Popular books

Christopher Moore

Bite Me

<p>The city of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge shaved vampyre cat named Chet, and only I, Abby Normal, emergency backup mistress of the Greater Bay Area night, and my manga-haired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public.</p><p>Whoa. And this is a love story? Yup. 'Cept there's no whining. See, while some lovers were born to run, Jody and Tommy were born to bite. Well, reborn, that is, now that they're vampires. Good thing theirs is an undying love, since their Goth Girl Friday, Abby Normal, imprisoned them in a bronze statue.</p><p>Abby wants to be a bloodsucking fiend, too, but right now she's really busy with other stuff, like breaking in a pair of red vinyl thigh-high Skankenstein® platform boots and wrangling her Ph.D.-candidate boyfriend, Steve (the love monkey). And then there's that vampire cat Chet, who's getting bigger and smarter – and thirstier – by the minute. Abby thought she and Steve could handle the kitty cat on their own, mais non…</p><p>Before you can say "OMG! WTF?" Tommy and Jody are sprung from captivity, and join forces with Abby, Steve, the frozen-turkey-bowling Safeway crew, the Emperor of San Francisco and his trusty dogs Lazarus and Bummer, Abby's gay Goth friend Jared, and SF's finest Cavuto and Rivera to hunt big cat and save the city. And that's when the fun really begins.</p><

Alma Marceau

From Lofting

Andi Mathis

Penny Candy

Richelle Mead

Succubus Shadows

Georgina Kincaid

<p>Georgina Kincaid has formidable powers. Immortality, seduction, shape-shifting into any human form she desires, walking in heels that would cripple mere mortals—all child's play to a succubus like her.</p><p>Helping to plan her ex-boyfriend's wedding is a different story. Georgina isn't sure which is worse—that Seth is marrying another woman, or that Georgina has to run all over Seattle trying on bridesmaid dresses. Still, there are distractions. Georgina's roommate, Roman, is cluttering her apartment with sexual tension. Then there's Simone, the new succubus in town, who's intent on corrupting Seth. </p><p>But the real danger lies in the mysterious force that's visiting her thoughts, trying to draw her into a dark, otherworldly realm. Sooner or later, Georgina knows she'll be too weak to resist. And when that happens, she'll discover who she can trust, who she can't—and that Hell is far from the worst place to spend eternity. . .</p><

Denise Mina

The Dead Hour

<p>The second novel in the wonderful Paddy Meehan series by Scotland 's princess of crime.</p><p>Paddy Meehan, Glasgow's aspiring journalist is back on the beat, trawling the streets of Glasgow for a story – something to prove she can write; that she's better at her job than all her male colleagues; anything that will get her off the terrible night shift that is slowly turning her brains to mush. And then she meets the woman with the poodle perm at the door of a wealthy suburb in the north of the city. It's just a domestic dispute, Paddy's told, although her instincts are alerted when she's slipped a £50 note to keep the story out of the papers. By the next morning the woman is dead; she's been tortured, beaten, and left to die. Paddy has found her story, but she's still got the £50; and with her father and brothers unemployed, and her upright Roman Catholic family perilously short of money, this could solve a lot of problems.</p><p>A day later, Paddy sees a body being pulled from the river. Another death, she's told; it's nothing to do with you; go home. But when Paddy talks to the wife of the dead man, she finds that the relationship between him and the murdered woman was closer than the police had imagined. Why have these people died? What were they trying to hide? And could this be the break Paddy's been waiting for? What follows is a deeply personal journey into the dark heart of a brutal economic recession, and the brutal bud of the drugs trade in the 1980s.</p><

Denise Mina

Campo De Sangre

Paddy Meehan, una joven de 18 años, trabaja como botones en un periódico de Glasgow y sueña con llegar a ser periodista. Un día, a la redacción llega la historia de la muerte de un niño a manos de dos chavales de diez y once años, pero Paddy ve pistas que indican que detrás de los dos chicos hay un adulto. Pronto se dará cuenta de que sus investigaciones pueden llevarla a un suicidio profesional, una crisis personal y, además, ponerla en grave peligro.<

Denise Mina

Muerte en el Exilio

<p>Laureen O'Donnell trabaja en la Casa de Acogida para Mujeres de Glasgow, donde conoce a Anne Harris, una chica que llega al centro con dos costillas rotas y en plena batalla contra el alcoholismo. Dos semanas después, el cuerpo de Anne aparece en el río, grotescamente mutilado y envuelto en una manta. Todo apunta a que el marido de Anne es el asesino, pero ¿no puede haber un culpable menos evidente?</p><p>Maureen y su amiga Leslie tratan de romper con la indiferencia que rodea el asesinato de Anne, aunque, misteriosamente, Leslie mantiene la boca bien cerrada y no cuenta todo lo que sabe. En un intento por aclarar la confusión en la que se ve sumida su vida, Maureen viaja a Londres. Sin embargo, en lugar de solucionar sus problemas, pronto se verá inmersa en un mundo de violencia y drogadicción.</p><

Denise Mina

Muerte en Glasgow

<p>Maureen O'Donnell no es una chica con suerte. Además de vivir en un barrio marginal de Glasgow y ser paciente de un centro psiquiátrico, se encuentra anclada a un trabajo sin futuro y a una relación hermética con Douglas, un psicoterapeuta poco transparente.</p><p>A punto de poner fin a su relación con Douglas. Maureen se despierta una buena mañana con una resaca insufrible y con su novio muerto en la cocina de su piso. La policía la considera una de las principales sospechosas, tanto por ser una joven que- se sale de los cánones de la normalidad como por su carácter inestable y su actitud poco cooperativa. Incluso su madre y su hermana sospechan de ella. Presa del pánico y con un sentimiento de abandono por parte de sus amigos y familiares. Maureen empieza a poner en duda todo lo que creía inamovible.</p><

Denise Mina


<p>Maureen O'Donnell wasn't born lucky. A psychiatric patient and survivor of sexual abuse, she's stuck in a dead-end job and a secretive relationship with Douglas, a shady therapist. Her few comforts are making up stories to tell her psychiatrist, the company of friends, and the sweet balm of whisky. She is about to end her affair with Douglas when she wakes up one morning to find him in her living room with his throat slit.</p><p>Viewed in turn by the police as a suspect and as an uncooperative, unstable witness, Maureen is even suspected by her alcoholic mother and self-serving sisters of being involved. Worse than that, the police won't tell her anything about Douglas 's death.</p><p>Panic-stricken and feeling betrayed by friends and family, Maureen begins to doubt her own version of events. She retraces Douglas's desperate last days and picks up a horrifying trail of rape, deception… and suppressed scandal at a local psychiatric hospital where she had been an inmate. But the patients won't talk and the staff are afraid, and when a second brutalized corpse is discovered, Maureen realises that unless she gets to the killer first, her life is in danger.</p><

Valerie S Malmont

Death, Guns and Sticky Buns

<p>When a quaint Pennsylvania town hosts a Civil War reenactment, only the blood will be real…</p><p>How does a once-hip New Yorker get used to living in a quaint Pennsylvania town famous for its gooey, oversized sticky buns? For Tori Miracle, it means kissing her diet good-bye, always showing up in the wrong clothes, and struggling with a love life. And now that she's filling in for the editor of the Lickin Creek Chronicle and has the town newspaper to look after as well as her own dear fastidious felines, sometimes it means cosponsoring public events like a Civil War reenactment for the local women's college.</p><p>But when this charmingly authentic reenactment is done, and each man and woman has played his or her part to the hilt, it's clear that Tori has miscalculated again. Someone used one live bullet in an antique gun. And with a man dead, it's going to be up to the only city slicker in Lickin Creek to unravel a mystery of murder in a town where calories don't count, but murder does…</p><

Denise Mina


<p>Maureen O'Donnell is facing the darkest episode in her life. She owes more than she makes in a year in back taxes; Angus Farrell, the psychologist who murdered her boyfriend, is up for trial, with Maureen as the reluctant star witness; and her abuser has arrived back in Glasgow in time for the birth of her sister's baby. On top of it all, Maureen – who identifies all too readily with the underdogs of this world – has become embroiled in someone else's family feud.</p><p>When an elderly stallholder at the flea market where Maureen and Leslie are selling illegally imported cigarettes dies in hospital after a brutal beating, Maureen questions why anyone might want to kill the woman popularly known as 'Home Gran'. She suspects Ella's son, but Si McGee is an upstanding member of the Scottish business community, runs a chain of estate agents and has a health club in Glasgow 's West End. But she soon discovers that the 'health club' fronts a much less respectable establishment. As Angus's trial approaches, once again Maureen is under threat, and this time she has very few protectors.</p><

Denise Mina

Two Deaths And A Mouthful Of Worms

<p>This sixteen collection anthology revolves around a charm bracelet that brings misfortune to the holder. The tales are unique yet build off where the previous story left off. Beginning in the Georgia Mountains in 1803, continuing in 1839 and on into the twentieth century, the bracelet moves from one ill-fated soul whose story is unfolded until at the end of the tale, another person holds the bracelet and his or her story is told in the next chapter.</p><p>The fifteen contributors (Karin Slaughter opens and closes the anthology) seem to have enjoyed adding their spin to the book because all the inputs are well written and loaded with action and suspense. The “charmed characters” surprisingly for the most part come across as genuine regardless of their era and location (the bracelet gets around). LIKE A CHARM is gimmicky, but fans of interconnected short stories will appreciate this delightful thriller that lives up to its title as readers will enjoy this suspenseful interrelated compilation.</p><

Denise Mina

Still Midnight

<p>Alex Morrow is not new to the police force-or to crime-but there is nothing familiar about the call she has just received. On a still night in a quiet suburb of Glasgow, Scotland, three armed men have slipped from a van into a house, demanding a man who is not, and has never been, inside the front door. In the confusion that ensues, one family member is shot and another kidnapped, the assailants demanding an impossible ransom. Is this the amateur crime gone horribly wrong that it seems, or something much more unexpected?</p><p>As Alex falls further into the most challenging case of her career, Denise Mina proves why "if you don't read crime novels, Mina is your reason to change" (Rocky Mountain News).</p><

Denise Mina

Field of Blood

Paddy Meehan discovers that one of the boys charged with the murder of toddler Brian Wilcox is her fiance Sean's cousin, Callum. Soon Callum's name is all over the news, and her family believe she is to blame. Shunned by Sean and by those closest to her, Paddy finds herself dangerously alone.<

Denise Mina


<p>The last time Maureen O'Donnell saw Ann Harris, she was in the Glasgow Women's Shelter smelling of a long binge on cheap drink. A month later Ann's mutilated body, stitched into a mattress, is washed up on the banks of the Thames. No-one, except for Maureen and her best mate, Leslie, seems to care about what has happened to her, and Maureen is the only person who thinks Ann's husband is innocent.</p><p>But solving Ann's murder comes as light relief. Maureen's father is back in Glasgow, Leslie is sloping about like a nervous spy, and then there's Angus, Maureen's old therapist, who's twice as bright as she is and making her play a dangerous game with the police.</p><p>In the long tradition of Scots in trouble, Maureen runs away to London. Looking for answers to the mystery surrounding Ann's death, she becomes embroiled in a seedy world of deceit and violence. Alone in a strange city, Maureen starts to piece together Ann's final days. But time is not on her side, and Maureen needs just twelve hours, just twelve, to put things right and she doesn't care what it costs…</p><

Tom Mendicino


<p>Andy Nocera is on probation after being arrested for solicitation in a public rest room on Interstate 85. He’s taken refuge with his mother after being kicked out by his wife and is forced to take a job traveling the country selling display shelving after being fired by his father-in-law. The ‘highlight’ of his week is his court-mandated counseling session with his psychiatrist who also happens to be ordained as a Jesuit priest. Resistant at first, he gradually surrenders to his counselor’s persistent probing as they search for clues in his boyhood and early married years to explain why he risked his seemingly perfect life for an anonymous sexual encounter.</p><p>One year of therapy with no more arrests and the State of North Carolina will expunge Andy’s record. But he’s having a hard time coping without the unconditional support of his wife, who’s moved on to a new relationship, and his mother, who’s been diagnosed with an aggressive lymphoma. Failing every attempt to start a new life as an openly gay man, he begins to spiral into anger and depression, alienating everyone close to him, until he finally discovers that rescuing another lost soul is the means to his own redemption.</p><p>"Probation is the rare novel that dares to take the reader on a journey through the dark night of the soul. An unflinching look at the dark side of self-discovery, it is ultimately a story of transformation and the worlds of possibilities hidden within each of us."</p><p>– Michael Thomas Ford, author of JANE BITES BACK and WHAT WE REMEMBER</p><p>"If you're looking for a smart, engaging, witty, sad and unusual book about the complicated nature of family and love, try Tom Mendicino's Probation. You'll be glad you did."</p><p>– Bart Yates, author of THE BROTHERS BISHOP and THE DISTANCE BETWEEN USS</p><p>"If David Sedaris were cast as Willy Loman, it might sound something like Probation. Andy, a sharp-tongued travelling salesman, gives us the life events that led to his being taken away in handcuffs, and the hilarious and agonizing self-inquiry that follows. Snarky yet profound, it is a bold examination of the destructive effects of a life spent in the closet, reported with a Carolina twang." – Vestal McIntyre, author of LAKE OVERTURN</p><

Barbara Michaels

The Wizard’s Daughter

From the author of "The Master of the Blacktower", this is the story of a young orphan girl who possesses the gift of second sight. Fate brings her to the home of a wealthy duchess, where the ghostly presence of her own father calls to her from beyond.<

Cat Marsters

Mad, Bad & Dangerous

Mad, Bad Dangerous is a stand-alone sequel to Almost Human.Baelvar is gorgeous, charming, insane, childish and mildly psychotic. He-s also mated to Kett, who-s brilliant, bitchy, violent and more than a little psychotic herself. It-s a match made in heaven, except for one tiny detail-Kett doesn-t want to be mated to anyone.The Curse of Kett has befallen everyone she-s ever cared about, but impressing this fact upon Bael is a little difficult, what with all the terrifically explosive sex getting in the way. Oh, and the repeated attempts on Kett-s life from persons unknown are a bit distracting too.Still, if they can just stop shagging and fighting for their lives for two seconds, surely she can convince Bael they-re actually a match made in hell. Can-t she?<

Roger E Moore

The Maelstrom Eye

The Cloakmaster cycle

Dixie Lee Mckeone

Tales of Uncle Trapspringer

Lost Legends

Victor Milan

War in Tethyr


Alexandra Marínina

Morir por morir

Moscú, hacia 1990. Un chantajista amenaza a un matrimonio con revelar que su hijo de doce años es adoptado. ¿Cómo ha salido a la luz este secreto? La investigación se centra en un juez que confiesa que le han robado varios sumarios. Anastasia Kaménskaya de la policía criminal, sospecha que ese robo múltiple oculta otro asunto mucho más turbio, que ella descubre rápidamente. Un eminente científico degüella a su mujer, pierde la memoria y el juicio, y cuando parece que es capaz de recordar algo, también pierde la vida. ¿Qué misterio se esconde tras ese drama familiar y por qué han querido taparlo?<

China Mieville

The City and The City

The city is Beszel, a rundown metropolis on the eastern edge of Europe. The other city is Ul Qoma, a modern Eastern European boomtown, despite being a bit of an international pariah. What the two cities share, and what they don't, is the deliciously evocative conundrum at the heart of China Mieville's The City & The City. Mieville is well known as a modern fantasist (and urbanist), but from book to book he's tried on different genres, and here he's fully hard-boiled, stripping down to a seen-it-all detective's voice that's wonderfully appropriate for this story of seen and unseen. His detective is Inspector Tyador Borlu, a cop in Beszel whose investigation of the murder of a young foreign woman takes him back and forth across the highly policed border to Ul Qoma to uncover a crime that threatens the delicate balance between the cities and, perhaps more so, Borlu's own dissolving sense of identity. In his tale of two cities, Mieville creates a world both fantastic and unsettlingly familiar, whose mysteries don't end with the solution of a murder.<

Anne Mccaffrey

Volo di drago

Dragonieri di Pern

<p>La trilogia dei «Dragonieri di Pern», di cui «Volo di Drago» è la prima parte, è uno dei più interessanti cicli narrativi che la fantascienza ha prodotto in questi ultimi anni nel suo sforzo di rinnovamento interno, tematico e stilistico; è il tentativo ad ampio respiro di creare «ex novo» una mitologia complessa e coordinata, che non sia un semplice adattamento di mitologie «terrestri».</p><p>Esso è dovuto ad un nome nuovo, lanciato da John Campbell sulle pagine di «Analog», Anne McCaffrey, che si rivela scrittrice sensibile, originale e dalle notevoli doti letterarie. Sia i lettori che i critici statunitensi hanno testimoniato illoro apprezzamento per quest’opera, i cui diversi capitoli sono apparsi in più riprese sulle riviste di Campbell: i primi assegnando il Premio Hugo 1968 per il miglior romanzo breve alla parte iniziale del romanzo; i secondi il Premio Nebula 1969 per la stessa categoria all’ultima parte di esso. Anne McCaffrey è stata così la prima donna a vincere i due massimi premi fantascientifici americani.</p><

Tamar Myers

Batter off Dead

<p>New in the national bestselling series – Magdalena Yoder solves a case of hotcake homicide.</p><p>During a church breakfast, Minerva J. Jay, known for her prodigious appetite, slumps over after ingesting several stacks of pancakes. Police Chief Chris Ackerman wonders if the serving of the fatal flapjacks is a case of assault and batter. Magdalena has her own bun in the oven, but that doesn't stop the chief from asking for her help with the investigation.</p><p>Before Magdalena can begin, however, she has to make a special delivery of her own – and just when she thinks she's found her number one suspect, he turns up dead, squished flatter than a pancake by a driverless cement truck. Now, to stop the killer from cooking up another crime, Magdalena has no choice but to jump from the frying pan into the fire.</p><

Andy Mcnab


Ethan Blake is seventeen and desperate to escape from his dead-end life. When he sees someone B.A.S.E. jump from the top of his block of flats, it changes the way he sees the world for ever. Soon, Ethan is caught up in the adrenaline-fuelled world of skydiving. He's a natural, so it's no surprise when he's invited to join an elite skydive team, but is he signing up for more than just jumping out of planes? The team's involved in covert military operations – missions that require a special kind of guts, missions so secret even MI5 denies all knowledge.<

Ana María Matute

Primera memoria

<p>Con la guerra civil, `lejana y próxima a un tiempo, quizás más temida por invencible`, como telón de fondo Primera memoria, Premio Nadal 1959, narra el paso de la niñez a la adolescencia de Matia – la protagonista – y de su primo Borja. Los dos viven en casa de su abuela en un mundo insular ingenuo y misterioso a la vez.</p><p>A través de la visión particularísima de la joven protagonista – sin madre y con el padre desaparecido – asistimos a su despertar a la adolescencia, cuando, roto el caparazón de la niñez, ciega y asombra, y como no, con dolor a veces, destella el fuerte resplandor de la realidad.</p><p>Una intensa galería de personajes constituye el contrapunto de su vertiginosa sucesión de sensaciones. Y es que, en unos meses, Matia descubrirá muchas cosas sobre `la oscura vida de las personas mayores`. Melancólica elegía de la perversión de la inocencia, Primera memoria aúna imágenes como espadas y es, una de las mejores novelas de Ana María Matute. Es éste un libro conmovedor. Tanto como puede llegar a ser cruel en medio de su poética. Y a veces se antoja inaccesible: su estilo, su verbo no llegará a todo el mundo, es posible que muchos lo encuentren exasperante. Es literatura sin concesiones. Es decir, no está escrita para todos. Pero no por ello, creo que se trate de una novela elitista: la puede leer cualquiera. Ahora bien, quizás algunos (¿muchos?) no conecten con ella. Desde luego, se podría calificar de obra mágica, en el sentido de que Ana María Matute tiene mucho de hechicera o alquimista de la palabra. La maneja con un desparpajo envidiable, y consigue con ella evocar imágenes, escenas y ambientes y conjurar metáforas. Además, dota a todo el conjunto de una melancolía absoluta, palpable por todas partes. Es normal que sea así, puesto que `Primera Memoria` es una elegía.</p><p>Premio Nadal 1959</p><

David Moody


<p>Sucede sin previo aviso, ataques súbitos, salvajes y letales. ¿Por qué la gente ataca a sus amigos, a su familia, incluso a desconocidos? ¿Se trata de un virus, de un ataque terrorista o es algo más primitivo? Un opresivo horror domina el país y no queda nadie en quien confiar, ni siquiera en uno mismo.</p><p>En la tradición de H. G. Wells, Anthony Burgess y Richard Matheson, Odio es la historia de un hombre y de su papel en un mundo desquiciado, un mundo infectado por el miedo, la violencia y el odio.</p><p>«Un viaje delirante, una fábula acerca del sentimiento predominante del siglo XXI. Odio te perseguirá mucho después de que hayas leído la última página.» – Guillermo del Toro, director de El laberinto del fauno</p><p>«Un lúcido acercamiento al estado del terror en el que vivimos y una fábula espeluznante acerca de sus últimas consecuencias. Ten cuidado con Odio, se adentrará en tu alma capítulo a capítulo hasta que encuentre la semilla de maldad que acecha en ella.» – J. A. Bayona, director de El orfanato</p><

Richelle Mead

Spirit Bound

Vampire Academy

<p>Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong.</p><p>After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri's birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir's — and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can't wait for their real lives beyond the Academy's iron gates to begin. But Rose's heart still aches for Dimitri, and she knows he's out there, somewhere.</p><p>She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true — Dimitri has tasted her blood, and now he is hunting her. Only this time, he won't rest until Rose joins him — forever.</p><

Thomas Martin

Practical Secret Protection

David Mitchell

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

<p>The author of Cloud Atlas's most ambitious novel yet, for the readers of Ishiguro, Murakami, and, of course, David Mitchell.</p><p>The year is 1799, the place Dejima, the "high-walled, fan-shaped artificial island" that is the Japanese Empire's single port and sole window to the world. It is also the farthest-flung outpost of the powerful Dutch East Indies Company. To this place of superstition and swamp fever, crocodiles and courtesans, earthquakes and typhoons, comes Jacob de Zoet. The young, devout and ambitious clerk must spend five years in the East to earn enough money to deserve the hand of his wealthy fiancée. But Jacob's intentions are shifted, his character shaken and his soul stirred when he meets Orito Aibagawa, the beautiful and scarred daughter of a Samurai, midwife to the island's powerful magistrate. In this world where East and West are linked by one bridge, Jacob sees the gaps shrink between pleasure and piety, propriety and profit. Magnificently written, a superb mix of historical research and heedless imagination, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet is a big and unforgettable book that will be read for years to come.</p><

Steve Martini

Shadow of Power

<p>The Supreme Court is one of our most sacred – and secretive – public institutions. But sometimes secrets can lead to cover-ups with very deadly consequences.</p><p>Terry Scarborough is a legal scholar and provocateur who craves headline-making celebrity, but with his latest book he may have gone too far. In it he resurrects forgotten language in the U.S. Constitution – and hints at a missing letter of Thomas Jefferson's – that threatens to divide the nation.</p><p>Then, during a publicity tour, Scarborough is brutally murdered in a San Diego hotel room, and a young man with dark connections is charged. What looks like an open-and-shut case to most people doesn't to defense attorney Paul Madriani. He believes that there is much more to the case and that the defendant is a pawn caught in the middle, being scapegoated by circumstance.</p><p>As the trial spirals toward its conclusion, Madriani and his partner, Harry Hinds, race to find the missing Jefferson letter – and the secrets it holds about slavery and scandal at the time of our nation's founding and the very reason Scarborough was killed. Madriani's chase takes him from the tension-filled courtroom in California to the trail of a high court justice now suddenly in hiding and lays bare the soaring political stakes for a seat on the highest court, in a country divided, and under the shadow of power.</p><

Ce Murphy

Demon Hunts

The Walker Papers

<p>Seattle police detective Joanne Walker started the year mostly dead, and she's ending it trying not to be consumed by evil. Literally.</p><p>She's proven she can handle the gods and the walking dead. But a cannibalistic serial killer? That's more than even she bargained for. What's worse, the brutal demon can only be tracked one way. If Joanne is to stop its campaign of terror, she'll have to hunt it where it lives: the Lower World, a shamanistic plane of magic and spirits.</p><p>Trouble is, Joanne's skills are no match for the dangers she's about to face—and her on-the-job training could prove fatal to the people she's sworn to protect..</p><

Steve Martini

El abogado

Uno de los primeros clientes del abogado Paul Madriani es Jonah Hale, un anciano que se encuentra en un grave aprieto cuando Jessica, su hija, sale de la cárcel: Jonah y su esposa se han encargado de la educación de Amanda, su nieta de ocho años, debido a la drogadicción de la madre de la niña, pero, a raíz del importante premio que ha ganado el matrimonio en la lotería, Jessica decide secuestrar a la pequeña y pedir a su padre una gran suma de dinero si desea recuperarla. Jonah, que tiene la custodia legal, se niega, por lo que Jessica recurre a los servicios de Zolanda, una activista radical de los derechos de la mujer, que acusa a Jonah de haber abusado sexualmente de Amanda. El caso se complicará con un asesinato del cual Jonah será el principal sospechoso.<

Steve Martini

The Rule of Nine

<p>The Old Weatherman dreams of a plan that could be his swan song, an attack to drive a stake through the heart of the right-wing establishment and bury it for good. Now he's found the money, the ideal weapon, and the professional who knows how to use it. And he has set his sights on the perfect target at the very seat of the United States government, in the heart of downtown Washington. It will be a strike heard round the world.</p><p>San Diego defense attorney Paul Madriani is still reeling from the trauma of a near nuclear explosion he helped avert at the naval base in Coronado. Threatened by federal authorities to keep quiet about the close call in California, Madriani is now faced with a new problem in the steely-eyed and alluring Joselyn Cole, a weapons control expert, who believes he has to go public with what he knows if they have any hope of stopping a similar event in the future.</p><p>But Madriani has been linked to the murder of a Washington, D.C., political staffer, and authorities believe a shadowy figure called Liquida – a hired assassin known as "the Mexicutioner" – may be responsible. And this man, as the last survivor of the attack in San Diego, might be driven by a bizarre and horrifying star-crossed vendetta, and might now be looking for Madriani himself. What Madriani and Cole begin to fear is that the Old Weatherman and this madman have joined forces and intend to pull the city – and the country – into a vortex of terror before Madriani and Cole can find answers to the enigma that is "the rule of nine."</p><

Stephenie Meyer

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Rosa Montero

Cuentos de mujeres infieles

David Moody

Dog Blood

<p>On the heels of Patient Zero and Pride and Prejudice with Zombies comes David Moody's electrifying sequel to Hater in which humanity fights itself to the death against a backdrop of ultimate apocalyptic destruction.</p><p>In Dog Blood the Earth has been torn apart. Everyone is either human or Hater, victim or killer. Major cities have become vast refugee camps where human survivors cower together in fear. Amidst this indiscriminate fighting and killing, Danny McCoyne is on a mission to find his daughter, Ellis. Free of inhibitions, unrestricted by memories of the previous world, and driven by instinct, children are pure Haters and might well be the deciding factor in the future of the Hater race. But as McCoyne makes his way into the heart of human territory, an incident on the battlefield sets in place an unexpected chain of events, forcing him to question everything he believes he knows about the new order that has arisen and about the dynamic of the Hate itself.</p><

Daniel Muxica

El vientre convexo

Un pequeño grupo peronista – los uturuncos – es el punto de partida real de la novela de Daniel Muxica, narrador y poeta argentino. El punto de partida y también el núcleo de la acción. Al funcionar como un ensayo de montoneros en una época de tolerancia cero, este "experimento nacional" proporciona ya algunas de las claves de lo que será el esplendor montonero de los tempranos setenta.<

A Lee Martinez

Divine Misfortune

Like many people in this world, Phil and Terry are just looking for their personal slice of divine assistance. It's not their fault that they decide to settle on Lucky, a raccoon god of good fortune. At first, everything seems to be working fine. But they will soon learn that the world of divine powers is not to be entered into casually. Lucky, it seems, had a falling out with another ancient god long ago. And while Lucky has moved on with his life, the ancient twisted deity is still nursing a grudge. Add to this a scorned goddess looking for revenge and it starts to become clear that Phil and Terry may have taken on more than they ever bargained for.<

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