
The Pearl.Christmas 1881 annual



Le Jour de l'An


Past four o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm only just out of bed; how I have slept since that little devil of a Fuckatilla left me at 7 a.m.!

Well, I must dress and make up as if just arrived so as to deceive the old mother, it won't do for her to 6nd out I've slept with the pretty Susan all night. Ha, what a clever little schemer she is to suggest that she would sleep in my bed to air it against the morrow, when I was to return to town, and then let me know so I could let myself in after the old woman was gone to bed.

By Jove! I think it is well aired now, we've been fucking in it like steam, spending the old year out and the new year in; I believe our first fuck ended in a delightful spend on both sides just as Big Ben struck twelve. Now I'll make haste, then ring for Mrs. Childings, and order the supper; what a happy thought that of mine, promising to send her down to my aunt's at Richmond, as soon as I got back, she will stay there all night, and Fuckatilla will fetch her cousin to help, the same as on Christmas Eve, that ever-to-be-remembered Christmas Eve, it beats all the fun I ever had, but my name's not Priapus Bigcock if we don't top it tonight.

At last he left the bedroom in great coat and hat, with a small valise, as if just arrived from a journey, closed the door behind him, and rang the bell for the housekeeper.