls as we watch her step up. She takes two solid steps before she wobbles, one ankle rolling as her arms flail. She regains her footing, steady again. She takes about four more steps before the waves pick up around her. Even from where we stand, I can see them moving under her feet. The girl teeters some more, then takes two more steps before crashing in. She made it over halfway, but it’s not enough. She comes up from water, soaked and spitting out salt. Ellore reaches out a hand, and then the girl is safely on shore. Wet, probably humiliated, but unharmed. Aside from the whole being disqualified thing.
I bite my lip and watch as the other girls go. The taste of blood lingers on my tongue; my heart is racing. This does not bode well for me.
I’m the last one for this part. Six other girls have gone. Five have made it over. I close my eyes and try to remember what Connie’s magic feels like when it stirs up inside me. When it builds and pulls from the elements. There’s a spark of something: I pray it’s enough to get me across.
I stand in front of the water, Ellore and the other girls on the opposite side.
This is it.
I lower my foot down, eyes still closed, and prepare for the splash. It doesn’t come. Thank you, Connie! One step and then another, but then something shifts. I lose my balance and flap my arms around so I don’t fall. At the other end, I see the girls and Ellore watching me. I try to focus on Connie’s magic. They’re going to wonder why I stopped. If I’m going to fail, at least I’ll fail while trying to succeed.
I close my eyes and stick out my foot.
Then I feel it.
The soft hum of Connie’s magic is replaced by a raging fire inside my stomach. I take a step, eyes still closed. The warmth is strong, stirring inside, growing and building. It’s Carter’s magic—there’s no doubt. I can tell from the way it fights to get out all at once.
The water sways under me. I toss my arms out to balance myself, but keep my eyes closed. I tremble, rock with the movement of the waves, and will myself forward. I take another step and another. The waves increase, I breathe, take a step. Again and again, like a refrain.
My feet hit something solid. People clap around me and I open my eyes.
I’m on the other side. I made it across. Holy crap, I made it across. I didn’t fall in the water. I look around the room and Ellore makes notes in her notebook.
Carter showed up after all.
The second test is a wind test, Ellore tells us. We’re not allowed to watch this one, so the five of us who survived the first test sit in an empty room and wait. No one says anything to me, even Trina. She smiles my way and stays at my side. A couple of the other girls toss glances my way, but I’m okay with it. This is bigger than them.
Ellore opens the door and says my name. The other girls look at me. I lift my chin up and walk out.
An expanse of green surrounds me, the size of a football field. Ellore leads me to the center and stands beside me. Her voice is like a soft breeze.
“The wind brings us many gifts and it can carry anything to anywhere. These challenges will show us what you can carry when you are in control of the wind.”
She’s gone, off somewhere I can’t see. Leaves cover the floor around me. Wind. I hold a hand over one of the leaves trying, to get them to rise.
Nothing happens.
I try again. Nothing.
Please, please, please work. I need this to work. I picture in my head the wind carrying the leaves up into the air. The breeze on my face is like a soft touch, a beautiful downpour of reds, greens, and yellows.
I reach my hand out again, and a leaf flies into the air. Then, two. Then six more. In a single second, every leaf is floating up toward the ceiling. Thousands of them. I let go and they start to fall like raindrops. I catch them again before they land, toss them back up.
They don’t come back down.
Instead, now I have Ping-Pong balls. About twenty land on the ground at my feet in a circle around me. In the distance, there are red cups in a line around the entire perimeter of the field. They’re different heights—some floating, suspended in the air, and some on the floor. It doesn’t take much to figure out what I need to do.
I hold my hand out again. A ball floats up off the ground. I flick the ball with my hand and it misses my target, a couple of inches short of a cup. I curse and try again. This time, the ball lands in a cup that’s suspended in the air. Again I toss a ball, and again it lands. I try two. Both land. Three, and they land. Magic is awesome! The thrill floating through me, the power and the pull of it building inside me. The possibilities.
I look around at the other balls.
I raise my hands up, all the balls coming up with them, and get a clear image in my head. I don’t know how this is working, this picturing thing, but it sure is. I see all of them flying across the room, zooming in different directions, each landing in a cup.
I let go.
The remaining balls dance off the ceiling, off the floors, off the walls, off each other. They fly, zoom, float, and bounce. I smile. This is possibly the coolest thing ever. The balls all land in a cup with satisfying pings.
I lower my hands, feeling a little dizzy. That’s a lot of magic for someone who usually deals in denominations of zero.
A loud boom of thunder claps over my head. Instinctively I cover my head. It’s not thunder. The noise bounces off the floor, up and down. I look to my left—basketballs. Hundreds of them all bouncing around. What the hell am I supposed to do with that many? They bounce around me, thwacking around the room.
I let the warmth of the magic fill me, and stop all the balls. They cease with a resounding, echoing thud. There are no nets. No bins. Nowhere for them to go. What am I supposed to do with this?
I kick a ball and move around them, looking for a clue. There’s nothing. The ball I kicked hits another and another—a domino effect across the room, moving like a wave. I stop them all and keep walking around the room.
I use the wind to bounce a ball in the air. I have to figure this out. I bounce another and keep it in the air. I bounce another, alternating new basketballs with old ones. I laugh. No one told me magic could be fun! Seriously. Why didn’t anyone tell me? I take them higher and lower. Up and down until every basketball is alternating between air and ground. Then, suddenly, the balls disappear. Really? That was all I had to do. Well, yay.
The balls are soon replaced. A car sits in the middle of the room. Just a car and nothing else. Great. Am I supposed to lift this up too? Call me the Hulk.
I sit on the floor, half exhausted, half in awe of this task. Lift a car. Sure. I can do that. It’s completely normal and useful to ask us to lift a car off the ground. Never know when you’ll need to squash a demon during road rage.
I start by pushing it to get some leverage. I get a clear image—wind, force, and power moving the car across the street. It only moves a little at first, a nudge, but then I try harder. I conjure all the magic I can from within. I try to fill all the spots inside with the magic. I push harder.
The magic swells up within me. I hold it all in. I call on the wind, and it stirs inside me. I let it build up until it explodes at my fingertips. When I let go, the car lifts four feet off the ground. I pour out the magic, try to keep it all going. I can’t. The car crashes down, windows cracking at the force.
My knees wobble. I feel weak, tired, like at any second I could fall over. The room tilts. Ellore is there when I look up. “Are you okay, Miss Grey?”
I nod, but I don’t think she believes me. I just lifted a car and the amount of magic that requires is incredible. I’ve never felt this powerful when I dealt with anyone else’s magic.
With my arm draped around her shoulders, Ellore leads me out of the gymnasium and into the waiting room.
The last test starts with each of us separated into different rooms. I’ve been standing in this white room for long enough that my feet hurt. Ellore did not tell us why we’re here, or what test awaits us next. There are no windows or doors; there’s only the white room and the glow of a fluorescent light.
A buzz sounds through the room—a sharp, tactile, piercing noise worse than a thousand nails on a thousand chalkboards. I cover my ears and the sound stops. It’s replaced by Ellore’s voice.
“In the craft, things are not always what they seem, as fire turns one thing into something else. This is the final test for you. Find the thing you treasure on earth and save yourself. ”
Then the voice ends. That’s it? That’s the clue? They had more clues on Wheel of Fortune.
Think, Penelope.
It’s got to be a fire task, since she mentioned that. She mentioned earth, too. Maybe it’s both things?
The white room shakes, shifts, and I feel the glamour flow around me as it changes form. I shiver at the sight of the light-purple walls. This was my room once, in my parents’ house. It’s comforting, in some weird and twisted kind of way. But why would they turn this room into my childhood bedroom? This place doesn’t mean anything good or safe for me anymore. It certainly isn’t my treasure on the earth. It’s only a house made of bricks and mortar, filled with ash and memories.
I walk around the copy of my bedroom. The pictures I drew in kindergarten line the walls in white frames. The carpet that was pulled up after my parents’ deaths is still on the floor. This place is before, when life was normal and my parents were alive and I had magic. It’s like nothing happened to them.
A scream echoes, and I run out my door. To my surprise, the glamour of my old house continues. I follow another scream down the stairs. This is the house I grew up in, every detail exact right to the smell of cinnamon. But there’s a smell that’s wrong—smoke.
It’s Connie, but she’s not down here—she’s upstairs. I race through the kitchen, but everywhere I turn there are more flames. Rapid and flickering, sizzling away the life I left behind. This is just a test, I tell myself. The flames lick at my feet and heat up my leg—this is not a test. This is real. My sister is upstairs.
She screams again. Gathering the magic is hard when my emotions are all over the place. I try to calm myself down, to call on the elements to put out the flame, but it doesn’t work. I can’t focus. I move as fast as I can up the stairs. The fire chases me, races me to my sister. I picture her in turmoil, flames trapping her. I see myself, bursting in, calling on the magic and pouring it out. Then I think of water.
The power begins to stir within me. I call on it in every way I can—in all the elements, muttering any incantation I can think of, with every image I have inside. It coils against my soul, pushes at my toes. I shove it out and water trickles out of me.
Connie’s in her old room. The flames completely separate me from her. Her cries are hysterical. I have to save my sister.
I thrust more power out, as quickly as possible. Water pours out of me, consuming me, and I pull on the magic more and more until water rushes down and completely extinguishes the wall of flames separating me from Connie. Fire still dances around us, but I have time to grab my sister and go.
“I’ll get you out, Con,” I shout, throwing a glance at Connie as I drag her behind me. Only it isn’t Connie.
It’s my mom.
When I turn around, the fire is nearer and something grapples at my feet—it’s the orange-eyed demon. The same one that killed my parents. The one that took my powers. Just the sight of it again brings all my anger to the surface.
I look at my mom, her eyes tired and her lips quivering. The sight of her lodges something in my throat. The demon yanks me away from her. I scream and kick, but my cries are lost in the sound of the flames. No one can save me. No one can save me.
The demon magic-traps me to the floor, my arms immobile. It runs a claw down the vein that snakes from my elbow to my wrist, cutting into my skin. I scream as my blood drips onto the carpet. This can’t happen. I won’t die—not like this.
I call on my magic while Mom’s cries surround me. It takes too long. I’m tired. There’s not enough strength in me to stop the demon.
What did Ellore say before?
Turn one thing into something else.
I look around the room, still unable to move. The demon’s talons curl around my mom’s neck, squeezing tighter as the blood drains from her. Crimson soaks her clothes and drips onto the floor in a puddle large enough to make me feel like I’m dying with her all over again.
“Virtute angeli ad infernum unde venistis!” I say.
The demon looks at me, its orange eyes almost amused. He shuffles closer to me, dropping my mom on the ground with a sickening thud. Her blood creeps across the floor and mixes with mine. I wait until he’s close to the fire, and then I picture the salt. I picture it as fire, as rain, covering everything in the room and killing the demon.
It takes half a second for the fire in the room to transform into salt. Mounds and mounds of salt. It flies through the air, trails across the ground. The orange-eyed demon stares at the transformation and trips over my foot, falling into one of those mounds. He screams as the salt burns his flesh, and I yell the incantation again as loud as I can. “Virtute angeli ad infernum unde venistis!” Over and over until it’s all I can say, until my voice cracks and the demon explodes into pieces, hopefully back to hell.
As soon as he’s gone, the world around me fades into white again, and then black.
I wake up with Mrs. Bentham looking down at me. “She’s awake!” she yells across the room. Way to have a piercing shrill sound in my ear. Lovely to wake up to.
Ellore comes to me, an elixir in hand and a soft expression etched into her face. “You should probably rest this weekend,” Ellore says. “This will help you regain some of your strength more quickly.”
The elixir is this horrible shade of pea green. I turn up my nose, but she raises an eyebrow. I try not to gag as I gulp it down and she sits beside me. I look at her. What the hell kind of test was that? I’m about to ask just that when she smiles and pats my leg.
“I’m not officially supposed to say this,” she says. “But turning the fire into salt? I’ve never seen anyone do that. It was remarkable, Miss Grey.”
Remarkable. “Does that mean I passed?” I ask quickly. Ellore and Mrs. Bentham exchange looks.
“Miss Grey, your grandfather is outside to get you,” Mrs. Bentham says. I intake some air. They don’t speak, and I don’t know what it means. Have I failed somehow? All those years of work, all my access to clues on my magic and soon, my family. If I didn’t pass, then the only one I failed was the magic one. They must’ve figured it out, and now I’ll be labeled Static and sent away. I open my mouth to protest when she adds, “Don’t be late on Sunday.”
“Sunday?” I say, standing.
“Congratulations,” Ellore says, and as soon as the she does my lips break into a smile. I passed. I’m going to be Paired! Step one accomplished. I passed!
Outside, it’s late afternoon. The sun is a piercing heat, but I’m smiling. I am being Paired. I did it. I can’t believe it.
Pop is waiting, pulling me into a hug. “I’m so sorry,” he says.
Pop looks confused for a second. “Connie called and said she had to leave. I guess the Reporting Unit resolved her nonexistent case quickly.” His voice was mixed with humor and warning. If this were another day there’d be a lecture about wasting people’s time. “She didn’t know if you’d finished yet.”
That’s why I couldn’t feel her magic. I’m so glad I had Carter come.
“I guess it was enough time, since I passed,” I say.
A smile breaks out on his face. “You passed? My little granddaughter is going to be an Enforcer.”
“I’m being Paired—I’m not there yet.”
“Almost. Nothing can stop you now,” he says. He seems happy. Really happy. I’m glad someone has my corner. “Except maybe your gran.”
Right. Gran. That should be loads of fun. She couldn’t stop it from happening, but I don’t want her to disapprove all my life. I want her support.
I open the car door when I see Carter’s fancy car on the other side of the parking lot. He’s closing the door, but I yell his name anyway. He doesn’t hear me. I’ll text him later and thank him to save him the trouble of just showing up. That thought makes my stomach drop.
“Ready to go home?” Pop asks.
“Can I say no?”
“No,” he says. Time to face the firing squad.
When we pull up outside the house I’ve built Gran’s reaction in my head to go off one of two ways. One: she will actually be excited, once the shock wears off, and may hug me and say congrats and offer to go dress shopping with me for the big Pairing celebration.
Or two (the more likely scenario): she will yell, throw a few things, give me a scolding about magic and powers and how dangerous this is, and stomp off in a frenzy because I never listen to her, which I must get from my father because my mother never
disobeyed. I’ve heard that one before, but Pop assures me that Mom never listened either.
Pop reaches out and grabs my hand now. “It’s going to be fine.”
“Is ‘fine’ the new term for nuclear?”
“She won’t go nuclear, Penelope.” I raise an eyebrow. “Maybe a little.”
I cross my arms and sigh. I should just stay in the car forever. I could rot and die and never have to face her.
“She’s scared, that’s all. You should understand it from your gran’s perspective. This is dangerous for you. It reminds her of Genevieve; you remind her of Genevieve. You are so much like her.”
I wish Mom could’ve been here today. I wish we talked about her more. If we did, then maybe Gran and I could work through all this. But Mom is one of those places Gran doesn’t go. It’s like Mom is this cloud of sadness that Gran’s afraid to penetrate or everything will explode into tiny pieces, like sadness is one of those things that has to be locked away before it consumes everything.
“Let’s go,” I say. I want to hear more from him about Mom, but Pop’s eyes are glassy and that freaks me out more than facing Gran. Before the front door opens I take one last breath of air, just in case it is my last one.
Gran stares at me, arms crossed over her chest. She doesn’t look angry, or sad, or anything. Her face is completely devoid of emotion. Which makes her terrifying.
She glances at Pop and back to me. “Will you excuse us? I’d like to talk to Penelope.”
Pop lingers in the kitchen, but it’s barely enough time for me to say his name before he’s gone. I’m left alone in the ocean and they’ve released the kraken.
“Sit, Penelope.” It’s not a request, so I don’t waste time. Gran looks at me from across the table. “This is what you want?”
That is not the question I expected. “Yes.”
“You know what it can cost you. Especially if the truth is revealed. Your status as witch, if you’re lucky. Your life with this family, and more, if you aren’t.”
I gulp and nod my head. She’s never been this candidly calm. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Pop and your parents all served the Triad—and I may not have served, but I know what they ask of their Enforcers. I know the costs, the strain, and the heartache. In a second everything can be gone. Just remember that.” Gran’s blue eyes are shiny with water. She looks away from me, focuses on some spot on the wall, and I really want her to say “good job.” That’s all I want. For her to approve.
“You know how I feel about this, so I won’t linger on it. I’ve said my piece, and now it’s up the Triad. Not to me. I know you’ve worked hard to get here and it couldn’t have gone to a more deserving person, Penelope. No matter how foolish it may seem.”
Did she just say that to me? That’s approval, the kind only given in Gran’s way. Well, not complete approval, but support. I smile, I can’t help it, and launch myself up into her arms. It happens so quickly that she doesn’t expect it either, but she hugs me back, and we stand there that way for an eternity, or at least a few seconds that feel like an eternity.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
She unlocks her arms from around me. “Don’t be so shocked, Penelope,” she says. “I can honor hard work; I just wish it had gone toward a different goal. I don’t understand your desire, especially considering what you’re lacking, but I don’t have to understand. I will never love it, but I love you, and if you make it to the end, you have my support.”
I exhale. “Why couldn’t you tell me that from the beginning?”
Gran’s eyes narrow on me as she lowers herself into a seat. “I wanted you to know what you were risking, and I didn’t want to encourage you to go down a dangerous road. Maybe I thought you’d change your mind, but you haven’t. I didn’t know you would even make it this far without magic; passing that last test was a miracle, Penelope, but here we are.”
I pause because wow. It’s one thing for Gran to think that; it’s another thing for her to say it. She didn’t think I’d get here, even though I’ve put in so much work.
We’re both silent for a moment, and I should tell her about Carter. I should tell her that he’s the reason I passed, not Connie, and about the demon and everything else that’s happened. Especially considering what I found about Alfie Spencer, she would know more about him than me.
“Gran,” I start, “do you know an Alfie Spencer?”
Gran rises from the table. Her eyes dart around the room. “When is the Pairing ceremony?” She moves toward the calendar.
“Sunday,” I say. I still can’t believe this is her reaction. I thought for sure I was roasted. Or at the very least, toasted. I watch while she scribbles notes on the calendar.
“Alfie Spencer, Gran?”
“Never heard of him,” she says. She throws the pen on the table and walks toward the door to the kitchen. I raise an eyebrow and Gran looks over her shoulder. “You better get a dress.”
“Penelope, don’t.”
She’s gone before I can speak again, and her reaction is enough to tell me that she does know the name Alfie Spencer. And whatever it is, she doesn’t want me to know.
Chapter Eleven
Connie, Thomas, Ric, and I walk in a line down the path in the mall. We’ve already been through the whole left side, but nothing is acceptable by Connie’s standards for my dress, and then when she likes it, I don’t. I hate dresses. Ric, however, has bought two suits for the Pairing, claiming he’ll decide the day of which one he wanted to wear. “I like options.”
“We’ll find something,” Connie says as we leave another store.
“Totally. There will be something in this mall for you,” Ric says in agreement, but I shrug. I don’t really think we will. I refuse to wear anything pink, anything puffy, and anything that makes noise when I walk. This whole ceremony is sort of a ridiculous party where they make a big deal out of introducing us to our partners. The only ceremony that matters is the next one where I get my badges. The rest of this is just for show, especially because Enforcers would never wear dresses or suits on the job.
I’d rather be doing something that matters, like spending my Saturday at the library looking up information about Alfie Spencer. Gran’s reaction from Thursday still sits wrong with me.
“Oh, look,” Connie says, pointing into a store window. The dress is bright red and short and low-cut. I shake my head and Thomas grabs Connie’s hand. His fingers are wrapped around hers, and this little twinge of jealousy seeps through me. I hope someone holds my hand that way someday when he gives up a Saturday to dress shop at the mall with me for my sister.
I shake my head. Where did that come from? I’ve never wanted that.
“You okay?” Ric asks.
“I just want this to be over,” I say. And I do. I have a date with the library. Now that I’ve passed the magic test, the answers I’m looking for are even more important. The demon and Alfie are connected, and maybe if I figure out how then I can find the demon. I’m going to be Paired and then I’ll need magic that’s my own. My future depends on the Restitution.
We walk into another shop, and divide and conquer. Ric and I take one end of the women’s section; Connie and Thomas take the other. We’ll meet in the middle with anything we like and decide if there’s a keeper. There’s usually not.
I dig through a round rack of dresses. Blue, purple, red, pink, but I do not want to wear that. Ric whistles and holds up a black dress with a long slit up the side. I shake my head.
“It’s hot,” he says.
“Yeah, if you are a supermodel,” I say.
At the thought of supermodels, I think about Carter and his smile. He could be a model with that smile. I’d buy whatever he was selling.
I check my phone for a missed call, but nothing. I’d texted Carter twice to thank him for coming to the Nucleus House, but he never responded. Maybe he’s changed his mind about me. I don’t know if that thought makes me happy or sad.
“Penelope!” Connie yells. I look her way. She and Thomas are waving their hands in the air. People are staring as Thomas sings my name from across the store over and over. My face is hot, probably bright red before I even make it to them. Connie holds a dress. A sleeveless, metallic olive dress with a wraparound waist that puffs out around the knees.
I shake my head, but Ric grabs my shoulders. “That one, darlin’. Your dress.”
I shake my head. “No way I’m wearing that. It’s puffy.”
“You would be hot in this,” she says.
“Totally,” Ric says.
Thomas just stands there, not really having an opinion at all. I wish Ric were more like that—opinionless. He should not side with my sister over a dress.
“I don’t even want a stupid dress,” I say.
“Rules are rules, but you should look good when you meet him,” Connie says.
“This was made for you. Go put it on,” Ric says.
Connie holds it in the air. “You know you want to.” The fabric is glimmering and icy-slick under my hands. It is pretty, but no. I can’t wear that. Connie grabs my elbow and drags me along through more racks of clothes.
“You’re trying this on.”
She shoves me in a dressing room, and Ric holds the door shut so I can’t get out. I hate them both.
The way the dress shines under the glow of the bad lighting reminds me a bit of Carter’s eyes. I slip off my clothes, and try to decide if this is one of those moments that will define me. The dress slides smoothly over my chest and zips up the left side. I stare at myself for a second. I don’t look like me.
Connie pounds on the door. “Let us see you, hot stuff.”
I sigh and unlock the door. Thomas’s eyes get wide, Ric whistles, and Connie squeals when I step out, my toes sticking to the tile floor, the bottom of the dress tickling my kneecaps. A girl next to us looks over at me, then back to her reflection.
“You are totally buying that dress,” Ric says.
“You look hot, Penelope,” Connie says. She runs her hands across the waist and tightens the wraparound fabric. In the back, she ties it into a bow.
“You’re well on your way to being Mrs. Nose-picker McEllory,” Thomas says. I glare at him and Ric laughs, too. Connie swats at Thomas. James McEllory. I still couldn’t believe he passed.
Connie drags me toward the three-sided mirror and I can see myself in every direction. It does look good. It hits in all the right places. I don’t even look like me.
I totally want it.
“You’re going to buy it, right?” she whispers in my ear.
I nod slowly, taking in the dress. “Can we get silver shoes?” I ask.
Connie smiles and squeals a little. Sometimes I wonder why she wasn’t born first. She’s better at everything—even at dressing me.
We buy a pair of silver shoes with straps that layer across the top before we walk Ric to the entrance of Hollister. The smell of the perfume is so strong from outside.
“I don’t know how you work in there,” Thomas says.
“A thirty percent discount, that’s how,” Ric says back. He pulls me into a hug. “Hang out after I’m off? Our last night of freedom.”
He pulls me to arm’s length and looks at my sister. “Our baby girl is all grown up and going to the ball.”
I slap his arm and he sighs heavily before leaving us to go to work.
The three of us stand there for a moment before I announce, “I need coffee.”
Oh, sweet coffee. I toss in some sugar and add milk until the coffee turns light. It’s only noon and we are done.
Thomas and Connie are ahead talking about something when he pauses and stops in the middle of the food court.
“Do you guys smell that?” Thomas asks. I sniff the air, but it’s only the smell of burned cheese, bad Chinese food, and body odor. At first. Then it’s stronger, rotten.
“Sulfur,” I whisper. Thomas nods. I sniff the air again—it’s faint, masked among all the other scents of Nons, but there.
“If there’s a demon around we have to find it,” Connie says.
Thomas nods. “Yeah. Let’s split up and see if we see anything.” He swipes a handful of salt packets off the counter. Some woman next to him gives him a weird look as he hands us each some. I take it even though I already have some in my necklace. Gran would be proud.
We split up like we’re the Scooby gang, going in three different directions and searching for clues, such as black dust trailing behind Nons like bread crumbs, or stronger whiffs of the sulfur/rotting-eggs smell. Neither are things that Nons notice; the dust looks like dirt to the normal eye, and Nons pass the smell off as a whiff of sewage.
Find the trail, sniff out the demon, and get rid of him. Should be easy with hundreds of Nons walking around the mall. We shouldn’t do magic here since we’re underage, but extenuating circumstances, right? No time to find an adult witch, or call in reinforcements.
I start on the west end doorways of the food court, where the court branches off into the larger hallway of strip shops. I run a finger along the base of the floors, ignoring the weird looks from other Nons. No dust.
“It didn’t come in this way.”
I look up and Carter’s walking toward me. I wipe my hands together as I stand. I have to gulp down my emotions at the sight of him, mostly because I’m not sure if I’m happy or just curious or something more than those combined. His arms are crossed over his chest when he stops in front of me.
“It came in through the back door of Sears. Took over an employee.”
“Let me guess, you were tracking it.”
He shrugs. “A stalker has to do something in his off time.”
I grab my shoes and dress off the floor. “What’s the employee look like?”
Carter moves faster to catch up with me. “Well, he’ll be the one with bright-green eyes, for a start.”
“Sure, let’s just walk through the mall and scan a few hundred Nons for lime-colored eyes. Piece of cake.” Some girl gives me a weird look when she moves past us in the crowd of people. They think that’s weird because they have no idea.
“It possessed a Non boy—short brown hair, eyeliner,” Carter says.
“Eyeliner?” Sears employees are getting edgy.
Carter shrugs. I shake my head and wave over at Connie and Thomas from across the food court. “It’s little sister,” Carter says. “That your brother?”
“You have a boyfriend?” he asks, this weird note in his voice.
“Hers,” I say. “You’re a poor excuse for a stalker.” He looks a little relieved, and my stomach churns. I really need to ask him about yesterday. Connie raises an eyebrow when she gets near enough to see Carter and I shake my head slightly. Do not start a scene, Con.
“Carter, Thomas,” I say, introducing them.
They do that weird guy-nod thing.
“I saw the demon. He’s taken on Non form,” Carter says.
“Where did he go?” Thomas asks.
“If I were a demon, I’d go where no one could see me,” I say.
“Which is?” Connie asks.
“They’re at the movie theater,” a voice calls to us. The voice is fuzzy white noise, and we all turn, on guard. It’s a demon with mauve skin and round green eyes. Nons walk right past it, not even seeing it in the crowd. We probably look like we’re staring at the air. Sometimes demons can be invisible, but this is a new level of strange, talking to a demon in the middle of a food court.
Carter takes a step forward, but the mauve demon shakes its head.
“You should probably hurry,” it says with a smile before it disappears. We’re all quiet for half a second. I have never in my life seen a demon talk to a witch, let alone help one. Or three. This day is weird.
Thomas is on his phone in the next second, calling the Enforcers. This got too weird for us alone. While he talks, Carter gives me a look. He wants to go after the demon.
“We can’t,” I whisper.
“Aren’t you about to be an Enforcer? Why do we have to wait for them?” he asks.
I look at my sister, who stares at us intently. Even Thomas sends us looks while he answers questions and explains things on the phone. This is crazy. A demon just told us about another demon. Totally a trap. Or something. We should not go after it.
Thomas hangs up the phone just as Carter says, “I’m going.”
The four of us exchange looks and then, in a beat, we all take off in a run toward the theater. Nons jump out our way as we zoom past them. The crinkle of the black plastic over my dress flaps against me as we move. The corner of the shoebox jabs into my calf before Carter pulls me to a stop. He and Thomas start moving around the space to set up the glamour. Anyone who looks would only see an empty, open space, not three teenagers killing a demon.
The four of us surround the entrance of the theater. The guy—full-out decked in eyeliner, a black shirt and silver earrings in his nose, with flashing emerald eyes—stands before us, talking to a girl. His eyes turn brown again, just for a second. The Non is still alive, so that’s good. But the demon’s lips are close to her neck. One bite anywhere, one taste of her blood, is all it takes. They have no control. Once its saliva is part of her, it will paralyze her, contaminate her, and kill her. Or worse. Nons are the weakest prey, too trusting. Demons have a lot of uses for Nons. If they’re bored, they like to play. They like to eat. They like to make more demons. They just like to feel powerful. One bite and the outcome can end in too many unsettling ways.
“Glamour is set,” Carter whispers to us.
Connie walks up to the demon boy, and he turns his head away from the Non. She’s a pro at this distraction game. One glance at her, one sniff of her essence, and the demon totally forgets about the girl. She walks away, offended and a little confused. Whatever she could’ve offered, Connie’s is better. The blood of a witch is sweet and the essence, well, it’s why demons are public enemy number one. It’s our power over them.
“Do you have a phone I can use?” she asks.
The demon’s red eyes are completely focused on my sister. “Sure,” it says, pulling one out of his too-tight jeans. My sister fawns her thanks and dials a number on the phone. The demon moves closer to her. Then, the boys ambush.
Thomas moves first, tossing the salt on the demon. It hisses and its skin pops under the burn. Carter’s right behind him, iron pole that unfolds like an umbrella in hand.
“Behind you!” I shout to Connie as another demon jumps into our area. But my sister is quick, pulling her own stash of salt and iron from her tall black boots. Thomas leaves Carter and goes to help her. I move toward Carter. Since he’s here, I can help. Maybe I can contain the demon. Right before I reach him something tumbles into me and knocks me into the floor.
An older woman with graying hair pulled back into a bun. And demon eyes. Another possessed Non.
I think Connie yells at me in the distance, but I’m not sure. I’m too focused on the old woman demon sitting on my chest. I do my best to maneuver so it’s under me, but it’s strong—really strong for a demon in the shape of an old woman—and its claws are digging into my arm. One of them draws blood.
“Stupid witch,” the demon hisses at me.
Carter rushes at us. With a flick of the demon’s wrist he’s flying. A nail digs into my arm, making the wound deeper, and blood drips to the floor. It licks its lips. Something clicks inside of me at that. Warmth washes over me, filling me up and out. I order up my magic, letting the images and sparks build before I heave the demon across the room. It’s not me moving—it’s the magic moving me. And then somehow I’m right on the demon, my gaze boring into its.
The incantation plays on repeat in my head; I lift my hand in preparation to send out the magic. But I don’t have to speak. I don’t mutter the words at all. The demon shudders under my power and hisses at me, and somehow the skin of the innocent separates from her, slowly falling away like a snake shedding its skin. The demon screams, curls up into a ball at my feet, and peers back at me.
“What are you?” she mutters.
I tilt my head to the left. I’m starting to hate that question. “A witch,” I say, though suddenly I’m nervous. I didn’t even speak the incantation. That’s not normal at all.
“N-never seen a witch do that,” she says.
“Now you have,” Carter says, suddenly beside me. I look at him, but he doesn’t meet my gaze. I look back at the cowering demon and chant the expulsion incantation. The demon screams one last time before exploding across the ugly brown tiles.
Carter turns to look at me, something playing on his lips and in his eyes. He flicks his wrist, cleaning up the demon guts. Footsteps clack behind me, and Connie gapes at me. Everyone is silent.
“You just expelled that demon,” she says. I nod my head, not sure what to say. “No,” she says, separating me from Carter and Thomas. She whispers in my ear. “You weren’t pulling from me. I can usually feel it; you really expelled that demon. You have magic.”
I didn’t feel her either. Carter’s magic was stronger than hers, and it attached to me like a magnet.
The glamour fades away and the Nons start moving past our space again. Everyone else looks confused, and that’s when I see them. Or rather, their badges. Enforcers.
“This isn’t good,” Thomas mutters.
“No,” one of the Enforcers, a woman with bright red hair, says. “It isn’t.”
“Status on the WNN says a large amount of magic was used here in coordination with a demon attack—one that was called in—and from the looks of you, none of you should be doing magic,” the male Enforcer says. He’s a big guy with small eyes. Kinda scary-looking.
Connie steps forward. “There was a demon; we protected Nons. That’s allowed.”
“Did the demon seek you out?”
“No,” she says. “But—”
“Did the demon harm anyone in your immediate group?”
“Then you had no right to track it down in a highly infested Non location.”
I snort. They made Nons sound like ants. Big guy Enforcer didn’t like that, and he shoots me a look.
“I can explain this all,” Carter says. The rest of us look at him. He moves toward the other side of the hallway and looks back. “If you will,” he says, pointing at the Enforcers to follow him. And they do.
I watch Carter talking with them, his hands moving and the Enforcers asking questions. They take down a few notes, but I can’t hear anything. What can he be saying to them about this?
“Penelope,” Connie whispers in my ear. “How did you do that without a spell? I didn’t imagine that, did I?”
I shake my head. No, she didn’t, but what do I tell her? I met some stranger who gives me powers? I can’t explain any of it.
“I’ve never seen that before,” she says.
Me either. It felt like my magic latched onto the demon and hauled it out. I didn’t make it do anything—it just did it and let me follow along, catch up. It saw what I wanted, and it happened.
“Don’t tell, Gran, okay? I’m not sure what that was but I don’t want to get her hopes up.”
Connie nods, draws a cross over her heart before handing me back my bags and turning to Thomas. I glance back at Carter, but he and the Enforcers are moving back toward us.
“Your friend clarified the situation, took blame for the whole thing. We’ve determined you under no fault,” the male says.
“However, we are giving all of you a write-up. Any future offenses will lead to repercussions,” the woman says.
“We appreciate that, don’t we?” Carter asks. We all say yes, and while the Enforcers take down our information, I stare at Carter. His eyes haven’t left me either, and it makes me nervous. That kind of magic, this situation, how he makes me feel, and our power—none of it seems like it should be this way. Yet it does.
After the Enforcers leave, we all stand in an awkward little circle. Now that we’ve broken the law together and killed some demons, there’s not much left to talk about.
“I saw you said in your text that you passed. Congrats” Carter says, nodding toward the dress and shoes I hold.
“Yup,” I say quickly. “Yup”? That’s all you’ve got, Penelope? Not even a whole word. I send Connie a glance to please help me, but she grabs Thomas’s arm.
“We’re going to go.” She leads Thomas away. “See you at home!” she yells back. I really need her to stop leaving like that.
Carter totters on his heels, stuffs his hands into his jacket.
“I don’t know—” Carter starts.
“I wanted to say—” I say at the same time.
I bite my lip, and he waves me on to talk first. I start walking and he falls in step next to me. My mind races with thoughts, but each of them is overshadowed by the one question: Why? Why does our magic work together? Why are we connected? Why him? Why now?
We’re outside before either of us speaks again. As soon as the door closes he escorts me away from the sidewalk to this patch of trees so we’re hidden from view.
“Thanks for Thursday. I wouldn’t have passed without you,” I say.
“It was no problem,” he says. He looks at the dress in my hands. “Ceremony is tomorrow?”
“Yes,” I say. Part of me wants to say come, but there’s no reason. I need his magic, yes, but I have to make my own way.
Carter looks at me. It feels like his eyes are seeing something more than what I am. It shakes me to my core. “You had powers before,” he says.
“I don’t really want to explain it right now.” Just thinking of my parents, of the way they died and the way I lost my powers, it’s too fresh. Especially after Thursday. That test was scary-accurate from the color of paint on my walls to the smell. I push down all those thoughts. They’re part of why I’m doing this.
He’s quiet again. My heart is pounding. I can still feel the magic flowing between us, tethering us together. The magic wants more action.
“We’re good?” he asks.
“Yes,” I say. Whatever that means.
Carter sighs. “Good. I have my part of the deal ready, Lo.”
I scrunch up my face at the new nickname. “I’m thrilled. What is it?”
“You know my hobby,” he starts.
“Your dangerous and illegal hobby?”
“That’s the only one I have.”
“Then, I’m aware.”
“My dad’s been giving me grief about where I spend my evenings. Demons aren’t exactly the type to frolic in the daylight, despite today’s fun,” he says.
“And I need you to be my girlfriend.”
“What?” He can’t be serious.
“Not for real—for him. I need to be able to tell him I’m going out with you and it not be a lie. He knows when it’s a lie. If I’m with you, then I’m not lying and I can’t get in trouble.”
“No,” I say.
“You said anything.”
Damn desperation. “What would our evenings together entail? I have standards.”
“I can meet them. Mostly it will be demon tracking. I’m looking for this one, and I’m getting closer.”
“Just one?”
“For now. Sometimes they lead other to others, but this one has the answers I need. It’s easier to track them if you narrow your search. What do you say?”
Maybe I was wrong. I don’t have to do this. If Carter has knowledge about tracking demons, this could work. I can learn from him and use it to find my demon when it’s time for that.
“That was way too easy,” he says. “Why was that so easy?”
I shrug. “I’m being open-minded. I’ll be your beard and you’ll be mine. It’s a win-win. But I have a condition.”
“Which is?”
“We need to figure out why our magic works together.”
“Fine,” he says. “My condition is that this position as beard has no timeline. It could be the middle of the night and when I call, you come. Plus, we are better together. My magic is smoother, for whatever reason, and I need all the magic I can get.”
“Deal,” I say. “Who are you looking for?”
Something dark passes over his eyes. “That’s a long story, too.”
He stares at me, like I’m a puzzle he’s trying to solve. It’s unsettling. We cross the parking lot in silence. When we get to my car, he looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t.
“Bye, Pen,” he says.
“It’s not Pen!” I yell after him, but he’s already gone.
I spent the next few hours thinking about Carter’s request. Part of me knows it’s stupid to go tracking a demon with him, but I’m also curious to see more of what our magic does. There must be a reason we’re connected. Plus, learning how to track a specific demon!
When I get home, Gran and Pop are both out. It’s Saturday afternoon so Gran is off cheating at bridge with the ladies. Pop is probably in the garage or pretending that he doesn’t stalk the Enforcers to see if they need extra help. Connie went to Thomas’s. Everyone is gone for a couple hours at least, so I could get some serious research done in a couple hours at the library. I hang up my dress in the closet and then my phone sings out the WNN tone again. I don’t want to look because for days it’s only been bad news after bad news, but I want to know.
This is no exception. The demons attacked again, taking out a whole Enforcer team in region five. This is just like fifty years ago when Alfie Spencer was alive. Alfie…
This is the perfect opportunity to find out something about Alfie. I race upstairs to the attic. If there’s something to find out then it will be recorded in the Umbra. Each witch’s Umbra has his or her own family tree in it, the history of our kind, and a collection of spells.
When a couple are Bonded, they merge the important pieces of both families into one so each family has their own book. It’s been tradition since our creation. When a family get too many copies, they can take the older ones to the library at the Nucleus House to be kept and documented.
I used to read Mom’s Umbra a lot after she died. I would trace the letters of her smooth handwriting until I could copy it from memory. I know all her spells and incantations, even though I never use them. Gran never let me touch hers. She said it was powerful and important. I’d watch her place it on the tallest shelf in a plastic case, and I remember trying to reach it, but my arms and legs were too short. Lucky for me, I’m not short anymore.
Gran’s Umbra is right where it’s always been. I carefully open the plastic case and pull the book out. It’s heavier than Mom’s. The pages are thicker, rippled, and a darker shade of yellow. The cover is dark brown with a golden W for Warren embossed on the cover. The thing is heavy—I’m talking the whole Harry Potter series put together heavy. Those are some great books. Totally inaccurate, but great.
Bracing the Umbra, I lower myself to the floor. When I open the book it leans over more to one side. Two blank pages, and then I see the start of the family tree.
It starts with “Spencer.”
I find Alfie above Gran’s mother, so he is a relative, but some of his children are blacked out. Mom’s Umbra doesn’t have that, does it? I would definitely remember that. My eyes drift to the top of the page. Leo and Elizabeth Spencer. The beginning of our tree in the late 1800s, when we came over from Europe.
Four lines come off from their name: Clementine, Gregory, Charlotte, Matthew. Between Gregory and Charlotte, there’s a name scratched out so intensely that I can’t read what it says. There are even lines—two of them, to Beatrice and Clara—coming off the scratched-out name. I lean in closer. There are two thicker lines retracing the names to Matthew. That’s weird. Everyone else has a date of birth and death at the bottom, except the one marked out. It’s almost like someone made a mistake.
But no, that’s not right. If they’d messed up then they wouldn’t have poor Beatrice and Clara coming off her name like they were her children. Beatrice has children and grandchildren all the way down to Connie and me. Clara does too, but there’s a whole generation with people blacked out. People who had children of their own. Did they all die? Why would someone cross out this name and some of her children for eight generations? And why are there lines and names blacked out?
Something weird is going on.
I close the book and reach to put it back when something falls from the pages. It’s an old newspaper article that’s been preserved from March 1842. The font has faded in certain areas.
Powerful Family Offers Reward for Missing Daughter
Triad member Leo Spencer and his wife, Elizabeth, seek information regarding the whereabouts of their daughter. Emmaline Spencer (age seventeen, blond hair, blue eyes) was last seen the morning of the fifteenth day of March. She was distraught when she fled the Spencer home.
The Spencer family believes their daughter is in some trouble. With the upswing in demonic activity, Mr. Spencer is offering a reward to any persons in the community who may have information as to his daughter’s whereabouts. Enforcers are on notice for the girl. Please contact the council with any information.
I stare at the page. Leo and Elizabeth Spencer were my great-great-something-grandparents. Emmaline Spencer. I’ve never heard of her. Why have I never heard of her? I turn back to our tree in Gran’s book. She’s got to be the one blackened out. There’s no way all this isn’t connected.
I put the book back in Gran’s case and run downstairs to Connie’s room where Mom’s Umbra is stored, old article in hand. I pull the black book off the shelf and turn to the family tree. Mom’s is different. Leo and Elizabeth have the four children, no name scratched out. Beatrice and Clara obviously belong to Matthew. There are people blacked out below, but all are marked dead.
They wrote Emmaline Spencer out of our history. Why would they do that? Someone wanted to forget her. Even worse, someone wanted to pretend that she never existed. Umbras can’t be changed; they are magically protected by blood, so they’d have to go through a lot of trouble to hide something.
My family has a secret.
“What are you doing in my room?” Connie asks.
I look up at my sister and close the Umbra. She rests her hands on her hips. “I was just looking up something in Mom’s Umbra.”
I shake my head. “An incantation. It’s not there though.” I close the Umbra and put it back on Connie’s shelf. She looks at me like she doesn’t believe me. She always gets this twisted shape on her mouth and her nose twitches a little when she thinks I’m lying.
“I’m going for a run.” I say, and bolt out the door before she can question me again. I would tell her, but I don’t have any answers. I don’t even know what my questions are.
My run leaves me at the Nucleus House. The cat is there with Poncho, who looks up at me before I sneak off to the computer. Today the demon Azsis only pulls up fifty-one results. I sit down, ignoring the way my sweaty legs fuse into the plastic chair, and start reading.
Chapter Twelve
Twenty-five search results later, and all of them are the same crap over and over again. The other ones almost seem completely pointless to look at. I search for Alfie and Emmaline, but there’s nothing on them in the database. How does one person—let alone two—disappear from existence?
Pizza? Ric texts me.
It’s been a long day.
“Finding everything?” Poncho asks as I stand from the computer.
Nothing is more like it. “Not really,” I say with a sigh. Ric texts me back with olives and I glance at Poncho. “You coming to the Pairing tomorrow?”
“I don’t mingle with ceremonial events. Too many people,” Poncho says. “I wish you the best of partners.”
I grab my keys and leave. I wish the same for myself.
Ric turns up the music and some techno-pop dance number blares through his computer. I came here so he could cheer me up. I’d spent the whole run home and shower and pizza pickup thinking about Emmaline Spencer. What could she have done, to be completely obliterated? I should ask Gran. She knows everything, especially about our family, but if I ask her then I’ll have to explain why I was in her Umbra, how I found the Alfie/Emmaline Spencer connection by searching for a demon for a ritual that she will most definitely not approve of. She didn’t even want me to know about Alfie Spencer.
I pop another tortilla chip in my mouth.
“How are the girls doing?” Ric asks, referring to the Enforcer finals.
I move my hand like a teeter-totter. “There are a few good ones. The boys?”
“Same,” he says. “Except William Prescott—as in the Triad Prescotts. He’s really showing all of us up, as expected. I don’t know why he’s even there.”
I shrug. “Can we talk about something else?”
Ric answers by turning up the music and singing loudly. I bob my head with it and eat another chip, looking around the familiar room. I love Ric’s house. Where mine is all antiques and heirlooms, his is sharp edges and black accessories. There’s this weird painting above the television that looks like multicolored squares layered over each other—but it forms this awesome silhouette of a weird-looking horse. Or maybe it’s a dog. Gran would never have something like that.
Ric sings along to the chorus, and then stops mid-sentence. “You seem different lately. I thought it was the test, but it’s not.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s something off,” he says. He spins around in the chair to look at me. “You seem, I don’t know, more angsty?”
“Angsty?” I gasp. I have to yell over the music. “I am not angsty.”
“You are—angsty and feisty. It’s a weird combination for you; it makes you reckless.”
Who is this other angsty/feisty Penelope he’s referencing? I don’t know her. I’m not angsty. Feisty, maybe. I pick up one of the pillows from his couch and twist the tassel around my fingertips.
“You talk like you’ve seen me this way before.”
“I have, once,” Ric pauses. Then he yells and throws another pillow at me. “Tell me you aren’t kissing Jason Prevoy again!”
I throw the pillow back at him. “Never! I’m not kissing anyone.”
“Aha! Bitterness,” he says, pointing at me. “Who do you want to be kissing?”
“No one,” I say, probably too quickly. But my mind drifts to earlier and how close Carter was to me and—
“Liar! Your face is red!”
“My face is not red.” It so is.
Ric laughs at me. “And you’re protesting. Do you have a boy toy? Who is it? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t,” I say.
“Penelope Grey. Tell the truth. Who is it?”
I’m quiet for a few seconds while I process what to say next. How much can I tell him? He won’t leave me alone until I tell him something. I sigh. “His name is Carter.”
“Carter, the mysterious hot boy who caused your hatred of my gender a couple of mornings ago? How did that happen?”
I bite my lip. Ric doesn’t look away. I roll my eyes. “Long story. He sort of sneaked up on me.”
“They always do,” he says, a silence stretching out between us. He gets this look on his face that says all I need to know: he’s checked out, lost in his own memory. Good. There’s a bounce as Ric tosses himself onto the couch next to me.
“Okay, so you want to kiss this hot Carter boy?”
“Ric! No. Okay? No. He’s a friend.”
“Mmm-hmm, just a friend?” He pauses. I don’t reply and he bops me on the nose. “Right. You can’t say ‘just’ unless you have a secret you don’t want to share.”
“Stop,” I say.
Ric gasps at me in mock horror. “Admit you want to kiss him.”
“Stop it!” I say, grabbing his shirt. Ric laughs and puts his hands up.
“Okay,” he says. I let go of his shirt.
He moves the pillow around and leans back. “But if you kiss him you have to tell me. There’s no withholding information.”
“Fine,” I say. He doesn’t say anything, but I’m pretty sure I’m blushing again. “Let’s watch a movie or something.”
We flip through channels until we find some British chick flick. He doesn’t really want to watch it, but gives in. The whole time I think about Emmaline because just like the main character in the movie, someone is keeping a family secret—and it’s only a matter of time before the truth will come out.
It’s only ten when I go home, but between the events from the day, Emmaline thoughts, and Ric pausing the movie every four minutes to talk about the Pairing tomorrow, I’m exhausted. It’s hard enough with so much going on but it’s even worse when your best friend is worried about his future because he’s being forced to pair with a girl. Not that he minds girls. It’s really sort of unfair with so much expectation on Partners to get married. We both just hope he’s Paired with someone who can kick ass.
Inside, Gran is doing a crossword puzzle and Pop is rocking in the chair, eyes closed, while an episode of I Love Lucy plays.
“Ready for tomorrow?” Gran asks.
“I’m tired,” I say.
“Big day tomorrow. Big day,” she says, and then she looks back at her crossword puzzle
Connie is laughing on the phone with Thomas when I get upstairs, and I wave at her from outside her doorway before turning into my bedroom.
When I close my eyes, Emmaline Spencer is everywhere. I can see her face—similar to mine, but her eyes are covered and her mouth is zipped shut. No one wants her to speak. I find her locked away in some closet. I pound on the door and scream her name. She doesn’t answer because she can’t. She tries to speak, but it comes out as this screeching sound so loud that it pulls me back to reality.
The screeching is still there—and then I realize it’s my phone. I answer the call, still groggy from my dream. Carter’s voice is all singsong like on the other end. “Ready to go on a track?”
I blink and glance at the clock—11:48 pm. “It’s late,” I say.
“This was part of our deal. I can’t control when the demons are on the move,” Carter says quickly. I can hear the excitement in his voice over the phone. “Come on, Pen. We’ve got to go before I lose the demon.”
I bite my lip. I shouldn’t go. Gran would flip out if I she found out I wasn’t here. I’m being Paired tomorrow—it’s serious business. But that’s really out of my hands. I’m curious, and honestly, I don’t want to say no. I don’t want to go back to sleep either.
“Meet you in ten?”
“No need. I’m already outside.”
Chapter Thirteen
The night is chilly and the air is motionless, like it’s waiting to see what we’ll do. We’ve been following a demon that looks like an old man with a beard that touches the ground. The tips of the beard are dark, while the part at his nose is white. One of its pants legs is shorter than the other, and it’s only wearing one sock with a red stripe. Every few steps it hunches over, looking through the trash bins and knocking on brick walls. The streetlights flicker above it two and three at time with each step it takes.
A beep sounds next to me. Carter mutters something and quickly reaches into his pocket. His phone is blinking red and yellow with a small hum radiating from it.
“What is that?” I ask.
“It’s the tracker I made.”
“A tracker?”
“That demon.” He points to the old man and looks at me grimly. “It’s supposed to find lost things. I’ve been tracking it since that night before I met you, trolling the network for a clue.”
There’s a network? A network of what—demons? I look toward the old man demon. It’s digging in a trash can.
“Why are you tracking this specific demon?”
Carter sighs, focused on the demon. “I’ve been searching for clues for years, Penelope. This demon, Vassago, is my last hope.”
The way he says it, I can tell it isn’t something he wants to admit. His voice is low and his gaze focused on the demon Vassago. If Vassago can find lost things, then this may be the best mission I’ve been on. I’m missing a lot of things—answers, a demon, my essence. Maybe it can help me too.
Then again, it seems to have lost something of its own. That or it has a secret love affair with trash.
“What’s it looking for?” I whisper to Carter.
“Depends on who’s asking, I guess,” Carter says. “Some people say a sock, others a love, a soul.”
“What are you looking for?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer me, but his face changes. His jaw tenses, his eyes get darker.
Carter has a secret.
What am I doing here? Carter wants help from a demon who finds lost things but can’t find its own lost sock? I’m an idiot for thinking this was a solution. We can’t trust demons. We kill them; we don’t ask them for help. That’s like opening the door and letting them into our world for a snack.
Vassago moves down the road and stops at this shady-looking black wall. It knocks again, nothing new there. The wall cracks open and it slides inside. That’s new. I steal a look at Carter, who’s already walking that way.
“Whoa, you aren’t planning to follow it in, are you?”
Carter raises an eyebrow. “Scared?”
“That’s stupid. I didn’t sign up to let you lead me to my impending doom.”
He grabs my hand. “I have a plan, Pen. There’s a masking spell that can hide us, and we can sneak in, talk to the demon, and sneak out.”
“That’s a little too much sneaking. And a masking spell? Those things take a freaking lot of power.”
“You’re right. It’s too bad that girl I met isn’t here. I bet together we could access ‘a freaking lot of power,’” he says. His face is bright, like a kid at Christmas, and has a smile so big that I want it to wash away all my worries.
That’s what he wants me for. This has bad idea written all over it. My head tells me that I should leave, and I’m risking a lot just by being here with him. Still, I can’t leave. I don’t want to. If I walk away I may be leaving someone who can help me get answers.
I’m nodding and Carter pulls me closer. His hands are on my waist and chills run up my spine. “Okay,” he says quickly. The magic between us is stirring in my gut again. “Let’s say the masking incantation. ‘Let the seen be hid from sight until the morning light.’”
Incantations in English sound so lame, but I repeat after him. I’ve never cast a spell over myself—and definitely not one that alters the way others see me. I create a picture in my head to call on the magic, mostly because I’ve done it enough to know it helps. Carter and I are in the middle of a crowded street, slowly dissolving into nothing. No one notices us as we walk past them. We repeat the incantation again together. Suddenly, my whole body is pins and needles and springs—like I’ve been sitting the wrong way for too long and it’s falling asleep.
“I think it worked,” he says.
“I’m a walking pincushion, so I’d say yes.”
Carter leads me by the arm across the street, until we stand side by side in front of the wall. I run my hands across, scouring the wall for some kind of entrance. I know the wood is under my fingertips, but I don’t feel it. Carter knocks against the wall, the same way we saw the demon do it. Nothing happens.
“How do we get in?”
“We open it.”
Carter grabs my hand and mutters another incantation. I repeat it, but I try more to imagine it all in my head. The dark door opening. Us finding Vassago. Finding answers. The wall bursts open. Shards of metal and wood fly out at us; we duck. The air around us is filled with wood dust. We’re both coughing as we walk through the gaping door.
Inside, everything is dark. Through the dusty air, I see round green bar lights with broken glass hanging from the ceiling. The walls are dark and the floors are a shade of gray that’s had one too many cups of coffee spilled over it. My feet stick to the floor and I’m glad I didn’t wear my pink glittery shoes.
A few people—well, not people so much as demon-possessed people and straight-up demons—all look toward the hole. One demon-man with half-melted skin and missing teeth hisses from the bar, drink still in its hand.
“Stay close to me,” Carter whispers.
I follow Carter through the bar. Pool tables fill the back of the room in clusters, the felt covers ripping in places where sticks were jammed too hard across the surface. It smells like rotten eggs, urine, and day-old vomit.
One of the demons steps out of the shadows with a towel over its slimy blue shoulder. A few other demons follow it and examine our hole, confused. I release a breath as more of them explore. A demon dressed in human skin with ripped jeans and a Mohawk yells from the sidewalk.
“What happ—?” I start to say. Carter covers my mouth with his hand. A few heads turn and look around the room. Some of the demons at the hole start yelling until everyone joins them.
“You’re invisible, not silent,” Carter whispers in my ear.
Good to know.
We stand, unmoving, against a wall. There are about fifteen demons muttering, yelling over one another with human voices and high-pitched demonic sounds. One demon, the size of a linebacker with broad shoulders and golden-brown scales, sits at the bar. The others band together, using magic to repair the hole in the wall. Goldie chugs back his drink and sniffs the air.
“Witch,” he says.
Crap. I look at Carter, but he’s frozen. Goldie sniffs the air and walks around the room. A few of the others sniff too. This is bad.
“And power,” another says.
“I smell it, too,” the short blue demon says.
Beside me, Carter tenses. All the demons are staring right at us, like they can see us. We’re in trouble.
“Come out and play, little witch,” one of them shouts.
“You smell good,” another adds.
Carter pulls me forward by my elbow. We make it four steps before I feel his hand on me again, and my legs on the floor. Vividly. The same way it happens when my leg wakes up. The pins and needles and springs are gone. The masking spell is gone. This is beyond bad.
Goldie steps toward us. “It’s two-for-one tonight.”
Carter leans in toward me. “New plan: stay alive.”
There’s a shuffle behind me. I glance over Carter’s shoulder. Before I really make out what it is, magic sideswipes us. I’m midair and my back slams into the side of the bar and I land with a thud. Carter leaps up again and darts away from me, demons chasing him across the bar. Chaos breaks out around me. Magic zooms, sending items falling off the walls; fists are flying, bodies are flying. It’s a lot of flying and none of it is good. I can’t keep track of who is who or what they’re doing. By the time I rise to my feet, demons are scrambling inside from the streets and fighting with one another. Almost like they don’t really know what they are looking for. I dodge two in an effort to make my way back to help Carter, who has three demons attacking at once.
I’m halfway there when I see Vassago tucked into the corner of the room picking at its beard. I change my course and head in its direction, leaping over a demon on the ground to get there. We need Vassago for whatever reason, and there it is, waiting to be plucked. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do when I get there, but that’s why someone invented the fine of art of improv. Or, when that fails, stalling.
It sees me first. I expect it to run, but it doesn’t. Instead, it locks eyes with mine. A smile spreads over its face, one that the Joker would be proud of, and it sniffs the air before it steps toward me.
A demon rams into me, flattening me to the floor. The demon is over me, drool dripping from its fraying human body. It pins my arms down. I’m about to flip it off me when this light flashes through the room. The demon yells in surprise and crawls off me.
Vassago stands in the center of the room, the smile gone from its face. “They are here for me,” it says. The other demons blink, surprised, but none of them move.
“I know what you’re looking for,” Vassago says.
I shake my head and get to my feet. The demons slowly start moving around me, back to where they’d been before.
“You, and I found you,” I say.
“Not me,” it says. His voice is scratchy and thin, like the sound a record player makes when its off its track.
“Yeah, another demon with orange eyes called Azsis. Do you know him?”
Vassago shakes its head. “You’re looking for you.”
I roll my eyes. “I’ve met myself and I’m pretty awesome. I’m not the reason we’re here. He is,” I say, pointing at Carter as he rushes into the room from the other door. His eyes dart around and relief fills my chest.
Vassago turns its head left and nods. “Ahh, yes. As expected. I need a new sock.”
I turn my head in time for it to launch its leg into the air. Its foot is black from dirt and crusty, and it wiggles its weird toes in my face. It touches my nose. I gag and swat it away.
“Get your disgusting foot out of my face.”
Vassago lowers its leg and pouts. Seriously pouts. I’ve never seen a demon pout before. This whole night is full of new—and freaking strange—discoveries.
Its face changes, and it raises its eyebrows. “You are missing something important. Something that changes your life,” it says.
Goose bumps cover my arms. How the heck does this thing know that I’m missing my magic? My question is on my lips, ready to leap out of my mouth, but it speaks first.
“I have answers to questions you haven’t asked yet,” it says, leaning into my ear. “Come and I will show you.”
No, Penelope. It’s still a demon. “And let me guess, you’ll give me a magic bean, a candy house, and three chances to guess your name? No, thanks.”
Vassago leans into me. Its eyes are emerald; its breath smells like old coffee and dog food. There are bits of something in its beard. I shudder at the thought of what those bits might be.
“You don’t know what you are, Penelope Grey,” it says. I hold my breath as it talks in my face. It even knows my freaking name. How is that possible? I never told it.
“What I am?” I ask. It knows something else. It knows about my magic. What you are. That’s the same phrasing Carter used.
I can’t seem to move away from Vassago. My brain tells me to. I know I should, but it keeps drawing me closer. Maybe it’s its power. I can almost feel it, which is something that’s never happened before. It’s wild and enticing. I’m so oddly pulled to it, so distracted by it, that I barely notice that it’s too close to me. That its dirty beard is touching me. And that I’m letting it. It sniffs me, and while I know it’s odd, I don’t think twice about it. I don’t think about anything, really. Just the calming desire to be closer to its power.
“You smell good, little witch.”
There’s a crash and a scream. The air around me changes and it only takes a second for my mind to become my own again, for everything to fall into place. I see Carter holding Vassago up against the wall, his arm across the demon’s throat and salted iron knife at its temple.
“You okay, Pen?” Carter yells at me. The grungy room is quiet, still, waiting. All the demons are on their feet again looking at the three of us.
“Fine, I think,” I stutter. I move to stand at Carter’s side. “What are you doing? I was handling that!”
He laughs, but it’s more like a scoff. “He was spelling you. Didn’t you feel it? He was tapping into your essence.”
I open my mouth to protest, but change my mind. What can I say? I did feel something weird. But I don’t have any essence, so how did it do that?
“She has no essence,” Vassago hisses in a crackling almost-laugh. Carter blinks, like he’s confused, but the demon tries to wriggle out of his grasp and Carter snaps into action.
“Tell me how to find what I seek,” Carter says. His voice is rough and heavy, like nothing I’ve heard from him before. It’s sexy, in a scary-as-hell kind of way.
Vassago’s eyes grow wide and it nods curtly. Carter releases it but leaves the knife extended. The demon’s eyes turn pale, then white, and it heaves in a breath. It’s frozen, and if it wasn’t standing and hadn’t just been talking and breathing a second ago, I’d swear it was dead.
“There is one who seeks the same as you,” Vassago says, its weird eyes looking toward Carter. Then it looks at me. “And one who hides the truth from you. Only when the two meet shall the lost be found.”
A chuckle pours from its throat, but it’s not its voice; it’s something unworldly, and darker. Almost robotic. Then, it falls to the floor. Its eyes are no longer wide and pale, but deep, dark green, so dark they are almost black. It looks up at us quietly.
“I believe you have found all you have sought from me. Leave.”
Carter looks like he wants to say something else, but some of the other demons circle around us and pull Vassago up. The only option we have is to leave, or face an epic brawl. Carter takes a step forward. A demon nearby hisses at us, all of their eyes on me like I’m food. I grab Carter’s arm.
“Let’s go,” I say.
Carter slips his hand into mine before guiding me out a door. I look back as the door is closing and see Vassago’s eyes on me before the wood separates us. I can’t help but feel like it knows something more.
Two witches walk into a demon bar, and somehow they both come out alive.
Chapter Fourteen
I’m too awake to go home. And considering I have a big ceremony tomorrow, it’s probably where I should go, but I’m not ready. The power from our magic is still flowing through me, and I’ve never felt so alive. When I’m trying to wake up in the morning I know I will regret it, but the quiet city at night is nice to walk through with Carter, even if he hasn’t said much. Whatever he’s looking for, whatever he’s lost, it’s weighing on him.
“You okay?” I ask.
He nods. “You?”
I nod back. Glad we had that conversation. I wonder what he’s thinking? Can I ask? “So the thing you’re looking for…?”
He’s quiet again, lost in thought. I don’t expect him to answer, but then he does.
“My mom,” he says. “She left when I was a baby.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“My dad has no idea I’m looking for her. I couldn’t do that to him, you know?”
I do know. I’m on my own quest after all, whatever that means.
“Why demons?”
Carter shrugs. “It didn’t start that way. I always thought demons killed her, but then I learned that they took her instead. I followed some trails and someone mentioned Vassago a month ago. I’ve just missed him in every search, but I kept trying. Then I found him and all I got was a riddle.”
“Sorry,” I say. And I am. My parents are dead, that’s for sure, there’s no denying it. But not knowing? That would suck.
“What he said about you not having an essence—how’s that possible?”
I start to think of a response, but I can’t come up with a lie. I don’t want to lie to him. I’m not supposed to tell anyone. I can hear Gran’s warning in my head. But I want him to trust me the same way I trust him. Which I realize I do. A lot. It’s strange, but he’s proven himself to me.
“Follow me,” I say.
“What is it?”
I don’t answer as I lead Carter a few more blocks. We stop in front of the familiar fading blue house with the oak tree. “This is my house.”
“I thought you lived on the other side of town?” he asks.
“I do. We, Connie and I, lived here with our parents before they died,” I say.
“I didn’t know,” he says. “I’m sorry, Penelope.”
All the memories flood over me. I want to run, but even more, I want to go inside. I never want to go inside. Tonight, I do. I want to tell Carter that nothing really makes sense, but it’s not his mess. My life is not his responsibility. But we’re connected somehow, and I can at least give him this answer.
“I want to tell you what Vassago meant,” I say.
My feet pull me toward the house. I can’t make them stop. Carter’s right behind me, following me inside. I’ve never really told anyone about what happened that night. Not even Connie knows the whole story; I wanted to spare her all the details.
My lips are dry. My hands are shaking and it makes opening the door difficult. The keys jangle together in my hands.
“I usually have to work a lot harder before a girl lets me into her room,” he jokes. I let out a nervous laugh. He looks at me, eyes all calming, concerned, and puts his hand on mine.
“I’ve got it,” he says. Carter pauses in the doorway, his shoulders tense.
I move so he can open the door. The memories pour into me as it opens. The house, the music, the sound of Mom laughing. Even the darkness of our empty home can’t stop them from chasing after me. I bolt up the stairs to the familiar room on the left, Carter on my heels.
I tell myself it doesn’t matter, this place and what happened, but it does. Everything matters. My bed still sits in the corner. Gran couldn’t sell the house because no one was ready to part with it. I guess one day we’ll have to clean out the dusty furniture, sell it. Right now, it’s a reminder of what we lost, as if we don’t feel it enough every second of the day. I take a seat on my old bed, curl my knees up to my chest and lean against the wall. It’s the only way I fit on this bed now. The little girl who used to sleep here is long gone.
Carter stretches so his hands hang off the top of my doorframe, but doesn’t cross the threshold. The only sound around us is the drumming of his fingers on the wall. I’ve never had a boy lingering in my doorway before. Not in this room or in the other.
I look around the room, and it’s so much smaller now. Instinctively, I search for the familiar.
“When I was a kid, my father used to make the stars sparkle in my room. He would bring in the lights from outside and they would dance on these walls.” I close my eyes while I talk, seeing it all replay in my head. I haven’t thought of this forever, but being here reminds me. “It was my own personal night-light straight from the sky outside. I can still see it. The way they would dance and spin and he would kneel down by my bed and laugh with me.”
When I open my eyes, I practically feel Carter’s stare. “Sorry.” I didn’t come here to remember. Remembering is never hard to do. I shouldn’t go to that place where things were happy and normal and not something that can ever be again.
Carter shakes his head from the other side of the room. “You can tell me anything you want.”
“Vassago was right. I don’t have—” I start and then pause. I have to start at the beginning because the rest of the story is too hard. “See that closet right there?” I point to his left, and he follows my finger and nods.
“That’s where they found me the night my parents died.”
“You were here?”
I can’t look at his face, but I hear the surprise in his voice. I stare off into the space. “Dad was coming home from a CEASE meeting. Connie was at Gran’s because Mom usually had patrol on Thursdays, but I was home sick. She stayed with me. We were up here and she was wiping my face with a cloth. We didn’t even hear it come in.”
“Hear what come in?” he asks.
“The demon. It looked like Dad, but it had these orange eyes.”.
I close my eyes. I haven’t thought about all this for years. Gran took me back and forth to therapy sessions for two years after they died. The first thing I said in those sessions, half a year in, was that I didn’t want to cry like they were all crying. That doctor told me that I had live because that was what my parents wanted me to do.
Then when I was old enough, I found out about being an Enforcer, heard that story at the party about the ritual, and never looked back. Looking back meant being weak and that wasn’t something else I could do. But now, it doesn’t feel weak. It feels strong because it means I’m letting someone else in, and that’s really scary too.
“An Enforcer found Dad in the front yard after, in the middle of the night, with demon dust trickling out of his ear. That’s how they figured out something happened inside. The demon must’ve been waiting for him to come home. It killed him and took his body.” Carter inhales from the doorway. I keep talking. “At least, it’s never made sense unless Dad was already dead. There’s no way my father would’ve let a demon have control of him like that if he wasn’t dead first.”
Once I start talking, things I haven’t thought about in years start flooding toward the forefront of my mind, and I can’t stop them now that they’ve come. I shouldn’t be telling all of this to Carter; Gran wouldn’t like it, but I have to trust myself and talking about it feels right.
“The demon with Dad’s form got to my mom first. It was so strong it just grabbed her and she couldn’t do anything. It pinned her to the floor and drained my mom but didn’t kill her right away. Her blood covered everything. I remember screaming—lots of screaming.”
I pause for a breath and realize I’m crying. I feel the bed sink next to me as Carter sits on it. The warmth of his body presses against my leg.
“It was horrible because I could still see my dad there. His eyes glowed orange from the demon, but it was still my dad’s body, hunched over my mother and killing her. It came at me next. Mom’s eyes were open and her cries got fainter. I was so scared and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t move.”
Carter’s hands are wrapped in mine, warmth in the cold. I want to stop talking, but I can’t. I hate that I’m crying in front of him. Nothing says beautiful like snot and soul-bearing. But his fingers run circles on my palm and I don’t think he minds. At least, I hope not.
“Its claws pierced me, and I don’t remember anything after that. I think I passed out—or I just blocked it all. When I woke up, Mom was white. Dead. Her blood was everywhere. So was mine. It covered the flood in dark crimson stains and splashed all over the purple walls. I felt different, weaker. I couldn’t even cry. I pulled myself across the floor and hid in that closet. Closed the door so I didn’t have to see her. I don’t know how long I was in there before they found me.”
Next to me, Carter inhales. His hand is still in mine and I squeeze it, feeling better immediately. More grounded.
“They took your essence,” he says.
I nod, sniffling and taking a deep breath. “The Triad did some tests after, but they just said it was shock. I was still alive, so there was no way that’s what happened. No one survives that. Gran would hold me in her lap while they tested my magic, and everything worked.”
“Because you pulled your magic from her.”
I nod and look at him through my tears, and asked the question that’s haunted me ever since. “Why did I survive?”
He’s quiet, and I wish there were answers behind the shine of his jade eyes. “I don’t know.”
I look away from him and toward the spot on the floor where my purple carpet used to be, back before it was an imprint of a bad memory. “Sometimes I wish I hadn’t.”
“You don’t mean that,” he says quietly.
“I’m a burden to everyone. Everything I have, everything I do, is a lie,” I say, tears welling up in my eyes again. I seriously hate crying.
Carter grasps my chin so he can look at my face. I’m suddenly very aware that we’re alone together in my old bedroom. His hands are too warm against my skin and only inches separate us.
“Not everything.”
I look at him, and I don’t know, it’s like he gets me. I can feel it. Almost as if whatever I’m missing, he’s missing too. No one has ever looked at me that way before.
“You know why I want to be an Enforcer? I want to find that demon and I want my powers back.”
“You have powers with me, Pen.”
I shake my head. “But why you? I’ve met hundreds of witches and you’re the only one I can get magic from aside from my family,” I say. Carter doesn’t respond because there isn’t answer. “And for how long? What if it stops one day? What if I don’t always have you? I need my own magic.” I didn’t want him two days ago, and now the thought of him not being here is a little too scary.
Carter is quiet. “I don’t know. I wish I did. I would do whatever it takes to help you.”
He says it in that way that sets my nerves on edge, and horses gallop around in my stomach.
“You can’t tell anyone about me,” I say quickly. “No one can know that my essence is gone. Gran and Pop have worked so hard to keep it all secret.”
“I promise,” he says. “My lips are sealed.”
This overwhelming urge to kiss him possesses me, and I’m leaning in toward him. I tell myself not to. My body doesn’t listen. I expect him to push me away—I almost hope he will—but he doesn’t. He tilts his head so our lips are closer. His hand trails my arm and my neck and my insides jump around, ready. My whole body is anticipating his touch. What if I mess this up? I start to second-guess myself when he pulls me toward him and presses his mouth to mine.
Then his mouth is all I can think about and I lean into his kiss. My body is on fire as his warmth seeps through our clothes. He lowers me down on the bed, and we’re both way too big, legs hanging off and all over each other, but I don’t even care. My heart is pounding. I’m kissing Carter. It’s reckless, it’s marvelous, it’s right, it’s—the stupid phone rings. Both phones. The WNN tone.
Carter’s mouth lingers for a moment, then he pulls away from me. My lips still tingle. His face is flushed when he looks down at the phone. I ignore mine and sit up. I hate the phone. I hate the WNN. Stupid demons. I was kissing Carter. Holy crap. Why was I kissing Carter?
“Demon attack in region three. Two dead,” he says.
Moment ruined.
He slides his phone back into his pocket and grins at me. I bite my lip. I really want to do it again.
“What time is it?” I say quickly. I pull the phone out of my pocket. After one. “We should go.”
Carter drums on the railing as he goes down the stairs. I stumble over a step and he steadies me. Embarrassing.
Downstairs, I lock the door behind us. I’m trying to think of what to say now. How do you follow up a kiss? I mean, without more kissing. Which I would do if I had time.
“Will I see you tomorrow? We could work on our magic,” Carter says.
“Tomorrow—will you be around the Nucleus House? I may need you. Our magic, I mean. It’s Pairing day,” I say.
“I can probably do that.” He smiles.
I sort of love that smile.
It’s warm out here for it being so early in the morning. I blush, remembering his lips on mine. Maybe that’s why I’m hot.
“Thank you. For helping me with this; I know it’s just an exchange.”
We start down the sidewalk. Man, that was a good kiss. I get hot again, blushing.
Yeah, it’s totally him.
“It’s not,” he says.
“Not what?”
He runs a hand across his chin. “Just an exchange. I mean, I help you; you help me, sure. But”—he pauses and his smile is big and boyish. It’s too adorable—“I like the excuse to hang out with you.”
“Stop it,” I say.
“What? It’s true.”
I swat at him. “You’re ridiculous, Carter Trent.”
“Let’s get you home.” He puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk.
Chapter Fifteen
No one can throw a party like Mrs. Bentham.
She’s the most esteemed member of the council, not only for her record, but for her ability to make our ceremonies—the Pairing, the Bonding, the induction of new Enforcers—amazing. When Ric and I walk into the ballroom at the Nucleus House, he whistles. The banquet hall is dressed to the nines, just like we’re about to be for the Pairing ceremony. We have to get ready here. Another part of tradition.
All the chairs are covered in a silver fabric and these pink bows that are so light they look white. The lights are dimmed, but bright enough that they create this warm, hazy glow across the room. The stage is decorated in floating lisianthuses that hover magically in the air around us.
The whole witch community of our combined regions in the US will be here—I don’t even know how many people from all the various regions. It’s going to be packed with family and strangers and Enforcers.
I’ve never really understood the purpose of making us feel important like this, having a big ceremony where half the people don’t even make it past the Partner Final. The whole thing feels pointless. This is only part one of two.
“This is the shit,” Ric says.
I groan. “I just want it to be over.”
“Not me,” he says. “I want everyone to see me so they know who’s going to pass the final test, save all their asses someday, and get eternal praise.”
“Always the humble hero,” I say. I know he’s kidding about the macho stuff. Ric is as nervous about the next part as I am. The Pairing is the mark of something bigger, and the fact that we’ve made it this far shows that we are worth something. But if we don’t make it when we’re Paired, if we don’t pass the Partner Final, then in the end, we’re nothing. We’re forgotten.
It’s sort of like a championship game where a team works so hard for the prospect of winning, and gives it all to be there, to fight, to play. In the end, it’s win or lose. No one remembers the losers except the losers, because they get to be close to glory, to success that’s only dreamed of. They get to taste the possibility, to feel it within their grasp and potentially never get to keep it. It’s all a very heavy feeling.
“Boys to the left; girls to the right.” Mrs. Bentham yells.
She’s not even in the room, it’s just her voice. Magic really makes life so much easier.
“See you out there,” Ric says.
I nod and move to the right. Once today is over I will be one step closer to getting everything I want.
My phone vibrates. There’s a text from Connie saying Gran is nervous for me, and panicking about good seats so they are coming over early. I also get one from Carter. I’m wearing my lucky shoes for you.
I smile and respond. You have lucky shoes?
I cross the threshold to the girls’ side and Maple waves at me. “I’m glad you made it through,” she says with a smile. I return it.
“You too,” I say. “Nervous?”
Maple shrugs. “No more than usual.” Kessa calls for Maple and like that she’s gone again. My phone buzzes again. Yup. Wore them the day I met you, Lucky Penny.
I feel my cheeks redden as I think about the kiss and send Carter a nonchalant “whatever,” but it is far from “whatever. It’s way more than “whatever”—but it’s something that I can’t think about right now, so I slide the power off and slip the phone into my pocket.
Magic surfaces around me and starts pulling me toward a mirror. My dress and shoes get removed from my hands, and I land in some chair. I guess it’s time to get ready. Two hours to go.
The reflection looking back at me doesn’t look like me at all. Her hair is curled. Her eyelids shimmer with golds and browns, and rosy pink is on her cheeks. And she’s got on this dress that’s something I would never wear. But she is me, and that’s the most jarring part. I have never looked so damn good. I wish that Carter were here to see it. I really hope he comes like he said he would.
“Five minutes, girls.” Mrs. Bentham claps through the backstage. “Make sure you’re beautiful!”
The reflection rolls her eyes. Okay, so that move was totally me.
I look down through the other girls in my class. They all look amazing, so I’m not really sure what Mrs. Bentham is talking about. If they were any more beautiful the sun would probably melt because of their sparkle, shimmer, and shine.
Once the ceremony is over, we meet with our new partner. Everyone wants to look good. Even me.
“Penelope!” Kessa yells, motioning for me to come to their side of the room.
I smile and join them. This huge red clock counts down the minutes, and the nerves start. The other girls are checking each other’s makeup, hugging. And me? I’m trying not to vomit.
“Look how pretty it is,” Maple says, peering behind one of the curtains and into the main ballroom. “So different than last month.”
Mrs. Bentham would never use the same decor over again. Each ceremony is a new beginning for a new group, so she’s a firm believer in the room matching the new theme.
“Two minutes! Places, girls! Places!” Mrs. Bentham yells.
The whole room squeals in excitement and nerves. The music starts and there’s a murmur beyond the door of people taking their seats. On a wall monitor we can see what’s happening outside.
As the doors open, the noise fades and I feel them approach. Everyone does, and that’s all it takes for silence to descend as the whole council enters. I’ve never seen them all in one room before, not when I was sitting this close. From here, they almost look like ten regular people. Ten regular people in long white robes.
They may almost look regular, but they’re powerful. The magic seems to glow out of them; the power they wield is that freaking strong. We don’t see the Triad as much as the council, mostly because they are busy doing high and mighty things, but the council acts as liaison between the Triad and the witch community. They were tested and Paired, and worked their way up the ranks. They’re mostly like the rest of us witches, except they are all purebloods—centuries of magic on both sides of the lineage, passed down from generation to generation of witches—and they all used to be Enforcers. They move so gracefully through the room they look like they’re floating.
I guess they stopped being like the rest of us a long time ago.
When they’re all seated in the front of the room facing the audience, Mr. Bentham stands, his arms outstretched and welcoming.
“Greetings,” he says. His voice is squeakier than I expected. He’s small, mouselike, compared to his wife. I wonder if they Bonded by choice or because of the pressure of the Pairing. I really don’t want that. Nerves are doing jumping jacks in my stomach.
I stare at the screen while Mr. Bentham speaks. “Today is a momentous occasion in the lives of these young people. We have matched them up to perfection, a perfect Pair of boy and girl to fight this war together. For today, they will begin down a path to their future. Should they succeed in the next steps of their journey, they ensure a future that will prove their loyalty to the cause of protecting our great community and the Nons from which we were created,” he says.
Behind him, I see Mrs. Bentham’s lips moving as her husband gives his speech.
“Starting today, they will be tested to the innermost core of their magic, their strengths, weaknesses, and what exists inside them.” Chills spread up my arm on that line. Chills. “But no longer will they go it alone, for today they each enter as one and go forth as one-half. One-half of a duo that must trust, must work hard, must grow together, must fight for each other, and must both succeed in order to earn the role of Enforcer.”
His words resonate throughout my being. I’m still clinging to the hope that maybe I’ll be Paired with Ric. Maybe everything will work out better than I expected and I’ll at least know that the person who has my back knows how to cover it. Someone who won’t freak out when he learns how weird my magic is. Someone like Carter who doesn’t judge me and even goes out of his way to help me.
If I had to rely on someone to cover for me for the rest of my life, if the Restitution doesn’t work out, I’d want it to be Ric. After Carter, I feel like I have to tell him eventually anyway. He’s my best friend, and he would be so pissed if he found out I was keeping something like this a secret. Then he’d be pissed all over again when he found out I told Carter first. This would be two birds with one stone. I hope.
People are clapping, so I do the same. I missed the end of the speech, of our welcome, but it doesn’t really matter.
Mrs. Bentham steps forward, wearing her best smile. “Each Pair will have a member of the council acting as mentor for the two-week period before the Partner Final. I will call the name of a mentor and then each Pair will join them as a council mentor calls their names. Your mentor will escort you to another part of the Nucleus House where the three of you will start preparing immediately.”
“Sacra,” Mrs. Bentham says to the council. I keep my eyes closed because—well, I don’t know. It feels right for some reason. Safer. There’s a shuffle around the room and I can imagine her white robe flowing around her like wings.
“Annah Jelowski,” Sacra says. I open my eyes and Annah looks pale when she walks past us toward the front of the room. She’s first of the ten. The very, very first. I hope she doesn’t get McEllory.
She’s gone from view for a few seconds before I see her on the screen, walking down a long aisle. There are so many people out there. Oh God.
“And Jordan Stork,” Sacra adds. The monitor flips to Jordan’s side and shows him walking a shorter distance down the aisle. They both stand next to Sacra and everyone in the room speaks a blessing in Latin. Then the three of them exit.
Only nine more pairs to go.
Next to Mrs. Bentham, Kenneth Slade stands up. He’s a very tall, very dark, very intimidating-looking man with muscles that protrude from his arms, but his hair is graying and I knew him when I was a younger. I remember him coming to visit Dad, and once the sight of him made me cry, but then he smiled and his white, white teeth lit up the room. He would be a good mentor. I wonder if he remembers me.
“Jenna Lakes,” Kenneth says. Jenna disappears from beside us and we all watch her walk through the crowds of witches.
“James McEllory.”
I exhale. At least I was saved from that atrocity. James and Jenna meet at the front, the blessing is said, and they follow Kenneth out of the room. Poor Jenna. I hope James doesn’t let her down.
The names probably go quickly, but the waiting feels like forever. Trina is Paired with some tall boy named Marcus. Eva Leigh Error with Tyson George. Siobhan Coleman with some boy named Adam. Kessa with an Oliver. Only four couples are left. Maybe one of them will be Ric and me.
But no, because just as I think it, they call Ric’s name and he walks to the front of the room toward Maple. At least he got a good partner. Maple is smart and fast and strong.
Ellore stands up next and moves toward the door closest to the front—and farthest away from me. As she moves, I can only think she’s beautiful, her hair down today in dark curls, wild and long. She’s so young, too, to be on the council. “Penelope Grey,” Ellore says.
I swallow a hundred thousand pieces of glass.
It’s as if every nerve ending is on the brink of explosion. Hundreds of eyes watching me, waiting for me to trip over my shoes. I can’t breathe, but magic helps me walk. I don’t know that I could’ve gotten my feet to move on my own. At least there won’t be any tripping.
I’m not supposed to be nervous, but I could vomit all over this pretty floor and all these pretty witches if I wanted to. There are only a few more people after me to be paired.
One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. I count so I don’t have to think, to wonder, to worry. Mrs. Bentham, Ellore, and the front of the stage are getting closer. I’m getting closer. This is torture. I just want it to be over. Did it take this long with the other girls?
I feel sick. I’m halfway to the front when she says it. I think I expect trumpets or songs of chorus from heavenly hosts, but that’s not what I hear. Only a name.
“William Prescott.”
I take a step up to the stage. My heart somersaults inside my chest.
Something warm is on my arm—Mrs. Bentham’s hand. She practically pulls me the couple extra feet until I’m standing right beside her. She lets go with a squeeze; whether it’s reassuring or threatening is yet to be determined. I guess it’s all depending on if I tuck tail and run.
I look around for someone in my family. I can’t find them and my heart races in my chest, like it’s trying to set some sort of record. My eyes drift around the room, but no one is moving. Why is no one moving? I count the people left. One, two three, four…where’s…? five. Where’s my partner?
Mrs. Bentham moves toward Ellore and they share a hushed conversation. Ellore nods. I count so I don’t bite my lip, so I don’t twitch and let the vomit fly free. I watch Mr. and Mrs. Bentham talk to Ellore. I’m not sure what they’re saying, and I should be listening. How do you make your brain turn off?
The guests at the ceremony all stand and applaud. Despite telling myself I don’t care, my eyes drift to the boys’ door as I walk. I don’t even know what I’m hoping for. That he’ll be as good as everyone says he is? That maybe the normal life I want can be mine? I mean, William Prescott is the son of the Triad leader, so he has pull. Maybe my past can be overlooked. Maybe he will like me enough to not want me exiled to the Nons. Who knows? This could be a chance. Do or die. Literally. I have no control over the rest of this partnership.
The applause fades.
The door doesn’t open. In fact, nothing happens at all.
I shift on my toes and try not to draw any unneeded attention on myself. Where is he? This is embarrassing. I can’t even imagine what Gran is thinking, but I’m sure something like “I told you so” will be the hidden message. And Pop—what’s he doing? Connie is probably horrified because she knows how much I want this.
My stomach is in knots. Where is he? It’s all I can do not to lose it. This is my life, my future. I knew this Prescott guy would be trouble—I knew it as soon as the other girls starting talking about him. About how awesome he was, how powerful, how good. There’s no one that perfect. He’s not that great at all. He may be noble, but he’s obviously not what he seems to be. He’s a jerk. A pompous rich kid. I hate him. I hate him so much.
If he shows up I’ll tell him exactly what I think of him.
Someone coughs in the crowd.
Mrs. Bentham clears her throat and it echoes across the room. All the breakfast I ate hours ago fights its way to the surface and I swallow it back down. My fingers grip tighter, pushing crescent-shaped marks into my palm.
“Mr. William Prescott,” Mrs. Bentham repeats.
There’s a shuffle in the crowd and for a second, I think it’s the door, but it’s not because it doesn’t budge.
And then there’s more silence.
Stifling, eerie silence. There’s nothing like this moment: a crowd full of eyes watching a stranger ditch you. Who the hell is this guy, anyway? How can he just not show up?
The rest of the room starts to murmur. Someone please save me already.
My cheeks turn fourteen shades of red and I steal a glance at Mrs. Bentham. She’s flustered, her hands flying all over the place, looking for a way to settle, but failing. And Ellore looks horrified. Mr. Bentham just stands there.
Then I hear it. Not just me, the whole room. The boys’ door opens and thousands of eyes look in that direction. I’m relieved and pissed.
And then I see him and I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming.
Because it’s not William Prescott.
It’s Carter.
Chapter Sixteen
My mouth drops to the floor as I look at him. From his eyes, to the stubble on his chin, to the lips I wanted to kiss again. Carter is William?
Carter seems as surprised as I am. At least, I think. The smile is gone as we stare at each other. The unease in my stomach is more like a storm, and I know now that it’s the magic pulling from him—and my anger. I open my mouth to speak, and close it again.
This is a joke.
Carter shifts as Ellore looks between us, and then he forces the smile back on his face. But it’s not like before, not bright and gorgeous, it’s less. More unsure and totally fake.
How can he be this surprised? I told him I was being Paired for the test. He knew. He never mentioned this to me. He never mentioned a lot to me, like his name. William Prescott. If he’s William Prescott, then he was already being tested, too. He didn’t come here for me during the magic tests—he was already here. He lied to me about everything.
And he knows all my secrets.
The crowd recites our blessing and then Ellore’s hand is on my back and we all exit together.
“That was inappropriate,” Ellore says as soon as we’re off the stage.
“I’m sorry.” Carter’s eyes are on me and I don’t know whom he’s talking to. I’m not taking an apology. Not after that. “It was an accident. I lost track of time.”
I want to punch him the face.
And then I’ll apologize and say it was an accident. That I lost track of my fist.
“Let’s get to our training room,” Ellore says, clasping her hands together.
Carter scrubs his hand over his face while we walk. I move until I’m as close to him as I can stand to be, which is about four feet away, and I try not to look at him. Partly because he looks good today in that suit. Like, really good. And mostly because I want to see how many hits it would take to break his nose.
He steals a glance at me, and I walk faster behind Ellore. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to him.
Our training room is pretty simple. Some mats, chairs, windows, water cooler. Ellore is talking, but I’m not hearing anything. It’s like the teacher in Charlie Brown, noise that doesn’t matter, and I can’t seem to focus on anything except Carter. I can’t believe he lied. I feel dirty and low, like I wasn’t worth his honesty. I feel betrayed.
“…gather some things.” Is all I hear before Ellore walks away. Her heels echo through the room and the door clicks shut. It’s just me and Carter and awkward silence. Him staring, me not sure what to think about any of this. The silence makes it worse because I want to fill it, but all my thoughts are angry.
He reaches out for me. For a second, I’m tempted to let his hand linger on my arm. To let him explain and pull me in, but before his hand actually reaches me I’m lurching away. “Don’t. Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t call me that!” I yell.
He’s quiet for a second, eyes focused. “It’s me.”
I’m looking at him, but I don’t see Carter there. I see William Prescott. I see the boy who would lie to me about all of this, and that’s not a boy I want to know. I shake my head. It’s my own fault. I’ve only known him a week and I let him get too close. I got too close. And now this is crap. All of this.
“I can explain. There’s a reason I couldn’t tell you everything,” he says.
I can’t handle this. Not with him. Not after everything. It’s so complicated already with our magic and why did he lie? I never lied to him. Not once. In all my life, I’ve never been that honest with someone.
I won’t do that again.
“Pen, please,” he says, stepping closer to me. I can’t look away from him, and it’s the last place I want to look but he’s like the sun. He’s moving closer and my senses betray me. He smells like nutmeg mixed with cloves and it’s such an intoxicating scent.
He reaches out for my hand. It fits together with his. They feel right—more right than I want them to. “Pen, I never meant to hurt you.”
But you did. You are.
I yank my hand away. He can’t touch me. I don’t know who he is—Carter Trent or William Prescott—and I don’t want this. I can’t handle it. I run my hand through my hair and my brain is swirling. I should’ve seen it. He had his own secrets, his own reasons, but he never told me what they were. What’s the right thing to do? It’s Carter. It’s— “What’s your name?” I snap.
He locks his jaw and gives me an indignant look. “Carter.”
I shake my head. “Your real name?”
“It is Carter—William Carter Prescott. No one calls me William except the officials.”
“And Trent?”
“My mom’s maiden name,” he says.
I don’t know him at all. He looks like Carter, but all this new information is a little much. “I can’t be here with you,” I say.
I move to the door and try to pull it open. It doesn’t budge. The doors are locked. Right, of course they are. I’m stuck here and the room is closing in on me. I run to the other side of the room where there are more doors. Nothing. I look around. Five windows. I jump to one, but it doesn’t move either. Locked.
Carter’s hand touches the small of my back and I recoil. I’m pretty sure it hurt his feelings, but I don’t care. I need out.
“You’re freaking out,” Carter says. I press my forehead against the glass of the window. That’s an understatement. “At least you already know me so we can pass that awkward stage,” he says.
I snap away from the window and look at him. “Do I? How do I know you aren’t lying about something else?” Everything inside me is shaking. Even the magic is bubbling up inside me. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I can’t do anything but be mad at him.
“This is why you didn’t want me to say anything about the demon hunting! The scandal of the head of Triad’s son hunting demons for fun. It would’ve ruined your father, your family,” I whisper.
“I told you the truth about that. It’s not what you think it is,” he says. His voice is rough and rushed.
I lean in closer to him. “You’re not what I thought you were. I told you about my parents—about myself. You didn’t even tell me your name.”
“I couldn’t, Pen,” he says. His hand reaches out to touch my face and everything boils more. I hate when people touch me when I’m upset. Even if this touch is different. I don’t want it to be different. I want to hate him, and right now I do.
“Let me explain it to you, Penelope. Please.”
For a second I think about it.
For a second I’m almost willing to let him plead his case to me. To explain. The way he’s looking at me, with his eyes all glassy and wide and innocent. With the sound of him begging me, and that one little please. I want to—God, do I want to—but who is he? I thought I liked him. I let him kiss me.
“You lied,” I say.
The magic builds within me with all the emotion. At any moment, I’m going to lose it, and it won’t be pretty. He reaches out for me again, but I move away. Carter opens his mouth to speak when Ellore comes back inside, a cart moving behind her. I step away from him, his eyes never leaving me, and walk past him until I’m standing next to Ellore.
She looks between us, something telling in her dark eyes, “Everything all right?”
I smile and I know it’s the most plastic smile ever. I’m okay with it.
“Peachy,” I say, crossing my arms. Ellore looks to Carter with an eyebrow raised, but he only smiles, too.
“Okay then,” she says, drawing out the O. “The thing you need to know about the test is that it’s on you. Not me. We can prepare all we want to in here, but in that test it’s you and the demons. If you want to pass you have to work together.”
I stare at her, waiting. Anything to take my mind off the lies that continue to swirl through my mind. She pulls a pair of boxing gloves out of the cart and tosses them to me.
“What do you say to some magic-free sparring?”
I smile. This one is real because nothing has ever sounded better.
Chapter Seventeen
Each time I punch, Carter blocks me. It’s so infuriating! He won’t let me get a hit in. Low punch, block. Uppercut, block. I even pulled out some of my karate moves, but nothing. How can he anticipate every move I’m making? Ellore sits across the room, watching us. She hasn’t said anything since we started. I wonder what she knows.
I blow a piece of hair out of my face and move around the mat on my toes. Carter’s all sweaty, his white undershirt soaked through. It’s gross. I do a fake-out punch toward Carter’s face, and instead lift my leg for a roundhouse kick. He grabs my leg and pushes it away only a centimeter from his abdomen.
Damn. Thwarted again. He throws a punch at me too, but he doesn’t hit me at all. We’re evenly matched, which is probably why they paired us. That’s it. I need to make a move he won’t be expecting.
“Let’s take a break,” Ellore says, moving from her seat and making a beeline toward the bathroom. I drop my arms and Ellore flicks her wrist before she disappears through a door. Our gloves fall to the ground. Carter moves toward me, but I speed around him. I walk around the training room, hands on my hips. It’s really hot in here. I feel trapped by the walls, by myself, and by Carter.
“Pen,” he whispers, coming closer to me. I shake my head. I need to be angry with him or I won’t be able to function.
“Stop,” I say, as his fingers run across my skin. “I can’t.”
I turn away, but Carter snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me toward him. He doesn’t let me go this time. Carter’s mouth gets closer to my ear and his breath trails down my neck. “I never meant to hurt you, Penelope.”
I look up at him. “Well, you did.”
I try to move from his arms, but he doesn’t let go. He holds me tighter against him. The situation replays in my head. I try to think of something to say. All I can think about is punching him. My hands are trapped between our bodies, and that’s not happening.
“You ready to listen?” he asks.
I stare at him for a moment, and I almost say yes. Almost.
“No,” I say.
Before he can react I push away from him, raise my leg, and kick him in the shin. He shouts my name. I race back across the room toward the mats. That felt so good. I hope it hurts.
“Why would you do that?” Carter yells.
“You deserve a hell of a lot more,” I say.
Ellore stands next to me, her hand on my shoulder. When did she come back? Did she see me kick him? Now I’m more pissed at him. “I take it you two already know each other?”
Carter doesn’t respond.
“Most girls who kick him know him first. I used to do it all the time,” she says with a smile. I raise my eyebrow at her. “He’s my cousin.”
“What name do you call him?” I ask.
Ellore looks between the two of us. Everything is quiet for a couple of minutes, just the three of us sharing the same space and glances at one another. She crosses her arms.
“I’m going to leave you two for a while. Part of being a team is working it out, and if you can’t then you should quit now and stop wasting my time.” She turns on her heel and snaps her fingers so the cart follows her toward the door.
“Can’t I have a new partner?” I ask.
Ellore shakes her head. “You were Paired for a reason and you have no say in why or how.” She waves her hands around in the air and says an incantation in Latin. We both stare at her. “The door will unlock when the room feels like you’re ready. Tomorrow, I expect you’ll be more civil.”
The “…or don’t show up” is implied. Then she leaves.
Carter leans against the wall, studying me. I roll my eyes and plop down on the wooden bench in the corner. This is going to be a long afternoon.
I’m not sure how much time has passed when he walks over to where I’m sitting. Long enough for me to be starving, and long enough to realize I really liked Carter—pre-William era. Long enough for me to be curious about why he lied.
Not long enough for me to know how to forgive him.
Or to not want to kick him in the shin again.
He sighs heavily and hovers above me a second before he sits down a few inches away on the bench. I tug at my shirt, uncomfortably. Neither of us says anything at first.
“I’m sorry.”
“For which part?”
William Carter Prescott taps his fingers on his leg. “For all of it. I should’ve told you. But Penelope, my name comes with expectations. I didn’t want you to expect those things before you knew me.”
“I don’t know you,” I say.
He leans into my space. “You do know me. You’re the only one who knows me. To everyone else, I’m William Prescott. Next in line to be the Triad leader, noble, rich, powerful. To you, I’m just me.”
“Just you? A boy who wears a leather jacket and hunts demons in his spare time?”
His eyes are steady. “Yes.”
“You didn’t even tell me your real name.”
“It’s Carter,” he says. “My name is Carter and you are Pen—”
“I’m not Pen—” I say over him.
“—and we are meant to be together.”
I clamp my mouth shut. Every cell I have inside me—magical and not magical—is on alert. Tingling. If I were one of those motion-sensor singing fish, you’d never get me to shut up.
I cross my arms. “Because the Triad put us together?”
“Not because of them, no. Because of us. There’s a reason our magic works together. I’ve told you from the beginning that there’s something about you, and it’s completely trapped me.”
He reaches out to touch my hand and the magic stirs in me again. It fills me, bubbles to the surface, and surges with his. At first, nothing else happens. I cock my eyebrow, because maybe we broke the spell we were under—or whatever the explanation is. But then there’s a flash of light and a shattering. The windows I tried to escape through earlier burst. We look at the empty space.
“You were taking the tests, too. The same time as me. That’s why you didn’t mind being here,” I say.
Carter nods. “I was already here.”
I look at him—really look at him. He is still the Carter I knew. He is. I mean, he feels so right that it has to be. What am I supposed to do here? He still lied. All of this that I’ve been feeling? It still sucks. That doesn’t go away. He leans in toward me and brushes his hand across my jaw, rests it there.
I know what he’s planning. My heart knows it, too. It races around inside my chest and pounds against my head. He’s going to kiss me, and I want him to. God, I want him to.
“Don’t,” I say. My voice is weak—I have no control over anything, obviously. But he stops moving, his hand still frozen on my face. “Not like this. I’m not sure.”
Carter drops his hand. “What do you want to do?”
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know. I’m so close. He has to understand that. If he doesn’t understand that, then why are we here?
“Why didn’t you just tell me that you were going to be an Enforcer? Why keep it a secret?” I ask.
“I don’t know. Honestly. I wanted to tell you—especially when you told me everything—but then I couldn’t. I was a coward. I didn’t want you look at me the way you are right now. I’m sorry.”
“Too late now,” I say. Yesterday everything made more sense. Yesterday I was not Paired with Carter. Yesterday I didn’t know he was lying to me. Majorly. Today? Nothing makes sense.
“Tomorrow we’ll come back and we’ll get along. We’ll work together. We’ll train for the test and take it,” I say.
“And if we pass?” he asks.
“Then we’ve both got what we want. Shouldn’t be a problem,” I say. He looks like he wants to say something else so I add, “That’s all.”
His jaw tenses. “Right.”
I look away from him and move from the seat. He’s on my heels. “How long will you be mad at me about this?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know.”
“I guess that means I get to show you.”
“Show me what?”
“How hard I’m going to fight for you to trust me again.”
“Carter,” I say, not daring to look at him.
“I’ll prove it, Pen. I’m someone you can trust.”
He walks ahead to the door. I follow behind him. Carter knocks four times and stares at me in the silence. His gaze is a bit unnerving, like he’s seeing through me again.
“You know,” he says, “if I had to put my life in someone’s hands, there’s no one else I would choose. I trust you with everything.”
Not everything. You didn’t trust me with your secret.
A chill spreads across my spine. He doesn’t look away and neither do I—not until the door clicks open to set us free.
The chills don’t go away until I’m home under the covers. I eat dinner with my family, and try to be positive while they ask me questions about William Prescott, son of the Triad leader. I avoid all of Connie’s questioning looks and excuse myself before dessert and bury myself in my bed so she can’t ask about Carter.
The more I think about today, about Carter being William, the angrier I get. At the demons, at the Triad, at him, and at myself.
Tears fight to come out, but I won’t cry. Not until I figure it out. I’m a lot of things—even though I’m not really sure which right now, upset or angry or heartbroken or excited.
But I’m definitely sure that I was—am—falling in love with Carter Trent.
Which is really inconvenient, because I’m not sure I can trust William Prescott.
And how can you love someone you don’t know?
Chapter Eighteen
Things are a little clearer in the morning. I’m still really upset with Carter, but I’m (hopefully) not going to cause him bodily harm today. This is the road to acceptance. Yay, me!
Acceptance isn’t forgiveness. I have to depend on him because he’s my partner, but that doesn’t mean we have to have a relationship. Feelings complicated everything. Keep to the basics: being Paired with Carter is the key to my quest. I’ll have magic, a known tracker, and resources to find my demon. Finding my own magic is the only way I can save myself. And I’m going to do it.
“You haven’t said much this morning,” Ric says, turning down the volume in my car. That’s a rarity, because no one loves Skeller Bones as much as Ric. I don’t look at him. Eyes on the road and all that.
“Who’s your partner? You didn’t answer any of my texts.”
Ric didn’t get to see because he was Paired first. All the other pairs were whisked off to practice, and I avoided all his texts last night, despite our usual routine.
I remain quiet, try to play my options, but he’s staring at me and even though I’m looking forward, his expression is clear in my head. That and the irritating hmm he keeps repeating. “It was a long night,” I say.
“Long enough that you couldn’t text me back?” he asks. “Who is it?”
“No. I’m Paired with that girl Che Lin—er, Maple, okay? Do you know why she wants to be an Enforcer, Penelope?” I shake my head. He laughs this little sarcastic tone and I know he’s going to tell me. It’s great, because now I won’t have to talk about me.
“She made it very clear that she’s willing to put in all the work for the test. She’s surprisingly good, actually. But she has a two-year plan.”
“To do what?”
“To pass the test and be Bonded to her partner.”
I laugh. “She’s barking up the wrong tree.”
“Girl is in the wrong forest.” Ric sighs as we pull into the parking lot. “Which is what I told her. Should be interesting.”
I unbuckle my seat belt. Ric grabs my hand midair. “You should just tell me now because I’m going to find out in three minutes anyway.”
I look at him. “William Prescott.”
His jaw drops and he hits the dash.
“What?” I ask.
Ric looks at me the same way the other girls did when I first heard his name and didn’t know who he was.
“You scored the most desirable person in all of Enforcer training. Male or female.”
“It’s not—”
“William’s so good. Have you seen him in action yet?”
“We sparred.” I slam the car door so I don’t have to hear about this anymore and walk ahead of Ric.
Ric skips up the sidewalk to catch up with me. “Boy is quicker than lightning. And he’s smart, powerful, rich,” he slaps my shoulder. “Damn you.”
A girl glares at me as she passes by us. I don’t know her, but it doesn’t matter. Apparently everyone hates me for winning the gold prize in partners. Ric keeps talking about how good Carter is at technique, attack, defense, method. The door is close. Please let me make it there before I kill my best friend.
“All you have to do is show up and you’ll pass the test. William Prescott’s a shoo-in.”
“Carter,” I yell, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. So much for making it to the door.
Ric looks at me, his nose crinkled up. “What?”
“Carter,” I repeat, my voice softer.
“The hot boy you want to kiss?”
“Did kiss,” I whisper.
“You kissed him? Mr. Perfect?” Ric’s voice is a whole octave higher. He crosses his arms and looks at me.
I run a hand through my hair and avoid his gaze for a second. I should just say it. “The perfect boy you’re talking about? They’re the same person. I found out yesterday when he walked down the aisle to the name William. William Carter Prescott.”
Ric makes a small O with his mouth. I walk ahead and open the door. He catches up with me at the elevator. “I can see why you didn’t text me back now.”
“I don’t know what to say to him,” I admit as the elevator dings shut. I push 14E and we’re both quiet as it moves.
We’re almost to our floor when Ric says, “You don’t have to say anything. You just have to train.”
The doors open and Maple is waiting for Ric. I hope she doesn’t mess this up for him simply because he couldn’t be with her. She’s a really good fighter, but if she wants to marry an Enforcer—and rules say you can’t marry someone from a different Pair—then she could decide it’s not worth it. If that happened, the Triad could decide Ric couldn’t be an Enforcer at all.
“I’ll talk to you later,” he whispers as he slowly joins Maple and their mentor.
Ellore is in the back of the room talking to Carter. She glances at me, raising her eyebrows and smiling, while still speaking with Carter. He doesn’t turn around, which is good because I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. Ric’s right. I don’t have to talk about anything with him except a plan and some training. It should be easy enough.
“Glad you decided to work it out,” Ellore says when I approach. Carter turns around, but I don’t look at him. He doesn’t say hello.
“We both want this, don’t we, William?”
His jaw clenches and he looks away.
Two points to Gryffindor.
Mrs. Bentham claps her hands, and everyone lines up in the middle of the room. The class starts with all the Pairs learning how to move as one, because even though we are Paired to one person, we are still one whole team. We need to move as a unit, using signals and not words. Learn how to control our breathing so no one can hear us coming, even after we’ve run a few miles and climbed a building. Which we also do in practice.
Not talking to Carter is super easy, since there are always people around. Really, it couldn’t have been more perfect. I am sandwiched between him and Ric the whole morning. Each time he would talk to me, Ric would interrupt or I would say something to Ric and that was that. Best two hours ever. I won’t have this buffer again; today’s the only day we’re all together. After this, it’s every Pair for themselves until the test.
When we’re dismissed, I stalk out ahead of Carter, grabbing a towel off the table as I go. He calls after me, but I keep walking. Ellore told us where to meet her after our group training; I don’t need him to guide me anywhere.
“Penelope,” he says, catching up. “I don’t want you to hate me.”
“I need time,” I say.
“The test is in two weeks. Time isn’t really a luxury. We have to communicate and work together.”
His eyes are so damn captivating. How does he have the kind of power over me that makes me want to let it all go and skip off into the sunset with him? But he’s right. We do have to work together. And we will.
“We can strategize and practice. We can talk about everything except you and me and this,” I say, motioning my hand between our bodies. Carter starts to say something, but I shake my head. “I have a lot going on right now.”
He stares at me for a second with a kicked puppy expression on his face.
Then, his face gets harder, angrier. I wish I knew if it was with me or with himself.
“Fine,” he says, and he walks away.
“Fine” is not the same as “good.”
I land hard on the floor, the shock of my fall resonating through every part of my body. Carter stands above me, a hand held out to help me up and his eyebrows furrowed. It’s so frustrating. Just because my magic apparently sucks doesn’t mean I deserve those kinds of disappointed, angry looks. Not from him.
“Again,” Ellore says. “Penelope, you have to weave the elements to your will in order to use them. You did an excellent job at your examinations. Focus.”
I nod. I keep trying to will the magic from the elements, but it doesn’t work.
“Can I have a minute?” I ask her. She holds up a finger and I’m sure she’s already counting down from sixty.
I turn my back on the room and close my eyes. I can feel the magic. It’s the same as always when Carter is nearby, loud and anxious. I only need to grab on to it, to bend it. I keep doing that, but it doesn’t work. Ellore’s way doesn’t work.
“You can do this,” Carter says. His breath is on my neck and I shiver before I turn to face him.
“I can’t.”
“I’ve seen you,” he whispers.
I eye Ellore. She’s tapping her foot. “I can’t do it the way she’s telling me. It doesn’t work,” I snap.
“Do it however it does work. What happened before?”
“I have to picture what I want.”
Carter runs a hand down his face. “Really?”
I shrug. I don’t know the answer either. I wish I did. Yet another item for the “things that would be useful to know” column. Carter shakes a finger in the air.
“Pictures elicit emotions, right? Maybe you should try to feel it more. See it, but feel it too,” he finishes just as Ellore yells for me to get back into place. His eyes are on mine as I maneuver to my spot. I think he’s right. The other times it worked—with the demon, at the test, with Carter—I saw the outcome, but I also felt this intense pressure. I should try feeling first, then seeing, since that’s what’s always worked before.
An empty bottle hurls toward my head. I’m not ready and miss it. We don’t need an object to focus on, but Ellore thought maybe if I saw it coming I could block it better. Yeah, right. So far that’s been a no go.
I spend a few seconds envisioning the attack—more of those bottles coming toward my face, and me stopping them. Me, hurling them back, the determination to survive. Then I’m ready and Carter sends them lightning-fast toward me, one after the other.
I stop each one of them.
It’s exhausting. My brain hurts. My body hurts. I’m pretty sure my hands are shaking. I don’t get to rest. Things come at me two at time. Three at a time. Four.
I stop all of them and hurl them back, just like I’d envisioned. They rush past Carter and crash into the wall before hitting the ground with a tinkling echo.
I smile. Ellore smiles. Carter smiles.
It’s all smiling.
Glad someone’s happy.
At some point we switch roles; I’m clearly much better at attacking than defending. After only a few charges, Carter falls. I smile. Glad I’m happy.
“You guys need to practice together,” Ellore says as I’m packing my bag. “If you even want a chance at making it past this moment, you need it. Penelope, I’m surprised at your magic in combat. You were so good in the exams, best in the whole class.”
To this, Carter raises an eyebrow at me.
“It’s been a long day.”
As soon as I say the words I know it’s the wrong answer. Ellore doesn’t like excuses.
“Practice. Before this. After this. I don’t care. I expect progress,” she says, leaving me and Carter to stare at each other.
It’s awkward. To say the least.
“Do you want to work on things tomorrow? Before class?” Carter asks.
“You mean get up earlier that I am already?”
Carter crosses his arms. “You heard her.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I say. “Fine.”
We’re both quiet for a moment before he says my name. So low it’s a whisper. “What can I do?”
I close my eyes. I can’t do it. I can’t do this right now, so I walk away. I’m a chicken, I guess, but I really need my own answers before I pass on his.
A new cat is sitting at the desk in the library. This one is gray and white and doesn’t have a hatred for me the same way Hyde does. It even lets me pet it. “Where’s Poncho?” I ask the cat. With a meow it’s gone.
I make my way back to the archive computers and enter my password. When the search bar comes up this time I type Emmaline Spencer and wait. My heart races while it gathers info. I hope that it will be different this time, and just one result will pop up. One thing that will lead me to her.
No Results Found.
This sucks. I pull a copy of the article from my wallet and try searching some of the names.
Typing Leo Spencer brings up a few hits. Leo was my great-great-great-something-grandfather. There isn’t much information about him specifically, but his son was a famous writer in nonfiction works about the evolution of magic, and there was a brief mention of his marriage and his daughters. That’s all though. The records may be too old. I need to search the physical archives, the rows of Umbras that outline family history and magic, the paper records. That could take years.
I pull up Azsis again, and start where I left off before. Three more hits and they are all the same crap. Lucifer, hell, dangerous, orange eyes. This is not going to give me any sort of answers about who my demon is, which is just another fail for this day. Back to ground zero. I exit the search bar and start to log out.
The computer flashes a warning.
Are you sure you want to quit?
I stare at the words. No, no, let’s try this one thing.
I type Vassago.
And there it is. Demon File #3047669: Vassago
Known power: Seeker of lost things; Mind-bending
Last seen: 05/19/1962
Which means they stopped looking for it or lost track of it long before I saw it two days ago.
This is from decades ago. That’s the same year as the newspaper article about the demonic attack increases. The same year as Alfie Spencer.
Ability: Presumed to be able to find what is lost, Though the Triad believes this ability to be a hoax. Agents that have encountered the demon say he gave them a riddle. as of this date of entry, the riddle appears meaningless.
As for the ability of mind-bending, in which the demon can entrance a subject to do his will, upon investigation this appears to be a very temporary state and potential VictimS are not swayed longer than one minute. No one has been harmed by this ability.
Threat level: 3
Ten is highest. If he’s only a three then they don’t believe it can really hurt anyone. I think they’re wrong.
One hides the truth from me.
I rack my brain. Maybe it was Carter. Vassago probably knew that Carter was really William. That would make sense. It was a warning about Carter and I’m overthinking it.
I’m about to close the file when I see something at the top. DNE. That’s a Do Not Expel order. That means Enforcers aren’t supposed to kill it. But why? It’s a demon. We were told all demons are to be eliminated, despite their ranking, unless they’re involved in an ongoing investigation. But a level three wouldn’t be a DNE, not unless someone wanted it for something else. And especially not one that’s been unsighted for fifty years.
DNEs can’t be harmed by Enforcers or other witches. They have magical protection barriers that can only be broken by someone in the Triad, and are kept in line with GPS trackers like they put in dogs. They can’t be expelled by anyone else, but they can fight. I’ve heard about it only in the handbook, because it’s rare. DNEs are basically a get out of jail free card. Why would someone give Vassago a free pass?
I do another search on Vassago and 1962, which is crowded with deaths, then 1842, the year that article mentioning Emmaline’s disappearance was printed. I find a hit from the WNN records that mentions a missing persons report, but they don’t use Emmaline’s name. It may not be her, but that feels too coincidental. I don’t believe in those. Not anymore.
There’s a connection between my demon and the Spencer family and Vassago. I just have to find that missing piece. When I find it, I can’t shake the feeling that I’ll be close to getting back my magic.
There’s a noise behind me so I log out of the computer and head back to the main desk of the library. That gray-and-white cat is sitting on the desk, and I can see Poncho’s head where he’s bent over.
“What’s this one’s name?” I ask, tossing my bag over my shoulder.
Poncho pops up and follows my gaze to the cat. “S-e-a-k.”
“Hyde and Seak?” I ask, raising my eyebrow.
He nods. “It felt fitting.” I linger at the desk. Maybe he can help me. Or he could rat me out. “Anything else?”
I clear my throat. “Actually, I’m looking for some information on someone in my family. There was nothing in the search.”
Poncho raises an eyebrow. “Name?”
“Emmaline Spencer.”
He types something in the computer and then shakes his head. “I can do some searching for you in the archives, see if I find anything. But everything’s stored in the electronic archives now, so if it’s not there then… Well, I can look,” he says.
“That would be excellent,” I say.
He picks up the cat and walks back to his desk, jotting down something.
“Thanks, Poncho.”
When I get to the driveway, I see Gran working in the garden. Her back is toward me. She has on her white wicker hat, which means some serious gardening. The question of Emmaline Spencer bubbles up in my throat. Gran’s in one of her happy places, so it’s the perfect time to ask.
“Gran, can I ask you a question?” I start. She hmms at me, pulling up weeds between the plants. I clear my throat. Now or never. Spit it out, Penelope.
“Who was Emmaline Spencer?”
As soon as the words are out of my mouth, Gran’s back straightens. Her hands keep moving, but I can see the tension. She’s so quiet the only noise passing between us is the sound of life around us. The cars, the birds, some kids on their bicycles, water sprinklers kicking on and off.
“Can you hand me the knife over there?” she asks, pointing to the pile.
“Are you going to stab me?” I ask.
Gran laughs.
“I’m serious.”
“Penelope, please,” she says. I roll my eyes since she can’t see me do it. I grab a small knife from her gardening kit. Gran holds out her hand, and I place the knife in it.
“Did you know that you never cut flowers with scissors? You have to use a knife, because the scissors will pinch the stem and water won’t be able to get into the flower.”
“Interesting fact,” I say. Which has nothing to do with anything. Maybe this is a deflection tactic. Gran starts cutting away a few dahlias from the stems. She sets them in a little bunch next to her.
“Gran. Emmaline Spencer? I found her name after I found Alfie’s. Do you know who they were?”
Gran snips another flower and looks at me. “How about steak for dinner?”
“Gran, Emmaline Spencer.” This is annoying. Why won’t she just tell me?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Penelope. I’ve never heard of either of them. You had a great-aunt Almie. Maybe whatever you read made a mistake.” She smiles and pats my hand. I don’t have to be a detective to know she’s lying. Plus, there was no Almie in our family tree. I’ve seen it.
“We can make those potatoes you like, too. Go put these flowers in some water for me?” She hands me the flowers, but I don’t take them.
“I’ve seen Alfie’s name in the Umbra.” I press. She’s refusing to look at me, so I know I’m hitting a button. “Why won’t you tell me?”
Gran stands and rests a hand on her hip, looking over the garden. I mimic her stance. I refuse to back down until she tells me something. She has to know. She has to.
“Penelope, I don’t know what you are looking for, but leave it alone. There’s nothing to say. I told you I don’t know anything. The flowers,” she says.
We stare each other down, but Gran shoves the dahlias into my hand and goes back to her garden. I want to ask her more questions, but I really don’t want to piss her off. I know when I’ve lost a battle.
Connie is sitting at the table when I get into the kitchen. She looks up at me from her magazine, and I grab the vase from the cabinet and start filling it with water. She watches me while I put the flowers in the vase.
“Carter—I mean, William—came by earlier.”
I blink, trying to catch my breath. He was here. Why was he here? I bet he hates me now. I just walked away from him today like he didn’t matter. He doesn’t matter. Does he? No, he doesn’t. Except that my whole future depends on him.
“Carter was here?”
“Outside, just standing there like he didn’t really know what he wanted or why he was here. I talked to him.”
“Y—” Talked to him. I bet Connie said something horrible. I hope she didn’t tell him I was crying last night. I won’t be able to face him. I can’t believe she talked to him. My heart skips a beat. I hope he didn’t say something about our magic—about me. About kissing me. I gulp. Nothing should surprise you at this point. Ask!
“What did he say?”
“That he messed up,” Connie says.
I look down at the flowers and rearrange them.
“That he was sorry about it.” Connie reaches out and grabs my hand, making my fingers stop.
“That he really didn’t know what to do to prove it to you.”
I bite my lip and lower myself to the seat. “What did you say to him?”
She moves her hand and flips the page on her magazine. “I told him that he should probably go then, until he figured it out.”
I’m not sure if I’m touched or pissed at that. Right now, I’m a little of both. “Really?”
Connie nods. “Then he looked right at me and said, ‘Tell her I meant it. Everything.’ And then he left.”
My heart plunges into my stomach. What am I supposed to do with that? It’s unfair and it’s totally confusing. And it’s made worse by the fact that I have to see him tomorrow, work with him. I wish I never asked her.
“What happened between you two? I mean, before yesterday’s reveal.”
“It’s a long story, Con. Carter and me, it’s—” It’s what? “Complicated” is too much of a cop-out. I have to tell her. Gran comes into the kitchen and I nod toward the stairs. Connie follows me into my bedroom and I tell her everything from meeting him to our powers to tracking demons to our kiss to yesterday when I found out he wasn’t really who he said he was.
And when it is all done Connie is staring at me, this weird excited-yet-worried expression on her face. “That’s how you’d done magic! Why does it work with Carter?”
“I don’t know,” I say.
“I think you have some things to figure out.”
“I know. How can I work with him now after all of this?”
“I was thinking more that you need to figure out how you feel about him. He seems pretty determined to change your mind.”
“I don’t feel anything about him.” And I don’t. Not anymore. I can’t. I don’t want to. I have too much to do.
“Penelope,” she says, cocking her head to the left.
“Constance,” I say, mimicking her expression.
She throws her hands up, and then reaches out for mine. The movement reminds me of Mom again. She’s been doing that a lot lately.
“I know you. You’re not the type of girl who would tell someone all your secrets. Who would talk about Mom and Dad with a stranger.” The mention of Mom makes me miss her more. “And you’re certainly not the girl who stays up crying over a boy just because he lied. You wouldn’t do that unless you liked him. A lot.”
I know she’s right, and hearing her tell me that I like Carter isn’t some news flash. But if I could pretend I didn’t like him then it wouldn’t hurt this bad. I don’t know how to trust him now.
“I think you start by giving him a chance.”
Connie shakes her head at me. “You said you didn’t know how to trust him now.” I didn’t even know I’d said that out loud. “You should talk to him. You want to be an Enforcer and you need him for that—and you feel something for him. Even if you don’t want to. So just talk to him.”
I throw myself on my bed and erase another text message to Carter. How do you apologize when you haven’t really done anything wrong?
My sister said you came by. And idk
I wait for an answer. It comes pretty quickly. idk what?
Idk what you can do to make it right. Maybe nothing. But we have to do this together b/c I need you.
Good. I need you too.
Wait. For the exam, I mean.
I know what you mean.
He doesn’t respond after that. Not for hours. Not until he says that he’ll see me in the morning for practice.
Chapter Nineteen
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
That’s all I have found on Emmaline Spencer in the five days since I first saw her name.
Well, not nothing. Poncho did discover that she actually existed. I was starting to think that Gran was right about her not being real, so that was a win for our side. The only win.
I’ve spent every hour of the last three days that I haven’t been training with Carter and Ellore in the library researching. Including most of the nights, at least when I’m not tracking with Carter as per our agreement, which he swears he didn’t break even though he was already there. I’ve been checking all the names again: Alfie Spencer, Emmaline Spencer, Vassago, my demon Azsis, the ritual to get my magic back, anything. Nothing new pops up. I researched the years 1962—lots of death—and 1842—lots of lame.
I even took to the stacks to search for links between my magic and Carter’s. There’s nothing.
Seak jumps on the table next to me and I slam another book shut and add it to my fail pile. Two piles, actually. Twenty books. I lay my head down on the table. I’m so tired. I just want all this to lead somewhere. Seak rubs his head against my arm, so I pet him begrudgingly.
“No luck yet?” Poncho asks, placing some more books on the table.
I look up at him. “Is this the face of someone with luck?”
I make my best frustrated/angry-pout/puppy-dog-eyes face. He studies my face. “It is,” he says.
“Thanks for your confidence.” Not that it does much.
My phone rings and Poncho frowns before he goes back into the stacks. He hates my phone. It’s Ric.
“Meet me for dinner,” he says when I answer. “I haven’t seen you in a week. I thought you were dead.”
“Not yet. Carter and Ellore are intense about training,” I say.
“Everyone’s intense, girl, but we take breaks for dinner. Is that where you are right now?”
I inhale. “Yeah. We just finished.”
“Huh,” he says with a pause. “Then meet me at Burrito Barn in half an hour. We have things to talk about.”
“Okay,” I say. I’d actually really love to see Ric. And my sister. And someplace that isn’t this library or a training room.
I’m three blocks away when I catch the scent of a demon. Or rather, it catches me. It’s been following me in its Non form for the last five blocks since I got off the Metro. I’m not sure why—or how—but it’s here. I pull out my phone.
Demon following me. At Eastern Market. Gonna lead it away.
In a few seconds, Carter responds. I can be there in ten. I’m just at Gallery Place.
Great. He’s close.
I wrap my hand around my salt necklace and count to ten while I walk. Each number, each step, I tell myself this is not a bad idea—even though it feels like exactly that. I have no magic until Carter gets here.
I try not to look back so the demon doesn’t get startled, and keep walking. I don’t want to lead it into the Burrito Barn, not with all those Nons around, so I have to reroute. I walk right past the restaurant and text Ric.
Running late. Be there soon.
I can’t mention I’m luring away a demon or he’ll get suspicious as to why I can’t just kill it.
I keep a steady pace, even though walking is a bit hard to do with adrenaline pumping through my veins. Running would be so much easier.
The park is two blocks away and it follows me the whole way. As soon as we hit the grass, it makes its move. Its hands are cold as they wrap around my arms, pulling me toward it. I let it. I want it to think I’m weak. He sniffs me, overexaggerated.
“You smell unique, little witch.”
I ignore it, even though it chills me, and search around for Carter. Where is he? Then I see it—a flash of brown against the demon’s green eyes. That can only mean one thing: the Non is still alive, still fighting—and that’s a whole different game. The longer demons stay in a Non, the less likely that the Non will survive. Hours, usually, before the demon sucks away the soul and walks around uncontested in the skin. But when a possessed Non keeps the natural hue of their eye and skin, those things that make us human, it’s a good sign. Now, I just need to save myself and the Non inside. Somehow. Without magic.
“I was getting hungry,” it says. It licks my face with a sticky, sandpaper tongue. I cringe at the putrid smell of his saliva.
“Gross,” I say.
I don’t want to hurt the Non, but I have no choice. I kick it in the gut once, twice, three times, and turn to run, but it stops me with magic that sends me down. Crap. There aren’t many of them with magic; most are just freaky-evil strong. Demons with magic used to be witches, or are demons descended from ex-witches. Magic’s passed on, through blood, whether that’s demon or witch.
“I promise I’m not what you want,” I say. I can’t move my arms. Or legs. I can’t move anything. This is the same feeling I had when I was a kid. The same kind of claustrophobia and panic takes over. I try to stay calm, but I have no way out of this and my stomach clenches as I resist the urge to fight free. It would be pointless.
“Witch is exactly what I want,” it says. Its eyes flicker under his human form, and its fingernail stretches out into a claw. A claw dangerously close to my neck.
“Good thing there’s a two-for-one-deal today,” Carter tells it from the tree above us. I can’t lie—just seeing him there is reassuring.
“All you can eat.” He winks at me, and my eyes find the small shimmer of the magic shield surrounding us, keeping anyone from seeing what’s about to happen. Carter works fast.
The demon laughs. The human skin shakes at the sound, trembles like whoever’s inside is terrified. He should be. “You’ll be dessert, then.”
“Dessert? I’m more main course material,” Carter says, then hurls salt toward the demon and jumps from the tree. In human form, the salt only stings, no sizzle, but it’s enough that the demon releases me under from its power. I feel so rejuvenated by Carter’s magic that I force the demon to move against its will. It rams into the light post, and screams at the impact of metal on its skin.
“Good thinking,” Carter says, suddenly beside me.
I inhale, but my magic is wailing, a frenzy inside me. I want to let it go. To destroy the demon. Carter rests a hand on my arm. “We need to save the Non,” he whispers.
The human skin is thinning, turning browner in some parts where the iron is burning through to the demon. We’re weakening them both. I hate possession. If we kill the demon in the Non form, then the Non dies. If we expel the demon from the Non, then the human is freed—but the demon doesn’t go back to hell.
Carter says an incantation and I watch the Non shake before he falls to the ground. Black dust oozes from his ears, the aftermath of possession, but the demon is gone.
I lean down and press my fingers to his neck. There’s a pulse. Barely. Carter pulls me up by the arm. “We have to go.”
I yank my arm away. “We can’t leave him here.”
“I’ll spell a Non to find him. We can’t be seen here,” he says, his voice soft.
I can’t bear the thought of leaving him here in case he dies, but we run. We’re only four blocks away when I hear the sirens and I lean over and rest my hands on my thighs. Carter touches my back and I recoil.
“We had to leave him,” Carter says. “There would be too many questions. He won’t remember anything this way.”
That’s the only benefit of saving the Non. They don’t remember, but they never feel right again. Never normal. Even if they can’t remember.
“If he survives,” I say.
Carter sighs. “He has a chance now. If we hadn’t found him, he’d be long gone and you know it.”
This is the part of our calling that isn’t fair. The number of people who die in our pursuit for survival and safety. It’s not just Nons—it’s witches, too.
“Hey,” Carter says, pulling at my arm until I look at him. “It’s not like I enjoy this either.”
I start to say something about it when our phones ring—the WNN. He looks at it. “That’s our guy.”
“It followed me from the Metro. That’s strange, right?”
“Demons are strange lately.”
I raise my eyebrow. “There are so many. More than usual, and they’re increasing their attacks. It’s like the demons are targeting something and it feels—”
“It feels wrong.” I pause, struggling for the right way to say it. “That’s not how they usually work. What’s going on?”
Carter shrugs. “I don’t know, but I’d love to find out.”
“Me, too.”
His phone rings again. He turns away from me, muttering words into the receiver. I can’t tell what he’s saying, but his tone is enough to tell me our afternoon is done. When he turns back around, he seems tired again, more stressed. “That was my dad; I have to go.”
“He calls and you have to jump?”
“That’s how it works in my world.”
I raise an eyebrow. “People jump for you?”
“Most of them,” he says, eyeing me. “I met one lately who’s more stubborn than the rest.”
“I bet she’s a handful. Why would you put up with it?”
“I like the challenge. She keeps me on my toes,” he says. I watch him, afraid to move in case he notices how much I’m staring or how fast my heart is pounding. He leans in to hug me. I’m not expecting it, but my body melds against his without me telling it to. “I was scared when I saw your text,” he says.
“I can protect myself,” I say. Even though really, without him or Connie, I can’t. He doesn’t call me out on it though.
Carter separates from me, but his face is still close to mine. So close that I can feel the stubble growing on his chin. His lips are right freaking there and everything inside my brain is telling me to turn my head and press my lips against his. I shake away the thought. I can’t do that. We are not in that place. I only texted him because I didn’t have anyone else, and he’d mentioned coming into the city earlier.
A small chuckle fills my ear, “I have no doubt.”
Carter doesn’t look away from me. In fact, I’m pretty sure he leans closer to me. I brace myself, knees bent so I don’t fall over. Nothing inside me is working as his lips get closer to mine. So close that they almost touch mine—but then he steps away.
“See you tomorrow,” he says, moving away without looking back at me. It’s a good thing. If he’d looked back he’d see that I’m a pile of mush sprawled out on the ground. That’s what happens when the thing you want more than life itself and the thing you didn’t expect to want are in battle for your heart and head.
There are no survivors.
I am so amped up from using Carter’s magic that I have to go on a run. I have to work it off so I can focus again. I get home an hour later and Ric is sitting on my front porch. One look at him and I know he’s pissed. I forgot about dinner.
He stands, revealing a white bag on the step. “I got your favorite while I waited for you to not show up. It’s probably cold now.”
“I’m sorry. It was a demon.”
“A demon?”
I nodded. “It attacked me in the open. Carter and I had to—”
“Carter?” he asks. “You were with him?”
I nodded.
“Just like you were practicing with him when I called?” He says it quickly and continues, “I know you lied to me about that. I saw him across the street when I asked you. I get he’s your partner, but I’m still your best friend. At least I thought.”
I shake my head. “It’s not you, Ric. I’m sorry I’ve been busy with all of this…”
“I’m busy with the test, too, but I still make time for you.”
“It’s not the test, Ric.”
“What is it? What’s going on, Penelope? You’ve been weird ever since you met Carter.”
“It’s complicated,” I say.
Ric crosses his arms. In the twelve years we’ve known each other, we’ve never had a fight. Not a real one. I don’t know what to do with this. I can’t tell him anything. It would mean explaining too much, and I don’t have answers.
He throws his hands up. “I’m going home. When you have time for me again—or when you decide to be honest—you can text me. Maybe I’ll answer.”
He stomps off and I just stand there, staring at that stupid white burrito bag.
Chapter Twenty
Vassago is laughing at me. Its voice is twisted, writhing with something evil, more evil that I’ve ever heard. In a black, scaly form, the demon doesn’t really look like the Vassago I’ve met.
I’m in the alley; this time Carter isn’t there. I’m alone and I’m surrounded. Vassago has friends, friends that have trapped me.
“You didn’t find the truth,” Vassago taunts.
“Tell me now,” I demand.
It shakes its head. “Too weak to seek it out, to fight. The clues were there. Open your eyes.”
“My eyes are open!” I yell. It laughs again. The other demons pull on me, their talons digging into my skin, gripping me so I can’t move. One trails a slimy hand through my hair before yanking on it. I want to scream, but I don’t want them to know they’re hurting me. I want to fight, to mash in their heads and run, but they’re stronger.
I feel it all, and it’s just like before. I want the pain to stop. It pierces, burns through my skin. I know they’re about to kill me, to drain me. Tears fall from my eyes as I yell Carter’s name.
He doesn’t come.
“Just tell me, please,” I beg. I beg, I beg, I beg. Bright eyes stare back at me. Black hands, red hands, green hands push me down, holding me in place. Vassago’s beard brushes against my face.
“Open your eyes!” Vassago yells.
“Open your eyes, Penelope!” Connie yells at me. “Penelope!”
I shoot up in the bed, gasping for air. Everything is spinning. Sweat pours off my skin and Connie stares at me, concern etched on her tired face. “You were dreaming again. This is the second night in a row.”
I’ve been dreaming about Vassago since Ric and I started fighting. Ric hasn’t talked to me in two days. He barely looks at me when we’re in the same room, and between that and the test in a week and the demons, I’m a little stressed.
“I know,” I say, breathless. My head is spinning. “Sorry I woke you.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine,” I lie. I want Connie to go away. I need to refocus, but she’s here, staring at me. She shouldn’t be so worried. I can handle this. The test is in five days. Only five more days.
“Maybe you need a break from training.”
“I said I’m fine!” I snap. Connie shakes her head at me and I grab her hand. “I’m fine,” I say for the third time. Jeez, I needed a new line. “It was a nightmare, okay? It’s been a long couple of days.”
I look at the clock and it’s four in the morning. I have to meet Carter at six, so I might as well get up now.
“I’m okay, Connie. I promise,” I say. Connie doesn’t move from my bed. I shouldn’t have expected it. I grab some clothes out of my dresser and move toward the bathroom.
“You sure you’re okay?”
I smile at my sister. “I promise.” But I don’t know. Not really. I’m just going on hope.
I’m almost to the Nucleus House when Carter sends me a different address. We’ll practice here, is all it says. The house he sends me to is a mess. Shutters missing or half hanging off the windows. Paint yellowed and peeling off the siding. Bricks from the chimney crumble off the roof. The wood on the porch looks rotted and not very safe. Leave it to Carter to bring me to some abandoned house. If this is the start of some horror flick I’m going to be pissed.
As I cross the threshold, I notice there’s a stale scent to the house, much like the one that fills the house I grew up. Like no one’s opened the windows in decades. It’s a bit overpowering. It lingers in my head, pushing thoughts of my parents up to the surface and of the demon and how much I need my magic back.
“Carter?” I call out. No response.
I turn left into an old living room. Two dusty couches are pushed against the walls. The floor is covered in red mats.
“Carter?” I yell, tossing my bag on one of the couches. Where is that boy? I turn to go back toward the exit when something knocks me off my feet and flat onto the mat. No one is there. No Carter. Not even a demon.
“This isn’t funny.”
There’s still no answer. I can’t get up. I can’t move my legs or my arms from the ground. I’m stuck lying on the ground, from neck to butt to ankles. Just like with that demon a couple days ago. He’s totally going to pay for this.
“Carter, let me go!”
“You have to want it, Pen. Get up. Use your magic.” His voice is closer than I expected, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“I will and then I’ll kick your ass!” I yell. He doesn’t speak again, but his laugh echoes around me. The place feels creepy with the echoes, the peeling flowered wallpaper, and the smell.
Jerk. I really hate him. I attempt to push myself up from the ground, but it’s not working. No matter how many times I struggle against his magic, I can’t move. I can’t break free from the weight pressing down on my body, and my arms are starting to hurt from trying to force myself up. I need a different approach.
I take a breath and focus. I want to make my feet move. My hands. I want to be free. My feet and legs will move off these mats. My hands will flex and reach toward the sky. I push away the invisible bonds in my head. I hope he’s having fun, because this sucks.
I feel the magic, try to see it and hold on. I’m fighting against Carter’s magic, using his magic and mine. It’s weird. I’m using all my efforts to get free, and it takes more strength than I thought possible. I groan and the back of my head pounds to the ground.
One more try. That’s all I have left.
Hands in the air. Feet on the ground. Legs standing up. Arms outstretched. Hands in the air. Feet on the ground. It replays in my head like a mantra. Three, four, five times before my knees lift from the mat. I gasp-laugh and envision it some more, until I’m standing on slightly wobbly legs. But I’m standing, which is what matters.
Something hits me, a ping of electricity from across the room. I rub a spot on my arm where it pierced my skin. Another one pinches my leg. Another my neck. That’s when I see Carter sitting on the stairwell, pointing his hand at me like a gun.
“Protect yourself.”
He jumps off the stairs, slinging a pile of dust with him into the air. “This is an attack.”
I shake my head, but he points his finger again and hits me with another ping. He runs around the room, moving from cover to cover. He hits me again on my ankle. I yell his name, but he shrugs.
“Defend yourself,” he insists. Then he hits me with a jolt of magic that makes me shift forward completely.
Fine! I only toss one shot toward him—which barely nicks his foot—before he’s behind me, his arm snaked around my neck. How does he move so fast?
“Sneak attack,” he whispers in my ear.
His moves are lightning. I’m on the ground again, him on top of me, grinning. My adrenaline is pumping, and I’m angry and frustrated and he’s so close to me that I think my head will explode. Maybe that’s what he’s playing at. I can go along with this and play; I’m not giving up now.
I gain the advantage by flipping him off me. It’s a second-long victory because then he flips up again, fists out toward me. But I’m up, too.
“No shin kicks.”
“Hey, I do what needs to be done,” I say.
He strikes at me, but I block him. Then I hit him once with magic on his neck. He looks surprised before he counters. We’re a balance, perfectly measured. One attack countered with another. Neither of us is winning.
Then I see the sky from the corner of my eye. It’s that shade of orange right before sunrise, and I wonder what time it is. That’s how I miss his next move, only to end up with my butt against the mat. I stare up at him, both of us breathing hard. There’s a slight smirk on his face. He blinks and his expression disappears, gone almost as quickly as he is from me, moving across the room faster than I can track. Like maybe I’m water and he’s fire and just being near me is dangerous. Like I’m a girl he’s just remembered has cooties.
“You aren’t trying hard enough,” Carter says. His face is unreadable. He’s close enough that I can see the lines on his forehead deepen, but I’m not sure what it means, aside from annoyance, which is completely unreasonable. He’s the one being childish.
“I am trying.”
“You got distracted by the sky,” he says back.
I scowl at him and cross my arms. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”
“That’s not a good excuse.”
“I have a lot going on,” I say, tossing my hands in the air.
“You’re not alone there,” Carter says, running his hand down the back of his neck. The place where I zapped him earlier is starting to welt. He sighs. “What’s going on?
Where do I start? My family has this secret that I can’t even begin to figure out. My magic is different and I don’t know how to fix it. My best friend won’t even look at me. Demons are everywhere. We have a test in five days, I keep having nightmares and I can’t stop wanting you to kiss me. No. Not that one.
Instead I say, “Have you been looking into what Vassago told you?”
He tenses and gets quiet. I expect a story or a reason, but he doesn’t give one. “Not really. I don’t think it’s worth it. In fact, I’m trying not to think about him. Have you?”
“I keep having these nightmares and he’s telling me to open my eyes. Every night.” I lower myself to sit on one of the steps.
Carter sits beside me, arms draped over his knees. “Why are your eyes closed?”
“They’re not, but he keeps telling me they are and yelling at me to look for the truth.” I shrug, feeling the weight of everything I’ve been trying to find and ignore, crashing down on me. “But I already am.”
“Are you sure? Maybe whatever you’re looking for is right in front of you.” His voice is heavy. The way he says it, like he’s talking from experience, makes me stop. I know his mom left, but has he given up finding answers about her? Has he learned something that made him stop?
I have my own problems.
“We should go meet Ellore,” I say. Carter pulls me up from the step. His hand is warm in mine, and I barely admit to myself that I like it there when he takes it back.
Ellore makes us spend the next four hours practicing magical maneuvers. She’s happier with our progress, but she pushes us even more. “Happiness equals sloppiness.”
Each time his fingers graze any part of my body, every nerve inside me tingles. It puts me off my game, even though Ellore tells us that it’s the best we’ve ever been as a team.
I rush out the door after, because even though we are working together, being near him makes me nervous. Each glance feels like Carter can see through me now, past all the things I don’t like to show. It’s unnerving.
Instead of going home, I drive around in circles for a bit and then go the library. Hyde and Seak are both there, staring at me, but no Poncho.
I’ve read every hit in the database on Azsis from attacks to spottings to speculation now, and this all feels like a really big ball of things that make no sense.
There’s nothing on Alfie Spencer that’s of any consequence, and Emmaline Spencer doesn’t seem to exist at all. I’ve combed through the entire library for information, and even with Poncho’s help, it’s all come up empty. Dead ends.
The only thing left to research is the Restitution Ritual to get my magic back. But without a demon to perform it on, it’s futile. Still, I read from that one book in the library that mentions it, but that sucks too. It’s hard to formulate a plan when you don’t have the key ingredient.
Then there’s Vassago, who pulls up more information and books and legends than anyone combined. I don’t really know what I’m looking for with him. He’s a riddle in and of himself. I’m tired. Of all of this.
I can’t stay here. This isn’t helping.
I write Poncho a note saying I came by and turn to leave, but stop when I hear Carter’s voice, coming through the aisles of books clear as day.
“Poncho, you said there’s no information on Vassago and what—” He stops when he sees me. Poncho comes in, Carter beside him, and both of them look at me, surprised.
“Pen,” Carter starts.
I cross my arms. “I thought you were trying not to think about Vassago.”
“Wait, this isn’t—it’s not what you think, Pen,” he says.
“Then what is it?” He says I’m distracted, but he’s the exact same as me. He tells me to trust him, I let myself think I can let him in, and then he lies. It may not be a big deal to him, but I’m so confused by all this. I feel like I’m standing on the edge and if someone breathes wrong then I’m going to fall over.
His lips form a line, and Carter puts the books down on the table. “Why are you here?”
I shake my head. “I’m looking for the truth, remember? The one you didn’t think was worth it.”
Carter takes a step toward me, I take a step back. The change on his face is instant, from surprised curiosity to hard and angry to exhausted.
“I didn’t say that, exactly.”
Poncho looks between the two of us. “You two know each other?”
“We’re Paired,” I say.
A look crosses Poncho’s face, and he starts to say something, then he walks off without a word. I watch Carter watching him disappear down a stack, Hyde and Seak jumping off the desk and following him. When my phone beeps the same time as Carter’s—the WNN alert again—I take the distraction as an opportunity to leave.
In my car, this song from the Skeller Bones is playing. I miss Ric. He’d totally have some joke right now about all this. Or he’d know what to say to make me feel better. Or he’d say nothing and distract me with something shiny.
I pull my phone out to text him at a red light, but the last six messages I sent glare back at me with no response. I can’t text him again.
My phone beeps and it’s Carter. With a huff, I throw it in my cup holder.
I suck at all things boy.
I don’t want to deal with this now.
I want to pretend, just for one second, that things make sense again.
I want to run.
Chapter Twenty-One
A run had been a terrible idea. I bend over, gasping for air. This shouldn’t have worn me out. I’ve run this path before. Maybe Connie was right about me needing a break. Not that I have time for a break. I stand again, pressing my hands against my hips. I’m panting like a fish out of water. Calm down; take a breath. But each breath gets trapped in my stomach. I lower myself to the ground and count. I feel like crying, and I really have no idea why.
Being a girl sucks.
When I catch my breath I stand again, the sun dimming and lowering around me. Gran and Pop and Connie are probably already on their way to Thomas’s house for a party, but I should get back to my car before it’s dark. I can’t get lost out here without a phone. I take about four steps when I hear it.
A scream.
Followed by the familiar sound of the demon laughter.
My heart races, and I reach for my phone. It’s not on me. Crap. It’s in my jeans, in the car, three miles away. Crap. Crap. Crap.
The CEASE Squad Handbook flashes in my head. Never let them know you’re following. Blend in.
I can’t do anything without magic. I know I should keep going and ignore this, but that goes against everything I was trained to do. What if that was Connie out there? I’d want someone to save her, even a Static. I’d want someone to try.
I shouldn’t go. I should go to my car.
The scream pierces the air again.
Without another thought I run toward it.
There’s some sort of demon nest in the back of the trail. There are four total, at least that I can see. One is black and scaly, and the others are in human form. I can tell even twenty feet away and from behind some trees that the Nons are dead. Their skin is too yellowed, too thin to be alive. The black demon in its true form drags a girl behind it across the ground. I’m almost certain she’s dead too. If not, she’s in for a lot of pain.
Another demon comes out of the woods and into the small clearing. This is weird. There shouldn’t be a demon gathering in the middle of a public trail like this. Demons work alone, not in packs unless they’re shifters. But these aren’t shifters, only regular old demons. Something big is happening; there’s no way this is normal. I need to get back to my phone and tell the Enforcers.
The new demon, a blue one, drags the Non girl to her feet. She’s alive—has been all along—and my heart drops. She’s not a Non; she’s a witch, because she’s answering whatever it’s asking. No Non could see one of these things, could face it directly, and hold it together. I should help her, and I move to do so, but then I remember I can’t. I don’t have magic. They will get to me before I get to her. My eyes scan the scene, trying to find another way.
“Nothing,” she half yells, half sobs in the black one’s face.
The demon asks something back. The witch girl screams, a blood-curdling sound, then the demon plunges a black dagger into her chest. My hands fly to my mouth as she exhales. There’s this burst of magic—bright and illuminating—that explodes around her like candy from a piñata. I’ve never seen magic do that. They didn’t take her essence for themselves; they released it. The witch falls to her feet and the blue demon slices her neck with a set of claws.
None of this makes sense. They killed her—and not in the normal way, by draining her blood and then taking her essence. There was no bloodlust. Just a dagger, fireworks, and death. Why would they waste the magic that way? Why are they working together? What are they looking for?
One of them sniffs the air and another follows. I step back into the trees, but I know it’s too late. They’ve found me. But I run anyway.
All I notice for the first twenty seconds is feet and ground. Then trees and ground. Then my heartbeat racing against the pulsing of my feet. A tree branch snags on my shirt and the fabric rips while I race forward. I can’t stop. There’s no way this is how I’m going to go down.
I turn, and two demons stand right in front of me. I have to stop running so I don’t race directly into their arms. Demon eyes peer out from paper-thin, graying human skin, and what used to be hair is now more like brittle string. One’s male, one female. Neither of them is happy to see me.
I cross my arms and exhale deeply. “Whew, you guys scared me.” That was probably not the right word. I flash a smile and run in place.
“Need to keep the heart rate up,” I say.
There’s something else hidden in their eyes. I’m not fooling them. They know I was there. I saw them do whatever they did to that witch. I have to get out of here.
“Have a nice day,” I say. It’s lame, but maybe it will work! Maybe they’re regular old dumb demons. I race past them in a jog. They don’t stop me. They let me pass. Thank God. I want to go home. This is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had and—
“Not so fast,” the male says, grabbing me from the side. Its hands are rubbery around my arm. It runs its nose along my neck, sniffing.
“You saw us back there. We smelled you.”
They smelled me—how? Demons sense the essence, and I don’t have that. But they keep saying that to me. I file that away to research later. If there is a later. Maybe I need a new body wash.
The other one joins it, its bristly hair running across my neck. “This little witch smells different.”
I laugh. “It’s called sweat. It’s what happens to the living. You know, exercise and all that.”
The first one snickers. At least I make someone laugh. “That’s not it, little witch.”
“I’m five eight,” I say. “I’m hardly ‘little.’ You obviously have the wrong girl.”
The woman demon laughs. “I think we have the right one. Don’t you?”
“I do. Kriegen said the witch would smell different.”
Who’s Kriegen? It’s probably not good that I smell different. There’s no way that’s a good thing when a demon is saying it. When they keep saying it to me.
One of them mutters something, and my hands are tied together by magic. I curse, and the female demon yanks my head back by my hair.
“Let’s take her in,” it hisses.
Panicked, I lock into the things I’ve been doing with Carter. I try to imagine him beside me, guiding me, and focus on the magic, even though it won’t come since he’s not here. I shuffle on my feet. It’s hard to keep my balance with my hands bound, but somehow I keep my movements fluid. I jam my knee into the male demon’s stomach. It doubles over, hands clenching its abdomen. I swipe my feet across its legs. It crashes to the ground with a heavy thud.
The female hisses at me, trying to grab me, but I dodge it. My leg lashes out at it, connecting with a solid blow; it doesn’t fall. It kicks me hard in the side, and my ribs protest in pain. I collapse on the ground, gasping in sharp breaths.
The male demon crawls to its feet as the woman rushes at me, punching me until my lip bleeds, the taste of iron filling my mouth. I struggle beneath its weight, thrashing and bucking it off me. My hands are useless, still tied by magic, so I jab with my elbows, again and again, determined to hit something.
One blow smashes into its head as it rolls off me. I flip on top of the woman, digging my elbows and knees into its chest and thigh, pinning it down as best I can. I rip the salt out of my pocket. It’s falling toward its face when the male grips me by the neck and tears me off the other demon. It’s not as nice as the female was. Its magic anchors my feet to the ground and now I’m useless. Completely useless.
I close my eyes and wish that I had magic. I try to envision it, to feel it—the growing heat and pull of the power, the hope that comes with it. But nothing happens.
The demons each take an arm and pull me through the woods.
We’re halfway back to the demon nest when something stirs inside me. At first it’s only a little twinge, a little like the ground has shifted, but then it’s something else. It’s warmer and rooted, growing, sort of like sunshine coming through parted clouds. My hands twitch at the sensation and my heart lunges in my chest. This is magic.
Carter’s here. That’s impossible. How would he find me out here? There’s no way.
But this is his magic. This is what it feels like. He has to be nearby.
I picture my hands being free as I let the magic fill me. My hands tingle, warm, and then I can move them. It worked! Carter is here. That’s the only explanation. I keep my hands together so dumb and dumber don’t expect anything.
We walk on through the woods. It probably wouldn’t take much magic to get one of those large trees to fall over. I smile to myself, and a large oak topples right in our path. The demons mutter to each other, distracted.
An animal howls in the distance, and they both look up, curious. Something sways up in the top of a tree. The demons argue, trying to determine which will figure out what it is first. Definitely not the sharpest crayons in the box. They say that name again—Kriegen—and when one of them turns its back on me, I pull my hands apart. I see it all in my head: Magic flowing from me, knocking them off their feet, leaving them tied together to that fallen tree. Magic, making salt fall from the sky like rain.
And then it happens.
The girly demon flies across the woods and lands, headfirst into a tree. The male looks at me as if it’s going to pounce again, but then it’s flying too. Moving through the air, then trapped next to her as another tree falls on them. They both let out agonizing screams as salt that looks more like hail starts to pelt their skin. Part of me wants to stay, to finish the job, but I know there are other demons out here, and it’s only a matter of time before they come. I can take on two, but four more? I doubt that.
So I do what any self-respecting witch in my situation would do: I run.
Chapter Twenty-Two
I’m out of breath by the time I get back to my car. Too many thoughts burst through my mind. The witch girl, the black knife, the magic exploding out of her, the demon nest, Carter. Where is he? I need to get to my phone and call the Enforcers.
Carter’s sitting on the hood of my car when I get to the parking lot, and when he sees me, his eyes widen. I probably look a mess. He watches me for a second as I approach, and jumps off my car before I even make it there.
“What happened to you?” His hands run across my arms, which are bleeding apparently. I didn’t even know that. I wince at his touch against my face. His finger comes away with blood from the cut on my cheek. A parting gift from the demons or the woods. Concern’s etched on his face.
I shake my head. “I need my phone,” I say. I move past him and dig through to my jeans in the backseat for my phone. Six missed calls. I dial the number to the Enforcers and lean against the door of the car. Carter stares at me, but neither of us say anything while I wait. A voice on the other line answers.
“This is Penelope Grey. I need to report a demon attack. They killed a witch! I saw them do it,” I say. Carter’s eyes widen. “There were two who came after me, but there were six demons.” The voice on the other end makes me repeat the number.
“Yes, six. I saw them when I was running the C&O Towpath. They were all working together; I escaped about twenty minutes ago.”
The woman keeps asking me questions, but there’s too much going on in my head. Why can’t she just send someone already?
“I know it doesn’t make sense, but I know what I saw—”
Carter reaches over and takes the phone from my hand. “Hi, this is William Carter Prescott. I think the best thing for everyone is if you send the Enforcers to the woods near the mall and save the questioning for later.”
I stare at him. He smiles back at me weakly, and then listens to other end of the line. “I’d hate my father’s reaction as well.” He pauses. The last time he took charge was the mall incident. Did he drop his name then too to get us all out of trouble?
“Yes, thank you.” He ends the call and hands me back the phone. I take it from him, and our fingers linger together a couple seconds. “The Enforcers will take your statement when they arrive, and you have to report to the council. I’ll go with you,” he says. “Are you okay?”
I nod my head, but somewhere in the middle of “yes” and thoughts of “no,” I stop. Carter steps closer to me and rubs my back. Tears sting my eyes. I squeeze them shut against a flood that I don’t want to release.
But Carter holds me against him, trailing soft touches that make me think that maybe, with him, everything could be okay after all. I don’t want to cry—I don’t mean for it to happen—but now that I’ve started I can’t stop. I want to be strong, but the tears fall on their own. I was an idiot for going in there when I heard the scream. Such an idiot. What was I thinking?
I sag against Carter, letting my body melt against his as his fingers continue to rub small circles on my back.
I almost died. Someone did die. Demons attacked me. I used magic. Carter is here. I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t. And here I am, snotting all over his shoulder—and I can’t even stop that either.
“Thank you,” I mutter through the tears. He presses his lips to the top of my head. The motion is quick and intimate. “If you hadn’t been nearby I would’ve died out there.”
Carter shifts to lower me to the driver’s seat of my car. He crouches down between me and the open door and uses the corner of his shirt to wipe tears, dirt, and blood off my face. Even though this is strange, it’s good to know I can pull magic from him from farther distances. It just saved me. He saved me. Again.
“What happened?” he asks.
I tell him the story. How I saw the demon nest, what they did to the girl, how they released the essence instead of draining it. He looks as shocked as I feel.
“I’ve never heard of a demon doing that. Have you?” I ask.
“No, and they don’t usually work for another demon, but from what you’re saying that black one seemed to be in charge. Sometimes they hunt the same places, but for one demon to call the shots? No. Never.”
I nod. “And then they were pulling me back, and I felt you. My magic responded and I used it to escape. How did you know I was out there?”
Carter shakes his head. “I didn’t.”
He didn’t know I was here, and yet here he is. This really was destiny, or sheer dumb luck. Some sort of messed up, unfair, crappy destiny, but I can’t deny that. Ever since we met there’s been a bigger purpose. What is it? Carter tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.
“How did you find my car?”
Carter looks away. “Coincidence,” he says. “I know you run when you’re upset, and I figured I’d look at the trails for your car. This was my third stop.”
So dumb luck it was.
“You should get cleaned up before the Enforcers come.”
“I’m fine.”
One of those signature side-of-the-mouth smiles bursts onto his face. “Maybe you should at least change your clothes?”
I look down and he’s right. My running clothes have rips and holes. Damn. I loved these pants.
The last two hours of questioning have left me exhausted. But now I have to meet the council for debriefing. The Enforcers insisted. Carter drove us, and he fiddles with the dials on his stereo and some soft folk-rock music plays through the speakers as we drive.
“I want to explain about earlier in the library,” he says. Carter taps on the steering wheel as he drives. Part of me feels that I’m not going to like the answer.
“I was there because I’m looking into what Vassago said. ‘Someone seeks the same as you.’ I’m seeking one thing, Penelope.” His mom. He looks at me, all serious and brooding. “If someone else is seeking her too then I need to know why, and who. So I was in the library looking for clues about that to find my mom.”
“You think your mom is still out there?”
Carter nods. “What if someone else is looking for her, too? It’s the only thing it can mean,” he says after a pause. “When I met you I was following the first real lead I got on her in months. That demon you killed? He was the one who took her. And ever since then there has been a huge spike in demon attacks.”
I killed his lead. I took away his hope and I never even asked him why he was there in the alley that morning. He falls silent and music fills my ears as he parks the car.
“Carter, I’m sorry. I—”
He stops the ignition and his hand reaches out for mine. When they touch, my whole stomach turns into butterflies and rainbows. I almost miss the vomiting urge.
“I know you don’t want to hear this, but the best part about all of this is you. Please, please don’t be sorry about that.”
My mouth is suddenly cotton. I feel everything around me more intensely. The last time he kissed me replays in my head and I want him to do it again. I want his lips on mine and his body pressed close to me more than I knew could be possible. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want this. It’s scary and exhilarating all at once.
“We should go in,” Carter says.
I nod, unable to speak. I don’t think I could talk even if my brain was working. We walk toward the entrance of the Nucleus House.
An escort is waiting for us once we’re inside, and much to my surprise, he leads us into the Triad chambers—not the council chambers, the Triad. I look at Carter, and he grips my hand. If we’re going to see the Triad then this is big.
The inside isn’t as elaborate as I expected. The council members sit in ten chairs and above them are three more—the Triad. The small group of Enforcers from the mall all turn around to look at us.
“Miss Grey.” Sabrina Stone, one of the members of the Triad, says my name. She’s more beautiful in person, smooth marble-like skin and long red hair. “Glad to see your encounter left you with little injury.”
I nod at her. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Let’s skip all the pleasantries,” the man beside her says. He towers over his empty chair; his dark bushy beard grazes the high back of it. Victor Prescott. He and Carter have the same set to their jaw.
“Though we are glad to see that your training has not been wasted,” Mr. Prescott adds.
There’s something in his voice and in his stare that’s a challenge, like he’s testing me. I stare straight back at him. I’m not scared of Victor Prescott, though I’m sure he wants me to be. Intimidate the little girl to see if she cracks. I’m all bricks and mortar though—because I know what I saw. He turns away first, settling his gaze on Carter instead. And then on our entwined hands. His face becomes stone then.
“Enforcers on the scene, what say you?” Mr. Prescott says
Shira Plum steps forward. She’s tall, supermodel tall, and I forgot how pretty she was. Shira was two years ahead of us in the ST classes. Everyone always whispered her name in the hallways because she was witch and prom queen. She knew how to break the quarterback’s nose and get everyone to sign up for No Shave Week with only a smile. Her younger sister Taylor is her opposite. She isn’t popular, has brown hair, is short and Static, but Taylor is so much nicer than Shira.
Shira was and is the badass. Her voice is sweet and dripping with venom all at once. “We dispatched ten Enforcers to scour the area at the park as we speak, per Miss Grey’s phone call, and so far they have found no demons.”
“What?” I say.
She doesn’t look it me. “There are traces of sulfur in the air, rotted human flesh, graying and dry—so we can assume that there were demons present recently. But how many, we can’t say yet.”
“Six,” I say. The Triad looks at me. I shouldn’t be speaking, but this is wrong. They weren’t there. “There were six. One that seemed to be in charge of all others—it was black and it killed that girl.”
Another Enforcer clears his throat. Graying hair, glasses, short. “The girl, yes. We did find a witch there. About sixteen, red hair, deceased.”
“Was she drained?” Rafe Ezrati, the third member of the Triad, asks. His hair is graying, but his chin is strong and his assurance clear. I wonder for a moment what Rafael Ezrati looked like. I almost wouldn’t be standing here because of his great-great-whatever-grandfather. Because of that one question I almost missed day one of Enforcer exams.
The Enforcers all shift. Gray-hair speaks up again, “No sir. There was no evidence upon examination that her essence was drained in the normal way. Her magic was no longer present, but we believe her source of death to be the claw wound to the neck. There were no other indications of death besides a stab wound to the chest.”
The whole room grows quiet.
“What we can’t seem to figure out is why the demons would be working together, why they are gone, and why they would waste the essence of a young witch. It doesn’t seem to fit any of the patterns we have ever seen before,” Gray-hair says.
Rafe nods. “Yes, well, it seems that the demons are playing a new game.”
“Indeed,” Sabrina says, but doesn’t add anything more.
Victor Prescott speaks next. “I expect that everyone present can keep these matters among us until we figure out what’s going on. We must be cautious and we must maintain the highest level of discretion.”
Slowly, everyone agrees. I cross my arms because levels of discretion aren’t going to solve the mystery here. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. But nobody asked me. The others start to clear out of the room, and I hear Victor Prescott call Carter’s name.
“You ready to go?” Carter asks, ignoring his father. I nod and his hand rests on the small of my back as he leads me out the door.
We make it a few feet before my phone rings. Poncho’s voice is low on the other end. I’d given him my number the first day, though I never thought he’d use it.
“I found something.”
I leave Carter outside, insisting that I’ll only be a minute.
There’s no movement in the library. No cats, no breeze. I start to say Poncho’s name when he appears from the stacks and puts a finger over my mouth. His eyes are wild, worried. He nods his head toward the back of the room. I follow him through the stacks.
“I found something,” he says again.
“What is it?”
He reaches around me, taking a brown book from his pocket. “Someone worked really hard to keep it hidden.”
I turn it over in my fingers. The leather is worn with a string around it. “What’s so bad about it?”
Poncho only shakes his head. He starts to speak, but changes his mind and takes a step away down the aisle. “Poncho—” I start to ask another question, but Carter yells my name. I get that he’s worried, but now that that he’s inside Poncho’s definitely not telling me anything else.
I make my way back through the aisle, the weight of the small book heavy in my bag.
“You ready?” Carter asks.
I nod. “Thank you,” I say to Poncho, right before I exit, but the room is empty.
The sky is a dark gray when Carter drops me off at my car. My hand lingers on the door, and I look back at him, finally asking the question that’s been bothering me. “What do you think it means that the demons kept talking about how I smell?”
“The demons.” I bite my lip. “They said I smelled different. That whoever that Kriegen is said I would.”
He shrugs. “They were probably talking about your essence. You are a witch.”
“I don’t have an essence anymore, you know that, so that doesn’t make sense.”
Carter hugs me, and it’s not that great in the tight space of his car, but I like it. “Whatever. It’s been a long day. I’m glad you’re safe.”
And it’s here, right now, that I realize it’s too exhausting to fight whatever I feel for him, and that somewhere through this crazy afternoon, I stopped trying to deny that. He’s too right, too comfortable for me.
“You’re going straight home, right?” I nod. “Are you telling your family what happened?
I push some hair behind my ear. “They aren’t home. There’s a party at Thomas’s house. His parents do it every year, and Connie forces Gran and Pop to go. We probably just missed them.” He’s still close to me and I’m not sure what to say so I kiss his cheek and bolt to my car.
I’m glad they’re gone. I need some time to myself.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Open your eyes.
And I do, screaming, in my bed. I guess I fell asleep, reading the little book Poncho had given me. Emmaline’s journal, hidden all these years.
It’s only nine o’clock right now. This is the day that will never end. I sit up and toss off the sheets, pulling my knees to my chest. Why do I keep dreaming this? What am I missing? And one who hides the truth from you. It feels like everyone’s lying about something, hiding something from me. Even my own grandma.
I pull the little brown journal out from under my pillow. So far, in the pages I’ve read tonight, Emmaline has only mentioned her siblings and parents by name. But it feels like her—which is weird since I don’t even know her. I flip to the page I stopped reading before I fell asleep.
4 July 1841
Nary a soul can fathom how it feels to be different. To have this ache in the deepest recesses of your soul for a life that surpasses what you have been bequeathed. Nor do they fancy to seek it. Tis as if every step I choose to take leads me farther and farther away from myself. I fear I shall wake in the woods, lost and alone. I am o’er wrought and gasted with the inherent conviction that none will take note of my absence. It is deserving of my family, as they have not considered or taken note of me in nineteen years. I am anxious to be free of them and mad with possibilities.
Beside me, my phone chirps. When I look it’s a text from Carter. Are you still awake?
A smile spreads across my face. Am now.
Then he calls. I answer on the first ring. “Can’t stop thinking about me, huh?”
I roll my eyes. “You caught me. You’re all I think about.”
“I knew it,” he says with a laugh. He pauses, takes in a breath. “That’s why I’m on the porch.”
“You’re what?”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. It didn’t feel right leaving you alone.”
“I’m okay.”
“You’re ‘okay’ a lot, so forgive me for not believing that.”
I release a breathy laugh into the receiver. He’s quiet on the other end of the phone. All I can hear is his breathing. The sound is weirdly calming, even though it makes me feel things I try not to. He stayed here. Why would he do that? Is it only because I’m his partner?
“You should know the answer to that, Pen.”
I hadn’t mean to say that aloud, but the answer is the best one I could’ve imagined. We’re both quiet for a second, then I’m out of the bed and halfway down the stairs.
I swing the front door open and he looks a little surprised to see me standing there, but he smiles. I open the door wider.
“Want some tea?” I ask.
Carter sits on the edge of my bed and the sound of our laughter mingling is the most natural thing in the world. It’s eleven, and no one else is home yet. He’s a good distraction from everything else. We’ve spent two hours talking about fighting, music, school, Enforcer training, and everything feels like it’s one world instead of the fractured version that’s existed these past few weeks.
“In your exit interview for the exams, what exactly did you say?” I ask.
Carter sighs and stretches across the length of the bed. “Well, it was pretty standard at first. Dad made it very clear what I was supposed to say to ensure a good match, so I pretty much followed his script of duty and responsibility and honor.”
“That’s what I did too,” I say. It’s the answer the council wants to hear from all the Enforcers: that we want it so we carry on tradition, serve, and protect. It’s the entirety of what Enforcers stand for.
“Well, that’s what I did at first,” he says, his eyes dancing.
“At first?”
He taps his fingers along his leg. “I hate that stuff, you know? It’s silly. You can’t Pair someone up just because they answer questions the same way you do—like that’s somehow going to save your life. So I may have deviated and said I wanted someone who wasn’t afraid to lose everything, because that’s the only way you fight to win—when it’s all at stake. I wanted someone who would fight.”
I sit up straight. It feels like I’ve swallowed cotton balls, or I’m floating in the sky and I can’t feel the ground. He’s making this up. That’s almost the same answer I had.
We’re both silent for a second, but I feel like I’m wasting our moment. “Why do you smell like nutmeg?”
“You been sniffing me, Grey?” he asks.
My cheeks flush, I’m almost sure of it. Say something witty. “Most boys don’t smell like nutmeg.” Or not so much witty.
There’s a little blush to his cheeks; it’s adorable that he’s embarrassed.
“I like to bake,” he says.
“What?” I smile. “How does a boy like you get into baking?”
Carter laughs. I like the sound of it. Of him here in my room with me, even though Gran would flay me if she ever found out. “I had this nanny when I was kid—Olga—I was probably five or six when she was around. One day I asked her what my mom used to like to do. Now, she’d never met Mom, but she looked at me with a smile and said, ‘She used to bake.’ Then she taught me, but I really only know how to make cookies.”
The whole time he’s talking all I can think is that I have it bad. That’s why everything hurt so much, why I read so much into every little thing. That’s why I kept pushing away—I didn’t want to feel this. I’ve fought so hard to be where I am, to prove myself as an Enforcer, and I don’t want to love, because love means losing. Can I love Carter and not lose him? Can I love him and not make my whole existence depend on him? Can I still get what I want, my magic, and be myself? I don’t know, but it was easier to try to keep him away than to admit this.
But I don’t want him away. I want him here. Today has taught me that. I need him, as much as I don’t want to need him. How did that happen? How did he become so important to me in such a short period of time? I need this baking, demon-tracking, rebel Triad son who checks in on me.
And that’s terrifying.
Carter is staring at me. “Have I lost man points or something?”
I shake my head, tears brimming in my eyes. “No.”
He leans over and brushes my hair out of my eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“My mom and my grandma used to bake cakes together,” is all I can manage. I can’t finish the rest. The part about that being my request for my partner, the part about him being so perfect it hurts, the part about me being in love with him. Because I definitely am.
Carter pulls me down to him and I lean into his chest again; his hand strokes my hair. Maybe we really were meant to be together. Destiny, for real, and not just because I don’t have another explanation.
“You should sleep,” he says, his voice a whisper.
“I don’t want that. I don’t think I could sleep anyway.”
He’s quiet for a second. “Close your eyes.”
Open your eyes.
What does that mean? My eyes are open. I hate that demon. I hope Poncho finds some more information.
“What did you find on Vassago?” I ask. I try pull away from him, but he doesn’t let me go. “What?” I ask.
“Tomorrow, Pen. Just close your eyes. It’s been a long day. Don’t be so stubborn.”
I laugh. “Okay. Okay.” I close my eyes and take a breath. Next to me, I feel him conjuring up his magic as it flows into me. I have to exhale so I can relax into his chest. It’s only a few seconds, but I already feel calmer. His fingers lace with mine.
Carter tells me to look now. Maybe he has something important to tell me—so I open them. And when I do, I gasp and sit up in the bed. Carter rises beside me.
All across my room there are stars. They sparkle and dance on the walls, competing with the ones outside. They are so bright the room is shining, shimmering. It’s like my father used to do for me when I was a kid to make me sleep. I can’t believe he remembered. I jump off the bed and run to the wall, the same way I used to as a kid, and touch one of the stars. It’s warm in my hand, precious and small like a snowflake.
Carter stands next to me when I turn around, looking down at me, a nervous smile on his face.
“I hope this is—”
“It’s amazing,” I say.
I release the star. It moves around the room, floating and twinkling with the others. Carter shakes his head. “You are.”
“No. I was so annoying to you. I—”
He takes my chin in his hand. “You can trust me, Pen. I wouldn’t hurt you. Never again. Can we start over?”
I nod slowly and swallow down all the emotions. It’s so much—him here, the stars, today, the secrets. I think after all of it, I need to believe him. I need someone. I need him.
I step away from Carter and hold out my hand. “Gorgeous night. I’m Penelope Grey. You can call me Pen.”
He smiles. It’s as bright as the stars and my heart is dancing in my chest trying to mimic them. He takes my hand. “Lovely to meet you. I’m William Carter Prescott. You can call me Carter.”
“Prescott,” I start. “Any relation to the scary-looking man in the Triad?”
“That’s my father, but don’t worry—I’m not as scary as him.”
“I beg to differ,” I say.
Carter draws me to him. His hand brushes across my cheek and the warmth of his touch makes me shiver. He steps toward me until our bodies are pressed together. Everything inside me is frozen, afraid to move or beat or breathe. Then, his lips touch mine. It’s hesitant, innocent. His lips against mine, the heat flowing between us. This kiss is too precious, perfect for the moment. It’s gentle and soft.
“Penelope,” he says in a breath against my lips.
That’s all it takes, my name from his lips in that tone, and then our bodies crash into each other. I lean against the wall, afraid I’ll fall over without its support. My hand trails up his shirt, and his lips and mine touch again. This is passion and fire and better than I ever imagined it could be. He says my name again and I drag him closer to me. His mouth trails away from mine. He presses a kiss against my neck, my cheek, my ear, my lips again. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bed.
I laugh. “That’s a little fast, don’t you think?”
Carter shakes his head. “You need to sleep. I need to go.”
I follow him across the bed and he wraps me up under the covers. “You’re kidding. Sleep is never happening now. Not after that.”
He doesn’t look convinced so I jerk him down beside me and kiss him some more.
“You’re really leaving?” I ask.
“I should,” he says, but there’s no conviction in his voice. His lips are too close to my face, so I lean up and kiss him again.
“I knew you were trouble, Penelope Grey.”
“Stay,” I say. “Just for a while.”
Carter doesn’t answer, but kisses me again. I rest my head against his shoulder and listen to him breathe. I watch the stars dance in my room until I can’t keep my eyes open.
Chapter Twenty-Four
I can’t stop smiling. I thought for sure I was dreaming some sort of fantasy that would dissolve when I woke up, but it didn’t. It is real. The smiley-face text from Carter knows it. My heart knows it. My lips know it, too; I need some lip balm.
I run into Connie in the bathroom between our rooms.
“How was the party?” I ask. I think about the kiss with Carter. That party was the only reason any of that got to happen. Gran would’ve never let him in my room with the door closed, so all of it worked out to my advantage. Finally. I smile again just thinking about last night.
Connie raises an eyebrow. “Why are you so happy?”
“I’m always happy.” I try to wipe away the smile but fail.
“Not before coffee,” she says. Stupid addiction. She leans in closer to me and studies my face. Her eyes drift to the Chapstick in my hand. “Spill! Right now!”
I don’t tell her about our demon-tracking or about Emmaline’s journal, but I tell her about Carter. About the woods and how he saved me. About the kissing all night. She’s probably more excited than I am.
Or at least the same amount.
“Not to ruin the moment, but Ric was there last night,” she says. “He asked about you.”
Ric. The only person who should know what’s going on, and doesn’t. If he asked about me, then perhaps I can win him back. I know just the way.
I stand on Ric’s porch and ring the doorbell until he answers. He shuffles to the door in his pajamas, his blond hair pointed all over the place. He doesn’t look happy to see me. Not as happy as I am to see him.
I hold out my hands. Bagels, two lattes, some pastries, and a fresh bacon, egg, and sausage wrap from the place up the road. “I brought your favorites.”
“It’s seven in the morning,” he says, crossing his arms.
“I know. I am really impatient.” I reach closer toward him with the bag. He doesn’t bite. “I’m here on behalf of grand gestures and apologies.”
Ric leans against the doorframe, arms crossed over his T-shirt. “It’s been four days.”
“Four long days,” I say. He doesn’t move. “I’m so sorry, Ric.”
“For what?”
He’s not going to let me have this one. I sigh. “For not being honest with you. But I’m here now and I’m going to tell you everything I can.”
“Okay, so tell me.”
“You’ll want this first,” I say, nodding toward the coffee.
He takes the latte from my hands and steps aside so I can come in. When I cross the doorway, I throw my arms around his neck. He seems surprised, but in a second he’s hugging me back.
“You better have told them extra sriracha,” he says.
“I did,” I say.
“Good,” Ric responds. In our language, that means my apology is on its way to being accepted.
When I’m done, Ric stares at me as if I have three heads. I told him everything I could explain about my magic and Carter and me. He ate his breakfast while I talked and he inhaled his coffee He didn’t interrupt me while I spoke, which was pretty much a sign that he thought the whole thing was insane. It is. I stop the story with yesterday in the woods, and leave out the piece about Emmaline and her journal. Not because it’s a secret, but because I’m not ready to share her and I’m still missing something.
“I know it’s a lot to process,” I say.
Ric moves from the couch and walks to the fireplace across the living room. The whole house is silent and I have no idea what he’s going to say next. With his back to me he says, “You don’t have magic? Not in all these years?”
I shake my head, and he leans against the mantel, eyes locked on me.
“How did you lie to me about that?”
“It never came up. I didn’t have to do magic around you since we were in a different ST course, plus Connie was usually around and there’s the law and everything.”
Ric shakes his head. “You could’ve told me anyway.”
“Gran would’ve flipped, Ric. She worked hard to keep it a secret. You have to understand that aside from my family, only you and Carter know. And Carter only knows because he figured it out when he met me.”
I hope Ric knows if things had been different, less complicated, I would’ve told him. I’d wanted to tell him. And if we’d been Paired I certainly would have. It was part of the reason I was hoping for that to happen so badly.
“And you have magic with Carter?”
I nod.
“Wow,” he says. Ric paces around his living room.
“I know,” I say. I take another drink of my coffee, but it’s empty.
Ric runs a hand through his short hair. “I can’t believe it. And the Enforcer stuff—that could’ve seriously screwed you forever. Why do you even want to do that?”
“My magic,” I say. He looks at me funny. “I want my magic back.”
He scoffs. “You can’t. That’s impossible.”
“I’m alive and that’s impossible.”
“How?” he asks, falling back into the couch next to me.
I don’t want to tell him the next part, but I feel like I have to. He’s handled everything else so far. “I have to find that demon that killed my family. There’s a ritual I can perform to get back my magic, but I need the demon.”
Ric holds up a hand. “A ritual with a demon? Isn’t that a story, a myth?”
“All stories come from truth—and I know some of the details.” I pause and words from the books and pictures all flash through my head. “But without my demon it doesn’t matter. I have to find it first.”
Ric’s brows are all bunched up, like he’s about to say something.
“No one can know, okay? I have to pass the finals first, and then I have to find the demon.”
He doesn’t yell. That’s surprising. I expected a lecture or some kind of questioning of my mental health. “You find the demon and do the ritual and ta-da. Magic?”
“So it seems,” I say. He grows quiet. “I’m looking, but I haven’t found anything solid yet. Demons are good at hiding.”
“How long will you look?”
“As long as it takes,” I say.
Ric leans forward, resting his hands on his thigh. “We’re all looking for our own demon. I think of Sean’s every day. Maybe all Enforcers start with that on their hearts,” Ric says. His face gets a far-off look and then he focuses in on me. “I want to help you.”
I shake my head. “There’s nothing to help with yet.”
“It doesn’t matter. When there is, we have to have each other’s back. No lies. I know you have Carter now and I’m sure he’s a bucket of abs, but I’m forever.”
I smile and take his hand. “So we’re okay?”
“We were always okay, darlin’,” he says. I hug him.
“Let’s never fight again.”
“Done. I’m too young for stress lines,” Ric says, parting from our hug. He puts his feet up on the coffee table and leans back into the couch. “Now, tell me about the Carter kiss.”
I spend the whole morning there, catching Ric up on what he’s missed.
9 September 1841
I fear I am a lame daughter and more so a lame witch. My brothers and sisters are far superior to me and I will never be what they are. I am not powerless, yet this world is changing and I fear my power is not enough to withstand condemnation. I am not as advanced as others, as my siblings who lead as our parents do. It exceedingly depresses my poor mother, who was married with three children by my age. I don’t know if I want that life—marriage and children. I’m becoming an old maid and who would be imposed to take on such a wife? A wife of mediocre powers and old age?
My phone beeps, and with Emmaline’s journal open in front of me, I look down. It’s Carter, finally. Be there in twenty and we’ll go practice.
Practice what?
Anything. Everything.
I’m almost absolutely positive I’m blushing. I text him back quickly with just a smile because I think that says enough. I look back at the journal, but I can’t read any more of Emmaline’s frustration with her siblings, her family, her lack of ability, or her worthlessness. I get it. But today, today I am happy. I sort of just want to be happy.
I slide the journal under my mattress, put on some shoes, and go downstairs so I can be ready when Carter comes.
Gran’s and Pop’s voices trail into the foyer from the kitchen. Connie’s follows and she walks past me with an armful of food.
“Going somewhere?” Gran asks me, right behind Connie. Pop stops behind her. They all stare at me. “We’re about to have lunch.”
“Carter and I are going to train with Ellore. Only four more days, so we want to be ready,” I say. Connie beams at me. Gran looks from my face to Connie’s.
“Why is she smiling like that?” Gran asks.
I do not want to have this conversation right now. “No reason.”
“You’re blushing. Why are you blushing?”
Leave it to Gran. “I’m not,” I say.
The doorbell rings, and all four of us move at the same time toward the door. I’m the closest, but I barely beat Pop there. The door opens and Carter’s eyes are wide, staring at all four of us in the doorway.
“Hello,” he says, flashing his smile. Gran isn’t going to like that smile. “I’m Carter Prescott.”
Pop passes me the dish in his hands. I start to protest, but he raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m Frank Warren. Penelope’s grandpa.” Gran clears her throat. “That’s my wife, Deborah.”
Carter holds out his hand, and Pop shakes it. “I’ve heard a lot about you both,” Carter says.
“You should stay for lunch,” Gran says. “You kids have been working hard lately. You deserve a break.”
I start to protest but Carter says he’d love to at the same time. Gran tells Connie to get another place setting and they all disperse into their different directions. Carter steps into our house.
“This is a bad idea. Gran isn’t going to like this.”
“What, me?”
“She didn’t even want me to be an Enforcer, Carter. Dating one? I think this is all her biggest nightmare.”
“Ah, but I’m not just any Enforcer. She didn’t want you to become one because of the magic, right? I’m the perfect ingredient: since you can use my magic, she won’t object to me.”
I bit my lip. “She doesn’t know about that. I didn’t tell her—about anything,” I say.
Carter’s brow furrows, like he wants to ask something, but it passes. “I guess I will win her over with charm.”
“This is a bad idea. We should get out of here as quickly as possi—”
Carter kisses me quickly and the protest falls out of my thoughts.
“Hi,” he says, still very close to me.
I smile back. “Hi.”
He kisses me again, this time a little longer. “I spent all day thinking about you.”
“Me too,” I say.
From the back of the house, Gran calls my name. With a sigh I slip my hand into Carter’s. “Be brave,” I say.
“Your grandpa doesn’t seem too scary.”
“He’s not the one you should worry about,” I say.
I hold Carter’s hand under the table all through lunch, and everyone is really good with Carter. He and Pop spend a lot of the meal talking about fishing, which I didn’t even know Carter did. By the time we finish eating, they have more fishing dates planned than I can keep track of.
“We should go soon,” I say to Carter. He nods and checks his watch.
“Help me clear the table first,” Gran says to me. She tosses her napkin onto her plate.
“The blueberry pie was delicious, Mrs. Warren.”
Gran looks surprised for a moment. “Thank you. Old family recipe.”
Carter nods. “I think the Granny Smith apple really gives it wonderful texture and kick of flavor.”
I raise my eyebrow. Connie sends me a look, too. Is it weird that the fact that he knows about adding apples is sort of cute?
“You have good taste buds, Mr. Prescott. No one ever knows the secret,” Gran says. She stands from the table, and I follow her as we gather plates and carry them to the kitchen.
Once we’re away from everyone else, I place the dishes in the sink. Gran is there when I turn around. “I like him,” she says.
She likes him!
“Me too,” I say.
“I could tell,” Gran says. “And the boy knows food.”
“He’s a baker,” I tell her.
Gran nods her approval. “You better get going,” Gran says. I kiss her cheek and go to save Carter from more fishing trips with Pop.
The door closes behind us and Carter kisses me again. That will never get old.
“They’re fun,” he says.
That’s not the phrase I’d use, but I love them. I’m glad everything went well.
Carter opens his car door for me and I’m about to get in when Ric yells my name. We are never getting out of here. Ric waves his hands, and I notice that Maple is with him.
“Everything okay?” I ask.
Ric nods. “I just wanted to say hi.”
Carter holds out his hand. “Ric Norris, right? I remember you from testing. You were great.”
Ric shakes his hand back with a nod. “This is Maple.”
“Ric is my best friend,” I tell Carter.
“Since we were seven. I know everything about her,” Ric says. Carter sends me a look and I smile innocently but I wonder what he’s thinking.
Carter nods. “I love meeting Pen’s friends.”
“Pen?” Ric repeats, sending me a look. A smile plays on his face, but I shake my head. No one else is calling me that. It will not be a thing.
“We were just on our way to go do some training,” I say.
Carter steps back toward me and the car. “You two should join us sometime. We could probably all use the extra challenge.”
“That’d be cool,” Ric says. Carter walks back to his side of the car and I close my door. We’re going to be late for practice with Ellore.
The car starts up and I hear Ric yell, “See you later, Pen.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
“You need to counter it better,” Carter says as he flips me over his shoulder and into one of the mats across the floor. I let out a groan. “Your feet were too far apart. Pay attention. The final is in two days, and Ellore said we need this move.”
I groan again. He’s enjoying this way too much. For two hours he’s been beating the crap out of me—and telling me what I’m not doing right. Over and over again.
He reaches out a hand to help me up, and I don’t take it.
“I thought you were supposed to be helping me with this move,” I snap.
“I am,” he says, a smirk planted on his face.
I snort. “More like a torture session. I can see how you would get those confused.”
Carter latches onto my arm and yanks me toward him, wrapping his hands around my waist. He lowers his face to mine, smile still beaming, eyes mischievous. “Maybe it’s a form of foreplay.”
His lips press against mine. It’s almost like I meld into him, like my body fits with his and this is all I need to be happy. It’s hard to think for a moment, to even remember my own name. He pulls me tighter against him. His hands are on my hips, on my waist, trailing up my back. Chills trickle down my body. I’m pretty sure that Penelope Grey dies and is reborn in the same instant.
At least something like that must happen. Because the boy I sort of love is kissing me and then, as if it’s not even me doing it, my leg twists around his and I’m pinning him to the floor in triumph. He groans at the impact of his head against our makeshift hideaway.
“I think that’s match?” I say.
Carter stares up at me, completely confused. “You tripped me. That wasn’t fair—using your feminine wiles to distract me.”
“I believe you were the one using the wiles.”
“Men don’t have wiles, Pen. We have charisma.”
I grunt. “Well you were using it first. And besides,” I say, moving to my feet, “foreplay, remember?”
Carter laughs and the sound makes me smile as I turn away from him. That was apparently the wrong move, though. His hand grips my ankle and before I can move, he pulls me down again and rolls on top of me, smiling.
“That was a cheap shot, William Carter Prescott.”
He grins. “So punish me.” Then his lips are on mine again and with them, all the things that make me feel like someone new and beautiful and completely unlike myself. I love every second of his touch.
“Everyone decent in there?” Ric yells from the doorway.
“I’m sure they’re decent,” Maple says.
Ric mutters something to her and she laughs.
“I have snacks!” Maple yells. This is the third time he’s come over with her since Carter suggested it. Maple is nice, and I mistakenly thought she was quiet; now she likes to talk, quickly, and she and Ric have bonded over Anime.
“May not be as good as whatever you’re doing though,” Ric says.
I roll my eyes and steal another kiss from Carter. “Come in!”
He kisses me again quickly.
“Are you sure? We can come back when you’re finished.”
Carter pulls me up to my feet.
“Get in here, Norris,” Carter calls.
Ric’s got this huge, cheesy grin on his face when he comes inside. I’m pretty sure he’s never been prouder of me for kissing a boy, which is weird, but it’s reassuring that he approves.
Ric hands me an iced tea. “You look flushed,” he says. I smack his shoulder and take the tea out of his hand. He’s so subtle.
Maple pulls her hair up. “What are we starting with?”
Carter takes a swig of his soda and then sets it on the floor in the far corner. “Let’s just start where we stopped yesterday,” he says.
The four of us take a position on the mats, facing one another in a square. Yesterday—well, for the last two days—we worked on basic defense maneuvers. The Triad prepares us to fight two-on-one or one-on-one, but it hadn’t accounted for groups of demons. Aside from our first day, where all the Pairs get to have a group lesson on basic partner maneuvers, we never interact as a larger unit. Ric and I had the idea for a group session. Ellore approved, and came to the first session with Ric and Maple’s mentor. They helped us get set up, but it all has to happen in our extra time. Even though none of us are demons, the group setting has been helpful because we have to be aware of what’s going on in three directions.
That’s not a type of training the Enforcers usually get. And in the past, it’s never been an issue, but it’s not enough anymore. The Triad has kept everything quiet about what happened to me in the woods, but I know what I saw. I know what happened. The demons keep taking out our people—two witches have died since then, one each day—and that doesn’t include the number of thwarted attempts. They’re getting restless, and restless means dangerous, and the Triad isn’t doing anything.
Ric rushes toward me, swinging a fist at my head. I duck under the punch and kick, taking his legs out. I toss a smirk down at him that’s cut short when Carter moves in on my right. I block just in time to avoid his knuckles’ meeting my mouth. Maple’s somewhere on the other side with Ric. I see him trip her from the corner of my eye. Ric jumps up and charges toward me. He doesn’t make it. Carter lands a hard kick at Ric’s stomach, sending the Ric to the ground. Maple jumps in on the pile, trying to separate the boys.
I take advantage—every man for himself—and try to dash across the mats. Carter’s too quick again. He grabs my leg and yanks me toward him. I tumble to the ground and he pulls me closer, a smile on his face. I twist in his grip, but he grabs my arms and pins me down. I squirm even though I know it’s useless. He holds my arms down, my legs locked between his knees as he hovers over me. Damn him.
“You’re hot when you’re feisty,” Carter says with a cocky grin.
I raise my eyebrows as he leans closer to me. And then Carter is gone, jerked away by Ric. I’m about to let my foot become very well acquainted with Ric’s ankle for taking Carter away, but he darts off, chasing down Carter.
“No googly eyes during training,” Ric yells.
I hear Carter laugh and then Ric groans as Carter gets the advantage again. Maple attacks from behind. She’s good with those sneak attacks. Nothing’s off-limits (except guy parts and googly eyes, as Ric so eloquently said), so while they spar with each other, I conjure up my magic.
It’s a lot easier to call up now, like it’s more in tune with me. I make sure to picture it, and then send a wall of magic toward the boys and Maple. It shoots them across the floor in opposite directions. I move my hand and pin both boys against the wall where they land. Maple comes at me, and I pin her too. Their groans echo one another.
I walk slowly by Ric, enjoying my win.
“This is low, Penelope Grey. I know where you live.”
“You’re just mad because you didn’t think of it,” I say.
“Maybe,” he says.
“Let me down,” Maple says.
I shake my head and move toward Carter. His eyes have been following me across the room since I pinned him. “So, you think you’ve won?”
I cross my arms. “Oh, that’s pretty clear.”
“Magic is a low move in a spar,” Carter says softly.
“There were no rules about magic,” I say. I walk to him and stand up on my tiptoes so I’m in his face. “Besides, I like magic.”
“I like you,” he whispers, his lips touching mine. Across the room, I hear Ric gagging. I turn away from Carter and tighten my magical hold on Ric until he coughs. Then I let him go and he falls to the floor with a thud. I let Maple go with him.
I love magic. I can’t believe I didn’t have it for so long.
“You okay?” I call out to Ric, not looking over. He responds with a moan.
“You win. Make your googly eyes now. We’ll be somewhere else.”
I don’t look away from Carter, but I hear Ric’s footsteps and their muttering fades as he and Maple leave the room. Carter stares at me, his lips only seconds from mine.
“You gonna let me go now?”
I shake my head and lean into the space between us, pressing my mouth to his. All he can do is tilt his face to meet mine as I stretch up on my tiptoes. But with his lips on mine, I can’t focus on the magic. His feet touch the ground, firmly planted now, and his hands run through my hair.
He lets out a soft moan and crushes me to him. He shifts, twisting me around until my back is against the wall— which is the only thing keeping me standing. My heart is racing in my chest and the magic feels wild, loose.
“God, are they at it again?” Connie yells. When did she get here? I should’ve never told her where we practiced.
I hear Ric laugh. “Four days of this, Ric. Four. Am I that annoying with Thomas?”
“Worse. And I’ve made it a new habit to make sure they’re decent before I come into a room.”
They grow quiet and Maple yells, “I’m leaving! Bye, lovebirds!”
Carter pulls away from me slowly and I lean my forehead against his. “I’m going to kill them,” I whisper.
“We can continue later,” he says, placing a chaste kiss to my temple. God, that’s like the sexiest thing ever. “Let me grab my backpack.”
I walk into the foyer. Connie and Ric smile at me—completely large, cheesy smiling—and they both snicker. “Stop,” I say to my sister, strapping my bag on my shoulder.
She shrugs. “I didn’t do anything. Did I do anything?”
Ric’s eyes get wide, a dumbfounded expression on his face. “I didn’t see anything.”
I roll my eyes at them. “Why are you here?”
“I told you this morning: Ric said we could have lunch today. I’m here to rescue you all for food.” Right. I’d forgotten. Connie reaches out and pulls me into a hug, still all smiles.
“It’s cute to see you happy.” She actually bounces in place. If she were a dog, she’d totally be wagging her tail, and probably peeing on things.
I look around the room for Carter, but he’s turning off the lights in the back rooms. Ric looks at Connie.
“I wonder if kissing gives you endorphins? Like exercise?” Ric asks.
“Always makes me happy,” she says back. I groan.
Ric laughs. “We love that you have a boy toy. We have to mock you.”
“Especially such a hot boy toy,” my sister adds.
“Indeed,” Ric agrees, bumping shoulders with my sister. It looks a little ridiculous, since she’s so much shorter than he is. It’s more like shoulder-to-head bump. Carter comes into the room and stands between us. He obviously knows we were talking about him.
Connie clears her throat. “Lunch?”
Connie, Carter, Ric, and I walk in line across the sidewalk on our way to lunch. Ric walks next to me and gives me mocking looks as Carter explains to Connie about the life cycle of an indigenous plant he saw in Costa Rica—and she’s going on and on about the ecosystem. I’m glad that my boyfriend and sister get along. Really, it’s a dream.
Carter’s mid-sentence when he stops walking and puts out a hand to us. He looks over at me, his eyes wide. “Do you smell that?”
I take a second and sniff the air before I nod. “Sulfur.”
“Looks like we’ve got company,” Ric says. He looks at my sister. “You should go on ahead.”
Connie crosses her arms. “Oh, I’m not going anywhere.”
Carter looks from me to my sister and back to me. “She’s just like you.”
“Welcome to my life for the last twelve years,” Ric says.
I shrug, but really, it makes me happy. She is like me, and we’re both like Gran and Mom in how we never give up. The thought makes me pause. Emmaline Spencer seems pretty stubborn too. From what I’ve read from her, which is a lot of her caring about what her family thinks and how she doesn’t live up, she also seems unwilling to change. I guess it’s genetic.
“Follow my lead,” Carter says.
We maneuver our way through Old Town and surprisingly, it’s not that busy today. Carter leads us to the right by a cupcake shop, and when we get around the corner toward the waterfront, there’s a demon waiting for us.
No words are spoken before it launches itself at Connie. I jump between them in time to take the hit in a clumsy attack. Cold, scaly hands grab me. I flip around and it pulls me away by the throat. I knee it, kick it, try to conjure up my magic and as soon as I do Carter pushes me out of the way.
Ric throws a blast of magic at the demon, hitting it square in its maroon face. It falls with a groan. Another one—a blue one—comes out of nowhere and swings its fist in retaliation. It must have been waiting for us. Ric ducks, pulling Connie out of the way.
“Behind you,” I shout as the maroon one gets back to its feet.
The ground shakes. I press my hand against the wall so I don’t fall over, try to focus on my magic and get an image, but as soon as do, this yellow-ish demon jumps me. How many freaking demons are here? I crash to the ground. I roll off it and back to my feet, but it’s fast too. It reaches for me, a knife in one hand. A demon with a knife. Asshat.
There’s a screeching on the other end of the alley and when I look, all I see is the blue demon is exploding into bits. Connie stands beside it, her hands shielding her face, blue guts dripping off her. Go sister.
“Pen!” Carter yells.
I look up to see the knife-carrying demon lunge toward me. The magic responds quickly. I send it out toward the demon and the demon strikes the concrete hard, slumping over in the alley. I don’t waste any time saying the incantation. In seconds, all that’s left is yellow goo. It’s like a party with demon guts for confetti.
All that’s left is the maroon demon.
It moves toward Ric and I leap to my feet. I’m ending this thing. Carter’s hand squeezes around my arm.
“We can’t kill it yet,” Carter says.
I meet his gaze. He’s mentioned this to me before in the past few days, about finding a demon that might know what happened in the woods, questioning it. It may know something. That’s what he thinks, anyway. I don’t like the idea of keeping it alive, but I nod.
Carter runs toward it, magic flying from his fingertips. Watching him is sort of incredible. His feet are fast as he corners it, knocks it over, and traps it without blinking an eye. I lead Connie away; she’s staring back at Carter and the demon in confusion.
“Put up a barrier, then go to the restaurant,” I say. She hasn’t taken the tests yet; she can’t be part of this. Connie shakes her head at me, but no words come out. “Connie! Now!”
Connie looks at the demon one more time before running down the alley. She stands at the end of it, putting up the magic barriers. When she’s out of sight, I move to stand by Carter. Ric is there too, staring at the two of us like we are crazy.
“What are you going to do to it?” Ric asks. Neither of us answer.
The demon is thrashing against the ground in pain. I don’t see any iron, so I’m not sure what incantation Carter’s doing to keep it there. I look toward Ric, and he nods. I guess he’s on board with this. I yank my vial of salt from my necklace.
“Why are you after us?” Carter asks the demon. It hisses in response, and I toss a handful of salt on the demon. It howls, cries, and spits at Carter.
“Answer or I will send you back,” Carter calls.
The demon gets quiet. It stares among the three of us, weighing its options. “You smell good,” it says to me. I hurl salt on the demon because I never want to hear that phrase again. Its flesh starts smoking.
“Kill me! Do it!” the demon screeches. It goes on and on, rambling, saying the same thing over and over again. Carter shouts at the demon, but it doesn’t change its tune, just keeps yelling for us kill it. Carter growls and flings more salt on it.
“What are you looking for?” I ask, stepping forward. It jerks toward me, but it can’t reach me.
The demon laughs and screams. “Smells so good. Kriegen would like that.” Then it goes back into its “kill me” mantra. The sound of that name makes the hair on my arms stand on end. Kriegen—that’s the demon they mentioned in the woods. Carter asks it more questions that it doesn’t answer and a new plan hatches in my head.
I grab Carter’s arm before he can heave more salt on the demon. “Expel this thing.”
The demon laughs some more. Laughs and laughs.
Ric steps up next to me as we walk away. “Is this the new normal?” he asks.
“It’s definitely becoming more frequent,” I say. We turn the corner and I hear Carter mutter the incantation behind us.
After lunch, Ric, Carter and I leave Connie and head to the library, which is empty as usual. Poncho looks happy when I come in with Carter. We haven’t been here in a few days with all the practicing, so maybe the old guy is lonely.
“What can I do for the fantastic duo?” Poncho asks.
“We’re here on official business,” I say, tapping the side of the desk.
“What do you know about a demon named Kriegen?” Carter adds.
Poncho shakes his head. “Never heard of that one. You can look in the database.”
“I’ve got it,” Carter says before he kisses my cheek. He and Poncho go to the computer. I take a seat at one of the tables and pull out Emmaline’s journal. I might as well do something while I wait.
25 September 1841
Will this life ever be one I am proud of? I fear not. It is far too difficult to pretend to be joyful. With each passing day the pretending feels more and more as though it is slowly killing me. “Be happy, Emmaline.” “Smile, Emmaline, the day is a glorious one.” Surely I see no glory in it. I see merely a moment of someone else’s glory.
“Learning things you desired?” Poncho asks me, his eyebrow raised.
“I’m not sure how helpful this will be. But it’s good to know. Thank you.”
Poncho places a book on the shelf and I glance back down at the pages and back up. “Poncho, ever heard of a demon named Azsis?”
“The one who loved Lucifer, they say.”
I put Emmaline’s journal down. “Do you know if it’s still alive? Or how to find it?”
Poncho rests his hands on one of the shelves. “Azsis is a powerful demon, dangerous. Hard to find. It is not one who’s sought out, but one who seeks.”
Great. I stare back down at Emmaline’s journal when I feel Poncho sitting near me. “Sometimes the things you see are not what they seem,” Poncho says.
I chuckle. “Are you a fortune cookie?”
Poncho shakes his head. “Make sure your eyes are open to more than what you see.”
A chill runs down my spine as Poncho leaves me again. Why do people keep telling me that? I stand, about to ask him, when Carter returns. I manage to pull my gaze away from Poncho, who is petting the cat, and look at Carter.
“What happened?” I ask.
“There’s nothing,” he says. “No record of any demon named Kriegen.”
I peer over his shoulder at Poncho. He whistles, picks up the cat, and disappears down an aisle. There’s nothing on Azsis or on Kriegen. Not to mention Alfie and Emmaline Spencer. That seems a little too convenient. Limited information is one thing, but none?
“We’ll find something,” Carter says, kissing my forehead as we sit in our spot overlooking the city. “It doesn’t make sense how there is no record, at all, of that demon.”
“Yeah,” I start. Except it’s not weird. It’s not the first time. It’s got to be all connected. Someone’s hiding something.
I sit straight so I’m facing him. “You asked me once why I wanted to be an Enforcer, but I wasn’t completely honest with you,” I say and then pause. Carter doesn’t take his eyes off me, and I wish he would. I’m not sure what to say next.
“You said it was about your magic,” he says.
“It is.” My fingers twist around my salt necklace. “I wanted to be an Enforcer because it’s the only way I could get into the library. And the library was the only way I could gather information.”
“About?” he asks softly.
“The demon that killed my parents. I’ve been in the library researching that, because I have to find it first.” I tell him how the search for the demon led me to Alfie Spencer and the increase in demon attacks, which lead me to Emmaline Spencer. I tell him about the journal that Poncho found. “The weirdest part is that there has been no information on anything. Just like now, with this demon.”
Carter nods. “And you don’t think that’s random?”
“No,” I say.
“How does the journal lead back to your demon? What connection does Kriegen have to all of this? ”
“I don’t know,” I say. “Not yet.”
Carter is quiet, and I can tell he’s thinking about all of it. It’s too much to be random. It has to be connected.
“Why do you want to find it?” Carter asks, his voice low. He looks past me, out over the city. “Is this all about revenge?”
“No,” I say. “No, it’s not revenge. It’s all about getting my magic back. I know it sounds crazy, but I found a ritual.” He looks at me when I say that word. I take his hand reassuringly. “I can do it, but I need my demon. That’s where it’s all coming up short. There’s nothing.”
Silence falls between us, but Carter hasn’t let go of my hand. I study his face, looking for some clue about what he’s feeling, but he keeps his gaze ahead and his jaw taut. I look over the city, too, in case there are answers in the horizon. Carter places his hand over mine, and I look at him.
“Demons are good at hiding when they don’t want to be found,” he says. “Luckily for you I happen to know a great demon tracker.” His eyes dance. “I’ll help you. If you want me to.”
“You’d do that?” I ask.
He nods. “It may take some time. I have to find commonalities, and figure him out before I can start asking around. I want to know what I’m getting into, but I won’t let you do it alone.”
I kiss him softly, and he wraps his arms around me. “What about this Emmaline woman? Why do you think she’s connected?” he asks.
I bite my lip. I’ve wondered too. She seems like a distraction, but the fact that Gran won’t talk about her, and that all the pieces I’ve found led me to her, I can’t walk away from that. Not until I know why. There’s something about her that I can connect with. Something lost and lonely, and deep inside, that’s the one thing I don’t want to let myself feel.
“I just do,” I say.
“Then I hope she leads you somewhere,” he says. He smiles, but it’s not the same as usual. He doesn’t like any of this, just like Ric didn’t. And I understand their concern, but getting my magic back is all I’ve ever needed. Finally, for the first time, it feels like I may be close to doing exactly that.
Chapter Twenty-Six
We had our last training session with Ellore the next day. She made us do a full practice test simulation, and we passed. Barely. She made us do it again. After the third time, she crossed her arms over her chest and said, “That’s what I expect my trainees to look like out there.”
Carter assures me that was a compliment.
He’s been at my house since then. My head is resting in his lap while I read Emmaline’s journal. I’m hot and tired, but the appeal of Emmaline’s story keeps me moving forward. The test is tomorrow, and Carter’s been shifting through my demon research so he can set up a tracker while I read.
I’ve been ripping through this journal in every spare second I have. I only have like ten pages left, and there’s still so much I don’t understand. Nothing I’ve learned about her explains why our family would write her out of history.
“Want some ice cream?” Carter asks.
I nod but don’t move my eyes from the journal. I think Emmaline and I are connected somehow. The more I learn about her, the more I see myself. She didn’t want to be forgotten, but that’s exactly what happened.
Carter’s hand touches my cheek. “You’re quiet.”
“I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“Her?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Emmaline,” I say, closing the journal. I bite my lip and he nods. “She’s so sad, you know? I get it, Carter. That’s the scary part.”
“So, tell me, then. What do you get about her?”
I scan my room. A place filled with mementos of my childhood, pictures of my family, a board covered in quotes and things that I love, my favorite books. All of these things are part of me and if I was gone, could people just pretend they weren’t part of me anymore? That’s what they did to Emmaline.
Carter is staring at me, his eyes soft and comforting. I touch his face. “Remember when I took you to my parents’ house?” He nods, his movements slower than usual.
“Emmaline wrote that she had a cousin who died in some kind of fire. Her life was so miserable that she wished it had been her. And I can’t help but think that I’ve felt the same way forever,” I say softly.
“I did. I hated everything I was, Carter, because I wasn’t normal. I work so hard to be this other thing and that’s what Emmaline did and I—”
“You what?”
“I have a feeling that working to not be different destroyed her somehow,” I say. Carter’s fingers twine with mine. I lower my voice to a whisper. I need to say it, but I don’t want him to hear it. I want to be strong, and this isn’t strength. But I still feel it as strongly as I feel anything. “I don’t want it to destroy me, too.”
“It won’t,” he says. “I won’t let it.”
“What if this secret that I’m working so hard to find is horrible?”
“Then we’ll deal with it. Together,” he says. He pulls my chin to face him. “You’re not Emmaline—whatever she went through is the past. Everyone feels invisible sometimes, Pen. Everyone. You are not invisible and you are not powerless.”
I shrink away from him a little. I’m only powerful because he’s around. What happens if he leaves? If we find out my family’s secret is too big, too breakable? Then I’m just me again.
“I see you, Pen,” he says, his hands holding firm to my cheeks. “You’re the sun and the moon and the stars—impossible to miss.” His gaze roams my face until he finds my lips, and my heart beats out of my chest. “I love you, Penelope.”
I pause while his words dance around in my head, and in my heart. He loves me. He looks at me like he’s seeing all of me, even the things I’m afraid to notice and all the stuff I don’t want to see. I believe him. I believe him more than I believe in magic.
I lean into Carter’s hand and kiss his palm. “I love you, too. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out,” he says.
His thumb traces my lower lip. I watch his eyes darken from the soft green to a daring, sparkling shade that makes my heart beat faster. He leans into me, urging my mouth to meet his with gentleness that quickly turns firmer. His tongue dips between my lips and its stirs a craving inside of me, instinctual and sensual. I sigh against his mouth and he groans. He cradles me in his arms and leans us down until my back rests on the ground. His body moves on top of mine, our hips touching, arms tangling, and legs entwining.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes. His words whisper across my skin.
He opens his mouth to say more, but I silence him with another kiss. I thread my fingers through his hair, enjoying the way our kiss deepens. I trace my hands down his back, tug on his shirt and lift it up. My nails trail along his bare skin. He tenses under my touch. I pull his shirt off and feel the muscles of his chest. His lips graze my ear, my chin, my neck. God, he kisses everything, and I feel it in my whole being.
His hands shift, slip under my shirt. They create a path for the fire to follow. I tremble from the heat, from desire, from the feel of his warm fingers sliding down my stomach.
“Penelope,” he says. Carter’s voice is rough, his mouth brushing my ear and his breath warm on my skin. Then he pauses. “We should stop.”
I nod because he’s right, but my head doesn’t listen because my lips are on his again and he’s breathing heavier and my whole body is a mess of fire and ice and desire. His hands don’t stop touching me; his tongue doesn’t leave my mouth. My back arches into him. My foot wraps around his, and then his lips and his hands are gone and he’s sitting up on the floor.
My mind is still reeling when he turns back to me. “Your grandma is downstairs,” he says as if it’s the most simple thing in the world. Like it’s an answer to everything. And it is. I mean, really, but in this moment I really hate that they’re all down there.
“Sorry,” I say quickly, sitting up too.
Carter shakes his head. “I’m not,” he says with a smile. “But I am scared of your grandma.”
I stare for a second before bursting into laughter. He laughs too, and pulls me next to his bare chest—which I will not think about at all—and kisses my forehead.
“She can be trouble,” I say.
“It’s where you get it from,” he says back.
I kiss him again. He gives me one back before getting up and putting his shirt back on. “I’m going to get us that ice cream now,” he says.
I nod and he tosses me a smile before disappearing out the door. I straighten my hair in the mirror and pick up Emmaline’s journal again.
21 October 1841
I have met the most enthralling and brave man. I was in a quaint part of town where Father does not let us travel, but I was there alone. If Father discovered it so I would most assuredly be reprimanded. It was inappropriate to be with him alone in the tresses of night, but I could not get away. I did not want to. He fawned over me like I was a prize, calling me honest, fair, and absolute. And I fancied him. I found his company refreshing; his words are sweet like honey and his kisses even sweeter. We have planned to meet again at the week’s end.
Connie is outside my room and I yell for her. A giggle fills the hallway, drifts in through the open the door. I hear Thomas’s hearty laugh, followed by hers, and I smile.
9 December 1841
Mayhap I have disgraced my family, but I have found myself in him. With him I feel things I have not felt in all my days. He ravished me with desire and I welcomed it. Now I am weary with wanting more. We steal our touches in the dark, and shadows alone know our secret. If my family discovers the truth they will be vile and destroy my love. I will tell them naught.
I turn the page again. Why is Emmaline’s lover unacceptable? Our family wasn’t upper society in those days, so what could be so bad about it? I doubt he sparkled.
13 February 1841
I have made myself a fool. My hasty actions have now left me without choices. While I am woeful of the reasoning, I am o’er wrought with joy at the adventure of child rearing. My, how things have changed! I will tell my family on the morrow and they will think me unwise and abhor my decisions. But I am uncaring. For he has told me all he has planned, that the babe and I will join him, and I cannot be more overjoyed. I am not hesitant. I do not fear this. I am deserving of rapture and on the morrow it will be mine.
I don’t even pause to breathe as I turn the page. What did she tell them?
4 March 1842
I’m leaving tonight. Then it will happen. He says it is time. My parents, my siblings are vile creatures. They do not even know the whole truth, for that would assuredly push them over the edge. They do not know what he is, what the baby is, what I’m about to become. My heart wants to tell them, but for the safety of my baby I cannot. I should make haste, but I need to record it here in case something happens, in case it goes wrong and I do not survive the transformation.
My love claims it will be a painful one—supposedly usual for a witch. He says it is a physical, emotional, and mental pain. Torment. I am ready, even as he says it is dangerous. The transition to dismiss the essence of holy magic for an endless void is not easy. Some bodies reject it. My essence is part of my soul, so I expect that it would struggle to remain so. A battle is pending. Should I survive it, I shall finally be found.
I turn the page. There’s nothing. That’s the end. How can that be the end? Did she die? A transformation can really only mean one thing, and it’s so abhorrent I don’t know how I could even think it.
“I have chocolate mint and peanut butter swirl,” Carter says. I turn around to face him and his brow scrunches up. “What’s wrong?”
I watch him set the ice cream on my dresser, still trying to process the end of Emmaline’s journey. “It’s over,” I say, passing it to him. He reads over the last line, his eyes widening.
“A transformation? She became a demon?”
I can’t speak, but it’s the only explanation. The only reason my family would wipe her out, would try to pretend that she had never existed. Her lover must have… Did anyone know about this? “What happened to her? Was it successful?”
Carter’s eyes get bright. “I know who can help us find out.”
Carter and I move as quietly as possible toward an old pizza joint, following the tracking device beeps. Now that we knew Vassago has a DNE, he was easy enough to find this time. We just had to enter a number and follow the pulse. A modern-day trail of bread crumbs.
The walls outside the joint are red and a few Nons go in and out the door. But I see our quarry almost immediately, and head in his direction. I’m not sure what to ask him first. Did Emmaline succeed? Is she a demon somewhere? Did she die? Did she choose the demon over her child because of how inferior she felt, or was it something else?
“What are you having?” a growl-like voice snaps from behind the counter. The guy before us is tall, the size of some ex-pro wrestler or gang enthusiast, and his eyes are a bright green. My instinct tells me to fight, to run, but Carter puts his hand on the small of my back, grounding me in place.
“Two slices of cheese and a Coke.”
“Diet Coke,” I say.
The burly guy takes our money, his lip snarled up. I don’t take my eyes off the old man sitting in the corner. He doesn’t take his eyes off me either. Carter presses on my back and we walk together toward the corner table.
“These seats taken?” Carter asks.
Vassago looks up at us, his beard hanging with strings of mozzarella. How does he get so disgusting? “Only if you’d like them to be,” he says.
My whole body is shaking and I know I’ll have to speak soon. The answer scares me almost as much as the question. Carter squeezes my hand.
“You have another request,” Vassago says. His voice is filled with amusement as Big Burly brings our order to the table. He shoots Vassago a look and the old demon waves him off.
I take a breath. “Emmaline Spencer—she was related to me. She fell in love and underwent the transformation. What happened to her?”
He raises an eyebrow toward Carter. “Have you found the one who seeks what you seek?”
Carter’s lips form a straight line. “Not yet.”
“Searching can be so tiresome when you come up with nothing,” Vassago says. His eyes drift back to me. “Have you seen my sock?”
I grit my teeth. I’d like to knock his other sock off. “No. Can’t say I have.”
“Perhaps you will dream about it,” he says.
His words catch me off guard and I balk. He can’t be implying that he’s giving me the dreams. That’s not his power. That’s not even possible. My stomach rumbles and I feel the magic stirring. Carter must feel it too, because he squeezes my hand again.
“Emmaline Spencer?” I ask quickly.
Vassago points to my pizza. “May I?” he asks.
I push the plate toward him and watch as he stuffs a bite in his mouth and chews like a cow. Slow and watchful. The corner of his mouth spreads into a smile. “Your quest is wasteful. Open your eyes, little witch, and find the answer.”
My brain tries to process what he’s saying. He’s getting up out of the chair and no. No. I can’t handle any more of these nonanswers.
“But you didn’t tell me where to go next!” I say.
Carter is pulling me up out of the seat and I push him away, slam my hand on the table in front of Vassago.
“Tell me.”
The demon smiles and then leans back, like he’s bored. “If you looked around, you would be free. The answer is in the past of one you daily see.”
Then he stands up and his metal chair flies across the floor. “Do not contact me again about these matters,” he says.
Big Burly looks at us and a couple other demons are hissing, then Carter is pushing me out the door. My mind is racing. Open my eyes. Someone I daily see. The answer has been in front of me the whole time. Gran. The only person who could know is Gran.
Carter’s phone beeps and I think it’s the tracker, but the look on his face says it’s not. “Poncho found something about Kriegen. I’ll go check it out.”
“I have to go home right now.”
To talk to Gran.
Somehow, I know it’s her. The way she’s worked so hard to protect the secret of my magic—she knows how to hide secrets. But it’s time to come clean.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Gran is reading in the living room when I get home. The speech I had prepared in my head suddenly doesn’t seem so easy now that I’m standing here. If this were a movie it’d be simple. I could read her mind or blurt it out in a run-on sentence, and we’d cry and we’d both be good. I don’t think this is going to be like that.
“Penelope, are you all right?” Gran asks, putting her book on the side table. I look at her, study the sharp lines on her face and the crease on her nose from where her glasses sit all day.
“We should talk,” I say.
She looks nervous, but neither her nerves nor my own will stop me. I sit down on the white floral chair next to her. This is so nerve-racking. I’m pretty sure I’ll need a whole lot of Ben & Jerry’s to calm me down when this is over. But I need to know about Emmaline. Finding my demon, getting my magic back, it’s all led me here. To Emmaline. To this moment.
“Gran,” I start. I pull the journal out of my bag and set it on the table between us. She stiffens at the sight of it. “You know what this is. I found it, I read it, and I need to know why it’s been kept a secret. What does it mean?”
Gran shakes her head and starts to stand, but I grab her arm and kneel down before her. Her blue eyes stare into mine. They’re sad and scared.
“I’ve been searching for a way to get my magic back, Gran, and all of it has led me here,” I say.
She shakes her head. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“I know she became a demon,” I say. “I know she had a child. Fill in the rest for me. Please.”
She’s like a deer caught in the headlights, afraid to move or breathe. But she does. “I wanted to protect you from this,” she says.
“The truth will protect me more.”
She looks at me and nods. Pats my hand and nods again. Then she’s moving, up the stairs and toward the attic. I follow her with the journal, not trusting to let her out of my sight. She moves through the crowded space like a pro.
She knows exactly where she’s put it. I watch as Gran goes to the window and then takes three steps left. She bends down, taps on the floorboards, and then pries off a huge chunk.
“This spot has been a secret hiding place for generations,” she explains. “As long as our family has lived in this house.”
I bend down beside her. Down the hole there’s a bunch of items. Papers all tied together with ribbon, a jar of teeth (at least that’s what it looks like), a vial of blue powder. She sets a cigar box beside me on the floor; dust flies off as she opens it. She pulls out this folded piece of paper, yellowed and faded.
“You can read this, but you can’t leave until we’ve talked. Promise me,” she says. Her voice is heavy, choked, and I get the feeling that she’s done this before.
I nod. “I swear.”
Gran looks at me over her glasses once more before she hands me the paper. Gently, I unfold the creases and smooth it out against the journal. I don’t look up at Gran, even though I can feel her eyes on me. I’m too afraid of what I will see.
October 1842
My dearest family,
You have many questions, I am sure, but please know had there had been another way for me to achieve the happiness you have desired for me in all these years, I would have sought it. If you read this, I am not with you, and you are in possession of my children. Take care of them. Love them more than you loved me. That is my last request.
I have left your world forever. I shall not return from whence I came.
The world I now serve is one you loathe, and thus, you shall loathe me. But the one who holds my heart is here; our love is strong and powerful and I must be with him. Entirely. I should not expect you to understand what I have chosen, yet I need you to know the truth. To know why I abandoned my own, and where I have gone.
This decision was not one I made lightly. It required me to renounce my service to God and drain another witch. To give up my essence. The time varies from the moment a witch absolves her essence and embraces the void. Days to weeks to months before one can fully transition, yet it is too late for me. Do not seek me. Ever. I cannot be found. The daughter and sister you once had no longer exists. I have become more. Mayhaps, the most.
My love believes that that one day a witch will come who can serve the essence and be enfolded into the void of magic. He claims this witch will be the most powerful demons ever bred, and perhaps, it shall be me. He believes it so. I am unsure, yet I still desire this path. He will accept me should I survive the transformation. No matter the outcome, I shall never return to you.
Do not mourn me, for I have not died. Now I finally live. With the transformation, I will be immortal and live far beyond you in my new world.
Alas, a life in hell is not one for witches, and my children are too innocent to survive there, which is why I send them to you. I never belonged in your world, but they do not belong in mine.
This path is meant for me to follow. This is the life I was destined for, my chance to obtain all the things I dream of beyond this world and this body. Azsis assures me that we will be together forever, and that is my greatest joy. I beseech you, dear family, not to tell my children of my lostness, but of my life. Tell them to find a path, and to follow it as I have.
Holy shit.
Azsis is my demon. Azsis was Emmaline’s demon, her love. God. She became a demon, and they had children together. No wonder it all led me to the same place. Azsis started everything.
Gran is watching me closely, her eyes glistening. Everything I read is spinning in my head, connecting dots and pieces to a whole picture made up of one word: Demon.
“The name of her children?” I say, my mouth like cotton.
Gran inhales beside me. “Twins. Beatrice and Clara Spencer.”
Beatrice Spencer was my very-very-great-grandmother. Emmaline was her mother. That’s the family tree—the real one.
Emmaline had a child with a demon—the demon that killed my family and took my essence. That child was born into my family seven generations ago. I share its blood. I have demon blood running through my veins. Why would Azsis do that to his own family?
Demon. Demon. Demon. The words resound through my head. I slam the page down and gasp in air to match the racing of my heart. I have to stand, to pace, to keep moving. If I stop I may never stand again.
Everything makes sense now. The way the demons are always finding me. The statement about how I smell. My powers still working even though I don’t have an essence.
Because, somewhere, I have a connection to the void.
To demonic magic.
And so does Connie. And my mom. And Gran. Everyone in my family.
That’s how my magic works with theirs. Because I can connect to that part of them. The demon part of our heritage that still exists within me.
I am a demon. Suddenly, it all makes sense.
I’m going to be sick.
“Penelope, sit down here,” Gran says. I feel her hands on my shoulders guiding me to a chair. I know she’s talking, but I only hear my own heart beating. Open your eyes. The truth was right there all this time. I didn’t see it. I didn’t want to see it.
My eyes focus in on Gran. “Why wouldn’t you tell me this?”
Her lips quiver. “I-It’s a long story, Penelope.”
“I’m a demon! A demon.” I repeat it until it fits more into my own head. It sounds wrong to say about myself, but it feels oddly natural. The piece I’d been missing. I look right at her. “I think I can handle a long story,” I say.
Gran touches my hair, my arm, and then nods. She stands and wrings her hands together. “We don’t know everything, Penelope. You have to understand that it was a long time ago.”
She pauses and I cross my arms. I know it looks like I’m mad, which I am, but I’m really trying not to puke. Gran sits beside me on some old dusty beanbag chair. Normally, I’d make a joke, but my brain doesn’t want anything to sway her. Demon.
“One day Emmaline’s parents opened the door—months and months after she left—and there were two babies there on the doorstep. Two girls, that journal, and that letter with their names on it. Emmaline’s youngest brother, Matthew, and his wife raised them.”
Gran twists her wedding ring around her finger. “They had to be very careful—not knowing if they were demonic or not. There was no sign that they were any different, but when they were old enough, the girls were told about their mother.”
I shift in the seat, confused. “So Beatrice and Clara weren’t demons?”
“No, but demon blood flowed through them.” Gran pauses, then gets up off the chair and returns to the spot in the floor. I watch her back while she digs around for something and comes back with a long piece of parchment. She spreads it across the floor. It’s a family tree, more detailed than the one in the Umbra I had read. With more names.
“If you look at the family tree, you’ll see that both girls only had one child—and that was purposeful.” I move closer to the paper and Gran runs her finger down the line. One child each. “Since they weren’t certain how the demonic gene got passed along, they weren’t sure what could happen. To not have children would have been safest prevention, but it would have caused many questions. Children continued the magical line and they were expected, needed even. So they believed they could have fewer children and lower the possibility of having a demonic child.
I shake my head. “But the longer that goes on the more likely it would become.”
“Exactly, but they didn’t know the genetics back then,” Gran says. She rearranges the way she’s sitting, and I sit beside her, the whole of our family spread out next to us. “Beatrice made sure her child knew about her biological parents, and I believe that’s why there are so few of us—one a generation until my sister and me.”
I look to the family tree, my eyes following along as she speaks. But then I stop and point to Clara. Clara, who had one child, who also only had one child, but that child had four. Gran nods at my unspoken question.
“Clara’s family didn’t adhere to the same belief in the power of a smaller family versus a larger one. By the time Seraphina and I were born, I had twenty-four cousins—and that’s not including the rest of the family.”
Clara’s family doubled and tripled up until the time Gran was born. My family is huge. Gran starts to say something else, but I put up a hand. “Wait. Why have I only met like nine of them?”
Gran looks away from me. She rolls up the parchment a little ways, then stops suddenly.
“Because those are the only ones who survived.”
I open my mouth to speak and close it again, confused. Gran turns back to face me, takes my hand in hers. “Things were different back then. The Nons were fighting a war against another country, and so were the witches—against demons. They were powerful then, tapping into something we didn’t have. I had a cousin named Suree, and she was so smart,” Gran says, removing her hand from mine. She twirls the ring she always wears around her finger.
“I was only six at the time, but she was my favorite person.” She holds up the ring. “This was hers. I would follow her around everywhere. We were at the park one day, Suree was next to me on the swings, and we saw Enforcers stationed all around the playground. They were tracking demons. They had this thing back then that worked sort of like a dog whistle—only affecting those on the same frequency of demons.”
Gran’s voice cracks, and I pull her hand to mine. “What happened to her, Gran?” Even though I feel like I know the answer, I need to hear it.
“She fell over, off the swing, and started convulsing. Blood poured out of her ears, her eyes, her nose, and her mouth. She yelled, pulled at her hair, and dug her nails into her own skin. The Enforcers took her away. We never saw her again.” She has to pause to take a breath, to force back the tears. I’ve only seen Gran cry once, and that was when Mom died.
“There were others too, others who woke up one day, claimed themselves demonic and started killing witches. Alfie Spencer was one of them. He eventually killed his own wife and then he led the others away from our world.” Gran wipes away tears from her eyes. Her hand squeezes mine and then she pulls me into a hug.
“I didn’t tell you about this because it’s an ungracious part of our family history,” she says in my ear, her tears touching my face. She looks at the tree, pointing to a name.
“My grandfather was in the Triad. He used his power to hide all traces of Emmaline, the demon Azsis, and the demonic carriers in our family history right after it happened. He stepped down once the job was done and everyone swore to never speak of it if our family renounced Triad claim. It was better for the common good to keep it quiet. That’s why there were no records; I thought this journal was lost.”
I nod and gulp back some of my insecurity. For the first time, I feel like it makes sense. Like I make sense. “Did Mom know?”
“She did.”
“Then why not tell me and Connie? Why keep it a secret? It’s something that affected us too.”
Gran sighs and rolls up the family tree. “No one on Beatrice’s side of the family had any abnormalities in magic—not for six generations.”
“And then I was born.”
“No, and then your parents were killed. Your essence was stolen and your magic still worked, just differently.” Gran shakes her head and tosses the paper back in the secret place, replacing the floorboard. “Maybe we were misguided, but everyone I loved died that year; I couldn’t watch that again. I couldn’t risk anyone finding out, Penelope. I couldn’t lose you like I lost others. Not after losing Genevieve.”
Gran is almost in tears again, so I rest a hand on her shoulder. “I’m still here.”
Gran smiles, but I can’t smile back. This isn’t that easy.
“What happened to the demon Azsis?” I ask. I wonder if Gran knows that he’s the one who killed Mom and Dad. That he’s the one who stole my powers.
Gran shook her head. “I’m not sure. No one has heard from him since Emmaline’s disappearance, at least none who have mentioned it.”
She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know anything. If she did, would she have been more willing to tell us? I start to share it with her, but when she looks at me, I can see all the pain and death on her face in a way she concealed before. I don’t want to add to it. I can’t tell her. Not yet.
“Connie needs to know,” I say instead. “You have to tell her about Emmaline and the demon blood. No more secrets, Gran.” She nods slowly. “And I’m telling Carter.”
“You can’t,” she says. “Every time you put yourself out there, it’s dangerous. Things have not changed so much that they won’t care.”
“I love him. I don’t want to hide.”
Suddenly, all of Emmaline’s words make complete sense. She tried to fit in and she was lost, so she changed herself. I was lost too, before Carter and all this news. I keep trying to fit too, but I won’t, because I am not like everyone else. I am different. I’m some part demon, without essence.
Some part related to the demon who killed my family. To the demon who has my powers. I don’t even know how to process that. I do know that my parents’ death, my losing magic, was far from random. It was planned.
“I promise it will be okay,” I say to Gran. I say the words, but even I don’t think I believe them. How will it be okay? I’m a demon. Carter said we were in this together, but I doubt this is what he had in mind. What if he walks away from me when he finds out what I am?
Once Pop was home, I tried to call Carter and he didn’t answer, so I left. I had to get out. The walls were closing in and I couldn’t lose it in front of them. I do what I always do when I’m stressed: I go for a run. The volume is up as loud as it will go. My feet pound the pavement in a dissonant tune with the rock music. Some angry dude is screaming words into my ears that I can’t understand and it’s just me and the noise.
The whole reason any of this has happened all goes back to Azsis. I really want to find him now.
The song ends, another one comes on. I run, not even listening to the words. The words are lies; a story put to music so they sound better.
I know my grandparents were protecting me, like they always do, but they need to learn that I don’t need protection. I need honesty. They knew—or at least suspected—that I had demonic power. They never told me. If they had, everything would’ve been so less complicated. Or more complicated maybe. I don’t even know.
Gran wanted to talk about it some more now, but I couldn’t. What would I tell her?
The sky is graying around me, but I keep going.
The music screams sharp and shrill notes into my ear. I run harder, faster against the wind as the music builds. Carter’s eyes flash in my head. He’s something solid. Carter and me in the alley, the way it feels when his hands are on me, when he’s kissing me and my heart is racing, when he laughs and calls me Pen and does all those annoying things that I hate to love. Carter is solid.
What if he says he doesn’t want me now?
I didn’t want him before, but the thought of losing him is too much. I gasp in air, choking on a sob. My head spins, my heart races, and I have the urge to vomit. I stop quickly, gasping for breath, hunched over. I can’t do this without him, but I don’t want to. Not now.
I pull the earbuds out of my ears and tuck into a clearing between some houses. My phone is all sweaty from being stuffed around my waist, but I pull it out to call him. I have a text from him from an hour ago. He must’ve sent it right after I left the house.
Hope it went well with your gran. Have to go somewhere. Be back in time for our test. I love you.
Defeat fills my chest. If he’s going out, then I have to wait another day to tell him. Our test is tomorrow. It will have to be after that. Sobs pour out of my body and I sink to the earth. I’m a freaking demon! I’m the one thing I’m taught to hate and the only person I want to hold me and reassure me is gone for the night. I’m supposed to be strong—I want to be an Enforcer—but right now, I feel lost.
I give myself five minutes to cry. Then I have to go home and somehow be the Penelope who believes everything will be okay. But this is not going to be okay. Not ever.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I wake up before my alarm—though “waking up” is the wrong term after my lame excuse for sleep. I got maybe two hours and they were both restless. My mind wouldn’t stop thinking about all the things Gran told me. I’m a demon. My entire family…demon blood.
I check my phone. There’s still nothing else from Carter. My stomach sways at the thought of him, at what will happen when I see him later. In a few hours, we have to take the Partner Final, which we’ll pass because we are the best thing since spray-on butter, and I will start a new chapter of my life. Hopefully, with Carter—if, of course, he doesn’t freak out that I’m a demon. Half demon. Well, one-seventh demon—or something. I’m not a math person.
And I guess if he does, then I’ll at least have passed my test. I can still find my demon, learn more about the Restitution, get my magic back, and put all this behind me.
I really hope he doesn’t freak out. He loves me. That’s enough, a lot more than some portion demonic. Right?
I pull my hair back into a ponytail as someone knocks on the door. Connie stares back at me, her eyes swollen and her cheeks red.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, pulling her into my arms. She just starts sobbing, which is probably not the first time this morning from the state of her. “What happened?” I whisper against her ear.
She shakes her head as we sit down on my bed. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I know what’s happened. I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong.
It’s only a couple minutes before she pulls away, sniffing and apologizing. I grab her hand. Her big eyes focus on me. “I talked to Thomas,” she says softly, “about what Gran told me. About you, us.”
“Oh, Con. I shouldn’t have said it was a good idea to tell him.”
She wanted to tell him the same way I am going to tell Carter. Connie and Thomas have been together for two years, so I think we both thought it would be a good idea. I wanted that to be a good idea, because I want that happy ending so much for Carter and me. For all of us.
She shakes her head. “We talked through it all night. I just got home. He doesn’t…” She pauses, taking in a breath so she doesn’t cry. “He doesn’t think he can risk it. With his family being so—” She waves her hand around the air.
“Hoity-toity?” I supply.
Connie nods. “He swore he wouldn’t tell anyone. Blood oath and all. He said he loved me, but he couldn’t risk his parents’ finding out, for my sake. All of our sakes, I guess.”
I bite my lip. I want to say that he’s covering his own ass. It’s not about Connie or about us. He’s guarding his future, being selfish. But if I hadn’t insisted that Gran tell Connie the truth then she wouldn’t be heartbroken right now. Not everyone needs the truth as much as I do. Maybe I shouldn’t have decided for my sister, but is the dark the best place to be forever? I don’t think so either.
“I’m sorry,” I say.
She shakes her head and stands. “I’m just going to sleep.” She takes about two steps from across the room and looks back at me. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I watch her go down the hall to her room and once she’s closed the door, I grab my bag and my phone and leave for the Nucleus House. Mostly because I can’t handle the waiting, and because I don’t want to talk to anyone else. Maybe I can get some practice in before the test.
Ric holds the heavy bag as I lay another round of abuse into it. Maple shakes out her hand beside me, taking a break. We have one hour until the testing starts and Carter isn’t here. Carter hasn’t even answered his phone. I’m still upset about Connie, and Ric and Maple are staring at me like some alien life form has taken over my body. I throw another punch.
“What?” I yell at Ric.
He raises an eyebrow, wordlessly scolding me like a child. “You’re wound up, Penelope. You better relax a little, and fast, before you spring loose and take out someone’s eye.”
I shake my head, but I know he’s right. Maple trades spots with Ric and holds the bag while he warms up, and I start my cool-down.
“Where’s the boy toy?” Ric asks me.
“Not here yet,” I say. I’m waiting for him, waiting to feel it—to have the magic start thrashing inside of me—but there’s nothing. And that makes me more nervous than I’d like to admit. I step away and check my phone. Nothing. “Do you think he’s okay?”
Ric sighs. “He’s pretty good at taking care of himself. When’s the last time you talked to him?”
“Yesterday afternoon,” I say. “He had a phone call and he was going to see—” Poncho, about Kriegen. Kriegen had been hidden from the database, the same way Azsis was. They might be connected, too. And if they’re connected, then Carter needs to know what he’s looking for. I have to find him and tell him.
“I know that look. What are you doing?”
“I’ll be right back,” I say, grabbing my bag off the floor.
“The final is in forty-five minutes,” Maple calls out. I don’t need her to remind me.
“It won’t take long. I promise,” I say. Ric doesn’t look like he believes me, but I run out the door. I really hope I can keep all the promises I’ve been making.
The library is dark, but the door creaks open and I look around and don’t see anyone. The only light comes from Poncho’s desk lamp.
“Poncho?” I call. There’s no movement. No sounds. I expect monsters to jump out of the shadows and eat me any moment now. That doesn’t happen. How am I nervous about shadow monsters but not about real ones?
There are some books lying open on Poncho’s desk. I run my hand over one of the pages. “Poncho, are you here? I’m looking for Carter.”
There’s no response. Not even the hum of a computer or the purr of a cat. Where is he? Does he leave the library? I mean, he’s always here. He was the last one who saw Carter so he has to know something.
I move away from the desk and walk toward the stacks. There’s no way I’m going down one of those because I don’t have time to get lost in the dark, so I stay in the main lobby and poke my head down an aisle to call for Poncho. The third time, there’s a huge thud, a hiss, and I turn around to see Hyde the cat pouncing out of the room.
“Stupid cat,” I mutter, as I walk to recover the mess of books he’s made. One by one I place them back on the desk, spreading them out so a page is open. Poncho’s not going to like that they’re out of order now, but it’s all I can do. The last book has a wrinkled page, and I smooth it out.
That’s weird.
I read what’s written there out loud. “There is one who seeks the same as you and one who hides the truth from you. Only when the two meet, shall the lost be found.”
That’s what Vassago told Carter and me the day we met him in the bar. And it’s here in this book? That doesn’t make sense. Why would it be in this book?
“You’ve put them in the wrong order,” Poncho says. I jump half out of my skin. My heart’s racing when I look at him. He squeezes beside me, placing Hyde down on the table and switching the position of the two books.
“Almost though.” His face is serious and then he smiles. “Can I help you?
I press my fingers to my temple. I can almost feel time slipping away. “Do you know where Carter is? Yesterday you called and he was coming to see you. I haven’t heard from him since then.”
“He hasn’t come back at all or he hasn’t come back to you?” he asks. I don’t respond. Poncho debates for a moment, and then sits in a chair. I sit next to him. Poncho stares off into the distance, fingers grazing the spine of another book.
I try again. “Carter said you knew something about Kriegen. He came here yesterday to talk to you about it. Do you know where he is now?”
Poncho’s eyes drift back toward me. “Yes, he came here. I found some information.”
“About Kriegen.”
Poncho smiles. “I did well. He really wanted to know.”
“Yes, I’m excited. We both are. I’m sure you worked hard—”
“He’s been looking for his mother for years. I’m glad I found it.”
I shake my head. His mother? “No, no. He said the information was about the demon, Kriegen.”
Poncho looks confused. “His mother.”
“Where is he, Poncho?”
“He said he wanted to find his mother,” he says, standing up. This is getting me nowhere. I stand, but Poncho’s already walking away toward the cat. I walk too, but toward the door. I need to find Carter. Poncho’s words have me worried. Something is wrong. I can feel it.
I look back over my shoulder and something catches my eye. Poncho’s pant leg is caught in his shoe, exposing his sock. A sock with a red stripe. I do a double-take to make sure, and it’s definitely there. Poncho looks toward me, and when our eyes meet, the color is a familiar shade of green.
I don’t walk. I run to find Carter.
The Partner Final is in twenty minutes, but I don’t go that way. I go in the opposite direction, to the supply closet. If I’m going find a demon without magic, I’m going to need a whole lot more than the salt in my vial. Carter said Poncho was giving him information about Kriegen. Poncho said it was about his mother. That red-striped sock said a whole bunch of other things that I don’t even know how to explain. All of them say trouble. I need to find Carter.
Kriegen is the key. I find Kriegen, I find Carter. And, thanks to Emmaline’s little tryst with a demon, I think I know how to catch one even better now. With dessert, better known as me.
This is certifiable, but I push salt-crusted iron daggers in my socks anyway. And salt pellets in my pockets. A nice pistol in my waistband. A salted, iron army knife in my bra strap. You can never be too prepared. I grab a bow and arrow off the shelf and sling them around my shoulder. I’m halfway down the hall when Ric shows up and grabs my arm.
“What are you doing?”
I shake my head and try to pull away, but his grip on my arm is tight.
“I have to get him back.”
“Get who?”
“Carter. He’s in trouble. I need to help him.”
Ric shakes his head. “Penelope, you have to be at the test.”
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t test without him, let alone pass, and he’s not here. He wouldn’t miss this.”
“I have to find him, Ric. I love him,” I say. I realize I’ve never told Ric that before—how much I love Carter. He lets go of my arm and stares at me. I’m wasting time, trying to explain all this to him. I just need to go.
“I can go with you,” Ric says, stepping in front of me.
“No. You have a test to take with Maple,” I say, shaking my head. Ric starts to protest, but I will not let him miss this. One of us has to succeed. “Now get out of my way before this bow makes good friends with your colon.”
I move past him. I’ve already wasted more time and I can’t afford to do that. I start to run when his voice echoes down the hall to me. “Where are you going, at least?”
“To hell!”
I stand in the alley where all this started and hold my breath. Part of me keeps hoping that Carter will step out of the shadows like before, but I know that’s not what’s happening.
My blood drips to the ground. I wrap the piece of bandage over my arm and tie it tighter. The blood keeps seeping through. I probably should’ve thought through cutting myself a little more—but there were demons a mile back, and I had to figure out a way to make them follow me.
It’s been like ten minutes. If this doesn’t work, plan B is a lot more dangerous. Carter probably wouldn’t even approve, which says something. Not that he’d like this one either. I put on my jacket to hold the bandage tighter, even though it’s hot and humid out here and it’s barely 10:00 a.m.
I smell them before I see them—demons. Four of them.
“Well, lookie here,” one of them hisses. They’re all in human bodies, and this one is some punked-out teenage kid with blue hair and a nose ring. I make a mental note that the spiral nose ring can be used to my advantage if needed. I wonder if the demon would feel that. “It’s a little witch.”
I smile and grip the bow around my shoulder. “I’ve been called worse.”
A girl, some poor Non who looks like she could’ve been a model at some point, hisses at me on its approach. “You sure are a pretty thing,” it says.
“I’ve been told.”
The third companion, in the form of an Asian boy with a polo and brown loafers—probably the last thing he expected leaving the house was to be possessed or he would’ve worn better shoes—sniffs the air. “And you smell good. Powerful.”
“I’ve heard that one before, too,” I snap, crossing my arms. The girl hisses at me again, but I don’t respond. “I’m here to negotiate.”
“Now, I’ve never heard that one before,” the fourth one says with a smile, stepping into the only empty space around me. It’s a really, really tall basketball player type. The glare in its eyes also warns me that it could probably rip me in half. Good job picking them, Penelope.
“I’m looking for Kriegen. We have a mutual interest we need to talk about,” I say. All four of them laugh at me, and worry creeps into my chest.
“Kriegen doesn’t talk,” punk kid demon says with a smile.
“Yeah, Kriegen is more of the ‘rip your heart out and eat it’ kind of leader,” the tall one says.
I laugh, which sounds more like a squeak when it comes out. How can I spin this? Spin it, brain. Think.
“I’d like to rip her heart out and eat it,” the girl says, gesturing to me.
“She does smell really, really delicious,” the brown loafers boy says.
That’s it.
“Which is exactly why you should take me to Kriegen. I believe your leader is looking for someone who smells ‘really, really delicious.’ Right? I think that’s part of this witch hunt.” All four of the demons raise their eyebrows at me, like they’re debating.
“You know I’m right. All the hours you’ve put in, what would it be like to get the prize? Just take me in. What’s the worst that can happen?” I ask. The demons look at each other. “Go ahead, talk it out. I’m not going anywhere.”
The demons huddle together and I hear pieces of their conversation. Words here and there, but they’re all talking at once. I’m not sure where all this bravery has come from. All I know is that I need to save Carter, and these nimrods are the only way I can get anywhere near Kriegen.
Nothing can happen to Carter.
The tall demon walks toward me and I strain my neck to look up at it. “Fine,” it says. It leans into my ear. “But if Kriegen doesn’t want you then we’re taking you piece by piece.”
I nod, the image of me being cut up into bite-sized pieces clear in my head, and swallow. “Glad that’s clear.”
The demons laugh as they take hold of me and yank me off the ground—arms, legs, one for each demon—and there’s a whistle and a popping in my head that makes me scream. Everything gets fuzzy around me before it fades away.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Hell is not what I expected.
It’s not flames and fire and pitchforks, it’s white—except for the fact that there’s blood splattered all over everything. The ground, the walls, the demons, the dead. Some of it’s dried and black, some shades of brown. Some is fresh, crimson, streaked, and dripping. The wound from my arm is adding to the decor. Besides the noise of the demon chatter, there’s the occasionally sharp sound of screaming, then silence, made worse because I’m waiting for the screams to start up again.
My demon companions pull me off the ground and my knee gives from the harsh landing. I wobble and the she-devil kicks me. It better be glad I came here willingly. As we walk, I try to see as much as I can, but it’s more like a hospital. There are long hallways and door after door. Everything looks the same, white with the splatters of blood; a stale smell that seeps from the walls as if they painted them with sulfur.
I imagined hell would be more like a carnival—demonic fun and games, food, freaky clowns who kill with squirt flowers—not so still. We continue down a hallway of endless doors. Screams squeeze through the cracks of the closed ones and the open ones feature silent souls. I’ve never seen a soul before, but from my quick glance, it looks a lot like a regular body, only paler. And dead.
One of the doors opens for me and they shove me into a metal chair.
“Tie her down,” brown loafers boy says.
“Really?” I say. “I volunteered for this, remember?”
It leans into my face. “We allowed you to come, and you are our guest.”
“This is how you treat your guests?” I ask as punk kid ties the rope.
“No, we treat them much worse,” it says. Everyone laughs again.
I take a breath and try to center myself, to stay focused. I’m quiet as I watch them. All four of them scurry off in different directions, but their attention stays on me. Tall demon is the only one who disappears from sight, up a set of stairs in the corner of the room, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be back with Kriegen. I just need to play along right now.
When Kriegen gets here, then I’ll negotiate.
I tap my fingers along the arm of the chair, since they’re the only thing besides my feet that can move. “So, this is hell? It’s not really what I thought. I imagined more crazy torture and eating of flesh, and less rooms with doors that lock. I don’t even have that at home.”
The girl snarls at me. “It’s not Buffy.”
“You guys get Buffy down here? That’s some great reception.”
The punk kid hisses something at the girl. It hisses back. It sounds like nothing to me down here, just noise. Which is a little weird. Maybe my reception isn’t so great down here.
“This isn’t hell,” brown loafers says. The other two hiss at him but he ignores them. “This is De’Intero—the space between earth and hell.”
“Janksow,” the girl snaps. “Shut up now.”
He shrugs. “What? We’re going to kill her anyway.” Brown loafers circles the outskirts of the room, its eyes on me. “This is where we bring the humans we like to play with. Sometimes we steal them from earth. Other times we yank their measly souls from hell and give them some entertainment.”
My skin crawls. I don’t really need much imagination to figure out what they do. The blood and the sound is enough.
There’s a loud bang, the sound of heavy doors slamming shut, and then the tall one reappears. Its eyes are on me as it walks down the stairs, and as soon as it hits the landing, the door opens again. This time it’s the sound of heels clacking on the floor—and I don’t see Kriegen until it starts on the steps.
And it’s in human form.
Its black hair is all I see first. Lots of long, curly black hair. Its skin is pale, paler than most; its lips are very red and its eyes are deep, dark recesses lost under heavy lashes. Then it smiles, and if I hadn’t been tied to this chair I would’ve run away. Even in its human body I can see the evil, piercing evil. Shameless.
“Sorry for the delay. I wanted to find my best body for you, kitten,” it says. It moves toward me, heels clacking, and I see it nails—long and red, sharp enough to stab. I may need to rethink some of my earlier planning. “It’s not every day someone volunteers to come below.”
I shrug. “I was a little bored.”
It laughs, and the others laugh, too. They all stop at the same time. Creepy. Kriegen steps towards me, runs its fingernails over my skin. “No need to be coy, kitten. I know why you’re here.”
I raise an eyebrow, waiting for it to continue. I’m not saying anything yet. I need to know what it thinks she knows. Kriegen leans into me, inches from my face, and for the first time since its appearance, I can see the skin around its eyes turning translucent. Its stolen body is already dying.
“I remember you from the woods,” it says. “You didn’t stay around to talk that day.”
It was there? Which one was it? “I was in a hurry.”
It scoffs, amused. “What’s your name, kitten?”
“Penelope,” I say.
Kriegen smiles and repeats it. My name sounds like poison coming off its lips. I kind of don’t want it back now. It stares sidelong at me. “Why are you here?”
“I’m looking for something.”
Kriegen rolls its eyes. “I don’t know where the yellow brick road is and I’m not feeling particularly chatty.” It turns its back on me and snaps its fingers. “Drain her.”
The demons all chuckle as they circle in. They pull at my ropes, leading me across the room to a round wheel that’s been stained with the blood of other victims. I kick my legs, but the four of them overpower me and force me against the circle. They laugh and my feet are forced in these holders; my arms strapped above and there are chain locks and Kriegen is back at the stairs.
“They can’t drain me!” I yell.
“Don’t worry, kitten, they’re good at it. You won’t feel pain for very long,” it says without turning around. The girl secures the last lock around my wrist and I’m stuck. I have no other choice, but I shouldn’t do it. This is a dangerous card to play. It better work.
“I don’t have an essence.”
At my words, the four demons that were just figuring out how best to drain me—and the most important, Kriegen—all freeze. It turns around, its feet between stairs, and looks back. “I thought I smelled something.” It sniffs and smiles. “A demon halfling.”
The room is silent for a few minutes too long. It’s still. The other demons all back away from me as Kriegen swats its hand in the air. It moves slowly back toward me, and the closer it gets the more my gut tells me this feels like a mistake. It’s in my face again, exploring my eyes. And I’m stuck against this wheel of death, completely at its mercy.
It steps back and inhales the air. “Do you know why you smell so good?”
“Cherry vanilla body wash?”
It snickers. “A witch has a certain odor, a pure spark of the freshest rainfall and the cleanest breeze in the summer all wrapped up—but at its core, at its purest form. Like sugar cane before it’s been diluted. It’s delicious. It’s what draws us in, makes us want you, an endorphin, if you will.” It sniffs the air, moving closer to my face. For a second, I think it’s going to lick me. I hope not, because there are some things that are just not okay.
“But you, kitten, you are the opposite of that. You don’t smell like a spark or rain or a breeze, you smell like power. Pure power, empty and open. You smell like the void, but with whipped cream on top. You are decadent.”
“Thank you.” I smile.
It laughs and wags its finger at me. “I like you.”
I don’t respond and it walks around me in circles. Think, Penelope, think. I always get myself into these situations, but I have to get out. What can I do? How can I maneuver my way out? My brain races through the CEASE Squad Handbook. None of the usual rules will work since I’m tied down. I need magic. Magic I don’t have.
I’m screwed.
“You aren’t a usual halfling. No essence, you say? Then despite your decadent smell, you’re pretty useless on your own,” Kriegen says. It walks around me still and I feel like maybe it’s just trying to make me dizzy. “For you to have power, then you have to absorb it.
“I’ve smelled you before. In the woods, right?” Kriegen moves around the room, all her demon lackeys watching her, mesmerized.
“The black demon.”
“You didn’t even try to save that witch, but when you escaped my demons I knew I’d underestimated you.” It wags its eyebrow at me. “You saw the whole thing, so it should make sense to you.”
“What should?”
“You saw what my dagger did to the witchling? How it released her power? You absorbed it. When magic is free it has to go into the nearest void,” it says. Then it wasn’t Carter that day. It was the dead witch. “The void was made to be filled; the essence was made to be released. That’s why witches pull from the elements, while demons create from the void.”
The void helps them create. As in see something and make it happen. That’s how my magic works. “Why didn’t you just take her magic for yourself?” I ask.
Kriegen chuckles, pushes my hair behind my ear. Great, now I’m her doll. “I don’t need her essence. I’m a transformed demon. I have limitless magic.”
“You used to be a witch.”
“Indeed,” it says. It steps back, its shoulders high, and looks at its human nails. “I was a very good one too, but it was all so boring. So I denounced my essence, killed some poor unsuspecting witches, escaped my overbearing husband, and transitioned. It was a fast transition, only a few months until I was fully changed—but here I am. I’m one of the lucky ones. Only the strong survive that change, you know.”
I need to get it back on track because it obviously has my answers. “You said there were a few ways for me to get power.”
It sighs, like it’s bored. “They’re all the same basically. You’re the overflow,” it says. Kriegen moves around the room and snaps its fingers. Punk kid brings it a tall stool and places it right in front of me. It sits, crosses its legs. It has on Jimmy Choos. A demon with fashion sense. That’s not disturbing.
“Let’s say you meet another halfling.” I give it a look because halflings—the offspring of witches and demons—are outlawed. They’re a complete abomination. Just like Emmaline’s children were. And, technically, me.
Kreigen chuckles. “There are more than you think. Just because the Triad fears that they have too much magic doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen,” she says with a smile.
“The halfling, let’s call him Teddy, would have an essence and a void. When you have both, imagine it like two forces at war, oil and water, pushing down on each other because witches weren’t made to hold both. So Teddy meets you, and you have a big hole where your essence used to be and”—it snaps its fingers—“he’s more powerful than before. And so are you.”
It shrugs. “Simple balance system. You would pull from the void, since that’s your remaining power source and because the essence is more powerful. It doesn’t want the void in there. All the pressure is because the essence is already trying to push the void out. So the void would push out and flow into you and Teddy would be freed up anytime you used his untapped magic.”
I try to act uninterested, but my heart is pounding and my head is reeling. That makes sense. It’s why magic with Carter is easier than magic with anyone in my family. My essence is an outline, a leftover glimmer, and the void is what makes me have crazy magic. If this is real, then Carter really is like me. He’s a halfling too. God, that makes so much sense. Does he know what he is?
Kriegen looks at me, a cat playing with a mouse. I’m glad I’m so entertaining. “Penelope, kitten, you don’t seem to know much about how your magic works.”
“I don’t,” I say honestly.
It sighs and moves from its stool, back into my personal space. “I could tell you a lot more, teach you a lot more. I know what it’s like to have a power you don’t understand. I can train you.”
“Train me to what?”
“Absorb power—unlimited power. You can harness the void if it’s your truest desire. We’ve been searching for one like you.”
I stare at it. It does sound appealing, to be in control of my magic, but then I wouldn’t need Carter. I mean, I would need Carter because I love him, but what would happen? Could I really get my own magic? Not to mention I’d have to trust a demon, to be trained by one and take down my own people. That’s not happening.
“I have another question,” I start.
“Enough answering questions. I’m bored. I’m going to ask you one.” It looks at me. “Why are you here?”
“I told you—”
It squeezes my chin in its hand. When it’s this close to me, I can see that its human body is starting to melt off under its power; it’s too strong to be contained by a vessel.
“The real reason,” it hisses.
I meet its gaze. “I came to save my boyfriend.”
“Your boyfriend. How pathetically romantic.”
“Yeah, I thought so, too. What with the facing impending death and all.” It slaps me, its claws digging into my face, tearing some of the flesh. It hurts, but I won’t give it the satisfaction of crying out.
“You have a snappy tongue and it’s getting you into trouble,” it says. “What’s this boyfriend’s name and why would we have him here?”
I start to answer, but there’s a crash in the hallway and screaming. Kriegen points at two of its minions to go check it out. As they move, the ceiling falls in on them. I close my eyes, in some lame effort to protect myself. When I look up, I see Carter, smiling at me. Kriegen stands against a wall, not thwarted at all by the intrusion.
“You must be Kriegen,” he says to it. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
It presses its lips into a smile and pushes off the wall. “You’re the boyfriend.”
“Guilty,” he says. He holds out a hand to it. “William Carter Prescott. Can’t say it’s a pleasure.”
It looks at his hand, but doesn’t take it.
“Smart choice. It’s laced with this really disgusting butter spray—and butter has an awful lot of salt,” Carter says. Spray-on butter. I love him.
It’s all very quiet for a second as Carter leans into me on the wheel. “I’ll get you out of this,” he says. His hand moves over mine as he tries to undo the wrist restraint, but it doesn’t budge. His magic, the void, forms in my gut, as Kriegen laughs behind Carter.
“Your body is melting,” he scoffs at it, and gets back to work on my restraints. His eyes are light even though I know he’s stressed out. I messed this up. He wasn’t really in hell before—not if he’s just met Kriegen. I brought him here. How did he find me? Together, we use magic to free my wrists; Kriegen’s voice calls out.
“Tell me, William Carter Prescott, what you know about your mommy.”
Carter stiffens and turns slowly, his face scrunched up in hurt or confusion or anger—I’m not sure what. I touch his shoulder gently, but he takes a step forward. “The demons confused her, tricked her, promised her things that they couldn’t deliver.”
Kriegen raises an eyebrow, an amused smile on its face, and moves toward Carter. “I bet Victor wouldn’t tell you the whole truth though, not when it would make him look like an idiot. She was a brilliant witch, William, and they couldn’t handle that. They couldn’t see mommy’s vision.”
Each time it says “mommy” it’s like a slap in the face. Even to me, and that thing isn’t my mom. It moves closer to Carter as it speaks, and I see him squeeze his hand into a tight fist with each word. I try to focus the magic on the rest of the restraints, because it’s doing it on purpose, trying to distract us.
Kriegen tsks. “I’ll tell you the story. Her father was a believer in the untapped potential of the void, of the demonic power, and she spent her life trying to prove his theories right. That one day some witch would be able to access both sides of magic. She told Victor that she wanted to be the witch to wield that kind of power. The council laughed at her.”
Carter doesn’t move, but Kriegen’s in his face, only inches away, hissing words at him.
“They said she was crazy, but she wasn’t crazy. She knew there was a way, and she tried to convince her husband. He wouldn’t hear it. She pleaded to the council, but they laughed at her. They said demonic magic didn’t work. She argued that the demons used the void, and why couldn’t witches do the same? They exiled her. Not forcibly, but subtly, until she became nothing more than a pretty face in the crowd, because of her ideas. Even to her husband. She was merely a toy for him to use as he pleased. After that, she decided she would prove it.
“She didn’t plan to become a demon, only to access the void. But the demons were more open and driven, more willing to hear her thoughts and help her. Then it was easy. All she had to do was drain a witch of power and disappear. Voilà,” it said with a snap. “But then she got pregnant, right after she killed the witch for her transition. She was going to run, but Daddy found out and Mommy had to wait for nine months in a cellar until Daddy’s little boy was born—and then he tossed her out on the streets and left her to die. What Daddy doesn’t know is as soon as he tossed her out, she was saved by those who wanted her—and she changed.”
Carter is stiff as a board. Kriegen is his mom. I want it to be a lie, but it makes too much sense. We’re both halflings. I study Carter’s stance, and even though he doesn’t speak or move, all of his muscles are tense. He’s spent so long looking for her, and then to find her here. Has he known all this time?
Kriegen laughs in his face and then gets quiet. “Did Daddy tell you that Mommy came back for you when you were small? That she wanted to be with you, to take the magic she knew you had inside and teach you how to use it? Both of the magics.”
“Stop,” he says through his teeth.
“And your father said no. Victor didn’t want you to have more power than he did. He tried to kill her.”
“Shut up.”
“All your Mommy wanted was to feel like she mattered. To have power. She tried to fit in with the witches, but the demons loved her more. They needed her.”
Carter doesn’t move.
“She’s been seeking you, William. She’s been tearing your world apart to try to find you, and here you are.” Kriegen reaches out and strokes his cheek. Carter just stands there, like he’s not able to move. I’m not even sure that he’s breathing. “And I didn’t even have to do anything to get you here.”
“You didn’t—you took Penelope! You lured me here!”
Kriegen raises an eyebrow. “No, she volunteered to come. To save you. Isn’t that right, kitten?” As soon as she says it, Carter looks toward me. Okay, so I’m an idiot. “Young love is so sweet. Too bad she didn’t know we didn’t have you—and yet here you are. It’s perfect. Better, even, because instead of one halfling, we got two.”
The demons jump into action. I leap free from the wheel. Girly demon catches me, digs its claws into my free arm. I cry out as blood drips down the cracks of wood. Brown loafers demon grabs a handful of knives and stands behind a line. One zooms toward my face and lands on the board an inch from my eye. It does it again and nicks my leg.
Carter leaps toward me, but more demons fall down from his hole in the ceiling and force him to the ground. “Let her go,” Carter yells.
Kriegen puts up a hand and the demons stop with the knives. She bends down toward the ground and strokes a piece of his hair. “I want you to stay, William. If you swear on a blood oath that you will stay with me, I will spare her.”
“Don’t do it,” I yell. Brown loafer tosses another knife, just left of my throat.
Kriegen leans into Carter. “I can help you, William. I can mold you into the leader you were destined to be. Her too. The three of us can change the world. This is our path. Together.”
Carter looks like he’s considering it. Really considering it. He glances from her to me and I shake my head. He can’t do this. I can’t have caused all this. He nods and Kriegen’s demons get off him, letting Carter stand. He breathes hard, shaking his head as Kriegen smiles like she won the lottery. She’s spelling him, like Vassago tried on me.
“One thing you should know,” he says, looking up at her. “I go by Carter.”
He shoots sparks of magic in her direction and kicks her across the room as a shot rings out and a demon howls as it falls to the ground. Who’s helping us?
I don’t have time to look. In a second everything blows up. Magic zooms, walls break, demons fall. I search for Carter in the chaos. He’s fighting with his mother, trying to get away.
I release some magic toward Kriegen, and it hits her in the face. She lets out a yell and covers her eyes. Carter glances around the room, like he’s suddenly realizing where he is. Then he sprints over to me and grabs my hand, and we run out of the room, around chunks of concrete falling from the ceiling, and out the door. We race down the hall as another scream splits the air and another sound echoes behind it.
The noise, like skin being ripped off of flesh, fills my ears and then all I hear is, “Kill them both!”
Chapter Thirty
Everywhere I look, bodies litter the floor behind us. It’s much more like the hell I imagined before.
“How do we get out?” I yell to Carter.
“I marked the route,” he says, pointing to a black mark on the wall. He leads the way to exit, but the marks are hard to see through the torn pieces of flesh splattered everywhere—from demons and Nons—so much blood.
“Left ahead!” Carter yells, slicing a dagger through this gross-looking older man. His skin was so thin that the demon’s true red color was showing under it.
We turn left and a demon grabs at my hair. I scream out, try to fight my attacker off, but no one is there. Something grips my leg. Sharp nails that I can’t see—only feel—dig into my ankle. Carter stops for me as the pain in my leg crawls higher, unseen claws carving their way up to my thigh.
“Stay calm, Pen. It’s invisible,” he says.
He counts to three, and then pierces the emptiness with his dagger. Nothing happens at first, then there’s the unmistakable cry of a demon. The grip loosens and I jump toward Carter. We stay long enough to see it materialize—even in its true form, it’s white like the floor, only more defined.
I pull a dagger from my sock and then change my mind. Carter looks at me, but I stare down at the demon. If Kriegen was right, then I’m more powerful than I know. I take a step forward and the demon looks up at us, eyes wide. I twist my hand around in the air, gathering the image in my head. The demon gasps for breath.
I don’t speak the incantation; I don’t even think it. I picture the demon turning into guts, and the demon on the ground convulses. Carter pulls me back, the look in his eyes alarmed, but says nothing as we take off down the hall. I don’t see any more markings. We burst through a set of doors, the only barrier between us and the way out.
In front of us, guarding the way out, is Kriegen in her black demon form from the woods. Slick and black with deep-green eyes and claws. Behind her, more demons than I can count. I don’t even want to try. They’re like a huge rainbow of impending death, and they’re all staring at us.
“I hope you’re not in a hurry to leave,” she says. Her voice sounds a lot like it did when she was in the human body, except now I can pick up on the traces of demonic noise now, an accent from hell. She snaps her fingers and all the demons take a step forward. I tighten my grip on the dagger.
“Whoever kills them gets their power.”
They all charge at us.
Carter runs forward into the throng of demons, blade slashing and blood splashing. A second later I charge after him, a dagger in my left hand and one of my guns in the right. I slice through two demons before another jumps me from behind, snaking one arm around my neck. Instinct and practice take over; I jam my elbow into the demon’s stomach and twist away when its grip loosens. I shove my dagger into its stomach before it can grab me again. It falls back too quickly to pull the dagger out. Crap.
Before I can even move, another demon pounces, tackling me to the ground. My entire body feels the impact. I scramble to stand up, but the demons hold me down. They pin my arms as I kick, thrashing wildly to get them off like Ellore taught me to. One of them, a shade of deep purple and covered in sharp barbs, inches closer to my neck, sharp teeth smiling and ready to bite. The other demon, a putrid orange with a hulking bulbous body, presses down on me. My gun digs into my lower back where it’s tucked into my waistband, useless. A dagger hides in my boot and my bra, but I can’t get either while the orange blob clutches my arms. I’m trapped, my heart hammering against my rib cage. There’s no way out, and needle-sharp teeth are inching closer.
Or not. I have another weapon.
I close my eyes and pull in the magic from the void. It comes quickly and when I open my eyes, I look at the demons. I think they feel the sudden rush of magic because their eyes widen before they’re flung across the room. I use the free second to reach for the gun and the dagger in my boot. I may not get another opportunity.
I run through the crowd of demons, nearly tripping on a couple that are convulsing on the floor. I glance around while I run and spot Carter across the room, as a demon explodes. He shakes guts off of him and turns his attention to another.
Another fugly thing seizing my arm. I pull the trigger on my gun. A loud bang fills my ears as blood pours from the demon. It stumbles back, pauses, and drops to the ground, writhing in pain as the salt pellets dissolve inside it. I turn away from the sight and Carter catches my eye. He slices and stabs with his dagger, leaving a wake of blood and death following after him. But there are too many. They swarm like insects, crawling over one another as they try to claim their prize: us. This won’t work. We can’t last much longer like this.
And then I see it.
Above me there’s a landing, and right beside that landing is a ladder built into the wall. It’s old, pieces missing, but it goes up. I slide my gun and dagger in my pocket and start climbing. I’m halfway up when it starts vibrating. Demons are following me, but I’m almost to the landing. I climb faster and pull from the void to coat the ladder in salt. It takes a lot of focus, but I eventually hear them scream as they fall down to the ground. Awesome. I’m getting the hang of this.
I toss myself onto the landing and pull the gun out of my pocket. From up here, it looks like we’re losing. And we probably are, since it’s two to one hundred. But there are lots of demons still on the ground, and even more that are splattered against the walls. I kneel down and aim the gun.
I search for Carter first. Three demons are hauling him away, moving quickly with their prey. I don’t want to hit him. Maybe if I use the void, my aim will be perfect. I focus, connecting with the gun and the magic. Carter is on the other end of the room, but he’s slicing through a demon, so I start shooting. I take out ten more, ten demons sprawling to the ground, when a hand pulls me up. It’s Kriegen.
“Creative, kitten,” she says. I aim the gun at her and pull the trigger.
Nothing happens. I’m out of pellets. Shit.
She laughs. “Did you know those things only hold about fourteen? I did the math.”
Stupid math! Then she lurches at me. I lose my balance and start to fall from the landing. Carter screams my name; I hear his voice around all the noise, and I am falling.
I brace myself for the landing, but it doesn’t come. Instead, the magic bubbles up without my really thinking, and I’m suspended in midair. Kriegen lets out a yell, and I picture myself landing on my feet. The magic listens, and in seconds I’m on the ground. A little dizzy, but in one piece. Alive.
When I land, a demon charges at me. I didn’t expect it and I get a claw to the shoulder. Quicker than me, Carter slits its neck and pulls me into the nook of this wall.
It’s barely big enough for him, but I squeeze into the small space next to him.
“You’re okay?” Carter asks.
I nod. Around us, the demons are still rabid. Some fight one another like they didn’t notice we were gone. Good. Let them take one another out.
“We’ll never survive this,” Carter says. His voice is low, but as soon as he says it I agree. Deep inside, I know he’s right. I don’t know how we’re going to get past them all. It almost feels like every demon ever made is crammed into this space. I’d be flattered if I wasn’t terrified.
“I won’t go down without a fight,” I say. If they want me, fine, but they are going to work for it. I’ll go down a legend. At least, in my own head.
Carter leans his forehead against mine. “Together then?”
“In a blaze of glory, and all that.”
“Let’s tear down the place,” he says. He takes my hand, and then I know what we’re going to do. Just like the alley where we first blew up the windows.
We both move out of our safe nook, and as soon as they see us again, the demons all come charging.
I focus on the void, and let it fill me up. I try to see everything in my head—my magic bursting forth like sunrise or fireworks on the Fourth of July. I want them to feel it all. I want it to knock them off their feet and destroy whatever makes them demons.
Carter’s hand is squeezing mine and then there’s a movement that breaks my concentration, but it doesn’t stop us. The magic rushes into the void and out of the void and through me. It claws at my stomach, burns in my throat. A dark light pours from my fingers, from my pores, and then stretches out into the room.
Quick as lightning his lips are on mine, and it’s the most intense thing I’ve ever felt.
Between us, the magic explodes. It feels endless. Maybe it’s because I know that this is the void, but I feel like I can almost pull from it forever. My brain swims with power, my body with Carter’s touch, and the whole thing happens while I’m not thinking at all. The power flows through me, and I focus on Carter’s lips, on his hands, on this last moment of life. Passion and desperation. Every last moment alive should be spent like this.
My head swims then, and not in the good way. Not because of the kissing. I falter against Carter, but he can barely hold me either. We both sink to the ground and the power stops. It just stops. Gone.
When I hit the ground I notice it: all the demons are convulsing. They’re on the ground, their bodies moving in ways that bodies can’t move. They’re screaming, howling. It’s the worst sound ever—nails on a chalkboard with the white noise of the TV, and the squealing of brakes, and gnashing of teeth. It’s all the pain every human—witch or Non—has experienced, rushing from the teeth of these demons. It’s all my pain. It’s so loud that I have to cover my ears to keep out the noise
Before I can question it, every demon stops moving. Stops. Like someone hit pause. Then, just like that, they all disappear.
Carter looks at me, his eyes wide and tired, his mouth open. I expect him to speak, and then he doesn’t. He falls over.
“Carter,” I say, shaking him. The movement is too sudden. The whole room starts to spin, and just when I think I’ve lost my balance this sudden surge of energy overtakes me. I feel brand-new. Awake.
A slow clap echoes from across the empty room and I look to see Kriegen. She slinks toward us, and I jump to my feet. “I have no clue what you did, but I am impressed. You would be a great addition to our side, kitten.”
“I’m not interested in evil,” I say.
Kriegen shakes her black demonic head. “It’s not about evil or good; it’s about power. Don’t you feel it? The void likes you. If you stayed with it, imagine what you could accomplish.”
I do feel it. I feel it in every single cell. It’s as if I am swimming in magic. I can’t say that it’s not a great feeling.
“You’d be so much more than a sliver of essence with us. My partner and I could teach you everything. We can make you more than an outline of a witch, kitten; we can make you whole.”
“I’m not broken,” I say. But isn’t that how I’ve always felt? Broken? Different? And now, right in this moment, I feel invincible. I feel like I’m floating, like nothing can touch me. I feel the endlessness of possibilities.
Kriegen moves closer to me and Carter, who’s still not moving from the ground. “I wanted you to join me. You and him. There’s room for both of you.”
“That’s not happening,” I say.
“I know. And it’s a pity because you already have the gene. You wouldn’t have to undergo the transformation. You could be eternal, much more than your pathetic witch lifestyle. You would have access to the void—lots of access considering what you just did to all those demons.”
The demons. What did we do to them? They just disappeared. No explosion, no guts, no nothing.
Kriegen shrugs. “They’re all dead, if you’re wondering. I can feel it. I’m guessing they won’t be lingering around hell either. Poof. Gone.”
Kriegen paces around the room between Carter and me. She demands attention, but I just want him to wake up. Whatever we did, he’s not recovering like I did.
“Is that a no then?”
“It’s a hell freaking no,” I say.
She snaps her fingers and her magic pushes me away from Carter and straps me to the ground. I try to fight it, but I can’t. It’s too strong for me, even now. “Pity. I guess I kill you then.”
“You can’t kill me when I’m connected to the void,” I say. If a witch’s essence is part of a witch, then the void must be part of a demon. The only way a witch looses an essence is being drained. I’m only grasping at straws but I don’t have any other ideas. “You need me,” I say.
Kriegen laughs and leans into me so her lips are right against my ear. “You’re replaceable.”
I try to head-butt her, but she moves too quickly, laughing.
I shuffle against her magic, trying to free myself. But it doesn’t work. Something pokes at my chest, and I remember I stuffed a dagger into my bra. “You said the void was part of me. You can’t do that if it’s true!” I yell.
Kriegen growls. “When a demon drains you, kitten, what are they doing? Getting that part of your soul linked to your essence. You’re right; it is part of you, a large piece of your genetic makeup—that’s why it connects with nature. Every single drop of blood in a witch’s system is her essence. That’s why we drain the blood. Blood is life.”
While she’s talking, a demon materializes behind her. It’s light mauve, and its eyes are on me. Then, its fingers are over its lips, telling me to be quiet. A demon is helping us?
Wait—I know that demon. It’s the one that helped us before. At the mall.
The mauve demon does something, and it’s only a second before I feel the magic rushing toward me. My arms are free. I reach into my shirt quickly and lay my arms down again so Kriegen doesn’t notice. The mauve demon dissolves into the white walls, the same quick way it appeared.
“When we drain you, we drain your blood—and since the essence lives in the blood, the witch dies. The void is the same way, a part of you that keeps you living. It flows through your blood.”
Kriegen snaps her fingers and a little wooden box carved with symbols on the side appears. When she opens it, there’s a black dagger. My heart races a little more because that’s the dagger that she used in the woods when she released the witch’s magic. I’ve seen what it can do, how it separates the magic from the witch. I guess it can be used on a demon too. Half demon.
“Think of the void as a watering hole. All demons are connected to it. It nourishes us. I’m going to carve it out of you.” She holds up the black dagger. “No more water. What happens when your body doesn’t get water, kitten?”
Kriegen turns back to me and lowers to my level, the black dagger inches from my chest. “Any messages for my son that I can pass along after?”
“Go to hell,” I say. Her eyes get wider, like she’s about to say something creative, but I raise my arm toward her chest before she can realize I’m free. In my hand, the army knife I took from the Nucleus House twists into her skin. Her skin burns, smokes from the point of impact. I know it’s not going to kill her, but it distracts her enough to make her lose concentration and drop the magic that held me down.
I rush toward Carter, determined to wake him up. There’s another little scream and then Kriegen is laughing. When I look at her, she’s removing the army knife from her chest.
“Nice trick, but it’s going to take more than that to kill me, kitten. I’m a little offended.”
I don’t think; I act. I connect to the void, and it refreshes me. I feel stronger than the Hulk. Magic shoots from me toward Kriegen. It pushes her back a couple feet and she staggers. I charge at her, throw my body at her full force, and release another shot of power. She falls to her feet at the impact of my magic. I roll over her, squatting in a corner.
Kriegen laughs again, swinging toward me with a kick. I clench my fists and block the kick so I can grab her by the arm. Kriegen is quick, ducking my counterattack and landing on one leg as the other sweeps me off my feet.
I roll as she moves toward me, her fist coming toward my face. I turn my head to the side, and she misses. I grasp her forearm and try to yank her down. She’s too strong. Her arm twists mine and I dare her to break it so I can break her freaking neck with my other one. I shift my stance as she leaps over me. Her foot isn’t as fast as the rest of her body. I take her down, but I go with her. That’s when I see it: the black dagger, on the floor.
Kriegen sees it, too. She grabs my hair and digs her knee into my spine. I scream. I hear Carter yell, but I don’t know what he says. All I know is she cannot get that dagger. I won’t let her have it.
I access the void again and pulse out some power. Not toward her—toward the dagger. It flies across the room. She growls right before she leaps toward the knife. I leap too. Kriegen punches me, and my head is spinning a little. I struggle under her, but I let her hit me again. This time, I move left. Her fist pounds the ground; I ram my knee into her chest. She falls flat, but her magic attack rushes out at me, sends me across the room toward the army knife. My back lands against the wall.
Kriegen races after me, limping on her leg. She stands over me. I kick up my leg; she falls to the ground again, this time landing on top of me. I ram the army knife back into her arm, and she screams. I take the advantage, kick her in the shin. She curses me and pins me to the ground, her hands strangling my neck.
“That doesn’t work on me,” she snaps again.
“No, but this does,” Carter says.
She barely turns to get a glance at him when he thrusts the black dagger into her heart and out again. She falls to the ground as Carter grabs me. She gasps in air, black blood oozing from her wound. It looks more like tar than blood. Carter drops the dagger and pulls me toward him.
“Next time, do that a couple minutes sooner,” I say.
He looks exhausted. I pick up the black dagger and hold it between us in the air. Crazy how a little thing can do so much damage. Carter’s eyes drift to his mother as she dies on the floor. His jaw clenches and he scrubs a hand over his neck. As evil as she was, she was still his mom.
“I’m sorry,” I say.
Carter shakes his head and kisses the top of my head. A few feet from us, Kriegen cries out. Neither of us looks away from her, watching as all the black tar drips out of her, and she convulses with a last breath of air. Tears fill Carter’s eyes; I know this must be hard for him. He’s spent all his energy looking for her.
Then, she lights up in flames—the sound of her crying replaced with this annoying whistle and the smell of burning eggs. Carter helps me to my feet and we move closer toward the door. The last thing I need is burning demon guts exploding all over me.
“What are you going to do with that?” Carter asks, nodding toward my hand. I hold up the black dagger. I stuff it down my boot.
The mauve demon appears in front of us, and I grasp Carter’s arm. The demon holds up its hands in defense. “I’m here to help you leave,” it says.
“Why are you helping us?” I ask. It gives me an annoyed look, like I just asked it where babies came from.
“Not all of us are evil. The two of you aren’t evil,” it says, pointing between Carter and me.
“We’re not one of you,” Carter says.
It shrugs. “Maybe evil and good isn’t black and white. Do you have an exit plan?”
I bite my lip. I didn’t. It’s not like I had time to think through every move I made. Carter looks at me and I can tell he knows. He shrugs—he doesn’t have a plan either. I’m rubbing off on him! I probably shouldn’t be proud of that, considering where we are.
“Look, if you don’t want my help then you can wander around here until you die.”
Carter gives me a look. He doesn’t trust it. I get it, but I want to get out of here and never come back. Ever.
“You aren’t very trusting, are you?” it asks.
“You’re a demon,” I say.
It hisses. “Good luck then, because this isn’t over. Kriegen wasn’t the top. She was mid-level management at best. You think she was bad? Just wait.”
She’s mid-level? Now that is pretty motivating.
“If you take us out, what will you want? Nothing is free. Not with demons,” Carter says.
It smiles. Yup, he was definitely right. “That’s a conversation for later. I promise you won’t have to give me your firstborn or anything.”
I must be delirious. Demon or not, I kind of like its sass.
“Get us out of here,” I say quickly.
The mauve demon nods and heads toward the door. I start to say something else when Carter’s face changes into confusion. I look toward Kriegen, and watch as her body turns to dust. What happens when your body doesn’t get water?
You burn.
Chapter Thirty-One
The mauve demon delivers us a mile away from the Nucleus House, saying it couldn’t get closer than that. We could probably have used magic, but we’re both tired. And honestly, walking gives me time to replay the whole thing in my head, and all that power was intoxicating.
“Do you think we’ll regret letting it help us?” I ask.
“Undoubtedly.” Carter is quiet for a moment. “We should think of a story.”
“The Triad will ask us what happened, and we can’t tell them the whole truth. They can’t know about Kriegen, not that we went after her and—”
“—not that she’s your mom? Got it. She took us, that was all,” I say. “As far as I’m concerned, we are both completely normal witches who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I can’t believe you’re a halfling,” he says softly. “I felt really alone. My dad knew it would ruin us.”
“Gran too,” I said. “We probably shouldn’t mention that we made a bunch of demons disappear.”
“What was that, anyway?” Carter asked.
I shrug. “Kriegen says we killed them.”
“Not sent them back to hell?”
I shake my head. The whole thing is odd. Why did she need me?
I see the entrance of the Nucleus House when we turn the corner. We don’t have long to get a story together, and Carter’s right, there are going to be questions.
“Wait,” I say. I pull the black dagger out of my boot and step away from Carter. I have to hide this. I don’t want the Triad to have it, not until I know what it means. If they saw it, I would never get it back.
There’re directional signs that points to various routes for the parking impaired. I use magic to pull up a piece of the ground right next to the sign with the arrow pointing to Lot A on the left. I toss the knife inside, re-cover it, and guard it with a protection spell. I’ll come back for this later and then I’ll put it somewhere safe.
“So what will we tell them?” I ask, turning back to Carter.
“Not that you volunteered,” he says. “That was stupid, by the way.” Glad he’s still snappy even when he’s exhausted.
“I thought they had you!” I said.
He stops walking and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I overslept after being with Poncho in the library all night. Of all the possible scenarios, my mom being a demon wasn’t at the top of my list.” So that’s what Poncho told him. “I didn’t think you’d go to hell to look for me.”
“How did you find out, anyway?”
“Ric,” Carter says. “He was freaked when I showed up. I had to stun him so he wouldn’t try to follow me.”
That sounds like my best friend.
“So the story,” I start. “The demon in the woods was the same one who took you—which I found when I went to meet you and you weren’t there.”
“You called me but our call got interrupted and I came after you,” Carter adds. “The demon from the woods took us to De’Intero and we took it down with its own dagger, and then we fought our way out of De’Intero. Came straight here.”
“They’re going to ask details,” I say.
“Tell them the truth. Or most of it. The best lies are based around truth,” Carter says. “As long as we leave out the bit about your magic and the void and my mom, we’ll be fine.”
I knew what Kriegen said was true. They would never allow someone with that kind of power to exist. Carter’s existing, the direct son of a demon and a Triad leader and filled with two kinds of magic, is dangerous enough. If the Triad found out Mr. Prescott had been lying to all these years, it would make what happened in De’Intero look like a cakewalk.
Add in a girl with the same—except she has unlimited access to the void because her great-great-something-grandmother became a demon and then later some crazy demon stole her essence and left only the void behind? I’d rather them think me Static and be exiled from the witch community. They can’t know what Kriegen said I can do, even if I’m not sure how to do it.
“They’re here,” Carter says, pointing toward the Enforcers charging for us. He gives me a reassuring smile before we’re escorted inside.
I pace around the giant empty meeting room, the ends of my hair sticking to my neck with sweat. It feels like forever since the Enforcers found us. I don’t understand why the mauve demon helped us get out, but I know we haven’t seen the last of it.
I also know I’d kill someone for a cheeseburger.
The door clicks and I stop pacing. Carter enters the room with an Enforcer and hugs me before he takes a seat beside me. The Triad and the council enter on opposite sides of the room, and I guess I spoke too soon. Everyone stares us. No one moves. No one speaks. Ellore is the only one with a friendly face.
Do they know we lied?
Rafe Ezrati stands without looking at his counterparts. He bows to me, and then to Carter. Everyone, and I mean everyone, looks shocked. I feel like I returned to some alternate universe. “Thank you, Miss Grey and Mr. Prescott, for your valiant service and sacrifice. You are the reason my family has always believed in the Enforcer finals.”
Rafe sits down again.
“We have spoken with both of you and your stories match completely,” Mr. Prescott says. Carter meets my gaze and I know his father is in on our lie. I guess it’s his lie too, considering what he has at stake if anyone found out about Kriegen or Carter. “You’ve both done a brave thing.”
“With that in mind,” Sabrina Stone says, “we’ve decided that you both deserve your spots as Enforcers. You won’t have to complete the Partner Final.”
I blink. That’s it? Carter throws his arms around me, and I can’t believe it. They’re just giving it to us?
“The position is yours, if you would have it,” Rafe says.
“Why?” I ask. It’s the shock. The question sort of comes out on its own.
“You two went into De’Intero and took down a major demon. You took down many demons from the sound of it, and kept our people safe,” Sabrina says.
“As an Enforcer, this is your sworn duty,” Rafe adds. “Allegiance to the Triad, to the fight against evil, to the sanctity of magic and purity of life. To serve honestly, uphold the integrity of the badge, to protect and be willing to sacrifice whatever comes for the safety of your promise. These are vows that you will take—vows that you have already proven to value.”
I look sidelong at Carter.
“I’d be honored,” Carter says, avoiding my gaze.
They all look at me, waiting.
But the weight of it is too real. I’m not being honest or serving with integrity. I’m lying. We’re lying. I’ve lived a lie for years, and taking on this role means living the lie longer. Pretending to be someone I’m not, forever. I see it all now. All my dreams. The future. The past. The present. The things I’ve always wanted floating around in my head. To have magic again, to follow in Mom’s footsteps and be an Enforcer, to prove to myself that I am good enough. Then I see Carter’s smile, feel his lips on mine, hear his laugh, remember how hard he fought with me, for me. And I realize that the things I want have changed.
But the things I need have not.
I need to be an Enforcer. Now more than ever. I need the protection, I need Carter, I need to find Azsis, and if the magic I harness is truly related to the void, then it is evil magic and I still need my essence. I have to say yes. I have to keep lying.
Carter squeezes my hand.
“I’d be honored as well,” I say.
Everyone applauds. I smile, Carter smiles, and for once, for the first time ever, it’s good that we’re both so excellent at lying. Gran may have been right all these years: lying may be the only way to stay together, and alive.
I stop by the library on my way outside. Hyde is sitting on the desk, and he perks up when I walk in, his tail swaying. He lets me touch him, which is surprising. Beside Hyde, I notice a little bell and I ding it. Has that been there this whole time? The sound echoes throughout the library.
Only yesterday, I was here seeking answers; now I’ve found some of them. More of them than I expected to find. Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do with them, what they mean for my future—and if I can bear to search for the ones I’m still missing.
“Poncho?” I call out.
There’s a book on the table when I sit down to wait. I smile, because that means he probably knew I was coming. I turn the book to face me and look down at the page. It’s an excerpt on the Restitution, the ritual to return magic that I’d learned about before, but have yet to study. My eyes scan the page and one singular passage jumps out at me.
“Magic is a fine balance, and any tipping of the scales can destroy it all. There is no good and evil in magic, only ability and motive. Only the purehearted can serve the Void and the Essence alike, can treat them both as equal. The Restitution is the epitome of magic, and only those who balance the line in pure heart can succeed in performing it.”
I don’t want to read this. When I turn around, Poncho is there.
There’s a twinkle in his eye, and I wait. I had this whole speech planned out, about how I knew that he was really Vassago because of that stupid sock, and I demand to know why he is here. But now that I’m in front of him, I’m not really sure I want to know. It’s so ironic.
“I think the word you are looking for is hypocritical, not ironic,” Poncho says. He takes a step toward me and leans on the back of the chair. “And that would be a correct word.”
“How are you two people?”
He smiles. It’s so much like Vassago that it’s jarring. But then, he is Vassago. Somehow.
“Here, in this room, I am Poncho. Out there, I am Vassago. Decades ago the Triad came seeking me out, and I helped them with a problem. It’s a long story that I shall tell another time. In result of it, they gave me a job, and bound my magic to their DNE system. It’s been safer for me hiding out here.”
Protective custody for demons? That existed? “Why would the Triad help you?”
Poncho doesn’t move his gaze away. “When you know the things I know, both sides want to use you. I serve all, but sometimes that means you can only appear to serve one.”
I nod my head slowly. “How did they know they could trust you?”
“Intuition is a lot of it; proof is another. Miss Grey, do you know what happens when you rip someone’s magic away from their soul?” He doesn’t allow me to answer. “They fight back.”
I raise my eyebrow. “The soul or the magic?”
“Both,” he says.
There’s a silence between us so loud that when Hyde meows, we both look at him. “So you do have magic, but it’s bound. How do they even do that?” I ask.
Poncho shrugs. “Is there anything else?”
I want to mention Azsis, but I need a break. A short one. Without conspiracies. I want to celebrate this minor win for my side. If being a demon—half demon—is a win. This whole thing is weird, but I’m tired. I think I’m done digging for answers. At least for this month.
“Maybe later,” I say, standing up from my chair. Poncho nods and I move toward the door. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Miss Grey,” Poncho calls. I move toward the door and then pause as he continues to speak. “We are not through, you and I. Matters of the heart are often poisonous,” he says.
Why would he say that? I turn, about to ask a question, but he’s already gone.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Ric pushes Connie as we turn out of St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub. They are arguing about who was hotter in the movie: Chris Pine or Bradley Cooper. I still think Zac Efron is the best of all of them.
“I don’t understand them,” Carter says, pointing between Ric and Connie. He presses his lips against my temple. I love being near him.
“Where to next, Con?” I ask. She snaps out of her argument and plasters on her smile. She has this whole day planned as a celebration for all three of us becoming Enforcers. None of us mention the whole halfway-to-hell thing, but I know that she’s secretly celebrating our survival of that, too. She and Ric know the whole story, the real one. No more lying to my best friend and my sister.
“Hot-boy movie is a check, so next it’s the park.”
“The park? You really suck at this whole ‘celebrate’ thing,” Ric says.
She waves him off. “Just wait. It’s going to be way more exciting than a normal day at the park.” Oh man, cue the freaking clowns. Or ponies. Or flying trapeze artists jumping over fire.
That last one could be cool.
It would be better than her other idea to have each of us break a big rule before we took our vows. We tried that this morning and the most dangerous it got was me having a triple shot in my latte. We party big.
Connie bumps into my hip. “I can’t believe two of my favorite people are going to officially be Enforcers.”
“That’s not nice. What about Carter?” Ric asks, looking over at her.
“I was talking about Carter,” she says. Carter chuckles, and Ric kicks at my sister before he hugs her. Idiots, both of them.
We turn the corner and Carter yells, “Detour,” before pulling me away from my sister and Ric.
“What are you doing?”
“Just a second,” he says. We run down the street, and I look over my shoulder toward Ric and Connie, but they’re talking about something else entirely. The magic is going too crazy as we move, but it’s only a few more blocks and then I realize where we are: our alley.
Someone cleaned all the glass from the ground, but aside from that, it’s still the same. Last time I was here, everything changed. I didn’t know anything about myself, and now I know everything. I’ve gotten everything I’ve always wanted. I toe the iron grate with my shoe—amazing that this small, unimportant thing made me whole. “Thank you.”
“Are you talking to me or the iron?”
“Both,” I say, turning to face him.
He smiles and pulls me in. “Witch,” he says, his lips on my neck, “you smell good.”
A smile plays on my lips. “That’s the smell of pure power with whipped cream on top.”
Carter pulls me around and his smile is large, his eyes glistening. I kick at his feet. “Your lucky shoes,” I say, pointing down at his bright blue Converses. “I didn’t realize you were wearing those.”
He shrugs. “I don’t know anymore. They keep bringing this girl around and she’s sort of a stalker.”
I gasp and hit him on the shoulder. He laces his hand with mine, then grabs my arm, pulling me toward him. He pins me against the wall with a smile and presses his body against mine. My hand slides up his chest, around his neck.
“I will always fight for you,” he says, his voice low.
I look into his eyes and I know, without a doubt, that I trust him. “I will too,” I whisper.
His lips are against mine, and my tongue slides against his. My fingers roam up his neck as the brick digs into my back. Carter leans into me. This is what I want. Carter and me. Everything else can work itself out. It doesn’t matter like this matters—like he matters.
He smiles against my lips. “You know what?” he says between kisses. His lips tickle mine when they move. “Maybe these are lucky shoes.”
I laugh. “I know they’re mine.”
He kisses me again, long and deep. Fire builds between us. Our bodies fold together; warmth seeps through the layers of fabric. I could get used to this. He moves away from me, and I moan under his lips. A soft kiss pecks my forehead as he trails his fingers on the bare skin of my arm, leaving goose bumps where his touch lingers. I smile, out of breath, and the air fills the small space between us.
“We should go back,” I say, but I don’t even mean it.
“We should,” he says, but he keeps me close.
His breath on my ear makes me giggle. I’m totally that giggle-at-her-boyfriend girl. “So we’re officially Enforcers now. That should be fun,” I say.
“Only if we get to spar some more.”
“You like that?” I ask with a smile.
“Not as much as this,” he says, leaning in to kiss me again.
I don’t like it as much as this, either.
Salt has been a crazy journey, and none of it would have been possible without my three Boston boys. Joshua Sheena, who insisted that I watch Supernatural and meet the Winchesters because my life was missing something. It was, so thank you for showing me the errors of my ways. Derrick Pyle, who locked me in my room, talked me out of corners, helped me get out of my own way so I could write the things that had to be written even when I didn’t want to. Thank you for that, and for Vassago because he was all your idea. And Nathan Behit-Aharon, who was there to listen, to overanalyze male counterparts in YA, and to make me laugh with bad puns. You are like geometry: without you, life is pointless.
Without the three of you, I would have never written the first draft of this book.
To three women who have been in Penelope’s corner through this whole process. Jaime Arnold, my publicist, who read Salt and insisted that I sub to Entangled, and then fought for me in every single way. I hope you know how much you matter. Cindy Thomas, my crit partner, for being there the day I had this idea and spending a whole lunch developing it with me—and then reading, talking, and brainstorming with me over and over for months. This sort of feels like yours, too. And my friend, Amalie Howard, who after reading a single page of this story said it was something special and believed in it even when I didn’t. Glad you were right.
To my editors: Guillian Helm and Laura Anne Gilman for helping me shape this story and make it stronger. Liz and Stacy for letting me be part of what you are doing, and to all the other people at Entangled who give their time and energy to my little book: Thank you.
My other amazing critique partners: Christina Ferko and Patricia Riley for EVERYTHING and ALWAYS. Crystal Harris for the necklaces, the support, the laughter, the new ending, and the fangirling. Traci Inzitari for the enthusiasm and willingness to always help out. My amazing agent, Nicole Resciniti, for jumping in and taking charge and making me smile. Jennifer L. Armentrout for being so supportive and for the lovely blurb!
The HB&K Society for smiles and laughter and support. My, what a year! (Let’s repeat it.) All my friends in the DC MafYA, the Boston Gang, and the YADC group (you know who you are) for the adventures, friendship, and cocktails! Especially Jenny Adams-Perinovic for the amazing, amazing cover that I love so much!
My longtime friend Elizabeth Brown, who handed me a YA book before I knew what YA was, told me to read it, and subsequently helped me find my calling. Without your guidance through pages of stories, I don’t know where I’d be.
I have to thank some other friends and family in my life who get it and never questioned me or let me quit: Mom, Cierra, Papaw, Grandma Carrie and Grandpa Ed, Aunt Barb and Uncle Mike, Ashley Carmichael, Billy Eisnaugle, Hannah Hanrion, Tricia Howell, Meagan Pack, Andye Eppes, Katie Black, Kim Harrington, Victoria Schwab, Jennifer Rush, and other people I can’t list because that would take years. Thank you.
To my coworkers at One More Page Books for dealing with all my anxiety, tears and random ideas, and the revision brain.
To the (online and offline) YA community—all the fantastic authors, aspiring writers, bloggers, beta readers—for your support, tweets, pictures of cats and hot boys, and other randomness. All of you are the biggest group of enablers I’ve ever met. It’s pretty awesome.
To you—the amazing, beautiful person reading this book. I’m really thrilled to share this. I hope you love it! (And then you want more because there is more coming!)
And lastly, to my Nanan, who influenced this book in so many ways that aren’t even a fraction of how she influenced everyone around her. I miss her every day—especially the way she told us exactly what we didn’t want to hear but needed to hear anyway (and was always right about it). All you wanted for us was to find our dreams and live life the way you had: with joy and passion and love. This is my dream, and even though you aren’t here to read this book, I know you’re proud. Thank you for your love, unwanted lessons, and fire for living. You will always be my moral compass, my foundation, and my biggest inspiration.
About the Author
Danielle Ellison is from West Virginia, where she spent her childhood pretending to fly, talking to imaginary friends, and telling stories. She hasn’t changed much since then. When she’s not writing, Danielle is probably drinking coffee while fighting her nomadic urges, watching too much TV, or dreaming of the day when she can be British. You can find her on twitter @DanielleEWrites.