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Sons of Fenris

Lee Lightner

Wolf's Honour

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Dylematy Dextera

Dexter (pl)

Gdzie się podział Mroczny Pasażer, drugie ja Dextera, wewnętrzny głos, który szepce mu do ucha z tylnego siedzenia i od czasu do czasu przesiada się za kierownicę, żeby zwieźć go do parku rozrywki, o jakim się nikomu nie śniło? Czy Dexter ma teraz sam wymierzać swoją sprawiedliwość innym potworom pechowcom, którzy wpadli w ręce jego, nie policji? Jak ma wybierać spośród och, jakże licznych w Miami kandydatów, tych, którzy najbardziej sobie zasłużyli na miejsce w jego skromnym panteonie? Dexter zostaje sam z bolesną świadomością, że bez Mrocznego Pasażera nawet jego niepośledni talent ma swoje granice… tym bardziej, że tropi go tajemniczy prześladowca.<


Chapitre 20 : le récit d'Hagrid


Les paroles de 23 chansons

Lesley Livingston

Wondrous Strange

<p>Since the dawn of time, the Faerie have taken…</p><p>For seventeen-year-old actress Kelley Winslow, faeries are just something from childhood stories. Then she meets Sonny Flannery, whose steel-gray eyes mask an equally steely determination to protect her.</p><p>Sonny guards the Samhain Gate, which connects the mortal realm with the Faerie's enchanted, dangerous Otherworld. Usually kept shut by order of icy King Auberon, the Gate stands open but once a year.</p><p>This year, as the time approaches when the Samhain Gate will swing wide and nightmarish Fae will fight their way into an unsuspecting human world, something different is happening… something wondrous and strange. And Kelley's eyes are opening not just to the Faerie that surround her but to the heritage that awaits her.</p><p>Now Kelley must navigate deadly Faerie treachery – and her growing feelings for Sonny – in this dazzling page-turner filled with luminous romance.</p><p>Wondrous Strange is a richly layered tale of love between faerie and mortal, betrayal between kings and queens, and magic… between author and reader.</p><

Leslie Langtry

I Shot You Babe

Perennial grad student Veronica Gale gets more than she bargained for when her latest dissertation project puts her in the path of philosopher/assassin/carnival-ride operator Coney Bombay-and an unsolved murder that might just kill her, too.<


Вианна Стайбл - Тета-исцеление: Уникальный метод активации жизненной энергии


Le Coran


La Teoría del Color

Colors are key to the Chinese art of feng shui ("Fung Shway"), a system of placement whose simplicity and ecological good sense have struck such a chord recently in the West. Now Lin Yun and Sarah Rossbach, well known for their introduction to the West of feng shui, have written a fullyillustrated guide to color application in all areas of life: home, garden, clothes, food, environment, health, and fortune-telling. In LIVING COLOR readers will find not only answers to the most common color questions-what color to pick for the new sofa? What color to wear on a job interview or toclinch an important deal? What colors for romance?-but also rules for a balanced and harmonious life based upon no less an authority than Tao-the way of all living things. <

Lisa Lillien

Hungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World

Hungry Girl





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Lois Lowry

The One Hundredth Thing About Caroline

When their mother starts to date the mystery man on the fifth floor, who has been instructed by his agent to "eliminate the children" by the first of May, eleven-year-old Caroline and her older brother figure they're targeted to be the victims of a savage crime.<

Lolita Lopez

Between Friends

<p>For months, LA fashionista Whitney Montcrief has secretly lusted after her roommates, super sexy trauma surgeon Mick O'Loughlin and rough, tough and drop-dead gorgeous SWAT sergeant Eddie Dillon.</p><p>Eddie craves Whitney's touch. Her sweet smile tempts him like none other-and it terrifies him. He's been burned once before and has no desire to relive the pain of rejection. His heart walled off, Eddie denies himself the very thing he wants most.</p><p>But Mick is tired of tiptoeing around the obvious sexual attraction between the three of them. He wants Eddie and Whitney in his bed. He's ready to play with fire, even if that means dragging Eddie, kicking and screaming, right through the flames behind him.</p><

Lora Leigh

Guilty Pleasure

<p>The sizzling new erotic tale from New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh</p><p>Marty Matthews swore she would never allow herself to be drawn into the secret, forbidden pleasures that the women she had grown up with enjoyed. Women whose husbands or lovers were members of the exclusive 'Club,' where they took a selected 'third' into their beds. Now, Marty is an FBI agent and her brand new case has put the one man she can't have in her sights.</p><p>Marty's boss is convinced Khalid is involved in a plot to derail talks between his uncle and the President to strengthen ties between the US and the Middle East, and he wants Marty to get close enough to Khalid to prove it. However, Khalid is a member of the Club and he offers to introduce her to the kind of guilty pleasure Marty swore she would never experience. And even though danger lurks around every corner, there is no way to escape the man who threatens not only her control, but her very heart.</p><

Lora Leigh

Midnight Sins

<p>Cara knows it`s foolish to be so drawn to a man who thinks she`s a murderer. She also knows Detective Brooks would find the truth even harder to swallow. Cara is one of the Others, a race of powerful, paranormal creatures who live among humans. Cara`s particular abilities make men putty in her hands-all except this rugged, sexy-as-hell detective. But now someone, or something, has singled Cara out for serious payback.</p><p>As uneasy trust gives way to mind-blowing desire, Cara and Todd will go head-to-head with a killer whose mission is deeply personal, and who`s determined to serve up revenge that`s hotter than hellfire, and just as deadly.</p><

Lora Leigh


Bound Hearts

<p>In her desperation to repair the rift between herself and her daughter, Ella moves back to Virginia, and agrees to allow the ghost of her past back into her life.</p><p>As a favor to her daughter, she allows James Wyman, Jesse's twin, to stay the week in her new home. James. Dominating. Sexy. Younger. The man that has filled her most secret fantasies, her most forbidden desires. And James is determined Ella won't escape him again. This time, she will submit…</p><p>SUBMISSION has been rated NC-17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…</p><

Lora Leigh


Bound Hearts

<p>Cole has wanted Tess for years. And he's warned her of this several times. He's also warned her HOW he wants her. Tied down in his bed, under his domination, surrendering to his desires...</p><p>SURRENDER has been rated NC-17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…</p><

Lora Leigh

Wicked Intent

Bound Hearts

Control has meant everything to Tally Raines. Control of the office she ran as Jesse Wyman's secretary, and now control of Lucian Conover's office as well. But Lucian isn't content to be controlled by his fiery secretary. As a matter of fact, Lucian thinks she needs to loosen up and let the sexy, sensual woman hiding beneath her cool exterior free. And he will dare her to do just that… With a little help.<

Louis Lamour

Lonely On the Mountain


<p>In , Louis L’Amour’s solitary wandering Sackett brothers make a stand together—to save one of their own.</p><p>The rare letters Tell Sackett received always had trouble inside. And the terse note from his cousin Logan is no exception. Logan faces starvation or a hanging if Tell can’t drive a herd of cattle from Kansas to British Columbia before winter. To get to Logan, he must brave prairie fires, buffalo stampedes, and Sioux war parties. But worse trouble waits, for a mysterious enemy shadows Sackett’s every move across the Dakotas and the Canadian Rockies. Tell Sackett has never abandoned another Sackett in need. He will bring aid to Logan—or die trying.</p><p>From the Publisher</p><p>The Sackett Brothers didn't know what kind of trouble had Cousin Logan treed up yonder but he needed beef cattle badly. So with Tell Sackett ramrodding, Tyrel, Orrin, and Cap Rountree ride north to the wild country--pushing 1100 head of fat steers across the wide Dakota plains toward the mountains of far western Canada. Past Sioux, past Logan's treacherous enemies, through trails no cattle had ever crossed, the Sacketts drive on. Because when you step on the toes of one Sackett they all come running.</p><p>From the Inside Flap</p><p>The Sackett Brothers didn't know what brand of trouble had Cousin Logan stirred up, but he needed beef cattle badly. So with Tell Sackett ramrodding, Tyrel, Orrin, and Cap Rountree ride north to the wild country--pushing 1100 head of fat steers across the wide Dakota plains toward the mountains of far western Canada. Past Sioux, past Logan's treacherous enemies, through trails no cattle had ever crossed, the Sacketts drive on. Because when you step on the toes of one Sackett they all come running.</p><p>One of the outstanding narratives of our time, the chronicle of the Sackett family is one of the great achievements of one of our finest storytellers. In Lonely on the Mountain, the solitary, wandering Sackett brothers make a stand together...to save one of their own.</p><p>A Sackett's Word.</p><p>The rare letters Tell Sackett received always had trouble inside. And the terse note from his cousin Logan was no exception. Logan faced starvation or a hanging if Tell couldn't drive a herd of cattle from Kansas to British Columbia before winter. To get to Logan, he must brave prairie fires, buffalo stampedes, and Sioux war parties.But worse trouble waits, for a mysterious enemy shadows Sackett's every move across the Dakotas and the Canadian Rockies. Tell Sackett has never abandoned another Sackett in need. He will bring aid to Logan--or die trying.</p><

Louis Lamour

Mustang Man


<p>In Louis L’Amour takes Nolan Sackett on a dangerous journey into family betrayal, greed, and murder.</p><p>When Nolan Sackett met Penelope Hume in a cantina at Borregos Plaza, the girl immediately captured his attention. That she was heir to a lost cache of gold didn’t make her any less desirable. But Penelope isn’t the only one after her grandfather’s treasure; Sylvie, Ralph, and Andrew Karnes, distant relatives with no legal claim to the gold, are obsessed with claiming the Hume fortune for themselves. Their all-consuming sense of entitlement recklessly drives them to ambush and murder. Even if Sackett and Penelope are fortunate enough to escape this deadly trio and find the canyon where the gold is hidden, Indian legend has it that nothing will live there—no birds or insects. They say it is filled with the bones of men.</p><p>From the Publisher</p><p>He could outride and outshoot five men, but he was a fool for a lady in distress. The posse was hot on his trail for murder when he took time out to rescue Sylvie from a gang of desperadoes. It wasn't till she'd bushwhacked him with a shotgun and tried to poison him that he realized she was up to no good. And no sooner he had he shot his way out of her clutches than he met Penelope. After he'd heard her sad story, he should have cut and run, but somehow a Sackett never seem s to learn the easy way.</p><p>From the Inside Flap</p><p>Filled with action, adventure, mystery, and historical detail, the Sackett saga is an unforgettable achievement by one of America's greatest storytellers. In , Louis L'Amour tells the tale of a man who lived by his own law-even if it meant being branded an outlaw.</p><p>Lost gold on the Santa Fe trail.</p><p>Nolan Sackett was running ahead of a posse when he stopped to help a wagon stuck on the plains.But why was it stranded in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful-and murderous-young woman? Nolan was trying to find out when he ran into Penelope Hume, another attractive lady. She was the key to a cache of gold hidden in the mountains. But to get the rightful heiress there first, Nolan would have to help her beat out jealous relations, paid assassins, and a killer without a conscience...all maddened by gold fever.</p><

Louis Lamour

Ride the Dark Trail


Louis Lamour


<p>He was born in the swamps of the Eastern States, but he came of age on the frontier. Now, Jean LaFarge finds himself swept up in an epic battle in the wilds of Alaska, where a tyranical Russian has seized control of the fur trade-and the land. But Jean has never backed down from a fight, even one as bold and dangerous as this-a battle that will shape the future of America.</p><p>Review</p><p>The story of Jean LaBarge and his northwestward trek in quest of gold and adventure is the basis of this novel. Leaving his home in the Great Swamp near the Susquehanna, LaBarge joins the ranks of fur-trappers and goes to San Francisco where he involves himself with operators, of noble Russian birth. Intrigue gets underway very quickly when he aligns himself with Count Rotcheff and his lovely royal wife to deliver wheat to the city of Sitka in Alaska, an ostensibly forbidden game. Count Zinnovy, aware that Rotcheff has been an instigator, retaliates by wounding him, thus preventing his return to St. Petersburg. At the behest of Count Rotcheff, LaBarge accompanies the beautiful Helena Rotcheff, a niece of the Czar, over icy waters and safely home. He falls in love with her, of course, but she, still married, is inaccessible. As a reward for this trip he is given an audience with the Czar to discuss the possibility of annexing Alaska to the United States. When he returns to Sitka, he is arraigned by his arch-enemy, Baron Zinnovy, but unsuccessfully so. At the crucial moment when LaBarge is to be adjudged guilty by the Russian court, a pronunciamento is delivered that Alaska is a territory of the United States and the Czar has issued a decree all prisoners and potential prisoners in Sitka were to be released as a celebration of this transaction! LaBarge is free and free also to marry Helena (since her husband has died in the interim). All ends well, but by this time the reader is rather exhausted and somewhat bored with the whole procedure. (Kirkus Reviews)</p><

Louis Lamour

The Lonely Men


Louis Lamour

Treasure Mountain


<p>In , Louis L’Amour delivers a robust story of two brothers searching to learn the fate of their missing father—and finding themselves in a struggle just to stay alive.</p><p>Orrin and Tell Sackett had come to exotic New Orleans looking for answers to their father’s disappearance twenty years before. To uncover the truth, the brothers enlisted the aid of a trailwise Gypsy and a mysterious voodoo priest as they sought to re-create their father’s last trek. But Louisiana is a dangerous land, and with one misstep the brothers could disappear in the bayous before they even set foot on the trail—a trail that led to whatever legacy their father had left behind . . . and a secret worth killing for.</p><

Louise Levene

A Vision of Loveliness


Феномен фантастики Знання та праця 1990 01

Страничка фантастики из "Знання та праця 1990 01". <


The Crosstime Engineer

Adventures of Conrad Starguard

Lynda LaPlante

Above Suspicion

Anna Travis

Young Anna Travis has been assigned to her first murder case — a series of killings that has shocked even the most hardened of detectives. They started eight years ago — now the body count is up to six. The method of killing is identical, the backgrounds of the girls identical — all drug-users and prostitutes. Then a seventh body is found. The modus operandi is the same — but the victim is a young student with the 'face of an angel'. The profile of the murderer has changed dramatically. Determined to earn the respect of her male colleagues, Anna stumbles on a vital piece of information which links one man to the killings, a much-loved actor on the brink of international stardom. His arrest would create a media frenzy. But if he were found innocent, his wouldn't be the only career over — Anna's hard fought for reputation would be destroyed once and for all…  <

Lynda LaPlante

Blood Line

Under the watchful eye of DCS James Langton, DCI Anna Travis takes charge of an investigation for the first time. But is it purely a missing person's case - or a full blown murder enquiry? An ominous pool of blood and no victim lead Anna on a desperate hunt for a man who has disappeared without trace. As Anna becomes obsessed with seemingly irrelevant details, Langton fears that she is losing control. They still have no body and Anna is under increasing pressure to make an arrest... <

Lynda LaPlante


Published to coincide with the BBC series, this is a powerful and realistic story featuring six long-term Parachute Regiment soldiers and their often difficult and painful readjustment to civilian life. The thrill of crime is a strong temptation for the civvies and they each succumb. <

Lynda LaPlante

Deadly Intent

Anna Travis

Anna Travis is back in a new gripping mystery from Lynda La Plante, featuring the female detective every bit as intelligent, ambitious, and flawed asPrime Suspect'sJane Tennison. Ruthless drug trafficker Alexander Fitzpatrick is one of the most wanted men in the Western Hemisphere. But for ten years, there's been no sign of him. Is he dead, or just trying to appear that way? When an ex-colleague from the murder squad is found shot in a dank drug den, Anna Travis is pulled into the case. She's grateful for the distraction after her breakup with DCI Langton and soon finds herself involved with someone new. But as the bodies pile up and the mystery deepens, Travis and Langton must put aside their personal history and work together to track down one of the canniest criminals they've ever encountered. <

Lynda LaPlante

The Legacy


A novel concerned with human greed, lust and ambition, which tells of a Welsh miner's daughter who marries a Romany gypsy boxer contending for the World Heavyweight Championship and of how a legacy left to her affects her family. <

Lynda LaPlante

The Red Dahlia

Anna Travis

When the body of a young girl is found dumped on the banks of the Thames, even the police are shocked by the brutality of her murder: horifically mutilated, severed in half and drained of blood, her death is a mirror image of an infamous 1940s case in Los Angeles known as 'The Black Dahlia'. That case was never solved, but now Detective Inspector Anna Travis must race against time to catch this 'copycat killer', dubbed 'The Red Dahlia' from the flower his victim wore in her hair. But there are no suspects and a media frenzy is spiralling out of control. Anna turns to her mentor, the brilliant and volatile Detective Chief Inspector James Langton, but the frictions of their romantic relationship are complicating the case. And then a second girl is found, her death again mirroring the 'Black Dahlia', and as Anna and Langton close in on the prime suspect they uncover a shocking web of sadistic sexual evil and a family's murderous secrets. <

M D Lachlan



M D Lachlan

Lord of Slaughter


M D Lachlan



Madeleine Lengle

Wrinkle in Time

Madison Layle

The Pirate Masters

<p>Masters Jared and Lance are experienced Doms and regularly join forces via The Pleasure Club to fulfill women’s dreams and have fun in the process. From sex dungeons to gothic castles, they’ve been there and done it all. But tonight, they’re armed and ready for a high seas adventure with a more dangerous twist.</p><p>Dana Hawthorne thinks the Pleasure Guardians set up a sweet-n-sexy tryst with a "wealthy boss man" for her first fantasy night. But it’s not until a pair of bad-boy pirates storm the yacht and take command that the real fantasy…and the erotic pleasure…really begin.</p><

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