This book is dedicated to the memory of Yakov Aminov murdered in cold blood by Arab terrorist in the international airport of Los Angeles.
«This dreadful act took place on July 4, 2002, on Independence Day of the United States».
After the bloody incident his sister – the Liza Aminova until the present time can’t become a U.S. citizen.
Because one of the supervisors of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Denver city learned
that the Liza Aminova is a Jewish.
Therefore the supervisor firmly decided: Anyway refuse her request to become a U.S. citizen.
Repentance of the Pope of Rome to the people of God
Author’s note
I direct this book-study and brief explanatory note hereto to those clear-headed Israelite patriots who fight for the safe living of long-suffering Israelite people on their
fathers' land - in the State of Israel and in the places of their living on planet Earth - in not
only in word, but in deed.
Dear and esteemed compatriot, the author of this book compared some historic
facts pertaining to the religious events from the life of our ancestors. According to these
historical events, the author concluded that:
Although we live in the modern civilized world with democratic principles, we,
like our ancestors are not protected against violence by other nations and religious denominations.
And for that reason, another Disaster (Holocaust) may happen in the near future
with long-suffering Israelite people, if we don't take measures which I described in this
That is why I am asking you to read this book very carefully to the end of the
chapter "Notes, or a clue", inclusively.
From this book you will learn many unknown facts and secrets of life of some
party and religious figures which became all-powerful rulers of some countries of this
world as a result of various intrigues, and millions of innocent earthlings were exterminated by their orders.
All intra-party and intra-denominational tensions and divisions, as well as
inter-party and inter-denominational conflicts and wars take place on planet
Earth due to the belief of some ambitious persons in their own ideas.
For they are fanatically sure that the ideas made up by themselves are the
only true and fair on Earth.
And for that reason, these idealists-dreamers always forcibly disseminated their
ideas among all tribes and people on Earth, and at the same time they displaced the ideas
of latter upon the pretext that:
"Ideology of these tribes and people is dehumanized",
– upon that pretext some ambitions leaders of social organizations with ideological orientation
seized lands with their troops and disseminated their ideology.
"Doctrine of these tribes and people is heretical,
– upon that pretext some ambitions leaders of social organizations with theological orientation
seized lands with their troops and disseminated their theology.
Many people on earth have suffered from the ambitions of these idealists-dreamers, particularly sons and daughters of Israel.
As the saying goes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", if lies and
deceit are disguised under good intentions.
This trend will always continue.
Because this struggle is between new ambitious persons for the property redistribution and re-division spheres of influence on a global scale,
using painfully familiar words for this purpose:
Long live the world revolution!
Workers of the world, unite!
The Aryans – are the master race on earth!
Crusade for Christianization of all tribes and people of earth!
Great campaign for Islamisation of all unbelievers on earth!
Under the banner:
Go ahead in the struggle for Soviet power!
Go ahead in the struggle for dominance of the Aryan race over the world!
Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true Faith throughout the
That is what you need to know, dear Earthlings:
Who come up with religious and unreligious ideas? – Great Dreamers.
These ideas are:
"Long live communism – the bright future of all mankind".
"The Aryans are the master race on earth".
"God's chosen people".
"Coming of the Mashiah/Messiah".
"Coming of the Antichrist and the Christ".
"The end of the world".
"Paradise Life - after death".
"Resurrection of the dead".
"Holy War (Jihad)",
Who propagate these stories to all tribes and people of the Earth with blind
faith in them? – Militant Fanatics.
These fanatics are:
"With blind faith in communist ideology".
"With blind faith in national-socialist ideology".
"With blind faith in Jewish theology".
"With blind faith in Christian theology".
"With blind faith in Muslim theology"
and in other similar ideologies or theologies.
Who lay hands on their benefits and use it ostensibly for the good of earth-
lings, and in fact for their own benefit – Great Schemers.
These schemers are
"Leaders of communist party".
"Leaders of national-socialistic party".
"Leaders of Jewish denomination".
"Leaders of Christian denomination."
"Leaders of Muslim denomination"
and other similar leaders.
Part one. Pentateuch of David
Genesis, or the beginning of the world
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1: 1) .
And on the second day the Creator made the endless firmament to divide the Universe into a great many of Galaxies.
And that’s what the Bible says about the second day of creation.
And God said, Let there be a vault/firmament/expanse (raqiya) (see note 1) in the
midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And it was so.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven. And God saw it was good. And the
evening and the morning were the second day (Genesis 1: 6-8).
And on the fourth day the Creator made Single Matter out of nothing and distributed myriads of super-giant stars to all Galaxies through the Big Bang.
Each of them by its mass exceeds the day light – the Sun by hundreds of times
and the night light – the Moon by billions of times.
And these celestial bodies were apart from each other over the infinite expanse of
the Universe at the distance of hundreds to billions of light years.
Reference: the modern science of astronomy estimates the length of the Universe
to be 93 billion light years, and one light year equals to 9.5 trillion kilometers,
and the age of the Universe – the time, which passed since the Big Bang, is not
less than 14 billion years.
And on the third day the Creator chose a place somewhere in the deep expanse of
the Universe to create a planet named the Earth-Sea.
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one
place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so.
And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of waters called
the Seas.
And God saw it was good.....
And the evening and the morning were the third day (Genesis 1: 9-13) .
And the Planet Earth in the vast expanse of the Universe looks like a grain of sand
lost somewhere in the labyrinths of endless space (see illustration).
Reference: endless labyrinths of space consist of supernova, giant, plasma, neutron, pulsing, double, dwarf and fading stars.
And also of black holes, nebulas, interstellar matters, quasars, pulsars, planets,
comets, asteroids, meteorites, bolides, atoms and molecules.
About creation of these celestial bodies and how these bodies act in the Universe,
and what happens at the surface and in the bowels of these bodies,
if God created sentient beings or at least living beings on other planets
or God created these celestial bodies only to be able to sustain life
only on Earth through the invisible threads, because the Bible says the planet
Earth is the Center of the Universe,
or these bodies sustained life only on that part of planet where Moses and his
people lived,
because the Pentateuch describes only the history of people which lived in the territories extending from Egypt to Mesopotamia???
But for some reason the Creator of the Universe did not cover all the above-mentioned in the Bible - unlike scientists-astronomers which wrote millions of books about it.
Probably, after creation of celestial bodies, the Creator of the Universe thought:
"Well, I created it, nothing bad had happened, and let them move in the infinite
expanse of the Universe, and people do not need to know about their properties and for
what purpose I created them.
I found it important to write only what people need to know in the Bible, and
nothing moreover, because they might get a swelled head and think they are all-knowing
like God.
And that is why I wrote in the Bible only about My creature - microscopic man
whom I called Adam, and his descendants.
Also about the planet-grain which I called the Earth-Sea, and about what I created
on it.
And just a few lines about sky, stars and about the greater light – the Sun, and the
lesser light – the Moon."
"When I created a man, I thought that they would obey all of My words.
But they turned out to be surprisingly too inquisitive, and got out of hand and
don't obey Me:
- sometimes they go to pluck apples from the Garden of Eden;
- sometimes their daughters fool around with the sons of God;
- sometimes build the Tower of Babel from bricks;
- sometimes go to bed with men like with a woman;
- sometimes sculpt the golden calf from golden earrings.
And for that reason I had to severely punish them for disobedience.
At first, deadly Fall on them.
They deserved such punishment, because Adam and Eve plucked and ate apples
from the Garden of Eden against My decree.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleas-
ant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof,
and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat (Genesis 3: 6).
It made their eyes opened, and when they saw that this wicked world is run by deceit and lies and that they would face the eternal struggle between good and evil, they
cried out in horror: "O God, save and have mercy on us!"
Because I lied to Adam by saying:
"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, you must not eat of it, for in the day you eat from it you will surely die"
(Genesis 2: 16-17) .
And crafty serpent – the devil take him! - somehow learning that I godlessly lied
to Adam, and told his wife the pure truth:
At this the serpent said to the woman: "You positively will not die, for God knows
that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened, and you are
bound to be like God, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3: 4-5).
Truth is severely punished in this world, which I did, but not only with the
serpent, but also with Adam and his descendants:
And the Lord God said unto the serpent: "Because you have done this thing, you
are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild beasts of the
Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat all the days of your life"
(Genesis 3: 14).
And to Adam he said: "Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, you must not eat from it,
cursed is the ground on your account.
In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life" (Genesis 3: 17-19).
And then I punished them with the Great Flood.
And the Lord said: "I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface
of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of
the heavens, because I do regret that I have made them" (Genesis 6: 7).
People deserved such punishment because their daughters tricked the sons of God
into marriage, using their fairness as bait.
Moreover, they even dared to give birth to strong and notable people from the
sons of God.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they
were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose (Genesis 6: 1-2),
and they bore children to them. The same became mighty men which were of old,
the men of fame (Genesis 6: 4).
But they still didn't calm down, and continued to do what came into their head;
And looking at this outrage, finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and in a blaze of
anger confounded their language so that they no longer understood each other, and then
scattered them over all the Earth.
And the Lord said: "Come now! Let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's language" (Genesis 11: 7) .
That is why its name called Babel; because there the Lord did had confused the
language of all the earth, and the Lord had scattered them from there over all the surface
of the earth (Genesis 11: 9) .
People deserved such punishment because they started to build the Tower of Babel tall enough to reach the Heaven from bricks without asking My permission.
They now said: “Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its
top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be
scattered over all the surface of the earth" (Genesis 11: 4).
These tomboys-urchins wanted to see Me - their Creator - in such an original way.
But, first, they forgot that they could see Me only as the Judge on the other side,
where they will be severely punished not only for this action, but also for the
transgression of their forebears – Adam and Eve,
and secondly, if they could have as many bricks as needed for building the tower
tall enough to reach the Heaven,
after a few kilometers they would freeze of perishing cold and lack of oxygen,
and in such state they should continue building of the Tower of Babel to reach the
height at least of 100 kilometers,
moreover, they should escape gravitational pull, and heaven forbid, if they ended
up in outer space,
My Angel of Death would undoubtedly wait for them there due to the complete
absence of oxygen in outer space,
although they still should continue building of the Tower of Babel to reach the
fie, I'm confused, it turns out, they can see Me on this side too,
but as the Eye of Heaven vigilantly watching every action of earthlings,
and thus, another catch is that the distance from Earth to Seventh Heaven is some
billions of light years,
so anyway - the surest and shortest way to reach the Heaven and see Me
is just to end up in the other side, but not build the tower tall enough to reach the Heaven.
I chose two cities from those places where I scattered them – Sodom and Gomorrah, and shed fire and brimstone from Heaven until turned these cities into the Dead Sea.
And the Lord said: "Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and be-
cause their sin is very heavy" (Genesis 18: 20).
Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from
the Lord out of heaven, And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the in-
habitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground (Genesis 19: 24-25).
People deserved such punishment because they go to bed with men like with a
moreover, they somehow managed to multiply without any contact with women.
But before they lay down (Lot's family and two angels) the men of the city, even
the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people (it turns out,
that only men lived in this city) from every quarter,
and they called to Lot, and said to him: "Where are the men which came in to you
tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may have intercourse them" (Genesis 19: 4-5).
Although I destroyed these cities, but I had started to wonder how much time the
men of Sodom...from boy to old man, all the people would wait in line to satisfy their
lechery with guests of Lot if there were only two???
But I didn't demolish other cities, although such perverts as hermaphrodites, homosexuals, lesbians, masculine women and effeminate men multiplied in all cities of the
because after destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah I suddenly remembered that
these perverts are also My creation;
that is why I decided don’t destroy cities because of them anymore, or there will
be no cities on this sinful earth. (see note 2).
And eventually I ordered Moses that he, along with those who on the Lord’s side
kill all those who brought the golden earrings to his brother, Aaron, sparing no aged
people, women or children.
And all the people began tearing off the gold earring that were in their ears and
bringing them to Aaron.
Then he took the gold from their hands, and he formed it with a graving tool and
proceeded to make it into a molten statue of a calf. And they began to say: “This is your
god, o Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt” (Exodus 32: 3-5).
Then Moses took his stand in the gate of the camp and said: “Who is on the
Lord’s side? to me!” And all the sons of Levy began gathering themselves to him.
He now said to them: “This is what the Lord, God of Israel has said, “Put each
one of you his sword on his side. Pass through and return from gate to gate in the camp
and kill each one his brother and each one his fellow and each one his intimate acquaint-
And the sons of Levy proceeded to do as Moses had said, so that fell of the people
on that day about three thousand men (Exodus 32: 26-28).
And the Lord began plaguing the people because they had made the calf, which
Aaron had made (Exodus 32:35).
I ordered Moses to elevate the true perpetrator - Aaron to the High Priest, for
sculpting the golden calf from these earrings.
And as for you, bring near to yourself Aaron you brother and his sons with him
from the midst of the sons of Israel that he may act as priest to Me, Aaron, Nadab and
Abihu, Eleazar and Itamar, the sons of Aaron.
And you must make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and beauty
(Exodus 28: 1-2).
I committed all these actions with My creation only to make them understand
once and for all who they're dealing with.
I created these disobedient people, and I decide who must be killed and who must
be elevated to the High Priest, and I don't care who is at fault or who isn't.
And these tomboys-urchins wanted to wrap Me - their Creator around finger, they
can't do that. As I have decided, so shall it be.
If they want to go to Heaven, not to Hell, they must not only unquestionably pray
three times a day and beg My forgiveness on knees, but they must always walk in My
"and to fear the Lord your God, so as to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and
to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 10:
And bless only Me for substantial daily bread.
"When you have eaten and satisfied yourself, you must also bless the Lord your
God for the good land that he has given you" (Deuteronomy 8: 10).
Because only I grow grain on land, not a peasant which curves his back in the
field, in cold and heat, from morning till night, and working his fingers to the bone for the
bread, as punishment for the original sin of their forebears – Adam and Eve".
Dear reader, all above-mentioned is just a foreword to the Bible.
Now, let us look more closely at the contents of the Torah, the Bible and the
Quran, and dire consequences of these Books.
The most amazing in the Bible is that God created the heaven and the earth twice:
The first time God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning of creation,
and the second time he created the heaven – on the second day, and the earth – on the
third day of creation.
And God didn't call all the planet "Earth", but only dry land, and waters he called
And in the same span of time and for some reason, the planet Earth-Sea was the
only celestial body in the all Universe,
because God created sun, moon and stars only on the fourth day of creation.
This place was subsequently declared by the Bible commentators as the Centre of
the Universe.
– God laid the foundation for building of the whole of creation at that exact spot.
Or, more specifically, on mountain Sinai, where 3300 years ago he handed the
book with full description of history of the creation to his messenger Moses.
Also according to them, the first stone in the foundation of the creation was laid
only about six thousand years ago. And until that time:
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep; and only the Spirit of God floated/hovered/moved (merahefet) upon the face of the waters for billions of years (Genesis 1: 2) .
And where was water in the Universe before creation of land, or may be the
whole Universe consisted of water, and steam above water was the Spirit of God;
and this fluidic Universe in compressed state was on empty and chaotic Earth, and
darkness was over the deep.
So the question arises: why the Spirit of God floated/hovered/moved upon the face
of the waters, doing nothing for billions of years?
Probably all this endless time the Spirit of God couldn't stop thinking:
"Where I can find the power of the Creator of the Universe and the planet Earth to
create Adam in it and declare him as a sinful creature;
and then to judge Adam and his descendants for sin and send him to the underworld to burn in hellfire;
and doing that to fill His loneliness and take his mind off of endless idleness".
Then one day, after billions of years of doing nothing, more specifically, just
about six thousand years ago
on the twenty fifth day of the sixth month Elul according to Jewish chronology,
the Spirit of God finally got the power of the Creator of the Universe from somewhere and from someone, and immediately began to act:
And God said: "Let there be light". And there was light. And God saw the light,
that it was good (Genesis 1: 3-4) .
It turns out that God knew what the light is before creation of the world, and that
is why he created it.
But he didn't know that it is good, until he actually saw His creation.
This means that God who created the heaven and the earth didn't know: what is
good and what is bad.
And God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and
the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1: 5) .
The Creator of the Universe was in such a hurry to complete the creation in six
days that “the cart found himself before the horse”.
Because God created light and darkness, day and night, evening and morning in
the first day, and the earth – whether in the beginning or in the third day, and sun, moon
and stars – only in the fourth day of creation.
As we know from the geography school textbook, light and darkness, day and
night, evening and morning come on the Earth, because it rotates on its axis.
And, of course, during Earth rotating, Sun and Moon illuminate its surface.
What we read in the Bible about the fourth day of creation.
And God said: "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the
day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
earth". And it was so.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser
light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and
to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness.
And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth
day (Genesis 1: 14-19).
It turns out that God divided light from darkness twice:
first time it was in the first day of creation when there were no Sun and Moon,
and second time – in the fourth day of creation, where these celestial bodies were
already created.
And in the fifth day the Creator of the Universe said:
"Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly
over the earth upon the face of firmament of the heavens..
And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters, and every living soul that
moves about, which the waters swarmed forth, according to their kinds, and every
winged flying creature according to his kind. And God got to see that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the
sea basins, and let flying creature become many in the earth". And the evening and the
morning were the fifth day (Genesis 1: 20-23).
And in the sixth day the Creator of the Universe said:
“Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and
moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.” And it came to be so.
And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and
the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind” (Genesis 1: 24-25), “ and every dinosaurs of the earth according to its kind”.
For some reason the All-mindful Creator didn't mention about dinosaurs in the
Bible. Probably, after creation of these creatures God thought:
"If I mention them in the Bible, these enormous reptiles of the Jurassic era will
cause confusion in the history of creation of the Universe and creatures on the Earth.
Because I made a mistake creating them too enormous and didn't think that they
will hardly fit into Noah's ark in the forthcoming Great Flood.
And if my righteous Noah and his sons somehow put at least one couple of dinosaurs together with other couples of creatures,
this ship would hardly move and water of the Great Flood would cover it.
And then all creatures found in the ark would disappear from the planet Earth, and
all My work would be for nothing.
That is why, when I thought of these niceties, I decided not to mention them in the
Bible, otherwise, after reading about these God's creatures, the descendants of Adam and
would think in the same way, and would not believe in what it is written in the
Bible by Moses on my order" (see note 3).
And finally in the same (sixth) day the Creator of the Universe said:
"Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" (Genesis 1: 26).
Who the Creator meant except for Himself is not known. May be he meant His
angels and Satan?
And who created angels and Satan, and why the All-powerful Creator doesn't destroy His archenemy Satan is also not known.
Or maybe the spiritual leaders use this state of affairs to blame some undesirable persons, denominations or sects for Satanism and to impose a death sentence on
with which their gracious and merciful parishioners stone them to death???
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male
and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth" (Genesis 1: 27-28) .
After these words things came up, because God created the first woman named
Eve from the rib of the first man named Adam,
except for above-mentioned man and woman.
What a puzzle! It turns out that God created man and woman twice too.
the first time it happened in the sixth day, and the second time – after creation of
the whole Universe, i.e. after sanctification of the seventh day (see note 4).
Adam and Eve gave birth to two sons – Cain and Abel, and then Cain killed Abel
and settled the Land of Nod, to the east of Eden.
There Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch, and then
built the city and named it after his son – Enoch.
It raises another puzzle in the Bible:
how Cain settled the Land of Nod and why no one he met on the way there
didn't kill him,
and how he married and built the city if no one was there, except for Adam
and Eve and their son Cain???
What we read in the Bible about it.
After that Cain said to Abel his brother: “let us go over into the field.” So it came
about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill
him (Genesis 4: 8).
At this the Lord said to him: “For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer
vengeance seven times”.
And so the Lord set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should
strike him.
With that Cain went away from the face of the Lord and took up residence in the
land of Fugitiveness to the east of Eden.
Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant and gave
birth to Enoch.
Then he engaged in building a city and called the city’s name by the name of his
son Enoch (Genesis 4: 15-17).
The most amazing in the Bible is that various nations and race differing from each other
in colour, eye shape, constitution, height, language, behaviour,
mental and physical development, social status, national traditions, sexual orientation, blood group and genetic code somehow originated from Adam and Eve.
And then All-merciful and Gracious Creator granted freedom in choosing religion
to numerous descendants of Adam and Eve as a true "liberal democrat".
And those who were smarter than others, immediately used the freedom granted
to them by God.
And these enterprising and wise-looking schemers began to form religious denominations and sects with different doctrine at cross purposes.
And founders of such denominations and sects received the highest dignity under
the modest title – Pastor:
Rabbi - Jews, Pope - Catholic, Patriarch - Orthodox, Caliph - Sunni, Imam - Shia,
Dalai Lama - Buddhist, and Spiritual Teacher - different religious sects.
And these Pastors began to build God’s Temples with magnificent architecture using donations of their parishioners:
Rabbinate – Synagogues, Popes – Cathedrals, Patriarchs – Churches, Caliphs and
Imams – Mosques, Dalai Lamas – Pagodas, and Spiritual Teaches – Houses of prayer
And isolating themselves from prying eyes in their Temples, now they finally
boldly preach hatred to other religious denominations accusing them of false doctrine and
lying to their parishioners.
And where they for the right price promise paradise life to their parishioners – but
only after death, or better life – in the near future, or cure from all ails – in a short time.
And to make themselves pious and merciful righteous in the eyes of their parishioners,
they wear magnificent robes lavishly decorated with multi-colored brilliants,
pearls, gold and precious stones.
By the way, robes of Jesus and His pupils were no different from clothes of ordinary citizens of that epoch.
If Jesus saw what palatial Temples are built in his honor and what people do in
these Temples, he couldn't believe His eyes.
What we read in the New Testament about it.
And Jesus entered into the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in
the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those
selling doves.
And He said to them: “It is written, «My house will be called a house of prayer»,
but you are making it a cave of robbers” (Gospel of Matthew 21: 12-13).
Despite the promise of the above-mentioned "righteous", billions of parishioners of
these institutions on our planet continue to starve, suffer and become sick.
Because the All-merciful Creator authorized only a handful of such merciful figures, such as Mother Teresa,
to do charity work for providing humanitarian assistance to these poor parishioners.
As for the vast army of the "righteous" represented by religious figures – the Creator authorized them not to provide humanitarian assistance,
but to deliver a speech from the international rostrums about mercy and charity
and that God will give alms to these poor parishioners.
And as you know, my dear reader, a hungry person will not be full with empty
promises, or as they say in the East: "Saying 'halva-halva' won't make your mouth sweet".
And after six days of hard work, the All-powerful Creator had no more work to
other than counting sins committed by each person on the Earth from the moment
of his birth to the moment of his death.
And define who must go to Paradise, and who must go to Hell by amount of these
And some more sentences about Him in the Bible:
when mercilessly murdered all earthlings, except for Noah, punishing them with
the Great Flood because the sons of God married the daughters of men;
when destroyed cities Sodom and Gomorrah due to the perverted lifestyle of inhabitants of these cities;
and when handed two tables of testimony to Moses on the mountain Sinai
to keep the sons and daughters of Israel briefed on the laws of One God;
and finally, when entered in to an intimate relationship with His creation named
Mary from the Israeli city Nazareth through the Holy Spirit as a dove.
And this Immaculate Conception gave birth to one more God named Jesus.
And after His resurrection from the dead, God the Father handed over the reins to
God the Son, as His only heir, to rule over the Universe and people, and then took welldeserved rest.
Probably, after six days of hard work, God the Father exhausted all His power as
the Creator of the Universe.
And that is why He had to give birth to one more God who is younger and full of
fresh potential to
make Him easily move from the earth to the heaven and take the place of his God
the Father, and then change His Old Testament for the New Testament of Jesus.
And after that God the Father and God the Holy Spirit were forced to dissolve in
God the Son.
Because the composers of the New Testament realized that faith in three separate
Gods will look like faith in pagan gods in front of the parishioners,
in contrast with the faith in One Jewish God whom they sacrificed to the earthman
– Jewish named Jesus of Nazareth.
It turns out that composers of the New Testament not only sacrificed their pagan
gods to One Jewish God, but also they sacrificed One God to the Jewish named Jesus of
And using this little trick they returned to pagan belief of their fathers.
But spiritual leaders of Christian denominations do not intend to admit it,
because many followers of Jesus will fall into disenchantment with Him if they
learn about it, and then many Pastors will be out of their flocks.
And the most amazing is that none of the followers of Jesus noticed this little
Or maybe they came to be in such a state with their fanaticism, that they do not
want to see the obvious in the New Testament anymore?
The point is that they wrote in the New Testament: God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit.
But actually only earthling Jesus of Nazareth is embodied as God of all people
and nations of the Earth in the consciousness of Christians, rather than the One Jewish
What we read in the New Testament about it:
Believe me that I am in union with the Father and the Father is in union with me;
otherwise, believe on account of the works themselves (Gospel of John 14: 11) .
But the helper, the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one
will teach you all tings and bring back to your minds all the things I told you (Gospel of
John 14: 26) .
If God the Father made the Great Miracles creating Heaven and Earth, God the
Son made only little miracles, at first creating them on earth, and then in heaven of God
the Father.
On earth – He miraculously healed the sick.
What we read in the New Testament about it:
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
among the people.
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people
that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with
devils, and those which were epileptic, and paralyzed persons, and he healed them (Gospel of Matthew 4: 23-24).
And in Heaven – He miraculously gives earthlings the Holy Fire on the eve of Orthodox Easter in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
And from there He myrrh the oil-painted Icons and heals the sick with Icons or
He makes all these little miracles just to make His true followers to believe these
miracles and then propagate the true faith – faith in Christ to all tribes and people of the
Earth by preaching or by fire and sword.
Dear reader, actually there is no miracle in this Fire and myrrhing, technically this
trick is called "Telekinesis".
Because those priests who have this art, mentally influence the energy field of
their organism during prayers,
directing this energy towards the candle, and thus produce the "Holy Fire" from
Or direct this energy towards the oil-painted Icons, and thus produce the "haling
And isolated cases of healing occur due to the fact that these parishioners fanatically believe in miracle-working power of Icons or Relics.
And miracles made by Jesus look like child's play as compared to the miracles
which are currently made by such famous figures as Russian psychotherapist
Anatoly Kashpirovsky, American illusionist David Copperfield and Indian magician
Sathya Sai Baba.
If they declared themselves as new Messiahs on the Earth, they would collect
more followers than Jesus has now within two thousand years.
Dear reader, if we could believe in what we read in the Bible, it is safe to say that:
All-merciful God made all these creations after billions of years of solitude to
fill His leisure with something, and thus take his mind off of endless boredom.
And that is why He created out of nothing the Earth in the form of enormous amphitheater.
And created there people different in ideology, religion and temper
to make them kill each other in the struggle for their idea, faith and satisfaction of
their ambitions.
And entertained the Creator of the Universe with this spectacle of blood, i.e. sacrifice .
Vicar of the Creator on Earth, the Roman emperor Vespasian Flavius enjoyed
himself in the same way;
he and his eldest son Titus plundered and destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem in
AD 70;
and with these money he built the amphitheater with magnificent architecture
called "Coliseum";
where he organized fatal gladiator fights between the bond-slaves.
He committed all these disgraceful actions before the eyes of the Lord just to
entertain himself and men of weight in the imperial court with spectacles of
Well, of course, entertainment of Vespasian and his son Titus looked like child's
play as compared to
the Great campaign of Muhammad;
the Crusade of the Pope Urban II;
the Red Terror of Stalin;
the Fascism of Hitler.
All these ambitious persons were vicars of God on the Earth, and these figures sacrificed hundreds of millions of innocent earthlings for the sake of Someone
or Something.
And All-merciful and Gracious Creator (Jehovah/Jesus/Allah) turned a blind
eye to all these gruesome murders of innocent earthlings.
Although the following is written in the Bible:
And the Lord said (to Abraham): "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city,
then I will spare all the place for their sakes (Genesis 18: 26).
The Creator didn't find fifty righteous in Sodom and destroyed it; can it be true
that the Creator didn't find fifty righteous among hundreds of millions of murdered earthlings to spare the cities for their sake?
Although Abraham decreases the number of righteous to ten to know if the Lord
will spare Sodom for the less number of righteous.
What we read in the Bible about it:
Abraham said: "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once:
Peradventure ten (righteous) shall be found there." And the Lord said: "I will not destroy
it (Sodom) for ten's sake" (Genesis 18: 32) .
Dear reader, the religious figures have only such answer to the glaring discrepancies between the content of the Bible and the actual scheme of the Universe
and to the question of how creatures were originated on the Earth: "God moves in
a mysterious way".
And if we ask them – Why?
They conceive this question as Blasphemy or Sacrilege.
And, of course, they anathematize, i.e. publicly denounce and excommunicate
such curious parishioners from community
(church, synagogue, mosque) at best, and at worst they stone them to death
to ensure that other parishioners are not informed about the true scheme of the
Universe and the origin of creatures on the Earth.
Because religious figures are well aware that this sinful world is run by deceit and
Deceit – it’s an innate instinct in the struggle for survival of creatures on the
And to make this lies realistic, they use different tricks, make up various ridiculous stories about the origin of the Universe and creatures on the Earth.
And they preach these lies among their trusting parishioners and thus develop religious fanaticism in them.
Because parishioners have blind faith in all that the religious manipulators –
catchers of human souls preach them.
And they also perpetrate a fraud to attract new people to their parish, especially to
attract their generous donations for support of their numerous priests.
And argue that All-merciful God will miraculously rid faithful parishioners of illnesses and troubles,
and ensure peace and wealth in their homes, because God protects only those
people who believe in Him, etc.
And indeed, faith in super-nature turns many people into religious fanatics,
and these fanatics do not belong to themselves any longer, because religious hypnotists zombify them to commit crimes,
directing them as a living weapon against other nations and religious denominations and promising them paradise life after death.
That is why many people join the groups of suicide bombers, as the faith in any
religious dogma is like drug addiction.
Sermon of many religious figures is like a drug affecting the consciousness of parishioners.
And they begin to fly in the imaginary heaven – get high.
And in the blink of an eye these gracious and merciful parishioners which look
like harmless lambs, turn into coldblooded murderers.
Because spiritual leaders tell them in a hypnotic tone of voice:
"Parishioners! God (Allah) bless you for the Holy War (Jihad) against fol-
lowers of the Antichrist (unbelievers, pagans) and propagation of the true faith
throughout the Earth.
And this Holy struggle for faith will weigh in your favor before the court of
and then you will easily pass the sharp as a knife road and the Gates of
Heaven will be opened up wide in front of you.
And then you will eternally enjoy felicity in the Garden of Eden surrounded
by seventy two moon-faced virgins as beautiful as petals of fragrant roses".
Such brainwashing of parishioners always works, because any faithful
Muslim subconsciously wants to live like the Arab sheikh in his luxurious palace
harems, even on the other side.
And faithful Christian wants to live like today's oligarchs, which live like in
the Garden of Eden, in their luxurious palaces and yachts surrounded by lovely
Dear reader, watch one of the numerous religious TV channels, where preachers –
professionals of their business skilfully zombify their parishioners.
And in the days of the Temple of Jerusalem, priests burnt fragrant incense
which consisted of drugs to enhance this effect – this incensing was ostensibly for
the sake of God.
Only those parishioners are succumbing to this effect, who believe in supernatural
powers, but those people are in the minority.
Most parishioners don't believe in the mythic powers, that is why this effect does
not cover them.
Many wealthy parishioners come to religious institutions not to pray for their sins,
but they come there like to the Vanity Fair, where they brag to each other about
their generosity;
outdoing each other, they donate for charity some portion of money looted from
the people to prevent rebellion of this people against them.
And their victims – poor parishioners – come there to have a charity dinner.
And that is why this category of parishioners doesn't understand what is actually
they look at the actions of priests not as performance of any sacrament, but as a
During conviction of faithful and unfaithful, spiritual leaders use double standard
dividing them into friends and foes.
It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin, where the neighbour of Nasreddin comes
to his work with his complaint
(Nasreddin worked as the City judge) and said: "Mr. Justice, today your cow
gored my cow to death";
To which Nasreddin said: "Since a cow is an irrational being, it is not responsible
for its actions".
Then neighbor said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Justice, I was wrong. My cow gored your
cow to death".
To which Nasreddin said: "In that case, the court decision takes another turn,
because a cow has its master, and he must be responsible for the actions of his
and compensate for the losses caused by it to the master of the dead cow in full".
In order to verify the above-mentioned and actual nature of so-called righteous and
pious religious figures,
ask them one question related to faithful and unfaithful, and you will hear opposing answers.
Religious figures consider representatives of other religious denominations as unfaithful or infidel,
because they conceive that only members of their denomination believe in the true
God, and nominate the members of other denominations for the agents of Satan.
Question: why the person earned a glut of wealth and lived to a ripe old age with
his family with a lot of love and care, following the healthy lifestyle?
If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:
"Because God blessed this parishioner for his abiding faith in Him".
But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:
"Because Satan patronized this infidel."
Question: why the person suffers from many diseases and troubles on his life journey?
If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:
"Because God tests him, as he tested the Biblical righteous named Job" (see note 5)
But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:
"Because God punishes apostates with severe diseases and natural disasters".
Question: why the person died in a car accident at a young and nubile age, but not
of natural causes, of old age in the bed in his room?
If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:
"Unfortunately, it's the devil's work, but this parishioner is pure before God, and
now his soul will be ascended to the kingdom of heaven and will eternally enjoy felicity
in the Garden of Eden".
But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:
"Because God punished this heretic for his sins, and now his soul will go to the
Inferno and eternally burn in hellfire".
In medicine, such disease is called "optic-psychological dissociative identity disorder".
And religious figures intentionally initiate dissociative identity, because they are
well aware that the following accidents could occur in the life of every man on Earth
– it does not matter whether faithful or unfaithful, righteous or not –
especially up to the third or fourth generation: – severe disease, natural disaster,
sudden death.
Because life and death walk around not from the date of birth of a man, but in the
Why I gave this example? Because many religious figures refer to one of the commandments in the Bible (Exodus 20: 5-6), that says:
Because I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers
upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Giving this commandment as an example, they warn their parishioners that God
punishes children for the guilt of their fathers up to the third and fourth generation.
Even if this descendant didn't commit any unlawful actions and selflessly dedicated himself to the service of the Lord.
Why do they preach about God's justice, if All-merciful and Gracious God can
punish totally innocent person for the guilt of his great grandfather?
Or vice versa, when God can show His mercy to downright scoundrel, and he will
literally wallow in luxury at the expense of people, because his great grandfather loved
God and followed His commandments.
And such God's justice happens pretty often in this world.
By the way, religious figures made up this saying to blame the undesirable person
for all deadly sins: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions",
but then it turns out that: "The road to paradise is paved with evil intentions". As
the saying goes: "Marvellous are your works, Lord God".
But to make the parishioners believe in what is written in the Bible (and the content of this book clearly does not correspond to the natural law),
the great schemers represented by the spiritual leaders claim that each word in the
Bible has a hidden meaning.
And that is why we must not take these words literally, i.e. how it is written there
in black and white.
For that reason many Bible commentators and interpreters, as well as followers of
the secret teaching – Cabbala
started to decipher the Bible as they please by the prompting of their spiritual
And all of them found their own truth that led to tensions and division between
That is why, the only one religious faith in One God formed religious denominations and sects with different doctrine.
And subsequently they started a feud, accusing each other of false doctrine and lying to their parishioners.
Currently three main religious denominations – Jewish, Christian and Muslim –
accuse recently formed religious sects of fraud.
And accuse their heads of preaching in the name of other gods.
This is done only to make "faithful" Jewish, Christian and Muslim stone them to death,
as appropriate under the Law of Moshe/Moses/Musa.
What we read in the Pentateuch about it:
(Torah – Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 18: 20):
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have
not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet
must die.
So, they intend to destroy new sects in the bud using such savage methods.
But all main religious denominations were formed from such sects.
And at the time when they were still few in number, others accused them of fraud
and accused their heads of preaching in the name of other gods, and stoned them.
That is why in the light of their past experience they concluded that numerous religious denominations can be formed from small sects in the future,
and then they will have to treat them not like fraudsters, but like honorable righteous,
and also call them with respectable word – Your Excellence! or Your Holiness!
Of course, all these sects are burr in the saddle for the main religious denominations.
And that is why they will struggle by all means to ensure that there will be no new
competitors in their profitable business,
because they don't want to lose even a small part of delicious and vastly expensive
cake called "Religion".
This cake was made from a glut of wealth and the highest titles, and that is why
various money-makers always had a temptation to bite off just a small piece of this cake.
But temptation usually ended sadly for many of them.
And here's what spiritual leaders of religious denominations and sects preach to
their parishioners in order to live in clover at their expense:
And all that believed were together, and had all things common.
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man
had need.
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread
from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (Acts of the
Apostles 2: 44-47).
That's the key why their trusting parishioners sell their homes and any property,
and with singleness of heart give raised money to their spiritual leaders.
And you, dear reader, already know from the media, what spiritual leaders do with
this money.
Of course, they build lordly mansions with high fences with that money,
and live there in grand style – like in the Garden of Eden.
And if someone currently declares him as the Messiah, spiritual heads of communities will immediately accuse and call this person False Messiah, and he will be
nailed to the cross like Jesus.
Because they are well aware that the Messiah exists neither on Earth, nor in
that is why they need only Messiah risen from the dead and only in Heaven.
They affect the consciousness of their parishioners with Messiah risen from the
dead and the slogan: "Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!"
to make their parishioners believe in this fairytale.
And if Messiah existed on the Earth, they should yield their privileged leadership
– power over parishioners.
By the way, the heads of the Communist Party just need "living" Lenin
placed in armored sarcophagus in a mausoleum under heavy guard.
They affect the consciousness of their parishioners with the party slogan: "Lenin
lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!" to make people believe in this fairytale.
And if Lenin existed on the Earth, they should yield their privileged leadership –
power over nations.
But in this world nobody has ever yielded his possession (flock, parish) without a
So there is a quite reasonable question: why religious figures didn't specify the exact date of coming of the Messiah/Christ in the Bible?
And of course, as you, dear reader, have probably guessed, if they specified the
exact date,
that day would be not a day of coming of the Messiah, but the last day of their career.
And such situation allows the religious figures to speak from the international
rostrums that coming of the Messiah will take place only
when immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers
of the heavens will be shaken;
and then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven: and then all the tribes
of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory (Gospel of Matthew 24: 29-30).
According to estimates of astronomers, the Sun will fade away after some millions of years.
And this situation – if all stars, including the Sun fallen from heaven to the planetgrain Earth en masse, we can't even imagine in our worst nightmares.
Then it turns out that the Messiah will come to us in the clouds of heaven with
power and great glory only when there will be no Earth and stars in the Universe.
We have only one consolation – that the Moon will not fall and just will not give
its light, although moonlight is the reflection of sunlight.
And the most amazing is that All-powerful Creator doesn't destroy His
archenemies – Satan and the Antichrist.
Or maybe the spiritual leaders use this state of affairs to blame some undesirable
persons, denominations or sects for Satanism,
and scare their parishioners with the near coming of the Antichrist??
What is more amazing is that Christian religious figures published millions of
books about the "near" coming of the Antichrist and the Christ for two thousand years,
and Jewish religious figures also published millions of books about the "near"
coming of Mashiah (Messiah) for three thousand years,
and even specified such time in some books: "now – in our days".
And for some reason They don't want to come down from heaven to earth.
And indeed, they came up with coming of the Messiah as a deliverer from injustice on Earth.
In the same way, communist ideologists invented the word "communism" with the
party slogan: "Long live communism – the bright future of all mankind!",
that is, they began to promise the future Communism to their people to make them
change one ghost faith for another.
There is a wise folk saying: "Changing the order of summands doesn't change the
Because these figures carefully studied psychology of ordinary people, and concluded that they dream of the miracle of deliverance from injustice with coming of the
or life in the future society with general equality, fraternity and well-being called
And with the promise of coming of the Messiah, spiritual leaders want achieve
only one thing
– to keep their parishioners in check ignorance, patience and obedience to ensure
that their will not be able to get out of obscurantism and take up the struggle with their
i.e. governors which have dominion over them and plundered their people in collusion with the spiritual leaders.
These governors donate huge sums of money plundered from the people, to those
religious denominations where receive tacit support in their unlawful actions.
Because the priests of these denominations consecrate their numerous enterprises
to make them flourish still greater, bringing a glut of wealth for owners, despite of their
illegal business.
And spiritual leaders of these denominations are not averse to anything – they
build super expensive Temples with dirty money of these governors,
and lordly mansions with high fences to protect themselves and their families
from their own parishioners.
Leviticus, or who Levi Levayev is
Known as the "King of Diamonds" Levi Levayev is one of the benefactors, whose
support has helped the Jewish religious sect – Lubavitch movement Chabad
to propagate its doctrine throughout the world, especially among the former citizens of the Soviet Union of Jewish nationality.
And the spiritual leader of this movement Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
was honored with the highest title on the Earth – the Messiah and King of the Jews
shortly before his transit from this life to the next,
and with the highest title in Heaven – God and the Creator of the Universe after
his transit from this life to the next.
His followers added new prayer in their prayer books:
Long live our Rebbe, our G-d, Teacher, King, Mashiah!
The above-mentioned example raises a quite reasonable question: why many spiritual leaders of modern times found the idea about the God-Man and the Messiah
which was spread by pupils of Jesus among the pagan nations of the Roman Empire, interesting?
Answer: because many parishioners of religious denominations and sects declare
their spiritual leaders as the new messiahs of God on the Earth.
And after their transit from this life to the next, they declare that these spiritual
leaders were transformed into God of all tribes and people on Earth.
And these fanatics are waiting for the second coming of the Messiah embodied in
their spiritual leaders moved on from this world to the next.
All the above-mentioned only proves that many spiritual leaders don't really believe in super-nature,
they are just as likely as psychics, hypnotists, clairvoyants, founders of pyramid
schemes and street scammers
affect the psyche of ordinary people, knowing that people want to get rich quickly
or wait for the miraculous healing from all ails.
But the above-mentioned fraudsters take advantage from it, and by promising their
clients and parishioners these benefits, they leave them without a means of sustaining life.
We reveal the deceit of unreligious fraudsters only when we understand that we
are left holding the bag.
But deceit of religious fraudsters can’t be revealed,
because unlike the unreligious fraudsters, they promise their trusting parishioners
the paradise life, but only after death.
And we know that nobody came to them from there, complaining that they didn't
get the promised paradise.
And don't flatter yourself with their luxurious robes and magnificent view of
houses of prayer where everything is decorated with gold and precious stones,
and effect of their manipulation with church ware which looks like they do something mystical with solemnity in the Temple.
And indeed, all the above-mentioned is well organized illusive spectacle for fooling the parishioners,
in which each of them plays his role at a high-professional level.
And parishioners perceive this at face value.
And to find out the true nature of religious figures, we need to look in their private
life hidden from the public view.
And for this we need to hire a private detective and ask him to mount the hidden
cameras in their residences.
And then we will find out the true nature of so-called God-fearing and merciful
religious figures,
i.e. about repeated facts of pedophilia, pederasty, sexual harassment of their parishioners, monks and nuns,
about financial scams, corruption, tax evasion, money-laundering, plundering of
charitable funds, pursuit of wealth and luxury through donations of parishioners,
about abuse of children in shelters which are illegitimate children under the divine
laws, and about violence of religious behests – commandments,
as well as about violence of Sharia laws by Muslim elites during their stay in the
western European countries and USA.
Only few facts of such crimes are reported by the media.
Many leaders of religious denominations keep hidden the numerous facts of such
crimes happened in secret cells, monasteries and residences
from their parishioners, don't wash their dirty linen in public.
All the above-mentioned only proves that ordinary parishioners become believers
in super-nature, which don't know anything about
business and politics of religious figures.
They have blind faith in all that these religious figures preach them. And thus they
become pawns in their hands.
Religious figures sacrifice these pawns first and foremost, directing them against
the king-opponent,
i.e. send them to military and terrorist acts against other people and religious denominations.
Spiritual leaders formed military and storm troops from these pawns, such as:
1) Crusader Brotherhood and their Holy Inquisition, which contributed to emergence of Ku Klux Klan, nationalists, fascists and racists:
2) Muslim Brotherhood and their Holy War (Jihad), which contributed to emergence of Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Wahhabis, Jabhat an-Nusra, Daesh (ISIL) and
Boko Haram:
3) Orthodox Christian Brotherhood and their obedient Black Hundreds, which
contributed to emergence of Cossacks, skinheads, Barkashov's Guard, "Memory" society,
neo-fascists, national socialists and Russian motorcycle club "The Night Wolves":
Numbers, or what two and two make
Kabbalah book is also designed for fooling the parishioners (see note 6).
Kabbalah – is one of the mystical branches of Judaism.
Masterminds of these teachings prove by manipulating various absurd examples,
that black is in fact white, and two and two make five,
because they prove that physical bodies which we clearly see and feel
when touch these materials in everyday life, are in fact illusions,
and what is beyond the human perception – so-called parallel or upper worlds – is
Also they prove that each word in the Bible (Torah) is information digital code,
which encodes data about catastrophic events occurred on Earth.
But it's not surprising, because any information digital code can be created for any
event from the combination of words with different meanings and from any unreligious
fiction in Jewish language
with the use of up-to-date computing technology, as the
letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also mathematical characters.
Currently, the mastermind of these teachings is a new preacher Michael Laitman,
who leaves his trusting listeners without a means of sustaining life by promising
them that they will see the upper worlds.
And another cabbalist from the movement Chabad, the chief rabbi of Russia, Berl
Lazar accuses Michael Laitman of sectarianism, i.e. false teachings.
In short, cabbalists accuse each other of false teachings.
But they don't know that by accusing their opponents of false teaching, they show
up only themselves,
because with this accusation they tear the mask of righteous from each other and
show their true self.
Many religious figures are well aware that the content of the Bible clearly does
not correspond to the actual origin of the Universe and creatures on Earth.
That is why they had to create the information digital code, write comments and
interpretations of the Bible that vary in content,
as well as publish books such as "The science shows the truth of the Torah
to make the Bible look corresponding to the facts and make parishioners believe
in all what is written there.
It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin,
where the silly Shah delivered a speech before foreign ambassadors in his palace
and talked some ridiculous things.
Just in case and on the advice of his Vizier, Shah hired Nasreddin as a commentator.
And they agreed that: if Shah tells any hasty word, Nasreddin will pull the string,
end of which will be tied to Shah's leg.
And then one day Shah delivered a speech before the ambassadors of foreign
"My dear friends, this year, cows of our country began to produce more dung than
last year".
Nasreddin immediately interrupted the speech of Shah by pulling the string, and
commented these words:
"Dear and highly respected ambassadors of friendly states!
The words of the wisest Shah hide the deep meaning,
because they mean that our country will get a bumper crop this year.
And tables in each home of our kingdom will be full of fruits from this crop and
various dishes made of meat of these cows.
Because the abundance of the cow dung mentioned by the wisest Shah, not only
shows the portliness of our cows, but the richness of our land.
Because the cow dung is used for fertilizing the land and as a fuel for cooking of
hot dishes.
Listening the eloquence of Nasreddin, Shah couldn't keep his mouth shut and
shouted with outrage:
"Well, Nasreddin, If my words had so deep meaning, how dare you pull the
So, everything is cleared up with his joke about Hodja Nasreddin, or as they say:
"That's where the trouble lies",
because the job of commentator obliges him to weave the truth from tall tales.
And if someone dared to publish such book as "The science shows the truth of the
Bible" only a few decades ago,
this person would be in big trouble, because religious fanatics would declare him
as heretic and stone him to death.
In the Middle Ages every man was accused of occult activity even for the slightest
suspicion of involvement in the research activity,
and was burnt in fires of the Holy Inquisition under blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church,
because religion and science always stood against each other on opposite sides.
But currently, religious figures began to realize that they can't deny anymore what
the science proves,
and one day parishioners will find out the truth and abandon religion,
and that is why they had to adapt discoveries of scientists to what is written in the
Divining the future is a cash and prize lottery involving dozens of thousands of
people, but only one has the luck to win this lottery.
It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin, where Emir of Bukhara hires Nasreddin
and his wife as the weather forecasters.
And then one day Emir with his retinue were going imperial hunting.
He calls his court forecasters and asks them: "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?"
To which Nasreddin said: "Tomorrow's weather will be sunny", but his wife forecasts the opposite: "Tomorrow's weather will be rainy".
Emir asks them with outrage: "Who here is to be trusted?", to which Nasreddin
"O, Great Emir of the noble Bukhara! Believe both of us, because one of us will
always forecast accurate weather for tomorrow."
With this joke about Hodja Nasreddin, I showed you the tricks of forecasters and
their forecast for the future.
For example: in 1996, many famous forecasters predicted about a possible major
earthquake in Alma-Ata in a short time, and some of them even specified the exact date.
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to move the capital
of Kazakhstan from Alma-Ata to Tselinograd (Astana) because of this forecast.
If, heaven forbid, this earthquake happened in one of these specified dates, the
person who specified this date would bask in glory of the Great Forecasters.
Throughout history, people suffered for the truth about the origin of the Universe
and creatures on Earth.
For example, the famous Italian astronomer Giordano Bruno, who was burned
alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition under blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman
Catholic Church.
This gruesome murder in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit was committed by the Holy Fathers of the Church
because Giordano Bruno confirmed the theory of the Polish astronomer Nickolaus Copernicus that our Earth is round and rotates on its axis and moves around
the sun.
But before this sensational discovery, religious figures argued that our Earth is flat
and rested on three whales.
And they imagined this in such way:
endless gathering of waters divided by God from water above the firmament are
located below the ground level,
and the sun moves around the earth going in the depths of the sea on the western
side of the earth in the evening, and the renewed by the sea water sun goes out of it on the
eastern side in the morning.
And according to the Bible, gathering of waters is called "sea", not "ocean".
The first part of the Bible (the Pentateuch) was written by people which lived in
the territory of Israel.
And in those times they didn't know that besides the Mediterranean, Red and
Dead Seas, there are other seas and even oceans on Earth,
and besides the countries located near Israel – from Egypt to Mesopotamia, there
are other countries and even continents.
As the Pentateuch described the historical events which happened in some countries located near the present day Israel,
they could assume that the earth is not big and rested on three whales.
Why on three whales?
Probably, in those times parishioners asked the religious figures: "Why the dry
land (earth) is rested on the surface of the gathering of waters (sea) and doesn't sink?"
And to make the parishioners believe, they answered: "Not on the surface of the
gathering of waters, but on three whales".
What we read in the Pentateuch about it (Torah – Bereshit, and Genesis according
to the Bible 1: 6-10):
And God went on to say: “Let a firmament come to be in between the waters and let a
dividing occur between the waters and the waters.
Then God proceeded to make the firmament and to make a division between the waters
that should be beneath the firmament and the waters that should be above the firmament.
And it came to be so.
And God began to call the firmament Heaven. And there came to be evening and there
came to be morning, a second day.
And God went to say: “Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one
place and let the dry land appear. And it came to be so.
And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he
called Seas. God saw that it was good. (see illustration 2).
And only now the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church finally understood their misconception that
water above heaven didn't gather in one place, and land i.e. the flat earth on three
whales, didn't appear above it.
For that reason they began to hastily rehabilitate those people, who were anathematized in the Middle Ages due to their ignorance: Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno, Nickolaus Copernicus.
They finally reburied these great scientists in the holy places with honors, as it
should be, and perpetuated the names of innocently burnt in the memorial plaques.
And they don't know that by rehabilitating these scientists they shot themselves in
the foot, i.e. had questioned all the doctrine based on the Bible.
The first flying machines designers were harassed in the same way, to ensure that
they wouldn't solve a mystery of existence of the Creator in Heaven.
But flying machines designers had made tremendous strides in this regard despite
the harassments of religious figures.
And people began to navigate not only the airspace of Earth, but also extraterrestrial expanse of space,
where the Tower of Babel would look like the microscopic object that fits easily in the needle eye out the window of spacecraft.
And there as expected, they didn't meet with the Creator of the Universe.
That is why religious figures had no other choice, but to use such trick: "The Creator is in the place which human eyes do not see, or the Creator has no beginning and no
Although the following is written in the Bible in black and white:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them (Genesis 1: 27).
And there is another thing – people of Babylon built the tower tall enough to
the Creator of the Universe, because according to the Bible the Creator lives in
Then it turns out that it is possible to see the Creator from the Tower of Babel, but
it is impossible from the spacecraft, or as they say: "Marvellous are your works, Lord
The first researchers in the field of gene engineering were also harassed, to ensure
that they wouldn't solve a mystery of origin of man.
Currently, researchers of stem cells which courageously conduct research works
trying to find methods of treatment of incurable diseases are harassed too.
Religious figures also condemn resuscitators because they are fanatically sure that
the man comes to this side and leaves it only by the will of God, and that is why
no man has the right to intervene in the Divine providence.
For the fictitious reason that life and death are the Divine providence, they mock
the incurable people which
are confined to bed for the rest of their life and suffer from permanent extreme
These wolves in sheep's clothing sheltering themselves behind the robes of the
righteous don't give them the right to decide their own destiny as they please,
because they earn billions of dollars from their suffering and attract wealthy parishioners for this purpose
to make them cough up money for their treatment in medical institutions,
but the lion's share of this money goes into the pockets of priests, doctors and
and then ends up in the pockets of leaders of the state and clergy.
For example, for the same reason, spiritual leaders of Israel kept the former Prime
Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon in the Israel hospital "Shiba",
who was in coma (comatose state of brain) for the rest of his life after massive
stroke in 2006.
Although there is a video on the Internet that religious figures of Israel kept Ariel
Sharon bedridden after reading some special prayer for that purpose,
because he violently evicted inhabitants of the Jewish settlement Gaza Strip.
But first, this is a great happiness for us, earthlings, to survive to the age of Ariel
Sharon (85),
and second, millions of earthlings, including religious figures become bedridden
without any prayers for them.
So there is a quite legitimate question: who should bear criminal responsibility for not only violation of feelings of unfaithful, but also mockery of them???
Married couples which can’t have a natural birth of children also suffer from harassment.
Religious preachers prohibit them to attend medical institutions for artificial insemination or use services of surrogate mothers,
believing that it is not the Divine providence, and that is why the foetus will have
no soul.
Despite the strict prohibition of religious figures and their threat that children will
have no soul,
hundreds of thousands of desperate women get inseminated artificially,
as well as use the services of surrogate mothers, and give birth to pretty healthy
And this new trend seriously worried religious figures, because they argued earlier
that no man can live without a soul.
That is why they began to urgently change their mind in the course of events, and
declared that such children have a soul of the Devil.
And if this threat doesn't work, after a while, to attract women to their parish they
will find some loophole in the Bible and declare that children born by artificial insemination, have a soul of God
Religious figures give a hostile reception to everything created by scientists, and
after a while they benefit from these creations.
If necessary, they enjoy the benefits of gene engineering and don't prevent the organ transplantation, blood transfusion to themselves or their family members.
And if this trend will continue, they will ask doctors to artificially inseminate their
wives in the near future.
And they will also ask doctors to apply embryonic stem cells for their treatment or
rejuvenation, and ask scientists to clone them and their close relatives.
As the saying goes: "Your efforts backfired on yourself". The point is that even
Orthodox steadfast in their faith change their view on the modern lifestyle over time –
they find some loophole in the Bible and adapt to new realties.
For example, followers of the movement Chabad renounced using such religious
Jewish attributes as side-locks and cowls, and serve in European-style clothes in their synagogues.
But to attract young people to their parish, some enterprising priests of the Christian denomination organize contemporary dancing, sport games for them or take part in
automobile and motorcycle races with them;
and do parachuting with them, although until recently they thought that all this entertainment was created by Satan.
What we read in the Bible about the image:
"You must not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that
is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
You must not bow down to them, nor be induced to serve them" (Exodus 20: 4-5) .
Christians followed this commandment till the fourth century AD, but when they
wrote the New Testament,
they began not only to paint the holy face of Jesus and Mary – who are in Heaven
above, and faces of Apostles and Saints – who are in the Earth beneath, but also began to
bow and serve them.
And Jewish followed this commandment until recently, but currently they paint
faces of sages and spiritual leaders as pictures.
And Muslim strictly followed this commandment until recently too, but ultimately
they couldn't resist this temptation and began to paint faces of spiritual leaders and the
Prophet Muhammad as pictures.
And the most amazing is that the icons, sculptures and pictures of the above-mentioned personalities are mass-produced by religious figures for commercial purposes.
As the saying goes: "All is fair in love and war" to achieve the set goals.
They will nominate the devil himself for sainthood, if it would be beneficial for
The same is happening to the modern followers of the Patriarch Sergius, which go
out of their way to nominate the bloody dictator Stalin for sainthood.
Or look at what is happening in the motorcycle club Night Wolves in Moscow,
where the prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova danced showing her naked body
to all the country, and
the President Vladimir Putin participates in motorcycle races from time to time,
and recently awarded the leader of bikers Alexander, also known as the "Surgeon" with
the Order of Honor,
and the Patriarch of Moscow blessed Alexander the "Surgeon" for new feats remembering that he was a motorcyclist in his youth.
Because Alexander the "Surgeon" and his bikers play the role of surgical scalpel
in the hands of the ROC (Russian Orthodox Church), which is going to
remove any dissent, heterodoxy and nonconformity to dogmas of the ROC from
the consciousness of people like a malignant tumor.
Here is one more prohibition established by the religious figures: if any person
dies of unknown cause,
his faithful relatives don't allow forensic scientists to dissect a body on the advice
of their spiritual leaders.
They therefore prevent law enforcement bodies to find out the true cause of death
and the persons involved in the murder.
They encourage criminals for new murders with this prohibition, thus making
close relatives and friends of the unpunished killer's victim suffer.
In the Middle Ages any activity of doctors, healers and medicine men was equated
with witchcraft, and they were burnt alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition.
Because they were competitors of church leaders in the struggle for collecting
money from poor patients which had to go only to religious institutions for treatment.
But there they were treated only with prayers.
If they survived after these prayers, it was perceived as a miracle of prayer.
But if they died, their death was more profitable for church leaders than their recovery.
Because relatives of the deceased had to pay not only for treatment, but also for
the last rites and funeral service.
To keep parishioners in their parish, modern religious figures scare them with inculcation that atheism is a sin and they will die in the throes, because nobody will absolve
their sins.
And priests absolve their sins for enormous amounts of money.
And they consecrate their house, business, car or domestic cat or potato from the
garden, doesn't matter, everything what they want at an additional cost.
And indeed, all things are "the other way around".
According to religious beliefs, the man is inherently a sinful creature,
and that is why he will burn in hellfire after death, and no priest will help him.
But according to atheists, the man comes to this side from nothing and goes into it
after death.
After death of any person, some religious figures make his children not to cut
their hair, not to shave, not to wash, not to have fun, not to be happy, wear only old un washed clothes
within one year as a sign of grief at the died.
The only thing they can do is to make donations as much as possible for support
of the numerous priests and their parishes.
But religious figures don't understand only one thing – that they just worsen the
sanitary and epidemiological environment with this unreasonable order.
Although religious figures preach that the life of a man doesn't stop on the other
and turns from the temporary state into constant, from physical state into spiritual,
from earth into divine,
if that is the case, then it turns out that they must have fun and be happy, rather
than grieve and be sad for the died.
But in past centuries, widows had the worst fate, because they had no right to remarry,
they were scorned, and in some regions in India they were buried or burnt alive
with their husbands.
Here is one more thing. According to the biblical law, the body of coldblooded
murderer whose hands are full of blood can be consecrated and buried at the cemetery.
But the honest and decent suicidal person cannot be consecrated and buried at the
cemetery, or as they say: "Marvellous are your works, Lord God".
Although in the post-Soviet space, if somebody from the family of wealthy person
killed himself,
he could be consecrated and buried at the most prestigious place at the cemetery.
This suggests that the priest will violate the law established by God for bribery in
the form of donation for charity.
For example, the priests preach that ordinary people are not allowed to come up
on the Ambon, because it is a Holy place. And of course, it is true, when it comes to the
group Pussy Riot,
because they not only didn't pay to priests, but also prayerfully sang from the Ambon of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: "Mother of Jesus, Putin banish",
but if it comes to such persons as the Russian singer Philipp Kirkorov, they allow
them with pleasure to come up on the Ambon,
because Philipp Kirkorov paid to the priests a princely sum, in short, paid a bribe
not only for his performance on the Ambon,
but also for a baptismal rite for his children, despite these children were born by
surrogate mothers.
And to keep their followers in ignorance, patience and obedience, some spiritual
strictly prohibited them to read factual books, watch television, listen to the radio,
use Internet.
But the worst thing is that millions of innocent earthlings were tortured and
destroyed under blessing of the spiritual leaders of Jewish, Christian and Muslim
and in the name of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah.
They committed – and some of these denominations (Al-Qaeda, ISIL,
HAMAS) commit in the present days – all these gruesome murders not by their
choice, but guided by quotes from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran.
All the above-mentioned facts prove only that if all mankind always lived following the regulations of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran,
it would never make some considerable advances in its development, i.e. wouldn't
emerge from the obscurity of the medieval period.
Because the civilized world always prospered despite the regulations of religious
So there is a question: why we know nothing about scientists of the Middle Ages
and their works?
Because the scientists of those times and their works were burnt in fires of the
Holy Inquisition under blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.
But mankind use the works of the scientists of the pre-Christian period:
– Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles, Pythagoras, Democritus, Heraclitus, Hippocrates,
Archimedes, Aristarchus, Plutarch, Claudius, Ptolemy, etc.,
although most of their works were publicly burnt by Christian in fires of the Holy
Inquisition in the Middle Ages,
for example, many books from the largest library of those times, located in Alexandria (Egypt).
And in fact, what ISIL does at the present time in Syria and Iraq – destroying "pagans" (Yazidis) and their creations and creations of their ancestors (sculptures) –
Christian destroyed "pagans" and their creations in all dominions of the Roman
Empire in the same way.
And many works of the famous persons such as Al-Biruni, Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Farabi, Omar Khayyam, Abu Ali ibn Sin (Avicenna), etc. were publicly burnt under blessing
of the spiritual leaders.
Because these scientists-writers showed the Islamic doctrine and the masterminds
of this doctrine in true colors.
And we know nothing about Jewish scientists of the Middle Ages, because their
works were prohibited by spiritual leaders of the Jewish and Christian denominations.
The only famous Jewish scientist of the Middle Ages is Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (Rambam or Maimonides) (Cordova, Spain) (1135-1204),
because he was not only engaged in research activities in the field of medicine,
but also formulated comments for the Pentateuch (Mishnah-Torah)
The Exodus, or the end of the world
As shown by the course of events which happen in the modern world, religion
will bring the civilized world to the edge of an abyss, and ultimately, to the destruction of
mankind on Earth.
And this end of the world can happen not only due to some natural disasters happening on Earth from time to time,
but due to differences among religious denominations in definition of true faith.
Because each religious denomination has its faith which religious figures intend to
spread to all tribes and people of Earth,
and dominate the world upon the pretext of spreading the true faith.
In our days religion has substantial impact on minds.
Even many statesmen and politicians, as well as many persons in governments are
influenced by religion.
And finally, religious faith found the minds of heads of states with democratic
For some – like true faith in God (for example, George W. Bush).
For others – like present fashions (for example, Vladimir Putin).
Heads of democratic states have the freedom of choice to decide the fate of the
world in accordance with the Holy Scriptures.
The following is written in black and white there:
"The Lord give and the Lord take; Blessed be the name of the Lord".
Because in the beginning was not the "Word", as written in the New Testament, but was the deadly " Fall" to earthlings.
It happened because of the fault of our forbears – Adam and Eve, as written
in the Old Testament.
But now first things first.
To provide Their privileged creatures with better life on Earth,
the Creator banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to sinful Earth, preliminary accusing them of tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
With this stiff sentence the Creator deprived them of immortality, and plunged
their descendants into all earthly woes –
generical, physical, psychoneurological, family, love, sexual, business, competitive, monetary and financial and other problems,
as well as into interpersonal, interclan, intercommunal, intergeneric, intertribal, interdenominational, international, interparty, interstate and race problems.
So this is how the All-merciful and Gracious Creator feeds with magic spoon his
numerous army constantly insatiable children –
rabbinate, popes, patriarchs, caliphs, imams, dalai lamas, spiritual leaders, priests,
masters of secret teaching,
leaders or parties and nations, commanders, oligarchs, godfathers, thieves in law,
judges, prosecutors, lawyers, detectives, doctors, owners of pharmaceutical companies,
journalists, owners of mass media and many other similar freeloaders,
as well as founders of pyramid schemes, street scammers, procurers, prostitutes,
extortioners, usurers, moneymakers, thieves,
clairvoyants, psychics, sorcerers, magicians, fortunetellers, witches, medicine
men, forecasters, hypnotists, psychiatrists, quack doctors and other similar fraudsters.
And to provide His privileged people with the opportunity to mock the Jewish
people, the Creator acted more wisely than with the above-mentioned personalities.
The Creator selected Jewish from all nations of Earth to do them a scapegoats.
At first, the Creator accused them of sculpting the golden calf and sentenced them
to death.
And he immediately enforced this sentence through His messenger Moses.
He killed many people right in front of the golden calf, and starved others, moving them across the desert Sinai within forty years,
until he destroyed all Israelite which he Himself released from the Egyptian
What we read in the Pentateuch about it (in the Torah – Shemort, and Exodus according to the Bible):
And Aaron said unto them: "Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears
of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me".
And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and
brought them unto Aaron.
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he
had made it a molten calf. And they said: "This is your god, O Israel, who led you up out
of the land of Egypt!"
And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation,
and said: "To morrow is a feast to the Lord" (Exodus 32: 2-5).
And the Lord went on to say to Moses: “I have looked at this people and here it is
a stiff-necked people.
So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate
them, and let me make you into a great nation” (Exodus 32: 9-10).
Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said: "Who is on the Lord's side?
let him come unto me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
And he said unto them: This is what the Lord God of Israel had said: "Put every
man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and
slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor".
And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the
people that day about three thousand men (Exodus 32: 26-28).
And the Lord plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made
(Exodus 32: 35)
What else we read in the Pentateuch (in the Torah – Bemidbar, and Numbers according to the Bible 14: 26-35):
And the Lord went on to speak Moses and Aaron, saying:
"How long will this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard
the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.
Say to them: “As I live”, is the utterance of God, if I shall not do to you just that
way as you have spoken in My ears!
In this wilderness your carcasses will fall, yes, all your registered ones of all
your number from twenty years old upward, you who have murmured against Me.
As for you, you will not enter into the land in oath to reside with you, except
Caleb the son of Jephuneh and Joshua the son of Nun.
And your little ones who you said would become plunder, these also I shall certainly
bring in, and they will indeed know the land that you have rejected.
But the carcasses of you yourselves will fall in this wilderness. And your sons will be-
come shepherds in the wilderness forty years,
and they will have to answer for your acts of fornication, until your carcasses come to
their end in the wilderness.
By the number of the days that you spied out the land, forty days, a day for a year, a day
for year, you will answer for your errors forty years, as you must know what My being estranged means.
I the God have spoken if this is not what I shall do to all this evil assembly, those who
have gathered together against Me: In this wilderness they will come to their end, and
there they will die.
It turns out that the true perpetrator Aaron who sculpted the golden calf became
the High Priest of tabernacle of the meeting, i.e. the mobile Temple in the dessert Sinai,
by the order of the Lord God.
And millions of innocent Israelites were killed in the dessert Sinai by Moses and
Aaron by the order of the Lord God.
As the saying goes: "Marvellous are your works, Lord God", You forgive whoever
you want and You execute whoever you want, because You, O Lord, don't care who is at
fault or who isn't.
And this horrible lawlessness happens to a lot of people in this world, especially
in the post-Soviet space
where judges harshly punish the completely innocent person, and vice versa justify the person who has committed a serious offense at the instigation of Putin.
Tacit procedure works there, rather than the law: corruption and telephone justice.
If the law worked and people elected judges themselves, Putin and Medvedev
would be prosecuted first
for their secret arrangement in 2008 about their castling in the government for the
next four years, and in 2012 for the next six years.
In this castling Medvedev looks like a pawn in the hands of Putin.
Because Putin and his team is an organized rigidly structured group of people
completely obedient to their leader
(mostly consisting of former KGB servicemen and back yard hooligans of Leningrad city) in the highest echelons of government of the Russian state,
where Putin does not extradite his men to repressive bodies:
for example, the former Defense Minister of Russia Anatoliy Serdyukov and his
favorite Yevgeniya Vasilyeva,
the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the General Prosecutor of Russia
Yury Chaika,
as well as the former FSB officers Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun.
Although they stole billions of dollars from their people, and just in case took
these money out of Russia through off-shores.
But he extradites other people, especially Jews and dissenters to repressive bodies
with great pleasure, accusing them of all sorts of evils:
for example, such businessmen as M. Khodorkovsky, B. Berezovsky, V. Gusinsky,
the former FSB officer A. Litvinenko, the auditor S. Magnitsky, the leaders of non-system
opposition A. Navalny and B. Nemtsov,
human rights activists Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova, the rural
teacher Ilya Farber, the group Pussy Riot, etc.
And for this reason, Putin said only one word: "Attack!", pointing to the above-mentioned victims to his toadies trained in the repressive bodies of Cheka.
And the most amazing is that when Putin says some lies,
his faithful toadies repeat these lies on all TV channels.
For example, when Putin hinted to his faithful toadies that intelligence agencies of
the Western countries and the USA were behind the terrorist act in the editorial office of
"Charlie Hebdo" magazine and kosher grocery store,
as well as the murder of Boris Nemtsov,
they (V. Zhirinovsky, M. Shevchenko, S. Baburin, L. Ivashov, A. Martynov, S.
Markov, etc.) began to repeat on all Russian TV channels in everyone's hearing:
"Truly, intelligence agencies of the Western countries and the USA were behind
the terrorist act in the editorial office of "Charlie Hebdo" magazine and kosher grocery
store, as well as the murder of Boris Nemtsov".
And when Putin accused the heads of non-system opposition of receiving instructions and money from the State Department of the USA in order to destroy them,
his faithful toadies began to repeat on all Russian TV channels in everyone's hearing:
"Truly, the heads of non-system opposition receive instructions and money from
the State Department of the USA!".
Putin used the experience of his idol Comrade Stalin for this purpose, knowing
that this trick always works.
Stalin accused the undesirable persons of their relationship with "international imperialists and zionists" in order to destroy them,
but Putin changed this old and hackneyed phrase for the "State Department of the
because Putin has in his mind only one goal – to break up the heads of the
European Union and the USA,
and for this purpose Putin and his faithful toadies began to accuse intelligence
agencies of the USA of tapping telephones of some heads of the EU countries.
By the way, on the Victory Day, May 9, 2010 Putin had the intention to rehabilitate his idol Comrade Stalin,
starting from restoration of his monuments, and of course, the main monument –
Stalingrad city, despite it is the city of courage and glory of the Soviet soldiers.
But crash of plane of the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński at Smolensk
stopped it from happening.
Reference: In April 2010 the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński flew from
Warsaw to Smolensk to pay the tribute to the memory of the Polish officers
– victims of Stalin's repressions shoot down by his executioners in spring 1940 in
Katyn Forest.
As you remember dear reader, Yury Luzhkov being the Mayor of Moscow in that
time, had intention to decorate the Red Square
with huge portraits of Stalin on the eve of the Victory Day, May 9, 2010, at the instigation of Putin,
but after crash of plane of the President of Poland they forgot this idea fast
Probably, Putin thought that rehabilitation of Stalin will prevent his friendship
with new president of Poland.
And now the USA and the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia, and
thus they have given free rein to Putin.
Now he can safely rehabilitate Stalin and rename Volgograd city to Stalingrad,
and mercilessly destroy the heads of non-system opposition.
Because Putin dreams that he restores the Soviet Union of Stalin's time occupying
foreign lands –
Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, Transnistria from Moldova, the
Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk from Ukraine,
and thereafter they intend to occupy all the Eastern part of Ukraine and establish
the state called Novorossia as a part of Russia,
and the next is Kazakhstan with Russian majority of the population, where they
intend to establish the new state called Mladorossia also as a part of Russia.
And for this purpose Putin saved the anthem of the Soviet Union of Stalin's time
of 1944, which includes the following words:
"Great Russia has forever consolidated the inviolable union of free republics...".
And to achieve this goal he restores the former might of the Russian Empire, enhancing the offensive military capabilities.
And to justify their interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine,
Putin and his faithful toadies always repeat the following on all Russian TV channels: "Foreign mercenaries fight on the side of Ukraine!!!".
And to say what they want without any interruption, they removed the following
representatives of non-system opposition from Russian TV channels
– N. Svanidze, L. Gozman, M. Ganapolsky, K. Sobchak, B. Nemtsov, V. Ryzhkov,
I. Khakamada, K. Borovoi, G. Kasparov, A. Makarevich and others, who were just as a
thorn stuck in throat of Putin and his team,
and now we always see the same faces on all Russian TV channels, or as the famous proverb stating: "My-my! Same old faces!"
– V. Zhirinovsky, A. Prokhanov, S. Zheleznyak, D. Kiselyov, M. Leontyev, A. Mamontov, S. Kurginyan, V. Soloviov, I. Prigozhin and other trusty dogs of Putin,
because they bark in unison and interrupt like dogs, jumping down throat of the
representatives of non-system opposition, Kiev, the European Union and the USA
who happen to find themselves on these TV programs,
and thus condone them like conductors: the hosts of TV channel " Russia-1”
Vladimir Soloviov in the program: "Evening With Vladimir Soloviov",
" 1 channel" Pyotr Tolstoi or Artyom Sheynin in the program: "Politics" and
"Time Will Tell",
as well as TV channel "TVC" Roman Babayan in the program: "Voting Right"
and Dmitriy Kulikov in the program: "Right to Know!".
And the most amazing is that, first, these TV programs are shown well past midnight
when most Russian people don't watch television and are sound asleep, but
European don't fall asleep at this time, and there is an afternoon peak in the USA,
and second, they are shown on the Russian TV channels only to show the "true"
democracy in Russia to the international community.
The only oppositional Russian TV channel which exists on a wing and a prayer is "Dozhd"
But it exists to give an opportunity to Putin and his faithful toadies to deliver a
speech on the international rostrums referring to this channel
about the "true" democracy in Russia.
But at any given moment the all-powerful Putin will pull the plug to this TV channel
and disconnect the Russian Internet from the international network – watching
how isolation of Russia by the international community will develop.
Since the idol of Putin Comrade Stalin ordered to his faithful toadies to confiscate
people's radios during the isolation of the Soviet Union by the international community,
to prevent their listening to the voice of
the international imperialism and Zionism.
But Putin doesn't understand one thing – that by breaking up Moldova, Georgia
and Ukraine into smaller states,
he just contributes to permanent collapse of the Great Russian Empire, because
"One fool makes many".
And the most amazing is that all important events in Russia happen at the instigation of Putin,
but he always disassociates himself stating:
– the Russian Court, the fairest one in the world, imprisoned Mikhail
Khodorkovsky and the group Pussy Riot,
– the Russian Court imprisoned some heads of the non-system opposition and participants of the demonstration on Bolotnaya Square.
– Russian people themselves decide who must fight in Ukraine with Russian military equipment,
– Russian people themselves decide who they want to see on the Russian TV
channels, etc.
It does work like in the times of Stalin, and the point is that Stalin solely made decisions in the Kremlin as to whom to execute and whom to pardon,
and his faithful toadies presented all this lawlessness to radio listeners like this:
“All the Soviet people in unison as one stigmatized (condemned)
accomplices/renegades/mercenaries/secret agents of international imperialism and Zionism, etc. etc.”
And, finally, Putin explained to the journalists at his annual press-conference that
a rapid decline in the national currency - ruble
and worsening of the living standards of Russians were caused by the fall of oil
prices in the world market and sanctions of the European Union and the USA.
But actually all troubles in Russia are triggered by total corruption in the highest
echelons of the Russian state that may eventually lead to popular riots.
To prevent this from happening, Putin gathered all Russian oligarchs in the Kremlin to make
them cough up money for support of repressive bodies and the poor and thus avert
popular riot.
Because Putin has nightmares about how some nations acted with their dictators:
Italians with Benito Mussolini, Romanians with Nikolay Ceausescu, Afghans
with Najibullah, Iraqis with Saddam Hussein, Libyans with Muammar Gaddafi.
And there is another thing, to prevent popular riots, Putin’s faithful toady, former
intelligence officer
and current TV presenter Anna Chapman and the head of project Igor Prokopenko
through all his TV movies
always prophesy on “REN TV” TV channel about the near end of the world using
various hired falsifiers:
collision with the nonexistent planet Nibiru or with huge asteroid or with comet,
or worldwide natural calamities, etc. etc.
By the way, in these movies they always accuse Jewish of the Rothschild family
of all sorts of evils:
they are masons, or they dominate the world, or they lead a secret world government, or they plundered gold reserves of Tsarist Russia, etc.
In short, Putin and his team blame anybody and anything for all Russia’s troubles:
– non-system opposition, the State Department of the USA, the decaying West,
masons, falling oil prices, but not themselves – the true culprits – the Russian authorities.
Putin allows all these manipulations only to keep his royal throne in the Kremlin
for the rest of his life.
Because he is fanatically sure that he is the new Prince Vladimir – Baptist and
Russia’s Savior of the third millennium.
As his demeanor in the Kremlin is fully consistent with the manners of royal persons.
By the way, the descendants of Aaron became chief priests of the Temple of
where people brought the fattest and flawless cows and sheep to redeem their sins,
or, in modern terms, a bribe.
It turns out that sinners may also go to Heaven for a bribe.
Choice meat cuts of these cows and sheep were given to chief priests and their
family members,
and bowels were burnt in front of the altar for a sweet savor unto the Lord.
In addition, people brought gold, silver, brass, precious stones without defects,
money, wool, byssus, leather, sweet incense, anointing oil for the light, unleavened bread
anointed with oil.
What we read in the Bible about it (Exodus 25: 1-8):
And the Lord proceeded to speak to Moses, saying: “Speak to the sons of Israel,
that they may take up a contribution for me:
From every man whose heart incites him you people are to take up the contribution of mine.
And this is the contribution that you are to take up from them: gold and silver and
And blue thread, and wool dyed reddish purple, and coccus scarlet material, and
fine linen, and goat’s hair,
and ram skins dyed red, and sealskins, and acacia wood, and oil for luminary,
balsam oil for the anointing oil and for perfumed incense;
and onyx stones and setting stones for the ephod and for the breast piece. And
they must make a sanctuary for me, as i must tabernacle in the midst of them.
And, they had to bring one-tenth of their income at all times.
High priests – Cohens and priests – Levites used some of these offerings for the
needs of the Temple and appropriated the rest.
What we read in the Bible about it (Numbers 18: 8-20):
And the Lord spoke further to Aaron “As for me, look! I have given you the cus-
tody of the contributions made to me.
Of all the holy things of the sons of Israel I have given them to you and to your
sons as a portion, as an allowance to time indefinite.
This should become yours out the most holy things, out of the offering made by
fire, every offering of theirs together with every grain offering of theirs and every sin offering of theirs and every guilt offering of theirs, which they will return to me. It is some -
thing most holy for you and for your sons.
In a most holy place you should eat it. Every male should eat it. It should become
something holy to you.
And this belongs to you: the contribution of their gift together with all the ware
offerings of the sons of Israel I have given them to you and your sons and your daughters
with you as an allowance to time indefinite. Everyone clean in your house may eat it.
All the best of the oil and all the best of the new wine and the grain, their first
fruits which they will give to the Lord, I have given them to you.
The first ripe fruits of all that is on their land, which they will bring to the Lord,
yours it should become. Everyone clean in your house may eat it. Every devoted thing in
Israel should become yours.
Everything opening the womb, of every sort of flesh, which they will present to the
Lord, among man and among beast, should become yours.
However, you should without fail redeem the firstborn of mankind; and the first-
born of the unclean beast you should redeem.
And with a redemption price for it from a month old onward you should redeem it,
by the estimated value, five silver shekels by the shekel of the holy place. It is twenty ger-
Only the firstborn bull or firstborn male lamb or firstborn goat you should not re-
deem. They are something holy. Their blood you should sprinkle upon the altar, and their
fat you should make smoke as an offering made by fire for a restful odor to the Lord.
And their flesh should become yours. Like the breast of the wave offering and like
the right leg, it should become yours.
All the holy contributions, which the sons of Israel will contribute to the Lord, I
have given to you and your sons and your daughters with you, as an allowance to time
indefinite. It is a covenant of salt to time indefinite before the Lord for you and your off-
spring with you.
And the Lord went on to say to Aaron: “In their land you will not have an inheri-
tance, and no share will become yours in their midst.
I am your share and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.
It turns out that people not only sacrificed their property but were used as a scapegoat.
Because they were sacrificed to All-merciful and Gracious God for the slightest
disobedience like a herd of sheep.
If you carefully read the Pentateuch and summarize it, it turns out that Moses
wrote all these laws and commandments in his book specifically
to make all the people of Israel subordinate to his brother Aaron and his descendants as well as priests – Levites
and thus at the expense of people satisfy their insatiable appetite and ensure comfortable circumstances for all time as well as unlimited power over them.
What we read in the Bible about the tribe of Levi where Moses and his brother
Aaron come from (Numbers 18: 21-24):
And to the sons of Levi, look! I have given every tenth part in Israel as an inheritance in return for their service that they are carrying on, the service of the tent of meeting.
And the sons of Israel should no more come near to the tent of meeting to incur
sin so as to die.
And the Levites themselves must carry on the service of the tent of meeting, and
they are the ones who should answer for their error.
It is a statute to time indefinite during your generations that in the midst of the
sons of Israel they should not get possession of an inheritance.
For the tenth part of the sons of Israel, which they will contribute to the Lord as a
contribution, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance.
That is why I have said to them, “In the midst of the sons of Israel they should not
get possession of an inheritance.
As the saying goes, the facts are obvious.
Dear reader, that’s the key as to why “wise” Levites bore the sin of people, of
course, as you have probably guessed,
in order to live in clover with their tithe like in the Garden of Eden, but only in
this world,
or at the worst to take the sin of people to the next world to become God as it subsequently happened to Jesus of Nazareth.
And their ignorant victims gave one-tenth of their income for their sins to the
Levites in order to live in clover in the Garden of Eden but only in the next world.
Finally, the truth came out: why spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim
denominations felt the urgent need to get the idea of One God from the Jewish people at all costs.
Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to use this idea as an effective tool
that will allow them to live in clove at the expense of their people.
Moreover, they intended to use their people to seize foreign lands in order to live
in clover at the expense of the rest of the world.
And the question now is what if we put Vladimir Gundyaev (Patriarch Kirill) and
his three preachers – Dmitry Smirnov, Andrei Kurayev and Vsevolod Chaplin – on one
side of the scale
and Jesus and His twelve pupils on the other side, which one of them outweigh
both literally and figuratively,
considering that the above priesthood leaders in the ROC hierarchy live in grand
style, because they are transported by luxury premium cars,
while Jesus and His pupils at times lived from hand to mouth and mostly went on
And then the Creator blamed Israelites for all deadly sins through the biblical
and with this stiff sentence deprived them of the piece of land, which He once
gave to Israelites for perpetual use, where ostensibly milk and honey flow (see note 7).
Probably the Creator meant full-flowing rivers, such as Nile in Egypt or huge oil
That many Arab countries have and abundant mineral resources as in many countries of the world.
Israel never had such natural wealth.
What we read in the Bible about it (The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah; The
Lamentations of Jeremiah):
And I myself will fight against you with a stretched-out hand and with a strong
arm and with anger and with rage and with great indignation.
And I will strike the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast. With a great
pestilence they will die.
And after that, is the utterance of the Lord: “I shall give Zedekiah the king of Ju-
dah and his servants and the people and those who are remaining over in this city from
the pestilence, from the sword and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the
king of Babylon, even into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who are
seeking for their soul, and he will certainly strike them with edge of the sword. He will
not feel sorry for them, nor will he show compassion or have any mercy.
And to this people you will say: “This is what the Lord has said: “Here I am
putting before you people the way of life and the way of death.
The one sitting still in this city will die by the sword and by famine and by the
pestilence; but the one who is going out and who actually falls away to the Chaldeans
who are laying siege against you will keep living, and his soul will certainly come to be
his as a spoil”.
“For I have set my face against this city for calamity and not for good” is the utterance of the Lord: “Into the hand of the king of Babylon it will be given, and he will
certainly burn with fire” (The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 21: 5-10) .
O how the Lord in his anger beclouds the daughter of Zion! He has thrown down
from heaven to earth the beauty of Israel. And he has not remembered his footstool in the
day of his anger.
The Lord has swallowed up, he has shown no compassion upon any abiding
places of Jacob. In his fury he has torn down the fortified places of the daughter of Ju-
He has brought into contact with the earth, he has profaned the kingdom and her
In the heat of anger he has cut down every horn of Israel. He has turned his right
hand back from before the enemy; and in Jacob he keeps burning like a flaming fire that
has devoured all around.
He has trodden his bow like an enemy. His right hand has taken its position like
an adversary, and he kept killing all those desirable to the eyes. Into the tent of the
daughter of Zion he has poured out his rage, just like fire.
The Lord has become like an enemy. He has swallowed down Israel. He has swal-
lowed down all her dwelling towers; he has brought his fortified places to ruin. And in
daughter of Judah he makes mourning and lamentation abound (The Lamentations of
Jeremiah 2: 1-5).
The only natural resource in Israel is rain, if it rained in the time of Moses,
people blessed the Lord because their homes would see no shortage of daily
and if it didn’t, people would starve for years cursing the day they were born.
For this reason Moses in his verse about “a blessing and a curse” used “rain” as an
effective tool to
threaten Israelites that God would not give them the rain in due time but dust and
ashes from the sky if they didn’t walk in ways of the Lord.
Because for centuries Israel and all the Near East have been hit with the dust and
sandstorm called Khamsin, horrific in its effects,
which is carried by the winds from the deserts of the Arabian or Sinai Peninsulas
as well as from the Sahara desert (Africa).
What we read in the Bible about it:
I also shall certainly give rain for your land at its appointed time, autumn rain
and spring rain, and you will indeed gather your grain and your sweet wine and your oil.
(Deuteronomy 11: 14).
The Lord will give powder and dust as the rain of your land. From the heaven it
will come down upon you until you have been annihilated. (Deuteronomy 28: 24).
And, finally, through the fanatical Christians the Creator accused Israelites of
killing His Son Jesus,
and thus wisely threw the sons and daughters of Israel to the wolves, giving them
into the hands of Christians and later into the hands of Muslims.
What we read in the New Testament about it:
However, when the chief priests and the officers saw him, they shouted, saying:
“Impale him! Impale him!” Pilate said to them: “Take him yourselves and impale him, I
do not find any fault in him.” The Jews answered him: “We have law, and according to
the law he ought to die, because he made himself God’s son (Gospel of John 19: 6-7).
And, bearing the torture stake for himself, he went out to the so-called Skull
Place, which is called Golgotha in Hebrew;
and there they impaled him, and two other men with him, one on this side and one
on that, but Jesus in the middle.
Pilate wrote a title also and put in on the torture stake. It was written: “Jesus the
Nazarene the King of the Jews (Gospel of John 19: 17-19).
Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man publicly shown by God to
you through powerful works and portents and signs that God did through him in your
midst, just as you yourselves know,
this man, as one delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you
fastened to a stake by the hand of lawless men and did away with.
But God resurrected him by loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for
him to continue to be held fast by it (Acts of the Apostles 2: 22-24).
Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene , whom you impaled but whom God raised up from the dead, by
this one does this man stand here sound in front of you (Acts of the Apostles 4: 10).
The God of our forefathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew, hanging him upon a
God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repen-
tance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has
given to those obeying him as ruler (Acts of the Apostles 5: 30-32).
This is how wisely the All-merciful and Gracious Creator acted with His cho-
sen people.
And one of the major commandments of the Creator: thou shall not kill!
It turns out that the Creator broke His own commandment.
As the saying goes: “Mysterious are Your ways, O Lord”, but only for us,
millions of the ignorant.
And not for those who in the Lord’s name murdered millions of innocent
earthlings and climbed over their dead bodies to his Majesty – Moloch of endless
wealth and highest titles and appropriated all this.
And modern ambitious persons, knowing full well about this, also climb up to
us – million of the ignorant, like the stairs, to the heights of power and rule over us.
Those of them who intend to dominate the world will teach us saying:
"Parishioners! until the true Faith is propagated to all tribes and people of
it will be a deadly sin to leave in peace, work, make love and die of old age in
a bed of your own home, for which you will be accountable to the court of God.
To prevent this from happening you should courageously fight and merci-
lessly kill the followers of the Antichrist, pagans and unbelievers.
Death in the struggle for propagation of the true Faith and in the Lord’s
will be the Holy cause, which will weigh in your favor before the court of
All the above-mentioned facts suggest that the Creator
is a magical tool, which some ambitious persons secretly from us, millions of
the ignorant,
use to receive a glut of wealth and power over people, like out of Aladdin’s
Magic Lamp,
and moreover, they become in their eyes the greatest righteous on earth.
Dear reader, if you know the history of nations of earth, then you are surely aware
organized rigidly structured groups of people completely obedient to their leader –
religious, party and military groups
always won in competition for the property redistribution and re-division of
spheres of influence.
They used for that purpose such magical words as struggle for propagation of true
faith or struggle for truth and justice.
Any dissent in such groups is cruelly suppressed in the bud,
only lies from the mouths of their heads become an indisputable truth.
The larger and more powerful these groups are, the stronger experts manipulate
the population
by presenting the lies told by their heads as the most real truth on earth.
To make people believe in this “truth”, these experts who were ideologically and
theologically influenced or bribed,
can swear on anything, even with their hand on heart, or on the Torah, or on the
Bible, or on the Quran, or Constitution in front of their citizens.
For example, when spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination – Chabad announced:
“Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson after his transit to the other world ascended to Heaven and became God!”,
these experts affirmed on oath with their hands on the Torah: “Truly, Rabbi became God after his ascension to Heaven!”
And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Rabbi became God
after his ascension to Heaven!”.
When spiritual leaders of Christian denomination announced: “Jesus has risen and
ascended to Heaven!”,
these experts affirmed on oath with their hands on the Bible: “Truly, Jesus has
risen and ascended to Heaven!”.
Millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Jesus has risen and ascended to Heaven!”.
And when spiritual leaders of Muslim denomination announced: “On the 27th
night of Rajab, in a blink of an eye Muhammad was transported on the wings of the white
horse Al-Buraq from Mecca to Jerusalem from where he ascended to the Seventh
these experts affirmed on oath with their hand on the Quran: “Truly, Muhammad
ascended to the Seventh Heaven!”.
And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Muhammad ascended to the Seventh Heaven!”.
When the leaders of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union announced: “Lenin
these experts affirmed on oath with their hand on Constitution: “Truly, Lenin is
very much alive!”.
And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Lenin is very much
When the heads of the “United Russia” party announced: “Putin is the new
Saviour on Earth!”,
these experts (A. Prokhanov, M. Shevchenko D. Kiselyov, M. Leontiev, A. Mamontov, M. Simonyan, S. Kurginyan, V. Soloviev, etc.)
affirmed on oath with their hand on heart: “Truly, Putin is the new Saviour on
Millions of the ignorant meekly affirmed in sync with them: “Truly, Putin is a new
Saviour on Earth!”.
Moses, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon Bonaparte
Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh,
Fidel Castro and many other similar persons were deified in the same way.
And these lies pass from generation to generation.
The most amazing is that supporters of this deceit grow in number each day.
And the most terrible is that this trend will always continue.
Because these groups, for the sake of illusory truth and justice, committed unlawful acts with other nations and religious denominations
as well as with those who were burned alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition under
blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.
Eventually, this bloody strife was always won only by the leaders of religious,
party and military organizations whose names went down in the history of mankind
for all time.
Their burial places and their mummies, relics, statues, images became
the objects of veneration and worship as a deity or a holy place for some,
and the object of mocking and curse as Satan or a desecrated place for others.
For clarity let me put it this way: the Torah, the Talmud, Kabbalah, the Bible, the
Quran, Ramakrishna, the Communist Manifesto, Capital, Mein Kampf
are sacred for the followers of these books, they treat them like the holy grail.
But the same books are forbidden for the opponents and they ruthlessly destroy
these books as malicious ideology or theology for their minds.
The above-mentioned example suggests:
What means “Good” for some people may mean “Evil” for others.
If any ambitious leader intends to get rid of ideology or theology of undesirable organizations or countries,
he calls upon his supporters (co-religionists, like-minded persons) to fight
against them,
by brainwashing them into believing that people in that organization or people in that country
are a multitude of dark forces on earth which secretly do “Evil” to other nations and denominations.
And there is another example: more than 80% of people, which belong to any religious, party, military and other similar organization, are their members only because of financial gain or career development.
Less than 20% of people, which belong to such organizations, are their members,
because they have blind faith in everything that their heads, whom they look
upon as an authority, teach them
as they are by nature easily influenced or succumbed to suggestion.
It is impossible to make them change their minds, dissuade them in their
ideals or faith with any arguments or facts.
These fanatics under the influence of their leaders become a dangerous
weapon pointed at other nations and religious denominations.
These words of Jesus were directed to believing fanatics:
For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and will mislead many.
Then if anyone says to you: Look! Here is the Christ, or, There! Do not believe it. (Gospel
of Matthew 24: 5, 23)
Why Jesus strongly warned them of it?
Because He noticed that His faithful followers go after Him like lambs to the
slaughter believing in everything He preached to them,
and were ready to meekly sacrifice themselves for His sake.
But according to the predictions of the biblical prophets they should have followed Messiah named Immanuel but not Jesus.
What we read in the Gospel of Matthew about it (1: 22-23):
All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord
through his prophet, saying: “Look The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth
to son, and they will call his name Immanuel” which means, when translated, “With Us
Is God”.
As you, dear reader, have probably guessed, Jesus as a clear-headed person could
tell by their behavior that their descendants would also follow any person who would declare himself as the Messiah.
The situation, which Jesus warned about, came because their descendants blindly
followed self-declared Messiahs, spiritual teachers and holy fathers,
although according to Christian doctrine all believers in Christ are brothers and
their spiritual Teacher is only Jesus Christ – Heavenly Father.
Christians are waiting for the second coming of the Messiah embodied in their
Teacher – Jesus.
What we read in the Gospel of Matthew about it (23: 8-9):
But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are
Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the
heavenly One.
And according to the messianic doctrine of Jewish denomination Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi –Menachem Mendel Schneerson who moved on from this world to the next is
the seventh or the last spiritual Teacher.
The followers of this denomination are waiting for the coming of the Messiah embodied in the last Rabbi.
And according to the messianic doctrine of Shiite Muslims, the last spiritual
Teacher is the hidden twelfth Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi.
The followers of this denomination are waiting for the coming of the Messiah embodied in the last Imam.
And this is what the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and
the Russian Orthodox Church keep hidden in their secret cells from their parishioners in order not to lose their power over them
– historically accurate manuscript (the Dead Sea Scrolls or Qumran Discoveries),
confirming that Jesus of Nazareth actually escaped crucifixion,
because vicar of the Roman emperor in Judaea Pontius Pilate greatly respected
To release Jesus from prison he gathered the whole congregation of Jews and said:
“The feast of Unleavened Bread is coming (Passover/Pesaсh) when I will have to
release the prisoner”.
“I have imprisoned a notable leader of robbers named Barabbas and Jesus in
whom I didn’t find any deadly sin. Whom do you want me to release for you?”
Then all cried: “Not Him, but Barabbas”.
But actually Jesus of Nazareth was under the name of Barabbas because the name BarAbbas comes from Aramaic which means “Son of the Father” (Heavenly), this is one of
the names of Jesus, and the full name of Jesus is Yeshua Bar-Abba.
Thus, Pilate crucified three real robbers on the cross as if one of them was Jesus
of Nazareth.
To prevent people from knowing who was actually on the cross, before the crucifixion Pilate gave the robber into the hands of his guards for flagellation and thus disfigured his face beyond recognition.
And to make people finally believe that the robber was Jesus of Nazareth,
they put on a crown of thorns on his head and hang an inscription over him in Hebrew, Greek and Latin “This is Jesus – the King of Jews!”
The crucifixion was organized so professionally that no one there noticed the substitution.
And the true Jesus was secretly released.
The body of supposed Jesus was removed from the cross and given to Joseph
from Arimathea, and he placed the body in a niche of temporary tomb cut out of rock because of the coming Holy Saturday.
At nigh the robber’s accomplices came and stole the body of their leader and took
it to unknown location
because nobody was guarding the tomb. According to the Jewish canons no one
has the right to guard the chambers of the died on Holy Saturday because Saturday is the
day of rest,
in fact, it is not common for Jewish people to guard the died and there is no need
to guard them as they are buried without jewelry, unlike many nations, but wrapped in a
simple shroud.
On the third day the pupils of Jesus went there and saw that the stone was rolled
away and the tomb was empty.
And they belonged to the Jewish religious sect of the Essenes where every blessed
day preachers,
citing the biblical prophets preached to them about resurrection from the dead and
they fanatically believed in this fairytale.
For this reason the empty tomb made them think that Jesus was risen and they told
this news to all those who they came their way.
But when they actually saw Jesus safe and sound, they were frozen in disbelief
from some time.
And when they made sure that Jesus “was risen”, they finally believed in resurrection from the dead.
At that time they were still in shock from the surprise that Jesus “was risen”, and
when they came to their senses, they ran in various directions telling about the good
The miracle came true – Jesus is risen! The miracle happened – Jesus is risen!
Actually the pupils of Jesus didn’t clearly understand the statement of their
Teacher about His resurrection on the third day
And Jesus as a faithful Jew only meant that if a person dies on Friday,
his soul rises again on the third day to appear before the court of God.
According to Jewish canons if a person dies on Friday, his soul will rest till the
end of Holy Saturday because Saturday is the day of rest.
And there is nothing surprising that Jesus told his pupils that He was the Son of
the Heavenly Father.
Because all believing Jews, including Jesus as a faithful Jew, always believed that
they were the sons of the Heavenly Father, i.e. the children of God.
Pontius Pilate carried out all these manipulations only to be able to justify himself
by saying: “you asked to release Bar Abbas and I have nothing to do with it”,
in case the Jews would find out that Jesus was alive and accuse him of substitution.
But the most amazing is that Pilate didn’t assume that by releasing Jesus Bar Abbas from the prison he would change the whole course of world’s history and face of the
In order to avoid a new arrest Jesus left Judaea and went to India again, this time
to stay with his distant relatives for good.
Distant relatives of Jesus are one of the lost tribes of Israel, probably the tribe of
Ephraim which moved to India
after the seizure of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 BC by the Assyrian king named
Sargon and the captivity of the ten tribes of Israel.
Jesus continued to improve his magic and meditation skills there till the end of his
His body lies in Srinagar city, the capital of Kashmir state (India), the sign on His
tombstone is written in the Indian way: Iosua (ben) Yusuf (Jesus the son of Joseph) (see note 8).
And now the followers of the newly appeared Messiah – Grigory Grabovsky just
like the followers of Jesus (sect of the Essenes),
fanatically believe in resurrection from the dead, i.e. suffer from the same disease
as the Jewish sect of the Essenes.
Grief-stricken mothers of schoolchildren from the town of Beslan believed in the
deception and took their hard-earned money to this fraudster so that
the newly-appeared Messiah represented by Grigory Grabovsky could resurrect
their children who were shot dead in cold blood by Muslim terrorist-murderers.
Deuteronomy, or why the other’s law was stolen
Before the Common Era, i.e. before the birth of Christ, all tribes and people on
Earth lived with their imaginary gods and by their own laws without imposing their faith
(religion) on other nations:
the Jews with Jehovah (Jahveh), the Greeks with Zeus, the Romans with twofaced Janus, the Hindu with Buddha, the Persians with Ormazd, the Egyptians with
Haman, the Slavs with Perun, etc.,
as well as African, Arab, Indian, Germanic and other nations and tribes with their
imaginary gods.
This situation continued until the pupils of Jesus of Nazareth
and later the Arab tribe Quraysh from Hashim clan led by Muhammad propagated
the idea, borrowed from the Jewish people, of the Messiah and One God to other tribes
and nations of earth,
who after the adoption of One Jewish God abandoned their usual gods – worshipping these gods became unlawful – heresy.
And faithful followers of previous gods became contemptible pagans for their former co-religionists who converted to Christian or Muslim faith,
although the followers of “pagan” denominations never committed terrorist acts
“in the name of Buddha”
and didn’t burn astronomers-scientists in fires of the Holy Inquisition “in the
name of Apollo”
and didn’t seize foreign lands “in the name of Zeus” and didn’t cut throats of people of other faiths “in the name of Perun”.
In fact, the goal of the followers of “pagan” denominations is to live in har-
mony with nature: make love, make friends, create and enjoy life
i.e. they build –
In contrast, the goal the followers of Christian and Muslim denominations
for many centuries was to seize foreign lands and spread their faith.
If so called pagan savages killed only a few, usually their own tribesmen sac-
rificing them to their gods,
Christians and Muslims killed millions, as a rule, people of other faiths
sacrificing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
and in the name of Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful.
They killed not only people of other faiths but their dissenting co-religionists:
Protestants – Catholics, and Catholics – Orthodox, Sunni – Shia; or vice versa:
Catholics – Protestants, etc.,
and each of them separately destroyed small religious sects.
It turns out that the goal of the followers of Christian and Muslim denominations is to fight and kill, harass, seize foreign lands and destroy their religious symbols,
i.e. they build –
So there is a legitimate question: representatives of which of these denominations or sects should be held criminally responsible
for not only insulting the religious feelings of believers but also for murdering
the people of other faiths and their dissenting coreligionists???
These kinds of hateful miracles happened in the history of mankind.
All the above-mentioned facts inadvertently suggest that the trick with substitution
of own gods with someone else’s God was as necessary to some ambitious persons as air.
Therefore they stole the intellectual property from others, in this case the idea, invented by the Jewish people, of the Messiah and One God.
And subsequently they transformed this idea into Christian and Muslim faith
to use it as a powerful tool for seizure of foreign lands under the pretext of: “Clear
these lands from all sorts of heresy or people of other faiths”.
And thus they did evil for many centuries bringing grief and suffering, destruction and death to the inhabitants of these lands under the pretext of mercy and
Faith in One God was more suitable for some ambitious persons to form a group
of militant fanatics,
who were ready to meekly sacrifice themselves for propagation of this idea under
the banner:
“Unification of all tribes and nations of earth under the auspices of One
For this reason they began to hastily get rid of their various gods as irrelevant to
their far-reaching plan for domination over the world.
The followers of Christian and Muslim denominations spread the idea of the Messiah and One God to all tribes and nations of earth.
And the owners of this idea – the followers of Jewish denomination propagated it
only among the sons and daughters of Israel.
These kinds of purposeful miracles happen on our planet Earth – Christians
and Muslims dominate the world now using the ideas of the Messiah and One God
stolen from the Jewish people,
and it still seems to them that the sons and daughters of Israel dominate the
world, that is a thief cries: “Stop thief!”
Part two. Beware: Antisemitism!!!
I, as one of the sons of Israel, look with a heavy heart at what’s going on around
the State of Israel.
Because after the establishment of the State of Israel (1948) some ambitious leaders of Christian and
Muslim denominations and the heads of governments of some countries of the
who secretly or openly support them, constrain the existence of this state on the
world map.
With a heavy heart I look at tremendous hardships endured by our long-suffering
The sons and daughters of Israel are hated and harassed in the whole wide world,
especially in the Christian and Muslim world.
And this pain made me to search for a clue. With this intention I started my own
But now first things first.
I was born in the Central Asian city of Samarkand of Uzbek SSR in 1948.
I spent my childhood not far from the Muslim Quarter.
When we, the Jewish boys, had to cross their territory
strong Muslim children always suddenly attacked us from around the corner for
no reason
and severely beat and mocked us, offensively calling us blood-suckers.
Back then I thought they treated us so for no reason but only because of their suddenly awaken animal instinct,
in order to see how their victim would writhe with pain and bleed from punching.
But it turns out that the cause for such behavior was that Muslims instilled into
their children hatred for the sons and daughters of Israel,
because they shamelessly blamed them for all deadly sins.
For this purpose they made their children believe in such terrifying things as:
before the Jewish Passover Jewish people steal Muslim babies and sacrifice them
to their God by pouring the blood out of them,
and use this blood to bake Passover matzo for ritual purposes.
During Passover meal they draw down curtains on the windows of their houses,
carefully hiding from outsider eyes
and immediately begin their meal to be able to grab more matzo with baby’s
blood from the table.
And if someone doesn’t get a piece, he rips matzo out of the hands of his own
tablemate and eats it in a hurry so that it is not taken away from him.
Once they are full with baby’s blood they begin to eat Paschal Lamb, etc. etc.
But actually under the laws of Moses (Musa), the sons and daughters of Is-
rael are strictly forbidden to eat even animals blood, unlike many nations, that is a
thief cries: “Stop thief!”
Because Muslims and Christians are well aware of this commandment from The
Book of the Prophet Musa and from the Bible, where we read:
As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an
alien in your midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the
soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.
For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for
you to make atonement for your souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by
the soul in it.
That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: “No soul of you must eat blood and
no alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst should eat blood.”
As for any man of the sons of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an
alien in your midst who in hunting catches a wild beast or fowl that may be eaten, he
must in that case pour its blood out and cover it with dust.
For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said
to the sons of Israel: “You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of
every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.” (Leviticus 17: 10-14).
When I grew up, my father Kalendarev Uriel Davidovich (peace be upon him)
(1913-1985), who went to the next world, once told me about the history of our people in
the city of Samarkand.
About 250 years ago Samarkand authorities brought our ancestors from other settlements of the former Persian kingdom to take advantage from their natural abilities for
the development of the city.
They were settled in the suburbs of the city where municipal wastes were dumped
before then.
The Jewish people built their flat-roof mud houses on this landfill and lived there
without basic amenities
because Jewish houses shouldn’t be as tall and as beautiful as Muslim houses by
special decree of Samarkand authorities.
They committed their disgraceful actions only to show “faithful” Muslims how
“Allah” punished “unfaithful” Jews.
The former authorities of Samarkand felt good when they degraded the honor
and dignity of the sons and daughters of Israel
just like a maniac-rapist takes pleasure in abusing a victim.
In the center of “Mahallai Yahudion” (Jewish quarter) – that was the name of this
“ghetto” – there was a small water reservoir;
the water, which flowed into the reservoir from the river from the area of Muslim
houses, was used by them for washing of clothes, dishes and hygiene of bodies.
Our ancestors had to use this water for daily needs,
as there was no other water source except for a few wells which were inaccessible
for most of them.
For that reason they frequently suffered from infectious diseases and many of
them died at an early age.
In such terrible circumstances Jewish women had to give birth to many children
as only a few survived.
Muslims had a special rule to protect “faithful” Muslims from “unfaithful” Jews.
For example, Jewish people didn’t have the right to enter the Muslim territory
without permission of the authorities.
To be distinguished from Muslims, Jewish people were instructed to wear a special sign in the form of a yellow ribbon,
which they had to attach to the hip belt of national gowns.
Violators of this decree were sentenced by the Sharia Court to thirty whiplashes.
And if a Muslim accidentally touched a Jewish man, he immediately cut off the part
of clothing that was in contact with him.
A Muslim had no right to welcome Jew with a handshake because the Sharia
Court would sentence an offender to hand amputation.
When Jewish people bought something from Muslim merchants (and they didn’t
accept paper money from Jewish people, only metal money called “tanga”),
they had no right to give the money directly into the hands of a merchant but had
to put them in a jar with water, which Muslim merchants kept for that purpose,
in order not to, Allah forbid, defile themselves by touching an unfaithful, and thus
break the laws prescribed by Mahomet and commit a sin and burn in hellfire after death.
That is how the sons and daughters of Israel lived among Muslims, and many of
them unable to endure the humiliation betrayed the faith of their fathers and converted to
Later many of them attained top positions in Muslim society by becoming famous
Persian writers, poets and traditional healers.
And those sons and daughters of Israel who strongly endured these humiliations
and rejected the alien ideas of Islam were harassed.
After the October 1917 revolution when Bolsheviks seized power, Muslims captivated by the ideas of internationalism and universal brotherhood
allowed the sons and daughters of Israel to open their national theaters and print
media in the native language.
This trend lasted for some time until Muslim Bolsheviks strengthened their position in all power structures by displacing the Jewish people from the key positions.
After that all these centers of Jewish national culture were banned.
The religious schools-heders were transformed into Tajik schools.
The synagogues were occupied by dermatological dispensaries in order to
spread this infection among our people.
So Muslim Bolsheviks were engaged not only in blasphemy but also in sabotage.
My father, Kalendarev Uriel Davidovich (peace be upon him) used to work as a
teacher in school No 23 in Samarkand
and received a meager salary for his hard work, which was not enough to support
our large family.
Although he was honored with the government award for his excellent work – the
Order of the Red Banner of Labour.
Therefore he was forced to leave teaching and move to the capital of Kazakhstan
– Alma-Ata city,
where he opened a privately owned shoe-repair booth in order to feed us, his six
When I turned twelve I moved in with him.
We lived there among Christians, they, like Muslims, hated the Jewish people and
contemptuously called them Deicides and God-sellers.
This humiliation of our people made me to find out the cause of all troubles and
sufferings which came upon the sons and daughters of Israel.
To figure out this phenomenon I started my own investigation and for this purpose
began to study the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
My first book on this subject was the Pentateuch (Torah – Bereshit, and Genesis
according to the Bible 1: 1), where we read:
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashomayim ve’et ha’arets – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
I won’t retell you everything that is written in the Pentateuch, tiring you, except
for the very end of the Fifth Book called Devarim or Deuteronomy according to the
Let me present you some excerpts from the Fifth Book that relate to all troubles
and sufferings of the sons and daughters of Israel.
And it must occur that, if you will without fail listen the voice of the Lord your
God, to observe and do all his commandments which I commanding you today, that the
Lord your God will certainly put you high above all nations of the earth:
And all these blessings must come upon you, because you keep listening to the
voice of the Lord your God.
Blessed will you be in the city, and blessed will you be in the field.
Blessed will be the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your ground, and the fruit of
your domestic beast, the young of your cattle and the progeny of your flock.
Blessed will be your basket and your kneading trough.
Blessed will you be when you come in, and blessed will you be when you go out.
The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before
By one way they will come out against you, but seven ways they will flee before
The Lord will decree for you the blessing on your stores of supply and every un-
dertaking of yours, and he will certainly bless you in the land that the Lord your God is
giving you.
The Lord will establish you as holy people to himself, just as he swore to you, be-
cause you continue to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and you have
walked in his ways.
And all the peoples of the earth will have been called upon you, and they will in-
deed be afraid of you.
The Lord will also make you overflow indeed with prosperity in the fruit of your
belly and the fruit of your domestic animals and the fruitage of your ground, on the
ground that the Lord swore to your forefathers to give you.
The Lord will open up to you his good storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain on
your land in its season and to bless every deed of your hand; and you will certainly lend
to many nations, while you yourself will not borrow.
And the Lord will indeed put you at the head and not at the tail; and you must
come to be only on top, and you will not come to be on the bottom, because you keep
obeying the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today to
observe and to do.
And you must not turn aside from all the words that I am commanding you today,
to the right or to the left, to walk after other gods to serve them.
And it must occur that if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord your God by
taking care to do all his commandments and his statutes that I am commanding you to-
day, all these maledictions must also come upon you and overtake you.
Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the field.
Cursed will be your basket and your kneading trough.
Cursed will be the fruit of your belly and the fruitage of your ground, the young of
your cattle and the progeny of your flock.
Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out.
The Lord will send upon you the curse, confusion and rebuke in every undertaking
of yours that you try to carry out, until you have been annihilated and have perished in
hurry, because of the badness of your practices in that you have forsaken me.
The Lord will cause the pestilence to cling to you until he has exterminated you
from off the ground to which you are going to take possession of it.
The Lord will strike you with tuberculosis and burning fever and inflammation
and feverish heat and the sword and scorching and mildew, and they will certainly pursue
you until you have perished.
Your skies that are over your head must also become copper, and the earth that is
beneath you iron.
The Lord will give powder and dust as the rain of your land. From the heavens it
will come down upon you until you have been annihilated.
The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. By one way you will
go out against them, but by seven ways you will flee before them; and you must become a
frightful object to all the earth’s kingdoms.
And your dead body must become food for every flying creature of the heavens
and to the beast of the field, with no one to make them tremble.
The Lord will strike you with the boil of Egypt and piles and eczema and skin
eruption, from which you will not be able to be healed.
The Lord will strike you with madness and loss of sight and bewilderment of
And you will indeed become one who gropes about at midday, just as a blind man
gropes about in the gloom, and you will not make your ways successful; and you must be-
come only one who is always defrauded and robbed, with no one to save you.
You will become engaged to a woman, but another man will rape her. You will
build a house, but you will not dwell in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not be-
gin to use it.
Your bull slaughtered there before your eyes – but you will not eat any of it. Your
ass taken in robbery from before your face – but it will not return to you. Your sheep
given to your enemies – but you will have no savior.
Your sons and your daughter given to another people and your eyes looking on
and yearning for them always – but your hands will be without power.
The fruitage of your ground and all your production a people will eat whom you
have not known; and you must become one who is only defrauded and crushed always.
And you will certainly become maddened at the slight of your eyes that you will
The Lord will strike you with malignant boil upon both knees and both legs, from
which you will not be able to be healed, from the sole of your foot to the crown of your
The Lord will march you and your king whom you will set up over you to a nation
whom you have not known, neither you nor your forefathers; and there you will have to
serve other gods, of wood and stone.
And you must become an object of astonishment, a proverbial saying and taunt
among all the peoples to whom the Lord will lead you away.
A lot of seed you will take out to the field, but little will you gather, because the
locust will devour it.
Vineyards you will plant and certainly cultivate, but you will drink no wine and
gather nothing in, because the worm will eat it up.
You will come to have olive trees in all your territory, but you will rub yourself
with no oil, because your olives will drop off.
Sons and daughters you will bring forth, but they will not continue yours, because
they will go off into captivity.
All your trees and the fruitage of your ground whirring insects will take in posses-
The alien resident who is in your midst will keep ascending higher and higher
above you, while you – you will keep descending lower and lower.
He will be the one to lend to you, while you – you will not lend to him. He will be-
come the head, while you – you will become the tail.
And all these maledictions will certainly come upon you and pursue you and
overtake you until you have been annihilated, because you did not listen to the voice of
the Lord your God by keeping his commandments and his statutes that he commanded
And they must continue on you and your offspring as a sign and a portent to time
indefinite, due to the fact that you did not serve the Lord your God with rejoicing and joy
of heart for the abundance of everything.
And you will have to serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you
with hunger and thirst and nakedness and the want of everything; and he will certainly
put an iron yoke upon your neck until he has annihilated you.
The Lord will raise up against you a nation far away, from the end of the earth,
just as an eagle pounces, a nation whose tongue you will not understand, a nation fierce
in countenance, who will not be partial to an old man or sow favor to a young man.
And they will certainly eat the fruit of your domestic animals and the fruitage of
your ground until you have been annihilated, and they will let no grain, new wine or oil,
no young of your cattle or progeny of your flock, remain for you until they have destroyed
And they will indeed besiege you within all your gates until your high and forti-
fied walls in which you are trusting fall in all your land, yes, they will certainly besiege
you within all your gates in all your land, which the Lord your God has given you.
Then you will have to eat the fruit of your belly, the flesh of your sons and your
daughters, whom the Lord your God has given you, because of the tightness and stress
with which your enemy will hem you in.
As for the very delicate and dainty man among you, his eye will be evil-inclined
toward his brother and his cherished wife and the remainder of his sons whom he has re-
so as not to give one of them any of the flesh of his sons that he will eat, because
he has nothing at all remaining to him because of the tightness and stress with which
your enemy will hem you in within all your gates.
As for the delicate and dainty woman among you who never attempted to set the
sole of her foot upon the earth for being of dainty habit and for delicateness, her eye will
be evil-inclined toward her cherished husband and her son and her daughter,
even toward her afterbirth that comes out from between her legs and toward her
sons whom she proceeded to bear, because she will eat them in secrecy for the want of ev-
erything because of the tightness and stress with which your enemy will hem you in
within your gates.
If you will not take care to carry out all the words of this law that are written in
this book so as to fear this glorious and fear-inspiring Name, even the Lord your God,
the Lord also will certainly make your plagues and the plagues of your offspring
especially severe, great and long-lasting plagues, and malignant and long-lasting sick-
And he will indeed bring back upon you all the diseases of Egypt before which
you got scared, and they will certainly hang onto you.
Also, any sickness and any plague that is not written in the book of this law, the
Lord will bring them upon you until you have been annihilated.
And you will indeed be left with very few number, although you have become like
the stars of the heavens for multitude, because you did not listen to the voice of the Lord
your God.
And it must occur that just as the Lord exulted over you to do you good and to
multiply you, so the Lord will exult over you to destroy you and to annihilate you;
and you will simply be torn away from off the soil to which you are going to take
possession of it.
And the Lord will certainly scatter you among all the people from the one end of
the earth to the other end of the earth, and there you will have to serve other gods whom
you have not known, neither you nor your forefathers, wood and stone.
And among those nations you will have no ease, nor will there prove to be any
resting-place for the sole of your foot; and the Lord will indeed give you there a trem-
bling heart and failing of the eyes and despair of soul.
And you will certainly be in the greatest peril for your life and be in dread night
and day, and you will not be sure of your life.
In the morning you will say, “If it only were evening!” and in the evening you will
say, “If it only were morning!” because of the dread of your heart with which you will be
in dread and because of the sight of your eyes that you will see.
And the Lord will certainly bring you back to Egypt by ships by the way about which I
have said to you, “You will never see it again”, and you will have to sell yourselves there
to your enemies as slave men and maidservants, but there will be no buyer.
These are the words of the covenant, which the Lord commanded Moses to make
with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, besides the covenant which he made with
them in Horeb (Topah -- Devarim, and Deuteronomy according the Bible 28: 1-68 and
29: 1).
And now let me present you chapter 30 where we read about blessing of the sons
of Israel by the Creator and cursing of their persecutors.
And it must occur that when all these words will come upon you, the blessing and
the malediction, which I have put before you, and you brought them back to your heart
among all the nations where the Lord your God has dispersed you,
and you have returned to the Lord your God and listened to his voice according to
all that I am commanding you today, you and your sons, with all your heart and all your
the Lord your God must also bring back your captives and show you mercy and
collect you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.
If your dispersed people should be at the end of the heavens, from there the Lord
your God will collect you and from there He will take you.
The Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fathers took
possession and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed do you good
and multiply you more than your fathers.
And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your
offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul for
the sake of your life.
And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and
those who hate you, who have persecuted you.
As for you, you will turn and certainly listen to the voice of the Lord and do all his
commandments that I am commanding you today.
And the Lord your God will indeed make you have more than enough in every
work of your hand, in the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your domestic animals and
the fruitage of your soil, resulting in prosperity; because the Lord will again exult over
you for good, just as He exulted over your forefathers;
for you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God so as to keep his command-
ments and his statutes written in this book of the law, because you will return to the Lord
your God with all your heart and all your soul.
For this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for
you, nor is it far away.
It is not in the heavens, so as to result in saying, “Who will ascend for us into the
heavens and get it for us, that He may let us hear it that we may do it?”
Neither is it on the other side of the sea, so as to result in saying, “Who will pass
over for us to the other side of the sea and get it for us, that He may let us hear it that we
may do it?
See, I do put before you today life and good, and death and bad. If you will listen
to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today, so as to
love the Lord your God,
to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judi-
cial decisions, then you will be bound to keep alive and to multiply, and the Lord your
God must bless you in the land to which you are going to take possession of it.
But if your heart turns away and you do not listen, and you are actually seduced
and bow down to other gods and serve them,
I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put
life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in
order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring,
by loving the Lord your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him; for
He is your life and the length of your days, that you may dwell upon the ground that the
Lord swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give to them.
Then Moses went and spoke these words all Israel (Torah – Devarim, Deuteronomy according to the Bible 30: 1-20).
Achievement of the goal
Finally, I was rewarded for my work.
Because I understood the true cause of all troubles and sufferings of the sons and
daughters of Israel,
which happened after the destruction of the First and Second Temples of
Jerusalem and continue to this day.
Why do all these troubles happen to our people?
I will try to explain this phenomenon, which has dire consequences for long-suffering Israelite people, in as much detail as possible.
About 3300 years ago our teacher and law-giver Moses (Moshe) wrote down legal
rules in his book for regulation of the relations among Israelites.
These are the humane laws and commandments, such as:
You shall not kill.
You shall not steal.
You shall not commit adultery.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions.
You shall take no bribe.
You shall not afflict any widow and orphan.
Help the poor and the infirm.
Practice mercy and charity.
To prevent Israelites from following the pagans’ customs, Moses specially wrote
in his second book called Exodus about sculpting the golden calf by Israelites in the
desert Sinai.
For ritual purposes pagans sacrificed their children to the golden calf, seeing it as
their divinity.
To make them observe these laws and commandments Moses wrote a severe verse
about “a blessing and a curse” in his fifth book – Deuteronomy on behalf of God,
threatening them that the Eye of Omniscience would vigilantly watch their doings
and they would appear before the court of God after death.
This is how Moses wisely helped them to obey the new laws and commandments
not known hitherto not only to Israelites but also to all people of the whole earth.
But when Moses wrote his book he never expected that some man out of the sons
of Israel,
with his pupils would spread the idea of One God, intended only for the sons and
daughters of Israel,
among the pagan nations of the Roman Empire by betraying the interests of his
I mean the Jewish named Jesus, the son of Mary, from the Israeli city of Nazareth
and his twelve disciples, Jews.
And subsequently the nations of the Roman Empire had to reject their usual gods
and obey One God,
because the Byzantine emperor Constantine forced this idea upon them,
since his mother, the Empress Helena liked this idea of One God and his mother’s
wish was his command.
Before then all the Roman Emperors since the time of the emperor Vespasian and
his son Titus,
harassed and branded low-numbered and isolated Christians as the people spreading the alien Jewish faith among the nations of the Roman Empire.
By the way, in the late 10th century Vladimir, Prince of Kiev just like the emperor
Constantine forcibly propagated the Jewish faith in One God among his tribesmen Slavs,
which he took in with his mother’s milk – the Jewish named Malko Malushа and
from his grandfather rabbi named Malk,
and for that purpose they elaborately destroyed many of their fellow pagansSlavs who didn’t accept the alien Jewish faith.
The subsequently spiritual leaders of Byzantium added new ideas of Jesus and His
pupils to Moses idea.
Early in 4th century AD they published a new book titled the New Testament
which automatically turned the Pentateuch into the Old Testament (Torah).
They called the followers of this doctrine “brothers in Christ” and after combining
these two books into one titled it in the Greek manner -“the Bible”.
And subsequently they used the part of the Bible which was necessary for the
brothers in Christ
to blame the sons and daughters of Israel for all deadly sins,
that is they used negative statements of some biblical Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Ezekiel, Zachariah and others against the sons and daughters of Israel.
These “Prophets” used the sculpture of the “golden calf” in the dessert Sinai and
the verses about “a blessing and a curse” in their prophesies
to accuse the sons and daughters of Israel of future departures from the laws and
commandments of Moses.
Because these “Prophets” were well aware from the history that no people,
including the people of Israel, ever stayed within the limits of one ideology or
For example, the heads of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union forced
people to stay within the limits of one ideology – the Communist ideology.
Eventually, one day this policy collapsed the Soviet Union like a house of
cards and people split up into different parties and denominations.
The first part of the Bible (see note 9) is an accurate translation of the Hebrew
book TaNaKh, it has three sections – the Torah (Pentateuch), Nevi’im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings).
The name of the Bible derives from the Greek word “biblios” meaning “book”.
Greek culture had a huge impact on Israel when it was under the Greeks Seleucids
in 198-167 BC.
Therefore, many names of religious and cult objects have Greek roots.
For example: House of Assembly (Beyt Knesset) – Synagogue, Sign (Tefillin) –
Phylactery, the Saviour (Yeshua) – Jesus, the Lord’s Anointed (Mashiah) – Christ, Community (Kahal) – Church, Burnt offering (Karbanot) – Holocaust, Dispersion (Galut) –
Diaspora etc.
Many of the sons and daughters of Israel began to change their true names to
Greek pagan names under the influence of Greek culture.
For example, the name of one of Jesus’ pupils was Simon (Shimon) which he
changed to Peter.
And the name of the other one was Savl (Shaul) and he changed it to Paul.
The most common name among the sons of Israel was the Greek pagan name
Alexander (Iskander),
in honor of the grand general Alexander the Great who with his troops conquered
the State of Israel in 334 BC.
When the Pentateuch (Torah) was disseminated among pagan nations of the Roman Empire (see note 10),
they found out that the sons and daughters of Israel are the people of God.
What we read in the Bible about the people of God:
For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen
thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the
earth (Deuteronomy 7: 6).
Such state of affairs gave no peace to the heads of the newly-appeared Christians
of the Roman Empire.
That is why in order to blame the sons and daughters of Israel for all deadly sins
and thus to become the people of God they wrote in their book titled “The New
“Because Jews did not accept Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah whose coming
was predicted by the biblical prophets
God used the Romans to destroy the Temple and dispersed the Jews as cursed
people across the earth”.
The composers of the New Testaments used the sayings of the biblical Prophets
but misrepresented them,
Because the Bible says about the Messiah named Immanuel not Jesus of Nazareth.
What we read in the New Testament about it:
All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord
through his prophet, saying:
“Look! The virgin will become pregnant and they will call his name Immanuel”,
which means, when translated, “With Us Is God” (Gospel of Matthew 1: 22-23).
But at that time the composers of the New Testament had, like they say, a devilmay-care attitude,
Because their only goal was to blame the sons and daughters of Israel for all
deadly sins at all costs.
Because of such composers of the New Testament Israelite people in Christian
mentality are the people who repeatedly broke the laws and commandments of Moses:
stiff-necked people according to the Old Testament,
because the Bible says that after release from the Egyptian slavery the sons of Israel
recreated the golden calf from gold jewels collected from people and established
On that occasion they had a feast indulging in drinking and lust.
In the midst of the feast they bent their knees to the golden calf and exclaimed
with one voice:
“This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus
32: 4).
According to the New Testament the Jews are the people who betrayed Christ for
thirty pieces of silver;
this Jewish libel appeared because the best pupil of Jesus, Judah Iscariot, kissed
Him on the cheek.
It was quite common for the Jewish sect of the Essenes to kiss their brothers in
faith on a cheek as a sign of respect.
And that kiss later became known as Judas kiss, i.e. betrayal kiss.
It’s simply that Christian figures of those times had a goal – to destroy all
manuscripts related to the Gospel of Judas and the Essen Gospel of Peace and ruin his
They associated the name of Judas and the Jewish sect of the Essenes with hated
Jewish people.
And for that purpose they needed such “evangelisms” as the Gospel of St. Mark
and the Gospel of Luke falsified by Christian figures of those times.
Actually these Roman characters had nothing to do with the Jews, particularly Jesus of Nazareth.
By the way, some modern Christian figures reached outrageously absurd lengths
in their fanaticism to blame Jewish people for all deadly sins
They with no remorse claim that Jesus of Nazareth was Greek, that is why He was
crucified by Jews.
If it was possible they would not hesitate to change the nationality of all Jews,
who in Christian terms were positive, to Romans and Greeks.
They would even write in the Bible that Greeks, not Jews, were the founders of
Christian faith.
They would allow all these manipulations in the Bible without remorse to distance
themselves from hated Jews as far as they could.
One more thing, according the New Testament the Jews are the people who crucified Christ,
as it says that the Roman procurator in Israel, Pontius Pilate, asked Jewish people
to show mercy on Jesus, and they shouted in response:
“Let him be crucified”. “His bloods come upon us and upon our children”
(Gospel of Matthew 27: 23.25).
For that reason Pontius Pilate took a jar with water and washed his hands.
That gesture indicated that the sin of killing Jesus was passed onto the Jewish
Though the pupils and defenders of the Jew named Jesus as well as the first Christians were also Jews, this religious denomination is known worldwide as Messianic Jews.
And actually what happened was merely an internal issue of those people as is
usual in any country of the world.
And as we know from history, many states at that time executed hundreds or
maybe thousands of their citizens on cross
for various reasons by the orders of their authorities and no one in the world intervened in this process.
By the way, nowadays when Israeli military men accidentally kill even one civilian
during elimination of Palestinian terrorists
the whole world lashes out against the State of Israel accusing it in genocide of
civilians of the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.
And Palestinians deliberately murder civilians of Israel and no one from the international communities condemns them for this terror and if they do, they do it only for the
sake of appearances,
in other words, they do it just to look civilized in front of the international community,
and after condemnation of terror they immediately forget about such incident as
not worthy of special attention.
Maybe this comparison is not quite correct but it does not make any difference because Jewish people were always blamed for all deadly sins,
even if somewhere one Chukchi man gets into a fight with another Chukchi
man or an indigenous Australian gets into a fight with his brother, Jewish people
will be accused anyway.
Though Israel is the only state in the world which provides humanitarian assistance to its sworn enemies – Palestinians.
Many Palestinians, the citizens of Israel, enjoy all the benefits of this state and do
not pay any taxes to the state treasury.
This is how generously Israel treats its neighbors, Palestinians, and they pay with
terror for this generosity.
Christians and Muslims have been demonstrating such justice to the sons and
daughters of Israel since the time
when these religious organizations were formed by ambitious persons for seizure
of foreign lands.
What happened to Jesus in Judaea in those distant time led to blaming of Israelites
for all deadly sins.
Firstly, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) headed by the emperor Constantine and in the Middle Ages after the Great Schism
in the Christian movement the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope Urban
II interfered in the affairs of Israelite people.
Accusing the Jews of killing Jesus they began the Crusade for Christianization of
all tribes and people under the banner:
Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true faith – faith in Christ
among all tribes and nations of the earth.
And the sons and daughters of Israel as the people who offended God were the
first exposed to their “good intention”.
They began to harass the sons and daughters of Israel across Europe and forced
them to accept faith in Christ.
Under the threat of various refined punishments which the Roman Catholic
Church and its Holy Inquisition used for the Jews
many of the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity and blended into other nations.
And those sons and daughters of Israel who rejected Christianity
were humiliated and isolated from the outside world by a city (ghetto) built to
keep off “wicked or filthy Jews” from “pious Christians”.
Why filthy Jews? Because they ostensibly disgraced themselves by betraying
Christ and crucifying Him on Golgotha.
Medieval Christian executioners used these false accusations to put the sons and
daughters of Israel to horrendous tortures.
They were burned alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition, quartered in elaborate
ways, dropped from a height on sharp stakes.
They were also tortured with special technical accessories and tools.
Sophisticated tools were made only to extend the pleasure from extremely slow
and painful death of the hated Jews.
Gracious and merciful Christians of the medieval Roman Catholic Church enjoyed themselves
when they tortured the sons and daughters of Israel in elaborate ways just like a
maniac-rapist takes pleasure in abusing a victim
And Orthodox Christians called their denomination “Pravoslavie – Rightpraise”
(Orthodoxy), this word means that only they have the “right to praise” the Lord God,
to make them feel like the people of God instead of the sons and daughters of Israel.
These wolves in sheep’s clothing sheltering themselves behind the robes of the
righteous sentenced the people of God to complete extermination.
They committed all their disgraceful actions only to destroy the hated Jews
and become the people of God themselves, take “the vacant” position. As the
saying goes, “the holy place is never empty”.
The bloody baton took from the hands of the Christian executioners Middle Ages,
the leader of all times and nations -- Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin).
He was born on December 21, 1879 in a traditional Orthodox family in the small
town of Gori in Georgia. (Stalin’s grandfather from his father’s side was a baptized Georgian Jew) (see note 11).
Stalin’s parents, as true Christians, gave him the biblical name Joseph when he
was christened by a priest in a local Church,
in honor of Joseph, beloved son of Jacob-Israel (see note 12).
From September 1, 1888 to July 1, 1894 Soso, as his mother affectionately called
him, studied in parochial school associated with Orthodox Community of Gori.
After graduation he moved to the capital of Georgia, Tiflis city, and entered the
ecclesiastical seminary.
From 1894 to 1899 he most diligently studied the fundamentals of Christianity
from the Bible to get holy orders.
Stalin’s mother, Yekaterina Georgievna Dzhugashvili, dreamed to see her beloved
child wearing a Priest’s robe with a Pastoral staff in his hands.
But he was suddenly expelled from the seminary ostensibly for underground revolutionary activities.
In fact, Stalin was recruited by trarist secret police and sent for intelligence subversive activities among Georgian underground Marxists.
According to Stalin’s classmate from the ecclesiastical seminary, Joseph Iremashvili (1878-1944) as well as Stalin’s “comrade-in-arms” in the revolutionary struggle
for Soviet power, Stepan Shaumyan (1878-1918), Joseph Dzhugashvili was a secret agent
of the tsarist secret policy
and was planted in revolutionary cell of Baku revolutionaries-Marxists to complete a special assignment.
At the beginning of the activities, the relationship between Dzhugashvili and the
tsarist secret police was almost discovered by his “companions-in-arms”.
In 1900s, about five hundred workers were going to celebrate the 1st of May on
an illegal May-day meeting in the suburbs of Tiflis.
The plan was disclosed by information provided by Stalin to the tsarist secret police.
And all organizers of the action were arrested except for one person named Joseph
In order to secure Stalin from uncovering, his patrons from the tsarist secret police
disguised as criminal investigation police
arrested him several times ostensibly for revolutionary activities and exiled him to
Siberia by decision of so-called court.
Meanwhile, he continued to collect information about the future plans of “his
When the tsarist secret police needed him to collect information at the previous
places, they arranged for his escape.
Stalin, as a true Orthodox Christian, was a loyal and faithful servant of the Emperor of the Russian State – Nikolay II as vicar of God on earth.
After the February 1917 bourgeois revolution the tsarist secret policy ceased its
The power in Russia was assumed by the temporary government headed by
Stalin realized that this struggle could possibly mean that he would climb to the
heights of the power and become vicar of God on earth,
and then use the communists and under the communist banners realize in the territory of the Russian Empire all he learned from the Bible for eleven years.
That is why Stalin fully engaged in the struggle for liberation of the working people from the capitalist exploiters.
After the October 1917 revolution he climbed to the very heights in the government of the USSR.
That is why he changed his real last name “Dzhugashvili”, which in Georgian
means “Jewish child”, to alias “Stalin”,
which means “Stal (became) – (i) Iosif (Joseph) – (n) namestnikom (vicar)” of
God on earth, i.e. he became the Lord’s Anointed, Mashiah or Messiah in Jewish and
Christ in Greek.
By the way, Jesus of Nazareth was also a child of Jews – Joseph and Mary and became Christ later, i.e. “Stal (became) – (i) Iisus (Jesus) – (n) namestnikom (vicar)” of
God on earth and heaven.
When after staff reshuffling in the Kremlin Stalin strengthened his position as the
head of the state,
of course, he recalled the verses about “a blessing and a curse” and the long-cherished dream of his youth to exterminate the people cursed by God.
During eleven years (1888-1899) of studying in religious schools, fierce hatred
for the Jewish people grew up at back of his mind,
because every single day teachers in such educational institutions remind
their students that
the Jews abused Christ in elaborate way when they crucified Him.
What we read in the New Testament about it:
And when they were come to the place, which is called Skull, there they crucified
him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing. And
they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
And the people stood looking on. But the rulers were sneering, saying: “He saved
others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God”.
And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, and
saying: “If thou be the King of the Jews, save yourself.
And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and
Hebrew: “This is the King of the Jews”. (Gospel of Luke 23: 33-38).
That is why before making his dreadful decisions Stalin shut himself away in
a small church in the inner chambers of the Kremlin for a secret confession in
front of the icon of crucified Christ.
And no one from his “companions-in-arms” ever knew about this, because he hid
his faith in Christ behind the communist ideals.
But actually he was a religious fanatic (see note 13) and like any Christian fanatic
intensely hated the sons and daughters of Israel.
That is why he continued his intelligence subversive activities among his faithless
party members.
And he began to eliminate those “companions-in-arms” who contributed to the
decision to demolish the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
and other Christian shrines and churches of the Soviet Union as well as the decision to kill the tsarist family: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Rykov, Tomsky and
others ….
And then he began to eliminate his other faithless “companions-in-arms” who had
access to the archive of the tsarist secret police,
where his personal file for secret agent of the tsarist secret police, Orthodox
Christian Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was kept: Tukhachevsky, Blucher,
Yegorov, Yagoda, Yakira, Yezhov etc. ….
To cover up the crimes he committed against his companions in the revolutionary
struggle in the days of Tsarist Russia, Stalin began large-scale repressions.
And NKVD management (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) at the local
level perceived what happened in the Kremlin as a call to actions against local leaders of
the Communist Party.
That is why the initiative of the Kremlin was immediately spread across the Soviet Union.
Stalin destroyed the whole gene pool of the Soviet intelligentsia by his unpredictable actions,
because the panic fear of being disclosed by his party members gripped his imagination and turned into a mental illness (paranoia).
He canceled Lenin’s innovation – the New Economic Policy (NEP) by secret order (see note 14).
Stalin, as a true Orthodox Christian, banned loose morals of the communist ideology,
where a woman was considered by party members as a glass of water for slaking
where people were free from marriage bonds and a female Komsomol member
didn’t have the right to refuse intimate services to a male Komsomol member.
He introduced a strict Christian morals and laws among the party members.
For example, they actually didn’t allow the party members to divorce a wife and
marry another woman as well as have random lovers.
Komsomol girl had to cover her head with red headscarf and to wear dresses or
skirts covering the knees.
And the citizens could be sent to jail for such words as “sex”, “sexual intercourse”, “erotic”, “orgasm” as for immoral conduct.
For that reason these words disappeared from the vocabulary of a Soviet person,
or as one Soviet woman said in “Posner and Donahue” telebridge, the phrase
which became the talk of the town, “We don’t have sex in the USSR”
Stalin knew from the New Testament that faith in something bonds people better
and more reliable than blood ties,
it was considered right when a blood brother betrayed his brother or a son
(Pavlik Morozov) reported his father to relevant bodies if his beliefs didn’t coincide with
those of his brother or father.
What we read in the New Testament about it:
While he was yet speaking to the crowds, look! His mother and brothers took up a
position outside seeking to speak to him.
So someone said to him: “look! Your mother and your brother are standing out-
side, seeking to speak to you.”
As an answer he said to the one telling him: “Who is my mother, and who are my
And extending his hand toward his disciples, he said: “Look! My mother and my
For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my brother,
and sister, and mother.” (Gospel of Matthew 12: 46-50).
In 1935, Stalin issued a decree forbidding research works related to the human genetic code,
because he was fanatically sure that such research is an antichristian act.
And so that his “companions-in-arms” didn’t suspect him of religious fanaticism
he called this research a pseudoscience,
as according to the Bible all people descended from the first man named Adam
and so they should have the same genetic code.
In the same year he prohibited abortions legalized by Bolsheviks in 1917 because
according to Christian ethics any interruption of pregnancy
even when it is necessary for the sake of mother’s life is equated to infanticide.
By Orthodox laws Christians were anathemized for violation of this prohibition,
i.e. widely condemned and unchurched.
And by Bolsheviks’ laws communists were expelled from the party, and their
cases were sent to so-called People’s court,
the top-echelon party officials decided everything; sentenced offenders to lengthy
or sent them to Stalin’s labor camps in Siberia for re-education and only a few
came back from there.
Stalin was still looking for an excuse to exterminate the people cursed by God.
That is why he and his coreligionist – Adolf Hitler, in addition to non-aggression
pact, secretly agreed about the division of Europe and final solution of the Jewish issue.
This agreement is known to the world as Hitler-Stalin’s pact or as RibbentropMolotov pact in Russia.
The proof of this conspiracy is that Stalin long before making the pact
all of a sudden began to feel “favorably” towards the sons and daughters of Israel showing “fatherly care” to them.
For his own ends in 1934 he started to establish the Jewish Autonomous Region
(with the capital Birobidzhan)
in the Russian Federation – on the edge of the Far East away from the civilized
where high risk offenders were sent, which had no communications with the outside world and was extremely cold in winter.
The sons and daughters of Israel were not adapted to such climatic conditions,
because their ancestors were forcibly removed by the Roman conquerors from the
Near East where thermometer goes up beyond +30*С.
No leader in the history of mankind presented his territory to foreign people.
So why did Stalin suddenly begin to show “fatherly care” by establishing the Jewish Autonomous Region in such extreme conditions for survival? (see note 15).
Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to force the Jewish people into the
middle of nowhere as a flock of sheep to the slaughter,
and there without fear of being condemned by the international community, solve
the Jewish issue once and for all.
But somehow anticipating the war, Stalin gave up his idea for a while and deferred this pleasure to the postwar period.
And to receive assistance from the international Jewish organizations during the war,
he contributed to the establishment of the organization called the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee led by Solomon Mikhoels within the Soviet Union.
After the war this organization was destroyed by his secret order, and the chairman and many members of this organization were exterminated.
His military strategic foresight was correct,
because at that time Adolf Hitler began to perform his part of the agreement on final solution of the Jewish issue.
That is why the USA and Great Britain went on the warpath on the side of the Soviet Union,
i.e. they chose the lesser of two evils, and that decided the outcome of the war in
favor of the Soviet people most affected by the war.
After the victory over the fascist Germany Stalin still remembered about his
agreement with Hitler, that is why he manufactured so-called doctors-killers case.
By the way, many Soviet Jewish people, fanatics of the communist ideology with
great loyalty to Stalin,
believing the propaganda of the Soviet power were ready to take punishment,
share the fate of their brothers – “doctors-killers”.
And so they asked the Soviet power to exile them to Siberia for certain death too.
With his false accusation of the sons and daughters of Israel Stalin intended to finally slake his thirst but, fortunately, he run out of time.
As the religious figures say, the angel of death started to pull his vile sole out of him.
And desperately resisting with his last ounce of strength he held on to his spirit
covered with blood of millions of innocent victims,
but all his efforts were in vain because the angel of death entirely pulled out his
vile soul.
By the way, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War who were affected by the
propaganda of the Soviet ideology and went through all pains of the Soviet reality,
still fanatically believe that all mankind would see the bright future if Stalin was
The bloody murderer of Jews Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who carried out the will of
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, was aware of the Bible verses about “a blessing and a
In 1648-1649, he and his cutthroats murdered one third of the sons and daughters
of Israel with spiked maces in Ukraine, Poland and Moldova, sparing no aged people,
women or children.
Having studied the Bible in the Poltava Theological Seminary, this bloody baton
took from the hands Bohdan Khmelnytsky his countryman, the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Simon Petlura.
In turn, this bloody baton took from the hands Simon Petlura his countryman, Orthodox Christian and hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera.
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and their Holy Inquisition knew about
the verses about “a blessing and a curse” perfectly well.
They blessed crusaders and then German fascists for a “Holy Crusade” – to exterminate the sons and daughters of Israel.
The leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church and their obedient Black Hundreds
who succeeded in this “Holy Crusade” were also aware of the verses about “a blessing
and a curse”
They did a lot of good work for their merciful and pious Christians, issuing discriminatory decrees against the sons and daughters of Israel in the times of Tsarist Russia.
The most violent decree of the Russian Orthodox Church allowed Christians to
kill persons of Jewish nationality
(peak of Jew-bashing) three days a year before the Christian Easter.
They did not face any criminal responsibility for such crimes
because Christians were convinced that bloodthirsty Jews not only crucified
Christ on Passover eve,
but also stole Christian babies every year and used their blood to bake matzo
(Jewish blood libel).
Number one executioner and the right-hand man of Adolf Hitler – Adolf Eichmann knew the verses about “a blessing and a curse”,
and even in the original language (lashon Kodesh bnei Israel – the Holy language
of the sons of Israel),
because he studied the Bible in the school of theology not only in his native language but also in Hebrew as the language of God.
When, on a tip-off from Israeli patriot Simon Wiesenthal, Israeli Intelligence
Agency Mossad caught Eichmann in Argentine, the first words he addressed to them
“Sh’ma, Israel: Adonai-Eloheinu, Adonai –Ehad!” (Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our
God, the Lord is One!)
The entire Christian world is aware of the verses about “a blessing and a curse”,
in particular, those who study the Bible and that is why they intensely hate the
sons and daughters of Israel.
This hatred is demonstrated by the act taken place in the international airport of
Los Angeles on Independence Day of the United States.
The officials from the Ministry of National Security of the United States, most of
which profess Christianity,
announced in mass media after the terrorist act that it was a regular incident not
worthy of attention.
Because the only victims of the terrorist act were the children of Israel.
But even if one Christian suffered in this terrorist act, they would declare it a terrorist act out of compassion to their brother in Christ.
This may suggest the following: Christians-fanatics view any terrorist act committed in Israel as divine punishment of the cursed people.
Although some representatives of the European and American countries speak on
behalf of their governments from the international rostrums
in support of ancestral rights of the State of Israel for its land.
But this support doesn’t mean that this is the way they think right now.
And, indeed, personal Christian ambition of their mentality contradicts the interests of their governments,
because they, as true Christians (see note 16), intensely hate the sons and daughters of Israel as the people cursed by God.
That is why they don’t practice what they preach because in order to find a solution to the Arab-Israeli territorial conflict in the UN General Assembly,
they always vote for removal of the State of Israel from the world map.
Why do those people who speak from the international rostrums as representatives of the civilized nations of Europe and the USA
at times demonstrate their buried fierce hatred for the sons and daughters of
Because they took it in with mother’s milk from their parents like a passing
That is why the fierce hatred for the sons and daughters of Israel stays in
their memory for a lifetime.
On Monday morning on the twelfths day of Rabi al-Awwal month in the year of
the elephant
– this day corresponds to the second of April 571 year after the birth of Christ –
a boy was born in the Arab nomad tribe Quraysh in Hashim clan
in the city of Mecca located in the south-eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula
and his parents Abdulla and Amina named him Muhammad (Mohammed/Mahomet) (571-632).
After the destruction of the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem, many sons
and daughters of Israel moved to this city and other settlements of the peninsula.
Their good behavior earned them the respect of local Arab tribes.
When Muhammad turned forty, he had some usual experience, which,
however, changed the whole course of the world’s history and the face of the
Now first things first.
Once Muhammad walking along the mountain road stopped by one of the caves
(Hira) located on the mountain Jabal al-Nour.
There he met a wise and very pious Israelite named Gabriel (Gibrail),
Gabriel secluded himself in that cave to reflect on the mystery of the creation.
He told Muhammad about the One Jewish God and His Laws.
It was so fascinating to listen to that grey-headed stranger that Muhammad decided to talk to him for a while and find out more about the One Jewish God and His
And at the same time to learn from Gabriel how to read and write because
Muhammad was illiterate.
As a result of this meeting Muhammad became an adherent of the Jewish faith
and before then he believed in pagan gods.
With the help of Waraka ibn Nawfal, cousin of his first wife Khadija, Muhammad
translated the Pentateuch (Torah) into the Arab language.
He titled this Book “Al-Kitab Musa Rasul” (Taurat), which means “the Book
given by God to the Messenger Musa”
After that he began to preach the Jewish faith among his tribesman – Arabs.
And when Arabs converted to the new faith, they started to treat the sons and
daughters of Israel like their blood brothers and sisters,
as the sermon of Muhammad was addressed to them as well suggesting a new exodus (Hegira) with twelve mixed troops
under the leadership of princes from the descendants of Ismail, the son of Abraham to the country of twelve tribes from the descendants of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham,
this meant a new exodus to the country of their relatives (see note 17) for liberation of this country
from the power of Christian Byzantium, which owned it from AD 330 to 634.
But soon Muhammad’s attitude towards the sons and daughters of Israel changed
for the worse.
It happened because he found out from the Book of the Prophet Musa that the
sons and daughters of Israel were the people of God and such state of affairs gave him no
And in order to make him and his tribesman feel like the people of God
Muhammad with his brothers in the new faith changed the content and the title of
the Book of the Messenger Musa to “Al-Quran” (Koran),
which means “The Textbook given by God” or literally “Reading aloud” (on study
of the laws of One God).
This Book distorted the teaching of the Pentateuch
because they included in the Quran (see note 18) only the basic laws and commandments of the One Jewish God, such as:
You shall not kill.
You shall not steal.
You shall not commit adultery.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not covet you neighbor’s possessions.
Do male circumcision.
You shall not shave your beard.
You shall not eat pork meat as forbidden meat, haram in Arab; you shall eat only
kosher meat, halal in Arab.
And they added severe punishments (al-hudud) to the Quran for departures from
the laws and commandments of One God.
The punishments included stoning to death, scourging with whip and beating with
Much of the Pentateuch was copied into the Quran with many distortions.
For example, one of the names of the One Jewish God – Elohim, which is literally
translated from Hebrew as “gods”, i.e. the word is in plural.
It worked in favor of Christian interpreters of the Pentateuch in order to explain
the parishioners
why One God in the New Testament exists in three hypostases – God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
And the composers of the Quran saw blasphemy over the truth in such interpretation of “Elohim”,
as they already knew from the Book of the Prophet Musa that there was One Jewish God.
That is why they removed the last two letters from the word “Elohim” and wrote
“Eloh” (Allah) in the Quran (see note 19).
And the main Name of the One Jewish God – Jehovah, which means “Existing”.
Jehovah punishing children for the iniquity of their fathers up to the third or
fourth generation, that’s how high priests pronounced this Name in the Temple of
in front of the Jewish people during absolution on Yom Kippur (on Judgement Day).
That is why the composers of the Quran did not dare to write down this Name in
the Quran.
Instead they wrote: “In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the most Merciful”, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” in Arab.
The Torah says: “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob”.
And they wrote in the Quran “God of Abraham (Ibrahim), God of Ismail (Ishmael), God of Isaac (Ishaq), God of Jacob (Yacub),
because Abraham had another son from Agar (Hagar), handmaid of Sarai, whom
Abraham named Ismail (Ismael).
All Arab tribes identify themselves as descendants of Ismail.
Ultimately, Muslims armed with the fierce hatred for the Jewish people which was developed and put into life
by Christian Theologians of the Roman Empire in order to accuse the sons and daughters
of Israel of all sorts of evils.
Because Muslims just like Christians are aware of the verses about “a blessing
and a curse” from the Book of the Prophet Musa,
which is kept in its original form by spiritual leaders of Islam somewhere, and
they fully comply with its regulations.
For that reason they blamed the Israeli commentators of the Pentateuch of those
times for distortion of the facts from this Book in their comments,
because Israelites didn’t accept Muhammed as the true Prophet and Messenger of
Allah (Elohim).
And Muslims affirmatively state that Muhammad as well as the biblical Prophets
came from the seed of Abraham, who was the father of Ismail.
The Quran describes three Messengers (Rasul) of Allah:
Jewish – Moses (Musa), Christian – Jesus (Isa) and Muslim – Mahomet (Muhammad).
Muslims also found guilt with Israelites because they didn’t accept the Prophet Jesus (Isa) as the true Messenger of Allah and crucified Him.
And they accused Christians of accepting the Prophet Jesus (Isa) as god of all
tribes and nations instead of true Allah.
For this reason spiritual leaders of Islam preach about the people of other
“Christian and Jewish doctrines are wrong, and their followers are unbelievers”.
And they preach exactly the opposite about their co-religionists:
“Islamic doctrine is true, and we, Muslims, are true believers”.
Because Allah Himself wrote down Sharia laws in the Book titled the Quran and on the
27th night of Ramadan in 610 BC handed this Book through angel Gibrail to the Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon Him) in Hira cave located on the mountain Jabal Al-Nour.
On the 27th night of Rajab in 621 BC Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon
Him) was transported on the wings of the white horse Al-Buraq to Yatrib (Medina),
and from there to mount Tur (Sinai), further to Beit Lechem (Bethlehem), then to
Holy Jerusalem (Al-Kuds) to the Temple Mount Moria (Al-Aqsa), and from there ascended to the Seventh Heaven.
This story is known as a night journey of Mahomet from Holy Stone Kaaba to
Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven (Al Isra v’al mi’Raj).
And there Allah declared Muhammad as his last Prophet and Messenger to the
sons of men.
And gave him special powers to spread the true faith – faith in Allah across the
earth (see note 20).
With this slogan in the second half of the VII century began the Great Campaign
under the banner of the green:
Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true faith – faith in Allah
among all tribes and nations of earth.
At first, Muhammad with his brothers-in-arms forcibly disseminated the idea of
Islam among his tribesmen Quraysh, which spread it to many Arab tribes.
And then Islamized nomadic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula propagated the idea
of Islam
by fire and sword, sweeping away all on the way like tornado, from the Near East
across Northern Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, which
is located in the south-western part of Europe (Spain – Caliphate of Cordoba).
They subsequently mixed with indigenous population of these countries.
The nations who converted to Islam established Muslim states, such as Yemen,
Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, the UAE, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrein, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan,
Somali, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco,
Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, SierraLeone, Chad, Eritrea, Burkina-Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and others.
And then the people Islamized by Arabs disseminated the idea of Islam among the
nations of the Middle East, i.e. among the Persian speaking nations.
And after conversion to Islam they set up Muslim states, such as Iran,
Afghanistan, Kurdistan and Tajikistan.
Then this idea was propagated to the Indian Peninsula, i.e. among Hindu people.
In 1947, those of them who converted to Islam declared their state independent
from India and named it Pakistan and Bangladesh:
The word “Pakistan” means “cleared land” cleared from their former Hindu relatives,
whom Islamists now contemptuously call “idolaters”.
In the present day, Muslims in the Indian state Jammu and Kashmir fight against
the government troops
to declare their state independent from India named “Khalistan”,
which means “liberated land”, i.e. liberated from their former Hindu relatives.
This idea was then propagated among the nations of the Central Asia, Caucasus
and Russia, i.e. among Turkic speaking nations.
And those of them who converted to Islam established Muslim states, such as
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kara-Kalpak, Kashgaria, Azerbaijan,
Dagestan, Adzharia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and others.
Further, the idea of Islam was spread among the nations of Malaysia, Indonesia,
Maldives, Camorra and Brunei.
In the second half of the 14th century, Islamized nomadic tribes – the Seljuk
Turks from the eastern regions of the Central Asia,
just like their Muslim brothers – Arabs, conquered Byzantium, which was among
the first Christianized by Constantine in the 4th century BC, i.e. the Asia Minor and part of
by fire and sword, sweeping away all on their way like tornado.
And subsequently they mixed with the indigenous population.
Thus, they established the first Muslim state in the heart of Europe.
And, finally, they spread the Islamic ideology deep into the European states:
Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bessarabia, Greece, Crimean Peninsula and Cyprus
Later they renamed Byzantium into Turkey, and its capital Constantinople into Istanbul.
And they changed the famous Christian cathedral of St. Sophia into Muslim
mosque – Hagia Sophia by removing Christian symbols from its walls.
Instead, they decorated it with oriental patterns (arabesque) and quotes from the Quran (Surah).
On either side of the cathedral they constructed four minarets, the tallest at the
time for muezzins calling faithful Muslims to a morning prayer (namaz-azan).
From 1932 the cathedral stopped its religious service by the decision of the democratic government of Turkey headed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and in the present day
works as a historical museum.
And those people who refused to convert to Islam had to be exterminated.
That’s what they did to Armenian people by killing in cold blood about half a million of people sparing no aged people, women or children.
In such a murderous way the Great Ottoman Empire was established on the remains of millions of innocent victims early in the 15th century.
And for the evil-doings and ideas based on hatred for other religious denominations, its founders, the Seljuk Turks
were accordingly called “barbarians” by the European nations who found themselves to be living side-by-side with the forcibly formed empire of evil.
After the World War I and collapse of the Ottoman Empire it became impossible
to propagate Islam through violence,
i.e. by seizing foreign lands and mocking people because the military power was
not on the side of Muslims.
For that reason they declared “hudna”, which means “truce”,
to restore their former military might and thereafter continue their struggle with
“kaafirs” (unbelievers).
But the temporary state of truce for many Muslim countries grew into permanent.
That is why it became the issue for some Muslim spiritual leaders, such as Bin
Laden, Mullah Omar, Sheikh Yasin and others.
And they began to look for other ways to continue the struggle with unbelievers.
Finally, they changed the strategy of struggle because of the current circumstances
with the balance of power to the disfavor of Muslims.
The new strategy of struggle is to set the followers of three major world religions
against each other through a large-scale and massive terrorist act.
As Muslim religious figures and their spiritual inspirers believe,
no matter how strong Christians and Jews are, the victory in this massacre will be
on the side of Muslims.
Because they are fanatically sure that during the interreligious war the Most High,
Allah will fight on the side of Muslims
as true faith bearers on earth and lead them to total and final victory over unbelievers.
Then Islam will become the only religion in the whole wide world and the main
slogan will be one for all:
There is no God but Allah and Mahomet is the Messenger of Allah (see note 21).
Because Muslims are sure that Allah through the Messenger Muhammad
gave them a special mission
to propagate the ideas of Islam across the earth and establish Global
Caliphate (Sunni) or Imamate (Shia),
in order to cut off heads of all unbelievers and dissenters, like sheep heads,
cold-bloodedly and mercilessly according to Sharia laws (the Quran)
without fear of being condemned by the international community for their
That is why they don't humiliate themselves with caricatures of Buddha or Jesus
because they mercilessly and barbarically destroy them.
For example, they acted so with the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan and Iraq and
with the images of Jesus and His disciples in St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople.
By the way, because of such vandalism none from Buddha’s and Jesus’s followers
broke into the embassies of Muslim countries to murder ambassadors
or into editorial offices of satirical magazines to murder journalists.
What happened on September 11, 2001 is only the initial implementation of crazy
idea inherited from Palestinian suicide fanatics to islamize all the nations of the world
through terrorist acts.
It was not an accident that Muslim extremists chose to commit a terrorist attack at
the World Trade Center
– its towers were one of the highest in the world and the pride not only of American people but many nations of the world.
Muslim interpreters of the Pentateuch, i.e. the Book of the Prophet Musa, considered this building as the analogue of the Tower of Babel.
Because they were fanatically sure that people construct building tall enough to
reach Heaven only
as their pride in order to contradict to the laws and commandments prescribed by
What we read in the First Book of the Prophet Musa (Genesis according to the
Bible – 11: 1-9):
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the
land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
And they said one to another, God to, let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top
may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the
face of the whole earth.
And the Lord (Allah) came down to see the city and the tower, which the children
of men build.
And the Lord said: Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and
this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
imagined to do.
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and
they left off to build the city.
Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the
language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the
face of all the earth.
Currently Muslim fundamentalists assumed this function of Allah to follow the intention of Allah through terrorist acts
and thus destroy the symbols of human pride, such as buildings where people with
different worldviews cooperate under the same roof. And to fuel an interreligious war that
In order to achieve this crazy goal, the number of terrorist acts, according to all
forecasts, will grow along a curve.
And terrorist acts will be always organized by Arab extremists from Saudi Arabia
by the right of founders of Muslim religion.
After each terrorist act they will announce that they acted so with that country because the government of the country supports the State of Israel.
After the most horrific terrorist act in the history of mankind its organizers announced that this way they punished the USA for the support of the State of Israel.
After the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Roman Emperor Titus in AC 70
the sons and daughters of Israel, as the people blamed for all deadly sins,
were intensely hated and persecuted for 2500 years:
As the people who killed Christian God – for example, crucifixion;
As the people who lost their true face – for example, Allah turned unfaithful
Jews into pigs and monkeys to punish them;
As the people who organize secret organizations – for example, “Judeo-Masonic” lodge;
As the people who publish secret books – for example, “The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion”;
As the people, poisoners of Europe and circulators of plague – for example, in
the Middle Ages Jews made various medicines to poison rivers and water sources;
As the people who kill small children – for example, “The Beilis Case”;
As the people who provoke unrest – for example, the October 1917 revolution
in the Russian Empire;
As the people, who destroyed the global economy – for example, Jewish
money-lenders, bankers-parasites who make a fortune at the expense of society,
lend money to borrowers at excessive interest rates and after that take every-
thing from them, including the last piece of daily bread.
And it seems to them that the sons and daughters of Israel secretly or openly dominate the world.
Because those Christians who converted back to pagan faith of their ancestors
reached outrageously absurd lengths in their fanaticism.
They argue without remorse that Jesus Christ and His pupils were actually the secret agents of Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad,
whom Mossad ostensibly sent on a special assignment to propagate Jewish-Christian faith among pagan nations in the Roman and Russian Empires, and the latter had to
spread it to other tribes and nations of earth.
In such an elaborate way artful Jews established their dominion through their secret agent Jesus etc. etc.
And this wild and purposeful blaming of the sons and daughters of Israel for
all deadly sins by Christians and Muslims
will continue until the Bible and the Quran remain as they were written.
And with all attendant consequences for long-suffering Jewish people.
If the sons and daughters of Israel were not murdered on false charges for 2500
years since the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem,
and if during this historical time they were not assimilated voluntarily or forcibly,
including ten lost Israeli tribes,
now at a conservative estimate, our numbers, Israelites would be not less than the
population of modern China.
Then it turns out that many tribes and nations on earth have Jewish blood in their
To my deep regret, voluntarily assimilation is still going on and at a very high
pace, in some countries this disappointing number reaches 50-60%.
If the situation remains, soon only a handful of our people will be left.
And this handful will still brag saying: “We, Israelites, have been almost killed
multiple times
but thank God we survived, and many of our oppressors vanished off the face of
the earth because God is on our side”.
And this blind trust in God that He will save His people and destroy their oppressors may lead to final solution of the Jewish issue.
But the tiny State of Israel constantly oppresses, and not without success, the future state of Palestine.
If this trend continues, in the near future the history of mankind will keep only the
memories of the State of Israel,
because Christians and Muslims initially sentenced long-suffering Israelite people
to extermination due to their ancestry, faith and mentality,
which were deliberately demonized in the New Testament and the Quran.
Let me give just a few lines from all that is written in these Books about Israelite
“Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of
For this reason, here I am sending forth to you prophets and wise men and
public instructors.
Some of them you will kill and impale, and some of them you will scourge in
your synagogues and persecute from city to city;
that there may come upon you all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the
blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
Truly I say to you: “All these things will come upon this generation” (The New
Testament. Gospel of Matthew 23: 33-36). i.e. their blood will come upon Israelite people.
“O People of the Scripture, you are (i.e. Jews) [standing] on nothing until you
uphold the Quran and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.” (Quran. Surah 5
“The Table spread with food”, verse 68) .
“And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for
Allah.” (Quran. Surah 8 “Fighting for religion”, verse 38).
It can be continued, but what for? Needless to say what the New Testament and
the Quran prescribed for the followers of these doctrines
and what they preach to the parishioners in churches and mosques across the
Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to shed blood of Israelite people.
And at a conservative estimate, the total number of Muslims and Christians is not
less than four billions.
It is scary to even think what will be left of Israelites if they attempt to comply
with the regulation again.
For many centuries Israelite people live like an unprotected small island surrounded by a raging ocean of hatred.
And the huge waves of the raging ocean of hatred will swallow this small island
in an instant,
turning into tsunami, which destroys all on its way after an earthquake,
i.e. after brainwashing by the spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations.
And no one of so-called civilized nations will come to rescue us, Israelites.
So the rescue of a drowning man is the drowning man’s own job.
To address this uneasy problem it is necessary to use the centuries-old wisdom of
our people so
that undeservedly cursed and small-numbered people would again become blessed
and numerous like stars on the sky and sand on the seashore;
which is predicted in the Torah, the Bible and the Book of the Prophet Musa by
the Creator Himself, that is Allah.
But we can’t solve this problem by military means.
Firstly, we, Israelis, are too few.
Secondly, if one suicide fanatic, martyr for the faith (“shahid” in Arab) is destroyed, tens and hundreds of such self-murders will replace him without a second
because they, under the influence of their spiritual leaders, turn into obedient zombies
and therefore fully comply with any orders of their mentors, as the saying goes,
not counting the cost;
because they fanatically believe in paradise life after death for the shed blood of
What we read in the Quran: Surah 9. “Repentance”, verse 38 about it:
“O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are
told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth?
Are you satisfied with the life of this world than the Hereafter? But what is the
enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.”
And if one terrorist organization, such as HAMAS, Hezbollah, Tanzim, Al-Aksa
Martyrs’ Brigades, Al-Qaeda, Jabhat an-Nusra, is destroyed,
dozens of new similar organizations will be sprout like mushrooms after the summer rains.
And if leaders like Osama bin Laden or Yasir Arafat or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are
eliminated, their place will be taken by equally violent leaders,
because it is impossible to eliminate the top organizer and inspirer of all these
lone killers and paramilitary organizations – the holy book of Muslims – the Quran.
This Book calls faithful Muslims to pray five times a day to ask Allah for strength
to continue the struggle with unbelievers.
That’s what Muslims pray for in their mosques.
From sermon from the Martyr King Abdallah Mosque, Amman (2004):
“O Allah, strengthen Islam and Muslims, humiliate infidelity and infidels. O,
God, destroy your enemies, the Jewish and crusader enemies of Islam.”
And this power crawls like an asp across the Muslim world.
I mean nuclear weapon which Pakistan owns right now and Iran seeks to own.
And in the near future many Muslim countries will be able to have such weapon
with all attendant consequences that for non-Muslim countries.
And if this problem is solved politically, i.e. make peace with Palestinians
and moreover, transfer the ancestral Israeli territories to them to declare an independent state of Palestine,
such ill-advised decision will mean the beginning of the end of the State of Israel.
Taking advantage of the treaty of peace Palestinians will declare its independent
state with all necessary power structures,
which will be bound to have military department for defense and internal security.
And once they become strong, they will use this piece of paper, which was signed
as the treaty of peace amid heavy applause of all officially invited persons, for the known
part of body.
Because this piece of paper is not an order for them, and once again the order for
Palestinians and all Muslims of the world is the holy Book of the books – the Quran. And
they fully comply with Sharia laws.
And the Quran calls faithful Muslims to the Holy War (Jihad) with unbelievers
(Gazavat) to disseminate the ideas of Islam across the earth.
What we read in the Muslim textbooks about it:
“Jihad is the fundamental concept of Islam which means a war against other
Jihad differs from conventional war in that it serves high noble purposes and is
waged only to the glory of Allah and spread of Islam and Sharia across the earth.”
But nonetheless, after another major terrorist act of their co-religionists many Muslims
walk on the squares of the European and American cities holding demonstration
argue from the international rostrums that Islam is a peaceful religion.
The word “Islam” written on the cover of the Quran means “peace and submission”.
In fact, this Islamic “peace” should be made only between Muslims.
But this concept of peaceful coexistence is in doubt because intra-Muslim tensions went so far that they began to fight against their “brothers”,
as is the case between the Muslims of Shiite and Sunni denominations.
And Islamic “submission” means that faithful Muslims should fully comply only
with the will of Allah,
and the will of Allah is the Holy War (Jihad) against unbelievers.
This is evidenced by the whole blood-drenched history of Muslim fanatics whose
acts were always directed against other nations which disagreed with Muslim religion
(see note 22).
And after all I came to the conclusion – there is only one way to escape and
get rid of all the hardships experienced by the sons and daughters of Israel for 2500
years, the way to which our Teacher and great Leader Moses dedicated himself.
For that it is necessary to recall the ending of the verses about a blessing and a
The Lord your God must also bring back your captives and show you mercy
and collect you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.
If your dispersed people should be at the end of the heavens, from there the
Lord your God will collect you and from there He will take you.
The Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fathers
took possession and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed do you
good and multiply you more than your fathers.
And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your
offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul
for the sake of your life.
And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and those
who hate you, who have persecuted you (Devarim – Torah, and Deuteronomy 30: 4-7 according to the Bible), i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and daughters of Israel.
And the prophecy, which Moses wrote about, is gradually coming true.
Because on May 14, in the year of our Lord, 1948 the State of Israel was once
again reborn on the historical land of the sons and daughters of Israel.
The whole Christian and Muslim world was amazed by this sign of the 20th century.
Because the Almighty, Allah kept His promise to His chosen people.
For that reason the Pope of Rome John Paul II apologized to Israeli people.
Why after the centuries-old atrocities and abuse caused by their predecessors to
the God’s chosen people His Holiness John Paul II finally decided to ask the Almighty to
bless the Holy Land?
And why did he apologize to long-suffering Israelite people at the Wailing Wall in
the Holy City of Jerusalem?
Because the Pope recalled the verses about a blessing and a curse addressed to the
sons of daughters of Israel, which he knew in the original language, the Holy Language
of the sons Israel:
And the prophecy, which Moses wrote about, is gradually coming true.
And the Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fathers took possession, and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed
do you good and multiply you more than your fathers.
And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your
offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul
for the sake of your life.
And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and
those who hate you, who have persecuted you. (Torah – Devarim, Deuteronomy according to the Bible 30: 5-7), i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and daughters of Israel.
It becomes clear from the content of this verse why His Holiness John Paul II
apologized to Israeli people.
Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to avoid visitation of God for all
the atrocities caused by their predecessors to God’s chosen people.
And now after rebuilding the State of Israel we face a new problem to be solved.
How to find the main and priceless treasure of the sons and daughters of Israel –
Luchot ha-Brit (Tables of the Covenant),
on which the Almighty wrote Aseret ha-Dibrot (Ten Commandments) on the mountain Sinai.
He handed these stone tables to Moses, the leader of the sons and daughters of Israel during their exodus from Egypt to Canaan.
And after forty years of wandering across the dessert Sinai they established their
state Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel) and its capital Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).
They built a large-scale and magnificent piece of architecture Beit Hamikdash
(the Holy Temple) in this city.
And built a pedestal in pride of place of the Temple (Holy of Holies) and put the
Ark of the Covenant on it.
After the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem and captivity of the sons
and daughters of Israel by the ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC the trail of the
Ark was lost.
But religious figures say that the Prophet Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) hid the Ark for a
while in the place which can’t be found.
When, after many centuries of living among other nations of the earth, the sons
and daughters of Israel return to their historic homeland
and once again rebuild their State of Israel, the location of the Ark will be found.
And, finally, the centuries-old dream of long-suffering Israelite people to re-
turn to their historic homeland came true.
The State of Israel was once again proclaimed on the historic land of the sons
and daughters of Israel.
It means that the time has come to find the Ark of the Covenant, which the biblical
prophets predicted in the Bible (Torah).
Effective solution, or the moment of truth
And now I will talk about what has to be done in order to find the Ark of the
Covenant gone missing from the First Temple of Jerusalem.
For this important and very honorable mission it is necessary to choose several
clear-headed patriots of the sons and daughters of Israel,
and they, for the sake of our long-suffering people, for the sake of the future State
of Israel
and for the sake of peace among the nations, will start archaeological digs in historical places.
These places should be related to the religious events in the lives of our ancestors.
The most effective way to do this unusual work is as follows:
during construction of utility network in the buildings or construction of roads,
which require earth works, they will “accidently” run into any object of unknown
And they will report this discovery to the appropriate bodies involving archeologists, journalists and religious figures.
And they will tell them about some weirdness of this discovery saying that the
whole body was suddenly in pain because of this object.
This warning is required in order to take precautions when extracting the object
from the ground to protect against radiation.
That will be it for you, because they will do all the rest.
And for that purpose it is necessary to recreate the exact copy of the Tables of the
Covenant according to description of the Pentateuch.
The Pentateuch describes that Moses hewed two stones out of solid rock on the
mountain Sinai for them, after which the Almighty wrote with his finger ten basic commandments to the people of Israel.
These records radiated deadliest energy.
That is why the priests of the First Temple of Jerusalem (Levites) didn’t dare to
look at them in fear of their lives.
But there were cases when some of them were around the Ark of the Covenant because of service needs
unknowingly exposing themselves to radiation and then died of an incurable illness.
Only the High Priests (Priests Kohens) freely approached and read these holy
records to the people because they knew the secret way to protect against radiation.
I am sure that is won’t be hard for experts in this field
to recreate the exact copy of the Table of the Covenant (see note 23) with the
above mentioned properties in view of inventive abilities of the sons and daughters of Israel and improvements of modern technology.
And these properties will be the evidence for curious experts if some of them
would want to verify the authenticity of the Ark of the Covenant.
When all preparations are complete, it is necessary to time the day of discovery to
coincide with any significant date.
For example, time it to coincide with such date as the year of 2000 when many
people on earth were waiting for a miracle
from Heaven because of the forecasts of some Bible interpreters: some were waiting for the second coming of the Messiah and others for the end of the world.
By the way, the exact dates of the end of the world or the coming of the Messiah
were predicted a great many of times in the history of mankind by various Bible commentators.
And the best time to announce about a “miracle-discovery” of the 20th century
would be June of 1967 after the swift liberation of the ancestral lands of the people of Israel.
The spiritual leaders of Muslim and Christian countries attributed the liberation of
the Temple Mount to the Almighty (Allah) and characterized this event as divine miracle,
as they recalled the verses about a blessing and a curse (the Fifth Book of the
Prophet Musa, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 30: 5-7):
And the Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fa-
thers took possession, and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed
do you good and multiply you more than your father.
And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your
offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul
for the sake of your life.
And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and
those who hate you, who have persecuted you i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and
daughters of Israel (see note 24).
Unfortunately, this time is lost but, fortunately, there is a new “sign”
characterized by religious figures as the harbinger of the coming of the Messiah or
the beginning of the end of the world.
I mean special position of the Sun on the sky: at first, this “sign” took place during the exodus of Israelites from Egypt,
and then – on the first day of Easter after saving of Israelite people from the malefactor Aman in 362 BC.
during the kingship of Persian King Artaxerxes (Ahasuerus) (Book of Esther – the
Bible and Book of Esther according to the Torah).
Last time this event took place on the first day of Easter, 15th of Nisan of 5769
And according to various interpreters and forecasters, the most recent prediction
of the end of the world is December 21, 2012.
Such events should be used to announce about a “miracle-discovery”.
And the “miracle-discovery” will be a sign, which will mean that God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob returned to His chosen people, the sons and daughters of Israel.
After this event all the nations of the world will start building the Third Temple of
Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant.
And Israelites will be the honorary designers of this large-scale and magnificent
architectural structure.
And after that Spiritual Name of the Creator of the Universe and the Creator of all
beings will be back in the Temple.
Then all religious books, especially the eternal and rock solid Bible and Quran,
will be re-written but this time for the good of the people of Israel (see note 25).
And then we get up off our knees on which we crawled for more than two
thousand years after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and will walk the
earth with our heads held high.
We, Israelites, we be respected and honored again like during the rule of David
and Solomon.
Because our Prophets, our Kings, our Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all
the sons and daughters of Israel of those bible days were honored and are honored by the
whole Christian and Muslim world.
And one of our compatriot was elevated so high that he subsequently became God
of all Christians and the main Prophet of all Muslims.
I mean the Jewish named Jesus, the son of Mary and Joseph, or Isa ibn Maryam va Yusuf in Arab.
And Christians elevated His twelve pupils, Jews to twelve Christian Apostles (see note 26).
After the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple of
Jerusalem by the Rome Emperor Titus in 70 BC.
we, Israelites, were sold into bondage to those nations which were part of the
great Roman Empire.
Before that these pagan nations never knew about the faith of the people of Israel,
or about their leader and deliverer from the Egyptian slavery – Moses.
And only when Christianity was spread among them through sermon of pupils of
Jesus of Nazareth
they learned about the One Jewish God, His chosen people, His Messenger
Moses, His Anointed and His Prophets.
And the spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations conquered almost the whole world using the ideas of the above characters for their own ends.
After they got everything they wanted through these ideas they began to harass
the Jews as the people who completed its mission on earth.
In short, back at that time they decided to use the Jewish ideas for their own ends
and to “waste” the people.
That is why during harassment Israelites were called “Ivri” (Jew) like during the
Egyptian slavery.
And Israelites submitted to these humiliations of human dignity and began to call
themselves by this nickname.
The history of the origin of this nickname is as follows.
When forefather Abraham crossed the river Euphrates during the historical migration in 1950 BC from the land called Ur Kasdim (Iraq) to the land of Cannan (Israel),
the Creator nicknamed Abraham “Ivri” (Jew), which means “crossed” (by temporary bridge to the other side of the river Euphrates).
For some reason this nickname stuck only to the sons and daughters of Israel, and
Abraham is the patriarch of many nations of earth.
Besides his son Isaac (from the first wife Sarai), Abraham had another son (from
Agar, handmaid of Sarai), whom Abraham named Ismail
After the death of Sarai Abraham married Keturah and she bore him six more sons
– Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Numerous nations originated from
These nations didn’t convert to the new faith and believed in their pagan gods.
Many of them subsequently converted to Christianity or Islam.
That is why besides the sons and daughters of Israel, many nations on earth are direct descendants of Abraham. It turns out that these nations are Jewish too.
And many nations are direct descendants of forefather Isaac, which means that
they are Jewish too.
Isaac’s wife Rebecca gave birth to twins, Esau-Edom and Jacob-Israel.
Esau-Edom and his descendants did not convert to the new faith and believed in
their pagan gods. Many of them subsequently converted to Christianity or Islam.
And his twin brother Jacob-Israel converted to the new faith with great joy and
reverently instilled it into all his twelve sons born by his two wives – Rachel and Leah
and their two handmaids – Zilpah and Bilhah.
All children of Jacob-Israel addressed their father with a respectful bow as a sign
of obedience to One God and solemnly said:
“Sh’ma, Israel: Adonai - Eloheinu, Adonai – Ehad!” (Hear, O Israel: the
Lord is our God, the Lord is One!)
These historical words solemnly said by Patriarchs of the twelve Israeli tribes become a daily prayer and battle hymn for all descendants of Israel.
After release from the Egyptian slavery and forty years of wandering across the
desert Sinai the Jacob-Israel’s descendants by the order of the Almighty conquered the
land of Cnaan.
And this land was distributed among the twelve tribes of Israel and renamed into
Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel).
Thus our forefather Israel was crowned with immortality. His descendants become
famous as bney Israel (sons of Israel) or ‘am Israel (the people of Israel) but not Jew
(Ivri), as it was during the Egyptian slavery.
The Almighty gave the name Israel (see note 27) to our forefather Jacob and his
descendants forever.
And Christians made sure that Abraham’s nickname Ivri (Jew) once again became
the name of our nationality.
Stalin improved the initiative of his co-religionists: the nationality “Jewish” was
recorded in the fifth line of Soviet citizen’s passport.
Christians dedicated one of the chapters of the New Testament to the sons and
daughters of Israel, which disparagingly says: “Epistle to the Hebrews” in order to degrade the honor and dignity of our people in this way.
The status of Israelites in the society of “pious Orthodox Christians” in the Russian Empire was humiliating;
they were forcibly sequestered in small villages away from big cities. They subsequently became known as small-town Jews (see note 28).
And Stalin just improved the initiative of his coreligionists and sent Israelites
even further – to Far East wilderness. Later they became known as Birobidzhan Jews.
And the word “Jew” (Ivri) is found in the Pentateuch (Torah) in the sections describing Israelites – slaves in Egypt and slaves of their compatriots in Israel and in Judaea. That is why “Jew” is associated with the word “slave”.
By the way, thanks to their own efforts African-Americans are not called “negro”
by white Americans
because they associate this word in their memory with the time when they were
slaves in America. Violators can go to jail for this word as an insult of African American.
In other countries denomination, i.e. “Jew” (“Yehudi”), of the sons and daughters
of Israel become their nationality (see note 29).
Many people deliberately distorted the word “Jew” to use it for scolding (insulting) the sons and daughters of Israel.
For example: Jude in Germany, Judeo in Portugal, Judio in Spain, Jud in France,
Zhid – in Russia, Poland and Ukraine, Zhidan in Romania, Zhido in Hungary, Jew in
America and England, Dzhugut or Dzhuvud in Central Asia, Сhufut in Crimea, Dzhuga
in Georgia, Dzhudah in Armenia, Dzhugti in Chechnya etc.
We, Israelites, added so-called Modern Hebrew to these insults.
That’s a mockery of our native Israeli language!
Other nations wouldn’t allow such irresponsible attitude to their centuries-old native languages.
Have you ever heard “modern katsap language” in Russia? Or “modern khokhol
language” in Ukraine?
That could never happen because these nations take these words as an insult
against them.
Moldavian people have: nationality – Moldavan, native language – Moldavian,
state – Moldova.
And Georgian people have: nationality – Georgian, native language – Georgian,
state – Georgia.
Many nations have the same sequence but not Israeli people.
Because for us nationality column is filled in as “Jewish” or “Jew”, mother tongue
– Hebrew, state – almost Palestine.
So the government of Israel should take appropriate measures to change this injustice against the sons and daughters of Israel.
For that purpose it is necessary to revive the age-old dignity of our people and
proudly declare that the people of Israel have:
Nationality.................... ISRAEL in Russian ISRAELIT
Mother tongue.............. ISRAELI ––––––––- IZRAILSKY
State.............................. ISRAEL –––––––––- IZRAIL
Because we are the sons of Israel (bnei Israel) and we will be Israelites wherever
we live.
Actually, out language is called Lashon haKodesh bnei Israel (the Holy Language
of the sons of Israel).
Why is it called so? Because the Creator spoke face-to-face with Moses in the Israeli language in front of all the people on the mountain Sinai.
The whole Christian world considers it an honor to study it as the Holy Language.
So, the State of Israel should prohibit by a government decree to use the nickname
“Jew” as degrading to the honor and dignity of the sons and daughters of Israel.
There is a wise folk saying: “Respect yourself and others will respect you”.
So, stop humiliating ourselves and accepting that anti-Semites contemptuously
scream at us: “Hey, you, Jewish people!” or “Hey, you, Jews! ”
Let’s start respecting ourselves so that other people respect us “Us – Israelites!”.
And there is another thing, pronunciation of many letters in so-called Modern Hebrew is very different from the original.
For example, Israelites pronounce aspirate x (het) as x (hat).
Many repatriates of the former Soviet Union can’t articulate the letter h (hei),
that’s why they omit it while talking.
Guttural letter к (qof) is pronounced as к (kaf) and the letter ъ (‘ayin) totally disappeared from conversation vocabulary of Israelites,
and Israelites, who originate from Yemen, still speak the language which our ancestors used in the days of Moses.
To save this language it is necessary to open special courses in general education
and higher educational institution for those who want to study the language of our ancestors.
If we don’t save the unique original language of our people, our descendants will
never forgive us for our disrespect to the history of our people.
Now, the most painful problem of Israeli society.
I mean caste division of the sons and daughters of Israel based on where they
come from:
so called Sabras, Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Bukharians, Falashas, Lakhlukhs, Tats,
Georgian Jews, Moroccan Jews, etc. and also Karaimes, Samaritans, Sabbatarians, Old Testaments.
These communities live aloof only around their Synagogue and treat each other
with contempt, or even with hostility.
To reconcile these communities it is necessary to organize districts where they can
live together
and where common clubs, schools, libraries, and even common synagogues (Beit-Knesset) for joint prayers will be provided.
If the government of Israel solves all these problems, the sons and daughters
of Israel will unite for the good of the State of Israel.
Dear reader, when you finished reading this book, you probably thought that the
author is an ordinary dreamer,
and lives in his dreams somewhere in a primitive society where everything is decided by the Lord’s will,
but not in the modern civilized world where everything is solved by military and
political means.
You are right in a way, for at times I doubted my proposal myself but still came to
the final conclusion.
Moses, the founder of three main religions convinced the earthlings of his ideas;
besides the sons and daughters of Israel, several billions of earthlings believed his ideas.
And the ideas of Jesus and His pupils were accepted as true by their followers.
And the ideas of Mahomet were accepted as true by his adherents.
After all the above-mentioned I was only convinced that in our days religion dominates all other ideas on earth,
because religious faith has a huge influence almost on all the minds of people of
the world.
The Bible and the Quran are the most popular books in the world, their circulation
exceeded billions of copies.
And the content of these Books is the basic law for all religious and non-religious
that is why the poison arrows of these Books will always point to the sons and
daughters of Israel.
The centuries-old negative image of Israelites in the consciousness of Christians
and Muslims can be changed for the better only in a religious way.
For example, venomous snakebite can be effectively cured by the snake venom
serum. There is a wise folk saying: “Fight fire with fire”.
To my deep regret, there are simply no other ways to solve this uneasy problem
(see note 30).
The history of the sons and daughters of Israel is closely intertwined with the history of Christian and Muslim denominations due to the content of the Bible and Quran.
Because of that Christians and Muslims in various parts of the world humiliated,
scorned, cursed, oppressed,
harassed us, Israelites as representatives of Jewish denomination, blamed us for
the sins of others, threw our people to the wolves for many centuries.
Moreover, they forced Israelites to convert to Christianity or Islam,
and physically exterminated us for refusal or because we didn't belong to the
Aryan race.
All the above-mentioned is the root of all our troubles and miseries on this sinful
While the Bible and the Quran remain as they were written, the followers of these
Books treated, treat and will treat us with hatred, contemptuous feeling of disgust
like people cursed by God and with all attendant consequences for our long-suffering people.
To my deep regret, it is impossible to change the content of these Books or make
Christians and Muslims change their way of thinking towards us for the better by military
and political means.
Until the content of these Books is not changed to positive, we shouldn’t wait and
hope for
some democratic state from so-called civilized nations to come to our rescue in
case of threat from our enemies.
And they are waiting for the right moment to wipe our long-suffering people off
the face of the earth.
This is evidenced by the events from our history which took place in the center of
civilized Europe very recently.
At that time German fascists exterminated about six millions of our compatriots –
over forty percent of the people of Israel.
All that happened under the passive eye of so-called civilized nations (see note 31), who were mere spectators of the scenes of blood.
And some of these nations even helped to speed up the extermination of our longsuffering people.
Centuries-old observations suggest that history has a way of repeating itself at any
That is why we always have to be vigilant, as the saying goes, “keep eyes open”
so that our enemies don’t catch us unawares.
I mean our democratic State of Israel which is torn by internal political tensions
and wrangles.
And these political squabbles weaken our power and unity.
When the government of Israel makes a decision, it thinks through carefully “to
be on a safe side”, fearing for the future of our people.
And for that reason they frequently don’t call things by their names, for example,
the Armenian genocide by the Turks in 1915.
This fear “to be on a safe side” played, plays and will play into the hands of our
potential enemies – dictatorial regimes, which surround the State of Israel.
Because seeing our indecisiveness, they become more confident that soon Allah
will help them and throw all Israelites into the sea.
The only religious denomination that has been always helping Israelites is Christian evangelists.
They do so only to attract the sons and daughters of Israel into their ranks and
thus assimilate us by blending into other nations.
If Christian Catholics destroyed us with a stick, i.e. exterminate us physically,
Christian evangelists destroy us with a carrot, i.e. exterminate us spiritually.
Both only want that the sons and daughters of Israel cease their existence as the
people with their own original daily life,
and their own worldview, i.e. with their unique faith in One God as the Creator of
the Universe.
Both commit their dark deeds according to their discretion and conviction.
In order to change their attitude to our people for the better we need to make sure
that the Bible and the Quran are re-written.
To do that there is no need to make up or invent something new.
But it is necessary to get to the bottom of the teaching of the Pentateuch and the
Books of the Prophets and choose from these prophecies all useful information for the
people of Israel and people of the Earth.
And put the prophecies predicted by the biblical Prophets into our life.
This is the only way to free the sons and daughters of Israel from the chains of
which held us and we remain in such condition for more than two thousand years
after the destruction of the First and the Second Temples of Jerusalem.
Other ways of addressing this uneasy problem, military and political means will
only lead to a dead end.
For example, if we start reconstruction of dilapidated building and spend all designated funds only on visible part of this structure, its façade,
strengthen it from all sides and don’t pay attention to the invisible part – decayed
foundation serving as the base for the building
such, if I may say, repair will soon destroy the building like a house of cards.
So, we don’t treat the cause of the disease, which is the content of the Bible
and the Quran, but its consequences.
This treatment has an effect of remission with subsequent deterioration of
patient’s condition, which will eventually lead to a lethal outcome.
We, the sons and daughters of Israel, should always remember one truth with dire
consequences for our long-suffering people.
While the Bible and the Quran remain as they were written,
we will never have protection from new antisemitic figures, such as Popes of
Rome: Adrian I, Urban II, Julius II, Pius III, Gregory IX etc.
As well as Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Adolf Hitler, Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Stalin,
Bin Laden, Sheikh Yassin, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Barkashov, Makashov, Ilyukhin, etc. And we will have no protection from new antisemitic organizations, such as
Crusaders and their Holy Inquisition, fascists, nationalists, Ku Klux Klan, Black
Hundreds, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Al Aksa Martyrs’
Brigades, Barkashov’s Guard, skinheads, “Memory” society, etc.
And for that reason we will never have protection from the new acts of genocides,
such as Holocaust, Jewish bashing, The doctors-killers case, Night of Broken
Glass, Intifada, Jihad, etc.
And the worst thing about the behavior of the members of Christian and
Muslim denominations is that
if they see someone from their denomination performing a ritual related to
pagan ceremony,
they will always gently reprimand them for misbehavior and thus will end
the punishment.
But heaven forbid, if they see someone from Jewish denomination performing such act,
they will always accuse all Israelite people of this “crime”.
And with all attendant consequences, as it happened many times in the history of Israelite people.
And the worst thing about the behavior of the members of Jewish denomination is that they repeat in sync with Christians and Muslims:
All-merciful and Gracious God scattered the sons and daughters of Israel
among the nations of earth in order to punish them for disobedience through these
And the sons and daughters of Israel should meekly endure these (gruesome)
punishments until
the Messenger of God Mashiah (Messiah) comes down from Heaven and
brings them all together in their historic homeland – Israel,
because this is written in the Holy Scriptures – the Torah, the Bible and the
Quran, etc.
And for that reason during World War II the sons and daughters of Israel went to
the gas chambers of death without complaint (without resistance),
because they were fanatically sure that All-merciful and Gracious God was punishing them for disobedience through Germans.
For the above-mentioned reasons and from centuries-old observations the history
has a way of repeating itself at any time.
Anti-Semitic actions of Judaeophobes, which in the present days take place in
Russia, France and many other states, are just preparations for the next massive programs.
That is a sparkle which may burst into flame at any time.
And again our long-suffering people will be hurt in this fire.
That is why we, Israelites should think over and over again how the above-mentioned Books can be re-written and what we should to make this happen.
We, the sons and daughters of Israel are the founders of the Holy Books of Christians and Muslims – the Bible and the Quran because these Books came into being because of the Jewish Torah.
That is why we need to find the ways to change the content of these Books for the
good of all people living on the fragile planet named Earth.
Until the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself” is changed to
“Love your farthest ones as yourself”, the world will be on the brink of interdenominational war.
Because this commandment calls upon religious figures to love only the members of their denominations and be hostile to the members of other denominations.
And if we wait and hope like religious fanatics that someone will come down from
Heaven and fulfill these prophecies on earth instead of us, we are gravely mistaken.
Because all the things created and built on our planet, are man-made.
And even Messiah (see note 32) should be borne by legally-bound parents and by
natural conception,
and not by the Immaculate Conception – in supernatural way as we read in the
Bible (New Testament).
That is why I am asking those Israelites, who hold the fate of Israeli people in
their hands, to translate the Bible and works of Christian religious figures,
as well the Quran and works of Muslims religious figures into the native language
of the sons and daughters of Israel and study them carefully.
In order to figure out the intentions of our enemies plotting various wickedness
against Israelite people,
and to make an adequate decision in addition to the one I described in this book.
Another request is to translate this book into the Israeli language and save it, because, I guess,
you will reject all useful advice described in it as irrelevant to conditions of the
modern civilization.
But after some time when all means of struggle are used up,
and I am sure that all these efforts will eventually become useless and even dangerous,
as all these actions may increase the anger and hatred of our enemies and even
question the existence of our people on earth,
you will remember about this saving book that will be a guide for action in
order to change the attitude of Christians and Muslims to us, Israelites.
Now they consciously hate the sons and daughters of Israel. This is evidenced by
their unanimity during voting in the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
Their votes are always aimed to remove the State of Israel from the world map.
Moreover, they don’t think that after they dispose of the State of Israel they
will start to fight among themselves.
And World War III for world domination between Christians and Muslims
will lead to the downfall of the human race on earth.
This struggle among them began as far back as the 7th century, when the
State of Israel was enslaved by Christians
because the Byzantium Emperor Constantine thought that by elevating
Christianity to state policy he will conquer the whole world,
but that way he only supported Muhammad to have a new religion in opposition to Christianity,
and this new religion – Islam started to conquer the whole world, eventually
leaving only memories of Byzantium and the Roman Empire in the history of
By the way, Lenin also thought that by elevating Communist ideology to state
policy he will conquer the whole world,
but that way he only supported Hitler to establish Nazi ideology in opposition
to Communist ideology,
eventually leaving only memories of the USSR and the Russian Empire in the
history of mankind.
But the most amazing is that those countries which elevated ideology or theology to state policy in order to seize foreign lands,
eventually, became the targets themselves and subsequently fell apart into
many small states like a house of cards.
A wise Orient wisdom says: “He who digs a pit for others falls in himself”,
or the Newton’s Third Law says: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
For example, when the UNO was established, there were only 51 member
states in this international organization, and after collapse of some states their number increased to 193.
This situation is quite possible nowadays because we, Israelites, should change
their opinion about our people for better.
And for that purpose we need to ensure that the content of the Bible and the
Quran is changed for the good of the mankind.
Our people still have great figures that can change the whole course of the world
history and the face of the earth like Moses did when he described the idea of One God
for the first time,
or like Jesus from the Israeli town of Nazareth, the founder of Christian Brotherhood did. The ideology of Muslim Brotherhood was founded upon their ideas under the
influence of religious Israelite from the Arab city of Mecca who interested Muhammad.
The ideology of Universal Brotherhood, the new religious faith was founded upon
the same ideas under the leadership of the new ideologist Karl Marx but only without participation of the Creator.
All these great figures worked for the good of all mankind but eventually these
noble ideas backfired on the founders of these ideas – the sons and daughters of Israel.
Now we, Israelites, need to make one more effort so that one more God gifted figure, such as the above-mentioned, distinguish himself among our people
and so that this clear-headed Israelite – the new Messiah-Saviour could take in account all historical mistakes made by our ancestors and their descendants and correct
them whenever possible
and write the following words in his new book titled “The Newest Testament” :
“Peace, Friendship, Love and Creation” but not “War, Hostility, Hatred and
and thus would change the whole course of the world history for the good of all
Roll up the sleeves and go ahead, the sons and daughters of Israel! And good
luck to you in your noble cause of saving the mankind from all sorts of religious and
party fanatics
who strive to dominate the world in the name of illusory truth and justice on
our planed named Earth.
After reading this book, many readers will think that the author violates religious
feelings of believers with his truth and is endangered by militant religious fanatics.
And many readers may ask a quite reasonable question: why the author contradicts himself
– he writes that religion is the opium of the masses in the beginning of the book
but advocates for religion in the end?
Answer: because I am by nature neither an atheist nor a religious fanatic, but a realist, who has a clear thinking of the global events.
By carefully watching the behavior of believing people, it can be noticed that they
naturally can’t do without the illusion of the Eye of Omniscience from Heaven,
because they are fanatically sure that this Eye of Heaven vigilantly watches every
action of earthlings. This may suggest the following:
if people were aware that there was no Creator in the Universe, many of them
wouldn’t comply with the legal standards of behavior
because they would be sure that they would not appear before the Court of God
for their illegal acts.
For example, if a car driver knows that there is no policeman with a speed gun
waiting for him around the corner,
of course, he wouldn’t comply with many traffic rules
because he would be sure that would not be punished by law enforcement bodies
for his illegal acts.
And now the most important question is: What do we choose – the Third Tem-
ple of Jerusalem or World War III?
Of course, the Third Temple of Jerusalem because this Temple as the House of
God will be a place to bring people with different world-views together and let their representatives serve in the name of peace on earth.
And World War III, unlike the Third Temple of Jerusalem, may lead to the downfall of human race on earth.
Dear reader! World War III is for those modern ambitious persons who intend to dominate the world,
Moreover, they intend to use us, mere mortals as cannon fodder for their own ends,
in order to retain their multiple luxurious palaces and yachts, jewelry and antiques, billions and billions of dollars looted from their people.
And in order to dominate the world in the Middle Ages, spiritual leaders of
Christian and Muslim denominations ordered their “merciful and gracious” executioners:
“Kill all those who come your way, no matter whether they are faithful believers or unbelievers.
Because the Lord Himself, Heavenly Court in the next world will unmistakably tell who is a believer deserving to enjoy felicity in the Garden of Eden and who
is an unbeliever deserving to be burned in hellfire”.
The aim of the author of this book is to ensure that people take a more unbiased look at religion as traditions of their ancestors and not as supernatural power.
And to ensure that they don’t sacrifice their lives and the lives of other people to
this mythical power like Christian and Muslim fanatics did and still do:
suicide bombers, jihadists, inquisitors, Crusaders, fascists, Ku Kluxers, Black
Hundreds, skinheads and similar executioners.
Let me say again what you need to know, dear Earthlings:
Who come up with religious and unreligious ideas? – Great Dreamers;
Who propagate these stories to all tribes and people of the Earth with blind
faith in them? – Militant Fanatics;
Who lay hands on their benefits and use it ostensibly for the good of earth-
lings, and in fact for their own benefit?– Great Schemers.
So, eventually, the choice is yours, dear Earthlings.
Parting words for the new hymn of Israel dedicated to the memory of innocently murdered sons and daughters of Israel after the destruction of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.
Faith. Hope. Charity.
Fragile and sleeping sparkle of hopes and expectations,
Glimmering in the soul of our long-suffering people,
People who believe in the unique nature of the creation,
Like no other religious faiths.
Let it wake up and turn into a sea of raging fire,
And roar like Heavenly Chariot and shine out like God’s lightning.
And let the rays coming out of it like Hannukah light illuminate the way,
The way of the descendants of great patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob –
Of holy and rebellious people chosen by God through Moses.
The way towards freeing from heavy chains of cursing,
In which we, Israelites, were put into for unshaken faith in One God
And because we, with the God’s mark on forehead and hand, solemnly say:
Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One!
By our enemies, haters and envious people
For many and many endless centuries
After the destruction of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem by Titus,
The Temple of fondest hopes and dreams – the Saviour of sinful souls.
And we are sure that this Holy Temple will be built again
Soon, in our days, from the ashes and ruins of destroyed Temple
And from the tears shed by Israelites for many centuries at the foot of the Wail-
ing Wall,
For the unique people who deserved Blessing
And in memory of innocently murdered sons and daughters of Israel,
Who were harassed for many centuries during testing for loyalty,
Like the Creator tested our great forefather Abraham
Who was ready to sacrifice Isaac,
His only and beloved son born by foremother Sarah,
In order to deserve Blessing from the Heavenly Father.
Marvelous decoration and greatness of the Temple will amaze and attract peo-
Who used to believe in other gods from all parts of the world,
Because Spiritual Name of the Creator of the Universe and the Creator of all
Will eternally be in this great structure
And we will submissively obey this Holy Name
With reverent love for all the ages to come.
David ben Uriel El-Gad (Kalendarev)
For last
I’ll leave you with the story which happened to me one day in 1976 in Alma-Ata
where I came down with flu.
In a few days complications from the flu first led to pneumonia,
and then to heart and kidney problems and finally to asthmatic bronchitis, and I
was only 28 years old.
And before then I led a sedentary lifestyle: didn’t take enough exercise, spent a lot
of time watching TV and had a sedentary work.
In short, when I barely walked upstairs to my apartment on the fourth floor,
I was out of breath, dripping with sweat and my heart rate was beyond 100 beats
per minute,
because in addition to a whole bunch of diseases I was obese and weighed more
than 120 kg.
I was taken to a hospital and overmedicated with drugs and injections, but was
getting worse and worse.
The doctors fought against my disease for almost two months and then discharged
me as a hopeless case,
giving a warning that I had to take all medicines prescribed by the doctors and
protect myself from colds and draughts,
and most strictly prohibited to run because of the heart disease I got after the flu.
And then my wife recommended me to go to synagogue reassuring me that God
will hear the prayers of rabbis and help me,
and I started to go there and pray diligently, but I was still getting worse and
Fortunately, one day I met a perfectly built 75-year old young man,
and he told me, the old man at the age of 28 because I felt myself a very old man:
“That’s what you need to do if you want to be healthy: stop taking pills immediately,
and don’t consult doctors or rabbis about it anymore because they won’t help you,
as your fate is in your hands.
Start with walking, then gradually switch to jogging, stop taking food after 6 p.m.,
douse yourself with cold water in the morning and have a fast day once a week”.
I have been following the recommendations of that young man for almost 40
years now.
I reached a venerable age, my weigh remains stable at approximately 75 kg and
I’ve never got a cold during this time.
I run in the morning and douse myself with cold water outdoors every day in summer
heat and winter cold.
I can dance Latin Zumba at a quick pace and give a head start over many young
people, so my God is the Sun, Air and Water.
And here is my advice, if you want to be healthy for years to come.
A human being is a part of nature, that is why we don’t need to upset the mutual
balance with nature,
but live in harmony with nature, and for that purpose it is necessary to spend a lot
out in the fresh air
and feed off solar energy instead of morning meal, dress in gusts of wind during
runs and listen to birdsongs instead of music.
All these procedures should be ended with dousing with cold water according the
system of Porfiry Ivanov.
For example, rhinoceroses and elephants eat nothing but water and grass, nonetheless they are strongest animals in the world
because they are always out in the fresh air and receive all necessary vitamins,
proteins, carbohydrates and fats from the sun’s energy.
Most important thing is that it is necessary to control meal portions,
otherwise the most exquisite meal will turn into poison, but if controlled the
deadly poison will be a medicine.
It is also necessary to take a gradual approach by increasing sunbathing and physical exercises step-by-step.
And if these procedures are not done in moderation, they will lead to sunstroke
and blood stroke or heart attack instead of health.
But before you enjoy all these benefits of nature, it is necessary to clean your
body of wastes and toxins which built up over the years due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
The right books for this procedure are: the book titled “Cleaning of Organism” by
Gennady Malakhov or Nadezhda Semenova,
as well as the book titled” The Miracle of Fasting” by American doctor Paul
If mass media advertise miraculous medicines, dietary supplements and vitamins,
don’t believe them
because it’s all about the money – these products bring a glut of wealth to their
The more you take them, the sicker you will get, weakening your immune system,
and for that reason many women on earth give birth to children with weak immune system and various inborn pathologies.
To prevent such dire consequences, it’s better to eat fresh and non-genetically
modified vegetables and fruit, and dried fruit in winter.
If you follow these simple rules, the forces of nature will guarantee you health and
youth for many years.
Most importantly, there will be no body odor or bad breath, your eyes will shine
with youth, your cheeks will glow and chronic diseases will be gone forever.
By the way, surgeons operate 80% of patients because of medical errors or for the
purpose of profit,
and 80% of patients can be cured by forces of nature without any medicines,
for example, by dousing with cold water outside, because the Sun, Air and Water
fortify the immune system,
as well as using placebo or non-traditional medicine,
and some patients don’t need to consult anyone – time will cure them, for example, from flu.
For clarity, let me put it this way: my father-in-law Aminov Bension (peace be
upon him) took all medicines
prescribed by the doctors and for that reason departed from this life at the age of
65 after regular illnesses,
unlike him, my mother-in-law Yusupova Zilpa (peace be upon her) didn’t take any
medicines and attained the age of 92, she left this world as a perfectly healthy woman,
although doctors strongly recommended her to take medicines.
Even if one person dies from non-traditional medicine, doctors of medical institutions
immediately inform all mass media about this case, though many doctors use such
services themselves,
this means that pharmaceutical companies do an excellent job advertising their
dubious medicines in all mass media
and earn billions of dollars on human suffering because side effects of medicines
add to the suffering of patients.
For that reason or because of medical errors tens of thousands of people die every
day in medical institutions
or remain bedridden for the rest of their lives and, moreover, they suffer from extreme pain,
but for some reason administrations of such institutions don’t tell about this and
don’ bear any criminal responsibility for such crimes,
and if they do, only a few of them and only for neglect of patients but not for
gross medical errors.
Pharmaceutical sales is a profitable business that rapidly increases the number of
medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies in the whole world
and there is no need to guess how it will end, well, of course, the whole world will
turn into a huge hospital,
as the number of sick people is rising incredibly every day due to side effects of
for the benefit of legalized robbers represented by medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
For example, the heads of pharmaceutical companies persuaded Konstantin Ernst,
General Director of Channel One
(and you, dear reader, already know the way high ranking officials are persuaded
in Russia)
to change “Malakhov Plus” TV program for “Live Healthfully” and “Health” TV
programs with Elena Malysheva
because in his program Malakhov taught TV audience how to manage without
using folk remedies for treatment thus leading to severe reduction in pharmaceutical sales in Russia,
and now pharmaceutical sales increased dramatically thanks to the television program of Elena Malysheva where she advertises “miraculous power of medicines”.
For the purpose of profit the heads of pharmaceutical companies, in collusion with
the doctors of medical institutions,
annually scare the earthlings either with bird flu or with swine flu or with Ebola
although only a few people die from these diseases, while half a million of earthlings on average die from regular flu.
In the post-Soviet area pharmacists sell hazardous medicines without prescriptions
for the purpose of profit
because they are sure that they won’t be punished for such crime as the law
doesn’t work in these countries.
And for the purpose of profit many doctors in the USA and many countries of the
world will make free blood test, urine and feces analyses and mammography for women
and then intimidate a patient finding all sorts of intractable diseases,
and the patient diagnosed with terminal illness will not hesitate to pay any money
for “treatment”.
If stores deceive us into parting with small money, we are deeply outraged,
but if medical institutions deceive us into parting with a lot of money, for some
reason we not only easily cough up our hard-earned money but also put our health in danger.
And if, heaven forbid, someone without medical insurance in the USA, who is not
sick, gets into a hospital due to a medical error,
after the discharge that person will be pestered with monthly bills with enormous
amount of money for “treatment”,
and then collectors will take everything from him, including the last piece of daily
bread, in short, they will take the shirt off his back.
By the way, lawyers are also legalized robbers in the USA and other countries.
For example, lawyers deceived American singer Michael Jackson into parting
with a lot of money,
defending him in the pedophilia case manufactured by their colleagues,
and his personal doctor – robber, who received enormous amount of money from
him, sent him to the next world.
Why do I go on about sad things? Well, enough of this, it’s only about good things now:
it’s better to walk down the mountain and forest paths with a backpack and swim
in natural water reservoirs rather than ruin a life in restaurants and night clubs.
There is one last thing, in order to be in shape all the time, it is necessary to wear
modern fashionable clothes at any age
because modern clothes make people to stay in shape all the time.
So it’s better to wear funny youthful clothes than to look funny in old-fashioned clothes
because fashionable clothes look funny two times – when they come in and when
they get out of fashion.
I wish you success in this endeavor from the bottom of my heart because health is
a blessing that money can’t buy.
If they tell you:
“Who does not smoke and does not drink that is healthy will die”,
you should reply:
“It’s better to die healthy than sick and infirm or worse to be bedridden for the rest
of the life”.
So, go ahead – get your health and youth for many, many years.
Health is joy!
Health is happiness!
A healthy mind lives in a healthy body!
Douse, make love
Because moving is living,
Don’t shoot, don’t kill,
Don’t take lives of each other –
In the name of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah,
And in the name Someone or Something.
Because life is a gift – it’s given only once.
Open your hearts, borders, fences,
Make friends and love each other.
Take care of fragile planet Earth,
Because it’s Mother earth, it’s one for all,
So love Earth, love nature,
Love your children, relatives and close friends,
Love in spite of enemies – militant fanatics,
Because they have only one goal in their minds
To kill as many people of other faiths, people
Of foreign races and dissenters as possible
As well as heretics, pagans and unbelievers,
By the laws of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran,
As well as Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto.
So: “Long live love,
The bright present and future of all mankind”.
David ben Uriel El-Gad.
Notes, or a clue
And God said: “Let there be vault/firmament/expanse: these are the different
ways of translating the Hebrew word “raqiya”
because religious figures finally understood that the word “raqiya” doesn’t mean “vault”
of heaven as written in the Torah
or “firmament” of heaven as written in the Bible
but the “expanse” of heaven as written in geography school textbook.
Guided by the quotes from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, Orthodox religious denominations have been persecuting homosexuals for many centuries.
What we read in the Torah and in the Bible about it:
And when a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of
them have done a detestable thing.
They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is upon them (Wayiqra’/Leviticus 20: 13):
And the history of Sodom and Gomorrah (Surah “The Moon”: 33-38), (Surah “The Poets”: 160-168), (Surah “Hud” 81-83) were copied in the Quran from the Book of the
Prophet Musa (the Torah/Taurat):
Although the leaders of religious denominations also contributed to the development of
same-sex conduct
by separating men from women in all fields of human activities for thousands of years.
By the way, same-sex couples fight for their rights only in Christian countries and
Israel; they will be stoned to death for such action in Muslim countries,
although they don't have less lesbians, masculine women and effeminate men than
in any country of the world,
who also make love but secretly from their Muslim brothers.
Countries like China and India with the majority professing Buddhism and Hinduism haven’t such problems at all,
as they don’t study the Bible and the Quran there, and that is why no one persecutes same-sex couples.
There is another thing. In some regions of India and Africa people freely walk
around naked
but for some reason the “civilized” people call the behavior of such people:
Ethnography, i.e. they don’t see no shame in this.
And in some regions of Europe and America, nudists walk around naked as well,
but they call the behavior of such people: Pornography, i.e. they see shame and
disgrace in it.
Although many nudist families do not cheat on each other, and girls retain their
virginity until marriage.
Unlike them many Muslims, Christians and Jewish girls cheat on their husbands
as ever they can.
To prevent anyone from knowing about their cheating, Muslims shelter themselves behind decent paranja or hijab or yashmak
Christians – behind monk robes and Jewish – behind religious clothes.
Same way many “pious and truly believing” husbands cheat on their wives.
And there is another thing. Before the laws and commandments of Moses many
people without any clothing walked on the ground and hunted their preys
and in the Roman Empire Olympic athletes ran around the stadium in their birthday suits.
They were not embarrassed at that time, like people do in our day when they see
their own and somebody else’s nakedness.
Such state of affairs continued until the laws and commandments of Moses turned
natural beauty and dignity of human body into a shame and disgrace.
The followers of this teaching began to teach their children since childhood that
it’s a shame and disgrace to walk naked in front of other people.
And they began to hide their shame and disgrace under many clothes, and that is
why many people knowing that clothing would disguise their shortcomings stopped looking after their bodies.
And people gradually become a pile of ugly meat, as is the case in many countries
of the world, and this trend will continue throughout the globe.
Many people sink into long-term depression due to slightest departure from Christian ethics in the field of sexual relationship,
feeling themselves bad for a deadly sin they committed in a rush of love and immorality they should be accountable to the court of God,
where they will be imposed a stiff sentence: “Send to the underworld for eternal
burning in hellfire for perverted sexual intercourse”
If statesmen and religious figures don’t take any measures on this issue, it’s scary to
think how this will end.
A large number of God’s creatures move and fly across the planet Earth.
If Noah and his sons were able to gather two of every kind, there wouldn’t be
enough room for them not only onboard the Ark but also onboard all modern ships put together.
Firstly, the great flood lasted for one year and ten days, zoo keepers calculated
that the amount of food consumed by each God’s creature for such time exceeds their
own weigh by hundreds of times.
Secondly, world’s largest zoos have only a tiny fraction of the total number of
their varieties.
And how many species disappeared off the face of the earth since the time of
Noah, including creatures like dinosaurs, mammoths and their unknown relatives?
Over a million species of insects alone and even more of their subspecies move
and fly across the earth.
If we gather two of every kind of creature, from dinosaurs to insects, and prepare
hundreds of thousands of feed for such crowd,
by conservative estimate, they would require an ark at least the size of the island
of Madagascar.
There is an interesting thing. In order to gather rare God’s creatures, such as kangaroos from Australia, polar bears from the North Pole, penguins from the South Pole and
other similar creatures,
Noah and his sons would require an ark with atomic ice-breaker and several
decades to search and gather them.
So there is a quite reasonable question. Why didn’t the Creator tell in the Bible
about the existence of the above-mentioned rare creatures?
Because Moses wrote in his book about those animals which lived in the territories extending from Egypt to Mesopotamia.
In the days of Moses, his people and he were sure that Egypt and Mesopotamia
were the ends of the earth.
What we read in the Pentateuch about the flood (Torah - Bereshit, and Genesis according to the Bible 7: 12-17):
And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of
Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind,
every bird of every sort.
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the
breath of life.
And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him:
And the Lord shut him in.
The flood was forty days upon the earth.
Dear reader, by order of God only eight people entered Noah’s ark,
and they had to feed and water a large number of God’s creatures three times a
day, every day for one year and ten days,
and moreover, they had to clean their feces in order, heaven forbid, not to drown
in them.
The above-mentioned raises a reasonable question: why the Almighty Creator
needed the ideas, such as the flood and Noah’s ark,
when God could destroy everything He created on earth in a blink of an eye and
create a sinless man and all living creatures again?
Or maybe after six days of hard work, the Creator exhausted His power?
And if something was left, that power was only enough to count sins committed
by each person from the moment of his birth to the moment of his death and to define
who must go to Paradise and who must go to Hell.
Now, dear reader, I will tell you a little secret: if Moses wrote the Bible according
the word of God,
the Bible would describe the animals which lived not only in the territories extending from Egypt to Mesopotamia but throughout the earth,
as well as living creatures found on other planets, because according to the Bible,
the Creator made not only the earth but the whole Universe.
There is another thing: in our days many people believing in the truth of the Bible
look for traces of Noah’s ark somewhere in the mountains of Ararat, imagining it looks
like a ship.
And if such ship actually existed, it would be nothing like a ship,
it would be a rectangular box similar to the Ark of the Covenant but of ship’s size.
Why box? Because the word “ark” originates from the Ancient Hebrew word
“tevah” meaning “box”,
in fact, Noah and his sons, had no need to sail somewhere during the great flood
and there was no point, they had to wait until the waters of the great flood were gone and
run down to earth.
There is another interesting thing. What we read in the Bible:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.
And He had adulterous relationship with His creation named Mary, and this Immaculate Conception gave birth to one more God named Jesus.
Then it’s just doesn’t make sense how God created the Universe, if the modern
science of astronomy estimates the length of the Universe to be 93 billion light years and
one light year equals to 9.5 trillion kilometers.
Dear reader, in order to understand the distances being described, it is necessary to
thinks of the following situation:
Microscopic creature smaller than an atom created super-giant matter out of nothing,
the matter which by its mass exceeds the day light – the Sun by billions of times.
In his book, Moses wrote two completely different stories about the creation of
the world by the Creator.
Story one – six days from the creation of the world and sanctification of the seventh (Genesis 1: 2-31) and (Genesis 2: 1-3), I wrote about it in the beginning of the book.
Story two – (Genesis 1: 1)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Here is the continuation of the second story – (Genesis 2: 4-7)
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field
before it grew:
For the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a
man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole
face of the ground.
And the Lord God formed a man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, and so on.
The first mythology was borrowed by Moses from the ancient Egyptians, where
God-Elohim dwells in heaven and talks to the sons of Israel only through his angels and
And the second mythology was borrowed by him from the ancient Sumerians
where God-Jehovah dwells in earth and talks face to face to Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah,
Abraham, Jacob and Moses.
There was a special case in the days of Noah when God-Jehovah accused people
saying that the sons of God-Elohim began to come in unto the daughters of men and they
bore children for them.
What we read in the Bible about it (Genesis 6: 1-4):
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God (Elohim) saw the daughters of men
that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
And the Lord (Jehovah) said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that
he also if flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of
God (Elohim) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them.
Here is the summary of what’s written in the Bible about Job.
The All-knowing and Almighty Creator trusting the words of His most vicious enemy – Satan put completely innocent Job through stern test:
At first, He destroyed his house, deprived him of all possessions, ruined his
household and then killed all his ten children..
In addition, He disfigured his body by bleeding sores which caused him extreme pain.
And, in the end, He confined him to bed because he was paralyzed after the unexpected hardships.
After these tests the Creator finally decided to reward him with strong health,
longevity, numerous descendants and a glut of wealth.
By the way, if religious figures of present time were put through the same tests
like the biblical righteous named Job,
at the very beginning of the test most of them would have curse the day when they
were born.
Kabbalah: kabbalists just like spiritual leaders, masons, Templers, psychics,
clairvoyants, sorcerers, magicians and other similar figures
created an artificial aura of mystery and super-nature in order to rise themselves
above ordinary people.
But actually the secrets of their mastery are ordinary manipulations with various
amulets, talismans, periapts
as well as incense and churchware, these objects are deemed to have miraculous
Light rays directed to images of the biblical characters with burning candles and
lights are used for greater effect.
Painters usually paint faces of these characters like martyrs for faith at request of
the above-mentioned figures.
In fact, it’s a professionally organized illusive spectacle in order to affect the psyche of their clients and parishioners.
They do the same way that illusionists do on circus arenas.
As you know, dear reader, illusionists work “miracles” by various means used in
circus arenas right in front of audience and boggle the imagination with their skills.
If these figures actually had supernatural powers, they would, first of all, destroy
such dictator as Stalin.
Because Stalin mercilessly destroyed them, while he lived to a venerable age,
and after death he was buried in a place of honor of the Russian Empire – Red
Square in Moscow.
And there were, are and always be bloody dictators, like Stalin, who live in clover
at the expense of people, and moreover, live into old age, and
are buried with honors after death as the greatest righteous on earth.
And if so, neither jinx, nor hexing spell, nor curse exists in nature, it’s just one of
the methods for fooling the clients and parishioners.
At one time I also thought that spiritual leaders had supernatural powers.
Because when they came for service to Beyt-Knesset (Synagogue) all community
stood up in their honor,
and some of the parishioners even kissed their hands as a sign of obedience,
though some of them were younger than the parishioners.
In order to find out what spiritual leaders are really like, I, for experiment’s sake,
committed myself to learning the Hebrew letters.
At that time the Soviet power prohibited from studying Hebrew on the grounds
that this language is a tool of international Zionism
for spreading of Zionist ideas among the Jewish people of the Soviet Union.
Despite this prohibition, I learned the mysterious letters,
and in order to look more solid I grew a beard and put on religious clothes, and
then “a miracle” happened.
For example, when I came to parishioners’ homes to conduct commemoration for
a died person,
people who gathered there stood up in my honor to greet me as an adept of the
Torah (the Bible) and kissed my hand as a sign of obedience.
If some of them asked me a question, they said with a respectful bow: “Rabbi”
meaning “my Teacher”.
And all I did was read prayer books and follow some religious rules which I remembered.
But I had no idea what was written in those books.
Then I realized that I became an unusual person for them, i.e. the one who had supernatural powers.
That experiment proved to me that many people can be fooled if they are
promised the moon,
and various moneymakers – professionals of their business take advantage from
Knowing that many people believe in everything they hear, the moneymakers offer them
alcoholic drinks, drugs, miracle medicines, food supplements attributing to these
preparations miraculous effect.
And they also offer them to gamble at casino, buy trade stocks, lottery tickets, invest money in pyramid schemes, etc.,
promising their victims enormous profit or big winning in order to leave in grand style with that money like in the Garden of Eden.
Another category of professionals of their business represented by spiritual leaders attract the same people to their parish promising them paradise life in the next world.
And these fanatics change one illusion to another, but, as you know, dear reader,
“Changing the order of summands doesn’t change the sum”.
At first, people become dependent on something, then on somebody and enrich
their “well-doers” due to their ignorance,
paying with their hard-earned money and health for the illusion they got.
But if out of desperation these victims ask priests to return even a small portion of
the possessions looted by them,
the priests will accuse and tell them that devil got into them and they will burn in
and moreover, they may stone them to death and their gracious and merciful
parishioners will help them in this lynching
because the words of priests are gospel truth for parishioners.
Now, dear reader, I will tell you some secrets of this sinful world:
This sinful world is run only by deceit and lie, and where there’s demand there’s
For example, if people have demand for faith in somebody, then some of us organize religious denominations and sects with various doctrines.
If people have demand for growth of their money and improvement of their housing conditions,
then some of us organize various trust and construction short-lived companies and
loan granting institutions.
If people have demand for psychics, magicians, fortunetellers and forecasters,
then some of us organize various magical offices under promising name: “Gift of God”.
If people have demand for solution of their life, physical and other problems,
then some of us organize private clinics and law firms, etc.
The most amazing is that by promising their trusting parishioners, patients and
clients the moon,
organizers of these institutions leave them without a means of sustaining life.
I will tell you another little secret of this sinful world:
At times the highest echelons of Jewish, Christian and Muslim clergy,
as well as masons, Templers, Rosicrucians, communists, national socialists, etc.
hold a secret meeting where ordinary people are not allowed
because they solve how to effectively keep people in ignorance, obedience and
There is another fact proved by experts in this field:
if a person has a gene of fanaticism, that person and his children will be fanatics in any field of human activity.
To be sure about this let’s conduct a thought experiment.
If we temporarily take a child away from his parents who are religious fanatics of
any denomination,
educate him according to a doctrine different from the doctrine of his parents,
when the child grows up under the influence of this doctrine, he will accuse his
of being unbelievers (antichrists, pagans), serving a false god. In turn, his parents
will accuse their child of the same.
For example: Muslim Arabs in medieval Egypt stole children from Christians of
Caucasus nations and brought them up in the spirit of fearless Mameluke warriors
who subsequently killed in cold blood their former Christian relatives, among
those killed were their parents.
It follows from the foregoing that believing people commit nothing wrong in front
of God, following the postulates of any religious organization,
because they always believe their spiritual leaders who preach that true God exists
only in their organization.
This experiment may suggest the following:
All religious denominations and sects are organized by ambitious persons
striving for power for their own ends.
The Creator has nothing to do with these religious denominations.
Spiritual leaders of religious denominations and sects always blame each
other for all deadly sins,
i.e. they see fraudsters, hypocrites, unbelievers, antichrists, pagans, Satanists,
shaitans in their opponents,
and see their own selves only as the greatest righteous on earth.
For example, during the armed conflict in Ukraine the Patriarch of Moscow
and All Russia Kirill
and Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret in their address to flock
accused each other of all sorts of evils,
for that purpose they cited quotes from the Bible, luckily, there is more than
enough contradictory quotes in the Bible.
And for that reason religious figures use these quotes as effective weapon
in order to blame some undesirable persons, denominations or sects for all
deadly sins.
But the most important is that by accusing their opponents of all deadly sins
they show up only themselves,
because with this accusation they tear the mask of righteous from each other
and show their true self.
Spiritual leaders also preach to their parishioners that “no one and nothing can
come to life out of nothing and only the Creator can make everything out of nothing”
Dear reader, if that’s the case, like they preach, there is a quite reasonable question:
if no one and nothing can come to life by itself, how God Himself came to life? It
turns out that somebody created God out of nothing as well.
If so, who was that, human imagination or more powerful Creator? And who created Him??? It goes on and on.
Because from the logical point of view the Creator should be the most structurally
complex substance.
But then, logically, this substance should have been created by more structurally
complex substance.
It’s a vicious circle like in children’s question “Which comes first, the chicken or
the egg?”
By asking this question, people forget about one more character - the most structurally complex rooster, creator of chickens and eggs.
Dear reader, homo sapiens is a microscopic creature compared to the Universe,
and that is why he doesn’t know 99.99% of the natural processes occurring in the
deep expanse of the Universe.
And unawareness of homo sapiens always played into the hands of Great
schemers represented by spiritual leaders.
That is why they affirmatively state that all celestial bodies were made by the
Creator and perform their functions only by the will of the God.
But spiritual leaders and their followers have their own imaginary gods:
some – Jehovah, some – Jesus, some – Allah, some – Buddha, some –
Ashtaroth, some – Zeus, some – Amon, etc. and they have different calendars.
It turns out that these gods created the Universe separately from each other
and at different time.
In fact, why the Almighty Creator had to communicate with His creature
only through spiritual leaders?
If the Almighty Creator actually existed, He wouldn’t hide behind spiritual
but would communicate directly with His creature and close the book on this
sensitive issue,
and people would finally cease to doubt the existence of the Creator.
Or maybe the spiritual leaders use this state of affairs to do whatever they
want in the Name of God???
Now I will let myself to get a little philosophical on the above subject about the
world structure.
If someone told us that all living creatures on earth inhabit the organism of a super-giant creature, I mean the Universe, many of us wouldn’t believe it.
For clarity, let me put it this way: if microbes which live in human or animal organism were sentient beings,
and someone from their” well-informed” relatives would tell them that they live
in the organism of some super-giant creature,
I mean human or animal, these microbes wouldn’t believe it too.
And our body is a natural habitat for microbes where they feel comfortable and
multiply at high pace.
The above-mentioned example suggests the following:
beneficial microbes are naturally meant to live in human and animal organism to
ensure its normal functioning.
Probably, microbial organism experience the same natural process required for its
normal functioning.
Likewise, people and everything around us, our planet Earth and everything moving in the infinite expanse of space,
perform interconnected actions in this super-giant organism called Universe.
All living creatures are the particles of earth, and the earth is a particle of the sun,
and the sun and everything moving in the infinite expanse of space are the particles of the
Universe and that is why everything in the Universe is interconnected.
This may suggest another conclusion:
The Universe and everything in it represent one living organism.
And organism of any living creature on earth is a miniature universe.
Organisms of living creatures require more than just beneficial microbes, food
staff, oxygen, water and other necessary substances for normal functioning.
It also takes the involvement of many invisible threads connected with space,
stars, the sun and the moon, as well as the earth.
And these celestial bodies provide organisms of living creatures with all necessary
substances through invisible threads in order to restore the old and form the new cells.
Through these invisible threads supersensitive persons, i.e. prophets and forecasters, receive information about future events which may occur with certain individuals,
as well as information about global cataclysms, such as wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, catastrophes, etc.
But even if one of these threads fails, all living creatures will disappear off the
face of the earth and its landscape will be similar to planet Mars.
Or maybe the whole system of the Universe will fail as a chain reaction, because
everything in the Universe is interconnected.
This may cause a reverse process, i.e. the Universe will no longer expand,
but will shrink and condense until the original uniform mass – the Single Matter is
The Single Matter will remain in such state while thermonuclear materials interact
with each other in its bowels and thus will result in the new Big Bang.
And again all bodies will be scattered in all directions, the Universe will expand
and everything will go back to the way it was.
This Universe-wide process will take billions of years.
The above-mentioned may suggest another conclusion:
perhaps, what’s happening in the world today took place billions of years ago,
and information about the global events or about what will happen with certain individuals comes from there.
There is a wise folk saying: “all new is well-forgotten old”, because prophets and
forecasters just don’t have other sources of information.
The Universe as a living organism has a memory which records everything that
The space has no concept of time.
Time and chronology are human inventions, which reflect the process of rotation
of earth on its own axis and around the sun.
By these earth standards, the above-mentioned process lasts billions of years, and
by space standards it takes an instant.
That’s what the author of this book thinks about the world structure.
But this is not a final conclusion, it’s just something to think about at leisure for
those who are interested in this subject.
Maybe, there are other universes somewhere in the infinite expanse of space.
And all these universes live in the organism of even bigger supergiant creature,
like a Russian nesting doll, this can continue both upwards and downwards into
because it’s still unclear what happens in ordinary microbial organisms.
Maybe their organisms are populated with even smaller creatures. Are they sentient beings?
But this is science fiction or maybe not.
Thus, many questions on this subject remain unanswered.
There is another thing: was it all like astronomers-scientists describe in the theory
of the Single Matter and the Big Bang?
And if it really happened that way, there is a question: what was before the Single
Matter and the Big Bang,
and how did the Single Matter emerge out of nothing in the infinite expanse of
That is why homo-sapiens doesn’t know 99.99% of the natural processes
taking place in the deep expanse of space and ordinary microbial organism.
Sun-scorched land: According to the Bible, this land was called the land of
Canaan from where the children of our forefather Jacob left for Egypt,
fleeing from starvation which gripped all that land.
When their descendants came out from the Egyptian slavery and returned to
Canaan after forty years of wandering across the dessert Sinai,
that land was like an earthly paradise and its people were like huge giants to Israelites attenuated by hunger.
Why did I conclude that? Because patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their
family members lived in these territories before migration to Egypt,
and there is no indication in the Torah that milk and honey flowed across this land.
What we read in the Pentateuch about it: (Torah – Bemidbar, and Numbers according to the Bible 13: 34):
And there (in Canaan) we (the sons of Israel) saw the giants, the sons of Anak,
which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were
in their sight.
Many people may ask a quite reasonable question, how did the author know that
Jesus actually escaped crucifixion?
There is no need to look far to find an answer, but to take the New Testament and
carefully read it, and look through a couple more books on this subject using logical
and the cards will be out on the table, you will find out what actually happened in
Israel 2000 years ago.
The Bible: 90% of this Book consists of the unique history of Israelite people.
Jesus of Nazareth: He was actually known as Jesus Nazarene (Yeshua Nazir) because He made a strict vow of Nazariteship to commit His way unto the Creator.
That is why He didn’t cut hair and didn’t consume drinks made from grapes.
What we read in the Pentateuch about the vow of Nazariteship (Torah – Bemidbar, and Numbers according to the Bible 6: 1-6):
And the Lord spoke to Moshe (Moses), saying: “Speak unto the children of Israel,
and you must say to them, “In case a man or woman takes a special vow to live as a
Nazirite the Lord, he should keep away from wine and strong drink, and should not drink
the vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, nor drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat
grapes, either fresh or dried.
All the days of his Naziriteship he should not eat anything at all that is made from
the wine vine, from the unripe grapes to the skins.
All the days of the vow of his Naziriteship no razor should pass over his head; until the days that he should be separated to the Lord come to full, he should prove holy by
letting the lock of the hair of his head grow.
All the days of his keeping separate to the Lord he may not come toward any dead
Why I wrote that Stalin’s grandfather from his father’s side was a baptized Georgian Jew?
Firstly, only the last names of Georgian Jews end with the word “shvili” meaning
“a child” and the word “Dzhuga” means “Jew”.
Secondly, no self-respecting Georgian will work as a shoe-maker; even if he is reduced to begging, he still won’t work as a shoe-maker like Stalin’s father Vissarion (Biso)
If any Georgian had to work as a shoe-maker he would incur the wrath of his relatives as a disgrace to their clan.
And thirdly, Stalin destroyed all his father’s documents related to his Jewish origin, believing that Jewish people crucified Christ.
So far, no one really knows the biography of Stalin’s father except for the only
piece of information that he was a shoe-maker.
For the same reason Stalin kept all the documents evidencing the Jewish roots of
Karl Marx and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
away from the Soviet people in a special file marked as “Strictly confidential” in a
NKVD hidden safe.
As you know from the history of Israelite people, those Jews who converted to
Christianity on their own accord
were more anti-Semitic than the true anti-Semites and unlike them caused more
harm to Israelite people.
For example, baptized Jews, such as chief inquisitor of Spain Tommaso de
Torquemada and chief communist ideologist Karl Marx.
Though anti-Semites, such as Hitler, destroyed Jewish people, regardless of
whether they were Christians or not.
For the same reasons Orthodox anti-Semites in Russia mercilessly killed archpriest of the ROC Alexander Men,
and his books are now banned by the spiritual leaders of the ROC as heresy.
If Alexander Men was not Jewish but Russian, they would elevate him to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia without a second thought,
and his books alongside with the Bible would be the most popular among Orthodox Christians.
In 1906, in the year of our Lord, Stalin as a true Orthodox Christian
married his first wife Yekaterina Svanidze secretly from his “companions” in the
revolutionary struggle for the Soviet power.
This event took place in St. David Church in the capital of Georgia Tiflis city on
David’s Mountain.
When their first child was born, they baptized him in the same Church and gave
him the biblical name Jacob in honor of Jacob-Israel, grandson of biblical Abraham.
One of Stalin’s personal security guards, Yuri Soloviev wrote in his notes about
Stalin’s religious behavior.
He, just like Stalin, graduated from ecclesiastical seminary and became known as
a historical figure
after a picture of him in a Soviet Army uniform standing near to Stalin, Truman
and Churchill was taken at post-war Potsdam’s Peace Conference.
He argued in his memoirs that Stalin was a man of faith.
Soloviev, as Stalin’s personal bodyguard, often secretly escorted him to a small
church which was located in the internal chambers of the Kremlin.
Stalin shut himself away in the church for a long time and humbly confessed in
front of the icon of crucified Jesus.
There is another proof:
when the people’s commissar Lazar Kaganovich asked Stalin’s permission to demolish Saint Basil’s Cathedral,
which ostensibly was in the way of heavy artillery passing through the Red
Square during celebratory parade,
Stalin was outraged by this request and strictly told him “Don’t even mention this
nonsense again”.
In 1935, the symbols of Christian holiday - Christmas were restored by Stalin’s
Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree, all these symbols were banned by
Bolsheviks in October 1917.
In 1937, publication of antireligious newspaper “Godless” was discontinued by
secret order of Stalin and many of its employees were subjected to repressions.
When the Great Patriotic War started Stalin asked Metropolitan Sergius, a man of
the same religious beliefs, to speak on the radio.
Reference: Metropolitan Sergius and his followers broke away from Patriarch
Tikhon and his followers in 1927 due to different interpretations of Orthodox teaching
and faithfully and loyally served Stalin because they accepted him as the Messiah,
i.e. Saviour from injustice on earth.
And the followers of Patriarch Tikhon accepted Stalin as the Antichrist embodied
as the Messiah.
On July 1, 1941, Metropolitan Sergius addressed to the Soviet people and
called them for a feat of arms in order to throw out uninvited guests from the
lands of Russia and other nations of the Soviet Union.
On September 8, 1943 at Stalin’s suggestion the status of the first person in the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church was changed for the first time in the history of
the Russian Orthodox Church:
The title “Patriarch” was supplemented by the words “of Moscow and all Russia”.
Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) became the first Patriarch of such kind, as
was also proposed by Stalin.
And Stalin spoke two days later after the address of Metropolitan Sergius, on July
3, 1941.
He didn’t use the usual words “Dear comrades” in his communist address to the
Soviet people
but spoke in the way that fit his internal Christian beliefs and added “Dear brothers and sisters” to the words “comrades”, “citizens”.
When Stalin was in a coma after a stroke, in a few days he came to his senses for
a short time
and when he saw an icon of crucified Jesus on one of the domes of the Kremlin,
he could hardly say his last words “O God, forgive and have mercy on me”.
This episode, which didn’t leave a mark on the history of the Soviet Union, took
place on March 3, 1953 and on March 5 Stalin died.
These facts were told by the People’s Artist of the Soviet Union Kirill Lavrov in
the documentary “The Unknown Kremlin”, which focuses on behind-the-scenes intrigues
in the Kremlin.
Why did Stalin act with his “fellow” party members, like a lunatic sadist, ruthlessly exterminating them with no mercy for his acts?
Because all of them were godless Antichrists, the spawn of Satan for Orthodox
Christian Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
Even the founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party Vladimir Uliyanov (Lenin)
was out of his favor.
That is why Stalin isolated him from the masses as a mentally ill person in Gorki
near Moscow
Numerous facts confirm that Stalin was a religious fanatic.
But none of the former Soviet citizens take these facts seriously because these
people associate Christianity with mercy and charity.
But they forgot how Christians treated people of other faiths.
If we count how many people they exterminated for the whole time of Christianization of nations of earth,
Stalin with his repressions will be the most “merciful” Orthodox Christian, an innocent lamb by the number of people exterminated by him.
Although Stalin ruled the huge country, such as the Soviet Union, single-handedly,
he felt himself like a lonely Orthodox Christian among his faithless “fellow” party
His “companions-in-arms” destroyed the symbol of Christian greatness – the
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
According to eyewitnesses, that scene made a terrible impression on Stalin.
And then his “companions-in-arms” began to destroy other Christian shrines and
Since Stalin just took the office of the head of the state and that is why he couldn’t
take any measures against his faithless “companions-in-arms”.
The only person who knew every detail about Stalin’s religious fanaticism was his
second wife Nadezhda Allilueva.
She also knew about his plans to manufacture a criminal case of alleged espionage
against his “fellow” party members,
seeing their actions as the actions of secret agents of international imperialism and Zionism.
Nadezhda Allilueva had the views of committed communist and atheist,
as she was brought up in a family of professional revolutionaries since childhood.
That is why according to her political views she was between a rock and a hard
because she was sure that no one in the Soviet Union would believe her if she reported on the views of her husband someway.
Meanwhile Stalin became the God-man in the eyes of the Soviet people.
That is why Allilueva chose an unusual way to make people aware of the murderous plans of her husband-tyrant.
To this end she sacrificed herself by dying on her own hands.
She deliberately chose the day of 15th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, November 8, 1932 for her suicide.
She committed this act to warn the Soviet people that the October Revolution and
revolutionaries were under the threat of extermination.
According to the recollection of the eyewitnesses, after the act of blood committed by his wife, Stalin, while standing
at the head of the coffin located in one of the rooms of the Moscow GUM Department Store, said indignantly: “She betrayed me”.
Indeed, the fears of Nadezhda Allilueva came true,
because after the funerals of his wife Stalin immediately began to exterminate his
“fellow” party members.
The only military leader who escaped the fate of his “companions-in-arms” and
died naturally on November 23, 1954 was the Chief State Prosecutor of the Soviet Union
comrade Vyshinsky.
Because Vyshinsky just like Stalin graduated from ecclesiastical seminary and
was recruited by the tsarist secret police,
and they served their “sentences” in Baku prison at the same time in 1906 ostensibly for revolutionary activities but actually on a secret assignment of the tsarist secret police.
And for that reason they secretly agreed to destroy the documents demonstrating
their cooperation with the tsarist secret police,
and destroy those military leaders who had access to the archives of the tsarist secret police.
Stalin kept the People’s Commissar Lazar Kaganovich in the government of the
USSR to employ him as a trump card, for illustrative purposes only.
He kept him in order to show the international community that the sharp sword of
the punitive agency NKVD in the Soviet Union was not pointed at the Jewish people
but only at those Jewish people who were secret agents of international Zionism
and imperialism as well as at counterrevolutionary doctors and killers.
Thus he wanted to elaborately hide from the international community his true goal
– to exterminate the Jewish people.
By the way, Putin acts in the same manner as his idol, comrade Stalin did.
He keeps only one Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich to use him as a trump
card, just like Stalin kept Jewish Bolshevik Lazar Kaganovich.
And he gradually destroys others like Stalin acted with Jewish Bolsheviks – Trotsky, Uritsky, Tomsky, etc.
Putin acted the same way with Jewish oligarchs – Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky, etc.
And Stalin set up the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee led by Solomon Mikhoels in
order to raise international Jewish capital.
For the same purpose Putin established the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
led by Alexander Boroda in Moscow.
And if Putin need to accuse “Pussy Riot” band members of all sorts of evils,
he immediately recalls that they hung a scarecrow of Jew, it turns out his heart
aches for the scarecrow of Jew.
Palestinians deliberately kill living Jewish people in the territory of Israel but for
some reason he doesn’t mention this.
And if Putin needs to justify Russia’s interference in the internal affairs of
he immediately recalls that Ukrainian Banderites and nationalists from the right
sector killed Jewish people.
But for some reason he doesn’t mention that Russian Black Hundreds and Cossacks killed Jewish people under blessing of the leaders of the ROC.
And the most amazing is that some Jewish people on Russian TV channels (Avigdor Eskin, Israel Shamir and all the other ones) publicly support Putin’s policy in Ukraine
Probably, they forgot what Putin’s idol, comrade Stalin did to his “best friend”
Solomon Mikhoels
as well as to his “companions-in-arms” – Jewish Bolsheviks and others Jewish
people of the Soviet Union,
nonetheless, many Jewish people in the Soviet Union supported Stalin’s murderous policy.
The above example suggests that Putin, who was brought up and trained in
the spirit of Stalin’s ideology
in the repressive bodies of Cheka, works perfectly well: he thinks of one
thing, says – the other, does – the third.
Because Putin supports the ancestral rights of the State of Israel for its territory
only in word,
but in fact, while condemning terrorism in word, he continually supplies modern
weapons to the most sworn enemies of Israel –
terrorist organization HAMAS through Iran and Hezbollah.
In addition, Putin secretly sends them military experts to train terrorists how to effectively use these weapons against Israelite people.
And the most amazing is that Putin and the head of MIA of Russia Sergey Lavrov
assure the international community that
supply of “S-300”defensive missiles from Russia to Iran doesn’t threaten the security of Israel at all
and several months ago they assured the international community of exactly the
that supply of “Patriot” defensive missiles from the USA to Eastern Europe was a
total threat to the security of Russia.
Yakov Sverdlov was lucky as he died of Spanish influenza in 1919, i.e. before
Stalin’s repressions.
Because of his Christian views Stalin didn’t spare even Swedish anti-fascist Raoul Wallenberg.
This happened because during World War II Wallenberg saved hundreds of thousands of Hungary’s Jews from the hands of murderous fascist executioners. That is why
Stalin secretly sentenced him to a death penalty.
All modern writers-historians write in their memoirs about Stalin that
the sharp sword of his repressive body NKVD was pointed at every single religious denomination of the Soviet Union, assuming that he as a communist was a die-hard
In fact, Stalin was a committed religious fanatic.
That is why the sharp sword of his repressive body NKVD was pointed at those
Christian denominations,
which ideology was inconsistent with ideology of his spiritual idol Metropolitan
Stalin supported his followers with all available means as they had an implicit
agreement with each other.
The sharp sword of Stalin’s repressive body was also pointed at Jewish, Muslim,
Buddhist and alien denominations.
He ruthlessly destroyed these religious denominations as he was convinced that he
acted righteously in front of God
by spreading true faith on earth, the doctrine of which was based on the ideas of
Metropolitan Sergius.
Because Stalin was sure that his acts will weight in his favor before the court of
For that reason he canceled the most important idea of communists – the idea of
world revolution,
by destroying the main organizers of the international organization Comintern:
Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Radek and others.
This organization ceased its activities, and the names of its leaders and the name
of organization disappeared from the pages of school textbooks.
In 1943, he changed the state anthem “The Internationale” to a new anthem based
on lyrics by S. V. Mikhalkov and G. A. El-Registan
and music by A. V. Alexandrov, regent of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour from
1918 to 1922.
It can be deduced from the answer of archpriest of the ROC, Vsevolod Chaplin to
one of the questions of journalist Boris Klin
that the modern followers of Metropolitan Sergius called upon the Moscow Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church to canonize Stalin by nominating him to sainthood.
They believe that killing of the leaders of the October Revolution who decided to
demolish the Cathedral of Christ
the Savior and exterminate the royal family is his merit before the Russian Orthodox Church.
And now the majority of leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are the followers of Patriarch Tikhon,
that is why they were up in arm about this request for Stalin’s canonization.
And here is the exact answer of the archpriest of the ROC Vsevolod Chaplin:
“I don’t understand those Orthodox Christians who call for canonization of Stalin,
make up stories that he was a man of faith. I think it’s imprudent to make him a
saint”. If in the present time someone from the top officials of the Kremlin drop a hint to
the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church and the deputies of the State Duma supporting them,
that it would be good to clean the Russian land from the doctrines of other religious denominations,
they would stop at nothing until they clean the territory of “Orthodox” Russia
from foreign heresy.
Heresy is one of the pagan gods of the pre-Christian period, and the word
“heresy” for Orthodox Christians means everything which doesn’t comply with the
canons of Orthodox doctrine.
This is evidenced by the recent address of one of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, bishop of Anadyr and Chukotka Diomid to his brothers and sisters
in Christ.
He frankly spoke about his fierce hatred to other religious denominations in this
His revelation disclosed not only his true self but the true nature of the Russian
Orthodox Church.
Because many members of this organization are secretly, and some of them obviously, hostile to other religious denominations.
The Russian Orthodox Church was a powerful weapon in the hands of Russian
emperors for seizure of foreign lands
and continued to be a powerful weapon in Stalin’s hands and then in Putin’s hands
to serve the same purpose.
But Putin adapted this weapon to the modern conditions of Russia in collusion
with the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Now this weapon is used to seize foreign lands upon the pretext:
“Give a helping hand to their brothers in Christ who got into trouble in Abkhazia,
South Ossetia, Transnistria, Crimea and Novorossiya”.
And actually, Putin, who was raised based on atheistic morals in the Soviet Union,
believes neither in God nor in devil,
and needs the Russian Orthodox Church only as natural gas in order to use it as a
powerful weapon for annexation of foreign lands.
And there is another thing, many intellectuals in Russia ask a question: “Why the
Russian government doesn’t seek to join the European values and always looks at Asia?”
And the answer is very simple: because the minds of European nations in Europe
are fully controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and hence it’s impossible to lure them
into the Orthodox Church,
but many people in Asia practice Buddhism and Hinduism and they can be easily
lured into the Christian Church
because these nations think of Jesus of Nazareth as one of their “pagan” gods and
that is why they massively convert to the Christian Church,
as other Orthodox and other Christian missionaries, high class experts work hard
among them to attract “pagans” to the Christian Church.
In order to attract them to the Christian Church, they tell them: “God who created
the heaven and the earth is One – it’s Jesus of Nazareth, but people in different countries
call him differently: some – Jehovah, some – Allah, some – Buddha, some – Brahma,
some – Shiva”, etc.
But the leaders of the ROC don’t understand one thing: while they blame the Roman Catholic Church for all deadly sins,
Islamic radicals act in Russia, Europe and the USA, infiltrating into all fields of
human activities.
There is no need to predict what is may lead to, well, of course, to Global
Since Orthodox Christians and Catholics started conflicting with each other trying to find
out who is right and who is wrong,
Muslims victoriously walk across the globe capturing more and more lands of Asia,
Africa and Europe.
Because in 1054 the Great Schism in the Christian movement worked in favor of Muslim jihadists,
who in the Middle Ages seized not only the western part of Roman Catholic Europe
(Spain) but also the eastern part of Orthodox Europe (Byzantium).
Reference: in 1054, the Christian movement in the Roman Empire split into two parts:
the Roman Catholic Church in the West with the center in Rome and the Orthodox
Church in the East with the center in Constantinople.
When the Bible, the Quran and other religious books were banned in the Soviet Union,
percentage of interreligious hostility and anti-Semitic actions reduced down to
minimum as compared to Tsarist Russia.
Only state anti-Semitism developed because this process was led by the former
student of ecclesiastical seminary Stalin.
After collapse of the Soviet Union the above-mentioned books, particularly the Bible, went on the open market.
And religious figures distribute the Bible to all those who come their way, deliver it to the doors.
The Bible and Orthodox teaching are also disseminated in all educational institutions, military units and places of confinement.
That is why interreligious hostility and anti-Semitic actions of Judaeophobes heated up.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to prohibit publication and distribution of these
books by a government decree under the new conditions of free democracy.
But the content of these books can be changed because the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus said as early as fifth century B.C. that there is nothing permanent in this world: “All is flux, nothing stays still”.
And for that purpose believers need an effect, like a miracle or a sign, which will
boggle the imagination of believers.
I described one of such phenomena in this book.
NEP: Actually the Soviet Union never had any NEP in its history
because Lenin and his companions-in-arms were guided by the communist ideas
of Marx and Engels.
In the present times the policy of the People’s Republic of China is guided by the
communist ideas.
They were promoted by the communist ideologist of the old guard Deng Xiaoping.
He turned China from underdeveloped state into one of the most highly developed
countries of the world.
Josip Broz Tito did the same thing in Yugoslavia.
And the term “Lenin’s new economic policy” was invented by the former student
of ecclesiastical seminary Stalin in order
to quietly substitute communist ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin with Christian
ideas of the New Testament.
These Christians ideas were eventually implanted in the minds of the Soviet citizens as ostensibly Communist ideology.
Later the same happened in China: the leader of Chinese communists Mao Zedong was sure that he implanted communist ideas
of Lenin and Stalin in the minds of his people without knowing that those were
Christian ideas of seminarian Stalin.
Because Stalin was sure that all people in the Soviet Union were brothers and sisters, i.e. comrades.
That is why they had to sacrifice their possessions for the good of society and live
like early Christians,
– in a communal apartment, in a communal village and in a communal country.
And that is why on December 30, 1922 Stalin changed the name of the county to
the Union of Soviet Socialist (public) Republics.
before then the country was known as “Workers and Peasants Republic of the Soviets”.
What we read in the New Testament about the social system (Acts of the Apostles
2: 44-45):
And all that believed were together, and had all things common.
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man
had need.
What we read in the New Testament about the main slogan of the social order.
(Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians 3: 10):
“If any would not work, neither should he eat”.
That’s where Stalin got his main slogan from: “Those that don’t work don’t eat”.
Before 1922 most of the heads of the Bolshevik Communist party dressed the
same way as during the tsarist regime,
– a suit made out of expensive fabrics with a shirt and tie fashionable at the time.
They were transported by luxury cars of foreign manufacturers.
And they openly cheated on their lawful wives with lovers whom they called
The leader of the world proletariat, comrade Lenin was an example for them, he
wore aristocratic clothes, he was transported by Rolls Royce royal car.
And he never made a secret out of his cheating on his lawful wife Nadezhda
Krupskaya with his co-worker Inessa Armand,
who was literally showered with luxurious gifts from Lenin.
The Bolsheviks organized several demonstration parades with participation of
naked women in Red Square under the slogan:
“Down with shame, gender equality and free love”.
And their most important merit was that they abolished discrimination of people
on ethnic grounds.
Workers and peasants were the privileged class, which was articulated by the revolutionary slogan: “The plants and factories to the workers, the land to the peasants”.
Such behavior among the Bolsheviks-communists was quite natural and irreproachable.
This situation continued until seminarian Joseph Stalin usurped the power.
Under the leadership of Stalin his colleagues and even mentally ill Lenin in Gorky
began to wear clothes that were tailored the same way as Stalin’s сlothes.
Stalin wore his famous jacket to the death and was buried in that jacket in Mausoleum.
He was transported by a domestically produced modest ZIS car and never cheated
on his lawful wife Nadezhda Allilueva.
She lived with him in the Kremlin as a recluse nun, prevented from wearing any
jewelry of precious metals and stones as she liked to do before the marriage.
All party members had to act the same way.
Otherwise they could pay for adultery and luxury lifestyle not only with their careers but also with their lives.
They had to act according to Christian ideals of seminarian Joseph Dzhugashvili
(according to Christian moral teaching).
And the workers were sent by Stalin for construction of Socialism to regions, such
as Belomorkanal or Komsomolsk-na-Amure, where they worked for peanuts sacrificing
themselves for the good of the society.
And the peasants were sent to collective farms to regions, such as virgin lands,
and they worked there without any salary sacrificing themselves for the good of the society as well.
Stalin legalized the fifth line in passports in order to distinguish “Jews cursed by
God” from other nations.
By the way, passports were introduced in the Soviet Union since 1932. In fact, the
democratic countries use the document titled “Passport” (which means “port pass”) for
legal border crossing but not for internal purposes.
Even the idea of forced collectivization of rural population, which led the country
to Holodomor (famine),
was taken from the New Testament and implemented by Stalin in order to make
Soviet people live like early Christian communities.
The laws and commandments of the Bible served the Orthodox Christian Joseph
Stalin as a guide for harassment of the representatives
of the oldest profession, homosexuals, astrologers, physics, fortunetellers, hypnotists, shamans, sorcerers, magicians, witches, medicine men and traditional healers in the
Soviet Union
Those whose activities were related to traditions of “pagan” nations,
such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, karate, taekwondo, kung-fu, wushu,
Shaolin, sumo, Chi kung, feng shui and African American jazz, were harassed as well.
By the way, Jewish, Christian and Muslim harassed the above figures for centuries accusing them of spreading pagan rites,
because they were fanatically sure that creation of pagans comes from Satan/Demon/Shaitan.
Although “pagan” nations living in China, India, Japan and Southeastern Asia,
where the majority profess Hinduism and Buddhism, are very friendly to other religious denominations.
What we read in the Pentateuch (Torah –Wayiqra’, and Leviticus according to the
Bible 20: 10, 13):
Now a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife is one who commits
adultery with the wife of his fellowman.
He should be put to death without fail, the adulterer and the adulteress as well.
And when a man lies down with male the same as one lies down with a woman,
both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their
own blood is upon them.
And we also read (Torah – Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 18:10-13):
There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass
through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practice of magic or anyone who
looks for omens o a sorcerer, or anyone who binds others with spell or anyone who con-
sults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the
For everybody doing these things is something detestable to the Lord, and on account of these detestable things the Lord your God is driving them away from before you.
You should prove yourself faultless with the Lord your God.
That is why many modern communist ideologists claim that their ideology was
borrowed from early Christian communities, and Jesus Christ was the first communist on
In 2012, the leader of the Russian communists, Gennady Zyuganov spoke about it
in front of the voters
during his campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation in
the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.
And his brother in Christ, avid Christian and Stalinist, editor-in-charge of newspaper “Zavtra”, Alexander Prokhanov supports his idol Gennady Zyuganov in everything,
although he believed neither in communist ideology nor in Christian theology in
the days of the Soviet Union as he was never a member of the Communist party or a
member of Christian denomination.
Extreme conditions for survival: place a warm-water fish in a cold-water aquarium or resettle an Inuit tribe from north to south, for example, to the Near East.
Christian anti-Semitism is described in suspense trilogy novel The Egyptian
Darkness, Tamara Bendavid and The Triumph of Baal by the Russian writer Vsevolod
Krestovsky (1848 – 1895).
This book was published in the late 1980s of 20th century as antisemitic book,
and it was banned during the Soviet time.
After collapse of the Soviet Union this book was reprinted in Moscow in 1993 under blessing of the Moscow Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and some deputies
of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Here is the summary of this book:
countless multitudes of Jewish people released from the Egyptian slavery eclipsed
the entire world by their presence,
and subsequently this Egyptian darkness began to exploit the nations and resources of the entire world for enrichment,
particularly the people and resources of the Russian Empire.
Muhammad and his tribe were sure that Israelites and Arabs were blood brothers,
because these nations came to life from the seed of one father, the Prophet
Ibrahim (biblical Abraham).
Israelites, who lived in the territory of the Arabian Peninsula, argued that they
were their blood brothers
referring to the Torah in order to earn the respect of local Arab tribes.
Here is the evidence of it:
According to the Torah, Abraham‘s eldest son – Ismail and his mother Hagar left
for the Arabian Peninsula after the fight with Sarai,
and Ismail married an Egyptian woman and subsequently became the Patriarch of
Arab nations.
And the word “arav” (Arab) is the same as “ivri” (Hebrew/Jewish). That’s how
God called Abraham (Ibrahim), the father of Ismail and Isaac,
because he “crossed” (avar) the river Euphrates during historic migration from the
land called Ur Kasdim to the land of Canaan.
And (avar) became “arav” (Arab) for the sons of Ismail and “ivri” (Hebrew/Jewish) for the sons of Israel.
Not only the sons of Israel but also the sons of Ismail freed from Egyptian slavery.
What we read in the Pentateuch about it (the Second Book of the Prophet Musa,
and Exodus according to the Bible 12: 37-38):
And the children of Israel journeyed from Ramses to Succoth, about six hundred
thousand on foot that were men, beside children.
And “arav rav” (multitude of Arabs) went up also with them; and flocks, and
herds, even very much cattle.
What we read in the Pentateuch about Hagar and her son Ismail (the First Book of
the Prophet Musa, Genesis according to the Bible 21: 9-21):
And Sarah kept noticing the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to
Abraham, poking fun.
So she began to say to Abraham: “Drive out this slave girl and her son, for the
son of this slave girl is not going to be an heir with my son, with Isaac!”
But the thing proved to be very displeasing to Abraham as regards his son. Then
God said to Abraham: “Do not let anything that Sarah keeps saying to you be displeasing to you about the boy and about your slave girl.
Listen to her voice, because it is by means of Isaac that what will be called your
seed will be”.
And as for the son of the slave girl, I shall also constitute him a nation, because
he is your offspring.
So Abraham got up early in the morning and took bread and a skin water bottle
and gave it to Hagar, setting it upon her shoulder, and the child, and then dismissed her.
And she went her way and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.
Finally the water became exhausted in the skin bottle and she threw the child under one of the bushes.
Then she went on and sat down by herself, about the distance of a bowshot away, because she said: “Let me not see it when child dies”. So she sat down at a distance and
began to raise her voice and weep.
At that God heart the voice boy, and God’s angel called to Hagar out of the heavens and
said to her: “What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid, because God has listened to the voice of the boy there where he is.
Get up, lift up the boy and take hold of him with your hand, because I shall constitute
him a great nation”.
Then God opened her eyes so that she caught sight of a well of water; and she went and
began to fill the skin bottle with water and to give the boy a drink.
According to the Quran this well is located not far from the Stone Kaaba, which is
sacred for Muslims.
This stone is also called “Stone of Ibrahim” (biblical Abraham) and the well is
called “Zum Zum” meaning “Source”:
The Quran says that Ismail dug the earth with his heel till water flowed from that
And God continued to be with the boy, and he kept growing and dwelling in the
wildness; and he became an archer.
And he took up dwelling in the wildness of Parran, and his mother proceeded to
take a wife for him from the land of Egypt.
One of the Muslim leaders, President of Egypt Anwar Sadat spoke about this
when the treaty of peace and friendship between Egypt and Israel was concluded in Camp David (USA) in 1979.
He publicly said: “Arabs and Israelis are cousins”.
And for the first time the Muslim leader broke Sharia laws by extending his hand
for a handshake to the Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin after signing of the
peace treaty.
According to Sharia, i.e. Muslim law, if faithful Muslim is caught shaking hands
with unbeliever, his hand should be cut off.
Instead of hand amputation Muslim fanatics sentenced Anwar Sadat to death by
The Quran: 90% of this book consists of the laws and commandments of Moses.
Eloh: Actually the Quran says – Alah (Allah).
Why it happened? Because the Israeli alphabet didn’t have vowels, such as Patach, Qamets, Segol, Tsere, Chireq, Shureq.
For that reason some spelling mistakes were made in reading of the Torah, especially when this Book was translated into foreign languages by the specialists who were
not proficient in the Israeli language.
For the same reason the names of characters from this Book were changed beyond recognition.
For example, the shortest Name of One God was El and became Al.
The name of the first man was Odom and became Odam and Adam.
The name of the first woman was Hava and became Eve.
The name of a man saved by God from the great flood was Nobah and became Noah and Nuh.
The name of Abraham’s father was Terah and became Farrah.
The names of the patriarchs:
1) Avrohom became Abraham, Avraham, Ibrahim and Ibragim.
2) Ishmoel became Ishmael, Ismail and Ismael.
3) Ishok became Itzhak, Isaac, Sahak and Ischaq.
4) Ya’akov became Yakov, Jecob, Akop, Yago, Yakub, Jakup and Jacob.
5) Iosef became Yosef, Yozef, Iosif, Iosip, Yusup, Yusuf, Jusup, Joseph, Soso and
The name of Sarai’s handmaid was Agar and became Hagar.
The names of the prophets:
1) Moshe became Moses, Musa and Mozes
2) Yeshua became Yoshua, Iisus, Isa, Joshua and Jesus.
3) Yirmeyahu became Jeremiah.
4) Doniel became Daniel, Daniil and Daniyar.
5) Yohanan became Yahya, Yuhan, Johan, Johann, Ioannes, Ivan, Yan, Jan, Juan,
John, Joan, Giovanni, Vanya, Vano, Hovhannes, Ohannes, Ioannis and Johannes.
6) Ester became Esther and Yesfir.
7) Elisheva became Elizabeth, Elisaveta and Elizaveta.
8) Miryem became Maria, Miryam, Miriam, Mariyam, Mariam and Mary.
The names of kings:
1) Shoul became Shaul, Saul and Savl.
2) Dovid became Dovit, David, Davud, Daud, Daut and David.
3) Shlomo became Solomon and Suleiman.
The names of Archangels:
1) Mikhoel became Mihael, Mikael, Mikail, Mikhail, Mikel, Miguel, Michel and
2) Gavriel became Gabriel, Gabrail and Gibril.
3) Rafoel became Raphael, Rafail, Ravil, Raul, etc.
In order to prevent the recurrence of such mistakes, religious sages of the Middle
Ages invented vowels.
These letters are now used by religious figures all over the world,
and in elementary school and by newly arrived immigrants (aliyah) in Israel to
study the Israeli language.
When Arabic islamized tribes from the Arabian Peninsula conquered North Africa
and most of Spain (Cordoba Caliphate) in the first half of the eight century,
many Israelites also moved from the Arabian Peninsula to other states, such as
Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Spain.
And local Israelites in Spain greeted Muslims as deliverers of Israelite people
from the oppression of the Roman Catholic Church.
And they began to live among Muslims on equal terms, and many of them attained top positions in Muslim society.
At that time Muslims respected our people, our faith, especially our sages and
commentators of the Pentateuch (the Book of the Prophet Musa).
They frequently came to these sages to find out more about the laws of One God.
And many of these sages served as personal advisors, healers, chroniclers and
masters of words
in luxury palaces of caliphs, kings, sultans praising their actions in the poetry and
curing them from all sorts of ails.
Famous doctor and commentator of the Pentateuch, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon
(Rambam or Maimonides) (1135 – 1204) was one of such sages.
He was born in the city of Cordoba, which was the capital of Muslim Spain at that
And he served as a court healer for the Egyptian Sultan Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, known in Europe as Saladin named “the Magnificent”.
As a sign of respect to the sons and daughters of Israel, some Muslim countries,
such as Cordoba Caliphate (Spain), the Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
provided shelter to many families harassed by the Roman Catholic Church and
their Holy Inquisition.
They respected us, Israelites, until Muslims changed their mind about our people
for the worse due to distorted interpretation of the Pentateuch (the Book of the Prophet
And subsequently they forced Israelites to convert to Islam using “the carrot and
the stick” approach for that purpose, and after conversion to Islam many blended into
these nations.
And the Israelites, who didn’t convert to Islam, were forcibly isolated, as people
“unfaithful” to Allah, from “faithful” Muslims and relocated to the suburbs of settlements.
Many people, unable to endure the mockery, had to move to their historic homeland, which name was changed to Palestine,
although Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula already ruled there too.
They declared Jerusalem as their third holy city after Mecca and Yatrib (Medina).
According to the spiritual leaders of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad elevated to
the seventh Heaven from the Temple Mount of Holy Jerusalem in order
to get Allah’s blessing for propagation of the true faith across the earth.
And according to the Quran, as a sign of obedience to One God, AbrahamIbrahim had the intention to sacrifice his only and beloved son Ismail on that same
Mount, not Isaac as written in the Torah and the Bible,.
God: What we actually read in the Quran is: “There is no idol but Allah and Mahomet is the Messenger of Allah” Since Muslims mean “God-man Jesus” by the word “idol”, theу use the word “god” instead of “idol” in translation from the Arabic language.
The Quran: What is actually written in that Book and what do Muslim religious
figures preach by the word “Islam” among their coreligionists in Muslim mosques?
From the Quran (translation of B. Shidfar, M: 2003):
Surah 5 “The Table Spread with Food» verse 33: “Indeed, the penalty for those
who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from
opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land”.
Surah 5, verse 51: “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them
among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them”.
Surah 5, verse 68: “O People of the Scripture (i.e. Jews) , you are [standing] on
nothing until you uphold [the law of] of the Quran, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord”.
Surah 8 “Fighting For Religion”, verse 38: “And fight them (people of other faiths)
until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah”.
Surah 9 “The Repentance“, verse 5: “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them
and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush”.
Surah 9, verse 38: “O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that,
when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth?
Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is
the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little” (This verse
is intended to involve shahids in terrorist acts) .
Surah 9, verse 123: “O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find you in harshness”.
Sermon. Saudi sheikh Abdullah al-Qarni (Al-Arabiya TV channel, 2005): “Faithful Muslims should cut off throats and split skulls of the enemies of Islam”.
Saudi imam, sheikh Abdullah al-Muslih (Al-Arabiya TV channel): “Involvement
of suicide terrorists is not only allowed but encouraged” (that what the Quran – Surah 9 “The Repentance”, verse 38 calls for).
Omar Abdel-Rahman, Egyptian mullah, sheikh (2003) encourages faithful Muslims to kill Americans, “destroy their country and tear it to pieces”:
“Sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them wherever you may find them”
From Palestinian school textbook (2003): “Jihad is the fundamental concept of Islam,
which means a war against other nations. Jihad differs from conventional war in
that it serves high noble purposes and is waged only to the glory of Allah”.
Imam Abdulkadir Fall Mamour (was deported from Italy) (2003):
“Italy should become an Islamic state because our Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessing be upon Him) said that Rome would be Muslim and we are working on it now”
Wahhabis (about 60% of American mosques are under their influence) made their addition to the Quran:
“Guide us, Allah, along the direct path, but not the path of those who earned your
wrath, like the sons of Israel, and not the path of those who delude themselves like Nazara”
“No one should follow any other religion”. “Jews and Christians should convert
to Islam and accept the Quran”.
President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: “The era of oppression and tyranny has
reached its end; the wave of Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world, and if Allah wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world”.
From sermon from the Martyr King Abdallah Mosque, Amman (2004):
“O Allah, strengthen Islam and Muslims, humiliate infidelity and infidels. O God,
destroy your enemies, the Jewish and crusader enemies of Islam”
From sermon on Saudi television (from the mosque in Mecca) (2004):
“Didn’t what happened in Madrid persuade you, Jewish and Christians, to convert to Islam? Don’t you see that Allah’s religion is chosen for all mankind?
Since the time of Muhammad, Allah doesn’t recognize any faith but Islam and
will never recognize it”.
Arab newspaper “Liberation”, Morocco: “Islamism divides mankind into “faithful
supermen” and “all the rest submen”,
who not only can be but should be killed, and the more, the better, Islamism doesn’t agree to anything less than power over the world”.
“Islam should run the world, and we will sacrifice our lives until Islam runs the
world” (Al-Badr spokesman Mustaq Aksari, CNN September 19, 2001).
“On Muhammad’s recommendation it is necessary to fight against unbelievers
and attack them at any time and any place.
Propagation of Islam by force of arms is a religious duty of every faithful Muslim
(O. Kucher, O. Semotyuk, “Islam”, Rostov, Kharkov, 2004).
Because Surah 8 “Fighting For Religion”, verse 38 tells Muslims to fight until
complete victory of their religion. “Fight them until the religion, all of it, is for Allah”.
“Islamic Party of Liberation” – Islamic radical political party was founded in
1952 in eastern Jerusalem, which was controlled by Jordan at the time.
It aims to restore one Islamic Caliphate and introduce Sharia far and wide.
The party believes that the best way for early achievement of their goal is to massively disseminate the ideas of radical political Islam.
The party spread from Jordan to the most Arab countries as well as North Africa,
Turkey and Iran.
Its activists currently work in Muslim communities of Europe,
mostly in Germany, Great Britain and France as well as North America, Australia
and Asia.
It played a special role in the recent events in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan (“Vorwarts”, July 2).
In the book “Ancient World Mysteries and Hypotheses” the author proved
through examples from the Pentateuch
that the Tables of the Covenant with Decalog were delivered to earth by the representative of extraterrestrial civilization on a spaceship which landed on the mountain
That alien showed Moses in his spaceship and put him to hypnotic sleep for forty
day and nights.
During that time he recorded in his memory the laws adopted on his planet using a
technical device unknown to the earthlings of that time.
These laws along with the laws adopted by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia
and ancient Egyptians in Egypt,
as well as the events which happened in the dessert Sinai, including Moses’ s view
of these events, were described by him in the book,
which subsequently became known as the Pentateuch (the Torah), and the laws
became known as the laws of One God.
What we read in the Torah about it (Torah – Shemot, and Exodus according to the Bible
34: 28):
And he (Moses) was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither
eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the
ten commandments.
We also find in the Torah (Torah – Shemot, Exodus according to the Bible 19: 1718):
And Moshe (Moses) brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God;
and they stood at the nether part of the mount.
And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it
in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount
quaked greatly.
Dear reader, don’t the signs of descending of God upon the mountain Sinai remind you of the modern spaceships when they take off into space?
For clarity, let me put it this way: Spanish conquistadors arrived on military ships
from the Old World to the New World in order to take possession of these lands.
And they mounted on horses to meet the local population, and Indians of the
Maya tribe never saw either white people or horses before.
When they saw these “strange creatures”, they got scared and prostrated themselves before them in fear, thinking that gods descended from heaven.
And what could the people of Moses think of more than three thousand years ago
when they met the representative of extraterrestrial civilization who descended from
heaven on a spaceship?
Well, of course, as you probably guessed, they thought that they met the Creator
of the Universe.
In those days, high priests of Egypt had a secret relationship with the representatives of extraterrestrial civilization.
We, Israelites, after the victory and the triumphal ascent to the Temple Mount in
Eastern Jerusalem in June 1967,
where the Temple of Solomon and the Holy of Holiest – the Ark of the Covenant
were located two thousand five hundred years ago,
began to destruct it with our own hands by transferring the ancestral lands of the
people of Israel to Palestinians as a gift for the sake of momentary peace without thinking
of the consequences of such fragile peace.
And the Temple Mount is the true heart of the State of Israel, and no organism can
function without a heart.
And Palestinians see each cession of Israeli territory in their own way
because they believe that Allah helps “unprotected” Palestinian people,
i.e. they are fanatically sure that it wasn’t Israelites who of their free will,
gave the Temple Mount to Palestinians as a gift,
but Allah who took it away from “unfaithful” Israelites and gave it “faithful”
Palestinians for perpetual use.
Our democratic humanity to deeply religious Palestinian fanatics will backfire at
As we immediately ceded the Temple Mount to Palestinians due to our humanity.
And now we think whether we should or should not cede Eastern Jerusalem to declare the future capital of the State of Palestine.
I don’t understand the decision of the government of Israel, in particular its Prime
Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu,
on exchange of one person Gilad Shalit for thousands of Palestinian terrorists,
whose hands are full of blood of entirely blameless Israelis.
And moreover, he cites the example from the Torah, which says: “He who saves a
single life saves the entire world” making excuses to Israeli people.
Can’t he understand that by releasing these terrorists he puts hundreds of thousands of Israelites to danger?
Thus he simply let the genie out of the bottle, now they will steal Israelites at all
in order to exchange them for another thousands and thousands of Palestinian terrorists,
and that will eventually lead to another lengthy war against Palestinians.
Many innocent Israelites will die because of this bungling.
And the war will be followed by the arms race, which will empty the state coffers
to get ready for another war, and this situation will continue indefinitely.
If Mr. Netanyahu saves the whole world by saving a single life, then he kills the
whole world many times by releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists.
As the saying goes: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, because
Palestinians celebrate every cession by Israel like another victory over the Zionist enemy.
And as a sign of victory, they burn Israeli flag after trampling it.
Our flexibility is seen by Palestinians as our weakness.
To make them understand who they are dealing with, we need to negotiate only
from the position of strength,
i.e. like powerful and unwavering Israel, but not from the position of constant cessions.
And ill-considered cessions may one day lead to a situation where the State of Israel will disappear from the world map.
To prevent this from happening we need to use the opinion of Muslim spiritual leaders who say:
“Whoever gets the victory, it is the will of Allah”,
That is why we need to respond to any terrorist act or missile launch towards Israel not with targeted missile strikes but with massive ones and do it immediately
and we have to fight till final victory, even if civilians of the Palestinian Authority
because Palestinian terrorists use their civilians as a human shield
to kill in cold blood not only civilians of Israel but civilians of Gaza Strip,
daily launching a large number of missiles from the basements of hospitals,
schools and mosques,
because human life is of no value to them, that is why they say:
“We, Palestinians, love death more than Israelites love life”.
And they really do. For clarity, let me put it this way:
One day one Soviet journalist, who was in Iraq, accidently saw a boy drowning,
and he immediately pulled him out of the water,
but the parents of that boy who watched that process with horror reprimanded the
rescuer instead of thanking.
“Hey, unbeliever, how dared you to pull the child out of the water, when All-Merciful and Gracious Allah intended to take Him,
but you interfered with His intentions, may Allah punish you for this!”
This is the kind of man-hateful doctrine the spiritual leaders of Islam teach their
trusting parishioners
and they have blind faith in this fairytale because the words of the spiritual leaders
is an indisputable truth for them.
And the last thing, there is no need to pay attention to what Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Erdogan said in Davos,
where he reminded of the killed civilians of Gaza Strip during the forced war
against terroristic organization HAMAS.
But he “forgot” about one and a half million Armenians murdered in cold blood
by his compatriots in 1915.
As the saying goes: “He saw a mote in his brother’s eye but didn’t see a beam
in his own”.
Although Islamists fight against each other, trying to find out who is right
and who is not, in order to destroy Israel
they can merge into one force, particularly the Islamists of Gaza, Iran,
Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey…
Until the establishment of the State of Israel is marked by any miracle sent by
God as a sign,
religious fanatics of the whole world, including the sons and daughters of Israel,
such as ultra-Orthodox religious sect Neturei Karta, will treat this state as nothing.
They claim that the State of Israel was created by godless Zionists against the will
of God.
They are convinced that only God can establish the State of Israel by sending their
savior Mashiah.
And only Mashiah should bring all misguided sons and daughters of Israel together in their historic homeland – Israel.
Until that happens, they will be on the same side with the President of Iran – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who does his best to destroy the State of Israel.
If we want to save our unique people and our Holy Land of Israel, we need to find
the most important treasure of the sons and daughters of Israel – the Ark of the Covenant.
And this will lead to rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem and that place will be
like a new Mecca for pilgrims from all parts of the world.
And the most important is that Christians and Muslims will treat the people of Israel like the people blessed by God
because spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations subconsciously
believe that
the key to all problems on earth is in the hands of Jewish sages.
Many great and powerful world countries and their numerous nations didn’t mind
to borrow spiritual and intellectual values from “hateful Jewish people cursed by God”
for free, such as:
Faith in One God – Moses.
God’s Mother – Jewish Virgin Mary.
Messianship – Jewish named Jesus of Nazareth.
The son of Jewish named Malko – the Prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir.
Jewish warriors – Ilya Muromets and brother of Malko – Dobrynya.
History of Jews – the Old Testament.
History of Jesus and his pupils – the New Testament.
The names of the capital of Jews – New Jerusalem.
The names of the country of Jews – New Israel.
The Temple of Solomon – Cathedral and Mosques.
Religious rite in the Temple – Aaron/Harun.
Prophecies – from the Prophet Isaiah to Nostradamus.
Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.
Patriarchs – Abraham, Ismail, Isaac and Jacob.
Apostles – from Peter (Simon/Shimon) to Paul (Savl/Shaul).
The Bible wisdoms and Psalmus – David and Solomon.
Philosophical and medical treatises – Rambams.
Words from the Jewish Torah – Halleluiah (Praise Jehovah),
Hosanna (O, Jehovah, save), Amen (“True” or “So be it”).
Musical compositions – Strauss and Mendelson.
Law of gravitation – Newton.
Theory of relativity – Einstein.
Pleasure principle – Freud.
Lines of poetry – Pushkin and Heine.
Theory of evolution – Darwin.
Re-evolution – Marx.
Chess problems – from Steinitz to Kasparov.
And they also borrowed their Jewish names, such as:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Benyamin, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,
Daniel, Emmanuel, Saul, David, Solomon, Samson, Simon, Aaron, Moses, Lazar,
Anisim, Zakhar, Yefim, Nahim, Johnathan, Joshua, Benjamin, Joseph,
Tamara, Ruth, Naomi, Yesfir, Esther, Sarrah, Rebecca, Leia, Rachel, Joel,
Debora, Elizabeth, Elizaveta, Maria, Anna, Zhanna, Suzanna, etc.
All above-mentioned names are the most prestigious and common names in the entire
Christian and Muslim world.
And the real Jewish name Yohanan became a symbol of nationality for many nations.
Yuhan - the symbol of the Finnish people.
Iohan – the symbol of the Irish people.
Johan – the symbol of Swedish people.
Johann – the symbol of the German people.
Ivan – the symbol of the Russian people.
Yan – the symbol of the Czech people.
Jean – the symbol of the French people.
Joao – the symbol of the Portuguese people.
John – the symbol of the English people.
Joan – the symbol of the American people.
Giovanni – the symbol of the Italian people.
Juan – the symbol of the Spanish people.
Vanya – the symbol of the Bulgarian people.
Vano – the symbol of the Georgian people.
Ohannes – the symbol of the Armenian people.
Ioannis – the symbol of the Greek people.
Johannes – the symbol of the Estonian people.
Yahya – one of the most common names among Muslims.
And, finally, John – the symbol of truce the Christian Catholics with the
founders of Christian faith, i.e. Israelite people.
It turns out that they act as raiders, appropriating everything that belongs to Jewish people, and along with this they always harass the sons and daughters of Israel.
Isra-El: This word literally means “Angel-fighter” and according to biblical text
(the Torah) - man of God,
because our forefather Jacob was the only man on the earth, whom God chose and
against whom He fought through his Angel.
Thus God filled Jacob’s body and mind with higher spiritual power, i.e. energy.
What we read in the Bible about it (Torah – Bereshit, and Genesis according to the
Bible 32: 24-28):
And Jacob was left alone;
And there wrested a man with him until the breaking of the day.
And when he saw that he prevailed not against him,
He touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of
joint, as wrestled with him.
And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go,
except thou bless me.
And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince
hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
That means that Jacob was filled with higher spiritual power, and thanks to this
power a nation of unique origin, denomination and mentality under the new name Israel
came to life from his seed.
This mystery of nature is supported by many facts from the centuries-old history
of Israelite people. For example:
Origin of the people of Israel is biblical,
i.e. from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Denomination of the people of Israel is Jewish,
i.e. faith in One God.
Mentality of the people of Israel is Hebrew,
i.e. spiritual and intellectual.
Small-town Jewish people didn’t have the right move from the infamous Jewish
pale to bit cities without permission from the authorities of the Russian Empire
If someone was allowed to move to these cities for some merits to Christians,
they had to add the degrading suffix “chik” to their names and nicknames, as a
distinguishing sign for Jewish people who had other faith
– Abramchik, Haimchik, Rubinchik, Solomonchik, Shmulchik, Soloveichik, Kitaichik, Taiwanchik, Yaponchik.
This derogatory suffix “chik” stressed that the Jewish people were ostensibly not
as high in their development as “pious” Orthodox Christians.
Jewish people had to build their houses and synagogues following the same principle – these buildings were not allowed to be as tall and as beautiful as the houses and
churches of Orthodox Christians.
By the way, Bukhara emir liked the initiative of Christians.
And that is why he made native Jewish people to add the suffix “chik” to their
names. This suffix is translated into the Tajik language as “cha”
– Avromcha, Moshecha, Levicha, Ilovucha, Manicha, common name – “dzhuvuti
kalbalocha”, which roughly means “a little Jewish guy can go a long way”.
And following the same principle, the local Jewish people had to build houses and
synagogues, not as tall and as beautiful as the houses and mosques of “faithful” Muslims.
Recently, Israel went through a great scandal because “unfaithful” Jewish people
dared to build a synagogue in Jerusalem.
And the problem was that the dome of this synagogue is several centimeters
higher than the dome of Omar mosque located on the Temple Mount.
The entire Muslim world angrily condemned the State of Israel for this matter.
This is how brothers in Christ and Muslim brothers try to degrade the honor
and dignity of Israelite people.
Jew (Yahudi): – this word was associated by Arameans in their consciousness
with the image of people who had faith in One God.
This word entered their lexicon for the first time, when the people of Judah were
taken captive by Arameans in 587 BC.
This event happened after the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the
ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar.
And Arameans like all nations of that epoch believed in pagan gods.
And for the first time, they heard about One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from their captives Israelites.
And probably, the word Yahudi in its original version sounded like Yahadi, which
in the Aramean language means “Jehovah – My only one”.
Thus captive Israelites wanted to tell Arameans that they had One God unlike Aramean gods,
and they ate only the food allowed by God – “kosher” food, because they had
other laws and commandments.
And in the present time, besides the sons and daughters of Israel, the descendants
of the ancient Samaritans (shomronim), who permanently live in Israel, are also Jews believing in One God.
Early Christians were Jews believing in One God because at that time they strictly
complied with all laws and commandments of Moses.
This situation continued until some ambitious leaders of this denomination revised their view of the Jewish doctrine.
Early in the 4th century AD they made a revision of the Pentateuch in order to
write their book titled the New Testament.
And by that act they reformed the Pentateuch, the Prophets and Scripture and
turned these Books into the Old Testament.
And the New Testament changed the direction of this doctrine completely the
other way, which differed from the laws and commandments of Moses.
The laws of Moses were mixed with pagan laws which included gods embodied in
people (God-man), as well as pyrolatry (Holy Fire).
And Jesus of Nazareth and His pupils complied only with the laws and commandments of Moses.
For that reason, sects, such as Old Testament Jews and Sabbatarians, broke away
from their brothers in faith
and are now Jews believing in One God, who in the present time moved to the
State of Israel.
What we read in the New Testament about it (Gospel of Matthew 5: 17-18):
Do not think I came to destroy the law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but
to fulfill;
for truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one
smallest letter or one particle of letter to pass away from the law by any means and not
all things take place. .
Early Muslims were also Jews believing in One God.
This situation continued until some ambitious leaders of this denomination realized that
though they were Jews, anyway they wouldn’t not feel like God's people as the
sons of Israel did.
That situation gave them no peace.
And that is why in order to humiliate the sons and daughters of Israel in the eyes
of other nations and feel like God's people instead of them,
they changed the content and the title of the book – Al Kitab Musa Rasul (the
Book given to the Messenger Musa by God) to Al-Quran (the Quran).
Many nations, which lived in the vast areas of Eurasia named Khazar Khaganate
(650-969), broke away from them because of that,
as they didn’t want to betray the Jewish faith of their fathers.
And subsequently this hateful kingdom of Jews was enslaved by Christians and
Some survived inhabitants of Khazar Khaganate (Karaims) moved to the State of
Israel in order to remain loyal to the faith of their fathers.
And some Pashtun tribes in Afghanistan and Fargar tribe in Tajikistan observe
Holy Saturday in the present days
because the Prophet Muhammad Himself and early Muslims strictly complied
with all laws and commandments of Moses, especially Holy Saturday.
And now many Christians come to Beyt-Knesset (Synagogue) to pray
because they realized their Jewish roots and that is why men are ready to go
through the rite of circumcision,
and women are ready to go through the strict rite of Giyur in order to comply with
the laws and commandments of Moses.
But actually it was the spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination, who contrib-
uted to disappearance of Khazar Khaganate,
because they were fanatically sure that only the sons and daughters of Israel
had the right to be Jews.
If the spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination contributed to propagation of
Jewish faith among other nations since the time of Moses,
Jewish denomination would now be the largest religious denomination in the
This goal can be achieved by another way, which was already used in the past.
And this way is to outlaw all religions, as Bolsheviks practically did in the Russian Empire in October 1917.
They were supported by some representatives of Jewish nationality because they
were forced to promote Communist and atheist ideas.
Because they knew from the centuries-old history of their people that the Jewish
people suffered from harassment by representatives of Christian and Muslim denominations for two thousand years.
But in any case this way will fail in the countries with Christian and Muslim ideology as it happened in the Soviet Union and Easter European countries.
And the Mujahideen in Muslim Afghanistan, with the support of people, fought
against Communist and atheist ideology of the Soviet Union almost for nine years and
won in the end.
They won because their struggle was not against the social system with social service,
but against the Jewish people – the founders of Communist and atheist ideas.
Because Christians and Muslims are well aware of the verse about “a blessing and
a curse” from the Bible and the Book of the Prophet Musa, where we read:
“And there (i.e. in other countries) you will have to serve other gods of wood and
of stone“. (Torah - Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 28: 36) .
And when they saw that the sons and daughters of Israel actually began to serve
and worship living leaders Lenin and Stalin as gods,
and after their death began to worship their stone and wooden sculptures,
that gave them the grounds to accuse the Jewish people of idolatry and destruction
of the principles of Christian and Muslim faith.
And in the countries of non-Christian and non-Muslim ideology, such as China,
Vietnam, Laos and Northern Korea,
Communist and atheist ideas will continue to prevail over all other ideas for a
long time.
These nations don’t study the Bible and the Quran (except for those who converted to Christianity or Islam), that is why they don’t know the verse about “a blessing
and a curse” and the history of the Jewish people.
That is why they don’t have this horrible word “anti-Semitism”.
But due to anti-Semitism in the countries of Christian and Muslim ideology two
tribes of Israel out of twelve survived to this day.
And in countries, such as China and India, which don’t have anti-Semitism, the remaining
ten tribes of Israel disappeared completely.
The above-mentioned may suggest the following.
A bad deed has something good and vice versa nothing so bad, as not to be good
for something.
As it was our fault that Christian and Muslim religions appeared on earth,
we have no right to accuse the adherents of these denominations of anti-
Anti-Semitism is a fruit from a tree, which seeds we, Israelites, planted one
day in the minds of pagan nations of the Roman Empire and the Arabian Peninsula.
Civilization has existed since ancient times.
Since then all tribes and nations thought from generation to generation that they
lived in civilized society, only each nation had its own concept of civilization.
Why do I focus the attention of readers on this?
Because the number of people exterminated in the civilized society of the 20th
century is higher than that for all time?
So there is quite a reasonable question: is civilized society good or evil?
If we take into account that “pagan savages” in “uncivilized” society killed a few
people, usually their tribesmen, sacrificing them to their gods,
Muslims and Christians in “civilized society” killed millions, as a rule people of
other faiths, sacrificing them to Allah or Jesus Christ
And the most amazing is that if the former became savages-murderers in the eyes of
the “civilized” world by killing a few people,
the latter became the greatest righteous on earth by killing millions.
By the way, petty thieves in this sinful world become prisoners and end up in
prison surrounded by criminals,
and major thieves become oligarchs, patriarchs, monarchs and end up in palaces
surrounded by lovely girls.
Petty thieves is cursed by priests so that his soul burn in hellfire,
and major thieves is blessed by the highest echelons of priesthood so that his soul
enjoy felicity in the Garden of Eden.
Because petty thieves have no money to satisfy insatiable appetites of priests,
and major thieves have enormous amounts of money to satisfy insatiable appetites
not only of ordinary priests but also spiritual leaders.
Messiah: “Christ” in Greek and “Mashiah” in Jewish mean “the Lord’s
Anointed”. This title was awarded to any king who ascended to throne.
Prior to ascension to the throne of kingdom, high priests of the Temple performed
a special ceremony
– anointed the head of future king with special oil (anointing oil) which contained
aromatic oils of different composition.
After the destruction the Temple of Jerusalem the recipe for this ointment was