Edited by Kathleen Warnock
I’ve never written a foreword before, but I’ll stick by a rule of thumb that works well when giving speeches: start off by saying thank-you, and meaning it. Tristan Taormino gave birth to, and grew, a great, important series in Best Lesbian Erotica; it’s helped define a genre that has grown exponentially in the last decade or so, and Tristan has been one of its guiding hands (sometimes holding a whip). She’s handed off a strong, fertile garden of delights for me to keep tending and nurturing. Our publishers at Cleis have made a commitment to keeping this series active and influential when its founder moved on.
How did I get here? I knew Tristan when we were both starting out as writers, and on the downtown New York City queer and women’s rock/literary/whatever scenes. I bought copies of her ’zine Pucker Up, and thought I might try to write some of that lesbian erotica stuff (of course, I had to come out first). Eventually I did (come out and start writing erotica), and started publishing it in Best Lesbian Erotica.
In that monumentally creative downtown scene, I sometimes ran into Tristan at a popular lesbian rock party called Fragglerock, where woman-fronted and all-girl bands were featured, and fabulous musicians played in all-star pickup bands, doing tributes to their musical godmothers and godfathers. One night, I watched Elizabeth Ziff of the band BETTY lead a Queen tribute that included about forty people doing a cover of “Bohemian Rhapsody” with a full chorus. People held up tinfoil stars, stood on benches at the side of the room and sang their hearts out.
BETTY was another longtime favorite of mine: I’d first seen Alyson, Amy and Elizabeth in the late ’80s, and they seemed to be wherever there was something interesting going on: at Fragglerock and Squeezebox, playing for marches on Washington, and always touring, singing in that tight harmony that’s their trademark.
Smart women, I thought—talented, serious and fun. I read Elizabeth’s review of Tipping the Velvet in Bust, so I can thank her for introducing me to the work of Sarah Waters. When I interviewed BETTY for ROCKRGRL magazine, they told me they were working on a musical. I got to see the development of the show, and even though they didn’t use my title (“BETTY’s Big Bang”), I was thrilled to see “BETTY RULES” receive a strong reception off-Broadway and continue to live as a touring show.
When I was asked to assume the position… of editorship of Best Lesbian Erotica, I thought about who to bring in as guest judge, and wanted to start with someone who had the mad intuitive skills and taste to judge both what is hot and what is well-written, and maybe from a slightly different point of view, genre-wise.
Songwriters have the task of telling a life or a moment in a couple of dozen lines. It’s a form that requires form, as well as style, craft, tempo, rhythm and talent to pull off successfully. So I approached Elizabeth (who had moved on to work on a television show you may have heard of: The L Word), and she told me she was being treated for breast cancer, and recommended her sister, Amy. And, well, if you’ve got Elizabeth and Amy, you’ve got to have Alyson.
So the power of three, which is about the power of ten thousand when those three are BETTY, dove into the manuscripts and came back with a remarkable array of choices. Together they cover the waterfront (and then some) of what lesbians are longing for and coming over, the things we are both afraid of and attracted to simultaneously.
Of the many manuscripts that poured in, I noted a strong international wave of submissions this year: this volume contains the work of writers from Ireland, Australia, Sweden, France and Germany (as well as from someone who lives in my neighborhood). There are some familiar voices from previous editions, as well as a few writers who are publishing for the first time. I also solicited (in every sense of the word) artists who hadn’t yet written erotica, but whom I thought could make something hot happen. I’m proud to say that a playwright, a travel writer, and a sci-fi writer/blogger who accepted my challenge to submit something made it into this book. I’ve got my eye on a few other writers in different genres for next time, so consider this your notice, you poets, memoirists, and menopausal stoners.
I’m also pondering who I might ask to be next year’s judge.
So, you know, expect the unexpected.
Enjoy Best Lesbian Erotica 2010.
did you tell her about us
did you tell her what we did
did you tell her i talk dirty
did you tell her that you screamed
did you tell her we went somewhere dark so we couldn’t be
did you tell her about us
did you tell her what we did
did you tell her i got nasty
did you tell her you got wild
did you tell that we came, and stayed for awhile
did you tell her about us
did you tell her what we did
did you tell her i was cool
did you tell her you were hot
did you show her all the things we used, and how to tie a knot
did you tell her about us
did you tell her what we did
did you tell her what i asked you
did you tell her you said yes
did you tell her you got on your knees and begged me for
did you tell her
well, don’t you think you better?
Everyone has a pet peccadillo, caged or free-range. I have yet to meet a woman—gay, straight or otherwise—who didn’t admit to even the teeniest fantasy that swelled beyond the rim of a 100 percent pure vanilla encounter. One of the more titillating aspects of working as a traveling musician is having strangely intimate conversations with people all over the world. Quite often, the stories shared by strangers are laid bare, stripped by the demands of time and airline departures to their most compelling facts—desire and fulfillment. That fascinates me.
After a BETTY gig in Atlanta, I sat alone under the stars on the outside deck of a dance club, happy to nurse a beer in a slight breeze with the faint scent of distant flowers. A woman sitting nearby sighed. We started chatting and within a very short time I was glad we were outside in the dark because I was blushing inside from her story. If she had seen me squirm, I’m sure she would have stopped talking, but I didn’t want that. I was captivated.
I am definitely the most old-fashioned member of my band. I am the product of the Karilagan Finishing School and endless diplomatic functions with my parents at which the raciest remarks were wrapped in so much innuendo and clever wordplay that it wasn’t until much later that juicy gossip could be deciphered. I assume that’s why I choose to work with two women who speak their minds loudly and proudly about everything, even intimate details. After two decades, Elizabeth and Amy Ziff can still shock me, and delight in doing so. Luckily, I enjoy it as well, being unwilling to speak so nakedly.
Would an audio voyeur be called an Auditeur? I guess that’s what I am. Like Scheherazade’s King, I am a glutton for delicious stories.
The woman in Atlanta lowered her head as she told me about her Daddy. She loved her new girlfriend but couldn’t give up the woman who made her sigh in the humid Georgia night from unappeased need. She knew that her ex-Daddy was a dead-end road, but she couldn’t move past her dangerous desires into the simple, open arms of a new love. I sat in the crackling campfire of her story, asking honest questions and having my mind blown.
On the flight back home, I wondered if her story could ever be mine. I cast myself in the various roles of her drama to see which would be the most authentic. One scenario turned into another as the miles passed. By the time we landed, I had a new song, “Georgia.”
One of the most gorgeous aspects of humanity is the ability to create lush, amazing lives within. The human imagination is capable of so much more color, texture and possiblity than ordinary life can provide. The more we hear, read and learn, the richer our inner worlds become. Like children playing make-believe at an age when castles and dragons are thrillingly real, so can we layer our daydreams with exciting options.
So many great ideas were submitted for this collection, from all over the world. The stories I selected dove deeper into the realm where fantasy comes to life. Each of them has a twist that slides sweet Alice through an inviting hole into her own particular wonderland, with details vivid enough to melt the walls around the reader for an even better view.
Some took me beyond my comfort zone into dark places I don’t wander, but felt compelled to include for those who do, including sad-eyed Georgia girls torn between a rock and a soft place. These stories plunge into a moist landscape where each sentence is another slippery step deeper into a breathless, throbbing world where… well. You’ll see.
Read on.
Is there anything better than curling up with a good book?
How about a good book that succeeds in curling you up… from your hair down to your toes?
Imagination and sex go together like peanut butter and jelly. (Hey, that just gave me a couple of good ideas!)
Anyway, what a treat it was to go through these stories and make suggestions and choices for the final release, keeping in mind, of course, what kind of outcomes you all might enjoy to achieve your final releases. These authors conjure up a gaggle of gals in some truly delicious situations.
So, relax, and start turning those pages.
Enjoy a story or two by yourself, with a friend or a lover.
And when something or someone doing something or someone really special gets you going… if you want to thank me later, I bet I can think of something special I might like.
Oh, and that can be our little secret.
Bon appétit.
I’ve been sexually aggressive most of my lesbian life. It’s fun: I get off on getting girls off and I have no hang-ups (thanks to my parents’ openness and my mother’s rad feminist politics toward our bodies). It’s been fun. And sometimes one gets tired of that. I mean, flip me. I’m good at being a bottom. Don’t wait until you’re wasted to make the first move. Laugh about it. Share your fantasies. Get crazy. Not to say that I’m always Charles in Charge, cause how fucking boring is that? It’s nice to see that Lezbo erotica is getting betta and betta. That’s a great sign that we’re making choices for ourselves and we’re not afraid of what turns us on. Reading through some of these diverse and hot stories was fun, and some of it was a turn-on, which is sort of the whole point, right? I have to say, after dealing with breast cancer and heavy-duty treatments for the past two years, it takes quite a lot to get my juices flowing. But I’ll get better and my van will be rocking again soon. And some of the images from this collection will be right on the tip of my… well, you get the idea. Read on, and get off.
GIRONA, 1960
Stella Sandberg
It was in the Pyrenees that Jamie met another lone biker. She rode up next to him, making her engine purr suggestively, and he was in on it at once. They raced each other on narrow serpentine roads with the mountainside to crash into on one side and the cliff to tumble over on the other. The challenge made Jamie feel euphoric.
She’d been driving for days, farther and farther south, without being able to shake off a long winter’s restlessness. Now she realized this was what she needed: to push herself and her bike to the limit. She’d been driving fast—others might call it recklessly so—but she’d known what she was doing. She’d kept within her limits, not taking any risks, just riding as if going somewhere—as if she had a place to go where the feeling of freedom would await her. But that feeling could only be reached on the road, when she was riding for the sake of riding, not for the sake of getting somewhere. She’d almost forgot.
She felt some respect for the stranger racing her. He knew what he was doing too, didn’t risk his life with any crazy chances but maneuvered skillfully on the narrow road. His engine was weaker than her NSU Max. When he wasn’t breathing down her neck anymore she cast a glance over her shoulder and saw that he’d given up and slowed down. She stopped by the roadside, waiting for him to catch up with her, and he came and stopped next to her.
He wore one of those old-fashioned leather helmets with goggles, like a pilot. Jamie had only her dark shades, and her black hair so greased and slicked back the wind couldn’t touch it. He removed his goggles and met her gaze. She noticed he was fair and that his face was delicate and ridiculously well sculpted, like one of those Greek statues, an Adonis or Hermes or something. Either that, or… Katharine Hepburn in Christopher Strong.
“You too!” she exclaimed, the surprise making her voice lighter than she normally let it sound.
“Oh, I thought you a Spaniard.” the other butch replied, amused at the double coincidence.
They exchanged disbelieving grins and firm handshakes.
“Charlie,” the loser replied, adding cockily. “I’d beat you on my own bike. This one’s borrowed.”
She caught Jamie’s interest: “Oh, yeah? What’ve you got?”
“A BMW R24. Terribly outdated by now, I guess.” Charlie blushed, as if she was someone used to having the latest.
“That’s not all that matters,” Jamie said. “If you know it…”
“I know it!” Charlie asserted, “That is, I knew it… It was a long time ago.”
“You never lose it,” Jamie reassured her, thinking of how she knew her NSU Max, how she could read every change in its sound, every vibration under her palms and between her thighs.
While they spoke Jamie rolled a cigarette, which she offered to Charlie. Charlie accepted it and Jamie lit it for her, before rolling one for herself. The chivalrous gesture made Charlie blush again.
“If I’d met you when I was twenty I’d have become that way straightaway!” she exclaimed.
Jamie raised an eyebrow. “I hardly thought you were twenty now.”
“I’m thirty.” Charlie laughed, and the fine lines around her eyes supported her claim. “When I was twenty I thought girls were awfully silly. I had a crush on a young bloke with a motorbike, though I suspect it was mostly the bike I lusted after…. Had it been you with that bike I’d have realized one or two things….”
“Ten years ago I was just a boarding school tomboy,” Jamie said, trying to conceal her embarrassment.
She was surprised Charlie was hitting on her. She hadn’t even known two butches could get together. Though perhaps Charlie wasn’t all butch…. Her former crush on a man suggested she might not be. As for Jamie, she’d never felt the slightest attraction for a man, no matter how hotly she desired his bike. She wanted to be the Brylcreemed bikers, and steal their girlfriends. But she couldn’t, even though the girls seemed keen enough, because what would they think when they found out she wasn’t really a man? She’d let them think she only cared for hot driving, that girls were beneath her.
But this Charlie, who had seen through her right away because she was the same, seemed to want her all the same. This was new to Jamie. She’d always been the pursuer, never the pursued. She’d thought she wanted it that way, or rather, she’d never really thought about it at all.
They smoked their cigarettes in silence. When they’d put them out, Charlie asked Jamie where she was going. Jamie shrugged—truthfully.
“Me too!” Charlie said. “Fancy company?”
Jamie didn’t mind. She put on her black leather gloves and the shades she’d kept hanging from her belt and they kick-started their bikes again. Jamie led the way to Girona. For some reason—it was too late in the afternoon for siesta—the town was completely quiet. They had trouble finding an open grocery but finally got hold of a few bottles of beer to wash the road dust from their throats. The yawning, balding, middle-aged man behind the counter stared but made no enquiries as to their sex or business in town.
Then they made their way up to the cathedral on a hill overlooking town. They didn’t meet a soul in the narrow alleys, the square in front of the church was empty too, and no one bothered them when they sat down on a low stone wall and blasphemously opened their beers. The sunset painted the roofs a fiery yellow and in the far distance the mountains were blue. Charlie had removed her leather helmet and the evening sun made her short, red hair even redder. With her face framed by unruly curls she looked even less like thirty.
“How come you’re driving around Spain on a borrowed bike?” Jamie asked, curiosity making her more talkative than she was used to.
“I’m on the run,” Charlie said and made a face.
Jamie didn’t want to pry, but after a little while Charlie went on by herself: “I’m on the run from my woman, you see. Not for good—I couldn’t quit her any more than a puppet could quit its puppeteer. I’m just running around as far as the strings will reach, pretending to have a life of my own.”
She said it with a smile, but the light tone seemed forced. Jamie frowned in sympathy but said nothing.
“How about you? What are you running from?”
“How do you know I’m running from something?”
Charlie didn’t even bother to reply.
Jamie shrugged. “All right, I’m on the run from my woman, too.”
She hadn’t thought of it that way before, but when she said it she knew it was true. She was running from the Doris who liked her steady job as a journalist better than a carefree life on the roads with Jamie. The Doris who made her feel superfluous, like the housewife she’d never, ever be. Sure, she could blame the spring that was in the air and in her blood, but she nevertheless knew it was true.
“Your woman, is she… like us?” Jamie inquired.
It wasn’t like her to be this nosy, not like her at all, but she’d rather think of Charlie’s love life than her own. Besides, this butch-on-butch thing intrigued her.
Charlie laughed. “She’s all woman, if that’s what you mean. But just you try treating her like one! You may be tough, but she’d have you on your knees in no time.”
Jamie was silent for a while before she inquired, “What makes you stay?”
“Have you never felt the allure of submission?” Charlie seemed to shrug off the pulp fiction phrase, as though it was a mere matter of taste, like preferring a black leather jacket to a brown one.
Jamie said nothing. They sipped their beers and enjoyed the view and each other’s company in silence. Charlie put down her bottle so abruptly it foamed, threw her arms around Jamie, and kissed her with childish impatience.
“Whoa,” Jamie said when she was done.
She was going to say something more, something about how she couldn’t do this to her woman just because she was on the run, but somehow she didn’t. Doris didn’t kiss her like that. Doris willingly let herself be kissed, and swept off her feet, and carried to the bed, and—Jamie didn’t want to think of that now. She knew she would do Doris wrong, so she chose not to think about it.
“Let’s go someplace,” Charlie said, so irresistibly sure of getting her way.
She would, too. Jamie nodded agreement and they went around the church looking for a reasonably secluded spot. They found one hidden from view by a protruding piece of the cathedral wall and another nearby stone wall. It was risky as hell—if they were caught they’d be more or less trapped, with nowhere to run easily with their jeans around their ankles. Homosexual acts were illegal in Spain, and shagging against a church wall in a Catholic country might be, too, for all that Jamie knew.
For a moment they stood facing each other, not sure how to begin. Jamie hadn’t followed another butch behind a church to take command of the situation. The absurdity of treating Charlie like a femme struck her and for a moment she imagined they’d laugh at their mistake and go back to their beers and their buddy talk.
Then Charlie kissed her insistently and pressed her against the wall. It felt odd but not unpleasant. The kiss soon made her breathless, and the grinding of Charlie’s jean-clad crotch against her own made her clit swell. Charlie didn’t waste any time before she undid Jamie’s belt buckle and button fly and stuck her hand in her jeans. Charlie’s fingers tugged slightly on the damp tuft of dark hair, out of recklessness rather than any studied sadism.
Jamie winced a little when Charlie touched her sensitive clit, and Charlie perceived it and avoided direct contact. Instead she let her hand slip and slide in the hot wetness of Jamie’s cunt. Before Jamie knew it, Charlie had shoved a finger inside her. Jamie never let anybody do that, not even Doris. That was simply not the way it went. But she let it happen now, surprised at how easily she succumbed to the bittersweet pleasure of being taken. She’d thought her armor more solid than that. But it only took one cocky tomboy, unlike any she’d met before, and she was done in.
Charlie fucked her with her hand for a bit, kissing and biting Jamie’s lips. She had her other hand around the back of Jamie’s neck, tickling the short, downy hair there and teasing the nerves, making goose bumps all the way down Jamie’s back. Jamie had hardly known she had such a sensitive neck. There was a lot she hadn’t known about herself. Like how she longed to lose control, for instance.
Charlie turned her around, making her face the wall, still fucking her with her hand. The other hand had left Jamie’s neck and was pinching and kneading her pale, muscular buttocks instead. Then the hand left her arse and fumbled with something else, presumably Charlie’s own fly.
Something slid into Jamie from behind, something larger and smoother than a finger. Though not cooler—it must have been warmed to body temperature inside Charlie’s slacks. Jamie was shocked. Not even she had one of those! Charlie’s cruel mistress must be well equipped.
It stung ever so slightly but that was to be expected, since technically, she was—had been—Anyway, she was not the one to whine about a little pain. It felt right somehow, like penitence. She knew she had no other choice than to relax and receive. Bracing herself would only make it hurt more, and she wasn’t sure she needed to repent that badly. Charlie wasn’t going to stop. She’d seemed like a sweet enough kid, a bit forward but no match for Jamie. Or so Jamie had thought. But she must have some pent-up frustration from being that lady’s toy—Jamie could tell from the determined way she thrust into her.
So she relaxed and received. Charlie had her in a firm grip around her leather-clad waist, both her hands pressing on Jamie’s clit. With each jerk of her hips the pressure of her hands increased too. Now Jamie had an awfully sensitive clit. She used to get off just from riding her motorbike. She suspected Charlie did, too, from the way she was panting as she rubbed against Jamie’s arse. Anyway, that meant it didn’t take much for her to come, but she was unprepared for what the orgasm felt like with the cock inside her too. Normally, she felt the contractions as vague spasms, but now her muscles had something to grip and every time they contracted the pleasure intensified. It beat the breath out of her so that she couldn’t suppress a groan.
Apparently pleased with her accomplishment, Charlie let herself go and came as well. Jamie could hear her gasp right next to her ear. Her red curls tickled Jamie’s neck as she momentarily rested her head on Jamie’s shoulder, then her head was gone and she was all buttoned up before Jamie had the chance to collect herself. When Jamie turned around to face her, flushing cheeks and somewhat rapid breathing were the only signs she showed of any illicit activity. As for Jamie, she leaned heavily against the church wall, still fumbling with her button fly. She, who was always so cool and collected!
When she’d pulled herself together, they shared a cigarette on the low stone wall with the view. Jamie’s knees were so shaky she wouldn’t be riding a motorbike anytime soon, a strand of hair had actually managed to come loose from all the Brylcreem, and the crotch of her rolled-up jeans was all wet and sticky. She didn’t usually get so very wet, but then she didn’t usually get fucked either.
“I didn’t think you had it in you,” she said, referring to the way Charlie had dominated her.
“I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t known you were up to it,” Charlie asserted, back to her sweet self.
“How did you know?” Jamie asked. “I didn’t know myself.”
“Oh, I can tell,” Charlie said lightly. “I didn’t know I wanted it until I got it either.”
“You do this a lot?” Jamie asked, curiosity once again winning over her habitual reserve.
Charlie shrugged and grinned. “Not an awful lot. Most of the time I’m with my mistress, meek as a little lamb.”
“And she… takes you?” Jamie knew this was none of her business, but after what she’d let Charlie do to her she didn’t care.
“Me regularly and other boys and girls occasionally.”
Jamie was too awed not to ask further questions: “She takes boys too?”
She wanted to make sure Charlie had meant proper boys and not boys like the two of them.
“Aye, there are ways of doing that,” Charlie mocked, amused.
“I know that,” Jamie retorted, annoyed that Charlie had thought her an imbecile, “I just don’t see why a woman would want to do that.”
“Oh, I can see why…” Charlie said.
“Each to her own,” Jamie muttered, recalling how Charlie had had a crush on a boy, once.
She supposed that if you had to do it with a man, that way was better than the ordinary way. But she would have none of it. She sucked on her cigarette and fell silent.
After a while Charlie jumped to her feet, reaching out her hand to Jamie: “It was nice meeting you. Perhaps we’ll see each other on the road again.”
Jamie shook her hand, an awkwardly formal good-bye, but one she too preferred to a kiss or a hug.
“Sure,” she said. “Nice meeting you too.”
She remained on the wall and lit another cigarette as Charlie disappeared from view. After a while she could hear the engine of a motorbike, the most beautiful sound. From where she sat, she caught the occasional glimpse of the lone headlight on the dark streets as Charlie rode out of town.
Stella Watts Kelley
Bridget was the kind of woman whose presence conjured immediate fantasies in anyone who loved women, the kind of woman who turned cowboys into stammering fools and made straight women question their sexuality. She was equally beautiful with or without makeup, dressed in strappy black heels, plunging-necked halters and silky black skirts, or in running pants, dripping with sweat from a gym workout. The teenage boys in her fitness class couldn’t get changed fast enough; they trotted behind her, ready to do an hour of push-ups and crunches if that was her wish, grateful for the opportunity to be in her presence.
Soft spoken with a ready laugh, she was simultaneously elegant in bearing and down-to-earth, a nature girl who loved to surf and snowboard. She wore low-rise jeans and clingy shirts that somehow managed to look both sexy and restrained. I first met her at a preschool potluck dinner at our children’s school. Our families often ate together; our husbands became fast friends and often went mountain-biking. And every time I looked at her, I wanted to take her clothes off.
She was not the first woman to arouse desire in me; as a child, I often had crushes on my female friends. But my husband and I met when we were quite young, before I’d had the opportunity to explore that particular aspect of my sexuality. And so, for more than twenty years, my desires remained known only to me, lying dormant because of both my vow to my husband and, frankly, a lack of opportunity. I sometimes wondered what would happen if the opportunity presented itself, but decided I’d leave that bridge uncrossed.
One summer, when our sons were invited to a birthday party at a classmate’s house, Bridget suggested we spend our free day at a nearby spa. Our husbands thought it great that we were having a “girls’ day out” to pamper ourselves and looked forward to our returning open armed and relaxed. In the empty changing room, we found our lockers, one next to the other, and began to undress. Between periods of comfortable silence and light conversation, initiated by Bridget, I listened, offering a word of agreement here and there. Mostly, I watched her undress.
I had never seen her naked. As she removed each item of clothing, she placed it in the locker. First she took off her T-shirt, revealing a slender but muscular back, evenly tanned a deep cinnamon. Her silky auburn hair brushed the middle of her spine, and as her hair shifted, I noticed a small tattoo of a Chinese character on her left shoulder blade. I wondered what it signified but didn’t ask. I removed my own shirt and bra, noting the contrast between my pale skin and her darker hue. As she reached to put her shirt in the locker, my gaze shifted to her breasts. Her small breasts were perfectly formed, petite, round and plump, each tipped with a small areola and lovely, deep pink nipple.
We removed our pants, and as I bent slightly forward to take down my denim capris, I peeked from under my own long hair as her jeans slid down over her thighs. Could she tell I was watching her? No, she seemed focused on what she was saying. Her words were just sounds coming from her mouth; I couldn’t hear their meaning, but I loved the calming sound of her voice, the delightful music of her laughter, the flash of her smile. As I watched each piece of clothing come off, my mouth went dry. I longed to touch her but kept my hands on my own clothes. So this is what it feels like for men, I thought. As a woman, I was used to being watched. Now, I savored the role of watcher.
She removed her red satin thong as I reached down to pull my jeans and underpants off. As I balanced briefly on my left foot, my head came tantalizingly close to her beautifully formed buttocks. I felt if I wasn’t careful, my hair might brush against her smooth, rounded cheeks. I imagined how it would feel to be on the receiving end—her long, soft hair brushing my bare behind. I picked up my panties and put them in the locker; they were damp and smelled musky. Standing there naked before her, I felt wet and vulnerable.
Bridget grabbed her towel and turned away, heading into the spa. I followed, trotting along behind like the boys in her class. We pondered the choices: Jacuzzi, steam room, or sauna. Bathing suits were required for the Jacuzzi, but no one was around, so we slipped in bare. Above us, high windows flooded the room with daylight, diffused by a tint in the glass. From where we sat, we could see the sauna door at the head of a narrow hallway. Past it, farther down, was the steam room.
Bridget pressed a white, plastic button on the tile floor to start the whirlpool. As the jets rumbled into action, I positioned myself in front of one and felt it pound onto the small of my back. I opened my legs and lifted my pelvis off the bench so that the water in the center of the pool was forced up between my thighs, offering a gentle massage. As I stretched my legs forward, my left calf brushed Bridget’s. She smiled and didn’t move it away. Had that been a smile of pleasure at the sensation of our legs touching, or was she merely being friendly? I allowed our legs to touch for a moment longer, but the electricity traveling up my limbs was too much. I moved it away.
We chatted for a bit, then she leaned backward, eyes closed, arms draped across the sides of the tub, neck arched against the tile. Her cheekbones were high, but not overly defined, her eyelids small and delicate, fringed with long, ebony lashes. Her brows were neatly tweezed into lovely, gradual arches, thicker near the bridge of her nose, thinner at the outside edges. Her ears were dainty and delicate, like little shells. I imagined tracing their edges with my finger, leaning over and gently kissing her tiny lobes, my breath warm, my tongue exploring inside them, my mouth moving to kiss her neck below.
I closed my eyes and pondered where I was going with this. I’m married, I thought. I’ve never even been with a woman before. Am I going to just fantasize all day until I’m insane with desire? I watched her brush a damp strand of hair from her face. How delicious it would be to have a secret. I leaned back and tried to push all thoughts from my mind. After a while, Bridget opened her eyes. I suggested we move on to the steam room, which she thought was a good idea since we were already wet.
I placed my towel on the bench and sat down; she put hers right next to mine. My skin prickled. I wondered if she felt the electricity between us. I looked at her, and she smiled at me. I smiled back, swallowed and looked around at the white tiles dripping with condensation. The air felt oppressive, sensual. I tried not to look at her. Before long, we were both perspiring, and from the corner of my eye, I watched a rivulet of sweat make its way from her neck, between her soft breasts, across her almost-flat stomach, athletic and toned except for a perfect little pillow below her belly button. The rivulet continued on past her navel, then disappeared into the neatly trimmed brown bush between her legs. How I longed to trace its path with my finger.
There was a loud hiss as fresh steam filled the room. Bridget’s face glistened through the fog. She began talking again, and her warm, quiet voice echoed against the tile walls. She wondered aloud at my surprising silence. She asked whether something was bothering me. That depends on how you define the word bother, I thought. It was all I could do to answer her without stammering.
I tried to think of something to say, something that would lead me where I wanted to go, but all I could muster was a bland response about enjoying the heat. She didn’t seem convinced, so I mentioned that I didn’t often have the opportunity to relax this way. I caught her eye, and she smiled. My heart raced.
“I know what you mean,” she said, reaching toward me and covering my hand gently with hers. I felt the electricity again and wondered whether that touch had been a communication, an indication of her own desire.
The heat was getting uncomfortable. Bridget suggested a cold rinse to follow the steam. I laughed to myself, the old cliché about horny husbands and uninterested wives coming to mind. So, this is what I get for my lustful thoughts: a cold shower.
In fact, the cold rinse made me more aroused. My heart pounded as the freezing water ran down my chest; I felt my nipples stand on end. I hopped from foot to foot, turning to let the water rain on my back and buttocks. From the stall next to me, I heard Bridget moan and shiver with delight and wondered where the water was falling on her body. I imagined it following the path of that rivulet of sweat and being warmed by her pussy.
I dried myself, rubbing the towel briskly over my body. As blood circulated through my cold limbs, my skin tingled. Bridget emerged from the shower next to me, dripping wet and radiant. Her nipples, too, were hard, and gooseflesh covered her glistening body. Those tiny bumps on her skin sent me into such a state of agitation it was all I could do not to just grab her and press her to the cold tile floor underneath me.
The dry heat of the sauna welcomed us, slowly warming our cold skin. Bridget lay on the bottom bench on her towel; I sat above, the perfect vantage point for casual observation. There were benches along two of the sauna’s four walls, and they connected at right angles. Like every other part of the spa so far, it was empty. There was a thermostat on the wall, which Bridget turned up when we came in, and next to it, a timer. When she turned the dial, the lights came on, and I could hear the heat coming up. It took only a moment to get hot. I didn’t notice how long she’d set the timer for; it hardly seemed to matter.
I inhaled the dry air and smelled cedar. I leaned back against the wall and felt the warmth of the wood radiate through my skin, listened to the crackling of the rocks. Except for my state of sexual distraction, I felt at ease.
I looked down at Bridget. Her eyes were closed. She was lying flat on her back, legs separating just slightly as they fell apart from one another. Her wet hair spread under her neck and shoulders. Her body was so perfect; there wasn’t a single stretch mark. Every inch of her looked smooth and soft and perfectly formed.
I was taking in the curve of her belly when she opened her eyes and caught me staring. My heart raced. There was an inviting softness in her gaze. Neither of us said anything, and without moving my eyes from hers, I reached down with my big toe and began to trace a line up the inside of her calf to her thigh. Her chest heaved as she released a breath; her legs parted slightly, and she closed her eyes.
Part of me wanted to bolt out the sauna door; instead, I climbed down from the top bench and squatted next to her on the floor. Where my toe had been, I now placed my hand, retracing the same line with my four fingers, this time not stopping at her thigh. As my fingertips reached between her legs, she gasped just a little and parted them more. I explored the warmth there; I was surprised to find she was wet. I took this as encouragement and moved my head toward her mouth, my fingers still caressing her labia and stroking toward her clit.
As my face neared hers, she opened her eyes and parted her lips a bit. I moved to kiss her, and her lips met mine and parted. The tips of our tongues touched, and we spent a moment there, tasting one another’s sweetness before pushing farther inside. I had never tasted a mouth so soft in every way: her lips, her tongue, the way she kissed me back and probed my tongue and teeth. I felt a warmth in my stomach; every part of me was alive and pulsating.
The sauna was hot now. I didn’t know how long we could last, but there was no stopping. I moved my lips from hers and began kissing her long, graceful neck. I licked the beads of sweat there with the tip of my tongue and tasted her saltiness. I worked my way up to her ears as I had imagined doing as we’d sat in the Jacuzzi. I gently tugged her earlobes between my teeth and softly exhaled into her ear. I took a breath to try to quiet the sound of my heart in my own ears; then, I whispered, “I want to taste all of you.” She moaned and said, “Take your time.” I moved down toward her breasts with my mouth as my fingers continued to stroke her pussy. I placed my thumb inside her labia and my fingers on her mound and repeatedly stroked them inward toward one another. She wiggled her hips. With my other hand, I touched her breast, brushing the nipple with my fingertip. She groaned again, and I kissed between her breasts, remembering the rivulet of sweat from the steam room. I licked my way to the nipple I was caressing and took it into my mouth.
She squirmed on the bench as the heat in the sauna intensified. I heard someone in the locker room. My heart pounded. I glanced toward the small window in the door and caught a glimpse of a woman’s head. She walked past the sauna, and as I sighed in relief, the timer shut off both the heat and the light. Only a small stream of daylight entered the room from the door, illuminating Bridget’s body with a dim glow.
I made my way down her belly, admiring the feel of it with my mouth. The underlying muscles were smooth and toned but not overly muscular, and the tiny fleshiness I’d noticed earlier was delicious under my lips. I licked and kissed the area above and below her belly button, then teased the inside of it with my tongue before moving down. All the while, my fingers worked their way inside her, massaging in and out. She began to arch now, and I could feel her wetness running down my fingers. When my mouth reached her pussy, she parted her legs fully, resting one up against the top bench. I repositioned myself between her legs and went down on her.
Her scent was familiar, like my own pussy when I’ve been sweating, a smell I’ve always loved, but there was something different too, a deep earthiness all her own that was almost perfumey. Her swollen cunt opened itself to me as I licked her inner labia upward in long, slow strokes. I stopped at the base of her clit, and the teasing had the intended effect. She moved her pelvis toward my face, and when I didn’t oblige, she began to softly plead with me, “Please, please.”
I began to move my tongue in slow circles, lightly sweeping over her clit. On the third time around, as my tongue touched her clit, she reached down, grabbed my head and held it in place. I applied firm pressure with my tongue, and she arched up fully and came. I felt the shudder down the whole of her body, and the sudden release of fluid. Being on the receiving end of her cum was sexier than I could have imagined. Above me, her mouth panted and gasped. I pressed my lips to her belly for a moment, giving her a rest before going down on her a second time.
She hugged me gently with her legs and then, in one motion, sat up on her knees and pushed me backward onto the bench with her hands. She lay her damp body on top of mine and kissed me deep and hard; her tongue penetrated and explored my mouth, kissing me from every angle. She moved her pelvis against mine, and I moved with her, feeling her wetness mingle with my own. She reached down and began fucking me hard with two fingers. At the same time, her mouth followed a path down to my breasts. Its route mimicked my own mouth’s path on her, but where I had been gentle, she was rough and furious, devouring me with her lips and tongue—and occasionally, her teeth. Her intensity made me hot, and I groaned.
One hand continued to move inside me, while the other grabbed the flesh under my ribs, fingers wrapping around to my back. She took my nipple into her mouth, and I almost yelled as I came, arching my pussy into her palm. She sucked hard at my nipple, her tongue flicking across it at regular intervals, and I once again moved my pelvis to meet her hand as she penetrated me over and over again. The sauna had stopped radiating heat, but it was still hot inside, as we sweated and slid against each other in the dim light.
Bridget’s head came up from my breast; she flipped her hair back over her shoulders and came back to my mouth. She kissed me hard again and in seconds was down on me, her tongue inside me. In her frenzy, Bridget’s body had pushed me forward so that my head was now nearly underneath the top bench near where the two pairs met in the corner. I reached up and held on to the bench above, flexing my arms above my head and spreading my legs wide. I came again, this time ejaculating. She let out a moan of delight, and before I could respond, she was down on me again until I couldn’t take any more and lay there panting, her body limp on top of my own.
When we walked out of the sauna, collected and nonchalant, towels wrapped around us, the spa was empty except for a light visible through the steam room window. In the shower, we washed and caressed each other behind the curtain. We shampooed each other’s hair and openly took in one another’s naked bodies in the bright daylight, no longer stealing glances. We giggled like girls and kissed under the spray of the shower before drying and dressing.
Before we left, Bridget turned to me and said, “I always felt this waiting to happen with us. Didn’t you?”
As we made our way out into the day’s bright glare, I felt her fingertips reach out and brush mine, gently squeezing and then letting go.
Betty Blue
“Sing O daughter of Zion. Shout O Israel, be glad!”
Ruby sang harmony as the choir led the congregation in a lively rendition of the hymn, raising the spirit with up-tempo clapping. It was sweltering under the big tent, and they had been leading the worship for over an hour, but nobody was tired, nobody was sitting down, and nobody was going home. They had come to hear Reverend Goodblood. He had been here at the fairgrounds in St. Johns leading the Jubilee for six days, and he was just getting them warmed up. Cyril Goodblood wasn’t a healer or a prophet; he was just an honest preacher who had listened to that still, small voice, and wanted to share it with the world. In his touch, just the same, there seemed to be a kind of inner healing, and the ladies of the flock were particularly drawn to it.
She had driven every day of the Jubilee from her parents’ home in Eagar about an hour south to hear Reverend Goodblood. He spoke to the flock in a quiet voice, his silver hair parted on the side and greased back with Brylcreem and his sleeves rolled up above his elbows in the heat. He had a kind face with a long, prominent nose—aquiline was the word Ruby thought of, something she’d read in a romance novel once—and his wise and comforting eyes were the shade of a late summer storm coming in over the White Mountains.
She thought if she could just get down to the front of the altar this time when the reverend made the call, he might bless her with a little laying on of hands. She just needed a touch of the reverend’s grace to rub off on her, just a little prayer. There was trouble coming, and only the Good Lord could get her out of it.
Sydney watched the congregation from behind the staging area, waiting for her, eager for her. They were in love with her creation. The Reverend Cyril Goodblood had won them over and swept them away into an ecstatic religious experience. She didn’t care what they called her, as long as the money kept coming in for “the Lord’s work.” Tonight was the last night of the week-long Jubilee, and it was time for Cyril to bring it on home.
The local minister was introducing Cyril now, and people were nearly crying in anticipation. Sydney smoothed her hair down and tugged her pin-striped vest into place, making sure that Cyril looked the part, and with a wide grin, she came around the partition and thanked the minister, shaking his hand with a firm, two-handed grip. The congregation clapped enthusiastically as she stepped up to the wooden pulpit, and then perhaps realized that clapping was not the thing. Reverend Goodblood was a man of God, not a celebrity. The clapping quickly morphed into clasped hands and a chorus of soft thank-you-Jesuses and praise-the-Lords.
“Thank you for the warm welcome, Pastor John,” said Sydney. “It’s a blessing to be here before the beautiful family of God.”
Sydney preached as Cyril for a good three hours, watching the women fan themselves, red cheeked and glowing in the humid heat, and the men listening intently, unfazed by the sweat dripping down their good shirts.
In the third row, she caught the eye of Mrs. Edgar Ellison. Barbara “Bobbi” Ellison was just on the plump side of pretty, the kind of girl you could get a good handful of. And when Bobbi had called on Reverend Cyril last night after the service, Sydney had done just that. It was easy to tell when a woman had come for the Goodblood touch. They blushed before they’d ever said a word, touching the reverend’s hand just a little too long, breathing a little too fast. There almost seemed to be a competition among the women that came to her services to see who could win the reverend’s favor. The ladies of Apache County seemed particularly hungry for closer communion.
Bobbi had asked the reverend to pray for her, and had gotten down on her knees, letting Sydney lay her hand against her forehead while she prayed for God’s will to be done in Bobbi’s life. It was then that Bobbi had grasped Sydney’s hand and begun to kiss it in profuse thanks, as if Sydney were the pope. Sydney had pulled back, sitting down in her chair by the dressing room mirror under the hot glow of the round white lights, and Bobbi had scrambled forward and parked herself between Sydney’s knees, reaching for her belt buckle. It seemed to be the first thing these provincial women went for, as if it was what they were used to. It was a sad commentary on the men they knew that they were all too eager to give head before they’d even gotten a kiss on the lips.
Sydney had pushed her hands away and pulled Bobbi up as she rose from the chair. Bobbi’s eyes grew wide as Sydney pushed her back and set her ample rear onto the dressing table. “Let me minister to you, Bobbi,” she’d whispered in her ear as she kissed the warm neck. Bobbi had sighed as Sydney kissed her way slowly down her throat, opening the buttons on Bobbi’s dress to kiss the tops of her breasts above the Maidenform bra. Bobbi needed just that little bit of extra support for full-figured gals. Sydney slipped her hand into the dress and popped the clasp at the back with practiced ease, letting the bra slide down Bobbi’s half covered arms and release her full figure.
Bobbi had gasped as Sydney pressed her mouth over one taut, pink nipple while pinching the other. Mr. Edgar Ellison apparently wasn’t much of a tit man. Bobbi was moaning and squirming as Sydney sucked the warm flesh into her mouth. It was clear it wasn’t going to take much to put her over the top. Sydney ran her right hand down Bobbi’s side to squeeze the soft swell of her ass against the table and then finished unbuttoning her without missing a beat at Bobbi’s breast. She laid the Sunday dress open and pulled the white panties down to her knees, slipping two fingers down between her parted legs into the warm hollow. Bobbi’s clit was swollen.
“Oh, Reverend,” Bobbi moaned as Sydney softly stroked the hood. Sydney moved her mouth to the other breast, holding it in her left hand so she could get her mouth around more. Bobbi giggled nervously and then shut up quickly with a soft little pant as Sydney’s fingers found their way between her wet lips and deep inside her. As Sydney suspected, she was already on the edge, sucking in her breath in a series of tiny gasps as Sydney stroked inside her and rubbed her thumb against the warm clit.
Sydney let go of Bobbi’s breast and got down on her knees like a penitent at the altar and tasted the sacred flesh between the woman’s legs. Bobbi was loud now, and it was a good thing the elders had all gone home before Sydney had let Bobbi in for counseling. She ran her tongue beside her sticky fingers and sucked at the flushed center. Bobbi was sweet and hot, like a tropical fruit. It was like burying your face in a ripe, slick mango on a hot summer day without worrying about the juice dribbling down your chin. Some things were just too good not to be messy about.
Bobbi let out an almost surprised squeal, making a “joyful noise” as the scripture bid, and slid to the edge of the table, pressing hard against Sydney’s happy, sticky tongue. Sydney sucked in harder against Bobbi’s clit as the noise died down, drawing a second climax out of her. From the way Bobbi was shaking, almost crying, Sydney figured one was at least a rarity with Mr. Ellison, and two was downright unheard of.
Bobbi was shy afterward, and a little shocked when Sydney kissed her, as though she’d never tasted herself before, though she didn’t pull away. Sydney pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned herself off as Bobbi pulled herself back together, hooking and buttoning what Sydney had released.
“Reverend,” she said, looking down as she buttoned to avoid meeting Sydney’s eyes, “I know we shouldn’t have—”
“Nonsense,” said Sydney. “As the Lord says, ‘This is my commandment, that you love one another, that your joy may be full.’ He doesn’t begrudge us a little joy. If those in our lives who ought to aren’t ministering to our needs, well, I think the Lord understands.” She smiled and took Bobbi’s hand to give it a warm, pastorly shake.
“Thank you, Reverend Goodblood,” Bobbi had whispered, and slipped out into the warm summer night air to go home full of the joy of the Lord.
Sydney winked at Bobbi who was watching her now with rapt attention from the third row, and Bobbi smiled and blushed. After that she seemed to squirm a bit in her seat as Sydney paced back and forth across the stage, exhorting them to open their hearts and listen to that still, small voice, to give that they might receive.
As usual, when Reverend Cyril called on them to come down and dedicate their lives to the Good Lord, the aisles filled. With filled aisles came filled donation buckets that the elders held out to them on their way to the altar.
They were holding their hands out toward Sydney, hoping for Reverend Goodblood’s blessed touch as Sydney stepped down and walked among them. A pretty blonde with a heart-shaped face and a rose-print dress was making her way down, looking anxious, not quite able to push through the crowd. Sydney had seen her at the altar before, hoping for a touch from the man of God. She figured she’d make the woman’s day.
“What’s your name, sister?” Sydney asked in Cyril’s best shepherd’s voice as she reached over the crowd for her hand.
“Ruby,” said the blonde, her face flushed.
“Bless you, Ruby,” said Sydney, putting a hand on her head. “The Lord told me you needed a little something extra today.”
Ruby blinked up at Sydney as if she were the Lord himself. “Thank you, Reverend,” she breathed. “I’ve been hoping I could talk to you after the service.”
Sydney smiled at her. “You come around back after the closing worship,” said Sydney. “Share what’s burdening your heart.”
The counseling room behind the stage was partitioned in two. A door in between opened onto Reverend Goodblood’s dressing room where Cyril was “reborn” each afternoon. Sydney had grown up around carnies and religious snake-oil salesmen, and had watched them carefully, learning their moves, seeing what worked and what didn’t. She was following in her father’s footsteps.
He had been a revival preacher when the occasion called for it, and the rube in the crowd for carnival games when more worldly entertainment was the order of the day. Kegan Blood-good had been the name of his spiritual persona, and Sydney had admired the way he could work a crowd, but it was how he had been able to charm any woman anywhere that had always impressed her. Kegan never took advantage of them; he only brought out in them what they were aching to express, giving them a little spiritual guidance with a touch of sin thrown in. The money was a pleasant bonus.
Reverend Cyril wasn’t quite so cynical, but sometimes, well… the Lord worked in mysterious ways.
Ruby looked in shyly at Sydney sitting before the dressing table as she wiped off the stage makeup that was necessary under the hot lights of the big tent. Sydney smiled and welcomed her in, evaluating her quickly. She looked about twenty-five, petite and bright-eyed, a natural strawberry blonde with a palely freckled cream complexion. A slight discoloration showed beneath her left eye, the sallow shadow of a fading bruise. Some of the small-town good Christian brethren seemed to take St. Paul’s instructions about a wife’s subjugation to her husband a tad too much to heart.
“Come on in, sister,” said Sydney. “Close the door. I was just freshening up.” She waited until Ruby had settled herself on the chair beside her and sat looking down at her hands. “What’s troubling you?” she asked.
“I need a new start, Reverend,” she said, a soft twang in her voice quavering. “I’ve done some bad things and now I’m reaping what I sowed.”
Sydney took her nervous hands and looked Ruby in the eyes, calming her with the famed Reverend Goodblood look. “We all do things we shouldn’t, Ruby. There’s never anybody left standing to cast the first stone.” She rubbed her thumbs gently against the bones in Ruby’s hands. “Or the first punch.” Ruby’s lip was trembling. Sydney had always been a good reader of faces. “Is someone hurting you, Ruby?” she asked quietly. Ruby burst into tears.
Sydney slipped out of her chair and crouched down beside the weeping woman, stroking her arm. “You’re safe here, Ruby. You can tell me anything. It’s between you and me. And God.”
“I try to be a good wife,” said Ruby, wringing her hands. “I try to obey.” She looked up, searching Sydney’s eyes. “But Billy—that’s my husband—he don’t touch me anymore.” Her cheeks burned pinker than the roses on her dress.
Sydney found herself getting angry on Ruby’s behalf. “Unless it’s with his fists, you mean.” Ruby looked down at her lap. “It’s not right for him to do that, Ruby,” she insisted. “God wouldn’t want you to stay with a man like that.”
Ruby looked up at her, her eyes glistening with something like hope. “That’s what I thought,” she said. “But I’m afraid he’ll come after me. Will you pray with me, Reverend Cyril?”
Sydney and Ruby knelt side by side as Sydney took her hand and asked for God’s guidance. She was actually sincere this time, wishing there was something she could do to help the woman. She had completely set aside the possibility of a little “gladdening” of her heart when Ruby let go of her hand and began to slide her own along Sydney’s thigh. Sydney tried to take her hand again, but Ruby was insistent. She nearly managed to grab Sydney between the legs before Sydney grasped her hand and stopped her.
“I’m sorry,” Ruby said, her face red. “It’s just… I’ve been watching you all week, Reverend, and you’re so good and kind. Maybe it’s the joy of the Lord, but you make me feel glad and full of… spirit… and it’s been so long since Billy…” Ruby began to cry into her hands, and Sydney pulled her against her shoulder, patting her back as she wept as if she hadn’t in years, holding it all in, trying to be good.
At last Ruby quieted and leaned against her, and Sydney gave her the handkerchief from her pocket to dry her eyes. Ruby gave the sweet-smelling cloth a curious look as she folded it damp in her hands. She looked up at Sydney, her face anxious and sad.
“Reverend Goodblood,” she whispered. “I’m so alone.”
Sydney tucked her soft curls behind one ear and touched her cheek. Perhaps this one really did need Cyril Goodblood’s ministrations. Perhaps it was Sydney’s mission, maybe even a true gift from God. She swore she didn’t seek these women out. She kissed Ruby lightly and Ruby responded, running her fingers through Sydney’s slick hair to hold her closer as she explored her mouth with a kind of desperate, pleading whimper.
Ruby put her hand once more on Sydney’s thigh, and Sydney took her hand and began to press her slowly back onto the ground. “Let me minister to you, Ruby,” she whispered. Ruby pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside, shivering as Sydney kissed her throat and the warm hollow of her collarbone. She kept grabbing for Sydney, and so Sydney took both her wrists in her left hand and held her arms over her head.
She pushed Ruby’s bra up over her small teacup breasts and straddled her, leaning down to taste them. Ruby’s chest rose, her breath quickening, and she closed her eyes.
“Your skin is so soft,” Sydney murmured against her, wriggling her free hand into Ruby’s panties. Ruby arched beneath her fingers, sighing deeply as if it had truly been forever since she’d been touched, and thrust herself up to meet Sydney’s long fingers as she entered her. She was rocking against Sydney frantically, and Sydney obliged her need, pumping her fingers inside her pussy as Ruby grew rapidly wetter. Ruby groaned appreciatively, bucking against her strokes.
“Oh, yes, Reverend,” she breathed. “Yes. Right there. Oh, God.”
Ruby bent her knees, drawing Sydney deeper as she lifted her pelvis, and began to moan in sharp, short bursts with the rhythm of Sydney’s fingers.
“Oh, yes! Oh, God!” she cried, and she was jerking and arching beneath Sydney, her thighs shaking with a thunderous swell. A gush of liquid covered Sydney’s hand as Ruby cried out, spurting like a warm, sweet fountain with the contractions of her hot cunt. Sydney let go of her wrists and wriggled down along the carpet to get her mouth against that fountain of power. Ruby came again: “Yes! Yes! Oh, God! Oh, God!”
Sydney slipped her left hand into her slacks and fucked herself with it as she fucked Ruby with her right, never wavering in her attention to Ruby’s glistening, rose-pink flesh, and she came with a shout and a groan as Ruby ejaculated once more, moaning beneath her. Sydney ran her tongue against Ruby’s exhausted pussy as she drew her fingers out of both of them, drinking the fluid that trickled off of her. Ruby moaned softly, her whole body collapsed in utter relaxation against the carpet, and her freckled cheeks pleasantly flushed.
“Oh, Reverend,” she breathed with her eyes closed as if in prayer. “God has truly sent you.”
When Ruby was dressed and her spirit collected, she seemed to slip back into a bittersweet sadness once more as if remembering what she’d come for.
“I don’t know how I can leave him,” she said. “I have nothing. He owns everything. I don’t even have a checking account.” She sighed. “Maybe this is God’s will. A test that I’m supposed to endure to prove that I won’t deny him when things are dark.”
Sydney glanced over at the bag from the week’s donations, tucked beneath the dressing table. If there was ever a time when she could truly bring some joy to someone’s life who so desperately deserved it, it was now. She nudged the bag out with her foot and looked at Ruby.
“Sweetheart,” said Sydney. “I want you to take this. It’s God’s money and I think he wants you to have it. You take it, and get out of this place, get away from Billy. He’s bad news and you deserve better.”
Ruby gasped as Sydney opened the satchel stuffed with bills. “Oh, I couldn’t, Reverend Goodblood!”
“Yes you can, Ruby. I won’t take no for answer.” She zipped it up and pushed it into Ruby’s hands.
“I don’t know how to thank you, Reverend Goodblood,” said Ruby with tears in her eyes. “You’ve saved my life. Bless you.” She kissed Sydney on the cheek and shook her hand. “I won’t forget this.”
Sydney was sure she wouldn’t either. It was worth the whole week of performing just to see the gratefulness and happiness in Ruby’s eyes. She saw her out and then packed up to leave and move on to the next town. She’d be starting from scratch, and would have to do a longer tour than she’d anticipated, but this was right. She’d actually saved someone for the first time in her “ministry.”
As she walked out into the parking lot, she saw a cop car circling slowly, shining a bright light on the tent and the fairgrounds.
“Can I help you fellows?” she asked as they pulled up beside her.
“Only if you’ve seen this woman,” said the cop in the passenger seat. He held out a printout of a mug shot and Sydney bit the inside of her cheek. It was Ruby. Only her name wasn’t Ruby, it was Lisa Swanson, aka Laurie Swanson, aka Lilly Swift and she was wanted for swindling unsuspecting older men out of their life savings. Sydney shook her head.
“Sorry, officer. I’ve seen a lot of people at the Jubilee this week. Don’t recognize her.”
Sydney watched them drive away and then lifted her head to the humid summer night sky. She put her hands on her knees and swore long and loud at the clouds that had refused to release their bounty all through the long, sweaty week. She looked down at the wanted flier she still held in her hand, “Ruby” smiling up at her.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another,” she murmured.
The clouds burst suddenly, pouring down on her and on Ruby’s crooked smile on the paper as the monsoons finally came to the mountains. Sydney was instantly soaked to the skin.
She sighed and dropped the soggy flier into the water swelling at her feet. “Well, dammit,” she said. “Jesus H. Christ.”
Sophia Valenti
The purple-pink sky was beginning to show the first hint of sunrise as I slammed the taxi door shut behind me. I was on my way home from an all-night party in the city, having spent the past five hours in a dimly lit warehouse, surrounded by thumping music and sweaty, gyrating women. It was perfect foreplay—or it would have been, had I actually been able to score. But after spending more than an hour dancing up against a handsome baby dyke, I came up empty. Her ex suddenly showed up, turning what I thought was a tough little piece of work into a lovesick fool right before my eyes. As soon as she bit her lip and said, “Excuse me for a minute,” I knew I’d be going home alone.
A minute turned into fifteen as they huddled in a distant corner and no doubt professed their undying love for each other, while I was left at the bar with my cunt empty and throbbing. With a resigned sigh, I downed my drink, picked up my leather jacket and headed out into the cool predawn air to hail a cab.
Fortunately, the city was on the verge of awakening, which made my trip home a fraction easier than it would have been an hour earlier. See—chatting up that girl wasn’t a total waste of time, I told myself as I slid onto the pleather backseat of a beat-up Yellow Cab.
The driver ignored me after taking note of my destination, which was fine with me. I was in no mood to chat. He was a young guy who stank of cigarette smoke and cheap cologne, seeming as if he’d just pulled an all-nighter himself. He sang along brightly to some horrible ’80s dance-music station that served as the soundtrack to my entire trip home. I tried to tune out the Nu Shooz duet going on in the front seat as I stared at the city lights streaking by outside the window. The slashes of color looked otherworldly up against the backdrop of the slowly brightening sky, a visual echo of the flashing lights of the club I’d just deserted.
I don’t know what I was thinking, heading out to a party when I had a morning meeting with a client. No, that’s wrong. I knew exactly what I was thinking. I was as horny as hell and hoping to pick up. It had been weeks since I’d gotten laid, and I was hoping for a little no-strings-attached action—which isn’t as easy to find these days as it used to be.
I glanced at my watch and figured I had time for a catnap and a cup of coffee before I had to present my best businesslike face to my prospective customer. I design websites for a living, which gives me a flexible schedule, but I still do my best to maintain a professional demeanor when dealing with clients.
The taxi slowed as it headed down my street and pulled up in front of my building. The block was dark, except for a lone, brightly lit storefront that assaulted my tired eyes. I shoved some cash into the cabbie’s hand and stepped out onto the street. The store was directly across from my front door. It had been a grungy tire-repair shop for years before the rent became too high and Mugsy packed it up. It had been closed for months, but I’d noticed that in the past few weeks, the windows had been cleaned and covered inside with brown paper. When the old wooden window sashes were painted a tooth-aching shade of pink, I assumed it was going to be some kind of kids’ clothing store to serve all of the hipster families that were beginning to pour into the neighborhood. But now, as I squinted against the light and stared into the bare windows, I saw that it was yet another cupcake bakery. I rolled my eyes as I thought, Great, that’s what we need. A bakery. What the hell is wrong with a liquor store?
The walls of the store had been painted the same Technicolor pink as the outside trim, in contrast to the white tables, chairs and molding. The chrome-and-glass showcases lining one side of the store were filled with a rainbow-hued selection of tiny cakes. As I stared, I caught a brief glimpse of a blonde rushing across the store with a coffeepot in her hand, and that’s the exact second I remembered I didn’t have any coffee of my own in the apartment. Looking to ward off the inevitable headache, I decided to see if I could score a cup from my new neighbor.
I crossed the street and pushed the door, which—thank god—opened. As I crossed the threshold, I was hit with the sickly sweet scent of sugar and it nearly took my breath away. As I inhaled a second time, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Underneath the room’s cloying perfume, I discerned the soothing scent of brewing coffee. My eyes scanned the counter, and I spotted a slowly filling pot.
“Good morning!” said a bright voice behind me. I jumped at the cheerful words and turned quickly to see someone who appeared to be straight out of central casting for an MGM musical. It was the petite blonde I’d seen seconds earlier, but this time I was able to get a better look at her. The waves of her honey-blonde hair shone like a supermodel’s and her wide eyes were a bright blue. Either she’d had a good night’s sleep or she was riding a permanent sugar high. Her chipper voice was nearly as much of an assault on my senses as the scents and sights before me. She wore a white dress with short, poufy sleeves and a skirt that looked as if it were supported by layers of frilly crinolines. Over it, a pink-gingham apron protected her pristine frock. Her shapely legs were encased in nude-colored stockings that led down to pink shoes with sensible heels. Standing there in my black leather jacket and ratty jeans, I felt like I was in a time warp—a 1950s greaser who had stepped into her pretty pink parlor.
I was speechless as I took in the sight of her, and I was suddenly shy about my appearance. It was almost as if I expected her to tsk at me like a disapproving mother. But that was my own crazy head talking because she did no such thing.
“Welcome to Cupcake Heaven. I’m Aimee!” she said, extending her hand toward me. Acting on autopilot, I took her delicate hand in mine and shook it, checking myself at the last minute and lightening my touch before I crushed her with my stronger grip.
“Cupcake Heaven?” I asked, barely hiding my smirk.
“Yes,” she said, batting her long lashes and glancing toward the parade of little cakes marching across a rectangular paper doily. “A little piece of heaven you can hold in your hand,” she added slyly as she returned her gaze to me, her look all of a sudden seeming much less innocent. Her eyes roamed up and down my figure, taking in every inch of me. And in an instant, I felt myself switch from hunter to hunted. It still seemed like a dream, but the aching hunger in my sex that hadn’t yet been satisfied urged me to keep my options open.
“Today’s the Grand Opening,” she said, her voice a little lower in pitch but still maintaining its singsong quality, “although I wasn’t quite ready to open yet. But I can make an exception for secial customers.”
I stared back at Aimee, communicating my interest with an unblinking stare. “Well, then,” I said as I considered the living, breathing confection in front of me, “this must be my lucky day.”
“Looks that way,” she said, her eyes still locked on mine. It was odd. In the few minutes I’d been in that store, I’d formed more of an electric connection with this intriguing stranger than I had in the hour I’d spent chatting with my former quarry at the club.
Aimee offered me a wicked smile as she passed me by, locked the front door and turned back to me. Things are definitely looking up, I thought to myself.
“How about a private tour?” she asked, raising one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows.
“Lead the way,” I answered. Her high heels clicked sharply against the pink and white tiled floor as she sashayed toward the back of the bakery. The seams on her stockings were as straight as an arrow. Fortunately, I couldn’t say the same thing about her.
Aimee disappeared through a doorway in the back, and I was quick to follow. Seconds later I stepped into a huge, spotless kitchen which was lined with sparkling stainless-steel counters and filled with brand-new kitchen equipment. She was on me in a flash, pushing me up against the tiled wall and pressing her lips against mine with a strength that surprised me. Her pink-lipsticked lips slid across mine as we frantically kissed. While our tongues tangled, she grabbed my wrists and slammed my hands up against the wall over my head, grinding against me with her crinolines rustling noisily.
She was so petite, I could have overpowered her in an instant, but I didn’t want to. I let her hold my wrists with one of her tiny hands, while the other roamed between our bodies to unbutton my jeans and push them down over my hips. As she worked, I kicked off my boots, eager to be free of everything that was in the way of her fingers reaching my cunt. After hours of unrequited flirting, it was a relief—and a turn-on—to be someone else’s toy for a change. Although Aimee looked like she’d stepped off the set of “Leave It to Beaver,” she seemed to be propelled by the same animalistic desires that were churning within me.
Aimee moved quickly, and my pants were soon an indigo puddle at my feet. Momentarily breaking our kiss, I stepped out of the tangle of denim, still clad in my panties, T-shirt and leather jacket. She kicked one of my feet, urging my legs farther apart, and pulled the crotch of my damp panties aside to get at what she craved. Her slender fingers plunged into my juicy pussy, and her face broke out in a self-satisfied smile as she toyed with my wet hole. With practiced ease, she pulled out and skidded her fingertips over my swollen clit. I moaned loudly at her touch and bore down, desperate for a stronger hand.
“Turn around,” she said sharply. “Hands against the wall.” I obeyed, palms flat against the cool tiles, and heard another rustle of nylon as Aimee knelt between my legs. She grabbed the sides of my panties and roughly yanked them down my legs, leaving them wrapped around one ankle as she again urged my legs apart. Not wasting any time, she grabbed my hips and pulled my cunt toward her face. I sighed with delight as her tongue teased my clit and slowly traced my slit. She moaned as she sampled my sex, teasing my slick folds for seemingly endless minutes before again flicking her tongue against my clit with a maddeningly light touch. I pushed back against her face, wanting more of everything, and she pulled away and slapped me hard on the ass, making my cunt ache even more for her.
“I didn’t tell you to move,” she hissed, her voice sexy and commanding.
I stilled my bucking hips as I savored the lingering sting of her slap and fervently hoped she’d return her attention to my pussy. She kept me waiting for what felt like an eternity, but in reality I knew it must have only been a few seconds. Impatient, I carefully glanced over my shoulder to see Aimee stand and swipe a dollop of frosting off an icing spatula, coating her thumb with pink buttercream. I quickly averted my eyes before I got caught, and my lids fluttered closed as I felt her smear the frosting over my back hole. Aimee worked her butter-coated thumb into my asshole as she simultaneously wiggled a finger into my cunt. I clawed at the wall, feeling my knees grow weak and struggling to maintain my posture. I did my very best to stay still as Aimee fucked both my holes, her other fingers stroking my clit with each upward thrust of her hand. At that moment, all of my thoughts disappeared. All that mattered were Aimee’s insistent digits plunging in and out of my clutching holes, satisfying weeks of longing in a matter of minutes.
With my eyes shut tight, I focused on the sensation of those slim fingers plundering me. Her body was pressed up tightly against mine as she worked me into a frenzy. The rough, irregular thrusts of her hand and the occasional swipe of my clit had me desperate to come. I was groaning with longing, a sound that seemed to echo loudly in the tiled workspace, even as I buried my face in my leather-covered shoulder.
“That’s it,” she whispered in my ear. I shuddered at the harsh tone in her voice, all hints of sweetness and light having disappeared. “Come all over my hand, you little slut.” Her dirty words sparked my orgasm, which hit me like a flash of lightning. The sudden spike of pleasure consumed me, making me shudder violently as the sensations suffused my entire being. I cried out as my spasming holes clutched her thrusting digits, and I rode out the final waves of my orgasm as she continued to finger-fuck me until my cries lowered in volume and urgency.
“Good girl,” Aimee whispered in my ear, sounding pleased with herself as she withdrew her sticky fingers. “But don’t think you’re done yet.” She pulled me away from the wall and urged me to lie down on the floor on my back. I still hadn’t caught my breath from coming so hard and fast, but that didn’t stop Aimee. She pulled up her dress and straddled my face, releasing her crinolines and enveloping me in a white, nylon cloud as her pussy hovered temptingly close to my lips.
Aimee’s cunt was bare—no hair, no undies—and the subtle perfume of her aroused sex made my mouth water more than any treat in her store ever could. I grabbed her ass, feeling the coarse texture of her ruffled garter straps under my hands as I palmed her cheeks and pulled her toward my hungry mouth. She was dripping with honey and I dove right in, lapping at her slick sex and savoring her sweet flavor.
I delved between her pink folds and began fucking her with my tongue, enjoying the musical sound of her pretty sighs and the feel of her skirts scratching my face as she bucked her hips. I was eager to make her feel as good as she’d made me, so I honed in on her puffy button, taking it between my lips and teasing it with my tongue.
Having such direct attention being lavished on her sensitive clit seemed to send Aimee into overdrive. She took her pleasure from me with an increasing fervor, grinding against me and dancing in circles as she rode my face. She was a hypnotic mix of sugar and spice, her deceptively sweet look a saccharine cover for her barely concealed lust. I was thankful I’d gotten the chance to peel back her frilly wrappings and discover the sexy woman that lurked within.
I doubled my efforts on Aimee’s cunt, and she matched me stroke for stroke as she bucked toward my face. I snapped her garter straps and stroked the smooth tops of her nylons as she writhed above me, rapidly approaching her limits. Before long, Aimee cried out and shuddered in my hands as she came, sending a flood of sticky juice into my mouth. I lapped up the remnants of her release, listening to the sound of her breath returning to normal.
When she’d regained her senses, she climbed off my face and sat next to me. Her cheeks were flushed becomingly, but she looked no worse for wear. I knew I couldn’t say the same for myself. I felt thoroughly tossed, and I was sure I looked it, too—especially in the bright, early morning sunlight that was now streaming into the kitchen through the overhead skylights.
I glanced at the wall clock and saw that I was running out of time. I needed to get home and wash the scent of sex off of me, so I could meet my client and pretend to be a somewhat professional businesswoman. I hastily apologized to Aimee, who didn’t seem to mind in the least. She had her own business to attend to, with the grand opening and all.
She stood and straightened her dress, flashing me another bright smile, and disappeared out front. By the time I’d redressed myself and emerged from the kitchen, Aimee had poured me a cup of coffee to go and handed me a small cardboard box wrapped with red and white string. “Breakfast,” she said, smiling. “I’m closing around seven tonight. Come back for dessert,” she added with a wink before I turned to leave.
After my morning meeting, I sat in my apartment and stared at the box of cupcakes that Aimee had handed to me as I left her store. I’d never been much for sugary treats, but I considered one of the little cakes for a moment and then took a bite, feeling the buttercream coat my tongue and appreciating its sweetness. It was delicious and surprisingly satisfying—much like Aimee herself. At that moment, I knew I’d return for more.
I think I’ve developed a serious sweet tooth.
Alex Tucci
Aunt Rachel was my grandmother’s youngest sister, which makes you my second cousin. She had you late in life, so we were only a few years apart in age. Aunt Rachel gave me the love and acceptance I didn’t get at home. It was that love that allowed me to leave this small town. Her belief that I could become anything I chose to be gave me the courage to walk away from all that I had known, to make something meaningful for myself in the world beyond its borders.
I thought the sun rose and set on her, though I didn’t always understand her. We had long, rambling conversations. She understood, years before I did, that this town would kill my spirit.
And now I’ve come home, to say good-bye and wish her well on her next journey. With her passing, I’ve also come home for you.
When I began to write, Aunt Rachel encouraged me. Not believing people would find anything of value in my words, I was hesitant at first. I showed her my tamer stories and poems, basking in the warmth of her praise for my talent.
I wouldn’t write what I came to think of as my real stories until I went away to college. They began to emerge, gushing forth, in the deep hours of my nights. While others slept, I feverishly put pen to paper, pouring out the tales that struggled to be born. Stories of rage and desire, they reflected emotions I’d kept bottled up, believing that no one would understand, or approve of, the things I buried in the deepest corners of my soul.
From across the crowded assembly hall of the church, I notice you watching me. You make the slightest motion with your head as you turn and walk out. I excuse myself, following you, trying desperately to appear as if my heart isn’t trying to beat right out of my chest.
I tell myself this is about seeking life in the face of death. I accept the possibility this moment may never come again. I want it, nonetheless. I follow you downstairs, hypnotized by your swaying hips. How long have I yearned for this moment, dreaded it, dreamt of it? More than twenty years? Really? For some people, that constitutes a lifetime.
But ours has never been a family that rushes into things, impulsive and daring. Needing to be just that, I chafed under that steadiness. Your mother knew it. She knew it about you as well. But your relationship with her was different than mine. Complicated and often unspoken emotions always churned just beneath the surface.
We’ve known each other our entire lives. I left to find my way in the larger world. You stayed in the familiar cocoon of our hometown. I had dreams and ambitions. I know you had dreams too. Why did you set them aside and remain? There are so many questions I’ve never asked and you’ve never volunteered to answer.
* * *
You open the bathroom door and turn on the light as I step in behind you and lock it. We stand there, looking at each other while the tension between us builds to the breaking point. We reach for each other, our mouths coming together for the first time, though I’ve dreamt of kissing you for years. Your lips part under mine as your tongue pushes its way into my mouth. Warm, wet velvety softness makes me groan as I think that your pussy must feel like this too.
My hands fumble with the clasp of your dress. What I really want to do is just push the damn thing up, yank your panties down, and fuck you until you scream. But we’re in the basement of the church—old taboos die hard. So I fumble on, finally getting the clasp undone and pulling down the zipper, careful even in my haste not to tear the fabric. You step out of the dress, and I discover that you aren’t wearing panties anyway—one last act of rebellion. Looking at me, but not really seeing me, desire and some darker emotion cloud your eyes as you reach for my belt.
I try to stay focused on what’s happening in the here and now, but my mind keeps wandering back in time….
“Shawn! Shawn, where the hell are you? Mom says you best get your butt in the car before you get left!”
On that day, I tried to ignore my brother’s voice, bellowing my name and breaking my concentration, as I watched what you, my cousins, were doing near the pool table in Aunt Rachel’s basement.
You didn’t know I was there, or so I thought. If I was discovered, Carl and Tommy, Uncle George’s boys, would probably threaten to beat me into silence. Although I was only twelve, I knew you would be in big trouble if you got caught messing with the boys. And that’s what you were doing. Carl and Tommy had you sandwiched between them, Carl behind, Tommy in front, their hands and mouths all over you. Your hands were pulling Carl’s hips against your ass, while you ground your hips into Tommy’s crotch.
We lived in the country, so I knew what was going on—mating animals took care of that early. I had never seen people go at it like this, however, except in the occasional magazine I sneaked from my brother’s room. I liked to stare at the naked women and imagine they were mine. I got all hot and excited when I looked at those pictures, but watching those boys paw at you just made me sick.
Watching you didn’t make me sick. I got all sweaty and tongue-tied around you. And you seemed to know it. You’d mess up my already messy, short brown hair and tease me until I blushed furiously. Then you’d laugh and saunter off to tease the older boys, lush hips swaying as I swallowed the dry lump in my throat. The guys never seemed to get tongue-tied around you, but I somehow couldn’t be as cool as they were.
I didn’t know what to do with how you made me feel: hot and cold, sweating, heart pounding, burning wetness between my clenched thighs. I only knew that it was somehow going to go hard for me if anyone ever found out. So I kept my thoughts to myself and watched you from a distance, wanting, yet fearful that you would notice how I could never seem to tear my eyes away from you.
I heard Connor’s voice getting closer. The basement door flew open as feet pounded down the stairs. “Shawn, are you down here?” Connor hollered as he ran down the stairs.
I peeked from my hiding place under the stairs, watching Carl and Tommy frantically pulling it together as they grabbed pool cues. You combed your fingers through your hair, trying to act as if you’d all just been playing a game.
“Hey guys, have you seen Shawn?” Connor asked. “Mom’s pitching a fit. She got into it with Aunt Rachel again. I just love these family get-togethers, don’t you? Praise the Lord, and pass the potato salad—and don’t forget your boxing gloves.”
The three of you laughed with Connor, Tommy telling him, “I was just showing Mindy how easy it is to wipe the floor with Carl’s ass at pool.” You all followed him up out of the basement while my heart pounded with fear under the stairs, praying you wouldn’t find me. Connor and my male cousins could get downright mean at times. Not that I didn’t give as good as I got, but three to one wasn’t great odds.
I waited until your voices faded before daring to step out from under the stairs. As I ran up the steps and reached for the doorknob, the door swung open. You were standing on the other side. You looked at me for a moment, anger, defiance and amusement warring across your face. Finally, you reached out and ran one fingernail down the inside of my arm, raising goose bumps as you went. You looked at me in a way I had never seen you look at me before, and the bottom dropped out of my stomach.
“Connor’s looking for you. Our mothers got into it again, but I suppose you already know that. If you don’t want to walk home, you’d better hurry up.” With that, you walked away, glancing over your shoulder as I stood rooted to the floor. “Are you walking or riding, Shawn?” you asked.
I took a deep breath to steady myself. “I think I’ll walk. I can’t stand listening to Mom rant about Aunt Rachel,” I said as I walked through the door you were holding open for me.
As I passed you and stepped onto the porch, you grabbed my shoulder. Leaning into my back hard enough for me to feel your breasts pressing into my shoulder blades, to smell the clean Ivory soap scent of your skin, you whispered in my ear, “Someday you might understand what you saw down there, Shawn. When you do, if you want to, come talk to me.”
I stood stock-still for a moment, brain trying to digest what you said. Then I wrenched myself away from you in one long stride. I hurried away from you, being very careful not to fall going down the porch steps. Suddenly I felt as though the earth might split open and swallow me whole if I didn’t walk very softly. I didn’t look back, fearing what I might foolishly do if I looked at you again.
I walked home, kicking at the dust and gravel along the shoulder of the road, seeing you in my mind’s eye: honey brown hair, warm topaz eyes, all curves and soft girl skin, tanned from the summer sun. Across your lightly freckled face spread a slow, lazy smile, as if you knew things that no one your age could or should. Your eyes turned almost yellow whenever the sun shone directly in them. Cats have eyes that color, and they suited you well—you had the same grace and sensuality cats possess. And just under the surface, I’d always sensed the wildness in you, though it would be years before I understood that and everything else I felt around you.
I discovered, later that night in the dark privacy of my room, that I could make the burning ache inside me go away for a while, even if it was a sin. Guilty, trembling, impatient fingers rubbed the wetness between my legs, your face behind my tightly closed eyes, taunting me and pushing me until I exploded and fell, shattered and bereft, back onto my soaked sheets.
Our lives went on, but there was something new and dangerous hovering beneath the surface when we were together. We never spoke of that day. As I became a teen and a young adult, you started treating me as a peer, rather than a younger cousin. I told you my dreams and you told me yours. We whispered secrets to each other, but never spoke of the emotions that stood between us, perhaps believing if we refused to acknowledge them, they would go away. But they never went away; we just buried them deeper.
In the church basement, you tug on my belt, your hands shaking as badly as mine. I take your hands away and tell you to wait. I start to unbuckle my belt, and you say, “I can’t believe you had the guts to show up here packing.” I laugh and tell you, “I can’t believe you even know what that means.” You toss your hair back and look me in the eye. “Just because I live in the boonies doesn’t mean I’m stupid or clueless, Shawn,” you say, as your fingertips graze my ribcage, raising goose bumps on my skin and making my nipples painfully hard beneath my shirt.
As I pull my belt free, you impatiently push my hands out of your way, and yank my zipper open. Slipping one hand inside my fly, your other pushes my pants toward the floor. As they slide down my legs, I bend forward to pick them up and fold them so they won’t wrinkle. But you have other ideas, and won’t be denied. As your hands grasp my shoulders and push me upright, you slide down to your knees, tugging down my briefs as you descend. Before I have time to think about it, you have me in your mouth.
My knees go weak, and I lean back against the counter, trying not to fall over as I watch your lips sliding up and down the shaft of my cock. Apparently it makes no difference to you that it’s not made of real flesh and blood. It certainly feels real as you work your mouth up and down its length, making slurping and sucking sounds that are driving me crazy with desire. If I didn’t know better, I’d think sucking dyke cock is something you do all the time.
The base is pounding against my engorged clit as you slide my cock in and out of your mouth, and I know if I don’t stop you soon, I’m going to explode. As much as I would enjoy coming in your mouth, it’s not what I’m after at the moment. I pull your face away from my crotch as gently as I can, refraining from yanking you up by your hair. My world and yours are very different, and I don’t want to frighten you away before I’ve gotten what I came here to get from you. Or so I tell myself.
I’m bouncing up and down in front of your face, while trying to get you to wait. “Mindy, damn it, just hold on a second, okay?” I say. I grab you under the armpits and haul you upright, turning so you’re the one leaning against the counter. Holding you at arms’ length, I kick off my trousers. Pushing into you with my shoulder, I scoop them off the floor, folding them and laying them across the toilet seat.
I turn back to you, and your hands come up to my shoulders, sliding down to my chest. Your fingers start to unbutton my shirt as we try to get our breathing under control. Looking into my eyes, you work your way down the front of my shirt, while I reach behind you to unhook your bra. You pull my shirt off my shoulders as I draw the straps of your bra down and off your arms. I take my shirt from you and fold it across my pants. I drop your bra on top of it. I’m still wearing my undershirt, and you reach for the bottom to pull it up, but I stop you. “This stays on,” I say to you. You look at me as if to say something, and then seem to think better of it.
Pulling you against me, I kiss your lips, soft and swollen from giving me head. My hand glides across your belly, seeking the heat I can feel boring into my skin. I taste myself on your lips as I push into you, wanting you to feel me, hard and ready, against the now sopping-wet lips of your cunt. My fingers reach between your thighs, squishing and slipping across your inner landscape as I stroke you open. I trap your clit between thumb and forefinger, milking it like a tiny penis. With one hand you push against my chest as the other slides between our bodies, searching for me. I feel your fingers wrap around my shaft. Reluctantly, I pull my fingers from you as I take hold of your hips, lifting you up as you guide me to your entrance.
Whimpering in the back of your throat as the tip of my cock makes contact with your throbbing clit, you thrust your hips forward to meet me. I ease back, not yet ready to give you what you want. “Damn it, Shawn, fuck me,” you growl, your voice raw with need. My legs almost give way, hearing those words from you, of all women. As much as I want this to last, to savor the moment, I know we will be missed soon. I can’t wait any longer.
“Guide me in, Mindy,” I pant against your ear. Your hand still wrapped around my cock, you pull me toward your soaking-wet pussy as I ease my hips forward. You gasp as the tip pushes inside you, rocking your hips to meet me. My hands grab your ass and pull you onto my shaft, slow and steady, until I am all the way inside you, the heat of our bodies colliding as I pull you tighter to me.
I look up from watching my cock slide into you to see your head thrown back, your eyes closed in concentration. Your bare throat, looking so exposed and defenseless in this moment, trusting me with this, is the most erotic sight I’ve ever seen.
My left arm circles your waist, as the right travels up your spine, wrapping your glorious hair around my fist as I pull you toward me. My lips graze the side of your neck; my tongue lightly traces the path of your pounding pulse as my teeth nip at your skin. You groan and push your hips into me, demanding and urgent in your extremity. I slide my hand back down to your ass and guide your hips as I begin to move in and out of your cunt.
Your hands push up my undershirt, circling my breasts, warming them in your palms. You take my aching nipples between your fingers, scraping your nails across their hardened tips, suddenly squeezing and twisting them savagely. Groaning from the pleasure and pain, my lips and teeth make a fiery path down your neck, and lower, as I take one of your nipples into my mouth, drawing hard and biting down. My tongue makes a wet trail across to the other, sucking and biting it as well. Releasing my nipples, you shudder against me, your hands sliding around to grip my back as we continue to move together.
My legs are shaking as I widen my stance to drive harder into your depths. Your fingernails dig into my back as you grip me tighter, meeting my thrusts with your own. Sweat pours off me and drips down your chest, like rainfall soaking parched earth. I lift you onto the counter. You wrap your legs around my waist, trying to pull me deeper still into the hungry core of your body.
I have waited so long for this, but I know that it will be over much too soon. I can feel how close you are, squeezing and releasing me with the slick, grasping walls of your pussy. My face is buried in the wet hair at the nape of your neck, as I grunt and pant, working us closer to the edge. Your need pushes me, and I am lost, falling into an abyss, dark, warm, sightless, soundless, as I drive frantically into you.
Stars explode inside my head as we blast over the edge together. You bite down on my shoulder, muffling the cries that tear themselves from your throat as you come, clamping down on me. I can vaguely feel your fingernails gouging my back, your orgasm washing over you, sweeping you away as you grab for any anchor. Your legs are trying to squeeze the breath from me, as I lift you clear off the counter, driving my cock as deeply as I can into your clenching pussy, grunting and groaning as my own pleasure courses through me.
Suddenly, you stiffen in my arms and push against my chest. I raise my head, blinking sweat from my eyes, as my ears register the knocking on the bathroom door. I freeze as I hear my brother’s voice.
“Shawn, are you in there?” comes quietly through the door, muffled both by the barrier between us, and the strain I can hear in Connor’s voice.
“Yes, Connor, I’m here. What do you want?” I say, struggling to make my voice sound normal.
“Have you seen Mindy? Roger’s looking for her,” he says, referring to your son. “He wants to go back to the house, but he drove her over for the funeral.”
I look at you. You nod and close your eyes, leaning your forehead against my chest.
“She’s in here with me, Connor. Tell Roger I’ll bring her along with me shortly.”
There is silence on the other side of the door, but I know my brother is still there. I can feel his anger and disapproval; I can feel him trying to master himself before he speaks. “Damn you, Shawn,” is all he says, then his steps retreat, back up the stairs to the main floor of the church.
I’m still buried deep inside you, but your legs have fallen from around my waist, and you gently push against my chest. I slip from you, squelching sounds audible as our bodies separate.
Awkward now, we run water in the sink and reach for paper towels, cleaning ourselves up as best we can. I help you into your dress, zipping you in as you turn, holding your hair up.
My hands pause for a moment when I reach the top, sliding across your shoulders as I bend my head to softly kiss your exposed neck. You shiver against me, one hand sliding down my thigh and gently squeezing. You drop your hair and turn to pick up my clothes, handing me my pants and briefs as you hold my shirt.
You lean against the counter, watching me as I step into my pants, pulling them up and reaching for my shirt.
I begin to tuck myself in, but your hands stop me. Stepping into me, you look into my eyes as your hands arrange my cock inside my briefs, lingering before you slowly let it go. Moving up to button my shirt for me, you never break eye contact and I am powerless to look away.
As your fingers lightly brush my neck while straightening my collar, your eyes smolder, a promise that we are not finished, a silent demand for the fulfillment of what we have begun. My stomach churns with the unspent desire that still rages through my veins. I can’t imagine, seeing the way you look at me, that you are faring any better.
Allowing me to tuck my shirt in and zip up, you turn to the mirror to repair what can be repaired, to hide the evidence of our tryst.
As you step away from the mirror, you square your shoulders and set your jaw. Taking a deep breath you turn to me. “Shall we?” you ask, and I unlock the door, holding it open for you to precede me. As you come abreast of me you pause, reaching to smooth the hair that has fallen into my eyes. Your fingers brush my cheek. You give me that slow lazy smile I so well remember as you turn from me.
We drive to your house, silence gathering between us. When we arrive, we sit in the car, listening to the ticking engine as it cools. You reach for the door handle. I grab your wrist, pulling you back. You turn and place your fingers over my lips, preventing me from speaking. You step out of the car. I follow you into the house where our family is gathered, mourning your mother and waiting for us.
* * *
The rest of the day is a blur of family conversations, casseroles and cakes, the accoutrements of death, birth, tragedy and triumph. I watch you move in this world you know so well. I have become a stranger here, by choice and circumstance, but you move with fluid ease through it.
I wait, stealing glimpses of you while you are busy with mundane things. Occasionally I catch you stealing glances at me, and smile, biding my time.
At last, the house is empty. I’m staying with Connor and his family but linger to help you clean up. You have been distant all these hours. I have no idea what you are thinking; I’ve never seen you like this before. I tell you I should be going, let you get some rest, and you turn to me.
“Mom left something for you, Shawn. You should look at it before you go. Let me go get it.”
I move into the living room, wandering around as I wait for you, touching family photographs and other familiar objects.
You return carrying a box. Placing it on the coffee table, you sit down on the sofa, patting the cushion next to you. I sit down and look at the box. My name is written across the top in your mother’s hand. You have brought a pair of scissors with you. Handing them to me, you lean back and watch me open the box.
I am stunned as I begin to remove the contents. Every book I’ve written, every article I’ve published, seems to be nestled in there. There is also a sealed envelope with my name on it.
I stare at you, uncomprehending. “How did she get these, Mindy?” I ask.
“She knew there was more, Shawn. Did you really think she was that naïve?” you replied. “She wanted all of you, Shawn, not just the parts you thought she would approve of. Sometimes I think she loved you more than she loved me,” you add with a wry grin, taking the sting out your words.
I pick up the envelope. It’s a letter, of course, written in my aunt’s fine, bold hand, addressed to me:
My Dearest Shawn,
Please forgive an old woman her subterfuge. Although I know you are not ashamed of the life you have made for yourself, or the literature you have written, I am wise enough to know that you wouldn’t want to present all of it to me.
But I wanted it all, my dear. I needed to see the world through your eyes if I were ever to truly know you. I can’t say that I wasn’t shocked at times.
But more than anything, I was moved by your words. I never knew the things you thought and felt, growing up in this very small world. You hid them from me well. Oh, I could see how you burned to be away, how the slow passing of days and years here chafed at your soul. You were always too impatient for the steady march of time in this place.
When you came home, bringing the gift of words that you would have me see, I always felt your restlessness. And as much as you came home for me, I knew that you came home for someone else, though you tried to hide it from everyone, including yourself.
I selfishly kept you from the one thing your heart needed, more than anything else, to make you whole. She is my only child, Shawn. I couldn’t bear to see her follow you away from here. I struggled with the morality of your close kinship, though the law of the land states there is nothing wrong with that. And I struggled with the morality of two people of the same sex loving each other.
Of all the people I have treasured in my life, there are none as dear to my heart as you and Mindy. I would never say or do anything to hurt you. Yet I hurt you with my silence.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me, Shawn. You always gave me the best parts of yourself, and I’ve always wished the best for you. Now take the best I have to offer you in return.
Take care of each other now. Find whatever happiness you can. Know that I loved you both with every fiber of my being, though my words on this page may make you doubt that.
Your loving aunt,
Tears streaming down my face, I hand you the letter.
Hunched forward, face buried in my hands, I feel you shift beside me, feel your arms encircle me. Gently you pull me with you as you lean back into the cushions of the sofa.
We cling tightly to each other, whispering and crying.
“Have you read all the stories she kept in that box, Mindy?” I ask you.
“Who do you think found them for her, Shawn?” you reply, breaking into gales of laughter at the shocked expression on my face.
Yes, I’ll be taking you with me.
Maggie Veness
You see party girls everywhere. It’s my cousin Mel’s funeral tomorrow and I’m taking the overnight train. Mel was a party girl. Everyone expected she’d overdose. I find the expected boring. I prefer unanticipated things, disquieting and startling things. And strange people. These things excite me.
I think this journey is going to be exciting.
There is a man-woman across the aisle from me with a masculine, short, sharp haircut and cylindrical breasts. Bigger breasts than mine. He-she is wearing a loose gray singlet and baggy Levi’s cinched in at the waist with a yellow scarf. Two bunches of fine silver chain earrings hang down and brush his-her shoulders. I watch them sway their metronome beat as the train rocks us along its tracks.
I decide to give the man-woman a name: strong yet soft, yin yet yang. I settle on Adriana. I think Adriana already knows I’m fascinated. I hope he-she likes my pin-striped suit and vermillion patent leather stilettos.
Adriana disappears into the ladies’ toilet at the end of our carriage. I try to imagine how a man-woman might pee, decide they must compromise—a half squat perhaps, with feet astride the bowl, holding labia apart (if there are significant labia) so as not to impair flow from beneath an oversized clit. Could I ask? I wonder—if I did ask, would Adriana offer a demonstration? Punch my face?
Adriana chose the ladies’ toilet, which infers he-she was born female.
Captivated, I watch her snake back toward her seat. I try to relax by releasing my thighs from their pleasure squeeze. I realize Adriana can’t be expected to answer peeing questions from a perfect stranger. There should be small talk first: the weather; our destinations; our preferred peeing positions.
I break my Cadbury’s chocolate into squares, my outstretched arm making a sweet offering on silver foil across the isle. Adriana slips her hand under mine, and her fingers form a vise around my wrist. She brings her face toward my sweaty palm, and parting her lips, licks a square into her mouth with a lizard tongue. I want the world to freeze while I’m trapped in Adriana’s grasp, while her charcoal eyes are burning deep into my psyche. I know the freezing thing’s a long shot so I bargain with God, promise my prayers and devotion for the remainder of my natural life if Adriana would also find me fascinating. (Although I expect God will remember previous empty promises and decide to ignore me.)
Adriana releases my wrist and says nothing, only holds up a deck of playing cards and shrugs. I nod a yes. She slides in beside me and shuffles the deck. My lust surges at the first whiff of her fresh perspiration. She is raw. We play several hands. Adriana wins every one because I’m concentrating less on the cards and more on whether she’s going to want another square. We still haven’t spoken.
After a while Adriana packs the cards up and rests her head back. I take a chance—offer another square. She nods a yes and opens her mouth. I deliver. And for a few delicious seconds she sucks on my index finger before closing her eyes. Adriana knows she has lassoed me, that I’m sliding in my seat, but I think we both enjoyed my finger being sucked.
With her eyes closed I can gawk freely. My mind undresses her. She has skin like white quartz, so iridescent that blue trees of veins show through. I imagine grasping the tail of one metronome chain earring, using it to pull her earlobe forward so I can run my tongue along the crease behind her ear, taste her. I want to slowly exhale my warm breath over her neck until she wakes and begs to suck my index finger again.
She sleeps. I suck my finger.
Eventually daydreams fall into night-dreams. Hours later, I wake with the announcement for breakfast booming over the intercom. Adriana and her cards and bag are gone. I’m shattered. Then I feel it—the bunch of silver chains swaying like a metronome from my left earlobe. I will treasure it and wear it to the funeral. I will treasure it. I will.
Holly Farris
Miranda’s knees straddle butch PJ’s salt-and-pepper hair. PJ had emerged from her shop an hour before, hauling the kneeling bench, clamping one of Miranda’s filmy bras in her teeth. “Tie me,” PJ had said, “I added pickets.”
From her delicious vantage, PJ sees a drop of sweat trickling toward Miranda’s crimson lipstick. Because Miranda, in all her years prior, had not touched a saw or sander, nail gun or carpenter’s glue, PJ had mentored her construction, but Miranda had not let her see the finished product. There is a glowing top rail to anchor cuffs and studs, and sumptuous velvet to pad their knees, amplifying how the partners contrast.
“Up my cunt,” Miranda says the way PJ likes to hear. She hangs over her love’s wet face. This stop in the foyer is as far as the cushioned kneeler has gotten inside their home; the bulky thing barely fit through the door. As PJ taps the dimple behind Miranda’s knees to beg for a better angle, Miranda’s auburn braid spanks her own ass. That sacred backside has been PJ’s romp, using fingers and strap-on, until this blasphemous play with the new furniture. The saintly femme Miranda takes PJ’s tongue straight up, a cocktail, no rocks.
PJ cuddles a light arm that Miranda has thrown across her waist in bed that night. She is grateful that Miranda praises her eyes, which are small and close together, but where PJ shines, what Miranda says inspires her considerable lust, and a vanity that PJ has begun to feel, is her hair. Other women have curls or a flip, but PJ’s hair jags into a point. Each silver or black shaft tapers to a needle, and her reflection in the mirror is sleek, designed, industrial.
Where the couple rests is their personal Mission-style magic carpet of a bed. PJ made it by herself, as she has all of their furniture—except the bench. “This little piggy,” she says as she counts Miranda’s fingers, smashed or torn on the kneeler. Pink Band-Aids are on three of ten fingers, and PJ will drive her to the orthopedist in the coming week to recheck a broken metacarpal bone.
“You make woodworking look easy,” Miranda grumbles.
“Because I kept my fingers?” PJ kids. “Your kneeler turned out great, Randi. I’m beginning to warm to it myself.”
PJ remembers tongue-rasping Miranda’s clit and hole, how the cushion cradled her busy jaw until Miranda ripped the bra untying her wrists. PJ had scrambled up top, intending to thrill. She stretched Miranda the full length of the kneeling bench, staging her partner. Quick little sobs became shrieks. Furniture fired her beloved more than the fuck.
“Seriously, Randi,” she says in bed, as if it’s not a game. “Explain the attraction again.”
As soon as she’s spoken, PJ watches for Miranda’s nipples beneath their pilled sheet. She knows at just which point in the telling the dusky tips become hard.
“I’m talking about my first come,” Miranda says. “Or what I decided later was coming. I was in the pew beside my mother.” PJ considers, solemnly, how she and Miranda spun in parallel parochial universes as children.
“High Mass,” Randi says.
PJ wants it to have been Christmas, imagining chocolate and toys and excess, but she grimaces, certain it was more likely one of the year’s other 364 days. “Incense in clouds,” Randi says of the memory, setting up her vignette.
The sheet lifts as Miranda’s nipples react. “I was good for a while,” she says, “but I got bored.”
PJ loves this part, the moment when her good girl first turned bad, beneath the eyes of God. Randi’s voice strangles. “My mother didn’t notice when I scooted along the kneeler; she was listening to the sermon. The velvet cushion rubbed so nice.”
Randi’s eyes close, and she tickles an uninjured fingertip over her own forearm. Autoerotic, PJ labels. Miranda draws out the original zing.
“Hearing the priest’s voice booming from the pulpit,” she says, “my butt on cold tile, I got tingly, or dizzy, and I looked between my legs. Know what I saw? White cotton underpants with a wet spot! Lace on my white anklets.”
PJ’s mad this time, frustrated that Miranda is stuck in this childhood jolt not even properly called sex. She wants fisting before she sleeps, impossible because of the bandages, and is hair-on-fire jealous of the kneeler. She jerks a thumb in its direction. “Does it have to stay here?” she whines. They have moved their treadmill to the side of the bedroom to make space. PJ had piled her boots on it, to demystify the thing. Miranda would not have it.
“Where else can it go?” Randi says. “This is our sex room.”
For a week, they fuck in every way PJ can think of using the kneeler. She bends Miranda over the wood to flog her; Randi returns the favor. PJ spoons along its length while Miranda brings herself off. She pinches the crushed velvet, licks its leather border.
Around midnight of the seventh day, PJ pretends she’s dozing. Miranda muffles their vibrator’s buzz when she turns out the light, her knees tensed against the mattress. PJ bites a lip to distract herself until Randi has finished. She feels her do what she’s been told enhances the tingle. She throws an arm wide, poor acting, hoping to contact skin, but her lover has left their bed. Opening one eye a slit, she sees her stretched out on the floor beside the kneeler.
When PJ gets up early, Miranda, still deeply asleep, holds her own braid in one fist. The other arm lies between the pickets of the bench. Unaware though she is, the position fondles her body and varnish at the same time.
PJ decides they must talk. I know these fantasies are strong, she practices, but how about me already? I feel like an outsider. I mean, this silly nailed-together thing intrudes. Sure, we both appreciate a good Gregorian chant CD, Randi, but you’re scaring me. She rehearses a speech while in the shower, thumping against the fiberglass wall to annoy Miranda, to wake her up for the intervention.
In the kitchen, PJ, dressed in worn sweats and still alone, makes coffee for two. Employing a trick of Miranda’s, she sprinkles cinnamon on top of both cupfuls when it’s ready. She takes butter from the freezer, hopeful it will soften by the time Miranda gets up. She hauls their toaster off the shelf, stumbling over the cord and trailing stale crumbs across the waxed vinyl. “Not a butch’s job,” she growls.
“Certainly not.” A voice, although sympathetic to PJ, and coming from Miranda’s place at their breakfast table, registers as a stranger.
“I’ve been up since the year 363, give or take,” the interloper continues. “Yawn.” She says this word aloud, and doesn’t seem sleepy.
Sue me, princess; I woke you up. PJ is on the verge of saying this when she actually looks at the woman sitting where Miranda usually does. As if the drop-in has researched their routine, she stirs the coffee in Miranda’s cup. She wrinkles her nose when PJ turns around. She snorts, and says, “Gag. Cinnamon.”
“Best a dyke who hates the kitchen can do,” PJ says. “And you would be…?” For a crazy minute, she believes the mail carrier has taken their kitchen hostage. She should be social to the visitor, or leave it for Miranda to be when she finds they have company. A leafy branch in flower pushes against their pottery salt and pepper shakers. Petals mash sticky spots they haven’t cleaned up from Chinese carryout. What is this woman, PJ thinks, an environment freak come to call?
“I’m PJ,” PJ says, rushing to anchor herself in her own kitchen. The woman takes a sip from the mug.
“You’re making toast? I’m starving,” she says. PJ sees the woman’s hands curve, expressive as a dancer performing on a stage that the stained tablecloth makes. PJ looks above the cabinets, over the door leading to their carport. Reality TV gets away with all kind of shit, she thinks, scanning for the camera. Has a webcam photographed her and Miranda in the bedroom over the last week? They’ve done wild things with the kneeler, until PJ got pissed.
“Bibiana,” the woman says, extending a hand. “Call me Bibs.”
The stranger twists rolls of fabric at her neckline, gauzy stuff woven too loosely to hide that she wears no bra. To PJ’s eye, the woman’s vague erogenous zones sag. She is an Earth Mother past her prime. Her tattered and unwashed textile flutters as she gets to her feet for a proper introduction. Her shoes slip on the vinyl as she stands, and PJ notices Birkenstocks. Florida style with three straps: the woman’s are the same as Miranda’s.
The nickname, Bibs, sounds too friendly to be an invader. PJ catalogues Miranda’s family who just visited for Thanksgiving. She thought Randi put the whole lot on a plane to leave from Sea-Tac. The holidays had gone pretty uneventfully, and PJ assumed Miranda’s family was back in Oswego. PJ, thinking widely, wagers that this auntie in their kitchen must have gotten left, though she could swear she hadn’t served her a plate of tofu turkey.
Bibs clarifies. “I’m new here,” she says.
Reassured that Nature Woman doesn’t know her either, PJ is direct. “Just visiting?” she says, and her voice sounds a little higher, stressed. This is someone who will crash at their house for too long, disrupt their routine, break their washing machine doing her laundry.
The woman has never seen the sun. Her hair is mostly white, a hue PJ mistakes for gray initially, but it is, instead, blonde corn silk. Blue veins, as faint as charcoal sketch lines, converge on her smooth forehead. PJ thinks of the line that palm readers call the lifeline, and how that particular trail tells everyone’s past and future. She frets. What does this immediate future hold?
Of course.
The odd woman is down on her luck, and looks frowsy because she has exceeded her limit at the homeless shelter. Since PJ habitually leaves the kitchen door open after pulling off her boots in the carport, the stranger just wandered in. The woman will request a bus ticket, which PJ prefers, or permission to crash on their futon. Soft-hearted Miranda will probably agree to the latter, and they will argue in bed. PJ dreads that Miranda will tour the woman about their home, another misplaced intimacy she is ready to resent.
“My wife”—PJ tosses this out in case the woman is coming on to her—“she needs her beauty sleep.” PJ needs a dose of her own coffee. Rude in front of the vagrant, she drinks half of her coffee in one gulp, spoons in sugar she never uses, and guzzles the rest.
“She’s beautiful already,” Bibs says, “your lover. Randi is exhausted from fucking.”
“You’re leaving now,” PJ says. She hurries around the table to escort the bitch out. The phone on the wall is within reach, and she will call the police if she must. The woman’s head-to-toe peignoir stops her, or maybe it’s what Bibs says next.
“Trouble is, PJ—cool name, mind if I say it again?—PJ, look around. Your Randi is humping the furniture.”
PJ collapses against the table as if punched. All the air for her voice escapes her, and she makes a sound like an animal giving up.
“Fuck you,” she hisses with the breath she gets, a curse better delivered standing. Her shaky hands rattle a chair, and she tumbles into it.
“No one did,” Bibs says. “Pity.” She flutters her eyelashes seductively. “Fuck me, I mean. Here’s the deal, PJ; see if you can read along. I’m Saint Bibiana, emphasis on the title. I go where no dyke has gone before. Want my bio?”
“Whatever,” PJ says, a lame comeback.
“From the 1955 edition, Lives of the Saints, page four-seventy-three, edited by Reverend Hugo Hoever, S.O.Cist., PhD: After spending their time in fasting and prayer… yadda yadda. Saint Bibiana was reserved for greater sufferings. She was placed in the hands of a wicked woman called Rufina, who in vain endeavored to seduce her.”
“Jesus!” PJ says.
“Long story short, sweetie, they’s a martyr in yo kitchen.”
Where is Miranda? PJ gags, and it’s not the cinnamon. Can this witch float in the air near the stove hood? Can she kill Randi in her sleep, take their beloved rice cooker back with her to eternal life? The doorbell rings, not a coincidence. PJ vows not to run.
“That would be Rufina,” Bibs announces gaily. She turns her back to PJ so she can face the door. PJ notices what could be bones under the woman’s gauze, a slight comfort. I can take them both, she thinks.
A woman with more fashion sense walks into the kitchen. She, unlike Bibs, has ruddy skin, which makes her appear substantial. PJ resorts to logic. If this second time-traveler has real blood coloring her face—she thinks of Miranda’s lips under a Maybelline pout—maybe the beings in the kitchen can’t float.
Or kill.
Or steal.
The newcomer is radiant in a red jacket. That is, a red robe or scarf partly covers her filmy nightgown of a dress. She has a knotted rope sash at her waist, as does Bibs, but Ruf’s is more decorative, gold fringed. Whereas Bibs has eye globes that might as well be marble (white and shiny and flat even where they should curve), Ruf has wildly green eyes, crimson lips and loose red hair. A scent, of cardamom and black pepper, of raspberry and caramel, precedes her.
PJ is transfixed by the vision. As soon as she is aware of Rufina in the room, all the skin she spies on her own arms and hands goes translucent. PJ counts pulses in her own wrists, a beating triangle in her neck below each ear, behind her knees, in her wet crotch. Her clit is hooked to her ankles in sensation, to the nails on her fingers, to the back of her throat. She tastes Ruf’s presence, as surprising as the perfume that accompanies her. PJ leaks syrup. She devours a woman for the first time.
“Hey, slut, you going out on me?” Ruf says to Bibs.
PJ is in her own world, awash with sensation. One hand down the front of her pants, her thumb rakes the slit. Between her legs it is spongy, a juicy citrus. Her little spike pushes between the outer labia. Inside, the fragile lips glue along the shaft. It is, at once, the first time she had touched herself, the first time fingering Miranda.
“Lady, this better not be your new piece,” Ruf gripes to Bibs. PJ melts to her knees, sliding the sweatpants to midthigh, tearing the drawstring. Wagging her naked ass, she could crawl on the floor, eat the toast from a dog dish, and wait to be spanked for being so vile.
“Ménage?” Ruf says. She spreads her arms and fingers like the bizarre Bibs. PJ remembers an art history crush: it’s the pose artists favor for statues, as if everyone worthy of being cast in stone bestows blessings with a wan hand. Which the visitors can do, PJ assumes.
Answering her own question, and in spite of PJ’s display, Ruf whips her harlot tongue the length of Bibs’s jawline. After a very slow and penetrating kiss, she flicks over the tip of the other woman’s nose, over both her dead eyes, and finishes up suckling her ears. PJ has yanked up her sweats, voting no to a threesome, while Ruf has eaten, drunk, and belched Bibs in public.
“Thought you died a virgin,” PJ says to the love object. She revs herself up to be impertinent, unsure of etiquette with ghosts.
“Yep,” Bibs says. “A sad fact, best forgotten.”
Ruf has thrown her scarlet drape onto the kitchen tile where PJ sits. She takes hand lotion from the shelf above the sink, sits down at the table, and moisturizes her bare feet. She has a lovely pedicure Miranda would envy, a gold seal lacquered on each big toe.
“But I made up for it, see, the virginity,” Bibs says. “Over the last sixteen hundred years.” She looks around for more coffee, and then settles into her tale. “Poor baby, she tried her best with me,” she says. “The book I quoted fails to mention, PJ, because such books don’t trade in scandal, the fact that when Ruf couldn’t get my cherry she sold me as a prostitute. She pimped me. Talk about the oldest profession!”
Bibs snorts, punctuating a laugh line fresh through millennia. She scrunches the gauze to her elbows on both sides at once, and continues with the sordid spin.
“I fought johns off, and I died intact,” she says. “But I had gotten a taste. So, I waited for Ruf. To die. I had my legs spread as soon as I got word she’d been short-listed to kick. We’ve been doing each other ever since, a tango that I like to call postmortem poking.”
Ruf crows. “She never looked back,” she says to PJ, winking. She kneads the ankles she has moisturized lovingly. “We’ve been afterlife partners for nearly two thousand years, Bibs and I,” she says. “True, we were impolite not to beg your pardon, but we don’t believe in wasting time.”
PJ allows them a make-out round. She measures more coffee into the machine, adds water from a screw-cap bottle. Water underground for two thousand years, if she believes the label’s print. She pushes the cinnamon back into the spice rack. When PJ turns to face the phantasms, Ruf sits primly in the chair, and the never-sated Bibs lolls across her lap.
“Let’s get to why we came,” Bibs says, and Ruf snickers at the adolescent pun. “Is this church kneeling bench a problem?” The woman had called Miranda by her nickname, and had known PJ’s spouse was trysting with the décor.
“It is, for me.” PJ feels guilty talking about Miranda, but the grievance is what started her morning. The sting is fading like a fight from years before, and she doesn’t intend to be peevish.
“Fetish,” Ruf says knowingly.
She clucks her tongue against her teeth. Holding her lover in one arm, Ruf shifts her body, allowing Bibs to suckle a high breast she flashes out from a red fold. With her free hand, she reaches underneath the skirt Bibs has hiked up. At intervals she removes her hand, and sucks the palm to the tip of every finger.
“Back to the furniture,” Bibs says when they quit. “Does it feel good?”
This ravishing woman is taking her, but Bibs pauses for an answer. “Yes,” PJ admits, “the furniture feels good.”
Whether it’s due to the scent or the sex or the schemes, PJ pains for Miranda now, wants to wake her and taste her and feed her and bathe her. She will tune her partner for sixteen hundred years, invent treats for body and mind on the hour. The kneeler, however it fits their physical fervor, is welcome.
“Let’s put it this way,” Bibs says to PJ, “and this is the reason we’re here. Sex is life. I was dead, literally, then electrified after Ruf took me. From our perspective across time, we see you and Miranda. Nothing she has done over the last week diminishes, excludes, or nullifies you, PJ. She awakened with the first kneeler. A girl could do worse.”
Bibs lies facedown on the kitchen floor among old toast crumbs, and Ruf grinds her until their robes wear sodden streaks. Flaxen and red hair tangles, sashes unravel, sandals flip, fingers intertwine. When they are done heaving and shuddering, PJ, who had crept off to look in on Miranda, cuts brown bread and stands it in the toaster’s slots. She wonders if the women will vanish like vapor, dry up like a puddle, or be obscene in front of Miranda.
“Toast?” Bibs says from the bottom. “It’s about time.”
“Did you burn something?” Miranda strolls into the kitchen naked, and PJ is at eye level with her crotch, almost covering the tan spot on the vinyl. She glances into the sink, checking for ashes.
“Look what I found,” she says. “In the drawer under my bras. It’s a book called Lives of the Saints.”
Miranda carries a stubby volume between her hands. A snake’s tongue of a red page marker draws an arrow to her pubic hair.
PJ flashes to the morning after they had torn each other up in a hotel bed. Miranda had peed in the bathroom in pauses, sat at the table stiffly. She had rubbed coffee-flavored saliva on the chafe between her legs when PJ wanted more. Ever after, PJ has wanted more.
The book she holds is a calendar of saints, and Miranda runs a finger to check. It is the season between holidays, of family and friends departed after Thanksgiving, due to arrive for Christmas. “December second,” Miranda says, naming the fresh day. “Feast of Saint Bibiana,” she reads. “Patroness of mentally ill people and single laywomen. Know anything about her, PJ?”
Kelsy Chauvin
Who is this?
Friday, 9:23 p.m.
Oh this must be my fuck from Sat. Bold move. I’m working tonight—come by.
Friday, 9:24 p.m.
Working til 4. Bunch of str8s here. Could use you to queer it up.
Friday, 10:59 p.m.
Too bad. Been wet all day. From what I remember you’d take care of that.
Saturday, 12:40 a.m.
Why am I not surprised to hear from you again?
Tuesday, 4:07 p.m.
Looking pretty cute today—tight jeans and leather boots. No bra. White thong.
Tuesday, 5:13 p.m.
Yep real ready & wet like always. Some say slut I say priorities.
Tuesday, 6:15 p.m.
Nice hearing your voice last night 4 a change. So you weren’t out fucking around and thinking of me?
Thursday, 11:55 a.m.
I could use a good throttle.
Thursday, 12:47 p.m.
Got out late so heading home—another time. Soon please.
Thursday, 11:47 p.m.
Was just thinking about you.
Saturday, 2:20 p.m.
…real long and hard. Bare lips today… my undies just get soaked anyway.
Saturday, 2:30 p.m.
Unfortunately I was in class at the time… but they were dirty and included you in my mouth.
Saturday, 2:32 p.m.
Come by me later. On Christopher St. find me upstairs getting dressed. Knock 3 times.
Saturday, 4:37 p.m.
Watering. I’m still sore. Where did you come from?
Sunday, 9:50 a.m.
Was thinking about you too.
Sunday, 9:50 p.m.
I’m starting to gush whenever I read your name.
Wednesday, 4:45 p.m.
Quickie in one hour. What’s ur address again? I have 20 min.
Wednesday, 7:03 p.m.
It’s friday—working. Would rather be riding your face.
Friday, 6:40 p.m.
But it will be 5 in the morning then and all your drunk vigor will be gone and you will be like why is this girl in my bed.
Friday, 10:55 p.m.
Cum to a party with me tomorrow night?
Friday, 11:58 p.m.
We can find a hiding place.
Saturday, 12:38 p.m.
Oh baby you drained me. My pussy is reverberating.
Sunday, 2:22 p.m.
I’m a wreck. I think you broke something!
Sunday, 2:40 p.m.
Are your arms sore from pounding me?
Sunday, 9:00 p.m.
I’m gonna miss you and your cock. Don’t be gone too long.
Monday, 5:18 p.m.
No it’s damn hot… I am lapping it up.
Wednesday, 2:20 p.m.
You know I miss your ass. You are consuming me.
Thursday, 5:01 p.m.
I need you to whisper filthy things then tongue my ear.
Thursday, 11:43 p.m.
You could say the goddamn ABCs and I’d get wet.
Friday, 12:18 a.m.
It’s wet and rainy here. I miss those strong hands in me. Get back here baby.
Friday, 10:27 a.m.
Well after I’m done squirtin in your face I am going to bend you over and put my hand in you. After your pussy convulses I’m going to lay you on your back and
Friday, 1:05 p.m.
eat you out till you come again.
Friday, 1:06 p.m.
Skirt, no panties. My pussy needs to breathe.
Friday, 2:53 p.m.
I’m saving it all for you.
Friday, 6:15 p.m.
I’m going to make you wait till tomorro night but I might have to call before then to get you hard.
Saturday, 3:21 p.m.
Coming up. Buzz me in.
Sunday, 11:23 p.m.
Colleen C. Dunphy
Midnight Rendezvous
The red silk scarf made a whispering sound as I dragged it behind me. Barefoot, I slipped into her room. I smiled at my luck as I noticed she was fast asleep. She looked as though she’d positioned herself just as I’d need her without even knowing I was coming. I stood at the foot of her bed admiring her beauty for several heartbeats. Her short fire-red hair was spiked out against the pillowcase. I knew in the soft moonlight that if her eyes were open they’d look gray from here, but they were a shade of green that just drew me in. The sprinkling of freckles on her cheeks made her look so innocent, but I knew better.
Slowly I climbed onto the bed; my movements were precise and catlike. The silk scarf was ready when I reached her hands. She stirred slightly but was fully awake by the time I’d wrapped her wrists in a figure eight and pulled them over her head. I was straddling her torso, my face near hers. I was pleasantly surprised that her expression contained more lust than fear.
I tied the end of the scarf around the headboard, securing her wrists above her head. Fear flickered through her eyes as she pulled at her restraints. She said nothing, just watched me, waiting. I tried to keep my expression neutral but my lust was choking me. I leaned in, keeping my hands on her arms and my legs securely on either side of her. She smelled of Dove soap, softness, and part that didn’t smell like anything other than her. Gently I ran the tip of my nose and a whisper of my lips over her face. As I reached her mouth, she sighed softly as I offered a small taste. I knew she wanted more but she didn’t move a muscle.
I pulled the sheet down as I reached her neck and shoulders. The thin tank top she wore was barely a barrier and I smiled, seeing the stiff peaks of her nipples. I ran my hands over her ribs, skipping her needy breasts. Inching my fingers under her shirt and felt her raise her torso, trying for more contact. I looked up at her, raising an eyebrow at her disobedience. I wanted to kiss her, but I wanted her to wait. She bit her lip as my fingers followed a slow journey up her stomach. I pushed her shirt up to just below her breasts and gave her right nipple a quick suck to wet the material. She moaned, then moaned deeper as I blew on the wet material. I could feel my moisture pooling between my legs at the sounds of her pleasure.
The sheet was gone and I could see her boyshorts were wet. I almost thought she’d come already. I grinned at her response. She always gave herself completely to the pleasure. I loved it because it was something I could never do when receiving. I stopped teasing only slightly to place a small kiss over her clit. I could feel her whole body shaking. I reached up and she lifted her hips slightly to allow me to pull her shorts down. I grinned up at her and chuckled when she moaned. I yanked her shorts down. I growled into her wetness as the heady scent of her hit me. I felt my control slipping away.
The silk of my nightie slid over her body as I crawled back up her. I could see the muscles in her arms straining against her bindings as she tried to reach me. Holding my body over her, touching her only with my nightie, I lowered my mouth, stealing the first real kiss of the night. Again I lost a little of my control. Her whole body strained for contact, and I gave in a little. I plunged two fingers into her center and she tore away from my mouth, gasping at the sudden pleasure. I let her ride that wave a little longer before I pulled away.
“Please,” she whispered.
“Not yet,” was my reply.
Pulling her shirt over her ample breasts, I wrapped it around her wrists, further binding them. I let her breasts fill my hands. Her hard nipples tickled my palms. I moved my mouth to her nipple, sucking gently, then harder. She struggled against her bindings. I could tell she was close to the edge, so I moved down her body. She gave a cry of frustration close to a whine. I left a hot, wet trail down her torso, moving myself between her legs.
I kissed around her lips, allowing only slight pressure. She didn’t try to move and I could feel her shake with the effort to stay still. I smiled at how fine a line she was already on and knew that I was dangerously close to it myself. My hair fell over my shoulder, tickling the inside of her thigh. I shook my head to give her a little more. My hands ran lightly down the inside of her thighs pulling her legs farther apart. I licked her from top to bottom, holding her hips down with my hands. She arched her back as my tongue swirled around her clit, still moving too slowly for her. I nibbled at her, making her cry out. I put my tongue into her center, over and over again drinking her down. I used my right hand to fill her, and she came hard and fast. I stayed there until she begged me to stop.
Her body, limp and spent, glowed in the moonlight. I untied her hands, untangled her from her shirt. As soon as she was free, her hands were under my nightie. I sat up, flipped my long, dark hair over my shoulder, straddled her body, and pulled my nightgown off. Her hands traced my legs up to my hips. I basked in her desire, riding the high of control. I ran my hands through my hair, over my shoulders. I bit my bottom lip as I pinched my aching nipples. Her fingers dug into my hips, pulling on the strings of my thong. She untied both sides at once and pulled out the tiny slip of material still separating us.
Her hands were everywhere at once, running circles over my back, and over the swell of my butt and hips. Touching more insistently than I had done to her, but just as teasing, she used my hips to push me up, kissing down my neck as I arched into her. I moved my hands back to her breasts and she gasped, her nipples still on fire. She pulled my hands away from her body. “Just let me touch you.”
I moaned as I moved my hands to hold myself above her. She wet her lips and moved them to my breasts. Her mouth worked my body into a fervor like no one else could. I was more than ready when her fingers entered me. I balled the sheets in my hands as a cry ripped through my body and it was her turn to chuckle at me. She knew I needed it to be fast; I could barely hold it back. My body shook as I came and I leaned down to kiss her. We rolled onto our sides, tangling our limbs as we kissed. Putting my leg between hers, I rubbed her wetness against my hip. Her hips rocked against me, her hands on my back holding me to her. I flicked her left nipple and she moaned into my mouth as she fell over that cliff again.
Afternoon Rendezvous
The radio blasted a rocking country song. I bopped along as I washed the dishes. The afternoon sun streamed into the kitchen on a beautiful summer day. I had pulled my hair up off my neck while I cleaned. I loved working from home and being able to make my own schedule: taking time to enjoy a sunny day, or have coffee with friends. Today’s job was to clean the house.
As the song faded, I sensed her presence behind me. I hadn’t heard her come in but I could smell her. She always smelled like fresh-ground coffee when she came home from work. I smiled as her strong hands found their home on my hips and her mouth found its home on the side of my bare neck. I dropped the plate I’d been washing and held the side of the sink while she licked me.
“Mmm… delicious,” she whispered into my neck. I wanted to turn around and kiss her, but she held tight to my hips. She pressed herself against me and I could feel her nipples against my back. She kept kissing my neck and the top of my back. She knew that my back was just one big erogenous zone and that she could drive me crazy forever like this. She leaned farther into me, bending me over the sink to turn the water off.
I moaned at the feeling of being trapped and her belt buckle pressed into the small of my back. She ran her hands down my sides to the hem of my shirt. Sliding her hands under it, she caressed my sides and stomach. My shirt was low enough that it bared my back to the bra line and she took full advantage of that. While she kissed farther down, her hands found the button of my capri pants.
My hands itched to touch her smooth, freckled skin. Everything in my groin was tight, wet, and begging to be touched. Her teeth nipped the sensitive skin between my shoulder blades as her fingers snaked their way between my legs. I held tight to the sink, trying to hold myself up. My nipples were tight inside my bra, begging for attention. I pinched my left nipple, moaning even more when she stilled her fingers inside me.
Biting my shoulder, she grabbed my hand, warning: “Don’t even think about it.” Her tone was much more demanding than usual. I wanted to disobey just to see what punishment she would have for me.
“Please don’t stop,” I begged, my body like a rubber band pulled too tight, ready to snap. She laughed, her fingers twitching inside me. I was so close to the edge. She bit the skin behind my ear as her fingers moved inside me. I cried out as I came. She held me, gently kissing my neck. I turned round, took her face into my hands and kissed her like I’d never be able to kiss her again.
“Mmm…” she moaned, pulling me closer. I bit her bottom lip. I pulled her down to the floor with me. I wanted her here, now, with the sun streaming through the kitchen windows and the newly waxed floor shining. We kissed as my hands moved to her shirt. Only the feel of her skin would make my palms stop itching. I pulled away from her mouth, giving her a wicked grin as I pulled her shirt off. Her black bra stood out in contrast to her pale skin, more freckles than tan. I dipped my head to kiss her cleavage. She thrust her breasts into my face.
I ran my teeth along the edge of her bra as I removed her belt. She laughed as I cursed under my breath; I never could undo her belt buckles. She pulled it out and looped it behind me, using it to pull me to her. We tumbled to the floor. She ended up above me. I licked my lips, wanting to move them over her body. I pulled open the button of her jeans as she reached back and unhooked her bra.
“You look delicious,” I told her. She flushed from her breasts to her cheeks. I pulled her down on top of me. Our mouths met in a fury of kisses. Our moans were louder than the music on the radio. My hands pushed their way under the band of her jeans, till they were filled with her butt. I pulled her closer, moving my leg between hers, and used the friction of her jeans to excite her.
She tipped her head back and moaned. Nibbling on the hollow of her collarbone, I pushed her pants farther down. She was grinding against my hip, her nipples pressed against my still-clothed chest. I reached up to pinch the left nipple as she came hard against my leg.
“Fuck,” she screamed as she collapsed on top of me. I ran my hands in long slow strokes over her back, feeling her heart beating erratically against mine. I flipped her over onto her back, and she gasped at the feel of the hot tiles on her naked back. She glowed pink against the cream floor, her hair looking even redder and her eyes as green as grass. I knelt between her legs and grabbed the waistband of her jeans. She helped me pull them off. Holding her right foot in my hand I kissed her behind her knee, went up the inside of her thigh, toward what I really wanted. I lightly nipped the soft skin at the leg of her panties. She yipped, raising her hips, wanting more.
I pulled my tank top over my head, and traced the top of my breasts along my bra, moving to pop open the front closure. I leaned down to lick her, my nipples getting harder as they grazed her flesh. I slowly circled the peak of one breast, teasing and tasting. I circled around the other nipple; my lips closed around it, sucking hard and tonguing the center.
“Yes,” she moaned. “Fuck, yes.” I moved down over her ribs to her stomach. I stopped to nibble the small tattoo above her left hip, and she twitched as my hands moved to pull her underwear off. I ran both of my hands up her legs parting them farther.
I went right in with my tongue. I was rewarded with a gasp of surprise and a cry of pleasure. Her hands moved to my head, pulling my hairclip out and tangling her fingers in my long hair. I glanced up at her as I nipped her clit before sucking it between my lips. Using a long stroke, I tongued her from top to bottom before inserting two fingers. Curling my fingers toward myself, I pumped hard and fast, bringing her hips off the floor.
As I pumped I added a twist, rubbing and flicking her G-spot every time. I bit the inside of her thigh and she screamed her release. I stayed where I was, holding her gently in my hand as she convulsed around me. I kissed her navel, enjoying the sound of her whimpering. Her hands reached down for me, trying to pull me up to her mouth. I crawled up her body, lying on top of her, our mouths meeting again. We rolled over onto our sides, curling our bodies together.
“How do you still have clothes on?” she demanded
I just laughed.
“We’ll just have to take care of that,” she told me as her hands ran down my back to my pants, still unbuttoned from the interlude at the sink. She finished undressing me, watching me the whole time. Gently she slipped two fingers inside, as we were lying face-to-face, the palm of her hand grazing my center with each stroke. Her eyes locked on mine and I could see myself in their depths. My leg draped over her hip, my arms were around her, holding her as my orgasm built slowly. The slowness was maddening, but I didn’t want it to end. I had to touch her. I reached between us, mimicking her speed and motion.
“Join me?” I asked. The intensity built between us. I hung precariously on the edge. We sped up a little. Hands inside each other, mouths together, eyes locked, we melted.
Sunset Rendezvous
The day was starting to get dim around the edges. She’d been sitting at the table for hours, working. I was trying not to distract her, but as I watched her roll her shoulders for the umpteenth time I wanted to touch her, ease her tension. She was so focused on her work she didn’t notice me watching her, or that I was still in the clothes that I wore to my afternoon meeting. I stretched out my legs, my skirt riding up a little more. I was wearing her favorite shoes, the ones that made my legs look impossibly long and made me feel incredibly sexy. I unbuttoned one more button on my blouse, revealing just a little more. I put down the book I’d been reading, stood up, and smiled as she rolled her shoulders yet again.
My heels clicked on the hardwood floor, but she didn’t even look up. I placed my hands on her shoulders. Her skin was hot to my touch as I rubbed. I used my thumbs to massage the back of her shoulders and her neck. She dropped her pen and her head as I worked out the knots. I continued in silence. I knew where she hurt and how hard to press. She gave a little moan as I pressed on a particularly stubborn knot. We continued this way for several minutes.
She patted my hands. “Thanks babe, I really needed that.”
“You’re welcome,” I told her, “but I think you’re still too tense.” I pulled her chair away from the table. She really looked at me for the first time since I’d gotten home. Her eyes roamed from top to bottom, lingering on my breasts peeking out from my mostly unbuttoned shirt. She smiled as she noticed my shoes. She pushed her chair back farther.
“I might still be a little tense,” she admitted. “Do you think you could help me out?”
I lowered my lashes and looked away. Slipping a finger into my cleavage, I replied, “I don’t know; it might have to get worse before it gets better.”
Moving between her and the table, I took her glasses off and put them aside. I smiled as my hands traveled farther down my torso. I placed one foot on the rung of her chair between her legs. She caressed my leg, stroking my smooth calf. She gave my leg a slight massage and I unbuttoned my blouse farther. I was wet and getting wetter as I finished unbuttoning my blouse. She pulled me toward her, her hands moving up my thighs. I straddled her, holding on to the back of her chair. She pulled my hips tight against her, her fingertips under the edge of my underwear. She gave my breasts a quick wet kiss and I arched into her, rubbing against her belt buckle. I leaned down to capture her mouth with my own, my hands moving through the hair at the nape of her neck.
She tasted like coffee and mints. I let my hands travel over her now-relaxed shoulders, rubbing down her arms, kissing her the whole time. I searched for the bottom of her tank top and pulled it up, running my palms over her belly. I pushed her shirt up over her breasts, thumbing her nipples through her silky bra. I tried to get her to raise her arms, but she held tight to my hips, massaging them. I rocked into her, and she rocked into me, knowing her belt buckle was teasing me mercilessly. Her mouth moved along my neck.
“I thought I was supposed to be the one helping you release your tension, not the other way around,” I said, short of breath.
“Oh, we’ll get there,” she assured me.
I leaned back a little, shaking my blouse off and tossing it across the room. She leaned back, finally pulling her top over her head. She didn’t move to touch me. I moved to touch her again.
“I want to see you come for me,” she said. I leaned back against the table for support and reached up to unhook my bra, tossing it onto the growing pile of clothes. I was close already. I pinched my neglected nipples, her eyes going back and forth from my breasts to my face. I was rocking slowly, building the pressure, watching her face. Suddenly she grabbed my hips, pulling me hard against her. My body shook against hers as I leaned back in for a kiss. I bit her lower lip lightly as I took her bra off. I moved away, off the chair to kneel in front of her.
The wood floor was hard under my knees but I ignored that as I spread her legs farther, pulling her hips to the edge of the chair. I kissed her stomach, moving up to kiss below her breasts. She put her hands in my hair, pulling out the pins that held it up. I felt my hair fall against my shoulders as my lips found her right nipple. I massaged her lower back as I tongued her nipple. She moaned, tangling her hands in my hair. I continued to worship her breasts. Her skin was so hot, and her flesh tasted so sweet. The clicking noise of her opening her belt buckle brought my eyes up to her face. I looked to see the look, wanting to know her intent, wanting to know if she was going to spank me with her belt. I helped her remove her pants.
I took her left foot into my hand. I kissed the inside of her ankle. I slowly moved up her leg in tiny licking kisses, never taking my eyes off of hers. I could smell her desire and it only made me want her more. I wanted to drag out her pleasure. I like to let it build slowly, until there is nowhere to go but over the edge. I put both of her feet on the rung of the chair, making sure her hips were close to the edge. She leaned back, holding the seat for support.
Cradling her hips in my hands, I leaned in to nip the flesh of her hip bones. She gave a little yip as I grazed my teeth over her skin. Finally my lips found her center, sucking it hard. Her hips came off the chair a little, and she pushed herself into my mouth, wanting more. I gave her more, using my tongue to lick her from top to bottom. I ran circles around her clit and used my right hand to enter her. Suddenly I stopped.
“Please don’t stop, please.”
I waited but only a few heartbeats before I used my teeth and nipped her, pumping my fingers inside her as fast as I could. She moaned a long low moan. Her body shook as I held her in my hand, kissing her hips, licking her tattoo and letting her ride that wave to the end. I stretched up on knees still sore, pulling her toward me, wanting only to kiss her again.
“I should finish my paper,” she told me, pulling away for only a moment before returning to kiss me. I pushed her chair back a little farther, pulling away from her mouth. Standing up in front of her, my skirt fell around my hips. I reached back to unzip it. I stood in front of her in my lacy underwear and high heels.
“Well, don’t let me distract you,” I told her.
Her mouth hung open a little as I walked over to the pile of garments we had made. I bent to pick them up. Throwing her a sexy look, I grabbed the discarded clothes and stood up to toss my hair over my shoulder. I gave her another smile as I headed to the bedroom. Now it was dark, and she was barefoot, but I knew she followed, just far enough behind to watch the swing of my hips and the swell of my butt. The day had finally ended, but the night was just beginning.
Dani M.
She’s not much more than twenty-five, was the first thought I had as I sat in my morning English lit class. The new substitute tutor had just rushed in, heels clipping, striding confidently, crisp shirt nudging against soft bronzed skin. She greeted our small group of about twelve with a somewhat sharp smile.
“Good morning to you all,” she announced. “I am Karin, and I am taking over this module for the foreseeable. I look forward to working with you all over the next semester.”
She scanned the room as she spoke, her words carefully chosen, her eyes making contact with each student.
She’s gaining authority, claiming the upper hand, I thought, and I was intrigued. Powerful women always seem to make my pulse quicken, and I found myself really wanting her to look at me.
As she spoke, I watched her appreciatively. Her fine features were framed by long black hair that crept down her back. Every now and again, she brushed it out of her face with her hand. On the way down to her hip, her hand would once or twice touch her own neck and go under her collar. She may have noticed me reddening in my seat, watching her, wondering if anyone in the room could tell how wet I was getting between my legs.
The discussion continued: we were reading Jane Austen’s Emma. I tried to focus my mind, but it was useless. My nineteen years of pent-up lust for girls ached inside me.
I couldn’t help looking at her breasts, which were small and firm and pressed hard against her shirt as she moved. I could hardly stop imagining how it would feel to open the buttons of that shirt, to press my face into them, to take her into my mouth….
When class was over I was relieved to be able to run away. I’m completely fooling myself that she was looking at me, I told myself sternly. Get a grip! I’d never touched a girl before, let alone slept with one, so there was no way I’d know what the fuck I was doing.
At school, I was always called a lesbian. It doesn’t bother me anymore. Really. My boyish features and short hair, as well as the fact that I’ve never actually been interested in boys probably gave me away. I used to think there was something wrong with me.
Now, lying in the dark, thinking of her just makes me crazy. I run my hands over my neck and feel my own breasts, imagining her hands on me. The ache in my belly gets stronger, and I shamelessly part my legs and rub roughly on my clit, imagining her fingers inside me, until my hips start to move. It doesn’t take long for me to come, hard. Feeling like a wild teenage boy, I roll around onto my stomach and fall into a deep sleep, my legs still soaking.
In class the next day, I can’t even look at her. It’s ridiculous to think that she knows what I did to myself over her last night but I can’t make eye contact. I guess I must look like I don’t want to be here or my attitude is shit, because somewhere in the middle of her talking, she interrupts herself.
“Amy! Amy!”
Fuck, she’s talking to me. “Uh… yeah?” Fuck, I seem like an asshole now.
“Amy, I’ve noticed you’re not paying attention at all today. Am I boring you?”
I feel her hard gaze on me, but I keep my eyes down.
“You know, Amy, I’m disappointed in you. I expected good things, but you’re showing no interest at all.”
Behind me, a couple of bitches that hate me sneer and giggle: “Fucking dyke!”
I turn around and almost spit at them, “Fuck you!” Jesus, I hope she didn’t hear that.
“Amy, that’s it! I’ve had enough of you disrupting my class. Come and see me at the end of the day.” I am dismissed.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur. I try to think what the fuck I can say to her. In the end, I decide I’ll just manage to apologize. She’ll tell me to do better. I’ll say I will—and the weird thing is, for her, I’ll mean it.
At 3:30, I’m standing outside her room as her last class shuffles out. She’s sitting at her desk. She looks amazing. A white shirt, black skirt, legs crossed and one foot playfully falling in and out of her high heel. This isn’t going to be easy.
“Come in and close the door,” she snaps. “Come here.” She gestures toward the front of her desk. I do as she says. “I didn’t tell you to sit down.”
I feel myself going red. Fuck this. She’s gonna make this hard on me.
“I’m speaking to you, Amy. Why can’t you look me in the eye?”
I don’t answer. I can’t.
“You have a bad attitude don’t you? I think we might have to correct that.”
“Look, I’m sorry, but…” I begin.
“Don’t interrupt me.”
Again I’m silent.
She gets up and walks to the front of the desk where I’m standing. Her face is inches from mine, and I can smell her breath. It’s so sweet, and it makes me dizzy.
“You disrupted my class. I heard you cursing at those girls. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”
My face is burning.
“Look, I’m sorry, Miss. But you don’t know what they were saying.”
“I heard what they said.” Again she moves closer to me. I’m frozen to the spot. I’m close enough to smell her perfume and feel the heat from her. I can’t help looking at her neck, and my eyes travel down her unbuttoned shirt.
“They said you’re a lesbian.”
She’s playing a game with me, and I know it. But I’m powerless against it.
“Are you a lesbian, Amy?”
I can’t answer her. Nobody’s ever asked me that. And her doing it now is too much to bear.
“Answer me. Are you a lesbian, Amy?”
All at once, I feel an incredible relief that she has made me say it. I am completely in her power now. Some foreign emotion is rising up inside me, and it’s all I can do not to sob in her face. She walks away from me, leaving me shaking on the spot. At the door of the classroom, she pulls down the blind and turns the key in the lock.
“Have you ever been with a girl, Amy?”
“No.” The word just escapes from my mouth.
“I’ve seen you looking at me, Amy. You’ve imagined having sex with me haven’t you?”
I have to answer.
“Yes.” Fuck, this is killing me.
“You’ve made me look at you, Amy. Made me think after class about your athletic shoulders, your big dark eyes, and your eager hands—your fingers that have yet to fuck a woman.” She curls her own fingers into my shaking hand. “I wouldn’t be a very good teacher if I didn’t give you your first lesson, would I?”
She lifts my hand slowly up to her collar and puts it inside. While she undoes the buttons of her shirt, my hand finds her breast. I’m aching for her now. I grab at both of her breasts, afraid of hurting her, but I squeeze them, and find her nipples rock hard. I need to taste her like I’ve never needed anything before. Freeing one of her nipples from her black silk bra, I put my mouth to it, sucking on it while my own nipples feel sore and strain against my bra.
“That’s it, baby, suck it! Take me into your mouth. Good girl.”
I run my tongue over her nipple soft and then fast, as she moans and arches her back. She pushes me down onto the chair and stands over me. She begins to pull her tight skirt over her hips to reveal black stockings and a black thong.
“Take it off me,” she orders.
I pull down her thong slowly and kiss her thighs, my eyes all the time on her hot shaved pussy.
“You’re going to learn how to suck clit today, Amy.”
She sits on her desk and I pull my chair right up to her as she opens herself and pulls my head between her legs. Parting her soaking lips as she lifts her pussy to my mouth, I find myself teasing her with soft, wet strokes of my tongue. She tastes so fucking good, and I lick harder while she covers her mouth to stifle her moans. As I’m lapping, I watch her sucking on her own fingers. Her hips respond wildly to my mouth working her, and I feel my own clit throbbing as she comes hard on my face. I wrap my mouth around her clit and gently suck her to another orgasm as she pulls my hair and her hips buck and shake.
She pushes me back onto the chair and straddles me, her come dripping onto my legs. I find her sopping-wet hole and push three fingers inside her. She starts rocking on me in time with my hand, and guttural sounds escape from the back of her throat.
“Fuck me,” she whimpers. “That’s it, give me more.”
She’s moving her hips faster, and her pussy stretches easily to fit my fourth finger. My hand is soaking with her juices. I’m lost in the sensation of her pussy, its swollen lips surrounding my hand and pulling more of me into her as she groans with pleasure.
“Give me more,” she pleads. Instinctively, I roll my fist completely into her, and it overwhelms me to feel her pussy completely taking me.
My head spins as something deep inside me makes me push deeper and deeper into her. I know that I could easily come, my clit is so agitated, and the weight of her is pressing it into the chair. My pussy aches for relief as she spills all over my legs in another orgasm. Sinking her teeth into my neck, she rides my fist through another climax, sending her suppressed screams into my shoulder. For a moment, she rests on me, still shaking and rocking back and forth on my fist, which is still inside her.
Finally she climbs off me, her flushed face spreading into a smile.
“Fucking hell, Amy, that was so good! I bet you really need some relief after doing that to me, don’t you?”
I don’t need her to say it twice, and I pull at the fly of my jeans. I’m shaking so hard, but I need her inside me. Every nerve is focused on the deep ache inside my legs. I feel the pulse inside me, and I know I’ve never wanted anything so badly.
“Now, my boyish little baby dyke, you’re about to be fucked hard by a woman. Pull down your jeans.”
I’m confused and I feel drunk with lust.
“Do it, Amy!” I’m powerless to contradict her and I obediently take down my jeans and then my boxers. In a second she turns me around and bends me over her desk, spreading my legs as far as my jeans will allow. She runs her fingers up and down my shaved, soaking pussy, and I can’t take it anymore.
“Do it! Fuck me now, Miss.”
“Say ‘please,’ Amy.”
“Please, Miss—fuck me now.”
Without warning, she pushes her entire fist inside me. I let a sound I don’t recognize escape from my throat as a wave of pain and then pleasure rips through my body.
“Please, Miss,” I manage to get out. “Please don’t stop.” I shamelessly beg her to keep plowing into me. She pulls my hair and forcefully fucks me with thrust after thrust of her fist, covered in my own juices.
Feeling her rolling in and out of me, my emotions become wild and hot tears of release fall down my face. I surrender to my true nature as this woman fucks me senseless, and all I can do is take her and beg for more.
My pussy throbs violently and spits come all over my legs and hers. My orgasm is so hard I feel my legs going, and she holds me up against the desk and fucks the last few splashes of come out of me. Finally, she gently takes her hand out of my pussy and pulls me to the classroom floor.
I stare into her eyes, shocked and spent.
“You can look at me now?” she says. And I find that I can.
“Yes, Miss. Thanks for the lesson.”
Kymberlyn Reed and Anais Morten
With slow, languid kisses I soothed away the slight tenseness in Viktoria’s body, holding her face as if it were a piece of fine china. Shivers ran through her as I parted her pussy lips with one hand, using a little more force than usual, because the hungry gazes of the two men watching us made her hesitant for a moment.
I wanted Nico and Jason to stare at her, greedy and aroused—but knowing that only I would touch her, at least, for now.
I took her hand, brought the strong yet slender fingers to my lips, sucked on one, withdrew—then drew it into my mouth again. All the while, two sets of eyes burned us with their gazes, glowing with need. I kept doing that, sucking and withdrawing, going down a little farther each time. I chuckled silently…. The two men certainly had hoped for something else when they caught us at the lonely beach and started a little small talk. Their disappointment at discovering that we were a lesbian couple was replaced by curious excitement, when I invited them to watch. But the little peep show would become as much of a torture for the two of them as it was a pleasure.
Even though their intent had been obvious from the first, neither Jason nor Nico had tried to hit on us too obviously, before or after they discovered we were a couple. They were attractive, sympathetic men, and so Viktoria and I followed our spontaneous lust for experimentation.
Her back to my front, Viktoria was on display while I kissed the back of her neck, delighted and aroused at how wonderfully responsive she was. Once again I began to lightly skim over her creamy soft skin as I cradled her in my arms. She softly moaned with each caress. I took my sweet time exploring her, mapping each lush curve.
Slowly my fingers traversed downward past her navel and here I paused, taking the briefest moment to gaze over at Jason and Nico, their attention completely focused on everything we did. With another slight nudge, Viktoria’s thighs parted wider still, and I smiled at her growing boldness.
Inch by tantalizing inch, my fingers sought the center of her body, tangling in the wispy velvet of her downy hair before seeking, then finding, her clit. She nearly leapt from my arms when I began to circle it with the pad of my thumb, feeling her arch against me. Sliding farther inside her, I could feel she was so wet, so hot—I knew the men could see it and smell it….
I would make them all feel it….
“Damn that’s so fucking beautiful…” I heard Nico whisper, his dark, rich voice a total turn-on, thrilling me with the depths of his hunger, a strangled groan that told me how badly he wanted to be in my place.
With my other hand, I rubbed my fingers in her wetness, coating them, sliding them along her mons and clit, teasing her, making her dance. Then one finger thrust slowly inside of her dripping pussy and she moaned, shuddering.
“She looks so beautiful like that…” Jason whispered passionately. “So hot with your finger inside of her….”
God, she was hot inside, so slick and tight. Her walls clasped my finger, holding me fast as I stroked her a little deeper each time. I added another finger, a third, filling her as best I could and she rode them, gently bucking against each slow plunge. “Oh… Samantha…” and the rest became a steady stream of heated German that had never sounded sexier to my ears.
But I’d only just begun. I found that explosive place inside of her; curling my fingers I rubbed it gently, eliciting pants and gasps while she started riding my hand up and down.
I saw her through their eyes—her lush, sexy body spread wide, upthrust nipples begging for a kiss, my fingers penetrating her, making her wetter and hotter and needier and greedier. But I had to have more… had to taste her.
Sinuously I slid from behind her until I lay atop her, my knee between her legs. I used the seeping moisture as lubricant, the friction as delicious to me as I could tell it was to her. We shared another searing kiss and arched against each other, moaning softly, our tongues entwining and tasting.
We must have presented quite a sight to Nico and Jason—skin to skin, the contrast of light and dark, sweetly voluptuous, getting off on each other and the idea of being watched. Slowly I moved down her body, longing to sample every part of her.
Her breasts were perfection—heavy with a sensuous weight that spilled into my hands, round with rosy nipples that grew harder as I suckled upon one, then the other. She cradled my face in her hands as I lavished each nipple with long sweeps of my tongue. I bit down gently on the puckered areola, eliciting a delighted gasp.
I could have spent hours making love to her breasts, and I have before, but her aroused cries and the wicked heat from between those luscious thighs beckoned for more. Tiny kisses, little licks, nibbles upon succulent flesh were my promises to her as I blazed a steamy trail down her body. I took a little more time, teasing her outer thighs. Her legs parted when I finally positioned myself between them.
Seeing for myself what Jason and Nico had been gazing at—all wet and pink and throbbing—I thought, To hell with finesse and teasing….
I blew hot breaths over her clit then lowered my mouth to feast on her. Before my lips sank into the soft wetness, I shot a threatening look toward Jason and Nico who had started to stroke their leaking cocks. “The party’s just getting started… I’m sure you can wait, right? Pull yourselves together, then we might provide a reward for you,” I coaxed.
There was dirty promise in my voice that served to keep their hands in their laps. It had to be torture, but it spoke volumes that both were willing to play along, performing almost supernatural self-restriction.
I smirked. Oh, yeah, what I had in mind would turn out as a nice surprise for them…! For now I was content to sense their desperate desire, while they could only watch how I took the pleasure they craved.
Dazzled by my lover’s scent and taste, I didn’t even want to leave anything for our voyeurs, who were sitting behind me, their heavy breathing and seductive whispers spurring me on. I wanted it all. Her juices bathed my tongue in tart honeyed sweetness as I took my fill. I felt her hands on my head, holding me fast, but Viktoria needn’t have worried—I wasn’t leaving until I’d drained her dry. Until she exploded over and over again.
And my own body was just as eager, my clit quivering, begging for a touch; I parted my legs so that Jason and Nico could see how excited I was. “What does she taste like…?” That came from Jason again, whose hot breath I could feel near my back. I had to give them credit—had I been in their places, I don’t think I could have remained seated for long. I pointed the tip of my tongue on Viktoria’s clit. “Think of the sweetest… most decadent desert you’ve ever eaten….”
And indeed, she was that and more. I took long, sensuous licks, laved her from clit to pussy, enjoyed the taste of her on my fingers. My tongue penetrated her, alongside the fingers that I once again thrust inside of her, pulling back when I sensed she was getting close.
She was so beautiful, her rosy skin all flushed, lips parted in sensuous gasps and pleading for more, for mercy, for me to let her come.
I moved faster upon her, nearly burying myself inside of her, parting her slick folds wider, not wanting to miss any part of her. I pushed her thighs up so that I was able to lick her tiny puckered hole and she nearly screamed. There were also two collective groans from behind me.
The tremors within her began to quickly increase in intensity. I stroked her sweet spot and she rode my mouth and fingers, her body undulating like a serpent.
“Come for me, you sweet bitch…” I begged her, my lips vibrating against the ones I feasted on. “Let me taste all of you… everything…” So close—I felt it—her tightening walls and tensing, flexing thighs—she was so close to coming.
I wouldn’t stop until she did.
She arched, taut as a bowstring, brazenly crying out and flooding my mouth with her special juice that was rich and sweet and intoxicating. Her pussy pulsed around my mouth and fingers. Holding her down with one arm, I beckoned to Nico and Jason, who knelt next to me. First I kissed Jason, opening his mouth and sharing Viktoria’s essence with him. Then I kissed Nico and did the same. Both groaning, they took my mouth hostage as we went back and forth with Viktoria’s come slurped and savored between us.
Then I reached up and brought Viktoria’s lips to mine, giving her a taste of herself, feeding her back her scent and essence.
“Nice,” Viktoria whispered to me, her lips curled into a sexy smile though her eyes were still glazed from our play. “Now it’s my turn. Come here, slut….”
I was not as experienced as Samantha, but that had nothing to do with passion and before I could think, my mouth was on Samantha’s, taking the lead, and she was perfectly fine with that. She still tasted like my come mixed with the wine we’d had earlier that day.
We kissed, both shamelessly aroused by what we were doing, what we had already done, and who was watching us do it. It was my turn to give Nico and Jason a show. I smiled wickedly as I presented Samantha’s luscious breasts for their perusal.
But I gave them a look that could stop even the most recalcitrant schoolchild in his mischievous tracks. “Behave,” I warned them sternly and Samantha giggled, the two of them looking like naughty boys. Bringing her ripe mouth to mine again, I kissed her, letting my tongue sweep gently inside, playing and tasting her sweetness. As we kissed, I parted her legs like she had already done to me earlier, baring her to a pair of searing, lustful gazes.
“Well now, more surprises…” Nico murmured appreciatively. “I can see her entire pussy now….” Samantha shaved, and I found something sexy and forbidden about it. Where my own hair was soft and silky, she was all smooth and bare, leaving nothing to the imagination. I urged her thighs even wider.
“Like an orchid,” Jason breathed huskily, admiring the view. “Like a beautiful dark orchid…” Samantha’s breasts were much like mine, amply spilling over my hands—but her areolas and nipples were the largest I’d ever seen, hard and sensitive.
I caressed and sucked them, then kissed and licked my way down, finally applying some very nice tongue-acrobatic techniques to her sweet little clit. Well I knew that my tongue-swirling and dancing, dipping and sucking, always had the right effect, but this time—oh, wow, Samantha started off like a rocket. I felt as if I were in the middle of an earthquake. How was I supposed to keep her wiggling, squirming, burning body under control?
“Nico…” came Jason’s breathy voice, “I think Viktoria needs help. She seems to be having trouble getting ahold of that wild little lady there….”
Gratefully, I looked up at him from my position between Samantha’s legs that snaked around me, and mumbled, only half distracted from licking: “Yeah, Jason… keep her still….”
As Jason’s sinful beautiful mouth closed over hers and the wet smacking sounds of his deep and hard kiss reached my ears I felt Samantha’s body slacken with sudden devotion…. She melted into his kiss, long enough for me to adjust my position before her muscles tensed again, and I could nearly hear the whirring in her nerves as they were overloaded.
Jason and I competed in kissing, both kissing her lips: him above, me below, and we truly gave our best.
I think I can speak for Samantha and say she never felt better, but it was painful for Nico to just look. His moans became whimpers… and Samantha knew with precise timing that the right moment had arrived. She wiggled free, and Jason and I reluctantly let her go. She picked up our beach bag. “If you want to play with us,” she informed the men with a look that was sheer mischief and lust, “then you have to play our way….”
And in front of their astonished eyes she produced a fairly large dildo. “Viktoria will fuck Jason….” she directed.
Jason didn’t contort his face in disgust, nor flinch; the concentration of hormones in his blood was too high already. Nevertheless, his expression clouded and he couldn’t quite keep the frown off his face.
Nico was grinning widely, leaving little doubt he’d enjoy watching his friend on hands and knees with his perfect ass in the air, getting fucked by a lady—but his smirk rapidly lost its smugness when he met Samantha’s predatory gaze.
“I suppose that leaves you to me, Nico…” she murmured with a dangerous and husky voice. She came up with a dildo that was even bigger than the first, and Nico blanched. He hadn’t expected that we were carrying more than one dildo around. An entire gamut of emotions played across his face.
But Samantha was teasingly persistent. “I know you both want to do this… you’re both hard just thinking about it….” And they were.
Samantha seldom traveled anywhere without her collection of dildos and other assorted toys. At first I’d considered that habit to be rather excessive. That was before she managed to fuck me with four dildos simultaneously—one in my ass; another, coated in raspberry-flavored lube, in my mouth; the third she used to fuck my tits and the last one, the biggest, she saved—in true Samantha dominant-bitch fashion—for my cunt, and penetrated me in strap-on mode.
After that I didn’t complain anymore.
Samantha was already taking the lead. Putting her arm around me, never once doubting the outcome, she eased everyone’s concerns, including mine. The men’s frowns had deepened dramatically, but still their erections had survived, jutting out proudly and certainly generating some persuasive power. The men needed to come, no matter how.
Still hesitant, they stood frozen, but Samantha, once a professional dominatrix, mustered her natural and well-trained authority, and ordered, “On your knees, guys.”
Again they exchanged glances, and Jason was at the point of refusing, though his body was shaking from the force of wanting it. Having decided to go for it, Nico gave him a smile. “Well, we wanted an adventure…”
Jason cracked a small grin and grudgingly settled down on all fours. “Kneel right beside him, Nico,” Samantha directed. “I want to have Viktoria next to me!”
Seeing these two fine asses presented in shameless display nearly robbed me of my already lust-intoxicated brain. Samantha had an evil smirk on her pretty face.
“Let me help you, love,” she murmured tenderly. She fastened the harness with dildo attached around my waist like a squire helps his knight put on armor.
The dildo she chose for me was long and not quite as thick, perfectly fitting my build. I was slightly irritated because the thing was one of the weird marbled violet, green and red monstrosities she’d bought as a lark. But Jason wouldn’t see much of Mr. D. anyway.
Samantha quickly put on her own harness and stood beside me, and I felt my confidence rise. “Okay, sweetie,” she said, tracing patterns on Nico’s skin, “Tease him a little.” Nico pushed into her gently massaging fingers and sighed expectantly. She looked at me with a devilish grin. “See, he likes it, and Jason will too, I promise.”
I wasn’t sure of that but copied her movements to the letter, aroused by the feel of such a powerful man prostrated before me. I loved the way his ass muscles flexed from my caresses as I skimmed gently over the crease that separated his rounded globes. Surprisingly I heard a distinctive purr coming from his throat while I fondled him.
Jason may have needed some encouragement, but the same couldn’t be said about his friend. Nico was already begging for her to open him, the slut, but she merely slapped him lightly on the ass and told him to wait. My finger slid into Jason’s crevice and I felt him tremble. Samantha squeezed a generous amount of cool, slick lube in my palm. She did the same for herself and spread Nico’s asscheeks wide so that I could see everything.
“Now, position a finger—just one—at his hole…” she said, and I watched her, fascinated while she deftly probed at Nico’s entrance. The finger slid in easily, disappearing up to the knuckle, then out as the man underneath her hummed in pleasure.
Stroking Jason’s buttocks soothingly with my left hand, I cautiously opened him up with my right, following Samantha’s example, and he shuddered around me, his inner muscles seeming to suck my finger inside of him. “Give him two fingers this time and scissor them: like so,” and she demonstrated with her free hand.
I scissored my slick fingers inside Jason and rubbed against something bumpy and spongy. Jason practically leapt. “Think you found his sweet spot, honey,” she whispered. Curiously, I massaged it again and he groaned, opening himself wider for me.
These two sexy, virile men had probably been confronted with all manner of indecent suggestions and kinky arrangements during their lives, but here they were, kneeling and offering their asses to a pair of lesbian lovers and I was certain that was not a part of their repertoire. We could sense their excitement as they moaned in unison, Nico pushing back against Samantha’s slowly pistoning fingers, while Jason wiggled his ass obscenely.
I let out a gasp and she chuckled darkly. “I think he may be ready for you, baby….” A hot flush spread all over Jason’s back and buttocks as I softly stroked his sweet spot and he crooned.
I didn’t trust my ears as I heard him whisper, “Come on, Viktoria… please…”
Could it be true? Was this gorgeous stranger who had my fingers in his ass actually begging me to fuck him?
I don’t know what dominant streak came over me, but I wanted to hear him say it. “Please what, Jason…?” I held my breath for what seemed like hours.
“Please, fuck me…”
This hot man was really begging me to fuck him.
I stole a quick look to the side, where Samantha was working Nico with almost her entire fist. Looking at me she pulled out slowly, torturously, as the man before her did his best to keep her inside. She poured more lube into my hands and I used it to slick up my cock. I was more than ready to do this, and I positioned the tip of the dildo at Jason’s stretched and eager hole.
Beside me, she did the same. For the first time the strain of expectation was audible in her breath. She was sighing deeply, aroused. “All I can say now, honey, is to take him slowly… let him guide you….”
Her slender, elegant brown hands grabbed Nico’s hips, holding him fast while she slid deeply inside of him until seated to the hilt. Taking a deep breath, I nudged open Jason’s waiting hole with my cock. Jason groaned, and I paused, wondering if it was too much.
But Jason—sweet and lovely Jason—simply relaxed and pushed his body back, allowing my cock to penetrate him a little more. “Please, luv…” he pleaded.
I slid in deeper, watching with fascination as it went in, completely enraptured by the feel of his clenching muscles urging me on.
I was actually fucking a man, my brain excitedly grasping the concept of my dildo sliding in and out with rising force and vehemence. And he was really into it, judging from the way he rocked himself on my cock.
The sensation of this new and overwhelming experience, as well as the base of the dildo rubbing my clit, soon had me close. Watching it slip and slide out of that tiny, grasping pucker, between those firm masculine cheeks, I felt powerful, a conqueror of sorts, and began working my hips around and around, moving deeper into Jason. His needy whispers beneath me and Nico’s heavy moans of pleasure under my girlfriend’s steady thrusts were driving me insane with lust.
Suddenly Samantha pulled one hand off Nico and grabbed me, turning my head toward her. She pressed her hot soft lips on mine, her tongue slipping demandingly inside my mouth, and I was gone….
She sucked at my lips, two, three times and I already felt the orgasm sweeping over me like a tidal wave when we both broke the passionate kiss to cry out loud in our joint lust.
Allison Wonderland
From my place on the chaise, I examine my lover, observing her primping ritual at the vanity table. Sitting on the cushion, clad in sheer chiffon chemise and sugar-cone cup bra, Mae looks like she belongs to a different era, an era of starlets and glamour girls and pinup queens. When passersby pass Mae by, they often pause for a moment, expecting the scenery to segue from Technicolor to black-and-white.
Mae plucks her lipstick from the tabletop, swivels the tube and glides the wedge along her lips, creating a circle of crimson. Next are her eyes, the lashes extended with mascara, the lids anointed with gold powder—glitzy gold, like the statuettes dispensed at the Academy Awards. Now, the coiffure: Mae’s hair is her crowning glory, Jean Harlow blonde with Bettie Page bangs. She unrolls the pistachio pinsetters, arms raised and bent at the elbows, resembling a ballerina poised in pirouette. When she is finished, she scrutinizes her reflection in the mirror. Sliding her glasses onto her nose, Mae peers through the cat’s-eye frames of the spectacles, studying the visage of a vixen.
“Let’s get cracking.”
Mae jerks at the sound of my voice. She hates it when I do that. Frown crimping her lips, she turns in my direction, sees me reclining on the lounge, limbs limp, head cushioned by a fluffy round pillow. Pinched between my fingers is a vinyl riding crop, its shaft tapping against the veneer of the maple wood.
Mae rises to her feet, saunters over to the settee, her slender heels stabbing the parquet floor. “What’s this?” she demands, fingering the fabric of my brassiere.
My attire is nearly identical to Mae’s. Garish garters engird my thighs. Black satin gloves conceal the flesh from forearms to fingertips. Nylon stockings cleave to my calves, travel to my toes, and then disappear inside shiny black stilettos. However, unlike Mae and her missile cups, I have opted for a simple black bra.
“What’s wrong?” I pout, feigning innocence.
Mae seizes a strap, stretching it away from my shoulder. Upon release, it snaps against my skin, evoking a savory synthesis of pain and pleasure.
“I don’t like the bullet style,” I assert, guiding my body into a sitting position. “It looks like something that belongs on the obstacle course at driving school.”
“You…” Mae starts, but this is as far as she gets. I watch as her gaze strays to the implement in my hand, watch as her eyes glide along the shiny black switch.
“I know what you’re thinking,” I drawl, pressing the tip of the whip into Mae’s shoulder, eliciting titters and trembles.
Mae settles onto my lap, the lacy accents of her scanties tickling my thighs. “Oh?” she queries, digits stroking the curve of my hip.
My limbs quiver at the contact. “You’re thinking—”
“I can speak for myself, thank you,” Mae affirms, and snatches the whip from my grip. She hops off my lap, strides to the tripod assembled in the center of the room.
I watch as my lover adjusts the camera. “Well?”
“Hmm?” Mae murmurs, lips pursed in concentration.
“What are you thinking?”
“Oh.” She laughs, looks up at me. “I was thinking,” she says, “that it’s time to spank your fanny, Dani.” Mae’s tone is flippant, almost nonchalant, but her expression belies the inflection in her voice.
I study my lover’s eyes behind their tilted frames. The irises glimmer, incandescent, like a theater marquee.
In a matter of minutes, we will be transported to the 1950s, recreating the tame but tantalizing stag films that featured the three B’s: bondage, backsides and Bettie Page. Mae and I own a production company, creating erotic films for the nostalgically inclined. We work both behind and in front of the camera. Not out of necessity, although finances are a factor, but by choice.
A year ago, however, when Mae first proposed the idea, I chafed at her suggestion. Porn? She wanted to make porn?
The word reeked of peep shows and peeping toms.
I envisioned films with such titles as Rock Around the Cock and A Tale of Two Titties.
I envisioned our audience: men in flimsy beige trench coats, drool pooling in their jowls, sweat drenching their brows.
I imagined…
Here, Mae interrupted my imaginings, first with a kiss, then with a compromise. “You’ll only have one costar,” she promised. “Me. It’ll be just the two of us.” Then she added, thinking that she could change my mind by changing words, “And we won’t really be making porn. We’ll be making… period pieces.”
I remained skeptical.
“Just the two of us,” Mae reiterated. “And perhaps some equestrian equipment…”
Inevitably, I warmed up to the idea, because the more I deliberated, the more alluring the proposition became. It began to intrigue me—the thought of someone looking, desiring from a distance, aching to touch yet not being able to. And so I agreed, and Cup of Tease was born.
“You ready?” Mae inquires, angling the lens toward the settee. On celluloid, the mint green upholstery will be converted to a grainy gray.
“Picture you upon my knee,” I croon. “Just tease for two and two for tease.”
Mae’s smile segues into a smirk. “Actually, Dani,” she says, tapping the riding crop against her calf, “you’ll be on my knee today, remember?”
She gestures for me to lie down. I take direction well. Maneuvering my body into repose, I melt into the cushion, the satin fabric conforming to the contours of my figure.
Mae pushes the record button.
Expelling a yawn, I pretend to stir from slumber, extending my arms behind my head, arching my back like a feline stretching after a nap. I ball my fists, twist them in front of my eyes, back and forth, to and fro.
I look straight into the camera and gasp, expanding the oval of my mouth, widening the circumference of my eyes, as though I have just been caught unawares. But soon my surprise transitions into curiosity. I wave at the lens, fluttering my fingers, batting my eyelashes.
The flaunting and flashing is next. I contort my body into various cheesecake poses: lying on my belly with legs flexing, lying on my back with legs kicking.
I rise to my feet, pucker my lips, smack them together, blowing invisible kisses to the camera. I am cheeky and coquettish, wholesome yet wanton.
I begin to wriggle. I swivel and shimmy and sashay, my body undulating like a Slinky. When I dance, I dance for Mae and Mae alone. I watch her watch me from behind the tripod. She slides her glasses down the bridge of her nose, revealing her eyes, sienna swirls of desire.
In the next moment, Mistress Mae enters the frame, switch clenched in her grip, scowl tugging at her lips. Mistress deplores dancing. Mae’s gloved hand wraps around my arm, her fingers singeing my flesh. I pout, I whimper, I grovel, sniveling like an infant. But to no avail. Mistress drags me to the settee, flings my flailing body onto her lap. My resistance is a ruse. In reality, the thought of the forthcoming flogging kindles my arousal. I can feel a puddle forming inside my panties, the sticky cream clinging to the fabric.
Mae’s palm connects with my backside. I yelp, thrashing my legs in a semblance of suffering. Mistress makes contact again. My feet and fists pummel the air in fictitious agony. I writhe against her lap, the material between my legs smearing nectar onto my mound. It feels warm and waxy, like butterscotch.
Mae yanks my panties from my bottom, exposing the cheeks and cleavage of my rump. I twist my head to look at her. She winks at me, the corners of her mouth pointed upward, so smug, so sultry. Mae’s fingers graze my flesh. She is tender at first, stroking me the way a guitarist strums the strings of her instrument, lulling me into a false sense of security.
The blow stings, like a slap across the face, only not so unpleasant.
Then harder. But not hard enough. The honey hue of my skin camouflages the strawberry shade of the marks, and she has to hit me harder for them to be visible.
The next strike is hard enough to brand me with her hand, to leave an indelible imprint on my flesh. I wait for more, expect it, thirst for it. But it doesn’t come. I mewl, craning my neck to see why she has stopped. Mistress raises the riding crop, swishes it in front of my face. Saliva pools in the recesses of my mouth. The punishment isn’t over; it is merely entering the next phase. I wince, displaying a façade of fear.
Mae’s tongue touches the tip of the whip, tracing, stroking, the way she licks the frosting off a cupcake. My hips buck, betraying the illusion. Mistress shoves my head back down, her fingers tangling in my hair, her nails scratching my scalp. I hiss at the sensations, clenching my eyes shut.
Three whops land in quick succession. The pleasure zips from my posterior to my pussy, the way a spark surges along the fuse of a stick of dynamite. My panties are saturated, the juices creeping along the edges, soaking the chiffon trim, en route to Mae’s thighs. She shifts, lifts her leg slightly, pressing it into my cunt.
The switch sears my bottom. Pangs of pleasure whisk through my body, overwhelming my senses. Another twinge, another twitch. My muscles ache, but I disregard the pain. I can feel a rectangular welt beginning to take shape, a welcome complement to the impressions of Mae’s hand.
I have lost count of the number of times the crop has made contact with my rump. I no longer have the energy to engage in such useless tasks as tallying thrashings. Instead, I invest my energy into relieving the unceasing ache between my legs.
Lids screwed shut, lashes scraping the skin beneath my eyes, I flail my limbs at full throttle, gyrate my pelvis, grind against Mae’s thighs, smearing my juices on the alabaster skin.
To all outward appearances, I am a woman ensnared in the throes of agony. Yet while my convulsions convey misery, Mistress knows better. Mistress cannot be fooled. Mistress knows when I come.
Soon after, Mae taps my bottom with her hand, indicating that the whipping is over. I rise to my feet, bringing my hands to my backside, a pretense of protection. Mae brandishes the whip in my face, a threat of future floggings if I’m naughty again. I bow my head in deference and pout, the corners of my mouth sagging like wilted violets. Mistress smiles, pleased with the effect of the punishment. Gently, she tugs my panties back into place, concealing my bruised bottom.
I watch as she exits, no longer visible in the frame. She retreats behind the camera, deactivates the device, and returns to my side. Smiling, she reaches behind me, squeezes my cheeks. I flinch, teeth nearly puncturing my lip. The flesh is throbbing now, but the pleasure is worth the pain, the pain worth the pleasure. Mae slides a hand inside the elastic band of my panties. Her fingers soothe the soreness, her touch tender and hesitant, as if I am made of glass.
“Next time, I’ll handle you with kid gloves,” Mae teases, pressing her lips to mine.
“Then you’ll have to find a new costar,” I threaten, reciprocating the kiss.
“Picture you upon my knee,” Mae croons. “Just tease for two and two for tease.”
“Actually, Mae,” I say, and snatch the whip from her grip, “I’ve already been upon your knee. You, however, have not yet been upon mine.”
Mae glances at the camera.
“Is there enough film?” I ask.
“Yes,” she answers, tracing the outline of the welt on my backside. “Let’s not do a sequel, though. Let’s just pick up where we left off.”
I nod, contemplating Mistress’s comeuppance, deliberating where to stand since sitting is out of the question.
“What should we call this film?” Mae inquires, brows furrowed in thought.
I remove her hands from my body, stroll toward the vanity, deposit the riding crop between the perfume bottle and the lotion dispenser. I scan the table, surveying the various accoutrements. The hairbrush catches my eye. It is the paddle kind, its square head large and expansive. “We should call it,” I begin, curling my fingers around the handle, “Bottoms Up.”
Gala Fur
Translated by Noël Burch
A cold April wind blew in from the north and through the streets of Paris, whipping the coats of passersby and the pleated skirt that Elvira was hugging to her thighs. She heard soles slapping the pavement in her wake. Elvira was a long-legged woman in her early thirties and the sensuality of her rolling gait drew men like flies. Intrigued by this new admirer’s perseverance, she turned to have a look. A pair of violet ballerina slippers with matching quilted pocketbook and gloves tapped along behind her. Today, it was a woman pursuing her along the empty sidewalk on avenue Mozart. Only a few minutes before, Elvira had caught a glimpse of the tweed-suited woman’s pallid face as she strolled arm-in-arm with their dermatologist across his waiting room. Her fellow patient had the face of a porcelain doll. The unhealthy pallor emphasized her thick black hair, which was held in place by two barrettes over the temples and swept up in a high bun.
Elvira pointed her magnetic key as if she were switching TV channels. The orange headlights on her Mercedes winked at her. She scrambled into the car and was reaching for the dashboard button that would lock the car when the passenger-side door swung out and a face appeared in the opening.
“We were together in Doctor Goult’s office. Are you heading for the Left Bank?”
There was the touch of an American accent in the stranger’s question. Instead of “Sorry, I have things to do,” Elvira heard herself replying: “I can leave you at a cabstand near l’Étoile, if you like.”
It was those sudden bursts of generosity that endeared her to her own “patients.” Elvira was a professional dominatrix. She had the gift of empathizing with the needs of her masochistic clientele. As her psychoanalyst put it, performing services for others was a vocation with her. The pushy American woman sat down beside her, those doll’s eyes staring straight ahead, holding that violet pocketbook on her lap with gloved hands. There was something unreal about her mother-of-pearl complexion. Had the dermatologist rejuvenated her? Embalmed her? Elvira had a passion for vampire stories. Driven by a morbid bulimia, she would spend her sleepless nights watching one horror movie after the other.
The Arc de Triomphe was coming into view when the woman spoke again:
“Where do you live?”
“You’re on your way home?”
“I have an errand to run in your neighborhood. Saint-Germain-des-Près is a lot like the Village in New York. I live on Bleecker.”
“I come to Paris regularly to see Doctor Goult.”
Elvira had known Pascal Goult for years. Tall and athletic as he was, he liked having his face slapped. In exchange, he took care of her skin. Elvira enjoyed slapping. When she was expecting a client for a slapping session, she grew terribly excited. She had to change her panties afterward because they were so wet. If she had been a hard-line dominatrix, she’d have slapped this importunate woman. Only a New Yorker is capable of acting like this, she said to herself. Instead of pulling over to the curb and ordering her out of the car, she said nothing: she was consumed with curiosity. Chance meetings always affected her this way.
At place Saint-Germain-des-Près, she called out, “End of the line!” The woman ran gloved fingers over the dashboard. Elvira reached out to open the door for her and her arm brushed against the woman’s breasts. Both were wearing the same perfume, L’Instant Magic by Guerlain.
“Be seeing you soon,” said the woman, peering through the window with a little wave of her hand.
Elvira bought fresh bread, rice, artichokes and fruit at the supermarket. As she turned her key in the lock of her apartment door, she saw the unknown woman again, ensconced in her hallway. Her smile looked as if it were painted on sticking plaster.
“I left my gloves in your car.”
The witch has probably bribed the garage attendant to get my address. Elvira suddenly had the feeling she’d seen her somewhere before. In New York, probably… A shiver ran down her spine. Was her stormy past pursuing her to her very door? She was overcome by a burst of paranoia, like one of those attacks recovered junkies sometimes experience. What if this woman’s been paid to investigate me, do me an injury, kill me? If she was merely prying into Elvira’s present means of subsistence, an expertly applied arm lock should be dissuasive enough: she would escort her out of the building by force. The woman patted her shoulder.
“Doctor Goult’s treatment has made me thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?”
Already the clever little vixen had slipped into the kitchen. Elvira turned on the tap and filled two glasses to the brim. She handed one to the woman who took a few sips, pasted on another artificial smile and began questioning her again.
“Did you have our friend the dermatologist touch up your face?”
“A shot of Botox in the bunny lines. And you?”
The woman stood looking around the room and seemed not to have heard the question. Elvira took a sip of water, drew a deep breath and took another sip, gripping the glass, ready to pounce. A Saint Andrew’s cross was propped against the living room wall. The woman gazed at it with empty eyes. Two perforated leather straps with metal buckles hung from the cross-ends. The woman balanced her glass on the edge of the sink and undid one of the mother-of-pearl buttons on her blouse. She fanned her throat with her hand. The trembling silk clung to her full, round breasts. Is Doctor Goult responsible for that perfect pair of tits? Like Elvira, she wore no bra. Her face took on a touch of humanity, a tint of old-fashioned pink, like Japanese greasepaint. The woman came up to Elvira, took her hands and pressed them to her own breasts. Elvira finished unbuttoning the light blue silk blouse and tugged at the cloth, freeing the last button from a fold in the skirt.
She bunched the woman’s breasts together and pressed them to the sternum. The woman moaned. Elvira stroked her cheek. Next, she pulled off her own sweater and dropped it on the rug. The woman gazed at Elvira’s bare bosom and murmured:
“I took a long time choosing between New York and Paris.”
“I’m happy to hear you say it. So did I. And I’m glad I made the choice I did. New Yorkers are impossible people, especially the women.”
Elvira’s voice was no longer the same. It had become sharp, authoritarian. She dug her nails into the porcelain skin leaving pink streaks on the woman’s arm, then between the two breasts which were back in place now, tips slanting toward the armpits. Throwing her weight against the other woman’s pelvis, she backed her toward the wall. Step by step, the American retreated toward the cross, quite unruffled. To make it easier for the dominatrix, she raised one arm, hand hanging limp. Elvira attached her wrist to the cross, passing the prong of the buckle through the third and last hole in the strap. The woman held up her other arm. Her head was bowed. In her rolled-up eyes, the white of the iris had supplanted the bright brown of the pupils. Their faces were almost touching. The woman looked straight at her. In her eyes, there was no trace of fear, she did not so much as blink. Arrogant bitch! They locked gazes, with the American squinting. Words fell from her lips without a twitch of her facial muscles: “I’ve just come back from a trip to Peru. Machu Picchu… Have you ever been there?”
Elvira twisted her ear with wiry fingers.
“No, I’ve never been up to Machu Picchu.”
She gripped both the woman’s nipples and twisted them clockwise. Then she dug her nails into them. The woman’s gaze began to waver. A shudder ran though her shoulders. There were creases on either side of her mouth. Her lower lip hung loose and moist. Elvira bit hard into the limp bit of flesh, meanwhile pinching her again and again, at regular intervals. Then she relaxed the pressure but left her nails where they were. The woman rose on tiptoes as if to recoil from another pinch. Elvira rubbed her hands together and without a word, slapped her twice. That did it, I’m wet as any slut! A lock of dark hair danced in front of the foreigner’s pale face. The bun was slowly coming apart, the locks of hair like snakes coming to life. Elvira seized one of the barrettes that slipped over the ear and brandished it threateningly before the woman’s eyes.
“How long have you been spying on me?”
“I don’t understand,” the woman said, exaggerating her American accent, and then sucked her lower lip
What an actress, she’s doing all she can to excite me! Elvira cheeks were burning. She dropped the barrette and pressed her sex against the American’s thigh; the other woman’s body was jutting forward like a ship’s figurehead. As she rubbed her cunt up and down on her visitor’s firm flesh, cum flowed in little spurts down her own thighs. She ran her hands over the woman’s hips, feeling for the skirt zipper. She jerked it open and pulled the skirt down around the knees. The woman wriggled.
“A skirt around the knees isn’t very stylish.”
Elvira laughed sadistically. She caught hold of lips that still bore traces of purplish lipstick in spite of all the sucking and nibbled on them. They had the sickly sweet taste of tinned litchi nuts. Now and then, she would stand back and chortle with glee. The American looked her straight in the eye. I’m going to teach this one a lesson.
Elvira seized her panties with two fingers, seamless Lycra panties, cut low over the flat hips, violet like the shoes and bag. Her own panties were twisted up inside her vulva and each of her moves deepened her excitement. She pulled the Lycra away from the woman’s white skin and slipped her hand inside. Her fingers moved downward one after the other, the way one imitates the footsteps of an imaginary character in a story told to a child. For the first time, the woman’s eyelids fluttered. She tried to fend off Elvira with her tongue, gluttonously licking her cheeks and nose. Elvira’s index finger entered the plucked slit, followed by the middle finger. Her left hand pulled the skirt down farther, leaving it crumpled around the woman’s calves. She inserted three crooked fingers and pushed upward. With each to and fro, her wrist rubbed against the woman’s bare belly. Another finger entered the gaping vagina, then the thumb and finally the whole hand. Elvira’s torso was pressed against the woman’s bosom. The woman gave a cough, not a real cough but an imitation meant to contract the belly and eject the churning fist inside her, but it was no use.
Elvira leaned forward, took one of the breasts in her mouth and began sucking on it vigorously. She moved her head back and forth, mouth wider and wider till it touched the rib cage, engulfing the whole apple of flesh. The woman’s closed eyelids quivered. Drops of saliva dribbled from her mouth. She moaned in time to Elvira’s fist and mouth and came with a long scream, neck stretched, eyes suddenly open and staring at the ceiling beams. Elvira sighed.
“In my study, there is a plane ticket to Lima. I just purchased a week’s excursion up to Machu Picchu. How could you know about that?”
Lips pursed as if to keep from replying, the woman rattled her wrists in their straps. Elvira released her and closed the light blue silk blouse. The woman pulled up her panties and skirt, picked up the jacket and pocketbook she had laid on a kitchen stool and left. Elvira snatched up the phone and called Dr. Goult.
“What was the name of the American woman I saw in your waiting room as I left your office?”
“I don’t know whom you mean. What did she look like?”
“About my age, dark brown hair, with violet shoes and matching handbag.”
But the dermatologist had seen no American patient that day. Elvira put her hand over her pounding heart, took a deep breath, jumped up and hurried down to the third level of the garage beneath her building. She opened the door of the Mercedes and searched the passenger’s seat and the dashboard compartment. No gloves. Yet she distinctly remembered the woman wearing them when she got into the car. The attendant had given out no information about the person renting space #353. Nor had he seen a brunette in a tweed suit.
The next day, when Elvira described the incident to her analyst, he told her to stop being so hard on herself.
Nicole Wolfe
She hadn’t expected to get a face full of tits in the lighting section of Home Depot.
Kate had been walking backward down one of the aisles and looking up at the numerous lights. She had no idea which one she wanted or where to begin finding a particular model. She could hear one of the store employees talking behind her and figured she might as well ask for help
She turned around just as the employee turned around. Kate ran freckled nose-first into the woman’s chest. Kate, at five foot one, got the worst of it as this other woman’s breasts, wrapped in a ribbed cotton shirt, smacked into her face. Both women jumped back.
“Sorry!” A tall, strong tomboy of a woman with mocha brown hair laughed as she rubbed her breastbone. Her name tag read HALLIE. “Can I help you?”
Kate rubbed her nose. “Sorry. Yes. I’m looking for a kitchen light. I need one over my sink.”
Hallie held out her strong arms and tilted her head back. “Just let me know which one you want.” Hallie brought her gaze down to meet Kate’s. “And I’ll pluck it off the shelf for you.”
Oh, my god, Kate thought. Is this woman hitting on me?
Heat plummeted from Kate’s face to her toes and made her cotton summer dress itchy. She rubbed at the back of her neck and flapped the front of her dress a couple times.
Hallie smiled. “Yeah, it gets hot back here. It’s all the lights. Maybe.”
Kate pointed up to a simple light with an opaque shade and tried to avoid Hallie’s gaze. “I think I’ll take that one.”
“Are you all right?” Hallie asked as she pulled the box containing Kate’s light off a nearby shelf.
“Yes. I’m just hot, that’s all.” Kate thought she noticed a smirk run across Hallie’s face.
The other woman held out the box. “Do you want me to install this for you? I can come over to your house and do it. No charge. Would you like that?”
Kate squirmed. “I don’t know.”
“It’s no trouble. I could come by tomorrow. I’m not doing anything.”
Kate bit her bottom lip. Her weight shifted back and forth on her feet. “I’m not so sure that I—”
Hallie brushed a lock of Kate’s hair away from her face. Kate’s hand rushed up to her chest and clutched at her dress. Hallie pushed her hand away and Kate’s feet almost left the floor as the strong woman yanked her in for a full-mouth kiss. Kate’s eyes widened with surprise as Hallie’s tongue tickled across her upper lip and coaxed Kate’s into coming out for a quick tussle.
Hallie broke the kiss, but held Kate close to her by pinching one of her nipples through her dress. “Leave the light, your address, and the receipt with customer service. I’ll come by tomorrow around one. Is that okay?”
Kate was frozen in place, her eyes still locked on Hallie’s.
“I’ll be there at one,” Hallie said, pinching Kate’s nipple harder. “You’ll be waiting for me. You’ll be ready for me. Right?”
Hallie released her grip and turned away. “See you then, ma’am.”
Kate felt a million pinpricks rush over her body. Her knees buckled and she caught herself on the edge of a shelf.
Why did I say yes? Why did I say yes? Why did I say yes?
She shook as she left her information at the customer service desk. She assured the young man there that she didn’t need any help, and then ran for her car.
My god, that woman’s going to be in my home! What am I going to do? She’s going to… she’s going to think I want sex from her and I don’t! I was just confused and she… she took advantage of me! She’s going to come over with that light and want to put her hands all over me and kiss me and touch me and oh, shit, what am I doing?
Her free hand had pulled the summer dress up past her thighs by the time she reached the first stoplight. She remembered the feel of Hallie’s shirt on her face. She remembered the other woman’s smell. Kate remembered Hallie’s knuckles pinching her nipple. Her own hand crawled into her white panties and she yelped as she pinched her wet clit at the intersection of Twelfth and Andrews in broad daylight. Her thighs clamped onto her hand and wouldn’t let go until she was through the stoplight and two blocks away.
She looked around outside the car. She was alone in traffic. She brought her soaked fingers up to her mouth and sucked them clean. She sped home. The summer dress was off and tossed to the floor before she was through the living room. The vibrator was in her slippery, open cunt within moments of her digging it out from the bedside nightstand. She came three times that night.
Kate had the house clean by ten thirty the next morning. She put extra care into the kitchen and went over it with a careful eye many times. After trying on four different outfits, she settled on another simple summer dress. She paced a well-worn trail all over the house. The television provided no distraction. She sat with one leg draped over an arm of the plush living room chair and fucked herself silly until five minutes to one.
One o’clock came and went. Her heartbeat began to drop to its regular rhythm. Ten minutes passed, and she smiled.
She’s not coming.
She got up and went for a glass of water.
The doorbell rang as she brought the water to her lips. She forced her trembling hand to put the glass down before she dropped it. She took a step toward the door and stopped.
I could pretend I’m not home.
The doorbell rang again.
She took a deep breath and opened the door. Hallie leaned on her forearm in the doorway, dressed much like she had been the day before. She smiled and blew a big, pink bubble of gum from her mouth. She held a shiny red toolbox in her other hand. The bubble popped, making Kate jump.
“Hi there,” Hallie said.
“The kitchen is right in here,” Kate said without looking at her. She turned away and led her across the living room. She had the boxed light on the counter and had brought the stepladder from the broom closet.
“Where do you want it?” Hallie asked while unfolding the stepladder.
“Right above the sink is fine. There’s already a hole there from the old one I took out.”
“It shouldn’t be a problem.” Hallie walked up the first two steps and examined the wiring. She looked down at Kate, who stood like a girl brought into the principal’s office. “I’ll come get you when it’s done.” She pointed to the living room. “Go. Sit.”
Kate went into the living room to sit down before her knees shook any more.
Hallie flipped the light switch up and down a half hour later. “All done. Come here and try it out.”
Kate walked into the kitchen and turned the light on and off, then smiled at the new cone of light beaming down onto her kitchen sink, and then felt Hallie’s breasts pressing into her back and her breath on her ear. She turned around to face Hallie, bracing herself on the edge of the sink.
“When I said, ‘come here and try it out,’ that’s not what I meant,” Hallie told her, and then bent down and kissed Kate’s quivering mouth. Kate gasped and tried to step back, but she was trapped between Hallie’s strong body and the kitchen sink. She slipped left and right but was caught in Hallie’s arms. Another kiss landed upon her whimpering mouth, then another.
Hallie grabbed her by the hair and held her in place as her kisses moved to her neck. She pulled Kate’s head back, making Kate grunt and clutch at Hallie’s strong waist.
“How ’bout you suck my tits?” Hallie said as she used her free hand to hike up her cotton shirt. Kate’s eyes flamed with desire as she saw Hallie’s tanned breasts for the first time. She didn’t need much encouragement, but Hallie pulled her into her chest. Kate sucked and licked as Hallie dragged her face back and forth between her tits.
“Bite ’em,” Hallie said, and Kate obeyed. She held a nipple between her front teeth as Hallie pulled her head away a bit to stretch her nipple out before she pulled her back in for more slurping and sucking.
Hallie slipped two of her fingers, sticky and sweet with musky syrup, into Kate’s mouth. Kate groaned and sucked at them.
“You like that? You like tasting my pussy?” Hallie asked. “Maybe I’ll let you eat my fucking cunt in a little bit, but first take off that dress.”
Kate gulped for breath. Her gaze was hazy.
Hallie grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around. “I said take off that fucking dress.” She cracked Kate with a hard spank. Kate yelped and pulled the summer dress over her head and let it drop to the floor.
“Now that’s a sweet ass,” Hallie said, and then leveled another slap onto Kate’s backside, making her scream and clutch the edge of the sink with white-knuckled fingers. Hallie’s fingers rubbed over Kate’s seam and tickled inside her wet hole. “And a wet pussy, too. Real fuckin’ wet. I bet you were thinking about my fingers in your cunt all night, weren’t you? Weren’t you?”
Kate managed a half-spoken, half-groaned “Yes” and grunted when Hallie plunged two of her fingers into her cunt. Kate pushed back onto Hallie’s hand and clutched at her breasts. Hallie’s wet fingers slipped out and up to Kate’s asshole, smearing Kate’s come over it. She wanted to beg for something in there, but she didn’t need to bother. Hallie’s wet thumb popped in without trouble, and soon her four other fingers were back in Kate’s cunt.
Hallie grabbed her by the hair. Kate’s back bowed and her arms flailed about the sink and counter like out-of-control hoses. Hallie yanked on Kate’s hair as she fucked her cunt and ass with her hand. All Kate saw was an explosion of color behind her eyelids. She yelped and shrieked and came and screamed until Hallie shoved her soaked fingers into Kate’s mouth. She let out a pleasured sigh and sucked them dry.
“Now you play with that sweet pussy while I get undressed,” Hallie said, and then stepped back.
Kate obeyed, bending over the sink so Hallie could see her fingers rubbing her clit and sinking deep into her cunt. Hallie took off her shirt, bra, panties, and shorts. She kept her work boots on.
Hallie sat on the counter beside her. She grabbed Kate by the hair again, making Kate squeal as Hallie yanked her over. Hallie said nothing. She pulled Kate’s face to her cunt and wrapped one leg around her back. Kate felt the hard-soled work boot dig into her ribs as her tongue made little swirls on Hallie’s clit. Hallie groaned and flexed her ass, pushing her cunt up toward Kate’s mouth. She pulled Kate away just as she was getting a rhythm going.
“Whose hot mouth is this?” she asked, sticking her free fingers into Kate’s mouth.
Kate gasped. “What?”
Hallie twisted Kate’s hair and slapped her on the cheek, hard enough to wake her from her orgasmic stupor. “It’s mine. That hot mouth of yours belongs to me. Isn’t that right?” She shoved Kate’s mouth back onto her cunt, rubbing her face all over it. “Right? That mouth is mine to fuck whenever I want?”
“Yes,” Kate said, trying to get her tongue back on Hallie’s clit.
Hallie jumped at the touch of Kate’s tongue on her clit, smacking her abdomen into Kate’s nose. Hallie’s eyes rolled back into her head and her fingernails scratched Kate’s scalp. Kate’s tongue worked all over her. Kate felt a rush of warmth run over her mouth as her tongue danced over Hallie’s clit and her fingers tickled inside her. The kitchen was a blur. The light above the sink became a dim beam that melded into a hundred shadows. She was aware of her knees buckling as she came, but not much else.
Hallie pulled her away and hopped off the counter, never letting go of Kate’s hair. She led Kate over to the toolbox on the counter.
“Pull out the top drawer,” she said.
Kate obeyed. Her eyes grew wide when she spotted the thick strap-on dildo inside the toolbox.
“Do you want me to fuck you with that?” Hallie asked.
“Yes,” Kate said, already trembling.
“Then say it,” Hallie said, yanking Kate by the hair again. “Say you want me to fuck you with that big cock.”
She tried. She tried, but the thought of it was enough to make her come. The idea of this strong woman plowing into her again and again and using her however she wanted was enough to push her over the edge. Her words became a moan and hum that oozed from her throat as she came.
She felt another yank on her hair and tried to say it again, but lost all breath when she felt the dildo slide into her from behind. She hadn’t realized that Hallie had grabbed it from the toolbox. Hallie held her by the hair and plunged the jelly cock into her wet pussy. Kate grabbed on to the edge of the counter, but her elbows gave out. She bent in half and pressed her breasts onto the cold countertop. Her world became a mesh of musky smells, flashing lights, and smacking wet sounds as she came again. Hallie’s grunts and stern commands were miles away.
The cock, slick with her come, plunged into her open quivering mouth. She gulped for air as Hallie fucked her face with it.
“That’s right. Get it nice and wet. Nice and wet so I can put this on and fuck that sweet ass with it. Would you like that?”
“What?” Kate asked, her head swimming. She blinked a few times, shook her head, and brought herself back to reality in the lighting section of Home Depot.
“I said I can come over to your house and install this for you, if you’d like. Would you like that?” Hallie said. She seemed to notice that Kate looked like she wasn’t all there. “Are you all right?”
Kate giggled and bit her lip. “Yes, I’m fine.”
“So do you want me to install the light for you? I could come by tomorrow. I’m not doing anything.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Kate said. “I’d like that a lot.”
Charlie Anders
My name is Daphne Gottlieb. I was born on New Jersey’s very last family dairy farm. My dad had a theory about cows in wind tunnels. I got into Rutgers, but I decided to take a year off to stretch my horizons.
All my friends tried to tell me San Francisco was over, Yuppie fucked. Go to Austin, or Portland instead. But I had a feeling about San Francisco. Maybe it was those big eager dog heads, with the chef hats. San Franciscans preserve those diner statues, and any time you carry one of them down the street, a parade just forms behind you. They close the street. Does Portland have dog heads? Hellz no.
I don’t know what I expected when I got to the Sucka Free. A coolness test? An initiation? I was all braced for whatever. Unstoppable. Eighteen years, I’d played nice. I’d germinated in Hot Topic and boat shoes, and everybody called me a good kid. I didn’t want to do drugs, listen to shitty music or have unsafe sex, like the rebels at Dearly High, but I rebelled on the inside. I saved up my “Fuck-you-world” until it could do some good.
When I got to SF, I went to every freak event in the Mission or SOMA. I bit my tongue for ages before I could introduce myself to people. And then people reacted. But not to me, to my name. Eyes far out, mouths open. “No way,” and stuff. It turned out there was a big-deal performance artist named after me. Or the other way around. She just wasn’t famous in New Jersey. “You mean you didn’t know?” one girl said. “Daphne Gottlieb! She wrestled a stop sign and won!”
I knew about performance art. When I was eight my mom took me to see “street theater” in Bergen. Two guys dressed up as cows did the Macarena except they changed the word Macarena to factory farming. Not even as entertaining as it sounds. I don’t know why my mom thought I needed to see that, but it was part of her pattern: months of tennis and needlework, and then the occasional twitchy attempt to expose me to Culture. Mom found all her culture on AOL.
This one person spent an hour gushing to me about Daphne’s “BLOGGING IN BLOOD” performance, which she did in the window of the Mission Art Hole, facing the street. She had a computer with a big screen, so the passersby could see her blog entries as she typed them on a keyboard with razors sticking out of every key. (Except the spacebar, which just had sharp edges all around.) As she typed, she bled. The keys got stickier, and then she was faint from loss of blood. cant type ne more, OMG swimmin fishies in my eyez why do u all hurt me i need protean bringme a SLIMJIM now now now. its all yr fault, all yr fault, all yr fault, I HATE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL.
By the time I met the other Daphne, I’d been hearing about her for a month. The longer it went, the more nervous and curious I got. One night I worked up the courage to go to a lesbian club night, Toast, or Crash, or Joint. One neon-ish spotlight, half a mirror ball. We all danced right next to a sharp-elbowed pool game. I had bruises for days.
And then my namesake came between me and the strobe. She towered over me, with jet-black dreds and tattoos and all. She looked at me. I tried to look back but the light was in my eyes. I shouted my name in her ear. She said she knew who I was.
We went to a taqueria. She bought me some nachos and studied the way I tried to eat without being messy. In normal light, her eyes looked warmer. I’d pictured her being twitchy and neurotic. But she just sat, feet up on another chair, holding a bottle between two fingers like a huge cigarette. Nodding, while I told her all about my own personal Daphne Gottlieb Experience so far.
When I’d finished, she nodded some more. Looked at me from every angle, top to bottom. “Interesting,” she said. “Potential.”
And she told me more about The Performance Scene. Like, there’s a hierarchy of fluids: applesauce at the bottom, semen at the top. (Blood is up there, but semen wins because it subsumes blood.) She told me about life as a femme, and explained all about the queer scene. I didn’t know sexuality could be so complicated. Are you a vorpal bottom or a lateral domme? Do you use safewords or danger-grams?
And then I mentioned I had a hard time getting into clubs like the one where I’d met her, because I was under twenty-one. And I had no fake ID. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out her drivers license. She handed it to me: “Now you do.”
The sun scared me. It rushed the one big window of Daphne’s apartment, like it was going to ram us. (The window had teeth made out of empty beauty-product bottles, and velvet lips.) One second, it was the middle of the night and I was telling the local Daphne what passed for my secrets. And then a second later, I was dawn-blind. I hadn’t realized we’d stayed up all night. I remembered at some point around four A.M., Daphne had taken photos of me in my underwear from every angle, “to document the process,” she’d said.
We had bonded so hard, I still felt high all the next day, even with the sleep deprivation. As if I’d found my soul mate along with my namesake. This Daphne didn’t look all that different from the Goth-punk kids at my school, but she rocked the theatricality in everything. I would have been happy enough to be her audience, but she treated me like a fellow performer. Somehow she didn’t realize how lame I was, even after I told her my whole story.
Daphne showed up half an hour late for our meeting a couple days later at the bowling-alley-sized CD store. But then she made an Entrance. Alligator boots, crocodile corset, elbow-length lizard gloves, all jet black and faux. I stood there in my polo shirt and peasant skirt, wondering if I was in the wrong music video. Since I was new in town and knew no one, I didn’t want to crowd her. I stayed ready to vanish at the slightest hint: a tongue click, whatever, I would be gone. And yet, she seemed excited to have me around.
We shopped all over the Haight, the two Daphnes. She helped me pick out a pair of boots, chunky platforms that lifted me to her height. My eyes could meet hers halfway all of a sudden, and she gave me that smile again, the one that put me on the inside. Her face looked so normal, at the center of all the display, and maybe that’s why I felt comfortable. And then I twirled on my high boots and saw all the people in the store, suddenly dwarves to me, scurrying below my eye line. They all looked up at me, as if I could rain fire on them.
Daphne took me out, presented me to her friends. “Let me introduce you to Daphne Gottlieb!” People thought it was hilarious. Hot butches and steely femmes flirted with me. I didn’t know what to do with the attention. Daphne said she’d teach me.
Five in the morning, our fifth or sixth time hanging out, she dyed my mousy hair black. She helped me turn it into dreds. I started practicing her gestures. Saying things like, “Fucking yes and no,” or “Hierarchies of teleology, bitch.” I started wearing black clothes with lots of buckles and straps, like her.
I wasn’t sure if I was an art project or a fashion accessory—or what the difference was between the two.
Soon people could hardly tell us apart. We went to sex raves together. She taught me to circle left while she circled right. Then we could wave hi to all the people and find a spot where nobody was fucking or sucking to hold court. At one party, two rival slam poets’ tongue piercings were padlocked together. They were naked. It was awesome.
At another party, Daphne told me to strip, and stand with my hands and feet as stretched as possible. “Look at her body,” she said to the group of people in black. “It’s pristine. No scars, no ink, nothing. It’s not like a blank canvas, because no canvas ever arrives this clean. It’s ridiculous to have such an untouched adult body.” She ran her gloves over my breasts, armpits, thighs. I quivered. Daphne fingered me to orgasm while her friends agreed that in fact my body was inscribed by virtue of not being inscribed.
She took me to a tattoo parlor where all the artists were punk music stars. She removed her shirt and mine, so they could see where the tattoos should go. She pointed out some of the finer details of her tattoos, and the artist, Stigma, nodded. Daphne stayed the whole time, just to make sure Stigma copied her right. It hurt like a bitch, but my other half held my hand and petted my nose.
I went with Daphne when she did her performances. I was a decoy for critics, as well as assistant. One time, she was a “textural DJ.” She took over the Ruby Skye night club. She had carpet swatches, fur pieces and drywall samples, all record shaped. She put them on the turntables, so people could come up and feel the smoothness or fluffiness as they went around and around. Some clubbers got pissed because they wanted to dance, but they were missing the point. She was commenting on how people never think about the fact that they’re dancing on and within surfaces, and they privilege the sounds over the textures. And what about deaf people? She was proudest of the time she remixed a marble slab with some cow leather. She wore headphones, but they just had a loop of someone saying, “You’re the greatest DJ, keep it up, you’re rocking the decks,” et cetera.
This was the life I didn’t even know I was seeking in San Francisco, and now I’d found it. The only trouble was, it was her life. The other Daphne.
I concentrated every minute on being her, even though I didn’t know what this was all for. Was I being apprenticed, or just turned into a Daphne amplifier? I almost didn’t care, because I was enjoying all the attention so much. Maybe I was an heir. I just knew asking too many questions would spoil everything.
We were sitting on her bed, early one morning, and she showed me the autobiography of James Brown. In it, he tells how he was born James Brown but hustled to become JAMES BROWN. At the end, he explains that James Brown is a real person, but JAMES BROWN is made up. JAMES BROWN belongs to everyone.
“That’s it, you know,” Daphne said. “That’s what it’s all about. We’re all born with normal capitalization, but our task in life is to create the block-caps versions of ourselves. And most people never even try. Most people stay mostly lowercase, their whole lives.”
I asked her if she had succeeded in becoming DAPHNE GOTTLIEB. (I made a big uppercase D and G with my fingers.) But she said no. At most, she had managed to make the lowercase letters in her name a little bigger. Uppercasing was a time-consuming process, it took years and only a very few people ever achieved it.
I thought to myself that maybe between the two of us, we could make one DAPHNE GOTTLIEB. But I didn’t say it aloud.
She didn’t touch me for weeks after she fingered me in front of her friends. I started to wonder if she had just been showing off and wasn’t really attracted to me. That would be okay, I guessed. But it made me a little antsy, wondering what I was to her.
And then, once the tattoos were done and the Vaseline bandages came off, she asked me if I wanted to go to a women’s sex party. I was like, hell yeah. It happened in this old dot-com office, but they’d added manacles to all the walnut paneling. By the time they scrunched my clothes into a paper bag, leaving me naked except for my boots, I felt connected to this amazing sex-radical women’s community that went back generations before I was born.
Daphne asked me if I’d ever seen a sling before, and at first I thought she meant something medical. The air felt denser than normal air, like a mixture of scents and sounds were gathering around me: hot, sweet. I felt tallow-headed. The sling turned out to be like a hammock, except solid and with loops to hold my legs up and apart.
“I’ve always wanted to see the look in my own face when someone fists me,” Daphne said. “And now I can.”
She stared into my eyes with a dreadful tenderness. She fingered me, like last time, but then she worked a couple of fingers inside. I noticed some other women standing nearby and watching, and I almost closed my eyes. But I kept them open, so the other Daphne could see them. And then she had her whole hand inside me, and I was coming stronger than ever before. Waves and waves. People cheered.
After that, she started fucking me in public every weekend. She flogged me at the Citadel. She cut me at the Screwup party, with sterile instruments that she put in a biohazard box afterward. She play-pierced my boobs at a breast-cancer fundraiser. She ass-fucked me with a strap-on at a gay photographer’s private gallery in SOMA, surrounded by pictures of leathermen hanging from spiderweb chains.
“Do you want her?” she asked a bald guy with a handlebar mustache, who did something with scrap metal. “Don’t you think she looks hot like this?” I was bent over the table at the leather-daddy photo studio in SOMA, while her strap-on rocked in and out of me. My dreds splashed like an oil spill across the tabletop. The bald guy agreed that yes, I looked hot. “You can borrow her,” my opposite number said. “Wanna?” And that was that. He took me home and licked me, just licked me, his mustache making me twitch and leaving little bumps on my skin. After that, she loaned me out sometimes. If you think you’ve fucked Daphne, it could have been me instead.
It started to freak me out, being just a function of another Daphne. The only thing I accomplished when I went out alone was to contribute to her ubiquity. People waved to me on the street all the time, and I didn’t always know if they were waving at me or at her. Valencia Street was a minefield. Everybody said you couldn’t tell the two of us apart, unless you knew her well and got in close.
I had an annoying phone conversation with my parents, where they asked me if I was succeeding in “finding myself.” Which was a total cliché, and not at all what I had planned to do with my year off. But after I got off the phone, I did feel a weird twinge of lostness. Like I’d accidentally married and given up my maiden name, and I’d only just noticed because my married name was the same. I decided to take some time off.
Without telling the Prime Gottlieb anything, I took a day off from my bookstore job and walked to Ocean Beach, where the surfers couldn’t give a shit about performance art. I watched the waves and ate noodles. I thought about calling Daphne 1.0 to tell her where I was, but fuck that. I sat and watched the waves, and drank three espressos, and looked at a cute dog, and read both weekly papers and the neighborhood broadsheet. And watched the waves some more. And counted N-Judah trains.
Okay, so I got kind of bored.
Daphne-Alpha hadn’t even noticed I was gone. She was trying to build the world’s largest banana out of tapioca and mango skins, in her bathtub. “In the future,” she said, “all art will be organic.”
Something about the contrast, her dark clothes against the white tub and the bright yellow peels, was so vivid I knew I’d remember it forever. I felt full of affection for her. I was a reflection of her, but she wasn’t a reflection of me. She was a whole person, who’d come up with a whole school of mango art while I was staring at the ocean and thinking about noodles. (Like, did you ever wonder where the word noodle comes from? It sounds German. Like strudel. But poodle is French, right? Or is it?)
So all of a sudden I felt ashamed of having wanted to abandon her, and I wanted to make it up to her. And my mind swerved back to the idea of the two of us making a single DAPHNE GOTTLIEB.
“So, hey,” I said. “I noticed you haven’t had a show at the Mission Art Hole in like a few months. And Stucco McSandblaster does a performance there every other week. We should rattle some cages, hey?”
“Fuck the Mission Art Hole,” Daphne said, not turning away from the mango skins she was stapling together in the bath.
“Yeah, I know, they’re totally lame. But I just think it would be good exposure to—”
Daphne finally turned her dark, unblinking eyes on me, and I stepped back without meaning to, plus I didn’t want tapioca stains on my new shirt. She held my gaze with hers. “Fuck. The. Mission. Art. Hole.” She kept staring me down.
I blinked and stammered that yes, fuck them, fuck them all over and then tell them to fuck the fuck off. Fuck those fuckers anyway. But D-Alpha had already turned back to her project, which she was planning on slingshotting at the mayor.
Okay, so she didn’t like the Mission Art Hole anymore. That just meant I had to work a little harder to get us more exposure. Success comes from organization, right? While she worked on her giant banana, I got on her computer and created a spreadsheet of every single art space in the city and when, if ever, she’d last performed there. And how many times. Then I added columns for Stucco, Dollar-Store Molly and a few other local performers, so she could compare their gigs with hers. It took me six hours.
Somewhere during that time, D. had gotten naked and was trying to wrestle the giant banana into shape. I still had my black leather pants and wife-beater on, so for once I looked more like her than she did. I held the iBook over the edge of the tub so she could look at my awesome spreadsheet, but she turned away and pushed the big banana head between us. I tried explaining a second time what I’d done, but she wouldn’t look. She thanked me, but not like she was really grateful. And then she sent me home because she was tired and needed the whole bed to herself.
After that, I didn’t see her for a couple of days. And then we hung out again, and she seemed friendly and mellow. She told me all about her friend who had a webcam performance art deal, and we went to a Jewish orgy where she turned me into a human dreidl using bondage tape and a vibrator. I spun on my ass, naked, while people sang the “made it out of clay” song. It was pretty intense.
And then I didn’t see her again for a few days, because the banana wasn’t aerodynamic and she had a grant proposal. I worked extra hours at the bookstore and practiced my gestures. I almost called her a few times, but I bit my hand. At last, another Friday cranked around and she asked me to a backward-alphabet party, and that was fun. And then more days apart. She had a date with someone else. She went out of town. She was juggling dogs, and I would just make them nervous. Et cetera. Et cetera.
So what was I supposed to do? I started going out on my own more.
At parties, people asked if I was the real Daphne and I said yes. I mean, I’m not imaginary, am I? The only problem was when they wanted me to do some art piece, and I had to make something up. The first couple times that happened, I just froze. Then I tried getting naked and using canola oil to denounce our reliance on fossil fuels, and that seemed to go well, even though at the time, I couldn’t remember where canola oil came in that whole performance-fluid hierarchy.
I started getting into it. I was already doing a kind of performance, being the other Daphne, but now I was performing on top of that performance. Why not? More layers! The next time people asked me to do something, I was all ready with a whole poi-spinning/butoh/breakdancing commentary on the homogenization of mass culture. And then just as I reached the handspringing climax, I noticed Daphne #1 standing near the doorway, staring between her feet.
“You’re actually not too bad,” she said afterward, back at the taqueria where we hung out that first time. “For a beginner, anyway. But you do need to find your own art. And you know, symbols work best when they have a literal meaning besides whatever they symbolize.” Tortilla steam settled all around us, sour and starchy, like it could conduct electricity.
“So you’re not mad at me? I mean, I was trying to be helpful. You know, with the uppercasing.” I made a capital D and G with my fingers. “I mean, just imagine if you could be performing in two places at once. Or all the time.”
“Daphne, listen to me.” She put down her burrito and took my face in her hands. Her fingers were probably a little greasy, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. “That James Brown autobiography I showed you. He wrote it in the mideighties. Do you know what happened to him after that?”
“He got into the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame.”
“No! Well, yes. But besides that.”
“He died.”
“Before that.”
“He invented a new dance?”
The wiser of us Daphnes sighed and abandoned my face for her burrito. “Look it up,” she said. “The point is, uppercasing. It comes with a cost, especially if you’re not careful.” She talked some more, about always keeping a window open to your real self, even your bone-deep boring self. Later, I wished I’d written it all down. But at the time I just thought to myself that if any of this stuff was worth saying, Daphne would have found a way to say it with giant airborne fruit.
The next week or so after that was kind of nice. We stayed in a lot, just the two of us, reading or playing Twister. I wondered a couple of times if Daphne was just trying to keep me hidden, so I couldn’t embarrass her any more. But I figured she knew she could just order me to vanish.
Every now and then, I’d glance at the mouthy window and notice the sun was out or it was raining or it was night. It was nice to be shut-ins, like little old ladies or people who were boycotting everything. I never had a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school, so I soaked up the novelty of feeling like half of a couple. Maybe I’d finally arrived, here in this yellow one-bedroom with the lumpy futon. Crimson and clover, like Joan Jett said. Crimson and motherfucking clover.
And then Daphne wanted me to go to an orgy with her, for the first time in ages. She took me to this little hidden trapdoor in the bathroom at a particularly grimy coffee shop near 16th Street. Underneath the café was a huge dungeon that ran along Valencia Street, all the way to 24th. The basements of every single boutique, bookstore and tapas restaurant turned out to be connected, and they were all full of people fucking or being tortured. Walking through one of the connective tunnels, you could just hear the people over our heads, talking about white-trash caviar, or the old-new narrative, or what kind of waist you were supposed to wear this year. But underneath, a group of women were electric-shocking each other. And there was a circle-jerk in a centrifuge.
I asked what the party was for, and the original Daphne said it was my going-away party. She tied me to a giant wheel, and I lost count of how many people spanked or nibbled or bit me, while Daphne’s strap-on got bigger and bigger inside me. I felt hyperaware of everything happening to me and around me, and yet I barely knew I existed. I shouted myself hoarse and kept shouting, spinning and climaxing. When they finally stopped, I was so exhausted I fell asleep, still tied to the wheel.
I woke up in New Jersey, my dreds shaved off, wearing the denim overalls I’d worn on my first day in San Francisco. I was just a few blocks from my parents’ house, so I walked home. I sneaked inside, not ready to talk to Mom and Dad. I didn’t hear anybody home, so I went upstairs and slumped in the shower. As I washed myself, all my tattoos peeled, leaving fresh skin underneath, a little pink. I tried to hold them in place, but they slipped through my hands. My skin blanked out. When I looked down, all my ink had pooled in the drain, in the shape of a lowercase d. I started to cry into the showerhead.
Vanessa Vaughn
I sat at the front of the library in my usual place. It wasn’t much, but it would do for now, a simple grad-school job. I inhaled a long breath, taking in the beautiful clean smell of books. Usually, I felt comfortable here.
But not now. Not since she started working here.
We had been watching each other silently for weeks, but hadn’t been properly introduced. I had my own name for her: Bettie. That’s what I called her in my head. That’s what she seemed like. Something a little old fashioned; cute, but maybe a little cruel; somewhere between the ultimate pinup queen and a Dewey-decimal-reading, card-catalog-loving student librarian.
As I wheeled across the computer lounge to help someone else, I could feel her eyes on me again. This back and forth was our dance, our game. I wanted it to be over, but I wanted it to continue. Most of all, I wanted her.
I knew what she would see as she looked me over again. The line of my chin was sharp and boyish, sometimes a startling contrast to my plump, pink mouth. Wild short-cropped hair crowned my head in a butch fauxhawk. In the back of my thoughts, I wondered if she might prefer a girl who was a little softer, a little more feminine, but judging from the way she had seemed to fixate on me, I knew I should put that out of my mind. Unconsciously, as I thought of this, I reached up to run my hand along the side of my head. I hoped that she could just make out the muscled curves of my upper arms under these loose-fitting short sleeves.
I looked down at my strong hands clinging to the large wheels. She must have noticed them. I wasn’t fragile and hoped she didn’t expect me to be; in fact, I was quite the opposite. Was the wheelchair something she always took note of? If it was, I prayed it was a turn-on, something new and unknown. Sex with me was warm skin mixed with hard muscles and cool smooth steel. It could seem a little different, a little kinky. I hoped she was intrigued. She sure as hell seemed to be.
I turned toward her again, catching her in the act of watching me. She started as I locked on to her green eyes once more. I was certain I could look right into her head and see hundreds of twisted scenarios swimming there. I was certain she wanted me. She seemed captivated as she leaned toward me over her desk, but it was she who looked away first, her cheeks reddening, apparently a little flustered.
She picked up another book, running the spine across the scanner ever so slowly and reading the computer. It was obvious she was conscious of me as she continued with her work. Her actions were graceful and deliberate. She raised two fingers to her stylish dark-rimmed glasses, adjusting them gently on her nose. She pretended to concentrate on the screen as she twisted a strand of long black hair with her fingertips. Placing the first book aside, she grabbed another.
I felt myself shiver as I watched her moisten her glossy red lips with her tongue.
This is getting ridiculous, I thought.
In that moment, I made up my mind. I grabbed the nearest book and pulled up to one of the computers. I ran a quick search and hit the PRINT button, snatching the warm page from the tray. Wheeling across the entryway and making my way behind the long desk, I pulled up behind her. She smelled like cinnamon, sweet but full of spice.
Bettie continued her work, not yet sensing my presence. Lifting the date stamp, she pressed it firmly to a card on a book’s back cover. Red ink seeped from the rubber sides as she held it there. I imagined her delicate hands pressing against my neck that way, firm but tender. I imagined what she would feel like against my skin, against my fingers. Involuntarily, I twisted. I could feel myself getting wetter.
“Excuse me,” I said gently, clearing my throat.
It startled her. As she whirled around, I found myself face-to-face with those green eyes.
For a moment, she couldn’t speak. Neither could I. She had seemed like a dream before, something far off and untouchable. Now she was real. I was sure she was thinking the same thing. This was her warmth next to me. Her skin was so close, I could reach out to touch it if I was brave enough.
I reached across and laid the printout on her desk, brushing her arm with mine. The touch seemed to send a jolt through her. She was roused from her open-mouthed stare. She turned her head to read the document but kept the rest of her body still.
As she looked away, my eyes were on her legs. She wore thin transparent black stockings. I watched as she shifted under the short skirt, revealing more of her thigh.
I felt goose bumps run up my spine. What a tease. She sucked on the end of her pen, drawing attention to her mouth. “I see the problem,” she told me. “The books you’re looking for are translations. They’d be in another section. Upstairs.”
She turned to look at me head-on. “I’ll show you,” she said simply. She didn’t wait for a reply. Standing suddenly, she walked toward the elevators.
I watched her go. Neat black seams ran up the back of her stockings. On her feet were black patent-leather heels. These pieces of clothing were common enough, but on her, they seemed indecent. I hadn’t quite expected them. She stopped and stretched to the side to push the elevator button with a short red-enameled fingernail.
I came to my senses and pulled up beside her. We took the elevator to the fifth floor, the second from the top. I followed as she exited and took a quick left. “People don’t come up here much,” she explained with her back to me as she walked. She turned and shot me a cautious look.
I glanced around. Only a single student was briefly visible in the aisle all the way at the other end of the floor, his arms full of books. We passed rows and rows of deserted stacks before finally stopping. She eyed the paper in her hand as she checked the numbers, adjusting those adorable black glasses.
Bettie turned and walked halfway to the end, long legs placed gracefully one in front of the other. I followed close behind her. She took one more glance at the paper before she stopped and slowly bent over at the waist, reaching for a book on the bottom shelf.
My heart leapt into my throat.
Tease is right, I thought. It was obvious she was doing this for my benefit. In those heels, I could see everything from this angle, her pert backside framed with a lacy black thong. Without saying a word, she was making it clear what she expected; and I eagerly indulged her.
I picked up a book and smacked her firmly on that perfect ass. She let out a little cry of surprise as I did this, but she didn’t protest. She held her position. In response, I smacked her twice more, this time hard. I could see pale red marks forming on her skin.
“Stand up,” I said.
She complied. I reached forward and spun her around. She had a startled look on her face, obviously surprised by my strength, and I liked that. I pulled her hips toward me roughly and she smiled. That smile took my breath away. She looked gorgeous but ferocious at the same time, like a beautiful animal. Her green eyes flashed and her glossy lips quivered as she eyed my body. Then I saw the vaguest change in her expression. I could tell she had made her mind up about something.
Slowly, she disentangled herself from me and righted herself. I was puzzled for a moment as she wordlessly began to back away. I was confused. Was she leaving me?
No, she wasn’t, I realized with relief. Instead, she seemed to be leading me somewhere. Bettie backed up slowly and seductively, beckoning me to follow her by crooking her red fingernail in my direction. She placed one high-heeled foot delicately behind the other as she slinked backward along the row of books. She moved gracefully, but in an exaggerated undulating way that was all hips and shoulders and green eyes. The only thing I could compare this seductive motion to was a cat—and not some simple house cat, but a jungle cat, some kind of lioness or panther, something sleek, but no doubt dangerous.
I put my hands on the sides of my chair and pushed toward her, following as if in a trance. I heard a pencil cracking under one of the wheels. All the time, I eyed those legs of hers. They were long and curvaceous; legs that went all the way up, up under that short skirt that swished as she stepped backward. I noticed a tattoo curling up her right ankle, a black dragon with a twisting body of intricate scales and teeth and claws. It fit her, and it was definitely hot. Tattoos usually were.
As I tried to take in the sight of her, we rounded the corner, passing the rows of book carrels and desks. She never took those eyes off me. Bettie continued, moving into the farthest corner of the library. Then, she reached out to her left and opened a door. It was a door to one of the group study rooms—yes, the room was small, and the large pane of glass would allow anyone standing out here to see right in, but it was still slightly more private than where we were.
Bettie stepped inside, pushing a book cart up against the wall and out of our way. As I entered, she closed the door decisively, and then moved toward me. I reached out to pull her closer. To my surprise, as I caught her waist, she grabbed my wrists and maneuvered herself out of my grip. She pointed an index finger toward the ceiling, waving it back and forth, correcting me playfully as the side of her mouth twisted into a smile. “Uh-uh,” she warned. “Did I say you could touch me yet?”
Still a tease! Well, I could certainly play right along. “No,” I said, smiling.
“No, what?” she said.
“No, ma’am,” I agreed. She seemed satisfied with that. I watched as she moved as close as possible and raised one leg, resting a foot on my chair next to me, encased in one of those cruel five-inch black heels. She considered me a moment as I waited. This was agony. God, I wanted her. But I resolved to be patient. I closed my eyes, anticipating, conscious of each shallow nervous breath.
“Now you may touch me,” she announced. Again, I reached for her, but she stopped me. “Uh uh uh,” she sang. Now she looked stern. “No hands.”
I happily complied. Sliding her panties to the side with my mouth, I gently licked the length of her. She moaned at my touch. She was as wet as I was. As I pushed my tongue up into her she leaned her head back with a sigh, putting a hand to the back of my head. I circled my tongue in a regular pattern as she moved with me, hips rotating more and more eagerly as she balanced precariously in those patent-leather shoes.
As I tasted her, I thought of cinnamon again, dark spice mixed with sweetness. I felt intoxicated. I could feel my own pulse quickening, sounding in my head. My chest rose and fell quickly. Bettie pushed against me, letting out little cries. I could tell she was getting more and more excited.
Suddenly, she pulled away, pushing my lips and tongue from her. She stepped closer and hooked a leg over the side of my chair. She sat as if offering me a lap dance, straddling me boldly.
So this was what my beautiful librarian was capable of!
She was still breathing hard, sitting on top of me with legs parted in that thin black thong and black seamed stockings. The buttons of her cardigan sweater were straining to cover her breasts. She started to grind against me, pushing her crotch against mine so firmly and rhythmically that now my breath was trembling too. She arched and leaned her head back as she continued to move on top of me, her perfect chest now even with my face.
“Now you may use your hands,” she instructed. I reached up and tore away her tight black sweater, popping off several buttons in the process. As I tugged the sweater free of her, I noticed another tattoo, this one covering her entire upper arm. It was a Varga Girl—a brunette like her—with a tropical flower in her hair and both legs raised playfully into the air, her small dainty feet pointed. Seeing this, I wanted her even more. I even felt a little light-headed, like a passenger in a rapidly descending elevator.
Bettie’s nipples were pert from her excitement as much as from the cold air. The only word that came to mind when I saw them was: delicious. Like an exotic ice-cream sundae. Strange, I know, but the way her white creamy skin stopped suddenly to give way to round pink nipples that were almost red made me think of smooth vanilla ice cream topped with bright red cherries. As she tilted her head to the side, strands of her dark black hair drizzled across them like chocolate.
Head cocked to the side, she leaned in for a kiss. Her fingers fumbled at the front of my pants, finding the buttons of my fly. She undid them just enough, then plunged her hand inside, eagerly seeking me out.
Finally, I thought. In that moment—her hand cupping my sex, her legs straddling me, her plump lips on mine—I finally felt close to her. As she slipped her fingers into me, I felt myself melt. Every muscle in me tensed, but then instantly gave way. I felt whole again. I felt complete with those delicate fingertips sliding inside, repeating again and again. The entire sensation was too intense, a slow unstoppable building of pressure.
As she did this, my hand moved against the outside of her panties, pressing the silky fabric against her clit with my thumb. I put my other hand to one of her perfect breasts, kneading its softness. I brought the round hard nipple to my lips, imagining the taste of cherries.
The fabric of her thigh-high stockings brushed against my arm. Her long dark hair fell across my face. Those green eyes stared back at me now, inches from my own, as we breathed in unison, grinding against each other’s hand. We tried to stay quiet as we strained against one another. Even our breath was soft and intimate, a contrast to those hard heels, the cold metal of my chair.
She whispered in my ear before she came, pushing deep inside me and curling her fingers in a come-hither gesture, as if beckoning me forward. At that, we spasmed at the same time. I rocked forward, resting my chin against her shoulder. I felt her silky pulse against my fingertips. Her expression froze, mouth open, eyes closed, brows crinkled together in an expression of perfect oblivion. Each of us shook as we finished. Our torsos jerked involuntarily—like churchgoers flailing and speaking in tongues, overcome by the Holy Spirit; like clubgoers on the dance floor, glowsticks winding up our arms, gyrating in some primal dance.
When our bodies finally came to rest, we sat like that for several minutes, weak and trembling. I gently nuzzled her rouged cheeks and kissed her eyelids. Her neck and chest were flushed, blissfully pink. She moved her arms along my muscles, then brought her mouth to my shoulder and gently nipped at me with her teeth. She growled playfully, and then bit harder. As we pulled our hands from one another, the book I was carrying fell from my wheelchair and landed faceup on the ground.
Bettie unwound her long limbs from me and leaned against the chair, kneeling to pick up what had fallen. She looked like pure sex, crouching there in her stockings and heels, tattoo displayed proudly on her shoulder, hair slightly mussed and tangled. We both glanced down at the same time to read the words on the page.
She ran her hands up the sides of the steel beams, the fabric of my pants, reading them like Braille. Picking up the book, she asked if I still wanted to find the original poem. I smiled. “Don’t worry about the translation,” I said. “I prefer ours.”
She laughed, and I wanted her all over again. It was not a nervous girlish giggle, but a throaty chuckle, pleasant and dark. As she tilted her head back, I noticed those perfect teeth again, but they didn’t seem as pearly white as before. Now her lipstick had rubbed off, but earlier they had contrasted incredibly with her red gloss.
Bettie leaned far back then, reaching out with one arm, her other hand on the floor for balance. Her fingers scratched around on the book cart, searching for something, but for what I had no idea.
At last she found it. Bettie knelt in front of me and grabbed my wrist. She popped off the black plastic cap with her teeth and pressed the rubber date stamp to my forearm, holding it there for a long moment so the thick red ink would not smudge. Then, she stood, picked up her cardigan, and walked toward the door.
I looked at my arm, puzzled. 08-17-09. That was today. “What’s this?” I asked.
“A date,” she whispered. She popped off the plastic cap again and looked me over sternly. “Would you like another?”
Tobi Hill-Meyer
The resemblance is uncanny. At first I don’t notice anything because her short blonde hair standing in spikes is so different from my own dark curls working their way to my hips. Yet something about the way she holds herself draws me in. She clearly doesn’t mind standing out in the crowd. She’s wearing baggy pants with a tight-fitting tank top and a leather jacket with the word DYKE embroidered on the back. In this moderately conservative town, her outfit clearly screams “Fuck you!” at the straight world. At the same time it enticingly coos “Fuck me!” to the queer world.
I stop and can’t help but stare as everyone else walks by. As she gets closer, I begin to notice little things. Her face is fairly distinct from mine, but there are definite similarities. Then when I catch her eye she flashes a particular smile at me. A crooked half smile that I’ve never seen on anyone but me before.
“That looks like my smile,” I say with a touch of amazement in my voice.
“It is your smile,” she replies.
I stare at her dumbfounded for a moment, not sure what she means by that. Then the other pieces begin to fall together. The same arc of her eyebrows. The same look she’s giving me right now. The same skin tone. The same double-Venus symbol tattoo just below the left side of her collarbone. The same smart-ass tone of voice she’s using with me. She is even wearing a handmade TRANS PRIDE button I designed.
“You’re me,” I say, “aren’t you?” She sits down on a bench next to me and takes her jacket off. I notice the embroidery again. It’s a technique I’ve been learning, but it’s far tighter and more orderly than my skill can produce. I look at her eyes and see small laugh lines beginning to develop. “…But older.”
“You’re a smart study, I never doubted that,” she says, smiling.
“Does that mean you’re from the future? How does that work? Can you tell me about what happens? Why are you here?”
She laughs for a moment. It’s odd to hear my own laugh. It sounds different when it isn’t coming from my own head. “I’m not really supposed to tell you those kinds of things. I’m not really sure how it all works myself.” She leans over and in a hushed tone says, “But you might want to transfer your inheritance money out of the stock market before the end of 2007.”
“It’s 2009.”
“Oh, well, you’ll be fine. You’ll get by without the money anyway.” She gets up and pulls me into a more secluded space. The crowds disappear.
“So if you’re not here to give me a message or a warning, what are you here for then?”
“I need a reason to visit now?” The joke seems more odd than funny. “The truth is that I’m here for a while before I can move on, and I don’t really know anyone else here. I figured I might as well look you up. You’d understand better than anyone else we know. In 2012 I visited Mom and she almost had a heart attack.”
I don’t know why, but it kinda makes sense to me. I look back at her. She glances at the ground, and for a moment her face looks very tired and somewhat sad. I don’t understand anything that’s happening, but I realize that I don’t need to. I put my arm around her shoulder. She looks back at me and smiles again, then embraces me in a long comforting hug.
“Somehow I knew you’d understand.” She looks at me a moment longer. “You said it was 2009. Does that mean you’re dating Saphira right now?”
“For a year and a half.”
“And you don’t know Cayne yet?”
I think for a moment, then nod.
“And you’re still poly, right?”
“Yep.” I cock my head to the side. I can’t really imagine a future where I’m not poly.
“Good, I just had to make sure. You can’t always assume that all the details are still the same.” She pauses then shoots me a smoldering look. “Anyway, if that’s all true, then unless I’m mistaken, you haven’t seen a trans cunt up close yet.”
I perk up. “No, but I’ve been curious.”
“That’s another reason I wanted to stop by,” she says, looking me up and down. “How would you like me to give you the opportunity?”
“No way,” I say in disbelief, “But I’m non-op.”
“You might be, but I’m not.”
I’ve thought off and on about how I’d like to check out a trans cunt up close, but I didn’t feel like it would be appropriate to just go ask someone. Having my future self here creates a valuable new opportunity. Before I know it we are back at my place, in my bedroom.
She gets on the bed and starts to take her pants off. A pulse of excitement runs through my body. Everything feels surreal. Like I’m not even sure if it’s happening or not.
“Before we begin, we should check in about things. Part of why I haven’t had the chance to do this yet,” I explain, “is because as much as I want to know what it can look like and what it can feel like, the more significant part to me is that I really want to explore the sensation of it, how it feels to you.”
“Oh, I’m well aware of that, sweetie. Why do you think I came? I might get some details wrong now and then, but I know you inside and out. I came here because what you want is what I want. Besides,” she adds, “you’re a hottie and I’ve been envisioning this scenario for a while.”
I smile at her. Suddenly I realize, regardless of the trippy context, I’ve got a strong and brazen beauty in my bed who knows every one of my desires and wants to play through them with me. This is hot.
She finishes taking off her pants. I glance down. Her legs have a different shape to them, probably due to a few extra years on hormones. That’s not all I notice.
“Where did you get those scars on your legs?”
“The big one on the outside of my thigh was from a fight—don’t worry, I messed him up even more. The smaller ones are from cutting.” She watches me closely. I think she’s looking for a reaction, but I’m not sure how I’m feeling. “You don’t need to do that, by the way, if you can find a better alternative.”
I decide that a minimal reaction is best. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
She must see my awkwardness with the topic and redirects us. “Come and get a closer look.”
I move forward to look at her. The pattern of pubic hair is somewhat sparse, and I can see her labia underneath it fairly well. I glance up and notice her staring at me. I can feel myself blushing.
“It really is okay to touch it,” she tells me.
I don’t know why I’m being so hesitant. I pull her labia to the side and take a closer look. Her clit is actually pretty cute. Her bits really look like any other cunt I’ve seen, as unique as any other. “What made you decide to do it?” I ask.
“I realized that I had always been interested. I had just thought that if I had a spare twenty grand hanging around that I might have better use to put it to. But there are some real benefits to it. I don’t have any problems in clothing optional space anymore, and I can go stealth in locker rooms, with Michigan festies, or even with one-night stands.”
“You’re stealth now?”
“Only for a few hours at a time.” She flashes me my crooked smile again. “But I suppose the main two factors that pushed me over the edge were that my health-care plan covered it—actually Saphira’s health plan—but most health plans cover it now. And that I didn’t want the risk of getting placed in a men’s prison again.”
It takes a moment for me to catch the significance of again. I should be disturbed by it, but for some reason I’m simply concerned. I look up at her questioningly, hoping for more explanation.
“Oh, shit, that was insensitive of me. I didn’t mean to tell you like that. But don’t worry, I already took precautions to prevent it from happening to you.”
“How did it happen to you?”
“It’s a long story I’d rather not talk about. Let’s just say it had to do with an abusive partner and survival crime. Life sucked for a while, but I got through it and I’m stronger now than I was then.”
I can see the pain again. She’s been hurt a lot. I wonder if, despite her mysterious precautions, that will happen to me.
“Hey, mind if we get back to the fun stuff? I know you’d love to see me get off, and I’ve actually been wanting to try this for a while.”
I smile back at her and let her change the subject. “I’ll grab the gloves.”
“Hmm, that brings up an interesting question. I wonder if it’s possible for me to give you anything? That seems like it would be a bit of a paradox.”
I think about it a moment. “There’s enough paradoxes floating around already. Besides, it’s a part of my agreement with Saphira.”
“Oh, certainly. Of course. I just get curious. Those kinds of things are hard to figure out.”
I move closer to her and run my hand up her leg.
“Before you start…” She beckons me over. I come to her side and she pulls my head toward her and kisses me on the forehead. “Have fun, darling.”
A little more relaxed, I cup my hand over her cunt and hold still a moment. Then I back off slightly and give her some light and teasing touches. She responds positively, with a slight shudder and a sigh. A smile comes to my face. I’m getting really turned on. I run my tongue over her thigh. Then I turn my focus to mapping her vulva with the tips of my fingers, enjoying every tactile sensation.
Once I’m satisfied I slip on a glove and douse my hand in lube.
I move my hand between her legs and find her opening. After rubbing the lube around a bit, I slide a finger in. Her eyes flutter as she takes a breath. It went in easily.
I feel around a bit, drinking in every sensation I can. I’m in up to my last knuckle. She’s moaning softly. I back out to insert another finger. This time she gasps. I do a come-hither motion and she arches her back.
“There, oh, fuck, yeah,” she says between breaths, which are coming faster and harder. “Please, right there.”
“You’re a lot of fun to play with.” With my other hand I squeeze her clit between her labia and rub it. She lets out a series of staccato breaths. Encouraged, I increase my pace. She writhes under me.
A moment later I slow to add another finger. I push all three in as deep as I can. She starts lifting up to me and I can feel how much her cunt wants me.
“Oh, yes,” she cries. “That’s what I need, fill me more.”
I use a fourth finger as well. There’s more resistance and I slow, then drizzle more lube over her cunt. It takes some time, then I can feel her cunt opening up, begging to swallow my fist.
“Try your whole hand.”
Doing as she says, I tuck my thumb under my other fingers and press in. I’m in awe and not sure if it will work, but I keep the pressure on. As her moans and movement builds, my hand slips into her. She’s gasping. I’m filled with a sense of amazement. Her pulse beats around me.
She reaches down to stimulate her own clit. Her whole body is tensing and pulsing. I can feel it as her cunt clenches around my fist. I hold her hip tightly as her body rocks. Then she’s spasming. I feel her cunt quiver around me. Her abs tense and she almost sits up. Then her body slumps back and goes slack.
I take the cue to slowly remove my fist. When I finally am out she lets out a long breath. I lie down on the bed next to her and she puts her arms around me.
“A thousand throngs of thundering thespians, goddamn, I needed that!” She gives me a peck on the cheek. “It’s been a while.”
“Of course. I should be thanking you.”
“You really are an adorable sweetie. I kinda miss that part of me.” She brushes the hair out of my eyes. “So, what do you think?”
“That was incredible. When did you get it?”
“In 2015. As soon as I could after I got out.”
“You know, I don’t think you lost it,” I say, “the sweet caring part of yourself, I mean.” I lean over and give her a kiss. She’s somewhat surprised at first, then kisses me back with a gentle tenderness that makes my heart swoon. I run my hand through her hair and kiss her harder.
I roll over her and run my hand down her side. Her hand moves up under my shirt and scratches my back. The sharp sensation intensifies the arousal I’m feeling. Her fingers find and undo the snap of my bra.
She gets my shirt off and cups one of my breasts in her hand. She pinches my nipple between her middle and ring finger. I moan. She twists. I gasp and pull back slightly. I’m disoriented for a moment, then she pushes me onto my back and is sitting on top of me and holding a royal blue dildo.
“The Empress! You still have her after all these years?”
“Of course. When you form a psychological connection with one of these babies, it doesn’t go away easily.” She leans over me. “You did such a nice job with me just now, how would you like it if I returned the favor?”
She gets off the bed and walks around by my feet. She’s wearing a strap-on harness, but I don’t remember her putting it on. I grab the lube and spread some on myself. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, she lifts my legs into the air and leans over me.
She kisses my ankle and guides the Empress to my ass. I’m hungry and ready for her. She pushes the tip into me. I moan. She holds still for a moment while I adjust. Minute by minute, inch by inch, my ass swallows her. When she knows I’ve had enough time, she pulls almost all the way out, only to sink deep into me in one fluid motion.
I arch myself into her and she alternates between a few slow thrusts and several faster ones. I let out a slow groan. She reaches down with one hand to play with my breasts. As I get more into things she shifts her position so she’s lying on top of me, and kisses my neck. She’s panting.
“How much can you get out of using that?”
“Quite a bit, actually.” She moans into my ear while making several quick thrusts in succession as if to demonstrate. She grips my hair and grinds her hips into me. Her head lifts up and leans back. She’s a lot louder. Her energy is intensifying, then suddenly she downshifts and returns to her previous patter.
She smiles at me. “A little more of that, and I could have come.”
After a while I roll us over so that I’m on top. I’ve got room to touch my bits now. She’s still thrusting up into me. Everything feels so good. She’s staring straight into my eyes with such intensity and focus. The sensation is arcing. Waves of pleasure crash over my body. I collapse onto her. A tingling sensation is still making its way back and forth over my spine. I wrap my arms under her back and clutch her to me.
After it subsides I lift myself up and pull the dildo out. I snuggle up to her side. “Damn, I love you,” I say.
“I love you, too.” She laughs. “But seriously, I’m really glad you still think I’m worthy of your love.”
“I don’t think you’ve changed as much as you think you have. At least not in the important ways.”
“Keep that in mind,” she says. “You and I, we’re resilient. I’ve been through a lot. A lot that I hope you don’t have to deal with. But even with all that, you can still love the self that I’ve become. I hope you never stop loving the self that you are.”
It’s a rather beautiful sentiment. “Is that the message you came here to give me?”
“Maybe.” She grins and looks to the side. “Hey, you wanna try something really weird?” She pounces back onto me and changes the subject, a habit I hadn’t noticed about myself before. It’s also interesting to realize how much bubbly energy she has, and I wonder if I’m like that too. She interrupts my thoughts and holds up a condom. “I’m creaming all over at the thought of you fucking me with your bits—if you feel comfortable with it.”
I smiled. “I like how you think.”
We keep going like that for who knows how long. We try everything we can think of. I’m getting to know her body really well, and she already knows mine. Occasionally we take breaks and she tells me more about her life. Time slips by. It’s hard to keep one moment distinct from the next. I don’t remember it becoming night, but suddenly it’s morning. I must have fallen asleep.
I feel arms around me. I turn around to kiss my future self, but she’s not there. Instead, it’s Saphira. She’s awake and kisses me.
“Saphira, when did you get here?”
“I got back really late last night and you had already fallen asleep. You looked so happy I didn’t want to wake you.”
Now that I’m more awake, I think I realize what happened. Oh, well, I say to myself. I guess I can never deny being vain again.
“I had a thought last night, darling.” It would be nice to keep my options open. “What would it take for me to be on your health plan?”
Elizabeth Cage
When Kirby joined the advanced Pilates class, I noticed her straightaway. She was tall and slim, with short dark hair and a generous smile. But it was her body that attracted me. It was toned and sculpted, and I could tell she did weight training. I love a toned, muscular female body. It just turns me on big-time. So when she asked if I wanted to join her for a drink one night after class, I said, “Yes,” without hesitation.
We went to a quiet bar round the corner and as I sat opposite her sipping a Bailey’s Glide, I noticed how elegant and smooth her hands were and how long and shapely the fingers. I suddenly imagined them inside me, exploring and teasing. I couldn’t help smiling as my clit tingled.
“Am I missing the joke?” she asked, bemused.
I blushed furiously. “You’re very good,” I blurted, adding quickly, “at Pilates.”
“It’s a form of exercise I really enjoy,” she replied. “And my body is so much more flexible and strong as a result.”
I nodded, wondering just how flexible. I had been feeling horny all week. I blamed this on the fact that I was between girlfriends and hadn’t enjoyed a sexy encounter for over a month. I’m also an impatient person at the best of times. I’d hoped the Pilates classes might have slowed me down but I still spent most of my life rushing around between work and social engagements. Relax and chill were not words in my vocabulary.
“You seem on edge, Tara. Is everything okay?” Kirby asked, and she stretched out her hand and pushed a strand of my unruly blonde hair behind my ear. She smoothed it back into place, fingertips brushing the nape of my neck. God, did she have the magic touch! I wanted to sigh pleasurably, to rub my head against her hand like a sensual cat. Instead I muttered awkwardly, “Damned hair, always getting in the way. Greasy, needs a wash.”
She said: “I’ll wash it for you.”
Was she serious?
“You have beautiful hair, Tara,” she said. “Like long, luscious threads of golden flax. And I would love to wash it for you.”
“Are you a hairdresser, then?” I asked, somewhat taken aback.
She shook her head.
“I just think it can be a sensuous experience, for both parties.”
“Okay,” I said. “You’re on.”
“My place, then?” she suggested. “I only live down the road. Are you sure you’re up for this?”
Ten minutes later, I found myself sitting in a chrome-and-black chair with my head leaning back over a shiny white basin in a smart designer bathroom, wearing only my sports bra and bum-hugging yoga pants, while Kirby massaged delicious peach blossom and ylang-ylang shampoo into my scalp. It felt wonderfully relaxing; I luxuriated in the heavenly fragrance, my senses surrendering to her expert touch. Carefully, she rinsed off the rich lather with the showerhead, spraying cool water in powerful jets. (Unlike my hairdresser, she did it without getting water in my ears). I heard myself sigh while she toweled my dripping hair almost dry with a big, fluffy white towel and when she finished, she leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. It was electric.
Unable to restrain myself, I grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her to me, pushing my tongue into her mouth and kissing hard. Without saying a word, she gently but firmly took my hands and placed them behind my back, and swiftly pulled the belt from a bathrobe that was hanging on the door and looped it around my wrists. I had not expected this, but it only made me tremble more as I find mild restraint to be a turn-on. Whispering in my ear, she said, “The best things should be savored slowly.” She took my hand and led me into the bedroom, which was neat and minimalist like the rest of the flat. Tidy and highly organized, I thought, tingling in anticipation. As she sat me on the edge of the huge bed, I spotted a large array of brushes regimentally lined up on the dressing table. Was I in for a spanking? I could feel the wet patch forming inside my tight yoga pants. Yes, please, I thought hungrily.
“Are you comfortable?” she asked, running a finger lightly down my arm. I shuddered and nodded, hardly able to contain my excitement. She walked over to the dressing table and selected a large wooden paddle brush. I closed my eyes, waiting. And waiting. Then I opened them again, wide with amazement, as she proceeded to brush my hair, in long, loving strokes.
“This is a Mason Pearson brush,” she explained calmly, ignoring my reaction. “The company was established in the nineteenth century to manufacture exquisite brushes by hand. This one has spired tufts of boar bristles, which is kinder to the hair and scalp, and grooms without tugging. A perfect design for shiny, vibrant hair.”
I was bemused. She had me bound and helpless, half-naked, in her bedroom and just wanted to brush my hair? It was weird—yet, I had to admit, each stroke made me feel strangely relaxed. After a while, she got up and went back to the table to select another brush. I tingled again. Maybe she would spank me now?
“Mason Pearson are good,” she said, taking an oval satin wood brush with white bristles from a red oblong box, “but these are my favorites. Traditionally made by Kent since 1777, the world’s oldest and most prestigious brush manufacturers.” Her tone was fluid, mellifluous, like her brush strokes. “All handmade and of the finest quality,” she practically purred. She smiled at me. “And this one is especially good for deep penetration… of the hair shaft.”
I swallowed hard as Kirby sat beside me on the bed and raised her hand. After using the brush on my still-damp hair for another twenty strokes (I found myself counting) she gently removed my bra and kissed each hard brown nipple, before recommencing her brushing ritual.
“Another twenty strokes,” she murmured and I found myself counting, again, wondering what she would do when we reached twenty. At eighteen I was trembling again, at nineteen I wanted to explode.
“Twenty,” she said decisively, putting the brush on the bed. Then she placed her hands around my waist and slowly, oh-so-slowly, peeled off my yoga pants and placed them on the plush carpet next to my bra. She wrapped her arms around me, caressing my breasts while breathing in the scent of my long blonde hair as if it was the most exclusive perfume. Then she dropped down onto her knees and parted my legs, burying her head between my thighs against my soaking wet cotton thong and inhaling deeply. I groaned.
“Please,” I begged, my anticipation straining at its leash, my whole body on fire. I needed release.
“I like to take things slowly,” she insisted, looking up into my eyes, her fingers and hands caressing my neck and hair, her body so close. I had no choice but to accept and enjoy. It was torture, but exquisite torture. She butterfly-kissed from the nape of my neck, along my back and down to the base of my spine. Everything was tingling.
Then she moved beside me and pulled me over to her, sitting me on her knee. I felt her nipples, hard against my back. I wriggled and circled, trying to tease her and she moaned with pleasure, but after a few moments of this, she smiled again and lifted me off, this time seating me on a chair in front of the dressing table and mirror. I stared at myself, my face flushed, mouth open, legs wide, my cunt sticky. Kirby looked as if she was deciding on another brush to select, tormenting me, before standing behind me once more.
“You like bondage, don’t you?” she said.
“Yes,” I gasped.
“So do I,” she replied, and she proceeded to plait my hair into a long braid, fastening it with a deep blue velvet ribbon where it stopped just above my hips. Bondage of the hair.
“I adore long hair, Tara,” she said, kissing the long golden plait. “My favorite fairy tale is ‘Rapunzel.’ It turns me on.”
She moved the chair back and crouched down before me, like an adoring suitor, and I noticed that she was holding a tiny, delicate brush with feather-soft bristles. “I made this myself,” she said, pulling the wet fabric of my thong to one side to reveal my aching, longing, throbbing pussy.
I didn’t need to count this time. She only had to touch my clit with it once and I watched my reflection in the mirror as I came instantly and intensely. I was still moaning with pleasure as she untied my hands and lowered me gently onto the bed, stroking me again each time the orgasm subsided, fanning another stronger wave of ecstasy with her masterful touch, watching me. Eventually, I had to push her hand away, gasping, “No more, too sensitive!” and she lay beside me, caressing my hair.
When my breathing returned to normal, I wanted to give Kirby some fraction of the pleasure she had given me, so I pushed her back onto the bed and slowly pulled off her white T-shirt and sports bra, letting my long plait drape across her breasts, hooking my fingers inside her drawstring yoga pants and slipping them off, before slowly peeling off her tight black boyshorts. Then I played with her glistening cunt, using the end of my braid like the soft brush she had used on my clit, lightly stroking and teasing. I wanted to thrill her, to send her into a frenzy.
I could see the excitement in her eyes as I used my tongue and mouth on her, licking and sucking her hard bud greedily. She arched her back, now reaching the point of no return. She looked up and I slipped a finger inside her, rubbing her clit with my thumb. I could feel her coming, and at that moment, I lifted my head and yanked off the blue ribbon, letting my long hair tumble proud and loose on my shoulders like a golden waterfall. She cried out “Rapunzel!” and as her body shuddered into spasm, I was overwhelmed by her powerful musky scent as her creamy fluid oozed onto the cotton sheets.
Instinctively, I rubbed my flaxen tresses into her delicious gaping cunt, soaking up her strong juices.
“Oh, dear,” I said sweetly, running my hands through my now-sticky hair. “And it’s only just been washed.”
R. G. Emanuelle
As much as I knew that my six-year relationship with Lanie was over, and was actually relieved, I was not prepared for the alone-ness. I guess you never really are. My friends did the best they could to cheer me up and drag me out of my reclusion, but I just wasn’t interested.
Then came that time of year I call the Birthday Hump, wherein my friends’ birthdays cluster up in the span of about three months. During that time, a million red circles mottle my calendar. Smack at the beginning of this cycle of birthdays was my own. Tamara, in her passive-aggressive way, somehow managed to convince me to go out with the gang for my special day to the Long Tips. I hadn’t set foot in a club since the early days of my relationship with Lanie—she hated dancing, so we never went.
When we first walked in, the swirling colored lights seemed brighter than I remembered and almost blinded me. The music seemed louder, too. The beat was faster, the lyrics were raunchier, and the melody was… well, nonexistent. It was just a continual annoying stream of thumping, popping noises.
After the first round of drinks, I asked Tamara, “So, what’s going on?”
“You’re gonna like the show tonight. It’s extra special,” she said.
“A strip show.”
“What’s so special about that? We’ve seen dozens of strip shows.”
She’d dragged me to a club where they seemed to be letting in twelve-year-olds to see some stale old strip show?
“Not like this one,” she said, smirking. “Annabelle told me about it a couple of weeks ago and I came last week to check it out myself. There’s a very special dancer I think you’ll like.”
She looked right at me as she said this. And with such certainty, too.
If you’ve seen one stripper, you’ve seen them all. Most of them aren’t even gay. They just dance in gay clubs for the money. What was so special about this one? Was she that hot? Was she the most beautiful woman on the green earth? Did she have the body of a goddess?
“What does that mean?” I asked Tamara.
She grinned broadly. “You’ll see.”
By the time midnight rolled around, several rounds had been bought and drunk. The music faded out and the lights went down.
Finally, the supposedly special show was about to begin. A rotund, tightly packed drag queen in a ridiculously overdone blonde wig that made her look like she belonged in a John Waters movie, bellowed into the mike.
“Hello, girls and boys, dykes and fairies of all ages!” she rasped. “I’m Gore-ella. Welcome once again to the Long Tips. That’s ladies’ night at the Long Tails, for you uninitiated. We have a great show for you tonight. All you dykes out there are going to be soaking wet when you see the lovelies we have for you tonight. Get your tongues limbered up because after this show, you’re gonna have some work to do on your girrrrlfrieeeeeends.” Gore-ella stuck out her tongue and wiggled it lewdly, eliciting whoops from the audience.
“So, let’s bring these luscious lesbians out here. Get ready to get hot and bothered, girls! Here’s the treat of the Tips, Melanie!”
Melanie sauntered out to the sounds of a remixed country song and much cheering from the dozens of watchers. She had long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and bronzed skin—a walking dream for some. She had on a cowgirl outfit, complete with a ten-gallon hat, chaps, and a long duster coat. Okay, it was sexy. Tamara knew I had a thing for cowgirls. But I hardly considered this buzz-worthy.
Slowly, the clothing came off and Melanie danced, engaging the audience now and then, bending over here to accept money, spreading her legs there to elicit more. A poor, unsuspecting woman in front became part of the act when Melanie took her glasses and stuck one of the stems down her G-string. The woman seemed like a deer caught in headlights—or, more accurately, a lesbian caught in a spotlight. Melanie slid the stem farther down her panties and when she pulled it out, she held it up to the light, where it glistened. She placed the glasses back onto the woman’s face. The woman’s flush was visible, even in the darkened club. Her friends laughed and slapped her on the back, making what were obviously embarrassing comments to her.
When Melanie left the stage and the clapping and hooting died down, I turned to Tamara. “That was hot,” I said, with only a hint of enthusiasm.
Tamara closed her eyes and opened them up again slowly, as if indulging a slow person. “That wasn’t it,” was all she said.
“Then what?” My curiosity was piqued.
A drumbeat echoed through the club, the start of some dance song. Gore-ella’s voice boomed from the speakers. “And now, please welcome to the stage, Spike!”
Spike? Was she serious? Any dyke who calls herself Spike… wait, strippers weren’t usually…
Instead of a feminine woman sashaying onto the stage in some feathery/lacey/leathery outfit, the form of a soldier appeared from the wings. The drumbeat was a military staccato. The soldier marched to center stage, swiveled around to face the audience, and stood pin-straight. The music changed to the opening beats of a techno-dance version of Pink’s “U and Ur Hand.” The soldier gave the audience a salute, and as the music became more melodic and insistent, she began moving her hips and tugging on the fingers of her gleaming white gloves.
Sweet fancy Moses. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I turned to Tamara, who was smiling wickedly at me. I loved a hot cowgirl, but nothing—nothing—turned me on more than a woman in uniform and she knew that. She raised her glass and mouthed, “Happy Birthday.”
Standing up there was not just a woman in a soldier’s uniform—this was a genuine, true-blue butch, very rare in the realm of dancers. In fact, I could only recall one other time when I’d seen a butch stripper, in a club that catered to a mixture of “lifestyles.” In one room, trendy cocktail sippers relaxed on divans while in another, one could pay twenty dollars for a ride on a leather-clad man as a whip-wielding dominatrix kept him in line. That place had closed long ago.
The uniform was distinctly Marine—and it fit her perfectly. A midnight blue jacket, trimmed with red piping and adorned with gold buttons, fell just below her ass. It was cinched at the waist by a wide, white belt and the sleeves were decorated with stripes near the shoulders and gold buttons at the wrists. Dark hair peeked out from the sides of a white hat with a black rim. The rim was pulled down low, so I couldn’t see her eyes but her face was beautiful: strong cheekbones, a firm chin, and full, red lips.
Captured, I moved to the front of the stage, pushing past everyone. One glove off, she’d moved on to the other one, and that one was now flying to stage right. As if removing her uniform was stripping away her military identity and propriety, she moved more rhythmically to the music and smiled. Her naked hands slid down her chest, over her breasts, and down to her belt. Tugging on the belt, she unlatched it and pulled it from around her waist, holding on to both ends to prolong the effect. Women were whistling and rushing the stage. I didn’t budge. A rhino couldn’t have moved me from that spot.
Spike was unbuttoning the jacket so slowly it was agonizing. My breathing became shallow and my skin was moist with expectant sweat. When she had undone the last button, she turned her back to the audience and lowered her jacket just enough to bare her shoulders. The audience cheered her on. The jacket lowered more, revealing un-fucking-real buff shoulders. A tattoo of a Celtic starburst covered her left shoulder while a tribal band wrapped around her right bicep. My god, those biceps. The skin was so tight around her muscles, I could see the curves shifting as she moved. She swerved around again, tossing the jacket to the side.
Holy fucking Christ. Her beautifully fit torso was covered by a white tank top, tight fitting to show the swell of her medium-sized breasts, dog tags dangling between them. B-cup. Perfect.
Gore-ella was right. I was soaking wet. And Spike hadn’t even revealed any body parts yet.
Free of her jacket, Spike began a dance routine that was reserved in a modest, butch sort of way, but seductively feminine at the same time. Her eyes were still hidden, but her smile had widened. Small dimples creased her smooth cheeks and her lips flashed white teeth every time she spun around. She knew she was hot. She knew she had all the femmes in the audience creaming for her. And she knew she was going to make more than one of them come right there on the dance floor.
My nipples were hard and I could feel them rubbing against my blouse, right through my bra. Standing still was not easy. I squirmed as my clit began pulsating.
Spike unbuckled her trouser belt and let it dangle as she unbuttoned her sky blue pants and slowly lowered the zipper. The howling and whistling filled the room as more and more women crowded around me, aching to see this hot woman reveal herself. Speechless and mesmerized, I said nothing and did nothing. Somewhere along the line, I lost my drink. I had no clue where it was. I didn’t care. I didn’t care where my friends were either. As far as I was concerned, the only two people in that club were me and Spike.
Spike bent over to give the bottoms of her trouser legs a tug, spreading them into bell bottoms. Then she began lowering her pants, turning around to show her luscious ass. Holding the pants just below her cheeks, she rotated her ass to the squealing delight of her onlookers. Various women shouted, “Yeah, baby, take it off!”
Spike’s pants pooled around her feet. She stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Impressed with the ingenuity, I wondered what other tricks Spike used to make her undressing easier.
In contrast to her dress uniform, she wore black combat boots instead of shiny dress shoes. I supposed that taking off her pants and standing there in shoes and black socks would not have looked so great. So, there she was, G.I. Jane, in a tank top, boy-cut khaki briefs, and combat boots. And the hat. That fucking hat. It took all the will I had to not jump onto the stage and pounce on her.
Her hands grabbed fistfuls of the tank and with a good yank, it ripped off her body, revealing a flat stomach sparkling with a subtle application of glitter. Underneath that tank, Spike had on a black leather bra. The statement was obvious: She was a butch but she was still a woman. Don’t ever forget it.
At last, she grasped the hat and flung it off. Her close-cropped hair was damp with perspiration and she ran a hand through it, Joe Cool-style. She was gorgeous. Handsome. Well, that was why she was up there. Probably no one was interested in her dancing skills, although her moves were as smooth and subtle as coffee ice cream. Her body moved in perfect unison with the upbeats and downbeats of the music. As Pink sang, “Keep your drink, just give me the money,” Spike went to the foot of the stage and danced for a few moments there, squatting and spreading her knees in front of various women, encouraging them to stick money in her briefs. Women were eager to do just that, and she rewarded each one with a big, sexy smile.
Spike was in front of the woman next to me. I quickly fumbled in my pocket for a bill. Any denomination, I didn’t care. I would have gladly given her a hundred dollars for a glance. A thousand for a kiss. My kingdom to have Spike go down on me.
Still squatting, she pulled herself over until she was right in front of me. Hazel eyes burned right through me. Momentarily frozen, I thought the world could see the wetness gushing between my legs. Her smile was completely undoing me.
“Well, go ahead.” An elbow pushed me and I turned to see Tamara standing there, egging me on. “You gonna pay her crotch, or what?”
I turned back to Spike, who had not moved her gaze from me. The triangle of her crotch was less than a foot away—I couldn’t look or I would plunge my face right in. Reaching for her briefs, I licked my lips, aware that I was probably making a fool of myself. But then, Spike was probably used to rendering grown women into useless, blathering piles of melted marshmallow. Pulling on the waistband of the briefs with one hand, I slipped the green bill—whatever it was—down the front.
But there was more.
As I shifted my gaze to her center, I noticed something. There was a bulge there that shouldn’t have been. Shocked, I stopped with my hand down her briefs. I looked up again, whereupon Spike grinned like the Devil and cocked her eyebrow at me.
Holy Mother of God, she’s packing!
How had I not noticed before? Spike stood up to move away from me and the waistband snapped from my fingers.
Another figure appeared on stage. It was Melanie. This time she was dressed in camouflage fatigue pants, a camouflage bra, and combat boots, and she began dancing on the opposite side of the stage. The two dancers continued their own routines for a minute, then moved closer and began a dance that told the story of two women falling for each other. Perhaps the handsome soldier had met her on furlough.
Melanie’s fatigues came off and she wore only the bra and a camouflage thong. Someone backstage pushed a settee out onto the stage. After the soldier seduced her girl, Melanie turned and leaned on the settee with her hands, her ass facing Spike. Spike reached down between Melanie’s legs and ran two fingers along her crotch. Turning to the audience, she smiled wickedly as she licked the full length of her fingers. Turning back to the woman spread out before her, Spike reached into her briefs and pulled out the dildo. The briefs had shifted down just enough that I could see the leather harness that was holding the phallus in place.
The whooping and whistling was deafening. The music slowed to a rhythmic pulse as Spike held her extended member and began thrusting in the direction of Melanie’s ass, mimicking the sex act. From somewhere behind me came, “Fuck her!”
My eyes did not move from the scantily clad soldier. Her thrusting was in perfect timing with the music. It was so sensual and erotic, yet raw and dirty at the same time. My limbs trembled.
Suddenly, Melanie stood up, turned to face Spike, and shoved her. Spike fell to her knees as Melanie pushed her down. Spike leaned back until she was lying down. Melanie stood over her, with one foot on either side, and danced her way up until her crotch was directly above Spike’s face. She began moving her hips backward and forward as Spike moved her head up and down in mock, exaggerated cunnilingus. As the music picked up its beat again, gaining in speed and intensity, Melanie followed suit. Hips bucking, head thrown back, she writhed in orgasm, cheers and whistles encouraging her performance, and as the song launched back into a chorus, she stepped back. Spike jumped up and wiped the fantasy cum from her chin, shooting a devastating grin to the audience. To the echo of more cheers and whistles, she continued dancing, tucking the dildo back inside her briefs.
The story had changed to one of a relationship gone wrong. Sure, the sex was hot but the girl was no good and the soldier wanted nothing more to do with her. The soldier continued interacting with her audience, ignoring the pleas for attention from Melanie. But Melanie would not be ignored. She finally caught her soldier from behind and caressed her body. At first, Spike tried pushing her away, but eventually she gave in to Melanie’s ministrations. Melanie ran her hands up Spike’s waist and clutched her breasts, making Spike close her eyes with pleasure.
I almost closed mine with pleasure, for by now, my hand had made its way between my legs. There were people all around me, including Tamara, but I couldn’t help it. My pussy had begun to throb painfully and I had to stop it.
Melanie pushed Spike face down onto the settee so that she was in the same position Melanie had been in only moments before. Melanie leaned right up against Spike and made fucking motions. Spike thrust her ass upward repeatedly, mimicking getting fucked.
Forcing myself to look away for just a moment, I scanned the room. The butches in the audience looked stricken, their eyes either incredulously watching Spike or fixed on their drinks, horrified, as if Spike were ripping a window into their souls that everyone could see into.
Femmes, on the other hand, were practically swooning. A hot, gorgeous, aggressive butch who was not afraid to flip: it was irresistible.
When Melanie pulled away, Spike stood up, grinning lewdly at the audience—there was no shame in enjoying a good fuck. She pushed Melanie back. No, no matter how hot you are, I deserve better than you, she was saying.
Melanie disappeared off the stage. Spike stepped into her pants and slid them up, slowly, deliciously pulling up the zipper. One by one, she donned the items of clothing. Who knew that a woman getting dressed could be just as hot and erotic and a woman undressing?
As the song approached its last notes, Spike picked up her hat and walked to center stage. Standing tall, she ran a hand through her hair and used both hands to place the hat on her head. Then, bolting her body to full attention, she saluted the audience, spun on her heels, and marched off the stage.
Oh, my little soldier girl. Don’t go.
Many in the audience saluted back, in awe of her amazing performance. The clapping and cheering made me realize I was not alone in the room and I was dragged back down to earth.
“Well?” Tamara asked, amusement covering her face.
My cheeks heated at the thought of facing her. My arousal was so strong, I was afraid to move, afraid that the slightest brush of my thighs would rip an orgasm from me right where I stood in front of my friend. Swallowing hard, I squeaked, “That was hot.”
The evening had turned into something unexpected. But now that I had been exposed to the highlight, the night seemed empty, void of anything meaningful or pleasurable. I drank a Long Island iced tea, hoping the mixture of alcohol would bring back a semblance of something alive. My senses were so heightened, every movement from the people around me; every aroma of sweat, beer, and perfume; every flash of light energized me. Yet, my disappointment was profound. I wanted to feel that raw animal passion I’d experienced just a short while ago.
The music had changed over to more radio-style stuff and I closed my eyes, swaying to it against the wall, remembering how I’d loved dancing once. It seemed so long ago.
“Would you like to dance?” a low voice murmured in my ear.
Startled, I turned to see Spike right next to me. For a moment, I wasn’t sure if she was speaking to me. Not wanting to look like an idiot character in a movie, I shifted my eyes to look around me. She was most definitely speaking to me.
Instead of a uniform, she had on a black bowling shirt, hung loosely around black jeans. She still wore the combat boots. A comb had gone through her shiny black hair and the sweat had been patted off her still-flushed face. Her eyes sparkled with adrenaline and her breath smelled faintly of toothpaste.
“Uh… okay.” Oh, that was smooth. Had it been so long since someone had come on to me that I didn’t know how to respond? But this wasn’t just someone. This was the hot, handsome butch who had shown exactly what she was capable of up on that stage. My soldier girl. Taking my hand, she led me to the dance floor.
All eyes were on us as people craned their heads to see who Spike had chosen to dance with. Cinderella I ain’t, but for a song or two, I would enjoy being the envy of all the femmes at the dyke ball.
Spike took me to the center of the dance floor, turned, and put her hands on my hips. She might as well have stuck them down my panties for the way they set me on fire. The music was pulsating, and so was I. We danced like that for a moment as I shyly ran my hands up her arms and rested them on her shoulders. Little by little, she pulled me closer until our bodies were right up against each other. This has to be a dream.
She managed to get one hard thigh between my legs. My hands moved down her shoulder blades and her hands had moved to my ass. My breathing was quick and the feel of her lips on my neck was like having a branding iron applied to my skin.
I wasn’t quite sure how it was all happening but I wasn’t going to fight it. I didn’t care who was watching or what anyone thought. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before but inside, I felt as if it was meant to be.
Then, she was kissing me. It was soft at first, but it quickly turned hot, deep, and furious. I was so open for her that I could have swallowed her tongue and her right along with it in one swift slurp. My hand slipped down her front. It took all my frustrated will to avoid her breasts but I knew that some butches would not tolerate their breasts being fondled in public and I didn’t want to piss her off. My hand went down to her pants and I rubbed the bulge in her front. I could feel the smile on her lips.
When her lips left mine, I found that I was breathless. I didn’t realize that I had stopped breathing until that moment.
“Come with me,” she said in my ear in a heavy whisper that made me weak.
With my hand in hers, Spike took me to a staircase that led to an upper floor. At the landing was a room. It was small, with a cot in one corner, a dressing table in another, and a chair. A dimly lit lamp sat on the table.
“What is this room?” I asked.
“The performers come up here to lie down, take a nap…” She paused and looked at me. “Fuck.”
The memory of the way she had thrust her hips with such fluidity, such natural skill, was making me dizzy and too wet for comfort. Her move was quick and she was on me like lightning. With my back against the wall, she kissed me again. I wanted her like I’d never wanted anyone, but now with the prospect of actual sex with her looming, I got nervous. What was making me nervous? Sex with a stranger? My reputation? Really, it was about my own skills. Lanie and I had been together so long that we had come to know each other perfectly. No worries about what the other liked and whether “it” was right. This person was new and unknown territory. Would I be good enough?
I tensed up and Spike pulled away. “Is something wrong?” she asked.
“No, I… um…” I had no words. None that wouldn’t make me sound like a complete asshole. So, I took the self-deprecating route. “I just was wondering… why me? You could have anyone out there.”
Her left hand rested on the wall next to my head. “I saw you when I was dancing. You’re beautiful. And hot.” The words stunned me and I could only stare back into the hazel eyes that were making me squirm. Her other hand went up to the wall and I was enclosed inside her arms. Slowly, she leaned in to kiss me and I was floating in a pool of flames. Running my hand through her hair made her moan and it shifted her into high gear. Her arms wrapped around me, her tongue probed me, and her legs moved me to the cot.
She laid me down with such smoothness, I couldn’t help but smile. My blouse came unbuttoned and my pants were off in seconds. Her fingers dove between my legs and Spike groaned when she felt my wetness. Two fingers slipped inside me and I was in ecstasy as I felt them slide in and out.
Wasting no time, she pulled the dildo from her pants and began fucking me with it, slowly at first, then fast and hard until my head was in danger of smashing into the plaster wall. I tried slipping my hand down her pants but she pushed it away. What was it with these butches? Let me touch you, goddammit!
As she plunged in and out of me, I began undressing her. Spike was in a trancelike state, so immersed in her mission, I don’t think she even realized what I was doing. Her shirt and bra were off and I ran my hands over the vivid tattoos. She moved off me then, slipping the double-headed dildo out of the harness and leaving it inside me. Like a panther, she moved stealthily down my body and began licking me. Watching her head bob between my thighs, I was lost in a place I’d never visited before.
The long, rubber cock started sliding in and out again. The sensation of being fucked and eaten simultaneously took me completely out of my body and I became some raw, primal animal. I came long and hard, practically ripping Spike’s hair out of her head.
It was time to flip my butch over, which was surprisingly easy, considering her well-defined, muscular body. As I struggled to get her pants over her boots, I almost yanked her right off the bed. But I finally managed to rip them off. A small look of surprise crossed her face but quickly disappeared when I began sucking on a nipple. To my own surprise, I deftly slipped off her briefs and unhooked her harness, the business end of which was shiny with wetness.
Spike’s breathing quickened and she seemed taken aback by my intensity. But she didn’t understand—she’d been working me up, pushing me to the pinnacle of lust since the moment she’d walked out on that stage in that dashing uniform. Even though I’d already had an orgasm, I still wasn’t satisfied and wouldn’t be until I heard a cry of pleasure from her lips.
I slipped two fingers inside her and she didn’t resist like I expected her to. Her eyes did flash me a warning though: be careful.
Had I been in my right mind, I would’ve heeded it. But I was in such a frenzy that I lost all control over my own actions. I reached down between my legs and pulled out the cock that still hung from my pussy, and in one swift movement, I slid it inside her. A look of shock in her eyes subsided as I thrust it, slowly, deliberately. I bent my head down and started licking her swollen clit. Any objections she was going to make evaporated as she melted into my caresses.
The tremors under my tongue told me she was about to come. I didn’t want to lose my grip on her so I curled one arm under her leg to hold her in place while I kept fucking her. Bucking ferociously, she gripped my shoulders, and the cry I’d longed to hear escaped her flushed red lips. When her shuddering had stopped, I pulled the dildo out, placed it at the foot of the bed, and crawled up beside her. Spike sighed.
“Damn,” she said. “Are you really a butch in femme’s clothing?”
“Uh-uh,” I chuckled. “I just know what I like.”
At the bar, Tamara stared at me, dumbfounded. I’d been gone a good two hours and it was nearly four A.M. The others had all gone home.
“What the hell have you been doing?” Tamara asked, patting down my bed-tousled hair. She wasn’t really looking for an answer, so I just smiled and said, “Getting my groove back.”
Tamara grinned. “Glad to hear it.”
“This was a great birthday. Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”
No, mine.
Looking back at the darkened stage, I said, “I think I’ll see the show again some time.” I took the beer Tamara handed me and saluted the stage with it. The Marines would come again.
D. L. King
A small cluster of smokers milled around outside the entrance to the club. Up and down the bar-lined street Neela noted the same phenomenon. The only difference was that absolutely everyone outside the Whip Handle wore black, whereas, while black seemed to be the predominant tone, other doorways also boasted a few girls in colorful spring dresses and boys in stone-washed denim and pastel shirts as well. The Whip Handle was like a sucking black hole after dark. It had rained earlier, making the sucking black hole shiny tonight.
Neela, of course, was no exception; after all, you don’t go to a fetish club wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts. She wore a black rubber pencil skirt, black seamed stockings, black stiletto pumps with chrome heels and a black silk corset. If she’d draped a black veil over her head, she might have completely disappeared into total stealth mode. But she wasn’t trying to disappear. To attract the kind of boys she was looking for, one had to be visible. Visible and scary.
Passing through the small crowd, she turned and saw Kat. Smiling, she gave Kat a hug and kiss.
“I wouldn’t have expected to see you here tonight, Neela,” Kat said.
“Why not? Just because Sam left doesn’t mean I’m dead. No, definitely not dead. I feel like playing so I dressed to impress. Impressive, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Later,” Neela called over her shoulder as she swept through the door.
As usual, the place was dark and fairly crowded. She made her way to the bar and ordered a tonic with lime. Looking around, she noticed a few people she’d seen before but didn’t really know. Oddly, almost all the people in the immediate vicinity were women. She saw a boy down at the other end of the bar, but he was obviously with the woman next to him.
Taking her drink, she made her way to one of the chambers off the main room, put down her toy bag and made herself comfortable in one of the leather club chairs. A naked girl chained to the wall was being flogged by a large woman in black leather. Neela admired the woman’s technique, and even in the dim light she could see red stripes on the girl’s back and buttocks. After a few minutes she felt a slight pressure on the toe of her shoe. She raised her foot to bring the kneeling figure’s head up, but the girl’s eyes remained lowered.
“Yes, Ma’am. This girl would like, um, this girl wonders if Ma’am would like, if Ma’am would be interested in… Um, this girl wishes to offer herself to Ma’am for use in any way she might see fit, ah, if she might wish to play with this girl, um—Ma’am.
The girl wore a short plaid schoolgirl skirt but was topless. She had very small breasts with petite pink nipples, almost boylike. The waistband of the skirt sat low on her hips, exposing her navel and the curve of her waist as well as the slightly rounded shape of her abdomen.
“I don’t play with girls.” Neela removed her toe from under the girl’s chin.
Still kneeling, she looked up at Neela. “But then, this girl wonders why Ma’am would come tonight. Um, this girl means no disrespect.”
“God, stop with the third person; I can’t stand that stuff! What’s your name?”
“This girl is called, I mean, my name is Chantal, Ma’am.”
“Better. Okay Chantal, now what are you talking about? I come here all the time. Why wouldn’t I want to come tonight?” Neela’s eyes swept over the tasty mocha form of the girl still on her knees on the floor. She had honey-colored hair swept up into a messy bun on the top of her head, and striking olive-green eyes.
“Well, because it’s girls’ night. Sorry, Ma’am. I mean, it’s the second Saturday. The second Saturday is always girls’ night. This girl just thought—I mean I just thought, I mean you were so beautiful—I mean you are so beautiful and I’ve seen you here on other nights and I had hoped because I was so excited to see you tonight I thought maybe you’d like… I just thought, wow, ’cause you came on the second Saturday and maybe you didn’t want just boys and ’cause I always saw you and thought you were so hot and I… I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
Chantal’s lips were full and pink; she licked them and they glistened. She wore no makeup. Neela wanted to drink the girl’s skin, it was so clear. She reached out and stroked her cheek. “No, it’s all right. Stay.” Her hand moved down to Chantal’s chin and her fingers found those lips, brushing and parting them as she rested a final finger on the girl’s lower lip.
“How old are you, Chantal?”
“Twenty-three, Ma’am.”
Twenty-three. The walls of Neela’s cunt tingled. She was just a girl—and not only that, she was a girl—a girl with a rather boyish figure, but definitely a girl. Neela let her hand slide down the girl’s neck onto her chest. Her fingers lightly traced over Chantal’s nipple before she leaned in to lick it. Withdrawing slightly, she blew on the wet nipple and watched it crinkle and stiffen.
Chantal’s eyes closed and she mumbled, “Thank you, Ma’am,” more to herself than aloud.
Neela smiled and pinched the nipple between her fingernails. The girl’s eyes flew open and she said, quite plainly, “Thank you, Ma’am.”
Well, maybe this once… It wasn’t like she’d never thought of playing with girls, it was just that the opportunity had never arisen before, or she hadn’t been looking for it. She’d been mourning the loss of Sam and hadn’t played in a long time. She’d come out tonight for a release and she was going to get one, goddamnit.
“Chantal, why do you want to play with me?”
“This girl…”
“Bup, bup, bup.” Neela put her finger on the girl’s lips. “What did I say?”
“Sorry, Ma’am. I forgot.”
“So? Why me?”
“Well, this—I’ve watched you on other nights playing with your boy and you’re just so beautiful and kinda scary, sort of… And whenever I see you play I always imagine that I’m your boy. I could be your boy, if you gave this girl, I mean me a chance… I could be…”
“You’re very sweet. Who taught you to use that affected third person crap? Is there someone whose permission you need to play with me? I won’t play with someone else’s property without an invite.”
“No, Ma’am, I don’t belong to anyone, not anymore. I did, but now I don’t. I just…” She looked like she was about to cry, but instead, she lowered her eyes and began again. “I used to belong to a mistress in Boston. She said that slaves didn’t have any rights and weren’t really people, so they should never use the I word when referring to themselves. She said they should never refer to themselves at all, unless their mistress made them, and then to show the proper respect by referring to themselves as property. She made sure we learned.”
“How come you’re not with her anymore?”
“I guess she got tired of me. She drove me to New York and left me at this club.”
“What do you mean? When did she leave you here? How long ago?”
“Three months. I used to come here every night, waiting for her to come back, but then I saw you.”
Neela watched the tears begin to roll down Chantal’s face. Her heart went out to the girl. “Here now, you come sit up here with me,” she said, patting her lap. She put her arm around the girl’s shoulder and let the young slave snuggle against her neck. “That woman was an idiot. I really can’t stand people like that. Now, no more of that referring to yourself in third person. Not with me. I don’t like it.” She patted the girl’s thighs. “So you want to play with me, huh? I’m used to playing with boys, you know; I play rough.”
“Yes, Ma’am, this girl likes it rough. I really like it rough.”
“Mm, mm, mm, that’s another slip. What are we going to do to make you remember that you’re a person? I think a spanking’s in order here,” Neela said, smiling, her eyes twinkling.
A wide grin split Chantal’s face and she nodded her head. “Yes, Ma’am, I think you’re absolutely right.” She bent over and slid down until she was lying across Neela’s lap and flipped her schoolgirl skirt up.
As Neela expected, Chantal wasn’t wearing underwear. She had a perfect, round bottom and Neela could just see her cleanly shaved pussy lips peeking out from between her legs. There were a few fading bruises on her cheeks and the backs of her thighs.
The first smack landed squarely in the middle of one cheek. She bounced a little, but otherwise made no sound. Neela landed another on the opposite cheek and then proceeded to cover the girl’s bottom in light spanks until it bore a uniform pink blush and began to take on some heat. She moved her hand down between Chantal’s legs to run her fingers over the girl’s sex. So smooth, so different from a boy’s sex. Chantal was obviously turned on, and feeling the girl’s excitement excited Neela.
“You really are a very naughty little girl, aren’t you? You’re all wet down here.” Neela grabbed the girl’s cunt and squeezed until Chantal squeaked and the juices ran out between Neela’s fingers.
Neela’s spanks rained harder and harder on the girl’s bottom while she ran her fingers through the girl’s wet slit. She smelled the fragrance of the girl’s arousal and noted that it was different from her own—similar, but different. The scent was a heady one, especially as she knew that she’d caused it. She sank her middle finger inside. It was a lovely, warm, moist feeling, but different than masturbating. The girl’s muscles contracted against her finger and Neela found herself warmed by the human connection. She slid her index finger inside to join her middle finger.
“Oh, thank you, Ma’am,” Chantal moaned. She alternately pushed her bottom up to receive the smacks and thrust back against Neela’s hand. Neela gently pressed and caressed the wall of the girl’s hot, wet interior, over and over.
She felt the girl freeze against her legs, and then begin to squirm. Without changing the motion of her fingers, she stopped spanking. “What’s the matter, little girl? Why so squirmy?” she said with a low chuckle.
“Please, Ma’am, may this girl come?”
SMACK! “What?”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, but please, Ma’am, I have to come. Please.”
“I don’t think I should let you come. You obviously haven’t learned your lesson.” She slowly removed her fingers from the girl’s cunt.
“Oh, please. What, you thought this was about you? Poor little subby-girl—thinks she gets to come after ten minutes of playing. Right! No, I think you’d better come with me,” Neela said, setting the girl on her feet and taking hold of her wrist. “Now, what shall I do with you? Ah, I know.” Holding on to the girl, she strode purposefully toward the back of the club.
“Where are we going, Ma’am?” Chantal followed along behind with an ever-widening smile plastered to her face until Neela finally stopped in front of an unoccupied massage table.
“All right girl, hop up here and get comfortable. I don’t think we need this skirt right now, do we?” Neela took the skirt, folded it and put it on a nearby bench. She attached the girl’s ankles to cuffs at the sides of the table, spreading her legs as wide as the table would allow.
Chantal sat up to watch as her legs were fastened to the table. When Neela finished she turned around and put her palm against the girl’s chest. Once Chantal was flat against the table again, Neela fastened her wrists to cuffs at the top of the table.
“I’m going to examine you. I’ve examined lots of boys, but never a girl. With you fastened and spread like this, I can take my time and get a good look at you.” She could see that her words were having their effect on the girl as Chantal began to squirm against her restraints a bit and her breathing quickened.
“Look at these pretty little nipples.” As she spoke, before she could even touch them, they both crinkled and stiffened. “Oh, that’s so sweet, they’re getting themselves ready for me.” She lightly ran her fingers over both nipples at the same time.
Chantal shuddered.
Neela traced circles around and around the girl’s areolas, making sure the nipples were as hard as they were going to get before pinching them between her thumbs and forefingers. She started out with a minimum of pressure but gradually increased it until the girl moaned. She pulled them up, stretching Chantal’s breasts and elongating her nipples.
“You have such sweet little breasts, almost like a boy’s, but different.” She pulled a little farther, finally letting the nipples slip from her grasp. Red and distended, they were irresistible to her and she bent to run her tongue over the nearest one to the sounds of Chantal’s soft moans.
Neela worried the nipple and its surrounding flesh with her tongue before backing away slightly and blowing on it. Placing her mouth back over it, she lightly bit the tiny nub of flesh with her teeth. Chantal rocked her body from side to side in response.
“Thank you, Ma’am.”
“You taste sweet and fresh.” Neela closed her mouth over the girl’s breast and roughly grabbed the other in her hand, squeezing it while she sucked and licked the breast in her mouth. She watched the girl’s body. The more pressure she put on Chantal’s breasts the higher the girl raised her hips off the table.
Neela liked the feel of the girl’s breast in her mouth. Again, it was different from a boy’s breast; soft, where a boy’s breast was firm; smooth, where a boy’s skin was slightly more textured. It was somehow—inviting.
Neela was brought back to reality by the sound of the girl’s bottom smacking the table as she pumped her hips up and down. Neela heard the word “Please” several times before pulling her leather crop out of her bag and smacking the girl’s wet breast three times in quick succession.
“Relax, I’m not finished with you yet.”
Chantal whimpered and squirmed on the table. Neela softly ran her fingers over the girl’s torso, moving to her sides to encircle her small waist. Chantal’s curves, while understated, were still different from Neela’s experience. She loved the feel of the girl’s waist and the fact that it was so small.
She positioned her hands on Chantal’s abdomen so that her fingers pointed toward her feet. She let the flat of her palms trace the natural V formed between the girl’s legs. She squeezed the soft skin and tendons where Chantal’s legs joined her body and saw a bit of moisture escape between her pussy lips. Chantal was probably drenched—Neela certainly was—and she wanted to dip her fingers inside to check, but instead she moved them back up to the top of the girl’s shaved pubes. Pressing with her fingers, she pulled up, toward Chantal’s waist, and her slit elongated, causing the lips to draw closer to each other.
“Oh, please, Ma’am,” Chantal moaned.
Ignoring that, Neela slapped the top of the girl’s pussy several times, until it took on a lovely rosy color and the moisture squished out from between the lips to splash under her hand. Not until then did she insinuate a finger between the labia. She explored the girl’s clit, which had become more prominent, and listened to her heaving breaths. She gently pinched the nub of flesh and rolled it between her fingers before leaving it and moving on.
A whine escaped Chantal, which turned into a groan as a finger pushed itself inside her pussy. Neela couldn’t believe how wet the girl was. She slid another finger inside, pumping in and out several times, listening to the squishing sound she made. Neela began slowly moving the girl’s lubrication out of her pussy and down toward her anus as she pumped. Over and over, she brought moisture from the girl’s sex to her anus. Neela found the scent of Chantal’s arousal overpowering. As soon as the girl was lubricated enough, Neela pushed a finger inside her ass as she went down on her pussy. There was something about this girl. Neela had never been interested in the taste of pussy before, but she felt compelled to taste Chantal.
Chantal’s hips thrust up off the table, pressing hard against Neela’s mouth as she stabbed at the girl’s opening with her tongue, drinking her juices. The taste was almost overpowering. Neela held her finger still in Chantal’s ass while she pounded her pussy with her tongue. She moved her tongue up to press against the side of Chantal’s clit and the girl immediately came, her limbs stiffening and vibrating uncontrollably as Neela continued the pressure against her clit.
Finally, Chantal’s spasms subsided. Neela withdrew her mouth and slowly removed her finger from the girl’s ass.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Chantal said.
Neela kissed Chantal, painting the girl’s face with her own juices. Exploring Chantal’s mouth with her tongue, she realized that it was the first time she’d ever kissed a girl like this. The combined taste of the girl’s mouth and her musk were sweet beyond measure. Neela’s clit throbbed with need. “It’s all right, girl. Would you like to come home with me tonight?”
“Yes, really. Would you?”
“Oh, yes, Ma’am, yes please.”
Neela began unfastening the girl’s restraints. “Fine, then we can talk about what you’ll need to do to make up for coming without permission.” She felt like she was swimming in her own juices. Thoughts of Chantal’s mouth fastened to her pussy as she came over and over again made her want to rush to get the girl dressed and back to her apartment.
Once Chantal was standing, Neela embraced her and kissed her again, sliding her hands down over the schoolgirl skirt and under it, caressing the girl’s bottom until she finally broke the kiss and slapped Chantal’s ass. “Let’s go.”
Natt Nightly
She shows up wearing jeans, Chucks, and most importantly, my shirt. Standing in my doorway, I can do little more than gawk at the white button-down, its fabric pulling noticeably in a valiant struggle to cover her ample cleavage. She doesn’t wait to be invited in, but breezes past me into the apartment and addresses the mirror, busying herself with the reapplication of lipstick and the arrangement of her curls, which cascade around her shoulders and defy any imposition of order. I scramble to collect my wits, close the door, and turn the bolt. I can see her watching me out of the corner of her eye, fully aware that she has my attention, and loving every moment. She knows how badly I want photos of her, postcoital cigarette in hand, wrapped in that shirt and sitting on my bed.
As if to emphasize the point, she caps her lipstick and perches herself on the edge of my bed, looking up at me expectantly. Towering over her, awareness of my power, my stature and my strength come flooding back to me, and I reach out to take the reigns and regain control. There’s a pause, a smile, and a barely perceptible nod as we face the next beat with mutual anticipation. Then, without warning, we lunge at each other.
She rises to meet me, and hooking her arms around my neck, she pulls me crashing down on top of her. Her nails run smoothly through my short, clean cut hair as I make a fist in her curls, pulling back her head and grinding my hips into her body. The length of my cock is now obvious beneath its denim cloak, and she gyrates against it, egging me on. Deftly, I undo the buttons of her (my) shirt, and through the thin fabric of her bra I can roll her nipples between my fingers. They grow hard and I spread my hands to more fully cover her breasts. They’re full and supple, and as I knead them she moans and writhes, the ache of her desire growing stronger.
Once her bra comes off, she stops me in order to put the shirt back on. Impatient, my mouth finds her hardened nipples, and I replicate the motions of my fingers with the greater dexterity of my tongue. I can pull the soft flesh into my mouth and press my face into her cleavage, getting lost in the warmth and her scent and my lust for a moment. Reaching down, I peel off her jeans, flipping open the button and slowly coaxing the zipper down until they’re around her knees. She lies back to let me pull them off of her, and I kiss the soft, pale flesh of her inner thighs. I can smell her sex as I near it, and through the fabric of her underwear I cover her mound with my mouth. I exert downward pressure until she pushes back against me, and I tease the covered opening of her cunt. She whimpers and reaches for my shoulders, her nails biting into my flesh as she begs for her favorite pleasure.
But instead of following through with my implied promise, I reach up and push her off, pinning her wrists momentarily before abandoning her to strip off my jeans. I reach for the straps of my harness, and the leather creaks hello to James as he rises to attention.
Grabbing the lube, I coat him in it, stroking the rigid shaft, rolling my palm over the head keeping eye contact with her the whole time. Then I move up on her torso and envelop myself in her breasts. I rock between them, fucking them gently and enjoying the friction of her skin against my cunt. She places her hands over mine and presses her breasts together more firmly, milking my cock with them before lifting her head to capture the tip with her mouth. I take one hand and hold the back of her head, and we move together, sucking and pumping and gyrating to the same pulse.
Once my clit is hard from the mutual motion, I smile at her.
“You’ve been so good,” I say, “and I’m going to reward you. But first, we have some unfinished business. You’re always telling me that if you’re going to come on my cock, you have to start on top… so that’s just what we’re going to do.”
I recline on the bed, stroking James absently, and watching as she pulls off the now-soaked black panties, the only barrier between my tongue and her swollen clit. My hips twitch in anticipation. Patience. Patience…
A smile plays on her lips, and she moves to straddle my hips, confident that she knows where this is going.
“Not so fast,” I murmur. “Bring your beautiful cunt over here and let me taste you. Just remember… you’re not allowed to come unless it’s on my cock.”
She readjusts and pauses, hovering above me. Then, slowly, she lowers her pussy toward my mouth, taking her time and drawing it out with an aching precision. Her lips settle on mine and for the first time this evening I experience the slickness of her sex. I stroke it with my tongue, reintroducing myself to her and a place I love so well. Her musk overwhelms me and I lap up her juices greedily, burying my face in her, pushing into her cunt as deeply as I can. In response she rocks against me, fucking my tongue and grinding her clit into me. I travel up to it and take her as fully as I can into my mouth. I purse my lips and pull her clit toward me, pulsing on the shaft while the tip of my tongue flits in figure eights and then broad strokes over her head. When she braces herself against the wall I start in earnest, rolling my tongue from blade to tip in undulating waves over her engorged sex and rocking my chin into the flesh of her cunt, which gives slightly, engulfing me as she matches my movements with thrusts of her own.
Soon her panting is fast and heavy, and I can feel the weight of her pressing down on my chest as she urges her body toward climax. It’s so familiar to me, and yet always a discovery, building for that moment when she comes, spasms and bucks against me. But tonight that’s not the plan. She’s begging me not to stop, to let her come, and instead I remove my mouth from her cunt as best I can.
“This is not how you’re going to come,” I say. “Move.”
“I can’t,” she gasps out. But I insist.
“Yes, you can. I want you to ride my cock. I want you to come all over me.”
She moves her cunt away from me, her manner betraying a palpable reluctance to postpone her orgasm. She bends to kiss me, to taste herself on my lips, and rubs her dripping sex along the shaft of my cock to wet it. She slowly impales herself upon me, groaning as she does so, giving her body time to adjust to my length and girth. And then she begins to gyrate.
She’s ridden me before, but this is a completely new experience. The desire is raw and needy, and she stares down at me from her perch, enjoying the blatant play of emotions dancing across my face. Below the harness, my clit is hard and it takes all my self-control not to thrust upward into her in response to her movement. She grabs my hand and places my thumb over her clit, and as I describe circles on it, the muscles in her thighs tense and I know she’s going to come. The movement is hard and fast now and the moans from her throat are deep and guttural. When she climaxes, it’s harder than I’ve ever seen her come. Her whole body, glistening with sweat, shakes, shudders and bucks against me. I swear I can actually feel the contractions through the shaft of my cock. She throws her head back and lets the tremors sweep her away. My own cunt contracts in response and I tremble, my body unsure how to respond to the intensity of her orgasm. I don’t want to come out of her, could almost come watching her; want to kiss her, hold her, cry, thrust, keep her right where she is and melt into her all at once. Instead, I can say only, “I love you.” And she smiles at me with all the warmth in the world and tells me that she loves me too.
We stay there for a moment, breathing together and taking it all in. When she dismounts, my body mourns the loss of her cunt wrapped around me. She rolls to the side and lays her hand on my chest, pressing her lips to mine and, in the guise of a kiss, slowly and deliberately sucking her come off my lips. Then she smiles at me, her blue eyes wide and mischievous, and says, “I think you should go get your camera….”
Molly Bloom
The dregs of dinner swim in soupy ponds and unidentifiable cold swells. Thanksgiving, and the wine runs out. A scandal. Remnants of a larger party, we sit listless around the Provençal farmhouse table in Ignatha’s two-bedroom Charlton Street high-rise. Simone’s a latecomer with an aloof air, brashly hiding all of her twenty-one years. A voluptuous, tall blonde with a vintage look—’50’s French bombshell—attired in nouvelle vogue. Simone, unlike all the others present, hates her youth.
All but me. The primitive rover with one eye permanently dilated. The interloper from Joyce’s Catholic and irredeemably Irish male dreamscape violating this feminine, pagan world of goddesses and demigoddesses, amazons and nymphs, mothers and daughters, sisters, cousines, aunties and nieces, and banshees, maybe the Bacchae.
I sit on the muted paisley upholstered wing chair as they regroup on the chocolate leather couch. I watch. Idle conversation. A pause. Then a gesture. Simone reaches out and tousles the hair of Arable, the tall elegant Portuguese; Arable turns to Nadya, supine on the soft leather; she caresses shoulders, arms, bellies, breasts but lingeringly, the better to tease. Throat. Ah, is there a tenderer place on a feminine body than the throat? Ignatha, tiny, doll-like and greedy, strokes them. All over. Simone turns to me with a glare of reproach. I look down and see I have my cell phone in my hand. I’m clicking, praying fervently for extra memory.
Do you want to be in the photo? she asks.
Yes! I sing.
Nadya moves nearly four inches to her right on the couch. My large untoned hips shouldn’t really fit in there. I bolt and wedge myself into the space. Instantly arms surround my neck and shoulders; fingertips caress my nipples like kisses; hands stroke my arm, my thighs. I reach beyond Nadya and stroke her hair. Simone turns to me, feline, moving up to meet my downward stroke. With the other hand, I hold the cell out at an extreme right angle and snap away. Simone, the sexual arsonist, languishes in the center of the puddle. She rises and turns to me.
I have to show you something in the bedroom. Give me five minutes. Then she pulls me into the center of the pile. The others continue, indifferent to substitution. Caressing, fondling, and kissing every exposed inch of skin. She disappears from the living room.
I can’t imagine anything more delicious than what I feel at this moment, in the middle of a harem of beautiful women all intent on the same purpose. But I wait five minutes as instructed and follow her. I rise. The breasts, calves, fingers and mouths recede.
I walk to the hallway off the main room. I see a door in the distance opened slightly, light flooding down and partly illuminating the whetstone floor. I follow it, slowly, my heart in my throat. I put my hand on the door and push it open. I see her, lamplight casting golden hues, reclined on the bed, her back to me, sheets and clothing in disarray and her beautiful big, bare ass slightly quivering, the barest tremor. She groans. I stare, transfixed, transformed, transubstantiated. I kneel at the bedside. I reach out slowly and touch the white skin, dimpling from the chill. She moves and sighs. I run my tongue athwart her hips up to that most aching nerve. I kneel closer. My breasts graze her bottom. I lean down again and lick, taste, kiss, bite the flesh; skin like marble, pink, reddening. She groans, surges toward me, then away. My glossa wanders heedlessly; parts and plunges into the blazing cool depths. That wayward member discovers the pursed mouth of her anus; my nose inhales a scent of peat smoke and humus, ears perceive the sound of fingers gliding in and out of wet. My tongue tickles and licks. Buttcheeks firmly in hand, my tongue probes, intrudes and violates. She is a boiling sea. Dies Irae! she croons softly.
Christian? I ask.
I release one cheek and reach around her hip, down the slope of her belly. I discover her hand moving furiously over her vulva. I cover hers with my own and match her rhythm. Then blind fingers touch along the unknown shore, farther below, to a warm wet cove. I fill it with fingers. With mouth, teeth, tongue, and hands engaged, soon I am Ulysses clinging to a wreck in a tempest. I reach with my free hand to unzip my trousers, reach to my own throbbing flesh.
Suddenly. Trousers roughly yanked to my knees. Hands cup my cheeks. Arms encircle my waist. Stinging bites and drenched kisses, fingers part my own cleft. A strange tongue disrupts! Explores my moist dark spaces. Hands run over my chest, pinch my nipples. Play upon my own guileless thoughts. They lift me over Simone’s naked, prone, form. I am face-to-face with her and she awakes, open eyed, a cry of protest on her lips. The others cover her mouth with kisses. They cajole me to lie on my stomach. They blind me once again. Strong hands, (Nadya?) grab my wrist and attach cuffs. They free me of my trousers. Metal buckles fasten, chains clink, liquid squishes from a bottle. They drag my ankles apart. They attach my legs to the bedposts. There is giggling, moaning, sighing, groans and shrill whimpers. I feel warm thighs on my back, and then something large and stiff, probing, discovering my unopened flower. Strong hands raise my hips easily, fingertips lightly explore. Hands pull my cheeks farther apart, the stiff head fills me. Involuntarily I rear up, but determined hands hold me. Lips cover mine. A tongue explores. Helpless, I am. Thighs slap my cheeks, the six stubby inches of smooth erect silicone feels like liquid fire coursing through me. I expand to take it. I move in tandem. Fingers stroke my own tender nexus. They are unrelenting and a scream escapes me. Then, a cessation. More liquid on my lower back, chill at first then agreeably warming. A fingertip traces my vertebrae to the point of division and edges toward. The finger intrudes, kneads, withdraws. Again. Then a larger object supplants it. It opens, pushes, slips in. I flail like a puritan soldier, bellow like a gored beast. I descend into a primal state of animal pleasure. I swoon with gratitude.
Eyes open. A minute (or hours later) the harem coalesces and radiates. Ig is tying Simone’s wrist with clothesline. Nadya dons a leather ceinture and loudly slaps a paddle into her palm. She eyes Simone’s large bare thighs greedily. Her jagged incisors bare themselves. Arable wields a minicam while pleasuring herself. I stare into the black eye of the lens. I feel my body. A sizable plug still lodges in my anus.
Did someone forget something? I ask.
CHARLIE ANDERS blogs at io9.com, and runs the Writers with Drinks spoken word series. Her first novel, Choir Boy, won a Lambda Literary Award. Her writing has appeared in the McSweeney’s Joke Book of Book Jokes, Sex for America, Mother Jones, the Wall Street Journal and the San Francisco Chronicle.
MOLLY BLOOM is a pseudonym for New York playwright, Theresa Diamond. Her plays, including most recently Waiting for the Show, have been presented in New York City venues including the Neighborhood Playhouse, the WOW Café Theater (Rose Toibin), Nuyorican Poets Café, Dixon Place, La Mama (Relationship) and Centered Margins at Chashama.
After spending her formative years attending jubilees in the Arizona desert, BETTY BLUE left God at a truck stop on I-8 outside of Yuma. Her work has also appeared in Best Lesbian Love Stories, Tough Girls, Blood Sisters and More Five Minute Erotica. Find her at www.bettyblue.org.
ELIZABETH CAGE’s has work has appeared in magazines such as Scarlet, Desire, Forum, For Women, In the Buff, The Hotspot, and the International Journal of Erotica, and anthologies Seriously Sexy 3, Satisfy Me, Ultimate Sins, Five Minute Fantasies, Sex and Submission, Sex and Seduction and Girl Fun 1. She lives in the United Kingdom.
KELSY CHAUVIN is a writer based in Brooklyn, exploring all manner of themes, characters and real-life experiences for her stories and screenplays, be they tame or tawdry. Most of all, she finds inspiration in the subversive and the sensual—where the most exciting scenes happen. (www.kelsychauvin.com)
COLLEEN C. DUNPHY was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, where she still lives with her pit bull, Oliver. Colleen holds a BS in philosophy and religious studies from Buffalo State College. She loves all things having to do with women, religion, photography, and writing. Other works can be viewed at: www.writerscafe.org/writers/purplerayne.
R. G. EMANUELLE is a writer and editor living in New York City. She recently returned to writing fiction and has many projects in the works, including coediting Skulls and Crossbones, an anthology of female pirate stories. R. G.’s blog, www.mizchef.com, is about food and all things culinary.
HOLLY FARRIS is an Appalachian who has worked as an autopsy assistant, restaurant baker, and beekeeper. She has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Lockjaw, her first collection of short fiction, was a finalist for awards presented by Lambda Literary Foundation and the Golden Crown Literary Society.
GALA FUR, a Sorbonne-educated journalist, speaks six languages. She has for many years contributed to French magazines and her signature is familiar to readers of the Parisian erotic press. Two of her books have been translated into English as Confessions of a Left-Bank Dominatrix (Blue Moon Books). She lives in Paris.
TOBI HILL-MEYER is your average multiracial, pansexual, transracially inseminated queerspawn, genderqueer, transdyke, colonized mestiza, pornographer, activist, writer. She’s board cochair of COLAGE, a national organization for children, youth and adults with LGBTQ parents. She always finds time to get away from identity theory and politics in order to work in the garden.
STELLA WATTS KELLEY is a poet, freelance writer and writing teacher whose articles and nonfiction narratives have appeared in numerous publications. “In the Sauna” is her first published work of fiction.
The editor of The Sweetest Kiss and Where the Girls Are, D. L. KING also publishes the review site, Erotica Revealed. Find her stories in Girl Crazy, Broadly Bound, Best Women’s Erotica 2009, Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 8 and Best Lesbian Erotica 2008, among others. She’s published two novels.
DANI M. (danim251@gmail.com) has just returned from bartending her way around the Southern Hemisphere with her suitcase, guitar and pen. After two years of living in and loving Australia, she’s home in her native Dublin to play at being a grownup! This is her first published work of erotic fiction.
ANAIS MORTEN lives in Germany and works as a teacher. Her publishing experiences include contributions to lesbian and gay anthologies and three novels published in Germany, one cowritten with Kymberlyn Reed.
NATT NIGHTLY is a genderqueer, semipassing, androgen of faith, and all-around Boy who writes, thinks, dreams, and is absolutely fascinated by sex. His earliest perversions came straight from the Good Book, informing lust long before he got anywhere near his first erotica. Natt shares his exploits, and the growing pains of a radical political awareness at nattnightly.wordpress.com.
KYMBERLYN REED lives in Los Angeles and works as an editor. She’s contributed to various lesbian and gay anthologies and has cowritten a novel with Anais Morten.
STELLA SANDBERG is a Swedish writer of queer historical romance and pulp fiction pastiches. She is previously published with lesbian erotica in Where the Girls Are (Cleis Press, 2009), Working Girls (Torquere Press, 2008) and Island Girls (Alyson Books, 2008). She has a website: www.stellasandberg.se.
ALEX TUCCI resides in the wild Virginia suburbs of Washington D.C. She has been writing for as long as she can remember. Poetry is her first love, but she has started writing short stories in recent years, mostly on dares and challenges. This is her first published story.
SOPHIA VALENTI is a writer and editor who lives and works in New York City. Her erotica has appeared in the Cleis Press anthologies Afternoon Delight, Playing with Fire and Pleasure Bound. Whisper sweet nothings to her at sophiavalenti@yahoo.com.
After enduring a dull nine to five job in a cubicle for several years, VANESSA VAUGHN decided to pursue writing full time. Some of the things that turn her on include: tattoos, burlesque, any woman from a Warchowski brothers movie, tennis skirts, gold bullion, and Stephen Colbert—in no particular order. Visit her on the web at www.vanessavaughn.com.
MAGGIE VENESS’s short stories may be irreverent, erotic, cynical, poignant, quirky or raw, but they are always engaging. Currently at work on a short-story collection, she lives on the sunny coast of northern NSW, Australia. Her fiction has been published in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
NICOLE WOLFE is a writer of erotica and short fiction from northern Indiana. She enjoys cult films, travel, and good music. Her stories are at least somewhat inspired by real-life events or conversations. She prefers to let her readers guess how much of each story is fantasy and how much really happened.
ALLISON WONDERLAND is a cliterary elitist, governor of Grammarville, priestess of ProcrastiNation. Her nonsexual preferences consist of commas, carnivals, and cotton candy. Allison has contributed to numerous anthologies, including Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Erotica, Best Lesbian Romance 2009, I Do: An Anthology in Support of Marriage Equality. See what she’s up to at http://aisforallison.blogspot.com.
KATHLEEN WARNOCK is a playwright and editor. Her erotica has appeared (under the name Kyle Walker) in Best Lesbian Erotica, A Woman’s Touch and Friction 7. Her other fiction, essays and reviews have been seen in ROCKRGRL, BUST, Ms., Metal Maidens, It’s Only Rock And Roll, Gargoyle, American Book Review, New Directions for Women and the liner notes for the Joan Jett CD Unfinished Business. Her plays have been produced in New York, the United Kingdom and regionally. Rock the Line was produced by Emerging Artists Theatre in New York and won the Robert Chesley Award for Emerging Playwright, and the John Golden Award for Playwriting. She is Ambassador of Love for the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival.
BETTY is a five-piece pop rock alternative band from New York City, fronted by Amy Ziff, Alyson Palmer and Elizabeth Ziff. Friends since an unfortunate incarceration, fierce Elizabeth (vocals, guitar), funky Alyson (vocals, bass) and funny Amy (vocals, cello) began performing as BETTY in the late ’80s. In the fall of ’87, the women relocated to New York City and dove into the independent music scene. Their debut album was Hello, BETTY! and other full-length albums include Limboland, betty3, and Carnival. BETTY’s turned up on TV, from MTV to the Food Network. They wrote, performed and produced the theme song for the HBO series, “Real Sex.” Their independent films include their own I Remember BETTY, Seal Tricks and the all-Chinese First We Take Manhattan. BETTY fights fiercely for causes in which they believe: equal rights, finding cures for breast cancer and AIDS, Planned Parenthood, the Pro-Choice movement, an end to sexual violence and everybody’s inalienable right to dance naked in the streets.
In 2000, BETTY began collaborating with Michael Greif, director of Rent, on a theatrical piece with music. That show became BETTY RULES, which ran for seven months Off-Broadway before heading out on tour. The hit Showtime series, The L Word featured a theme song written by BETTY and band members appeared both individually and collectively in several episodes. Elizabeth Ziff signed on as the show’s Musical Composer, and eventually became a writer and co-executive producer of the series. Their latest CD, Bright & Dark debuted in September, 2009. For more, go to www.hellobetty.com.
Copyright © 2010 by Kathleen Warnock. Introduction copyright © 2010 by BETTY.
All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in newspaper, magazine, radio, or television reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Published in the United States by Cleis Press Inc., P.O. Box 14697, San Francisco, California 94114
eISBN: 978-1-573-44533-7
“Uppercasing” by Charlie Anders first appeared in Fucking Daphne: Mostly True Stories and Fictions (Seal Press, 2008); “The Purple Gloves” by Gala Fur, translated from the French by Noël Burch, first appeared in In/Soumises; “Tasting Chantal” by D. L. King first appeared in Girl Crazy: Coming Out Stories (Cleis, 2009); “The Kitchen Light” by Nicole Wolfe first appeared on Literotica.com; “Flick Chicks” by Allison Wonderland first appeared in Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Erotica (Cleis, 2008).