Brad Boyer
Bride for bondage
Bob set the two suitcases inside the door of the mountain cabin and turned to look at his wife. His bride smiled, the clear light shimmering over her lightly tanned face, the sun glinting on her pale blonde hair.
"Here we are," Bob said. "Honeymoon cottage." He swept Linda into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the large living room.
Linda clung to him, her arms around his broad shoulders. She turned her head and kissed her new husband lightly, hardly brushing his lips. "I love you," she said softly.
"I love you." Bob returned the kiss with real feeling, fucking his tongue to her lips. "Where's the bedroom?" He held her firmly to him.
"Upstairs. That way." She nodded with her head toward the back of the cabin.
"Okay." Bob carried her toward the stain.
The living room took up moot of the downstairs. Just a kitchen and a small dining space and a couple of storage rooms. Bob moved easily with the slim form, turning to climb the stain. Two bedrooms, separated by a bath, took up all of the upper story.
"Hey, I can walk, you know." Linda smiled and tried to get out of his arms.
"Not yet." Bob turned at the middle landing and continued to the top of the stairs. The large bedroom was on the right and Bob carried her right to the bed and put her down.
Leaning over, Bob put both hands to Linda's shoulders to hold her flat and began a warm, slow kiss. His tongue probed at her lips, tapped on her teeth and entered her mouth when she yielded and accepted his advance.