Blake Garfield
Rape a virgin aunt
"Come on, Aunt Donna, give me a kiss!"
"What?" Donna gasped, trying to push her handsome young nephew away. "What are you guys even doing here?"
Donna tried to back away from the boy and bumped into his older brother almost immediately. Mark was the oldest of her sister's three sons. He leered at Donna with open lust as he closed his hands around the firm cheeks of her ass. It was all Donna could do to keep from screaming.
A moment later she was sandwiched tightly between the two boys. Wayne, the middle brother, closed his strong young hands over her full tits and squeezed until Donna thought she was going to pass out from the pain. She glanced around the deserted street for help and saw only the youngest of the three brothers, Tony, opening the back door of her treasured BMW, the keys to her house and car clutched in his hand.
"What are we doing here?" Mark mimicked her mockingly. "Why you told us to drop by any time we wanted to, Aunt Donna. We're just doing like you asked."
"Forget it," Wayne said, handling Donna's round, sensitive tits as though they were a couple pieces of fruit he was testing for firmness. "Mom told us that she was a fucking tease. Always letting the boys take her out to the drive-in, then getting them so hot their balls ached and they came all over their pants."
"Then telling them she was waiting until she got married," Tony said. "Making them go home with swollen balls to beat off in the bathroom."
"No," Donna said, tears springing to her wide blue eyes as Wayne and Mark wrestled her toward the door Tony was holding open. "Your mother isn't telling you the truth. She's always been jealous of me because she was the best-looking girl at the school until I got there. You can't believe her! I wasn't a tease! I wasn't!"
"Right," Mark said with a smirk and stuffed her into the back seat of her expensive car. "Well, we're going to take you on a little field trip to the drive-in. I guess we'll find out who the liar is."
Donna gasped in pain and shock as Mark and Wayne threw her onto the floor of the car.